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What was the effect of Spanish and Portuguese exploration? a. the Aztec and Incan Empires were destroyed b. all answers are correct c. wealth increased in Northern Europe d. Spain controlled most of the new land and natural resources

b. all of the answers are correct

How was the fate of Giovanni da Verrazzano similar to that of John Cabot? a. both were career politicians who believed in the expansion of colonial Europe b. both went exploring for the Northwest Passage and failed to find it c. both were navigators, but Cabot managed to sail around the world while Verrazzano failed to find a path towards India d. both sailed around the world, yet failed

b. both went exploring for the Northwest Passage and failed to find it

Which of the following is FALSE regarding Sir Frances Drake? a, his bounty after going as far north as San Francisco was twice the Queen's income for the year b. he financed a group of settlers to a small island called Roanoke c. he was the first man to sail around the world for England d. he was a famous English pirate, also known as "Sea Dog"

b. he financed a group of settlers to a small island called Roanoke

How did the reintroduction of horses affect the lives of Native Americas? a. horses were worshipped as gods by many animistic groups b. horses were used for war and hunting c. horses were sacrificed in animistic rituals d. horses were bred and sold to noble families at very high prices

b. horses were used for war and hunting

What kind of hardships did the women in the 17th century America NOT face? a. potential attacks from Native Americans b. high morality rates c. attacks from the British d. the task of clearing land and learning to survive

c. attacks from the British

Which was NOT a motivation for French and English voyages to the Americas in the 16th century? a. finding lost cities of golf b. catching up to the Spanish colonial empire c. finding a Northwest passage to Asia d. escaping religious persecution

d. escaping religious persecution

Why was Peter Minuit an important personality for the expansion of Dutch settlements? a. he founded both New France and New Sweden b. he helped found New Netherland c. he helped found New Sweden d. he founded both New Netherland

d. he founded both New Netherland and New Sweden

What was Edwin Sandy's legacy? a. his rebellion ended the importation b. by driving people off the island of Barbados, he indirectly boosted the population c. his headright system created class divisions between the "haves" and the "have-nots" d. his policies on slavery and plantations kept very few settlers from wanting to immigrate e. rewarded eight of his friends with the charter to begin the colony

d. his policies on slavery and plantations kept very few settlers from wanting to immigrate

How were indentured servants different from enslaved people in the 1600s colonial society? a. enslaved people could claim many rights, and indentured servants could not b. enslaved people were freed when they completed their contracts, and indentured servants remained servants c. enslaved people were the root cause of the Bacon's Rebellion while indentured servants affected England's economy d. indentured servants could leave after seven years while enslaved people could not

d. indentured servants could leave after seven years while enslaved people could not

What was the approximate modern-day extent of New France at its height? a. Eastern Canada and the Central United States b. all of North America, including Mexico c. all of Canada d. all of the United States

a. Eastern Canada and the Central United States

Which European is credited with being the first to reach the Pacific Ocean? a. Balboa b. Coronado c. Vaca d. Cabral

a. Balboa

Why did England need colonies to succeed under Mercantilism? a. England needed more raw materials without having to buy them with hard currency b. England was mining large quantities of silver and gold in the colonies c. England depended on the colonists to manufacture good to sell to Africa d. England became rich by trading colonial currencies

a. England needed more raw materials without having to buy them with hard currency

Why did Carolina split into the two colonies of North and South Carolina? a. South Carolina favored slavery while North Carolina favored indentured servitude b. North Carolina wanted a Legislature while South Carolina wanted a Congress c. North Carolina grew tobacco while South Carolina grew rice d. South Carolina was Puritan while North Carolina was Catholic e. The Act of Religious Toleration mandated they split into two colonies

a. South Carolina favored slavery while North Carolina favored indentured servitude

What can you infer about triangular trade? a. it enriched England regardless of its effect on other nations b. it was initiated by West African slave traders c. it enriched France regardless of its effect on other nations d. it was condemned by American colonists

a. it enriched England regardless of its effect on other nations

What is the significance of the first Thanksgiving? a. it symbolized the friendship between the Pilgrims and the Wampanoag, and allowed the Pilgrims to show their gratitude for the Native Americans and their first successful harvest b. it was a way for the Native Americans to plot revenge on the Pilgrims for stealing their land and crops c. it marked the beginning of a successful harvest for the Pilgrims, and allowed the Native Americans to demonstrate how to properly care for the land d. it served as a peace offering between the Pilgrims and the Indians for all the wrong doing the Native Americans had done to the Pilgrims

a. it symbolized the friendship between the Pilgrims and the Wampanoag, and allowed the Pilgrims to show their gratitude for the Native Americans and their first successful harvest

Which best describes the colonial economy? a. it was based on trade in agricultural products b. it revolved around the mining of silver c. it was weak and now growing d. it depended on trade with Canada

a. it was based on trade in agricultural products

After the Renaissance, people like Prince Henry of Portugal and others LIKELY believed that: a. people could find out new and interesting information from experiencing and observing the world around them b. people who explored areas far from their homes were doomed to never return c. the unknown areas of water and beyond contained monsters d. the sun burned so hot that their skin would boil black

a. people could find out new and interesting information from experiencing and observing the world around them

What was the primary stated reason for explorations? a. religious expansion b. to spread European diseases c. tomatoes, potatoes, silks, and horses d. the art found in the new world

a. religious expansion

Which of the reasons for exploration did Christopher Columbus express to his financial backers, Ferdinand and Isabella of Spain? a. spreading Christianity b. desire for wealth c. spirit of adventure d. desire for knowledge

a. spreading Christianity

Which of the following changes would have most improved Jamestown's chance for success? a. starting with colonists who possessed the skills needed for survival b. working with chief Powhatan to encourage peace with Native Americans c. sending more relief ships to replace the colonists who had been lost to disease d. building the settlement farther inland to protect it from the Spanish navy

a. starting with colonists who possessed the skills needed for survival

Lawrence came to the New World with his family. They moved to one of the large cities. After only a short time, he began working for a local publisher, printing essays and local news. Based on the above information above, Lawrence lived in ______. a. the Middle Colonies b. the Northern Colonies c. the Eastern Colonies d. the Southern Colonies

a. the Middle Colonies

James and his family ventured to the New World in search of religious freedom, and upon their arrival they settled close to a water source in a small village. James and other members of his family found jobs working in the fishing and shipbuilding industries, while the younger children attended the village's public school. Based upon the passage above, James most likely lived in _____. a. the Northern Colonies b. the Middle Colonies c. the Southern Colonies d. the English Colonies

a. the Northern Colonies

How does the fate of Popham and Roanoke compare to that of Jamestown? a. the fate of Popham and Roanoke are both abandoned colonies, while England's first permanent American colony was Jamestown b. Popham and Roanoke both came after the first colony was created in Jamestown c. Popham and Roanoke were both destroyed in the British-Spanish war, while Jamestown exists to this day d. Popham and Roanoke were the first British and Spanish colonies in America, while Jamestown was the site of their first encounter

a. the fate of Popham and Roanoke are both abandoned colonies, while England's first permanent American colony was Jamestown

Which of the following best describes life in the southern colonies? a. the main economic activity was cash crops which were taken care of and looked after by indentured servants or enslaved people b. new settlers found themselves living in log cabins, and using Conestoga wagons to transport themselves from their homes to town c. many people in the southern colonies lived in rapidly growing cities that focused on commerce and trade d. women were seen as important figures in the household and in society and often held high ranking positions in the job force

a. the main economic activity was cash crops which were taken care of and looked after by indentured servants or enslaved people

Why did the British King approve James Oglethorpe's charter to found the colony of Georgia? a. the new colony would be a buffer preventing Spanish attacks from Florida b. the king believed in Oglethorpe's plan for a Utopian society c. the want wanted a majority Puritan colony d. the king wanted to empty debtors' prisons to provide new settlers for the colony e. new settlers would come in and capture the escaped slaves who

a. the new colony would be a buffer preventing Spanish attacks from Florida

The Columbian Exchange is a term used to describe______. a things traded between the Old and New Worlds b. Pacific trade routes c. New World missionaries d. Spain's allies in the Old World

a. things traded between the Old and New Worlds

Who led the first expedition to successfully circumnavigate the globe? a. Pizzaro b. Magellan c. Columbus d. Ponce de Leon

b. Magellan

Which of the following pairs shows cause and effect? a. Navigation acts-cottage industries b. Salutary neglect-colonial prosperity c. Mercantilism-skilled tradesman d. International trade-the Currency Acts

b. Salutary neglect-colonial prosperity

How was the Virginia Company important to Jamestown? a. its bankruptcy cleared the way for the Virginia Company to start Jamestown b. it was a joint-stock company that paid to settle Jamestown c. its inability to start a colony led King James to start Jamestown d. it was started by King James I of England e. it was the first joint-stock company formed in England

b. it was a joint-stock company that paid to settle Jamestown

Which of the following factors prompted the drastic increase in America's colonial population from 1690 to 1754? a. an increase in the use of technology during the 16th century b. migration of different European ethnic groups c. the widened availability of natural resources d. a surge in the number of babies being born to English women

b. migration of different European ethnic groups

How did New Netherland and New France make attempts to increase their population? a. the Dutch were encouraged to marry Native American women while the people from France were encouraged to marry Algonquin Indians b. single Frenchmen were encouraged to marry Native American women, often against their will, while Dutch immigration was encouraged by recruiting patroons c. the Dutch were given money as incentives while France promised decent salary to all those willing to immigrate d. both the Dutch and the French encouraged immigration by deregulating business ownerships

b. single Frenchmen were encouraged to marry Native American women, often against their will, while Dutch immigration was encouraged by recruiting patroons

Mundus Novus was a European term for _____. a. the Alps b. the New World c. livestock d. infidels

b. the New World

What was the significance of King Philip's war? a. King Philip effectively stopped non-English immigration in the colonies for decades b. the Northern colonists defeated King Philip and ended Native American influence c. the Middle Colonies united in rebellion against the monarchy but were defeated d the resulting "half-way" covenant cause a Puritanical backlash and the Salem Witch Trials

b. the Northern colonists defeated King Philip and ended Native American influence

Why was the Mayflower Compact originally drawn up? a. the settlers needed a document to declare independence from the King of England b. the settlers knew they would perish if they did not stick together, so they agreed to a democratic form of government c. it was needed to formally define the boundary between the Pilgrims and the Wampanoag d. it was needed to define the right of the indentured servants who joined the Pilgrims on the Mayflower

b. the settlers knew they would perish if they did not stick together, so they agreed to a democratic form of government

Which of the following was NOT a role slave women could play in the Colonia Era? a. they might take care of the plantation owner's children b. they could participate in colonial government c. they had to take care of their own households and children d. they often worked in the fields alongside the slave men

b. they could participate in colonial government

Which of the following is true of the lifestyle developed by Hopi people? a. they depended wholly on hunting b. they depended on agriculture c. they depended heavily on fishing d. they were mostly traders

b. they depended on agriulture

How did the Dakota, Lakota, and Nakota people acquire the name Sioux? a. through their regions b. through their enemies c. through their religion d. through their culture

b. through their enemies

'Twas mercy brought me from my Pagan land. Taught my benighted soul to understand That there's a God, that there's Saviour too: once I redemption neither sought nor knew . Some view our sable race with scornful eye. "Their colour is a diabolic die." Remember, Christians, Negros, black as Cain, May be refin'd and join th'angelic train. Who most likely wrote this poem? a. Anthony Johnson b. John Casor c. Phillis Wheatley d. Anthony Casor

c. Phillis Wheatley

Which was NOT a factor that led the south toward slavery? a. rice plantations needed skilled laborers b. tobacco plantations needed more workers c. Spanish Florida outlawed slavery and sold all their workers inexpensively to Georgia d. Bacon's Rebellion turned opinions against indentured servants towards enslaved people e. South Carolina imported enslaved people from its official beginning

c. Spanish Florida outlawed slavery and sold all their workers inexpensively to Georgia

How were the Chinook and Tillamook able to achieve affluent, highly complex society? a. these groups were venerated, so they quickly achieved an affluent, highly complex society b. they dominated all other groups and were considered as leaders, so they easily achieved an affluent, highly complex society c. food and building materials were readily available due to their positioning, so these groups had time to achieve an affluent, highly complex society d. these groups were hardworking so they quickly achieved an affluent, highly complex soiciety

c. food and building materials were readily available due to their positioning, so these groups had time to achieve an affluent, highly complex society

Which were the most common motivators for European exploration in the time of Columbus? I. Gold II. Guns III God IV Glory a. precious metals and glory b. guns, slaves, and gold c. gold, glory, and God d. gold, slaves, and fame

c. gold, glory, and God

Why was the colony of Delaware founded? a. it was founded to be a homeland for Catholics form all countries b. the settlers of Delaware did not want to be a part of a colony with Quakers c. it was culturally and linguistically different from the rest of Pennsylvania so it was given its own assembly d. it was founded to be a homeland for Dutch settlers e. the settlers of Delaware wanted a democratic form of government so they rebelled against William Penn

c. it was culturally an linguistically different from the rest of Pennsylvania so it was given its own assembly

What was the main after-effect of the Molasses Act? a. a boom in the colonial economy b. the first Navigation Act c. smuggling d. the first Currency Act

c. smuggling

How did the original indentured servants of Plymouth escape their services to the London Company? a. they jumped ship before the Mayflower could anchor b. they purchased their freedom c. the Mayflower landed outside London Company's charter d. they settled on their own away from the main colony

c. the Mayflower landed outside London Company's charter

Why did European monarchs of the 15th century sponsor voyages of many explorers? a. they were looking for better administrators b. they were trying to help other civilizations develop c. they wanted to engage in lucrative trade in Asia d. they wanted to spread European values all over the globe

c. they wanted to engage in lucrative trade in Asia

Why did many of the Puritans come to be in New England? a. they were in search of a new land where religious views and practices were not as strict as they were in England b. they were a small group of people whose views were considered strange in New England c. they were being persecuted as a result of political change in England d. they used their political influence with the King of England to secure passage and start a new colony

c. they were being persecuted as a result of political change in England

What did New Netherland have in common with Jamestown? a. they were both royal colonies b. they were both founded by Henry Hudson c. they were both funded by joint-stock companies d. they both fell to the English

c. they were both funded by joint-stock companies

New France did NOT have______. a. scattered trading posts and forts b. small population c. tight regulation by the French government d. good relations with Native Americans

c. tight regulation by the French government

Why did Cecil Calvert approve the Act of Religious Toleration in Maryland? a. to keep settlers from emigrating to Carolina b. to ensure a Puritan majority c. to protect the rights of the minority Catholics d. to protect the rights of indentured servants e. to open Maryland to slavery

c. to protect the rights of the minority Catholics

Why were the Slave Codes passed? a. to create an informal boundary between where enslaved people and free black people lived b. to encourage colonists to use enslaved people instead of indentured servants c. to regulate enslaved people and slavery to benefit the whites d. to improve the conditions on-board slave ships

c. to regulate enslaved people and slavery to benefit the whites

How did European metal affect the lives of Native Americans? a. European metal was adopted to protect their horses in battle' b. Native Americans quickly adopted European methods of metal working c. European metal was thought to have supernatural power and intimidated the Native American people d. European metal tools were superior to their tools

d. European metal tools were superior to their tools

Which of the following sequence of events is in chronological order? a. Currency Acts, Navigation Acts, Molasses Act, and Salutary Neglect b. Navigation Acts, Currency Acts, Molasses Act, and Salutary neglect c. Salutary neglect, Molasses Act, Currency Acts, and Navigation Acts d. Navigation Acts, Molasses Act, Currency Acts, and Salutary neglect

d. Navigation Acts, Molasses Act, Currency Acts, and Salutary neglect

What kind of system dictated 18th century gender roles? a. Royal system b. Paterno system c. Indentured system d. Patriarchal system

d. Patriarchal system

Which of the following statements was true of Rhode Island, based on what you have learned? a. Rhode Island attracted many Puritans from New Netherland, who shifted the colony toward a religious government b. Rhode Island attracted many non-Puritans from England with it emphasis on freedom of religion c. Rhode Island attracted settlers in search of a colony where religious views were mor clearly defined and faithfully practiced d. Rhode Island attracted exiles and dissenters from different areas who were in search of greater religious freedom

d. Rhode Island attracted exiles and dissenters from different areas who were in search of greater religious freedom

How did the Pilgrims avoid death while living in Plymouth? a. the pilgrims adapted well to living in the colony, and used their knowledge to help grow crops and sustain life b. they conquered nearby Native American villages and raided their food supply c. the Pilgrims migrated to different areas along the East Coast in search of help from other European immigrants d. a friendly Native American, who had knowledge of the English language, taught the Pilgrims how to live off the land

d. a friendly Native American, who had knowledge of the English language, taught the Pilgrims how to live off the land

What did the people of Spain and Portugal hope to gain by exploring new lands? a. explorers coveted fame b. Christian missionaries wished to convert the Indigenous people c. Monarchs desired wealth d. all of the answers are correct

d. all of the answers are correct

Which of the following best describes the Iroquois? a. new married couples create a new family name by combining the pronunciation of their family names b. children born in a marriage are considered part of their fathers family c. at the time of marriage a woman joins her husband's family d. at the time of marriage a man joins his wife's family

d. at the time of marriage a man joins his wife's family

Why were the groups that included the Cherokee, Choctaw, Chickasaw, Creek, and Seminole considered to be civilized? a. because they could learn quickly b. because they could be relocated anywhere c. because they could self-sustain d. because they adopted customs of the colonists

d. because they adopted customs of the colonists

Why did the European merchants and monarchs work so hard to find the Northwest Passage? a. because they wanted to find a way to Southern America without Mexican influence b. because they were searching for a new way to India c. because they wanted a trade route towards Africa that was free of the influence of any colonial power d. because they wanted to find a way to Asia while completely avoiding Spanish territory

d. because they wanted to find a way to Asia while completely avoiding Spanish territory

What was the most significant cause of death among Native Americans following contact with the Europeans? a. work in the mines b. warfare c. slavery d. disease e. European firearms

d. disease

Which best describes the task system? a. overseers were paid for each task they had enslaved people complete in a day b. enslaved people worked together from sunup to sundown on every task they were assigned c. it was a means for enslaved people to earn their freedom by accomplishing certain tasks in the Revolution d. enslaved people were assigned a task to complete and had free time when they were done

d. enslaved people were assigned a task to complete and had free time when they were done

Why was the border between Pennsylvania and Maryland significant? a. it placed a clear linen dividing Catholics from non Catholics b. it was the line beyond which the king would not allow the English settlers to live c. it marked the southern border beyond which Quakers were not permitted to settle d. it came to represent the cultural divide between the north and south e. it became the dividing line between New England and the middle colonies

d. it came to represent the cultural divide between north and south

Why was the colony of New Jersey founded? a. it was founded to be a homeland for Catholics from all countries b. it was founded to be the first colony where settlers owned all of their land c. it was given as a gift from the king to the Duke of York d. it was part of New York given by the Duke of York to important colonists to gain favor with them e. the settlers of New Jersey wanted independence and staged a rebellion against the Duke of York

d. it was part of New York given by the Duke of York to important colonists to gain favor with them

How are Hernan Cortes and Pedro Menendez de Aviles different? a. one was a gold miner; the other was a Christian missionary b. one explored islands near the Isthmus of Panama; the other explored interior desert landscapes of North America c. one worked for Portugal; one worked for Spain d. one conquered an empire; the other settled a colony

d. one conquered an empire; the other settled a colony

Which of the following was NOT a role Pocahontas played in Jamestown colony? a. she brought food to the starving colonists b. she married John Rolfe c. she conducted diplomatic efforts between them and the local Native Americans, including her father d. she warned them of an impeding attack by the Spanish e. she may have saved John Smith's life when she was a girl

d. she warned them of an impending attack by the Spanish

Why was Anne Hutchinson banished from Massachusetts? a. she would argue with the men of the church, which women were not allowed to do b. she sought a position in the church, which was not an option for women c. she had voiced her opinion in church, which was something that women were not allowed to do d. she was acting as a preacher rather than a hearer

d. she was acting as a preacher rather than a hearer

What impact did the neighboring tribal leader Powhatan have on Jamestown colony? a. the Powhatan poisoned the water and tried to drive the colonists out b. the Powhatan offered friendship and helped the colonists grow tobacco c. the Powhatan were hostile from the beginning and attacked the colonists frequently d. the Powhatan occasionally provided protection and trade with the colonists e. the Powhatan initially stole from the colonists but later offered food in trade

d. the Powhatan occasionally provided protection and trade with the colonists

Why was Massachusetts founded? a. the colonists wanted to start a colony with a democracy b. the colonists felt Plymouth colony wasn't strict enough c. the colonists wanted a place to promote religious freedom d. the colonists were facing religious persecution in England

d. the colonists were facing religious persecution in England

Why was the Connecticut colony started? a. settlers wanted a secular colony b. Massachusetts was getting to big c. the settlers were fleeing persecution happening in other countries d. the leader disagreed with the limited voting rights in Massachusetts

d. the leader disagreed with the limited voting rights in Massachusetts

How did the middle colonies differ from the others regarding the ancestry of its settlers? a. Quakers and Pilgrims were only permitted to settle in the middle colonies b. the middle colonies were settle predominantly by Englishmen c. the middle colonies were predominantly Catholic while the others were not d. the middle colonies were diverse while the others were settled mainly by Englishmen e. the middle colonies were settled mainly by the Dutch and Swedes while the others were diverse

d. the middle colonies were diverse while the others were settled mainly by Englishmen

John Rolfe introduced sweet Spanish tobacco seeds to the Jamestown colony. What was the most important impact of these seeds to the survival of Jamestown? a. they gave settlers hope that they would be able to successfully grow crops b. the medicinal qualities of the tobacco helped the settler survive an epidemic c. they provided a resource to barter with the Native Americans for food d. the tobacco was shipped to London where it was sold for a profit

d. the tobacco was shipped to London where it was sold for profit

Which is NOT true of women's activities in 18th century America? a. some of them had to manage large plantations b. some of them organized boycotts of British goods c. they were expected to oversee their children's spiritual development d. they could vote

d. they could vote

What is the most significant way that the Early European explorers affected the Native Americans? a. they forced the coastal tribes to abandon their villages b. they taught the Native Americans to speak English c. they attacked the weakest tribes d. they spread smallpox through the coastal tribes

d. they spread smallpox through the coastal states

Women who worked as indentured servants in the 17th century did what? a. managed the growing slave population b. worked as liaisons between the Native Americans and the colonists c. worked on plantations with absolutely no hope of ever gaining their freedom d. worked for free in the colonies in exchange for free passage to the colonies

d. worked for free in the colonies in exchange for free passage to the colonies

What was William Penn's legacy as the founder of Pennsylvania? a. it became a colony where only Quakers were welcome b. the easter part of Pennsylvania would become its own colony, New Jersey c. his constant disputes with neighboring colonies held back development d. the city of Philadelphia was poorly planned and did not thrive e. it became one of the most democratic societies in the world

e. it became one of the most democratic societies in the world

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