STAGE 1 EXAM - meteorology

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What is the temperature at sea level?

15 degrees Celsius

What is the standard lapse rate ?

2 degrees Celsius per 1000 increase in altitude

What is the air pressure at sea level (in inches of mercury)? psi? mb?

29.92" Hg 14.7 psi 1013.25 mb

The earths atmosphere is about __% nitrogen and __% oxygen

78% 21%

Define air pressure, air temperature, humidity and air density

Air pressure: the force of air above a given area or level Air temperature: the degree of hotness/coldness in the air. measure of avg kinetic energy of air molecules Humidity: a measure of the amount of water vapor in the air Air density: the mass of air in a given volume of space

What are the 7 elements of weather?

Air temperature, air pressure, humidity, clouds, precipitation, visibility, wind

What causes a radiation inversion?

Calm winds, Clear skies, Long nights

What are 3 ways to transfer heat around?

Conduction, Convection, radiation

What is the biggest killer of pilots?

Continued VFR into IFR conditions

What are the 4 different lifting processes?

Convection, Convergence, Weather Fronts, Topography

Unstable air characteristics

Cumuliform clouds, turbulent air, good visibility, heavy rain

what is the best indicator of the airs actual water vapor content?

Dew point

Which type of fog is formed by heating the air?

Evaporation fog

True or false: Air is a good conductor of heat


What is holding almost half of all the air molecules to the ground?


What happens to latent heat during condensation?

Heat is released into the surroundings when the water vapor condenses to form liquid

What variables affect air density?

Humidity, pressure and temperature

define sublimation

Ice(solid) changes directly into gas without going through the liquid stage first

What two ways can you increase relative humidity?

Lowering the temperature & increasing water vapor in the air

Solid to Liquid is called


What are the 4 types of fog?

Radiation, Advection, Upslope, Evaporation

The air is considered to be ________________ when the level of water vapor in the air is the maximum possible at the existing temperature and pressure (in other words, 100% relative humidity)


What 2 factors determine if the air will continue to rise or sink?

Stability and moisture content

Stable air characteristics

Stratus clouds, smooth air, fair to poor visibility, light drizzle rain

Air with Relative humidity greater than 100% is considered what?


Seasons are caused by the earths tilt. The tilt regulates our seasons by affecting the amount of solar energy received at the earths surface. What two factors, caused by the earths tilt, affect the amount of solar energy received at a given general area at the surface?

The angle at which sunlight strikes the surface and the length of time the sun shines on any latitude (daylight hours)

What are seasons caused by?

The earth's tilt

define condensation

The process in which water vapor (gas) becomes liquid water

What happens to the temperature of the surrounding air during evaporation and sublimation and why?

The surroundings cool down because the heat energy was absorbed into the water molecule from the environment, therefore taking away heat from the surroundings and cooling it.

What happens to the temperature of the surrounding air during condensation and deposition and why?

The surroundings heat up because the heat energy previously absorbed is now being released back into the atmosphere, therefore warming the surroundings

what happens to the temperature of the surroundings during evaporation?

The surroundings will cool down

vertical air currents called __________ are caused by convection which is caused by....

Thermals; uneven heating of the earths surface

define conduction

Transfer of heat by molecular activity from one substance to another (molecule to molecule contact)

What layer of the atmosphere does almost all of our weather occur?


The air is considered to be ________________ when the level of water vapor in the air is less than the maximum possible at the existing temperature and pressure (in other words, less than 100% relative humidity)


Define deposition

Vapor(gas) changes directly into ice(solid)without going through the liquid stage first

What gas can vary from 0% to 4% by volume in a given volume of air?

Water Vapor

What is an adiabatic process?

a process that takes place without a transfer of heat between the system and its surroundings.

what is the definition of a cloud?

a visible, aggregate of tiny water droplets and/or ice crystals in the atmosphere above the earths surface

How much sun energy is actually absorbed by the ground?

about half

what is formula for % relative humidity

amt of water vapor in the air / amt of water vapor it could have @ 100%

Define Precipation

any form of water particles, liquid or solid, that falls from the atmosphere and reaches the ground -rain, snow, sleet, freezing rain, hail, ice pellets, etc)

Define convection

atmospheric motions that are usually vertical, such as air rising currents due to surface heating

How are clouds GROUPED?

by height

How are clouds TYPED?

by shape and appearance

Gas to liquid is called


temperature ____________ as altitude _______________

decreases; increases

Liquid to Gas is called


How is upslope fog formed?

formed when moist, stable air flows upward over a topographic barrier. chilling the air by pushing it upward

How is radiation fog formed?

formed when radiational cooling reduces the air temperature to or below its dew point

How is advection fog formed?

formed when warm, moist air moves over a cold surface and the air cools to below its dew point

Liquid to solid is called


What happens to latent heat during evaporation?

heat is absorbed from the surroundings into the eater vapor until its ready to condense back into a liquid

What does relative humidity tell us?

how close the air is to being saturated

What happens to air as it sinks?

it compresses and warms

What happens to air as it rises?

it expands and cools

the earth absorbs the suns energy (through shortwaves), heats up, and then emits this radiation back into the atmosphere in the form of _________________ radiation


What are the 4 cloud groups?

low, middle, high, vertically developed

How is evaporation fog formed?

produced when sufficient water vapor is added to the air by evaporation

Which 3 types of fog are formed by cooling the air down to its dew point?

radiation, Advection & Upslope fog

define radiation inversion

radiational cooling at the surface causes temperature to increase with height above the surface

Sun energy strikes the earth mostly in the form of ______________ radiation


When lifted, the air tends to return to its original position, this means the air is...


What determines how much water vapor the air can hold?

temperature -the warmer it is the more it can hold

Define latent heat

the heat that is either released or absorbed by a substance when it undergoes a change of state

Define evaporation

the process in which liquid water becomes water vapor (gas).

explain the moist adiabatic rate

the rate of change of temperature in a rising or descending SATURATED air parcel 1.8 degrees C/1000ft

explain the dry adiabatic rate

the rate of change of temperature in a rising or descending UNSATURATED air parcel 3 degrees C/1000ft

What is the primary source of energy for the earths surface?

the sun

What happens to the temperature of the surroundings during condensation?

the surroundings will heat up.

Define dew point

the temperature to which air would have to be cooled (with no change in air pressure or moisture content) for saturation to occur

Define advection

the transferring of properties from place to another by horizontally moving air

When lifted, the air will continue to rise, this means the air is...


Define temperature inversion

warm air above, cold air below

Define radiation

when the sun releases energy (shortwaves) which travel and release energy when absorbed by an object

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