Station Agent Exam # 3

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How are Clipper Card's coded?

"No" = Entry coded "Yes"= Exit coded

What is the money limit for Ride Vouchers?


How should a S/A handle a repeat Fare evader?

* Contact BPS * Explain the situation and details * Complete a U.O.R providing as many details as possible

How do you define a repeat Fare evader?

* Individuals who repeatedly try to ride BART: Without a valid form of payment Underpaid funds Or does not have proper ID

How do you handle a person using an altered ticket?

* Make a reasonable attempt to retain the ticket for evidence for BPS * Contact BPS to explain the situation * Write a U. O.R and include ID and info. of situation *'Fax U.O.R to Line Foreworker

What INFO do you give BPS when you contact them?

* Station Agent's name * Station Location * Exact Location of Incident *Type of Criminal activity, damage to property, or personal injury * Persons/Property involved * Any weapons involved * When incident occurred or is it ongoing * Description of suspects: Head to toe * Name of Witnesses/Anonymous or unknown

Are people allowed to sell items at the station.

* They must have Written Authorization from Right of Way Management Dept. Real Estate at ext.: 6882

What are the steps to follow when you witness someone using a Discount ticket improperly?

* Use good judgment to determine if the customer has made an honest mistake. * Advise the customer on correct use of ticket * Try to make a reasonable attempt to confiscate * If confiscated, complete a U.O.R * Advise the customer to buy a blue ticket * Attempt to collect a fare for ride taken (Refund/Payment form should be completed) * Avoid altercations * Allow customer to exit * Contact BPS and T.S

What are the various types of Clipper cards?

- Adults/Youth --(looks the same as the adult) - Senior translink-- (Has a gold stripe) - Senior Clipper-- (White background/blue stripe - RTC-- Regional Discount Cards with a chip

What should you do if you notice someone fare evading? What do you do if they're uncooperative?

- Advise the customer of the correct procedure - If uncooperative, call B.P.S., and fill out a U.O.R.

What do you do if you observe someone fare evading?

- Advise the customer of the correct procedure. - If the passenger refuses, contact BPS. - Provide a description of the suspect - Complet a U.O.R

What is a service animal?

- An animal must be individually trained to perform a task for a person with a disability.

How do you determine if your gate has a "Read Problem"?

- Ask the customer, "Which gate did you use?" - Try processing the ticket using another gate. If the next gate processes the ticket, explain to the the customer that is was simply a machine malfunction. - If the problem reoccurs with this gate, the gate may not be able to read the ticket for a variety of reasons, such as a dirty or faulty head.

When dialing 9-1-1 from a station's payphone, who will answer?

- BPS - SFPD if call placed between Emb-24th sweet

What is the difference between the Blue and Red Contractor ID's?

- Blue Background= Riding privileges - red Background= no riding privileges

What are the mandatory requirements for the EPAMD's (Segways)?

- Both Disabled and non-disabled riders both need a permit. - Non- disabled riders have to dismount at the gates. The disabled can stay on and ride inside.

How do you handle a dispute with a customer and cannot agreeably resolve the situation?

- Call BPS - ???

What do you do if you find small amounts of loose money in an AFC machine?

- Collect loose coins or bills - Place in a Treasure Payment envelope - Label the machine number - Place in the CHB bag

How do you handle repeat fare evaders?

- Contact BPS - Explain the situation and give details - Complete a U.O.R

How should a S/A handle a repeat offender?

- Contact BPS -Explain the situation and details Complet a U.O.R providing as many details as possible.

When do you use the Refund/Payment/Voucher System?

- Demagnetized/damaged, lost tickets - Purchase error - More than 1 person per ticket - Combining tickets for ride - Not enough fare to exit the station - Loss of $ in Bart AFC -Customer request refund for Tix or very. loss - Customer requests a replacement Tix for Mult tixs

What are the 2 ways to store value on a Clipper card?

- E-cash (E purse) - Products /(Transit passes)

What is E-cash /E-Purse?

- E-cash is electronic money that can be store on a card. - If a customer pays $20 cash, check, debit/credit card will have $20 e-cash. - For adults/youth/RTC/Senior on all participating transit agencies. - Works on all participating Transit Agencies - Fare for each trip is deducted for the balance. - Most e-chas that can add @ 1 time is $250 (Auto load online), $50 add at the machine, and max cash that can be stored is $300.

What is the AEDP 1 Discount?

- For SFO Airline Employees (ex. Southwest airlines) - This is a High value Discount card - Patron must purchase a $45 ticket to get a $48 ticket -Must be set up for autoload -Can not add value @ TVM - They can sign up for the parking payment program - Has light blue stripe - Only for Airline employees - they receive a 25% discount in travel to and from the SFO airport only - No other travel will be discounted.

What are the guidelines re: distributing Political/Religious materials in the Free Area of stations without authorization?

- Free areas are designated Public Forums - They're open to the Public for Free speech - It is required for them to have a letter of Authorization by - Bart's Communication Department, but it's not legally necessary.

Reasons the AEDP or BOSC ID card is not valid for transit?

- If it was reported lost, stolen, or expired.

When can we bill someone for a ride?

- If the BOSC card is not being read by the BOSC reader - Trip passes for School groups

Reasons the BOSC card may not work?

- If the card is not activated - If the activation process is not finalized - Parking card only - If there is a new card activation is processed but not tagged on gate for autoload.

What do you do when a lost child is located?

- Immediately contact O.C.C's Comspec and BPS - Provide a detailed description of the child - Include: Gender, age, ethnicity, name, clothing, special conditions, relationship to reporting party. - Stay with child until BPS arrives - Keep child with you in booth or other public area.

Who is deemed a repeat Fare Evader Offender?

- Individuals who repeatedly try to ride for free - Without valid form of payment - With Underpaid funds - Or does not have proper ID.

How does a S/A get new bus schedules for their station when supplies are low?

- Inform Line Operators/Foreworkers - Use the SAT order form - Fax to the Line Office

What is the EZ Rider Smart Card?

- It us used for parking only,

What is a Leo pass and what are the Guidelines?

- Minimizes Bart's stations swing gate usage, fraud, and potential S/A issues. - Maximizes Bart's control of the Swing gate by providing a secured Smart card Bart System access for Peace officers. - $35 for processing and/or replacement fee - All Leo passes expire on 12/31 and must be renewed at no cost.

What are the steps for a "Read Head" problem?

- Monitor the gate and clean the heads . . . especially the Read Head. - If the gate continues to reject the ticket, complete a RFM. - Place the problem side of the gate "Out of Service" and place "Out of Service" stickers over the ticket bezel.

What are the products available to be stored on Clipper Cards?

- Muni Fast Pass - HVD (Bart High Value Discount Card)-Can only be used on BART.

In order to enter the system, a Clipper card must have at least one of the following:

- Muni Fast pass with at least $0 bad E-cash - HVD: At least minimum fare - E cash- @ least minimum fare - E cash and and transit passes are treated as separate products and cannot be interchanged. - Discount cards-RTC Senior, Youth (Children) paid amount reflects 62.5% discount-req fare for entry is the discounted minimum amount.

How does a S/A handle a fare Evader that they witnessed going through the Emergency Gates or Jumping over barriers?

- Must be observed by a S/A and /or Bart Personnel. - Witness will be asked to make a C.A. by B.P.S.

What do you do if you find an excessive amount of loose money in an AFC machine?

- Put the machine out of service - Call BPS - Complete a RFM - Contact Treasury or Compsec for a Treasury troubleshooter - Write in T/O log

When a customer customer requests directions to a specific location, what other resources, besides brochures/Maps, can they use?

- S/A can obtain additional info. on Transportation schedules/routes by calling the District Telephone Information Center @ 4282.

What information do you give a Bart dispatchers?

- S/A/ name - S/A? location - Exact location of incident - Type of criminal activity - Damage to property of personal injury - Persons/property involved - When incident occurred - Description from head to toe.

What is the AEDP 2 Discount?

- SFO airport employees (Starbucks, etc.) - High value Discount Card - Patron must purchase $45 for $48 - Has a light green stripe - They don't pay the SFO premium surcharges ($4.05) when traveling to and from SFO airport. - SFO airport reimburses BART for the Surcharge - Any other travel will not be discounted

When do we use Ride Vouchers?

- Single ticket purchase by a group of customers (Do not exceed $20.00) - Multiple ticket consolidation - Mutilated tickets Demagnatized (non-credit card purchased tickets)

What info. of you give BPS when you contact them?

- Station Agent's name - Station location - Exact location of incident - Type of Criminal activity, damage to prop, or pers. injury - Persons/Property involved - Any weapons involved - When incident occurred (On-going) - Description of suspects (Head to Toe) - Names of witnesses (Anonymous or unknown).

What is the AEDP 3 Discount:

- This card is only for Oakland Airport Badged employees - High value discount card - Patron must purchase $45 for $48 - Has a yellow stripe - They only pay $2 of the $6 surcharge when traveling on the Oakland Airport Connector - No other travel will be discounted

What additional information do you include on the Customer's Disposition?

- Top=Customer - Mid=Treasure - Bottom=Book = Seal in the small white envelope+ any ticket or monies less than the minimum fare - Convert $ over the minimum fare to a ticket, cut off Orientation hole - Write the voucher number on the outside of the small envelope - Place in CHB bag

What are the limitations when using Vouchers?

- Use good judgment - Do not complete more than 3 vouchers at a time - If more than 3 vouchers are necessary, DO NOT use the vouchers. Instead, you will use the Refund/Payment form.

Which Web applications launch automatically when you log on?

- Web applications for the TSI and DOS - BOSC card reader - Ticket Reader

What are the guideline to using a Ride Voucher?

- When a Zero balance can be achieved in the quickest/ or most efficient manner. - Only use for transactions that do not require a refund, replacement, or payment - Each voucher has a $20.00 limit.

What are some key things to include in the Customer Disposition regarding the Ride Voucher?

- You can use the pass anytime in the future to travel to these specific stations only - Please don't lose it. It's not replaceable/refundable. - Agent will date it and allow entry through the side gate. - Do not date it yourself - When you arrive to at your exit, show the pass to the S/A who will collect it and let you out. - If agent is not in the booth, put in the window, and proceed through the swing gate nearest the booth.

What is required if you want to sell anything on the District property?

- You need a Concession's permit form Bart's Real Estate Services Department Right of Way Management at ex. 6882

What do you do if you get a report of a lost child?

1) Obtain info. @where and how the child was lost. 2) Try to determine if the child may be in the station or on a train. 3) Immediately comtact Comspec @ O.C.C or BPS. 4) Provide a detailed descriptiion including: Gender, Age, Ethnicity, Name, Clothing, Special comditions, and relationship to reporting party.

What is required if you want to sell anything on District Property?

1) You must be in the Free area. You need a Concession's Permit from BRt's Real Estate Services / Department: Right of way Management Division, Ext. # 6882

Clipper Card Error Message, "Touch Card Again":

Action: Ask customer to tag the card again If the gate works: watch old gate, reboot if necessary, complete a RFM if needed If no gates work: Instruct passenger to buy a rocket and follow documentation process: Complete a refund payment for + serial number on back of customer card, and call toll free number.

What is a Service Animal?

An animal that is individually trained to perform a task for a person with a disability.

What is Fare evasion?

Any willful act to avoid payment of full fare.

When dialing 911 from a station's pay phone, who will answer the call?

BPS will answer the call. Unless calls are placed from Embarcadero-24th street, then SFPD will answer the call.

What do you do if the Media arrives at your station to cover a News event?

Call the Communication's Department at ext. 7110. If they arrive outside of normal business hours, contact the O.C.C. manager at ext. 41522 for authorization.

What do you do if the Media arrives @ your station to covering News Event?

Contact Communication department @ ext.# 7110. If they arrive outside of normal business hours, the as/A shall contact the O.C.C Manager @ ext. 4152.

What are the AFC colors:

Green: Normal (In service) Gray: Offline Yellow: Warning (ex. low stock, but still in serv. Degraded) Orange: Out of Service Red: Alarm Black: Indicates aisle direction

AFC Colors:

Green= Normal ( In service) Gray= Offline Yellow: Warning ( ex.: Low Stock, but still In service) Orange= Out of Service Red = Alarm Black = Indicates Aisle Dierction

What is the difference between a Clipper Card's Products and E-Cash being blocked?

If the products tab has a blocked status, this will not allow the passenger to use the BART HVD product regardless of the balance. The passenger must use E-Cash or Muni Pass. If the tab E-Cash says "Blocked Card", or "Bad Debt", the whole card is blocked and CANNOT be used on any Transit regardless of any value displayed on Product tab.

Anytime you use a ticket to exit from the Paid area:

Insert ticket on the right hand side Exit on the left hand side.

Anytime you use ticket to enter form the Free area:

Insert your ticket on the left hand side and Enter on the left

May Patrons smoke in the Free Area of BART?

NO smoking is prohibited. All smoking must be within 25 feet of any Public station entrance.

What should you Never do if you observe a person using a discount ticket improperly?

Never imply the person is being accused of an illegal act.

What should you avoid doing if you observe someone using a discount ticket improperly)

Never imply the person is being accused of an illegal act.

What are the 5 reasons a "No" may show under the Error message on a Clipper Card?

No-Invalid Fare No- Overstay No- Blocked Card No- Invalid Card No- Expired Card

Can a Patron bring their bicycles on an escalator?


May Patrons smoke in the Free Area?

No. Smoking is prohibited within 25 feet of any Public entrance.

Which BOSC cards are used at BART?

R: Retiree ID E: Employee ID A: Airline Employee Discount D: Dependent ID C: Contractor Card L: Leo Pass V: Vendor Card S: SSI Card

What is the S/A's responsibility regarding Bart Brochures?

S/A must maintain an adequate supply of current Bart Brochures int he info. Kiosk, racks, and booths.

How would a request for a Special tours be handled?

S/A must refer all customer inquiries re: tours to the government and community relations dept. @ 6235.

How would a request for a Special Tours be handled?

S/A must refer all customers inquiries regarding Tours to the Govt. and Community Relations Dept. @ ext. 6235

What is the procedure to follow if Media personal requests access to District Property?

Verify that the Crew has a letter of Authorization from the Communication's department.

What is the procedure to follow if Media Personnel requests access to District Property?

Verify that the crew has a Letter of Authorization from the Communication's Department.

Are people allowed to sell items items in the Stations?

Yes, if they have a Written Authorization from Right-of-Way Management department (Real Estate) at ext. 6882.

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