STD Study Guide Test
Do the Protozoan STD's have a cure?
act of refraining from sex, drugs, etc.
What is the Trichomoniasis treatment?
What is the treatment for HIV?
antiretroviral medication
What was the original name for HIV?
gay cancer
What are the silent diseases?
genital herpes(HSV-2), chlamydia, HPV, gonorrhea
What is the treatment for Pediculosis?
prescription cream
How can you transmit Pediculosis?
sexual contact
How do you transmit Trichomoniasis?
sexual contact
How is HIV/AIDS transmitted?
sexual contact sharing needles/syringes contact w/ infected body pregnancy/delivery breast milk
What is the Trichomoniasis diagnosis?
swab test-discharge
What is often the first symptom of HIV?
swollen lymph nodes
What is Trichomoniasis?
the 4th most common STD
What is the Hepatitis B treatment?
vaccine(1982) 5 antiviral drugs
What is the diagnosis for Pediculosis?
visual inspection
What is the rapid HIV test?
you need two positive(+) tests to confirm you are HIV+ and if one is positive(+) and one is negative(-) then you will have to take a third test to confirm
What year was the first documented case of HIV in the US?
Hepatitis B vaccine first given in____.
What is the Hepatitis C treatment?
2 antiviral drugs
Herpes can make you susceptible to which STD?
What are the viral diseases?
HIV/AIDS Herpes Simplex Virus-2 HPV Hepatitis B Hepatitis C
What is the most common STD in the US?
What is another name for Genital Herpes?
HSV-2(herpes Symplex virus-2)
Who was Ryan White?
He was diagnosed with HIV in 1985 and he was a hemophiliac(blood doesn't clot on its own) he spread awareness about HIV
What are antibodies?
Proteins that attach to the pathogens to prevent diseases
What is another name for Pediculosis?
Pubic Lice
What is the nickname for Syphilis?
The great imitator
What can HPV cause in women?
Cervical cancer
What is the most common STD?
What are the bacterial diseases?
Chlamydia Syphilis Gonorrhea Pelvic Inflammatory Disease
pelvic inflammatory disease(PID)
Complication from untreated Chlamydia or Gonorrhea
What are other HIV symptoms?
-Kaposi's Sarcoma(scabs on skin/type of cancer) -flu like
What is the HPV treatment?
1. Medications(gaurdisal vaccine) 2.nothing(warts will disappear on their own) cure 4.freeze, cut, etc. the warts off
What are the Trichomoniasis symptoms?
1. itching/redness/irritation 2. burning w/ urination 3. while/yellow discharge-odor
What is the Syphilis treatment?
1.Penicillin if there are no allergies to it 2.antibiotics
What is the diagnosis for HIV?
1.blood test 2.Rapid HIV test-20 min
What is the Syphilis diagnosis?
1.blood test 2.examine chances sore
What are the HPV symptoms?
1.genital warts 2.pre-cancerous changes in the cells
What are the Herpes symptoms?
1.herpes sores 2.flu-like symptoms 3.if you treat the infection, you will have 4-5 outbreaks per year
What are the Pediculosis symptoms?
1.itching 2.visible lice/nits(eggs)
What are the Hepatitis B symptoms?
1.jaundice 2.dark urine
What are the Hepatitis C symptoms?
1.jaundice 2.dark urine
What are the Chlamydia symptoms?
1.milky white or yellow discharge 2.burning sensation when urinating
What are the Gonorrhea symptoms?
1.milky white or yellow discharge 2.burning sensation when urinating 3.lower back pain
What are the 4 reasons to choose abstinence? STD 2.values 3.goal setting unplanned pregnancy
What are the Herpes treatments? treatment can cure it 2.antiviral medications control outbreaks by shortening or prevention
What are the names of the 3 Syphilis stages and their symptoms?
1.primary syphilis-chancre sore 2.secondary syphilis-fever, rash, fatigue, etc. 3.late stage syphilis-no visible symptoms; brain, heart, and other vital organs are damaged
What is the Herpes diagnosis?
1.sample from sore 2.blood test 3.visual inspection
What is the Chlamydia diagnosis?
1.urine test 2.swab test the discharge
What is the Gonorrhea diagnosis?
1.urine test 2.swap test the discharge
What is the diagnosis for HPV?
1.visual inspection 2.pap smear(women only)
On average how many teens contract an STD per year?
1/4 teens
What STD can be transmitted through oral, and anal intercourse?
All of them
What does AIDS stand for?
Aquired Immuno Deficiency Syndrome
What are the 3 types of STD's?
Bacterial Viral Protozoan
What is the Hepatitis B diagnosis?
Blood test
What is the Hepatitis C diagnosis?
Blood test
What is the Chlamydia treatment?
Easily treated and cured with antibiotics
What is the Gonorrhea treatment?
Easily treated and cured with antibiotics
What problem does Gonorrhea cause?
Fertility problems
What does HIV stand for?
Human Immunodeficiency Virus
What is another name for HPV?
Human papilloma virus
what does HIV do?
It damages the body's T cells
What is most infected in Hepatitis?
What does protozoan mean?
What are the protozoan diseases?
Pediculosis(pubic lice) Trichomoniasis
What are the Syphilis symptoms?
There are 3 stages(see stages on next flash card)