Step 2 Quiz
Comparing the rates of new (incident) disease in people with different exposure histories is the goal of what type of study approach? A. Case-control study B. Cross-sectional study C. Prospective Cohort study D. None of the above
Which study approach gives the researcher control over items like selection of a source population, and the content and wording of a questionnaire? A. Primary studies B. Secondary studies C. Tertiary studies D. Every type of study
________________ is an example of a method used in qualitative studies when the goal of the study is to identify areas of consensus and areas of contention among individual experts on a particular topic. A. Delphi method B. Socratic method C. Revealing method D. Recurring method
A cross-sectional survey is also known as a(n): A. Ecological study B. Cohort study C. Prevalence study D. Case-control study
An OR = 1 means: A. The odds of exposure is higher in cases B. The odds of exposure is higher in controls C. The odds of exposure is the same for cases and controls D. None of the abov
The key statistical measure for case-control studies is: A. Prevalence B. Correlation C. Odds Ratio (OR) D. Risk Ratio (RR)
What is the first step to complete when using a systematic review approach? A. Decide what story the article will tell B. Decide on the specific objectives of the review C. Select inclusion and exclusion criteria for articles D. Select the search methods that will be used to find potentially relevant articles
A case series study approach might be useful for all of the following EXCEPT: A. Describing the characteristics and similarities of a group of individuals with the same signs and/or symptoms of disease B. Identifying new syndromes and refining case definitions C. Clarifying typical disease progression D. All of the above are factors for which case series might be a useful study approach
A correlational study is also known as a(n): A. Ecological study B. Longitudinal study C. Aggregate study D. Both A and C
A researcher conducting a case series must do all of the following EXCEPT: A. Select one disease of interest B. Determine what will be new and interesting about the study C. Identify an appropriate and available source of cases D. Look at individuals with the disease and those without the disease
A(n) example of a study approach(es) that focuses on individuals with a particular disease is: A. Case-series B. Cross-sectional C. Case-control D. Both A and C
All of the following are types of evaluative research, EXCEPT: A. Program evaluation B. Needs assessment C. Cost-effectiveness analysis D. Quantitative analysis
An example of a placebo used in an experimental study is? A. A sugar pill B. An injection of saline solution C. A sham procedure D. All of the above are examples of placebos
Qualitative researchers are not allowed to express empathy nor be participant observers when trying to gain access to or understanding of a community. True False
When analyzing a case series/report, all case reports/series will need to use comparative statistical tests. True False
Longitudinal studies follow study participants forward in time and recruit them based on their exposure status. True False
False not recruited through exposure
A moderated discussion between 4 to 12 people that is led by a facilitator of a research team is known as: A. An in-depth interview B. A focus group C. An informal group discussion D. None of the above
In experimental studies, treatment-received analysis is better for testing the ideal-world efficacy of the intervention. True False
A Pearson correlation coefficient (r) should be used to calculate a correlation when: A. Continuous variables are used B. Variables that assign a rank to responses are used C. Variables that have ordered categories are used D. None of the above
A case report describes: A. One patient with a disease condition B. Two or more patients with the same disease condition or who have undergone the same procedure C. People with the disease and people without the disease D. None of the above
A way for an investigator to become an expert in the literature on a well-defined topic is by: A. Writing a review article B. Describing the goals of the study C. Identifying a research question D. None of the above
All of the following are true statements about a case series study approach EXCEPT: A. Some case series for rare conditions may require at least one hundred participants B. Some case series may include hundreds of individuals C. A clear case definition must be established when using a case series study approach D. Participants may be selected from clinical locations that use ICD codes
In a retrospective cohort study, study participants are recruited based on: A. Their exposure status B. Their disease status C. Their disease and exposure status D. Their disease history
Participants in a case-control study are selected based on: A. Their disease status B. Their exposure status C. Both exposure and disease status D. None of the above
The cross-sectional study approach should be used when? A. Time is limited and/or budget is small B. The disease is relatively uncommon C. The exposure is relatively uncommon D. A source of cases is available, and no comparison group is required or available
The key statistical measure for cohort studies is? A. Relative risk B. Odds ratio C. Prevalence D. Correlation
What type of study approach looks for the themes and meanings that emerge from the observation and evaluation of a situation or context? A. Qualitative B. Case-control C. Quantitative D. Experimental
When entering the data of an ecological study on a spreadsheet: A. Each population must be assigned its own row in the spreadsheet B. Each exposure/outcome should be assigned its own column in the spreadsheet C. The data should be filled into the cells in each column so that they line up with the correct population D. All of the above
All the above
A secondary analysis of data refers to: A. Collecting new data from individuals B. Writing a review article C. Using existing data D. None of the above
All of the following are categories of cohort studies, EXCEPT: A. Retrospective cohort B. Planned cohort C. Prospective cohort D. Longitudinal cohort
All of the following are ethical principles an investigator must take into consideration when planning and conducting an experimental study, EXCEPT: A. Equipoise B. Efficacy C. Nonmaleficence D. Distributive justice
Comparing exposure histories of people with the disease and people without the disease is the goal for what type of study design? A. Case series B. Case-control C. Cohort D. Experimental
In a case-control study, 'cases' are: A. People without the disease B. People with the disease C. People with the exposure D. People without the exposure
Most exposures and outcomes used in correlational studies are in the form of: A. Individual data B. Aggregate data C. Average data D. Relative data
The goal of a qualitative study is to: A. Synthesize existing knowledge. B. Seek to understand how individuals and communities perceive and make sense of the world and their experiences. C. Compare exposure histories in people with the disease (cases) and people without the disease (controls). D. Describe a group of individuals with a disease.
The most important decision an investigator can make when selecting a topic for a review article is to: A. Make the topic as general as possible that all relevant publications can be acquired B. Make the topic narrow enough that all relevant publications can be acquired C. Ensure that only other review articles are examined D. Ensure that the topic is narrow enough to only find a few articles on the topic
What is the primary study question to ask when conducting a cross-sectional survey? A. What are the key characteristics of the cases in this study population? B. What is the prevalence of the exposure and/or disease in the population? C. Do cases and controls have different exposure history? D. None of the above
What type of study approach is considered to be the 'gold standard' in assessing causality? A. Cohort B. Experimental C. Case-control D. Ecological
When cases and controls systematically have different memories of the past, this is known as: A. Recap bias B. Recall bias C. Response bias D. Misclassification bias
When study participants start the study at the same time, is known as? A. Dynamic population B. Fixed population C. Stationary population D. None of the above
What is the key statistical measure used when analyzing an ecological study? A. Numbers needed to treat B. Relative Risk C. Correlation D. None of the above
When individuals are randomly assigned within certain subgroups to a particular exposure, this is known as? A. Simple randomization B. Block randomization C. Stratified randomization D. None of the above
Which of the following study designs is used under the 'tertiary analysis' approach? A. Ecological B. Cross-sectional C. Meta-analysis D. Experimental
Which statement about review articles is FALSE? A. A well written review article often becomes a foundation for new research B. Review articles are often cited more often than reports of individual studies C. All journals publish review articles D. A good review requires meticulous library work
Which statements about correlational studies is FALSE? A. Uses population-level data to look for associations between two or more group characteristics. B. It is also known as an ecological study. C. Existing data sources are almost always used for this type of study. D. Requires the collection of data from individual study participants.
All of the following are examples of approaches used in qualitative research to gather and interpret data, EXCEPT: A. Phenomenology B. Grounded Theory C. Ethnography D. Retrospectivity
All of the following are methods to analyze experimental studies, EXCEPT: A. Number needed to treat (NNT) B. Efficacy C. Number needed to harm (NNH) D. Treatment-given approach
All of the following are options for matching cases and controls in a case-control study, EXCEPT: A. No matching B. Frequency (group) matching C. Matched-pairs (individual) matching D. Recurrent matching
All of the following are required steps when completing a review article EXCEPT: A. An extensive search of the literature B. The extraction of key information from relevant articles C. The clear and concise presentation of information D. The analysis of data
All of the following are the first steps that should be carried out when conducting a cross-sectional survey, EXCEPT: A. Define a source population B. Develop a strategy for recruiting a representative sample C. Decide on the methods to be used for data collection D. Assign a case definition
Comparing outcomes in participants assigned to an intervention or control group is the objective for what type of study approach? A. Case-series B. Case-control C. Retrospective cohort D. Experimental
Cross-sectional surveys are used for all of the following EXCEPT: A. Evaluating programs B. Establishing baseline data prior to initiating longitudinal studies C. Assessing population needs D. Identifying new syndromes and refining case definitions
Cross-sectional surveys measure: A. The prevalence of various demographic characteristics in a well-defined population B. The exposure histories of a well-defined population C. The disease states in a well-defined population D. All of the above
When participants in an experimental study change their behavior for the better, this is known as? A. Masking B. Blinding C. Equipoise D. Hawthorne effect
Which is one of the most common methods used to collect data in qualitative studies? A. In-depth interviews B. Questionnaires C. Focus groups D. Both A and C
A Spearman rank-ordered correlation should be used to analyze the data of an ecological study when: A. Continuous variables are used B. Variables that assign a rank to responses are used C. Variables that have ordered categories are used D. Both B and C
D (b&C) pg 45
In a case-control study, participants with the disease of interest are classified as controls and those without the disease are classified as cases. True False
In a correlational study, age adjustment is not necessary to make fair comparisons among populations being examined. True False
A case series describes an individual with a particular disease True False
A review article can be written even if the researcher has limited library access. True False
Number needed to harm is the proportion of individuals in the control group who experience an unfavorable outcome who could have been expected to have a favorable outcome had they been in the active group instead.
The time required for collecting and analyzing the data does not vary from study to study.
A cohort is a group of similar people followed through time together. True False
The study approach selected must be appropriate for the goals of the study. True False
Cross-sectional surveys are used to establish baseline data prior to the initiation of longitudinal studies. True False
Qualitative data collection is not a detached, structured process based on a random sample of individuals. True False
The goal of a cross-sectional survey is to measure the proportion of a population with a particular exposure or disease. True False
The goal of a meta-analysis is to combine the results of several high-quality articles that used similar methods to collect and analyze data into one summary statistic. True False
The goal of a review article is to synthesize what is already known about a topic by connecting previous studies and offering new interpretations of their contributions to scientific knowledge.
No individuals participate in a correlational study. True False
When a study seeks to compare the average levels of exposure and disease in several populations, it is known as a(n)? A. Correlational (ecological) study B. Case series C. Cohort study D. Experimental study
When should the Narrative Review approach be used? A. When the goal is to describe a new perspective on a topic that can be supported by the existing literature. B. When the goal is to compare the findings of previous studies on a well-defined topic. C. When the goal is to summarize previous findings using pooled statistics. D. When the goal is to write a report on the information found.
Which of the following is NOT considered to be a special requirement for a case series study approach? A. All case series require approval by a research ethics committee B. Informed consent is needed from all study participants C. Research must carefully protect the identities of study participants D. All of the above are considered to be special requirements for a case series study approach
When using medical records as part of the data collection process for a case series, the researcher should: A. Be aware that information found in medical records is recorded for research purposes B. Create a questionnaire that guides the extraction of information from the medical records C. Remember that medical records will have all the information the researcher will like to know D. Keep in mind that less relevant signs and symptoms, patient comments, and clinicians' observations are always recorded on medical records.
________________ aims to develop an insider's view, rather than an outsider's view, of how members of a particular cultural group see their world. A. Phenomenology B. Grounded Theory C. Ethnography D. Focus groups
Case-control studies are often the best study approach for identifying risk factors of a disease. True False
Cross-sectional surveys provide a snapshot of the health status of a population at one-point in time. True False
Establishing a clear case definition that spells out inclusion and exclusion criteria is critical for a case series study. True False
Program evaluation includes a variety of approaches for examining the goals, processes, and/or outcomes of projects, programs, and/or policies. True False