StraighterLine Intro to Communication: Exam Q&As

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____________ is where you assume that all members group are alike. Select one: a. Prejudice b. Ethnocentrism c. Stereotyping d. Profiling


At what age do people, on average, begin receiving specialized attention based on physical attractiveness? Select one: a. 1 b. 4 c. 7 d. 10


The same bottom-feeding fish known as bullheads in Minnesota are called catfish in Ohio. This language phenomenon is classified as Select one: a. slang. b. regionalism. c. euphemism. d. colloquialism.

integrating stage

The stage in the relationship in which the two people involved begin mirroring each other's behavior in manner, dress, and language is called the Select one: a. bonding stage. b. integrating stage. c. intensifying stage. d. experimenting stage.

uncertainty-accepting cultures

What types of cultures are most likely to tolerate ambiguity, uncertainty, and diversity? Select one: a. uncertainty-accepting cultures b. implicit-rule cultures c. M-time cultures d. P-time cultures


The component of communication that consists of facial expressions, words, and phrases is the Select one: a. channel. b. nonverbal code. c. verbal code. d. message

My Shih Tzu chews on everything. Does yours do that as well?

Which of the following is an example of indexing? Select one: a. Fords get great gas mileage. b. My Shih Tzu chews on everything. Does yours do that as well? c. Everyone in the Midwest farms. d. All landlords are unhelpful.


Which of the following is not a component of communication? Select one: a. feedback b. message c. code d. action


"The University should add public speaking as a graduation requirement" is an example of a proposition of Select one: a. fact. b. policy. c. proof. d. value.

behavioral flexibility

"The ability to alter behavior in order to adapt to new situations and to relate in new ways when necessary" is a definition of Select one: a. androgyny. b. behavioral flexibility c. passages. d. complementary relationships.


A conflict management style that involves negotiation is also known as Select one: a. avoidance b. competition c. compromise d. accommodation


A new type of audience analysis that brings national issues down to the individual level is termed Select one: a. personal inventory. b. brainstorming. c. involvement. d. microtargeting

factual distraction

A person who gets so involved in the particulars that she misses the main point is demonstrating an example of a Select one: a. semantic distraction. b. factual distraction. c. mental distraction. d. physical distraction.

a symmetrical relationship

A relationship in which the two people are very similar is called Select one: a. a complementary relationship. b. a symmetrical relationship. c. a cost-benefit relationship. d. an independent relationship.


A school is what type of organization? Select one: a. political b. integration c. pattern-maintenance d. economic production

problem/solution pattern

A speech claims that because solid waste is overcoming our city streets, we need to consider recycling. Which pattern of speech organization is being used? Select one: a. time-sequence pattern b. causal-sequence pattern c. spatial-sequence pattern d. problem/solution pattern

inclusion, affection, and control

According to William Schutz, three interpersonal needs that are satisfied through interaction with others are Select one: a. inclusion, affection, and control b. physical well-being, safety, and security c. inclusion, self-actualization, and socialization d. esteem, affection, and control

3 or 4

According to research cited in your textbook concerning group size, how many people should be in a small group to increase the likelihood that it will be a productive group? Select one: a. 1 or 2 b. 3 or 4 c. 5 or 6 d. 7 or 8

are based on comparisons to ourselves

According to the textbook, first impressions Select one: a. are based on comparisons to ourselves. b. provide accuracy in our perceptions of others. c. involve group communication among different groups. d. occur independent of the communication context


Acme company has a mission statement that is open to interpretation. Many stakeholders identify with it. Their mission statement is Select one: a. validated. b. ambiguous. c. interactive. d. informational.

Western Europe

All of these are examples of implicit-rule cultures except Select one: a. Western Europe b. Latin America c. Africa d. Middle East

democratic leadership

Americans have a cultural bias that favors which leadership style described in the book? Select one: a. autocratic leadership b. laissez-faire leadership c. republican leadership d. democratic leadership


An important aspect of informative speaking is making your subject _____________ to the audience. Select one: a. easy b. relevant c. exquisite d. bland

quid pro quo

Angela tells Richard that he will not receive a raise unless he agrees to give her a massage. This is what type of sexual harassment? Select one: a. submissive b. quid pro quo c. hostile environment d. matriarchal


Approximately what percentage of workers report in polls that their time spent working in meetings could be more productive? Select one: a. 35% b. 55% c. 75% d. 95%


As the woman shaded her eyes with her open hand on her brow, she said, "Wow, is it ever bright out here." The nonverbal cue here is Select one: a. an illustrator. b. an emblem. c. a regulator. d. an adaptor.

create an environment where multiple topics are discussed in the family

Based on research reported in chapter 5, to enhance the chance that children will process complex and ambiguous information with less anxiety parents should Select one: a. read more during family group time. b. create an environment where children are held to high standards. c. ensure that their children learn another language. d. create an environment where multiple topics are discussed in the family.

create an environment where multiple topics are discussed in the family.

Based on research reported in chapter 5, to enhance the chance that children will process complex and ambiguous information with less anxiety parents should Select one: a. read more during family group time. b. create an environment where children are held to high standards. c. ensure that their children learn another language. d. create an environment where multiple topics are discussed in the family.

have more efficient working memory

Children with higher levels of language development are more likely to Select one: a. have more efficient working memory b. have less efficient working memory c. develop better hearing skills d. develop less effective hearing skills

the self

Communication begins with Select one: a. the self. b. the other. c. the dyad. d. the group.


Dropping the "g" on words like "goin," "comin," and "leavin" is an example of what vocal aspect of delivery? Select one: a. pronunciation b. articulation c. pitch d. vocalization


During a lecture Ms. Anderson stated, "Here is the conclusion you should draw from this example, which will be on your final exam." What type of lecture cue was Ms. Anderson using? Select one: a. semantic b. importance c. nonverbal d. organizational

bona fide occupational qualifications

During an interview for a waitress job, Mr. Mitchell (the interviewer) asks Kelly (the interviewee) if she is married or has any children. This is a violation of Select one: a. personal characteristics. b. protected class. c. bona fide occupational qualifications. d. reasonable public information.


During this part of perception, a person groups stimuli into meaningful units. Select one: a. selection b. interpretation c. organization d. interactionism

bona fide occupational qualifications

EEO legislation states that interview questions must be related to Select one: a. personal characteristics. b. protected class. c. bona fide occupational qualifications. d. reasonable public information.


Erving Goffman's theory of self-presentation is based on what type of perspective? Select one: a. psychology b. dramaturgy c. statistics d. definitional


Gerald has a great deal of expertise about parakeets. He used to work in a pet store that sold over twenty different types of birds. If he was to give a speech on the subject, Gerald might be said to have what type of expertise? Select one: a. ethos b. pathos c. logos d. pogos

appropriate and purposeful.

Good movement is Select one: a. any movement. b. appropriate and purposeful. c. movement during the main points only. d. pacing like a "caged lion."

Why shouldn't I just go home with this guy? All the nonverbal cues indicate interest and sincerity.

He acts very interested in her, stands close, looks deep into her eyes, and brings her drinks during the party. She observes his words and actions and dares to believe that he is falling in love with her on this first meeting. Which of the following questions would an expert on nonverbal communication not ask? Select one: a. Is this behavior typical of him; that is, does he do it to someone at every party? b. Is this party a context that makes this type of behavior typical? c. Are his verbal and nonverbal behaviors consistent with each other? d. Why shouldn't I just go home with this guy? All the nonverbal cues indicate interest and sincerity.


If I notice that Bill and Yolanda are often together and I "fill in" my inference that they are now lovers, then I am illustrating the concept of perception called Select one: a. closure. b. figure and ground. c. proximity. d. filtering.


If someone in a marginalized group tries to fit in with the dominant group, he or she is striving for what goal of co-cultural communication. Select one: a. accommodation b. separation c. reflexivity d. assimilation


If you wanted to clarify something while also arousing interest, which informative speaking skill should you rely on? Select one: a. demonstrating b. quantifying c. defining d. explaining


In reducing communication apprehension, which approach trains you to associate public speaking with positive thoughts? Select one: a. visualization b. relaxation c. skills d. self-managed


In relationships formalized patterns of actions or words that are followed regularly and are indicators of relational uniqueness are called Select one: a. personal idioms b. relational dialects c. uncertainty reducers d. rituals

You should abandon the norms with which you are familiar and rely solely on American norms.

In terms of presenting intercultural persuasive messages, which of the following is NOT true? Select one: a. You should abandon the norms with which you are familiar and rely solely on American norms. b. If you're from a high-context culture, you might prefer to be less direct. c. If you're from a highly individualistic culture, you might advance your own opinion without thinking of other viewpoints. d. You need to blend some of your cultural norms with the persuasive norms of American culture.


In what stage do first impressions and the sizing up of another person occur? Select one: a. integration b. differentiation c. intensification d. initiation


In which type of culture would it be more likely for extended family members to live with nuclear family members? Select one: a. individualistic b. collectivistic c. M-time d. P-time

recording information on a recorder and with notes whether or not the interviewee knows about the recorder.

Inappropriate conduct for interviewing a source for your speech would include Select one: a. gaining entry by revealing your purpose: to secure information for your speech. b. recording information on a recorder and with notes whether or not the interviewee knows about the recorder. c. taking only the time requested unless the interviewee wishes to extend the time. d. using prepared questions for the interview to gain specific information for your speech.

downward communication.

Informal communication consists of all of the following except Select one: a. the grapevine. b. emergent networks. c. natural social interactions. d. downward communication


Information that summarizes numerical information or compares quantities is known as Select one: a. proof. b. statistics. c. inference. d. examples.


Jennifer, Lisa, and Christina are having an in-depth conversation about a previous relationship that was abusive. Each of the women is participating equally. What type of descriptor most accurately describes this conversation? Select one: a. persuasive b. dialogic c. transmission d. failure

short-term memory

Jeremy was walking across campus in a hurry. On the way he saw his friend Johnnie, who he hadn't seen in quite some time. Jeremy stopped and gave Johnnie his cell phone number and told him to call him later. Just a few seconds after Jeremy left, Johnnie already had forgotten the number. This would be because the information only went as far as Johnnie's Select one: a. schema. b. short-term memory. c. long-term memory. d. automatic attention.


Kelly is listening intently to her friend, Sheri, talk about her boyfriend who is leaving for a year to serve in the Army. Kelly says "mmm-hmm" during the conversation to show Sheri that she is listening. She is communicating using Select one: a. kinesics. b. paralinguistics. c. objectics. d. artifacts.


Kevin and Paul are having a conversation in which Kevin says, "All gay men are very effeminate." What type of intercultural communication problem might Kevin be engaging in? Select one: a. ethnocentrism b. stereotyping c. cultural relativism d. assimilation

an attitude

Leslie really likes coffee-flavored ice cream. This would be an example of Select one: a. an attitude. b. a value. c. a belief. d. a characteristic.


Messages between organizational members of the same power level are best described as Select one: a. formal. b. informal. c. upward. d. horizontal.

understand another person and his or her message more accurately.

Perceptual checking is a skill that helps us Select one: a. understand another person and his or her message more accurately. b. view everyone as equals. c. compare our behaviors with others' behaviors. d. ignore damaging or harmful information.


Personal proof, consisting of expertise and authority, is also known as Select one: a. ethos. b. pathos. c. logos. d. togos.


Rashi and Anita marry because they are of the same cultural background. This is most likely what type of relationship? Select one: a. asymmetrical b. symmetrical c. co-cultural d. ethnocentric

media convergence

The accumulation of various types of mass communication (radio, television, newspapers, internet, etc.) into one medium is called Select one: a. technological convergence. b. organizational convergence. c. inherent convergence. d. media convergence.


The army is what type of organization? Select one: a. economic production b. political c. pattern maintenance d. integration


The concept that suggests that your roommate is more likely to become your friend than a person ten blocks away is known as Select one: a. proximity. b. similarity. c. collaboration. d. familiarity.

referent power

The great Tennessee basketball coach Pat Summit is able to motivate her players because she has charisma and her players respect her a great deal. What type of power might she possess? Select one: a. reward power b. punishment power c. referent power d. expert power


The key characteristics of a Group Decision Support System are efficiency and Select one: a. cost. b. support. c. anonymity d. training.

supportive communication

The opposite of defensive communication is Select one: a. descriptive communication. b. supportive communication. c. provisional commnication. d. neutral communication.

having a delayed message impact because of the separation of speaker from message over time.

The sleeper effect refers to the speech Select one: a. being so boring that people in the audience fell asleep. b. having a delayed message impact because of the separation of speaker from message over time. c. being so boring that it caused the speaker to lose interest in the speech even while giving it. d. being an unexpected success at the time it is given.

integrating stage.

The stage in the relationship in which the two people involved begin mirroring each other's behavior in manner, dress, and language is called the Select one: a. bonding stage. b. integrating stage. c. intensifying stage. d. experimenting stage.


The study of nonword sounds that communicate meaning is called Select one: a. kinesics. b. paralinguistics. c. objectics. d. artifacts.


The term that includes the use of symbols to create meaning is known as Select one: a. feedback. b. code. c. meaning. d. context.


These cultures tend to load a lot of meaning into the setting or context of communication and prefer traditions over change. Select one: a. explicit-rule b. uncertainty-accepting c. high-context d. M-time


Tinnitus is something that would be most likely to affect your Select one: a. nonverbal gestures. b. listening. c. hearing. d. speaking.

a person of the same race

To whom are you the most likely to stand the closest? Select one: a. a state senator from another state b. a person of the same race c. a person who is obviously physically handicapped d. a stranger


Unique combinations of rituals, religion, thought patterns, and behaviors are known as Select one: a. collectivism. b. strategies. c. culture. d. low-context.

intimate space

Upon walking into a crowded bar on a Friday night, Daniel begins to get uncomfortable because it is so crowded. There are many people very close to him and some even bumping into him as they pass. These people are in Daniel's Select one: a. intimate space. b. personal space. c. social space. d. public space.

empathic listening adds the goal of understanding

What distinguishes empathic listening from other kinds of active listening is that Select one: a. active listening is one kind of empathic listening. b. active and empathic listening are both purposeful. c. empathic listening adds the goal of understanding. d. empathic listening invites more feedback.


What do we call the stage in which the two partners start emphasizing their individual differences? Select one: a. differentiation b. circumscription c. stagnation d. avoidance

using words and nonverbal communication that are easy for the interpreter to understand

What is code sensitivity? Select one: a. a cognitive style that emphasizes open-mindedness about differences b. the frustration and early termination of communication in intercultural communication c. using words and nonverbal communication that are easy for the interpreter to understand d. assuming that others think and act as we do

surveying your interest.

When selecting a topic, if you think about what particular issue currently bothers you, you are Select one: a. surveying your interest. b. assessing your knowledge of the topic. c. conducting a questionnaire. d. evaluating your commitment to the topic.

make your gestures big and broad.

When using gestures in a presentation, you should Select one: a. keep your hands in your pockets so the audience doesn't see them shaking. b. make your gestures big and broad. c. gesture with the hand holding your notes. d. avoid practicing with them so that they are spontaneous.

critical thinking

When you analyze the speaker and the situation to make judgments about the message presented, you are engaging in Select one: a. active listening. b. critical thinking. c. second-person observation. d. long-term memory.

intrapersonal communication

When you look at yourself in the mirror and decide that you need to comb your hair, you are using what context of communication? Select one: a. intrapersonal communication b. interpersonal communication c. dyadic communication d. public communication


When you organize your experiences by type, which type of resume are you using? Select one: a. functional b. chronological c. spatial d. problem-based

one between two or more people who exhibit affection toward each other

Which association below is not part of the textbook definition of interpersonal relationships? Select one: a. one between two or more people who are interdependent b. one between two or more people who have interacted for some period of time c. one between two or more people who use some consistent patters of interaction d. one between two or more people who exhibit affection toward each other

communicative competencies approach

Which concept of group leadership assumes that interpersonal influence is the primary skill needed by an effective group leader? Select one: a. trait approach b. communicative competencies approach c. style approach d. functions approach


Which of the following activities does not occur in perception? Select one: a. exploration b. interpretation c. organization d. selection

sounds with meaning and words without meaning

Which of the following are not paralinguistic features? Select one: a. pitch, rate, and inflection b. volume, voice quality, and silence c. pronunciation, enunciation, and articulation d. sounds with meaning and words without meaning

You are able to use what you know to apply standards to what you hear and decide the merits of the message

Which of the following best exhibits critical thinking? Select one: a. You are able to memorize what you hear. b. You are able to recall most of what you listen to. c. You are able to interpret what you hear and apply it to other knowledge. d. You are able to use what you know to apply standards to what you hear and decide the merits of the message

You are able to use what you know to apply standards to what you hear and decide the merits of the message.

Which of the following best exhibits critical thinking? Select one: a. You are able to memorize what you hear. b. You are able to recall most of what you listen to. c. You are able to interpret what you hear and apply it to other knowledge. d. You are able to use what you know to apply standards to what you hear and decide the merits of the message.


Which of the following characteristics is not true of active perception? Select one: a. subjective b. interpretive c. active d. simple

"Because my employer said our raises would be based on it, I am increasing my number of contract reports."

Which of the following comments provides the best example of extrinsic motivation? Select one: a. "Because I have always wanted to be a priest, I study hardest in my philosophy and rhetoric classes." b. "I work because I love to work and cannot imagine being any different." c. "I had children—well, had children more or less by accident, not because I planned for it or anything." d. "Because my employer said our raises would be based on it, I am increasing my number of contract reports."


Which of the following countries would most likely use M-time? Select one: a. Paraguay b. Oman c. France d. Germany

a married couple that have quarreled with each other for years

Which of the following descriptions applies to someone with an interpersonal relationship as defined in the book? Select one: a. a father who left his family long ago and believes that he has a relationship with a child he has not seen or heard from for years b. a guy who drops into the restaurant every couple of months, knows the waitress's first name, and believes that he has an interpersonal relationship with her c. a married couple that have quarreled with each other for years d. a woman who cannot remember the names of all the men she has dated in the last year

We each have developed language without the influence of our age, gender, or personality

Which of the following does not accurately describe what we mean when we say that language is personal? Select one: a. We each have different vocabularies. b. We develop our own expressions to describe our own reality. c. We have different levels of experience that limit or expand our capacity to communicate ideas and things. d. We each have developed language without the influence of our age, gender, or personality


Which of the following does not relate to the term public communication? Select one: a. formality b. structure c. planning d. spontaneity

Abortion is the termination of a pregnancy in the first trimester

Which of the following examples best depicts the denotative meaning of a word? Select one: a. Abortion is the murder of a fetus. b. Abortion is the termination of a pregnancy in the first trimester. c. Abortion is the last ditch birth control. d. Abortion is the death of a human soul.

All of the communication interaction in the group is oral, verbal communication.

Which of the following is NOT a defining characteristic of a small group according to the textbook? Select one: a. Behavior of the group is based on norms, values, and procedures accepted by members of the group. b. Each person in the group has a sense of belonging or membership. c. Each person's success is contingent upon the success of the group in achieving its goal. d. All of the communication interaction in the group is oral, verbal communication.

Determine the audience members' astrological signs to indicate their states of mind.

Which of the following is NOT a method recommended in the book for gathering inferences about an audience from questionnaires? Select one: a. Use word concepts to find out the extent to which the audience favors or disfavors them. b. Ask audience members to rank values. c. Ask questions that place audience members in identifiable groups. d. Determine the audience members' astrological signs to indicate their states of mind.

The group is prohibited from meeting during the weekends.

Which of the following is NOT an example of a group norm? Select one: a. The leader of the group always sits at the far end of the table during meetings because that is where she is expected to sit. b. The group is prohibited from meeting during the weekends. c. Meetings of the group almost always last for an hour―no more and no less. d. There are no formal speeches for this group; they always act informally, joke, use slang, and laugh a lot.

the number of words per minute

Which of the following is NOT meant by the term information overload? Select one: a. the number of words per minute b. material too complex to understand easily c. more material than the audience can absorb d. using mathematical symbols or undefined words the audience does not understand

can only hold 5 to 9 bits of information on average

Which of the following is a limitation of short-term memory? Select one: a. automatic attention b. inability to access schema c. lack of stimulus cues from working memory d. can only hold 5 to 9 bits of information on average


Which of the following is a reason people terminate relationships? Select one: a. aggressiveness b. compliance-gaining c. personal idioms d. androgynous

use of metaphors

Which of the following is an effective strategy for describing? Select one: a. use of Roman numerals b. use of statistics c. use of metaphors d. use of chronology

Today I will ask you to remember three steps you can take to avoid identity theft.

Which of the following is an example of a purpose/thesis for an informative speech? Select one: a. This afternoon I will show you how you can mix three common household products to create your own antiseptic. b. Today I will ask you to remember three steps you can take to avoid identity theft. c. After hearing this information, you should be eager to help take steps to change the grading system on our campus. d. Our goal tonight is to honor the sacrifice made by students serving in the armed forces.

Our goal tonight is to honor the sacrifice made by students serving in the armed forces.

Which of the following is an example of a purpose/thesis for an inspirational/motivational speech? Select one: a. This afternoon I will show you how you can mix three common household products to create your own antiseptic. b. Today I will ask you to remember three steps you can take to avoid identity theft. c. After hearing this information, you should be eager to help take steps to change the grading system on our campus. d. Our goal tonight is to honor the sacrifice made by students serving in the armed forces.

Our goal tonight is to honor the sacrifice made by students serving in the armed forces

Which of the following is an example of a purpose/thesis for an inspirational/motivational speech? Select one: a. This afternoon I will show you how you can mix three common household products to create your own antiseptic. b. Today I will ask you to remember three steps you can take to avoid identity theft. c. After hearing this information, you should be eager to help take steps to change the grading system on our campus. d. Our goal tonight is to honor the sacrifice made by students serving in the armed forces

The road appears dangerous for ordinary travel.

Which of the following is an inference? Select one: a. I see that road is narrow and curvy. b. There is no shoulder, and there is no centerline. c. The road appears dangerous for ordinary travel. d. The trees grow close to the road, thus reducing light.

A friend is someone who likes to be with you, who stands by you in time of trouble, and who listens to you when you need an ear

Which of the following is an operational definition? Select one: a. A friend is someone who likes to be with you, who stands by you in time of trouble, and who listens to you when you need an ear. b. Love is a mystery, a feeling of euphoria inspired by the thought of being together. c. Chemistry is the study of everything since everything consists of chemical elements. d. A book is a companion that provides you with a pleasing diversion during your quiet times.

Sit or stand so you are directly facing the speaker

Which of the following is essential to demonstrating active listening? Select one: a. Lean back in your chair. b. Keep a tense body posture. c. Sit without crossing your arms or legs. d. Sit or stand so you are directly facing the speaker.

The audience should read Gore's book on the environment to increase their knowledge.

Which of the following is more of a long-range goal than an immediate purpose? Select one: a. The audience should remember the three main points. b. The audience should be able to state the main contents of a standard first aid kit. c. The audience should be able to demonstrate how to change a diaper without hurting the child. d. The audience should read Gore's book on the environment to increase their knowledge.

Having now discussed why you should activate your savings account, we will look next at how much money to place in it.

Which of the following is more of a transition than a signpost? Select one: a. My first point is that Americans need to learn how to get along with each other. b. Moving now to my visual aid, I will show you a map of Malaysia that shows its location in the world. c. Having now discussed why you should activate your savings account, we will look next at how much money to place in it. d. I have just told you where to travel on your next vacation.


Which of the following is not a context of communication? Select one: a. feedback b. intrapersonal c. interpersonal d. public

to state a brief summary of the main arguments you will be presenting

Which of the following is not a function of a speech introduction? Select one: a. to forecast the development and organization of the speech b. to establish your qualifications for speaking c. to state a brief summary of the main arguments you will be presenting d. to gain and maintain audience attention

Be prepared to discuss salary at your interview

Which of the following is not a general interviewing strategy? Select one: a. Demonstrate competence. b. Ask and answer questions effectively and ethically. c. Be prepared to discuss salary at your interview. d. Preplan for the interview.

to change the minds of the audience members about an issue or idea

Which of the following is not a purpose of an informative speech? Select one: a. to change the minds of the audience members about an issue or idea b. to increase what an audience knows about something c. to improve an audience's understanding of how to use something d. to clarify an audience's ideas about something

Is this a proposition of fact, value, or policy?

Which of the following is not a test of evidence? Select one: a. Is this a proposition of fact, value, or policy? b. Is the evidence consistent with other known facts? c. Are the statistics from a reliable source? d. Does the evidence come from unbiased sources?

Slang is not understood or used by most people

Which of the following is not a true statement about slang and jargon? Select one: a. Jargon is likely to be used by technical/professional people. b. Slang is likely to be used in the neighborhood and on the streets. c. Jargon is most likely to be used in the workplace. d. Slang is not understood or used by most people.

correct articulation

Which of the following is not an aspect of the delivery concept vocal variety? Select one: a. voice quality b. intonation patterns c. pitch inflections d. correct articulation

Use evaluative, nondescriptive comments

Which of the following is not an effective means of using verbal communication when listening? Select one: a. Use evaluative, nondescriptive comments. b. Ask questions. c. Provide affirmative and affirming statements. d. Vary verbal responses.

"Our country is more of a banquet than a melting pot."

Which of the following is not an example of a cliché? Select one: a. "You only get out of it what you put in it." b. "Our country is more of a banquet than a melting pot." c. "The rich get richer and the poor get poorer." d. "No pain, no gain."

present eating habits

Which of the following is not cited in the book as one of the three reasons why differences in perception occur? Select one: a. physiological factors b. past experience c. present feelings and circumstances d. present eating habits


Which of the following is not included in the study of proxemics? Select one: a. distance b. space c. sound d. territoriality

The receiver responds with a return message.

Which of the following is not necessarily part of the process of listening? Select one: a. The stimuli are picked up by the ear. b. The nerves transmit sensations to the brain. c. The brain assigns meanings to the stimuli. d. The receiver responds with a return message.

vocal variety

Which of the following is not one of the four bodily aspects of speech delivery? Select one: a. gestures b. eye contact c. movement d. vocal variety

social penetration

Which of the following is not one of the three stages in interpersonal relationships? Select one: a. social penetration b. relational development c. relational deterioration d. relational maintenance

social penetration

Which of the following is not one of the three stages in interpersonal relationships? Select one: a. social penetration b. relational development c. relational deterioration d. relational maintenance

The topic will appeal to the audience.

Which of the following is not one of the ways of determining if the topic is narrow enough? Select one: a. There is sufficient information about the topic. b. The information can be told within the time limits. c. The topic can be discussed with enough depth to keep the audience interested. d. The topic will appeal to the audience.

high levels of divorce

Which of the following is not true of a collectivist culture? Select one: a. value commitment to family b. tend to be loyal to community c. place a higher value on cooperation d. high levels of divorce

United States

Which of the following is the best example of an explicit-rule culture? Select one: a. Thailand b. Poland c. Jordan d. United States

A single mother, she is affectionate with her children at home and a real professional at work.

Which of the following is the best example of androgyny? Select one: a. She is a hard-driving boss at work and treats her kids the same way at home. b. A single mother, she is affectionate with her children at home and a real professional at work. c. He never sheds a tear about anything in public or in private because he is a real man. d. She cries in frustration when she fails at work, and at home she does what she is told to do.

My hometown is Isle, Minnesota, population 409.

Which of the following is the best example of concreteness? Select one: a. I'm from the States. b. My hometown is Isle, Minnesota, population 409. c. Sure, I'm from the Midwest. d. The place where I'm from is the friendliest town in America.

I am an honor student and president of the student body

Which of the following is the best example of how role affects perception? Select one: a. I am a Cuban American whose parents fled Havana in 1906. b. I am an honor student and president of the student body. c. I am a person of color. d. Although few know it, I am a former Baptist.


Which of the following is the least public form of communication? Select one: a. intrapersonal b. interpersonal c. group d. organizational

Active listening and empathic listening are exactly the same thing.

Which of the following statements about active listening is false? Select one: a. Active listening is "involved listening with a purpose." b. Active listening and empathic listening are exactly the same thing. c. Active listening is characterized by movement, change, and responsiveness on the part of the listener. d. Active listening implies feedback to the speaker.

The meaning of a word does not change once it is included in the dictionary

Which of the following statements about language is false? Select one: a. Words have only meanings which people give them. b. Words also have connotative meanings. c. The context in which a word occurs helps us determine which of the possible meanings is intended. d. The meaning of a word does not change once it is included in the dictionary.

You should use the pronoun "I"

Which of the following statements about resume writing style is not accurate? Select one: a. You should quantify information. b. You should use the pronoun "I". c. You should not mix bullets and other stylistic devices. d. You should be concise in your wording.

A syllogism has a subjective premise.

Which of the following statements about syllogisms is FALSE? Select one: a. A syllogism has a major premise. b. A syllogism has a subjective premise. c. A syllogism has a minor premise. d. A syllogism has three parts.

A syllogism has a subjective premise.

Which of the following statements about syllogisms is false? Select one: a. A syllogism has a major premise. b. A syllogism has a subjective premise. c. A syllogism has a minor premise. d. A syllogism has three parts.

Source credibility is an audience perception that must be established every time a person gives a speech to an audience.

Which of the following statements concerning source credibility is consistent with the textbook? Select one: a. Source credibility is a generalized trait that means that a person with high credibility can be highly credible for a large range and variety of audiences. b. Source credibility is an audience perception that must be established every time a person gives a speech to an audience. c. Source credibility is an earned commodity that you get by having a known reputation, a good relationships with others, and respectability. d. Source credibility is limited to the speech itself.

Source credibility is an audience perception that must be established every time a person gives a speech to an audience.

Which of the following statements concerning source credibility is consistent with the textbook? Select one: a. Source credibility is a generalized trait that means that a person with high credibility can be highly credible for a large range and variety of audiences. b. Source credibility is an audience perception that must be established every time a person gives a speech to an audience. c. Source credibility is an earned commodity that you get by having a known reputation, a good relationships with others, and respectability. d. Source credibility is limited to the speech itself.


Which of the following terms is not part of the definition of communication? Select one: a. process b. meaning c. messages d. static

how to perform emergency first aid

Which of the following topics would be most appropriate for an informative speech? Select one: a. how to perform emergency first aid b. benefits of recycling and why you should recycle c. why you should vote Republican d. why you should avoid alcohol

a woman who weighs ninety-seven pounds

Which of the following would be an example of a physiological factor that affects perception? Select one: a. mental distractions such as daydreaming b. a homosexual orientation and lifestyle c. a background in Roman Catholicism d. a woman who weighs ninety-seven pounds

because it is figure and the rest of the class is ground

Which of the following would be the reason why an individual looking at a class picture might see his or her own face first? Select one: a. because of its proximity to the other faces b. because it is figure and the rest of the class is ground c. because it is the image that allows closure d. because it is ground and the rest of the class is figure

rest room

Which of these statements is an example of euphemism? Select one: a. toilet b. can c. head d. rest room

working memory

Which part of the listening process is responsible for interpreting and assigning meaning to stimuli? Select one: a. attention b. working memory c. short-term memory d. long-term memory

stability and change

Which relational dialectic involves tensions surrounding the need for consistency in a relationship as well as "newness and novelty." Select one: a. integration and separation b. expression and privacy c. stability and change d. old and new

The company has just announced impending personnel reductions, and a small group of recently hired employees have gathered to discuss strategy.

Which situation invites an emergent leader? Select one: a. The company has just announced impending personnel reductions, and a small group of recently hired employees have gathered to discuss strategy. b. The company is bringing in a new vice president to be part of the upper management team. c. The company, named for the family that founded it, has just announced that the boss's daughter will be the new CEO. d. The company has a personnel committee that is always headed by the director of personnel with regional directors as its members.


Which stage is not one of the stages of "coming together"? Select one: a. circumscribing b. experimenting c. bonding d. intensifying

Clothing and artifacts are unrelated to how acceptable we find other people to be.

Which statement about clothing and the perceptions of others is not verified by research? Select one: a. Clothing affects others' impression of status. b. Clothing and artifacts are unrelated to how acceptable we find other people to be. c. Clothing is often cited by women as the most important characteristic when describing another's popularity. d. Brightly colored clothing is associated with sophistication, immorality, and physical attractiveness

Men see talk as instrumental, as something done for a specific purpose

Which statement about co-cultures and perception is true according to chapter 2 of the textbook? Select one: a. Rural children are more eager to communicate than are urban and suburban children. b. Men see talk as instrumental, as something done for a specific purpose. c. Suburban whites see talk as a way to establish a sense of community. d. Men tend to see communication primarily as a way to establish a relationship with someone.

There is no such thing as too much eye contact

Which statement about eye contact is NOT correct? Select one: a. Eye contact refers to meaningful attention to the eyes and faces of the audience members. b. Good eye contact can improve the speaker's perceived source credibility. c. The value of eye contact with audiences and individuals is culturally determined. d. There is no such thing as too much eye contact.

egocentrism and personal bias

Which two concepts seem most closely related? Select one: a. egocentrism and personal bias b. defensiveness and self-focus c. experiential superiority and defensiveness d. personal bias and defensiveness


Which type of facial expression will likely receive the most attention? Select one: a. neutral b. happy c. angry d. sad

a black woman from Puerto Rico

Who is more likely to use touch as a means of communicating? Select one: a. a white American from Salt Lake City, Utah b. a black woman from Puerto Rico c. an English gentleman from London d. a Frenchman from Paris.

a problem, because the audience decides about credibility in the first few seconds of the speech.

William was giving a speech in class about a local election. In his speech introduction, he forgot to give a credibility statement, stumbled on his delivery, and forgot to discuss his qualifications on the topic. This is Select one: a. okay, because the audience likely hasn't yet made a final judgment on his credibility. b. okay, because credibility is not a major factor in classroom speeches. c. a problem, because the audience decides about credibility in the first few seconds of the speech. d. a problem, because it is impossible for William to make up any lost credibility.


Wisdom, freedom, and security are all examples of Select one: a. values. b. attitudes. c. inferences. d. beliefs.

implicit characteristics

Within-group diversity is influenced by observable characteristics and Select one: a. sex characteristics. b. race characteristics. c. age characteristics. d. implicit characteristics.

attention, interest, desire, action

Your cover letter should have which four main sections? Select one: a. need, integration, support, intent b. support, balance, desire, achievements c. interest, balance, participation, application d. attention, interest, desire, action

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