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Two functions Technology

-Instrumental - to an end - Anthropological - Human activity

Power, Prestige, Pleasure, Position and Prosperity are the components of happy successful life, do not constitute good life according to Dr. Ron Jenson's book, "Make a Life Not Just a Living."


How many steps are mentioned to the novel arrow model illustrates steps toward good life?


A genetic testing that has both disadvantage and advantages although this practice could be misused and abused by the authorities. The sophistication of genetic testing techniques has substantially risen over the last 10-15 years. The content of vast sections of the genome, or even the entire genome, can now be examined in addition to anomalies in the number or structure of individual chromosomes.

Advanced DNA Testing

Was invented by ancient Greeks that is one of the most utilized gadgets today. They developed an elaborate system of dropping pebbles onto a gong in order to make a sound.

Alarm Clock

Ancient branch of natural philosophy that mainly seeks to convert base metals into noble metals such as gold


Wrote the novel Brave New World (1931) that depicted a future in which universal happiness is only achieved by thoroughly dehumanizing humanity. He also created dystopian world 600 years in to the future. "The horror might be upon us within a single century"

Aldous Huxley

Unconcealment or truth "technology is very distant from modern technology, as modern technology is disjointed from the idea of aletheia


Penicillin was discovered by ________. The introduction of antibiotics as a result of this discovery significantly decreased the incidence of infections-related deaths

Alexander Fleming

He Drew the first map of the world. Anaximander described the Earth as rounded and circular with two plane surfaces (not necessarily a flat disk, more like a cylinder or 'stone pillar'), which was suspended freely in space. It stays where it is because it is equidistant from everything else in the Universe.


She provided a novel arrow model that illustrates essential steps toward good life.

Anne Birgitta Pessi

Professor at the King's College in New York that echoed Ryff's idea in his article "The New Legalism" where he wrote "an emphasis on human flourishing, ours and others', become important because it is characterized by a holistic concern for the spiritual, moral, physical, economic, material, political, psychological, and social context necessary for human beings to live according to their design"

Anthony Bradley

Father of Microbiology. He discovered Bacteria.

Anton Van Leeuwenhoek

She listed the components of good life based on Aristotle's writings.

Antonia Macaro

Greek word referring to excellence of any kind is a concept in ancient Greek thought that, in its most basic sense, refers to 'excellence' of any kind—especially a person or thing's "full realization of potential or inherent function." The term may also refer to excellence in "moral virtue."


According to him, pleasure is the most valuable pursuit of mankind and everything that does is to gain pleasure. He was a pupil of Socrates, but adopted a very different philosophical outlook, teaching that the goal of life was to seek pleasure by adapting circumstances to oneself and by maintaining proper control over both adversity and prosperity. His view that pleasure is the only good came to be called ethical hedonism.


Who defined "Moderate quantity of material comfort is necessary for one's well-being"?


The first electronic computer created by John V. Anastoff and Clifford-Berry. This machine was able to solve variables one at a time until an entire system of equations is solved.

Atanasoff-Berry Computer

Most commonly used weapon of the Vikings both for battles and as tools.


A psychology professor who studied different models and theories of happiness in different subfields of psychology

Carol Ryff

Father of evolution. He proposed that species can change over time, that new species come from pre-existing species, and that all species share a common ancestor.

Charles Darwin

Also known as Charlemagne. King of the Franks from 768 and king of the Lombards from 774, and emperor of the Romans from 800. He united the majority of the western and central Europe and was the first recognized emperor to rule from western Europe since the fall of the Western Roman empire.

Charles the Great

Method of critical thought that integrated religious theology with scientific truth.

Christian Scholasticism

The world's first programmable electronic computer invented by Tommy Harold Flowers. It is called colossus sue to its massive size.


A device that could record and replay sounds without any physical contact between parts

Compact Disc

The view that the universe originated from "specific acts of divine creation"


A type of elastic ranged weapon consisting of a bow-like assembly called a prod, mounted horizontally on a main frame called a tiller, which Is handheld in a similar fashion to the stock of a long gun. It is an essential weapon in battle.


A series of religious wars initiated, supported, and sometimes directed by the Latin church in the medieval period.


The first Sumerian writing system that utilizes word pictures and triangular symbols which are curved on clay using wedged instruments and then left to dry


What structure is built across a stream or river to hold water back but because of this it disrupts the natural ecosystem and displace local communities?


the primary science and technology body in the country, charged with pursuing the state policy of supporting local efforts in science, technology, and research and development.

Department of Science and Technology (DOST)

What is detrimental to people and the environment's health because it releases fumes and greenhouse gases?

Diesel-Powered Automobiles and Coal Energy Plants

Is a female Finnish Dorset sheep and the first mammal cloned from an adult somatic cell. ______ was cloned from a cell taken from the mammary gland of a six-year-old sheep and an egg cell taken from a blackface sheep.


- A biologist who discovered erythromycin

Dr. Abelardo Aguilar

Chemistry and Technology - He was one of the pioneers in researching the risks associated with mercury exposure.

Dr. Amando Kapauan

- A prominent volcanologist in the Philippines. - '' Father of Geothermal Energy Development'' - He was the one who pioneered the development of geothermal energy in the Philippines.

Dr. Arturo Pineda Alcaraz

A Silicon Valley visionary. - He intoduced the single-chip graphical user interface accelerator. - He helped to developed the Ethernet controller chip.

Dr. Diosdado Banatao

- A mechanical engineer from NASA - Conceptualized the design of the Moon Buggy or Lunar Rover (a battery-powered four-wheeled rover used on the Moon in the last three missions of the American Apollo program during 1971 and 1972.)

Dr. Eduardo San Juan

He studied biochemistry. - He was the first to describe the production of ethyl esters from sugar cane and coconut as sources of alternative energy

Dr. Julian A. Banzon

She is a pharmaceutical chemist. - She found that native plants had essential oils, which inspired her to extract 33 different oils from diverse plants.

Dr. Luz Oliveros-Belardo

- She is known as the first Filipina Biochemist. - Sought to comprehend the Philippine food and nutritional pattern

Dr. Solita Camara-Besa

One of Aristotle's four causes. Causes change in an object

Efficient Cause (causa efficiens)

An early civilization located in North Africa that is known for its legacies. It is also known for its contributions, pyramid, paper, ink, cosmetics, wig, and the clepsydra

Egyptian Civilization

A Greek word literally translating to the state or condition of 'good spirit'(Eu meaning "well" and Daimon meaning "spirit"). It is defined as a contented state of being happy, healthy, and prosperous and an effort to attain self-discovery and fulfillment within the setting of society.


One of Aristotle's four causes. The purpose or function of the object.

Final Cause (causa finalis)

First commercially viable storage device that was designed by IBM. The floppy disk was invented by IBM in 1971 and made it simple to install updates and software on mainframe systems. The floppy disk made data and software sharing easier as technology advanced and personal computers gained popularity

Floppy Disk

Developing rapidly and successfully; thriving


One of Aristotle's four causes. It is the shape or form of the object as it was produced.

Formal Cause (causa formalis)

Drives human to a precise scientific knowledge and renewed perception of the world. Gathering of what humanity is setting-upon and revealing that the essence of modern technology is not technological

Frame of mind

Best known for his works in the field of astronomy, cosmology, philosophy, mathematics, and physics. Proposed that the Earth orbited around the sun. Using a telescope, he was able to observe movements of the Moon, Venus, Jupiter, and its satellites. First person to observe craters of the moon.

Galileo Galilei

According to him there would be an "avalanche of technological changes that could reshape the very essence of humanity and every aspect of life on our planet."

Gerd Leonhard

Considered to be one of the great wonders of ancient world. According to legends, King Nebuchadnezzar II built it for his wife, Queen Amytis. However, there is no physical evidence found to prove its existence.

Hanging Gardens of Babylon

It means how individuals feel regarding the quality of his or her experiences and identifies self-interest with happiness. Presence of pleasure and absence of pain.

Hedonistic Theory

outcasts of society, people who shared revolutionary ideas. Many were ostracized, imprisoned and prevented from publishing. their writings


A multinational research project that believed in the power of genetic information to transform health care that allows early detection of fatal disease.

Human Genome Project

A virus created by Filipino IT students that infected millions of computers worldwide including systems of Pentagon and British Parliament. It destroyed files, stole user passwords, and compromised confidential data from government agencies and private companies


Collection and interconnection between and among numerous networks from around the globe. Information can be access from this global network through the World Wide Web that was created by Tim Berners-Lee


Inventor of the printing press that became pivotal to the development of mass media

Johannes Gutenberg

was an American virologist and medical researcher who developed one of the first successful polio vaccines.

Jonas Salk

What is the Dam project has threatened to displace local communities and tribes and grabbing ancestral lands of Dumagats and Remontados due to the continuance of the project.

Kaliwa Low Dam Project

An instrument determining direction on the surface of the Earth by means of magnetic pointer that aligns itself with the earth's magnetic field. One of the earliest magnetic compasses was created by the Vikings using the mineral magnetite, also known as lodestone, which is common in Scandinavia.

Magnetic Compass

Greek word meaning blessed or happy.


A German philosopher who is best known for contributions to phenomenology, hermeneutics, existentialism, and metaphysics. In his work, "The Question Concerning Technology", he discusses the essence of technology

Martin Heidegger

One of Aristotle's four causes. Material out of which an object is made

Material Cause (causa materialis)

as a German theoretical physicist whose discovery of energy quanta won him the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1918. He originated the quantum theory and the theory of relativity which was established by Albert Einstein.

Max Planck

An Italian painter, sculptor, architect, and poet of the High renaissance. He is famous for his painting of the Sistine Chapel in Vatican with scenes from the book of genesis.

Michelangelo di Lodovico Buonarroti Simoni

is necessary for one's well-being according to Aristotle.

Moderate quantity of material comfort

Persian polymath from Khwarazm who produced astronomical, geographic, and mathematical works of enormous influence. His famous contribution is the foundation of current principles of Algebra

Muhammad Ibn Musa Al-Khwarizmi

country's premier social and economic development planning and policy coordinating body primarily responsible for formulating continuing coordinated and fully integrated social and economic policies, plans and programs.

National Economic and Development (NEDA)

Proposed that the earth is not the center of the universe but the sun.

Nicolaus Copernicus

A philosophical inquiry into the nature of the good life for human being. In his Nicomachean Ethics, the Greek philosopher Aristotle stated that the contemplative life consists of the soul's participation in the eternal through a union between the soul's rational faculty and the nous that imparts intelligibility to the cosmos.

Nicomachean Ethics

Elements that are independent of personal preferences. Valuable experiences: meaningful relationships, friendships & accomplishments.

Objective List Theory

The study that became controversial because it raises several questions about its importance, methodologies, and accessibility.


Nature; self-producing process of coming into existence One of the two categories of bringing-forth


Creation to art One of the two categories of bringing-forth


It is one of the ways people used in ancient times as a mode of communication. It is an express mail service that used relays of horse-mounted riders

Pony Express

Pope of the Latin church of Western Europe who gave a sermon emphasizing the importance of reclaiming territories of Palestine and Jerusalem from Muslim occupation

Pope Urban II

It is what one wants most for him/herself. For example, some prefer material wealth over prestige, fame or good reputation.

Preference Theory

Under his time of presidency, the following provisions/laws were implemented:. - Inventors, Incentives Acts (RA No. 3850) and the S&T Scholarship - Magna Carta for Scientists, Engineers, Researchers and other S&T Personnel in the Government (RA No. 8439)

President Fidel V. Ramos

Before, it is a branch of philosophy. But as time passed by, psychology developed and was defined as a formal study of the mind and a more systematic approach to understanding and curing mental conditions.


Popularized the term "geocentrism", meaning earth as the center of the universe.


For Copernicus, the geocentric model did not discuss the occasional backward movement of the planets or Retrograde motion.

Retrograde Motion

Denotes a drastic change in what is established, believed and embraced by the society


The captain of the ship, HMS Beagle

Robert Fitzroy

When Henslow and Darwin went on a voyage to Tierra del Fuego, who is the captain of their ship, HMS Beagle?

Robert Fitzroy

Contributed the development "scientific method" of one of the modern-day science's greatest tools

Roger Bacon

Contributed the development of one of the modern-day science's greatest tools- the scientific method

Roger Bacon

Was considered the cradle of politics and governance. They were also perceived to be the strongest political and social entity in the West.

Roman Civilization

Universal flourishing and delight

Shalom (according in the bible)

His interest in laboratory work shifted from microscopic studies to living patients. - He spent most of his life studying human psychology. - He creates his magnum opus Psychoanalysis which includes methodology of treating mental illnesses - He earned the title "Father of Psychoanalysis"

Sigmund Freud

First one to provide mathematical equations that could prove Copernicus' theory, heliocentrism.

Sir Isaac Newton

was the first artificial Earth satellite. It was launched into an elliptical low Earth orbit by the Soviet Union on 4 October 1957 as part of the Soviet space program.


According to Anne Brigitta Pessi, there are 7 steps that illustrate essential steps toward good life. Relationship, Balance, Help, Secure Income, Fulfilling oneself, values and spirituality, work and leisure.

Steps towards Good Life

The old customary name for medieval university in medieval Europe. One of the first medieval university

Studium Generale

Defines happiness and meaningfulness are important elements of good life. One's life is meaningful when he/she is committed, passionate and involved in activities of worth. One's involvement in any activity may not always bring pleasantness and enjoyment.

Susan Wolf

What is the title of the book that listed 100 technological innovations that would likely to occur in the last quarter of 20 th century? A book written by Herman Kahn and Anthony Wiener.

The year 2000

Designed the first sewing machine of its kind. The patent described a machine powdered with a hand crank to be used for leather and canvas

Thomas Saint

Rejected that the Earth is not the center of the universe. Proposed his own model, the geoheliocentrism or the Tychonic System

Tycho Brahe

It is the measure of the value of all human activities

Ultimate good

Known to be cruel warriors, pillagers, and skillful navigators. Also known for its number of technological advancements, particularly in navigation and warfare.


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