Studies in Personality Midterm

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observed behavior must be relevant to the trait being judged.

A judge may see a target's behavior, pay attention to the behavior, and use the behavior in his or her judgment about the target's personality. However, for the personality judgment to be accurate, the


A long life is associated with what trait?


A projective test yields ________ data.


A recent review of the entire literature on social psychology concluded that the situational effect was about

as an example of a very small effect size.

A situationist would interpret a correlation of around .30

the id, ego and superego

According to Freud, the internal structure of the mind consists of

Such people are no more accurate than others at judging personality.

According to a recent study described in the textbook, which of the following is accurate about people who describe themselves as "a good judge of personality"?

writing self-affirmation essays

According to a recent study, what intervention can lead people to become more tolerant of stress and less defensive in general?


According to evolutionary theory, humans should be able to judge the trait of ________ more accurately than other traits that are less important for the survival of the species.


According to situationists, the upper limit of personality coefficients is estimated as

lumber tariffs.

According to the principles on enhancing reliability described in the text, it would be relatively difficult to create a reliable measure of attitudes toward

a series of questions of varying difficulty that have specific correct answers

According to the text, IQ tests yield B data by asking participants


According to the text, L data can be difficult to interpret because life outcomes can have many causes. In other words, L data may be subject to

consensus; accuracy

According to the text, ________ does not seem to significantly improve as judges acquire more information, whereas ________ does seem to improve considerably.

errors; biases

According to the text, accidental mistakes in judging personality are considered ________, whereas inaccurate judgments that are influenced by prejudices are considered ________.

social psychologists; personality psychologists

According to the text, historically, ________ tended to regard individual differences as relatively unimportant, while ________ tended to put such differences front and center.


According to the text, one influential study manipulated a real dataset to show that listening to the Beatles song "When I'm 64" actually made people younger. What questionable research practice did these researchers use to get this result?

his theories seem so cliché or mundane that people will have little interest in studying them.

According to the text, the widespread use of Freud's ideas in popular culture may actually be a deterrent for promoting the study of his theories because

to measure individuals' implicit motives

According to the text, what is the purpose of projection tests such as the Picture Story Exercise or the Thematic Apperception Test?

general mental health

According to the text, which of the following characteristics is positively associated with personality consistency?

Persons and situations interact to predict behavior.

According to the text, which of the following is NOT part of the situationist argument?

Does this approach raise unanswered questions about human behavior?

According to the textbook, what question is MOST useful to ask when evaluating the psychoanalytic approach?

claimed that their approach explains everything worth explaining.

Advocates of any particular basic approach to personality historically

He did not have the perspective to judge his actions against that of others.

After Lenny Skutnik dove in to a freezing river to save a woman in danger of drowning, he rejected the media's assertion that he was a hero and claimed that anyone would have done the same thing. According to Funder, why was it difficult for Lenny to accept that he had behaved heroically?


An IQ test yields what kind of data?


Ashley has always wanted to be a great lawyer. After years of hard work, she has just graduated from law school and in the next few weeks will begin working as a junior partner at a national law firm. Ashley is beginning to see herself as an

expectancy effect.

Because Jesse's teacher believes that he is intelligent, she challenges him with extra assignments and generally encourages his curiosity. At the end of the school year, Jesse performs better on the school's achievement test than any other student. Jesse's enhanced performance is likely due to the

is less likely to get help if he asks for it.

Bijoy is painfully shy at work. As a consequence of his shyness, according to research referenced in the text, he


Dr. Akita is designing a test to measure sociability. She writes items that seem directly and obviously related to sociability, such as "I like to go to parties" and "I enjoy the company of other people." Dr. Akita is using the ________ method of test construction.


Dr. Garcia wants to measure the earliest autobiographical memories of the participants in her project. She would most likely obtain ________ data.

Extraversion and openness

Factor analyses have revealed a broader personality factor called plasticity. Which of the following Big Five factors are subfactors of this factor?


Faking responses in order to influence test results is MOST difficult on ________ constructed tests.

basic trust versus mistrust

Freud's oral stage corresponds to Erikson's stage of

initiative versus guilt.

Freud's phallic stage corresponds to Erikson's stage of

in-depth observation and analysis of the individual.

Freud's theory is often criticized for lacking all of the following EXCEPT

Participants were more relaxed at session 2 than session 1.

Funder and Colvin (1991) brought participants to the lab for two interactions with different people. Which of the following results shows the power of the situation?

both situational and personality variables are important determinants of behavior.

Funder and Ozer (1983) converted the results of three classic social psychological studies to effect sizes. After comparing those effect sizes with those typically obtained by personality psychologists, Funder and Ozer concluded that

.30 to .40

Funder and Ozer (1983) examined the results of three classic social psychological studies. They converted the results to effect sizes and found that the effects were equivalent to correlations in the range of ________ (in absolute value).

Effect size; statistical significance

Historically, personality psychologists have concentrated on ________ to evaluate the effects of personality variables, whereas social psychologists have concentrated on ________ to evaluate the effects of situational variables.


Imagine that you want to develop a test to measure depression. You gather a set of 100 potential test items and ask a sample of people diagnosed with clinical depression and a sample of nondepressed people to respond to the items. For your final version of the test, you decide to keep only the 15 items that the depressed and nondepressed groups answered differently. You are using a(n) ________ method of test construction.

The amount of variability explained by the person was large.

In Leikas, Lönnqvist, and Verkasalo (2012), participants interacted with trained actors. The number of times a participant gestured depended mostly on his or her own characteristics. Which of the following reflects the correct interpretation of this result?

laboratory B

In a priming study, participants solved puzzles that included words such as gray, wise, retired, and Florida. After solving these puzzles, participants were observed as they walked down a hallway. The observation of participants' speed of walking would be considered ________ data.

decide how many fundamental traits exist.

In addition to serving as a way for psychologists to construct objective tests, the factor analysis method has also been used to

role continuity principle

In high school Jane was made fun of for being a geek. As an adult, she is a molecular biologist who now proudly wears the "geek" badge of honor. Jane's experience is an example of which of the principles of personality development?

behavior is too inconsistent to predict using broad personality traits.

In his book, Personality and Assessment, Mischel argues that

understand everything about a person all at once.

In observing human behavior, it is impossible to

interjudge agreement

In terms of personality judgment, according to the text, which of the following is assessed in the process of convergent validation?

phallic stage

In the last two years, Marcus has had more than three dozen sexual partners. Marcus has likely developed a fixation in the


Integrity tests administered in employment screening provide good measures of

No, narcissists are highly persuasive and often make competent leaders.

Is narcissism always a bad trait?

organ inferiority

Jared always felt that no one ever took him seriously because he was much shorter than everyone else growing up. Now, as an adult, he tries to dominate all situations and assert his opinion whenever he can. According to Adler, what would describe Jared's behavior?

an increase in his self-confidence and social skills

Joe just got back from a month-long trip to Africa. According to the text, what are the likely long-term effects of his trip?

a high self monitor

Julie is a serious and conscientious employee; however, with her friends at happy hour on Friday afternoon she is the life of the party. According to Snyder's theory, Julie would MOST likely be

spiritualistic theories

Jung's biggest divergence from Freud stemmed from his

neurotic need.

Katie begins online dating hoping she will meet her future husband and avoid becoming an old maid. Her attempt to avoid being alone is an example of a(n)


Low self-monitors are more likely than high self-monitors to be described as

generalizability of their findings.

Many psychologists tend to use college students as participants in their research and then assume that what they learn applies to people in general. However, this common practice may limit the


Mischel originally argued that personality coefficients seldom exceed .30, whereas subsequent situationists raised that estimate to

They emphasize a more scientific approach than Freud did.

Most neo-Freudians differ from Freud in three major respects. Which of the following is NOT one of these differences?

high self monitors; low self monitors

People who adjust their behavior to best fit the situation are called ________, and people whose behavior is guided by their personality are called ________.


People who enjoy reflective, complex music tend to be higher in what trait?


Personality psychologists adhering to the ________ approach try to understand people by way of psychic energy, the workings of the unconscious mind, and the nature and resolution of internal mental conflict.


Personality psychologists who adhere to the ________ approach try to understand people by way of identifying, conceptualizing, and measuring the ways in which people differ psychologically from one another.

personality disorders

Personality psychology and clinical psychology overlap most often when approaching which topic?

different from each other; similar to each other

Personality psychology emphasizes how people are ________, whereas subfields such as cognitive and social psychology emphasize how people are ________.

a common obligation to try to understand the whole person.

Personality psychology shares with clinical psychology

Openness to experience

Political liberalism is associated with what trait?

either the Feminine Social Clock or Masculine Social Clock

Research suggests that women who follow ________ reported being content and satisfied with life 20 years after graduation.

A true interaction

Sally found that neither caffeine nor extraversion individually predicted problem solving; however, she found that they both worked together to predict problem solving. This is an example of what kind of an effect?

the ability of personality traits to predict behavior is severely limited.

Situationism is the position that

low in self-monitoring

Someone who is ________ is likely to express his or her personality consistently from one situation to the next.

B data

The Electronically Activated Recorder (EAR) is a recording device worn in participants' pockets that records samples of audio the participant hears throughout the day. The EAR collects what type of data?

trait; typological

The ________ approach to personality usually assumes that all people can be characterized by points on a continuous score of measurement; the ________ approach to personality suggests that people might differ in kind more than in degree.

consensus validation

The ________ method is NOT a basic method for constructing objective personality tests.


The ________ perspective indicates that, under the right circumstances, everyone can be rich, popular, and successful.

identify groups of test items that seem to be alike.

The factor analytic technique of test construction is designed to

during the oral stage of development

The id is present

animus and anima

The idea that men and women each have a masculine and a feminine side is linked to Jung's ideas about

identity development

The idea that people seek to develop a stable sense of who they are and then strive to act consistently with this self-view is consistent with the ________ principle.

efforts by researchers to develop a complete list of items sufficient to describe any person

The items in the California Q-Set were derived from

humanistic and cross-cultural perspectives on personality

The phenomenological approach leads to which two directions of research?

limit inquiry to certain kinds of observations and patterns.

The purpose of a basic approach (or paradigm) is to

All of the answers are correct

The situationist argument holds that

they are answered differently by different kinds of people.

The sole basis on which items are selected for empirically derived personality scales is whether

it allows the assessment of causality.

The strongest advantage of the experimental method is that

address different sets of questions about human psychology.

The trait approach, the behaviorist approach, and the psychoanalytic approach

explain whole, functioning persons and real-life concerns.

The unique mandate of personality psychologists is to attempt to

the process by which a child takes on attitudes and values of the same-sex parent

What does Freud mean by identification?

Each aspect of one's personality depends on the other parts.

What does Funder mean when he says that personality is coherent?

Individuals were told to practice empathy and taking perspective.

What intervention has been developed to (temporarily) change levels of narcissism?

It describes the whole phenomenon and not just isolated variables.

What is a major advantage of conducting a case study above all other methods?

It is a systematic way to study specific patterns of thoughts, feelings, and behaviors.

What is a major advantage of using a basic approach to study personality psychology?

Having a disorganized, unsteady personality can cause others to find it difficult to make sense of or relate to that person.

What is a reasonable argument for the idea that personality change is maladaptive?

the possibility that cohort differences determine differences between age groups

What is a well-known issue with cross-sectional methodology?

It appreciates the uniqueness of the individual.

What is one of personality psychology's biggest advantages over other areas of psychology?

Gather lots of items

What is the first step in the empirical method of scale construction?

S; B

When a psychologist asks a question because he or she wants to know the answer, the question elicits ________ data. When a psychologist asks a question because he or she wants to see how the individual will respond to that stimulus, the test elicits ________ data.


When someone is high in narcissism, what type of data about this person might be the LEAST trustworthy?

Behaviors in one situation strongly predict behaviors in another situation

Which definition best describes the meaning of a cross-situational consistency coefficient of r = .70?


Which design is best suited for addressing the third-variable problem?

Jack Block

Which essential trait theorist developed a model with the strongest ties to psychoanalytic ideas?

unconscious mind

Which level of the mind did Freud consider to be the MOST important?

the CPI commonality scale

Which objective personality scale could be used to identify individuals who cannot read text?


Which of the Big Five traits appears to be the most complex and "difficult to grasp"?


Which of the Big Five traits appears to have the MOST inconsistency in terms of cross-cultural replication?


Which of the following Big Five domains is related to less smoking?

applying principles of behaviorism and social observation

Which of the following MOST closely represents a focal topic of the learning and cognitive approaches to personality?


Which of the following approaches to test construction is the MOST atheoretical?

David will generally be on time for work most days next week.

Which of the following behaviors would be the easiest to predict accurately?

preference for consistency

Which of the following characteristics seems to predict increased consistency of behavior?

He first believed traits were unimportant but later recognized their importance.

Which of the following describes social psychologist Roger Brown's views on the importance of personality?

People generally prefer situations that are pleasant.

Which of the following does NOT describe a type of person-situation interaction?

Freud eventually developed a formal dream dictionary

Which of the following is FALSE regarding Freud's views about dreams?

They have more wealth accumulated.

Which of the following is NOT a reason that older people believe their personalities are more consistent than those of younger people?

.It is difficult to translate experimental results into effect sizes.

Which of the following is NOT one of Funder's conclusions regarding the person-situation debate?

psychological health

Which of the following is NOT part of the psychological triad?

Projective tests are relatively inefficient, lacking in validity, and expensive to administer.

Which of the following is a limitation of projective tests?

Characteristics that are strengths in one sense are weaknesses in other ways.

Which of the following is an expression of Funder's First Law?


Which of the following is an objective test?

Knowing Robert's extraversion doesn't really let us predict his behavior.

Which of the following is the best example of a situationist argument?

Aggregated behaviors are better predicted than specific behaviors.

Which of the following is true about predicting future behaviors?


Which of the following psychological stages is associated with the id?

Walter Mischel

Which of the following psychologists is often credited with starting the person-situation debate?

People are both flexibly adaptive to situations and consistent in personal style.

Which of the following statements does NOT reflect the influence of values that contribute to a situationist versus a pro-personality position?


Which of the following types of personality data is the MOST objective and verifiable?

the reduction in intrinsic motivation that occurs when children are given rewards

Which of the following was NOT a study that Funder and Ozer reviewed in their work calculating the size of the situation coefficient?

S data and S data

Which of the following was NOT one of the types of data that Mischel compared to one another?

determining if the behavior of high self-monitors is less predictable than that of low self-monitors

Which of the following would be an example of trying to improve the predictability of behavior from personality traits by taking into account the possibility that some people are more consistent than others?

high in extraversion.

Zara reported that she wants to be more extraverted. According to recent research on personality change and desire, Zara is likely


________ data are the most frequently used basis for personality assessment.


________ theories of personality apply the insights and methods derived from the study of perception, memory, and thought to the study of personality.

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