Study Guide Exam # 2

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What can we conclude about the studies on altruism, nurturance, and empathy?

Altruism: gender similarities are common, but men are more helpful on tasks that are physically dangerous or require expertise in traditionally "masculine " areas. NURTURANCE: women rate themselves higher. Girls tend to be more nurturant when interacting with babies. Parents that rate themselves as being more tolerant of "girl like" behavior in their sons, have boys that were highly nurturant to babies. EMPATHY: women score higher in correctly guessing emotions of others. Only noted substantial difference in empathy based on self reports.

When fathers perform a large percentage of the childcare tasks,

Children have higher cognitive skills, and social skills, higher self esteem and fewer behavioral problems. the fathers tend to be healthier and more caring than when the fathers are uninvolved

Your textbook discusses the research on women and the welfare system in the United States. This research shows that

Current welfare legislation forces women to take low paying jobs rather than receive training for higher paying jobs.

What can we conclude about self-confidence on achievement tasks?

Differences in two areas; 1) men often report more self confidence. 2) men's self confidence may be influenced less by evaluation from others.

According to the research about employment for lesbians and gay men in the Usnited States,

Face heterosexism in the work place. Lesbians tend to make more than heterosexual women but it may be due to they pursue higher paying jobs.

In which of the following cognitive skills are statistically significant gender differences most likely to be found?

Female friends show somewhat more self disclosure with each other, compared to make friends

In discussing the marriages of Latinas, your text refers to the concept of marianismo. Which of the following statements is true regarding this concept?

Fewer than half of Latinos and Latinas believe that marriages should adopt the machismo/marianismo pattern.

The discussion about research on cognitive abilities (Chapter 5) emphasized that

General IQ tests, complex cognitive tasks ( concepts problem solving) show that no consistent fender differences are present. Also 1. People's expectations can influence results. 2. Biased samples can influence results. 3. The scores of males and females typically produce overlapping distributions. 4. Researchers seldom find gender differences in all situations. 5. The cognitive gender differences are not large enough to be relevant for your career choice.

On which of the following measures of math ability would you expect to find a gender difference favoring females?

General Mathematics Ability Grades in Mathematics Courses; females score higher in 5th, 6th, 8th, & 10th grades (Crombie et al., 2005; Halpern 2004a, 2006) The SAT Validity problem with prediction for female college grades in math because it falsely predicts their grades will be lower

Bias against lesbians, gay males, and bisexuals is a form of


Why might "the myth of the non aggressive female" actually be harmful for our culture?

If women see themselves as weak and non aggressive, they will not believe they can defend themselves against men. Competition is often associated with aggression, women may be denied access to professions. Aggressiveness is seen as normal for males and they may not inhibit aggression. May actually foster resentment, cut throat competition and power

Suppose that college students are asked to state out loud in a group why they think that they did did so well on the last exam in organic chemistry. What might you expect to find with respect to gender comparisons?

Males would be somewhat more likely to attribute their success to high ability

Women in blue-collar jobs tend to report that

May face more sexism, may feel they are held to higher standard then men. Are generally more satisfied with wage and have a sense of pride than those in jobs considered typically female roles

Which of the following students provides the best summary about the kind of help that men and women offer to a friend who is worried?

Men and women do no occupy different cultures with respect to providing emotional support to their friends. Both are equally likely to offer support or advice rather than changing the subject or telling them not worry.

Which of the following students provides the best summary about the kind of help that men and women offer to a friend who is worried?

Men and women do not occupy different cultures with respect to providing emotional support to their friends.

The discussion of gender comparisons in physical aggression included information on crime rates. Which of the following students best understands this topic

Men are consistently more likely than women to be the offenders in almost every category of criminal behavior

The glass escalator phenomenon occurs when

Men are promoted quickly to management in fields usually associated with women such as nursing.

What can we conclude about interruption patterns in conversations?

Men interrupt more often than women interrupt though not in all situations

How would a boss with a transformational style of leadership respond to a new female employee?

Notice what she seems to do well, and encourage her to develop that skill even furthur

The data on employment show that men and women often select careers in different fields. This tendency is called

Occupational segregation

Sara and Jack are a married couple; both of them are employed outside the home. If they are typical of other married couples with respect to household chores,

Sara will perform about 2/3 of the household chores

Many women remain in low-level jobs because they are never considered for positions with greater responsibility. The metaphor used to describe this workplace situation—from the viewpoint of a woman—is the

Sticky floor

What can we conclude about gender differences in achievement motivation?

The tasks on which success is usually stereotypicaly masculine. Self-Confidence and Evaluation Provided by Others Women's self-confidence is influenced by comments from other people Women are more likely than men to use the information from other people's evaluations in assessing their own performance, even when the evaluations are not accurate

Suppose that some female and male high school teachers are discussing marriage in the lounge. Assuming that these people are representative of their genders—and their self-reports are honest—what would we be likely to find?

The women whose children had left home would be somewhat happier than those whose children still live at home.

Which of the following students provides the most accurate information about the term validity?

Validity means that a test measures what it is supposed to measure

Which of the following students provides the most accurate conclusion about gender comparisons in memory skills?

Women are better at remembering words, life events, faces and objects.

Studies on men's and women's salaries show that

Women earn 77% of men's salaries

According to LaFrance and Henley, gender differences in personal space, body posture, and gaze are most effectively accounted for by the fact that

Women have smaller personal space zones than men. As a result when two women are talking to each other they typically sit closer together than men do. Women gaze more at their conversational partners. Women smile more than men do. Gender differences in smiling when talking to strangers is significantly different. Women are often smiling because they feel uncomfortable or embarrassed, not because they enjoy the social interaction.

Which of the following students best summarizes women's experiences of treatment discrimination in the current era?

Women still experience discrimination in salaries, promotions and interactions with coworkers.

Eagly and Carli believe that the labyrinth metaphor is more appropriate than the glass-ceiling metaphor because

Women who want to advance will face many challenges, not just a single challenge

Your text describes a study in which students worked on a series of cognitive tasks and then received either positive or negative comments about their performance. The results of this research indicated that

Women's self confidence increased greatly after positive comments and decreased greatly after negative comments

You may experience access discrimination if

You were Denied a job and you were a well qualified woman

Which of the following examples illustrates sexual harassment?

a boss tells his assistant that she is more likely to be promoted is she sleeps with him.

According to your textbook's discussion of sweatshops

a large portion of the clothing made outside north america is made under very poor working conditions

In general, what can we conclude about the relationship between marital satisfaction and employment status?

a women employment status is not closely related to her marital satisfaction

Beth and Susan's relationship has just ended. If the two women are similar to the lesbians described in your text, they are likely to

experienced similar kinds of emotional reactions that heterosexual women feel when they break up

According to the concept of gender-role spillover, which is discussed in the chapter titled "Women and Work,

gender roles and characteristics spill over into the workplace. Employers are likely to emphasize the kinds of stereotypically female traits.

The constructionist approach is relevant to gender comparisons in aggression because

it explains that we have traditionally interpreted aggression as a male characteristic

According to the recommendations for eliminating treatment discrimination in the workplace

managers who are evaluating a female employee should ask themselves how they would evaluate her if she were a make employee

Women who are employed in traditionally male high-prestige professions

may face treatments discrimination, sexist attitudes and patronizing behavior. The women in these fields have similar characteristics, similar cognitive abilities, similar test scores as the men in these fields. Women still have less confidence than their male counterparts

Lisa M. Diamond developed a theory called the "dynamical systems approach." According to this approach to sexual identity,

non heterosexual women notice their sexual feeling and they reinterpret their sexual experiences to create their sexual idenity

If Kristine is an executive who has a transactional style of leadership, she would be most likely to

reward employees who correctly accomplish the assignments they had been given. " if you do X, I will give you Y"

According to the social constructionist approach to gender

society and culture create gender roles

Your text describes Favreau's re-analysis of data on gender differences in mental rotation. When Favreau examined the distributions of scores for males and females, she noticed that

the gender difference could be accounted for by a small number of females with very slow rotation times

Your text discusses a number of alternatives to biological explanations of sexual orientation. Which of these alternatives was supported by the social constructionist approach?

the theory that sexuality is fluid and flexible, based on people's evaluation of life experiences.

According to the evolutionary-psychology approach to preferences in love relationships

women prefer men who have good incomes and are reliable

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