Study Guide for MGT 110 Test 3

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Value-Attitude-Behavior Chain

A concept that explains how values influence attitudes, which in turn influence behaviors.

Normative Commitment

A feeling of obligation to remain with the organization.

Authentic Leadership

A leadership approach that emphasizes transparency, ethics, and authenticity in interactions.

Transactional Leadership

A leadership style focused on the exchange between leader and followers to achieve goals.

Transformational Leadership

A leadership style that inspires and motivates followers to achieve extraordinary outcomes.

Ethical Gut Checks

A method employees can use to assess the ethical implications of their decisions and actions.


A model that explains how individuals are attracted to, selected by, and retained in organizations based on their fit with the organization.

Fraud Triangle

A model that explains the three key elements that lead to unethical behavior: opportunity, pressure, and rationalization.

Competing Values Framework (CVF)

A model used to understand organizational culture by categorizing it into four archetypes: clan, adhocracy, market, and hierarchy.


A process in which two or more parties discuss and come to an agreement on a matter.

Contingency Theory of Leadership

A theory that suggests the effectiveness of a leadership style depends on the context and situation.

Affective Commitment

An emotional attachment to, identification with, and involvement in the organization.

Negative Work Behaviors

Behaviors that detract from the organization and can include deviance.


Best Alternative to a Negotiated Agreement; the best outcome a party can achieve if negotiations fail.

Ethical Behavior

Conduct that is consistent with what society and individuals typically think are good values.

Dysfunctional Conflict

Conflict that hinders group performance and is detrimental to the organization.

Functional Conflict

Conflict that is constructive and leads to positive outcomes for the organization.

Positive Job Outcomes

Favorable results from job attitudes and behaviors that enhance employee satisfaction and performance.

Leader vs. Manager

Leaders focus on vision and influence, while managers focus on organization and control.

Job Behaviors

The actions and conduct of employees that emerge as a result of job attitudes.

Job Design Characteristics

The attributes of a job that influence how employees feel and behave at work.


The behaviors and actions of individuals in relation to their leaders.

Person-Organization Fit

The compatibility between an individual and the organization in terms of values and culture.

Perceived Organizational Support

The degree to which employees believe that their organization values their contributions and cares about their well-being.

Task Performance

The effectiveness with which job incumbents perform activities that contribute to the organization's technical core.

Job Attitudes

The evaluative statements or judgments concerning objects, people, or events that vary for individuals, teams, and organizations.

Continuance Commitment

The perceived cost associated with leaving the organization.


The rate at which employees leave an organization and are replaced.

Negative Job Outcomes

Unfavorable results from job attitudes and behaviors that lead to dissatisfaction and poor performance.


Voluntary behavior that violates significant organizational norms and threatens the well-being of the organization.

Organizational Citizenship Behaviors

Voluntary behaviors that contribute to the organization by improving the context in which work takes place.


Zone of Possible Agreement; the range in which an agreement is satisfactory to both parties.

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