Study Guide-Quiz 3

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Boer War

(1899-1902) War between Great Britain and the Boers in South Africa over control of rich mining country. Great Britain won and created the Union of South Africa comprised of all the South African colonies.

What were the economic causes of the Boer War?

1) Attractive to British miners and gold prospectors2) Worry that the Boers would become too powerful with their new wealth

Scramble for Africa

1880s-1914 intense European interest and colonization of Africastarts with the Berlin Conference

Berlin Conference

1884held because European nations worried they would break out into war if they didn't decide peacefully who got control of what land in Africa13 nations of Europe invited to participate- no African nations invited

Why was this document written?

: Kumalo sought to reveal how the Europeans were going about competing "for direct control of larger and larger regions of the world." In this case, "competition in Africa was especially fierce, often with tragic results for Africans and their ways of life." Kumalo's story is an testament to that tragedy. (pg. 190, introduction)

What did Marx predict for the capitalist system? Why? Did his predictions seem accurate toward the end of the 19th century?

A-It would fall, b/c of socialists RevolutionB- Marx made Predictionsinteresting combinations of Industry that would cause conditions of workers to get worse.Monoloplies would weed out weaker business and theyw ill become the working class which in return will make the working class stronger and workers will eventually revolt. Abolish Private PropertyClassless societyState- Wouldn't be needed.C- Yes, Monopolies took over and working conditions terrible, but the rest of his predictions didn't come true no socialist revolution

What was Darwin's idea of how species are related?

All species came from an ancient common ancestor.T hey all evolved from that ancestor to make individual species.


As Boers moved into new territories, they came into contact with Zulu people, a Bantu people who lived in the region. Under leader, Shaku. Created a thriving empire with strong army. Fought for control of region. British joined in war to defeat Zulu and destroy their empire.


Bantu ethnic group of Southern Africa and the largest ethnic group in South Africa

Who developed the theory of evolution? Wrote about it in what book?

Charles DarwinOrigin of Species

The triumph of the Sokoto caliphate had profound consequences for Africa and the Sudan.

First, the caliphate was governed by a sophisticated written constitution based on Islamic history and law. This government of laws, rather than men, provided stability and made Sokoto one of the most prosperous regions in tropical Africa. Second, Islam became much more widely and deeply rooted in sub-Saharan Africa than ever before.

What are the two key reasons for a fascination with race in the 20th century in europe?

Growth of Empire- Fear of the masses

Paul Kruger

Head of the Boer resistance during the Boer War, president of the Transvaal

Otto Von Bismarck

Imperial chancellor of German Empireconvened Berlin Conference to 1884 to peacefully divide up Africa

Which statement describes natural selection?It is the primary mechanism for evolution.It must act on structural traits.It acts to cause overpopulation.It causes learned skills to become heritable traits.

It is the primary mechanism for evolution.

What do the report and photographs on the victims of the Belgian Congo atrocities (Doc 25-5) tell us about Belgian imperialism of Congo?

It showed you that Leopold's control participated in gross human rights abuses. In the pictures are men whose arms have been cut off.. The report said that heads and bodies had been mutilated with a machete. People had been starved and many had long scar across their bodies and the back of their neck.

What are the main points of this document?

Kumalo recounts how he and his people witnessed Ndebele lands "swept up in Rhodes's and other European immigrants' scramble for power and resources." Kumalo goes on to tell about how "he and other Ndebele [warriors] fought back against the European incursion." In the end, however, "the British repaid the Ndebele for their resistance by relegating them to a reservation." (pg. 190, introduction)

Who is the intended audience of the document?

Kumalo's fellow pastoralist tribe members and Europeans at the time (both those for and against imperialism)

Long, stable, prosperous reign of Queen Victoria (r. 1837-1901!)

Liberal parliament Middle-class prosperity + wage increases for working class Strong sense of nationalism + duty / moral respectability Impact on Role of Women

by 1914, who were the two countries in africa that were still independent?

Liberia and Ethiopia

France, Britain, Germany, Spain, and Portugal had claimed all of West Africa except Liberia

Liberia-independent republic settled by free slaves from US; economically and militarily but maintained independence; special relation to US-American diplomatic pressure discouraged European attempts to take over the small republic.

List at least 3 specific things he mentions. Kumulu

List at least 3 specific things he mentions. They have schools for the children and he believes the children should be educated. Some of the people work in mines but receive small wages. Many go to work in the mines and never return. They abandon their families. They are heavily taxes: If they have more wife or a dog they are taxed. They took the best land and when they have good crops, they are heavily taxed. He likes to be able to buy English clothes. The English brought some good things like the English plow.

Resisting Imperialism-Ndansi Kumalo, His Story)

Ndansi Kumalo; in the 1890s; in southeastern Africa (Ndebele land)

British expanded into Nigeria

Nigeria-a territory to the east of the Gold Coast. Control of the Niger River assured control of a huge region rich in resources. British annexed the port city of Lagos and then pushed steadily inland. African merchants and Muslim states resisted the British, but British military forces crushed all African resistance and made Nigeria a protectorate.

Describe the process of natural selection.

Population will always surpress the food supply-stuggle for existences.Population will have variationsSome variations will give individuals an advantage.Organism with advantage will survive and mate and pass on these characteristics and as this continues the characteristics will be pronounced and a new species will develop.

What are some of the criticisms of Marxism? Which of Marx's predictions have not come true?

Predictions about society did not come true-Workers standard of living got better instead of worse-Middle class expanded.

What was Marx's term for the poverty-stricken working class?

Proletariat, Which is the factory workers in Marx time.

What were the major trends of the later 19th century?

Scientifc ProcessIndustrialismSecularismEmphasis on objective realityElements of Reomanticism will still be seen.

Good government" concept

Self-proclaimed goal of French and British was to provide good government for their African subjects- "Good government" = law and order- Strong, authoritarian government that maintained small army, built up African police force, included modern bureaucracy capable of racing and governing population- Many African leaders and their people chose not to resist invaders; superior force and other turned to less violent means of resistance → goal of law and order widely achieved- Europeans feared political implications of mass education and typically relied instead on modest efforts of state-subsidized mission schools- Europeans tried to make even their poorest colonies pay for themselves through taxing

British competed with France throughout West Africa

Sought to connect their coastal settlements and expand into the interior. The Gold Coast (Ghana) particularly interested them. They went inland and came against the powerful African kingdom of Ashanti. Britain had annexed all of the territory of Ashanti and made the Gold Coast a colony.

Women's Suffrage Movements

Sweden (1862), Australia (1902), Finland (1906) Women allowed to vote in the western US territories in 1870 Rising tensions in England and the US where the vote was continually denied à suffragettes

According to Marx, what factors determined history?

Technological Factors the ways good producedandEconomic Factors- How wealth is distributed.

What was the Anglo-Zulu War?

The Anglo-Zulu War was between the British Empire and the Zulu Kingdom, with a series of bloody battles, and the Zulus at Islandlwana had an opening victory, but the British were victorious of the war.

The ideas of society reflected what?

The interest of the ruling class.

What were the differences between the sex lives of the middle class and those of the "so-called lower class"? What was Zweig's opinion of these differences

There was no problem at all. In most of Alpine villages the number of natural children greatly exceeded the legitimate ones. Zweig's opinion is, as he states, "we should not permit ourselves to be misled by sentimental novels or stories of that epoch." This means he does not support the idea of the youth not being able to enjoy of a healthy relationship.

What does this document reveal about the particular society and period in question?

This document reveals that Europeans at the time relied on imperialism as a tool for gains, whether through land, money, slaves, etc.

Throughout history there had been a class struggle between what 2 groups?

Those who own means of production(Factory Owners, Capitalist) and those whose labor had been exploided (Factory Workers-Proletariat).

What is social darwinism?

To apply darwins theory to human societyTo justify business success, racism, and ???

What was the role of the state in this class struggle?

To protect the owners of the means of production and to hold down laboring class.

Transvaal and Orange Free State

Two new republics established by the Boers

Uthman launched the jihad of 1804, one of the most important events in nineteenth-century West Africa.

Uthman claimed the Hausa rulers of Muslim Gobir "worshipped many places of idols, and trees, and rocks, and sacrificed to them," killing and plundering their subjects without any regard for Islamic law.2

The most important of these revivalist states, the Sokoto caliphate (SOH-kuh-toh KAL-uh-fate), illustrates the pattern of Islamic revival in Africa. Founded by

Uthman dan Fodio (AHTH-mun dahn FOH-dee-oh) (1754-1817), a Muslim teacher who first won followers among both the Fulani herders and in the Muslim state of Gobir in the northern Sudan.

What idea was expressed in the Communist Manifesto? In capital? Who wrote them?

Working class revolution that would overthrow the Capitalist systemMarx did most of the work in EnglandStudy of the modern Capitalist economy, which Marx thought would be destroyed by socialist revolutionMARX

Who was David Livingstone? Why did he travel to central Africa?

a Scottish missionary who traveled to central Africa in 1860s because he wanted to spread Christianityseveral years passed with no word from him


a woman seeking the right to vote through organized protest.

What type of document is this?

a written transcript of Kumalo's recounting of his life-story to the English Africanist Margery Perham

By the 1880s, what percent of land in Africa did the Europeans control?

about 10% of the land in Africa

What is social darwinism?

applied the idea of survival of the fittest to humans and suggested that non white races were not fit to survive.

How did most europeans view Africans

as children and lazy savages

According to the concept of "survival of the fittest," if a population of birds eats worms that they find deep under ground by using their beaks, which members of the bird population would be more fit?birds that have flatter beaksbirds that have longer beaksbirds that have wider beaksbirds that have brighter beaks

birds that have longer beaks

Battle of Blood River 1838

dec 16massive zulu losses still public holidaygreat Trek- british follow afrikanersBritish fought zulu for decades finally defeating them

General Act

drafted in Feb. 1885defined spheres of influence in Africarules were put in place to claim control of African territoriesestablished regulations to ensure protection of missionaries, scientists, and explorers of AfricaEuropean powers had power over the territory and would override any challenges made by local rulers and peoples

what is the doctrine of "effective occupation?"

established to protect trade and travel on the Congo and Niger Rivers for all- this meant that rivers would not be under any one country's contr

What kinds of Europeans penetrated the interior of Africa?

explorers, missionaries, or humanitarians who were against the European and American slave trade.

Cecil Rhodes

finds diamond deposit in southern Africa, claimed control of diamond mines, creates De Beers Consolidated Mines, the biggest diamond company of todaybrought railroad, telegraph

What are the 3Gs?

gold, God, and glorythe motivations for imperialism(money, spreading the word of God, success)

Henry Stanley

hired by American newspaper to find Dr. David Livingstonefound DL then set out to explore Congo Riverhis explorations sparked curiosity of King Leopold II, who commissioned him to help him obtain land in the Congo

South African War

most extensive and costliest war between 1815 and 1914

"Magnificent Cake"

said by Leopold II during the Berlin Conference to describe Africa and how it would be split up among the European nations

according to the General Act, what did European nations have to do to claim a part of Africa?

set up government offices there

Principle of Effectivity

states that nations must utilize their colonies or they can be taken by other European nations

Natural selection is a process by which organisms that are better adapted to their environment tend to



the Queen of a kingdom that tried to stop slaveryone of the only female leaders of sub-Saharan Africa

What groups was social darwinism applied too?

the poor, non whites and women.

What prevented the Europeans from navigating the rivers in Africa for so long? What changed in the 1880s that then allowed them in?

the rivers were extremely hard to navigate since they had rapids, cataracts, and changing flowsin the 1880s the invention of the steam-powered riverboat changed this

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