Substance Abuse Quiz Chapters 1 and 2

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According to Rapp and Goscha, the six critical elements conducive to recovery are:

1. the person is not the illness 2. need for control/choice 3. hope 4. purpose 5. achievment 6. prescience of one key support person

Rehab is typically

5-28 day inpatient program

The medication known to reverse opioid overdose is


To diagnosis a substance use disorders an individual must have at least 2 of the following symptoms:

Tolerance, withdrawal problems, use more than intended, reduced involvement, cravings, desire/ unsuccessful efforts to cut use, inability to stop, excessive effort to obtain substance, use despite social problems, use when physically hazardous, fail to fulfill obligations

Addiction is

a behavior pattern of compulsive substance abuse

According to the NIAAA (National Institute of Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism),

about one-third of previously diagnosable alcoholics matured out of their dependence.

When detoxing from substances

alcohol and Benzodiazepines can cause seizures

The third leading cause of death after heart disease and cancer is

alcohol misuse.

According to the DSM-5, in order to be diagnosed with a Substance Use Disorder

an individual must meet at least 2 of the listed criterion.

According to Shavelson (2001), harm reduction is

any positive change

Self-control and social skills training, motivational enhancement strategies and cognitive therapy are

are empirically supported treatments for substance use disorders.

The drug court movement promotes

decarceration (treatment in the community) for individuals whose legal problems are related to their addiction.

The following behaviors can become addictive

drug/alcohol use, eating and shopping

What does IOP stand for

intensive outpatient program

According to the text, to understand the pain connected with addictive and compulsive behavior

one must understand the pleasure side of the activity

The following are trends in substance abuse treatment today

smoking is regarded as an addiction, human rights seen as a practical philosophy and counseling of clients in moderate drinking.

The war on drugs resulted in

the imprisonment of many individuals with substance use disorders and unfairly targeted racial groups

The DSM-5 has made the following change from the previous version of the DSM:

the term dependence will now be used only for physiological dependence

Detox is typically

a 3-5 day inpatient program

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