Sun Salutation B

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Sun B basket

I- chair(utkatasana) E-standing forward fold (uttanansana) I-halfway lift (ardha uttanasana) E-high to low plank (chaturanga dandasana) I-upward facing dog E-downward facing dog i- lift your right leg high; ex-low lunge I-warrior 2 E-extended side angle I-reverse warrior I-come up and cartweel your hands to the mat E-high to low plank I-upward facing dog E-downward facing dog at the end of both sides I- look forward; ex-walk to the top of your mat I-halfway lift (ardha uttanasana) E- standing forward fold (uttanansana) repeat end in downward facing dog

Crescent lunge series basket

I-lift your right leg high, exhale low lunge I-crescent lunge Inhale, Exhale bring your hands to heart center Inhale lengthen your spine forward E-revolved crescent lunge E-runners lunge inhale up to your palms Exhale high plank I-side plank E-prayer twist E-gorilla pose E-crow pose

to exit cobra pose bhujangasana

Inhale Exhale lower down bring your left ear to the mat release your feet, hands by your sides belly down savasana bring chin to mat

surrender series summary

exhale seated forward fold exhale happy baby exhale supine twist exhale corpse savasana inhale easy pose sukhasana

Inhale Mountain Pose exhale Dancer's pose - king dancer

"get your arm to the hip crease and grab the inside of your right foot" "Push the foot into your hand- keep the foot active and press it back" bring your right arm down with your elbow out to your hip crease and palm up Bend your right knee and capture the inside of your right foot or ankle engage your standing leg and kick your leg up and back lift your chest up - chest is up and forward level and square your hips tilt your pelvis forward reach your other arm UP draw your shoulder blades together down your back draw your gaze forward

Supta Baddha Konasana modification

- RECLINED BOUND ANGLE POSE bring your feet to the floor point your knees upward bring your feet further away from your hips place blocks underneath your knees

Spine series basket

-Inhale cobra pose bhujangasana -Inhale /exhale lower down; release your feet, hands by your side belly down savasana bring your left ear to the mat; rest look right -bring your chin back to center -reach back and capture the outside edges of your feet -Inhale floor bow pose -Inhale/ exhale lower down; bring your right ear to the mat rest, look left -Inhale press up to all fours. Stand on your knees. Bring your palms to your lower back. point your fingers down. -Inhale /exhale camel pose place your hands on your lower back. -Inhale rise up. -Exhale sit on your heels Lie down on your back. Bend your knees. Plant your feet hip width distance -Inhale bridge pose -Exhale supta baddha konasana

goal of savasana

Goal is stillness and constructive rest 2 min let go of control completely meditate and focus on breath allow thoughts and natural processes to go on NOT a physically active pose death of your practice create space for the new without destruction there is no space for creation break the cycle and give yourself time and opportunity to create something new

Warrior 1 Pose (Virabhadrasana 1) modification

Shorten your stance to avoid arched back widen stance widthwise like train tracks bring your feet hip width distance decrease the bend in your front knee front foot is load bearing so step forward with your back foot Goal: bring back hip forward Traditional is heel to heel but ok to be wider

To get into bridge

Sit with feet hip width distance and slowly come down to your back Lie down on your back bend your knees Plant your feet hip width distance Stack your knees over your ankles keep your gaze at the ceiling to protect your neck (do not turn and look around)

Warrior 2 - virabhadrasana 2 cues

Stack your front knee over your ankle lift your chest and square to the side reach your arms in opposite directions (T-out your arms) spin your back heel down angle your back and front feet slightly forward point your knee in the same direction as your toes draw your tailbone down stack shoulders over hips engage your core draw your shoulder blades together down your back bring your gaze forward

Crescent Lunge (Anjaneyasana) cues

Stack your front knew over your ankle draw your tailbone down and lift your chest up reach your arms up and rotate palms in Keep your feet hip width distance lift and press through your back heel square and level your hips forward draw your front ribs in and lengthen your spine draw your shoulder blades down your back lengthen the back of your neck gaze forward

Inhale - Bridge pose

Stack your knees over your ankles lift your hips up draw your shoulders together down your back roll your shoulder blades underneath you relax your glutes (for chest expansion and back bend) option to interlace your fingers under your hips/ option to interlace your hands behind your back breathe here Plant your feet parallel at hips width distance keep your toes facing paralleled forward or slightly pigeon toe press down through all four corners of your feet lift your chest draw your tailbone forward push the back of your head down and gaze up press your arms down


bend your knees more grab your big toes with index fingers or set blocks and shift your hips forward or forward fold or rag doll

Supta Baddha Konasana Sit Ups cues

bring the soles of your feet together open your knees wide bring your hands behind your head open your elbows to the sides keep your gaze up lengthen and stabilize your spine pull your front ribs in draw your shoulder blades together and down your back spread your fingers wide bend your knees and bring your feet towards your hips You're so strong, Yes you can, encouragement, fast paced music

what part of the stomach is activated with supine twist on the right

ascending colon

savasana modification

bend your knees

Chair Pose (Utkatasana) cues

bend your knees draw your tailbone down reach your arms up and rotate your palms in shift your weight into your heels squeeze your inner thighs lift your chest up engage your abdominals draw your shoulder blades down your back bring your gaze forward

seated forward fold modifications

bend your knees place your hands anywhere on your legs or floor you can use a strap and pull your feet in keep your feet parallel bend your knees and keep arms on the floor to get release in the spine

wide leg forward fold modifications

bend your knees shorten your stance bring your hands to the floor or your calves shift your weight forward back should be more lengthened than curved if sciatica and low back pain keep feet parallel (pigeon toe will pinch more) let the head and neck hang and dangle

toe-heel your feet to hips width distance. inhale exhale - gorilla pose (padahastasana)

bend your knees slide your hands palms face up under your feet so your toes touch your wrists bring your toes to your wrists- massage them if you're feeling flexible- begin to straighten your legs bend your elbows out relax your neck and gaze to the back of the room send/ bring/shift your weight into your toes hold and breathe

Novasana boat pose modification

bend your knees and bring toes to the floor bring your ands to the floor of back of your thighs lift your heart, engage your core if your have balance, go up if lower back issues, support yourselves w hands in the back

draw your knees into your chest, roll to a seat Boat Pose - Navasana cues

bend your knees and keep shins parallel to the floor lift your chest and lean back reach your arms forward and rotate palm up extend your legs long flex your toes back towards your face squeeze your inner thighs balance your weight on your sits bones spread your collar bones draw your shoulder blades together down your back draw your gaze forward or up

Exhale Supta Baddha Konasana

bring the soles of your feet together open your knees wide rest your arms on the mat with palms face up or one hand to heart and one hand to belly keep your feet close to your hips with your knees bent lengthen your spine release your abdominals draw your shoulder blades together down your back release the muscles of your face and neck draw your gaze up

crescent lunge anjaneyasana modification

bring your back knee to the floor bring your hands to heart center

side plank modifications

bring your bottom knee to the floor place your top foot on the floor bring your gaze down or straight to keep neck aligned squeeze your inner thighs together

to get into bow pose

bring your chin back to center reach back and capture the outside edges of your feet inhale- bow pose

Inhale up to your palms. Exhale high plank. Shift your weight into right hand keep it where it is. Inhale - Side Plank Pose (Vasishtasana) cues

bring your feet and toes to touch roll your heels to the left and stack your feet reach your right arm up and stack shoulders over wrist lift your hips up press the edge of your bottom foot down squeeze inner thighs bring your hips in line with your heels and shoulders draw your tailbone toward your heels spread your fingers wide press your thumb and forefinger into the mat extend through your arms and gaze up

Exhale Wide leg forward fold prasarita padottanasana cues

bring your feet parallel to the side of the room or slightly pigeon toed (if no sciatica issues) hinge from your hips bring your hands to the mat or outside your heels press the outside edges of your feet down lift your inner arches up engage your legs draw your tailbone up shift your weight forward lengthen your spine draw your shoulders away from your ears relax your neck and look back relax your upper body - cooling spine is flat rather than rounded

Supta Baddha Konasana Sit Ups modifications

bring your feet to the floor relax your head on the floor shin off chest elbows to the sides

Extended side angle pose cues (inhale shift your torso forward; reach your front arm forward - exhale extended side angle)

bring your front elbow to your thigh reach your back arm up lift your ribs away from your thigh keep your front knee over your ankle engage your abdominals maintaining the placement of your feet press the outside edge of your back foot down draw your tailbone toward your back heel draw your gaze up or down

extended side angle modifications

bring your gaze down place your elbow to your thigh shorten your stance obliques are working by moving forward allow space to twist

from reversed crescent lunge - inhale come up exhale Runner's lunge cues

bring your hands to the inside of your front foot move your front foot up and out to the corner of your mat lower your hips down stacker front knee over your ankle -toe faces forward press thorough your back heel engage your abs lengthen your spine press into your hands or option to come to forearms lengthen the back of your neck

Yogi Bicycles action

bring your knees to reverse tabletop inhale lengthen your spine exhale twist right - right elbow to left knee, extending right leg long inhale return to center exhale twist left

Revolved Crescent Lunge - Parivrtta Anjaneyasana cues

bring your left/righ elbow to the outside of your opposite thigh keep your front knee stacked over your ankle keep your torso away from your thigh maintain the placement of your feet continue to lift and press through your back heel lengthen your spine draw your tailbone back press your hands together stack your elbows and wrists turn your gaze up

surrender series basket

come to seated position Exhale -seated forward fold Exhale - happy baby Exhale - Supine twist Exhale- savasana (corpse pose) Inhale - easy pose (sukhasana)

from supta badha k

come to seated position on your mat

inhale chair pose exhale- Eagle Pose (Garudasana) cues

cross your right arm under your other arm wrap your elbows and wrists then bring your palm to touch cross your right leg over your other leg (foot should point down when double wrapping, not sickled) lift your chest up pretend like you're leaning against the wall squeeze through your inner thighs easier to wrap when you go lower (shin to shin) bring your toe behind your standing calf draw your tailbone down lengthen your spine lift your elbows to shoulder height bring your gaze forward through your arms

what part of the stomach is activated with supine twist on the left

descending colon

transition into Navasana

draw your knees into your chest roll up and down, massage your back roll up to a seat and land with your feet on the ground

after Supta Baddha Konasana to surrender

draw your knees into your chest roll up to a seat Extend your legs with a slight bend in your knees inhale EXHALE Seated Forward Fold slowly lower onto your back Inhale bend your knees EXHALE HAPPY BABY POSE pull your right knee to your chest extend your right leg long Inhale Exhale supine twist hug your knees into your chest. inhale exhale savasana corpse pose reach your arms and legs long roll to either side to fetal position breathe draw your knees in toward our chest press up to a seat inhale draw your thumbs to third eye center exhale bow forward namaste

transition into Seated Forward Fold

draw your knees into your chest roll up to a seat extend your legs with a slight bend in your knees inhale - EXHALE seated forward fold get your chest forward for active fold or restoratively let go - nothing is engaged

savasana cues

extend your legs hips width distance rest your arms on the mat with palms face up draw your shoulder blades together down your back relax your entire body roll your feet out relax your legs draw your tailbone forward soften your abdominal release the muscles of your face and neck close your eyes and return to natural breath

Exhale Seated forward fold

extend your legs with a slight bend in your knees sit tall and hinge forward at your hips reach your hands forward and grab your feet begin to straighten your legs flex your feet draw your tailbone back lift your chest and lengthen your spine draw your shoulders down your back lengthen the back of your neck and gaze out

transition to get into revolved crescent lunge

from crescent lunge anjaneyasana inhale. exhale bring your hands to heart center inhale lengthen your spine forward exhale revolved crescent lunge

core series basket

from downward dog inhale look forward, walk through to a seat and lie down on your back. Now we'll do sit ups how are you doing? -Supta baddha konasana sit ups - Yogi Bicycle sit ups draw your knees into your chest. Roll up to a seat -Boat pose navasana cross your ankles. place your hands on the floor, inhale step back to high plank E-high to low plank chaturanga dandasana I-upward facing dog E-downward facing dog

exhale happy baby pose

grab the inner arches of your feet press your feet straight up bend your elbows out open your knees sway side to side to massage your spine keep your spine and head on the floor gently pull your knees down lengthen your spine pull your hips down press your shoulders into the mat push the back of your head down and gaze up

happy baby pose modifications

grab your calves or shins or outside of your feet another option : legs up to the wall to reverse blood flow less active on spine bc the floor gravity presses the spine into the floor but still lengthening for extra stretch - lengthen and straighten your feet

After supine twist transition

hug both knees into your chest inhale, squeeze into a tight ball exhale savasana - corpse pose

transition into crow

inhale exhale forward fold inhale plant your hands under your shoulders exhale crow pose hug your elbows in press your thumbs and forefinger into the mat bring your knees to your upper arms shift your weight forward and take one or both feet off the mat engage your inner thighs bring your big toes to touch and squeeze your inner thighs engage your abdominals left your hips pull your front ribs in and up place your hands shoulder width distance apart spread your fingers wide bring your gaze forward and out

to exit bow pose

inhale exhale lower down bring your right ear to the mat release your feet down chin back to center belly savasana

to move to the other side of dancer's pose

inhale exhale release inhale mountain pose get your left arm to your hip crease grab the inside of your left foot push your foot into your hand send your other arm UP

To exit tree pose

inhale exhale samastitihi - standing at attention inhale mountain exhale forward fold inhale half way lift exhale chaturanga dandasana inhale upward facing dog exhale downward facing dog

after crow pose yogi playtime

now lets all meet in child's pose- balasana inhale come up to all fours exhale downward facing dog inhale look forward exhale Walk to the top of your mat inhale - half way lift exhale standing forward fold

balancing series

inhale chair pose utkatasana exhale eagle pose on the right inhale chair - utkatasana exhale eagle pose on the left inhale mountain pose exhale dancers pose on the right inhale mountain pose exhale dancers on the left exhale stand at attention samastitihi inhale tree (right foot up) exhale stand at attention samastitihi inhale tree (left foot up) exhale stand at attention samastitihi inhale mountain pose tadasana exhale standing forward ford uttanasana inhale halfway lift - ardha uttanasana exhale high to low plank -chaturanga dandasana inhale upward facing dog exhale downward facing dog

To exit half pigeon

inhale come back to your palms exhale downward facing dog inhale plank exhale slowly lower down to the mat; place your hands lightly under your shoulders

To get into cobra pose bhujangasana

inhale high plank exhale shift forward and slowly lower down to your mat place your hands lightly under your shoulders

Supta Baddha Konasana Sit Ups action

inhale lengthen your spine. exhale lift your chest inhale- lower exhale - lift push air out, pull core in when you push, press your feet into each other

from bridge pose

inhale lift your chest higher exhale release to the floor supta badha konasana - neutralizing pose lower your hips down get the souls of your feet to touch bring your knees wide like butterfly

how to get into Crescent Lunge (Anjaneyasana)

inhale lift your r/l leg high. Exhale low lunge. inhale Crescent Lunge Anjaneyasana

Triangle series basket

inhale lift your right leg high exhale low lunge inhale - warrior 1 (virabhadrasana 1) exhale warrior 2 (virabhadrasana 2) inhale straighten your right leg exhale triangle (triconasana) inhale rise exhale pivot your feet parallel to the short edge of your mat inhale reach your chest high exhale wide leg forward fold (prasarita padottanasana)

Half Pigeon - Eka Pada Rajakapotasana

inhale lift your right leg high exhale half pigeon bring your right knee to outside of your right wrist work your shin forward - flex your foot (leg stays active- forces you to engage your muscles and pushing too far) square your hips forward press your hands into your mat shoulders over hips equally distribute weight between the legs gaze back over bent knee extend your left leg straight back fold your torso forward over your thigh lengthen your spine rest your forehead on the mat draw your shoulder blades down your back

from crescent series from downward facing dog into prayer twist, gorilla and crow

inhale look forward exhale walk to the top of your mat inhale half way lift- ardha uttanasana exhale standing forward fold -uttanasana inhale chair-utkatasana inhale bring your hands to heart center inhale lengthen your spine forward exhale prayer twist (parivritta utkatasana) right inhale- release exhale standing forward fold Toe-heel your feet hips width distance inhale exhale hands to feet gorilla variation release your hands from under your feet toe-heel your feet back to touch inhale chair pose utkatasana inhale exhale bring your hands to heart center inhale lengthen your spine forward exhale prayer twist on the left inhale release exhale standing forward fold demo from half way lift - exhale standing forward fold inhale plant your hands under your shoulders exhale crow pose rest in child's pose exhale downward facing dog inhale look forward. exhale come to the top of your mat inhale half way lift - ardha uttanasana exhale- standing forward fold uttanasana

from triangle pose trikonasana to wide leg forward fold

inhale rise with your arms to a T exhale pivot your feet parallel to the short edges of your mat inhale reach your chest high - flip your palms lengthen - open palms to receive energy exhale wide leg forward fold (prasarita padottanasana)

to exit side plank pose

inhale. exhale high to low plank

wide leg forward fold prasarita padottanasana option for chest expansion on the other side

interlace your fingers behind your back (palms to touch) inhale lift exhale wide leg forward fold option to release if it doesn't suit you cool down bc head is below the heart do not put head on the ground bc it will stop the back from lengthening and too much pressure on the top of the head

crow modifications

its and arm balance more than inversion knees outside of arms if skinny arms send the back of your heart towards the sky - lifting and gliding not and inversion

supine twist modification

keep knees together gaze straight up place your hand on your opposite side for support OPTION to cactus out your arms or straighten top leg

cobra pose bhujangasana modifications

keep your chest closer to the floor

Camel Pose (Ustrasana) modifications

keep your hands on your hips keep your gaze up instead of back tuck your toes and place the balls of your feet on the floor (keep your toes curled under) keep your hands to your heart (prayer position) you can squeeze a block between legs (as long as hands are on lower back, the wrists can be inverted)

Yogi Bicycles modifications

keep your knees bent, feet on the floor and twist your L/R elbow to the outside of your opposite thigh or keep 90 degrees angle to deepen: scissor kicks w legs extended touch your ankles

dancers pose modification

keep your knees together stay upright keep your chest lifted grab the outside of your foot find a wall or get a strap this is an opening pose and complete opposite of eagle - fight or flight- feel vulnerable

floor bow pose modification

keep your thighs on the floor draw your chin down use a strap around your feet to get extra length kick into your hands one foot at a time; switch legs

bridge pose modifications

lift your hips half way place block under your sacrum (btwn butt and lower back) for supported bridge if lower back pain - engage your glutes

runners lunge modifications

option to come down to your knee (bring your back knee to the floor) keep your hips leveled to engage dont sink into your hips -let your upper body release and disengage: relax your neck, release and ground or -if intention is active strength: engage and lengthen your neck b/c head closer to the floor below heart: slow down relaxes mind and nervous system

reversed crescent lunge modifications

option to come down to your knee for more stability and a deeper twist (bring your back knee to the floor) if injured wrists - keep fist to palm or webbing to webbing of hands if wobbly- pull your belly button up and in, lift your abs away from your spine

To exit camel pose

place your hands on your lower back inhale- rise up Exhale sit on your heels place your hands palms down on your thighs close your eyes This is the deepest heart opener

eagle pose modification

place your lifted toe on the ground for kickstand cross your knees to get a compression bring your hands to opposite shoulders draw your hands to heart center should feel like you're pulling yourself apart opening your upper back ground your energy square your hips to the front of the room breathe 3-5 breaths here

tree pose modification

place your lifted toes on the floor level off your hips- if they don't level, bring your foot lower bring your left hip in line with your right one

exhale camel pose: ustrasana

press the tops of your feet into the mat stack your hips over the knees bring your knees to hips width distance lift your chest up draw your gaze UP and then trace it on the ceiling engage your legs send your hips forward draw your tailbone down grab your heels with your thumbs on the outside ankle

to get into camel pose (ustrasana)

press up to all fours Stand on your knees hip distance apart (2 fists) Bring your palms to your lower back point your fingers down squeeze your elbows in inhale Exhale camel pose ustrasana

from happy baby pose transition

pull your r/l knee to your chest extend your other leg long inhale Exhale supine twist pose lower leg is active, top leg is relaxed for neutralization and protection

Supine Twist pose cues

pull your right/left knee to your chest and extend your other leg guide your knee across your body keep both shoulders on the mat reach your right/left arm out or T - out your arms stack your hips engage your extended leg lengthen your spine turn your gaze away towards right/left keep 3 points of contact

Bow Pose (Dhanurasana)

reach back and capture the outside of your feet bend your knees and pull them together draw your tailbone back and lift your chest forward; then up lengthen the back of your neck and gaze out kick into your hands and lift your thighs up engage your abdominals roll to the soft part of your abdomen extend your arms straight back draw your shoulder blades together down your back pull your inner thighs in knees have to be in line with shoulders and hips feet should be engaged kick back your legs relax your neck

reverse warrior pose cues

reach your front arm up place your back hand lightly on your leg draw your gaze up keep your front knee over your front ankle maintain the placement of your feet press the outside edge of your back foot down engage your back leg lift and keep your chest open to the side draw your tailbone down bend your torso to the side

cues to exit gorilla pose padahastasana

release your hands from under your feet toe-heel your feet back to touch inhale chair inhale -exhale bring your hands to heart center inhale lengthen your spine forward exhale prayer twist to the left inhale exhale standing forward fold take a seat on your mat- how are you doing? crow demo- lets get into it together yogi playtime or use this time to relax in child's pose or play with something else in your practice

inhale Warrior 1; INHALE; exhale warrior 2 (virabhadrasana 2); Inhale straighten your right leg; exhale Trikonasana

send hips back reach forward then send your top arm up press the hand into the leg to rotate torso up front toes must face forward windmill your arms stacking your arms one over the other reach your top arm toward the ceiling shift your hips back and reach your torso forward rotate your torso up extend through your arms and gaze up engage your inner and outer thighs spin your inner thigh out; engage your thigh so your knee is facing forward draw your legs toward one another draw your tailbone back lengthen your spine engage your abdominals draw your shoulder blades together and down your back keep length in both side bodies lift for energy up

Inhale mountain pose, exhale Samastitihi stand at attention Inhale Tree pose cues

shift your weight into your left foot place the sole of your right foot onto your opposite thigh - avoid your knee or ankle square and level your hips forward bring your hands to heart center and press into your palms Press the four corners of your standing foot down press your foot and thigh against each other draw your tailbone down lengthen your spine draw your shoulder blades together down your back reach through the crown of your head and gaze forward opening the hip

reverse warrior modification

shorten your stance bring your gaze down

Triangle Pose Trikonasana modification

shorten your stance place your hand on our shin or thigh place a block beneath your bottom hand outside your calf so shoulders are stacked press into your block for length bring your gaze down if resting on the leg, bring up your body

Warrior 2 - virabhadrasana 2 modifications

shorten your stance pull your feet toward each other while arms energy goes right and left don't stick your butt out

from seated forward fold transition into

slowly lower onto your back inhale bring your knees to your chest exhale happy baby pose

inhale lift your right leg high. Exhale - low lunge inhale warrior 1 (virabhadrasana 1)

spin your back heel down spin your back foot at 45 degree angle engage your abdominals and lift your chest up square and level your hips forward reach your arms up backleg is straight -press your pinky down in the back foot and shorten your stance stack your front knee over your ankle press the outer edge of your back foot down lift your inner arch up draw your tailbone down rotate your palms in draw your shoulder blades down your back lengthen the back of your neck and gaze forward

Cobra Pose - Bhujangasana cues

squeeze your inner thighs- zip your legs together like a tail and engage your legs bring the tops of your feet down lengthen the back of your neck and gaze to the floor keep little to no weight in your hands- hands could hover over the floor press all the toenails into the mat engage your legs squeeze your ankles together pop your elbows to the ceiling draw your tailbone back and lift your chest forward, then up engage your abdominals spread your collar bones press your hands lightly under your shoulders draw your shoulder blades together down your back

Yogi Bicycles cues

stack your right knee over your hip bend your knees to a 90 degree angle extend your left leg forward bring your left (Right) elbow toward the outside of your opposite thigh twist to your right bring your hands behind your head keep your gaze in the direction of your twist lengthen and stabilize your spine engage your abdominals and lift your chest

hints not to get confused w right and left

stand in the back of the room turn your body toward the side mirror send your heart toward the wall inhale shift forward

Chair pose modifications

straighten your knees bring your arms parallel to the floor hands at heart center if pregnant keep feet at hips width distance

what part of colon is activated when both knees are squeezed into the chest

transverse colon to release all waste and toxins

Half pigeon modifications

use two blocks on each side to stay upright bring your front foot closer to your hip bring your elbows to the floor place a block beneath your front hip to level out hips move to supine figure 4- on your back flex foot over the knee and pull under extended long leg or put one leg on the wall hold upright and then walk hands forward so spine is lengthened pull up through pelvic floor- core work dont dump weight forward move slowly keep engagement in muscle around hips

hand positions during supta badha konasana

when one hand is on the heart it implicitly calms the heart rate down and calms parasympathetic system palms facing up to receive, not engaging neutralize your spine pose consciously start to slow down integrate theme back here - rest and restore total body release/ cool your body

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