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ABIDE verb: придерживаться, выполнять, терпеть, оставаться верным, ждать, быть прочным, выносить desc: accept or act in accordance with (a rule, decision, or recommendation); be unable to tolerate (someone or something); (of a feeling or a memory) continue without fading or being lost. syn: 281 stand; 766 accept; 1624 bear; 4357 tolerate; 8613 abide


ABOLISH verb: отменять, упразднять, уничтожать desc: formally put an end to (a system, practice, or institution). syn: 533 end; 1848 eliminate; 7615 abolish; 9302 eradicate; 10642 obliterate


ABOUND verb: изобиловать, быть/иметь в большом количестве desc: exist in large numbers or amounts. syn: 9477 overflow; 12669 brim; 22633 teem; 26198 throng; 6292 flourish; 7810 abound


ABRUPT adj: резкий, крутой, внезапный, неожиданный, обрывистый, грубый desc: sudden and unexpected; brief to the point of rudeness; curt; steep; precipitous. syn: 2060 sharp; 6815 rude; 8872 abrupt; 16802 gruff; 18824 terse; 21910 curt; 23331 brusque; 3048 rapid


ABRUPTLY Перевод: резко, внезапно, круто, отрывисто Определение: quickly and unexpectedly.


ABUNDANCE Перевод: изобилие, множество, избыток Определение: a very large quantity of something.


ABUNDANT adj: богатый, обильный, изобилующий desc: existing or available in large quantities; plentiful. syn: 6306 abundant; 6374 ample; 9219 lavish; 9801 plentiful; 18195 copious; 29740 profuse


ABUSE 1) noun: злоупотребление, оскорбление, брань, ругань, плохое обращение, неправильное употребление, излишество desc: the improper use of something; cruel and violent treatment of a person or animal; insulting and offensive language. 2) verb: злоупотреблять, оскорблять, ругать, плохо обращаться, браниться, хулить, поносить, совращать, бесчестить desc: use (something) to bad effect or for a bad purpose; misuse; treat (a person or an animal) with cruelty or violence, especially regularly or repeatedly; speak in an insulting and offensive way to or about (someone). syn: 1) 21497 swearing; 23990 invective; 24574 name-calling; 1545 abuse; 6910 neglect; 6990 exploitation; 8491 cruelty 2) 4284 manipulate; 4413 exploit; 14229 misuse; 3770 abuse; 7854 insult; 3749 injure; 4359 harm; 7343 batter; 42580 maltreat


ACCOMMODATE verb: вмещать, приспосабливать, согласовывать, снабжать, улаживать, оказывать услугу, помогать desk: (of physical space, especially a building) provide lodging or sufficient space for; fit in with the wishes or needs of. syn: 2491 assist; 6781 oblige; 2950 adapt; 18625 familiarize; 40498 acclimatize; 932 contain; 4318 seat; 6943 lodge.


ACCORD 1) noun: соглашение, договоренность, соответствие, аккорд, созвучие, гармония, единство desc: an official agreement or treaty. 2) verb: предоставлять, согласовывать, соответствовать, жаловать, оказывать, улаживать, гармонировать desc: give or grant someone (power, status, or recognition); (of a concept or fact) be harmonious or consistent with. syn: 1) 1060 agreement; 2180 settlement; 2853 treaty; 6154 accord; 6778 pact; 3339 consensus; 3778 unity; 4713 harmony; 6296 solidarity; 23491 concurrence 2) 1353 fit; 1982 match; 5475 correspond; 7880 accord; 9365 concur; 339 allow; 1856 afford; 2121 permit; 3563 render; 7258 confer


ACCOUNTABLE Перевод: подотчётный, ответственный, объяснимый Определение: (of a person, organization, or institution) required or expected to justify actions or decisions; responsible; explicable; understandable.


ACCUSE verb: обвинять, винить, предъявлять обвинение desc: charge (someone) with an offense or crime. syn: 1807 blame; 5379 allege; 6575 indict; 12798 fault; 19418 censure; 23830 reproach


ACQUAINTANCE noun: знакомство, знакомый, ознакомление desc: a person's knowledge or experience of something; a person one knows slightly, but who is not a close friend. syn: 1485 contact; 1523 colleague; 4401 associate; 6358 acquaintance; 8203 familiarity; 2801 awareness; 3055 friendship


ACUTE Перевод: острый, проницательный, резкий Определение: (of a bad, difficult, or unwelcome situation or phenomenon) present or experienced to a severe or intense degree; having or showing a perceptive understanding or insight: shrewd; (of an angle) less than 90°.


ADDICTION noun: наркомания, склонность, пагубная привычка desc: the fact or condition of being addicted to a particular substance, thing, or activity. syn: 2322 habit; 5231 addiction; 5888 dependence; 5622 obsession; 12417 compulsion; 12711 craving; 18323 infatuation


ADHERE verb: придерживаться, прилипать, твердо придерживаться, приклеиваться, приставать, оставаться верным, прирастать desc: stick fast to (a surface or substance). syn: 409 stay; 426 remain; 1211 stick; 4649 cling; 6609 adhere; 1298 observe; 5742 obey


ADMISSION noun: вход, признание, принятие, допущение, доступ, входная плата desc: a statement acknowledging the truth of something; the process or fact of entering or being allowed to enter a place, organization, or institution. syn: 2352 entry; 2894 entrance; 3254 permission; 24079 admittance; 2903 profession; 4864 confession; 5318 disclosure; 5660 declaration; 10139 acknowledgment; 924 charge; 1836 fee.


ADMIT verb: признавать, допускать, позволять, вмещать desc: confess to be true or to be the case, typically with reluctance; allow (someone) to enter a place; allow the possibility of. syn: 1745 declare; 3981 confess; 4225 concede; 1550 welcome


ADOLESCENCE noun: юность, молодость desc: the period following the onset of puberty during which a young person develops from a child into an adult. syn: 7001 adolescence; 12957 puberty


ADOLESCENT 1) noun: подросток, юноша, девушка desc: (of a young person) in the process of developing from a child into an adult. 2) adj: подростковый, юный, юношеский desc: an adolescent boy or girl. syn: 1) 2456 teenager; 4842 youngster; 8663 minor; 13286 juvenile 2) 3898 teenage; 7556 youthful; 32118 pubescent


ADORE verb: обожать, поклоняться, преклоняться desc: love and respect (someone) deeply. syn: 2829 respect; 3298 admire; 7324 worship; 7841 adore; 25187 esteem; 10922 revere; 14049 glorify; 18054 exalt; 19330 idolize; 22775 venerate


ADORN verb: украшать, служить украшением desc: make more beautiful or attractive. syn: 4365 decorate; 8153 adorn; 9679 garnish; 12974 embellish; 24826 ornament; 25314 gild; 26192 beautify


ADVANCING adj: продвигающийся, прогрессирующий, наступающий desc: moving forward or progressing. syn: 9471 advancing


ADVENT noun: пришествие, наступление, прибытие, рождественский пост desc: the arrival of a notable person, thing, or event. syn: 1536 start; 2921 introduction; 3215 arrival; 4035 dawn; 8249 initiation; 8279 advent


ADVERSARY noun: противник, враг, соперник, неприятель, оппонент desc: one's opponent in a contest, conflict, or dispute. syn: 2194 opponent; 4384 rival; 7362 adversary; 7679 foe; 8954 challenger; 16635 antagonist


ADVERSE adj: неблагоприятный, враждебный, вредный, противоположный desc: preventing success or development; harmful; unfavorable. syn: 6392 adverse; 13941 confrontational; 14896 contrary; 17260 oppositional; 5882 harmful; 12557 unfavorable; 6661 opposing


ADVOCACY noun: пропаганда, защита, адвокатура, деятельность адвоката desc: public support for or recommendation of a particular cause or policy. syn: 3816 promotion; 5126 advocacy; 6275 encouragement; 7208 activism; 8448 backing; 9470 sponsorship


AERIAL 1) noun: антенна desc: a type of maneuver in gymnastics, skiing, or surfing involving freestyle jumps or somersaults. 2) adj: воздушный, авиационный, нереальный, эфирный, газообразный, эфемерный, надземный desc: existing, happening, or operating in the air. syn: 1) 7459 aerial 2) 7378 floating; 24154 in-flight; 25962 aerial


AFFECTION noun: привязанность, любовь, склонность, воздействие, влияние, влечение, болезнь, страдание, наклонность, расположение desc: a gentle feeling of fondness or liking; the act or process of affecting or being affected. syn: 4794 warmth; 4811 regard; 5191 affection; 13517 fondness; 14851 liking; 18556 friendliness.


AFFECTIVE adj: эмоциональный desc: relating to moods, feelings, and attitudes. syn: 4873 disturbing; 6214 moving; 8778 affective; 8419 sentimental; 9308 touching; 31382 affecting


AFFILIATE 1) noun: филиал, отделение, компаньон, помощник desc: a person or organization officially attached to a larger body. 2) verb: присоединяться, принимать в члены, устанавливать авторство/отцовство/связи, усыновлять, прослеживать источник desc: officially attach or connect (a subsidiary group or a person) to an organization. syn: 1) 1049 partner; 1523 colleague; 7034 affiliate 2) 1358 associate; 1641 connect; 1739 link; 10028 affiliate


AFFILIATION noun: присоединение, установление отцовства/связи, прием в члены desc: the state or process of affiliating or being affiliated. syn: 1425 connection; 2097 association; 2196 link; 3104 membership; 5760 attachment; 7169 affiliation


AFFINITY noun: сродство, близость, аффинитет, влечение, привлекательность, взаимная склонность, свойство desc: a spontaneous or natural liking or sympathy for someone or something. syn: 4307 sympathy; 7718 empathy; 9071 kinship; 9443 affinity; 6040 correspondence; 7685 resemblance


AFFIRM Перевод: утверждать, подтверждать, торжественно заявлять Определение: state as a fact; assert strongly and publicly; offer (someone) emotional support or encouragement.


AFFIRMATIVE 1) noun: утверждение, заявление, аффирматива desc: a statement of agreement with an assertion or request. 2) adj: утвердительный, положительный desc: agreeing with a statement or to a request. syn: 1) agreement; acceptance; assent; acquiescence; concurrence; OK; yes; thumbs-up 2) 5073 affirmative; 4835 favorable; 21699 confirmatory


AFFLUENT 1) adj: богатый, обильный, полноводный, изобильный, приливающий, притекающий desc: (especially of a group or area) having a great deal of money; wealthy; (of water) flowing freely or in great quantity. 2) noun: подпор, приток реки desc: a tributary stream; an affluent person. syn: 1) 1709 comfortable; 3034 wealthy; 7281 affluent; 7463 prosperous; 16111 well-to-do; 19136 well-off; 19812 well-heeled. 2) tributary.


AFTERMATH Перевод: последствия, отова, второй покос Определение: the consequences or aftereffects of a significant unpleasant event; new grass growing after mowing or harvest.


AIDE noun: помощник, адъютант desc: someone who acts as assistant; an officer who acts as military assistant to a more senior officer. syn: 2453 supporter; 2737 adviser; 2722 assistant; 9117 helper


AILMENT noun: недуг, болезнь, недомогание, заболевание, страдание desc: an illness, typically a minor one. syn: 775 disease; 2383 disorder; 2317 illness; 2339 complaint; 3510 weakness; 8892 ailment; 24139 infirmity


AIRBORNE adj: бортовой, авиационный, оторвавшийся от земли; перевозимый/переносимый по воздуху; находящийся в воздухе desc: transported by air; carried by the air, as pollen or dust. syn: 7248 airborne; 7378 floating; 24154 in-flight; 25962 aerial


AISLE noun: представлять себе, воображать, рисовать в своем воображении desc: a passage between rows of seats in a building such as a church or theater, an airplane, or a train. syn: 3497 corridor; 4169 lane; 4525 aisle; 9995 walkway; 12812 passageway; 27443 gangway


AKIN adj: родственный, похожий, сродный, такой же как desc: of similar character. syn: 1680 like; 5915 parallel; 8025 akin; 12332 alike; 10444 analogous; 17638 affiliated


ALAS interj: Увы! desc: an expression of grief, pity, or concern, or apprehension of evil. syn: 8677 alas


ALBEIT conj: хотя, тем не менее, даже хотя desc: although. syn: 6167 albeit


ALIENATE verb: отчуждать, отдалять, отвращать, заставлять отвернуться desc: cause (someone) to feel isolated or estranged; transfer ownership of (property rights) to another person or group. syn: 3994 isolate; 8286 alienate; 11010 distance; 44407 estrange


ALIGNMENT noun: выравнивание, центровка, регулировка, выверка, совпадение, створ, расположение по одной линии, визирование через несколько точек desc: arrangement in a straight line, or in correct or appropriate relative positions; a position of agreement or alliance. syn: 2097 association; 2255 coalition; 3399 alliance; 7169 affiliation; 8040 alignment; 3217 orientation


ALLEGATION noun: заявление, голословное утверждение desc: a claim or assertion that someone has done something illegal or wrong, typically one made without proof. syn: 1354 claim; 4917 accusation; 5399 assertion; 6641 contention


ALLEGE Перевод: утверждать, ссылаться, приписывать Определение: claim or assert that someone has done something illegal or wrong, typically without proof that this is the case.


ALLEGED adj: мнимый, утверждаемый desc: (of an incident or a person) said, without proof, to have taken place or to have a specified illegal or undesirable quality. syn: 2401 so-called; 2518 apparent; 6948 suspected; 16682 assumed; 16673 purported; 24463 unproven


ALLEGEDLY adv: якобы, будто бы, как утверждают desc: used to convey that something is claimed to be the case or have taken place, although there is no proof. syn: 4593 supposedly; 4700 allegedly; 9350 ostensibly; 16920 purportedly


ALLEGIANCE noun: верность, преданность, лояльность, верноподданство, вассальная зависимость desc: loyalty or commitment of a subordinate to a superior or of an individual to a group or cause. syn: 1761 duty; 4109 loyalty; 7350 allegiance; 10203 adherence; 11942 fidelity; 22119 faithfulness


ALLEVIATE verb: облегчать, смягчать desc: make (suffering, deficiency, or a problem) less severe. syn: 3250 ease; 3793 relieve; 7660 alleviate; 7784 lessen; 8741 lighten; 17454 assuage


ALLIED Перевод: союзнический, родственный, близкий Определение: joined by or relating to members of an alliance.


ALLOWANCE 1) noun: допуск, скидка, разрешение, содержание, довольствие, карманные деньги, прибавка, паек, денежная помощь, норма выдачи desc: the amount of something that is permitted, especially within a set of regulations or for a specified purpose. 2) verb: выдавать паек/содержание, назначать паек desc: give (someone) a sum of money regularly as an allowance. syn: 1) 2118 payment; 3272 grant; 7811 allowance; 15660 stipend


ALLUDE verb: ссылаться, намекать, упоминать, подразумевать desc: suggest or call attention to indirectly; hint at. syn: 785 indicate; 972 mention; 1157 refer; 8762 allude; 1228 introduce


ALLY 1) noun: союзник ally, помощник, пособник, слуга desc: a state formally cooperating with another for a military or other purpose, typically by treaty. 2) verb: объединяться, вступать в союз, соединять desc: combine or unite a resource or commodity with (another) for mutual benefit. syn: 1) 1049 partner; 2453 supporter; 2722 assistant; 21730 confederate 2) 1358 associate; 1641 connect; 1739 link; 6017 align; 10028 affiliate


ALPINE 1) noun: альпиец, представитель подрасы альпийцев, Альпин desc: a plant native to mountain districts, often suitable for growing in rock gardens; a North American butterfly that typically has brownish-black wings with orange-red markings. 2) adj: альпийский, произрастающий, обитающий в горной местности, высокогорный, относящийся к горнолыжному двоеборью (скоростной спуск и гигантский слалом) desc: of or relating to high mountains. syn: 1) 59631 alpine 2) 8391 alpine; 12706 mountainous; 16235 hilly; 20849 high-altitude


ALTAR Перевод: алтарь, жертвенник, престол Определение: the table in a Christian church at which the bread and wine are consecrated in communion services.


ALTITUDE noun: высота над уровнем моря, возвышенность, высокое положение, высотная болезнь desc: the height of an object or point in relation to sea level or ground level. syn: 6457 altitude; 6790 elevation; 35698 highness; 56628 loftiness


ALTOGETHER adv: совсем, в целом, совершенно, всего, вполне desc: completely; with all or everything included; with everything considered; on the whole. syn: 1204 generally; 1328 mostly; 1685 largely; 3919 overall; 1500 fully; 1868 entirely


ALUMNUS noun: выпускник, бывший питомец desc: a graduate or former student, especially male, of a particular school, college, or university. syn: 7531 alumnus; 47942 ex-student


AMBASSADOR noun: посол, представитель, посланец, вестник desc: an accredited diplomat sent by a country as its official representative to a foreign country. syn: 4561 ambassador; 4966 diplomat; 10186 envoy; 17224 emissary; 32915 legate


AMEND verb: вносить поправки, исправлять, улучшать, чинить desc: make minor changes in (a text) in order to make it fairer, more accurate, or more up-to-date. syn: 996 improve; 2314 adjust; 2906 alter; 3713 modify; 3271 correct; 5904 revise; 7492 amend


AMENDMENT noun: поправка, изменение, исправление, редакция, улучшение, поправка к закону desc: a minor change in a document. syn: 194 improvement; 3140 adjustment; 5586 modification; 6073 revision; 6045 correction; 9194 alteration.


AMENITIES noun: удовольствия desc: a desirable or useful feature or facility of a building or place. syn: 8781 amenities


AMID prep: среди, между, посреди desc: surrounded by; in the middle of. syn: among


AMMUNITION noun: боеприпасы, патроны, амуниция, снаряды, защита, орудие desc: a supply or quantity of bullets and shells; considerations that can be used to support one's case in debate. syn: 6937 ammunition; 16140 ammo.


AMPLE adj: обильный, достаточный, просторный, обширный, подробный desc: enough or more than enough; plentiful. syn: 2003 liberal; 3118 sufficient; 6374 ample; 3916 generous; 6306 abundant; 9801 plentiful; 18195 copious; 44652 bounteous


ANCESTRAL adj: родовой, наследственный desc: of, belonging to, inherited from, or denoting an ancestor or ancestors. syn: 11082 familial; 13756 inherited; 9151 ancestral


ANGLER noun: морской черт, рыболов desc: a person who fishes with a hook and line; a person who gets or tries to get something through scheming. syn: 4309 fisherman; 6902 angler.


ANGUISH 1) noun: тоска, боль, мучение, страдание, мука desc: severe mental or physical pain or suffering. 2) verb: испытывать острую тоску desc: be extremely distressed about something. syn: 1) 2483 anxiety; 3964 suffering; 4124 grief; 5248 distress; 5330 torture; 6389 sorrow; 7710 agony


ANKLE noun: щиколотка desc: the joint connecting the foot with the leg; the corresponding joint in a quadruped or bird. syn: mortise joint


ANNIVERSARY noun: годовщина, юбилей desk: the date on which an event took place in a previous year syn: 25534 centenary.


ANNOUNCE verb: объявлять, анонсировать, публиковать, доносить desc: make a public and typically formal declaration about a fact, occurrence, or intention; to show that something is going to ​happen. syn: 844 state; 1117 publish; 1164 announce; 4494 proclaim; 12925 herald


ANT Перевод: муравей Определение: a small insect, often with a sting, that usually lives in a complex social colony with one or more breeding queens. It is wingless except for fertile adults, which often form large mating swarms, and is proverbial for industriousness.


ANTHRAX noun: сибирская язва, антракс, карбункул desc: a notifiable bacterial disease of sheep and cattle, typically affecting the skin and lungs. It can be transmitted to humans, causing severe skin ulceration or a form of pneumonia (also called wool-sorter's disease). syn: 9282 anthrax


APART adv: отдельно, обособленно, порознь, особо, разобщенно desc: (of two or more people or things) separated by a distance; at a specified distance from each other in time or space; to or on one side; at a distance from the main body; so as to be shattered; into pieces. syn: 5526 separately; asunder; aside


APPARATUS noun: аппарат, прибор, машина, инструмент, система, органы, гимнастический снаряд desc: the technical equipment or machinery needed for a particular activity or purpose; a complex structure within an organization or system; a collection of notes, variant readings, and other matter accompanying a printed text. syn: 1295 tool; 1512 device; 2623 gear; 4049 kit; 6645 tackle; 7084 apparatus; 9297 gadget; 15083 contraption; 999 method; 1023 machine


APPEAL 1) noun: обращение, призыв, апелляция, просьба, мольба desc: a serious or urgent request, typically one made to the public; an application to a higher court for a decision to be reversed.; the quality of being attractive or interesting. 2) verb: обращаться, апеллировать, взывать desc: make a serious or urgent request, typically to the public; apply to a higher court for a reversal of the decision of a lower court; be attractive or interesting. syn: 1) 1396 influence; 3830 attraction; 4813 charm; 2128 request 2) 592 draw; 1482 grab; 5909 fascinate; 131 ask


APPEALING adj: привлекательный, умоляющий, подкупающий, трогательный desc: attractive or interesting; (of an expression or tone of voice) showing that one wants help or sympathy. syn: 2828 attractive; 4237 fascinating; 5243 charming; 7141 appealing; 8716 tempting; 9697 pleasing; 10300 engaging; 15186 likable


APPETIZER noun: закуска desc: a small dish of food or a drink taken before a meal or the main course of a meal to stimulate one's of developing into a new one or part of one. syn: 1315 sample; 2042 taste; 2921 introduction; 9458 appetizer; 35065 foretaste


APPLIANCE noun: прибор, устройство, приспособление, применение, электрический бытовой прибор desc: a device or piece of equipment designed to perform a specific task, typically a domestic one; the action or process of bringing something into operation. syn: 1015 purpose; 1524 application; 2550 employment; 6122 appliance; 6433 usage; 10106 utilization.


APPLICABLE adj: применимый, подходящий, пригодный desc: applying or capable of being applied; suitable; appropriate. syn: 2831 relevant; 3414 related; 4747 valid; 7715 applicable; 10122 pertinent; 21424 germane


APPLIED adj: прикладной, приложенный desc: (of a subject or type of study) put to practical use as opposed to being theoretical. syn: 2295 practical; 3312 everyday; 4024 realistic; 4268 functional; 6546 applied; 7647 pragmatic.


APPRAISAL noun: оценка desc: an act of assessing something or someone. syn: 1557 assessment; 1910 judgment; 2369 evaluation; 2503 consideration; 7894 appraisal


APPRENTICE 1) noun: ученик, подмастерье, начинающий, новичок desc: a person who is learning a trade from a skilled employer, having agreed to work for a fixed period at low wages. 2) verb: отдавать в учение desc: employ (someone) as an apprentice. syn: 1) 5130 learner; 7697 novice; 8226 intern; 8754 apprentice; 9014 beginner; 11208 trainee 2) 24888 apprentice


APRON noun: фартук, передник, козырек, авансцена, порог, полость, водобой, передняя доска desc: a protective or decorative garment worn over the front of one's clothes and tied at the back; a small area adjacent to another larger area or structure; an object resembling an apron in shape or function, in particular. syn: 8231 apron; 18814 smock; 21721 bib; 33376 pinafore


APT adj: склонный, подходящий, способный, уместный, соответствующий, вероятный, возможный desc: appropriate or suitable in the circumstances; having a tendency to do something; quick to learn. syn: 1498 appropriate; 2069 proper; 4801 suitable; 10122 pertinent; 11243 fitting; 40116 apposite; 758 ready; 1307 quick; 2408 capable; 4951 skilled; 5870 competent; 7107 apt.


ARGUABLY adv: возможно, вероятно, спорно desc: it may be argued (used to qualify the statement of an opinion or belief); used when ​stating an ​opinion or ​belief that you ​think can be ​shown to be ​true. syn: 435 perhaps; 1704 possibly; 6869 arguably; 27288 doubtfully; 53739 questionably


AROUSE verb: вызывать, пробуждать, просыпаться desc: evoke or awaken (a feeling, emotion, or response); awaken (someone) from sleep. syn: 1909 stir; 4480 stimulate; 4867 provoke; 5752 awaken; 7265 arouse; 11197 rouse


ARROGANCE noun: высокомерие, заносчивость, надменность, самонадеянность, гонор, кичливость, спесивость desc: the quality of being arrogant. syn: 8354 arrogance; 20515 condescension; 18637 conceit; 29945 egotism; 42617 haughtiness


ARROGANT adj: высокомерный, надменный, заносчивый, самонадеянный, кичливый desc: having or revealing an exaggerated sense of one's own importance or abilities. syn: 3433 superior; 7730 arrogant; 20516 haughty; 27740 self-important; 30295 overconfident; 36233 supercilious; 56938 egotistic


ARTISAN noun: ремесленник, мастер, мастеровой desc: a worker in a skilled trade, especially one that involves making things by hand. syn: 9496 artisan; 45905 craftsperson; 51106 artificer


ASH noun: пепел, зола, ясень, прах, останки desc: the powdery residue left after the burning of a substance; a tree with silver-gray bark and compound leaves; an Old English runic letter (so named from the word of which it was the first letter). syn: 189 company; 307 team; 372 force; 865 set; 1138 troop; 1714 crew; 2630 gang; 4650 squad; 10353 squadron; 17528 posse; 21317 bevy.


ASIDE 1) noun: отступление, отклонение от темы, слова, произносимые актёром в сторону desc: a remark or passage by a character in a play that is intended to be heard by the audience but unheard by the other characters in the play; a remark that is not directly related to the main topic of discussion. 2) adv: в сторону, в стороне, прочь, отдельно, в резерве desc: to one side; out of the way. syn: 1) 22798 digression; 26397 tangent; 19518 undertone 2) 5526 separately; 1397 anyway; 10646 notwithstanding


ASPIRATION Перевод: стремление, аспирация, желание Определение: a hope or ambition of achieving something; the action or process of drawing breath; the action of pronouncing a sound with an exhalation of breath.


ASSASSINATION Перевод: убийство, политическое убийство, предательское убийство Определение: the action of assassinating someone.


ASSERT verb: утверждать, отстаивать, заявлять, защищать, доказывать, предъявлять обвинение desc: state a fact or belief confidently and forcefully. syn: 875 claim; 1745 declare; 1985 emphasize; 2948 stress; 3578 contend; 5379 allege; 24473 aver; 923 maintain


ASSERTION Перевод: утверждение, заявление, суждение Определение: a confident and forceful statement of fact or belief.


ASSISTANCE noun: помощь, содействие desc: the provision of money, resources, or information to help someone. syn: 879 help; 1645 aid; 8448 backing; 29296 succor


ASSORTMENT noun: ассортимент, сортировка, подбор desc: a miscellaneous collection of things or people. syn: 973 range; 1046 collection; 1172 variety; 2429 mixture; 8964 assortment; 20551 hodgepodge


ASSURANCE Перевод: уверенность, гарантия, страхование Определение: a positive declaration intended to give confidence; a promise; confidence or certainty in one's own abilities; insurance, specifically life insurance.


ASYLUM noun: убежище, приют, психиатрическая больница desc: the protection granted by a nation to someone who has left their native country as a political refugee; an institution offering shelter and support to people who are mentally ill. syn: 1319 protection; 2891 shelter; 4660 refuge; 6064 sanctuary; 7911 asylum; 4832 retreat; 5770 haven


ATOP 1) adv: поверх, сверху desc: on or at the top. 2) prep: наверху desc: on the top of.


ATROCITY noun: злодеяние, зверство, жестокость, ужас, грубый промах, бестактность, что-либо отвратительное desc: an extremely wicked or cruel act, typically one involving physical violence or injury. syn: 1385 murder; 3304 killing; 3470 evil; 5755 outrage; 6548 massacre; 8186 atrocity; 8787 brutality; 21836 barbarism; 8491 cruelty


ATTEST verb: свидетельствовать, подтверждать, аттестовать, удостоверять, давать свидетельские показания, приводить к присяге desc: provide or serve as clear evidence of. syn: 867 prove; 1861 confirm; 5701 verify; 8795 attest; 11640 corroborate


ATTIC 1) noun: чердак, мансарда, фронтон, голова, верхотура desc: a space or room just below the roof of a building; the dialect of Greek used by the ancient Athenians, the chief literary form of classical Greek. 2) adj: аттический, классический desc: of or relating to Athens or Attica, or the dialect of Greek spoken there in ancient times. syn: 1) 7309 attic; 7932 loft; 30086 garret. 2) 27003 attic.


ATTRIBUTION noun: атрибуция, приписывание, компетенция, власть desc: something ascribed; an attribute; the ​act of saying or ​thinking that something is the ​result or ​work of a ​particular ​person or thing. syn: 8005 attribution; 8333 designation; 10139 acknowledgment; 35849 ascription


AUGMENT 1) noun: увеличение, приращение, прибавление, шаг desc: a vowel prefixed to past tenses of verbs in Greek and other Indo-European languages. 2) verb: увеличивать, прибавлять desc: make (something) greater by adding to it; increase. syn: 2) 1449 extend; 1577 expand; 3093 strengthen; 3719 boost; 5998 intensify; 7659 enlarge; 9305 augment


AUTOPSY 1) noun: вскрытие трупа, аутопсия, абдукция desc: a postmortem examination to discover the cause of death or the extent of disease. 2) verb: производить вскрытие трупа desc: perform a postmortem examination on (a body or organ). syn: 1) 3088 examination; 7919 autopsy; 16363 dissection; 28149 debriefing 2) 41206 autopsy


AVERT verb: предотвращать, отводить, отвращать, отвлекать desc: turn away (one's eyes or thoughts); prevent or ward off (an undesirable occurrence). syn: 909 avoid; 1084 prevent; 6741 deter; 7687 avert; 16858 forestall; 21805 obviate; 8884 veer


AVID adj: алчный, жадный desc: having or showing a keen interest in or enthusiasm for something. syn: 5186 devoted; 5229 passionate; 5571 enthusiastic; 6601 keen; 8844 avid; 11112 ardent; 14627 fervent


AWE 1) noun: трепет, благоговение, страх desc: a feeling of reverential respect mixed with fear or wonder. 2) verb: внушать благоговение/страх desc: inspire with awe. syn: 1) 2749 terror; 7215 awe; 9378 dread; 12992 fright; 16253 trepidation; 41063 fearfulness; 1629 surprise; 2650 wonder 2) 19111 awe


AWHILE adv: на некоторое время, ненадолго desc: for a short time. syn: 7544 awhile


BACKDROP noun: задник desc: a painted cloth hung at the back of a theater stage as part of the scenery. syn: 1406 background; 1751 setting; 10021 locale; 2987 framework; 6797 backdrop; 11872 milieu; 8302 scenery


BACKING noun: поддержка, подкладка, задний ход, сторонники, засыпка, вращение против часовой стрелки desc: support or help; the movement of the place of formation of a sound toward the back of the mouth. syn: 582 support; 1645 aid; 2092 assistance; 2154 funding; 8448 backing; 9470 sponsorship


BACKLASH 1) noun: зазор, люфт, отрицательная реакция, мертвый ход, ответный удар, скольжение винта desc: a strong and adverse reaction by a large number of people, especially to a social or political development; recoil arising between parts of a mechanism. 2) verb: отвечать ударом на удар desc: to make or undergo a backlash. syn: 1) 2105 criticism; 8222 backlash; 11078 repercussion; 17566 counterattack 2) 34595 backlash


BACKPACK 1) noun: рюкзак desc: a bag with shoulder straps that allow it to be carried on one's back. 2) verb: ходить в поход, заниматься альпинизмом, носить что-л. в рюкзаке desc: travel or hike carrying one's belongings in a backpack. syn: 1) 6547 backpack; 18157 knapsack; 26061 rucksack; 44809 haversack. 2) 19008 backpack; 2287 pack.


BACKWARD Перевод: назад, обратно, в обратном направлении, обратный, отсталый, прошлый, прошлое Определение: directed behind or to the rear; having made less than normal progress; (of a movement) away from one's front; in the direction of one's back; toward or into the past.


BACKWARDS adv: назад, задом наперед, обратно, в обратном направлении, наоборот desc: towards the ​direction that is ​opposite to the one in which you are ​facing or ​opposite to the ​usual ​direction; returning to ​older and less ​effective ​ways; first in one ​direction and then in the ​opposite one. syn: 6816 backwards; rearwards; back


BADGE 1) noun: значок, знак, бляха, символ, кокарда, признак desc: a distinctive emblem worn as a mark of office, membership, achievement, licensed employment, etc.. 2) verb: отмечать знаком desc: mark with a badge or other distinguishing emblem. syn: 1) 4386 pin; 17382 brooch; 21323 clasp; 2137 mark; 2355 symbol; 6913 badge; 10247 emblem; 16229 insignia. 2) 58024 badge.


BAIT 1) noun: приманка, наживка, искушение desc: food used to entice fish or other animals as prey. 2) verb: приманивать, кормить, завлекать, искушать, травить собаками, преследовать насмешками, изводить, не давать покоя desc: deliberately annoy or taunt (someone); prepare (a hook, trap, net, or fishing area) with bait to entice fish or animals as prey. syn: 1) 4641 carrot; 5983 temptation; 6432 bait; 7151 lure; 7121 draw; 17572 inducement 2) 1877 attract; 9931 entice; 12306 bait; 5520 tease; 7249 harass; 10911 taunt; 17494 goad


BALLOT 1) noun: голосование, избирательный бюллетень, баллотировка, жеребьевка desk: a process of voting, in writing and typically in secret. 2) verb: голосовать, баллотировать, тянуть жребий desk: (of an organization) elicit a secret vote from (members) on a particular issue. syn: 1) 1079 vote; 1245 survey. 2) 10532 poll; 36298 canvass.


BALLPARK noun: стадион, примерное количество desc: a baseball stadium or field. syn: 522 ground; 3177 pitch; 4161 stadium; 9264 ballpark


BANG 1) noun: взрыв, удар, челка, стук, внезапный шум, напор, удовольствие, звук выстрела, наслаждение, стремительность, гашиш desc: a sudden loud noise; a fringe of hair cut straight across the forehead; an act of sexual intercourse. 2) verb: грохнуть, бить, ударять, стукнуть, бахнуть, тузить, захлопнуться с шумом, превосходить, перегонять, подстригать волосы челкой desc: strike or put down (something) forcefully and noisily, typically in anger or in order to attract attention; cut (hair) in a fringe. 3) adv: прямо, вдруг, как раз desc: exactly. syn: 1) 3814 blow; 5567 bump; 6611 knock; 8408 bang; 13820 thump; 15725 whack; 2854 crash 2) 5121 bang; 7721 collide; 12398 jolt; 3481 slam; 4817 pound; 6474 hammer; 7343 batter; 9845 bash 3) precisely; right; directly; immediately; squarely; dead; promptly; dead on; sharp; plumb


BARE 1) adj: голый, неизолированный, пустой, обнаженный, простой, лишенный, едва достаточный, поношенный desc: (of a person or part of the body) not clothed or covered; without addition; basic and simple. 2) verb: обнажать, раскрывать desc: uncover (a part of the body or other thing) and expose it to view. syn: 1) 1519 clean; 1650 empty; 20178 unoccupied; 9336 scant; 7227 exposed; 7708 nude; 1145 basic 2) 928 reveal; 2104 display; 4460 disclose


BARGAIN 1) noun: сделка, торг, выгодная покупка, дешево купленная вещь desc: an agreement between two or more parties as to what each party will do for the other; a thing bought or offered for sale more cheaply than is usual or expected. 2) verb: торговаться, заключать сделку desc: negotiate the terms and conditions of a transaction. syn: 1) 1060 agreement; 5010 bargain; 6154 accord; 6778 pact; 11559 covenant; 19914 steal 2) 2557 negotiate; 8694 bargain; 16105 barter; 16376 broker; 17537 haggle


BARK Перевод: кора, лай, барк, лаять, гавкать, сдирать кору Определение: the sharp explosive cry of certain animals, especially a dog, fox, or seal; the tough, protective outer sheath of the trunk, branches, and twigs of a tree or woody shrub; (of a dog or other animal) emit a bark.


BARN noun: сарай, амбар, коровник, гумно, конюшня, трамвайный парк, сенной сарай, некрасивое здание desc: a large farm building used for storing grain, hay, or straw or for housing livestock; a unit of area, 10 -28 square meters, used especially in particle physics. syn: 4140 barn; 6344 shed; 18023 outhouse; 20433 storehouse; 21780 outbuilding; 53933 cowshed


BARREN 1) noun: пустошь, бесплодная земля desc: a barren tract or tracts of land. 2) adj: бесплодный, скудный, тощий, бедный, стерильный, скучный desc: (of land) too poor to produce much or any vegetation; (of a place or building) bleak and lifeless. syn: 1) 30413 barren 2) 3453 bare; 3494 harsh; 4033 lonely; 6755 stark; 7417 bleak; 8983 barren; 10224 deserted; 14194 austere


BASEMAN noun: низов, бейсболист, защищающий первую, вторую или третью базу desc: a fielder designated to cover first, second, or third base. syn: 8971 baseman


BASEMENT noun: подвал, цокольный этаж, фундамент, основание desc: the floor of a building partly or entirely below ground level. syn: 7805 cellar; 8592 vault; 19230 crypt


BASIL noun: базилик, дубленая овчина desc: an aromatic annual herb of the mint family, native to tropical Asia. syn: 7513 basil


BASIN noun: бассейн, таз, котловина, резервуар, водоем, миска, чашка, мелкая бухта desc: a bowl for washing, typically attached to a wall and having faucets connected to a water supply; a washbasin; a wide, round open container, especially one used for holding liquid; a natural depression on the earth's surface, typically containing water. syn: 1945 dish; 6256 basin; 35436 washbasin


BATHE verb: купать, мыть, заливать, омывать, окунать desc: wash by immersing one's body in water; spend time in the ocean or a lake, river, or swimming pool for pleasure; suffuse or envelop in something. syn: 4881 soak; 7682 bathe; 8134 shower; 4568 flood; 7132 rinse; 8244 immerse; 11428 submerge


BATTER 1) noun: кляр, уступ, болтушка, жидкое тесто, густая липкая грязь, сбитый шрифт, сильный артобстрел, отбивающий мяч desc: a semiliquid mixture of flour, egg, and milk or water used in cooking, especially for making cakes or for coating food before frying; a damaged area of metal type or a printing block; (in various sports, especially baseball) a player who is batting; a gradual backward slope in a wall or similar structure. 2) verb: долбить, громить, колотить, плющить, дубасить, сильно бить, разрушать, подвергать суровой критике, мять, сбивать шрифт, отклоняться desc: strike repeatedly with hard blows; pound heavily and insistently; (of a wall) have a receding slope. syn: 1) 7419 batter; 40187 batsman 2) 1542 attack; 3749 injure; 3770 abuse; 7224 assault; 7343 batter; 17569 maim; 20217 brutalize


BATTERED adj: потрепанный, избитый, разбитый, изношенный, мятый desc: injured by repeated blows or punishment; (of food) coated in batter and deep-fried until crisp. syn: 6918 battered; 10602 beaten; 14350 abused; 51104 assaulted; 8699 damaged; 10699 tattered; 17309 decrepit; 34908 beat-up; 41907 tatty.


BEAD Перевод: шарик, валик, бусинка Определение: a small piece of glass, stone, or similar material, typically rounded and perforated for threading with others as a necklace or rosary or for sewing onto fabric; something resembling a bead or a string of beads, in particular; decorate or cover with beads; cover (a surface) with drops of moisture.


BEAM 1) noun: луч, балка, брус, ширина, коромысло, пучок лучей, балансир, траверз, радиус действия, радиосигнал, сияющий вид desc: a ray or shaft of light; a radiant or good-natured look or smile. 2) verb: излучать, сиять, светить, лучезарно улыбаться, вести направленную передачу desc: transmit (a radio signal or broadcast) in a specified direction; (of a light or light source) shine brightly; smile radiantly; construct a ceiling with exposed beams. syn: 1) 4944 timber; 5426 shaft; 8199 plank; 10831 rafter; 20218 joist; 22126 girder; 4658 grin 2) 3524 flash; 5353 glow; 6357 emit; 8653 radiate; 10450 gleam


BEARING noun: подшипник, отношение, опора, пеленг, осанка, азимут, поведение, выправка, значение, рождение, терпение, румб, точка опоры, девиз desc: a person's way of standing or moving; relation or relevance; the level to which something bad can be tolerated; a part of a machine that bears friction, especially between a rotating part and its housing; a structural part that supports weight, such as a wall that supports a beam; the direction or position of something, or the direction of movement, relative to a fixed point. It is typically measured in degrees, usually with magnetic north as zero; a device or charge. syn: 929 direction; 3217 orientation; 6817 bearing; 920 impact; 1396 influence; 1425 connection; 6637 relevance; 11990 sway; 1156 attitude


BEAT 1) noun: удар, такт, бой, что-либо небывалое desc: a main accent or rhythmic unit in music or poetry; a ​regular ​movement or ​sound, ​especially that made by ​your ​heart; an ​area for which someone, such as a ​police ​officer, has ​responsibility as ​part of ​their ​job. 2) adj: усталый, измотавшийся, ошарашенный desc: completely exhausted; ​extremely ​tired. 3) verb: бить, побеждать, бороться, обыскать desc: strike (a person or an animal) repeatedly and violently so as to hurt or injure them, usually with an implement such as a club or whip; to (​cause to) make a ​regular ​movement or ​sound. syn: 1) 3301 rhythm; 4369 pulse; 15049 drumming 2) bushed 3) 2723 overcome; 1146 strike; 5167 smash


BECKON verb: манить, кивать, подзывать, делать знак, подманивать desc: make a gesture with the hand, arm, or head to encourage someone to come nearer or follow. syn: 1000 sign; 3827 signal; 8948 beckon; 7030 gesture; 5762 summon; 9925 motion


BEDSIDE noun: место у кровати desc: the space beside a bed, typically that of someone who is ill. syn: 9093 bedside


BELLY 1) noun: живот, чрево, желудок, утолщение пласта, пузо паруса, заплечники desc: the front part of the human trunk below the ribs, containing the stomach and bowels. 2) verb: надувать, наполняться ветром desc: swell or cause to swell; move or sit close to (a bar or table). syn: 1) 2519 stomach; 4335 gut; 9930 abdomen; 14443 tummy 2) billow, bulge, balloon, distend


BELOVED 1) noun: любимая, возлюбленная desc: a much loved person. 2) adj: любимый, ненаглядный desc: dearly loved. syn: 1) sweetheart; love; dearest; steady; honey 2) 3359 dear; 4995 beloved; 13244 cherished; 16373 darling; 17505 treasured; 34359 much-loved


BENCH 1) noun: верстак, скамейка, суд, карниз, банка, выступ, батарея desc: a long seat for several people, typically made of wood or stone; a long, sturdy work table used by a carpenter, mechanic, scientist, or other worker; the office of judge or magistrate. 2) verb: демонстрировать на выставке desc: exhibit (a dog) at a show; withdraw (a sports player) from play. syn: 1) 895 seat; 6770 stall; 10755 pew; 20123 workbench 2) sideline, cut


BEND 1) noun: изгиб, колено, отвод, излучина desc: a curve, especially a sharp one, in a road, river, racecourse, or path; a kind of knot used to join two ropes, or to tie a rope to another object, e.g. a carrick bend; decompression sickness, especially in divers; an ordinary in the form of a broad diagonal stripe from top left (dexter chief) to bottom right (sinister base) of a shield or part of one. 2) verb: гнуть, изгибаться, наклоняться, искривлять desc: shape or force (something straight) into a curve or angle; (of a person) incline the body downward from the vertical; direct or devote (one's attention or energies) to a task. syn: 1) 1174 turn; 4130 bow; 8819 crook; 19766 curvature 2) 10633 stoop; 1624 bear; 3788 twist


BENIGN adj: доброкачественный, мягкий, неопасный, добрый, милостивый, плодоносный, великодушный desc: gentle; kindly; (of a disease) not harmful in effect: in particular, (of a tumor) not malignant. syn: 6720 kind; 7094 benign; 7950 compassionate; 9576 caring; 11778 benevolent; 15930 kindly.


BERRY 1) noun: ягода, икринка, мясистый плод, зернышко икры, зерно desc: a small roundish juicy fruit without a stone; a dry seed or kernel, as of wheat; one of the eggs of a lobster, crayfish, etc. 2) verb: приносить ягоды, собирать ягоды desc: to gather or pick berries; to bear or produce berries. syn: 1) 6178 berry


BETRAY verb: предавать, изменять, выдавать, подводить, не оправдывать, обманывать, соблазнять desc: expose (one's country, a group, or a person) to danger by treacherously giving information to an enemy; unintentionally reveal; be evidence of. syn: 54278 grass; 928 reveal; 4460 disclose; 5023 betray; 5219 leak


BETRAYAL noun: предательство, измена desc: an ​act of ​betraying someone or something, or the ​fact of someone or something being ​betrayed. syn: 7404 betrayal; 12261 infidelity; 34204 perfidy; 18142 treachery; 22404 duplicity; 25384 disloyalty


BILATERAL adj: двусторонний, билатеральный desc: having or relating to two sides; affecting both sides. syn: 2816 mutual; 6971 bilateral; 13520 consensual; 27194 two-pronged; 29332 two-sided.


BIND 1) noun: связь, узы, безвыходное положение, тупик desc: the state or instance of being bound; a ​difficult or ​annoying ​situation in which you are ​prevented from ​acting as you might like. 2) verb: связывать, переплетать, обшивать, затвердевать desc: tie or fasten (something) tightly; impose a legal or contractual obligation on; (of a quantifier) be applied to (a given variable) so that the variable falls within its scope. syn: 1) 11230 hassle; 4151 dilemma; 16219 quandary 2) 1452 combine; 2334 attach; 850 force; 6781 oblige


BINOCULARS noun: бинокль desc: an optical instrument with a lens for each eye, used for viewing distant objects. syn: 7740 binoculars


BIPARTISAN adj: двухпартийный desc: of or involving the agreement or cooperation of two political parties that usually oppose each other's policies. syn: 6739 bipartisan; 24391 two-party; 51568 bipartite


BISHOP noun: епископ, слон, бишоп desc: a senior member of the Christian clergy, typically in charge of a diocese and empowered to confer holy orders; an African weaverbird, the male of which has red, orange, yellow, or black plumage; a chess piece, typically with its top shaped like a miter, that can move in any direction along a diagonal on which it stands. Each player starts the game with two bishops, one moving on white squares and the other on black; mulled and spiced wine. syn: 11012 patriarch; 13955 archbishop; 27439 prelate; 8777 cleric; 12213 cardinal; 22874 abbot


BITTER 1) noun: горечь, горькое пиво desc: beer that is strongly flavored with hops and has a bitter taste; liquor that is flavored with the sharp pungent taste of plant extracts and is used as an additive in cocktails or as a medicinal substance to promote appetite or digestion. 2) adj: горький, ожесточенный, сильный, резкий, едкий, мучительный desc: having a sharp, pungent taste or smell; not sweet; (of people or their feelings or behavior) angry, hurt, or resentful because of one's bad experiences or a sense of unjust treatment; (often used for emphasis) painful or unpleasant to accept or contemplate; (of wind, cold, or weather) intensely cold. syn: 2) 2800 raw; 6456 freezing; 12425 stinging; 14546 glacial; 16692 cutting; 4517 nasty; 29318 rancorous


BIZARRE adj: странный, причудливый, эксцентричный desc: very strange or unusual, especially so as to cause interest or amusement. syn: 2048 unusual; 2755 odd; 3131 curious; 3659 weird; 4792 fantastic; 5005 bizarre; 5568 peculiar


BLADDER noun: мочевой пузырь, камера, пустомеля desc: a membranous sac in humans and other animals, in which urine is collected for excretion; anything inflated and hollow. syn: 9216 bladder


BLAST 1) noun: взрыв, звук, поток воздуха, вредитель, разнос, форсированная тяга, болезнь, строгий выговор desc: a destructive wave of highly compressed air spreading outward from an explosion; a strong gust of wind or air; a single loud note of a horn, whistle, or other noisemaking device; a severe reprimand. 2) verb: взрывать, дуть, разрушать, вредить, повреждать, проклинать, отчитывать, разносить desc: blow up or break apart (something solid) with explosives; make or cause to make a loud continuous musical or other noise; kick, strike, or throw (a ball) hard; (of a wind or other natural force) wither, shrivel, or blight (a plant). syn: 1) 3191 boom; 4138 flash; 4784 blast; 6297 discharge; 10374 gust; 19450 detonation 2) 3125 explode; 5316 blast; 9948 demolish; 2566 criticize; 17983 vilify; 21263 castigate; 9347 scar; 14578 scorch; 15092 sear


BLAZE 1) noun: планка, доска, пункт программы desc: a long, thin, flat piece of timber, used especially in building and flooring; a fundamental point of a political or other program. 2) verb: настилать, обшивать досками, платить, выкладывать деньги, подавлять силой desc: burn fiercely or brightly; (of a gun or a person firing a gun) fire repeatedly or indiscriminately; achieve something in an impressive manner; set an example by being the first to do something; pioneer; mark out a path or route; (of a newspaper) present or proclaim (news) in a prominent, typically sensational, manner. syn: 1) 9316 blaze; 10023 combustion; 19996 inferno; 20606 conflagration; 5145 glow 2) 8202 blaze; 9281 pioneer; 16279 instigate; 3408 shine; 3524 flash; 5353 glow; 5448 illuminate; 7015 rage; 8653 radiate


BLEAK 1) noun: уклейка desc: a small silvery shoaling fish of the minnow family, found in Eurasian rivers. 2) adj: мрачный, холодный, суровый, унылый, лишенный растительности, бледный, открытый, не защищенный от ветра, бесцветный desc: (of an area of land) lacking vegetation and exposed to the elements. syn: 2) 3606 bitter; 3494 harsh; 5841 miserable; 7417 bleak; 8269 chilling; 20233 wintry; 33396 cheerless; 8069 hopeless; 10054 gloomy


BLESS verb: благословить, освящать, осчастливливать, славословить, проклинать desc: (of a priest) pronounce words in a religious rite, to confer or invoke divine favor upon; ask God to look favorably on. syn: 1873 back; 2064 approve; 3914 endorse; 4194 bless; 8410 sanction; 10807 commend; 14181 laud; 15163 extol; 21966 consecrate


BLINK 1) noun: мерцание, миг, вспышка, отблеск льда desc: an act of shutting and opening the eyes quickly; a momentary gleam of light. 2) verb: мигать, мерцать, моргать, закрывать глаза, щуриться desc: shut and open the eyes quickly; (of a light or light source) shine intermittently or unsteadily. syn: 1) 12670 blink; 12513 flicker; 369 moment. 2) 3524 flash; 3827 signal; 4651 blink; 8043 wink; 10713 glisten; 13169 twinkle; 14950 shimmer.


BLOC noun: блок, объединение desc: a combination of countries, parties, or groups sharing a common purpose. syn: 1961 league; 2255 coalition; 2929 partnership; 3399 alliance; 8466 bloc; 10557 federation; 16488 syndicate; 32179 confederacy


BLOSSOM 1) noun: цветок, цвет, цветение, расцвет desc: a flower or a mass of flowers on a tree or bush. 2) verb: цвести, расцвести, распускаться, преуспеть, добиваться успеха desc: (of a tree or bush) produce flowers or masses of flowers. syn: 1) 6527 blossom; 6677 bloom; 7067 bud. 2) 11516 blossom; 12338 flower; 484 develop; 4672 thrive; 6292 flourish; 8403 prosper


BLOUSE noun: блуза, кофта, гимнастерка, рабочая блуза desc: a woman's loose upper garment resembling a shirt, typically with a collar, buttons, and sleeves. syn: 6681 blouse


BLUEPRINT 1) noun: план, проект, светокопия, программа, калька, синька, наметка desc: a design plan or other technical drawing. 2) verb: планировать, делать светокопию, намечать desc: draw up (a plan or model). syn: 1) 835 design; 1630 proposal; 2537 drawing; 3026 scheme; 5227 outline; 7703 blueprint 2) draft


BLUFF 1) noun: блеф, обман, обрыв, утес, отвесный берег, запугивание desc: an attempt to deceive someone into believing that one can or will do something; a steep cliff, bank, or promontory; a grove or clump of trees. 2) adj: крутой, резковатый, грубоватый, обрывистый, отвесный, прямой, грубовато-добродушный desc: direct in speech or behavior but in a good-natured way; (of a cliff or a ship's bow) having a vertical or steep broad front. 3) verb: запугивать, обманывать, брать на пушку desc: try to deceive someone as to one's abilities or intentions. syn: 1) 2051 height; 4350 cliff; 5119 mound; 6853 hillside; 7981 bluff; 22554 headland; 3087 trick 3) 2922 pretend; 8629 con; 8626 fake; 8543 deceive; 16361 bluff; 22310 scam


BLUNT 1) adj: тупой, грубый, прямой, туповатый, резкий, непонятливый desc: (of a knife, pencil, etc.) having a worn-down edge or point; not sharp; (of a person or remark) uncompromisingly forthright. 2) verb: притуплять desc: make or become less sharp; to weaken or impair the force, keenness, or susceptibility of. syn: 1) 7161 blunt; 10146 rounded; 42787 dulled; 6269 straightforward; 8377 frank 2) 7784 lessen; 8368 moderate; 9183 soothe; 11195 dampen; 14331 dull; 20362 blunt


BLUSH 1) noun: румянец, краска смущения/стыда, розоватый оттенок desc: a reddening of the face as a sign of embarrassment or shame; a wine with a slight pink tint made in the manner of white wine but from red grape varieties. 2) verb: краснеть, разрумяниться, зардеться desc: develop a pink tinge in the face from embarrassment or shame. syn: 1) 11907 blush; 23986 rouge; 46153 blusher 2) 6013 flush; 9190 blush; 16967 redden


BOAST 1) noun: хвастовство, предмет гордости desc: an act of talking with excessive pride and self-satisfaction; (in squash) a stroke in which the ball is made to hit one of the sidewalls before hitting the front wall. 2) verb: хвастаться, гордиться, нахвалиться, грубо обтесывать камень desc: talk with excessive pride and self-satisfaction about one's achievements, possessions, or abilities; (of a person, place, or thing) possess (a feature that is a source of pride). syn: 1) 5399 assertion; 15090 pretension; 16630 boast; 32400 brag; 38055 avowal 2) 8194 brag; 18347 crow; 26489 swank; 882 enjoy; 1736 feature; 2104 display; 2859 possess; 4575 boast


BOLSTER 1) noun: валик, буфер, брус, подкладка, шейка, поперечина, втулка desc: a long, thick pillow that is placed under other pillows for support. 2) verb: поддерживать, подпирать валиком, подстрекать, бросаться подушками desc: support or strengthen; prop up. syn: 1) 27646 bolster 2) 1185 encourage; 3005 sustain; 3093 strengthen; 3351 reinforce; 3719 boost; 6789 bolster


BOND 1) noun: связь, облигация, узы, обязательство desc: physical restraints used to hold someone or something prisoner, especially ropes or chains; an agreement with legal force, in particular. 2) verb: связывать, скреплять desc: join or be joined securely to something else, typically by means of an adhesive substance, heat, or pressure. syn: 1) 5917 pledge; 6439 oath; 1425 connection; 3055 friendship 2) 1739 link; 2334 attach; 14359 affix; 1641 connect


BOOTH noun: кабина, будка, киоск, палатка, балаган desc: a small temporary tent or structure at a market, fair, or exhibition, used for selling goods, providing information, or staging shows; an enclosure or compartment for various purposes, such as telephoning, broadcasting, or voting; a set of a table and benches in a restaurant or bar. syn: 3496 closet; 4338 booth; 6656 compartment; 10729 cubicle; 23639 tabernacle


BORE 1) noun: скука, скважина, внутренний диаметр, канал ствола, калибр, высверленное отверстие, скучный человек, дыра, сильное приливное течение desc: the hollow part inside a gun barrel or other tube; a person whose talk or behavior is dull and uninteresting; a steep-fronted wave caused by the meeting of two tides or by the constriction of a tide rushing up a narrow estuary. 2) verb: надоедать, бурить, сверлить, растачивать, пробивать себе путь, провертывать, протискиваться, вытягивать голову, наскучивать desc: (of a person) carry; endure (an ordeal or difficulty); turn and proceed in a specified direction. syn: 1) 13452 bore; 39884 chatterbox; 45473 windbag; 47769 wiseacre; 19164 yawn; 31994 drag 2) 4994 bore; 18631 irk; 29650 weary


BOREDOM noun: скука desc: the state of feeling bored. syn: 8839 boredom; 21045 monotony; 22505 tedium; 26241 ennui; 28724 dullness


BOUND 1) noun: граница, предел, ограничение, прыжок, скачок, отскок, сильный удар сердца desc: a leaping movement upward; a territorial limit; a boundary. 2) adj: связанный, направляющийся, обязанный, переплетенный, ограниченный, непременный, готовый, уверенный desc: heading toward somewhere; restricted or confined to a specified place; certain to do or have something; (of a book) having a specified binding; (of a morpheme) unable to occur alone, e.g., dis- in dismount. 3) verb: связывать, ограничивать, прыгать, быстро бежать, затвердевать, обшивать, переплетать, скреплять, служить границей desc: walk or run with leaping strides; form the boundary of; enclose; (of a quantifier) be applied to (a given variable) so that the variable falls within its scope; fix together and enclose (the pages of a book) in a cover; cohere or cause to cohere in a single mass. syn: 1) 4312 jump; 5416 leap; 6706 hurdle; 8150 bound; 8592 vault; 8552 hop; 11981 bounce 2) 577 certain; 3587 inevitable; 9266 guaranteed; 11866 unavoidable; 12541 assured; 18766 bound 3) 8129 border; 8825 bound; 12004 skirt; 18419 adjoin; 19180 abut; 29110 fringe


BOUNTY noun: щедрость, подарок, правительственная премия desc: generosity; liberality; a monetary gift or reward, typically given by a government, in particular. syn: 14889 plenty; 17458 glut; 1386 gift; 2118 payment; 3415 reward; 3714 prize; 9344 bounty


BOURGEOIS 1) noun: буржуа, горожанин, боргес desc: a bourgeois person. 2) adj: буржуазный desc: of or characteristic of the middle class, typically with reference to its perceived materialistic values or conventional attitudes. syn: 1) 14246 traditionalist; 28745 conformist; 30055 bourgeois; 32294 reactionary 2) 4882 middle-class; 5809 predictable; 9263 bourgeois; 19816 staid; 54163 unadventurous


BOUT Перевод: приступ, встреча, схватка Определение: a short period of intense activity of a specified kind; a curve in the side of a violin, guitar, or other musical instrument.


BRACE 1) noun: фигурная скобка, связь, распорка, пара, коловорот, брас, свора, подтяжки desc: a device that clamps things tightly together or that gives support, in particular; a pair of something, typically of birds or mammals killed in hunting. 2) verb: обхватывать, связывать, подпирать, укреплять desc: make (a structure) stronger or firmer with wood, iron, or other forms of support. syn: 1) 4419 stay; 7752 bracket; 8118 prop; 9129 brace; 17539 strut; 27556 buttress 2) 1860 fix; 2421 block; 6686 brace; 10355 steady; 33935 chock; 4577 tighten; 8991 clench; 9979 stiffen


BRACKET 1) noun: кронштейн, скобка, консоль, опора, вилка, группа, подставка, бра, гитара, рубрика desc: each of a pair of marks [ ] used to enclose words or figures so as to separate them from the context; a category of people or things that are similar or fall between specified limits; a right-angled support attached to and projecting from a wall for holding a shelf, lamp, or other object; the distance between two artillery shots fired either side of the target to establish range. 2) verb: ставить наряду, упоминать, заключать в скобки, прикреплять кницами, захватывать в вилку desc: enclose (words or figures) in brackets; place (one or more people or things) in the same category or group; hold or attach (something) by means of a right-angled support; establish the range of (a target) by firing two preliminary shots, one short of the target and the other beyond it. syn: 1) 250 kind; 836 sort; 865 set; 973 range; 1046 collection; 1281 band; 1465 category; 7752 bracket 2) 1081 relate; 1358 associate; 1641 connect; 1739 link; 8659 group; 19042 bracket


BRAG 1) noun: хвастовство, хвастун desc: a gambling card game that is a simplified form of poker; a boastful statement; an act of talking boastfully. 2) adj: великолепный desc: excellent; first-rate. 3) verb: хвастаться, бахвалиться, кичиться desc: say in a boastful manner. syn: 1) 32400 2) great; gorgeous; magnificent 3) 8194 brag; 18347 crow; 26489 swank; 28123 swagger


BRASS 1) noun: латунь, медь, начальство, вкладыш, деньги, старший офицер, духовые медные инструменты, бесстыдство, высший военный чин desc: a yellow alloy of copper and zinc; a utensil, ornament, or other article made of such an alloy; high-ranking military officers; any very important officials. 2) adj: медный, латунный desc: of, made of, or pertaining to brass; composed for or using musical instruments made of brass. syn: 1) 5016 brass; 9835 self-confidence; 15200 gall; 3102 nerve; 18307 assertiveness; 25717 chutzpah; 37488 impudence


BREACH 1) noun: нарушение, брешь, разрыв, пролом, отверстие, интервал, ссора, волны, разбивающиеся о корабль desc: an act of breaking or failing to observe a law, agreement, or code of conduct; a gap in a wall, barrier, or defense, especially one made by an attacking army. 2) verb: нарушать, проламывать, пробивать брешь, выскочить из воды desc: make a gap in and break through (a wall, barrier, or defense); (of a whale) rise and break through the surface of the water. syn: 1) 1215 hole; 1950 opening; 3027 crack; 8001 breach; 14881 rupture; 15945 fissure; 10718 rift; 7404 betrayal; 9806 defiance 2) 2926 violate; 12067 breach; 15425 infringe; 16097 disobey; 20827 flout; 26650 contravene; 494 break


BREAKDOWN noun: пробой, распад, разрушение, поломка, распределение, авария, развал, анализ, упадок, классификация, разруха, разборка, брейк, полный упадок сил desc: a mechanical failure; a failure of a relationship or system; the chemical or physical decomposition of something; a lively, energetic American country dance. syn: 4965 summary; 5201 breakdown; 5967 classification; 16363 dissection; 17051 rundown; 1364 failure; 3464 collapse; 7109 halt; 9181 interruption; 14772 cessation.


BREAKUP noun: разделение, разрушение, завершение, конец занятий (начало каникул в школе), разрыв отношений, таяние ледяного покрова, демонтаж desc: disintegration; disruption; dispersal; an end to a relationship, typically a marriage; the melting and loosening of ice in rivers and harbors during the early spring. syn: 2701 destruction; 3464 collapse; 7807 breakup; 11254 fragmentation; 24515 crumbling; 2997 divorce; 3794 finish; 5242 ending


BRIEFCASE noun: портфель, кожаный чемоданчик desc: a flat, rectangular container, typically made of leather, for carrying books and papers. syn: 1009 bag; 3839 portfolio; 7226 folder; 7794 briefcase


BRINK noun: край, берег desc: an extreme edge of land before a steep or vertical slope. syn: 1348 border; 1587 lip; 4646 rim; 7797 brink; 10298 periphery; 978 edge; 4768 threshold


BRISK adj: оживленный, юркий, шипучий, борзый, свежий, проворный, отрывистый desc: active, fast, and energetic. syn: 7574 impatient; 8872 abrupt; 9343 brisk; 21910 curt; 16072 no-nonsense; 19120 hurried; 3048 rapid


BROTH Перевод: бульон, суп, похлёбка Определение: soup consisting of meat or vegetable chunks, and often rice, cooked in stock; liquid medium containing proteins and other nutrients for the culture of bacteria.


BROW Перевод: лоб, бровь, чело Определение: a person's forehead; the summit of a hill or pass; a gangway from a ship to the shore.


BRUISE 1) noun: синяк, ушиб, кровоподтек, повреждение, контузия desc: an injury appearing as an area of discolored skin on the body, caused by a blow or impact rupturing underlying blood vessels. 2) verb: помять, ушибать, ставить синяки, толочь, контузить, повредить desc: inflict an injury on (someone or something) causing discoloration of the skin. syn: 1) 7755 bruise; 19789 welt; 27310 shiner; 22735 discoloration; 31455 contusion 2) 1689 mark; 3018 damage; 3749 injure; 9845 bash; 12088 bruise


BRUTALITY noun: жестокость, зверство desc: savage physical violence; great cruelty. syn: 8491 cruelty; 8787 brutality; 21799 harshness; 25096 ruthlessness; 29713 callousness


BUCKLE 1) noun: пряжка, стяжка, хомутик, скоба, изгиб desc: a flat, typically rectangular frame with a hinged pin, used for joining the ends of a belt or strap. 2) verb: сгибаться, застегивать пряжку, приниматься энергично за дело, готовиться, жениться desc: fasten or decorate with a buckle; bend and give way under pressure or strain. syn: 1) 4266 catch; 11899 buckle; 17747 fastener; 21323 clasp; 33878 fastening; 48174 hasp 2) 3233 collapse; 3517 fold; 9146 buckle; 10007 bulge; 12148 crumple; 16353 warp; 2505 secure; 6383 clip


BUD 1) noun: бутон, почка, приятель, дружище, крошка, девушка-подросток desc: a compact knoblike growth on a plant that develops into a leaf, flower, or shoot; a form of address, usually to a boy or man, used especially when the name of the one being addressed is not known. 2) verb: давать почки, пускать ростки, развиваться, прививать глазком desc: (of a plant or animal) form a bud. syn: 1) 7067 bud; 8006 shoot; 11483 sprout; 17384 outgrowth 2) 6292 flourish; 7632 bloom; 11516 blossom; 12338 flower; 30402 bud


BULLY 1) noun: хулиган, задира, забияка, хвастун, сутенер, мясные консервы desc: a person who uses strength or power to harm or intimidate those who are weaker; corned beef. 2) verb: запугивать, задирать desc: use superior strength or influence to intimidate (someone), typically to force him or her to do what one wants. 3) adv: великолепный, первоклассный desc: very good; first-rate. syn: 1) 7520 bully; 11940 tyrant; 13844 aggressor; 18847 oppressor; 31061 persecutor; 46160 intimidator; 55793 tormenter 2) 6730 intimidate; 7249 harass; 9252 bully; 11682 terrorize; 12357 torment; 13310 persecute; 13433 oppress; 34961 browbeat 3) nifty; great


BUMP Перевод: удар, шишка, выпуклость, ударяться, ударять, толкать Определение: a light blow or a jolting collision; a protuberance on a level surface; knock or run into someone or something, typically with a jolt.


BUN noun: булочка, пучок, узел, бочка, белочка desc: a bread roll of various shapes and flavorings, typically sweetened and often containing dried fruit; a hairstyle in which the hair is drawn back into a tight coil at the back of the head; a person's buttocks. syn: 9152 bun


BUNK 1) noun: койка, трескучие фразы, болтовня, бегство desc: a narrow shelflike bed, typically one of two or more arranged one on top of the other; nonsense. 2) verb: спать на койке, ложиться спать, удирать, убегать, исчезать desc: sleep in a narrow berth or improvised bed, typically in shared quarters as a temporary arrangement. syn: 1) 6048 nonsense; 9080 bunk; 15524 rubbish; 24601 gibberish; 30489 humbug; 38725 hooey 2) 27378 bunk


BURDEN 1) noun: бремя, нагрузка, тяжесть, накладные расходы, суть, тема desc: a load, especially a heavy one; the main theme or gist of a speech, book, or argument. 2) verb: обременять, отягощать, нагружать desc: load heavily; to load oppressively. syn: 1) 4953 cargo; 509 tax; 955 weight; 1068 responsibility; 11025 inconvenience 2) 4750 trouble; 12134 saddle; 16709 lumber


BURNER noun: горелка, конфорка, форсунка, топка, обжигательная печь desc: a thing that burns something or is burned, in particular. syn: 1684 ring; 3220 flame; 3163 jet; 8369 burner


BUST 1) noun: бюст, банкротство, халтура, кутеж, налет полиции, разорение desc: a woman's chest as measured around her breasts; a sculpture of a person's head, shoulders, and chest; a period of economic difficulty or depression; a raid or arrest by the police; a worthless thing. 2) verb: запить, обанкротиться, разжаловать, арестовать, ломать, схватить с поличным desc: break, split, or burst (something); raid or search (premises where illegal activity is suspected). 3) adj: обанкротившийся, сломанный desc: bankrupt. syn: 1) 3044 arrest; 5149 raid; 7494 seizure; 7931 bust; 552 figure; 3450 sculpture; 3902 statue 2) 586 catch; 1723 capture; 2153 arrest; 3251 seize; 6784 bust; 7690 detain; 5515 shatter; 14446 rupture; 15080 fracture 3) 12099 ruined; 17940 busted; 18252 smashed; 22705 bust; 34398 kaput


BUTCHER 1) noun: мясник, палач, убийца, разносчик в поезде, искусственная муха desc: a person whose trade is cutting up and selling meat in a shop; a person selling refreshments, newspapers, and other items on a train or in a stadium or theater. 2) verb: безжалостно убивать, забивать скот, искажать, портить desc: slaughter or cut up (an animal) for food. syn: 1) 5483 murderer; 8576 butcher; 21518 slayer; 28750 exterminator; 52558 slaughterer 2) 6500 spoil; 17316 butcher; 18764 botch; 24202 bungle; 3503 murder; 9022 assassinate; 11775 slay


BYPASS 1) noun: обход, шунт, обводный канал, обходный путь desc: a road passing around a town or its center to provide an alternative route for through traffic. 2) verb: обходить, обтекать, окаймлять, окружать, не принимать во внимание, пренебрегать desc: go past or around. syn: 1) 10340 bypass 2) 7734 bypass; 9759 evade; 12004 skirt; 12258 circumvent; 13497 sidestep; 30309 detour


CABBAGE 1) noun: капуста, шпаргалка, пустое месть, котелок desc: a cultivated plant eaten as a vegetable, having thick green or purple leaves surrounding a spherical heart or head of young leaves. 2) verb: завиваться кочаном, утаивать обрезки материи, воровать, прикарманивать, пользоваться шпаргалкой desc: to steal; make off with belongings of others syn: 1) 7088 cabbage. 2) pilfer; filch; purloin


CALF Перевод: телёнок, голень, детёныш Определение: a young bovine animal, especially a domestic cow or bull in its first year; a floating piece of ice detached from an iceberg; the fleshy part at the back of a person's leg below the knee.


CALLING noun: призвание, профессия, занятие desc: the loud cries or shouts of an animal or person; a strong urge toward a particular way of life or career; a vocation. syn: 246 business; 1096 mission; 2903 profession; 3356 occupation; 9189 calling; 10141 vocation


CAMPER noun: кемпер, домик на колесах, отдыхающий, экскурсант, турист desc: a person who spends a vacation in a tent or camp; a large motor vehicle with facilities for sleeping and cooking while camping. syn: 9379 camper; 18797 vacationer


CANE Перевод: трость, тростик, прут, плетёный, вдалбывать урок, бить палкой, оплетать тростником Определение: the hollow, jointed stem of a tall grass, especially bamboo or sugar cane, or the stem of a slender palm such as rattan; a length of cane or a slender stick, especially one used as a support for plants, as a walking stick, or as an instrument of punishment; beat with a cane as a punishment; beat with a cane as a punishment.


CANNON 1) noun: пушка, орудие, карамболь, ухо колокола, берцовая кость, глубокое ущелье, каньон desc: a large, heavy piece of artillery, typically mounted on wheels, formerly used in warfare; a carom. 2) verb: обстреливать из пушек, отскочить при столкновении, столкнуться, сделать карамболь desc: make a cannon shot. syn: 1) 8585 cannon 2) 45370 cannon


CANON noun: канон, правило, список произведений автора, критерий, католические святцы, кольцо колокола desc: a general law, rule, principle, or criterion by which something is judged; a collection or list of sacred books accepted as genuine; (in the Roman Catholic Church) the part of the Mass containing the words of consecration; a member of the clergy who is on the staff of a cathedral, especially one who is a member of the chapter. The position is frequently conferred as an honorary one. syn: 8683 canon


CANOPY 1) noun: навес, тент, балдахин, зонт, купол парашюта, верхняя розетка люстры desc: an ornamental cloth covering hung or held up over something, especially a throne or bed. 2) verb: покрывать балдахином, покрывать навесом desc: cover or provide with a canopy. syn: 1) 2891 shelter; 3003 shade; 7149 canopy; 9499 blind; 13601 covering; 16034 awning; 1635 cover; 2148 roof 2) 45752 canopy


CAPTIVE 1) noun: пленник desc: a person who has been taken prisoner or an animal that has been confined. 2) adj: пленный, взятый в плен desc: imprisoned or confined. syn: 1) 4003 hostage; 8162 detainee; 9423 captive; 37682 internee 2) 9684 attentive; 11377 captive; 16941 trapped; 17753 rapt; 19184 fascinated; 23031 spellbound; 20931 caged


CARDBOARD 1) noun: картон, строительный картон desc: pasteboard or stiff paper. 2) adj: непрочный, шаблонный, стереотипный, схематичный desc: resembling cardboard, especially in flimsiness; not fully lifelike; shallow; two-dimensional syn: 1) 667 board; 893 card; 7788 packaging; 10534 packing; 10931 cardboard; 14473 wrapping 2) 2585 flat; 8013 cardboard; 13638 two-dimensional; 22680 insubstantial; 25204 unconvincing; 41643 phoney


CARPENTER 1) noun: плотник, столяр desc: a person who makes and repairs wooden objects and structures. 2) verb: плотничать desc: make by shaping wood. syn: 1) 8205 carpenter


CARPET 1) noun: ковер, покрытие, покрывало, защитный слой, одежда, крыша desc: a floor or stair covering made from thick woven fabric, typically shaped to fit a particular room. 2) verb: устилать, покрывать коврами, вызывать для замечания, вызывать для выговора desc: cover (a floor or stairs) with a carpet; reprimand severely. syn: 1) 1999 mass; 2181 layer; 3327 blanket; 4052 spread; 4144 carpet; 13601 covering; 5148 rug 2) cover; coat; overlay; overspread


CARRIAGE noun: перевозка, транспорт, каретка, вагон, экипаж, коляска, салазки, осанка, суппорт, лафет, рама, вагонетка, переноска, станок, выполнение desc: a means of conveyance, in particular; the transporting of items or merchandise from one place to another; a moving part of a machine that carries other parts into the required position; a person's bearing or deportment; the harboring of a potentially disease-causing organism by a person or animal that does not contract the disease. syn: 1268 presence; 5466 posture; 6628 carriage; 6817 bearing; 10448 gait;29530 deportment; 4085 cart; 4061 trap; 8139 gig


CARRY 1) noun: перенос, перевозка, дальность полета desc: an act of lifting and transporting something from one place to another; (in golf) the distance a ball travels before reaching the ground. 2) verb: нести, возить, поддерживать desc: support and move (someone or something) from one place to another; to contain or be capable of containing; transfer (a figure) to an adjacent column during an arithmetical operation (e.g., when a column of digits adds up to more than ten). syn: 1) range, transposition 2) 213 hold; 215 bring, 2329 transfer


CARVE verb: вырезать, разделывать, делить, высекать, гравировать desc: cut (a hard material) in order to produce an aesthetically pleasing object or design; cut (cooked meat) into slices for eating; make (a turn) by tilting one's skis on to their edges and using one's weight to bend them so that they slide into an arc. syn: 9009 etch; 9398 inscribe; 12639 engrave; 17366 notch; 2443 shape; 3947 slice; 6350 fashion; 12375 sculpt; 13654 parel; 15645 whittle


CAST 1) noun: литье, бросок, оттенок desc: an object made by shaping molten metal or similar material in a mold; an act of throwing something forcefully; the form or appearance of something, especially someone's features or complexion; a slight squint; a convoluted mass of earth or sand ejected onto the surface by a burrowing worm; a search made by a hound or pack of hounds over a wide area to find a trail. 2) verb: бросать, отливать, менять desc: throw (something) forcefully in a specified direction; shape (metal or other material) by pouring it into a mold while molten; (in country dancing) change one's position by moving a certain number of places in a certain direction along the outside of the line in which one is dancing. syn: 1) 11851 troupe 2) 2443 shape; 4516 model; 7148 mold; 542 produce; 1700 generate; 5769 breed


CASUALLY adv: вскользь, небрежно, безразлично, случайно, неофициально desc: in a relaxed way, or not seeming to be interested in someone or something; if you dress casually, you do not dress in a formal way. syn: 17201 carelessly; 28090 indifferently; 30071 offhandedly; 36115 cavalierly; 41585 heedlessly; 7095 calmly; 14166 informally; 14886 coolly; 6899 casually.


CASUALTY noun: несчастный случай, жертва, авария, раненый, убитый, подбитая машина desc: a person killed or injured in a war or accident. syn: 4265 casualty; 9992 fatality; 1064 victim; 1154 object; 1285 target; 8532 martyr; 11848 sufferer


CATER verb: угождать, поставлять, потворствовать, обслуживать зрителя/посетителя, снабжать провизией desc: provide food and drink, typically at social events and in a professional capacity. syn: 401 serve; 2490 supply; 3020 satisfy; 3745 accommodate; 7050 cater; 7455 furnish; 7944 tailor; 12458 outfit; 18644 gratify


CATFISH noun: сом, зубатка полосатая desc: a freshwater or marine fish with whiskerlike barbels around the mouth, typically bottom-dwelling. syn: 8758 catfish


CATTLE noun: крупный рогатый скот, рогатый скот, скоты desc: arge ruminant animals with horns and cloven hoofs, domesticated for meat or milk, or as beasts of burden; cows; similar animals of a group related to domestic cattle, including yak, bison, and buffalo. syn: 6255 livestock; 33789 steers


CAUCUS noun: предвыборное совещание, партийное собрание, политика подтасовки выборов desc: a meeting of the members of a legislative body who are members of a particular political party, to select candidates or decide policy; a group of people with shared concerns within a political party or larger organization. syn: 966 conference; 1432 committee; 3996 assembly; 8889 caucus; 1961 league; 3399 alliance; 8466 bloc


CAUTIOUS Перевод: осторожный, осмотрительный, предусмотрительный Определение: (of a person) careful to avoid potential problems or dangers.


CAVALRY noun: кавалерия, конница desc: (in the past) soldiers who fought on horseback. syn: 879 help; 1645 aid; 2092 assistance; 5539 backup; 8756 cavalry


CAVITY noun: полость, впадина, каверна, трещина в породе desc: an empty space within a solid object, in particular the human body. syn: 1215 hole; 1950 opening; 3027 crack; 6988 crater; 6915 void; 7688 cavity; 8401 hollow


CEASE verb: прекращать, переставать, прекращаться, приостанавливать, останавливаться, смолкать, утихнуть desc: bring or come to an end. syn: 533 end; 917 finish; 1676 conclude; 4511 cease; 7304 terminate.


CEDAR noun: кедр desc: any of a number of conifers that typically yield fragrant, durable timber, in particular. syn: 9008 cedar


CELERY noun: сельдерей desc: a cultivated plant of the parsley family, with closely packed succulent leafstalks that are eaten raw or cooked. syn: 8318 celery


CELESTIAL adj: небесный, божественный, астрономический, великолепный desc: positioned in or relating to the sky, or outer space as observed in astronomy. syn: 6057 cosmic; 6973 lunar; 7048 planetary; 8987 celestial; 12038 galactic; 16244 extraterrestrial


CELLAR 1) noun: погреб, подвал, винный погреб desc: a room below ground level in a house, typically one used for storing wine or coal. 2) verb: хранить в подвале/погребе desc: store (wine) in a cellar. syn: 1) 7805 cellar; 8592 vault; 19230 crypt


CEMETERY noun: кладбище desc: a burial ground; a graveyard. syn: 10210 graveyard; 19003 mausoleum; 23693 churchyard; 41057 boneyard


CENSUS noun: перепись desc: an official count or survey of a population, typically recording various details of individuals. syn: 1628 poll; 5438 registration; 6126 census; 2573 count; 5402 register; 11905 tally.


CENTERPIECE noun: главное украшение, орнамент на середине, ваза в центре стола, основной предмет коллекции, крестовина, украшение из серебра desc: a decorative piece or display placed in the middle of a dining or serving table. syn: 1435 focus; 1964 core; 2270 foundation; 8513 centerpiece; 10043 cornerstone; 11672 flagship


CEREAL 1) noun: хлебный злак, каша desc: a grain used for food, such as wheat, oats, or corn. 2) adj: зерновой, злаковый, хлебный desc: of or relating to grain or the plants producing it. syn: 1) 6204 cereal; grain


CERTIFY verb: удостоверять, заверять, утверждать, ручаться desc: attest or confirm in a formal statement. syn: 1745 declare; 1861 confirm; 3914 endorse; 5701 verify; 7150 certify; 8795 attest


CHAMBER 1) noun: камера, палата, комната, патронник, ночной горшок, контора адвоката desc: a large room used for formal or public events; a private room, typically a bedroom; an enclosed space or cavity. 2) verb: заключать в камеру, высверливать, рассверливать, расширять дно скважины desc: place (a bullet) into the chamber of a gun. syn: 1) 4889 slot; 6656 compartment; 7688 cavity; 8401 hollow; 14775 boardroom


CHAMP 1) noun: чемпион, чавканье desc: a champion. 2) verb: чавкать, хрупать, громко жевать, грызть, давить, мять, быть в нетерпении desc: to bite upon or grind, especially impatiently; to crush with the teeth and chew vigorously or noisily; munch. syn: 1) 2775 champion; 7953 champ; 13052 victor 2) 39013 champ


CHANT 1) noun: песнопение, песнь, пение псалма desc: a repeated rhythmic phrase, typically one shouted or sung in unison by a crowd; a short musical passage in two or more phrases used for singing unmetrical words; a psalm or canticle sung to such music. 2) verb: петь, воспевать, скандировать, бубнить, петь монотонно/нараспев, монотонно повторять desc: say or shout repeatedly in a singsong tone. syn: 1) 3933 tune; 9358 hymn; 10202 chant; 10273 mantra; 18037 carol; 22327 psalm. 2) 1607 repeat; 6486 recite; 6982 chant; 15261 intone; 29024 vocalize.


CHAPEL noun: часовня, капелла, церковь, собрание типографских рабочих, богослужение, типография desc: a small building for Christian worship, typically one attached to an institution or private house; the members or branch of a labor union at a particular place of work. syn: 7370 chapel; 19688 oratory


CHARCOAL 1) noun: уголь, древесный уголь, рашкуль, рисунок углем desc: a porous black solid, consisting of an amorphous form of carbon, obtained as a residue when wood, bone, or other organic matter is heated in the absence of air. 2) verb: рисовать углем; отмечать углем desc: cook over charcoal. syn: 1) 7571 charcoal; coal; carbon


CHARITABLE adj: благотворительный, милосердный, щедрый desc: of or relating to the assistance of those in need; apt to judge others leniently or favorably. syn: 8695 gracious; 9361 tolerant; 18196 indulgent; 17896 considerate; 3073 helpful; 28499 understanding; 6871 charitable; 11778 benevolent; 16390 altruistic; 18681 bountiful.


CHASE 1) noun: погоня, преследование, охота, рама, паз, слежка, травля, оправа, фальц, канавка desk: an act of pursuing someone or something; (in letterpress printing) a metal frame for holding the composed type and blocks being printed at one time; the part of a gun enclosing the bore; a groove or furrow cut in the face of a wall or other surface to receive a pipe. 2) verb: преследовать, гнаться, выгонять, охотиться, прогонять, рассеивать, прорезать пазы desk: pursue in order to catch or catch up with; try to make contact with (someone) in order to get something owed or required; engrave (metal, or a design on metal). syn: 1) 3903 pursuit; 5019 hunt. 2) 2714 track; 3976 trail; 17401 hound; 2403 race; 3635 hurry; 7390 dash; 37362 career.


CHEEK noun: щека, наглость, дерзость, косяк, боковая стойка, самоуверенность desc: either side of the face below the eye; impertinent talk or behavior. syn: 3102 nerve; 5016 brass; 17452 audacity; 18320 boldness; 21542 rudeness; 41053 effrontery


CHEER 1) noun: настроение, радость, веселье, одобрительные возгласы, аплодисменты, ободрение, хорошее угощение desc: a shout of encouragement, praise, or joy; cheerfulness, optimism, or confidence. 2) verb: аплодировать, ободрять, поощрять, воодушевлять desc: shout for joy or in praise or encouragement; give comfort or support to. syn: 1) 6769 cheer; 24875 merriment; 28701 cheerfulness; 30803 liveliness; 54335 joyfulness 2) 3747 praise; 4665 cheer; 5793 applaud; 6187 hail


CHERISH verb: лелеять, хранить, нежно любить, заботливо выращивать, питать надежды desc: protect and care for (someone) lovingly. syn: 3990 value; 8827 relish; 8828 cherish; 10922 revere; 12693 prize; 13008 treasure; 25187 esteem


CHESTNUT noun: каштан, избитый анекдот, бабка, гнедая лошадь desc: a glossy brown nut that may be roasted and eaten; the large European tree that produces the edible chestnut, which develops within a bristly case, with serrated leaves and heavy timber; a deep reddish-brown color; a small horny patch on the inside of each of a horse's legs. syn: 9046 chestnut; 9108 anecdote; 20497 clichй


CHIC 1) noun: шик, элегантность desc: stylishness and elegance, typically of a specified kind. 2) adj: шикарный, элегантный, модный, нарядный desc: elegantly and stylishly fashionable. syn: 1) 9483 elegance; 22413 panache; 23745 chic; 53093 stylishness 2) 2828 attractive; 3973 elegant; 7785 fashionable; 8881 stylish; 9461 chic; 13170 classy; 16542 well-dressed


CHIMNEY noun: дымоход, камин, расщелина, кратер, ламповое стекло, крутопадающий рудный столб desc: a vertical channel or pipe that conducts smoke and combustion gases up from a fire or furnace and typically through the roof of a building. syn: 8475 chimney; 11065 funnel; 12392 conduit; 18945 smokestack; 24560 flue


CHIP 1) noun: обломок, микросхема, фишка, стружка desc: a small piece of something removed in the course of chopping, cutting, or breaking something, especially a hard material such as wood or stone; a thin slice of food made crisp by being fried, baked, or dried and typically eaten as a snack; a counter used in certain gambling games to represent money; (in golf, soccer, and other sports) a short lofted kick or shot with the ball. 2) verb: биться, откалываться, стругать desc: cut or break (a small piece) from the edge or surface of a hard material; (in golf, soccer, and other sports) kick or strike (a ball or shot) to produce a short lobbed shot or pass. syn: 1) 2137 mark; 5459 flaw; 13355 imperfection; 18417 blemish; 4543 chunk 2) 13654 pare; 15645 whittle; 17253 fragment; 17746 flake; 17790 chisel


CHOKE Перевод: дроссель, дроссельная катушка, воздушная заслонка, душить, задыхаться, заглушать Определение: a valve in the carburetor of a gasoline engine that is used to reduce the amount of air in the fuel mixture when the engine is started; an action or sound of a person or animal having or seeming to have difficulty in breathing; (of a person or animal) have severe difficulty in breathing because of a constricted or obstructed throat or a lack of air.


CHORD 1) noun: аккорд, хорда, пояс, струна, связка, гамма красок desc: a group of (typically three or more) notes sounded together, as a basis of harmony; a straight line joining the ends of an arc. 2) verb: гармонировать, сочетать desc: play, sing, or arrange notes in chords. syn: 1) 7389 chord; 14428 triad; 34575 arpeggio 2) harmonize


CHORE noun: случайная работа, поденная работа, домашняя работа desc: a routine task, especially a household one. syn: 6107 chore; 11443 imposition; 11025 inconvenience; 13452 bore; 1048 task; 1068 responsibility 1761 duty; 3147 assignment; 10167 errand.


CHUCK 1) noun: зажимной патрон, цыпленок, еда, рывок, детка, бросок, подергивание, игра в орлянку, увольнение, полено, чурбан desc: a playful touch under the chin; a device for holding a workpiece in a lathe or a tool in a drill, typically having three or four jaws that move radially in and out; a cut of beef that extends from the neck to the ribs, typically used for stewing; food or provisions. 2) verb: ласково похлопывать, кудахтать, скликать домашнюю птицу, понукать лошадь, бросать, зажимать в патроне desc: throw (something) carelessly or casually; touch (someone) playfully or gently under the chin. syn: 1) 6341 wedge; 14304 clamp; 24187 chuck; 17312 grub; 54966 provender 2) 2538 quit; 3413 resign; 8960 chuck; 4580 pat; 9709 tickle; 2412 toss; 3505 pitch; 6254 fling


CHUCKLE 1) noun: хихиканье, кудахтанье, довольный смех, радость desc: a quiet or suppressed laugh. 2) verb: хихикать, посмеиваться, радоваться, кудахтать desc: laugh quietly or inwardly. syn: 1) 10391 giggle; 11178 chuckle; 27884 gurgle 2) 6419 chuckle; 23228 chortle; 35105 snigger


CHUNK 1) noun: кусок, ломоть, толстый кусок, коренастый и полный человек, коренастая лошадь, колода, чурбан, болван desc: a thick, solid piece of something. 2) verb: метнуть, швырнуть, запускать desc: divide (something) into chunks; move with or make a muffled, metallic sound. syn: 1) 782 amount; 1999 mass; 2191 portion; 4543 chunk 2) lump; collocate


CHURN 1) noun: маслобойка, мешалка desc: a machine or container in which butter is made by agitating milk or cream. 2) verb: сбивать, взбалтывать, размешивать, вспенивать desc: agitate or turn (milk or cream) in a machine in order to produce butter; (of liquid) move about vigorously. syn: 1) 18922 churn 2) 1769 mix; 1909 stir; 2412 toss; 3944 blend; 4290 whip; 8562 churn; 12479 agitate; 16640 roil


CILANTRO noun: кинза desc: a European umbelliferous plant, Coriandrum sativum, widely cultivated for its aromatic seeds and leaves, used in flavouring food, etc Also called (in Britain and certain other countries) coriander syn: 9052 cilantro


CINNAMON noun: корица, светло-коричневый цвет, желтовато-коричневый цвет desc: an aromatic spice made from the peeled, dried, and rolled bark of a Southeast Asian tree; the tree which yields cinnamon. syn: 6557 cinnamon


CIVIC adj: гражданский desc: of or relating to a city or town, especially its administration; municipal. syn: 423 local; 1051 civil; 4710 municipal


CLAMP 1) noun: зажим, хомут, скоба, струбцина, тиски, штабель, клетка, куча, тяжелая поступь desc: a brace, band, or clasp used for strengthening or holding things together. 2) verb: зажимать, скреплять, смыкать, складывать в кучу, тяжело ступать desc: fasten (something) in place with a clamp. syn: 1) 14304 clamp 2) 649 close; 1860 fix; 6686 brace; 8073 fasten; 8380 clamp; 9721 compress; 12673 clinch


CLAN Перевод: клан, род, клика Определение: a group of close-knit and interrelated families (especially associated with families in the Scottish Highlands).


CLAP 1) noun: хлопок, триппер, удар, шлепок, клакер, трещотка, удар грома, язык desc: an act of striking together the palms of the hands, either once or repeatedly; an explosive sound, especially of thunder. 2) verb: аплодировать, похлопывать, упечь, надвигать, упрятывать, заражать триппером desc: strike the palms of (one's hands) together repeatedly, typically in order to applaud. syn: 1) 7951 thrust; 10869 slap; 11858 pat; 21896 clap; 24807 wallop; 37565 thwack 2) 5793 applaud; 6820 clap; 19386 acclaim


CLASH 1) noun: столкновение, конфликт, лязг, гул, шум desc: a violent confrontation; a mismatch of colors; a loud jarring sound made by or resembling that made by metal objects being struck together. 2) verb: конфликтовать, сталкиваться, расходиться, ударяться друг о друга, совпадать во времени, дисгармонировать, ударять с грохотом, производить гул, звонить во все колокола desc: meet and come into violent conflict; (of colors) appear discordant or ugly when placed close to each other; strike (cymbals) together, producing a loud discordant sound. syn: 1) 1186 argument; 1201 battle; 1569 fight; 1853 row; 3442 brush; 5171 disagreement; 5700 collision; 6225 clash; 11467 quarrel; 4299 jar 2) 5121 bang; 9788 clash; 2695 disagree; 7721 collide; 9899 conflict; 10064 row; 14945 quarrel; 19202 spar; 26650 contravene; 29005 mismatch


CLASP 1) noun: застежка, зажим, пряжка, рукопожатие, объятие desc: a device with interlocking parts used for fastening things together; an embrace. 2) verb: роиться, копошиться, лезть, толпиться, карабкаться desc: grasp (something) tightly with one's hand; fasten (something) with a small device, typically a metal one. syn: 1) 4241 clip; 4266 catch; 17747 fastener; 21323 clasp; 26979 popper 2) 2489 embrace; 3888 hug; 4214 grasp; 5199 clutch; 5374 grip; 8073 fasten; 9185 clasp


CLAW 1) noun: коготь, клешня, лапа, зуб, выступ, палец, рука, кулак desc: a curved pointed horny nail on each digit of the foot in birds, lizards, and some mammals. 2) verb: хватать, царапать, рвать когтями, лавировать desc: (of an animal or person) scratch or tear something with the claws or the fingernails; (of a sailing ship) beat to windward. syn: 1) 3821 hook; 7039 claw; 17083 talon 2) 4688 scratch; 5557 scrape; 6939 pierce; 7652 graze; 11906 claw; 22975 scrabble


CLAY noun: глина, ил, прах, тина, тело, плоть desc: a stiff, sticky fine-grained earth, typically yellow, red, or bluish-gray in color and often forming an impermeable layer in the soil. It can be molded when wet, and is dried and baked to make bricks, pottery, and ceramics. syn: 1801 soil; 2754 dirt; 3636 mud; 4816 clay


CLENCH 1) noun: клинч, заклепывание, стискивание, объятия, убедительный аргумент, сжимание кулаков desc: a contraction or tightening of part of the body. 2) verb: сжимать, стискивать, крепко держать, окончательно решать, обниматься, утверждать, прибивать гвоздем desc: (with reference to the fingers or hand) close into a tight ball, especially when feeling extreme anger. syn: 1) 45347 clench 2) 8380 clamp; 8991 clench; 9185 clasp; 9721 compress; 13810 grit; 18925 scrunch


CLERGY noun: духовенство, священники, клир desc: the body of all people ordained for religious duties, especially in the Christian Church. syn: 6592 clergy; 13151 priesthood.


CLERIC noun: духовное лицо, церковник desc: a priest or religious leader, especially a Christian or Muslim one. syn: 2307 priest; 8777 cleric; 54547 ecclesiastic


CLIFF noun: утес, крутой обрыв, отвесная скала desc: a steep rock face, especially at the edge of the sea. syn: 4350 cliff; 7981 bluff; 16687 overhang; 19922 precipice; 23833 crag


CLING verb: цепляться, льнуть, держаться, липнуть, оставаться верным, облегать, лепиться desc: (of a person or animal) hold on tightly to. syn: 1211 stick; 3888 hug; 4649 cling; 5374 grip; 6609 adhere; 21737 cleave; 2489 embrace; 4214 grasp; 5199 clutch


CLIP 1) noun: клип, зажим, скрепка, скоба, хомутик, стрижка, патронная обойма, ножницы, сильный удар, быстрая походка, дерзкая девчонка desc: a device, typically flexible or worked by a spring, for holding an object or objects together or in place; an act of clipping or trimming something; a quick or glancing blow; a specified speed or rate of movement, especially when rapid. 2) verb: обрезать, глотать, скреплять, бежать, делать вырезки, крепко обхватывать, обрубать, сокращать, компостировать, ударить кулаком, обманывать desc: fasten or be fastened with a clip or clips; cut short or trim (hair, wool, nails, or vegetation) with shears or scissors; strike briskly or with a glancing blow; swindle or rob (someone); move quickly in a specified direction. syn: 1) 2224 passage; 4241 clip; 4446 quote; 6137 excerpt; 7342 extract; 9038 quotation; 4386 pin; 7116 staple; 21323 clasp 2) 4968 trim; 5851 shave; 6383 clip; 9808 shear; 11164 crop; 13654 pare; 14752 prune; 2334 attach; 2505 secure


CLOAK 1) noun: плащ, мантия, покров, маска, личина, отговорка, предлог desc: an outdoor overgarment, typically sleeveless, that hangs loosely from the shoulders. 2) verb: маскировать, скрывать, покрывать плащом desc: dress in a cloak. syn: 1) 1635 cover; 7420 veil; 8596 cloak; 11762 pretense; 15412 shroud 2) 1259 hide; 2102 wrap; 5202 conceal; 8433 mask; 10917 envelop; 14388 camouflage; 16125 veil


CLOSURE Перевод: закрытие, завершение, смыкание, закрывать прения Определение: the act or process of closing something, especially an institution, thoroughfare, or frontier, or of being closed; a sense of resolution or conclusion at the end of an artistic work.


CLOUT 1) noun: затрещина, лоскут, влиятельное лицо, тряпка, гвоздь с плоской шляпкой, штукатурный гвоздь desc: a heavy blow with the hand or a hard object; influence or power, especially in politics or business; a piece of cloth or clothing, especially one used as a patch;a target used in long-distance shooting, placed flat on the ground with a flag marking its center. 2) verb: давать затрещину, грубо латать/чинить desc: hit hard with the hand or a hard object; mend with a patch. syn: 1) 833 authority; 955 weight; 1396 influence; 3569 effectiveness; 7541 pull; 8730 clout; 11990 sway 2) 1146 strike; 4118 slap; 7318 smack; 10227 thump; 9845 bash; 11677 whack; 30056 clout; 40394 wallop


CLOVE noun: гвоздика, долька чеснока, луковичка, гвоздичное дерево desc: the dried flower bud of a tropical tree, used as a pungent aromatic spice; the Indonesian tree from which cloves are obtained; a clove-scented pink that is the original type from which the carnation and other double pinks have been bred; any of the small bulbs making up a compound bulb of garlic, shallot, etc.. syn: 819 section; 2191 portion; 2939 segment; 4789 fragment; 6099 clove; 6341 wedge.


CLOWN 1) noun: клоун, шут, паяц, неотесанный парень desc: a comic entertainer, especially one in a circus, wearing a traditional costume and exaggerated makeup; an unsophisticated country person; a rustic. 2) verb: дурачиться, изображать из себя клоуна desc: behave in a comical way; act playfully. syn: 1) 6991 clown; 7666 comedian; 22551 joker; 25238 buffoon; 25750 wag; 8704 entertainer 2) 25551 clown; 29585 jest


CLUE 1) noun: ключ, улика, нить, ход мыслей, информация desk: a piece of evidence or information used in the detection of a crime or solving of a mystery; a verbal formula giving an indication as to what is to be inserted in a particular space in a crossword or other puzzle. 2) verb: раскрывать, сообщать, раскрывать тайну desk: inform someone about a particular matter. syn: 1) 759 sign; 3394 indication; 3791 suspicion; 3939 hint; 4226 trace; 4922 cue; 10915 pointer; 16173 inkling; 22462 intimation. 2) 4460 disclose; 450 report.


CLUMP 1) noun: глыба, группа деревьев, звук тяжелых шагов, двойная подошва desc: a compacted mass or lump of something; a thick extra sole on a boot or shoe; the sound of heavy footsteps. 2) verb: тяжело ступать, сажать группами, ставить двойную подошву desc: form into a clump or mass; walk with a heavy tread. syn: 1) 2674 bunch; 3221 cluster; 6084 bundle; 6735 batch; 8348 clump; 11326 thicket; 17888 tuft 2) 8812 stomp; 14101 clatter; 16653 plod; 19796 tramp; 22812 clump; 29572 clomp; 31318 clunk


CLUMSY adj: неуклюжий, неловкий, неповоротливый, топорный, грубый, безрукий, бестактный desc: awkward in movement or in handling things. syn: 9406 clumsy; 14448 inept; 18827 lumbering; 29041 gauche; 35022 inelegant; 50262 maladroit


CLUTCH 1) noun: сцепление, муфта, выводок, захват, тиски, когти, хватка, сжатие, власть desc: a tight grasp or an act of grasping something; a slim, flat handbag without handles or a strap; a mechanism for connecting and disconnecting a vehicle engine from its transmission system; a group of eggs fertilized at the same time, typically laid in a single session and (in birds) incubated together. 2) verb: ухватиться, хвататься, схватить, зажать, ухватить, соединять, высиживать desc: grasp or seize (something) tightly or eagerly. 3) adj: надежный desc: (in sport) denoting or occurring in a critical situation in which the outcome of a game or competition is at stake. syn: 1) 21111 adhesion; 11937 coupling; 7686 capture. 2) 586 catch; 1482 grab; 3251 seize; 4214 grasp; 5199 clutch; 5374 grip; 8991 clench; 8509 grapple; 9185 clasp. 3) 3528 reliable; 4239 secure.


COARSE adj: крупный, необработанный, шероховатый, грубый, низкого сорта, вульгарный, дубоватый, невежливый, заборный, непристойный desc: rough or loose in texture or grain; (of a person or their speech) rude, crude, or vulgar. syn: 5066 crude; 8045 coarse; 10019 obscene; 11611 vulgar; 18611 tasteless; 18467 crass; 30799 uncouth


COAT 1) noun: пальто, слой, шерсть, оболочка, мундир, грунт desc: an outer garment worn outdoors, having sleeves and typically extending below the hips; an animal's covering of fur or hair; a structure, especially a membrane, enclosing or lining an organ; a covering of paint or similar material laid on a surface at one time. 2) verb: покрывать desc: provide with a layer or covering of something; apply a coat to. syn: 1) 5729 crust; 9370 glaze; 15763 varnish; 1020 skin; 4744 fur 2) 1259 hide; 1375 spread; 4573 dip; 9020 smear; 11199 smother


COAX verb: уговаривать, задобрить, упрашивать, увещевать, добиваться с помощью лести/уговоров desc: to ​persuade someone ​gently to do something or go ​somewhere, by being ​kind and ​patient, or by ​appearing to be. syn: 5346 lure; 5657 tempt; 8771 coax; 9931 entice; 10119 charm; 20236 cajole; 30541 wheedle


COCK 1) noun: петух, кран, курок, самец, флюгер, бред, копна, сиденье летчика, друг, вожак, забияка desc: a male bird, especially a rooster; nonsense; a firing lever in a gun which can be raised to be released by the trigger; a small pile of hay, straw, or other material, with vertical sides and a rounded top. 2) verb: взводить курок, поднимать, взметать, складывать сено в стога desc: tilt (something) in a particular direction; raise the cock of (a gun) in order to make it ready for firing; shape (hay, straw, or other material) into a pile with vertical sides and a rounded top. syn: 1) 12248 cock 2) 5122 tilt; 6101 elevate; 8641 cock; 11229 angle; 13816 slant; 22700 incline


COCKPIT noun: кокпит, кубрик, кабина летчика, арена для петушиных боев, арена борьбы, открытая кабина самолета/кузов desc: a compartment for the pilot and sometimes also the crew in an aircraft or spacecraft; a place where a battle or other conflict takes place. syn: 639 floor; 1540 theater; 1684 ring; 3616 arena; 7276 cockpit; 12452 battleground


COHERENT adj: последовательный, связный, понятный, ясный, разборчивый, сцепленный desc: (of an argument, theory, or policy) logical and consistent; united as or forming a whole; (of waves) having a constant phase relationship. syn: 2526 reasonable; 4522 rational; 4612 logical; 6986 sound; 16284 reasoned; 7112 coherent; 12119 articulate; 15827 lucid; 18168 intelligible; 20294 comprehensible.


COIL 1) noun: катушка, змеевик, виток, кольцо, суматоха, проволочная спираль, шум desc: a length of something wound or arranged in a spiral or sequence of rings; a confusion or turmoil. 2) verb: извиваться, свертывать спиралью, наматывать, укладывать в бухту, обматывать desc: arrange or wind (something long and flexible) in a joined sequence of concentric circles or rings. syn: 1) 4868 twist; 6405 curl; 8174 spiral; 9414 coil; 24283 helix; 30204 twirl 2) 9973 spiral; 11674 loop; 13691 coil; 26323 twine; 26313 convolute


COINCIDENCE Перевод: совпадение, случайное стечение обстоятельств Определение: a remarkable concurrence of events or circumstances without apparent causal connection; correspondence in nature or in time of occurrence; the presence of ionizing particles or other objects in two or more detectors simultaneously, or of two or more signals simultaneously in a circuit.


COLLIDE verb: сталкиваться, вступать в противоречие, сшибаться desc: hit with force when moving. syn: 1146 strike; 3313 crash; 5685 bump; 7721 collide; 12402 ram


COLON noun: двоеточие, толстая кишка, колон desc: a punctuation mark (:) indicating; the main part of the large intestine, which passes from the cecum to the rectum and absorbs water and electrolytes from food that has remained undigested. Its parts are called the ascending, transverse, descending, and sigmoid colon; the basic monetary unit of Costa Rica and El Salvador, equal to 100 centimos in Costa Rica and 100 centavos in El Salvador. syn: 8361 colon


COLONEL noun: полковник desc: an officer in the U.S. Army, Air Force, or Marine Corps ranking between lieutenant colonel and brigadier general: corresponding to a captain in the U.S. Navy; a commissioned officer of similar rank in the armed forces of some other nations. syn: 7668 colonel


COMB 1) noun: гребень, расческа, пчелиные соты, овраг, бердо, хохолок, конек крыши, рядок, ложбина, узкая долина, ущелье desc: a strip of plastic, metal, or wood with a row of narrow teeth, used for untangling or arranging the hair; something resembling a comb in function or structure, in particular; the red fleshy crest on the head of a domestic fowl, especially a rooster. 2) verb: расчесывать, трепать, разбиваться, чистить скребницей, мять, разбиваться о берег, бранить desc: untangle or arrange (the hair) by drawing a comb through it; prepare (wool, flax, or cotton) for manufacture with a comb; search carefully and systematically. syn: 1) 9341 comb 2) 1599 explore; 1729 search; 7449 comb; 7923 scrutinize; 9041 rake; 9712 scour; 19882 untangle


COMFORTING adj: утешительный desc: serving to alleviate a person's feelings of grief or distress. syn: 6720 kind; 7879 comforting; 8846 soothing; 11391 reassuring; 15166 uplifting; 15642 calming


COMMEMORATE verb: чтить память, служить напоминанием, праздновать годовщину desc: recall and show respect for (someone or something) in a ceremony. syn: 1298 observe; 2030 celebrate; 2735 honor; 8860 commemorate; 18053 memorialize; 22775 venerate


COMMENTARY noun: комментарий, дикторский текст desc: an expression of opinions or offering of explanations explanations about an event or situation. syn: 1367 comment; 2065 explanation; 2117 observation; 2395 interpretation; 5083 commentary; 11610 clarification; 24626 annotation; 812 analysis


COMMODITY noun: товар, продукт, предмет потребления, удобство desc: a raw material or primary agricultural product that can be bought and sold, such as copper or coffee. syn: 569 product; 4625 commodity


COMMONPLACE 1) noun: банальность, общее место, что-либо обычное/привычное desc: a usual or ordinary thing; a notable quotation copied into a commonplace book. 2) adj: банальный, обывательский, избитый desc: not unusual; ordinary. syn: 1) 31044 commonplace 2) 1969 tired; 5147 dull; 8837 commonplace; 10153 stale; 22157 trite; 27414 humdrum; 44333 pedestrian; 2375 usual; 11071 routine


COMMUTE verb: смягчать, переключать, заменять, пользоваться сезонным билетом desc: travel some distance between one's home and place of work on a regular basis; reduce (a judicial sentence, especially a sentence of death) to one less severe. syn: 2199 transform; 2906 alter; 2912 convert; 4180 exchange; 5680 substitute; 23664 transmute; 6969 commute; 16917 shuttle.


COMMUTER noun: коммутатор, коллектор desc: a person who travels some distance to work on a regular basis. syn: 3825 traveler; 6949 commuter.


COMPARTMENT noun: отсек, отделение, купе, помещение desc: a separate section or part of something, in particular; a grassy mound or other support depicted below a shield. syn: 4338 booth; 6656 compartment; 6770 stall; 9936 partition; 10729 cubicle.


COMPASSION noun: сострадание, сочувствие, жалость desc: sympathetic pity and concern for the sufferings or misfortunes of others. syn: 717 concern; 2503 consideration; 4307 sympathy; 5037 compassion; 7718 empathy; 7816 kindness; 19662 benevolence


COMPASSIONATE adj: сострадательный, жалостливый, сочувствующий, благотворительный desc: feeling or showing sympathy and concern for others. syn: 3416 gentle; 5264 sympathetic; 6720 kind; 7950 compassionate; 9576 caring; 11778 benevolent


COMPATIBLE adj: совместимый, сочетаемый desc: (of an argument, theory, or policy) logical and consistent; united as or forming a whole; (of waves) having a constant phase relationship. syn: 6688 matching; 7125 compatible; 7548 corresponding; 11243 fitting; 17419 congruent; 12900 harmonious; 49088 attuned


COMPEL verb: принуждать, заставлять, вынуждать, добиваться, подчинять desc: force or oblige (someone) to do something. syn: 446 require; 850 force; 4489 compel; 5315 induce; 6781 oblige; 7877 constrain; 11663 coerce.


COMPELLING adj: неотразимый, непреодолимый desc: evoking interest, attention, or admiration in a powerfully irresistible way. syn: 4237 fascinating; 4927 compelling; 6217 convincing; 8840 persuasive; 15636 gripping; 18391 absorbing; 18977 captivating; 5390 urgent


COMPILE Перевод: скомпилировать, компилировать, составлять Определение: produce (something, especially a list, report, or book) by assembling information collected from other sources; (of a computer) convert (a program) into a machine-code or lower-level form in which the program can be executed.


COMPLEMENT 1) noun: дополнение, комплект desc: a thing that completes or brings to perfection; a number or quantity of something required to make a group complete; one or more words, phrases, or clauses governed by a verb (or by a nominalization or a predicative adjective) that complete the meaning of the predicate; a group of proteins present in blood plasma and tissue fluid that combine with an antigen-antibody complex to bring about the lysis of foreign cells. 2) verb: дополнять, служить дополнением до целого, укомплектовывать desc: add to (something) in a way that enhances or improves it; make perfect. syn: 1) 1636 balance; 2697 match; 6810 foil; 3846 counterpart; 5246 supplement; 11671 complement; 11614 accompaniment; 782 amount; 865 set 2) 2781 balance; 4451 counter; 6857 complement; 15485 harmonize; 2454 accompany


COMPLIANCE noun: согласие, податливость, уступчивость, покладистость, угодливость desc: the action or fact of complying with a wish or command; the property of a material of undergoing elastic deformation or (of a gas) change in volume when subjected to an applied force. It is equal to the reciprocal of stiffness. syn: 8886 fulfillment; 11777 conformity; 13711 observance; 34551 accordance; 4589 compliance; 8262 submission; 10155 obedience; 9806 defiance


COMPLY verb: подчиняться, соглашаться, уступать, исполнять просьбу desc: (of a person or group) act in accordance with a wish or command. syn: 3205 submit; 4681 comply; 5491 fulfill; 5742 obey; 7063 conform


COMPOSE verb: сочинять, составить, создавать, писать, набирать, улаживать desk: write or create (a work of art, especially music or poetry); (of elements) constitute or make up (a whole); calm or settle (oneself or one's features or thoughts); prepare (a text) for printing by manually, mechanically, or electronically setting up the letters and other characters in the order to be printed. syn: 1648 organize; 2230 arrange; 7004 dispose; 12473 marshal; 228 write; 332 create; 3421 invent; 5347 compile; 2904 constitute; 4179 unite; 4431 comprise.


COMPOSER noun: композитор, автор desc: a person who writes music, especially as a professional occupation. syn: 981 writer; 2953 musician; 5050 composer; 5138 creator; 21854 originator


COMPOST 1) noun: компост, составное удобрение desc: decayed organic material used as a plant fertilizer. 2) verb: удобрять компостом, готовить компост desc: make (vegetable matter or manure) into compost. syn: 1) fertilizer; mulch; manure; bone meal; humus; peat; plant food; top dressing 2) 13553 compost


COMPOUND 1) noun: соединение, состав, смесь, сложное слово, огороженное место desc: made up or consisting of several parts or elements, in particular. 2) adj: составной, сложный, сложносочиненный desc: a thing that is composed of two or more separate elements; a mixture; an open area enclosed by a fence, for example around a factory or large house or within a prison. 3) verb: составлять, соединять, смешивать, примирять, осложнять, приходить к компромиссу, улаживать, частично погашать долг, увеличивать desc: make up (a composite whole); constitute; make (something bad) worse; intensify the negative aspects of; forbear from prosecuting (a felony) in exchange for money or other consideration. syn: 1) 2875 mix; 3183 complex; 11546 composite; 17894 amalgam 2) amalgam, enclosure, coop, estate, cloister 3) combine, blend, fuse, aggravate, exacerbate, increase, magnify, complicate


COMPREHEND verb: постигать, понимать, осмыслять, объять, охватывать, включать desc: grasp mentally; understand; include, comprise, or encompass. syn: 47 know; 320 understand; 325 follow; 616 realize; 4214 grasp; 7003 comprehend


COMPREHENSION noun: понимание, осмысление, постижение, охват, разумение, включение desc: the action or capability of understanding something; inclusion. syn: 840 knowledge; 1302 understanding; 7466 grasp; 2393 command; 4680 conception; 7964 comprehension


COMRADE noun: товарищ desc: a companion who shares one's activities or is a fellow member of an organization. syn: 3573 companion; 4093 mate; 4141 buddy; 5071 pal; 7547 comrade; 17067 chum


CONCEAL verb: скрывать, таить, утаить, прятать, утаивать, маскировать, умалчивать, скрадывать, запрятывать, хорониться desc: keep from sight; hide. syn: 1259 hide; 4887 screen; 5202 conceal; 5928 obscure; 7485 disguise; 8433 mask; 14388 camouflage; 15603 secrete; 7485 disguise; 11279 censor.


CONCEDE verb: уступать, признавать, допускать, проигрывать desc: admit that something is true or valid after first denying or resisting it; surrender or yield (something that one possesses). syn: 766 accept; 1090 admit; 1122 own; 1660 acknowledge; 1917 grant; 4225 concede; 4696 compromise; 13021 forfeit


CONCEIVE verb: зачать, забеременеть, понимать, задумывать, представлять себе, постигать, возыметь, почувствовать desc: become pregnant with (a child); form or devise (a plan or idea) in the mind. syn: 2178 perceive; 2095 regard; 4202 conceive; 7003 comprehend; 887 form; 3421 invent; 5008 devise; 5918 formulate


CONCESSION noun: уступка, концессия desc: a thing that is granted, especially in response to demands; a thing conceded; a preferential allowance or rate given by an organization; the right to use land or other property for a specified purpose, granted by a government, company, or other controlling body. syn: 2503 consideration; 3638 privilege; 5052 concession; 7811 allowance; 12864 indulgence; 21182 dispensation; 4545 discount; 6391 decrease


CONCUR verb: совпадать, соглашаться, действовать сообща/совместно, сходиться во мнениях desc: be of the same opinion; agree; happen or occur at the same time; coincide. syn: 5475 correspond; 6752 coincide; 9365 concur; 15485 harmonize; 15773 acquiesce; 16084 synchronize


CONDEMN verb: осуждать, обречь, порицать, приговаривать, уличать, браковать, конфисковать, наглухо забивать, выносить приговор desc: express complete disapproval of, typically in public; sentence (someone) to a particular punishment, especially death. syn: 2566 criticize; 3481 slam; 4171 condemn; 6066 denounce; 9544 pan; 18113 disparage; 19418 censure; 20446 revile


CONDO noun: многоквартирный дом, кондоминиум, квартира, совладение desc: a condominium building or apartment. syn: 7408 condo


CONFER verb: присваивать, даровать, присуждать, совещаться, обсуждать desc: grant or bestow (a title, degree, benefit, or right); have discussions; exchange opinions. syn: 818 present; 1917 grant; 3715 award; 7258 confer; 9632 bestow; 848 discuss; 2568 advise; 3617 consult; 7954 convene


CONFIDE verb: доверять, поверять, полагаться, признаваться, поручать, сообщать по секрету desc: tell someone about a secret or private matter while trusting them not to repeat it to others. syn: 928 reveal; 3981 confess; 4460 disclose; 8071 confide; 14189 divulge; 31260 unburdenludicrous; 12422 feeble; 13211 pitiful; 17314 laughable


CONFINE Перевод: ограничивать, придерживаться, заточать Определение: keep or restrict someone or something within certain limits of (space, scope, quantity, or time); the borders or boundaries of a place, especially with regard to their restricting freedom of movement.


CONFORM verb: соответствовать, подчиняться, согласовать, приспосабливаться, приводить в соответствие desc: comply with rules, standards, or laws. syn: 1353 fit; 1982 match; 5475 correspond; 6752 coincide; 7063 conform; 2950 adapt; 7063 conform


CONGESTION noun: скопление, перегрузка, застой, затор, пробка, закупорка, перенаселенность, теснота, куча, груда desc: the state of being congested. syn: 9139 congestion; 16074 blockage; 45002 clogging; 16044 bottleneck; 26878 jamming; 31215 overcrowding


CONGREGATION noun: собрание, конгрегация, прихожане, паства, молящиеся, скопление, университетский совет desc: a group of people assembled for religious worship; a gathering or collection of people, animals, or things; a group of people obeying a common religious rule but under less solemn vows than members of the older religious orders. syn: 1274 crowd; 1850 host; 1999 mass; 3996 assembly; 4030 gathering; 5040 congregation; 11296 throng; 6691 flock


CONJURE verb: колдовать, вызывать в воображении, заклинать, показывать фокусы, изгонять духов desc: make (something) appear unexpectedly or seemingly from nowhere as if by magic; implore (someone) to do something. syn: 8189 trick; 10119 charm; 12087 mesmerize; 5474 invoke; 5762 summon; 7864 conjure


CONSCIENCE noun: совесть, сознание desc: an inner feeling or voice viewed as acting as a guide to the rightness or wrongness of one's behavior. syn: 3487 integrity; 4685 conscience; 5169 morality


CONSENT 1) noun: согласие, разрешение desc: permission for something to happen or agreement to do something. 2) verb: соглашаться, разрешать, уступать, позволять desc: give permission for something to happen. syn: 1) 3339 consensus; 4430 consent; 4713 harmony; 6154 accord; 1060 agreement; 2565 approval; 3238 sanction; 3254 permission; 4589 compliance; 4717 blessing 2) 4681 comply; 8124 subscribe; 9365 concur; 11702 consent; 15773 acquiesce; 18864 accede; 28353 assent; 766 accept; 2064 approve; 2121 permit; 3914 endorse; 8410 sanction; 36108 okay


CONSISTENCY noun: последовательность, согласованность, консистенция, постоянство, логичность, плотность, состав, степень густоты desc: conformity in the application of something, typically that which is necessary for the sake of logic, accuracy, or fairness; the way in which a substance, typically a liquid, holds together; thickness or viscosity. syn: 4235 reliability; 5024 consistency; 12556 regularity; 14419 uniformity; 26293 dependability; 26940 steadiness; 36474 evenness; 3968 feel


CONSTELLATION noun: созвездие desc: a group of stars forming a recognizable pattern that is traditionally named after its apparent form or identified with a mythological figure. Modern astronomers divide the sky into eighty-eight constellations with defined boundaries. syn: 1018 pattern; 1046 collection; 2372 arrangement; 4030 gathering; 7310 constellation; 12302 assemblage.


CONSTITUENCY noun: избирательный округ, избиратели, клиентура desc: a body of voters in a specified area who elect a representative to a legislative body. syn: 793 region; 5117 ward; 12203 borough; 6418 constituency; 642 population; 859 public; 8788 electorate; 12540 citizenry


CONSTITUENT Перевод: составной, избирающий, избирательный, составляющая, составная часть, избиратель Определение: being a part of a whole; being a voting member of a community or organization and having the power to appoint or elect; a member of a constituency; a component part of something.


CONTAIN verb: содержать, вмещать, сдерживаться desc: have or hold (someone or something) within; to ​keep something ​harmful within ​limits and not ​allow it to ​spread; to ​control or ​hide a ​strong ​emotion, such as ​excitement or ​anger. syn: 932 contain; 936 control; 213 hold


CONTEMPLATE verb: созерцать, размышлять, рассматривать, предполагать, ожидать, намереваться, иметь в виду desc: look thoughtfully for a long time at. syn: 405 expect; 691 plan; 1541 intend; 3208 anticipate; 4524 envision; 4847 contemplate; 1132 stare; 3730 survey; 1005 reflect; 9054 muse


CONTEMPT noun: презрение, неуважение desc: the feeling that a person or a thing is beneath consideration, worthless, or deserving scorn. syn: 6361 contempt; 9870 disdain; 10622 disapproval; 12154 dislike; 12271 scorn; 15215 disrespect; 19275 derision


CONTEND verb: бороться, соперничать, утверждать, спорить, состязаться, оспаривать, заявлять desc: struggle to surmount (a difficulty or danger); assert something as a position in an argument. syn: 844 state; 923 maintain; 1363 insist; 1745 declare; 3166 assert; 8554 vie; 1955 oppose; 2486 resist; 3219 cope


CONTENDER noun: соперник, претендент, кандидат desc: someone who competes with other people to try to win something syn: 3280 competitor; 4113 nominee; 4247 runner; 6780 contender; 8915 contestant; 8954 challenger


CONTENIOUS adj: спорный, сварливый, вздорный, придирчивый, любящий спорить desc: causing or likely to cause an argument; controversial. syn: 12666 prickly; 16935 antagonistic; 16870 touchy; 16670 belligerent; 16952 combative; 9116 contentious


CONTENTION noun: утверждение, раздор, конкуренция, спор, соперничество, борьба, точка зрения, заявление desc: heated disagreement; an assertion, especially one maintained in argument. syn: 1180 conflict; 1186 argument; 2721 dispute; 2893 controversy; 6641 contention; 5171 disagreement; 11149 strife; 1354 claim


CONTEST 1) noun: конкурс, соревнование, соперничество, спор desc: an event in which people compete for supremacy in a sport, activity, or particular quality. 2) verb: оспаривать, конкурировать, участвовать, бороться, опровергать, отстаивать desc: engage in competition to attain (a position of power); oppose (an action, decision, or theory) as mistaken or wrong. syn: 1) 716 race; 1349 competition; 1569 fight; 2778 tournament; 2697 match; 9359 gala. 2) 1777 challenge; 1955 oppose; 1960 question; 7993 dispute; 15864 query.


CONTINGENCY noun: случайность, случай, непредвиденное обстоятельство desc: a future event or circumstance that is possible but cannot be predicted with certainty. syn: 1734 emergency; 1990 incident; 4640 likelihood; 8173 contingency; 21795 exigency; 23655 eventuality


CONTINUITY noun: непрерывность, преемственность, сериал, передаваемый частями, целостность, сценарий, последовательность, электропроводность desc:the unbroken and consistent existence or operation of something over a period of time; the maintenance of continuous action and self-consistent detail in the various scenes of a movie or broadcast. syn: 6521 continuity; 7876 endurance; 16456 permanence; 26940 steadiness


CONTRADICT verb: противоречить, возражать, опровергать, отрицать desc: deny the truth of (a statement), especially by asserting the opposite. syn: 1777 challenge; 1955 oppose; 3521 reverse; 6964 contradict; 7993 dispute; 12714 negate; 37410 gainsay; 50164 controvert; 3945 cancel.


CONTRARY Перевод: вопреки, вразрез, против, противоположность, нечто противоположное, нечто обратное, противоположный, противный, упрямый Определение: opposite in nature, direction, or meaning; perversely inclined to disagree or to do the opposite of what is expected or desired; the opposite; a contrary proposition.


CONTROVERSY noun: спор, полемика, дискуссия, ссора desc: disagreement, typically when prolonged, public, and heated. syn: 1186 argument; 1662 storm; 2721 dispute; 5171 disagreement; 18442 polemic; 33133 hullabaloo.


CONVENE verb: созывать, собирать, вызывать в суд desc: come or bring together for a meeting or activity; assemble. syn: 2230 arrange; 358 assemble; 5762 summon; 7954 convene; 49982 convoke


CONVENIENCE noun: удобство, комфорт, выгода, преимущество, уборная, материальная выгода desc: the state of being able to proceed with something with little effort or difficulty; a public toilet. syn: 494 convenience; 10955 closeness; 10660 accessibility; 19414 suitability; 20826 expediency; 27703 nearness.


CONVENTION noun: конвенция, соглашение, собрание, условность, обычай, договор desc: a way in which something is usually done, especially within a particular area or activity; an agreement between countries covering particular matters, especially one less formal than a treaty; a large meeting or conference, especially of members of a political party or a particular profession. syn: 1273 contract; 1978 resolution; 2180 settlement; 6778 pact; 966 conference; 6146 reunion


CONVERGE verb: сходиться, приближаться, сводить в одну точку desc: (of several people or things) come together from different directions so as eventually to meet. syn: 505 join; 1167 touch; 4179 unite; 8330 converge; 12914 congregate


CONVERSELY adv: наоборот, обратно, вспять desc: introducing a statement or idea that reverses one that has just been made or referred to. syn: 8212 conversely; 57144 contrariwise


CONVEY verb: передавать, транспортировать, сообщать, выражать, перевозить, переправлять, завозить desc: transport or carry to a place; to lead or conduct, as a channel or medium. syn: 430 suggest; 1276 express; 2688 communicate; 404 send; 1292 deliver; 2329 transfer; 4684 transport


CONVICT 1) noun: осужденный, каторжник, заключенный desk: a person found guilty of a criminal offense and serving a sentence of imprisonment. 2) verb: осуждать, признавать виновным, привести к осознанию desc: declare (someone) to be guilty of a criminal offense by the verdict of a jury or the decision of a judge in a court of law. syn: 1) 3361 criminal; 4766 offender; 8093 villain; 11609 felon; 28681 lawbreaker. 2) 4171 condemn; 5445 sentence; 8622 imprison.


CONVICTED adj: осужденный, изобличенный desc: proven or declared guilty. syn: 7769 convicted


COPING noun: перекрывающая плита, парапетная плита, перекрывающий ряд кладки стены, гребень плотины desc: the top, typically sloping, course of a brick or stone wall.the top, typically sloping, course of a brick or stone wall. syn: 9042 coping


CORPS noun: корпус, служба, род войск desc: a main subdivision of an armed force in the field, consisting of two or more divisions. syn: 189 company; 372 force; 1138 troop; 1281 band; 4440 outfit; 6129 corps; 189 company; 263 service; 313 body; 595 organization; 1961 league.


CORPSE Перевод: труп, мертвец, мертвое тело Определение: a dead body, especially of a human being rather than an animal.


CORRESPOND Перевод: соответствовать, переписываться, соласовываться Определение: have a close similarity; match or agree almost exactly; communicate by exchanging letters.


CORRESPONDING adj: соответствующий, подобный, ведущий переписку desc: similar in character, form, or function; dealing with written communication; having this responsibility. syn: 5584 equivalent; 5915 parallel; 6688 matching; 7548 corresponding; 10444 analogous


CORRUPT Перевод: развращать, искажать, разлагать, продажный, испорченный, развращённый Определение: having or showing a willingness to act dishonestly in return for money or personal gain; (of a text or a computer database or program) made unreliable by errors or alterations; cause to act dishonestly in return for money or personal gain; change or debase by making errors or unintentional alterations.


COUNSELING noun: консультирование desc: he provision of assistance and guidance in resolving personal, social, or psychological problems and difficulties, especially by a professional. syn: 745 treatment; 2155 therapy; 14695 psychoanalysis; 12834 psychotherapy


COUP noun: удачный ход, удача в делах desc: a sudden, violent, and illegal seizure of power from a government; a notable or successful stroke or move; a contusion caused by contact of the brain with the skull at the point of trauma. syn: 4555 coup; 6416 rebellion; 7284 takeover; 9268 upheaval; 15101 overthrow; 4346 accomplishment; 4682 triumph; 7292 feat


COURTESY Перевод: вежливость, учтивость, обходительность Определение: the showing of politeness in one's attitude and behavior toward others.


COVERT 1) noun: чаща, коверкот, оперение, убежище для дичи desc: a thicket in which game can hide; any of the feathers covering the bases of the main flight or tail feathers of a bird. 2) adj: скрытый, тайный, завуалированный desc: not openly acknowledged or displayed; (of a woman) married and under the authority and protection of her husband. syn: 1) 11326 thicket; 20452 undergrowth; 31333 copse; 40461 covert 2) 4027 hidden; 5401 underground; 8944 covert; 15030 veiled; 18789 furtive; 26461 surreptitious; 32402 hush-hush


CRADLE 1) noun: колыбель, люлька, рама, гнездо, опора, истоки, рычаг, упорная гильза, подвесная платформа desc: an infant's bed or crib, typically one mounted on rockers; a framework resembling a cradle, in particular. 2) verb: баюкать, промывать, качать как в люльке desc: hold gently and protectively; place (a telephone receiver) in its cradle. syn: 1) 951 structure; 1843 frame; 2270 foundation; 2987 framework; 8805 cradle; 14843 underpinning 2) 524 support; 2489 embrace; 4197 rock; 9185 clasp; 10538 cradle; 15095 cuddle


CRAM 1) noun: давка, толкотня, нахватанные знания, зубрежка, обман, мистификация desc: the act of cramming for an examination; a crammed state; a dense crowd; throng. 2) verb: впихивать, втолковывать, переполнять, набивать, откармливать, натаскивать к экзамену, вбивать в голову, наспех зазубривать, лгать desc: completely fill (a place or container) to the point that it appears to be overflowing; study intensively over a short period of time just before an examination. syn: 1) 38369 cram 2) 866 study; 2100 review; 5904 revise; 7501 cram; 8429 memorize; 14965 peruse; 4423 shove


CRAMPED adj: ограниченный, стесненный, неразборчивый, чрезмерно сжатый, страдающий от судорог desc: feeling or causing someone to feel uncomfortably confined or hemmed in by lack of space; suffering from a cramp. syn: 880 close; 8993 restricted; 9345 cramped; 13570 overcrowded; 21223 confined; 41678 poky


CRANBERRY noun: клюква desc: a small, red, acid berry used in cooking; the evergreen dwarf shrub of the heath family that yields this fruit. syn: 9366 cranberry


CRANK 1) noun: кривошип, чудак, заводная рукоятка, коленчатый рычаг, мотыль, причудливый оборот, прихоть, заскок desc: a part of an axle or shaft bent out at right angles, for converting reciprocal to circular motion and vice versa; the drug methamphetamine; a fanciful turn of speech. 2) adj: расшатанный, с причудами, неисправный, капризный, всем недовольный, эксцентричный, слабый, извилистый, полный закоулков desc: (of a sailing ship) easily keeled over, especially by wind or sea through improper design or loading. 3) verb: сгибать, заводить рукоятью desc: turn the crankshaft of (an internal combustion engine), typically in order to start the engine; give a bend to (a shaft, bar, etc.). syn: 1) 11400 crank; 11106 original; 14427 maverick; 26505 eccentric 3) 207 move; 2679 wind; 6195 activate; 7656 reel; 8818 crank


CRATE 1) noun: деревянный ящик, упаковочная клеть, самолет, рама стекольщика desc: a slatted wooden case used for transporting or storing goods; an old and dilapidated vehicle. 2) verb: упаковывать в клети/в корзины desc: pack (something) in a crate for transportation. syn: 1) 7317 wreck; 7934 crate; 18817 beater; 29888 banger; 38235 jalopy; 45836 rattletrap 2) 36190 crate


CRAVE verb: жаждать, страстно желать, требовать, просить, умолять desc: feel a powerful desire for (something). "a program to give the infants the human touch " syn: 2415 pray; 3156 sue; 3136 request; 3475 beg; 7694 crave; 14191 implore; 22421 beseech


CREDIBILITY noun: правдоподобие, вероятность desc: the quality of being trusted and believed in. syn: 3099 standing; 3487 integrity; 4235 reliability; 11205 sincerity; 22435 trustworthiness; 36755 believability


CREEP 1) noun: ползучесть, крип, содрогание, мурашки, донный трал, лазейка для скота, драга, обвал, движущийся оползень desc: a detestable person; slow movement, especially at a steady but almost imperceptible pace. 2) verb: ползать, подкрадываться, еле передвигать ноги, красться, виться, содрогаться, проползать, подлезать desc: move slowly and carefully, especially in order to avoid being heard or noticed; (of an unwanted and negative characteristic or fact) occur or develop gradually and almost imperceptibly. syn: 2) 5152 creep; 7727 edge; 8329 inch; 13376 snake; 14635 slither; 23123 worm; 4599 sneak; 14003 tiptoe; 17443 slink; 18342 sidle; 24928 skulk.


CREST 1) noun: гребень, герб, пик, хохолок, шлем, холка, грива, перегиб свода, линейное возвышение, конек крыши, максимальное значение desc: a comb or tuft of feathers, fur, or skin on the head of a bird or other animal; the top of something, especially a mountain or hill; a distinctive device borne above the shield of a coat of arms (originally as worn on a helmet), or separately reproduced, for example on writing paper or silverware, to represent a family or corporate body. 2) verb: увенчивать, служить гребнем, достигать вершины, вздыматься desc: reach the top of (something such as a hill or wave). syn: 1) 7597 crest; 10247 emblem; 46048 heraldry; 2148 roof; 2379 peak; 3256 summit; 4900 ridge; 13837 apex; 9341 comb; 17888 tuft; 43551 topknot 2) 19238 crest


CRIB 1) noun: детская кроватка, шпаргалка, плагиат, дом, подстрочник, хижина, кормушка, стойло, магазин desc: a young child's bed with barred or latticed sides; a translation of a text for use by students, especially in a surreptitious way; an apartment or house; a heavy timber framework used in foundations for a building or to line a mine shaft. 2) verb: совершать плагиат, запирать, заключать в тесное помещение, списать, красть desc: copy (another person's work) illicitly or without acknowledgment; restrain. syn: 1) 9375 crib 2) 3235 borrow; 4408 cheat; 4948 copy; 27014 pilfer; 27142 plagiarize; 27641 crib


CRISP 1) noun: хрустящий картофель, хрустящая корочка desc: a dessert of fruit baked with a crunchy topping of brown sugar, butter, and flour. 2) verb: хрустеть, делать хрустящим, делать рассыпчатым, завивать, покрываться рябью, ворсить desc: give (something, especially food) a crisp surface by placing it in an oven or grill. 3) adj: четкий, свежий, хрустящий, бодрящий, живой, жесткий, живительный, рассыпчатый, твердый, ломкий, кудрявый, решительный; ясно очерченный, покрытый рябью desc: (of a substance) firm, dry, and brittle, especially in a way considered pleasing or attractive; (of a way of speaking or writing) briskly decisive and matter-of-fact, without hesitation or unnecessary detail. syn: 1) 9490 crisp; chip 2) 26182 crisp; frizz; curl; head; ripple; dimple; nap, teasel 3) 1108 fresh; 1455 cool; 6276 crisp; 8593 chilly; 9343 brisk; 14271 crunchy; 3017 efficient; 5870 competent; 6401 decisive


CROOK 1) noun: крюк, посох, плут, обманщик, поворот, изгиб ручья desc: the hooked staff of a shepherd; a person who is dishonest or a criminal. 2) adj: кривой, нечестный, несправедливый desc: (especially of a situation) bad, unpleasant, or unsatisfactory. 3) verb: скрючиваться, изгибать, искривлять, украсть, горбиться, ловить крючком desc: bend (something, especially a finger as a signal). syn: 1) 4766 offender; 8093 villain; 8819 crook; 9771 robber; 10559 outlaw; 11609 felon; 4619 rod 3) 39207 crook


CROOKED adj: кривой, изогнутый, корявый, нечестный, непрямой, извращенный, добытый нечестным путем desc: bent or twisted out of shape or out of place; dishonest or illegal. syn: 8159 twisted; 8453 crooked; 8483 curved; 10341 winding; 12491 bent; 15711 warped; 21587 serpentine


CROUCH 1) noun: припадание к земле desc: a crouching stance or posture. 2) verb: пресмыкаться, заискивать, припадать к ногам, низко кланяться, полуприсесть desc: adopt a position where the knees are bent and the upper body is brought forward and down, sometimes to avoid detection or to defend oneself. syn: 1) 2294 crouch 2) 4932 bow; 6835 crouch; 6862 duck; 8010 squat; 10633 stoop; 16221 hunker


CROW 1) noun: ворона, радостный крик, пение петуха desc: a large perching bird with mostly glossy black plumage, a heavy bill, and a raucous voice; the constellation Corvus; the cry of a cock; a woman, especially an old or ugly one. 2) verb: кукарекать, гукать, издавать радостные звуки, ликовать desc: (of a cock) utter its characteristic loud cry; syn: 1) 8557 crow 2) 1355 cry; 12252 screech; 16994 squawk; 18347 crow; 34012 caw; 8194 brag; 18758 gloat; 28123 swagger


CRUDE 1) noun: сырье desc: natural petroleum. 2) adj: сырой, неочищенный, грубый, голый, необработанный, незрелый, непродуманный, кричащий desc: in a natural or raw state; not yet processed or refined; constructed in a rudimentary or makeshift way; (of language, behavior, or a person) offensively coarse or rude, especially in relation to sexual matters. syn: 1) fossil oil; rock oil; petroleum 2) 2868 loose; 5066 crude; 8857 inaccurate; 16647 sketchy; 29063 inexact; 8045 coarse; 10019 obscene; 11611 vulgar; 13183 earthy; 48258 smutty


CRUISER noun: крейсер desc: a relatively fast warship larger than a destroyer and less heavily armed than a battleship; a yacht or motorboat with passenger accommodations, designed for leisure use. syn: 7675 cruiser


CRUMB 1) noun: крошка, мякиш, кроха, крупица desc: a small fragment of bread, cake, or cracker; an objectionable or contemptible person. 2) verb: крошить, обсыпать крошками, обваливать в сухарях, сметать крошки desc: cover (food) with breadcrumbs. syn: 1) 1232 spot; 4789 fragment; 5659 scrap; 7336 crumb; 10697 speck; 16237 morsel; 17173 tidbit


CRUMBLE 1) noun: крамбл desc: a mixture of flour and butter that is rubbed to the texture of breadcrumbs and cooked as a topping for fruit. 2) verb: крошить, осыпаться, распадаться, растирать, гибнуть, раздроблять, толочь, выкрашивать desc: break or fall apart into small fragments, especially over a period of time as part of a process of deterioration. syn: 1) 30805 crumble 2) 4333 dissolve; 7146 crumble; 7720 deteriorate; 10640 disintegrate; 4349 crush; 4817 pound; 5167 smash; 5432 grind


CRUNCH 1) noun: хруст, скрип, треск desc: a loud muffled grinding sound made when crushing, moving over, or hitting something; a crucial point or situation, typically one at which a decision with important consequences must be made; a physical exercise designed to strengthen the abdominal muscles; a sit-up. 2) verb: грызть, хрустеть, скрипеть, трещать desc: crush (a hard or brittle foodstuff) with the teeth, making a loud but muffled grinding sound; process large amounts of information or perform operations of great complexity, especially by computer. syn: 1) 1208 crisis; 7672 crunch; 15846 crux 2) 9511 crunch; 12290 munch; 19592 chomp; 39013 champ


CRUSADE 1) noun: крестовый поход, поход, кампания desc: a medieval military expedition, one of a series made by Europeans to recover the Holy Land from the Muslims in the 11th, 12th, and 13th centuries. 2) verb: выступить в поход, бороться desc: lead or take part in an energetic and organized campaign concerning a social, political, or religious issue. syn: 1) 502 action; 707 movement; 1008 cause; 1569 fight; 1905 struggle; 7430 crusade 2) 4798 battle; 5007 campaign; 23630 crusade


CRUST Перевод: кора, осадок, дерзость Определение: the tough outer part of a loaf of bread; form into a hard outer layer.


CUBAN 1) noun: кубинец, кубинка desc: a republic in the Caribbean, S of Florida: largest island in the West Indies. 44,218 sq. mi (114,525 sq. km). 2) adj: кубинский desc: of or relating to Cuba or its inhabitants.


CUE 1) noun: кий, сигнал, реплика, намек desc: a thing said or done that serves as a signal to an actor or other performer to enter or to begin their speech or performance; a long, straight, tapering wooden rod for striking the ball in pool, billiards, snooker, etc.. 2) verb: подавать реплики desc: give a cue to or for; use a cue to strike a ball in pool, billiards, snooker, etc.. syn: 1) 1468 key; 2089 signal; 3353 clue; 3394 indication; 3939 hint; 4429 reminder; 4922 cue; 5304 nod; 14873 prompt. 2) 785 indicate; 1562 nod; 1462 remind; 3133 prompt; 3827 signal; 19696 cue


CUFF 1) noun: манжета, обшлаг, легкий удар рукой desc: the end part of a sleeve, where the material of the sleeve is turned back or a separate band is sewn on; handcuffs; a blow given with an open hand. 2) verb: бить/слегка ударять рукой, шлепать desc: secure with handcuffs; strike (someone) with an open hand, especially on the head. syn: 1) 7522 bracelet; 11503 handcuff; 18190 shackle; 37220 manacle; 38480 fetter 2) 1146 strike; 4118 slap; 8582 rap; 17374 cuff; 18344 buffet


CUISINE noun: кухня, стол, кулинарное искусство desc: a style or method of cooking, especially as characteristic of a particular country, region, or establishment. syn: 3291 cooking; 4821 fare; 6492 cuisine; 26106 cookery; 38957 gastronomy


CULPRIT noun: виновник, преступник, обвиняемый desc: a person who is responsible for a crime or other misdeed. syn: 4766 offender; 8054 perpetrator; 9057 culprit; 11609 felon; 28100 wrongdoer; 35209 malefactor


CUMULATIVE adj: совокупный, кумулятивный, накопленный, суммирующийся desc: increasing or increased in quantity, degree, or force by successive additions. syn: 2381 increasing; 3364 collective; 9941 swelling; 8603 cumulative; 13247 aggregate


CURL 1) noun: локон, завиток, вьющиеся волосы, спираль, вихрь, кольцо дыма desc: something having a spiral or inwardly curved form, especially a lock of hair. 2) verb: виться, завить, крутить, кудрявиться, клубиться, играть в керлинг, рябить desc: form or cause to form into a curved or spiral shape; play at the game of curling. syn: 1) 3792 lock; 4868 twist; 6405 curl; 9414 coil; 24610 whorl; 25727 ringlet 2) 5205 curl; 6248 swirl; 9653 curve; 9973 spiral; 11053 twirl; 2634 wave; 2679 wind


CURSE Перевод: проклятие, ругательство, бич, проклинать, ругаться, клясть Определение: a solemn utterance intended to invoke a supernatural power to inflict harm or punishment on someone or something; an offensive word or phrase used to express anger or annoyance; invoke or use a curse against; utter offensive words in anger or annoyance.


CURTAIL verb: сокращать, урезать, сворачивать, укорачивать desc: reduce in extent or quantity; impose a restriction on. syn: 3393 decrease; 3565 restrict; 4968 trim; 6383 clip; 6830 curb; 6925 restrain; 7526 inhibit; 9229 curtail


CUSHION 1) noun: подушка, борт, диванная/воздушная подушка, упругая прокладка desc: a pillow or pad stuffed with a mass of soft material, used as a comfortable support for sitting or leaning on. 2) verb: смягчать, замалчивать, подкладывать подушку, обходить молчанием, защищать desc: soften the effect of an impact on. syn: 1) 4048 pillow; 6995 cushion; 24906 headrest; 27646 bolster; 31357 beanbag; 42410 hassock 2) 5013 suppress; 7784 lessen; 8368 moderate; 8418 stifle; 9178 mitigate; 14152 cushion; 3695 guard; 5673 shield; 6789 bolster; 13507 pad


CUSTODY noun: хранение, опека, попечение, заключение, арест desc: the protective care or guardianship of someone or something. syn: 924 charge; 1319 protection; 2461 watch; 4462 custody; 5681 supervision; 20086 keeping; 6772 detention; 10088 imprisonment


CUSTOMARY adj: привычный, обычный, основанный на опыте desc: according to the customs or usual practices associated with a particular society, place, or set of circumstances. syn: 926 traditional; 2570 conventional; 5369 established; 8662 customary; 1845 typical; 2282 ordinary; 8681 accustomed; 11071 routine


CUTTING Перевод: режущий, для резки, резание, черенок, рубка, наперерез Определение: capable of cutting something; the action of someone or something that cuts; a piece cut off from something, especially what remains when something is being trimmed or prepared.


CYCLE 1) noun: цикл, круг, велосипед, такт процессора desc: a series of events that are regularly repeated in the same order; a complete set or series; a bicycle or tricycle. 2) verb: ездить на велосипеде, делать обороты, совершать цикл развития desc: ride a bicycle; move in or follow a regularly repeated sequence of events. syn: 1) 865 set; 2258 phase; 6478 succession; 7704 progression 2) 1082 travel; 1287 ride; 4667 steer


CYNICAL adj: циничный, бесстыдный desc: believing that people are motivated by self-interest; distrustful of human sincerity or integrity; concerned only with one's own interests and typically disregarding accepted or appropriate standards in order to achieve them. syn: 4647 suspicious; 5011 skeptical; 7160 cynical; 10013 pessimistic; 19404 sardonic; 20417 disparaging; 14779 mocking


DAIRY Перевод: молочная, маслодельня, молочная ферма, молочный Определение: a building, room, or establishment for the storage, processing, and distribution of milk and milk products; containing or made from milk.


DAMN 1) noun: проклятие, ругательство desc: the utterance of "damn" in swearing or for emphasis; something of negligible value. 2) verb: проклинать, осуждать, ругаться, критиковать, порицать, провалить desc: (in Christian belief) be condemned by God to suffer eternal punishment in hell; condemn, especially by the public expression of disapproval. 3) adj: жуткий, чертовский desc: used for emphasis, especially to express anger or frustration. 4) interj: чёрт, чёрт побери desc: expressing anger, surprise, or frustration. 5) adv: чертовски, дьявольски, очень desc: extremely; very. syn: 1) jot; whit; iota; rap; scrap; bit; hoot 2) curse; anathematize; censure; criticize; attack; denounce; revile; deprecate; disparage 3) blasted; blame; deuced; infernal 4) dammit; drat; blast; hell 5) bloody; all-fired


DAMP Перевод: влажный, сырой, отсыревший, сырость, влажность, рудничный газ, смачивать, демпфировать, заглушать Определение: slightly wet; moisture diffused through the air or a solid substance or condensed on a surface, typically with detrimental or unpleasant effects; make (something) slightly wet.


DANGLE Перевод: мотаться, болтаться, свисать Определение: hang or swing loosely.


DARE 1) noun: вызов, подзадоривание desk: a challenge, especially to prove courage. 2) verb: дерзать, посметь, рисковать, отважиться, подзадоривать, пренебрегать опасностью desk: have the courage to do something; defy or challenge (someone) to do something. syn: 1) 4566 stimulus; 10473 spur; 12994 provocation; 14499 ultimatum; 19064 taunt; 44647 goad. 2) 2275 urge; 4867 provoke; 5648 defy; 17494 goad; 5296 venture; 5811 presume; 9342 gamble.


DART 1) noun: дартс, дротик, стрела, вытачка, бросок, метание, жало, стремительное движение, рывок, шов desc: a small pointed missile that can be thrown or fired; an act of running somewhere suddenly and rapidly. 2) verb: ринуться, метать, шмыгать, мчаться стрелой, рвануться, устремиться, бросать desc: move or run somewhere suddenly or rapidly. syn: 1) 4878 arrow; 5426 shaft; 10736 dart; 16494 projectile; 17186 barb 2) 732 shoot; 1966 rush; 2242 tear; 7344 dart; 7390 dash; 8742 sprint; 8770 zoom; 9077 zip


DASH 1) noun: тире, рывок, черта, бросок, порыв, примесь, всплеск, стремительность, удар, бросок, энергия, щит, толчок desc: an act of running somewhere suddenly and hastily; a small quantity of a substance, especially a liquid, added to something else; a horizontal stroke in writing or printing to mark a pause or break in sense, or to represent omitted letters or words; impetuous or flamboyant vigor and confidence; panache. 2) verb: ринуться, мчаться, бросаться, подмешивать, сделать рывок, швырнуть, разбивать, плескать, смущать desc: run or travel somewhere in a great hurry; strike or fling (something) somewhere with great force, especially so as to have a destructive effect; hurl. syn: 1) 1255 run; 3789 rush; 5080 surge; 6421 dash; 12187 sprint; 2572 drop; 4226 trace; 29459 smidgen; 9872 vigor; 11502 flair 2) 4230 ruin; 5515 shatter; 6500 spoil; 7390 dash; 22736 blight; 15266 splinter; 10794 confound; 14978 foil; 2099 knock; 3481 slam


DAUNTING adj: обескураживающий, пугающий desc: seeming difficult to deal with in anticipation; intimidating. syn: 4010 scary; 5603 frightening; 6312 formidable; 7588 daunting; 9636 intimidating; 15331 discouraging; 27808 unnerving


DAWN 1) noun: рассвет, начало, утренняя заря, зачатки, истоки desc: the first appearance of light in the sky before sunrise. 2) verb: светать, пробуждаться, брезжить, появляться, начинаться desc: (of a day) begin; become evident to the mind; be perceived or understood. syn: 1) 1504 birth; 1536 start; 2563 origin; 5790 emergence; 8279 advent; 10574 inception; 14032 commencement; 16384 genesis 2) 395 appear; 5345 originate; 9661 commence; 1146 strike


DAZZLING adj: ослепительный desc: extremely bright, especially so as to blind the eyes temporarily. syn: 2309 intense; 4523 fierce; 8727 dazzling; 9807 luminous; 15802 blazing; 3045 incredible; 23471 glittery


DEBUT 1) noun: дебют, первое выступление, начало партии desc: a person's first appearance or performance in a particular capacity or role. 2) verb: дебютировать desc: perform in public for the first time. syn: 1) 2915 presentation; 2894 entrance; 4495 debut; 9816 inauguration; 30619 unveiling.


DECEASED 1) noun: покойник desc: a person who has died. 2) adj: покойный, умерший, усопший desc: dead; no longer living. syn: 1) 5623 corpse; 17413 cadaver; 23776 deceased; 37549 decedent 2) 726 dead; 8679 deceased; 9557 extinct; 12551 lifeless; 16001 defunct; 19107 departed


DECEIVE verb: обманывать, вводить в заблуждение, изменять, сбивать с толку, нарушать верность desc: (of a person) cause (someone) to believe something that is not true, typically in order to gain some personal advantage. syn: 5023 betray; 8543 deceive; 43041 cuckold; 5023 betray; 8189 trick; 8629 con; 8838 mislead; 17134 dupe


DECEPTION noun: обман, ложь, хитрость, жульничество desc: the action of deceiving someone. syn: 16424 deceit; 18369 dishonesty; 20080 cheating; 22404 duplicity; 22585 trickery; 3577 fraud; 8337 deception; 12758 sham


DECISIVE adj: окончательный,имеющий решающее значение, убедительный desc: settling an issue; producing a definite result. syn: 719 significant; 888 final; 1094 key; 1127 critical; 2933 vital; 4327 influential; 6401 decisive; 8304 pivotal; 12877 conclusive


DECREE 1) noun: указ, постановление, декрет, приказ, решение desc: an official order issued by a legal authority. 2) verb: декретировать, постановлять, издавать указ decree, предписывать, отдавать распоряжение desc: order (something) by decree. syn: 1) 684 order; 1910 judgment; 2393 command; 3630 announcement; 4058 ruling; 4186 statute; 8567 decree 2) 1565 direct; 1745 declare; 2220 rule; 4494 proclaim; 4812 authorize; 5392 pronounce; 13056 decree


DEED Перевод: дело, поступок, акт, передавать по акту Определение: an action that is performed intentionally or consciously; a legal document that is signed and delivered, especially one regarding the ownership of property or legal rights; convey or transfer (property or rights) by legal deed.


DEEM verb: считать, полагать, думать, размышлять desc: regard or consider in a specified way. syn: 212 believe; 213 hold; 394 consider; 1429 view; 1808 estimate; 1760 judge; 2095 regard; 2174 suppose; 4596 deem; 5549 reason


DEEPEN verb: углублять, расширять, усиливаться, увеличивать, сгущаться, делать темнее, понижать desc: make or become deep or deeper. syn: 1577 expand; 6827 deepen; 10399 excavate; 484 develop; 660 increase; 1449 extend; 3093 strengthen; 5135 accumulate; 5998 intensify


DEFER verb: откладывать, отсрочивать, уступать, поступать по совету другого, считаться с чьим-л. мнением desc: put off (an action or event) to a later time; postpone; submit humbly to (a person or a person's wishes or qualities). syn: 3205 submit; 4225 concede; 4681 comply; 8868 defer; 18864 accede; 17153 adjourn; 17744 reschedule


DEFICIENCY noun: дефицит, недостаток, нехватка, отсутствие чего-л., неполноценность desc: a lack or shortage. syn: 3510 weakness; 5459 flaw; 6024 defect; 6446 deficiency; 8290 shortcoming; 12039 inadequacy; 2540 absence; 10020 scarcity; 25824 insufficiency


DEFINITE adj: определенный, точный, ясный desc: clearly stated or decided; not vague or doubtful. syn: 3275 distinct; 3363 exact; 4872 explicit; 12438 clear-cut; 4370 fixed; 4392 known; 11041 stated; 12541 assured; 6879 definite.


DEFINITIVE adj: окончательный, точный, безусловный, решительный, наиболее полный, вполне развитой desc: (of a conclusion or agreement) done or reached decisively and with authority; (of a postage stamp) for general use and typically of standard design, not special or commemorative. syn: 1161 perfect; 1780 standard; 2632 classic; 6711 definitive; 9346 authoritative; 12877 conclusive; 3185 absolute; 6401 decisive


DEFY Перевод: бровать вызов, игнорировать, пренебрегать Определение: openly resist or refuse to obey.


DELIBERATE 1) adj: преднамеренный, осознанный, намеренный, умышленный, нарочитый, осмотрительный, осторожный desc: done consciously and intentionally. 2) verb: совещаться, обсуждать, обдумывать desc: engage in long and careful consideration. syn: 1) 5696 planned; 6429 deliberate; 8916 intentional; 13165 purposeful; 1962 careful; 6083 wary; 10841 measured 2) 394 consider; 1005 reflect; 6061 ponder; 12358 deliberate


DELIBERATELY adv: умышленно, нарочно, обдуманно, медленно, осторожно, не спеша, осмотрительно desc: consciously and intentionally; on purpose; in a careful and unhurried way. syn: 7882 intentionally; 8255 consciously; 11396 knowingly; 12718 purposely; 1608 carefully; 4636 deliberately; 14997 warily


DELIBERATION noun: обсуждение, обдумывание, неторопливость, дискуссия, осторожность, осмотрительность, взвешивание, медлительность desc: long and careful consideration or discussion; slow and careful movement or thought. syn: 1042 discussion; 1083 debate; 2182 planning; 8102 deliberation; 2503 consideration; 2774 reflection


DEMEANOR noun: поведение, манера вести себя desc: outward behavior or bearing. syn: 555 image; 658 behavior; 675 performance; 1691 appearance; 1828 manner; 8712 demeanor


DEMISE 1) noun: кончина, смерть, сдача недвижимости в аренду, переход короны наследнику, отречение от престола desc: a person's death; conveyance or transfer of property or a title by demising. 2) verb: сдавать в аренду, завещать имущество, передавать по наследству desc: convey or grant (an estate) by will or lease. syn: 1) 3897 departure; 6738 passing; 16814 expiration; 58557 decease;57831 expiry; 1364 failure; 3794 finish; 5237 ruin; 6980 demise


DENIAL noun: отказ, отрицание, опровержение, запирательство, отклонение desc: the action of declaring something to be untrue. syn: 5054 rejection; 6011 refusal; 9390 deprivation; 21917 withholding; 8312 dissent; 15590 rebuttal; 30300 disavowal; 4788 denial


DENOMINATION noun: наименование, деноминация, достоинство, название, обозначение, купюра, стоимость, класс, вероисповедание desc: a recognized autonomous branch of the Christian Church; the face value of a banknote, coin, or postage stamp; a name or designation, especially one serving to classify a set of things. syn: 8660 denomination


DENOUNCE verb: денонсировать, осуждать, разоблачать, доносить, обвинять, расторгать, предрекать, предсказывать, предупреждать, угрожать desc: publicly declare to be wrong or evil. syn: 1807 blame; 2035 accuse; 2190 inform; 5023 betray; 6066 denounce; 4171 condemn; 11932 decry; 14483 deplore; 19418 censure; 37690 deprecate.


DENSE adj: плотный, густой, дремучий, тупой, компактный, частый, глупый, непрозрачный, недогадливый desc: closely compacted in substance; (of a person) stupid; (of a text) hard to understand because of complexity of ideas. syn: 976 deep; 1175 involved; 1603 complex; 2767 complicated; 4911 dense; 7106 obscure; 9510 opaque; 14162 impenetrable; 1730 thick


DEPICT noun: изображать, описывать, рисовать, обрисовывать desc: show or represent by a drawing, painting, or other art form. syn: 568 describe; 687 represent; 1560 paint; 2363 illustrate; 3284 portray.


DEPLOY verb: развертывать, применять, дислоцировать, разблокировать, приводить в действие desc: move (troops) into position for military action. syn: 2230 arrange; 2521 install; 4218 position; 4536 deploy; 1637 adopt; 2299 implement; 4301 utilize


DEPLOYMENT noun: развертывание, размещение desc: the use of something or someone in an ​effective way; the ​movement of ​soldiers or ​equipment to a ​place where they can be used when they are ​needed. syn: 2388 distribution; 2372 arrangement; 4433 placement; 6517 deployment; 7337 disposition; 3556 implementation; 10106 utilization


DEPOSITION noun: отложение, осадок, вклад, взнос, лишение, свержение с престола, показание под присягой, снятие с креста, накипь desc: the action of deposing someone, especially a monarch; the process of giving sworn evidence; a formal, usually written, statement to be used as evidence; the action of depositing something; the taking down of the body of Jesus Christ from the Cross. syn: 7886 buildup; 8617 accumulation; 18341 accretion; 26883 sedimentation; 54561 silting; 4755 removal; 7432 deposition; 15101 overthrow


DEPRIVE verb: лишать, отнимать, обделять, отрешать от должности, отбирать бенефиций desc: deny (a person or place) the possession or use of something. syn: 1410 deny; 2803 withdraw; 5123 rob; 6285 deprive; 19510 divest; 27829 dispossess


DEPUTY noun: заместитель, депутат, представитель, помощник шерифа, делегат desc: a person whose immediate superior is a senior figure within an organization and who is empowered to act as a substitute for this superior. syn: 1986 representative; 2722 assistant; 5285 delegate; 29349 second-in-command


DESCEND verb: спускаться, сходить, нисходить, снижаться, нагрянуть, налететь, переходить, пасть, обрушиваться, унижаться, передаваться по наследству desc: move or fall downward; make a sudden attack on; be a direct blood relative of (a specified, typically illustrious ancestor). syn: 811 arrive; 4086 stem; 4079 spring; 5345 originate; 535 hit; 964 affect; 4786 prevail; 12381 pervade; 2826 sink


DESCENT Перевод: спуск, происхождение, сход Определение: an action of moving downward, dropping, or falling; the origin or background of a person in terms of family or nationality; a sudden, violent attack.


DESIGNATE Перевод: обозначать, определять, указывать Определение: appoint (someone) to a specified position; appointed to an office or position but not yet installed.


DESIGNATED adj: специализированный, специально отведенный, определенный, заданный, предназначенный для, призванный desc: named or selected for an office, position, etc., but not yet installed (often used in combination following the noun it modifies) syn: 7261 designated


DESPISE verb: презирать desc: feel contempt or a deep repugnance for. syn: 9204 despise; 12993 loathe; 14842 deride; 15839 spurn; 16685 scorn


DESTINE verb: предназначать, направлять, определять desc: intend or choose (someone or something) for a particular purpose or end. syn: 7011 destine; 7594 doom; 34980 preordain; 24378 predetermine


DETAIN verb: задерживать, содержать под стражей, арестовывать, мешать, заставлять ждать, замедлять desc: keep (someone) in official custody, typically for questioning about a crime or in politically sensitive situations. syn: 936 control; 1723 capture; 2153 arrest; 5397 confine; 6925 restrain; 7690 detain; 3462 delay


DETAINEE noun: задержанный, арестованный desc: a person held in custody, especially for political reasons. syn: 4003 hostage; 8162 detainee; 9423 captive; 12076 convict; 37682 internee


DETENTION noun: арест, оставление, вынужденная задержка, оставление после уроков desc: the action of detaining someone or the state of being detained in official custody, especially as a political prisoner. syn: 4462 custody; 10088 imprisonment; 10963 confinement; 12488 incarceration; 6772 detention


DETER verb: удерживать, отпугивать, отговаривать desc: discourage (someone) from doing something, typically by instilling doubt or fear of the consequences. syn: 4244 discourage; 5600 frighten; 6741 deter; 14595 dissuade; 25685 daunt


DETERIORATE verb: ухудшать, портиться, разрушаться, вырождаться, дегенерировать desc: become progressively worse. syn: 2010 decline; 2899 fade; 4527 weaken; 7720 deteriorate; 8632 worsen; 10242 wane; 25669 depreciate


DETERMINE verb: определять, устанавливать, измерять desc: cause (something) to occur in a particular way; ascertain or establish exactly, typically as a result of research or calculation; bring or come to an end. syn: 1212 define; 1320 settle; 2256 resolve


DEVISE 1) noun: завещание, завещанное имущество desc: a clause in a will leaving real estate to someone. 2) verb: разрабатывать, изобретать, придумывать, завещать, задумывать desc: plan or invent (a complex procedure, system, or mechanism) by careful thought; leave (real estate) to someone by the terms of a will. syn: 2) 691 plan; 3421 invent; 4202 conceive; 5008 devise; 5918 formulate; 12772 concoct; 15927 contrive


DEVOUR verb: пожирать, поглощать, истреблять, лопать, уничтожать, есть с жадностью desc: eat (food or prey) hungrily or quickly. syn: 8635 devour; 9948 demolish; 11109 gobble; 11499 gulp; 11297 scoff; 22311 wolf; 2723 overcome


DIAPER 1) noun: подгузник, пеленка, узорчатое полотно, салфетка из узорчатого полотна, ромбовидный узор desc: a piece of absorbent material wrapped around a baby's bottom and between its legs to absorb and retain urine and feces; a linen or cotton fabric woven in a repeating pattern of small diamonds. 2) verb: пеленать, украшать ромбовидным узором, завертывать в пеленки desc: put a diaper on (a baby); decorate (a surface) with a repeating geometric or floral pattern. syn: 1) 7393 diaper; napkin; nappy


DIARY noun: дневник, записная книжка desc: a book in which one keeps a daily record of events and experiences. syn: 2157 schedule; 4372 diary; 4733 calendar; 1072 account; 2797 journal; 3446 log; 5637 memoir; 14404 chronicle


DIGNITY noun: достоинство, сан, благородство, титул, звание, лица высокого звания, знать desc: the state or quality of being worthy of honor or respect. syn: 8521 seriousness; 4132 dignity12074 grandeur; 12336 formality; 14729 majesty; 17859 decorum; 22004 solemnity; 5209 goodness


DIM Перевод: тусклый, неясный, слабый, затемнять, потускнеть, туманить Определение: (of a light, color, or illuminated object) not shining brightly or clearly; not clearly recalled or formulated in the mind; make or become less bright or distinct.


DIME noun: монета в десять центов desc: a cupronickel-clad coin of the U.S. and Canada, the 10th part of a dollar, equal to 10 cents. syn: 7646 dime


DINE verb: обедать, угощать обедом, давать обед desc: eat dinner. syn: 3025 consume; 7481 dine; 14831 ingest; 16166 partake; 16773 feast; 34818 banquet


DIRE adj: ужасный, страшный, крайний, полный desc: (of a situation or event) extremely serious or urgent. syn: 3297 awful; 3779 horrible; 5408 grim; 7187 dire; 7359 disastrous; 8534 ominous; 9479 dreadful; 9667 dismal; 11117 appalling


DISARM verb: разоружать, обезвреживать, умиротворять desc: take a weapon or weapons away from (a person, force, or country); allay the hostility or suspicions of. syn: 8947 disarm; 10769 neutralize; 12823 defuse; 24146 deactivate; 10119 charm; 13029 captivate


DISCARD Перевод: отбрасывать, выбрасывать, отказываться, сброс, брак, сбрасывание карт Определение: a person or thing rejected as no longer useful or desirable; get rid of (someone or something) as no longer useful or desirable.


DISCERN verb: различать, разглядеть, распознавать, усматривать desc: perceive or recognize (something). syn: 779 recognize; 1935 separate; 2780 detect; 3267 distinguish; 6475 differentiate; 7847 discern; 1045 notice; 2905 spot; 2178 perceive


DISCHARGE 1) noun: разряд, освобождение, сток, выделение, исполнение, выписка, увольнение, дебит, выстрел, спуск, залп, оправдание, обесцвечивание тканей, реабилитация, рекомендация desc: the action of discharging someone from a hospital or from a job; the action of discharging a liquid, gas, or other substance; the action of doing all that is required to fulfill a responsibility or perform a duty; the action of canceling an order of a court. 2) verb: выполнять, разряжать, увольнять, реабилитировать, выливать, впадать, выплачивать, давать расчет, обесцвечивать, демобилизовать, восстанавливать в правах, выстрелить desc: tell (someone) officially that they can or must leave, in particular; allow (a liquid, gas, or other substance) to flow out from where it has been confined; do all that is required to fulfill (a responsibility) or perform (a duty); (of a judge or court) cancel (an order of a court). syn: 1) 2932 emission; 6297 discharge; 17588 secretion; 23722 pus; 25942 seepage; 27228 excretion; 6313 liberation; 20798 ejection 2) 1473 fire; 2819 dismiss; 3822 bounce; 6718 discharge; 7304 terminate; 12629 sack; 6357 emit; 6718 discharge; 7081 expel; 11340 ooze


DISCIPLE noun: ученик, апостол, последователь, адепт, сторонник desc: a personal follower of Jesus during his life, especially one of the twelve Apostles. syn: 2113 scholar; 2453 supporter; 5130 learner; 5109 pupil; 5084 follower; 5422 believer; 8213 disciple; 11455 partisan; 12424 devotee


DISCLOSE verb: раскрывать, вскрывать, разоблачать, обнаруживать desc: make (secret or new information) known. syn: 1081 relate; 1121 release; 4460 disclose; 6818 unveil; 14189 divulge


DISCLOSURE Перевод: раскрытие, разоблачение, обнаружение, открытие Определение: the action of making new or secret information known.


DISCOURSE 1) noun: речь, рассуждение, лекция, проповедь, трактат, высказывание desc: written or spoken communication or debate. 2) verb: рассуждать, ораторствовать, излагать в форме речи/лекции desc: speak or write authoritatively about a topic. syn: 1) 1042 discussion; 1101 speech; 1165 conversation; 1254 communication; 2811 dialogue; 7113 chat; 1816 address; 6694 sermon; 9503 dissertation; 11816 treatise; 18571 homily. 2) 55759 expatiate; 3617 consult.


DISCRETION noun: благоразумие, свобода действий, осторожность, осмотрительность desc: the quality of behaving or speaking in such a way as to avoid causing offense or revealing private information; the freedom to decide what should be done in a particular situation. syn: 1910 judgment; 3187 discrimination; 5344 caution; 5706 diplomacy; 6502 maturity; 7676 discretion; 14913 foresight; 18348 tact


DISGUISE 1) noun: маскировка, переодевание, сокрытие, обман, обманчивая внешность, личина desc: a means of altering one's appearance or concealing one's identity. 2) verb: скрывать, маскировать, переодевать, делать неузнаваемым desc: give (someone or oneself) a different appearance in order to conceal one's identity. syn: 1) 1635 cover; 2910 mask; 4185 costume; 10625 disguise; 13869 veneer; 16520 masquerade 2) 5202 conceal; 7485 disguise; 16125 veil; 14388 camouflage; 16581 cloak


DISMANTLE verb: демонтировать, разбирать, снимать, срывать, разнимать, разоружать, выносить desc: take (a machine or structure) to pieces. syn: 7193 dismantle; 19463 disassemble; 9948 demolish


DISMAY 1) noun: тревога, испуг, страх, уныние desc: consternation and distress, typically that caused by something unexpected. 2) verb: тревожить, пугать, ужасать, приводить в уныние desc: cause (someone) to feel consternation and distress. syn: 1) 2312 shock; 3721 alarm; 4348 panic; 4609 disappointment; 5569 sadness; 9206 dismay 2) 4244 discourage; 8356 disappoint; 11724 depress; 12752 sadden; 16496 dismay; 23412 perturb


DISMISS verb: увольнять, распускать, освобождать, отклонять, прекращать, отставлять desc: to direct (an assembly of persons) to disperse or go; to discharge or remove, as from office or service; to put off or away, especially from consideration. syn: 1473 fire; 6718 discharge; 7304 terminate; 12629 sack; 16437 shelve


DISPARATE adj: несоизмеримый, в корне отличный, несопоставимый, несравнимый desc: essentially different in kind; not allowing comparison. syn: 3275 distinct; 3558 unlike; 7702 unrelated; 9101 disparate; 11017 unequal; 11853 contrasting


DISPARITY noun: неравенство, несоответствие, несоразмерность desc: a great difference. syn: 2133 gap; 6974 discrepancy; 7098 inequality; 7176 disparity; 9498 inconsistency; 36479 disproportion; 40060 incongruence


DISPATCH 1) noun: отправление, отсылка, быстрота, корреспонденция, дипломатическая депеша, казнь, убийство, быстрое выполнение, официальное донесение desc: the sending of someone or something to a destination or for a purpose; an official report on state or military affairs; the killing of someone or something. 2) verb: посылать, высылать, быстро выполнять, отправлять по назначению, экспедировать, быстро проглотить, отправлять на тот свет, убивать desc: send off to a destination or for a purpose; deal with (a task, problem, or opponent) quickly and efficiently. syn: 1) 628 letter; 807 message; 3613 notice; 1254 communication; 10513 dispatch 2) 1422 destroy; 3503 murder; 7484 dispatch; 8866 slaughter; 9022 assassinate; 11775 slay; 4883 transmit; 13969 forward; 31287 remit


DISPENSE verb: распределять, раздавать, освобождать, отправлять, приготовлять лекарство desc: distribute or provide (a service or information) to a number of people; manage without; get rid of. syn: 8488 dispense; 9632 bestow; 13626 allot


DISPERSE 1) verb: диспергировать, рассеивать, расходиться, разгонять, рассредоточивать, распространять, разбрасывать, исчезать desc: distribute or spread over a wide area. 2) adj: разреженный desc: denoting a phase dispersed in another phase, as in a colloid. syn: 1) 1935 separate; 3783 scatter; 4333 dissolve; 7543 disperse; 12733 diffuse; 14351 disband


DISPLACE verb: вытеснять, смещать, замещать, перемещать, своротить desc: take over the place, position, or role of (someone or something). syn: 1686 shift; 2329 transfer; 6888 displace; 7033 relocate; 13790 dislodge; 2029 succeed; 9928 oust; 12430 supplant; 16609 depose.


DISPOSAL Перевод: удаление, распоряжение, размещение Определение: the action or process of throwing away or getting rid of something; the sale of shares, property, or other assets; the arrangement or positioning of something.


DISREGARD 1) noun: игнорирование, неуважение, равнодушие, пренебрежение, невнимание desc: the action or state of disregarding or ignoring something. 2) verb: игнорировать, пренебрегать, не обращать внимания, не уважать, не придавать значения desc: pay no attention to; ignore. syn: 1) 6910 neglect; 8167 indifference; 9870 disdain; 13132 disregard; 15215 disrespect 2) 1379 ignore; 8580 discount; 9368 disregard


DISSENT 1) noun: раскол, разногласие, расхождение во взглядах, сектантство desc: the expression or holding of opinions at variance with those previously, commonly, or officially held. 2) verb: принадлежать к секте, расходиться во мнениях/взглядах/убеждениях desc: hold or express opinions that are at variance with those previously, commonly, or officially expressed. syn: 1) 1180 conflict; 1886 opposition; 8312 dissent; 5171 disagreement; 6416 rebellion 2) 1952 divide; 2386 vary; 2695 disagree; 3009 differ; 7993 dispute; 9698 rebel; 12759 dissent


DISSOLVE 1) noun: наплыв desc: (in a movie) an act or instance of moving gradually from one picture to another. 2) verb: растворить, распускать, расторгать, аннулировать, таять, разжижать, испаряться desc: (with reference to a solid) become or cause to become incorporated into a liquid so as to form a solution; close down or dismiss (an assembly or official body). syn: 1) 8743 influx; 1994 flow 2) 3980 vanish; 4333 dissolve; 7543 disperse; 8028 evaporate; 9996 dissipate; 10908 dispel; 649 close; 3805 suspend; 7543 disperse; 14351 disband; 17153 adjourn; 3483 melt; 4916 soften; 10638 thaw; 25944 liquefy.


DISTINCT adj: особый, отдельный, отчетливый, определенный, внятный, ясный, индивидуальный desc: recognizably different in nature from something else of a similar type; readily distinguishable by the senses. syn: 2518 apparent; 3489 evident; 3575 plain; 6573 marked; 6879 definite; 8645 noticeable; 9587 conspicuous; 11781 manifest; 979 individual.


DISTINCTLY noun: отчетливо, внятно, ясно, заметно, определенно, членораздельно desc: in a way that is readily distinguishable by the senses; clearly. syn: 847 clearly; 1968 specifically; 2001 definitely; 8177 distinctly; 9799 plainly; 11678 noticeably


DISTRESS Перевод: бедствие, горе, страдание, огорчать Определение: extreme anxiety, sorrow, or pain; ecause (someone) anxiety, sorrow, or pain.; give (furniture, leather, or clothing) simulated marks of age and wear.


DITCH 1) noun: ров, канава, кювет, котлован, траншея, выемка desc: a narrow channel dug in the ground, typically used for drainage alongside a road or the edge of a field. 2) verb: угробить, окапывать, чистить ров/канаву, пускать под откос, покидать в беде, осушать почву с помощью канав desc: provide with ditches; get rid of; give up. syn: 1) 5992 drain; 6550 trench; 6992 ditch; 9722 waterway; 11288 trough; 12392 conduit; 18402 dike 2) 690 drop; 3663 dump; 5476 discard; 8960 chuck; 10504 scrap; 12437 ditch


DIVERSION noun: отвод, отклонение, развлечение, обход, отвлекающий маневр desc: an instance of turning something aside from its course;an activity that diverts the mind from tedious or serious concerns; a recreation or pastime. syn: 3897 departure; 6552 deviation; 11426 pastime; 7636 diversion; 9194 alteration; 22798 digression; 6253 distraction; 6829 amusement


DIVERT Перевод: отвлекать, отвеодить, отклонять Определение: cause (someone or something) to change course; distract (someone or their attention) from something.


DIVINE 1) noun: богослов, духовное лицо desc: a cleric or theologian; providence or God. 2) adj: божественный, божий, превосходный, пророческий desc: of, from, or like God or a god; delightful. 3) verb: угадывать, предсказывать desc: discover (something) by guesswork or intuition. syn: 1) theologian; maker 2) 1455 cool; 3305 lovely; 8243 exquisite; 9550 heavenly; 8987 celestial; 24753 godly 3) 957 discover; 2178 perceive; 5811 presume; 7847 discern; 13732 deduce


DIVISION noun: разделение, дивизион, отдел, классификация, граница , барьер, деление шкалы desc: the action of separating something into parts, or the process of being separated; disagreement between two or more groups, typically producing tension or hostility; each of the parts into which something is divided. syn: 2793 boundary; 9936 partition; 1465 category; 819 section; 1200 department


DIZZY 1) adj: головокружительный, ошеломленный desc: having or involving a sensation of spinning around and losing one's balance. 2) verb: дурманить, вызывать головокружение, ошеломлять desc: make (someone) feel unsteady, confused, or amazed. syn: 1) 8092 shaky; 8911 dizzy; 11517 giddy; 14713 dazed; 15335 wobbly; 17287 unsteady; 25409 woozy


DODGE 1) noun: уклонение, уловка, хитрость, прием, финт, хитрое приспособление, обманное движение desc: a sudden quick movement to avoid someone or something. 2) verb: увернуться, уклоняться, изворачиваться, прятаться, петлять, увиливать, хитрить desc: avoid (someone or something) by a sudden quick movement; expose (one area of a print) less than the rest during processing or enlarging. syn: 1) ruse; ploy; stratagem; subterfuge; trick; hoax; wile; cheat; deception; swindle; fraud; contrivance 2) 7036 dodge; 9465 elude; 9759 evade; 23382 shirk; 414 cut; 909 avoid; 6862 duck; 13497 sidestep


DOME 1) noun: купол, свод, колпак, величественное здание, купол обсерватории, голова desc: a rounded vault forming the roof of a building or structure, typically with a circular base; a thing shaped like a dome, in particular. 2) verb: венчать куполом, возвышаться в виде купола desc: a thing shaped like a dome, in particular. syn: 1) 2657 ceiling; 5056 dome; 8592 vault; 24301 cupola


DOOM 1) noun: гибель, судьба, приговор, фатум, статут, декрет desc: death, destruction, or some other terrible fate. 2) verb: обрекать, осуждать, предопределять desc: condemn to certain destruction or death. syn: 1) 417 death; 982 trouble; 2335 disaster; 2900 tragedy; 5237 ruin; 6744 catastrophe; 8978 doom 2) 7594 doom


DOUGH noun: тесто, паста, деньги, густая масса desc: a thick, malleable mixture of flour and liquid, used for baking into bread or pastry; money. syn: 1731 cash; 2125 bread; 3766 currency; 4434 dough


DOVE noun: голубь, сторонник политики мира, сизый цвет desc: a stocky seed- or fruit-eating bird with a small head, short legs, and a cooing voice. Doves are generally smaller and more delicate than pigeons, but many kinds have been given both names; a person who advocates peaceful or conciliatory policies, especially in foreign affairs; (in Christian art and poetry) the Holy Spirit (as represented in John 1:32). syn: 7851 dove


DOWNTURN noun: спад, уменьшение, загиб desc: a decline in economic, business, or other activity. syn: 2763 decline; 3602 recession; 8571 downturn; 8832 dip; 9643 slump


DRAIN 1) noun: дренаж, отток, водоотвод, вытекание, дренажная труба desc: a channel or pipe carrying off surplus liquid, especially rainwater or liquid waste; a thing that uses up a particular resource. 2) verb: дренировать, осушать, просачиваться, фильтровать desc: cause the water or other liquid in (something) to run out, leaving it empty, dry, or drier; deprive of strength or vitality; (of a player) hole (a putt). syn: 1) 6550 trench; 6992 ditch; 11158 gutter; 7577 sewer; 23710 culvert; 28980 sump 2) 4778 exhaust; 5273 bleed; 10433 deplete; 16099 sap


DRAPE 1) noun: драпировка, портьера, обойный материал desc: long curtains; the way in which a garment or fabric hangs. 2) verb: драпировать, украшать тканями, украшать занавесами, ниспадать красивыми складками, вешать desc: arrange (cloth or clothing) loosely or casually on or around something. syn: 1) 3003 shade; 3649 curtain; 9199 shutter; 9499 blind; 13090 drape 2) 1441 dress; 2102 wrap; 2230 arrange; 4365 decorate; 6336 drape; 8153 adorn; 11046 clothe; 16128 array; 22225 swathe


DRASTIC adj: решительный, радикальный, крутой, коренной, сильнодействующий desc: likely to have a strong or far-reaching effect; radical and extreme. syn: 2344 severe; 2535 extreme; 2946 radical; 3110 desperate; 3494 harsh; 5824 sweeping; 7187 dire; 8267 drastic; 11272 far-reaching


DRASTICALLY adv: кардинально, радикально, коренным образом desc: in a drastic manner syn: 1766 extremely; 4689 considerably; 4897 severely; 6614 radically; 8738 drastically; 11885 hugely


DRAWBACK noun: недостаток, препятствие, помеха, возвраты пошлин, отрицательная сторона, уступка desc: a feature that renders something less acceptable; a disadvantage or problem; an amount of excise or import duty remitted on imported goods that the importer re-exports rather than sells domestically. syn: 3510 weakness; 3595 obstacle; 6376 disadvantage; 8290 shortcoming; 8721 drawback; 8878 downside


DREAD 1) noun: страх, боязнь, опасения, пугало, то, что порождает страх desc: great fear or apprehension; a person with dreadlocks. 2) adj: страшный, ужасный desc: greatly feared; dreadful. 3) verb: бояться, страшиться, опасаться desc: anticipate with great apprehension or fear. syn: 1) 2483 anxiety; 2749 terror; 3340 horror; 3721 alarm; 9378 dread; 9206 dismay; 12992 fright 2) 56843 dread 3) 9552 dread


DRESSER noun: туалетный столик, костюмер, обогатитель, франт, оформитель витрин, хирургическая сестра, сортировщик, кухонный шкаф для посуды desc: a chest of drawers; a person who dresses in a specified way; a person whose job is to look after theatrical costumes and help actors to dres; a person who prepares, treats, or finishes a material or piece of equipment. syn: 8656 dresser


DRILL 1) noun: сверло, дрель, упражнение, бур, тренировка, муштра, строевая подготовка, тик, обучение, коловорот, мандрил desc: a hand tool, power tool, or machine with a rotating cutting tip or reciprocating hammer or chisel, used for making holes; instruction or training in military exercises; a predatory mollusk that bores into the shells of other mollusks in order to feed on the soft tissue; a machine that makes small furrows, sows seed in them, and then covers the sown seed; a coarse twilled cotton or linen fabric. 2) verb: сверлить, бурить, тренировать, обучать строю, проходить строевое обучение, сажать рядами desc: produce (a hole) in something by or as if by boring with a drill; subject (someone) to military training exercises; (of a person or machine) sow (seed) with a drill. syn: 1) 796 training; 1492 exercise; 1568 instruction; 2292 discipline; 2529 preparation; 5017 drill 2) 4994 bore; 5452 penetrate; 6939 pierce; 15306 puncture; 2341 coach; 4278 instruct; 4805 drill


DROUGHT Перевод: засуха, сухость, жажда Определение: a prolonged period of abnormally low rainfall; a shortage of water resulting from this.


DROWN verb: тонуть, заглушать, заливать, затоплять desc: die through submersion in and inhalation of water. syn: 1259 hide; 4975 drown; 4850 overwhelm; 5928 obscure; 8433 mask; 4881 soak; 9777 engulf; 11876 swamp; 13323 drench; 13439 inundate


DUB 1) noun: неумелый человек, увалень desc: an instance of dubbing sound effects or music; a style of popular music originating from the remixing of recorded music (especially reggae), typically with the removal of some vocals and instruments and the exaggeration of bass guitar. 2) verb: дублировать, ровнять, пригонять, ударять, обрубать, обтесывать, строгать, отделывать, тыкать, посвящать в рыцари, даровать титул, окрестить, смазывать жиром desc: give an unofficial name or nickname to (someone or something); dress (an artificial fishing fly) with strands of fur or wool or with other material; smear (leather) with grease; trim or make smooth (wood) with an adze; provide (a film) with a soundtrack in a different language from the original; make a copy of (a sound or video recording); misplay (a shot). syn: 2) 3610 label; 6143 dub; 11827 nickname; 13479 style; 18106 christen


DUBIOUS adj: сомнительный, подозрительный, неясный, колеблющийся, мнительный desc: hesitating or doubting; not to be relied upon; suspect. syn: 4933 vague; 6325 questionable; 7732 dubious; 17771 debatable; 20479 imprecise; 8146 unsure; 9610 shady; 19132 fishy; 24406 untrustworthy


DUCT noun: канал, проток, трубопровод, труба desc: a channel or tube for conveying something, in particular; a cavity or vessel formed by elongated cells or by many cells; a single enclosed runway for conductors or cables. syn: 2534 channel; 2957 vessel; 2999 pipe; 5454 canal; 8802 duct; 12392 conduit


DUMP 1) noun: свалка, отвал, дыра, деньги, груда хлама, глушь, свинцовый кружок, мелкая монета desk: a site for depositing garbage; a copying of stored data to a different location, performed typically as a protection against loss. 2) verb: сбрасывать, сваливать, оставлять, опрокидывать, ронять с шумом, разгружать desc: deposit or dispose of (garbage, waste, or unwanted material), typically in a careless or hurried way. syn: 1) 6967 landfill; 19525 junkyard; 53510 scrapyard; 1938 tip; 3404 mess; 25609 hovel; 41871 pigpen. 2) 2195 abandon; 5476 discard; 6413 desert; 8960 chuck; 12437 ditch; 151 put; 677 throw; 6785 deposit; 7274 unload.


DUSK 1) noun: сумерки, сумрак desc: the darker stage of twilight. 2) verb: смеркаться desc: grow dark. 3) adj: сумеречный, сумрачный, неясный desc: shadowy, dim, or dark. syn: 1) 5810 sunset; 6999 twilight; 7330 dusk; 14502 nightfall; 16672 sundown; 31487 even.


DWARF 1) noun: карлик, карликовое животное/растение, гном desc: (in folklore or fantasy literature) a member of a mythical race of short, stocky humanlike creatures who are generally skilled in mining and metalworking; a star of relatively small size and low luminosity, including the majority of main sequence stars. 2) verb: мешать росту, останавливать развитие desc: cause to seem small or insignificant in comparison. syn: 1) 6955 dwarf; 25000 gnome. 2) 11572 dwarf; 2326 dominate.


DYE 1) noun: красящее вещество, цвет, окраска desc: a natural or synthetic substance used to add a color to or change the color of something. 2) verb: красить, принимать краску desc: add a color to or change the color of (something) by soaking it in a solution impregnated with a dye. syn: 1) 9295 pigment; 9141 dye; 13308 coloring; 42835 colorant; 15277 bleach; 19657 rinse 2) 7488 stain; 14597 dye; 17620 tint


EARNEST 1) noun: залог, задаток, серьезность desc: a thing intended or regarded as a sign or promise of what is to come. 2) adj: серьезный, искренний, убежденный, ревностный, важный, усиленный, горячий desc: resulting from or showing sincere and intense conviction. syn: 1) 44852 earnest. 2) 976 deep; 2309 intense; 12624 heartfelt; 6192 grave; 7108 earnest; 7545 sober; 9362 solemn.


EARRING noun: серьга desc: a piece of jewelry worn on the lobe or edge of the ear. syn: 7079 earring


ECCENTRIC 1) noun: эксцентрик, чудак, оригинал, кулак desc: a person of unconventional and slightly strange views or behavior; a disc or wheel mounted eccentrically on a revolving shaft in order to transform rotation into backward-and-forward motion, e.g., a cam in an internal combustion engine. 2) adj: эксцентричный, странный, нецентральный desc: (of a person or their behavior) unconventional and slightly strange; (of a thing) not placed centrally or not having its axis or other part placed centrally. syn: 1) 786 character; 11106 original; 14481 oddity; 26505 eccentric 2) 2048 unusual; 2755 odd; 3659 weird; 5005 bizarre; 5568 peculiar; 8688 eccentric


EERIE adj: жуткий, мрачный, сверхъестественный, суеверно боязливый desc: strange and frightening. syn: 3659 weird; 4010 scary; 5568 peculiar; 8350 eerie; 8761 supernatural; 9790 sinister; 11620 creepy; 14159 spooky


EH interj: А?, Что вы сказали?, Как!, Вот как!, Не правда ли? desc: used to represent a sound made in speech in a variety of situations, in particular to ask for something to be repeated or explained or to elicit agreement. syn: 8779 eh


ELABORATE 1) verb:разрабатывать, вырабатывать, развивать, вдаваться в подробности, дополнять, детально разрабатывать desc: develop or present (a theory, policy, or system) in detail; (of a natural agency) produce (a substance) from its elements or simpler constituents. 2) adj: сложный, продуманный, детально разработанный, усовершенствованный, искусно сделанный, выработанный desc: involving many carefully arranged parts or details; detailed and complicated in design and planning. syn: 1) 6062 complicate; 6127 detail; 7124 elaborate; 1577 expand; 7659 enlarge; 40444 particularize 2) 1603 complex; 3096 sophisticated; 4674 elaborate; 7373 intricate; 19234 convoluted; 3973 elegant; 6754 decorative; 10652 extravagant; 10871 ornate; 15174 sumptuous; 21919 ostentatious


ELDERLY adj: пожилой, немолодой, почтенный desc: (of a person) old or aging. syn: 1091 senior; 5187 mature; 5366 aging; 8636 aged.


ELECTORAL adj: избирательный, выборный, перевыборный desc: of or relating to elections or electors. syn: 5140 electoral.


ELEVATE verb: возвысить, поднимать, повышать, облагораживать, улучшать, придавать угол возвышения desc: raise or lift (something) up to a higher position. syn: 996 improve; 1332 promote; 2699 advance; 6101 elevate; 11529 further; 18054 exalt; 1347 lift; 9644 hoist; 25832 uplift.


ELEVATION noun: подъем, фасад, высота над уровнем моря, вид сбоку, облагораживание, угол прицеливания, профиль desc: the action or fact of elevating or being elevated; height above a given level, especially sea level; a particular side of a building. syn: 2051 height; 6457 altitude; 6790 elevation; 6441 boost; 6724 advancement; 8813 raise


ELICIT verb: выявлять, добиваться, извлекать, выпытывать, вытягивать, устанавливать, делать вывод desc: evoke or draw out (a response, answer, or fact) from someone in reaction to one's own actions or questions. syn: 1600 obtain; 5020 extract; 6776 elicit; 601 cause; 3133 prompt; 4480 stimulate; 4867 provoke; 19577 occasion


ELIGIBLE adj: подходящий, могущий быть избранным, желательный desc: having the right to do or obtain something; satisfying the appropriate conditions. syn: 3318 adequate; 3423 fit; 4652 eligible; 4801 suitable; 5155 worthy; 6060 qualified; 12902 authorized; 632 single.


ELK noun: лось, сохатый desc: a ​large ​deer with brownish-red ​fur and ​large ​antlers (= ​horns like ​branches) that ​lives in the ​forests of ​North ​America; a member of a charitable fraternal organization, the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks. syn: 6481 elk; moose; wapiti


ELUDE verb: ускользать, избегать, уклоняться, не приходить на ум desc: evade or escape from (a danger, enemy, or pursuer), typically in a skillful or cunning way. syn: 9160 puzzle; 9465 elude; 10794 confound; 14052 stump; 12101 baffle;14978 foil; 2045 escape; 2959 flee


ELUSIVE adj: неуловимый, ускользающий, уклончивый, незапоминающийся, ненадежный, слабый desc: difficult to find, catch, or achieve. syn: 4038 abstract; 4125 mysterious; 4933 vague; 7035 elusive; 7106 obscure; 11379 tenuous; 14362 intangible; 22371 indescribable; 28820 indefinable


EMANATE verb: исходить, излучать, происходить, испускать desc: (of something abstract but perceptible) issue or spread out from (a source). syn: 173 start; 2597 arise; 2713 proceed; 3070 derive; 4086 stem; 4079 spring; 5345 originate; 8849 emanate


EMBARK verb: начинать, грузить, садиться на корабль, отправляться на корабле, вступать в дело desc: go on board a ship, aircraft, or other vehicle. syn: 6670 embark; begin; start; commence


EMBODY verb: воплощать, включать, олицетворять, реализовать, содержать, осуществлять, заключать в себе, объединять, изображать desc: be an expression of or give a tangible or visible form to (an idea, quality, or feeling); include or contain (something) as a constituent part; form (people) into a body, especially for military purposes. syn: 1276 express; 5146 embody; 6689 symbolize; 7913 exemplify; 14637 personify.


EMBRACE 1) noun: объятия desc: an act of holding someone closely in one's arms; an act of accepting or supporting something willingly or enthusiastically. 2) verb: обнимать, охватывать, принимать, воспользоваться, включать в себя, содержать desc: hold (someone) closely in one's arms, especially as a sign of affection; include or contain (something) as a constituent part. syn: 1) 6201 hug; 10928 squeeze; 21323 clasp; 31678 cuddle 2) 766 accept; 637 adopt; 656 involve; 932 contain


EMIT verb: излучать, выделять, выбрасывать, выпускать, извергать, издавать звук desc: produce and discharge (something, especially gas or radiation). syn: 1121 release; 6357 emit; 6718 discharge; 8653 radiate; 8849 emanate; 15603 secrete


EMPATHY noun: сочувствие, сопереживание desc: the ability to understand and share the feelings of another. syn: 3310 identification; 4307 sympathy; 5037 compassion; 7718 empathy; 14433 responsiveness


EMPHASIZE verb: подчеркивать, акцентировать, выделять, придавать особое значение, напирать, делать ударение, делать особое ударение, ставить ударение desc: give special importance or prominence to (something) in speaking or writing. syn: 2948 stress; 3392 highlight; 5916 underscore; 9909 underline; 11152 accentuate


EMPOWER verb: уполномочивать, давать возможность, разрешать desc: give (someone) the authority or power to do something. syn: 2011 invest; 2121 permit; 2206 enable; 4812 authorize; 6290 empower; 8410 sanction; 10135 endow; 18357 vest; 2313 inspire; 11197 rouse; 14548 galvanize


EMPOWERMENT noun: доверенность, оформление полномочия, расширение прав и возможностей desc: the giving or delegation of power or authority; authorization; the giving of an ability; enablement or permission. syn: 4430 consent; 4831 leave; 8559 empowerment; 9971 authorization; 55556 enablement; 6313 liberation


EMULATE verb: подражать, соперничать, следовать примеру, стремиться превзойти desc: match or surpass (a person or achievement), typically by imitation. syn: 8731 rival; 9213 emulate; 16538 outdo; 4948 copy; 6232 imitate; 6933 mimic; 33297 ape


ENACT verb: вводить в действие, предписывать, постановлять, играть роль, ставить на сцене, происходить, разыгрываться desc: make (a bill or other proposal) law; act out (a role or play) on stage. syn: 3914 endorse; 4494 proclaim; 4754 enact; 4812 authorize; 8410 sanction; 9256 ratify; 12868 legislate; 13056 decree; 13537 ordain


ENCLAVE noun: анклав, замкнутая группа, узкий круг desc: a portion of territory within or surrounded by a larger territory whose inhabitants are culturally or ethnically distinct. syn: 296 community; 431 class; 5704 clan; 9289 enclave; 15736 clique; 793 region; 1270 district; 8744 ghetto


ENCLOSE verb: заключать, окружать, прилагать, городить, вкладывать, ограничивать проезд desc: surround or close off on all sides; place (something) in an envelope together with a letter. syn: 2392 ring; 4785 circle; 5702 encompass; 8615 enclose; 10809 encircle; 22425 enfold; 340 add


ENCOMPASS Перевод: заключать в себе, окружать, обносить стеной Определение: surround and have or hold within; cause (something) to take place.


ENDANGER verb: подвергать опасности desc: put (someone or something) at risk or in danger. syn: 2015 expose; 3182 risk; 7255 endanger; 4696 compromise; 8121 jeopardize; 18343 imperil


ENDANGERED Перевод: находящиеся под угрозой уничтожения Определение: (of a species) seriously at risk of extinction.


ENDEAVOR Перевод: стремление, попытка, старание, стараться, прилагать усилия, пытаться Определение: an attempt to achieve a goal; try hard to do or achieve something.


ENDORSE verb: поддерживать, одобрять, подтверждать, индоссировать, делать передаточную надпись desc: declare one's public approval or support of; sign (a check or bill of exchange) on the back to make it payable to someone other than the stated payee or to accept responsibility for paying it. syn: 2064 approve; 4812 authorize; 7150 certify; 8410 sanction; 9256 ratify; 1873 back; 2516 favor


ENDORSEMENT Перевод: индоссамент, поддержка, подтверждение Определение: an act of giving one's public approval or support to someone or something; a clause in an insurance policy detailing an exemption from or change in coverage; the action of endorsing a check or bill of exchange.


ENDURE verb: терпеть, вынести, вытерпеть, длиться, продолжаться, выдерживать испытание временем desc: suffer (something painful or difficult) patiently; remain in existence; last. syn: 1182 experience; 1624 bear; 3005 sustain; 3160 undergo; 4357 tolerate; 7078 withstand; 14024 brave; 293 continue; 426 remain; 1346 survive; 1683 last; 4390 persist.


ENDURING adj: прочный, выносливый, стойкий, длительный, терпеливый desc: continuing or long-lasting. syn: 2480 permanent; 2920 stable; 3674 continuing; 5327 persistent; 6303 lasting; 6828 enduring; 8094 durable


ENERGIZE verb: возбуждать, питать энергией, пропускать ток desc: give vitality and enthusiasm to. syn: 3560 motivate; 3719 boost; 6290 empower; 9402 energize; 10850 revitalize; 12783 animate; 21625 invigorate


ENFORCE verb: навязывать, принуждать, проводить в жизнь, усиливать, заставлять, настаивать, подкреплять desc: compel observance of or compliance with (a law, rule, or obligation). syn: 2299 implement; 2348 impose; 3688 administer; 4489 compel; 11663 coerce


ENFORCEMENT noun: принуждение, давление desc: the act of compelling observance of or compliance with a law, rule, or obligation. syn: 1524 application; 3556 implementation; 3631 prosecution; 4269 execution


ENGENDER verb: порождать, вызывать, зародить, зарождать, возбуждать desc: cause or give rise to (a feeling, situation, or condition). syn: 6568 spawn; 9494 engender; 12195 propagate; 21189 beget; 542 produce; 601 cause; 3133 prompt


ENLARGE verb: увеличивать, расширять, распространяться, укрупнять, освобождать desc: make or become bigger or more extensive. syn: 1577 expand; 6127 detail; 7124 elaborate; 7659 enlarge; 9809 amplify; 5518 widen


ENLIST Перевод: завербоваться, вербовать, заручиться поддержкой Определение: enroll or be enrolled in the armed services.


ENRICH verb: обогащать, улучшать, удобрять, украшать, витаминизировать desc: improve or enhance the quality or value of; make (someone) wealthy or wealthier. syn: 996 improve; 2345 enhance; 6702 supplement; 6827 deepen; 6981 enrich; 9305 augment.


ENSEMBLE Перевод: ансамбль, группа, костюм Определение: a group of musicians, actors, or dancers who perform together; a group of items viewed as a whole rather than individually.


ENTAIL 1) noun: майорат, майоратное наследование desc: a settlement of the inheritance of property over a number of generations so that it remains within a family or other group. 2) verb: влечь за собой, вызывать, навлекать desc: involve (something) as a necessary or inevitable part or consequence; settle the inheritance of (property) over a number of generations so that ownership remains within a particular group, usually one family. syn: 2) 446 require; 656 involve; 1458 demand; 6244 entail; 10476 necessitate


ENTITLE verb: давать право, называть, озаглавливать, давать название, жаловать титул desc: give (someone) a legal right or a just claim to receive or do something; give (something, especially a text or work of art) a particular title. syn: 2121 permit; 2206 enable; 4812 authorize; 6078 warrant; 8410 sanction; 5298 designate


ENTITLEMENT noun: наименование, право (на помощь, пособие и т. п.), установленная норма desc: the act of entitling; the state of being entitled; the right to guaranteed benefits under a government program, as Social Security or unemployment compensation. syn: 271 power; 1327 title; 1354 claim; 3638 privilege; 7438 entitlement; 12616 prerogative


ENTREE noun: основное блюдо, доступ, право входа, личный доклад, основное блюдо за обедом desc: the main course of a meal; the right to enter or join a particular sphere or group. syn: 9105 entree


ENVISION verb: представлять себе, воображать, рисовать в своем воображении desc: imagine as a future possibility; visualize. syn: 1618 predict; 3932 picture; 4524 envision; 7748 foresee; 8841 visualize.


EQUATE verb: приравнивать, соответствовать, быть эквивалентным, записывать в виде уравнения desc: consider (one thing) to be the same as or equivalent to another. syn: 1358 associate; 1641 connect; 1739 link; 8143 equate; 9547 parallel; 9335 liken


EQUILIBRIUM noun: равновесие, уравновешенность desc: a state in which opposing forces or influences are balanced. syn: 2981 stability; 9254 equilibrium; 10415 symmetry; 26940 steadiness; 36474 evenness; 57451 equipoise


ERADICATE verb: искоренять, уничтожать, вырывать с корнем desc: destroy completely; put an end to. syn: 1422 destroy; 1848 eliminate; 9302 eradicate; 18500 exterminate


ERECT 1) adj: прямой, вертикальный, торчащий, поднятый, ощетинившийся, бодрый desc: rigidly upright or straight. 2) verb: возвести, соорудить, устанавливать, создавать, монтировать, выстраивать, поднимать, выпрямлять, собирать desc: construct (a building, wall, or other upright structure). syn: 1) 4116 stiff; 4488 vertical; 5532 rigid; 10423 upright; 14365 perpendicular; 14392 erect 2) 897 establish; 2680 found; 3548 initiate; 6442 erect; 8125 institute; 433 raise; 2493 construct


ERODE verb: разрушать, разъедать, размывать, эродировать, вытравлять, выветривать desc: (of wind, water, or other natural agents) gradually wear away (soil, rock, or land). syn: 20373 corrode; 6921 erode.


ERUPT Перевод: извергаться, извергать, прорываться Определение: (of a volcano) become active and eject lava, ash, and gases.


ESSENCE noun: сущность, эссенция, экстракт, аромат, бензин, духи desc: the intrinsic nature or indispensable quality of something, especially something abstract, that determines its character. syn: 7342 extract; 22939 distillation; 23081 concentrate; 26572 tincture; 1181 spirit; 1609 soul; 1964 core; 15846 crux


ETCH verb: гравировать, травить на металле, оставлять неизгладимый след, разъедать desc: engrave (metal, glass, or stone) by coating it with a protective layer, drawing on it with a needle, and then covering it with acid to attack the parts the needle has exposed, especially in order to produce prints from it; cut or carve (a text or design) on a surface. syn: 1854 score; 3833 carve; 4688 scratch; 5557 scrape; 9009 etch; 12639 engrave; 27587 incise


ETERNAL Перевод: вечный, бесконечный, постоянный Определение: lasting or existing forever; without end or beginning.


ETERNITY noun: вечность, вечная жизнь/истина, очень долго, загробный мир desc: infinite or unending time. syn: 8531 eternity; 11514 infinity; 22681 perpetuity


EVE noun: канун, вечер desc: the day or period of time immediately before an event or occasion. syn: 8133 eve


EVENLY Перевод: равномерно, ровно, поровну Определение: equally


EXACERBATE verb: обострять, усиливать, раздражать, ожесточать desc: make (a problem, bad situation, or negative feeling) worse. syn: 7562 impair; 7285 exacerbate; 8632 worsen; 10041 aggravate.


EXAGGERATE verb: преувеличивать, утрировать, муссировать, излишне подчеркивать desc: represent (something) as being larger, greater, better, or worse than it really is. syn: 9045 inflate; 9809 amplify; 10935 overstate; 12974 embellish; 14243 embroider; 37679 overstress


EXCERPT 1) noun: отрывок, выдержка, выписка, выборка, отдельный оттиск desc: a short extract from a film, broadcast, or piece of music or writing. 2) verb: делать выдержки, подбирать цитаты, выбирать desc: take (a short extract) from a text. syn: 1) 2146 selection; 2224 passage; 4446 quote; 6137 excerpt; 7342 extract; 8525 citation; 9038 quotation 2) quote; cite; take out


EXCESS Перевод: избыток, превышение, излишек, лишний, избыточный, дополнительный, увольнять по сокращению штатов Определение: exceeding a prescribed or desirable amount; an amount of something that is more than necessary, permitted, or desirable; lack of moderation in an activity, especially eating or drinking.


EXCLAIM verb: воскликнуть, ахать, вскричать desc: cry out suddenly, especially in surprise, anger, or pain. syn: 1355 cry; 2130 scream; 2167 shout; 2644 yell; 6382 exclaim; 12640 bellow


EXEMPLIFY verb: служить примером, приводить пример, снимать и заверять копию desc: be a typical example of. syn: 687 represent; 1383 demonstrate; 2363 illustrate; 2876 characterize; 5146 embody; 7913 exemplify; 12854 epitomize; 14344 typify; 14637 personify


EXEMPTION noun: освобождение, льгота, привилегия desc: the process of freeing or state of being free from an obligation or liability imposed on others. syn: 2214 release; 6297 discharge; 6316 exclusion; 7046 immunity; 7228 exemption; 25450 absolution; 26932 indemnity


EXERT verb: влиять, прилагать усилия, оказывать давление, напрягать силы, вызывать напряжение desc: apply or bring to bear (a force, influence, or quality); make a physical or mental effort. syn: 939 apply; 1972 employ; 2343 exercise; 4301 utilize; 6197 exert; 7584 wield


EXHAUST 1) noun: выхлоп, выпуск, выхлопная труба desc: waste gases or air expelled from an engine, turbine, or other machine in the course of its operation. 2) verb: извести, истощать, выпускать, исчерпывать, вытягивать, изнурять, высасывать, томить, разрежать desc: drain (someone) of their physical or mental resources; tire out; use up (resources or reserves) completely. syn: 1) exhaust system; fumes 2) 3627 drain; 4527 weaken; 4778 exhaust; 19711 fatigue; 917 finish; 3025 consume; 3627 drain; 9996 dissipate; 10433 deplete


EXILE Перевод: изгнание, ссылка, изгнанник, ссыльный, ссылать, сослать, изгонять Определение: the state of being barred from one's native country, typically for political or punitive reasons; expel and bar (someone) from their native country, typically for political or punitive reasons.


EXPANSIVE adj: экспансивный, обширный, открытый, несдержанный, откровенный desc: covering a wide area in terms of space or scope; extensive or wide-ranging; (of a person or their manner) open, demonstrative, and communicative; tending toward economic or political expansion. syn: 1975 vast; 2862 extensive; 7671 sprawling; 8821 spacious; 8748 sizable; 9394 expansive; 13488 roomy


EXPECTANCY noun: ожидание, предвкушение, вероятность, надежда, упование desc: the state of thinking or hoping that something, especially something pleasant, will happen or be the case. syn: 1382 belief; 1900 expectation; 2337 prospect; 5158 probability; 6270 anticipation; 7789 expectancy; 12394 suspense


EXPEL verb: высылать, изгонять, исключать, удалять, выталкивать, выбрасывать desc: deprive (someone) of membership of or involvement in a school or other organization. syn: 2819 dismiss; 7081 expel; 9622 banish; 9928 oust; 11200 eject; 12629 sac


EXQUISITE 1) noun: щеголь, фат, денди desc: a man who is affectedly concerned with his clothes and appearance; a dandy. 2) adj: изысканный, утонченный, совершенный, прелестный, сильный, острый, законченный desc: extremely beautiful and, typically, delicate. syn: 2) 993 beautiful; 1409 wonderful; 2478 pretty; 2828 attractive; 3817 delicate; 8243 exquisite; 11980 flawless


EYEWITNESS noun: очевидец, свидетель desc: a person who has personally seen something happen and so can give a first-hand description of it. syn: 2472 observer; 5270 spectator; 8798 eyewitness; 9069 watcher; 12262 bystander; 13292 onlooker


FABULOUS Перевод: невероятный, потрясающий, легендарный Определение: extraordinary, especially extraordinarily large.


FACET noun: грань, аспект, фаска, фацет desc: one side of something many-sided, especially of a cut gem. syn: 248 issue; 249 side; 729 factor; 764 quality; 1192 feature; 1361 aspect; 1770 component; 8946 facet


FACILITATE verb: способствовать, содействовать, облегчать, продвигать desc: make (an action or process) easy or easier. syn: 844 state; 923 maintain; 1363 insist; 1745 declare; 3166 assert; 8554 vie; 1955 oppose; 2486 resist; 3219 cope


FACTUAL adj: фактический, фактографический, основанный на фактах, действительный desc: concerned with what is actually the case rather than interpretations of or reactions to it. syn: 1610 scientific; 2745 accurate; 3363 exact; 3776 genuine; 9158 factual; 20331 verifiable; 2546 honest


FACULTY noun: факультет, способность, право, власть, область науки/искусства desc: an inherent mental or physical power; the teaching staff of a university or college, or of one of its departments or divisions, viewed as a body; a license or authorization, especially from a church authority. syn: 1301 facility; 1386 gift; 1787 capacity; 2041 talent; 2977 capability; 4097 genius


FAITHFUL adj: верный, точный, преданный, верующий, правоверный, правдивый, заслуживающий доверия desc: loyal, constant, and steadfast; having a strong belief in a particular religion, especially Islam; true to the facts or the original. syn: 880 close; 1804 correct; 2745 accurate; 3363 exact; 4024 realistic; 5051 authentic; 5064 faithful; 13897 believable; 2402 constant; 3528 reliable


FALLOUT noun: радиоактивные осадки, последствие (чего-л.), пропадание (напр., разряда), выброс из кратера desc: radioactive particles that are carried into the atmosphere after a nuclear explosion or accident and gradually fall back as dust or in precipitation; the adverse side effects or results of a situation. syn: 427 effect; 1631 consequence; 1756 outcome; 9325 fallout; 18197 upshot


FARE 1) noun: плата за проезд, пища, пассажир, провизия desc: the money a passenger on public transportation has to pay; a range of food, especially of a particular type. 2) verb: поживать, быть, происходить, случаться, оказаться, путешествовать desc: perform in a specified way in a particular situation or over a particular period of time; travel. syn: 1) 550 cost; 924 charge; 1581 ticket; 1836 fee; 4643 toll; 4821 fare; 6728 tab; 7475 tariff; 1718 meal; 3105 menu; 54676 comestibles 2) 954 perform; 946 manage; 2699 advance; 2713 proceed; 3219 cope; 5076 progress; 7010 fare


FAREWELL 1) noun: прощание, прощальный приём гостей (перед отъездом и т. п.) desc: an expression of good wishes at parting; an act of parting or of marking someone's departure. 2) adj: прощальный, напутственный desc: parting; valedictory; final. 3) interj: прощай!, до свидания!, добрый путь! desc: used to express good wishes on parting. syn: 1) 3897 departure; 8270 farewell; 14122 parting; 16848 leaving; 52984 valediction 3) 22999 farewell


FARMHOUSE noun: дом на ферме desc: a house attached to a farm, especially the main house in which the farmer lives. syn: 4068 ranch; 8548 farmhouse; 13058 homestead; 29536 farmstead


FEARFUL adj: страшный, ужасный, напуганный, робкий, полный страха, огромный, исполненный благоговения desc: feeling afraid; showing fear or anxiety; very great. syn: 4010 scary; 5603 frightening; 6280 fearful; 8745 terrifying; 9330 horrific; 15322 fearsome; 7187 dire; 11117 appalling; 2984 scared; 3857 anxious; 11594 timid


FEASIBLE adj: осуществимый, возможный, выполнимый, вероятный, правдоподобный desc: possible to do easily or conveniently. syn: 624 likely; 2295 practical; 2526 reasonable; 4024 realistic; 5101 viable; 7724 feasible; 17435 achievable


FEAST Перевод: праздник, пир, банкет, пировать, попировать, праздновать Определение: a large meal, typically one in celebration of something; eat and drink sumptuously.


FEAT noun: подвиг, проявление большой ловкости/ искусства desc: an achievement that requires great courage, skill, or strength. syn: 2032 achievement; 4555 coup; 4346 accomplishment; 5838 deed; 7292 feat; 11850 exploit.


FEATHER 1) noun: перо, шпонка, плюмаж, пустячок, дичь, гребень, нечто легкое, волосная трещина, литейный шов, выступ desc: any of the flat appendages growing from a bird's skin and forming its plumage, consisting of a partly hollow horny shaft fringed with vanes of barbs. 2) verb: оперять, украшать перьями, придавать форму пера, резать воздух, циклически изменять шаг, соединять на шпонку, сбивать перья с птицы выстрелом, выносить весло плашмя, дрожать, виляя хвостом desc: rotate the blades of (a propeller) about their own axes in such a way as to lessen the air or water resistance; float, move, or wave like a feather. syn: 1) 4952 spine; 7504 spike; 9669 plume; 17186 barb; 19828 quill 2) fledge; square


FELLOWSHIP noun: товарищество, братство, участие, общество, членство, компания, корпорация desc: friendly association, especially with people who share one's interests; the status of a fellow of a college or society. syn: 3055 friendship; 6296 solidarity; 1261 club; 9475 fellowship; 9939 communion; 507 society


FEMININE Перевод: женский, женственный, женоподобный, женский род, женщина Определение: having qualities or appearance traditionally associated with women, especially delicacy and prettiness; of or denoting a gender of nouns and adjectives, conventionally regarded as female; the female sex or gender.


FEND verb: парировать, заботиться, отражать, не подпускать, отгонять desc: look after and provide for oneself, without any help from others; defend oneself from a blow, attack, or attacker. syn: 9198 fend


FERN noun: папоротник desc: a flowerless plant that has feathery or leafy fronds and reproduces by spores released from the undersides of the fronds. Ferns have a vascular system for the transport of water and nutrients. syn: 9162 fern


FERRY 1) noun: паром, переправа, перевоз, ладья, перегонка самолетов desc: a boat or ship for conveying passengers and goods, especially over a relatively short distance and as a regular service. 2) verb: перевозить, перегонять, доставлять по воздуху, переезжать desc: convey in a ferry or other ship or boat, especially across a short stretch of water. syn: 1) 2957 vessel; 6585 ferry 2) 215 bring; 404 send; 441 pass; 487 carry; 1624 bear; 3785 convey; 3836 ship; 4684 transport; 4883 transmit; 11418 ferry; 12096 lug.


FERTILIZER noun: удобрение, оплодотворитель, опылитель, удобрительный тук desc: a chemical or natural substance added to soil or land to increase its fertility. syn: 6454 fertilizer; 10031 manure; 14839 peat; 15294 nourishment


FETCH 1) noun: двойник, привидение, уловка, хитрость desc: the distance traveled by wind or waves across open water; a contrivance, dodge, or trick; the apparition or double of a living person, formerly believed to be a warning of that person's impending death. 2) verb: получать, выбирать, приносить, доставать, вызывать, достигать, выручать, нравиться, ударить, приносить доход, вызывать слезы desc: go for and then bring back (someone or something); achieve (a particular price) when sold; inflict (a blow or slap) on (someone); cause great interest or delight in (someone). syn: 1) 40769 fetch 2) 63 take; 215 bring; 487 carry; 1600 obtain; 5000 retrieve; 6841 fetch; 45 make; 215 bring; 433 raise


FETUS noun: плод, зародыш, эмбрион, утробный плод desc: an unborn offspring of a mammal, in particular an unborn human baby more than eight weeks after conception. syn: 8056 fetus


FEVER 1) noun: лихорадка, жар, нервное возбуждение, пирексия desc: an abnormally high body temperature, usually accompanied by shivering, headache, and in severe instances, delirium. 2) verb: лихорадить, вызывать жар desc: bring about a high body temperature or a state of nervous excitement in (someone). syn: 1) 3530 excitement; 3744 enthusiasm; 4411 fever; 10426 zeal; 11309 fervor; 11642 impatience; 13316 agitation; 13262 eagerness; 20027 fanaticism; 23505 vehemence


FIBER noun: волокно, нить, древесное волокно, склад характера, ворсинка, боковой корень desc: a thread or filament from which a vegetable tissue, mineral substance, or textile is formed; dietary material containing substances such as cellulose, lignin, and pectin, which are resistant to the action of digestive enzymes. syn: 1279 strength; 9195 grit; 9953 backbone; 951 structure; 3243 grain


FICTIONAL adj: вымышленный, выдуманный desc: of or relating to fiction; invented for the purposes of fiction. syn: 4792 fantastic; 6430 fictional; 6606 imaginary; 12294 untrue; 15312 fictitious; 16844 illusory


FIERCE adj: жестокий, свирепый, лютый, сильный, неистовый, горячий, неприятный, болезненный desc: having or displaying an intense or ferocious aggressiveness. syn: 2171 violent; 2309 intense; 2535 extreme; 4523 fierce; 10244 savage; 11454 raging; 11495 ferocious; 12228 almighty; 976 deep; 1160 powerful; 5229 passionate; 10377 stern.


FIERY adj: огненный, пламенный, пылкий, горячий, вспыльчивый, жгучий, газовый, сверкающий, огненно-красный desc: consisting of fire or burning strongly and brightly. syn: 4073 burning; 7971 fiery; 13043 flaming; 15802 blazing; 15548 blistering; 18034 sizzling; 32471 baking


FIG 1) noun: фига, инжир, смоковница, кукиш, винная ягода, состояние, наряд, настроение desc: a soft pear-shaped fruit with sweet dark flesh and many small seeds, eaten fresh or dried; the deciduous Old World tree or shrub that bears the fig; smart clothes, especially those appropriate to a particular occasion or profession. 2) verb: наряжать, украшать desc: dress up (someone) to look smart. syn: 1) 8764 fig


FILING noun: опиловка, систематизация, запись/занесение в файл desc: a small particle rubbed off by a file when smoothing or shaping something. syn: 3711 particle; 7058 filing; 10988 shard; 11236 shred; 12926 splinter; 19900 shaving


FILTHY adj: грязный, отвратительный, непристойный, развращенный, мерзкий desc: disgustingly dirty. syn: 6576 muddy; 6747 messy; 8865 filthy; 16087 grimy; 19535 soiled; 6815 rude; 10019 obscene; 19033 lewd


FINELY noun: мелко, тонко, точно desc: into small pieces; very exactly syn: 8867 exceptionally; 9072 wonderfully; 19213 superbly; 21304 magnificently; 21984 marvelously; 6036 finely; 9780 subtly; 13157 keenly


FIREARM noun: огнестрельное оружие desc: a rifle, pistol, or other portable gun. syn: 930 weapon; 3084 rifle; 4991 pistol; 5439 shotgun; 6693 firearm; 8959 handgun


FIREPLACE Перевод: камин, очаг, кузнечный горн Определение: a place for a domestic fire, especially a grate or hearth at the base of a chimney.


FIRING noun: стрельба, обжиг, пальба, запуск, сжигание топлива, отопление, работа desc: the action of setting fire to something; material for a fire; fuel. syn: 2839 shooting; 6682 firing; 8893 gunfire


FIRSTHAND 1) adj: непосредственный, прямой, полученный из первых рук desc: (of information or experience) from the original source or personal experience; direct. 2) adv: из первых рук desc: from the first or original source syn: 2) 1639 straight; 2649 personally; 9473 firsthand


FISCAL 1) noun: финансовый год, судебный исполнитель desk: a legal or treasury official in some countries. 2) adj: финансовый, фискальный desc: of or relating to government revenue, especially taxes. syn: 1) 21035 bailiff; 11206 marshal. 2) 828 financial; 35498 pecuniary.


FIXTURE noun: зажимное приспособление, заранее назначенный день desc: a piece of equipment or furniture that is fixed in position in a building or vehicle; a sports event that takes place on a particular date. syn: 7144 fixture; 10324 fitting; 525 event; 772 meeting; 2697 match; 3081 contest; 6225 clash


FLAKE 1) noun: чешуйка, слой, ряд, осколок, бухта, легкий комок, клочок, сушилка для рыбы, человек со странностями, люлька для работы за бортом desc: a small, flat, thin piece of something, typically one that has broken away or been peeled off from a larger piece; a crazy or eccentric person; a rack or shelf for storing or drying food such as fish; a single turn of a coiled rope or hawser. 2) verb: расслаиваться, шелушиться, падать/ сыпать хлопьями desc: come or fall away from a surface in thin pieces; break or divide (food) into thin pieces; fall asleep; drop from exhaustion; is flaked out on the sofa. syn: 1) 2172 chip; 3338 patch; 4789 fragment; 7890 flake; 11444 sliver; 12769 snowflake 2) 6544 scale; 7146 crumble; 11180 chip; 17746 flake; 21708 blister


FLANK 1) noun: фланг, бок, крыло, склон desc: the side of a person's or animal's body between the ribs and the hip; the right or left side of a body of people such as an army, a naval force, or a soccer team. 2) verb: фланкировать, граничить, быть расположенным сбоку/на фланге, примыкать desc: be situated on each side of or on one side of (someone or something). syn: 1) 978 edge; 1899 wing; 3329 margin; 4646 rim; 6732 verge; 8608 flank 2) 8129 borde; 9076 flank; 12004 skirt; 29110 fringe


FLAP 1) noun: клапан, заслонка, щиток, закрылок, удар, откидной борт, хлопок, беспокойство, паника, длинное висячее ухо desc: a piece of something thin, such as cloth, paper, or metal, hinged or attached only on one side, that covers an opening or hangs down from something; a movement of a wing or an arm from side to side or up and down; a state of agitation; a panic. 2) verb: махать, хлопать, развеваться, впадать в панику, колыхаться, шлепать, бить, свисать, суетиться, ударять desc: (of a bird) move (its wings) up and down when flying or preparing to fly. syn: 1) 8378 flap; 3664 skirt; 6728 tab; 8231 apron; 59485 tailpiece; 5795 fold; 25750 wag; 34819 flail 2) 6956 panic; 8261 flap; 10159 fret; 21981 fluster; 27455 dither


FLARE 1) noun: вспышка, клеш, сигнальная ракета, блеск, сияние, выпуклость, яркий свет desc: a sudden brief burst of bright flame or light; a gradual widening, especially of a skirt or pants. 2) verb: вспыхивать, выдаваться наружу, гореть ярким пламенем, ослеплять блеском, рассердиться, расширять, раздвигать, выступать desc: burn with a sudden intensity; gradually become wider at one end. syn: 1) 4138 flash; 5395 burst; 9248 flare; 12513 flicker 2) 8202 blaze; 8624 flare; 11804 sparkle; 21387 flame


FLAW Перевод: недостаток, изъян, ошибка Определение: a mark, fault, or other imperfection that mars a substance or object; a squall of wind; a short storm; (of an imperfection) mar, weaken, or invalidate (something).


FLEA noun: блоха desc: any of numerous small, wingless bloodsucking insects of the order Siphonaptera, parasitic upon mammals and birds and noted for their ability to leap; either of two common fleas of the genus Ctenocephalides, the very small, black C. felis (cat flea) or the similar but larger C. canis (dog flea) both of which infest cats, dogs, and occasionally humans. syn: 9353 flea


FLEE verb: бежать, спасаться бегством, избегать, исчезать, пролететь desc: run away from a place or situation of danger. syn: 2045 escape; 8357 bolt; 30462 abscond.


FLEET 1) noun: флот, парк, флотилия, эскадра desc: the largest group of naval vessels under one commander, organized for specific tactical or other purposes; a marshland creek, channel, or ditch. 2) verb: миновать, быстро протекать, плыть по поверхности desc: move or pass quickly. 3) adj: быстрый, мелкий, быстротечный desc: fast and nimble in movement. syn: 1) 6914 navy; 8602 convoy; 11925 marine; 21429 armada; 22445 flotilla. 2) 2899 fade; 7344 dart; 24644 fleet. 3) 14855 nimble; 18858 lithe; 6722 swift; 31194 fleet.


FLESH 1) noun: плоть, мясо, тело, полнота, мякоть плода desc: the soft substance consisting of muscle and fat that is found between the skin and bones of an animal or a human. 2) verb: полнеть, разжигать кровожадность, ожесточать, откармливать desc: put weight on; give (a hound or hawk) a piece of the flesh of game that has been killed in order to incite it. syn: 1) 528 matter; 11240 corpus; 21734 physicality; 4304 pork; 5655 lamb; 1343 folk; 7460 kin; 9235 lineage; 1016 surface; 10628 complexion; 26690 epidermis; 1033 reality; 1798 meat; 2291 substance; 56472 solidness; 2704 tissue. 2) 20747 steel; 20951 plump


FLEX 1) noun: гибкий шнур desc: the action or state of flexing. 2) verb: сгибать, гнуть desc: bend (a limb or joint). syn: 1) 12687 flex 2) 1925 stretch; 2208 bend; 6195 activate; 9035 flex; 10906 arch; 1577 expand; 4577 tighten; 5039 contract


FLICK 1) noun: фильм, резкое движение, кинофильм, легкий удар desc: a sudden sharp movement; a motion picture. 2) verb: слегка ударить/стегнуть, смахнуть легким ударом/щелчком desc: propel (something) with a sudden sharp movement, especially of the fingers. syn: 1) 6121 scan; 11286 flick; 19776 skim; 27535 perusal; 29116 riffle; 38964 browse. 2) 1146 strike; 2433 glance; 2860 tap; 3244 brush; 3952 flip; 6950 flick; 7652 graze; 25742 ping.


FLICKER 1) noun: мерцание, вспышка, дрожание, трепетание, дятел, кинофильм desc: an unsteady movement of a flame or light that causes rapid variations in brightness; a tiny movement; an American woodpecker that often feeds on ants on the ground. 2) verb: мерцать, мигать, дрожать, вспыхивать, колыхаться, бить крыльями desc: (of light or a source of light) shine unsteadily; vary rapidly in brightness; make small, quick movements; flutter rapidly. syn: 1) 2553 impression; 3287 ghost; 4138 flash; 4226 trace; 12513 flicker; 12872 glimmer; 5775 spark; 13625 glint 2) 4651 blink; 8190 flicker; 9613 waver; 11463 sputter; 11804 sparkle; 13169 twinkle


FLING 1) noun: бросок, швыряние, бурная жизнь, торопливое движение, резкое замечание, разгул, пляска desc: a short period of enjoyment or wild behavior. 2) verb: бросать, швырять, кидаться, брыкаться, запускать, распространять, решительно приниматься, делать стремительное движение desc: throw or hurl forcefully. syn: 1) 17042 fling 2) 2046 cast; 2412 toss; 3505 pitch; 6254 fling; 7452 hurl; 8960 chuck; 10056 sling; 18405 lob


FLIP 1) noun: флип, сальто, щелчок, полубочка, легкий удар, кувырканье, переворот через крыло, полет в самолете desc: a sudden sharp movement; a quick tour or pleasure trip; a somersault, especially one performed in the air. 2) verb: щелкать, слегка ударять, подбросить, смахнуть, стряхнуть, внезапно воодушевиться desc: turn over or cause to turn over with a sudden sharp movemen; move, push, or throw (something) with a sudden sharp movement; suddenly lose control or become very angry; buy and sell (something, especially real estate or shares) quickly to make a profit. syn: 1) 25037 somersault; 27262 cartwheel; 30773 handspring 2) 2660 spin; 3521reverse; 6283 overturn; 6950 flick


FLOCK 1) noun: стадо, стая, паства, толпа, группа, пушинка, пучок, хлопчатобумажные очески, клочок desc: a number of birds of one kind feeding, resting, or traveling together; a soft material for stuffing cushions, quilts, and other soft furnishings, made of wool refuse or torn-up cloth. 2) verb: стекаться, держаться вместе, держаться стаей desc: congregate or mass in a flock or large group. syn: 1) 6691 flock; herd; covey; throng; mob 2) 1351 gather; 3583 assemble; 8375 cluster; 8659 group; 9004 flock; 10940 herd; 12914 congregate


FLOURISH 1) noun: туш, загогулина, росчерк, процветание, цветение, размахивание, пышность, цветистое выражение, фанфары desc: a bold or extravagant gesture or action, made especially to attract the attention of others; a fanfare played by brass instruments. 2) verb: процветать, расцветать, преуспевать, жить, разрастаться, пышно расти, действовать, выставлять напоказ, делать росчерк пером desc: (of a person, animal, or other living organism) grow or develop in a healthy or vigorous way, especially as the result of a particularly favorable environment; (of a person) wave (something) around to attract the attention of others. syn: 1) 6405 curl; 7874 ornament; 10833 flourish; 19239 embellishment; 31072 curlicue; 2201 display; 13699 fanfare 2) 660 increase; 2029 succeed; 4672 thrive; 6292 flourish; 8403 prosper; 9119 boom; 2469 swing; 2634 wave; 7584 wield; 13789 flaunt


FLUID 1) noun: жидкость, жидкая среда, газообразная среда desc: a substance that has no fixed shape and yields easily to external pressure; a gas or (especially) a liquid. 2) adj: жидкий, текучий, подвижный, изменчивый, постоянно меняющийся desc: (of a substance) able to flow easily. syn: 1) 1223 solution; 4399 liquid 2) 6749 unpredictable; 7499 shifting; 10280 adjustable; 14469 indefinite; 23120 changeable; 7354 graceful; 20815 sinuous; 10856 watery


FLUSH 1) noun: румянец, краска, прилив крови, карты одной масти, расцвет, приступ, внезапный прилив воды, быстрый приток, буйный рост, струя воды, внезапное изобилие, приступ лихорадки, упоение успехом, вспугнутая стая птиц desc:a reddening of the face or skin that is typically caused by illness or strong emotion; a sudden rush of intense emotion; an act of cleansing something, especially a toilet, with a sudden flow of water; the action of driving a game bird from its cover; (in poker) a hand of cards all of the same suit; a piece of wet ground over which water flows without being confined to a definite channel. 2) verb: промывать, краснеть, вспыхнуть, возбуждать, обильно течь, приливать к лицу, давать новые побеги, наполнять, вспархивать, взлетать, спугивать, переполнять, воодушевлять, затоплять, бить струей, хлынуть desc: (of a person's skin or face) become red and hot, typically as the result of illness or strong emotion; cleanse (something, especially a toilet) by causing large quantities of water to pass through it; drive (a bird, especially a game bird, or an animal) from its cover; (of a plant) send out fresh shoots; fill in (a joint) level with a surface. 3) adj: полный, потайной, изобилующий, находящийся на одном уровне, щедрый, расточительный, находящийся заподлицо desc: completely level or even with another surface; having plenty of something, especially money. 4) adv: заподлицо desc: so as to be level or even. syn: 1) 11907 blush; 12853 flush; 15583 tint; 18393 redness 2) 4568 flood; 6013 flush; 7132 rinse; 10799 cleanse; 31831 swill; 5353 glow; 7632 bloom; 16967 redden 3) 2585 flat; 4793 level; 11815 even; 21592 flush


FLUTE 1) noun: флейта, каннелюра, желобок, выемка, рифля desc: a wind instrument made from a tube with holes along it that are stopped by the fingers or keys, held vertically or horizontally so that the player's breath strikes a narrow edge. The modern orchestral form, typically made of metal, is held horizontally and has an elaborate set of keys; an ornamental vertical groove in a column; a tall, narrow wine glass. 2) verb: свистеть, делать выемки, желобить desc: speak in a melodious way reminiscent of the sound of a flute; make flutes or grooves in. syn: 1) 2534 channel; 8479 groove; 9010 flute; 15492 furrow; 18234 indentation; 54785 corrugation


FLUTTER 1) noun: флаттер, трепет, порхание, дрожание, вибрация, волнение, махание, риск desc: an act of fluttering; a small bet. 2) verb: трепетать, развеваться, вибрировать, дрожать, биться неровно, махать, волновать, беспокоиться desc: (of a bird or other winged creature) fly unsteadily or hover by flapping the wings quickly and lightly. syn: 1) 4458 bet; 18241 flutter; 19177 wager; 3357 confusion; 3530 excitement; 8378 flap; 21145 perturbation 2) 2634 wave; 5291 tremble; 8190 flicker; 8187 flutter; 9613 waverж 11822 quiver; 21019 pulsate


FOAM 1) noun: пена, мыло, море desc: a mass of small bubbles formed on or in liquid, typically by agitation or fermentation. 2) verb: пениться, взмылиться, покрываться пеной, быть в бешенстве desc: form or produce a mass of small bubbles; froth. syn: 1) 22643 lather; 28261 fizz 2) 10290 bubble; 26711 foam; 29038 froth


FOCAL adj: очаговый, фокальный, центральный, фокусный desc: of or relating to the center or main point of interest. syn: 743 central; 889 main; 2413 crucial; 3328 principal; 7413 focal; 8304 pivotal


FOE noun: враг, противник, недоброжелатель desc: an enemy or opponent. syn: 2194 opponent; 4384 rival; 7679 foe; 7362 adversary; 16635 antagonist


FOLIAGE noun: листва, листья, лиственный орнамент, куща desc: plant leaves, collectively. syn: 7465 foliage; 15326 greenery; 48468 verdure; 20452 undergrowth; 20965 shrubbery


FOLLY noun: глупость, безумие, безрассудство, дурость, недомыслие, дорогостоящий каприз desc: lack of good sense; foolishness; a costly ornamental building with no practical purpose, especially a tower or mock-Gothic ruin built in a large garden or park; a theatrical revue, typically with glamorous female performers. syn: 9452 folly; 12416 stupidity; 16208 foolishness; 18995 craziness; 21190 silliness; 21830 recklessness


FOND adj: любящий, нежный, излишне доверчивый, излишне оптимистичный desc: having an affection or liking for. syn: 4258 tender; 5222 loving; 6324 fond; 9576 caring; 12454 affectionate; 23211 doting; 36142 warm-hearted


FOOTAGE Перевод: метраж, длина в футах, расстояние в футах Определение: a length of film made for movies or television; size or length measured in feet.


FOREARM 1) noun: предплечье desc: the part of a person's arm extending from the elbow to the wrist or the fingertips. 2) verb: заранее вооружаться desc: prepare (someone) in advance for danger, attack, or another undesirable future event. syn: 1) 8036 forearm 2) 1783 warn; 5378 alert; 12650 prime; 28314 forearm


FOREFRONT noun: центр деятельности, передний край, фронт, важнейшее место desc: the leading or most important position or place. syn: 1515 front; 8722 foreground; 8989 forefront; 13832 fore; 1573 lead; 3551 van; 15593 vanguard


FOREGROUND 1) noun: передний план, авансцена, самое видное место desc: the part of a view that is nearest to the observer, especially in a picture or photograph. 2) verb: актуализировать desc: make (something) the most prominent or important feature. syn: 1) 1435 focus; 1515 front; 8722 foreground; 8989 forefront; 13832 fore 2) 28465 foreground


FOREHEAD noun: лоб, передняя часть, дерзость desc: the part of the face above the eyebrows; the fore or front part of anything. syn: brow; temple


FOREMOST 1) adj: передовой, выдающийся, самый главный, первейший desc: most prominent in rank, importance, or position. 2) adv: прежде всего, в первую очередь, на первом месте desc: before anything else in rank, importance, or position; in the first place. syn: 1) 889 main; 959 top; 1450 chief; 1509 primary; 2202 leading; 5351 notable; 6381 foremost 2) 37326 foremost; first of all; firstly


FORENSIC adj: судебный desc: of, relating to, or denoting the application of scientific methods and techniques to the investigation of crime. syn: 802 physical; 884 legal; 1610 scientific; 1963 criminal; 7464 forensic; 13836 pathological; 14155 material; 46895 criminological


FORGE Перевод: кузнечный, кузница, кузнечный горн, выковать, подделывать, ковать Определение: a blacksmith's workshop; a smithy; make or shape (a metal object) by heating it in a fire or furnace and beating or hammering it; produce a copy or imitation of (a document, signature, banknote, or work or art) for the purpose of deception; move forward gradually or steadily.


FORMIDABLE adj: грозный, внушительный, страшный, трудный, громадный desc: inspiring fear or respect through being impressively large, powerful, intense, or capable. syn: 6312 formidable; 7855 alarming; 8745 terrifying; 9479 dreadful; 9636 intimidating; 15322 fearsome; 34953 redoubtable


FORMULATE Перевод: сформулировать, формулировать, выражать формулой Определение: create or devise methodically (a strategy or a proposal).


FORTH 1) adv: вперед, дальше, наружу, впредь desc: out from a starting point and forward or into view. 2) pre: из syn: 1) 1026 ahead; 1844 forth; 12451 onward 2) of; from; out; out of; in


FORTRESS noun: крепость desc: a military stronghold, especially a strongly fortified town fit for a large garrison. syn: 8706 fort; 9307 fortress; 10885 stronghold; 14539 bastion; 18336 fortification; 21361 citadel


FOSTER 1) verb: поощрять, воспитывать, пестовать, питать, выхаживать, лелеять мысль desc: encourage or promote the development of (something, typically something regarded as good); bring up (a child that is not one's own by birth). 2) adj: краткосрочный, приемный desc: denoting someone that has a specified family connection through fostering rather than birth. syn: 1) 1637 adopt; 4398 foster; 5596 nurture; 1332 promote; 2699 advance; 5639 cultivate; 11529 further; 13969 forward. 2) 4385 short-term; 5112 foster; 11050 adoptive; 12672 substitute.


FOUL 1) noun: фол, столкновение, нарушение правил игры, матерная брань, что-либо дурное/грязное desc: (in sports) an unfair or invalid stroke or piece of play, especially one involving interference with an opponent; a disease in the feet of cattle. 2) adj: грязный, подлый, гадкий, бесчестный, встречный, непотребный, гнойный, матерный, ветреный, бурный, сыгранный не по правилам desc: offensive to the senses, especially through having a disgusting smell or taste or being unpleasantly soiled; wicked or immoral; containing or charged with noxious matter; polluted. 3) adv: нечестно desc: unfairly; contrary to the rules. 4) verb: засорять, портить, обрастать, пачкать, дискредитировать, бросать тень, запутывать, играть нечестно desc: make foul or dirty; pollute; (in sports) commit a foul against (an opponent); (of a ship) collide with or interfere with the passage of (another). syn: 1) 11429 foul 2) 7848 foul; 8453 crooked; 9610 shady; 11223 treacherous; 4517 nasty; 22012 frightful; 11960 stormy; 3188 offensive; 16973 indecent; 10019 obscene 4) 11562 foul; 12649 snarl; 14781 entangle; 23739 defile; 9405 pollute; 11586 taint; 12442 soil; 18807 sully


FRACTURE 1) noun: перелом, разрыв, трещина, излом, фрактура, надлом desc: the cracking or breaking of a hard object or material; the replacement of a simple vowel by a diphthong owing to the influence of a following sound, typically a consonant. 2) verb: ломать, надломить, вызывать перелом, раздроблять desc: break or cause to break. syn: 1) 3027 crack; 6205 fracture; 14881 rupture; 15945 fissure; 25001 breakage; 39830 splintering 2) 2927 split; 5515 shatter; 14446 rupture; 15080 fracture


FRAGILE adj: хрупкий, ломкий, слабый, недолговечный, преходящий desc: (of an object) easily broken or damaged. syn: 4777 fragile; 10462 brittle; 13385 flimsy; 22636 crumbly; 22680 insubstantial; 9114 frail; 12422 feeble; 23796 infirm; 3817 delicate


FRAGRANCE noun: аромат, благоухание desc: a pleasant, sweet smell. syn: 6687 perfume; 8324 fragrance; 15987 cologne; 49338 attar; 4500 scent; 5371 odor; 8477 aroma; 9280 bouquet


FRAGRANT adj: ароматный, благоухающий, благовонный, душистый desc: having a pleasant or sweet smell. syn: 9245 fragrant; 14566 aromatic; 17584 scented; 23348 perfumed; 30962 sweet-smelling; 36708 odorous


FRAIL adj: хрупкий, хилый, бренный, слабый, непрочный, болезненный, утлый, нравственно неустойчивый desc: (of a person) weak and delicate. syn: 4777 fragile; 9114 frail; 10462 brittle; 13385 flimsy; 19025 spindly; 22680 insubstantial; 3817 delicate


FRANKLY adv: откровенно, прямо desc: in an open, honest, and direct manner. syn: 4532 openly; 4837 freely; 4929 honestly; 12484 bluntly; 14929 truthfully; 17676 candidly; 28332 forthrightly; 49820 outspokenly


FRANTIC adj: безумный, неистовый, бешеный, ужасный, возмутительный, мещанский, замечательный desc: wild or distraught with fear, anxiety, or other emotion. syn: 7567 frantic; 9327 last-minute; 12492 hectic; 15131 feverish; 3110 desperate; 3282 worried


FRATERNITY noun: братство, содружество, община, студенческая мужская организация desc: a group of people sharing a common profession or interests; the state or feeling of friendship and mutual support within a group. syn: 9444 fraternity; 14176 brotherhood; 507 society; 2097 association; 2630 gang; 5704 clan; 883 network


FREIGHT 1) noun: груз, фрахт, стоимость перевозки, наем судна для перевозки грузов, товарный поезд, поклажа desc: goods transported by truck, train, ship, or aircraft; a train of freight cars. 2) verb: грузить, фрахтовать desc: transport (goods) in bulk by truck, train, ship, or aircraft. syn: 1) 4953 cargo; 7153 merchandise; 8725 freight; 23747 consignment; 4874 transport; 7137 shipping 2) 31999 freight


FRENZY noun: безумие, неистовство, бешенство, остервенение, ярость, буйный бред desc: a state or period of uncontrolled excitement or wild behavior. syn: 2297 passion; 2377 anger; 4015 rage; 6511 fit; 4411 fever; 6669 fury; 6595 turmoil; 7398 frenzy


FRICTION noun: трение, разногласия, сцепление, растирание, шум desc: the resistance that one surface or object encounters when moving over another. syn: 2200 tension; 5171 disagreement; 5266 hostility; 7456 friction; 11149 strife; 15305 discord


FRINGE 1) noun: бахрома, край, челка, кайма, окраина, опушка леса desc: an ornamental border of threads left loose or formed into tassels or twists, used to edge clothing or material; the outer, marginal, or extreme part of an area, group, or sphere of activity; a band of contrasting brightness or darkness produced by diffraction or interference of light. 2) verb: отделывать бахромой, окаймлять desc: decorate (clothing or material) with a fringe. 3) adj: дополнительный, добавочный desc: not part of the mainstream; unconventional, peripheral, or extreme. syn: 1) 1348 border; 1679 limit; 3329 margin; 6679 perimeter; 7591 extreme; 10298 periphery; 12323 trimming; 20811 tassel; 24987 edging. 2) 29110 fringe; 4968 trim; 8129 border.


FRONTIER noun: граница, рубеж, форт desc: a line or border separating two countries. syn: 1348 border; 1679 limit; 2793 boundary; 4455 frontier


FROWN 1) noun: хмурый взгляд, сдвинутые брови, выражение неодобрения desc: a facial expression or look characterized by a furrowing of one's brows. 2) verb: хмуриться, смотреть неодобрительно, насупить брови desc: furrow one's brow in an expression of disapproval, displeasure, or concentration. syn: 1) 10933 frown; 16474 grimace; 28648 glower 2) 4829 frown; 6458 glare; 11383 scowl


FUGITIVE noun: беглец, беженец, дезертир, бродяга desc: a person who has escaped from a place or is in hiding, especially to avoid arrest or persecution. syn: 8898 fugitive; 10559 outlaw; 15673 runaway; 21177 deserter; 22114 escapee


FUMBLE 1) noun: неловкое обращение desc: an act of using the hands clumsily while doing or handling something. 2) verb: шарить, нащупывать, неумело обращаться, вертеть в руках, не остановить мяч, мять в руках desc: use the hands clumsily while doing or handling something. syn: 1) 2212 error; 3404 mess; 13850 fumble; 13624 blunder; 15619 misstep; 31785 slip-up; 56001 mess-up 2) 1729 search; 2476 dig; 4200 root; 8012 fumble; 10360 grope; 11623 rummage; 22975 scrabble; 18764 botch


FUNGUS noun: гриб, плесень, поганка, древесная губка desc: any of a group of unicellular, multicellular, or syncytial spore-producing organisms feeding on organic matter, including molds, yeast, mushrooms, and toadstools. syn: 7164 fungus; mushroom; toadstool; mold; mildew


FURIOUS Перевод: яростный, бешенный, разъярённый Определение: extremely angry.


FURNACE noun: печь, топка, очаг, кузнечный горн desc: an enclosed structure in which material can be heated to very high temperatures, e.g., for smelting metals. syn: 8888 heater; 9294 furnace; 11135 boiler; 15501 incinerator; 17046 kiln


FURNISHINGS noun: обстановка, меблировка, оборудование, украшения desc: the ​furniture, ​curtains, and other ​decorations in a ​room or ​building syn: 8765 furnishings


FURY noun: ярость, гнев, неистовство, бешенство, фурия, сварливая женщина desc: wild or violent anger; a spirit of punishment, often represented as one of three goddesses who executed the curses pronounced upon criminals, tortured the guilty with stings of conscience, and inflicted famines and pestilences. The Furies were identified at an early date with the Eumenides. syn: 4015 rage; 6669 fury; 16676 ferocity.


FUSION noun: слияние, сплав, объединение, расплавленная масса desc: an ​occasion when two or more things ​join or are ​combined; popular music that is a blend of two styles, especially a combining of jazz with either rock, classical music, or such ethnic elements as Brazilian or Japanese music; that which is fused; the result of fusing. syn: 1818 combination; 2429 mixture; 6436 blend; 7360 fusion; 8421 synthesis; 20240 merging; 37040 meld


FUZZY adj: пушистый, неясный, ворсистый, запушенный, неопределенный desc: having a frizzy, fluffy, or frayed texture or appearance; difficult to perceive clearly or understand and explain precisely; indistinct or vague; of or relating to a form of set theory and logic in which predicates may have degrees of applicability, rather than simply being true or false. It has important uses in artificial intelligence and the design of control systems. syn: 5340 unclear; 7446 fuzzy; 9929 shadowy; 11381 misty; 11887 hazy; 14300 blurry; 18833 indistinct; 28411 bleary; 16989 woolly; 8146 unsure


GALA 1) noun: раздражение, возбуждение, гнев desc: a social occasion with special entertainments or performances; a festive occasion; celebration. 2) adj: праздничный, торжественный, парадный desc: festive; festal; showy. syn: 1) 913 ball; 2365 entertainment; 2531 concert; 3015 celebration; 3723 festival; 9359 gala


GAMBLE 1) noun: азартная игра, авантюра, рискованное предприятие desc: an act of gambling; an enterprise undertaken or attempted with a risk of loss and a chance of profit or success. 2) verb: рисковать, играть в азартные игры, спекулировать desc: play games of chance for money; bet; take risky action in the hope of a desired result. syn: 1) 650 risk; 3315 venture; 4471 speculation; 4924 hazard; 11027 gamble; 4458 bet; 18241 flutter 2) 2715 bet; 7846 stake; 9342 gamble; 14762 game; 16990 wager; 5296 venture; 22504 chance


GARMENT 1) noun: одеяние, предмет одежды, покров desc: an item of clothing; an outer covering or outward appearance 2) verb: одевать desc: to clothe, dress, or cover. syn: 1) 2261 coat; 2666 clothing; 3664 skirt; 4185 costume; 6194 garment; 9130 apparel; 11035 attire; 19650 frock; 26555 vestment; 45642 raiment 2) enclothe; habilitate


GASP Перевод: удушье, затруднённое дыхание, задыхаться, ловить воздух, дышать с трудом Определение: a convulsive catching of breath; inhale suddenly with the mouth open, out of pain or astonishment.


GAUGE 1) noun: калибр, мера, шаблон, колея, измерительный прибор, толщина, размер, эталон, критерий, масштаб, способ оценки, лекало, ширина пути desc: an instrument or device for measuring the magnitude, amount, or contents of something, typically with a visual display of such information; the thickness, size, or capacity of something, especially as a standard measure, in particular; the position of a sailing vessel to windward (weather gage) or leeward ( lee gage ) of another. 2) verb: калибровать, оценивать, измерять, выверять, проверять, градуировать, клеймить desc: estimate or determine the magnitude, amount, or volume of; measure the dimensions of (an object) with a gauge. syn: 1) 1225 scale; 1512 device; 1616 instrument; 3043 meter; 7145 tester; 806 standard; 942 measure; 1557 assessment; 6125 gauge; 8217 benchmark; 17728 yardstick. 2) 863 guess; 1031 test; 1808 estimate; 1760 judge; 2053 assess; 2354 evaluate; 2520 weigh; 3058 calculate; 12286 gauge; 13551 appraise.


GEE 1) noun: лошадка, кусок, штука desc: a thousand dollars. 2) interj: но!; пошёл!; вот так так!; вот это да!; вот здорово!; ого! desc: a mild expression, typically of surprise, enthusiasm, or sympathy; a command to a horse to go faster. syn: 2) 7327 gee


GEM 1) noun: драгоценный камень, жемчужина, самоцвет, гемма, пресная сдобная булочка desc: a precious or semiprecious stone, especially when cut and polished or engraved. 2) verb: украшать драгоценными камнями desc: decorate with or as with gems. syn: 1) 1222 stone; 6153 jewel; 7946 gem; 26606 gemstone; 4106 treasure; 5594 peach; 7315 pearl


GERM noun: зародыш, микроб, эмбрион, происхождение desc: a microorganism, especially one that causes disease; a portion of an organism capable of developing into a new one or part of one. syn: 3637 bacteria; 4192 bug; 9438 germ; 1929 seed; 10363 microbe; 2563 origin; 5775 spark; 7049 nucleus


GI 1) noun: солдат, военного образца, аббревиатура для гликемического индекса desc: a member or former member of the U.S. armed forces, especially an enlisted soldier; abbreviation for glycaemic ​index: a ​system for ​listing ​foods ​according to how ​quickly they ​increase the ​level of ​sugar in ​your ​blood 2) verb: армейский, казенный desc: rigidly adhering to military regulations and practices; regimented; spit-and-polish; of a standardized style or type issued by the U.S. armed forces. syn: 1) 2298 volunteer; 2405 veteran; 7023 recruit; 7601 GI; 15171 private; 20137 conscript; 24110 draftee


GIG 1) noun: кабриолет, двуколка, гичка, острога, подъемная машина, лебедка, концерт рок- или поп-музыки desc: a light two-wheeled carriage pulled by one horse; a light, fast, narrow boat adapted for rowing or sailing; a harpoonlike device used for catching fish or frogs; a performance of pop or rock music. 2) verb: ловить рыбу острогой, двигаться вперёд и назад, плыть в гичке; ездить в кабриолете, двуколке desc: travel in a gig; perform a gig or gigs; catch fish or frogs using a gig. syn: 1) 8139 gig


GIGGLE 1) noun: хихиканье desc: a light, silly laugh. 2) verb: хихикать desc: laugh lightly in a nervous, affected, or silly manner. syn: 1) 10391 giggle; 20668 snicker; 27431 cackle; 4141 twitter 2) 6419 chuckle; 7473 giggle; 23228 chortle; 28998 titter; 35105 snigger


GIN 1) noun: джин, козлы, подъемная лебедка, ворот, шкив, западня, силок desc: a clear alcoholic spirit distilled from grain or malt and flavored with juniper berries; a two-handed form of the card game rummy in which players are dealt ten cards each and attempt to produce a hand in which the point value of unmatched cards adds up to ten or less; a machine for raising and moving heavy weights; a snare for catching game. 2) verb: ловить в западню, очищать хлопок desc: treat (cotton) in a gin; trap (a person or animal) in a gin. syn: 1) 9432 gin


GINGER 1) noun: имбирь, пикантность, приподнятое настроение, огонек, рыжеволосый человек, оживленность desc: a hot fragrant spice made from the rhizome of a plant. It is chopped or powdered for cooking, preserved in syrup, or candied; a Southeast Asian plant, which resembles bamboo in appearance, from which this rhizome is taken; a light reddish-yellow or orange-brown color. 2) verb: подстегнуть, приправлять имбирем, оживить, взбадривать desc: flavor with ginger; stimulate; enliven. 3) adj: рыжий, оранжево-коричневый desc: (chiefly of hair or fur) of a light reddish-yellow or orange-brown color. syn: 1) 7448 ginger 2) 10348 ginger


GLAND noun: железа, сальник desc: an organ in the human or animal body that secretes particular chemical substances for use in the body or for discharge into the surroundings; a sleeve used to produce a seal around a piston rod or other shaft. syn: 8137 gland


GLARE 1) noun: яркий свет, ослепительный блеск, свирепый взгляд, блестящая мишура desc: a fierce or angry stare; strong and dazzling light; dazzling or showy appearance; tawdry brilliance. 2) verb: бросаться в глаза, свирепо смотреть, ослепительно сверкать, с ненавистью смотреть desc: stare in an angry or fierce way; (of the sun or an electric light) shine with a strong or dazzling light. syn: 1) 7407 glare; 28648 glower; 8108 brightness; 9773 shine; 10568 brilliance; 12170 glitter; 17882 shimmer 2) 3524 flash; 6458 glare; 10450 gleam; 12789 dazzle; 19873 glimmer; 4829 frown


GLAZE 1) noun: глазурь, полива, лессировка, глянец, слой льда, ледяной покров desc: a vitreous substance fused on to the surface of pottery to form a hard, impervious decorative coating; a liquid such as milk or beaten egg, used to form a smooth shiny coating on food; a thin, glassy coating of ice on the ground or the surface of water. 2) verb: остеклить, глазировать, тускнеть, покрывать льдом, полировать, лессировать, покрываться поволокой, лощить desc: fit panes of glass into (a window or doorframe or similar structure); overlay or cover (food, fabric, etc.) with a smooth, shiny coating or finish; lose brightness and animation. syn: 1) 2261 coat; 2670 paint; 9370 glaze; 13869 veneer 2) 917 finish; 4053 seal; 12048 glaze; 27193 varnish


GLIDE 1) noun: скольжение, планирование, плавное движение/спуск, промежуточный звук, хроматическая гамма desc: a smooth continuous movement; a sound produced as the vocal organs move toward or away from articulation of a vowel or consonant. 2) verb: скользить, планировать, проходить незаметно, плавно двигаться, двигаться бесшумно, незаметно переходить desc: move with a smooth continuous motion, typically with little noise; make an unpowered flight, either in a glider or in an aircraft with engine failure. syn: 1) 20637 glide 2) 3159 float; 3625 drift; 4751 soar; 5093 hover; 6369 wheel; 7201 glide; 17874 coast; 5828 skate; 14635 slither; 27937 sashay


GLIMPSE 1) noun: проблеск, намек, некоторое представление, мимолетное впечатление, быстрый взгляд, мелькание desc: a momentary or partial view. 2) verb: видеть мельком, промелькнуть desc: see or perceive briefly or partially. syn: 1) 1634 sight; 3712 glance; 4597 glimpse; 12084 peek; 3394 indication; 3939 hint; 7658 preview; 10915 pointer; 35065 foretaste 2) 8869 glimpse; discern; spot; spy; descry


GLOSSY 1) noun: журнал/фотоснимок на глянцевой бумаге, иллюстрированный массовый журнал desc: a magazine printed on glossy paper, expensively produced with many color photographs. 2) adj: глянцевый, блестящий, лоснящийся, вылощенный desc: shiny and smooth; superficially attractive and stylish, and suggesting wealth or expense. syn: 1) 40385 glossy 2) 5182 shiny; 7122 sleek; 7684 polished; 7985 slick; 8732 glossy; 12046 silky; 20958 lustrous


GLOW 1) noun: свечение, жар, румянец, накал, зарево, свет, отблеск, пыл, оживленность, взволнованность desc: a steady radiance of light or heat. 2) verb: светиться, пылать, гореть, сиять, сверкать, тлеть, накаляться добела/докрасна desc: give out steady light without flame. syn: 1) 5145 glow; 17868 radiance; 18311 luminosity; 23688 afterglow; 42287 glimmering. 2) 3408 shine; 5353 glow; 6013 flush; 8202 blaze; 9190 blush; 15349 smolder; 21387 flame.


GLOWING adj: пылающий, яркий, пылкий, горячий, раскаленный добела desc: expressing great praise; warmly favorable or complimentary; showing the radiance of health, excitement, etc. syn: 7400 shining; 7559 glowing; 8326 gleaming; 9951 radiant; 20958 lustrous; 14994 flattering; 36931 fulsome; 16744 tanned; 18462 blooming


GLUE 1) noun: клей desc: an adhesive substance used for sticking objects or materials together. 2) verb: клеить, переклеивать, прилипать, быть неотлучно desc: fasten or join with or as if with glue. syn: 1) 6484 cement; 7387 glue; 7753 paste; 17949 adhesive; 54586 superglue 2) 1211 stick; 2334 attach; 6696 bond; 7699 glue; 8073 fasten


GOODWILL noun: доброжелательность, благоволение, престиж фирмы, расположение, хорошее отношение, рвение сделать что-л. desc: friendly, helpful, or cooperative feelings or attitude; the established reputation of a business regarded as a quantifiable asset, e.g., as represented by the excess of the price paid at a takeover for a company over its fair market value. syn: 717 concern; 3395 favor; 4219 willingness; 7816 kindness; 8940 goodwill; 19662 benevolence


GOOSE Перевод: гусь, гусятина, дурак, освистывать, подгонять, гладить портновским утюгом Определение: a large waterbird with a long neck, short legs, webbed feet, and a short broad bill. Generally geese are larger than ducks and have longer necks and shorter bills; a foolish person; poke (someone) between the buttocks.


GOSH interj: черт возьми! desc: used to express surprise or give emphasis. syn: 7778 gosh


GOSPEL Перевод: евангелие, проповедь, убеждения Определение: the teaching or revelation of Christ; the record of Jesus' life and teaching in the first four books of the New Testament; a fervent style of black American evangelical religious singing, developed from spirituals sung in Southern Baptist and Pentecostal churches.


GOWN Перевод: платье, мантия, свободная домашняя одежда, облачать, одевать Определение: a long dress, typically having a close-fitting bodice and a flared or flowing skirt, worn on formal occasions; be dressed in a gown.


GRACEFUL adj: изящный, грациозный, элегантный, приятный desc: having or showing grace or elegance. syn: 2438 smooth; 2828 attractive; 3973 elegant; 7354 graceful; 10241 flowing; 5555 polite; 7835 refined; 8695 gracious; 28885 poised


GRADER noun: грейдер, сортировщик, дорожный струг, ученик начальной школы desc: a person or thing that grades; a student of a specified grade in a school. syn: 7256 grader


GRAPPLE 1) noun: захват, борьба, крюк, дрек, кошка, шлюпочный якорь desc: an act of grappling. 2) verb: бороться, сцепиться, схватиться, пытаться преодолеть/разрешить desc: engage in a close fight or struggle without weapons; wrestle; seize or hold with a grapnel. syn: 1) 31841 grapple 2) 674 deal; 1242 handle; 1675 struggle; 3219 cope; 3578 contend; 4128 tackle; 6496 wrestle; 8509 grapple


GRASP 1) noun: понимание, схватывание, хватка, власть, контроль, сжатие, рукоятка, шейка приклада desc: a firm hold or grip; one's power of seizing and holding; mental hold or capacity; power to understand. 2) verb: понять, осознать, схватывать, усвоить, постигать, сообразить, зажимать desc: seize and hold firmly; to get hold of mentally; comprehend; to make an attempt to seize, or a motion of seizing, something (usually followed by at or for). syn: 1) 3722 grip; 7466 grasp; 8937 clutch; 21323 clasp; 45347 clench; 973 range; 1768 extent; 1787 capacity 2) 3251 seize; 4214 grasp; 6150 snatch; 8509 grapple; 320 understand; 325 follow


GRATE 1) noun: решетка, камин, грохот, каминная решетка desc: the recess of a fireplace or furnace; a grating. 2) verb: тереть на терке/с резким звуком, скрипеть, скрежетать, раздражать desc: reduce (something, especially food) to small shreds by rubbing it on a grater; make an unpleasant rasping sound. syn: 1) 5455 grill; 5542 grid; 7741 vent; 13409 grate; 15649 lattice; 16314 grille; 17604 trellis 2) 8623 irritate; 10068 annoy; 10041 aggravate; 16568 chafe; 17827 exasperate; 18530 vex; 8669 grate; 20890 rasp


GRATITUDE noun: благодарность, признательность desc: the quality of being thankful; readiness to show appreciation for and to return kindness. syn: 4360 appreciation; 7166 gratitude; 40805 thankfulness; 44696 gratefulness


GRAVEL Перевод: гравий, крупный песок, мочевой песок, посыпать гравием, приводить в замешательство, ставить в тупик Определение: a loose aggregation of small water-worn or pounded stones; cover (an area of ground) with gravel; make (someone) angry or annoyed.


GRAVY noun: соус, подливка, легкая нажива, взятка, сок, выделяющийся из мяса, незаконные доходы desc: the fat and juices exuding from meat during cooking; unearned or unexpected money. syn: 9253 gravy


GRAZE 1) noun: царапина, касание, клевок, задевание, легкая рана, разрыв при ударе desc: a slight injury where the skin is scraped. 2) verb: пасти, держать на подножном корму, щипать траву, использовать как пастбище, слегка касаться, задевать, обстреливать настильным огнем, содрать, натереть desc: (of cattle, sheep, etc.) eat grass in a field; scrape the skin of (a part of the body) so as to break the surface but cause little or no bleeding. syn: 1) 8577 lesion; 11358 scrape; 19208 abrasion; 32450 scuff; 43244 graze 2) 1321 feed; 7652 graze; 9852 browse; 11435 forage; 11164 crop; 11534 nibble; 2655 sweep


GREET verb: приветствовать, встречать, здороваться, кланяться, плакать, доноситься, открываться взгляду desc: give a polite word or sign of welcome or recognition to (someone) on meeting; weep. syn: 1660 acknowledge; 6187 hail; 9159 salute; 20095 accost; 497 receive; 2233 reply; 1550 welcome


GRENADE noun: граната, огнетушитель desc: a small bomb thrown by hand or launched mechanically. syn: 8041 grenade


GRID Перевод: сетка, решётка, энергосистема Определение: a framework of spaced bars that are parallel to or cross each other; a grating; a network of lines that cross each other to form a series of squares or rectangles; put into or set out as a grid.


GRIEF noun: горе, печаль, огорчение, беда, кручина desc: deep sorrow, especially that caused by someone's death. syn: 6169 misery; 6389 sorrow; 8271 woe; 8566 anguish; 13392 unhappiness; 13672 angst; 16969 heartache


GRIEVANCE noun: жалоба, обида, повод для недовольства desc: a real or imagined wrong or other cause for complaint or protest, especially unfair treatment. syn: 2339 complaint; 2852 protest; 4781 objection; 8789 grievance; 12320 moan; 19247 gripe; 1558 injury


GRIM Перевод: мрачный, зловещий, жестокий Определение: forbidding or uninviting.


GRIN 1) noun: оскал, усмешка desc: a broad smile. 2) verb: ухмыляться; усмехаться; grin, sneer скалить зубы; осклабиться desc: smile broadly, especially in an unrestrained manner and with the mouth open. syn: 1) 3618 laugh; 3769 beam; 4658 grin; 41019 chortle 2) 1069 smile; 4187 grin; 6419 chuckle; 14019 smirk


GRIND Перевод: молоть, растереть, шлифовать, размалывание, зубрёжка, однообразная работа Определение: a crushing or grating sound or motion; a dancer's rotary movement of the hips.


GRIP 1) noun: рукоятка, захват, власть, контроль, сжатие, хватка, тиски desk: a firm hold; a tight grasp or clasp; a part or attachment by which something is held in the hand; a traveling bag; an assistant in a theater; a stagehand. 2) verb: захватывать, зажимать, охватывать, овладевать, понимать, обуревать, затирать desc: take and keep a firm hold of; grasp tightly; (of a feeling or emotion) deeply affect (someone). syn: 1) 432 control; 633 rule; 833 authority; 924 charge; 2393 command; 11990 sway; 7964 comprehension. 2) 5909 fascinate; 12087 mesmerize; 14308 transfix; 14922 rivet; 16686 enthrall; 586 catch; 3251 seize; 4214 grasp; 4649 cling; 6609 adhere.


GRIT 1) noun: песок, зернистость, гравий, мужество, выдержка, твердость характера, дробь для очистки литья, радикал, либерал desc: small, loose particles of stone or sand; courage and resolve; strength of character. 2) verb: скрипеть, посыпать гравием/песком desc: clench (the teeth), especially in order to keep one's resolve when faced with an unpleasant or painful duty; move with or make a grating sound. syn: 1) 3876 determination; 9195 grit; 12665 bravery; 14040 perseverance; 15175 tenacity; 17997 fortitude; 5687 gravel; 11404 shingle 2) 8669 grate; 8991 clench; 13810 grit; 31011 gnash


GROAN 1) noun: стон, скрип, треск, тяжелый вздох, оханье desc: a deep, inarticulate sound made in pain or despair; a low creaking or moaning sound made by an object or device under pressure. 2) verb: стонать, охать, кряхтеть, тяжело вздыхать, скрипеть, издавать треск desc: make a deep inarticulate sound in response to pain or despair; (of a thing) make a low creaking or moaning sound when pressure or weight is applied.syn: 1) 11912 groan. syn: 1) 11912 groan 2) 8669 grate; 12036 squeal; 12252 screech; 12858 creak; 12603 squeak; 7783 moan; 8717 grumble; 18299 gripe; 25050 carp; 7293 groan


GROOM 1) noun: жених, грум, конюх, придворный desc: a person employed to take care of horses; a bridegroom; any of various officials of the royal household. 2) verb: ухаживать, холить, ходить за лошадью, чистить лошадь desc: look after the coat of (a horse, dog, or other animal) by brushing and cleaning it; prepare or train (someone) for a particular purpose or activity. syn: 1) 9685 groom 2) 3244 brush; 7449 comb; 8862 groom; 17592 tidy; 17408 spruce; 1521 train; 2341 coach; 11475 mentor


GROOVE 1) noun: паз, канавка, выемка, ручей, привычка, рутина, калибр desc: a long, narrow cut or depression, especially one made to guide motion or receive a corresponding ridge; an established routine or habit; a rhythmic pattern in popular or jazz music. 2) verb: желобить, делать пазы/канавки/выемку, наслаждаться desc: make a groove or grooves in; dance or listen to popular or jazz music, especially that with an insistent rhythm; pitch (a ball) in the center of the strike zone. syn: 1) 6550 trench; 8401 hollow; 8479 groove; 11604 rut; 15492 furrow; 18234 indentation 2) 882 enjoy; 1974 dance; 8309 chill; 15485 harmonize; 29114 groove


GROSS 1) noun: гросс, масса desc: an amount equal to twelve dozen; a gross profit or income. 2) verb: получать чистый доход desc: produce or earn (an amount of money) as gross profit or income. 3) adj: брутто, валовой, грубый, большой, крупный, плотный, толстый, грязный, вульгарный, явный, ужасный, буйный, притупленный, сгущенный, оптовый, простой desc: unattractively large or bloated; (of income, profit, or interest) without deduction of tax or other contributions; total. syn: 1) revenue; receipts 2) 45 make; 497 receive; 1309 earn; 1904 clear; 12475 gross 3) 5066 crude; 8045 coarse; 11611 vulgar; 18467 crass; 30799 uncouth; 4449 gross; 4517 nasty; 9122 disgusting; 11211 hideous; 13997 vile; 41421 uncultured


GROVE noun: роща, лесок, штольня desc: a small wood, orchard, or group of trees. syn: 1896 stand; 5807 plantation; 7377 orchard; 8327 grove; 31333 copse


GROWER noun: садовод, растение, растениевод, плодовод, тот, кто производит desc: a person who grows a particular type of crop; a plant that grows in a specified way. syn: 5823 gardener; 6047 grower; 11959 planter; 21608 tiller; 28300 cultivator; 27850 agronomist


GROWL 1) noun: рычание, ворчание, грохот, раскат desc: a low guttural sound made in the throat, especially by a dog. 2) verb: рычать, ворчать, греметь, жаловаться desc: (of an animal, especially a dog) make a low guttural sound of hostility in the throat. syn: 1) 7069 roar; 12274 rumble; 12679 growl; 35378 yap 2) 5906 bark; 8535 howl; 8917 growl; 12649 snarl


GRUMBLE 1) noun: ропот, ворчание, грохот, гром, дурное настроение desc: a complaint. 2) verb: ворчать, жаловаться, греметь, грохотать desc: complain or protest about something in a bad-tempered but typically muted way. syn: 1) 2852 protest; 4781 objection; 12320 moan; 15184 grouse; 19247 gripe; 27643 grumble 2) 4332 object; 4884 mutter; 7783 moan; 8717 grumble


GUERRILLA Перевод: партизан, партизанская война, партизанский Определение: a member of a small independent group taking part in irregular fighting, typically against larger regular forces.


HABITAT noun: среда обитания, место распространения, естественная среда, родина desc: the natural home or environment of an animal, plant, or other organism. syn: 856 environment; 2192 territory; 6332 surroundings; 10021 locale; 17105 haunt


HAIL 1) noun: град, оклик, приветствие desc: pellets of frozen rain that fall in showers from cumulonimbus clouds; a shout or call used to attract attention. 2) verb: приветствовать, окликать, осыпать градом, звать, кликать, поздравлять, переговариваться desc: hail falls; (of a large number of objects) fall or be hurled forcefully; call out to (someone) to attract attention; acclaim enthusiastically as being a specified thing; have one's home or origins in (a place). syn: 1) 1662 storm; 3225 shower; 3608 flood; 5395 burst; 10499 barrage; 14540 hail; 15999 volley 2) 1861 confirm; 5414 uphold; 5785 affirm; 6187 hail; 9159 salute; 19386 acclaim; 1550 welcome; 3498 greet; 2634 wave; 3827 signal; 5762 summon


HALLMARK 1) noun: отличительный признак, проба, критерий, пробирное клеймо desc: a mark stamped on articles of gold, silver, or platinum in Britain, certifying their standard of purity. 2) verb: ставить пробу, устанавливать критерий desc: stamp with a hallmark. syn: 1) 994 property; 1192 feature; 2043 characteristic; 3765 trait; 8445 hallmark; 9107 token; 2137 mark; 4826 guarantee; 5193 stamp


HALT Перевод: остановка, привал, полустанок, хромать, останавливаться, останавливать Определение: a suspension of movement or activity, typically a temporary one; bring or come to an abrupt stop; lame.


HAMPER 1) noun: корзина с крышкой/с гостинцами, пакет с лакомствами desc: necessary but cumbersome equipment on a ship; a large basket with a lid used for laundry 2) verb: препятствовать, мешать, тормозить, затруднять, стеснять движения desc: hinder or impede the movement or progress of. syn: 1) 19464 hamper; 34700 pannier 2) 8965 impede; 9233 hamper; 10970 obstruct; 18366 shackle; 29050 debilitate; 30140 encumber


HANDFUL noun: горсть, пригоршня, горсточка, наказание, маленькая кучка, беда desc: a quantity that fills the hand; a person who is very difficult to deal with or control. syn: 11725 trickle; 575 test; 899 trial; 8908 nuisance


HANDICAP 1) noun: гандикап, препятствие, помеха, увечье, физический недостаток, гонки по пересеченной местности desc: a condition that markedly restricts a person's ability to function physically, mentally, or socially. 2) verb: быть помехой, уравновешивать силы, уравнивать условия, ставить в невыгодное положение desc: act as an impediment to. syn: 1) 8749 handicap 2) 16489 handicap


HANDKERCHIEF noun: носовой/шейный платок, шейная косынка desc: a square of cotton or other finely woven material, typically carried in one's pocket and intended for blowing or wiping one's nose. syn: 8644 handkerchief; 40309 hankie


HANDLING Перевод: обслуживание, обработка, обращение Определение: the act of taking or holding something in the hands.


HANDY adj: удобный, портативный, ловкий, легко управляемый, искусный, имеющийся под рукой desc: convenient to handle or use; useful; close at hand; skillful. syn: 2439 nearby; 4167 near; 4416 accessible; 5428 convenient; 6468 handy; 10866 manageable; 2295 practical; 5028 clever; 8903 versatile; 33976 natty


HARASS verb: беспокоить, тревожить, изводить, изматывать, изнурять, мытарить desc: subject to aggressive pressure or intimidation. syn: 1795 pursue; 2203 bother; 2948 stress; 4750 trouble; 7249 harass; 9252 bully; 10068 annoy; 17401 hound; 21265 harry; 18084 pester


HARASSMENT noun: преследование, домогательство, беспокойство, забота, раздражение desc: aggressive pressure or intimidation; behaviour that annoys or upsets someone. syn: 8908 nuisance; 9030 persecution; 9349 irritation; 10785 annoyance; 12994 provocation; 13316 agitation; 21669 bother


HARDWOOD noun: твердая древесина desc: the wood from a broadleaved tree (such as oak, ash, or beech) as distinguished from that of conifers; (in gardening) mature growth on shrubs and other plants from which cuttings may be taken. syn: 9165 hardwood


HARMLESS adj: безвредный, безобидный, невинный desc: not able or likely to cause harm. syn: 3849 mild; 7749 harmless; 8141 meaningless; 10250 bland; 14586 innocuous; 31881 inoffensive


HATCH 1) noun: люк, штриховка, выводок, шлюз, решетка, затвор, выведение, запруда, выгравированная линия desc: an opening of restricted size allowing for passage from one area to another, in particular; a newly hatched brood. 2) verb: вылупиться, штриховать, выводить, гравировать, рождаться, замышлять, вынашивать, обдумывать desc: (of a young bird, fish, or reptile) emerge from its egg; conspire to devise (a plot or plan); (in fine art and technical drawing) shade (an area) with closely drawn parallel lines. syn: 1) 2894 entrance; 3896 doorway; 7486 hatch; 8378 flap 2) 5008 devise; 5345 originate; 1304 emerge; 5918 formulate; 9413 hatch; 18570 scheme; 3392 highlight; 10123 shade


HATRED Перевод: ненависть, отвращение Определение: intense dislike or ill will.


HAUL 1) noun: улов, трофей, выборка, добыча, перевозка, груз, рейс, волочение, пройденное расстояние desc: a quantity of something that was stolen or is possessed illegally; a distance to be traversed. 2) verb: буксировать, тащить, перевозить, менять направление, волочить, держать круто к ветру, откатывать, дотягивать desc: (of a person) pull or drag with effort or force; (of a vehicle) pull (an attached trailer or load) behind it; (especially of a sailing ship) make an abrupt change of course. syn: 1) booty; loot; plunder; spoils; swag 2) 2140 drag; 4224 haul; 6293 tug; 9364 heave; 9993 tow; 12096 lug


HAUNT 1) noun: притон, любимое место, часто посещаемое место, убежище, логовище desc: a place frequented by a specified person or group of people. 2) verb: преследовать, являться, обитать, часто посещать какое-л. место desc: (of a ghost) manifest itself at (a place) regularly. syn: 1) 16615 hangout; 17105 haunt 2) 2203 bother; 4608 disturb; 4750 trouble; 5065 haunt; 6733 plague; 22945 preoccupy; 34061 discomfit; 906 visit; 6131 inhabit; 6257 roam


HAZE 1) noun: дымка, туман, мгла, отсутствие ясности в мыслях desc: a slight obscuration of the lower atmosphere, typically caused by fine suspended particles; a state of mental obscurity or confusion. 2) verb: заволакивать, затуманивать, изнурять работой, зло подшучивать над новичком desc: force (a new or potential recruit to the military, a college fraternity, etc.) to perform strenuous, humiliating, or dangerous tasks; drive (cattle) in a specified direction while on horseback. syn: 1) 2430 smoke; 4961 fog; 6046 mist; 8307 haze; 8364 vapor; 13362 smog; 29434 miasma 2) 23525 haze


HEAL verb: исцелять, излечивать, заживать, облегчать, успокаивать, улаживать противоречия desc: (of a person or treatment) cause (a wound, injury, or person) to become sound or healthy again. syn: 4410 heal; 4630 cure; 6580 nurse; 11122 mend; 2559 restore; 3820 rebuild; 6654 reconcile; 14880 rectify


HEALING 1) noun: исцеление, заживление, лечение desc: the process of making or becoming sound or healthy again. 2) adj: лечебный, целительный desc: tending to heal; therapeutic. syn: 1) 2155 therapy; 2459 recovery; 5053 restoration; 5211 healing; 25407 recuperation 2) 6842 healing; 8846 soothing; 10674 remedial; 19326 restorative; 57503 health-giving


HEAVE 1) noun: вспучивание, волнение, бросок, рвотное движение, поднимание и опускание, сдвиг, запал, горизонтальное смещение desc: an act of heaving, especially a strong pull; a case of retching or vomiting; a disease of horses, with labored breathing. 2) verb: бросать, вздыматься, тужиться, тянуть, поворачиваться, напрягаться, перемещать, испускать, с трудом издавать, идти desc: lift or haul (a heavy thing) with great effort; produce (a sigh); rise and fall rhythmically or spasmodically. syn: 1) 2541 roll; 5739 listing; 12999 stagger; 17344 heave; 18139 lurch; 22632 wobble 2) 2140 drag; 4224 haul; 6229 yank; 6293 tug; 9364 heave; 6626 surge; 15351 throb; 44107 palpitate


HECK 1) noun: щеколда, подонок, кормушка для лошадей desc: something remarkable of its kind (usually used in the phrase heck of a) 2) interj: к чёрту, чёрт побери desc: used as a mild expression of annoyance, rejection, disgust, etc. syn: 1) 7060 heck


HEDGE 1) noun: изгородь, преграда, живая изгородь, ограда, препятствие desc: a fence or boundary formed by closely growing bushes or shrubs. 2) verb: ограничивать, окружать, ограждать себя, обносить изгородью, мешать, препятствовать, связывать, уклоняться от ответа desc: surround or bound with a hedge; limit or qualify (something) by conditions or exceptions; protect oneself against loss on (a bet or investment) by making balancing or compensating transactions. syn: 1) 6111 hedge; 6732 verge; 20965 shrubbery; 24491 hedgerow; 29492 windbreak; 35323 privet. 2) 12913 hedge; 24113 fudge; 47530 prevaricate; 1604 surround; 2392 ring; 8615 enclose; 10809 encircle; 16319 fence.


HEED 1) noun: внимание, осторожность desc: careful attention. 2) verb: обращать внимание, внимательно следить desc: pay attention to; take notice of. syn: 1) 591 attention; 3613 notice; 19100 heed; 22286 attentiveness; 26617 mindfulness 2) 703 note; 1298 observe; 2095 regard; 9326 heed


HEEL 1) noun: каблук, пятка, крен, задник, ребро, мерзавец, грань, вершина desc: the back part of the foot below the ankle; a thing resembling a heel in form or position, in particular; a command to a dog to walk close behind its owner; an instance of a ship heeling. 2) verb: крениться, прибивать каблуки, следовать по пятам, снабжать desc: fit or renew a heel on (a shoe or boot); (of a dog) follow closely behind its owner; touch the ground with the heel when dancing; strike (the ball) with the heel of the club; (of a boat or ship) be tilted temporarily by the pressure of wind or by an uneven distribution of weight on board; set a plant in the ground and cover its roots. syn: 1) 6341 wedge; 19410 scoundrel. 2) 3351 reinforce; 4016 repair; 11122 mend.


HEFTY adj: здоровенный, дюжий, изрядный, тяжелый, обильный desc: large, heavy, and powerful. syn: 6508 robust; 6708 sturdy; 8637 hefty; 9706 bulky; 13769 stout; 15462 stocky; 17247 beefy; 22364 brawny


HEIR noun: наследник, преемник desc: a person legally entitled to the property or rank of another on that person's death. syn: 5493 successor; 6259 heir; 6643 beneficiary; 26778 inheritor; 58417 legatee


HELM 1) noun: шлем, руль, кормило, власть, верхушка, управление desc: a tiller or wheel and any associated equipment for steering a ship or boat; a helmet. 2) verb: руководить, вести, направлять, управлять desc: steer (a boat or ship). syn: 1) 8807 helm 2) 33847 helm


HEN noun: курица, куропатка, женщина, домашняя птица, тетерка desc: a female bird, especially of a domestic fowl. syn: 8078 hen


HERD 1) noun: стадо, табун, толпа, гурт, пастух desc: a large group of animals, especially hoofed mammals, that live, feed, or migrate together or are kept together as livestock. 2) verb: пасти, подружиться, примкнуть, толпиться, ходить стадом, собирать вместе desc: (with reference to a group of people or animals) move in a particular direction; keep or look after (livestock). syn: 1) 1274 crowd; 4243 sheep; 5228 herd; 5778 mob 2) 1322 collect; 4667 steer; 10940 herd; 2985 guide; 4667 steer; 6665 usher; 8008 channel; 14835 funnel; 17559 shepherd


HIKE 1) noun: поход, подъем, повышение, экскурсия, марш, длительная прогулка desc: a long walk, especially in the country or wilderness; a sharp increase, especially in price; a snap. 2) verb: путешествовать, повышать, поднимать, ходить пешком, бродить, бродяжничать, маршировать desc: walk for a long distance, especially across country or in the woods; pull or lift up (something, especially clothing); snap (a football). syn: 1) 5258 hike; 7998 climb; 30196 slog; 36960 scramble; 42520 trudge. 2) 4496 hike; 4364 scramble; 12622 trek; 16817 slog; 17546 ramble; 19796 tramp.


HINDU 1) noun: индус desc: a follower of Hinduism. 2) adj: индусский desc: of or relating to Hindus or Hinduism. syn: 1) 14355 hindu 2) 8165 hindu


HINGE 1) noun: петля, шарнир, стержень, крюк, суть, кардинальный пункт desc: a movable joint or mechanism on which a door, gate, or lid swings as it opens and closes, or that connects linked objects. 2) verb: зависеть, вращаться, прикреплять на петлях desc: attach or join with or as if with a hinge. syn: 1) 5136 joint; 5664 axis; 8984 hinge; 15969 pivot; 15846 crux; 26890 fulcrum 2) 12931 hinge


HINT 1) noun: намек, оттенок, налет desc: a slight or indirect indication or suggestion. 2) verb: намекать desc: suggest or indicate something indirectly or covertly. syn: 1) 1646 advice; 1938 tip; 2523 suggestion; 3353 clue; 3394 indication; 4802 mention; 24081 insinuation; 1633 breath; 2042 taste; 4226 trace 2) 785 indicate; 972 mention; 2813 imply; 11315 intimate


HISS 1) noun: шипение, свист desc: a sharp sibilant sound. 2) verb: шипеть, освистать desc: make a sharp sibilant sound as of the letter s. syn: 1) 13198 hiss; 16233 hoot; 19064 taunt; 21107 boo; 28569 jeer; 31721 catcall 2) 6544 scale; 7146 crumble; 11180 chip; 17746 flake; 21708 blister


HITTER noun: нападающий desc: a person who hits something; (informal) a boxer who has a hard punch rather than skill or finesse. syn: 6633 hitter; 14029 striker.


HOG 1) noun: свинья, боров, скупердяй, искривление, грубый человек, скребок, барашек, отнятый от матери desc: a domesticated pig, especially one over 120 pounds (54 kg) and reared for slaughter; a large, heavy motorcycle, in particular a Harley Davidson; a young sheep before the first shearing. 2) verb: заграбастать, выгибать спину, выгибаться дугой, коротко подстригать, прибрать к рукам desc: keep or use all of (something) for oneself in an unfair or selfish way; (with reference to a ship) bend or become bent convex upward along its length as a result either of the hull being supported in the middle and not at the ends (as in a heavy sea) or the vessel's being loaded more heavily at the ends. syn: 1) 7991 hog 2) 13501 corner; 18228 monopolize; 19719 hog


HOMICIDE noun: убийство, убийца desc: the deliberate and unlawful killing of one person by another; murder. syn: 2839 shooting; 3304 killing; 5225 homicide; 5494 assassination; 8494 slaughter; 13587 manslaughter; 20690 stabbing


HONE 1) noun: точильный камень/сланец, оселок, хонинговальная головка desc: a whetstone, especially one used to sharpen razors. 2) verb: хонинговать, затачивать, притирать, ворчать, хныкать, горевать desc: sharpen (a blade); refine or perfect (something) over a period of time. syn: 1) 36073 hone 2) 996 improve; 2345 enhance; 2896 practice; 6695 refine; 7867 perfect; 8016 polish; 9134 hone; 1891 file


HOOD Перевод: капот, капюшон, кожух, закрывать, покрывать капюшоном, покрывать колпаком Определение: a covering for the head and neck with an opening for the face, typically forming part of a coat or sweatshirt; a thing resembling a hood in shape or use, in particular; a gangster or similar violent criminal; a neighborhood, especially one's own neighborhood; put a hood on or over.


HOOP 1) noun: обруч, кольцо, обойма, ворота, крик, возглас, кашель desc: a circular band of metal, wood, or similar material, especially one used for binding the staves of barrels or forming part of a framework. 2) verb: скреплять обручем, окружать, сжимать, связывать, кричать, кашлять desc: bind or encircle with or as with hoops. syn: 1) 1511 circle; 1684 ring; 2387 round; 4286 loop; 8107 hoop; 22302 girdle 2) 30491 hoop


HOSE 1) noun: шланг, рукав, чулки, брандспойт desc: a flexible tube conveying water, used especially for watering plants and in firefighting; stockings, socks, and tights (especially in commercial use). 2) verb: поливать из шланга desc: water, spray, or drench with a hose. syn: 1) 2536 tube; 2999 pipe; 6309 hose 2) 4881 soak; 5133 spray; 6541 water; 7132 rinse; 25259 hose; 35130 sluice


HOSTILE 1) noun: враг, противник desc: a person or thing that is antagonistic or unfriendly. 2) adj: враждебный, неприязненный desc: of, relating to, or characteristic of an enemy; opposed in feeling, action, or character; characterized by antagonism. syn: 1) enemy, foe, adversary, opponent 2) 3494 harsh; 4196 hostile; 6392 adverse; 6564 unpleasant; 12557 unfavorable; 25297 inimical; 15565 unfriendly; 16935 antagonistic


HOSTILITY Перевод: враждебность, неприятие, военные действия Определение: hostile behavior; unfriendliness or opposition.


HOUND 1) noun: гончая, охотничья собака, негодяй desc: a dog of a breed used for hunting, especially one able to track by scent. 2) verb: натравливать, подвергать преследованиям desc: harass, persecute, or pursue relentlessly. syn: 1) 9371 hound; 25648 greyhound; 41255 wolfhound 2) 3334 chase; 7249 harass; 13185 dog; 3443 hunt; 13310 persecute; 17401 hound; 18084 pester


HOWL 1) noun: вой, завывание, рев, стон desc: a long, loud, doleful cry uttered by an animal such as a dog or wolf. 2) verb: выть, реветь, стонать, громко плакать desc: make a howling sound. syn: 1) 5300 scream; 11987 howl; 13739 wail; 14102 whine; 25267 holler 2) 7783 moan; 8535 howl; 9509 shriek; 25244 bay; 32492 yowl


HUDDLE 1) noun: толпа, груда, куча, свалка, суматоха, беспорядок desc: a crowded or confused mass of people or things. 2) verb: жаться, заталкивать, прижиматься, загонять, сваливать в кучу desc: crowd together; nestle closely. syn: 1) 1274 crowd; 1999 mass; 3221 cluster; 5131 knot; 8348 clump; 14399 jumble; 15955 huddle. 2) 14737 bunch; 6835 crouch; 7305 huddle; 8879 nestle; 15363 cower.


HUE noun: оттенок, цвет, шум desc: a color or shade; a city in central Vietnam; population 233,800 (est. 2009). syn: 2005 tone; 3003 shade; 7171 hue; 15583 tint; 18352 tinge; 590 type; 836 sort; 1172 variety; 1828 manner; 2184 description


HULL 1) noun: корпус, остов, каркас, фюзеляж, шелуха, скорлупа desc: the main body of a ship or other vessel, including the bottom, sides, and deck but not the masts, superstructure, rigging, engines, and other fittings; the outer covering of a fruit or seed, especially the pod of peas and beans, or the husk of grain. 2) verb: шелушить, лущить, очищать от шелухи desc: hit and pierce the hull of (a ship) with a shell or other missile; remove the hulls from (fruit, seeds, or grain). syn: 1) 951 structure; 6779 hull; 8933 exterior; 11376 underside; 12617 casing; 20834 keel 2) 37449 hull


HUM 1) noun: гул, жужжание, гудение, мурлыканье, обман, вонь, надувательство, притворство desc: a low, steady, continuous sound. 2) verb: жужжать, мурлыкать, мямлить, вонять, говорить запинаясь desc: make a low, steady continuous sound like that of a bee; smell unpleasant. syn: 1) 10878 hum; 11745 drone; 14102 whine; 25778 purr; 37130 whirr; 35449 buzz. 2) 8055 whine; 8342 buzz; 9883 vibrate; 16172 purr; 16191 drone; 59246 whirr; 6923 hum.


HUMANE adj: гуманный, человечный, гуманитарный desc: having or showing compassion or benevolence; (of a branch of learning) intended to have a civilizing or refining effect on people. syn: 5328 humanitarian; 6720 kind; 8668 humane; 6871 charitable; 7950 compassionate; 9576 caring


HUMBLE 1) adj: скромный, смиренный, покорный, простой, униженный, бедный, застенчивый, робкий, бессловесный, безрогий desc: having or showing a modest or low estimate of one's own importance; of low social, administrative, or political rank. 2) verb: смиряться, унижать desc: lower (someone) in dignity or importance. syn: 1) 763 simple; 1906 mean; 6049 humble; 14080 lowly; 21658 underprivileged; 4447 shy; 21332 deferential; 23140 subservient; 28522 servile 2) 2063 lower; 8595 degrade; 15223 humble; 18477 demean; 23947 debase; 11494 shame; 33196 chasten


HUMILIATION noun: унижение desc: the action of humiliating someone or the state of being humiliated. syn: 5867 embarrassment; 7901 degradation; 7825 humiliation; 10603 disgrace; 31145 mortification


HUNCH 1) noun: предчувствие, подозрение, горб, ломоть, толстый кусок desc: a feeling or guess based on intuition rather than known facts; a humped position or thing. 2) verb: горбиться, сутулиться, сгибать desc: raise (one's shoulders) and bend the top of one's body forward. syn: 1) 805 feeling; 4274 instinct; 8678 intuition; 12656 hunch; 18588 premonition 2) 7305 huddle; 9459 hunch; 10633 stoop


HURDLE 1) noun: препятствие, барьер, плетень, перегородка, затруднение, переносная загородка desc: an upright frame, typically one of a series, that athletes in a race must jump over; an obstacle or difficulty; a portable rectangular frame strengthened with willow branches or wooden bars, used as a temporary fence. 2) verb: преодолевать препятствия, ограждать плетнем, участвовать в барьерном беге desc: take part in a race that involves jumping hurdles; enclose or fence off with hurdles. syn: 1) 1693 difficulty; 2625 barrier; 3595 obstacle; 6706 hurdle; 10853 impediment 2) 1904 clear; 3648 leap; 14829 vault; 31043 hurdle


HURL 1) noun: сильный бросок, бита, клюшка desc: a forcible or violent throw; fling. 2) verb: метать, бросать, швырять, валить, разражаться desc: throw (an object) with great force; to utter with vehemence. syn: 1) 48606 hurl 2) 1752 launch; 2412 toss; 6254 fling; 7452 hurl; 8960 chuck; 9364 heave


HUT Перевод: хата, хижина, барак, барачный, размещать по баракам, жить в бараках Определение: a small single-story building of simple or crude construction, serving as a poor, rough, or temporary house or shelter; provide with huts.


HYPE 1) noun: обман, надувательство, наркоман, беззастенчивая реклама, обработка покупателей desc: extravagant or intensive publicity or promotion; a hypodermic needle or injection. 2) verb: обдуривать, крикливо рекламировать/расхваливать, надувать desc: promote or publicize (a product or idea) intensively, often exaggerating its importance or benefits; stimulate or excite (someone). syn: 1) 4581 publicity; 5913 propaganda; 7886 buildup; 8436 puff; 8550 hype; 10491 hysteria; 48714 flimflam 2) 5178 advertise; 5651 plug; 6987 tout; 9997 publicize; 19676 hype


HYPOCRISY noun: лицемерие, притворство desc: the practice of claiming to have moral standards or beliefs to which one's own behavior does not conform; pretense. syn: 9410 hypocrisy; 11762 pretense; 22404 duplicity; 35332 insincerity; 42332 falseness


HYSTERICAL adj: истерический, истеричный desc: deriving from or affected by uncontrolled extreme emotion. syn: 9441 hysterical; 10904 hilarious; 15258 comical; 12208 distraught; 15131 feverish; 32558 panic-stricken


IDLE 1) adj: холостой, простой, праздный, пустой, неработающий, ленивый, бездействующий, реактивный, бесполезный, неосновательный desc: (especially of a machine or factory) not active or in use; without purpose or effect; pointless. 2) verb: бездельничать, лениться, работать вхолостую, лодырничать desc: (of a person) spend time doing nothing; be idle. syn: 1) 7535 hollow; 8141 meaningless; 8296 idle; 16153 impotent; 18200 ineffectual; 9577 futile; 13054 vain; 10359 sluggish; 11079 frivolous 2) 2819 dismiss; 12779 idle; 31283 laze


IGNITE verb: воспламеняться, зажигать, загораться, прокаливать, раскалять до свечения desc: catch fire or cause to catch fire. syn: 3125 explode; 7515 ignite; 17202 kindle; 13025 detonatel; 1909 stir; 4867 provoke


IGNORANCE Перевод: невежество, незнание, неграмотность Определение: lack of knowledge or information.


ILLICIT adj: незаконный, запрещенный, недозволенный, противоправный, тайный desc: forbidden by law, rules, or custom. syn: 2082 illegal; 8936 illicit; 12171 forbidden; 12326 illegitimate; 12683 dishonest; 17787 prohibited


IMAGERY Перевод: образы, образность, скульптура Определение: visually descriptive or figurative language, especially in a literary work.


IMITATE verb: подражать, имитировать, копировать, передразнивать, подделывать, стараться быть похожим desc: take or follow as a model. syn: 4948 copy; 6232 imitate; 6716 replicate; 9213 emulate; 9434 duplicate; 6933 mimic; 19449 impersonate; 33297 ape


IMMERSE verb: погружать, окунать, поглощать, занимать, вовлекать, запутывать desc: dip or submerge in a liquid; involve oneself deeply in a particular activity or interest. syn: 2726 occupy; 8244 immerse; 16752 engross; 4654 plunge; 6862 duck; 11428 submerge; 14919 dunk


IMMINENT adj: надвигающийся, угрожающий, близкий, нависший desc: about to happen; overhanging. syn: 6809 imminent; 6908 pending; 12224 looming; 6845 forthcoming; 8461 impending


IMPAIRMENT Перевод: ухудшение, повреждение Определение: the state or fact of being impaired, especially in a specified faculty.


IMPEDE verb: препятствовать, мешать, затруднять, задерживать desc: delay or prevent (someone or something) by obstructing them; hinder. syn: 7526 inhibit; 8381 hinder; 8965 impede; 9233 hamper; 10970 obstruct; 30140 encumber; 3462 delay


IMPENDING adj: предстоящий, грозящий desc: about to happen; imminently threatening or menacing. syn: 4764 coming; 6809 imminent; 6845 forthcoming; 8461 impending; 12224 looming; 13347 approaching


IMPERATIVE 1) noun: императив, повелительное наклонение desc: an essential or urgent thing; a verb or phrase in the imperative mood. 2) adj: императивный, повелительный, властный, настоятельный,обязывающий, крайне необходимый desc: of vital importance; crucial; giving an authoritative command; peremptory. syn: 1) 633 rule; 1895 requirement; 2124 priority; 3007 obligation; 3982 necessity; 8515 imperative 2) 9346 authoritative; 10172 imperative; 21408 bossy; 20129 overbearing; 32421 domineering; 2413 crucial


IMPLANT 1) noun: вживленная ткань desc: a thing implanted in something else, especially a piece of tissue, prosthetic device, or other object implanted in the body. 2) verb: внедрять, вживлять, насаждать, внушать, вселять desc: insert or fix (tissue or an artificial object) in a person's body, especially by surgery. syn: 1) 6004 slip; 6445 implant; 11676 insert; 14584 graft; 20327 scion 2) 897 establish; 1860 fix; 2481 plant; 6086 embed; 6943 lodge; 10265 implant; 12350 instill


IMPLICATE verb: впутывать, вовлекать, подразумевать, заключать в себе, вмешивать desc: show (someone) to be involved in a crime; convey (a meaning or intention) indirectly through what one says, rather than stating it explicitly; imply. syn: 1358 associate; 1641 connect; 1739 link; 7831 implicate; 10804 finger; 27603 incriminate


IMPLICATION noun: причастность, смысл, подразумеваемое, соучастие, замешанность desc: the conclusion that can be drawn from something, although it is not explicitly stated; the action or state of being involved in something. syn: 1631 consequence; 2097 association; 3540 allegation; 9768 inference; 11078 repercussion


IMPOSING adj: внушительный, импозантный, вальяжный, производящий сильное впечатление desc: grand and impressive in appearance. syn: 3279 impressive; 4638 striking; 5556 magnificent; 8575 commanding; 9262 imposing; 11738 stately


IMPOVERISHED adj: обедневший, обнищавший, истощенный, жалкий, убогий desc: reduced to poverty; (of a country, area, etc.) having few trees, flowers, birds, wild animals, etc; deprived of strength, vitality, creativeness, etc. syn: 8527 impoverished; 9098 disadvantaged; 8970 needy; 9059 bankrupt; 10393 broke; 16639 indigent


IMPRISON verb: сажать/заключать в тюрьму, лишать свободы desc: put or keep in prison or a place like a prison. syn: 5754 jail; 7690 detain; 8622 imprison; 12826 incarcerate; 17166 intern


INADVERTENTLY adv: ненароком desc: without intention; accidentally. syn: 9269 inadvertently; 12053 unconsciously; 16054 involuntarily; 17201 carelessly; 16821 unintentionally


INAUDIBLE adj: неслышный, невнятный desc: unable to be heard. syn: 1378 soft; 1439 quiet; 2173 silent; 2357 still; 4149 faint; 6907 inaudible; 20727 imperceptible; 28118 soundless; 37013 noiseless.


INAUGURAL 1) noun: речь на торжественном открытии, инаугурационная речь desc: an inaugural speech, especially one made by an incoming US president. 2) adj: вступительный, инаугурационный desc: marking the beginning of an institution, activity, or period of office. syn: 2) 1509 primary; 1953 initial; 8161 inaugural; 9095 introductory; 14872 maiden; 17048 foundational


INCIDENCE Перевод: падение, сфера действия, охват Определение: the occurrence, rate, or frequency of a disease, crime, or something else undesirable; the intersection of a line, or something moving in a straight line, such as a beam of light, with a surface.


INCUMBENT 1) noun: лицо, занимающее должность, священник, имеющий приход desc: the holder of an office or post. 2) adj: возложенный, возлежащий, налегший всей тяжестью desc: necessary for (someone) as a duty or responsibility; (of an official or regime) currently holding office. syn: 1) 671 officer; 864 executive; 8046 incumbent; 8472 occupant; 10314 appointee 2) 9310 binding; 9424 incumbent; 11866 unavoidable; 13130 compulsory; 13287 inescapable; 14409 obligatory


INCUR verb: подвергаться, навлечь на себя desc: become subject to (something unwelcome or unpleasant) as a result of one's own behavior or actions. syn: 1182 experience; 1257 gain; 1309 earn; 1606 invite; 2074 acquire; 2238 deserve; 8188 incur


INDEED adv: действительно, в самом деле, впрямь desc: used to emphasize a statement or response confirming something already suggested; used to ​express that something is ​correct. syn: 664 certainly; 1727 truly; 2001 definitely; really


INDICT verb: обвинять, предъявлять обвинение desc: formally accuse of or charge with a serious crime. syn: 2035 accuse; 5141 prosecute; 6575 indict; 14375 impeach; 24858 arraign; 24442 summons.


INDICTMENT Перевод: обвинительный акт, обвинение, акт Определение: a formal charge or accusation of a serious crime; a thing that serves to illustrate that a system or situation is bad and deserves to be condemned.


INDIGENOUS adj: местный, туземный, природный, врожденный, здешний desc: originating or occurring naturally in a particular place; native. syn: 1136 original; 1407 native; 1738 ethnic; 10275 aboriginal.


INDISPENSABLE adj: незаменимый, необходимый, обязательный, нужный, не допускающий исключений desc: absolutely necessary. syn: 1094 key; 1959 essential; 2413 crucial; 2933 vital; 4503 required; 9137 indispensable; 10172 imperative


INDUCE Перевод: побуждать, вызывать, стимулировать Определение: succeed in persuading or influencing (someone) to do something; succeed in persuading or influencing (someone) to do something; bring on (the birth of a baby) artificially, typically by the use of drugs; derive by inductive reasoning.


INDULGE verb: предаваться, потакать, баловать, потворствовать, давать себе волю,сильно пить desc: allow oneself to enjoy the pleasure of. syn: 6500 spoil; 6941 indulge; 13741 pamper; 15900 pander; 19853 coddle; 20767 humor; 42560 cosset.


INFAMOUS adj: позорный, бесчестный, постыдный, низкий, пользующийся дурной славой, пакостный desc: well known for some bad quality or deed. syn: 6156 outrageous; 24195 abominable; 7869 wicked; 7795 infamous; 12079 shameful; 15778 heinous; 15977 scandalous; 25339 disreputable


INFANT noun: младенец, ребенок, дитя, несовершеннолетний desc: a very young child or baby. syn: 312 kid; 588 baby; 5993 toddler; 11369 preschooler; 15898 newborn; 19515 tot; 34457 suckling.


INFERIOR 1) noun: подчиненный, младший по чину, стоящий ниже desc: a person lower than another in rank, status, or ability; an inferior letter, figure, or symbol. 2) adj: низший, подчиненный, плохой, подстрочный, расположенный ниже, нижележащий desc: lower in rank, status, or quality; low or lower in position. syn: 1) 12874 subordinate; 21217 minion; 22694 underling; 29737 vassal; 32747 inferior 2) 2626 minor; 3478 secondary; 7633 inferior; 19707 subsidiary; 23140 subservient; 10689 mediocre; 20719 low-grade


INFLATE verb: надувать, накачивать, взвинчивать, вздуть, наполнять газом/воздухом, вызывать инфляцию desc: fill (a balloon, tire, or other expandable structure) with air or gas so that it becomes distended; increase (something) by a large or excessive amount. syn: 1577 expand; 4914 swell; 9045 inflate; 25740 bloat; 9809 amplify; 9782 magnify; 12974 embellish


INFLICT verb: налагать, навязывать, накладывать, наносить удар, причинять страдание desc: cause (something unpleasant or painful) to be suffered by someone or something. syn: 2348 impose; 6571 inflict; 11686 wreak; 12247 perpetrate; 13852 exact.


INFLUX noun: наплыв, втекание, впадение desc: an arrival or entry of large numbers of people or things; an inflow of water into a river, lake, or the sea. syn: 3316 invasion; 3215 arrival; 3608 flood; 8743 influx; 14480 incursion; 16342 inflow


INFORMANT noun: осведомитель, носитель языка, информант, доносчик desc: a person who informs or gives information; a person who supplies social or cultural data in answer to the questions of an investigator; a native speaker of a language who supplies utterances and forms for one analyzing or learning the language. syn: 3584 rat; 4893 spy; 7217 informant; 8963 mole; 18229 informer; 20996 sneak; 27990 snitch; 52026 squealer


INFRARED 1) adj: инфракрасный desc: (of electromagnetic radiation) having a wavelength just greater than that of the red end of the visible light spectrum but less than that of microwaves. Infrared radiation has a wavelength from about 800 nm to 1 mm, and is emitted particularly by heated objects. 2) noun: инфракрасное излучение desc: the infrared region of the spectrum; infrared radiation. syn: 1) 7207 infrared; 9732 ultraviolet; 10857 electromagnetic; 15653 x-ray 2) 42682 infrared


INFUSE verb: настаивать, вселять, вливать, придавать, заваривать, возбуждать desc: fill; pervade; soak (tea, herbs, etc.) in liquid to extract the flavor or healing properties. syn: 2313 inspire; 9040 infuse; 9890 impart; 12350 instill; 13206 imbue; 13147 fortify; 7682 bathe


INHERENTLY adv: по своей сути, по существу, от природы desc: in a natural or innate manner. syn: 2812 naturally; 5658 fundamentally; 7804 inherently; 13563 intrinsically; 27161 innately


INHIBIT verb: подавлять, препятствовать, тормозить, сдерживать, запрещать, мешать, лишать права отправлять службы desc: hinder, restrain, or prevent (an action or process); make (someone) self-conscious and unable to act in a relaxed and natural way; (in ecclesiastical law) forbid (a member of the clergy) to exercise clerical functions. syn: 5164 bar; 6741 deter; 7526 inhibit; 7877 constrain; 8965 impede; 10970 obstruct; 701 reduce; 2186 slow; 6896 stall; 9233 hamper


INJUSTICE noun: несправедливость desc: lack of fairness or justice. syn: 3955 bias; 5293 prejudice; 6132 injustice; 7098 inequality; 11151 wrong; 18524 unfairness.


INMATE noun: заключенный, обитатель, больной, жилец desc: a person confined to an institution such as a prison or hospital. syn: 2435 prisoner; 12076 convict; 37682 internee; 42042 jailbird


INNINGS noun: период нахождения у власти, подача, игра, очередь подачи мяча desc: each of two or four divisions of a game during which one side has a turn at batting; a period during which a person or group is active or effective; a division of a game during which the two teams alternate as offense and defense and during which each team is allowed three outs while batting. syn: 1054 shot; 1174 turn; 2387 round; 7288 innings; 10752 batting.


INSANE adj: безумный, душевнобольной, ненормальный, безрассудный desc: in a state of mind that prevents normal perception, behavior, or social interaction; seriously mentally ill. syn: 2720 stupid; 4040 silly; 4075 ridiculous; 5856 foolish; 6563 insane; 9436 unreasonable; 12799 senseless; 13578 impractical.


INSCRIPTION noun: надпись, краткое посвящение, формула рецепта desc: words inscribed, as on a monument or in a book. syn: 7097 dedication; 9164 inscription; 9124 autograph; 2553 impression; 2635 label; 3406 legend


INSECURITY noun: ненадежность, небезопасность, опасное положение desc: uncertainty or anxiety about oneself; lack of confidence; the state of being open to danger or threat; lack of protection. syn: 3756 uncertainty; 8420 insecurity; 19786 self-doubt; 24142 timidity; 34282 diffidence


INSIST verb: настаивать, утверждать desc: to say ​firmly or ​demand forcefully, ​especially when ​others ​disagree with or ​oppose what you say; to lay emphasis in assertion. syn: 875 claim; 923 maintain; 3166 assert; 3352 swear; 1458 demand; 3571 enforce


INSISTENCE noun: настойчивость, упорство, настойчивое требование desc: the fact or quality of insisting that something is the case or should be done. syn: 7616 persistence; 7426 insistence; 8700 resolve; 14040 perseverance; 20319 firmness; 42945 doggedness


INSTANT 1) noun: момент, мгновение desc: a precise moment of time; a very short space of time; a moment; instant coffee. 2) adj: немедленный, растворимый, текущий, настоятельный, безотлагательный desc: happening or coming immediately; urgent; pressing; (in business letters) of the current month; of the present moment. syn: 1) 308 minute; 369 moment; 682 second; 4720 instant. 2) 6065 prepared; 10199 powdered; 37151 precooked; 43268 microwavable; 2193 immediate; 14708 instantaneous; 15046 prompt; 2885 sudden; 3048 rapid; 6722 swift; 5390 urgent; 7270 pressing.


INSULATION noun: изоляция, изоляционный материал desc: the action of insulating something or someone. syn: 8619 insulation; 9642 lining; 14077 padding; 29543 lagging; 3732 separation; 4313 isolation


INSULT 1) noun: оскорбление, инсульт, обида, выпад desc: a disrespectful or scornfully abusive remark or action; an event or occurrence that causes damage to a tissue or organ. 2) verb: оскорблять, обижать, оплевать, наносить оскорбление desc: speak to or treat with disrespect or scornful abuse. syn: 1) 6663 insult; 14720 slur; 16951 affront; 21542 rudeness. 2) 3770 abuse; 5262 offend; 7854 insult; 23366 slight.


INSURER noun: страховщик, страхователь, страховое общество desc: a person or company that underwrites an insurance risk; the party in an insurance contract undertaking to pay compensation. syn: 6141 insurer; 18138 underwriter; 22208 guarantor


INSURGENCY verb: мятеж, волнения desc: the state or condition of being insurgent; insurrection against an existing government, usually one's own, by a group not recognized as having the status of a belligerent; rebellion within a group, as by members against leaders. syn: 4895 riot; 6416 rebellion; 7875 uprising; 8703 insurgency; 9140 revolt; 17056 mutiny


INSURGENT 1) noun: повстанец, мятежник, инсургент, бунтарь desc: a rebel or revolutionary. 2) adj: восставший, мятежный desc: rising in active revolt. syn: 1) 5502 guerrilla; 6279 protester; 22779 rioter; 7414 insurgent; 15541 revolutionary; 33749 mutineer 2) 14979 insurgent; 52366 insurrectionary; 33058 mutinous


INTACT adj: неповрежденный, целый, нетронутый desc: not damaged or impaired in any way; complete. syn: 1444 complete; 4670 intact; 5958 integral; 13977 unbroken; 19124 unharmed; 24995 undamaged.


INTAKE noun: потребление, впуск, поглощение, всасывание, втягивание, набор учащихся, литник, приемное устройство, рекрут, всасывающее устройство, вентиляционная выработка, разработанный участок земли desc: an amount of food, air, or another substance taken into the body; a location or structure through which something is taken in, e.g., water into a channel or pipe from a river, fuel or air into an engine or machine, commodities into a place, etc.. syn: 3463 drinking; 3935 eating; 21526 ingestion; 6104 intake; 2352 entry; 2536 tube; 2999 pipe; 8802 duct; 12948 aperture; 14146 inlet.


INTEGRAL Перевод: интеграл, целое число, интегральный, встроенный, цельный Определение: necessary to make a whole complete; essential or fundamental; of or denoted by an integer; a function of which a given function is the derivative, i.e., which yields that function when differentiated, and which may express the area under the curve of a graph of the function.


INTEGRITY noun: целостность, неприкосновенность, честность, чистота, полнота, прямота desc: the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles; moral uprightness; the state of being whole and undivided. syn: 2068 honor; 4235 reliability; 6274 honesty; 18835 veracity; 21342 truthfulness


INTENSIFY Перевод: усиливать, усиливаться Определение: become or make more intense; increase the opacity of (a negative) using a chemical.


INTENTLY adv: сосредоточенно desc: with earnest and eager attention. syn: 2049 closely; 9133 intently; 13157 keenly; 19899 attentively; 32234 fixedly; 40031 raptly


INTERCEPT 1) noun: перехват, отрезок прямой desc: an act or instance of intercepting something. 2) verb: перехватить, задерживать, прерывать, останавливать, выключать, отрезать путь, помешать, отделять desc: obstruct (someone or something) so as to prevent them from continuing to a destination. syn: 2) 586 catch; 1723 capture; 3251 seize; 3430 interrupt; 5743 divert; 7179 intercept


INTERCOURSE noun: общение, сношения, связь, общественные связи/отношения desc: dealings or communication between individuals, groups, countries, etc.; interchange of thoughts, feelings, etc.; sexual relations or a sexual coupling. syn: 1485 contact; 2086 interaction; 2097 association; 7873 intercourse; 7883 dealings


INTERIM 1) noun: промежуток времени, промежуток desc: the intervening time. 2) adj: промежуточный, временный desc: in or for the intervening period; provisional or temporary. syn: 1) 3751 pause; 4690 interval; 15964 interim; 17065 interlude; 58979 intermezzo. 2) 4385 short-term; 6945 interim; 8542 acting; 11120 provisional; 13045 intervening.


INTERROGATION noun: допрос, опрос, вопросительный знак desc: the action of interrogating or the process of being interrogated. syn: 3088 examination; 6802 interrogation; 7907 questioning; 16668 cross-examination; 27594 grilling; 28149 debriefing


INTERSECTION Перевод: пересечение, перекрёсток, точка пересечения Определение: a point or line common to lines or surfaces that intersect.


INTERSTATE 1) noun: автомагистраль между штатами desc: a highway serving two or more states; one of a system of expressways covering the 48 contiguous states. 2) adj: межштатный, находящийся между штатами, относящийся к разным штатам, связывающий отдельные штаты desc: existing or carried on between states. syn: 1) 25210 interstate 2) 277 political; 493 federal; 1651 regional; 3534 administrative; 3960 judicial; 7628 interstate


INTIMACY Перевод: близость, интимность, тесная связь Определение: close familiarity or friendship; closeness.


INTIMATE 1) adj: интимный, близкий, тесный, личный, сокровенный, внутренний, глубокий, кровный, основательный, однородный desc: closely acquainted; familiar; private and personal; (of knowledge) detailed; thorough. 2) verb: извещать, ставить в известность, намекать, мельком упоминать, подразумевать, объявлять desc: imply or hint. syn: 1) 1360 warm; 1497 familiar; 2777 friendly; 3359 dear; 4167 near; 4250 intimate; 13244 cherished; 1439 quiet; 7282 cozy 2) 785 indicate; 2813 imply; 6493 hint; 8762 allude; 9416 infer; 11315 intimate; 13055 rumor; 16287 insinuate


INTIMIDATE verb: запугивать, устрашать desc: frighten or overawe (someone), especially in order to make them do what one wants. syn: 3837 scare; 5600 frighten; 5903 terrify; 6730 intimidate; 9252 bully; 11663 coerce


INTRICATE adj: сложный, замысловатый, затруднительный, запутанный desc: very complicated or detailed. syn: 1175 involved; 1603 complex; 2767 complicated; 3096 sophisticated; 4674 elaborate; 6480 tricky; 7373 intricate; 19234 convoluted; 25025 knotty


INTRINSIC adj: внутренний, присущий, свойственный, существенный, действительный desc: belonging naturally; essential. syn: 1145 basic; 1959 essential; 7572 intrinsic; 2342 fundamental; 4972 inherent; 10419 innate; 18474 deep-seated


INTRODUCTORY adj: вводный, вступительный, предварительный desc: serving as an introduction to a subject or topic; basic or preliminary. syn: 1145 basic; 4444 preliminary; 9095 introductory; 15402 entry-level; 1953 initial; 23955 opening


INTRUDER noun: незваный гость, самозванец, назойливый человек, самолет вторжения desc: a person who intrudes, especially into a building with criminal intent. syn: 9209 intruder; 10025 invader; 11334 burglar; 17672 stalker; 21427 interloper; 23244 impostor


INTRUSION noun: вторжение, интрузия, узурпирование чужого владения/прав, появление без приглашения, навязывание себя/своих мнений desc: the action of intruding; the action or process of forcing a body of igneous rock between or through existing formations, without reaching the surface. syn: 3316 invasion; 6349 disturbance; 23484 meddling; 6498 interference; 8900 intrusion; 9181 interruption


INVADE verb: вторгаться, оккупировать, захватывать, поражать, посягать, нахлынуть desc: (of an armed force or its commander) enter (a country or region) so as to subjugate or occupy it. syn: 1542 attack; 2726 occupy; 4551 invade; 7224 assault; 11543 overrun; 15220 annex; 5255 infect


INVARIABLY adv: неизменно desc: in every case or on every occasion; always. syn: 3622 consistently; 2835 regularly; 7211 invariably; 13516 perpetually; 280 ever; 18578 habitually; 20510 customarily


INVASION noun: вторжение, нашествие, инвазия, посягательство, набег desk: an instance of invading a country or region with an armed force. syn: 2877 assault; 4562 aggression; 5149 raid; 7786 conquest; 10467 foray; 11138 penetration; 11711 offensive; 14480 incursion; 15797 annexation; 16123 infiltration; 21678 subjugation.


IRONIC Перевод: иронический Определение: using or characterized by irony.


IRRESISTIBLE adj: непреодолимый, неопровержимый, неотразимый desc: too attractive and tempting to be resisted. syn: 1160 powerful; 8716 tempting; 4927 compelling; 9257 irresistible; 3597 overwhelming; 14683 alluring


IRRIGATION noun: орошение, промывание, спринцевание desc: the artificial application of water to land to assist in the production of crops; (medicine/medical) the flushing or washing out of anything with water or other liquid. syn: 7080 irrigation


IRRITATE verb: раздражать, нервировать, злить, сердить, бередить, вызывать воспаление, аннулировать desc: make (someone) annoyed, impatient, or angry. syn: 0068 annoy; 10041 aggravate; 13693 infuriate; 2892 rub; 8289 sting; 8623 irritate; 8632 worsen


IRRITATION noun: раздражение, возбуждение, гнев desc: the state of feeling annoyed, impatient, or angry. syn: 3261 frustration; 9349 irritation; 10785 annoyance; 11642 impatience; 9121 rash; 11293 tenderness


IVORY noun: слоновая кость, цвет слоновой кости desc: a hard creamy-white substance composing the main part of the tusks of an elephant, walrus, or narwhal, often (especially formerly) used to make ornaments and other articles; a creamy-white color. syn: 6750 ivory; tusk; off-white


JAR 1) noun: банка, кувшин, сосуд, сотрясение, дребезжание, шок, потрясение, неприятный эффект desc: a wide-mouthed, cylindrical container made of glass or pottery, especially one used for storing food; a physical shock or jolt. 2) verb: сотрясать, вызывать дрожание, встряхивать, дрожать, коробить, дисгармонировать, сталкиваться, вибрировать desc: send a painful or damaging shock through (something, especially a part of the body); have an unpleasant, annoying, or disturbing effect. syn: 1) 2957 vessel; 3383 container; 4299 jar; 13641 urn; 19297 crock 2) 8623 irritate; 10068 annoy; 14171 jar; 18530 vex; 18631 irk; 943 shake; 5774 jerk; 5685 bump; 8042 shudder; 9883 vibrate; 9845 bash; 12398 jolt


JELLY 1) noun: желе, студень, гелигнит desc: a sweet, clear, semisolid, somewhat elastic spread or preserve made from fruit juice and sugar boiled to a thick consistency. 2) adj: превращать в желе/студень, застывать desc: set (food) as or in a jelly. syn: 1) 9212 jelly; 16964 gelatin; 41993 aspic; 16955 lubricant; 17468 ointment


JEOPARDIZE verb: подвергать опасности, рисковать desc: put (someone or something) into a situation in which there is a danger of loss, harm, or failure. syn: 2015 expose; 3182 risk; 7255 endanger; 8121 jeopardize


JEOPARDY noun: опасность, риск, подсудность desc: danger of loss, harm, or failure. syn: 982 trouble; 1067 threat; 1551 danger; 7751 peril; 1693 difficulty; 4924 hazard; 8553 jeopardy


JERK Перевод: рывок, толчок, идиот, рвануть, дёргать, дрыгать Определение: a quick, sharp, sudden movement; a contemptibly obnoxious person; move or cause to move with a jerk.


JOINTLY adv: совместно, сообща desc: with another person or people; together. syn: 375 both; 2384 equally; 8132 mutually; 9085 jointly; 19186 cooperatively; 57095 conjointly


JUNK 1) noun: барахло, хлам, джонка, рухлядь, отбросы, солонина, наркотик, старое железо, чурбан, колода, ворса desc: old or discarded articles that are considered useless or of little value; heroin; the lump of oily fibrous tissue in a sperm whale's head, containing spermaceti; a man's genitals; a flat-bottomed sailing vessel typical in China and the East Indies, with a prominent stem, a high stern, and lugsails. 2) verb: делить на куски, выбрасывать как ненужное, разрезать на куски desc: discard or abandon unceremoniously. syn: 1) 14399 jumble; 3965 garbage; 4448 trash; 4615 debris; 5184 junk; 5659 scrap; 8240 litter; 15524 rubbish; 16578 refuse. 2) 5476 discard; 8960 chuck; 10504 scrap; 12437 ditch; 16791 jettison; 27985 junk.


JUVENILE Перевод: юношеский, юный, малолетний, подросток, юноша, книги для юношества Определение: of, for, or relating to young people; a young person.


KEEN 1) adj: острый, проницательный, сильный, тонкий, глубокий, стремящийся, резкий, энергичный desc: having or showing eagerness or enthusiasm; sharp or penetrating, in particular; excellent; (of prices) very low; competitive. 2) verb: голосить, причитать desc: wail in grief for a dead person; sing a keen. syn: 1) 2060 sharp; 3737 intelligent; 5028 clever; 5313 acute; 5712 alert; 13542 astute; 15894 perceptive; 1134 effective; 1940 cheap; 2321 competitive; 2828 attractive; 6601 keen 2) 30085 keen.


KIDNEY noun: почка, тип, темперамент, характер, род desc: each of a pair of organs in the abdominal cavity of mammals, birds, and reptiles, excreting urine. syn: 1798 meat; 5206 kidney; 36934 offal


KIN 1) noun: род, родственники, семья, свойство desc: one's family and relations. 2) adj: родственный desc: related. syn: 1) 147 family; 5704 clan; 7460 kin; 32972 kinfol


KNEEL verb: становиться на колени, преклонять desc: be in or assume a position in which the body is supported by a knee or the knees, as when praying or showing submission. syn: 30833 kowtow; 31615 genuflect


KNIT 1) noun: трикотаж, вязка, трикотажное изделие desc: a knitted fabric. 2) verb: вязать, соединять, скреплять, сращивать desc: make (a garment, blanket, etc.) by interlocking loops of wool or other yarn with knitting needles or on a machine; unite or cause to unite; tighten (one's brow or eyebrows) in a frown of concentration, disapproval, or anxiety. syn: 1) 20877 knit 2) 505 join; 2334 attach; 4410 heal; 6696 bond; 8591 knit; 11122 mend; 15052 meld; 1506 tie


KNOB noun: ручка, кнопка, головка, набалдашник, шишка, выступ, выпуклость, башка, небольшой кусок desc: a rounded lump or ball, especially at the end or on the surface of something. syn: 2890 hold; 3722 grip; 3959 handle; 8002 knob; 8127 dial; 14988 doorknob; 23857 handhold; 5567 bump; 27398 protrusion


KNUCKLE 1) noun: кулак, ножка, шарнир, кастет, сустав пальца, зуб desc: a part of a finger at a joint where the bone is near the surface, especially where the finger joins the hand. 2) verb: постучать/ударить костяшками пальцев desc: rub or press (something, especially the eyes) with the knuckles. syn: 1) 5131 knot; 6221 lump; 8002 knob; 22428 nub; 8574 prominence; 9221 knuckle; 11838 bulge 2) 24744 knuckle


LACE 1) noun: кружево, шнурок, гипюр, тесьма, галун, ременная сшивка desc: a fine open fabric, typically one of cotton or silk, made by looping, twisting, or knitting thread in patterns and used especially for trimming garments; a fine open fabric, typically one of cotton or silk, made by looping, twisting, or knitting thread in patterns and used especially for trimming garments. 2) verb: шнуровать, обвязывать, стягиваться корсетом, сшивать, отделывать, украшать кружевом, бить, пороть, прибавлять коньяк в кофе, расцвечивать desc: fasten or tighten (a shoe or garment) by tying its laces; entwine or tangle (things, especially fingers) together; add an ingredient, especially alcohol, to (a drink or dish) to enhance its flavor or strength; hit (something, especially a baseball) hard. syn: 1) 4352 cord; 6737 lace; 21995 shoelace; 57250 bootlace 2) 2498 line; 9487 lace; 9484 spike; 13147 fortify


LAG 1) noun: отставание, задержка, замедление, срок каторги, каторжник, бочарная клепка, полоса войлока, планка desc: a period of time between one event or phenomenon and another; a retardation in an electric current or movement; the non-heat-conducting cover of a boiler, pipes, etc.; lagging; a person who has been frequently convicted and sent to prison. 2) verb: отставать, запаздывать, медленно тащиться, ссылать на каторгу, арестовывать, обшивать планками, покрывать изоляцией desc: fall behind in movement, progress, or development; not keep pace with another or others; determine the order of play by striking the cue ball from balk to rebound off the top cushion, first stroke going to the player whose ball comes to rest nearer the bottom cushion; enclose or cover (a boiler, pipes, etc.) with material that provides heat insulation; arrest or send to prison. syn: 1) 3751 pause; 4690 interval; 6346 wait; 7109 halt; 11490 lag; 19684 intermission 2) 3976 trail; 5792 linger; 8604 lag; 21524 straggle; 21929 dawdle; 22346 loiter; 33949 dally


LAMB Перевод: ягнёнок, овечка, мясо молодого барашка, ягниться Определение: a young sheep; (of a ewe) give birth to lambs.


LAMENT 1) noun: жалобы, жалобная песнь, элегия, похоронная песнь, горестное стенание desc: a passionate expression of grief or sorrow. 2) verb: плакать, сетовать, жаловаться, горевать, сокрушаться, стенать desc: mourn (a person's loss or death). syn: 1) 5499 crying; 14745 lament; 16547 weeping; 25801 lamentation; 29782 dirge; 31257 wailing 2) 6867 mourn; 7783 moan; 7508 lament; 8535 howl; 9981 grieve; 15737 bemoan; 41427 bewail


LANDFILL noun: мусорная свалка desc: a place to dispose of refuse and other waste material by burying it and covering it over with soil, especially as a method of filling in or extending usable land. syn: 6967 landfill.


LANDMARK noun: ориентир, веха, поворотный пункт, береговой знак, межевой знак desc: an object or feature of a landscape or town that is easily seen and recognized from a distance, especially one that enables someone to establish their location; an event, discovery, or change marking an important stage or turning point in something. syn: 806 standard; 2770 revolution; 3684 innovation; 4759 landmark; 1634 sight; 3830 attraction; 4857 marker; 10915 pointer


LANTERN noun: фонарь, цевочное колесо, световая камера маяка desc: a lamp with a transparent case protecting the flame or electric bulb, and typically having a handle by which it can be carried or hung; a square, curved, or polygonal structure on the top of a dome or a room, with the sides glazed or open, so as to admit light. syn: 8492 lantern


LARVA noun: личинка desc: the active immature form of an insect, especially one that differs greatly from the adult and forms the stage between egg and pupa, e.g., a caterpillar or grub. syn: 9315 larva; 13595 caterpillar; 17312 grub; 18303 maggot


LASH 1) noun: плеть, бич, ресница, порка, резкий упрек, критика desc: a sharp blow or stroke with a whip or rope, typically given as a form of punishment; an eyelash. 2) verb: хлестать, стегать, привязывать, ударять, высмеивать, возбуждать, доводить, мчаться, связывать desc: strike (someone) with a whip or stick; (of an animal) move (a part of the body, especially the tail) quickly and violently; fasten (something) securely with a cord or rope. syn: 1) 2446 belt; 3127 stroke; 3814 blow; 7707 whip; 12054 lash; 29029 whiplash 2) 1860 fix; 2334 attach; 2505 secure; 2512 bind; 8611 lash; 14033 knot; 4171 condemn; 21263 castigate


LASTING 1) noun: длительность, продолжительность desc: enduring or able to endure over a long period of time. 2) verb: прочный, длительный, стойкий, постоянный desc: continuing or enduring a long time; permanent; durable syn: 2) 2480 permanent; 2989 ongoing; 3674 continuing; 4370 fixed; 5693 eternal; 5791 lifelong; 6303 lasting; 6828 enduring


LATERAL 1) noun: боковая часть, ответвление, латеральный сонант desc: a side part of something, especially a shoot or branch growing out from the side of a stem; a lateral consonant; a pass thrown either sideways or backward from the position of the passer. 2) adj: боковой, латеральный, горизонтальный, продольный, побочный, вторичный desc: of, at, toward, or from the side or sides. syn: 1) 46650 lateral 2) 6745 adjacent; 8476 lateral; 20676 sideways; 24895 cross


LATITUDE noun: широта, свобода, широтная характеристика, терпимость, районы, местности desc: the angular distance of a place north or south of the earth's equator, or of a celestial object north or south of the celestial equator, usually expressed in degrees and minutes; scope for freedom of action or thought. syn: 521 space; 625 opportunity; 1149 freedom; 3126 scope; 3865 liberty; 8138 latitude; 512 position


LAVA noun: лава desc: hot molten or semifluid rock erupted from a volcano or fissure, or solid rock resulting from cooling of this. syn: 9277 lava


LAVENDER 1) noun: лаванда, высушенные цветы/листья лаванды, бледно-лиловый цвет desc: a small aromatic evergreen shrub of the mint family, with narrow leaves and bluish-purple flowers. Lavender has been widely used in perfumery and medicine since ancient times; a pale blue color with a trace of mauve. 2) adj: лавандовый, бледно-лиловый desc: of the color lavender; syn: 1) 8322 lavender


LAVISH 1) adj: щедрый, расточительный, обильный, чрезмерный desc: sumptuously rich, elaborate, or luxurious. 2) verb: расточать, быть щедрым desc: bestow something in generous or extravagant quantities upon. syn: 1) 6306 abundant; 9219 lavish; 9801 plentiful; 11259 prolific; 15174 sumptuous; 36931 fulsome 2) 1908 pour; 2918 load; 8134 shower; 9632 bestow; 10819 heap; 11199 smother; 17238 lavish


LAWN noun: газон, лужайка, батист desc: an area of short, mown grass in a yard, garden, or park; a fine linen or cotton fabric used for making clothes. syn: 5646 meadow; 6415 pasture; 6946 prairie; 12189 grassland; 41405 sward; 5646 meadow; 6415 pasture; 6705 turf.


LAWSUIT noun: иск, судебный процесс, тяжба, судебное дело desc: a claim or dispute brought to a court of law for adjudication. syn: 5271 litigation; 5424 proceedings


LAYOFF noun: приостановка/сокращение производства, увольнение работников desc: a discharge, especially temporary, of a worker or workers; a period during which someone does not take part in a customary sport or other activity. syn: 7939 layoff; 9115 dismissal; 17140 rationalization; 17533 redundancy; 18141 downsizing; 33336 sacking; 18250 inactivity; 25517 joblessness


LAYOUT noun: макет, расположение, планировка, схема, выкладка, оборудование, набор инструментов, показ, проект, угощение desc: the way in which the parts of something are arranged or laid out. syn: 835 design; 2372 arrangement; 2640 draft; 5227 outline; 7603 layout; 7703 blueprint


LEAK 1) noun: течь, утечка информации, неплотное место desc: a hole in a container or covering through which contents, especially liquid or gas, may accidentally pass; an intentional disclosure of secret information. 2) verb: просачиваться, подтекать, пропускать воду, неофициально давать сведения desc: (of a container or covering) accidentally lose or admit contents, especially liquid or gas, through a hole or crack; (of secret information) become known. syn: 1) 4217 revelation; 5318 disclosure; 5999 leak; 7404 betrayal; 14507 giveaway; 11280 drip; 11725 trickle; 14914 leakage; 17197 outflow 2) 4460 disclose; 4472 uncover; 5023 betray; 5219 leak; 6098 drip; 8824 seep; 9043 trickle; 11340 ooze


LEAP 1) noun: скачок, прыжок, препятствие, резкое изменение, дислокация desc: a forceful jump or quick movement. 2) verb: скакать, прыгать, ухватиться, сильно забиться, резко подскочить, с радостью согласиться desc: jump or spring a long way, to a great height, or with great force. syn: 1) 4312 jump; 7983 dive; 8552 hop; 5080 surge; 7504 spike; 7998 climb 2) 3006 mount; 9729 ascend; 3822 bounce; 4079 spring; 5175 dive; 14829 vault; 31043 hurdle


LEDGE noun: выступ, планка, край, рейка, борт, рудное тело, риф, бар, залежь desc: a narrow horizontal surface projecting from a wall, cliff, or other surface; an underwater ridge, especially of rocks beneath the sea near the shore; a stratum of metal- or ore-bearing rock; a vein of quartz or other mineral. syn: 3211 extension; 4800 projection; 4900 ridge; 8469 ledge; 11838 bulge; 12464 sill; 14611 foothold; 4184 rack; 11458 bookshelf


LEFTIST 1) noun: левый, левак, член левой партии desc: a person who supports the political views or policies of the left. 2) adj: сторонник левых взглядов desc: supportive of the political views or policies of the left. syn: 1) 9293 leftist 2) 41385 leftist


LEGACY noun: наследие, наследство desc: an amount of money or property left to someone in a will. syn: 1386 gift; 3195 heritage; 13574 heirloom; 18787 bequest; 19537 birthright; 6904 remainder; 7709 residue; 8549 relic; 13442 hangover; 13546 vestige.


LEGITIMACY Перевод: законность, закономерность Определение: the quality or state of being in accordance with the law.


LEGITIMATE 1) adj: законный, легальный, законнорожденный, разумный, правильный desc: conforming to the law or to rules. 2) verb: узаконить, признать законным, усыновлять внебрачного ребенка desc: make legitimate; justify or make lawful. syn: 1) 1498 appropriate; 2526 reasonable; 4747 valid; 5051 authentic; 6977 sincere; 13478 rightful; 3438 acceptable; 4612 logical; 6208 sensible; 13343 recognized; 16055 justifiable. 2) 33954 decriminalize; 11029 legalize.


LESION noun: поражение, повреждение, убыток, нарушение, вред desc: a region in an organ or tissue that has suffered damage through injury or disease, such as a wound, ulcer, abscess, tumor, etc. syn: 1558 injury; 3223 wound; 6360 scratch; 8577 lesion; 16388 gash; 19208 abrasion; 23591 laceration


LESSEN verb: уменьшать, недооценивать, полегчать desc: make or become less; diminish. syn: 701 reduce; 2010 decline; 2063 lower; 3393 decrease; 3972 minimize; 3989 diminish; 7784 lessen; 22865 slacken


LEST conj: чтобы не, как бы не, как бы ни desc: for fear that; so that (one) should not (used negatively to introduce a clause expressive of an action or occurrence requiring caution); that (used after words expressing fear, danger, etc.); with the intention of preventing (something undesirable); to avoid the risk of. syn: 9002 lest


LETHAL adj: смертельный, смертоносный, фатальный desc: sufficient to cause death. syn: 3537 deadly; 4122 toxic; 4969 fatal; 5882 harmful; 5892 destructive; 6241 lethal; 7359 disastrous; 9728 mortal; 10307 poisonous


LEVER 1) noun: рычаг, рукоятка, средство воздействия, вага, гандшпуг desc: a rigid bar resting on a pivot, used to help move a heavy or firmly fixed load with one end when pressure is applied to the other. 2) verb: поднимать рычагом, передвигать рычагом desc: lift or move with a lever. syn: 1) 1512 device; 7612 lever; 7914 pedal; 42538 treadle 2) 850 force; 8655 pry; 12693 prize; 26988 lever


LIABILITY noun: ответственность, обязательство, склонность, подверженность, помеха, долг desc: the state of being responsible for something, especially by law; a person or thing whose presence or behavior is likely to cause embarrassment or put one at a disadvantage. syn: 2681 burden; 4154 liability; 6376 disadvantage; 32684 millstone; 33173 jinx; 1068 responsibility; 3007 obligation


LIAISON noun: связь взаимодействия, любовная связь, заправка для соуса или супа desc: communication or cooperation that facilitates a close working relationship between people or organizations; the binding or thickening agent of a sauce, often based on egg yolks; (in French and other languages) the sounding of a consonant that is normally silent at the end of a word because the next word begins with a vowel. syn: 1425 connection; 1485 contact; 8360 liaison; 2196 link; 2097 association; 2684 cooperation


LIBERATION noun: освобождение, выделение desc: the act of setting someone free from imprisonment, slavery, or oppression; release. syn: 2214 release; 3865 liberty; 6297 discharge; 6313 liberation; 16152 emancipation; 18952 deliverance


LIKEN verb: уподоблять, приравнивать, находить сходство, делать похожим desc: point out the resemblance of someone or something to. syn: 1081 relate; 1358 associate; 8143 equate; 9335 liken


LIKEWISE adv: также, подобно, более того desc: in the same way; also; in a like manner. syn: 133 too; 2384 equally; 2809 similarly; 4571 likewise


LILY noun: лилия desc: a heraldic fleur-de-lis. syn: 8496 lily


LIME Перевод: известь, лайм, липа, известковый, липовый, известковать, удобрять известью, поймать Определение: a white caustic alkaline substance consisting of calcium oxide, obtained by heating limestone; a rounded citrus fruit similar to a lemon but greener, smaller, and with a distinctive acid flavor; treat (soil or water) with lime to reduce acidity and improve fertility or oxygen levels.


LINEAGE noun: происхождение, родословная, построчная оплата, число строк в печатной странице desc: lineal descent from an ancestor; ancestry or pedigree; a sequence of species each of which is considered to have evolved from its predecessor. syn: 276 line; 740 stock; 5516 descent; 9235 lineage; 10712 extraction; 11074 ancestry; 14920 pedigree


LINEBACKER noun: полузащитник desc: a defensive player normally positioned behind the line of scrimmage, but in front of the safeties. syn: 6703 linebacker


LINER noun: лайнер, вкладыш, подкладка, облицовка, футеровка, втулка, обсадная труба, рейсовый пароход, ткань для закатки, гильза цилиндра desc: a large luxurious passenger ship of a type formerly used on a regular line; a fine paintbrush used for painting thin lines and for outlining. syn: 7629 liner; 9642 lining; 11676 insert; 32246 facing


LINEUP Перевод: расстановка Определение: a group of people or things brought together in a particular context, especially the members of a sports team or a group of musicians or other entertainers.


LINGER Перевод: задерживаться, медлить, засиживаться Определение: stay in a place longer than necessary, typically because of a reluctance to leave.


LINGERING adj: затяжной, длительный, долгий, томительный, медлительный, давнишний desc: lasting for a long time or slow to end. syn: 5327 persistent; 6303 lasting; 6828 enduring; 7334 lingering; 14717 haunting; 7490 prolonged


LITERACY noun: грамотность desc: the ability to read and write. syn: 1459 learning; 5213 literacy; 7726 mastery; 13679 savvy; 26927 nous


LITERALLY adv: буквально desc: in a literal manner or sense; exactly; without exaggeration or inaccuracy. syn: 4946 accurately; 9799 plainly; 23734 factually


LITERARY adj: литературный, книжный, литературно образованный desc: concerning the writing, study, or content of literature, especially of the kind valued for quality of form; (of language) associated with literary works or other formal writing; having a marked style intended to create a particular emotional effect. syn: 6395 scholarly; 12405 literate; 23971 erudite; 25302 bookish; 6430 fictional


LITIGATION Перевод: судебный процесс, тяжба Определение: the process of taking legal action.


LIVELIHOOD noun: средства к существованию/к жизни desc: a means of securing the necessities of life. syn: 246 business; 800 trade; 2550 employment; 3356 occupation; 243 job; 9381 livelihood; 1333 living


LIVELY Перевод: живой, оживлённый, яркий, оживлённо, весело Определение: full of life and energy; active and outgoing.


LIVESTOCK noun: домашний скот, поголовье скота, живой инвентарь desc: farm animals regarded as an asset. syn: 3656 cattle; 6255 livestock; 33789 steers; 4243 sheep


LIZARD noun: ящерица desc: a reptile that typically has a long body and tail, four legs, movable eyelids, and a rough, scaly, or spiny skin. syn: 7940 lizard


LOAF 1) noun: буханка, каравай, голова, кочан, бездельничанье desc: a quantity of bread that is shaped and baked in one piece and usually sliced before being eaten. 2) verb: слоняться, бездельничать, лодырничать, зря терять время, шататься, болтаться без дела desc: idle one's time away, typically by aimless wandering or loitering. syn: 1) 6994 loaf 2) 22346 loiter; 26586 loaf; 31283 laze; 50149 mooch


LODGE 1) noun: домик, ложа, сторожка, охотничий домик, нора, хатка, вигвам, сторожка у ворот, рудный двор desc: a small house at the gates of a park or in the grounds of a large house, typically occupied by a gatekeeper, gardener, or other employee; a branch or meeting place of an organization such as the Freemasons. 2) verb: подавать, поселить, всадить, класть, квартировать, приютить, засесть, прибивать, подавать жалобу desc: present (a complaint, appeal, claim, etc.) formally to the proper authorities; make or become firmly fixed or embedded in a particular place; stay or sleep in another person's house, paying money for one's accommodations; (of wind or rain) flatten (a standing crop). syn: 1) 2700 resort; 5309 motel; 7182 lodge; 7654 inn; 3171 cabin; 4810 cottage; 21011 chalet; 33088 gatehouse. 2) 4997 entertain; 5189 board; 7283 harbor; 8395 shelter; 15677 quarter; 1211 stick; 1320 settle; 6086 embed; 6943 lodge; 10265 implant; 329 stop; 409 stay; 21040 room; 48707 sojourn.


LOFT 1) noun: чердак, лофт, верхний этаж, голубятня, хоры, сеновал, плаз, удар высоко вверх desc: a room or space directly under the roof of a house or other building, which may be used for accommodations or storage; upward inclination given to the ball in a stroke. 2) verb: держать голубей, посылать мяч высоко вверх desc: kick, hit, or throw (a ball or missile) high up. syn: 1) 7932 loft; 30086 garret 2) 26661 loft


LOGGING noun: лесозаготовки desc: the activity or business of felling trees and cutting and preparing the timber. syn: 9215 logging


LONE Перевод: одинокий, уединённый, незамужняя Определение: having no companions; solitary or single.


LONGEVITY noun: долговечность, долголетие, долгожительство desc: long life. syn: 9051 longevity; 16456 permanence; 12057 durability


LONGING 1) noun: страстное желание, сильное стремление desc: a yearning desire. 2) adj: страстно/сильно желающий desc: having or showing yearning desire. syn: 1) 3603 wish; 4628 hunger; 7818 lust; 8293 longing; 9250 ache; 12711 craving; 12663 yearning


LOOM Перевод: ткацкий станок, тень, очертания, маячить, неясно вырисовываться, принимать угрожающие размеры Определение: an apparatus for making fabric by weaving yarn or thread; an apparatus for making fabric by weaving yarn or thread; appear as a shadowy form, especially one that is large or threatening.


LOUSY adj: паршивый, мерзкий, отвратительный, вшивый, грязный, низкий desc: very poor or bad; disgusting; infested with lice. syn: 3297 awful; 4517 nasty; 5841 miserable; 8218 lousy; 8540 rotten; 9479 dreadful; 2720 stupid


LUCRATIVE adj: прибыльный, выгодный, доходный desc: producing a great deal of profit. syn: 5042 beneficial; 5412 profitable; 6756 lucrative; 7064 worthwhile; 9519 rewarding; 24040 well-paid


LUMBER 1) noun: пиломатериалы, хлам, строевой лес, бревна, рухлядь, лишний жир, громыхающие звуки desc: timber sawn into rough planks or otherwise partly prepared; articles of furniture or other household items that are no longer useful and inconveniently take up storage space. 2) verb: громыхать, загромождать, валить, сваливать в беспорядке, двигаться неуклюже desc: move in a slow, heavy, awkward way; cut and prepare forest timber for transport and sale; burden (someone) with an unwanted responsibility, task, or set of circumstances. syn: 1) 4944 timber; 7090 lumber. 2) 2348 impose; 2918 load; 4750 trouble; 6571 inflict; 10011 burden; 16709 lumber; 30140 encumber; 10972 trudge; 12024 hobble; 16653 plod; 22812 clump; 30273 shamble.


LUMP 1) noun: кусок, ком, опухоль, глыба, шишка, куча, болван, выступ, большое количество, рабочие на аккордной оплате desc: a compact mass of a substance, especially one without a definite or regular shape. 2) verb: сваливать, смешивать в кучу, брать без разбора, тяжело ступать, образовывать комки, грузно садиться, быть недовольным desc: put in an indiscriminate mass or group; treat as alike without regard for particulars; proceed heavily or awkwardly; accept or tolerate a disagreeable situation whether one likes it or not; walk with difficulty, typically because of a damaged or stiff leg or foot. syn: 1) 5567 bump; 6221 lump; 8002 knob; 9392 inflammation; 11838 bulge; 36903 protuberance; 39070 swelling; 819 section; 1318 block; 1999 mass 2) 1322 collect; 1452 combine; 7271 consolidate; 8659 group; 23695 conjoin; 33459 amalgamate; 1100 suffer; 1624 bear; 3677 endure; 14055 lump


LUNAR adj: лунный desc: of, determined by, relating to, or resembling the moon. syn: 6973 lunar.


LURCH 1) noun: крен, шаткая походка, пошатывание, склонность desc: an abrupt uncontrolled movement, especially an unsteady tilt or roll; leave an associate or friend abruptly and without assistance or support in a difficult situation. 2) verb: крениться, пошатываться, идти шатаясь desc: make an abrupt, unsteady, uncontrolled movement or series of movements; stagger. syn: 1) 2541 roll; 5739 listing; 12999 stagger; 17344 heave; 18139 lurch; 22632 wobble 2) 1525 lean; 2090 list; 3505 pitch; 4197 rock; 5122 tilt; 6001 sway; 9339 lurch; 35293 yaw; 7656 reel


LURE Перевод: приманка, прикорм, соблазн, завлекать, соблазнять, приманивать Определение: something that tempts or is used to tempt a person or animal to do something; tempt (a person or an animal) to do something or to go somewhere, especially by offering some form of reward.


LURK verb: таиться, скрываться, прятаться, скрываться в засаде, оставаться незамеченным desc: (of a person or animal) be or remain hidden so as to wait in ambush for someone or something. syn: 7298 lurk; 13545 prowl; 22346 loiter; 24928 skulk.


LUSH 1) noun: пьяница, спиртной напиток desc: a heavy drinker, especially a habitual one. 2) adj: пышный, сочный, буйный desc: (of vegetation) growing luxuriantly. 3) verb: напиваться desc: make (someone) drunk. syn: 1) 44941 lush; boozer; soaker 2) 6864 lush; 9255 luxurious; 9219 lavish; 12322 plush; 13313 deluxe; 15174 sumptuous; 26542 swanky; 6306 abundant; 33183 blossoming


LUST 1) noun: похоть, вожделение, страсть desc: very strong sexual desire. 2) verb: страстно желать, испытывать вожделение desc: have a very strong sexual desire for someone. syn: 1) 4628 hunger; 7818 lust; 8293 longing; 8648 envy; 12663 yearning; 14560 itch; 38185 hankering 2) 5562 long; 7853 ache; 12997 covet; 23369 lust; 23913 thirst; 34062 hanker


MADNESS noun: безумие, сумасшествие, безумство, бешенство desc: the state of being mentally ill, especially severely. syn: 6658 madness; 12416 stupidity; 16208 foolishness; 52494 foolhardiness; 9452 folly.


MAGNIFICENT Перевод: великолепный, прекрасный, величественный Определение: impressively beautiful, elaborate, or extravagant; striking; very good; excellent.


MAKESHIFT 1) noun: паллиатив, временное приспособление, замена desc: a temporary substitute or device. 2) adj: импровизированный, временный desc: serving as a temporary substitute; sufficient for the time being. syn: 2) 5066 crude; 8939 makeshift; 11120 provisional; 17404 do-it-yourself; 17707 improvised; 24086 ersatz


MANDATE 1) noun: мандат, наказ desc: an official order or commission to do something; the authority to carry out a policy or course of action, regarded as given by the electorate to a candidate or party that is victorious in an election. 2) verb: предоставлять мандат, разрешить, санкционировать, передавать страну под мандат другого государства desc: give (someone) authority to act in a certain way; assign (territory) under a mandate of the League of Nations. syn: 1) 1568 instruction; 3007 obligation; 8567 decree; 3254 permission; 4419 stay; 7760 reign 2) 1565 direct; 2627 assign; 4028 command; 13281 delegate


MANSION noun: дворец, хоромы, большой особняк, многоквартирный дом desc: a large, impressive house. syn: 2428 tower; 4806 mansion; 5919 castle; 7182 lodge; 16659 manor; 4052 spread; 10309 villa; 3022 pile; 4722 palace; 20599 chateau


MAPLE Перевод: клён, кленовый Определение: a tree or shrub with lobed leaves, winged fruits, and colorful autumn foliage, grown as an ornamental or for its timber or syrupy sap.


MAR verb: повредить, портить, ударить desc: impair the appearance of; disfigure. syn: 3749 injure; 4230 ruin; 4359 harm; 7562 impair; 7488 stain; 8733 mar; 19536 disfigure; 22361 mutilate


MARBLE 1) noun: мрамор, коллекция скульптур из мрамора desc: a hard crystalline metamorphic form of limestone, typically white with mottlings or streaks of color, that is capable of taking a polish and is used in sculpture and architecture; a small ball of colored glass or similar material used as a toy. 2) adj: мраморный, холодный, твердый, крепкий, бесчувственный desc: consisting or made of marble; like marble, as in hardness, coldness, smoothness, etc.; lacking in warmth, compassion, or sympathy; of variegated or mottled color. 3) verb: расписывать под мрамор desc: stain or streak (something) so that it looks like variegated marble. syn: 1) 4865 marble; 36138 agate


MARITAL adj: брачный, принадлежащий мужу, супружеский desc: of or relating to marriage or the relations between husband and wife. syn: 17952 spousal; 22948 conjugal; 24335 wedded; 26655 matrimonial; 30978 nuptial; 51446 connubial


MARSH noun: болото, топь desc: an area of low-lying land that is flooded in wet seasons or at high tide, and typically remains waterlogged at all times. syn: 6420 swamp; 6893 marsh; 11571 bog; 17126 quagmire; 20548 morass; 24055 marshland; 28551 fen; 29605 swampland.


MARTIAL adj: военный, воинственный desc: of or appropriate to war; warlike. syn: 8110 martial; 12292 paramilitary; 24102 warlike; 35627 battle-hardened; 41353 soldierly; 4523 fierce


MARTIAN 1) noun: марсианин desc: a hypothetical or fictional inhabitant of Mars. 2) adj: марсианский desc: of or relating to the planet Mars or its supposed inhabitants. syn: 1) 10025 invader; 22108 Martian; 32448 spaceman 2) 9408 Martian


MARTYR 1) noun: мученик, страдалец desc: a person who is killed because of their religious or other beliefs 2) verb: мучить, замучить desc: to make a martyr of, especially by putting to death; to torment or torture. syn: 1) 2453 supporter; 5422 believer; 8532 martyr; 18912 idealist; 4100 sacrifice; 12241 ransom


MARVEL 1) noun: чудо, замечательная вещь, прекрасный пример, диво desc: a wonderful or astonishing person or thing. 2) verb: восхищаться, удивляться, изумляться desc: be filled with wonder or astonishment. syn: 1) 4097 genius; 9749 marvel; 12267 ace; 14769 prodigy; 17248 whiz; 30335 wunderkind; 3300 miracle 2) 3298 admire; 7943 marvel; 14809 gape


MASSACRE 1) noun: резня, бойня, избиение desc: an indiscriminate and brutal slaughter of people. 2) verb: устраивать резню desc: deliberately and violently kill (a large number of people). syn: 1) 6548 massacre; 7692 genocide; 11806 carnage; 16464 annihilation; 18044 holocaust; 19580 extermination; 24409 bloodbath; 32208 butchery. 2) 8866 slaughter; 14432 decimate; 15285 massacre; 16019 annihilate; 17316 butcher; 18500 exterminate.


MAT Перевод: мат, коврик, циновка, матовый, неполированный, тусклый, делать тусклым, устилать циновками, сбиваться Определение: a piece of protective material placed on a floor, in particular; a small piece of cork, card, or similar material placed on a table or other surface to protect it from the heat or moisture of an object placed on it; a thick, untidy layer of something hairy or woolly; tangle (something, especially hair) in a thick mass.


MATTER 1) noun: вопрос, предмет, содержание desc: physical substance in general, as distinct from mind and spirit; an affair or situation under consideration. 2) verb: иметь значение, гноиться desc: have significance; (of a wound) secrete or discharge pus. syn: 1) 248 issue; 670 subject; 2291 substance 2) 6786 signify


MATURITY noun: зрелость, завершенность, совершеннолетие, достижение полного развития, срок платежа по векселю desc: the state, fact, or period of being mature. syn: 7917 adulthood; 448 development; 6502 maturity; 31365 ripeness; 53507 mellowness; 1068 responsibility; 2973 wisdom; 4235 reliability


MAZE 1) noun: лабиринт, путаница desc: a network of paths and hedges designed as a puzzle through which one has to find a way. 2) verb: бродить по лабиринту, ставить в тупик, приводить в замешательство desc: be dazed and confused. syn: 1) 3404 mess; 7823 maze; 9647 tangle; 14399 jumble; 15219 intricacy; 26743 muddle; 4261 web


MEADOW Перевод: луг, поляна, луговина Определение: a piece of grassland, especially one used for hay.


MEDIATE 1) adj: промежуточный, опосредствованный desc: connected indirectly through another person or thing; involving an intermediate agency. 2) verb: посредничать, служить связующим звеном desc: intervene between people in a dispute in order to bring about an agreement or reconciliation; bring about (a result such as a physiological effect). syn: 2) 2557 negotiate; 3594 facilitate; 5144 intervene; 6654 reconcile; 7491 mediate; 20026 intercede; 26279 referee; 37535 umpire


MEDITERRANEAN 1) noun: Средиземное море desc: the Mediterranean Sea or the countries bordering it; a native of a country bordering on the Mediterranean. 2) adj: удаленный от берегов моря, внутренний desc: of or characteristic of the Mediterranean Sea, the countries bordering it, or their inhabitants. syn: 2) 7757 mediterranean


MEMOIR Перевод: научная статья, краткая автобиография Определение: an essay on a learned subject; a historical account or biography written from personal knowledge or special sources.


MERCURY noun: ртуть, ртутный препарат, пролеска, вестник, посол desc: the chemical element of atomic number 80, a heavy silvery-white metal that is liquid at ordinary temperatures; a plant of the spurge family; a messenger, especially a carrier of news. syn: 8068 mercury


MERE 1) noun: озеро, пруд, водное пространство desc: a lake, pond, or arm of the sea. 2) adj: простой, сущий, не более чем, чистый, явный desc: that is solely or no more or better than what is specified. syn: 1) 2198 lake; 3653 pond; 37658 loch; 2) 2282 ordinary; 3575 plain; 4231 sheer; 9821 meager.


MERELY adv: просто, только, единственно desc: only as specified and nothing more syn: 1) 101 only; 583 simply; 5174 purely


MERIT 1) noun: заслуга, достоинство, качества desc: the quality of being particularly good or worthy, especially so as to deserve praise or reward. 2) verb: заслужить, быть достойным desc: deserve or be worthy of (something, especially reward, punishment, or attention). syn: 1) 822 skill; 2834 worth; 2977 capability; 4346 accomplishment; 4542 merit; 5877 excellence; 1305 advantage; 2106 asset; 764 quality 2) 2238 deserve; 6078 warrant; 10014 merit


MESH 1) noun: меш, зацепление, сети, отверстие, западня, ловушка desc: material made of a network of wire or thread; an interlaced structure. 2) verb: сцепляться, поймать в сети, опутывать сетями, зацеплять desc: (of the teeth of a gearwheel) lock together or be engaged with another gearwheel; represent (a geometric object) as a set of finite elements for computational analysis or modeling. syn: 1) 2385 wire; 2901 net; 4261 web; 7845 mesh; 13320 weave; 15649 lattice; 17604 trellis 2) 3190 suit; 6857 complement; 8591 knit; 11446 tangle; 20508 interconnect; 23141 mesh; 26212 interlock; 29105 interlace


MESS 1) noun: беспорядок, бардак, столовая, грязь, неприятность, блюдо, общее питание, старшинская кают-компания desc: a dirty or untidy state of things or of a place; a situation or state of affairs that is confused or full of difficulties; a building or room in which members of the armed forces take their meals; mess hall. 2) verb: пачкать, грязнить, производить беспорядок, обедать за общим столом, испражняться desc: make untidy or dirty; take one's meals in a particular place or with a particular person, especially in an armed forces' mess. syn: 1) 16218 canteen; 1215 hole; 2335 disaster; 7230 stew; 7532 plight; 9677 predicament; 10281 pickle; 11358 scrape; 2383 disorder; 3755 chaos


MESSY adj: грязный, беспорядочный, неряшливый desc: untidy or dirty; (of a situation) confused and difficult to deal with. syn: 1603 complex; 3053 painful; 3606 bitter; 4517 nasty; 5043 awkward; 6747 messy; 7533 chaotic; 17571 scruffy; 25455 untidy


MID 1) adj: средний, серединный desc: of or in the middle part or position of a range. 2) prep: в середине desc: in the middle of. syn: 1) 989 middle; 3641 medium; 6905 median; 7467 mid; 10791 halfway; 41624 equidistant


MIDST 1) noun: середина desc: the middle point or part. 2) prep: среди, посреди, между desc: in the middle of. syn: 1) 530 center; 1266 middle; 1435 focus; 1964 core; 4380 midst; 6659 hub. 2) 3855 amid; 140 between


MIGHTY 1) adj: могущественный, мощный, громадный desc: possessing great and impressive power or strength, especially on account of size. 2) adv: очень, чрезвычайно desc: extremely. syn: 1) 912 huge; 1975 vast; 2006 massive; 2004 enormous; 5713 immense; 6021 mighty; 7920 gigantic; 8428 monumental; 9394 expansive 2) extremely; exceedingly; enormously; immensely; tremendously; hugely; awfully; majorly; mega


MILITIA noun: милиция, народное ополчение desc: a military force that is raised from the civil population to supplement a regular army in an emergency. syn: 5049 militia; reserves


MILL 1) noun: мельница, завод, фабрика, фреза, дробилка, прокатный стан, пресс, бегущая дорожка, топчак, кулачный бой, тысячная часть доллара, тюрьма desc: a building equipped with machinery for grinding grain into flour; an engine; a boxing match or a fistfight; a monetary unit used only in calculations, worth one thousandth of a dollar. 2) verb: фрезеровать, молоть, толпиться, выделывать, отправлять в тюрьму, тузить, бить, рушить зерно, кружить, пилировать, валять сукно, мять, гуртить монету, обрабатывать на станке desc: grind or crush (something) in a mill; (of people or animals) move around in a confused mass; thicken (wool or another animal fiber) by fulling it. syn: 1) 8456 mortar; 13473 grinder; 27904 crusher; 28312 pounder 2) grind; pulverize; powder; granulate; pound; crush; press; comminute; triturate


MIMIC 1) noun: имитатор, мим, подражатель, мимический актер, обезьяна desc: a person skilled in imitating the voice, mannerisms, or movements of others in an entertaining way. 2) verb: имитировать, подражать, обезьянничать, передразнивать, пародировать, принимать защитную окраску desc: imitate (someone or their actions or words), typically in order to entertain or ridicule. 3) adj: подражательный, ненастоящий, переимчивый, относящийся к мимикрии desc: imitative of something, especially for amusement. syn: 1) 20780 imitator; 20381 copycat; 23895 impersonator; 25141 satirist; 26424 mimic; 34626 impressionist; 37938 caricaturist. 2) 6933 mimic; 7673 mock; 10284 ridicule; 19206 parody; 23142 satirize; 24642 caricature; 33297 ape; 4948 copy; 6232 imitate; 7758 mirror; 8033 simulate; 19449 impersonate.


MINCE 1) noun: фарш desc: something minced, especially mincemeat. 2) verb: рубить, пропускать через мясорубку, крошить, резать на мелкие куски, смягчать, успокаивать, семенить ногами desc: cut up or grind (food, especially meat) into very small pieces, typically in a machine with revolving blades; walk with an affected delicacy or fastidiousness, typically with short quick steps. syn: 1) 30487 mince; 36486 mincemeat 2) 5432 grind; 7146 crumble; 8303 mince; 8882 shred; 20007 hash


MINGLE verb: смешивать, смешиваться desc: mix or cause to mix together. syn: 1769 mix; 3944 blend; 5964 circulate; 8505 mingle; 8503 socialize; 14819 intersperse; 4179 unite


MISCONDUCT 1) noun: проступок, должностное преступление, дурное поведение, супружеская неверность desc: unacceptable or improper behavior, especially by an employee or professional person; mismanagement, especially culpable neglect of duties. 2) verb: дурно вести себя, нарушать супружескую верность, плохо исполнять свои обязанности desc: behave in an improper or unprofessional manner; mismanage (duties or a project). syn: 1) 9110 misconduct; 12466 delinquency; 12871 transgression; 17678 misbehavior


MISERABLE Перевод: несчастный, жалкий, убогий Определение: (of a person) wretchedly unhappy or uncomfortable; pitiably small or inadequate.


MISSILE 1) noun: ракета, реактивный снаряд, метательный снаряд desc: an object that is forcibly propelled at a target, either by hand or from a mechanical weapon. 2) adj: ракетный, реактивный, метательный desc: capable of being thrown, hurled, or shot, as from the hand or a gun. syn: 1) 4878 arrow; 5426 shaft; 4126 rocket; 10059 warhead


MISSIONARY 1) noun: миссионер, проповедник, посланник desc: a person sent on a religious mission, especially one sent to promote Christianity in a foreign country. 2) adj: миссионерский desc: of, relating to, or characteristic of a missionary or a religious mission. syn: 1) 4959 missionary; 14888 crusader; 24872 propagandist; 39660 proselytizer; 2307 priest; 5803 preacher; 12519 evangelist; 14660 apostle 2) missional


MIST 1) noun: туман, дымка, мгла, туман перед глазами, пасмурность desc: a cloud of tiny water droplets suspended in the atmosphere at or near the earth's surface limiting visibility, but to a lesser extent than fog; strictly, with visibility remaining above 1.5 miles (1 km). 2) verb: застилать туманом, затуманивать desc: cover or become covered with mist. syn: 1) 4172 steam; 4457 spray; 4961 fog; 6046 mist; 8307 haze; 8364 vapor; 13362 smog 2) befog; becloud; haze over; obnubilate; obscure; mist over


MISTRESS noun: госпожа, любовница, возлюбленная, барыня, владычица, повелительница, хозяйка дома, преподавательница, искусница desc: a woman in a position of authority or control; a woman having an extramarital sexual relationship, especially with a married man; used as a title prefixed to the name of a married woman; Mrs. syn: 900 expert; 2562 specialist; 4150 queen; 24823 concubine; 30639 paramour; 1022 owner; 2311 employer; 2338 boss; 7302 mistress; 9285 tutor; 10887 schoolteacher.


MITIGATE verb: смягчать, уменьшать, облегчать, умерять, успокаивать боль desc: make less severe, serious, or painful. syn: 3793 relieve; 3989 diminish; 4916 soften; 14331 dull; 7660 alleviate; 7784 lessen; 9178 mitigate; 13681 abate; 17454 assuage


MOAN 1) noun: стон, жалоба desc: a long, low sound made by a person expressing physical or mental suffering or sexual pleasure. 2) verb: стонать, жаловаться, охать, канючить, ворчать desc: make a long, low sound expressing physical or mental suffering or sexual pleasure. syn: 1) 11538 sob; 12320 moan; 13739 wail; 15184 grouse; 14745 lament; 19247 gripe; 27643 grumble 2) 7783 moan; 8055 whine; 25050 carp; 4884 mutter; 7293 groan; 14497 whimper; 30085 keen


MOB Перевод: толпа, чернь, мафия, нападать толпой, толпиться, окружать Определение: a large crowd of people, especially one that is disorderly and intent on causing trouble or violence; crowd around (someone) in an unruly and excitable way in order to admire or attack them.


MOCK 1) noun: насмешка, пародия, подражание desc: an object of derision. 2) adj: ложный, фиктивный, пародийный, притворный, поддельный desc: not authentic or real, but without the intention to deceive. 3) verb: высмеивать, издеваться, глумиться, передразнивать, сводить на нет, пародировать, делать бесполезным desc: tease or laugh at in a scornful or contemptuous manner. syn: 2) 5151 fake; 8848 mock; 24086 ersatz; 11380 simulated; 20609 pretend; 29442 pseudo 3) 6933 mimic; 7673 mock; 8033 simulate; 19206 parody; 23142 satirize; 24642 caricature; 33297 ape; 10911 taunt


MODEST adj: скромный, умеренный, сдержанный, застенчивый, нетребовательный, неприхотливый, благопристойный desc: unassuming or moderate in the estimation of one's abilities or achievements; (of an amount, rate, or level of something) relatively moderate, limited, or small; (of a woman) dressing or behaving so as to avoid impropriety or indecency, especially to avoid attracting sexual attention. syn: 360 low; 1489 fair; 2526 reasonable; 14109 token; 16507 unassuming; 4447 shy


MOGUL noun: могул, важная персона desc: an important or powerful person, especially in the motion picture or media industry; a steam locomotive with three pairs of driving wheels and one pair of smaller wheels in the front. syn: 4316 entrepreneur; 9066 mogul; 10946 czar; 15449 industrialist; 15323 tycoon; 16949 magnate


MOIST adj: влажный, сырой, увлажненный, дождливый desc: slightly wet; damp or humid. syn: 5626 damp; 6085 saturated; 6635 moist; 10966 humid; 12986 soggy; 20487 clammy; 29325 soaking.


MOISTURE Перевод: влага, влажность, сырость Определение: water or other liquid diffused in a small quantity as vapor, within a solid, or condensed on a surface.


MOLD 1) noun: плесень, форма, шаблон, матрица, изложница, облом, перегной, характер, лекало, мульда, жидкая глина, взрыхленная земля, формочка для пудинга, гумус, калевка, опалубка для бетона, поясок, валик desc: a hollow container used to give shape to molten or hot liquid material (such as wax or metal) when it cools and hardens; a distinctive and typical style, form, or character; a frame or template for producing moldings; a furry growth of minute fungal hyphae occurring typically in moist warm conditions, especially on food or other organic matter. 2) verb: формировать, лепить, отливать в форму, плесневеть, покрываться плесенью, создавать, делать по шаблону, оставаться без употребления desc: form (an object with a particular shape) out of easily manipulated material. syn: 1) 2488 convention; 3410 norm; 6168 mold; 40081 rulebook; 276 line; 590 type; 786 character; 1172 variety; 1839 bowl; 1843 frame; 2576 shell; 5227 outline; 4347 cast 2) 332 create; 887 form; 964 affect; 1802 influence; 2985 guide; 5364 forge; 7148 mold; 2493 construct; 2443 shape; 4516 model; 1353 fit; 1534 press; 4649 cling; 13642 encase


MOLE noun: моль, родинка, крот, занос, родимое пятно, невус, дамба, невоидная опухоль, грамм-молекула desc: a small burrowing insectivorous mammal with dark velvety fur, a long muzzle, and very small eyes; a spy who achieves over a long period an important position within the security defenses of a country; a small, often slightly raised blemish on the skin made dark by a high concentration of melanin; a large solid structure on a shore serving as a pier, breakwater, or causeway; an abnormal mass of tissue in the uterus; a highly spiced Mexican sauce made chiefly from chili peppers and chocolate, served with meat. syn: 4893 spy; 8963 mole; 33444 infiltrator


MOOSE noun: американский лось desc: a large deer with palmate antlers, a sloping back, and a growth of skin hanging from the neck. It is native to northern Eurasia and northern North America. syn: 8142 moose


MORTAR 1) noun: миномет, строительный раствор, ступка, мортира desc: a cup-shaped receptacle made of hard material, in which ingredients are crushed or ground, used especially in cooking or pharmacy; a short, smoothbore gun for firing shells (technically called bombs) at high angles; a mixture of lime with cement, sand, and water, used in building to bond bricks or stones. 2) verb: обстреливать минометным огнем, толочь в ступе desc: attack or bombard with shells fired from a mortar; fix or join using mortar. syn: 1) 7372 filling; 8392 plaster; 8456 mortar; 20334 putty; 25043 grout; 26513 sealant; 7372 filling 2) 21450 mortar


MOSQUE Перевод: мечеть Определение: a Muslim place of worship.


MOTH noun: моль, мотылек, ночная бабочка desc: any of numerous insects of the order Lepidoptera, generally distinguished from the butterflies by having feathery antennae and by having crepuscular or nocturnal habits. syn: 8740 moth


MOTTO noun: девиз, лозунг, эпиграф desc: a short sentence or phrase chosen as encapsulating the beliefs or ideals guiding an individual, family, or institution. syn: 6155 slogan; 9237 motto; 13351 proverb; 16370 maxim; 16448 adage; 17763 axiom; 18010 dictum


MOUND 1) noun: курган, насыпь, могильный холм, большое количество, держава desc: a rounded mass projecting above a surface; a ball representing the earth, used as part of royal regalia, e.g., on top of a crown, typically of gold and surmounted by a cross. 2) verb: делать насыпь, насыпать холм desc: heap up into a rounded pile. syn: 1) 2022 hill; 1970 rise; 5119 mound; 7130 dune; 15242 embankment; 19693 knoll; 26565 hillock; 1999 mass; 2955 load; 3022 pile 2) pile (up); heap (up)


MOURN verb: печалиться, сетовать, оплакивать, горевать, носить траур desc: feel or show deep sorrow or regret for (someone or their death), typically by following conventions such as the wearing of black clothes. syn: 6867 mourn; 7508 lament; 9981 grieve; 15737 bemoan; 17055 pine; 30085 keen; 41427 bewail


MOURNING noun: траур, плач, скорбь, печаль, горе, рыдание desc: the expression of deep sorrow for someone who has died, typically involving following certain conventions such as wearing black clothes. syn: 5569 sadness; 6389 sorrow; 9419 mourning; 21086 bereavement; 25801 lamentation; 8271 woe


MUG 1) noun: кружка, морда, балбес, кубок, гримаса, новичок, простофиля, прохладительный напиток, зубрила, экзамен, рот desc: a large cup, typically cylindrical and with a handle and used without a saucer; a person's face; a hoodlum or thug; a stupid or gullible person. 2) verb: гримасничать, переигрывать, фотографировать, зубрить desc: attack and rob (someone) in a public place; make faces, especially silly or exaggerated ones, before an audience or a camera; learn or review a subject as much as possible in a short time; cram. syn: 1) 6180 mug; 18360 teacup; 24109 beaker; 39851 demitasse; 9832 jug; 24398 stein; 31471 tankard 2) 1542 attack; 5123 rob; 7224 assault; 13230 ambush; 15994 mug


MULE noun: мул, мюль, упрямец, толкач, тягач, домашняя туфля без задника, гибрид, мюль-машина desc: the offspring of a donkey and a horse (strictly, a male donkey and a female horse), typically sterile and used as a beast of burden; a hybrid plant or animal, especially a sterile one; a kind of spinning machine producing yarn on spindles, invented by Samuel Crompton (1753-1827) in 1779; a coin with the obverse and reverse of designs not originally intended to be used together; a slipper or light shoe without a back. syn: 6700 mule


MUMBLE 1) noun: бормотание desc: a quiet and indistinct utterance. 2) verb: бормотать, заплетаться, бурчать, шамкать, с трудом жевать desc: say something indistinctly and quietly, making it difficult for others to hear. syn: 1) 31133 mumble 2) 6118 murmur; 7604 mumble; 14841 stammer; 14878 stutter; 15261 intone; 16095 babble; 16191 drone; 19294 slur; 39643 garble; 43024 gabble


MUNDANE adj: мирской, земной, светский desc: lacking interest or excitement; dull; of this earthly world rather than a heavenly or spiritual one. syn: 3312 everyday; 4963 boring; 5147 dull; 8837 commonplace; 8995 mundane; 10758 tedious


MURAL 1) noun: фреска, стенная роспись desc: a painting or other work of art executed directly on a wall. 2) adj: стенной, интрамуральный desc: of, like, or relating to a wall. syn: 1) 7384 mural; 12414 fresco; 21170 frieze


MURKY adj: темный, мрачный, пасмурный, сомнительный desc: dark and gloomy, especially due to thick mist. syn: 5804 dim; 6576 muddy; 9265 murky; 11381 misty; 9929 shadowy; 10054 gloomy; 10472 cloudy


MURMUR 1) noun: ропот, журчание, шепот, шорох, ворчание, жужжание, приглушенный шум голосов, шум в сердце desc: a soft, indistinct sound made by a person or group of people speaking quietly or at a distance. 2) verb: роптать, бормотать, шептать, журчать, шелестеть, жужжать, ворчать desc: say something in a low, soft, or indistinct voice. syn: 1) 11150 murmur; 27643 grumble; 5839 whisper. 2) 6118 murmur; 4884 mutter; 7604 mumble; 16172 purr; 16095 babble; 16257 croon.


MUSTER 1) noun: перекличка, осмотр, освидетельствование, сбор, скопление, общее число, судовая роль, стая desc: an assembling of troops or persons for formal inspection or other purposes;an assemblage or collection; the act of mustering. 2) verb: собираться, набираться, проверять desc: assemble (troops), especially for inspection or in preparation for battle; collect or assemble (a number or amount). syn: 1) 772 meeting; 1046 collection; 3996 assembly; 4030 gathering; 5040 congregation; 24446 muster 2) 1322 collect; 1351 gather; 3583 assemble; 5505 rally; 8581 muster; 12473 marshal; 18820 aggregate


MUTTER 1) noun: бормотание, ворчание, отдаленные раскаты desc: a barely audible utterance, especially a dissatisfied or irritated one. 2) verb: бормотать, бурчать, говорить тихо, говорить невнятно, говорить по секрету, глухо грохотать desc: say something in a low or barely audible voice, especially in dissatisfaction or irritation. syn: 1) mussitation; murmuration; murmur 2) 4884 mutter; 8717 grumble; 16191 drone; 19294 slur; 27750 burble; 43024 gabble


MYRIAD 1) noun: мириады, несчетное число, десять тысяч desc: a countless or extremely great number. 2) adj: бесчисленный, несметный desc: countless or extremely great in number. syn: 1) 1274 crowd; 1544 army; 1850 host; 1999 mass; 2575 wealth; 2955 load; 7197 heap; 7218 myriad; 8590 multitude 2) innumerable; countless; infinite; numerous; numberless


NAMELY Перевод: именно, то есть, а именно Определение: that is to say; to be specific (used to introduce detailed information or a specific example).


NARRATIVE 1) noun: повествование, рассказ, повесть, изложение фактов, сюжетно-тематическая картина desc: a spoken or written account of connected events; a story. 2) adj: повествовательный desc: in the form of or concerned with narration. syn: 1) 2986 plot; 350 history; 1072 account; 2184 description; 2253 tale; 14404 chronicle


NASAL 1) adj: носовой, назальный, гнусавый desc: of, for, or relating to the nose; (of a speech sound) pronounced by the voice resonating in the nose, e.g., m , n , ng. 2) noun: носовой звук desc: a nasal speech sound; a nosepiece on a helmet. syn: 1) 7857 nasal; 12364 muffled; 18833 indistinct; 33315 slurred; 48127 adenoidal 2) 51167 nasal


NAVAL adj: морской, флотский, военно-морской desc: of, in, or relating to a navy or navies. syn: 4989 naval; 9841 maritime; 16701 nautical; 19038 navigational; 27309 seafaring


NEAT adj: аккуратный, чистый, изящный, ловкий, отличный, четкий, лаконичный, замечательный, искусный, ясный desc: (of a place or thing) arranged in an orderly, tidy way; done with or demonstrating skill or efficiency; (of liquid, especially liquor) not diluted or mixed with anything else. syn: 3973 elegant; 4727 neat; 6286 compact; 6468 handy; 10612 trim; 33976 natty; 15386 deft; 1134 effective; 11828 ingenious


NEATLY Перевод: аккуратно, чётко, опрятно Определение: in a neat way.


NEBULA noun: туманность, бельмо, помутнение роговой оболочки desc: a cloud of gas and dust in outer space, visible in the night sky either as an indistinct bright patch or as a dark silhouette against other luminous matter; a clouded spot on the cornea causing defective vision. syn: 8353 nebula


NECKLACE noun: ожерелье, колье, монисто desc: an ornamental chain or string of beads, jewels, or links worn around the neck; (chiefly in South Africa) a tire doused or filled with gasoline, placed around a victim's neck, and set on fire. syn: 1815 chain; 2687 string; 3330 rope; 6678 necklace; 27392 choker


NEEDLE 1) noun: игла, спица, стрелка прибора, крючок, шпиль, обелиск, дурное настроение, шпиц desc: a very fine slender piece of metal with a point at one end and a hole or eye for thread at the other, used in sewing; something resembling a sewing needle in use, shape, or appearance, especially. 2) verb: язвить, протискиваться, шить, прокалывать иглой, проникать, раздражать, подстрекать desc: prick or pierce (something) with or as if with a needle; provoke or annoy (someone), especially by continual criticism or questioning. syn: 1) 10915 pointer; 4952 spine; 6806 sticker; 7504 spike; 17186 barb; 29927 prickle 2) 5520 tease; 8623 irritate; 10068 annoy; 10041 aggravate; 12984 gnaw; 13373 enrage; 17810 rile


NESTLE verb: прижаться, примоститься, прильнуть, ютиться, удобно устроиться, обхватить desc: settle or lie comfortably within or against something. syn: 751 lie; 749 protect; 4916 soften; 12465 burrow; 8395 shelter; 8879 nestle; 14152 cushion; 7305 huddle


NIPPLE noun: соска, ниппель, патрубок, бугор, пузырь в стекле, боек ударника, соединительная гайка desc: the small projection in which the mammary ducts of female mammals terminate and from which milk can be secreted; a small projection on a device or machine, especially one from which oil, grease, or other fluid is dispensed in small amounts. syn: 9029 nipple


NOBLE Перевод: благородный, знатный, величественный, дворянин, нобль, титулованное лицо Определение: belonging to a hereditary class with high social or political status; aristocratic; having or showing fine personal qualities or high moral principles and ideals; a former English gold coin.


NOSTRIL noun: ноздря desc: either of two external openings of the nasal cavity in vertebrates that admit air to the lungs and smells to the olfactory nerves. syn: 8817 nostril


NOTORIOUS adj: пресловутый, заведомый, отъявленный, пользующийся дурной славой, общеизвестный desc: famous or well known, typically for some bad quality or deed. syn: 7795 infamous; 21290 tarnished; 25339 disreputable; 26815 dishonorable


NOVEL 1) noun: роман, повесть, зерно, новый хлеб desc: a fictitious prose narrative of book length, typically representing character and action with some degree of realism. 2) adj: новый, оригинальный, неизведанный desc: new or unusual in an interesting way. syn: 1) 241 book; 2253 tale; 3116 narrative 2) 237 different; 1108 fresh; 1136 original; 1735 unique


NUCLEUS noun: ядро, зародыш, центр, ячейка, клеточное ядро, косточка, нервный центр desc: the central and most important part of an object, movement, or group, forming the basis for its activity and growth. syn: 530 center; 1311 basis; 1435 focus; 1964 core; 7049 nucleus; 22428 nub


NUDGE 1) noun: легкий толчок локтем desc: a light touch or push. 2) verb: слегка подталкивать локтем desc: prod (someone) gently, typically with one's elbow, in order to draw their attention to something. syn: 1) 5551 push; 11111 jolt; 21626 nudge; 23164 prod 2) 4423 shove; 5685 bump; 7863 nudge; 19600 elbow


NUN Перевод: монахиня, болотная галка, лазорёвка Определение: a member of a religious community of women, especially a cloistered one, living under vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience.


NURSERY Перевод: питомник, детская, ясли Определение: a room in a house for the special use of young children.


NURSING Перевод: уход, кормящая грудью Определение: the profession or practice of providing care for the sick and infirm.


NURTURE Перевод: воспитание, обучение, питание, воспитывать, питать, обучать Определение: the process of caring for and encouraging the growth or development of someone or something; care for and encourage the growth or development of.


OAK noun: дуб, древесина дуба, венок из дубовых листьев, наружная дверь, изделия из дуба desc: a tree that bears acorns as fruit, and typically has lobed deciduous leaves. Oaks are common in many north temperate forests and are an important source of hard and durable wood used chiefly in construction, furniture, and (formerly) shipbuilding. syn: oak tree


OATH noun: клятва, присяга, ругательства, божба, богохульство, проклятия desc: a solemn promise, often invoking a divine witness, regarding one's future action or behavior; a profane or offensive expression used to express anger or other strong emotions. syn: 6922 curse; 16815 expletive; 2012 promise; 38444 imprecation; 5773 assurance; 6439 oath


OBESITY noun: ожирение, тучность, полнота desc: the condition of being grossly fat or overweight. syn: 22411 heaviness; 33175 fatness; 37264 largeness; 43397 plumpness; 53975 corpulence; 7280 obesity.


OBEY Перевод: повиноваться, подчиняться, слушаться Определение: comply with the command, direction, or request of (a person or a law); submit to the authority of.


OBLIGATION noun: обязательство, обязанность, долг, чувство признательности desc: an act or course of action to which a person is morally or legally bound; a duty or commitment. syn: 1302 understanding; 1273 contract; 1621 commitment; 1881 debt; 2012 promise; 12417 compulsion; 4360 appreciation; 7166 gratitude; 13826 acknowledgement.


OBLIGE verb: обязать, заставлять, угождать, одалживать, связывать обязательством desc: make (someone) legally or morally bound to an action or course of action. syn: 2491 assist; 3745 accommodate; 4120 please; 6781 oblige; 6941 indulge; 18644 gratify; 446 require; 850 force; 4489 compel; 10476 necessitate


OBLIVIOUS adj: не обращающий внимания, забывчивый, рассеянный, непомнящий, дающий забвение desc: not aware of or not concerned about what is happening around one. syn: 6019 unaware; 7478 ignorant; 8586 oblivious; 34934 insensible; 37361 unmindful


OBSCURE Перевод: смутный, неясный, темный, затемнять, загораживать, затушёвывать Определение: not discovered or known about; uncertain; keep from being seen; conceal.


OBSOLETE adj: устарелый, отживший, вышедший из употребления, атрофированный, рудиментарный desc: no longer produced or used; out of date; (of a part or characteristic of an organism) less developed than formerly or in a related species; rudimentary; vestigial. syn: 4782 old-fashioned; 9056 obsolete; 11440 dated; 10469 outdated; 13544 archaic; 14924 antiquated


OBSTRUCTION noun: препятствие, обструкция, непроходимость, закупорка, помеха, заграждение, затруднение продвижения desc: the action of obstructing or the state of being obstructed. syn: 1693 difficulty; 2625 barrier; 3595 obstacle; 9186 obstruction; 10853 impediment; 11856 blockade


OCCUPATION noun: оккупация, занятие, профессия, занятость, завладение desk: a job or profession; the action, state, or period of occupying or being occupied by military force; the action or fact of living in or using a building or other place. syn: 1048 task; 2515 enterprise; 3903 pursuit; 243 job; 246 business; 512 position; 741 career; 1333 living; 10141 vocation.


OCCUPATIONAL adj: профессиональный desc: of or relating to a job or profession. syn: 1923 industrial; 2836 working; 6581 occupational; 19938 work-related; 23196 job-related.


ODDLY adv: странно, чудно desc: in a ​strange or ​surprising way. syn: 6359 unusually; 6882 strangely; 22715 weirdly; 7434 extraordinarily; 12201 mysteriously; 17755 peculiarly; 19940 abnormally


OFFEND Перевод: Определение: cause to feel upset, annoyed, or resentful; commit an illegal act.


OFFSET 1) noun: смещение, офсет, компенсация, противовес, возмещение, отвод, ответвление, выступ, изгиб, контраст, колено, потомок, вознаграждение, побег desc: a consideration or amount that diminishes or balances the effect of a contrary one; the amount or distance by which something is out of line; a side shoot from a plant serving for propagation; a sloping ledge in a wall or other feature where the thickness of the part above is diminished; a method of printing in which ink is transferred from a plate or stone to a uniform rubber surface and from that to the paper. 2) verb: компенсировать, возмещать, сводить баланс, вознаграждать, печатать офсетным способом desc: counteract (something) by having an opposing force or effect; place out of line; (of ink or a freshly printed page) transfer an impression to the next leaf or sheet. 3) adj: офсетный, смещенный, диаксиальный, необоснованный desc: of, noting, or pertaining to an offset; placed away from a center line; off-center; placed at an angle to something, as to the axis of a form, shape, or object; not parallel. syn: 1) 3826 compensation; 24382 equalizer; 27352 offset; 53609 counterpoise; 57451 equipoise 2) 5088 compensate; 6261 offset; 12456 counteract; 18615 equalize


OFFSPRING noun: потомок, отпрыск, плод, приплод, результат, исчадие, выходец, продукт desc: a person's child or children. syn: 6604 offspring; 8240 litter; 15055 brood; 17240 posterity; 17633 progeny.


OMINOUS adj: зловещий, угрожающий desc: giving the impression that something bad or unpleasant is going to happen; threatening; inauspicious. syn: 8534 ominous; 10054 gloomy; 11364 threatening; 11709 menacing; 28491 portentous; 30622 unpromising


OMIT Перевод: пропускать, не включать, упускать Определение: leave out or exclude (someone or something), either intentionally or forgetfully.


ONION noun: лук, луковица, репчатый лук, onion голова desc: an edible bulb with a pungent taste and smell, composed of several concentric layers, used in cooking; the plant that produces the onion, with long rolled or straplike leaves and spherical heads of greenish-white flowers.


ONSET noun: начало, натиск, атака, нападение desc: the beginning of something, especially something unpleasant. syn: 1536 start; 3215 arrival; 7206 onset; 10574 inception; 14032 commencement


OPPRESSION noun: угнетение, гнет, притеснение, подавленность, угнетенность, сжимание, стеснение в груди, удушье desc: prolonged cruel or unjust treatment or control. syn: 6936 oppression; 7477 domination; 7817 repression; 8491 cruelty; 9030 persecution; 9991 coercion; 9546 tyranny; 21678 subjugation.


ORCHARD noun: фруктовый сад desc: a piece of land planted with fruit trees. syn: 5807 plantation; 7377 orchard; 8327 grove; 31333 copse; 59908 spinney


ORDEAL noun: тяжелое/суровое испытание, мытарство, суд божий desc: a painful or horrific experience, especially a protracted one; an ancient test of guilt or innocence by subjection of the accused to severe pain, survival of which was taken as divine proof of innocence. syn: 899 trial; 982 trouble; 3612 nightmare; 3964 suffering; 7836 ordeal; 14180 torment; 14148 affliction; 17922 tribulation


ORDERLY 1) adj: упорядоченный, дневальный, аккуратный, организованный, спокойный, регулярный, хорошего поведения, правильный desc: neatly and methodically arranged. 2) noun: санитар, ординарец, дневальный, дежурный, связной, уборщик улиц desc: an attendant in a hospital responsible for the nonmedical care of patients and the maintenance of order and cleanliness; a soldier who carries out orders or performs minor tasks for an officer. syn: 1) 4727 neat; 4958 organized; 5468 systematic; 7881 orderly; 10093 tidy; 15316 methodical; 15026 obedient; 16338 amenable 2) 19867 orderly


ORDINANCE noun: таинство, указ, обряд, закон, декрет, постановление муниципалитета desc: a piece of legislation enacted by a municipal authority; an authoritative order; a decree; a prescribed religious rite. syn: 633 rule; 684 order; 1681 regulation; 3238 sanction; 8061 ordinance; 8567 decree; 15837 edict


ORIENTAL 1) noun: житель Востока desc: a person of East Asian descent. 2) adj: восточный, азиатский, востоковедческий desc: of, from, or characteristic of East Asia; (of a pearl or other jewel) orient. syn: 1) 58267 oriental 2) 9169 oriental


ORIGIN noun: происхождение, начало, источник, первопричина, корень дерева desc: the point or place where something begins, arises, or is derived; the place or point where a muscle, nerve, or other body part arises, in particular; a fixed point from which coordinates are measured, as where axes intersect. syn: 1008 cause; 1202 beginning; 1311 basis; 2270 foundation; 21650 derivation


ORIGINATE Перевод: происходить, возникать, создавать Определение: have a specified beginning.


ORPHAN 1) noun: сирота, висячая строка desc: a child whose parents are dead; the first line of a paragraph set as the last line of a page or column, considered undesirable. 2) verb: делать сиротой, лишать родителей desc: make (a person or animal) an orphan. syn: 1) 363 girl; 382 boy; 7649 orphan; 16081 urchin; 26117 waif; 35367 foundling 2) 39350 orphan


OSTENSIBLY adv: якобы, по видимости desc: apparently or purportedly, but perhaps not actually. syn: 3567 seemingly; 4593 supposedly; 4700 allegedly; 9350 ostensibly; 4326 presumably; 20161 superficially


OUTFIT 1) noun: снаряжение, оборудование, одежда, группа, предприятие, набор, установка, часть, агрегат, аппаратура, экспедиция desc: a set of clothes worn together, typically for a particular occasion or purpose. 2) verb: экипировать, снаряжать, обмундировать, снабжать оборудованием desc: provide (someone) with a set of clothes. syn: 1) 189 company; 246 business; 307 team; 351 party; 967 unit; 1138 troop; 4440 outfit; 5943 setup; 1753 dress; 5279 ensemble; 10867 guise 2) 4178 equip; 4716 arm; 7455 furnish; 12458 outfit


OUTGOING 1) noun: издержки desc: a person's regular expenditure. 2) adj: исходящий, уходящий, общительный, отбывающий, дружелюбный, отзывчивый desc: friendly and socially confident; leaving an office or position, especially after an election defeat or completed term of office. syn: 2) 11984 outward; 24901 departing; 16058 retiring; 43449 exiting; 9208 outgoing; 9394 expansive; 16909 affable; 17962 gregarious


OUTING noun: выход, пикник, загородная прогулка/экскурсия desc: a trip taken for pleasure, especially one lasting a day or less; the act or practice of revealing the homosexuality of a person. syn: 1470 visit; 7859 outing; 8441 excursion; 10626 getaway; 19221 jaunt; 23961 junket


OUTLET noun: выход, выпускное отверстие, выпуск, отдушина, торговая точка, сток, рынок сбыта, штепсельная розетка, вытекание desc: a pipe or hole through which water or gas may escape; a place from which goods are sold or distributed; a means of expressing one's talents, energy, or emotions. syn: 700 store; 1342 shop; 4552 retailer; 4668 outlet; 11439 showroom; 1616 instrument; 2534 channel; 7741 vent; 2224 passage; 2534 channel; 2999 pipe; 3828 exit


OUTLOOK Перевод: перспектива, кругозор, вид Определение: a person's point of view or general attitude to life; a view.


OUTNUMBER verb: превосходить численно desc: be more numerous than. syn: 9383 outnumber; 16936 outstrip


OUTPOST noun: аванпост, застава, сторожевое охранение, отдаленное поселение desc: a small military camp or position at some distance from the main force, used especially as a guard against surprise attack; a remote part of a country or empire. syn: 937 base; 2180 settlement; 2161 post; 3701 colony; 9411 outpost; 14503 garrison


OUTRAGE Перевод: произвол, безобразие, надругательство, надругаться, оскорбить, насиловать Определение: an extremely strong reaction of anger, shock, or indignation; arouse fierce anger, shock, or indignation in (someone).


OUTRAGED adj: недовольный, возмущенный, поруганный, разгневанный desc: ​feeling outrage syn: 5607 furious; 5748 shocked; 20185 livid; 7175 outraged; 30813 infuriated; 45830 scandalized


OUTRAGEOUS adj: возмутительный, неистовый, вопиющий, скандальный, жестокий, оскорбительный desc: shockingly bad or excessive; very bold, unusual, and startling. syn: 3188 offensive; 6100 shocking; 6156 outrageous; 12079 shameful; 17070 despicable; 19846 disgraceful; 27061 contemptible


OUTREACH 1) noun: пропаганда, расширение desc: the extent or length of reaching out. 2) verb: превышать, превосходить desc: reach further than. syn: 1) 8048 outreach 2) 18592 outreach


OUTSET noun: боковик, начало, отправление desc: the start or beginning of something. syn: 1536 start; 7206 onset; 8109 outset; 12586 kickoff; 10574 inception


OUTSKIRTS noun: окраина, предместья, опушка desc: the outer parts of a town or city. syn: 1679 limit; 8612 outskirts; 10298 periphery; 17251 environs


OUTSPOKEN adj: откровенный, прямой, искренний, выраженный, высказанный desc: frank in stating one's opinions, especially if they are critical or controversial. syn: 2546 honest; 7161 blunt; 8975 outspoken; 8377 frank; 9627 candid; 15761 forthright; 29667 opinionated


OUTWARD 1) adj: внешний, направленный наружу, видимый, поверхностный desc: of, on, or from the outside; going out or away from a place. 2) adv: наружу, вне, за пределы desc: away from the center or a particular point; toward the outside. syn: 1) 2318 visible; 2518 apparent; 2881 external; 8645 noticeable; 11984 outward 2) 269 away; 8760 outward; 32322 outwards


OVEN noun: духовка, печь, духовой шкаф desc: an enclosed compartment, as in a kitchen range, for cooking and heating food; a cremation chamber in a Nazi concentration camp. syn: 1091 senior; 5187 mature; 5366 aging; 8636 aged.


OVERHEAD Перевод: накладные расходы, над головой, наверху, на небе, верхний, подвесной, потолочный Определение: situated above the level of the head; above the level of the head; in the sky; overhead cost or expense.


OVERHEAR verb: подслушивать, нечаянно услышать desc: hear (someone or something) without meaning to or without the knowledge of the speaker. syn: 8693 overhear; 15464 eavesdrop


OVERSEE verb: наблюдать, надзирать, подсматривать, случайно увидеть desc: supervise (a person or work), especially in an official capacity. syn: 946 manage; 1565 direct; 3688 administer; 5670 supervise; 20744 mastermind; 46150 superintend


OVERSIGHT noun: недосмотр, надзор, оплошность, присмотр desc: an unintentional failure to notice or do something; the action of overseeing something. syn: 2212 error; 6004 slip; 6142 oversight; 8252 misunderstanding; 10169 lapse; 10784 omission; 17920 inaccuracy; 45301 flub; 50398 bungle; 907 management


OVERT adj: открытый, явный, очевидный, нескрываемый desc: done or shown openly; plainly or readily apparent, not secret or hidden. syn: 581 open; 1696 obvious; 2518 apparent; 3489 evident; 3575 plain; 4872 explicit; 9426 overt


OVERTAKE verb: догонять, настигать, наверстать, овладевать, застигать врасплох desc: catch up with and pass while traveling in the same direction; (especially of misfortune) come suddenly or unexpectedly upon. syn: 1146 strike; 9070 overtake; 9777 engulf; 16574 assail; 441 pass; 12016 overhaul; 16538 outdo


OVERTHROW 1) noun: свержение, поражение desc: a removal from power; a defeat or downfall; (in baseball and other games) a throw that sends a ball past its intended recipient or target; a panel of decorated wrought-iron work above an arch or gateway. 2) verb: низвергнуть, свергать, опрокидывать, побеждать, уничтожать desc: remove forcibly from power; throw (a ball) further or harder than intended. syn: 1) 4555 coup; 6416 rebellion; 7284 takeover; 9268 upheaval; 15101 overthrow; 17208 rout 2) 6834 conquer; 7631 topple; 8713 overthrow; 9928 oust; 16609 depose; 42635 dethrone


OYSTER noun: устрица desc: any of a number of bivalve mollusks with rough irregular shells. Several kinds are eaten (especially raw) as a delicacy and may be farmed for food or pearls; a shade of grayish white. syn: 6390 oyster


PACT noun: пакт, договор, соглашение desc: a formal agreement between individuals or parties. syn: 1060 agreement; 1273 contract; 2853 treaty; 2180 settlement; 6154 accord; 6778 pact; 30240 concord


PADDLE 1) noun: весло, лопасть, затвор, валек, гребля, плавник, плавательная пластинка desc: a short pole with a broad blade at one or both ends, used without an oarlock to move a small boat or canoe through the water; an act of walking with bare feet in shallow water. 2) verb: плескаться, ковылять, играть руками, медленно грести, шлепать по воде desc: move through the water in a boat using a paddle or paddles; beat (someone) with a paddle as a punishment; walk with bare feet in shallow water. syn: 1) 7002 sweep; 11008 paddle; 15036 oar 2) 10064 row; 25250 scull; 358 walk; 6793 splash; 7682 bathe; 9384 paddle; 15328 dabble


PAL 1) noun: приятель, дружок, товарищ, собутыльник, пердун, соучастник desc: the television broadcasting system used in most of Europe; a friend. 2) verb: дружить, подружиться desc: spend time with a friend. syn: 1) 4093 mate; 4141 buddy; 5071 pal; 7547 comrade; 14046 crony; 17067 chum 2) chum up; pal up


PALM 1) noun: ладонь, пальма, победа, триумф, лапа якоря, лопасть desc: an unbranched evergreen tree with a crown of long feathered or fan-shaped leaves, and typically having old leaf scars forming a regular pattern on the trunk; the inner surface of the hand between the wrist and fingers. 2) verb: гладить, прятать в руке, трогать ладонью, подкупать desc: conceal (a card or other small object) in the hand, especially as part of a trick or theft; hit (something) with the palm of the hand. syn: 1) 4885 ribbon; 2589 award; 3714 prize 2) 1242 handle


PAMPHLET noun: брошюра, памфлет, технический проспект desc: a small booklet or leaflet containing information or arguments about a single subject. syn: 6215 tract; 6680 brochure; 9144 pamphlet; 10882 booklet; 14067 leaflet


PANT 1) noun: тяжелое дыхание, пыхтение, одышка, затрудненное дыхание, биение сердца desc: the act of panting; a short, quick, labored effort at breathing; a puff, as of an engine. 2) verb: задыхаться, пыхтеть, страстно желать, часто и тяжело дышать, выпаливать, тосковать, сильно биться desc: breathe with short, quick breaths, typically from exertion or excitement; to gasp, as for air; to emit steam or the like in loud puffs. syn: 1) 8436 puff; 10329 gasp 2) 14959 wheeze; 15303 huff


PAPERBACK noun: книга в мягкой обложке/в бумажной обложке desc: a book bound in stiff paper or flexible cardboard. syn: 1653 novel; 8387 paperback; 42484 softcover


PAR Перевод: паритет, номинал, равенство Определение: the number of strokes a first-class player should normally require for a particular hole or course; the face value of a stock or other security, as distinct from its market value; play (a hole) in par.


PARAMOUNT adj: первостепенный, верховный, важнейший, высший desc: more important than anything else; supreme. syn: 1450 chief; 1623 supreme; 2933 vital; 3194 dominant; 3328 principal; 9486 paramount


PARISH noun: округ, прихожане, церковный приход desc: (in the Christian Church) a small administrative district typically having its own church and a priest or pastor. syn: 296 community; 1135 neighborhood; 1270 district; 1249 village; 4614 parish; 11353 locality


PARLOR noun: кабинет, зал, гостиная, приемная, ателье, отдельный кабинет, общая комната desc: a sitting room in a private house; a shop or business providing specified goods or services. syn: 1342 shop; 1520 studio; 6512 parlor; 7020 salon


PARSLEY noun: петрушка desc: a biennial plant with white flowers and aromatic leaves that are either crinkly or flat and used as a culinary herb and for garnishing food. syn: 6715 parsley


PASSAGE noun: прохождение, отрывок, место, путь desc: the act or process of moving through, under, over, or past something on the way from one place to another; the process of transition from one state to another; a short extract from a book or other printed material. syn: 2907 establishment; 565 piece; 819 section; 5973 paragraph; 7342 extract; 1832 motion


PASTEL 1) noun: пастель, вайда, синяя краска из вайды desc: a crayon made of powdered pigments bound with gum or resin; a soft and delicate shade of a color. 2) adj: пастельный desc: of a soft and delicate shade or color. syn: 1) 8111 pastel; 9287 chalk; 12657 crayon 2) 1378 soft; 2952 pale; 3416 gentle; 4256 neutral; 9562 muted; 10840 pastel; 31739 wishy-washy


PASTORAL 1) noun: пастораль, послание desc: a work of literature portraying an idealized version of country life. 2) adj: пасторальный, пастушеский desc: (especially of land or a farm) used for or related to the keeping or grazing of sheep or cattle; (in the Christian Church) concerning or appropriate to the giving of spiritual guidance. syn: 1) 59596 pastoral 2) 7375 pastoral; 10047 rustic; 14310 idyllic; 20110 bucolic; 47960 countrified


PASTRY noun: печенье, тесто, кондитерские изделия desc: a dough of flour, shortening, and water, used as a base and covering in baked dishes such as pies. syn: 6400 pastry; cake; pie


PASTURE 1) noun: пастбище, выгон, подножный корм desc: land covered with grass and other low plants suitable for grazing animals, especially cattle or sheep; used to refer to a person's situation in life. 2) verb: пасти, пастись desc: put (animals) in a pasture to graze. syn: 1) 5646 meadow; 6415 pasture; 6946 prairie; 12189 grassland 2) 41200 pasture; browse; graze


PAT 1) noun: хлопок, кусок, шлепок, кружочек, кусок сбитого масла desc: a light stroke with the hand; a compact mass of soft material. 2) verb: потрепать, похлопывать, поглаживать, шлепать desc: touch quickly and gently with the flat of the hand. 3) adj: подходящий, уместный, своевременный, удачный desc: simple and somewhat glib or unconvincing. 4) adv: кстати, своевременно, с готовностью, удачно, как раз, свободно, быстро desc: at exactly the right moment or in the right way; conveniently or opportunely. syn: 1) 3127 stroke; 6311 tap; 11858 pat 2) 2443 shape; 4580 pat; 6063 smooth; 7148 mold; 7558 flatten; 13212 knead; 12002 caress 3) glib; simplistic; facile; unconvincing 4) opportunely; conveniently; expediently; favorably; appropriately; fittingly; felicitously


PATENT 1) noun: патент, изобретение, диплом, жалованная грамота, исключительное право desc: a government authority or licence conferring a right or title for a set period, especially the sole right to exclude others from making, using, or selling an invention. 2) verb: патентовать, брать патент desc: obtain a patent for (an invention). 3) adj: патентный, доступный, явный, лакированный, оригинальный, открытый, остроумный, собственного изобретения desc: easily recognizable; obvious; (of a vessel, duct, or aperture) open and unobstructed; failing to close; made and marketed under a patent; proprietary. syn: 1) 4445 patent; 4425 charter; 6145 copyright 3) 1696 obvious; 11059 blatant; 11781 manifest; 15667 self-evident; 19637 flagrant; 25162 patent; 29345 out-and-out; 41131 bald-faced


PATHETIC adj: жалкий, патетический, трогательный, жалостный desc: arousing pity, especially through vulnerability or sadness; relating to the emotions. syn: 5727 useless; 5977 absurd; 8070 pathetic; 11290 ludicrous; 12422 feeble; 13211 pitiful; 17314 laughable


PATHOGEN noun: патогенный микроорганизм desc: a bacterium, virus, or other microorganism that can cause disease. syn: 8803 pathogen


PATIO noun: патио, дворик, внутренний дворик desc: a paved outdoor area adjoining a house. syn: 1036 yard; 3365 square; 5899 courtyard; 10081 enclosure; 10294 close; 11368 quad; 19966 piazza; 5899 courtyard; 6520 terrace; 6976 patio.


PAVE 1) verb: мостить, выстилать, покрывать дорогу, усеивать desc: cover (a piece of ground) with concrete, asphalt, stones, or bricks; lay paving over. 2) noun: мощеная улица, мостовая, проезжая часть desc: a setting of precious stones placed so closely together that no metal shows; a paved street, road, or path. syn: 1) 7196 pave; 7204 surface; 13525 flag; 20156 floor; 25698 tile


PAVEMENT noun: тротуар, мостовая, дорожное покрытие, панель, почва, пол, выложенный мозаикой desc: any paved area or surface. syn: 3799 sidewalk; 6634 pavement; 6653 pathway; 7561 roadside; 9995 walkway; 21687 footpath; 8455 asphalt


PAYOFF noun: выплата, развязка, компенсация, вручение взятки desc: a payment made to someone, especially as a bribe or reward, or on leaving a job. syn: 7779 payoff; 8498 take; 10932 bribe; 13734 bribery; 14584 graft; 17572 inducement; 2180 settlement; 13800 payout; 14484 reckoning


PEA Перевод: горох, горошина, бушлат Определение: a spherical green seed that is widely eaten as a vegetable; the hardy Eurasian climbing plant that yields pods containing these seeds.


PECAN noun: орех-пекан desc: a smooth brown nut with an edible kernel similar to a walnut. syn: 8439 pecan


PECULIAR Перевод: своеобразный, специфический, особенный Определение: strange or odd; unusual; belonging exclusively to; a parish or church exempt from the jurisdiction of the diocese in which it lies, through being subject to the jurisdiction of the monarch or an archbishop.


PEEK 1) noun: быстрый взгляд, взгляд украдкой desc: a quick and typically furtive look. 2) verb: заглядывать desc: look quickly, typically in a furtive manner. syn: 1) 3712 glance; 4597 glimpse; 12084 peek; 29312 gander; 30256 once-over 2) 3403 peer; 7553 peek; 17356 peep


PEEL 1) noun: кожура, корка, шелуха, пекарская лопата, лопасть, лопатка, совок desc: the outer covering or rind of a fruit or vegetable; a flat, shovellike implement, especially one used by baker for carrying loaves, pies, etc., into or out of an oven; a small square defensive tower of a kind built in the 16th century in the border counties of England and Scotland. 2) verb: чистить, очищать, шелушиться, облезать, сходить, раздеваться desc: remove the outer covering or skin from (a fruit, vegetable, or shrimp); (of a surface or object) lose parts of its outer layer or covering in small strips or pieces; send (another player's ball) through a wicket. syn: 1) 2576 shell; 5729 crust; 6832 bark; 12548 rind; 13601 covering; 14473 wrapping; 14963 husk 2) 3943 strip; 4395 shed; 9879 skin; 13654 pare; 18201 unwrap; 22622 flay; 37449 hull


PERCH 1) noun: окунь, насест, шест, жердь, высокое положение, прочное положение, веха, карниз, выступ, мера длины desc: a thing on which a bird alights or roosts, typically a branch or a horizontal rod or bar in a birdcage; an edible freshwater fish with a high spiny dorsal fin, dark vertical bars on the body, and orange lower fins. 2) verb: взгромоздиться, садиться на насест, усесться, вскарабкаться, забраться, помещать высоко, опираться desc: (of a bird) alight or rest on something. syn: 1) pole; rod; branch; roost; rest; resting place 2) 1320 settle; 1931 rest; 2038 land; 2411 light; 2781 balance; 6161 perch; 18002 alight


PERENNIAL 1) noun: многолетнее растение desc: a perennial plant. 2) adj: многолетний, вечный, круглогодичный, неувядаемый, длящийся год, не пересыхающий летом desc: lasting or existing for a long or apparently infinite time; enduring or continually recurring. syn: 1) 11350 perennial 2) 2402 constant; 2480 permanent; 3674 continuing; 6303 lasting; 6828 enduring; 9049 perennial


PERIL 1) noun: опасность, риск desc: serious and immediate danger. 2) verb: подвергать опасности desc: expose to danger; threaten. syn: 1) 1067 threat; 1551 danger; 2243 exposure; 4154 liability; 4924 hazard; 7751 peril 2) endanger; jeopardize


PERPERATOR noun: преступник, нарушитель desc: a person who perpetrates, or commits, an illegal, criminal, or evil act. syn: 3361 criminal; 4766 offender; 8054 perpetrator; 9057 culprit; 27426 perp; 28100 wrongdoer


PERPETUAL adj: вечный, бессрочный, бесконечный, постоянный, пожизненный, беспрестанный desc: never ending or changing; occurring repeatedly; so frequent as to seem endless and uninterrupted. syn: 2480 permanent; 3445 continuous; 5693 eternal; 6303 lasting; 6828 enduring; 8938 perpetual; 14801 long-lasting; 26181 undying


PERPETUATE verb: увековечивать, сохранять навсегда desc: make (something, typically an undesirable situation or an unfounded belief) continue indefinitely. syn: 923 maintain; 1375 spread; 1449 extend; 2223 preserve; 7776 perpetuate; 9657 prolong; 10160 disseminate; 12195 propagate; 18831 immortalize


PERSECUTION noun: преследование, гонение desc: hostility and ill-treatment, especially because of race or political or religious beliefs. syn: 3903 pursuit; 4635 harassment; 5330 torture; 6936 oppression; 9030 persecution; 9546 tyranny


PERSPECTIVE 1) noun: перспектива, вид, виды на будущее desc: the art of drawing solid objects on a two-dimensional surface so as to give the right impression of their height, width, depth, and position in relation to each other when viewed from a particular point; a particular attitude toward or way of regarding something; a point of view. 2) adj: перспективный desc: of or relating to the art of perspective, or represented according to its laws. syn: 1) 2337 prospect; 5938 outlook; 973 range; 1239 distance


PERVASIVE adj: распространяющийся, проникающий, всеобъемлющий, глубокий desc: (especially of an unwelcome influence or physical effect) spreading widely throughout an area or a group of people. syn: 2658 universal; 2862 extensive; 3303 widespread; 6878 pervasive; 8298 ubiquitous; 13287 inescapable; 19704 omnipresent.


PETAL noun: лепесток desc: each of the segments of the corolla of a flower, which are modified leaves and are typically colored. syn: 8977 petal


PETTY adj: мелкий, мелочный, небольшой, ограниченный, незначительный, маловажный, узкий desc: of little importance; trivial; of secondary or lesser importance, rank, or scale; minor. syn: 8331 trivial; 29337 narrow-minded; 34485 niggling; 6524 petty; 13539 malicious; 14783 resentful; 20119 grudging; 26223 spiteful


PHONY 1) noun: обман, подделка, жулик desc: a fraudulent person or thing. 2) adj: фальшивый, липовый, дутый, ложный, поддельный desc: not genuine; fraudulent. syn: 1) 12758 sham; 16265 hypocrite; 17199 forgery; 19110 fake; 23244 impostor; 33858 phony 2) 9205 affected; 11788 deceptive; 16714 pretentious; 25547 insincere; 28199 mannered; 8750 phony


PIER noun: пирс, мол, причал, простенок, дамба, бык, столб, устой, волнорез desc: a structure leading out from the shore into a body of water, in particular; a solid support designed to sustain vertical pressure, in particular. syn: 4960 dock; 6004 slip; 7980 pier; 10147 levee; 9949 berth; 18112 wharf; 19649 jetty; 23949 quay


PIERCE verb: проколоть, проткнуть, пронзать, прорываться, проникать, пробуравливать, постигать, проходить desc: (of a sharp pointed object) go into or through (something). syn: 1211 stick; 3947 slice; 4805 drill; 5452 penetrate; 5910 stab; 6939 pierce; 13717 prick; 15306 puncture; 16796 spear; 20672 impale


PILGRIM noun: паломник, пилигрим, странник, богомолец desc: a person who journeys to a sacred place for religious reasons. syn: 2410 tourist; 3825 traveler; 9225 pilgrim; 34260 wayfarer


PILGRIMAGE 1) noun: паломничество, странствие, богомолье, длительное путешествие, человеческая жизнь desc: a pilgrim's journey. 2) verb: паломничать, совершить паломничество, отправиться в паломничество desc: go on a pilgrimage. syn: 1) 1478 tour; 1470 visit; 2425 journey; 8426 pilgrimage; 8441 excursion; 44101 hajj


PILLAR noun: столб, столп, стойка, опора, колонна, целик, оплот, стержень колонны desc: a tall vertical structure of stone, wood, or metal, used as a support for a building, or as an ornament or monument. syn: 6615 pillar; 13705 mainstay; 22846 stalwart; 2085 column; 2161 post; 2607 stake; 8118 prop; 12069 mast.


PINCH 1) noun: щепотка, щипок, сжатие, выклинивание, арест, крайняя нужда, стесненное положение, кража, лом, рычаг desc: an act of gripping the skin of someone's body between finger and thumb. 2) verb: щипать, зажимать, сдавливать, украсть, вымогать, стянуть, подгонять, арестовать, идти очень круто к ветру desc: grip (something, typically someone's flesh) tightly and sharply between finger and thumb; live in a frugal way; arrest (someone); sail (a boat) so close to the wind that the sails begin to lose power. syn: 1) 2042 taste; 2290 touch; 6421 dash; 8088 pinch; 24413 iota; 29459 smidgen; 45586 tittle; 22871 nip 2) 2908 squeeze; 4214 grasp; 5374 grip; 7878 pinch; 11128 tweak; 1794 steal; 27014 pilfer


PINE 1) noun: сосна, ананас, ручная граната, лимонка desc: an evergreen coniferous tree that has clusters of long needle-shaped leaves. Many kinds are grown for their soft timber, which is widely used for furniture and pulp, or for tar and turpentine. 2) verb: тосковать, томиться, чахнуть, изнывать, жаждать desc: suffer a mental and physical decline, especially because of a broken heart. syn: 1) pine tree 2) 5562 long; 7853 ache; 7694 crave; 8145 yearn; 24752 hunger; 9981 grieve


PINPOINT 1) noun: острие булавки, что-либо очень маленькое/незначительное desc: a tiny dot or point. 2) adj: точный, прицельный desc: absolutely precise; to the finest degree. 3) verb: бомбардировать точечную цель, засекать цель desc: find or locate exactly. syn: 1) 34558 pinpoint 2) 23697 pinpoint 3) 770 identify; 773 determine; 1688 locate; 3994 isolate; 8300 pinpoint


PIPELINE Перевод: Определение: a long pipe, typically underground, for conveying oil, gas, etc., over long distances; a linear sequence of specialized modules used for pipelining; (in surfing) the hollow formed by the breaking of a large wave; convey (a substance) by a pipeline.


PISS 1) noun: моча desc: urine. 2) verb: мочиться, облить мочой, писать desc: urinate; to ​pass ​urine. syn: 1) 18661 piss 2) 8759 piss


PIT 1) noun: яма, карьер, шахта, углубление, партер, впадина, шурф, преисподняя, западня, арена для петушиных боев desc: a large hole in the ground; an area reserved or enclosed for a specific activity, in particular; a hollow or indentation in a surface; the stone of a fruit. 2) verb: рыть ямы, стравливать, покрывать ямками, складывать в яму, противостоять, вынимать косточки desc: set someone or something in conflict or competition with; make a hollow or indentation in the surface of; drive a race car into the pits for fuel or maintenance; remove the pit from (fruit). syn: 1) 10015 quarry; 55532 colliery; 6988 crater; 7688 cavity; 8401 hollow; 18234 indentation; 44466 pock; 2107 depression; 12177 abyss 2) 1955 oppose


PITY 1) noun: жалость, сострадание, сожаление, печальный факт desc: the feeling of sorrow and compassion caused by the suffering and misfortunes of others; a cause for regret or disappointment. 2) verb: жалеть, соболезновать desc: feel sorrow for the misfortunes of. syn: 1) 4307 sympathy; 5037 compassion; 5302 mercy; 7032 pity; 7718 empathy; 57355 kindliness; 4609 disappointment; 10571 misfortune 2) 9354 console; 11408 sympathize; 13325 pity; 17519 empathize; 25731 commiserate


PIVOTAL adj: основной, центральный, кардинальный, осевой desc: of crucial importance in relation to the development or success of something else. syn: 743 central; 1094 key; 1127 critical; 1959 essential; 2342 fundamental; 2413 crucial; 2933 vital; 6401 decisive; 7413 focal; 8304 pivotal


PLAGUE 1) noun: чума, бедствие, мор, наказание, бич, беспокойство, неприятность, досада desc: a contagious bacterial disease characterized by fever and delirium, typically with the formation of buboes (see bubonic plague ) and sometimes infection of the lungs ( pneumonic plague ). 2) verb: досаждать, выклянчивать, надоедать, беспокоить, зачумлять desc: cause continual trouble or distress to. syn: 1) 7312 plague; 10663 visitation; 11641 adversity; 12878 calamity; 14148 affliction; 15678 blight; 15256 scourge; 4967 epidemic 2) 4750 trouble; 5883 torture; 6733 plague; 7249 harass; 9849 afflict; 12357 torment; 17401 hound; 7249 harass; 10068 annoy


PLAINTIFF noun: истец desc: a person who brings a case against another in a court of law. syn: 5575 applicant; 12967 accuser; 18069 petitioner; 17988 claimant; 20443 litigant; 27365 complainant; 43188 appellant


PLANK 1) noun: планка, доска, пункт программы desc: a long, thin, flat piece of timber, used especially in building and flooring; a fundamental point of a political or other program. 2) verb: настилать, обшивать досками, платить, выкладывать деньги, подавлять силой desc: make, provide, or cover with planks. syn: 1) 3769 beam; 4944 timber; 8199 plank; 14706 floorboard; 15865 slat; 35746 lath; 1240 wood


PLAQUE noun: бляшка, металлический диск/тарелка, почетный значок, фарфоровая тарелка desc: an ornamental tablet, typically of metal, porcelain, or wood, that is fixed to a wall or other surface in commemoration of a person or event; a sticky deposit on teeth in which bacteria proliferate; a small, distinct, typically raised patch or region resulting from local damage or deposition of material, such as a fatty deposit on an artery wall in atherosclerosis or a site of localized damage of brain tissue in Alzheimer's disease. syn: 1530 plate; 1612 panel; 4928 tile; 7117 plaque; 8003 tablet; 9164 inscription; 16070 commemoration


PLATE 1) noun: тарелка, плита, пластинка, печатная форма, гальваноклише, номер автомобиля desc: a flat dish, typically circular and made of china, from which food is eaten or served; a thin, flat sheet or strip of metal or other material, typically one used to join or strengthen things or forming part of a machine. 2) verb: изготовлять гальваноклише, обшивать металлическим листом, лудить desc: cover (a metal object) with a thin coating or film of a different metal; serve or arrange (food) on a plate or plates before a meal; inoculate (cells or infective material) onto a culture plate, especially with the object of isolating a particular strain of microorganisms or estimating viable cell numbers. syn: 1) 1839 bowl; 1945 dish; 47299 salver 2) 749 protect; 917 finish; 15300 overlay


PLATTER noun: граммофонная пластинка, большое плоское блюдо desc: a large flat dish or plate, typically oval or circular in shape, used for serving food; something shaped like platter, especially of a circular shape, in particular. syn: 1945 dish; 4510 tray; 7332 platter; 47299 salver.


PLAUSIBLE adj: правдоподобный, вероятный, благовидный, умеющий внушать доверие desc: (of an argument or statement) seeming reasonable or probable. syn: 624 likely; 2526 reasonable; 3438 acceptable; 6070 credible; 6866 probable; 7237 plausible; 10666 conceivable


PLAYWRIGHT noun: драматург desc: a person who writes plays. syn: 7738 playwright; 57258 dramaturge; 33782 scriptwriter; 50716 tragedian; 981 writer


PLEA noun: заявление, просьба, призыв, мольба, довод, ссылка, оправдание, жалоба, предлог, заявление подсудимого, иск по суду desc: a request made in an urgent and emotional manner; a formal statement by or on behalf of a defendant or prisoner, stating guilt or innocence in response to a charge, offering an allegation of fact, or claiming that a point of law should apply. syn: 2110 prayer; 2128 request; 4942 plea; 6038 petition; 23476 entreaty; 26084 supplication; 3753 excuse; 13697 alibi; 13895 pretext; 922 statement


PLEDGE Перевод: залог, обещание, обет, закладывать, отдавать в долг, обещать Определение: a solemn promise or undertaking; a thing that is given as security for the fulfillment of a contract or the payment of a debt and is liable to forfeiture in the event of failure; commit (a person or organization) by a solemn promise.


PLIGHT 1) noun: положение, состояние, обязательство, помолвка desc: a dangerous, difficult, or otherwise unfortunate situation. 2) verb: связывать обещанием, помолвить desc: pledge or promise solemnly (one's faith or loyalty). syn: 1) 1693 difficulty; 4151 dilemma; 7532 plight; 9677 predicament; 11358 scrape; 16219 quandary 2) affiance; engage


PLOT 1) noun: сюжет, заговор, график, участок земли, диаграмма, интрига, чертеж desc: a plan made in secret by a group of people to do something illegal or harmful; the main events of a play, novel, movie, or similar work, devised and presented by the writer as an interrelated sequence; a small piece of ground marked out for a purpose such as building or gardening; a graph showing the relation between two variables. 2) verb: вычерчивать, плести интриги, наносить, чертить, составлять план, чертить диаграмму desc: secretly make plans to carry out (an illegal or harmful action); devise the sequence of events in (a play, novel, movie, or similar work); mark (a route or position) on a chart. syn: 1) 230 area; 565 piece; 819 section; 7866 parcel; 845 strategy; 835 design; 3026 scheme; 2773 scenario; 3116 narrative; 5227 outline. 2) 1689 mark; 3058 calculate; 4469 outline; 6431 map; 8969 chart; 8038 intrigue; 9921 conspire; 15927 contrive; 18570 scheme.


PLUCK 1) noun: смелость, ливер, мужество, потроха, отвага, дерганье, провал desc: spirited and determined courage; the heart, liver, and lungs of an animal as food. 2) verb: ощипывать, срывать, щипать, проваливать, собирать, выдергивать, перебирать, обирать, обманывать desc: take hold of (something) and quickly remove it from its place; pick; quickly or suddenly remove someone from a dangerous or unpleasant situation; sound (a musical instrument or its strings) with one's finger or a plectrum. syn: 1) 3102 nerve; 3346 courage; 8700 resolve; 3876 determination; 9953 backbone; 12665 bravery; 17997 fortitude; 38396 pluck. 2) 1322 collect; 1351 gather; 4982 harvest; 471 pull; 4214 grasp; 6293 tug; 6229 yank; 11128 tweak; 6972 pluck; 15502 plunk; 19084 strum


PLUM noun: слива, лакомый кусочек, выгодный заказ, доходное место, изюм, темно-фиолетовый цвет desc: an oval fleshy fruit that is purple, reddish, or yellow when ripe and contains a flattish pointed pit; the deciduous tree that bears the plum; a reddish-purple color; a highly desirable attainment, accomplishment, or acquisition, typically a job. syn: 3415 reward; 3714 prize; 4205 bonus; 4266 catch; 5508 trophy; 7800 plum; 12420 windfall


PLUMBING noun: водопровод, прокладка труб, измерение глубины, уборная desc: the system of pipes, tanks, fittings, and other apparatus required for the water supply, heating, and sanitation in a building. syn: 10372 sanitation; 9033 plumbing


PLUMMET 1) noun: грузило, гирька, лот, свинцовый отвес, тяжесть desc: a steep and rapid fall or drop; a plumb or plumb line. 2) verb: стремительно падать desc: fall or drop straight down at high speed. syn: 2) 690 drop; 3313 crash; 4654 plunge; 5175 dive; 5535 tumble; 7815 plummet; 33588 nose-dive


PLUNGE 1) noun: погружение, ныряние desc: an act of jumping or diving into water. 2) verb: погружаться, вляпаться, окунаться, бросаться, погружать, врываться, бросаться вперед, азартно играть, влезать в долги, всаживать desc: jump or dive quickly and energetically; push or thrust quickly. syn: 1) 2572 drop; 7983 dive; 10959 plunge. 2) 2826 sink; 4573 dip; 4654 plunge; 5535 tumble; 33588 nose-dive; 1424 charge; 1966 rush; 3648 leap; 6670 embark; 850 force; 3505 pitch; 5980 thrust; 5910 stab.


PLYWOOD noun: фанера desc: a type of strong thin wooden board consisting of two or more layers glued and pressed together with the direction of the grain alternating, and usually sold in sheets of four by eight feet. syn: 9118 plywood


POD 1) noun: стручок, кокон, подвеска, стайка, лузга, отделяемый грузовой отсек, гондола двигателя, брюхо, марихуана desc: an elongated seed vessel of a leguminous plant such as the pea, splitting open on both sides when ripe; a detachable or self-contained unit on an aircraft, spacecraft, vehicle, or vessel, having a particular function; a small herd or school of marine animals, especially whales. 2) verb: покрываться стручками, лущить desc: (of a plant) bear or form pods; remove (peas or beans) from their pods prior to cooking. syn: 1) 2576 shell; 6779 hull; 8536 pod; 14963 husk; 43987 shuck; 59440 peapod


POISE 1) noun: равновесие, самообладание, уравновешенность, гиря, выдержка, посадка головы, осанка, колебание desc: graceful and elegant bearing in a person; balance; equilibrium. 2) verb: балансировать, уравновешивать, держать равновесие, висеть в воздухе, взвешивать, парить desc: be or cause to be balanced or suspended. syn: 1) 5799 calm; 9835 self-confidence; 13154 composure; 13990 cool; 16471 poise; 23400 aplomb; 6628 carriage; 28003 mien 2) 2781 balance; 3159 float; 3805 suspend; 5093 hover; 6161 perch; 6327 poise


POLE 1) noun: полюс, шест, столб, дышло, багор, мера длины desc: a long, slender, rounded piece of wood or metal, typically used with one end placed in the ground as a support for something; either of the two locations (North Pole or South Pole) on the surface of the earth (or of a celestial object) that are the northern and southern ends of the axis of rotation. 2) verb: отталкивать шестом, отталкивать веслами, подпирать шестами desc: propel (a boat) by pushing a pole against the bottom of a river, canal, or lake. syn: 1) 1679 limit; 6398 opposite; 7591 extreme; 2161 post; 4619 rod 2) 695 push; 4423 shove; 5980 thrust; 6713 propel; 24059 punt; 41439 raft


POND 1) noun: пруд, водоем, бассейн, запруда, садок, океан, море desc: a small body of still water formed naturally or by hollowing or embanking. 2) verb: запруживать, образовывать пруд desc: hold back or dam up (flowing water or another liquid) to form a small lake. syn: 1) 37021 tarn; 42551 fishpond


PONDER verb: размышлять, обдумывать, взвешивать desc: think about (something) carefully, especially before making a decision or reaching a conclusion. syn: 4847 contemplate; 6061 ponder; 9054 muse; 12358 deliberate.


PORCELAIN noun: фарфор, фарфоровые изделия desc: a strong, vitreous, translucent ceramic material, biscuit-fired at a low temperature, the glaze then fired at a very high temperature; china. syn: 8332 porcelain


PORCH noun: крыльцо, веранда, подъезд, терраса, балкон desc: a covered shelter projecting in front of the entrance of a building. syn: 2894 entrance; 3896 doorway; 22497 portico; 3376 gallery; 5872 balcony; 6520 terrace; 13930 veranda; 38891 loggia.


POSTURE Перевод: поза, положение, ставить в позу, позировать Определение: a position of a person's body when standing or sitting; a particular way of dealing with or considering something; an approach or attitude; behave in a way that is intended to impress or mislead others; place (someone) in a particular attitude or pose.


POT 1) noun: горшок, банка, кастрюля, чайник, кружка, марихуана, ночной горшок, цветочный горшок desc: a container, typically rounded or cylindrical and of ceramic ware or metal, used for storage or cooking; any of various containers made for a particular purpose; the total sum of the bets made on a round in poker and other card games. 2) verb: класть в горшок или котелок, варить в котелке, сажать в горшок (цветы), загонять в лузу (шар в бильярде), стрелять, застрелить (на близком расстоянии) desc: plant in a flowerpot; preserve (food, especially meat or fish) in a sealed pot or jar; hit or kill (someone or something) by shooting. syn: 1) 2495 pan; 2957 vessel; 3383 container; 4299 jar; 478 tub 2) 4053 seal; 20283 pickle; 535 hit; 732 shoot; 13370 bag


POTENT adj: мощный, сильный, убедительный, крепкий desc: having great power, influence, or effect; formed of crutch-shaped pieces; (especially of a cross) having a straight bar across the end of each extremity; of the fur called potent (as a tincture). syn: 6217 convincing; 6380 potent; 8840 persuasive; 10245 forceful; 1134 effective; 1160 powerful; 6021 mighty; 56962 puissant


POTTERY noun: керамика, глиняная посуда, гончарные изделия/дело/мастерская desc: pots, dishes, and other articles made of earthenware or baked clay. Pottery can be broadly divided into earthenware, porcelain, and stoneware. syn: 7212 pottery; 8152 ceramics; 20920 stoneware; 20957 earthenware


POULTRY noun: домашняя птица, живность desc: domestic fowl, such as chickens, turkeys, ducks, and geese. syn: 7759 poutry


POUNDING noun: битье, дробление, измельчение, трамбование, град пуль/снарядов/ударов desc: a ​regular ​sound of something ​hitting something ​else or of a ​loud ​noise; repeated and heavy striking or hitting of someone or something. syn: 6067 beating; 7428 pounding; 25323 thrashing; 27055 hammering; 27676 whitewash; 37324 drubbing; 53991 pasting; 29972 pulsation


PRAIRIE noun: прерия, степь desc: a large open area of grassland, especially in the Mississippi River valley; a tract of grassland; meadow. syn: 6946 prairie; 12189 grassland; 18269 savanna; 19998 steppe; 37718 pampas.


PRAISE 1) noun: хвала, похвала, восхваление desc: the expression of approval or admiration for someone or something. 2) verb: хвалить, восхвалять, превозносить desc: express warm approval or admiration of. syn: 1) 2782 recommendation; 5001 tribute; 5665 applause; 7070 admiration; 7701 compliment, 12793 acclaim; 4145 glory 2) 3298 admire; 5793 applaud; 6187 hail; 28495 eulogize; 7324 worship; 15163 extol; 18054 exalt


PREACH verb: проповедовать, поучать, читать наставления, выступать в защиту desc: deliver a sermon or religious address to an assembled group of people, typically in church. syn: 2568 advise; 3286 persuade; 3940 advocate; 4860 preach; 8011 lecture; 29545 moralize; 45128 sermonize; 17146 expound; 36637 discourse


PREACHER Перевод: проповедник Определение: a person who preaches, especially a minister of religion.


PRECINCT noun: избирательный/полицейский участок, граница, предел, окрестности desc: a district of a city or town as defined for police purposes; the area within the walls or perceived boundaries of a particular building or place; an area in a town designated for specific or restricted use, especially one that is closed to traffic. syn: 1270 district; 1405 quarter; 1773 zone; 1859 division; 1984 sector; 5117 ward; 7263 precinct; 12203 borough


PRECIOUS 1) adj: драгоценный, дорогой, любимый, изысканный, заповедный, манерно-изысканный desc: (of an object, substance, or resource) of great value; not to be wasted or treated carelessly; affectedly concerned with elegant or refined behavior, language, or manners. 2) adv: очень, здорово desc: extremely; very. syn: 1) 9205 affected; 15968 fussy; 16714 pretentious; 17532 dainty; 21448 fastidious; 2621 valuable; 3359 dear; 8243 exquisite


PRECISION Перевод: точность, чёткость, аккуратность, точный, меткий Определение: the quality, condition, or fact of being exact and accurate.


PRECLUDE verb: предотвращать, мешать, устранять desc: prevent from happening; make impossible. syn: 1084 prevent; 3493 exclude; 4021 prohibit; 5164 bar; 8239 preclude; 8965 impede; 12329 disqualify


PREDECESSOR Перевод: предшественник, предок Определение: a person who held a job or office before the current holder.


PREHEAT verb: предварительно нагревать/подогревать desc: heat (something, especially an oven or grill) beforehand. syn: 4134 heat; 8250 preheat


PREMATURE adj: преждевременный, непродуманный, поспешный desc: occurring or done before the usual or proper time; too early. syn: 1280 previous; 6985 premature; 13047 hasty; 13793 impulsive; 19012 untimely; 19608 rash


PREOCCUPATION noun: озабоченность, рассеянность, занятие места раньше desc: the state or condition of being preoccupied or engrossed with something. syn: 717 concern; 2483 anxiety; 5622 obsession; 3961 worry; 8957 preoccupation; 13194 fixation


PREOCCUPIED adj: озабоченный, поглощенный мыслями, ранее захваченный desc: completely engrossed in thought; absorbed; previously occupied; taken; filled. syn: 3282 worried; 3857 anxious; 5745 thoughtful; 9024 preoccupied; 19686 pensive; 24043 inattentive


PRESBYTERIAN 1) noun: пресвитерианин desc: a member of a Presbyterian Church. 2) adj: пресвитерианский desc: of, relating to, or denoting a Christian Church or denomination governed by elders according to the principles of Presbyterianism. syn: 1) 23636 presbyterian 2) 8997 presbyterian


PRESERVE 1) noun: заповедник, варенье, консервы desc: food made with fruit preserved in sugar, such as jam or marmalade; a sphere of activity regarded as being reserved for a particular person or group; a place where game is protected and kept for private hunting or shooting. 2) verb: сохранять, оберегать, защищать, консервировать, заготовлять впрок desc: maintain (something) in its original or existing state. syn: 1) 6064 sanctuary; 3654 domain; 36406 ambit 2) 735 save; 923 maintain; 5414 uphold; 8082 conserve


PRESIDE verb: председательствовать, осуществлять руководство, осуществлять контроль desc: be in the position of authority in a meeting or gathering; play (a musical instrument, especially a keyboard instrument) at a public gathering. syn: 318 lead; 936 control; 935 head; 946 manage; 1565 direct; 3739 govern; 5670 supervise; 6880 preside; 8022 chair.


PRESSING 1) noun: прессование, прессинг, штамповка, сжатие desc: a phonograph record or other object made by the application of force or weight. 2) adj: неотложный, насущный, настоятельный, спешный desc: (of a problem, need, or situation) requiring quick or immediate action or attention. syn: 2) 7270 pressing; 8840 persuasive; 50028 crying; 9276 demanding; 9257 irresistible; 11536 insistent; 2413 crucial; 2933 vital; 5390 urgent


PREVAIL verb: преобладать, господствовать, одержать победу, существовать, упросить, бытовать, достигать цели, быть распространенным desc: prove more powerful than opposing forces; be victorious. syn: 1017 exist; 4786 prevail; 7810 abound; 9958 reign; 14423 predominate; 2723 overcome; 6834 conquer; 11800 triumph


PRISTINE adj: древний, нетронутый, первоначальный, чистый, неиспорченный desc: in its original condition; unspoiled. syn: 2432 pure; 8384 pristine; 13048 immaculate; 17006 spotless; 34718 unsullied; 34787 faultless


PROBATION noun: испытательный срок, стажировка, испытание, послушничество, искус, условное освобождение не поруки desc: the release of an offender from detention, subject to a period of good behavior under supervision. syn: 899 trial; 7316 probation; 16885 tryout; 9184 experimentation; 10526 audition.


PROBE Перевод: зонд, щуп, проба, исследовать, зондировать, расследовать Определение: a blunt-ended surgical instrument used for exploring a wound or part of the body; physically explore or examine (something) with the hands or an instrument.


PROCEEDINGS Перевод: труды, работа, заседание Определение: an event or a series of activities involving a formal or set procedure.


PROCEEDS noun: выручка, доход, вырученная сумма desc: money obtained from an event or activity. syn: 2020 gate; 2935 earnings; 8053 proceeds


PROCLAIM verb: провозглашать, объявлять, говорить, возглашать, обнародовать, запрещать, объявлять вне закона, опубликовывать desc: announce officially or publicly. syn: 1745 declare; 3166 assert; 4494 proclaim; 4841 broadcast; 5392 pronounce; 13056 decree.


PROD 1) noun: тычок, толчок, шило, стимул, инструмент для прокалывания desc: a poke with a finger, foot, or pointed object; a pointed implement, typically one discharging an electric current and used as a goad. 2) verb: тыкать, колоть, подгонять, пронзать, побуждать desc: poke (someone) with a finger, foot, or pointed object. syn: 1) 5551 push; 7972 dig; 15442 jab; 20121 poke; 21626 nudge; 23164 prod 2) 9403 prod; 19600 elbow; 2275 urge; 3133 prompt; 4480 stimulate; 4867 provoke


PROFOUND 1) noun: глубина, бездна, море, океан, пучина desc: the vast depth of the ocean or of the mind; the deep sea; ocean. 2) adj: глубокий, основательный, проникновенный, полный, мудрый, абсолютный, низкий desc: (of a state, quality, or emotion) very great or intense; (of a person or statement) having or showing great knowledge or insight. syn: 2) 4705 philosophical; 5745 thoughtful; 6963 reflective; 13062 insightful; 2309 intense; 5313 acute; 6977 sincere; 18408 overpowering


PROFOUNDLY adv: глубоко desc: to a profound extent; extremely; in a profound way; greatly. syn: 2398 strongly; 3459 greatly; 7126 intensely; 4897 severely; 6577 profoundly; 6984 overwhelmingly


PROGRESSION noun: прогресс, последовательность, продвижение desc: a movement or development toward a destination or a more advanced state, especially gradually or in stages. syn: 707 movement; 1513 progress; 2310 advance; 2964 evolution; 7704 progression; 16155 headway; 2234 cycle; 2687 string; 9073 sequel


PROJECTED adj: предполагаемый, проектируемый, прогнозируемый desc: something that is predicted or estimated, or parts of something that extend beyond the rest; ​planned for the ​future or ​calculated ​based on ​information already ​known: syn: 3094 proposed; 3513 estimated; 4340 expected; 5696 planned; 7041 projected; 8945 anticipated; 47773 outlined


PROLIFERATION noun: распространение, пролиферация, быстрое увеличение, размножение путем новообразований desc: rapid increase in numbers. syn: 1265 increase; 1970 rise; 2126 creation; 3042 explosion; 4052 spread; 6674 proliferation; 16204 propagation


PROMINENT adj: известный, видный, выдающийся, торчащий, выпуклый desc: important; famous; projecting from something; protuberant. syn: 444 major; 959 top; 1491 famous; 2202 leading; 4031 outstanding; 4439 well-known; 6381 foremost; 12996 glaring; 47222 protuberant.


PROMPT 1) adj: незамедлительный, быстрый, проворный, расторопный, доставленный немедленно, подлежащий немедленной оплате desc: done without delay; immediate. 2) noun: подсказка, напоминание desc: an act of assisting or encouraging a hesitating speaker; the time limit for the payment of an account, as stated on a prompt note. 3) verb: подсказывать, вызывать, побуждать, толкать, внушать, суфлировать desc: (of an event or fact) cause or bring about (an action or feeling); assist or encourage (a hesitating speaker) to say something. syn: 1) 27518 punctual; 758 ready; 1307 quick; 3048 rapid; 6722 swift; 7107 apt; 13047 hasty 2) 4429 reminder; 23164 prod; 29375 heads-up; 44647 goad 3) 3286 persuade; 3693 trigger; 5315 induce; 19577 occasion; 2313 inspire; 3560 motivate


PROMPTLY adv: быстро, сразу, точно desc: with little or no delay; immediately; at exactly a specified time; punctually. syn: 17971 sharp; 49280 punctually; 2543 rapidly; 6762 promptly; 7303 swiftly; 9520 hastily; 22610 straightaway; 27559 speedily


PRONE adj: склонный, распростертый, лежащий ничком, покатый desc: likely to or liable to suffer from, do, or experience something, typically something regrettable or unwelcome; lying flat, especially face downward; with a downward slope or direction. syn: 6079 horizontal; 6307 prone; 9708 motionless


PRONOUNCED adj: выраженный, явный, произнесенный, сказанный, определенный desc: very noticeable or marked; conspicuous. syn: 2914 prominent; 3275 distinct; 3489 evident; 6573 marked; 6879 definite; 7826 pronounced


PROP Перевод: подпирать, поддерживать, помогать, опора, пропеллер, гребной винт Определение: a pole or beam used as a support or to keep something in position, typically one that is not an integral part of the thing supported; a portable object other than furniture or costumes used on the set of a play or movie; position something underneath (someone or something) for support.


PROPEL verb: стимулировать, двигать, приводить в движение, побуждать, толкать, продвигать вперед desc: drive, push, or cause to move in a particular direction, typically forward. syn: 695 push; 850 force; 3719 boost; 5980 thrust; 6713 propel; 17759 impel


PROPHET noun: пророк, предсказатель, проповедник, жучок desc: a person regarded as an inspired teacher or proclaimer of the will of God; (in Christian use) the books of Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Daniel, and the twelve minor prophets. syn: 7642 prophet; 14041forecaster; 14815 mystic; 19402 seer; 23363 diviner; 26377 psychic; 30492 spiritualist; 39506 clairvoyant


PROPONENT Перевод: сторонник, защитник, предлагающий что-либо на обсуждение Определение: a person who advocates a theory, proposal, or project.


PROSECUTE verb: преследовать в судебном порядке, вести, обвинять, проводить, продолжать, выполнять, вести занятия, выступать в качестве обвинителя desc: institute legal proceedings against (a person or organization); continue with (a course of action) with a view to its completion. syn: 3156 sue; 5141 prosecute; 6575 indict; 14375 impeach; 24858 arraign.


PROSECUTION noun: обвинение, судебное преследование, выполнение, отстаивание, работа, ведение desc: the institution and conducting of legal proceedings against someone in respect of a criminal charge; the continuation of a course of action with a view to its completion. syn: 899 trial; 1415 suit; 1719 hearing; 3088 examination; 7273 tribunal


PROSECUTOR noun: прокурор, обвинитель desc: a person, especially a public official, who institutes legal proceedings against someone. syn: public prosecutor; prosecuting attorney


PROSPECT 1) noun: перспектива, разведка, предполагаемый клиент, вид, геологоразведка desc: the possibility or likelihood of some future event occurring; a person regarded as likely to succeed or as a potential customer, client, etc.; an extensive view of landscape. 2) verb: разведывать, исследовать, делать изыскания, быть перспективным desc: search for mineral deposits in a place, especially by means of experimental drilling and excavation. syn: 1) 1218 vision; 2079 potential; 4640 likelihood; 1218 vision 2) 1729 search; 2476 dig; 3443 hunt


PROSPERITY noun: процветание, благосостояние, достаток, преуспевание, зажиточность, успех, благоприятные обстоятельства desc: the state of being prosperous. syn: 2575 wealth; 2719 fortune; 5134 prosperity; 9451 richness; 15288 affluence; 23335 opulence


PROSPEROUS adj: процветающий, зажиточный, успешный, состоятельный, удачный, благоприятный desc: successful in material terms; flourishing financially. syn: 7463 prosperous; 9236 booming; 10263 thriving; 16006 flourishing; 3034 wealthy; 7281 affluent; 16111 well-to-do


PROTAGONIST noun: главный герой, сторонник, актер, играющий главную роль, приверженец desc: the leading character or one of the major characters in a drama, movie, novel, or other fictional text. syn: 1922 hero; 7663 protagonist


PROXIMITY noun: близость desc: nearness in space, time, or relationship. syn: 6683 proximity; 9694 vicinity; 10955 closeness; 12730 juxtaposition; 14314 immediacy; 27703 nearness; 36102 contiguity


PRUDENT adj: расчетливый, благоразумный, осторожный, предусмотрительный, бережливый desc: acting with or showing care and thought for the future. syn: 2295 practical; 3255 wise; 5289 cautious; 6208 sensible; 7647 pragmatic; 8998 prudent; 11449 discreet


PRY 1) noun: рычаг, любопытство, любопытный человек desc: an impertinently inquisitive person; an act of prying. 2) verb: подглядывать, совать нос, вырывать, любопытствовать, поднимать посредством рычага, извлекать с трудом desc: inquire too closely into a person's private affairs; use force in order to move or open (something) or to separate (something) from something else. syn: 1) 42681 pry 2) 4464 interfere; 6783 inquire; 8655 pry; 17396 meddle; 18281 snoop; 10629 wrench; 12693 prize


PSYCHE noun: душа, высокое зеркало на ножках desc: the human soul, mind, or spirit. syn: 2087 personality; 2801 awareness; 4820 ego; 3245 consciousness; 6638 mentality; 7929 psyche; 9027 intellect; 1609 soul


PUDDING noun: толстячок, вид колбасы, кранец, что-либо, напоминающее пудинг desc: a dessert with a creamy consistency; a sweet or savory steamed dish made with flour. syn: 8675 pudding; 10257 sweet


PUDDLE 1) noun: ванна, грязь, беспорядок, пудлинговая крица, лужа desc: a small pool of liquid, especially of rainwater on the ground; clay and sand mixed with water and used as a watertight covering for embankments. 2) verb: барахтаться, месить глину, трамбовать, марать, мутить воду, смущать, сбивать с толку desc: wet or cover (a surface) with water, especially rainwater; line (a hole) with puddle. syn: 1) 9197 puddle; 10720 slick 2) 21929 dawdle; 30394 potter; 37738 puddle; 50149 mooch; 7756 wade; 15328 dabble


PUFF 1) noun: слойка, пуховка, порыв, дуновение, буф, дымок, стеганое покрывало, струя воздуха, незаслуженная похвала, дутая реклама, жизнь desc: a short, explosive burst of breath or wind; a light pastry case, typically one made of puff pastry, containing a sweet or savory filling; a review of a work of art, book, or theatrical production, especially an excessively complimentary one. 2) verb: пыхтеть, пудрить, курить, кичиться, дуть порывами, дымить, выпускать, важничать desc: breathe in repeated short gasps; cause to swell or become swollen; advertise with exaggerated or false praise. syn: 1) 8436 puff; 13637 wisp; 34671 waft; 38941 billow; 2640 draft; 5697 current; 9663 flurry; 6035 advertisement; 26922 blurb 2) 2278 breathe; 9595 puff; 12125 exhale; 9974 pant; 14959 wheeze


PULP 1) noun: пульпа, древесная/бумажная масса, шлам, мякоть плода, мягкая бесформенная масса desc: a soft, wet, shapeless mass of material; popular or sensational writing that is generally regarded as being of poor quality. 2) verb: превращать в мягкую массу, очищать от шелухи desc: crush into a soft, shapeless mass. syn: 1) 7753 paste; 8809 pulp; 20977 mush; 21461 mash; 3230 flesh 2) 4817 pound; 5432 grind; 12276 mash; 14761 squash; 21541 pulverize; 34189 pulp


PUNCTUATE verb: перемежать, акцентировать, прерывать, ставить знаки препинания, подчеркивать desc: occur at intervals throughout (a continuing event or a place); insert punctuation marks in (text). syn: 3430 interrupt; 3783 scatter; 4707 sprinkle; 5367 disrupt; 8427 dot; 9395 punctuate; 3271 correct


PUNITIVE adj: карательный desc: inflicting or intended as punishment. syn: 9099 punitive; 13651 corrective; 14245 penal; 15078 punishing; 19178 vindictive; 20553 retaliatory


PUP 1) noun: самонадеянный молодой человек, щенок, волчонок, тюлененок desc: a young dog; the young of certain other animals, as the rat or fur seal; a small plant developing as an offshoot from a mature plant. 2) verb: щениться desc: (of female dogs and certain other animals) give birth to young. syn: 1) 9455 pup; 14113 brat; 16009 upstart; 28607 know-it-all; 47456 whippersnapper 2) 31052 pup


PUPPET noun: марионетка, кукла desc: a movable model of a person or animal that is used in entertainment and is typically moved either by strings controlled from above or by a hand inside it. syn: 7368 puppet; 11581 dummy; 15468 mannequin; 25011 marionette; 1616 instrument; 21217 minion


PURSE 1) noun: кошелек, портмоне, сумка, денежный фонд, мешок, деньги, казна, премия, богатство desc: a small bag used especially by a woman to carry everyday personal items. 2) verb: морщить, морщиться, класть в кошелек desc: (with reference to the lips) pucker or contract, typically to express disapproval or irritation. syn: 1) 3714 prize; 4397 purse; 15748 winnings. 2) 2908 squeeze; 4577 tighten; 9721 compress; 14493 purse; 19408 pucker.


PURSUIT noun: преследование, стремление, погоня, гонка преследования, поиски, занятие desc: the action of following or pursuing someone or something; an activity of a specified kind, especially a recreational or athletic one. syn: 4099 quest; 5019 hunt; 6299 detection; 8084 chase; 537 activity; 5942 recreation; 6648 hobby


PUTT 1) noun: удар desc: a gentle stroke that hits a golf ball across the green towards the hole. 2) verb: гнать мяч в лунку desc: try to hit a golf ball into a hole by striking it gently so that it rolls across the green. syn: 1) 3127 stroke; 5551 push; 8924 putt; 18375 shove 2) 535 hit; 695 push; 2099 knock; 2860 tap; 25939 putt


QUAKE 1) noun: землетрясение, дрожание desc: an earthquake. 2) verb: дрожать, трястись, колебаться, качаться desc: (especially of the earth) shake or tremble. syn: 1) 8719 quake; 11947 tremor 2) 10132 flinch; 10937 cringe; 15363 cower; 25420 quake; 25957 quail; 27011 quaver; 5291 tremble


QUESTIONNAIRE noun: вопросник, анкета desc: a set of printed or written questions with a choice of answers, devised for the purposes of a survey or statistical study. syn: 1245 survey; 575 test; 3088 examination; 8958 quiz


QUILT 1) noun: стеганое одеяло desc: a warm bed covering made of padding enclosed between layers of fabric and kept in place by lines of stitching, typically applied in a decorative design. 2) verb: стегать, подбивать ватой, компилировать, сильно ударять, давать затрещину desc: join together (layers of fabric or padding) with lines of stitching to form a bed covering or a warm garment, or for decorative effect. syn: 1) 17117 comforter; 17650 bedspread; 24791 coverlet; 29404 duvet; 44666 counterpane; 47633 eiderdown 2) 25722 quilt


QUOTE 1) noun: цитата, кавычки, назначенная цена desc: a quotation from a text or speech; a quotation giving the estimated cost for a particular job or service. 2) verb: цитировать, ссылаться, брать в кавычки, назначать цену desc: repeat or copy out (a group of words from a text or speech), typically with an indication that one is not the original author or speaker; give someone (the estimated price of a job or service). syn: 1) 552 figure; 1557 assessment; 2507 estimate; 1914 reference; 8525 citation 2) 1607 repeat; 1942 cite; 49723 parrot; 5297 price


RABBI noun: раввин, рабби desc: a Jewish scholar or teacher, especially one who studies or teaches Jewish law. syn: 463 leader; 526 official; 2113 scholar; 2307 priest; 8158 rabbi


RACK 1) noun: стойка, подставка, стеллаж, рама, вешалка, зубчатая рейка, штатив, решетка, разорение, кормушка, мучение, несущиеся облака desc:a framework, typically with rails, bars, hooks, or pegs, for holding or storing things; a cogged or toothed bar or rail engaging with a wheel or pinion, or using pegs to adjust the position of something; a triangular structure for positioning the balls in pool; a mass of high, thick, fast-moving clouds. 2) verb: засовывать, подгибать, подворачивать, подтыкать, укрыть одеялом, делать складки, прятать desc: cause extreme physical or mental pain to; subject to extreme stress; place in or on a rack; raise (rent) above a fair or normal amount; draw off (wine, beer, etc.) from the sediment in the barrel. syn: 1843 frame; 1896 stand; 2965 shelf; 4184 rack; 5500 holder 2) 4608 disturb; 5883 torture; 6733 plague; 9445 rack; 9849 afflict; 12357 torment; 13801 beset; 16013 agonize; 3018 damage


RADIATE 1) adj: излучающий, лучистый, изображенный в ореоле лучей desc: having rays or parts proceeding from a center; arranged in or having a radial pattern. 2) verb: излучать, сиять, исходить из центра, расходиться радиусами desc: emit (energy, especially light or heat) in the form of rays or waves; diverge or spread from or as if from a central point. syn: 2) 1871 issue; 6357 emit; 6718 discharge; 8653 radiate; 8849 emanate; 12506 exude


RAFT 1) noun: плот, множество, рафт, паром, масса, уйма, куча, балка, стропило desc: a flat buoyant structure of timber or other materials fastened together, used as a boat or floating platform; a large amount of something. 2) verb: гнать плот, составлять плот, сплавлять лес desc: travel on or as if on a raft; bring or fasten together (a number of boats or other objects) side by side. syn: 1) 782 amount; 973 range; 1850 host; 3839 portfolio; 6084 bundle; 7497 raft; 40608 tranche 2) 41439 raft


RAG 1) noun: тряпка, ветошь, лоскут, листок, обрывок, шумное веселье, скандал, грубые шутки, розыгрыш, крупнозернистый песчаник desc: a piece of old cloth, especially one torn from a larger piece, used typically for cleaning things; a newspaper, typically one regarded as being of low quality; a program of stunts, parades, and other entertainments organized by students to raise money for charity; a large, coarse roofing slate; a ragtime composition or tune. 2) verb: дробить руду, дразнить, разыгрывать, подшучивать, скандалить, дробить камни, снимать заусенцы desc: make fun of (someone) in a loud, boisterous manner; rebuke severely. syn: 1) 4758 thread; 5659 scrap; 6758 rag; 13637 wisp; 19578 duster 2) 7673 mock; 10911 taunt; 12306 bait; 33955 rag; 34786 razz; 39079 rib


RAGE 1) noun: ярость, гнев, бешенство, неистовство, мода, повальное увлечение, страсть, приступ сильного гнева, вспышка desc: violent, uncontrollable anger. 2) verb: бушевать, свирепствовать, беситься, психовать, злиться, неистовствовать, бесноваться, веселиться, кутить desc: feel or express violent uncontrollable anger. syn: 1) 6525 temper; 6669 fury; 7398 frenzy; 10120 wrath; 12641 indignation; 16401 ire 2) 5349 erupt; 7937 storm; 12896 thunder; 14441 fume; 15066 seethe; 38138 fulminate


RAID 1) noun: рейд, набег, налет, облава, внезапное нападение desc: a sudden attack on an enemy by troops, aircraft, or other armed forces in warfare. 2) verb: совершать налет/набег/облаву, грабить, опустошать, погромить desc: conduct a raid on. syn: 1) 1505 search; 3316 invasion; 5149 raid; 7931 bust; 10467 foray; 14480 incursion; 17402 break-in; 22039 swoop. 2) 1729 search; 4551 invade; 7224 assault; 7937 storm; 8918 raid; 9884 swoop; 18884 ransack; 11024 loot; 16632 plunder; 27075 burglarize; 45640 burgle.


RAILING noun: перила, ограда desc: a fence or barrier made of rails. syn: 2669 fence; 3396 rail; 7787 railing; 24900 balustrade; 48802 paling


RAINFALL noun: количество осадков, ливень desc: the fall of rain. syn: 3225 shower; 9363 rainfall; 9994 drizzle; 12111 precipitation; 14628 rainwater


RAISIN noun: изюм, изюминка desc: a partially dried grape. syn: 9176 raisin


RAKE 1) noun: грабли, повеса, скребок, распутник, скос, наклон, передний угол, кочерга, отклонение от перпендикуляра, очень худой человек desc: an implement consisting of a pole with a crossbar toothed like a comb at the end, or with several tines held together by a crosspiece, used especially for drawing together cut grass or fallen leaves, or smoothing loose soil or gravel; a fashionable or wealthy man of dissolute or promiscuous habits; the angle at which a thing slopes; the angle of the edge or face of a cutting tool. 2) verb: разгребать, сметать, рыться, тщательно искать, окидывать взглядом, обстреливать продольным огнем, собирать desc: collect, gather, or move with a rake or similar implement; set (something, especially a stage or the floor of an auditorium) at a sloping angle. syn: 1) 14378 rake; 21031 prodigal; 25038 drunkard; 39463 libertine; 47467 reprobate; 56708 degenerate 2) 5133 spray; 9041 rake; 14785 pepper; 1351 gather; 5557 scrape; 8100 sift; 9712 scour; 11623 rummage


RAMP 1) noun: скат, трап, аппарель, ярость, наклонная плоскость, борт, реактивная пусковая установка, сходня, мошенничество, вымогательство, грабеж, остряк desc: a slope or inclined plane for joining two different levels, as at the entrance or between floors of a building; an upward bend in a stair rail; an electrical waveform in which the voltage increases or decreases linearly with time. 2) verb: бросаться, угрожать, неистовствовать, бушевать, стоять на задних лапах, идти под уклон, сооружать рампу, ползти, виться, вымогать, грабить desc: provide or build (something) with a ramp; (of an animal) rear up on its hind legs in a threatening posture; (of an electrical waveform) increase or decrease voltage linearly with time. syn: 1) 5567 bump; 6179 ramp; 14366 hump; 1970 rise; 3457 slope; 8899 upgrade; 13094 incline; 14853 gradient 2) rage; storm


RAMPANT adj: безудержный, угрожающий, неистовый, грозный, сильно свирепствующий, буйно разросшийся, стоящий на задних лапах desc: (especially of something unwelcome or unpleasant) flourishing or spreading unchecked; (of an animal) represented standing on one hind foot with its forefeet in the air (typically in profile, facing the dexter (left) side, with right hind foot and tail raised, unless otherwise specified); (of an arch) springing from a level of support at one height and resting on the other support at a higher level. syn: 2862 extensive; 3303 widespread; 6864 lush; 8873 rampant; 14753 pandemic; 14520 rife; 11364 threatening; 37727 epidemic


RANCH 1) noun: ранчо, ферма, крупное фермерское хозяйство, одноэтажный дом desc: a large farm, especially in the western US and Canada, where cattle or other animals are bred and raised. 2) verb: заниматься скотоводством, жить на ферме desc: run a ranch. syn: 1) 1788 estate; 4052 spread; 9592 stud; 20102 hacienda; 29536 farmstead; 34621 rancho


RAPPER noun: дверной молоток, спирит, медиум, любитель поговорить, особенно на собраниях и т. п., исполнитель рэпа desc: a person or thing that raps or knocks; the knocker of a door; (slang) a person who chats or talks, especially freely; a person who performs rap music, especially professionally. syn: 3993 performer; 9317 rapper; 15225 vocalist


RASPBERRY noun: малина, пренебрежительное фырканье desc: an edible soft fruit related to the blackberry, consisting of a cluster of reddish-pink drupelets; the plant that yields the raspberry, forming tall, stiff, prickly stems (canes); a deep reddish-pink color like that of a ripe raspberry; a sound made with the tongue and lips in order to express derision or contempt. syn: 8996 raspberry


RATTLE Перевод: погремушка, стук, грохот, греметь, дребезжать, болтать, Определение: a rapid succession of short, sharp, hard sounds; a thing used to make a rapid succession of short, sharp sounds, in particular; make or cause to make a rapid succession of short, sharp knocking sounds, typically as a result of shaking and striking repeatedly against a hard surface or object; cause (someone) to feel nervous, worried, or irritated.


READINESS noun: готовность, находчивость, живость, быстрота, охота desc: willingness to do something; the state of being fully prepared for something; immediacy, quickness, or promptness. syn: 4282 ease; 7614 readiness; 16350 quickness; 30470 alacrity; 4219 willingness; 8423 inclination; 13262 eagerness


REALM noun: область, сфера, королевство, государство desc: a kingdom; a royal domain; the region, sphere, or domain within which anything occurs, prevails, or dominates. syn: 439 field; 973 range; 3126 scope; 3249 province; 3654 domain; 4574 sphere; 36406 ambit; 166 country; 2192 territory


REAP verb: жать, пожинать плоды, снимать урожай desc: cut or gather (a crop or harvest); (transitive) to gain or get (something) as a reward for or result of some action or enterprise. syn: 616 realize; 1257 gain; 1309 earn; 1600 obtain; 2074 acquire; 2505 secure; 3070 derive; 7722 reap; 13751 procure


REAR 1) noun: тыл, спина, задняя сторона, дыбы, ягодицы, отхожее место, уборная desc: the back part of something, especially a building or vehicle. 2) adj: задний, тыловой, расположенный сзади desc: at the back. 3) verb: воспитывать, выращивать, поднимать, разводить, становиться на дыбы, культивировать, возвышать desc: bring up and care for (a child) until they are fully grown, especially in a particular manner or place; (of a horse or other animal) raise itself upright on its hind legs. syn: 1) 322 back; 3004 tail; 12427 stern; 25110 posterior 2) 48121 last; 50408 hindmost; 54924 rearmost 3) 1040 tend; 1521 train; 3052 educate; 5639 cultivate; 5596 nurture


REASONING Перевод: рассуждение, аргументация, размышление, мыслящий, способный рассуждать Определение: the action of thinking about something in a logical, sensible way.


REBEL 1) noun: мятежник, бунтарь, повстанец, бунтовщик desc: a person who rises in opposition or armed resistance against an established government or ruler. 2) verb: бунтовать, протестовать, возмущаться, оказывать сопротивление, противодействовать desc: rise in opposition or armed resistance to an established government or ruler. syn: 1) 6279 protester; 7414 insurgent; 6721 radical; 13602 renegade; 14427 maverick; 15541 revolutionary; 16102 dissenter; 22953 agitator 2) 3592 protest; 5007 campaign; 5648 defy; 12759 dissent; 2486 resist; 41229 mutiny


REBELLION noun: восстание, бунт, мятеж, возмущение, сопротивление, неподчинение desc: an act of violent or open resistance to an established government or ruler. syn: 6416 rebellion; 7875 uprising; 9140 revolt; 9268 upheaval; 13316 agitation; 17056 mutiny; 16732 insurrection; 17313 rising


REBOUND Перевод: отскок, рикошет, отдача, отскакивать, накатываться, рикошетить Определение: a ball or shot that bounces back after striking a hard surface; bounce back through the air after hitting a hard surface or object.


RECEDE verb: отступать, удаляться, отклоняться назад, пятиться, ретироваться, быть срезанным, падать в цене, возвращать захваченное desc: go or move back or further away from a previous position. syn: 2899 fade; 3393 decrease; 3989 diminish; 7784 lessen; 7809 recede; 10242 wane; 13681 abate


RECESS 1) noun: углубление, выемка, паз, перерыв в работе, глухое место, тайник, уединенное место desc: a small space created by building part of a wall further back from the rest; a period of time when the proceedings of a parliament, committee, court of law, or other official body are temporarily suspended. 2) verb: делать перерыв/выемку, отодвигать назад, прятать в тайник, углублять desc: attach (a fixture) by setting it back into the wall or surface to which it is fixed; (of formal proceedings) be temporarily suspended. syn: 1) 3553 bay; 5896 niche; 7884 recess; 13031 nook; 14212 alcove; 18234 indentation; 1074 break; 4831 leave; 38323 adjournment 2) 26977 recess


RECIPE noun: рецепт, способ, средство, предписание desc: a set of instructions for preparing a particular dish, including a list of the ingredients required. syn: 391 process; 999 method; 1339 technique; 1373 procedure; 3362 formula


RECITE verb: декламировать, рассказывать, перечислять, излагать, читать вслух, повторять по памяти desc: repeat aloud or declaim (a poem or passage) from memory before an audience. syn: 4226 trace; 5375 remains; 5659 scrap; 6483 remnant; 13546 vestige; 12246 leftover; 8549 relic


RECKLESS adj: безрассудный, безумный, опрометчивый, отчаянный, беспечный, дерзкий desc: (of a person or their actions) without thinking or caring about the consequences of an action. syn: 8117 irresponsible; 8720 reckless; 10158 careless; 13047 hasty; 13834 uncontrolled; 19608 rash


RECLAIM 1) noun: исправление desc: the action or process of reclaiming or being reclaimed. 2) verb: исправлять, восстанавливать, использовать, утилизировать, отзывать, окультуривать, требовать обратно, возражать, смягчать desc: retrieve or recover (something previously lost, given, or paid); obtain the return of; bring (waste land or land formerly under water) under cultivation. syn: 1) 57011 reclaim 2) 3845 rescue; 5000 retrieve; 4828 regain; 7576 reclaim; 9092 salvage; 14222 recoup; 27546 repossess


RECOLLECTION noun: воспоминание, память, сосредоточенность, собранность, раздумье, присутствие духа, хладнокровие desc: the action or faculty of remembering something. syn: 8021 recollection; 11076 remembrance; 17954 reminiscence; 7416 recall


RECONCILE verb: согласовать, примирять, согласовывать, мирить, примиряться, улаживать desc: restore friendly relations between. syn: 1320 settle; 2256 resolve; 5425 merge; 6654 reconcile; 8308 square; 8897 reunite.


RECONCILIATION Перевод: примирение, согласование, улаживание Определение: the restoration of friendly relations; the action of making one view or belief compatible with another; the action of making financial accounts consistent; harmonization.


RECREATION Перевод: отдых, развлечение, восстановление сил Определение: activity done for enjoyment when one is not working; the action or process of creating something again.


REDEEM verb: выкупать, избавлять, спасать, возвращать, освобождать, исправлять, возмещать, выполнять desc: compensate for the faults or bad aspects of (something); gain or regain possession of (something) in exchange for payment. syn: 2329 transfer; 2912 convert; 4180 exchange; 7380 cash; 9448 redeem; 17341 redress; 1292 deliver


REDEMPTION noun: искупление, выкуп, спасение, освобождение desc: the action of saving or being saved from sin, error, or evil; the action of regaining or gaining possession of something in exchange for payment, or clearing a debt. syn: 1518 exchange; 4708 conversion; 14644 swap; 8396 redemption; 33628 trade-in; 2459 recovery; 3917 rescue; 5582 salvation; 6313 liberation


REEL 1) noun: катушка, барабан, шатание, рулон, часть, рулетка, ворот, колебание, вихрь desc: a cylinder on which film, wire, thread, or other flexible materials can be wound; a lively Scottish or Irish folk dance. 2) verb: наматывать, шататься, дрогнуть, водить хоровод, отступать, спотыкаться desc: wind a line onto a reel by turning the reel; lose one's balance and stagger or lurch violently; dance a reel. syn: 1) 6243 roller; 7185 cylinder; 8702 reel; 17035 spool; 37699 winder; 38241 bobbin 2) 6001 sway; 7656 reel; 7860 stagger; 9339 lurch; 13007 wobble; 21258 totter; 2679 wind; 8181 whirl; 11053 twirl


REFERRAL noun: направления desc: an act of referring someone or something for consultation, review, or further action. syn: 2782 recommendation; 3040 appointment; 6599 referral.


REFINE verb: усовершенствовать, улучшать, очищать, рафинировать, облагораживать, повышать качество, вдаваться в тонкости, делать более изящным desc: remove impurities or unwanted elements from (a substance), typically as part of an industrial process. syn: 2345 enhance; 5639 cultivate; 6005 upgrade; 6695 refine; 7867 perfect; 9134 hone; 2762 process; 13894 purify; 25371 distill


REFRAIN 1) noun: рефрен, припев desc: a repeated line or number of lines in a poem or song, typically at the end of each verse. 2) verb: воздерживаться, сдерживать, обуздывать desc: stop oneself from doing something. syn: 1) 13266 refrain; 18095 exhortation; 19027 buzzword 2) 9217 refrain; 10923 renounce; 14315 abstain; 23122 desist


REFUGE noun: убежище, пристанище, утешение, островок безопасности, утешитель desc: a condition of being safe or sheltered from pursuit, danger, or trouble. syn: 2891 shelter; 4660 refuge; 4832 retreat; 5770 haven; 5797 harbor; 6064 sanctuary; 7911 asylum.


REFUSAL noun: отказ, право первого выбора desc: an act or instance of refusing; priority in refusing or taking something; option. syn: 5054 rejection; 6011 refusal; 15590 rebuttal; 19355 negation; 19835 repudiation; 26210 snub


REFUSE 1) noun: мусор, отходы, брак, угар desc: matter thrown away or rejected as worthless; ​unwanted ​waste ​material, ​especially ​material that is ​regularly ​thrown away from a ​house, ​factory, etc. 2) verb: отказываться, отвергать desc: to say that you will not do or ​accept something; to indicate unwillingness to do, accept, give, or allow. syn: 1) 3965 garbage; 4448 trash; 15524 rubbish 2) 1410 deny; 2010 decline; 2040 reject


REGAIN verb: вернуть себе, восстанавливать, отыгрывать, возвращаться, вновь приобрести, достигать desc: obtain possession or use of (something) again after losing it. syn: 4828 regain; 7576 reclaim; 9092 salvage; 9448 redeem; 11055 recapture; 14222 recoup


REHEARSAL Перевод: репетиция, повторение, перечисление, пересказ Определение: a practice or trial performance of a play or other work for later public performance.


REIGN 1) noun: царствование, власть desc: the period during which a sovereign rules. 2) verb: царствовать, господствовать, воцариться desc: hold royal office; rule as king or queen. syn: 1) 633 rule; 4899 sovereignty; 7760 reign; 11882 supremacy; 11990 sway 2) 936 control; 2220 rule; 3739 govern; 9958 reign; 42684 administrate


REIN 1) noun: поводья, узда, контроль, сдерживающее средство, рукоять desc: a long, narrow strap attached at one end to a horse's bit, typically used in pairs to guide or check a horse while riding or driving. 2) verb: сдерживать, управлять, держать в узде, править вожжами desc: check or guide (a horse) by pulling on its reins. syn: 1) 3146 restriction; 5479 restraint; 5986 strap; 8793 rein; 10084 harness; 11156 leash; 20128 bridle 2) 11372 rein


REINFORCEMENT noun: подкрепление, усиление, арматура, армирование, пополнение desc: the action or process of reinforcing or strengthening. syn: 7634 reinforcement; 25879 corroboration; 31281 highlighting; 55261 underlining; 16174 strengthening; 5539 backup; 18336 fortification


REITERATE verb: повторять, делать снова и снова desc: say something again or a number of times, typically for emphasis or clarity. syn: 3447 echo; 8926 reiterate; 17462 restate; 20687 retell; 22565 recap


RELAY 1) noun: реле, эстафета, трансляция, переключатель, смена, радиотрансляция desc: a group of people or animals engaged in a task or activity for a fixed period of time and then replaced by a similar group; an electrical device, typically incorporating an electromagnet, that is activated by a current or signal in one circuit to open or close another circuit; a device to receive, reinforce, and retransmit a broadcast or program. 2) verb: ретранслировать, передавать, сменять, перестилать, передавать по этапам desc: receive and pass on (information or a message); lay again or differently. syn: 1) 8480 relay 2) 1375 spread; 2688 communicate; 3785 convey; 4883 transmit; 7484 dispatch; 9534 relay; 9890 impart


RELENTLESS adj: неустанный, безжалостный, беспощадный, неумолимый, неослабевающий, непреклонный, неотступный, неослабный desc: oppressively constant; incessant. syn: 5327 persistent; 7143 relentless; 9604 ruthless; 11536 insistent; 14379 unrelenting; 18550 inexorable; 23370 obstinate


RELIABILITY noun: надежность, достоверность, прочность desc: the ability to be relied on or depended on, as for accuracy, honesty, or achievement. syn: 5024 consistency; 22435 trustworthiness; 26293 dependability; 30507 steadfastness


RELIC noun: реликвия, пережиток, остаток, след, сувенир desc: an object surviving from an earlier time, especially one of historical or sentimental interest. syn: 5375 remains; 6483 remnant; 8549 relic; 12246 leftover; 13546 vestige


RELISH 1) noun: приправа, склонность, удовольствие, пристрастие, капелька, приятный вкус/запах, закуска, гарнир, соус, привлекательность desc: great enjoyment; a condiment eaten with plain food to add flavor; an appetizing flavor. 2) verb: наслаждаться, получать удовольствие, смаковать, служить приправой, придавать вкус, отзываться desc: enjoy greatly; make pleasant to the taste; add relish to. syn: 1) 4360 appreciation; 4938 delight; 12301 bliss; 7763 enjoyment; 13294 relish; 18409 elation 2) 882 enjoy; 1747 appreciate; 8459 savor; 8827 relish


REMINISCENT adj: напоминающий, вызывающий воспоминания, склонный к воспоминаниям desc: tending to remind one of something. syn: 1680 like; 7643 reminiscent; 10978 suggestive; 13936 evocative; 14527 resonant; 22940 redolent


REMNANT noun: остаток, пережиток, след, отрез desc: a small remaining quantity of something. syn: 4226 trace; 5375 remains; 5659 scrap; 6483 remnant; 13546 vestige; 12246 leftover; 8549 relic


RENOVATION noun: ремонт, обновление, реконструкция, восстановление, освежение desc: the action of renovating a building. syn: 3904 repair; 5053 restoration; 5263 reconstruction; 6594 renewal; 7383 renovation; 11283 overhaul; 18602 face-lift; 39809 revamp


RENOWNED adj: знаменитый, прославленный desc: known or talked about by many people; famous. syn: 1491 famous; 2914 prominent; 4439 well-known; 5048 legendary; 5369 established; 5632 distinguished; 6237 notorious; 7326 renowned; 8047 celebrated; 13343 recognized.


REPAY verb: возвращать, возмещать, отплачивать, отдавать долг, вознаграждать desc: pay back (a loan, debt, or sum of money). syn: 8116 repay; 8308 square; 12227 reimburse; 21892 refund; 44682 recompense


REPERTOIRE noun: репертуар desc: a stock of plays, dances, or pieces that a company or a performer knows or is prepared to perform. syn: 718 series; 740 stock; 973 range; 1046 collection; 2146 selection; 7922 repertoire


REPLICA noun: реплика, копия, точная копия, модель, репродукция desc: an exact copy or model of something, especially one on a smaller scale. syn: 1937 copy; 5728 reproduction; 7496 imitation; 9464 replica; 19300 facsimile; 23835 mock-up


REPLICATE 1) noun: реплика, тиражирование desc: a close or exact copy; a replica; a tone one or more octaves above or below the given tone. 2) verb: копировать, повторять, делать реплику desc: make an exact copy of; reproduce. 3) adj: отогнутый назад desc: of the nature of a copy; bent back on itself. syn: 2) 5038 reproduce; 4948 copy; 6232 imitate; 6716 replicate; 9434 duplicate


RESENT verb: возмущаться, обижаться, негодовать desc: feel bitterness or indignation at (a circumstance, action, or person); send (a message, letter, package, etc.) again. syn: 21600 begrudge; 6519 resent; 6912 dislike


RESENTMENT Перевод: негодование, возмущение, чувство обиды Определение: bitter indignation at having been treated unfairly.


RESIDE Перевод: проживать, находиться, жить Определение: have one's permanent home in a particular place.


RESIDUAL 1) noun: остаток, разность, остаточный продукт/явление desc: a quantity remaining after other things have been subtracted or allowed for. 2) adj: остаточный, оставшийся после вычитания/необъясненным desc: remaining after the greater part or quantity has gone. syn: 2) 4031 outstanding; 6303 lasting; 6828 enduring; 7930 residual; 7334 lingering


RESIDUE noun: остаток, осадок, отстой, наследство desc: a small amount of something that remains after the main part has gone or been taken or used. syn: 4736 deposit; 5375 remains; 6136 excess; 7709 residue; 15869 scum; 24876 dregs


RESIGNATION Перевод: отставка, заявление об отставке, смирение Определение: an act of retiring or giving up a position; the acceptance of something undesirable but inevitable.


RESOLUTION noun: резолюция, разрешение, твердость, разборка, прекращение воспалительных явлений, анализ desc: a firm decision to do or not to do something; the action of solving a problem, dispute, or contentious matter; the smallest interval measurable by a scientific (especially optical) instrument; the resolving power. syn: 4058 ruling; 8567 decree; 3876 determination; 15175 tenacity


RESTLESS adj: беспокойный, неугомонный, неспокойный, тревожный, вертлявый, хлопотливый desc: (of a person or animal) unable to rest or relax as a result of anxiety or boredom. syn: 7423 restless; 7574 impatient; 11600 edgy; 13391 agitated; 22842 restive; 26693 fidgety; 32878 twitchy


RESTORATION noun: восстановление, реставрация, реконструкция, реставрированный объект desc: the action of returning something to a former owner, place, or condition; the return of a hereditary monarch to a throne, a head of state to government, or a regime to power. syn: 5053 restoration; 6594 renewal; 7383 renovation; 34891 refurbishment; 15634 restitution


RESTRAINT Перевод: сдержанность, ограничение, обуздание Определение: a measure or condition that keeps someone or something under control or within limits; unemotional, dispassionate, or moderate behavior; self-control.


RETALIATION noun: возмездие, воздаяние, репрессалия, отплата desc: the action of returning a military attack; counterattack. syn: 8627 retaliation; 8729 vengeance; 15503 reprisal, 11923 retribution


RETENTION noun: сохранение, удерживание, задержка desc: the continued possession, use, or control of something. syn: 4462 custody; 5287 preservation; 5385 holding; 6636 retention; 21917 withholding; 8021 recollection; 28128 remembering


REVEREND Перевод: преподобный, почтённый, священник, преподобие, его преподобие Определение: used as a title or form of address to members of the clergy; a member of the clergy.


REVIVAL Перевод: возрождение, оживление, восстановление Определение: an improvement in the condition or strength of something.


REVIVE Перевод: возрождать, оживлять, восстанавливать Определение: restore to life or consciousness.


REVOLVE verb: вращать, вертеть, обдумывать, периодически возвращаться desc: move in a circle on a central axis. syn: 2660 spin; 4785 circle; 5546 rotate; 7516 revolve; 9528 orbit; 25733 gyrate


RIB 1) noun: ребро, нервюра, рубчик, фланец, шпангоут, целик, жена, острый край, прутик зонта, жилка листа, столб desc: a small open boat with a fiberglass hull and inflatable rubber sides; each of a series of slender curved bones articulated in pairs to the spine (twelve pairs in humans), protecting the thoracic cavity and its organs; a long raised piece of stronger or thicker material across a surface or through a structure, and typically serving to support or strengthen it, in particular. 2) verb: снабжать ребрами, укреплять, высмеивать, подшучивать, дразнить desc: mark with or form into raised bands or ridges; tease good-naturedly. syn: 1) 4611 rib; 4952 spine; 14237 spoke; 17539 strut; 28994 spa 2) 5520 tease; 7673 mock; 33955 rag; 34786 razz; 36772 josh; 39079 rib


RID verb: освобождать, избавлять desc: make someone or something free of (a troublesome or unwanted person or thing). syn: 2869 free; 3793 relieve; 7617 liberate; 11819 purge; 15530 exonerate; 19510 divest.


RIDGE noun: хребет, конек, ребро, край, гребень горы, грядка, рубчик, водораздел, подводная скала desc: a long narrow hilltop, mountain range, or watershed. syn: 973 range; 978 edge; 4646 rim; 4900 ridge; 6790 elevation; 7597 crest


RIDICULOUS adj: смешной, нелепый, смехотворный desc: deserving or inviting derision or mockery. syn: 4040 silly; 5005 bizarre; 5977 absurd; 6156 outrageous; 9436 unreasonable; 11290 ludicrous; 13913 preposterous; 15717 outlandish


RIFLE 1) noun: винтовка, ружье, нарезное оружие, стрелковая часть, стрелок desc: a gun, especially one fired from shoulder level, having a long spirally grooved barrel intended to make a bullet spin and thereby have greater accuracy over a long distance. 2) verb: стрелять из винтовки, обшаривать с целью грабежа, грабить, нарезать desc: make spiral grooves in (a gun or its barrel or bore) to make a bullet spin and thereby have greater accuracy over a long distance; hit, throw, or kick (a ball or puck) hard and straight; search through something in a hurried way in order to find or steal something. syn: 1) firearm; gun; shotgun 2) 9712 scour; 11623 rummage; 18884 ransack


RIG 1) noun: снаряжение, устройство, оборудование, приспособление, экипаж, одежда, рангоут и такелаж, манера одеваться, борозда, уловка desc: the particular way in which a sailboat's masts, sails, and rigging are arranged; an apparatus, device, or piece of equipment designed for a particular purpose; a person's costume, outfit, or style of dress; a tractor-trailer; a trick or way of swindling someone. 2) verb: оснащать, мошенничать, вооружать, действовать нечестно desc: make (a sailing ship or boat) ready for sailing by providing it with sails and rigging; manage or conduct (something) fraudulently so as to produce a result or situation that is advantageous to a particular person. syn: 1) 1753 dress; 2623 gear; 2666 clothing; 4440 outfit; 8438 rig; 11035 attire; 27681 derrick 2) 1353 fit; 1860 fix; 2230 arrange; 3583 assemble; 4178 equip; 7455 furnish; 8367 engineer; 8988 rig


RIGID Перевод: жёсткий, твёрдый, неподвижный Определение: unable to bend or be forced out of shape; not flexible; not able to be changed or adapted.


RIGOROUS adj: строгий, тщательный, точный, скрупулезный, неумолимый desc: extremely thorough, exhaustive, or accurate. syn: 2745 accurate; 3363 exact; 3856 precise; 6701 rigorous; 11393 meticulous; 3494 harsh; 2344 severe; 2643 rough; 12813 arduous


RIM 1) noun: обод, край, оправа, бандаж, скоба, водная поверхность desc: the upper or outer edge of an object, typically something circular or approximately circular. 2) verb: мигать, мерцать, моргать, закрывать глаза, щуриться desc: снабжать ободком, служить ободом, обрамлять syn: 1) 1348 border; 1587 lip; 4646 rim; 6679 perimeter; 16439 circumference


RINSE 1) noun: полоскание, промывание, краска для волос, остатки desc: an act of rinsing something; an antiseptic solution for cleansing the mouth. 2) verb: полоскать, промывать, выполаскивать desc: wash (something) with clean water to remove soap, detergent, dirt, or impurities. syn: 1) 6805 stain; 9141 dye; 15583 tint; 15277 bleach; 19657 rinse; 42835 colorant 2) 7132 rinse; 7682 bathe; 10799 cleanse; 13894 purify; 2156 wash; 20181 swab; 31831 swill; 35130 sluice; 4573 dip; 4881 soak; 14288 douse


RIPPLE 1) noun: рябь, пульсация, волнистость, зыбь, журчание, чесалка desc: a small wave or series of waves on the surface of water, especially as caused by an object dropping into it or a slight breeze; a type of ice cream with wavy lines of colored flavored syrup running through it. 2) verb: рябить, струиться, покрывать рябью, журчать, чесать desc: (of water) form or flow with small waves on the surface. syn: 1) 5697 current; 7957 wrinkle; 8273 ripple; 10710 swell; 31084 undulation 2) 2787 flow; 4914 swell; 9364 heave; 12592 ripple; 27958 undulate


RITE noun: обряд, ритуал, церемония desc: a religious or other solemn ceremony or act. syn: 1247 tradition; 1373 procedure; 2322 habit;2488 convention; 2601 routine; 3012 custom; 6603 rite; 12336 formality.


ROADSIDE 1) noun: обочина, край дороги desc: the strip of land beside a road. 2) adj: придорожный desc: on or near the side of a road. syn: 1) 978 edge; 6732 verge; 7561 roadside; 8166 curb; 18258 wayside


ROAM 1) noun: странствование, скитание desc: an aimless walk. 2) verb: бродить, странствовать, скитаться desc: move about or travel aimlessly or unsystematically, especially over a wide area. syn: 1) 35222 roam 2) 3204 wander; 6257 roam; 8651 rove; 9456 stray; 13207 meander; 13359 journey; 17546 ramble


ROAR Перевод: рёв, рык, шум, реветь, рычать, орать Определение: a full, deep, prolonged cry uttered by a lion or other large wild animal; (of a lion or other large wild animal) utter a full, deep, prolonged cry; (especially of a vehicle) move at high speed making a loud prolonged sound.


ROBE Перевод: халат, одеяние, мантия, облачаться, надевать, облачать Определение: a long, loose outer garment; a long, loose outer garment; clothe in a long, loose outer garment.


ROBUST adj: крепкий, здравый, сильный, твердый, ясный, не допускающий возражений, трудный, требующий усилий desc: strong and healthy; vigorous. syn: 1013 tough; 1472 healthy; 6319 vigorous; 6508 robust; 10245 forceful; 10641 hardy; 10406 hearty; 13769 stout


ROCKER noun: рокер, коромысло, балансир, качалка, шатун, кулиса, лоток, крюк, поклонник рок-музыки desc: a person who performs, dances to, or enjoys rock music, especially of a particular type; a thing that rocks, in particular; a curved bar or similar support on which something such as a chair or cradle can rock; the amount of curvature in the longitudinal contour of a boat or surfboard; any of the curved stripes below the chevron of a noncommissioned officer above the rank of sergeant. syn: 9348 rocker; 12424 devotee; 14869 aficionado


ROCKY Перевод: скалистый, каменистый, неустойчивый Определение: consisting or full of rock or rocks; tending to rock or shake; unsteady; difficult and full of obstacles or problems.


ROD noun: стержень, штанга, тяга, шток, жезл, прут, удочка, рычаг, брус, скипетр, сила, мера длины, власть, револьвер, тирания desc: a thin straight bar, especially of wood or metal; a fishing rod; a linear measure, especially for land, equal to 5 1 / 2 yards (approximately 5.029 m); a pistol or revolver; a light-sensitive cell of one of the two types present in large numbers in the retina of the eye, responsible mainly for monochrome vision in poor light. syn: 2766 stick; 2806 pole; 4619 rod; 5426 shaft; 26550 dowel


ROGUE 1) noun: жулик, мошенник, плут, негодяй, бродяга, проказник, инородная культура desc: a dishonest or unprincipled man; an elephant or other large wild animal driven away or living apart from the herd and having savage or destructive tendencies. 2) adj: норовистый, блатной desc: (of an animal) having an abnormally savage or unpredictable disposition, as a rogue elephant; no longer obedient, belonging, or accepted and hence not controllable or answerable; renegade. syn: 1) 8766 rogue; 19410 scoundrel; 21569 rascal; 30837 cad; 34482 ne'er-do-well; 47467 reprobate 2) 27419 rogue


ROSTER noun: список, расписание нарядов/дежурств desc: a list or plan showing turns of duty or leave for individuals or groups in an organization. syn: 2157 schedule; 2541 roll; 5402 register; 6565 roster; 37041 rota.


ROVE 1) noun: ровница, бесцельная прогулка, странствие, шайба desc: a journey, especially one with no specific destination; an act of wandering; a sliver of cotton, wool, or other fiber, drawn out and slightly twisted, especially preparatory to spinning; a small metal plate or ring for a rivet to pass through and be clenched over, especially in boatbuilding. 2) verb: бродить, скитаться, странствовать, проводить, пропускать desc: travel constantly without a fixed destination; wander; form (slivers of wool, cotton, or other fiber) into roves. syn: 2) 1874 range; 3204 wander; 6257 roam; 8651 rove; 9456 stray; 13207 meander; 13359 journey; 17546 ramble


RUB 1) noun: трение, растирание, камень преткновения, затруднение, натертое место desc: an act of rubbing; a difficulty, especially one of central importance in a situation. 2) verb: тереть, втирать, накидываться, соприкасаться, задевать desc: move one's hand or a cloth repeatedly back and forth on the surface of (something) with firm pressure. syn: 1) 9695 polish; 10193 scrub; 41764 clean; 58134 scour; 11858 pat; 17023 caress 2) 2908 squeeze; 5557 scrape; 8623 irritate; 16568 chafe; 22354 gall; 4580 pat; 5079 stroke.


RUBBER 1) noun: каучук, резиновые изделия, ластик, презерватив, массажист, автопокрышка, напильник desc: a tough elastic polymeric substance made from the latex of a tropical plant or synthetically; an eraser of this material, for erasing pencil marks, ink marks, etc.; a ​series of three or five ​games between two ​teams, ​especially in ​card ​games or ​cricket. 2) adj: резиновый, прорезиненный desc: made of, containing, or coated with rubber; pertaining to or producing rubber. syn: 1) 8674 rubber; 14244 latex; 15197 sap; 20457 elastic; 27401 neoprene 2) no-good


RUBBLE noun: бут, валун, рваный камень, штыб, утильсырье desc: waste or rough fragments of stone, brick, concrete, etc., especially as the debris from the demolition of buildings. syn: 5375 remains; 7681 rubble; 9000 wreckage


RUGGED adj: прочный, бурный, суровый, неровный, крепкий, строгий, трудный, шершавый desc: (of ground or terrain) having a broken, rocky, and uneven surface. syn: 2643 rough; 3494 harsh; 5612 rocky; 7417 bleak; 8235 uneven; 1013 tough; 6508 robust; 6966 muscular; 10641 hardy; 10897 resilient; 7104 rugged; 13236 weathered


RULER Перевод: правитель, линейка, руководитель, ежовый Определение: a straight strip or cylinder of plastic, wood, metal, or other rigid material, typically marked at regular intervals, to draw straight lines or measure distances.


RUMBLE 1) noun: грохот, ропот, откидное сиденье, недовольство, драка между бандами desc: a continuous deep, resonant sound like distant thunder; a street fight between gangs or large groups. 2) verb: грохотать, урчать, сказать громко desc: make a continuous deep, resonant sound; take part in a street fight between gangs or large groups; discover (an illicit activity or its perpetrator). syn: 1) 2854 crash; 3191 boom; 7069 roar; 12679 growl; 8237 thunder; 12274 rumble; 21563 reverberation 2) 3313 crash; 5333 roar; 8917 growl; 8717 grumble; 8913 rumble; 9119 boom; 12896 thunder; 20158 resound


RUMOR 1) noun: слух, молва, толки desc: a currently circulating story or report of uncertain or doubtful truth. 2) verb: распространять слухи, рассказывать новости desc: be circulated as an unverified account. syn: 1) 918 talk; 1125 opinion; 4471 speculation; 6962 gossip; 24425 chitchat; 35449 buzz; 1125 opinion; 1354 claim 2) 212 believe; 4855 speculate; 5379 allege; 17610 opine


RUNOFF noun: сток, расход, выпуск, слив, выкатывание за пределы ВПП, дополнительная игра после ничейного результата, решающая исход борьбы desc: a further competition, election, race, etc., after a tie or inconclusive result; the draining away of water (or substances carried in it) from the surface of an area of land, a building or structure, etc.. syn: 7713 runoff


RUNWAY Перевод: взлётная полоса, дорожка, подкрановой путь Определение: a leveled strip of smooth ground along which aircraft take off and land; a raised aisle extending into the audience from a stage, especially as used for fashion shows; an animal run, especially one made by small mammals in grass, under snow, etc; an incline or chute down which something slides or runs.


SACRED adj: священный, святой, духовный, посвященный, неприкосновенный desk: connected with God (or the gods) or dedicated to a religious purpose and so deserving veneration. syn: 8196 blessed; 17101 hallowed; 17391 revered; 23465 sacrosanct; 26809 consecrated; 33634 sanctified.


SADDLE 1) noun: седло, суппорт, подпятник, салазки, гнездо, башмак, антиклинальная складка, подушка, подкладка desc: a seat fastened on the back of a horse or other animal for riding, typically made of leather and raised at the front and rear; something resembling a saddle in appearance, function, or position, in particular. 2) verb: оседлать, взваливать, обременять desc: put a saddle on (a horse). syn: 1) 6300 saddle; saddleback 2) 12134 saddle; encumber


SAG 1) noun: прогиб, перекос, провес, оседание, падение цен, уклонение от курса desc: a downward curve or bulge in a structure caused by weakness or excessive weight or pressure; a decline, especially a temporary one. 2) verb: прогибаться, провисать, осесть, падать, ослабевать, отклоняться от курса desc: sink, subside, or bulge downward under weight or pressure or through lack of strength; decline to a lower level, usually temporarily. syn: 1) 2107 depression; 2572 drop; 8832 dip; 9643 slump; 25943 sag; 39912 slackness 2) 2208 bend; 8929 sag; 10232 wilt; 13525 flag; 15728 droop; 18272 loll


SAGE 1) noun: мудрец, шалфей desc: an aromatic plant with grayish-green leaves that are used as a culinary herb, native to southern Europe and the Mediterranean; either of two bushy North American plants with silvery-gray leaves; a profoundly wise man, especially one who features in ancient history or legend. 2) adj: мудрый, глубокомысленный, рассудительный desc: having, showing, or indicating profound wisdom. syn: 1) 4088 elder; 4603 mentor; 8366 sage; 10308 statesman; 22912 savant; 54291 solon 2) 29969 sage


SALVAGE 1) noun: спасение, трофеи, подъем затонувших судов, сбор и использование утильсырья, кромка desc: the rescue of a wrecked or disabled ship or its cargo from loss at sea. 2) verb: собирать трофеи, спасать имущество desc: rescue (a wrecked or disabled ship or its cargo) from loss at sea. syn: 1) 15723 salvage 2) 2144 recover; 3845 rescue; 5000 retrieve; 7576 reclaim; 9092 salvage; 14222 recoup


SALVATION Перевод: спасение Определение: deliverance from sin and its consequences, believed by Christians to be brought about by faith in Christ.


SAMPLING noun: отбор образцов, дискретизация, опробование, взятие пробы, выборочное исследование desc: the taking of a sample or samples; the technique of digitally encoding music or sound and reusing it as part of a composition or recording. syn: 2146 selection; 5926 specimen; 6233 sampling; 16371 sampler


SANCTUARY noun: святилище, убежище, заповедник, храм, алтарь desc: a place of refuge or safety; a nature reserve; a holy place; a temple or church. syn: 3768 reserve; 6064 sanctuary; 10745 preserve; 4660 refuge; 5770 haven; 7911 asylum; 1319 protection; 2891 shelter; 4660 refuge; 7046 immunity; 7911 asylum.


SATURATED adj: насыщенный, пропитанный, интенсивный, глубокий, сатурированный desc: holding as much water or moisture as can be absorbed; thoroughly soaked; (of an organic molecule) containing the greatest possible number of hydrogen atoms, and so having no carbon-carbon double or triple bonds. syn: 6085 saturated; 8478 packed; 13619 replete; 14735 overwhelmed; 17516 flooded; 24576 overloaded; 44237 brimming; 51480 inundated; 57865 brimful; 12643 soaked


SAUCEPAN noun: кастрюля desc: a deep cooking pan, typically round, made of metal, and with one long handle and a lid. syn: 7214 saucepan


SAUTE 1) noun: соте (блюдо, приготовленное таким способом) desc: a dish consisting of ingredients that have been sautéed. 2) adj: соте desc: cooked or browned in a pan containing a small quantity of butter, oil, or other fat; a jump off both feet, landing in the same position. 3) verb: жарить в небольшом количестве жира, жарить на сковороде под крышкой. desc: fry quickly in a little hot fat. syn: 1) 20984 saute 3) 8272 saute; 8265 fry; 9157 brown


SAVOR 1) noun: вкус, аромат, душок, оттенок, интерес, примесь, репутация, отличительное свойство desc: a characteristic taste, flavor, or smell, especially a pleasant one. 2) verb: смаковать, наслаждаться, отдавать, приправлять, иметь особый привкус или запах desc: taste (good food or drink) and enjoy it completely; have a suggestion or trace of (something, especially something bad). syn: 1) 2844 smell; 3137 flavor; 8477 aroma; 9280 bouquet; 20732 tang; 35744 savor 2) 1747 appreciate; 3990 value; 8459 savor; 8827 relish; 8828 cherish; 13008 treasure


SCANT 1) adj: скудный, ограниченный, недостаточный desc: barely sufficient or adequate. 2) verb: скупиться, ограничивать desc: provide grudgingly or in insufficient amounts. syn: 1) 1992 limited; 3001 slight; 5057 inadequate; 6870 scarce; 7225 insufficient; 9336 scant; 9821 meager 2) 50035 scant


SCAR 1) noun: шрам, рубец, след, отпечаток, утес, скала desc: a mark left on the skin or within body tissue where a wound, burn, or sore has not healed completely and fibrous connective tissue has developed; a steep high cliff or rock outcrop, especially of limestone. 2) verb: рубцеваться, оставлять шрам, оставлять глубокий след desc: mark with a scar or scars. syn: 1) 1527 damage; 3210 legacy; 3223 wound; 4226 trace; 4870 trauma; 5077 scar; 13442 hangover; 22164 hurt; 33009 aftereffect; 19789 welt 2) 1689 mark; 1854 score; 4557 wound; 4688 scratch; 5557 scrape; 9347 scar; 15580 traumatize; 19536 disfigure; 22361 mutilate; 33914 blemish


SCARCELY adv: едва, вряд ли, с трудом, еле, только что, не совсем, как только, еле-еле desc: only just; almost not. syn: 1750 hardly; 1983 barely; 7087 scarcely; 8210 narrowly.


SCARF 1) noun: шарф, кашне, галстук, скос, косой срез или кромка, соединение замком desc: a length or square of fabric worn around the neck or head; a joint connecting two pieces of timber or metal in which the ends are beveled or notched so that they fit over or into each other. 2) verb: сращивать, резать вкось, скашивать, отесывать края, делать пазы, делать продольный, соединять замком desc: join the ends of (two pieces of timber or metal) by beveling or notching them so that they fit over or into each other; make an incision in the blubber of (a whale); eat or drink (something) hungrily or enthusiastically. syn: 1) 6531 wrap; 11938 shawl; 19663 muffler; 25329 headscarf; 32363 cravat; 33919 stole; 44367 pashmina; 45988 mantilla 2) 31586 scarf


SCATTER 1) noun: разброс, рассеивание desc: a small, dispersed amount of something. 2) verb: рассеивать, разбрасывать, посыпать, закидать, разбегаться desc: throw in various random directions; to separate and drive off in various directions. syn: 1) spread 2) 2959 flee; 7543 disperse; 2412 toss; 2962 distribute; 8427 dot; 10160 disseminate; 10229 strew


SCENERY noun: пейзаж, декорации desc: the natural features of a landscape considered in terms of their appearance, especially when picturesque. syn: 1837 landscape; 1406 background; 5380 countryside; 5938 outlook; 8302 scenery; 10099 vista; 13456 panorama; 10107 decor


SCHOLARLY adj: ученый, свойственный ученым desc: involving or relating to serious academic study. syn: 2874 intellectual; 6016 educated; 6395 scholarly; 7462 knowledgeable; 10407 cerebral; 11115 learned; 25302 bookish


SCOOP 1) noun: совок, ковш, черпак, лопатка, мерная ложка, сенсационная новость, большой куш, котлован, углубление desc: a utensil resembling a spoon, with a long handle and a deep bowl, used for removing powdered, granulated, or semisolid substances (such as ice cream) from a container; a piece of news published by a newspaper or broadcast by a television or radio station in advance of its rivals. 2) verb: черпать, копать, выдалбливать, высверливать, срывать куш desc: pick up and move (something) with a scoop; publish a news story before (a rival reporter, newspaper, or radio or television station). syn: 1) 6343 server; 9765 scoop; 23868 ladle; 30052 dipper; 942 measure; 4377 spoon; 7367 shovel; 4217 revelation; 4417 sensation 2) 5557 scrape; 6719 scoop; 10399 excavate; 13772 gouge; 19465 hollow; 433 raise; 1347 lift; 10925 bundle


SCOUT 1) noun: разведчик, скаут, лазутчик, бойскаут, разведка, парень, слуга, малый desc: a soldier or other person sent out ahead of a main force so as to gather information about the enemy's position, strength, or movements; a Boy Scout or Girl Scout; a man or boy; a domestic worker at a college at Oxford University. 2) verb: производить разведку, отвергать, пренебрегать desc: make a search for someone or something in various places; reject (a proposal or idea) with scorn. syn: 1) 2461 watch; 3823 detective; 4893 spy; 8963 mole; 10739 lookout; 17224 emissary; 41948 pathfinder 2) 1812 investigate; 3730 survey; 8949 scout; 1729 search; 3443 hunt


SCRAMBLE 1) noun: схватка, борьба, карабканье, свалка, драка desc: a difficult or hurried clamber up or over something; a disordered mixture of things. 2) verb: карабкаться, бороться, цепляться, драться, пробираться, ползти, делать яичницу-болтунью desc: make one's way quickly or awkwardly up a steep slope or over rough ground by using one's hands as well as one's feet; make (something) jumbled or muddled. syn: 1) 36960 scramble; 2425 journey; 5258 hike; 7998 climb; 10546 ascent; 3789 rush; 6421 dash; 11970 commotion; 18137 stampede; 22345 free-for-all. 2) 1675 struggle; 3866 crawl; 4364 scramble; 6544 scale; 9170 swarm; 13012 clamber; 22975 scrabble; 3542 confuse; 19978 muddle; 21065 disorganize; 24556 jumble; 695 push; 1966 rush


SCRAP Перевод: лом, клочок, кусок, отдавать на лом, превщать в лом, ломать на мелкие куски Определение: a small piece or amount of something, especially one that is left over after the greater part has been used; discarded metal for reprocessing; discard or remove from service (a retired, old, or inoperative vehicle, vessel, or machine), especially so as to convert it to scrap metal.


SCRUB 1) noun: скраб, кустарник, поросль, ничтожный человек, жесткая щетка, карликовое растение, малорослое животное, младшая или слабая команда desc: an act of scrubbing something or someone; a semiabrasive cosmetic lotion applied to the face or body in order to cleanse the skin; vegetation consisting mainly of brushwood or stunted forest growth; denoting a shrubby or small form of a plant; an insignificant or contemptible person. 2) verb: скрести, тереть, отменять, чистить щеткой, промывать газ desc: rub (someone or something) hard so as to clean them, typically with a brush and water. syn: 1) 9695 polish; 10193 scrub; 14620 rub; 41764 clean; 58134 scour; 4294 bush; 20452 undergrowth 2) 4688 scratch; 5848 erase; 6639 postpone; 7678 scrub; 8197 delete; 3244 brush; 10799 cleanse


SCRUTINIZE verb: тщательно исследовать, критически изучать, внимательно рассматривать desc: examine or inspect closely and thoroughly. syn: 1166 examine; 1729 search; 2330 analyze; 5082 inspect; 7923 scrutinize; 12174 dissect


SCRUTINY noun: изучение, исследование, разбор, испытующий взгляд, внимательный осмотр desc: critical observation or examination; surveillance; close and continuous watching or guarding. syn: 812 analysis; 1505 search; 3088 examination; 3389 inquiry; 3614 inspection; 5012 scrutiny


SEAL 1) noun: печать, тюлень, пломба, нерпа, знак, изоляция, затвор, перемычка, клеймо, изолирующий слой, гарантия desc: a device or substance that is used to join two things together so as to prevent them from coming apart or to prevent anything from passing between them; a piece of wax, lead, or other material with an individual design stamped into it, attached to a document to show that it has come from the person who claims to have issued it; a thing regarded as a confirmation or guarantee of something. 2) verb: запечатывать desc: fasten or close securely; apply a nonporous coating to (a surface) to make it impervious; fry (food) briefly in hot fat to prevent it from losing too much of its moisture during subsequent cooking; conclude, establish, or secure (something) definitively, excluding the possibility of reversal or loss. syn: 1) 2320 cap; 4702 lid; 5845 closure; 18586 stopper; 5193 stamp; 8445 hallmark; 34227 signet; 50895 sigil 2) 649 close; 1211 stick; 1546 shut; 8073 fasten; 1861 confirm; 2791 guarantee; 12673 clinch; 12841 finalize


SEAM 1) noun: шов, пласт, соединение, рубец, шрам, спай, морщина, прослоек desc: a line along which two pieces of fabric are sewn together in a garment or other article; an underground layer, as of ore or coal. 2) verb: соединять швами, бороздить, покрывать рубцами/морщинами desc: join with a seam; make a long narrow indentation in. syn: 1) 5845 closure; 8285 seam; 25667 lode; 28886 join; 5074 vein; 5136 joint; 12236 stratum 2) 38170 seam


SEASONING noun: приправа, выдерживание, старение металла desc: salt, herbs, or spices added to food to enhance the flavor; the process of adjusting the moisture content of wood to make it more suitable for use as timber. syn: 9270 seasoning; 10313 zest; 24707 flavoring; 32897 zing


SECULAR adj: светский, мирской, вековой, вечный, живущий в миру, происходящий раз в сто лет desc: denoting attitudes, activities, or other things that have no religious or spiritual basis; (of clergy) not subject to or bound by religious rule; not belonging to or living in a monastic or other order; of or denoting slow changes in the motion of the sun or planets; (of a fluctuation or trend) occurring or persisting over an indefinitely long period; occurring once every century or similarly long period (used especially in reference to celebratory games in ancient Rome). syn: 7893 lay; 10417 earthly; 10981 worldly; 14155 material; 18502 profane; 37968 irreligious


SEDIMENT 1) noun: осадок, отстой, осадочная порода, отложение, гуща desc: matter that settles to the bottom of a liquid; dregs. 2) verb: осаждаться, давать осадок desc: settle as sediment. syn: 1) 5375 remains; 8019 sediment; 7709 residue; 24876 dregs


SEEP 1) noun: просачивание desc: a place where petroleum or water oozes slowly out of the ground. 2) verb: просачиваться, проникать, протекать, распространяться desc: (of a liquid) flow or leak slowly through porous material or small holes. syn: 1) 27760 seep 2) 4881 soak; 5273 bleed; 5219 leak; 8824 seep; 9043 trickle; 11340 ooze; 12040 dribble; 19491 percolate


SEGREGATION noun: сегрегация, разделение, отделение, изоляция, ликвация, зейгерование, разделение по расовому признаку desc: the action or state of setting someone or something apart from other people or things or being set apart. syn: 7075 apartheid; 52153 ghettoization; 4313 isolation; 6316 exclusion; 7457 segregation; 3732 separation


SEIZE verb: воспользоваться, схватить, конфисковать, захватывать, понять, вселяться, обдавать, цапать, обуревать desc: take hold of suddenly and forcibly; (of a machine with moving parts or a moving part in a machine) become stuck or jammed; be in legal possession of; fasten or attach (someone or something) to something by binding with turns of rope. syn: 7135 appropriate; 10810 confiscate; 18716 sequester; 2153 arrest; 6150 snatch; 1482 grab; 1723 capture; 6834 conquer; 11543 overrun; 15220 annex; 5199 clutch.


SEQUEL noun: продолжение, результат, последствие, последующее событие desc: a published, broadcast, or recorded work that continues the story or develops the theme of an earlier one. syn: 427 effect; 448 development; 1631 consequence; 1756 outcome; 9073 sequel; 18197 upshot


SERGEANT noun: сержант desc: a noncommissioned officer in the armed forces, in particular (in the US Army or Marine Corps) an NCO ranking above corporal and below staff sergeant, or (in the US Air Force) an NCO ranking above airman and below staff sergeant. syn: 6734 sergeant


SERMON noun: проповедь, поучение, нотация desc: a talk on a religious or moral subject, especially one given during a church service and based on a passage from the Bible. syn: 6694 sermon; 18571 homily; 29673 harangue; 52523 talking-to; 1329 lesson; 3550 lecture; 24261 oration


SERVER noun: сервер, поднос, спецпроцессор, игрок, подающий мяч desc: a person or thing that provides a service or commodity, in particular; a computer or computer program that manages access to a centralized resource or service in a network. syn: 5490 attendant; 6343 server; 45764 headwaiter


SETBACK noun: неудача, задержка, регресс, препятствие desc: a reversal or check in progress; a plain, flat offset in a wall; the distance by which a building or part of a building is set back from the property line. syn: 3595 obstacle; 7418 setback; 9186 obstruction; 10853 impediment; 19549 hindrance; 23907 holdup


SETTLE 1) noun: скамья, скамья-ларь desc: a wooden bench with a high back and arms, typically incorporating a box under the seat. 2) verb: поселиться, обосновываться, решать, улаживать, завещать, успокаиваться desc: resolve or reach an agreement about (an argument or problem); sit or come to rest in a comfortable position; to pay, as a bill. syn: 1) settee 2) 1904 clear; 2256 resolve; 11122 mend, 690 drop; 751 lie


SETTLEMENT noun: урегулирование, поселение, дарственная запись, устройство desc: an official agreement intended to resolve a dispute or conflict; a place, typically one that has hitherto been uninhabited, where people establish a community; the action or process of settling an account; subsidence of the ground or a structure built on it. syn: 1135 neighborhood; 1249 village; 3701 colony; 10508 township; 11660 hamle


SETTLER Перевод: поселенец, отстойник, осадитель Определение: a person who settles in an area, typically one with no or few previous inhabitants.


SEVER verb: разрывать, разъединять, перерезать, отделять, отрубать, разлучать desc: divide by cutting or slicing, especially suddenly and forcibly. syn: 494 break; 1935 separate; 2927 split; 4333 dissolve; 6727 undo; 9142 sever; 17768 amputate


SEWAGE noun: канализация, сточные воды, нечистоты desc: waste water and excrement conveyed in sewers. syn: 7325 sewage.


SEWER noun: коллектор, сточная труба, швея, канализационная труба desc: an underground conduit for carrying off drainage water and waste matter; a person who sews. syn: 5992 drain; 7577 sewer; 11158 gutter; 23710 culvert; 28980 sump; 28814 cesspool


SHACK 1) noun: лачуга, хижина, будка, хибарка desc: a roughly built hut or cabin. 2) verb: проживать, сожительствовать desc: move in or live with someone as a lover. syn: 1) 7410 shack; shed; shanty; hut 2) 33832 shack; reside


SHAFT Перевод: вал, ось, стержень Определение: a long, narrow part or section forming the handle of a tool or club, the body of a spear or arrow, or a similar implement; a long, narrow, typically vertical hole that gives access to a mine, accommodates an elevator in a building, or provides ventilation; (of light) shine in beams; (of a man) have sexual intercourse with (a woman).


SHAKY adj: шаткий, дрожащий, сомнительный, нетвердый, вибрирующий, ненадежный, растрескавшийся desc: shaking or trembling. syn: 16706 trembling; 19459 quivering; 30994 shivering; 7732 dubious; 8092 shaky; 9203 doubtful; 10336 precarious; 10792 insecure


SHED 1) noun: сарай, навес, депо, ангар, эллинг, гараж, сеновал desc: a simple roofed structure, typically made of wood or metal, used as a storage space, a shelter for animals, or a workshop. 2) verb: пролить, терять, сбрасывать, распространять, излучать, ронять, укрывать под навесом desc: park (a vehicle) in a depot; (of a tree or other plant) allow (leaves or fruit) to fall to the ground. 3) adj: пролитый, сбросивший покров desc: she had; she would. syn: 1) 3171 cabin; 5381 hut; 6344 shed; 7410 shack; 18935 shanty; 26162 lean-to; 18023 outhouse; 30116 woodshed. 2) 3950 peel; 4395 shed; 6544 scale; 9879 skin; 17746 flake; 22979 slough; 28680 molt.


SHEER 1) noun: отклонение от курса, кривизна борта, продольная погибь desc: a very fine or diaphanous fabric or article; a sudden deviation from a course, especially by a boat; the upward slope of a ship's lines toward the bow and stern. 2) adj: явный, чистый, отвесный, полнейший, абсолютный, сущий, прозрачный, настоящий, истинный, легкий, перпендикулярный desc: nothing other than; unmitigated (used for emphasis); (especially of a cliff or wall) perpendicular or nearly so; (of a fabric) very thin; diaphanous. 3) verb: отклоняться от курса desc: (typically of a boat or ship) swerve or change course quickly. 4) adv: отвесно, абсолютно, полностью, перпендикулярно, без примеси desc: perpendicularly; completely; right. syn: 2) 1626 thin; 4231 sheer; 10320 translucent; 27489 diaphanous; 28140 filmy 3) swerve; veer; slew; skew; swing; avoid 4) 16461 steeply; 19191 precipitously; 33227 plumb; 41195 sheer


SHELF noun: полка, шельф, отмель, выступ, риф, срок desc: a flat length of wood or rigid material, attached to a wall or forming part of a piece of furniture, that provides a surface for the storage or display of objects. syn: 2181 layer; 4900 ridge; 4800 projection; 8469 ledge; 11458 bookshelf; 12464 sill; 25559 mantelpiece.


SHEPHERD 1) noun: овчарка, пастух, пастырь, чабан desc: a person who tends and rears sheep. 2) verb: пасти, вести, присматривать, гнать desc: tend (sheep) as a shepherd; guide or direct in a particular direction. syn: 1) 9094 shepherd 2) 1565 direct; 2985 guide; 4667 steer; 6713 propel; 12473 marshal; 17559 shepherd


SHIITE 1) noun: шиит desc: an adherent of the Shia branch of Islam. 2) adj: шиитский desc: of or relating to Shia. syn: 1) 10912 shiite 2) 8168 shiite


SHINY adj: блестящий, солнечный, яркий, лоснящийся desc: (of a smooth surface) reflecting light, typically because very clean or polished. syn: 6963 reflective; 7684 polished; 8326 gleaming; 8732 glossy;10131 shimmering; 14705 glistening; 23471 glittery; 24850 sparkly; 25570 burnished.


SHIVER 1) noun: дрожь, трепет, содрогание, осколок, обломок, сланец, шифер desc: a momentary trembling movement; each of the small fragments into which something such as glass is shattered when broken; a splinter. 2) verb: дрожать, трястись, трепетать, знобить, ежиться, разбивать вдребезги desc: (of a person or animal) shake slightly and uncontrollably as a result of being cold, frightened, or excited; break into splinters or fragments. syn: 1) 11947 tremor; 13182 shiver; 13723 shudder; 29062 frisson 2) 5291 tremble; 6294 shiver; 11822 quiver; 25420 quake


SHORTCOMING noun: недостаток, дефект, несовершенство, проступок desc: a fault or failure to meet a certain standard, typically in a person's character, a plan, or a system. syn: 3038 limitation; 3510 weakness; 5459 flaw; 6024 defect; 6446 deficiency; 8290 shortcoming; 12039 inadequacy; 14947 failing


SHOVE 1) noun: толчок, толкание, костра desc: a strong push. 2) verb: пихать, сунуть, совать, толкать, пихаться, всучить, тыкать, засовывать desc: push (someone or something) roughly. syn: 1) 7541 pull; 7951 thrust; 11111 jolt; 17344 heave;18375 shove 2) 695 push; 4423 shove; 5980 thrust; 6713 propel


SHOVEL 1) noun: лопата, совок, экскаватор, ковш, черпак desc: a tool with a broad flat blade and typically upturned sides, used for moving coal, earth, snow or other material. 2) verb: перелопачивать, сгребать, копать, рыть desc: move (coal, earth, snow, or similar material) with a shovel. syn: 1) 7367 shovel; 9765 scoop; 13811 spade; 20683 trowel 2) 2476 dig; 10819 heap; 11175 spoon; 14127 shovel; 17884 ladle


SHRED 1) noun: лоскуток, клочок, толика, частица, тряпка, мизерное количество desc: a strip of some material, such as paper, cloth, or food, that has been torn, cut, or scraped from something larger. 2) verb: кромсать, шинковать, расползаться, резать на клочки, сечь, распадаться desc: tear or cut into shreds; play a very fast, intricate style of rock lead guitar. syn: 1) 953 bit; 2771 strip; 4789 fragment; 5659 scrap; 7336 crumb; 11236 shred; 11444 sliver; 51756 paring 2) 3995 chop; 3947 slice; 5432 grind; 8303 mince; 8669 grate; 8882 shred


SHRINE noun: храм, святыня, гробница, усыпальница, место поклонения desc: a place regarded as holy because of its associations with a divinity or a sacred person or relic, typically marked by a building or other construction. syn: 4098 monument; 5252 memorial; 6162 shrine; 6265 tomb; 6064 sanctuary; 24362 reliquary; 23639 tabernacle; 45040 stupa


SHRUB noun: кустарник, куст, шраб (напиток из фруктового сока и рома) desc: a woody plant that is smaller than a tree and has several main stems arising at or near the ground; a drink made of sweetened fruit juice and liquor, typically rum or brandy; a slightly acid cordial made from fruit juice and water. syn: 623 plant; 1494 flower; 4294 bush; 7267 shrub; 8782 climber


SHRUG 1) noun: пожимание плечами desc: an act or instance of shrugging one's shoulders; a woman's close-fitting cardigan or jacket, cut short at the front and back so that only the arms and shoulders are covered. 2) verb: пожимать плечами, дергать, тащить, тянуть desc: raise (one's shoulders) slightly and momentarily to express doubt, ignorance, or indifference.


SHUDDER 1) noun: дрожь, содрогание desc: an act of shuddering. 2) verb: содрогаться, дрожать, вздрагивать desc: (of a person) tremble convulsively, typically as a result of fear or revulsion. syn: 1) 8791 shake; 11947 tremor; 13182 shiver; 13723 shudder; 13316 agitation; 17725 convulsion 2) 5291 tremble; 8042 shudder; 8966 wince; 9883 vibrate; 11822 quiver; 12398 jolt; 13007 wobble; 21094 convulse; 25420 quake


SHUFFLE 1) noun: шарканье, тасование, перемещение, увертка, трюк, перемена мест, уловка desc: a shuffling movement, walk, or sound; an act of shuffling a deck of cards; a piece of equivocation or subterfuge. 2) verb: тасовать, шаркать, перемешивать, волочить ноги, вилять, изворачиваться, хитрить desc: walk by dragging one's feet along or without lifting them fully from the ground; rearrange (a deck of cards) by sliding the cards over each other quickly; get out of or avoid a responsibility or obligation. syn: 1) 17906 shuffle 2) 7927 shuffle; 9648 rearrange; 20305 transpose; 23238 reorder; 12024 hobble; 14934 slouch; 16709 lumber; 18645 waddle


SHUN verb: избегать, остерегаться, гнушаться, держаться в стороне desc: persistently avoid, ignore, or reject (someone or something) through antipathy or caution. syn: 1379 ignore; 2040 reject; 9306 shun; 15839 spurn; 12211 eschew; 23382 shirk


SHUTTER 1) noun: затвор, жалюзи, ставня, заслонка, задвижка desc: each of a pair of hinged panels, often louvered, fixed inside or outside a window that can be closed for security or privacy or to keep out light; a device that opens and closes to expose the film in a camera. 2) verb: закрывать ставнями desc: close the shutters of (a window or building). syn: 1) 9199 shutter 2) 34881 shutter


SIC adv: так desc: used in brackets after a copied or quoted word that appears odd or erroneous to show that the word is quoted exactly as it stands in the original, as in a story must hold a child's interest and "enrich his [ sic ] life.". syn: 8257 sic


SIDEWALK noun: тротуар, пешеходная дорожка desc: a paved path for pedestrians at the side of a road. syn: 6634 pavement; 9995 walkway; 21687 footpath


SIDEWAYS 1) adj: направленный в сторону desc: moving, facing, or directed toward one side; indirect or evasive. 2) adv: боком, в сторону, вбок, вкось desc: to, toward, or from the side; with a side foremost; with a deceitful, scornful, disparaging, or amorous glance. syn: 1) 15525 oblique; 20676 sideways; 20935 slanted; 26652 sidelong 2) 7505 sideways; 25544 askance; 53792 aslant


SIEGE noun: осада, тягостный период времени, трон desc: a military operation in which enemy forces surround a town or building, cutting off essential supplies, with the aim of compelling the surrender of those inside. syn: 3146 restriction; 6873 siege; 22918 cordon; 9186 obstruction; 11856 blockade; 11566 barricade.


SIFT verb: отсеивать, тщательно анализировать, сыпать, подробно допрашивать, внимательно исследовать desc: put (a fine, loose, or powdery substance) through a sieve so as to remove lumps or large particles; examine (something) thoroughly so as to isolate that which is most important or useful. syn: 5951 filter; 8100 sift; 38610 sieve; 1742 select; 7923 scrutinize


SIGH 1) noun: вздох desk: a long, deep, audible exhalation expressing sadness, relief, tiredness, or a similar feeling. 2) verb: вздыхать, охать, тосковать desk: emit a long, deep, audible breath expressing sadness, relief, tiredness, or a similar feeling. syn: 1) 11912 groan; 12320 moan; 14745 lament; 24052 exhalation. 2) 12125 exhale; 3812 desire; 5562 long; 8145 yearn; 17055 pine; 34062 hanker.


SIGHTING noun: обнаружение, прицеливание desc: the power or faculty of seeing; perception of objects by use of the eyes; vision; an act, fact, or instance of seeing. syn: 9267 sighting


SIGNIFY verb: означать, предвещать, выражать, выказывать desc: be an indication of. syn: 177 show; 430 suggest; 785 indicate; 2813 imply; 6786 signify; 9969 denote; 18478 connot


SIMMER 1) noun: закипание, медленное кипячение desc: a state or temperature just below the boiling point. 2) verb: кипятить на медленном огне, закипать, булькать, еле сдерживать гнев/смех desc: (of water or food) stay just below the boiling point while being heated. syn: 2) 4295 boil; 6077 simmer; 8913 rumble; 10290 bubble; 15066 seethe; 23638 fester; 49995 smoulder.


SIP Перевод: глоток, маленький глоток, потягивать, прихлёбывать, пить маленькими глотками Определение: a small mouthful of liquid; drink (something) by taking small mouthfuls.


SITUATE verb: размещать, располагать desc: fix or build (something) in a certain place or position. syn: 294 set; 631 place; 897 establish; 1688 locate; 4218 position; 6489 situate; 7286 station


SIZABLE adj: значительный, немалый, порядочного размера desc: fairly large. syn: 1709 comfortable; 2560 substantial; 3916 generous; 6374 ample; 8821 spacious; 8748 sizable


SKIING noun: катание на лыжах, лыжный спорт, ходьба на лыжах desc: the action of traveling over snow on skis, especially as a sport or recreation. Competitive skiing falls into two categories: Nordic (cross-country racing, jumping, and biathlon) and Alpine (downhill or straight racing, and slalom racing around a series of markers).


SKIM 1) noun: снятие пены, верхний слой desc: a thin layer of a substance on the surface of a liquid; an act of reading something quickly or superficially. 2) verb: скользить, снимать накипь/пену, нестись, едва касаться, просматривать, перелистывать книгу, скрывать доходы desc: remove (a substance) from the surface of a liquid; go or move quickly and lightly over or on a surface or through the air. syn: 1) 19776 skim 2) 3159 float; 4751 soar; 7201 glide; 8672 skim; 9852 browse


SKULL noun: череп, башка desc: a framework of bone or cartilage enclosing the brain of a vertebrate; the skeleton of a person's or animal's head. syn: 469 mind 1191 brain; 4280 skull; 19721 pate; 31928 noggin


SLAB 1) noun: плита, пластина, горбыль, плоская заготовка, ломоть, кус, жидкая грязь desc: a large, thick, flat piece of stone, concrete, or wood, typically rectangular. 2) verb: мостить плитами, срезать горбыли desc: remove slabs from (a log or tree) to prepare it for sawing into planks. syn: 1) 1318 block; 2191 portion; 4543 chunk; 6221 lump; 6341 wedge; 7585 slab; 12838 hunk


SLACK 1) noun: слабина, затишье, зазор, люфт, угольная пыль, бездействие, безделье, ослабнувшая веревка, игра, стоячая вода desc: the part of a rope or line that is not held taut; the loose or unused part; casual trousers; a spell of inactivity or laziness; coal dust or small pieces of coal. 2) verb: ослаблять, распускать, слабнуть, замедлять, бить баклуши, утолять, идти вяло desc: loosen (something, especially a rope); slake (lime). 3) adj: вялый, слабый, небрежный, медленный, ленивый, неактивный, дряблый desc: not taut or held tightly in position; loose; (of business) characterized by a lack of work or activity; quiet; (of a tide) neither ebbing nor flowing. syn: 1) 7089 slack. 2) 27572 slack. 3) 8296 idle; 9860 inefficient; 9675 sloppy; 10158 careless; 14039 inactive; 14521 negligent; 21940 unprofessional; 14207 slack; 17583 slow-moving.


SLAM 1) noun: шлем, хлопанье, шум захлопывающейся двери, сильный удар, резкая критика, разнос desc: a loud bang caused by the forceful shutting of something such as a door; prison; a poetry contest in which competitors recite their entries and are judged by members of the audience, the winner being elected after several elimination rounds; (especially in tennis) any of the individual championships that together comprise a Grand Slam. 2) verb: хлопать, ударить, бросать со стуком, швырять, раскритиковать, разносить. syn: 1) gibe; dig; shaft; shot; barb; sweep 2) bang; hit; strike; ram; impact; mosh; thrash


SLAP 1) noun: пощечина, шлепок desc: a blow with the palm of the hand or a flat object. 2) adv: прямо, вдруг, внезапно desc: suddenly and directly, especially with great force. 3) verb: шлепать, заляпать, бахать, швырнуть с силой desc: hit (someone or something) with the palm of one's hand or a flat object. syn: 1) 7066 cuff; 8730 clout; 12520 smack; 15725 whack 2) 1455 cool; 3305 lovely; 8243 exquisite; 9550 heavenly; 8987 celestial; 24753 godly 3) 13992 swipe; 14864 spank; 30056 clout


SLASH 1) noun: сокращение, снижение, разрез, вырубка, резкий удар, удар сплеча, глубокая рана, болотистое место desc: a cut made with a wide, sweeping stroke; an oblique stroke (/) in print or writing, used between alternatives (e.g., and/or ), in fractions (e.g., 3/4 ), in ratios (e.g., miles/day ), or between separate elements of a text; debris resulting from the felling or destruction of trees; a tract of swampy ground, especially in a coastal region. 2) verb: хлестать, сокращать, снижать, рубить, полоснуть, искромсать, порезать, косить, резко критиковать desc: cut (something) with a violent sweeping movement, typically using a knife or sword. syn: 1) 1915 tear; 11622 slit; 15510 rip; 15504 slash; 16388 gash; 23591 laceration 2) 3947 slice; 6033 slash; 35643 lacerate; 701 reduce; 690 drop; 2063 lower; 3393 decrease


SLATE 1) noun: шифер, список кандидатов, грифельная доска, аспидный сланец, синевато-серый цвет desc: a fine-grained gray, green, or bluish metamorphic rock easily split into smooth, flat pieces; a flat piece of slate used for writing on, typically framed in wood, formerly used in schools; a bluish-gray color; a list of candidates for election to a post or office, typically a group sharing a set of political views. 2) verb: намечать, крыть шифером, заносить в список кандидатов, выдвигать на должность, назначать, планировать, раскритиковать, делать выговор desc: cover (something, especially a roof) with slates; criticize severely; schedule; plan; identify (a movie take) using a slate. syn: 1) 8207 slate 2) 10681 slate


SLAUGHTER 1) noun: резня, избиение, кровопролитие, убой скота, массовое убийство desc: the killing of animals for food. 2) verb: зарезать, забивать скот, совершать массовое убийство, устраивать кровопролитие, разбивать в пух и прах desc: kill (animals) for food. syn: 1) 3304 killing; 6548 massacre; 8494 slaughter; 11806 carnage; 32208 butchery 2) 3348 defeat; 4349 crush; 4850 overwhelm; 6474 hammer; 8866 slaughter; 11751 thrash; 3503 murder


SLEEK 1) adj: гладкий, холеный, прилизанный, елейный, лоснящийся desc: (of hair, fur, or skin) smooth and glossy. 2) verb: наводить лоск, разглаживать, приглаживать, сглаживать desc: make (the hair) smooth and glossy, typically by applying pressure or moisture to it. syn: 1) 5182 shiny; 7122 sleek; 8732 glossy; 12046 silky; 20958 lustrous 2) 41136 sleek


SLENDER adj: тонкий, стройный, худенький, небольшой, слабый, незначительный, скудный, грациозный desc: (of a person or part of the body) gracefully thin; (of something abstract) barely sufficient in amount or basis. syn: 5372 slim; 5554 lean; 6673 slender; 10612 trim; 26712 willowy; 256 little; 3001 slight


SLIPPER noun: тапок, комнатная туфля, танкетка, тормозной башмак desc: a comfortable slip-on shoe that is worn indoors. syn: 8951 slipper


SLOPE 1) noun: наклон, крутизна, откос, скат, косогор, наклонная выработка, бремсберг desc: a surface of which one end or side is at a higher level than another; a rising or falling surface; a person from Asia, especially Vietnam or elsewhere in Southeast Asia. 2) verb: клониться, отлого опускаться, скашивать, ставить в наклонное положение desc: (of a surface or line) be inclined from a horizontal or vertical line; slant up or down. syn: 1) 2022 hill; 1970 rise; 2572 drop; 6179 ramp; 13094 incline; 14853 gradient 2) 1525 lean; 5122 tilt; 11229 angle; 13816 slant


SLOT 1) noun: шлиц, щель, паз, прорезь, отверстие, канавка, выемка, желобок, люк, отверстие для опускания монет, след desc: a long, narrow aperture or slit in a machine for something to be inserted; an allotted place in an arrangement or plan such as a broadcasting schedule; the track of a deer, visible as slotted footprints in soft ground. 2) verb: желобить, прорезать канавки, долбить desc: place (something) into a long, narrow aperture. syn: 1) 521 space; 607 window; 617 period; 2133 gap; 4889 slot; 1215 hole; 12948 aperture 2) 1688 locate; 1796 slip; 2063 lower; 2187 slide; 4218 position; 4339 insert; 11744 slot


SLUMP 1) noun: кризис, оползень, резкое падение цен/интереса/спроса desc: a sudden severe or prolonged fall in the price, value, or amount of something. 2) verb: резко падать, тяжело опускаться/садиться, сутулиться, горбиться, проваливаться desc: sit, lean, or fall heavily and limply, especially with a bent back; undergo a sudden severe or prolonged fall in price, value, or amount. syn: 1) 2572 drop; 2763 decline; 2854 crash; 6391 decrease; 10959 plunge; 2107 depression; 2572 drop; 3602 recession; 9643 slump; 30365 nosedive. 2) 2826 sink; 3233 collapse; 5535 tumble; 8929 sag; 9339 lurch; 9459 hunch; 9467 sprawl; 14934 slouch; 15728 droop; 6903 slump.


SMACK 1) noun: привкус, вкус, шлепок, чмоканье, хлопок, примесь, немного еды, запах, сильный наркотик desc: a sharp slap or blow, typically one given with the palm of the hand; a flavor or taste of; a fishing boat, often one equipped with a well for keeping the caught fish alive; heroin; speak insultingly of someone, especially to intentionally rankle them. 2) verb: хлопать, чмокать, шлепать, смахивать, отдавать, иметь вкус/примесь, пахнуть desc: strike (someone or something), typically with the palm of the hand and as a punishment; have a flavor of; taste of. 3) adv: с треском, прямо в самую точку desc: in a sudden and violent way; exactly; precisely. syn: 1) 7066 cuff; 12520 smack; 3137 flavor; 3883 bite; 20732 tang; 22871 nip; 35744 savor. 2) 4118 slap; 11677 whack; 14864 spank; 17374 cuff; 30056 clout; 2813 imply; 7318 smack. 3) exactly; bang


SMASH 1) noun: банкротство, катастрофа, огромный успех, разгром, столкновение, внезапное падение, грохот, уничтожение, гибель, битье, сокрушительный удар desc: an act or sound of something smashing; a very successful song, film, show, or performer; a mixture of liquors (typically brandy) with flavored water and ice. 2) verb: разгромить, сокрушить, разбивать, раздавить, врезаться, биться, ударяться изо всех сил, уничтожать desc: violently break (something) into pieces; move so as to hit or collide with something with great force and impact. syn: 1) 5143 punch; 5276 kick; 5776 chop; 12370 slam; 15358 smash; 15999 volley; 40099 slam-dunk; 2854 crash; 5700 collision; 7317 wreck; 7672 crunch; 8408 bang; 27022 pileup; 31350 tinkle; 45929 fender-bender. 2) 1422 destroy; 4349 crush; 5167 smash; 5515 shatter; 9948 demolish.


SMEAR 1) noun: мазок, пятно, клевета, вязкое вещество, бесчестье desc: a mark or streak of a greasy or sticky substance; a sample of material spread thinly on a microscope slide for examination, typically for medical diagnosis; a false accusation intended to damage someone's reputation; an insecure foothold. 2) verb: мазать, пачкать, позорить, бесчестить, громить, подавлять desc: coat or mark (something) messily or carelessly with a greasy or sticky substance; damage the reputation of (someone) by false accusations; slander. syn: 1) 14720 slur; 15941 libel; 16951 affront; 21853 slander; 21373 slight; 6805 stain; 11757 smear 2) 1375 spread; 2727 wipe; 2892 rub; 6160 coat; 9020 smear; 28978 daub; 9150 discredit; 14104 tarnish


SMUGGLE verb: заниматься контрабандой, тайно проносить desc: move (goods) illegally into or out of a country. syn: 8836 smuggle; 13178 rustle; 14625 traffic


SNAP 1) noun: щелчок, хватка, защелка, моментальный снимок, резкий звук, сухое печенье, легкая прибыльная работа desc: a sudden, sharp cracking sound or movement; a small fastener on clothing, engaged by pressing its two halves together; a quick backward movement of the ball from the ground that begins a play. 2) verb: щелкать, огрызаться, укусить, делать моментальный снимок, ухватиться desc: break or cause to break suddenly and completely, typically with a sharp cracking sound; put (the ball) into play by a quick backward movement from the ground; fasten with snaps. 3) adj: поспешный, простой, неожиданный, легкий desc: done or taken on the spur of the moment, unexpectedly, or without notice. syn: 1) click, period, spell, picture 2) 3172 bite; 14403 nip; 5906 bark 3) 2885 sudden; 4493 instant; 13793 impulsive


SNATCH 1) noun: рывок, обрывок, хватание, хватка, момент, мгновение, короткий промежуток времени, похищение людей desc: an act of snatching or quickly seizing something; the rapid raising of a weight from the floor to above the head in one movement. 2) verb: урвать, схватить, вырывать, стащить, похищать, цапать desc: quickly seize (something) in a rude or eager way. syn: 1) period; fragment; bit; kidnapping; catch 2) 1482 grab; 3251 seize; 4214 grasp; 6150 snatch; 7878 pinch; 18576 nick; 32799 filch


SNIFF Перевод: нюхать, вдыхать, чуять, сопение, вдох, фырканье Определение: an act or sound of drawing air through the nose; draw in air audibly through the nose to detect a smell, to stop it from running, or to express contempt.


SNORT 1) noun: фырканье, храпение, глоток спиртного, доза вдыхаемого наркотика desc: an explosive sound made by the sudden forcing of breath through one's nose, used to express indignation, derision, or incredulity. 2) verb: фыркать, пыхтеть, вдыхать, всхрапывать desc: make a sudden sound through one's nose, especially to express indignation or derision. syn: 1) 2706 pant; 17187 snort; 18100 inhalation; 18953 sniff; 24052 exhalation; 50431 snuffle 2) 6743 expire; 6843 inhale; 8437 snort; 9901 grunt; 12125 exhale


SOAK 1) noun: замачивание, впитывание, пьяница, заклад, запой, просачивание воды через почву desc: an act of immersing someone or something in liquid for a period of time; a heavy drinker. 2) verb: впитывать, замачивать, просачиваться, всасывать, отмокать, выкачивать деньги, вздуть, погружать в жидкость, пьянствовать, отдавать в заклад, отколотить, выдерживать сталь desc: make or allow (something) to become thoroughly wet by immersing it in liquid; impose heavy charges or taxation on; drink heavily. syn: 1) soakage 2) 4881 soak; 9633 assimilate; 25865 imbibe; 4975 drown; 7517 wet; 11445 saturate; 14288 douse; 28912 sop; 5452 penetrate; 7682 bathe; 9040 infuse


SOAR verb: парить, витать, подниматься ввысь, высоко летать, стремительно повышаться, планировать desc: fly or rise high in the air. syn: 944 fly; 1571 climb; 3006 mount; 4785 circle; 4751 soar; 6369 wheel; 9729 ascend; 727 rise; 2597 arise; 7674 escalate; 16118 rocket


SOB 1) noun: рыдание, всхлипывание desc: an act or sound of sobbing. 2) verb: рыдать, всхлипывать desc: cry noisily, making loud, convulsive gasps. syn: 1) 11538 sob 2) 5780 weep; 5945 sniff; 7348 sob; 7783 moan; 8535 howl; 18479 bawl; 28514 snuffle; 31224 blubber


SOBER 1) adj: трезвый, здравомыслящий, спокойный, рассудительный, умеренный desc: not affected by alcohol; not drunk. 2) verb: отрезвлять, протрезвляться desc: make or become sober after drinking alcohol. syn: 1) 7545 sober; 12818 temperate; 15315 restrained; 37236 clear-headed; 49589 abstemious; 5147 dull; 13233 dreary; 15618 drab 2) 17211 sober


SOCKET noun: гнездо, розетка, муфта, патрон, раструб, впадина, углубление desc: a natural or artificial hollow into which something fits or in which something revolves; an electrical device receiving a plug or light bulb to make a connection. syn: 1950 opening; 8346 socket; 8401 hollow; 7301 plug


SOLICIT verb: ходатайствовать, просить, требовать, выпрашивать, подстрекать, умолять desc: ask for or try to obtain (something) from someone. syn: 5597 lobby; 7852 solicit; 11664 petition; 14191 implore; 22421 beseech; 3136 request; 3475 beg; 7694 crave; 44982 importune


SOLIDARITY noun: солидарность, сплоченность, единство, общность, единение desc: unity or agreement of feeling or action, especially among individuals with a common interest; mutual support within a group; an independent trade union movement in Poland that developed into a mass campaign for political change and inspired popular opposition to communist regimes across eastern Europe during the 1980s. syn: 4713 harmony; 6296 solidarity; 11063 cohesion; 12613 camaraderie; 14954 commonality; 20187 unanimity


SOLITARY 1) noun: отшельник, одиночное заключение desc: a recluse or hermit. 2) adj: одинокий, уединенный, единичный, отдельный, безлюдный desc: done or existing alone. syn: 2) 4648 isolated; 6897 solitary; 12353 desolate; 13686 secluded; 24718 out-of-the-way; 979 individual; 4576 sole; 5437 lone


SOLITUDE noun: одиночество, уединение, безлюдные места desc: the state or situation of being alone. syn: 4313 isolation; 7159 loneliness; 8314 solitude; 17324 seclusion; 25046 separateness; 31952 aloneness


SOOTHE verb: успокаивать, утешать, смягчать, облегчать, униматься desc: gently calm (a person or their feelings). syn: 4222 calm; 9183 soothe; 12196 quiet; 16925 lull; 12797 appease; 19944 pacify; 3250 ease; 3793 relieve


SOOTHING adj: успокаивающий, смягчающий desc: having a gently calming effect. syn: 3682 peaceful; 7879 comforting; 8846 soothing; 12382 relaxing; 15642 calming; 20754 restful


SOPHOMORE noun: второкурсник, самоуверенный невежда desc: a second-year college or high school student. syn: 6010 sophomore; soph


SORE 1) noun: рана, болячка, язва, больное место desc: a raw or painful place on the body. 2) adj: больной, воспаленный, мучительный, огорченный, тяжкий, обиженный, опечаленный, раздраженный, обозлившийся desc: (of a part of one's body) painful or aching; suffering mental pain; grieved, distressed, or sorrowful; causing very great suffering, misery, hardship, etc. 3) adv: тяжко, жестоко desc: extremely; severely. syn: 1) 2708 infection; 3223 wound; 6579 boil; 8577 lesion; 8830 eruption; 11441 blister; 13663 sore; 20311 abscess 2) 2522 sensitive; 3109 controversial; 5043 awkward; 5733 embarrassing; 6435 sore; 8443 annoying; 9116 contentious; 2588 mad; 3606 bitter


SORROW 1) noun: печаль, горе, скорбь, сожаление, грусть, прискорбие desc: a feeling of deep distress caused by loss, disappointment, or other misfortune suffered by oneself or others. 2) verb: печалиться, горевать, скорбеть desc: feel or display deep distress. syn: 1) 2681 burden; 3961 worry; 4609 disappointment; 5569 sadness; 5995 regret; 6389 sorrow; 14180 torment; 4124 grief 2) grieve; be sad; be miserable; be despondent; despair; suffer; ache


SOUR Перевод: кислый, прокисший, угрюмый, кислятина, кислый раствор, закисать, прокисать, скисать Определение: having an acid taste like lemon or vinegar; make or become sour; a drink made by mixing an alcoholic beverage with lemon juice or lime juice.


SPACIOUS adj: просторный, вместительный, обширный, всеобъемлющий, разносторонний desc: (especially of a room or building) having ample space. syn: 581 open; 8821 spacious; 9394 expansive; 10895 airy; 13488 roomy; 16168 voluminous; 25087 capacious


SPAN Перевод: охватывать, перекрывать, диапазон, интервал, пролёт Определение: the full extent of something from end to end; the amount of space that something covers; a rope with its ends fastened at different points to a spar or other object in order to provide a purchase; (of a bridge, arch, etc.) extend from side to side of.


SPARE 1) noun: запасная часть, дубликат, запасная шина, запасной игрок desc: an item kept in case another item of the same type is lost, broken, or worn out; (in tenpin bowling) an act of knocking down all the pins with two consecutive rolls of the ball. 2) verb: жалеть, щадить, экономить, уделить, беречь, избавлять, воздерживаться, обходиться без desc: give (something of which one has enough) to (someone); afford to give to; refrain from killing, injuring, or distressing. 3) adj: запасной, свободный, лишний, резервный, худощавый, скромный, скудный, незанятый, аварийный desc: additional to what is required for ordinary use; with no excess fat. syn: 1) fifth wheel; spare part 2) 1856 afford; 4629 spare; 1121 release; 2869 free; 3621 forgive; 10286 pardon 3) 1548 extra; 5779 spare; 10634 unused; 14487 auxiliary; 22641 standby; 39937 emergency; 6755 stark; 17278 frugal


SPARK 1) noun: искра, вспышка, проблеск, щеголь, франт, радист desc: a small fiery particle thrown off from a fire, alight in ashes, or produced by striking together two hard surfaces such as stone or metal; a trace of a specified quality or intense feeling. 2) verb: искриться, побуждать, давать искры, вспыхивать, зажигать искрой, воодушевлять, ухаживать desc: emit sparks of fire or electricity; engage in courtship. syn: 1) 4138 flash; 5775 spark; 6000 arc; 12513 flicker; 13625 glint; 4090 inspiration; 10473 spur 2) 4851 spark; 5353 glow; 7515 ignite; 19873 glimmer; 542 produce; 1700 generate; 11652 incite


SPATIAL Перевод: пространственный Определение: of or relating to space.


SPAWN 1) noun: икра, отродье, мицелий, порождение, грибница, потомство, рассадник desc: the eggs of fish, frogs, etc.; the product or offspring of a person or place (used to express distaste or disgust); the mycelium of a fungus, especially a cultivated mushroom. 2) verb: порождать, метать икру, плодиться, размножаться, вызывать desc: (of a fish, frog, mollusk, crustacean, etc.) release or deposit eggs; (of a person) produce (offspring). syn: 1) 6604 offspring; 15055 brood; 17633 progeny; 22057 spawn; 24905 roe. 2) 542 produce; 1700 generate; 3548 initiate; 803 lay; 6568 spawn;6785 deposit; 5769 breed; 9413 hatch; 18300 germinate; 32910 procreate.


SPEAR 1) noun: копье, гарпун, дротик, копейщик, острога, побег, стрелка, отпрыск desc: a weapon with a long shaft and a pointed tip, typically of metal, used for thrusting or throwing. 2) verb: выбрасывать стрелку, пронзать, бить острогой desc: pierce or strike with a spear or other pointed object. syn: 1) 8463 spear; 18277 lance; 22443 javelin; 23468 harpoon; 28994 spar; 31403 gaff 2) 5910 stab; 6939 pierce; 9484 spike; 13772 gouge; 16796 spear; 20672 impale


SPECIMEN Перевод: образец, экземпляр, проба Определение: an individual animal, plant, piece of a mineral, etc., used as an example of its species or type for scientific study or display.


SPECULATE verb: спекулировать, размышлять, делать предположения, раздумывать, играть на бирже desc: form a theory or conjecture about a subject without firm evidence; invest in stocks, property, or other ventures in the hope of gain but with the risk of loss. syn: 4847 contemplate; 4855 speculate; 6061 ponder; 12358 deliberate; 51427 cogitate; 5296 venture; 9342 gamble; 25456 hazard


SPILL 1) noun: пролитие, поток, падение, брызги, деревянная коробка, ливень desk: a quantity of liquid that has spilled or been spilled; a fall from a horse or bicycle. 2) verb: пролить, разливать, проливаться, рассыпать, сбрасывать, пробалтываться, обезветривать desc: cause or allow (liquid) to flow over the edge of its container, especially unintentionally. syn: 1) 5999 leak; 6297 discharge; 10720 slick; 15733 overflow; 1011 fall; 2541 roll; 16548 tumble. 2) 690 drop; 9043 trickle; 12040 dribble; 19673 spatter; 25589 slop.


SPINE noun: позвоночник, хребет, шип, игла, колючка, сущность, корешок книги, гребень горы desc: a series of vertebrae extending from the skull to the small of the back, enclosing the spinal cord and providing support for the thorax and abdomen; any hard pointed defensive projection or structure, such as a prickle of a hedgehog, a spikelike projection on a sea urchin, a sharp ray in a fish's fin, or a spike on the stem of a plant. syn: 4952 spine; 9953 backbone


SPITE 1) noun: злость, злоба, неприязнь, недоброжелательство, враждебность, недовольство, зависть desc: a desire to hurt, annoy, or offend someone. 2) verb: делать назло, насаливать, досаждать desc: deliberately hurt, annoy, or offend (someone). syn: 1) 17872 spite; 20434 meanness; 24898 nastiness; 30057 viciousness; 30804 malevolence; 51142 unkindness 2) upset; hurt; grieve; distress; wound; pain; torment; injure


SPLASH 1) noun: всплеск, брызги, пятно, капелька, небольшое количество, сенсационная статья в газете desc: a long, thick pillow that is placed under other pillows for support. 2) verb: плескаться, шлепать, расцвечивать, сорить деньгами, подавать материал броско desc: support or strengthen; prop up. syn: 1) 7996 splash; 25723 suck; 27884 gurgle; 45751 squish; 47034 squelch 2) 5133 spray; 6793 splash; 7318 smack; 11880 plop; 7390 dash; 7517 wet; 19673 spatter; 7756 wade; 8261 flap; 15554 wallow


SPLENDID adj: великолепный, роскошный, замечательный, превосходный, отличный, первоклассный desc: magnificent; very impressive. syn: 1409 wonderful; 2135 excellent; 2667 super; 5829 fabulous; 7040 marvelous; 7844 splendid; 2251 grand; 3279 impressive; 5556 magnificent


SPOIL 1) noun: добыча, трофей, вынутый грунт, награбленное добро, пустая порода desc: goods stolen or taken forcibly from a person or place; waste material brought up during the course of an excavation or a dredging or mining operation. 2) verb: портить, баловать, грабить, перепортить, отбирать desc: diminish or destroy the value or quality of; harm the character of (a child) by being too lenient or indulgent; be extremely or aggressively eager for; rob (a person or a place) of goods or possessions by force or violence. syn: 2) 9817 rot; 13264 decay; 16354 decompose; 46869 putrefy; 6500 spoil; 6941 indulge; 13741 pamper; 7562 impair; 22736 blight; 33914 blemish


SPRAWL 1) noun: неуклюжая поза/движение desc: an ungainly or carelessly relaxed position in which one's arms and legs are spread out. 2) verb: растягиваться, развалиться, разлечься, раскидывать небрежно/неуклюже, расползаться во все стороны desc: sit, lie, or fall with one's arms and legs spread out in an ungainly or awkward way. syn: 1) 1999 mass; 3211 extension; 3532 stretch; 4052 spread; 11982 sprawl; 31803 straggle 2) 3233 collapse; 6903 slump; 9467 sprawl; 3976 trail; 12476 lounge; 14934 slouch; 18272 loll; 17546 ramble


SPRAWLING adj: размашистый, расползающийся, растянутый, разваливающийся desc: existing or ​reaching over a ​large ​area; sitting or lying in an ungainly manner with one's limbs spread out. syn: 7671 sprawling; 9394 expansive; 11061 spreading; 16091 rambling; 41517 straggling


SPRINKLE 1) noun: брызганье, мелкий дождь, небольшое количество, капля desc: a small quantity or amount of something scattered over an object or surface; a light rain; tiny sugar shapes, typically rods and balls, used for decorating cakes, ice cream, and other desserts. 2) verb: посыпать, брызгать, кропить, разбрасывать, накрапывать desc: scatter or pour small drops or particles of a substance over (an object or surface); rain very lightly. syn: 1) 8791 shake; 14793 scattering; 23454 sprinkle; 24710 dusting; 29362 scatter; 29459 smidgen 2) 4707 sprinkle; 8526 litter; 10229 strew; 14785 pepper; 14819 intersperse; 8134 shower; 18704 drizzle


SPROUT 1) noun: росток, побег, брюссельская капуста desc: a shoot of a plant. 2) verb: прорастать, пускать ростки, отращивать, быстро развиваться desc: (of a plant) put forth shoots. syn: 1) 7067 bud; 8006 shoot; 11483 sprout 2) 484 develop; 732 shoot; 4079 spring; 8126 sprout; 18300 germinate; 30402 bud; 31058 burgeon


SPUR 1) noun: шпора, стимул, уступ, отросток, отрог горы, подъездная ветка, петушиная шпора, вершина/уступ горы, ответвление жилы desc: a device with a small spike or a spiked wheel that is worn on a rider's heel and used for urging a horse forward; a thing that prompts or encourages someone; an incentive; a thing that projects or branches off from a main body, in particular. 2) verb: побуждать, пришпоривать, подстрекать, снабжать шпорами, спешить, мчаться desc: urge (a horse) forward by digging one's spurs into its sides. syn: 1) 3670 limb; 8006 shoot; 10473 spur; 17384 outgrowth; 18256 offshoot; 3604 motive; 4566 stimulus; 4739 impulse 2) 3589 speed; 6549 spur; 9652 hasten; 1185 encourage; 2275 urge; 3133 prompt; 4480 stimulate; 4867 provoke; 9403 prod; 11652 incite; 17494 goad; 17759 impel


SQUAD noun: отряд, команда, отделение, группа, бригада, орудийный расчет, спортивная команда desc: a small group of people having a particular task. syn: 189 company; 307 team; 372 force; 865 set; 1138 troop; 1714 crew; 2630 gang; 4650 squad; 10353 squadron; 17528 posse; 21317 bevy.


SQUASH 1) noun: тыква, кабачок, патиссон, каша, толкучка, давка, фруктовый напиток, пюре, игра в мяч, размягченная масса desc: a state of being squeezed or forced into a small or restricted space; a concentrated liquid made from fruit juice and sugar, which is diluted to make a drink; a game in which two players use rackets to hit a small, soft rubber ball against the walls of a closed court; a preparation of softened tissue that has been made thin for microscopic examination by gently compressing or tapping it; an edible gourd, the flesh of which may be cooked and eaten as a vegetable; the trailing plant of the gourd family that produces this fruit. 2) verb: давить, расплющивать, сжимать, подавлять, уничтожать, проталкиваться, заставить замолчать, толпиться, шлепаться, обрезать desc: crush or squeeze (something) with force so that it becomes flat, soft, or out of shape. syn: 1) 5533 jam; 7028 squash; 8268 crush; 9139 congestion; 10928 squeeze 2) 2287 pack; 4908 crowd; 7501 cram; 9437 wedge; 12402 ram; 14761 squash; 4817 pound; 7558 flatten; 9721 compress; 12276 mash; 13371 quell


SQUAT 1) noun: корточки, сидение на корточках, нора desc: a position in which one's knees are bent and one's heels are close to or touching one's buttocks or the back of one's thighs; a building occupied by people living in it without the legal right to do so. 2) adj: приземистый, коренастый, короткий и толстый desc: short and thickset; disproportionately broad or wide. 3) verb: приседать, сидеть на корточках, припадать к земле, свернуться в клубок, незаконно вселяться в дом desc: crouch or sit with one's knees bent and one's heels close to or touching one's buttocks or the back of one's thighs; unlawfully occupy an uninhabited building or settle on a piece of land. syn: 1) 15188 squat 2) 1730 thick; 15462 stocky; 16211 stubby; 16169 squat; 18464 pudgy; 41346 thickset 3) 6835 crouch; 8010 squat


SQUINT 1) noun: косоглазие, взгляд искоса, взгляд украдкой desc: a permanent deviation in the direction of the gaze of one eye; a quick or casual look; an oblique opening through a wall in a church permitting a view of the altar from an aisle or side chapel. 2) verb: щуриться, смотреть искоса, косить глазами, прищуривать, смотреть украдкой desc: look at someone or something with one or both eyes partly closed in an attempt to see more clearly or as a reaction to strong light; have eyes that look in different directions. 3) adj: косоглазый, косой, раскосый desc: looking obliquely; looking with a side glance; looking askance. syn: 1) 4597 glimpse; 12084 peek; 18963 peep; 32820 squint 2) 2433 glance; 3403 peer; 6459 squint 3) squinty; squint-eyed; asquint


STAB Перевод: попытка, удар ножом, колотая рана, закалывать, наносить удар ножом, нападать Определение: a thrust with a knife or other pointed weapon; an attempt to do (something); (of a person) thrust a knife or other pointed weapon into (someone) so as to wound or kill.


STAGGER 1) noun: шатание, зигзагообразное расположение, пошатывание, вертячка, вынос крыла, уступ desc: an unsteady walk or movement; an arrangement of things in a zigzag order or so that they are not in line. 2) verb: шататься, колебаться, регулировать часы работы, расшатывать, быть в нерешительности, вызывать сомнения, потрясать desc: walk or move unsteadily, as if about to fall; astonish or deeply shock; arrange (events, payments, hours, etc.) so that they do not occur at the same time; spread over a period of time. syn: 1) 12999 stagger 2) 2386 vary; 5546 rotate; 7860 stagger; 8755 alternate; 9050 overlap; 18440 zigzag; 3080 surprise; 4111 shock


STAINLESS adj: нержавеющий, безупречный, незапятнанный, честный, устойчивый против коррозии desc: unmarked by or resistant to stains or discoloration. syn: 8414 stainless


STALK 1) noun: стебель, черенок, ножка, ствол, фабричная труба, величавая поступь desc: the main stem of a herbaceous plant; a stealthy pursuit of someone or something; a stiff, striding gait. 2) verb: шествовать, подкрадываться, гордо выступать desc: pursue or approach stealthily; stride somewhere in a proud, stiff, or angry manner. syn: 1) 3437 stem; 3559 trunk; 8006 shoot; 8843 stalk; 9733 twig 2) 1795 pursue; 2714 track; 3443 hunt; 3976 trail; 5065 haunt; 6729 stalk; 7298 lurk; 12539 shadow; 13545 prowl; 17401 hound


STALL 1) noun: киоск, кабинка, прилавок, конюшня, потеря скорости, напальчник, доильный станок, кресло в партере, место стоянки автомашин, штабель, сиденье в алтаре или на хорах desc: a stand, booth, or compartment for the sale of goods in a market or large covered area; an individual compartment for an animal in a stable or barn, enclosed on three sides; a fixed seat in the choir or chancel of a church, more or less enclosed at the back and sides and often canopied, typically reserved for a particular member of the clergy; the seats on the ground floor in a theater; an instance of an engine, vehicle, aircraft, or boat stalling. 2) verb: глохнуть, ставить в стойло, вводить в заблуждение, обманывать, останавливать, уклоняться, застревать, быть занесенным снегом desc: (of a motor vehicle or its engine) stop running, typically because of an overload on the engine; stop or cause to stop making progress; put or keep (an animal) in a stall, especially in order to fatten it. syn: 1) 3609 pen; 6344 shed; 6656 compartment; 6770 stall; 10729 cubicle; 1896 stand; 4338 booth; 8388 boutique; 1239 arcade; 13669 kiosk 2) 2153 arrest; 3462 delay; 3805 suspend; 6639 postpone; 6896 stall; 8965 impede; 8868 defer; 16437 shelve; 3954 hesitate; 27455 dither


STANCE noun: позиция, стойка, поза, положение ног desc: the way in which someone stands, especially when deliberately adopted (as in baseball, golf, and other sports); a person's posture; a ledge or foothold on which a belay can be secured. syn: 512 position; 1156 attitude; 1125 opinion; 1416 perspective; 1896 stand; 4487 stance; 5938 outlook; 6148 viewpoint; 6289 standpoint; 5466 posture; 6628 carriage; 6817 bearing; 29530 deportment.


STANDPOINT noun: точка зрения desc: an attitude to or outlook on issues, typically arising from one's circumstances or beliefs. syn: 512 position; 1125 opinion; 1416 perspective; 3008 angle; 4487 stance; 5938 outlook; 6148 viewpoint; 6289 standpoint


STAPLE 1) noun: шпатель, скрепка, скоба, основной продукт, волокно, сырье, крюк desc: a piece of bent metal or wire pushed through something or clipped over it as a fastening, in particular; a main or important element of something, especially of a diet; the fiber of cotton or wool considered with regard to its length and degree of fineness; a center of trade, especially in a specified commodity. 2) verb: скреплять, отбирать desc: attach or secure with a staple or staples; sort or classify (wool, etc.) according to fiber. 3) adj: основной, главный desc: main or important, especially in terms of consumption. syn: 1) 4241 clip; 4386 pin; 7116 staple; 17747 fastener. 2) 2334 attach; 2505 secure; 6554 nail; 8073 fasten; 10246 tack; 14359 affix; 18203 staple.


STARE 1) noun: пристальный взгляд, изумленный взгляд desc: a staring gaze; a long fixed or vacant look. 2) verb: пялиться, пристально смотреть, таращить глаза desc: to ​look for a ​long ​time with the ​eyes ​wide ​open, ​especially when ​surprised, ​frightened, or ​thinking; to be boldly or obtrusively conspicuous. syn: 1) 7407 glare; 28648 glower; 39018 gape 2) 4470 gaze; 17850 gawk; 21771 ogle


STARK 1) adj: абсолютный, застывший, сильный, полный, решительный, непреклонный, пустынный desc: severe or bare in appearance or outline; complete; sheer;stiff, rigid, or incapable of movement. 2) adv: совершенно, полностью desc: utterly, absolutely, or quite. syn: 1) 3453 bare; 3494 harsh; 6755 stark; 8983 barren; 14194 austere; 2432 pure; 3185 absolute; 7161 blunt; 12996 glaring 2) 1170 completely; 1500 fully; 1868 entirely; 3831 altogether; 5635 utterly; 29571 stark


STARTLE Перевод: испуг, напугать, испугать, вздрагивать Определение: cause (a person or animal) to feel sudden shock or alarm.


STARTLING adj: поразительный, потрясающий desc: very surprising, astonishing, or remarkable. syn: 2802 surprising; 6100 shocking; 6593 astonishing; 7528 startling; 9812 staggering; 21235 disquieting


STARVE verb: голодать, морить голодом, умирать от голода, жаждать, истощать desc: (of a person or animal) suffer severely or die from hunger; be freezing cold. syn: 7573 starve; thirst, hunger


STATEWIDE adj: в масштабе штата desc: extending throughout a particular US state. syn: 6647 statewide.


STATURE noun: рост, стан, фигура desc: a person's natural height. syn: 752 size; 2051 height; 8034 stature; 11580 build; 14318 physique; 57521 tallness; 1578 importance; 8574 prominence


STEEP 1) noun: пропитка, крутизна, обрыв, круча, погружение в жидкость, ванна для пропитки desc: a steep mountain slope; declivity, as of a hill. 2) verb: пропитывать, погружать в жидкость, бучить, выщелачивать desc: soak (food or tea) in water or other liquid so as to extract its flavor or to soften it; surround or fill with a quality or influence. 3) adj: крутой, отвесный, невероятный, чрезмерный, преувеличенный, непомерно высокий, неправдоподобный desc: (of a slope, flight of stairs, angle, ascent, etc.) rising or falling sharply; nearly perpendicular; (of a price or demand) not reasonable; excessive. syn: 2) 9837 permeate; 13206 imbue; 4881 soak; 8244 immerse; 11445 saturate; 11428 submerge 3) 2885 sudden; 4004 steep; 4231 sheer; 4488 vertical; 8872 abrupt; 17693 precipitous; 2535 extreme


STELLAR adj: звездный, звездообразный, ведущий, главный desc: of or relating to a star or stars. syn: 8044 stellar; 8206 glamorous; 11796 glittering; 16535 starry; 18510 big-name; 19434 glitzy; 23054 star-studded; 7048 planetary; 31921 astral


STEPFATHER noun: отчим desc: a man who is married to one's mother after the divorce of one's parents or the death of one's father. syn: 9172 stepfather


STEW 1) noun: тушеное мясо/рыба, тушенка, рыбий/устричный садок, беспокойство, волнение desc: a dish of meat and vegetables cooked slowly in liquid in a closed dish or pan; a state of great anxiety or agitation; a heated public room used for hot steam baths; a pond or large tank for keeping fish for eating; an air steward or stewardess. 2) verb: тушить, варить, томить, беспокоиться, изнемогать от жары, преть, волноваться, взвинчивать себя desc: (with reference to meat, fruit, or other food) cook or be cooked slowly in liquid in a closed dish or pan. syn: 1) 6251 fix; 7230 stew; 8378 flap; 22643 lather 2) 12903 suffocate; 17817 stew; 12678 fuss; 27457 swelter; 4750 trouble; 10159 fret; 13228 poach; 25513 braise; 48844 parboil


STIFLE 1) noun: коленный(ая) сустав/чашка desc: a joint in the legs of horses, dogs, and other animals, equivalent to the knee in humans. 2) verb: душить, подавлять, сдерживать, замять, задыхаться, гасить desc: make (someone) unable to breathe properly; suffocate; restrain (a reaction) or stop oneself acting on (an emotion). syn: 2) 8418 stifle; 9453 strangle; 11199 smother; 12903 suffocate; 18993 throttle; 31796 asphyxiate


STIGMA noun: рыльце, позор, пятно, выжженное клеймо, бесславие desc: a mark of disgrace associated with a particular circumstance, quality, or person; (in Christian tradition) marks corresponding to those left on Jesus' body by the Crucifixion, said to have been impressed by divine favor on the bodies of St. Francis of Assisi and others; a visible sign or characteristic of a disease; (in a flower) the part of a pistil that receives the pollen during pollination. syn: 7825 humiliation; 8664 stigma; 10603 disgrace; 22787 dishonor


STINK 1) noun: вонь, скандал, зловоние, смрад, шумиха desc: a strong unpleasant smell; a stench; a commotion or fuss. 2) verb: вонять, смердеть, быть омерзительным, быть отталкивающим desc: have a strong unpleasant smell; be very unpleasant, contemptible, or scandalous. syn: 1) 9525 fuss; 11970 commotion; 13580 uproar; 14715 stink; 27095 brouhaha; 36952 rumpus 2) 6923 hum; 8709 stink; 15051 reek; 35505 whiff; 50252 pong


STINT 1) noun: ограничение, урочная работа, предел, определенная норма, граница desc: a person's fixed or allotted period of work; limitation of supply or effort. 2) verb: скупиться, ограничивать, урезать desc: supply an ungenerous or inadequate amount of (something). syn: 1) 617 period; 1174 turn; 2286 shift; 3532 stretch; 6002 spell; 8485 stint 2) 6746 withhold; 7878 pinch; 23323 skimp; 28954 stint


STIR 1) noun: переполох, движение, ажиотаж, суета desc: a slight physical movement; an act of mixing food or drink with a spoon or other implement. 2) verb: размешивать, шевелить, мешать, болтать desc: move a spoon or other implement around in (a liquid or other substance) in order to mix it thoroughly; move or cause to move slightly. syn: 1) 9525 fuss; 11970 commotion; 18501 to-do 2) 5336 revive; 4608 disturb; 1769 mix; 3944 blend


STOCK 1) noun: акции, фонд desc: the goods or merchandise kept on the premises of a business or warehouse and available for sale or distribution; the goods or merchandise kept on the premises of a business or warehouse and available for sale or distribution. 2) adj: фондовый, имеющийся в наличии desc: (of a phrase or expression) so regularly used as to be automatic or hackneyed. 3) verb: заготовить, иметь в наличии desc: have or keep a supply of (a particular product or type or product) available for sale. syn: 1) 1046 collection; 1499 supply 2) available 3) 262 provide; 443 sell; 487 carry


STOCKING noun: чулок desc: a close-fitting covering for the foot and part of the leg, usually knitted, of wool, cotton, nylon, silk, or similar material. syn: 8510 stocking


STOMP 1) noun: топот, стомп desc: (in jazz or popular music) a tune or song with a fast tempo and a heavy beat. 2) verb: топать, плясать с притопами desc: tread heavily and noisily, typically in order to show anger. syn: 1) 29907 stomp 2) 8812 stomp; 10972 trudge; 16653 plod; 19796 tramp; 22812 clump; 29572 clomp


STOOL noun: стул, табурет, скамеечка, стульчик, судно desc: a piece of feces; a root or stump of a tree or plant from which shoots spring. syn: 947 chair; 2799 bench; 3398 couch; 6068 stool; 10755 pew; 32947 footrest.


STOVE noun: плита, печь, сушилка, теплица desc: an apparatus for cooking or heating that operates by burning fuel or using electricity. syn: 2937 oven; 4427 stove; 14204 cooker; 30724 cooktop; 40941 hob


STRANGLE verb: душить, удавить, задыхаться, подавлять, жать desc: squeeze or constrict the neck of (a person or animal), especially so as to cause death. syn: 5278 choke; 9453 strangle; 11199 smother; 12903 suffocate; 18993 throttle; 31796 asphyxiate; 8418 stifle


STRAY 1) noun: помехи, беспризорный/заблудившийся ребенок, побочные сигналы desc: a stray person or thing, especially a domestic animal; electrical phenomena interfering with radio reception. 2) adj: случайный, бездомный, заблудившийся, бессвязный desc: not in the right place; separated from the group or target; (of a physical quantity) arising as a consequence of the laws of physics, not by deliberate design, and usually having a detrimental effect on the operation or efficiency of equipment. 3) verb: заблудиться, сбиваться с пути, отклониться от темы, бродить, плутать desc: move away aimlessly from a group or from the right course or place. syn: 1) 7649 orphan; 16081 urchin; 26117 waif; 28999 stray; 46490 ragamuffin 2) 3372 homeless; 6266 abandoned; 9457 stray; 17015 wandering; 36828 vagrant 3) 9456 stray


STREAK 1) noun: полоса, жилка, струя, период, тонкий слой, проводник desc: a long, thin line or mark of a different substance or color from its surroundings; an element of a specified kind in someone's character. 2) verb: испещрять, мелькать, прочерчивать, проноситься, проводить полосы desc: cover (a surface) with streaks; move very fast in a specified direction; run naked in a public place so as to shock or amuse others. syn: 1) 764 quality; 1216 element; 1361 aspect; 2043 characteristic; 3765 trait; 4226 trace; 4594 streak; 1281 band; 4138 flash; 5074 vein 2) 2498 line; 7488 stain; 10266 streak; 17862 smudge; 22102 fleck; 28978 daub; 29001 stripe; 944 fly; 1966 rush; 3589 speed; 7344 dart


STRIDE 1) noun: шаг, большой шаг, брюки desc: a long, decisive step; a step or stage in progress toward an aim; denoting or relating to a rhythmic style of jazz piano playing in which the left hand alternately plays single bass notes on the downbeat and chords an octave higher on the upbeat. 2) verb: шагать, перешагнуть, шагать большими шагами, сидеть верхом desc: walk with long, decisive steps in a specified direction; cross (an obstacle) with one long step. syn: 1) 1513 progress; 1946 improvement; 2310 advance; 6135 stride; 1615 headway; 2217 walk; 2549 pace; 6135 stride; 10448 gait 2) 1035 step; 3506 march; 6537 stride; 8415 tread; 8812 stomp; 19796 tramp


STRIKE 1) noun: удар, забастовка, стачка desc: a refusal to work organized by a body of employees as a form of protest, typically in an attempt to gain a concession or concessions from their employer; a discovery of gold, minerals, or oil by drilling or mining. 2) verb: бить, бастовать, поражать desc: hit forcibly and deliberately with one's hand or a weapon or other implement; move or proceed vigorously or purposefully. syn: 1) 10501 slowdown; 22950 walkout; 5149 raid


STRINGENT adj: строгий, точный, обязательный, веский, убедительный, стесненный недостатком средств desc: (of regulations, requirements, or conditions) strict, precise, and exacting. syn: 2344 severe; 3494 harsh; 3579 strict; 5532 rigid; 6701 rigorous; 9385 stringent; 10377 stern


STRIVE verb: бороться, стараться, прилагать усилия, состязаться desc: make great efforts to achieve or obtain something. syn: 1640 attempt; 1675 struggle; 5114 strive; 13972 endeavor


STROKE 1) noun: удар, ход поршня, штрих, черта, взмах, приступ, толчок desc: an act of hitting or striking someone or something; an act of moving one's hand or an object across a surface, applying gentle pressure; a movement, especially one of a series, in which something moves out of its position and back into it; a sudden disabling attack or loss of consciousness caused by an interruption in the flow of blood to the brain, especially through thrombosis. 2) verb: погладить, ласкать, задавать такт, штриховать, перечеркивать, гладить рукой desc: move one's hand with gentle pressure over (a surface, especially hair, fur, or skin), typically repeatedly; act as the stroke of (a boat or crew); hit or kick (a ball) smoothly and deliberately. syn: 1) 3814 blow; 5362 rap; 6611 knock; 12054 lash; 13820 thump; 15725 whack 2) 4580 pat; 12002 caress; 17191 fondle


STROLL Перевод: прогулка, гулять, прогуливаться, погулять Определение: a short leisurely walk; a victory or objective that is easily achieved; walk in a leisurely way.


STUBBORN adj: упрямый, упорный, неподатливый desc: having or showing dogged determination not to change one's attitude or position on something, especially in spite of good arguments or reasons to do so. syn: 14227 intractable; 14523 willful; 17908 inflexible; 23370 obstinate; 24077 immovable; 7680 stubborn; 15181 tenacious; 18330 stalwart


STUFFED adj: фаршированный, набитый desc: a stuffed ​animal or ​bird is ​filled with ​special ​material so that it ​keeps the ​shape it had when it was ​alive; ​filled with a ​stuffing; (of a ​person) having ​eaten enough or too much. syn: 8800 stuffed; 17632 lined; 21158 filled; 25821 jam-packed; 36805 bursting; 5154 satisfied; 13619 replete


STUMP 1) noun: пень, обрубок, культя, огрызок, обломок, растушевка, ампутированная конечность, импровизированная трибуна, тяжелый шаг, вызов на соревнование, палочка для тушевки, нога desc: the bottom part of a tree left projecting from the ground after most of the trunk has fallen or been cut down; each of the three upright pieces of wood that form a wicket; a cylinder with conical ends made of rolled paper or other soft material, used for softening or blending marks made with a crayon or pencil; engaged in or involving political campaigning. 2) verb: корчевать, ставить в тупик, выбивать из игры, ковылять, агитировать, тяжело ступать, срубать, вызывать на соревнование, подзадоривать desc: (of a question or problem) be too hard for; baffle; walk stiffly and noisily; travel around (a district) making political speeches; use a stump on (a drawing, line, etc.). syn: 1) 937 base; 4701 butt; 5375 remains; 6483 remnant; 7440 stump; 15686 stub; 40981 nubbin 2) 9160 puzzle; 10794 confound; 14052 stump; 12101 baffle; 15962 perplex; 16256 stymie; 18665 mystify; 19961 dumbfound; 33742 bewilder


STUN verb: оглушать, ошеломлять, потрясти, сваливать ударом desc: knock unconscious or into a dazed or semiconscious state. syn: 7260 paralyze; 15003 numb; 17651 daze; 28443 stupefy; 4111 shock; 5189 stun; 8769 amaze; 10794 confound; 12920 astonish;17651 daze; 33742 bewilder; 49125 flabbergast.


STUNNED adj: ошеломленный, потрясенный desc: affected by stunning; caused by or as if by stunning. syn: 5748 shocked; 6152 amazed; 9036 stunned; 11362 astonished; 17119 astounded; 21701 flabbergasted


STUNNING adj: оглушающий, ошеломляющий, великолепный, сногсшибательный desc: extremely impressive or attractive. syn: 4229 spectacular; 4638 striking; 5097 stunning; 5519 gorgeous; 5556 magnificent; 5829 fabulous; 7016 superb; 7844 splendid; 8243 exquisite


STUNT 1) noun: трюк, эффектное выступление, фокус, штука, остановка в росте, фигура высшего пилотажа desc: an action displaying spectacular skill and daring. 2) verb: останавливать рост, демонстрировать смелость/ловкость, показывать фокусы desc: prevent from growing or developing properly; perform stunts, especially aerobatics. syn: 1) 462 show; 1137 act; 3087 trick; 5838 deed; 7292 feat; 9298 stunt; 11850 exploit 2) 2153 arrest; 3565 restrict; 6830 curb; 7526 inhibit; 8965 impede; 9229 curtail; 14210 cramp; 19876 stunt


STURDY adj: крепкий, сильный, здоровый, стойкий, твердый, двужильный, отважный desc: (of a person or their body) strongly and solidly built; strong, as in substance, construction, or texture syn: 5994 determined; 6401 decisive; 6708 sturdy; 7243 energetic; 10245 forceful; 13033 strenuous; 15545 resolute; 2021 solid; 6508 robust; 7104 rugged; 6966 muscular


SUBJECTIVE adj: субъективный, свойственный подлежащему desc: based on or influenced by personal feelings, tastes, or opinions; of, relating to, or denoting a case of nouns and pronouns used for the subject of a sentence. syn: 979 individual; 949 particular; 10996 biased; 1269 independent; 6025 subjective; 13317 idiosyncratic; 13140 one-sided; 19542 skewed


SUBSEQUENTLY adv: впоследствии, в дальнейшем, потом, позже desc: after a particular thing has happened; afterward. syn: 295 later; 4228 afterward; 5062 subsequently; 9369 after; 23694 successively


SUBSIDIARY 1) noun: филиал desc: a company controlled by a holding company. 2) adj: вспомогательный, дополнительный, второстепенный, субсидируемый desc: less important than but related or supplementary to. syn: 1) 246 business; 903 firm; 1859 division; 1817 branch; 5385 holding; 7034 affiliate; 7641 subsidiary 2) 2626 minor; 3478 secondary; 5181 lesser; 10000 subordinate; 19707 subsidiary; 1548 extra; 14487 auxiliary; 16959 supplementary; 17927 ancillary


SUBSTANCE noun: вещество, содержание, субстанция, суть, состояние, плотность, твердость desc: a particular kind of matter with uniform properties; the real physical matter of which a person or thing consists and which has a tangible, solid presence; the quality of being important, valid, or significant. syn: 994 property; 575 wealth; 9767 riches; 3491 essence; 528 matter; 641 material


SUBSTANTIAL adj: существенный, значительный, важный, реальный, прочный, крепкий, питательный desc: of considerable importance, size, or worth; concerning the essentials of something; real and tangible rather than imaginary. syn: 220 large; 266 important; 2862 extensive; 6306 abundant; 9801 plentiful


SUBSTANTIVE 1) noun: имя существительное desc: a noun. 2) adj: субстантивный, независимый, самостоятельный desc: having a firm basis in reality and therefore important, meaningful, or considerable; having a separate and independent existence. syn: 2) 1145 basic; 1509 primary; 1959 essential; 2342 fundamental; 2527 elementary; 3328 principal; 7254 substantive


SUBTLE adj: тонкий, утонченный, нежный, неуловимый, хитрый, искусный, проницательный, острый desc: (especially of a change or distinction) so delicate or precise as to be difficult to analyze or describe. syn: 6480 tricky; 9917 sly; 13214 cunning; 19141 devious; 19583 crafty; 3737 intelligent; 15894 perceptive; 1626 thin


SUBURB noun: предместья, пригород, окрестности desc: an outlying district of a city, especially a residential one. syn: 448 development; 1270 district; 8612 outskirts; 17251 environs; 23904 greenbelt


SUCCESSOR Перевод: приеемник, наследник Определение: a person or thing that succeeds another.


SUCCUMB verb: поддаваться, уступить, умереть, стать жертвой desc: fail to resist (pressure, temptation, or some other negative force). syn: 4875 depart; 6743 expire; 8029 succumb; 9686 perish; 3205 submit; 5075 surrenderl 18864 accede; 19094 capitulate


SUE verb: предъявлять иск, возбуждать дело, преследовать судом, просить desc: institute legal proceedings against (a person or institution), typically for redress; appeal formally to a person for something. syn: 5141 prosecute; 6575 indict; 19059 litigate


SUITCASE Перевод: чемодан, портфель Определение: a case with a handle and a hinged lid, used for carrying clothes and other personal possessions.


SUMMON Перевод: вызывать, призывать, созывать Определение: authoritatively or urgently call on (someone) to be present, especially as a defendant or witness in a law court.


SUPERINTENDENT Перевод: начальник, руководитель, управляющий Определение: a person who manages or superintends an organization or activity.


SUPERNATURAL adj: сверхъестественный desc: (of a manifestation or event) attributed to some force beyond scientific understanding or the laws of nature. syn: 3659 weird; 5005 bizarre; 7958 psychic; 8350 eerie; 8761 supernatural; 8666 mystical; 11535 ghostly


SUPERVISE Перевод: наблюдать, надзирать, заведовать Определение: observe and direct the execution of (a task, project, or activity).


SUPERVISION Перевод: надзор, наблюдение, надсмотр Определение: the action of supervising someone or something.


SUPPER Перевод: ужин, время ужина, ужинать, кормить ужином Определение: an evening meal, typically a light or informal one.


SUPPOSED adj: предполагаемый, мнимый desc: generally assumed or believed to be the case, but not necessarily so; to be ​intended to; to have to; to have a ​duty or a ​responsibility to. syn: 3811 theoretical; 6430 fictional; 8195 hypothetical; 20662 made-up; 16682 assumed


SURGE 1) noun: волны, повышение, быстрый рост, большая волна desc: a sudden powerful forward or upward movement, especially by a crowd or by a natural force such as the waves or tide. 2) verb: вздыматься, волноваться, подниматься, хлынуть, травить desc: (of a crowd or a natural force) move suddenly and powerfully forward or upward. syn: 1) 1994 flow; 2245 stream; 3177 pitch; 3608 flood; 3789 rush; 5080 surge; 9757 spill; 10710 swell; 14774 outpouring; 17344 heave; 26196 gush 2) 1908 pour; 2787 flow; 3505 pitch; 4568 flood; 6626 surge; 6771 stream; 9364 heave; 11542 gush


SURPASS verb: превосходить, превышать, переплюнуть, перегонять desc: exceed; be greater than. syn: 3302 exceed; 3605 top; 6757 transcend; 6960 surpass; 12072 better; 16538 outdo; 16936 outstrip; 24543 outshine.


SURPLUS 1) noun: избыток, излишек, остаток desc: an amount of something left over when requirements have been met; an excess of production or supply over demand. 2) adj: прибавочный, избыточный, излишний desc: more than what is needed or used; excess. syn: 1) 6136 excess; 6904 remainder; 10965 extra; 14014 plethora; 15733 overflow; 17458 glut; 26828 spare; 28834 surfeit; 43628 overage 2) 2168 remaining; 4607 excessive; 7930 residual; 9990 leftover; 10808 surplus; 13386 redundant; 16897 superfluous; 19905 over


SURRENDER 1) noun: сдача, капитуляция, отказ desc: the action of surrendering. 2) verb: сдаваться, капитулировать, уступать, отказываться, подчиняться, предаваться, поддаваться desc: cease resistance to an enemy or opponent and submit to their authority. syn: 1) 8514 surrender; 22067 renunciation; 22887 capitulation 2) 3205 submit; 5075 surrender; 19094 capitulate; 4225 concede; 9660 relinquish; 10636 waive; 10923 renounce; 12577 cede; 13021 forfeit


SURROGATE noun: суррогат, заменитель, заместитель desc: a substitute, especially a person deputizing for another in a specific role or office. syn: 3683 replacement; 5539 backup; 5965 substitute; 9084 surrogate; 9372 proxy; 26534 alternate


SURROUNDINGS noun: окрестности, окружение, среда desc: the things and conditions around a person or thing. syn: 856 environment; 1431 context; 1406 background; 1751 setting; 3242 habitat; 6332 surroundings; 6797 backdrop; 11872 milieu


SURVEILLANCE noun: наблюдение, надзор desc: close observation, especially of a suspected spy or criminal. syn: 2117 observation; 4871 surveillance; 5012 scrutiny; 10828 following; 12243 reconnaissance; 28281 tailing; 28829 stakeout


SUSCEPTIBLE adj: чувствительный, восприимчивый, впечатлительный, поддающийся, допускающий, влюбчивый, обидчивый desc: likely or liable to be influenced or harmed by a particular thing; capable or admitting of. syn: 2522 sensitive; 7138 susceptible; 9982 receptive; 16338 amenable; 21588 impressionable; 41927 suggestible; 5676 inclined; 6307 prone


SUSPENSION noun: подвеска, суспензия, приостановка, прекращение, зависание, отстранение от должности, взвешенное состояние, временная отставка, приостановление платежей, банкротство desc: the action of suspending someone or something or the condition of being suspended, in particular; the system of springs and shock absorbers by which a vehicle is cushioned from road conditions; a mixture in which particles are dispersed throughout the bulk of a fluid. syn: 3124 delay; 3751 pause; 5085 suspension; 9181 interruption; 21918 postponement; 23907 holdup; 26476 deferment; 28260 deferral


SWALLOW 1) noun: ласточка, глоток, глотка, прожорливость desc: an act of swallowing something, especially food or drink; a migratory swift-flying songbird with a forked tail and long pointed wings, feeding on insects in flight. 2) verb: глотать, проглатывать, поглощать, стерпеть, принимать на веру desc: cause or allow (something, especially food or drink) to pass down the throat. syn: 1) 6488 sip; 13609 mouthful; 14740 gulp; 18683 swig; 22871 nip 2) 339 allow; 766 accept; 4110 credit; 5013 suppress; 6746 withhold; 13445 repress; 3025 consume; 25865 imbibe


SWAMP 1) noun: болото, топь desc: an area of low-lying, uncultivated ground where water collects; a bog or marsh. 2) verb: заваливать, заливать, захлестнуть, засыпать, засасывать desc: overwhelm or flood with water. syn: 1) 6420 swamp; 6893 marsh; 11571 bog; 17126 quagmire; 19210 bayou; 25370 slough; 28551 fen; 28934 mire 2) 4568 flood; 4975 drown; 9777 engulf; 11876 swamp; 13323 drench; 13439 inundate; 24624 deluge; 4850 overwhelm; 11876 swamp


SWAP 1) noun: обмен, сделка, перекачка, мена desc: an act of exchanging one thing for another. 2) adj: менять, подкачивать, загружать, махнуться desc: take part in an exchange of. syn: 1) 1518 exchange; 4012 switch; 11013 substitution; 14644 swap; 14126 interchange; 25598 changeover 2) 2356 trade; 2557 negotiate; 8254 swap; 16105 barter; 28316 transact; 41163 dicker


SWARM 1) noun: стая, толпа, туча, пчелиный рой, масса, куча desc: a large or dense group of insects, especially flying ones. 2) verb: роиться, копошиться, лезть, толпиться, карабкаться desc: (of insects) move in or form a swarm; move somewhere in large numbers. syn: 1) 1299 flight; 1924 cloud; 10967 swarm; 1999 mass; 2581 pack; 5228 herd; 5778 mob; 6691 flock 2) 4568 flood; 4908 crowd; 9170 swarm; 26198 throng; 944 fly; 4785 circle; 5093 hover; 6597 migrate


SWAY 1) noun: влияние, власть, взмах, раскачивание, правление, колебание, тенденция desc: a rhythmical movement from side to side; rule; control. 2) verb: колебаться, качаться, иметь влияние, склонять, управлять, шатать, перетягивать, направлять desc: move or cause to move slowly or rhythmically backward and forward or from side to side. syn: 1) 432 control; 633 rule; 833 authority; 1396 influence; 2393 command; 3722 grip; 11990 sway 2) 2208 bend; 4197 rock; 5122 tilt; 6001 sway; 7656 reel; 7860 stagger; 8884 veer; 13007 wobble; 13816 slant; 2050 convince; 3133 prompt


SWEATY adj: потный, запотевший, вызывающий пот desc: exuding, soaked in, or inducing sweat. syn: 1360 warm; 6588 sticky; 7808 boiling; 9081 sweaty; 10966 humid; 16311 sultry; 5626 damp


SWELL 1) noun: зыбь, выпуклость, волнение, разбухание, вал, припухлость, нарастание, важная персона, шишка, возвышение, опухоль, щеголь desc: a full or gently rounded shape or form; a slow, regular movement of the sea in rolling waves that do not break; a mechanism for producing a crescendo or diminuendo in an organ or harmonium; a person of wealth or high social position, typically one perceived as fashionable or stylish. 2) verb: набухать, раздуваться, пухнуть, нарастать, отекать, надуваться, важничать, увеличивать, разрастаться, вздуться, подниматься, усиливаться desc: (especially of a part of the body) become larger or rounder in size, typically as a result of an accumulation of fluid. 3) adj: шикарный, замечательный, отличный, щегольской, превосходный desc: excellent; very good. syn: 1) 5080 surge; 6243 roller; 10710 swell; 12107 breaker; 31084 undulation; 38941 billow. 2) 660 increase; 996 improve; 1577 expand; 2345 enhance; 4914 swell; 5998 intensify; 6702 supplement; 7659 enlarge; 8136 heighten 3) 160 great; 1409 wonderful; 2667 super; 2785 tremendous; 3179 brilliant; 4272 terrific; 4792 fantastic; 5829 fabulous; 7040 marvelous; 21032 swell.


SWIFT 1) noun: стриж, барабан, мотовило desc: a swift-flying insectivorous bird with long slender wings and a superficial resemblance to a swallow, spending most of its life on the wing; a moth, typically yellow-brown in color, with fast darting flight. The eggs are scattered in flight and the larvae live underground feeding on roots, where they can be a serious pest; a light, adjustable reel for holding a skein of silk or wool. 2) adj: быстрый, скорый, борзый desc: happening quickly or promptly. syn: 1) 33546 swift 2) 2885 sudden; 3048 rapid; 4493 instant; 6722 swift; 8872 abrupt; 13047 hasty; 14708 instantaneous; 25624 peremptory


SWIRL 1) noun: водоворот, вихрь, завиток, кружение, локон desc: a quantity of something moving in a swirl. 2) verb: кружить в водовороте, образовывать водоворот, испытывать головокружение, обвивать desc: move in a twisting or spiraling pattern. syn: 1) 11519 swirl; 17751 eddy; 30204 twirl 2) 6248 swirl; 8181 whirl; 8562 churn


SYLLABLE 1) noun: слог, слово, звук desc: a unit of pronunciation having one vowel sound, with or without surrounding consonants, forming the whole or a part of a word; e.g., there are two syllables in water and three in inferno. 2) verb: произносить по слогам desc: pronounce (a word or phrase) clearly, syllable by syllable. syn: 1) 9389 syllable


TACKLE 1) noun: снасти, принадлежности, инструмент, такелаж, сложный блок, игрок, отбирающий мяч desc: the equipment required for a task or sport; a mechanism consisting of ropes, pulley blocks, hooks, or other things for lifting heavy objects; an act of seizing and stopping a player in possession of the ball by knocking them to the ground; a player who lines up inside the end along the line of scrimmage. 2) verb: схватить, биться, энергично браться, отбирать, пытаться убедить, закреплять снастями desc: make determined efforts to deal with (a problem or difficult task). syn: 1) 985 challenge; 1318 block; 2890 hold; 4499 confrontation; 6379 throw; 9626 grab 2) 1542 attack; 3251 seize; 4214 grasp; 5325 halt; 6496 wrestle; 40764 collar; 1640 attempt


TAKEOVER noun: захват, переворот, овладение, вступление во владение desc: an act of assuming control of something, especially the buying out of one company by another. syn: 3356 occupation; 4555 coup; 6620 appropriation; 7284 takeover; 7494 seizure;10110 buyout; 15101 overthrow; 15797 annexation.


TALE noun: рассказ, повесть, сплетня, счет, число, количество desc: a fictitious or true narrative or story, especially one that is imaginatively recounted; a number or total. syn: 2861 lie; 6962 gossip; 1072 account; 2779 fiction; 3116 narrative


TANGIBLE 1) adj: ощутимый, осязаемый, материальный, реальный, заметный, ясный desc: perceptible by touch. 2) noun: нечто осязаемое/ощутимое/реальное desc: a thing that is perceptible by touch. syn: 1) 438 hard; 563 clear; 577 certain; 1748 actual; 1696 obvious; 2021 solid; 2560 substantial; 3489 evident; 7291 tangible; 23227 quantifiable


TAVERN noun: таверна, бар, закусочная desc: an establishment for the sale of beer and other drinks to be consumed on the premises, sometimes also serving food. syn: 7654 inn; 7552 pub; 9003 tavern; 27784 roadhouse


TEASE Перевод: дразнить, раздразнить, поддразнивать, поддразнивание, задира, любитель подразнить Определение: make fun of or attempt to provoke (a person or animal) in a playful way; gently pull or comb (something tangled, especially wool or hair) into separate strands; a person who makes fun of someone playfully or unkindly.


TEE 1) noun: тройник, мишень, метка для мяча в гольфе, вещь, имеющая форму буквы Т desc: a cleared space on a golf course, from which the ball is struck at the beginning of play for each hole; a mark aimed at in lawn bowling, quoits, curling, and other similar games. 2) verb: класть мяч для первого удара desc: place the ball on a tee ready to make the first stroke of the round or hole. syn: 1) 6384 tee 2) 25657 tee


TEMPT Перевод: искушать, соблазнять, испытывать Определение: entice or attempt to entice (someone) to do or acquire something that they find attractive but know to be wrong or not beneficial.


TEMPTATION Перевод: искушение, соблазн Определение: a desire to do something, especially something wrong or unwise.


TENSE 1) noun: время desc: a set of forms taken by a verb to indicate the time (and sometimes also the continuance or completeness) of the action in relation to the time of the utterance. 2) verb: натягивать, натуживать, создавать напряжение desc: become tense, typically through anxiety or nervousness. 3) adj: напряженный, натянутый, тугой, возбужденный desc: (especially of a muscle or someone's body) stretched tight or rigid. syn: 1) 22731 tense; 2) 9113 tense; tighten; flex; strain; stretch 3) 3282 worried; 3857 anxious; 6347 tense; 11600 edgy; 13873 apprehensive; 17641 jittery; 18533 uptight; 21827 jumpy; 4116 stiff


TENTATIVE adj: пробный, экспериментальный, неуверенный, опытный, неопределенный, колеблющийся desc: not certain or fixed; provisional. syn: 4447 shy; 5289 cautious; 7858 tentative; 8146 unsure; 9662 hesitant; 11594 timid; 19980 faltering


TENURE noun: срок пребывания, владение, недвижимость desc: the conditions under which land or buildings are held or occupied; the conditions under which land or buildings are held or occupied. syn: 3356 occupation; 5055 tenure; 6114 lease; 11957 occupancy; 33616 tenancy; 33471 freehold; 617 period; 626 term


TERRAIN noun: местность, территория desc: a stretch of land, especially with regard to its physical features. syn: 566 land; 856 environment; 1837 landscape; 2192 territory; 4533 terrain; 13477 topography


TESTIFY verb: свидетельствовать, давать показания, быть свидетельством, торжественно заявлять, клятвенно утверждать desc: give evidence as a witness in a law court; to make solemn declaration. syn: 844 state; 3352 swear; 5785 affirm; 8795 attest; 785 indicate; 1861 confirm


TESTIMONY noun: свидетельство, доказательство, утверждение, показание свидетеля, скрижали desc: a formal written or spoken statement, especially one given in a court of law. syn: 922 statement; 5660 declaration; 10742 affidavit; 1980 witness; 2882 proof


THEOLOGY noun: богословие, теология desc: the study of the nature of God and religious belief. syn: 3775 doctrine; 6553 spirituality; 10240 divinity; 17448 mysticism; 56028 dogmatic


THEREAFTER adv: после этого, впоследствии, соответственно desc: after that time. syn: 295 later; 4228 afterward; 5062 subsequently; 6590 thereafter.


THICK 1) noun: пекло, разгар, гуща desc: the busiest or most crowded part of something; the middle of something.. 2) adj: толстый, густой, плотный, дремучий desc: with opposite sides or surfaces that are a great or relatively great distance apart; made up of a large number of things or people close together; of low intelligence. 3) adv: густо, плотно, хрипло desc: in or with deep, dense, or heavy mass. syn: 1) midst; center; hub; middle 2) 976 deep; 2350 fat; 9706 bulky; 14162 impenetrable 3) thickly


THIEF noun: вор, воровка, нагар desc: a person who steals another person's property, especially by stealth and without using force or violence. syn: 8819 crook; 9771 robber; 11334 burglar; 12102 bandit; 25163 pickpocket; 29489 shoplifter


THIGH noun: бедро desc: the part of the human leg between the hip and the knee. syn: upper leg; thigh bone; femur; proximal segment


THINLY adv: тонко, экономно, понемногу, плохо, кое-как desc: made or done so that something is not ​thick; with only a ​small ​number of ​people or things, or without the ​people or things being ​close to each other; in a way that is not ​difficult to ​see through or to ​recognize. syn: 6036 finely; 7856 thinly; 10843 delicately; 14909 sparsely; 18191 sparingly


THIRTY noun: тридцать desc: the number equivalent to the product of three and ten; ten less than forty.


THOROUGH Перевод: тщательный, полный, подробный Определение: complete with regard to every detail; not superficial or partial.


THOROUGHLY adv: тщательно, основательно, совершенно, вполне, до конца, вконец desc: in a thorough manner; very much; greatly. syn: 1170 completely; 1921 totally; 4168 thoroughly; 5635 utterly; 7667 systematically; 14069 methodically; 14361 painstakingly


THOU pronoun: ты desc: the personal pronoun of the second person singular in the nominative case (used to denote the person or thing addressed). syn: 8831 thou


THREAD 1) noun: нить, резьба, нарезка, волокно, одежда, шаг, тряпки, жила провода desc: a long, thin strand of cotton, nylon, or other fibers used in sewing or weaving; a thing resembling a thread in length or thinness, in particular; a group of linked messages posted on an Internet forum that share a common subject or theme; a helical ridge on the outside of a screw, bolt, etc., or on the inside of a cylindrical hole, to allow two parts to be screwed together. 2) verb: продевать нитку, нанизывать, пробираться, прокладывать путь, виться, переплетать, нарезать резьбу desc: pass a thread through the eye of (a needle) or through the needle and guides of (a sewing machine); cut a screw thread in or on (a hole, screw, or other object). syn: 1) 2610 fiber; 3155 cotton; 4352 cord; 4758 thread; 5404 strand; 11760 yarn 2) 3250 ease; 8701 thread; 7822 string; 9487 lace; 11674 loop


THRESHOLD noun: порог, предел, преддверие, начало, отправной пункт desc: a strip of wood, metal, or stone forming the bottom of a doorway and crossed in entering a house or room; the magnitude or intensity that must be exceeded for a certain reaction, phenomenon, result, or condition to occur or be manifested. syn: 2894 entrance; 3896 doorway; 4768 threshold; 338 level; 937 base; 1679 limit; 2657 ceiling; 4714 tolerance; 15239 outside


THRILL Перевод: трепет, дрожь, возбуждение, трепетать, вызывать трепет, дрожать Определение: a sudden feeling of excitement and pleasure; cause (someone) to have a sudden feeling of excitement and pleasure; (of an emotion or sensation) pass with a nervous tremor.


THRUST Перевод: толчок, упор, удар, засовывать, толкать Определение: a sudden or violent lunge with a pointed weapon or a bodily part; the propulsive force of a jet or rocket engine; push (something or someone) suddenly or violently in the specified direction.


THUG noun: бандит, головорез, убийца, разбойник-душитель desc: a violent person, especially a criminal; a member of a religious organization of robbers and assassins in India. Devotees of the goddess Kali, the Thugs waylaid and strangled their victims, usually travelers, in a ritually prescribed manner. They were suppressed by the British in the 1830s. syn: 5236 hood; 8248 thug; 9553 gangster; 12239 brute; 19475 goon; 20868 mugger; 24722 hooligan


THYME noun: тимьян, чабрец desc: a low-growing aromatic plant of the mint family. The small leaves are used as a culinary herb, and the plant yields a medicinal oil. syn: 8431 thyme


TICK 1) noun: тик, клещ, галочка, отметка, счет, кредит, мгновение, чехол, миг, наволочка desc: a regular short, sharp sound, especially that made by a clock or watch; a check mark; the smallest recognized amount by which a price of a security or future may fluctuate; on credit. 2) verb: тикать, делать отметку, ставить 'птичку' desc: (of a clock or other mechanical device) make regular short sharp sounds, typically one for every second of time that passes. syn: 1) 2678 beat; 3102 nerve; 4369 pulse; 4739 impulse; 7951 thrust; 9044 tick; 29972 pulsation 2) 7479 tick


TIDAL adj: приливный, приливно-отливный desc: of, relating to, or affected by tides. syn: 9175 tidal


TIDE noun: волна, поток, течение, время, море, направление, морской прилив и отлив, период, пора desc: the alternate rising and falling of the sea, usually twice in each lunar day at a particular place, due to the attraction of the moon and sun. syn: 1994 flow; 2245 stream; 5080 surge; 5697 current; 6710 drift


TIE 1) noun: галстук, связь, ничья, соединение, лента desc: a piece of string, cord, or the like used for fastening or tying something; a thing that unites or links people; a result in a game or other competitive situation in which two or more competitors or teams have the same score or ranking. 2) verb: связать, привязывать, прикручивать, сыграть вничью, скреплять desc: attach or fasten (someone or something) with string or similar cord; achieve the same score or ranking as another competitor or team. syn: 1) 1425 connection; 1890 bond; 2196 link; 7121 draw 2) 1860 fix; 2334 attach; 2505 secure; 2512 bind


TIER noun: ярус, ряд, детский фартук, крепление, бухта, то, что связывает desc: a row or level of a structure, typically one of a series of rows placed one above the other and successively receding or diminishing in size. syn: 338 level; 587 step; 830 stage; 1853 row; 2181 layer; 2663 rank; 8895 tier


TIGHT 1) adj: плотный, тугой, трудный, непроницаемый, сжатый, навеселе desc: fixed, fastened, or closed firmly; hard to move, undo, or open; (of a rope, fabric, or surface) stretched so as to leave no slack; not loose; (of an area or space) having or allowing little room for maneuver. 2) adv: туго, плотно, крепко, тесно desc: very firmly, closely, or tensely. syn: 1) 12303 snug; 26930 constricted; 1013 tough; 5043 awkward; 18016 unyielding; 30127 miserly 2) fast; closely


TILE 1) noun: плитка, черепица, кафель, изразец, дренажная труба, гончарная труба, цилиндр desc: a thin rectangular slab of baked clay, concrete, or other material, used in overlapping rows for covering roofs. 2) verb: крыть черепицей или кафелем desc: cover (something) with tiles. syn: 1) 821 glass; 1222 stone; 1240 wood; 4928 tile; 6750 ivory; 7874 ornament; 12582 enamel; 16587 inset; 26810 inlay. 2) 25698 tile


TILL 1) noun: касса, тилль, денежный ящик, валунная глина desc: a cash register or drawer for money in a store, bank, or restaurant; a sediment consisting of particles of various sizes and deposited by melting glaciers or ice sheets. 2) verb: пахать, возделывать землю desc: prepare and cultivate (land) for crops. 3) prep: до, пока, не раньше desc: up to the time of; before (used in negative constructions); near or at a specified time. 4) conj: пока, до тех пор пока desc: to the time that or when; until. syn: 1) 4245 drawer; 4510 tray; 14543 checkout; 23790 till 2) 2476 dig; 5639 cultivate; 8185 plow; 9041 rake; 20645 till; 22926 hoe 3) before; prior to; previous to; up to; up until; earlier than; as late as


TILT 1) noun: наклон, тент, крен, наклонное положение, скос, спор, ссора, стычка, парусиновый навес desc: a sloping position or movement; a combat for exercise or sport between two men on horseback with lances; a joust. 2) verb: наклонять, опрокидывать, бороться, поворачивать, критиковать, откидывать, биться, сталкиваться, сражаться на турнире, ковать, покрывать парусиновым навесом desc: move or cause to move into a sloping position; (in jousting) thrust at with a lance or other weapon. syn: 1) 3008 angle; 3457 slope; 11261 tilt; 13094 incline; 14853 gradient 2) 1525 lean; 2090 list; 2208 bend; 3541 tip; 5122 tilt; 13816 slant


TIMBER noun: лесоматериалы, брус, бревно, тимберс, балка, крепежный лес, шпангоут, достоинство, личное качество, изгородь desc: wood prepared for use in building and carpentry. syn: 4944 timber; 7090 lumber; 24364 kindling


TIMELY adj: своевременный desc: done or occurring at a favorable or useful time; opportune. syn: 4801 suitable; 6208 sensible; 7107 apt; 7587 timely; 17667 judicious; 23889 opportune; 34375 well-timed


TIN Перевод: олово, банка, жестянка, жестяной, оловянный, поддельный, лудить, консервировать, подделывать Определение: cover with a thin layer of tin.


TIRE 1) noun: шина, покрышка, бандаж, обод колеса, одежда, головной убор desc: a rubber covering, typically inflated or surrounding an inflated inner tube, placed around a wheel to form a flexible contact with the road. 2) verb: утомлять, уставать, надевать шину, одевать, наскучивать, украшать desc: feel or cause to feel in need of rest or sleep. syn: 2) 3627 drain; 4778 exhaust; 19711 fatigue; 29650 weary; 37724 enervate


TISSUE 1) noun: ткань, сплетение, паутина, слой, бумажная салфетка, сеть, тонкая оберточная бумага desc: any of the distinct types of material of which animals or plants are made, consisting of specialized cells and their products; an intricate structure or network made from a number of connected items. 2) verb: ткать дорогую шелковую ткань desc: to weave, especially with threads of gold and silver. syn: 1) 8644 handkerchief; 641 material; 1020 skin; 1721 muscle; 883 network; 1815 chain 2) weave


TODDLER Перевод: ползунок, ребенок, начинающий ходить Определение: a young child who is just beginning to walk.


TOKEN 1) noun: знак, жетон, признак, примета, подарок на память, талон, опознавательный знак desc: a thing serving as a visible or tangible representation of a fact, quality, feeling, etc..; a voucher that can be exchanged for goods or services, typically one given as a gift or offered as part of a promotional offer; an individual occurrence of a symbol or string, in particular; a sequence of bits passed continuously between nodes in a fixed order and enabling a node to transmit information. 2) adj: символический, кажущийся, имеющий видимость/подобие desc: done for the sake of appearances or as a symbolic gesture. syn: 1) 8209 souvenir; 9107 token; 13635 memento; 11076 remembrance; 24952 keepsake; 2137 mark 2) 4193 symbolic; 11054 nominal; 14109 token; 20204 perfunctory


TOLERANT adj: толерантный, терпимый desc: showing willingness to allow the existence of opinions or behavior that one does not necessarily agree with; (of a plant, animal, or machine) able to endure (specified conditions or treatment). syn: 9361 tolerant; 16746 lenient; 18024 open-minded; 28499 understanding; 14820 easygoing; 6871 charitable


TOLL 1) noun: потери, дань, пошлина, сбор, плата, благовест, погребальный звон, удар колокола desc: a charge payable for permission to use a particular bridge or road; the number of deaths, casualties, or injuries arising from particular circumstances, such as a natural disaster, conflict, or accident; a single ring of a bell. 2) verb: благовестить, звонить по покойнику, отбивать часы desc: charge a toll for the use of (a bridge or road). syn: 1) 924 charge; 1836 fee; 1761 duty; 2118 payment; 4643 toll; 17530 levy; 18355 excise; 24482 clang 2) 16648 toll; 33271 peal; 34548 ding


TOPPLE verb: опрокидывать, падать, валиться, грозить падением desc: overbalance or become unsteady and fall slowly. syn: 8713 overthrow; 9928 oust; 16609 depose; 18507 unseat; 3233 collapse; 3411 upset; 5535 tumble; 7631 topple


TORSO noun: торс, туловище, корпус desc: the trunk of the human body; a sculptured form representing the trunk of a nude female or male figure. syn: 7437 torso; body; trunk


TOSS 1) noun: жеребьевка, бросание, толчок, подбрасывание монеты, метание desc: an action or instance of tossing something. 2) verb: бросать, вскидывать, подниматься и опускаться, швырять, поднимать на рога desc: throw (something) somewhere lightly, easily, or casually; search (a place). syn: 1) 6379 throw; 17344 heave; 17042 fling; 27621 lob 2) 1909 stir; 3944 blend; 3952 flip; 7452 hurl


TOUT 1) noun: навязывающий свой товар, коммивояжер, жучок, человек, зазывающий клиентов desc: a person soliciting custom or business, typically in an aggressive or bold manner; a person who offers racing tips for a share of any resulting winnings; an informer. 2) verb: рекламировать, шпионить, зазывать, расхваливать, навязывать товар, агитировать за кандидата desc: attempt to sell (something), typically by pestering people in an aggressive or bold manner; offer racing tips for a share of any resulting winnings. syn: 1) 4956 seller; 17340 peddler; 17757 tout; 27965 hawker 2) 5178 advertise; 5651 plug; 6987 tout; 9595 puff; 9997 publicize; 13789 flaunt; 19676 hype; 22493 flog; 43590 ballyhoo


TOW 1) noun: буксир, кудель, пакля, трос, бечева desc: an act of towing a vehicle or boat; the coarse and broken part of flax or hemp prepared for spinning. 2) verb: буксировать, тащить, тянуть на бечеве desc: (of a motor vehicle or boat) pull (another vehicle or boat) along with a rope, chain, or tow bar. syn: 1) 9187 tow 2) 592 draw; 2140 drag; 4224 haul; 6293 tug; 9993 tow


TRACE 1) noun: след, отпечаток, черта, незначительное количество, тропинка, равнение в затылок desc: a mark, object, or other indication of the existence or passing of something; a very small quantity, especially one too small to be accurately measured; a line or pattern displayed by an instrument using a moving pen or a luminous spot on a screen to show the existence or nature of something that is being investigated; the sum of the elements in the principle diagonal of a square matrix; each of the two side straps, chains, or ropes by which a horse is attached to a vehicle that it is pulling. 2) verb: прослеживать, следить, чертить, записывать, намечать, снимать копию, фиксировать desc: find or discover by investigation; copy (a drawing, map, or design) by drawing over its lines on a superimposed piece of transparent paper. syn: 1) 759 sign; 2137 mark; 3394 indication; 6483 remnant; 7709 residue; 13546 vestige; 2290 touch; 2523 suggestion; 2572 drop; 3939 hint; 6421 dash; 18099 smattering; 18352 tinge; 29459 smidgen; 2) 4469 outline; 4948 copy; 7607 sketch; 325 follow; 957 discover; 1688 locate; 2714 track; 3976 trail.


TRACT noun: тракт, канал, путь, брошюра, пучок, полоса пространства, непрерывный период времени desc: an area of indefinite extent, typically a large one; a major passage in the body, large bundle of nerve fibers, or other continuous elongated anatomical structure or region; a short treatise in pamphlet form, typically on a religious subject. syn: 793 region; 1281 band; 1773 zone; 2192 territory; 2771 strip; 6215 tract; 8338 expanse; 10930 swath; 144 pamphlet; 11816 treatise


TRANSCEND verb: превосходить, переступать пределы, превышать desc: be or go beyond the range or limits of (something abstract, typically a conceptual field or division). syn: 6757 transcend; 6960 surpass; 7163 excel; 16538 outdo


TREAD 1) noun: протектор, поступь, поверхность катания, походка, колея, ступень, беговая дорожка. спаривание, ширина хода, звено гусеницы, обод колеса desc: a manner or the sound of someone walking; the top surface of a step or stair. 2) verb: наступать, шагать, давить, топтать, идти, спариваться desc: walk in a specified way. syn: 1) 5193 stamp; 6096 footstep; 16833 tramp; 18374 tread; 23390 footfall 2) 4349 crush; 7558 flatten; 8415 tread; 8812 stomp; 14761 squash; 5786 pace; 6537 stride


TREK 1) noun: путешествие, переход, переселение desc: a long arduous journey, especially one made on foot. 2) verb: переселяться, пересекать, делать большой переход desc: go on a long arduous journey, typically on foot. syn: 1) 2217 walk; 2425 journey; 5258 hike; 9292 trek; 16833 tramp; 30196 slog; 29723 ramble 2) 1082 travel; 3204 wander; 3506 march; 3976 trail; 10972 trudge; 12622 trek


TREMBLE Перевод: дрожать, трепетать, трястись, дрожь, дрожание Определение: a trembling feeling, movement, or sound; shake involuntarily, typically as a result of anxiety, excitement, or frailty.


TRENCH 1) noun: траншея, ров, окоп, котлован, канава, борозда desc: a long, narrow ditch. 2) verb: рыть траншеи/канавы/окопы/рвы, прорезать, прорубать desc: dig a trench or trenches in (the ground); border closely on; encroach upon. syn: 1) 5992 drain; 6550 trench; 6992 ditch; 11158 gutter; 11356 dugout; 11288 trough; 15492 furrow. 2) 47804 trench; 13557 entrench; 12437 ditch.


TRIBAL adj: племенной, родовой desc: of or characteristic of a tribe or tribes. syn: 9151 ancestral; 11082 familial


TRIBUTE noun: дань, должное, награда, подношение, коллективный дар desc: an act, statement, or gift that is intended to show gratitude, respect, or admiration; payment made periodically by one state or ruler to another, especially as a sign of dependence; a proportion of ore or its equivalent, paid to a miner for his work, or to the owner or lessor of a mine. syn: 5001 tribute; 4976 praise; 7701 compliment; 10139 acknowledgment; 10256 homage; 11563 esteem; 15819 accolade; 1836 fee; 1761 duty


TRICKLE 1) noun: струйка desc: a small flow of liquid. 2) verb: сочиться, течь тонкой струйкой, капать desc: (of a liquid) flow in a small stream. syn: 1) 11280 drip; 11725 trickle; 21937 dribble 2) 5951 filter; 8824 seep; 9043 trickle; 11340 ooze


TRIM 1) noun: отделка, дифферент, порядок, готовность, подравнивание, подрезка, продольный наклон, стрижка, украшение, состояние готовности, наряд desc: additional decoration, typically along the edges of something and in contrasting color or material; an act of cutting off part of something in order to neaten it; the state of being in good order or condition; the degree to which an aircraft can be maintained at a constant altitude without any control forces being present; the difference between a vessel's forward and after drafts, especially as it affects its navigability. 2) verb: подрезать, отделывать, подбривать, торцевать, обтесывать, уравновешивать, приводить в порядок, обманывать, вымогать деньги, отчитать, побить, приспосабливаться, снимать заусенцы, обрезать кромки desc: make (something) neat or of the required size or form by cutting away irregular or unwanted parts; decorate (something), typically with contrasting items or pieces of material; adjust (sails) to take best advantage of the wind; get the better of (someone), typically by cheating them out of money. 3) adj: аккуратный, элегантный, опрятный, приведенный в порядок, в состоянии готовности desc: neat and smart in appearance; in good order. syn: 1) 1348 border; 6218 decoration; 8618 trim; 19163 frill; 20071 adornment 2) 4968 trim; 5851 shave; 6383 clip; 9808 shear; 13654 pare; 14752 prune; 2063 lower; 3393 decrease; 4289 edit; 27158 truncate; 7727 edge 3) 4727 neat; 5372 slim; 5554 lean; 6673 slender; 7122 sleek; 10612 trim; 20092 shapely; 10093 tidy


TROOP 1) noun: отряд, труппа, группа людей desc: a group of soldiers, especially a cavalry unit commanded by a captain, or an airborne unit; A group or company of people, animals, or things. 2) verb: двигаться толпой, собираться толпой desc: (of a group of people) come or go together or in large numbers; to ​walk ​somewhere in a ​large ​group, usually with one ​person behind another. syn: 1) 189 company; 1138 troop; 1274 crowd 2) 3506 march; 6771 stream; 12914 congregate


TROOPER noun: кавалерист, танкист, конный полицейский, солдат бронетанковых войск, кавалерийская лошадь, транспорт для перевозки войск, полицейский на автомашине desc: a state police officer; a private soldier in a cavalry, armored, or airborne unit. syn: 8371 trooper


TROT 1) noun: рысь, шпаргалка, старая карга, быстрая походка, перевод, подстрочник desc: a trotting pace; diarrhea. 2) verb: идти рысью, спешить desc: (with reference to a horse or other quadruped) proceed or cause to proceed at a pace faster than a walk, lifting each diagonal pair of legs alternately. syn: 1) 12187 sprint; 18575 trot; 19335 jog; 19668 gallop; 36084 canter 2) 3635 hurry; 8502 trot; 9551 scurry; 15557 scamper


TROUT noun: форель desc: a chiefly freshwater fish of the salmon family, found in both Eurasia and North America and highly valued as food and game.


TRUMPET 1) noun: труба, трубач, рупор, слуховая трубка, рев слона desc: a brass musical instrument with a flared bell and a bright, penetrating tone. The modern instrument has the tubing looped to form a straight-sided coil, with three valves; a North American pitcher plant. 2) verb: трубить, раззванивать, реветь, возвещать desc: play a trumpet; proclaim widely or loudly. syn: 1) 9120 trumpet 2) 13484 trumpet


TRUNK noun: ствол, багажник, туловище, чемодан, хобот, магистраль, корпус, дорожный сундук, нос desc: the main woody stem of a tree as distinct from its branches and roots; a person's or animal's body apart from the limbs and head; the elongated, prehensile nose of an elephant; a large box with a hinged lid for storing or transporting clothes and other articles. syn: 8843 stalk; 37003 bole


TRUSTEE noun: попечитель, опекун, доверительный собственник, член правления, совета и т.п. desc: an individual person or member of a board given control or powers of administration of property in trust with a legal obligation to administer it solely for the purposes specified. syn: 1986 representative; 2584 deputy; 5741 guardian; 6200 trustee; 21244 executor


TUB Перевод: ванна, кадка, бак, упражняться в гребле, мыться в ванне, сажать растение в кадку Определение: a wide, open, deep, typically round container with a flat bottom used for holding liquids, growing plants, etc.; an old, awkward, or run-down vessel; plant in a tub; wash or bathe (someone or something) in or as in a tub or bath.


TUCK 1) noun: складка, еда desc: a flattened, stitched fold in a garment or material, typically one of several parallel folds put in a garment for shortening, tightening, or decoration; food, typically cakes and candy, eaten by children at school as a snack; (in diving, gymnastics, downhill skiing, etc.) a position with the knees bent and held close to the chest, often with the hands clasped around the shins. 2) verb: засовывать, подгибать, подворачивать, подтыкать, укрыть одеялом, делать складки, прятать desc: push, fold, or turn (the edges or ends of something, especially a garment or bedclothes) so as to hide them or hold them in place; make a flattened, stitched fold in (a garment or material), typically so as to shorten or tighten it, or for decoration. syn: 1) 17312 grub; 22985 tuck; 51722 nosh; 10736 dart; 22795 pleat; 35947 pucker; 41951 gather 2) 631 place; 695 push; 1211 stick; 1796 slip; 2561 pop; 4147 tuck; 4339 insert; 3517 fold


TUG 1) noun: буксир, рывок, гуж, состязание, тянущее усилие, напряжение сил, лямка, дужка, упорная борьба desc: a hard or sudden pull; a loop from a horse's saddle that supports a shaft or trace. 2) verb: тянуть, буксировать, тащить с усилием, дергать изо всех сил desc: pull (something) hard or suddenly. syn: 1) 9492 tug; 12423 wrench; 17344 heave; 27058 yank 2) 4224 haul; 5774 jerk; 9993 tow; 6293 tug


TUMBLE Перевод: падение, беспорядок, вваливаться, падать, кувыркаться Определение: a sudden or headlong fall; a friendly sign of recognition, acknowledgment, or interest; (typically of a person) fall suddenly, clumsily, or headlong.


TUMOR noun: опухоль desc: a swelling of a part of the body, generally without inflammation, caused by an abnormal growth of tissue, whether benign or malignant. syn: 1030 cancer; 4195 tumor; 6221 lump; 19343 polyp


TUNA noun: тунец desc: a large and active predatory schooling fish of the mackerel family. Found in warm seas, it is extensively fished commercially and is popular as a game fish. syn: 6072 tuna.


TURMOIL noun: смятение, суматоха, беспорядок, шум desc: a state of great disturbance, confusion, or uncertainty. syn: 3357 confusion; 3755 chaos; 6595 turmoil; 7031 instability; 9182 unrest; 9268 upheaval; 9753 havoc; 10760 turbulence


TURNAROUND noun: оборот, изменение, оборачиваемость desc: an abrupt or unexpected change, especially one that results in a more favorable situation; the process of completing or the time needed to complete a task, especially one involving receiving something, processing it, and sending it out again; a space for vehicles to turn around in, especially one at the end of a driveway or dead-end street. syn: 5070 completion; 8452 turnaround; 2286 shift; 10513 dispatch; 1946 improvement; 7345 reversal


TURNOUT noun: забастовка, выпуск, выезд, собрание, публика, стрелочный перевод, поворот, одежда, экипировка, подъем с постели desc: the number of people attending or taking part in an event, especially the number of people voting in an election; a turn in a road; a carriage or other horse-drawn vehicle with its horse or horses; the way in which a person or thing is equipped or dressed; the ability to rotate the legs outward at the hips. syn: 1274 crowd; 4030 gathering; 4473 attendance; 8157 turnout


TWILIGHT noun: сумерки, полумрак, период упадка, неточное представление, период заката desc: the soft glowing light from the sky when the sun is below the horizon, caused by the refraction and scattering of the sun's rays from the atmosphere; a period or state of obscurity, ambiguity, or gradual decline. syn: 5810 sunset; 6999 twilight; 7330 dusk; 14502 nightfall; 16672 sundown


TWITCH 1) noun: подергивание, судорога, петля, резкое дергающее усилие, нервное состояние, скоба desc: a short, sudden jerking or convulsive movement; a stick with a small noose attached to one end. The noose may be twisted around the upper lip or the ear of a horse to subdue it, especially during veterinary procedures. 2) verb: дергаться, тащить desc: give or cause to give a short, sudden jerking or convulsive movement; apply a sudden pull or jerk to (a horse). syn: 1) 8854 contraction; 11111 jolt; 11947 tremor; 11986 spasm; 13723 shudder; 16240 twitch 2) 5039 contract; 5774 jerk; 6229 yank; 9480 twitch; 21094 convulse


UBIQUITOUS adj: вездесущий, повсеместный, встречающийся повсюду desc: present, appearing, or found everywhere. syn: 2658 universal; 6306 abundant; 6878 pervasive; 8298 ubiquitous; 19704 omnipresent


UNANIMOUS adj: единодушный, единогласный desc: (of two or more people) fully in agreement. syn: 1464 united; 9001 unanimous; 16409 undisputed; 16895 agreed; 21763 undivided


UNDERCOVER adj: тайный, секретный, потаенный desc: (of a person or their activities) involved in or involving secret work within a community or organization, especially for the purposes of police investigation or espionage. syn: 4027 hidden; 7648 undercover; 8944 covert; 12194 clandestine; 12691 concealed; 13493 buried; 19134 disguised; 43654 obscured


UNDERCUT 1) noun: поднутрение, вырезка, подрубка, удар/бросок снизу, передний угол desc: a space formed by the removal or absence of material from the lower part of something, such as a cliff, a coal seam, or part of a carving in relief; the underside of a sirloin of beef. 2) verb: подрезать, сбивать цену, поднутрять, продавать по более низким ценам desc: offer goods or services at a lower price than (a competitor); cut or wear away the part below or under (something, especially a cliff); weaken; undermine; (in sports such as tennis or golf) strike (a ball) with a chopping motion so as to give it backspin. syn: 2) 3725 undermine; 4527 weaken; 9304 undercut; 11595 destabilize; 14897 detract; 16612 belittle


UNDERGO verb: подвергаться, испытывать, переносить, вытерпеть desc: experience or be subjected to (something, typically something unpleasant, painful, or arduous). syn: 1100 suffer; 1182 experience; 3677 endure; 4067 undertake


UNDERSCORE Перевод: подчёркивать Определение: underline (something); a line drawn under a word or phrase for emphasis.


UNDERTAKE verb: предпринимать, браться, гарантировать, ручаться, быть владельцем похоронного бюро desc: commit oneself to and begin (an enterprise or responsibility); take on. syn: 766 accept; 1092 assume; 9661 commence


UNDERWAY 1) adj: на ходу, осуществляемый, в движении, двигающийся desc: occurring, performed, or used while traveling or in motion 2) adv: в процессе разработки, в работе desc: having started and in progress; being done or carried out; (of a boat) moving through the water. syn: 1) afoot 2) 7268 underway


UNEASY adj: беспокойный, неудобный, неловкий, тревожный, стесненный, связанный desc: causing or feeling anxiety; troubled or uncomfortable. syn: 3667 uncomfortable; 3857 anxious; 4930 troubled; 6347 tense;6622 uneasy; 11600 edgy; 13873 apprehensive; 36816 perturbed.


UNFOLD verb: раскрываться, развертываться, открывать, распускаться desc: open or spread out from a folded position. syn: 484 develop; 1577 expand; 2699 advance; 2838 evolve; 4582 unfold; 5076 progress; 568 describe; 928 reveal; 4460 disclose; 26062 unroll


UNFORTUNATE 1) noun: неудачник, горемыка, проститутка desc: a person who suffers bad fortune. 2) adj: несчастный, неудачный, неблагополучный desc: having or marked by bad fortune; unlucky. syn: 1) unfortunate person 2) 7359 disastrous; 8069 hopeless; 12774 fateful; 16914 doomed; 22490 ruinous; 27319 calamitous; 5099 inappropriate; 5018 unfortunate; 14138 unlucky; 16012 ill-fated


UNLEASH verb: развязать, спускать с привязи, давать волю desc: release from a leash or restraint. syn: 7468 unleash; 36095 uncheck


UNRAVEL verb: распутывать, разгадывать, объяснять desc: undo (twisted, knitted, or woven threads); investigate and solve or explain (something complicated or puzzling). syn: 3233 collapse; 7146 crumble; 8829 unravel; 2256 resolve; 6727 undo; 23014 disentangle; 49108 unknot


UNREST noun: беспорядки, волнения, беспокойство desc: a state of dissatisfaction, disturbance, and agitation in a group of people, typically involving public demonstrations or disorder. syn: 2483 anxiety; 3961 worry; 9664 apprehension; 9182 unrest; 14150 nervousness; 29775 disquiet


UNVEIL verb: раскрывать, предстать в истинном свете, торжественно открывать desc: remove a veil or covering from, especially uncover (a new monument or work of art) as part of a public ceremony. syn: 928 reveal; 2015 expose; 4460 disclose; 4472 uncover; 6818 unveil; 14189 divulge; 10620 bare


UPHEAVAL noun: переворот, сдвиг, смещение пластов desc: a violent or sudden change or disruption to something. syn: 3357 confusion; 6349 disturbance; 6595 turmoil; 6883 disruption; 9268 upheaval; 11970 commotion


UPSCALE adj: выше среднего уровня (по образованию, доходу и т. п.), высококачественный desc: toward or relating to the more expensive or affluent sector of the market; located at, moving toward, or of or for the upper end of a social or economic scale. syn: 1866 smart; 3782 exclusive; 6542 prestigious; 8430 upscale; 8206 glamorous; 9461 chic; 13170 classy; 13627 posh; 26542 swanky


USHER 1) noun: судебный пристав, билетер, капельдинер, швейцар, церемониймейстер desc: a person who shows people to their seats, especially in a theater or at a wedding; an assistant teacher. 2) verb: возвещать, вводить, проводить, объявлять desc: show or guide (someone) somewhere; cause or mark the start of something new. syn: 1) 1789 guide; 5490 attendant; 5989 conductor; 8399 escort; 9117 helper; 11206 marshal; 21475 usher. 2) 318 lead; 1163 conduct; 2454 accompany; 2985 guide; 4667 steer; 6665 usher; 6764 escort; 11102 pilot; 12473 marshal; 17559 shepherd.


UTTER 1) adj: полный, абсолютный, совершенный, крайний desc: complete; absolute. 2) verb: произносить, выговорить, вымолвить, выражать, изрекать, молвить desc: make (a sound) with one's voice; put (forged money) into circulation. syn: 1) 1444 complete; 3185 absolute; 4231 sheer; 5927 thorough; 8890 utter; 14728 unqualified; 22174 downright; 29345 out-and-out 2) 335 speak; 844 state; 1276 express; 4912 articulate; 5096 voice; 5392 pronounce; 6357 emit; 6975 utter.


UTTERLY Перевод: крайне, абсолютно, чрезвычайно Определение: completely and without qualification; absolutely.


VAGUE adj: неопределенный, расплывчатый, неясный, смутный, рассеянный, неуловимый, отсутствующий desc: of uncertain, indefinite, or unclear character or meaning. syn: 4933 vague; 12847 dreamy; 19686 pensive; 27947 distracted; 28455 absent-minded; 28660 abstracted; 43684 scatterbrained; 5340 unclear


VAGUELY adv: неясно desc: in a way that is uncertain, indefinite, or unclear; roughly; slightly. syn: 6998 vaguely; 12059 dimly; 42625 imprecisely; 47863 indistinctly; 49624 hazily; 7021 loosely


VALIDITY noun: действительность, обоснованность, законность, годность, аргументированность, вескость, доказанность desc: the quality of being logically or factually sound; soundness or cogency. syn: 372 force; 833 authority; 955 weight; 1279 strength; 4584 validity; 5831 legitimacy; 11549 rationality; 23952 soundness; 42219 cogency


VALVE noun: клапан, вентиль, заслонка, золотник, створка, электронная лампа, вальва desc: any device for halting or controlling the flow of a liquid, gas, or other material through a passage, pipe, inlet, outlet, etc; a hinged lid or other movable part that closes or modifies the passage in such a device; (anatomy) a membranous fold or other structure that controls the flow of a fluid, as one that permits blood to flow in one direction only. syn: 6030 valve; 6181 controller; 6311 tap; 10980 faucet; 21215 spigot


VANISH verb: исчезать, пропадать, стремиться к нулю, сбегать desc: disappear suddenly and completely; become zero. syn: 1583 disappear; 8028 evaporate


VANTAGE noun: преимущество, выгодная/удобная позиция, пункт наблюдения desc: a place or position affording a good view of something. syn: 9192 vantage


VAPOR 1) noun: пар, испарения, химера, фантазия, нечто нереальное, меланхолия, депрессия desc: a substance diffused or suspended in the air, especially one normally liquid or solid. 2) verb: испаряться, болтать попусту, бахвалиться desc: talk in a vacuous, boasting, or pompous way. syn: 1) 6046 mist; 8364 vapor; 16003 aerosol; 1024 gas; 17600 ether; 2430 smoke; 4172 steam; 4961 fog; 5085 suspension


VARIANCE noun: расхождение, несоответствие, разногласие, отклонение от вида, размолвка desc: the fact or quality of being different, divergent, or inconsistent. syn: 3140 adjustment; 5078 variance; 5586 modification; 9194 alteration; 2721 dispute; 5171 disagreement; 6225 clash; 8312 dissent; 7176 disparity; 15217 divergence


VARYING Перевод: изменяться, меняться, менять Определение: differ in size, amount, degree, or nature from something else of the same general class


VAST 1) noun: простор, масса, большое количество desc: an immense or boundless expanse or space. 2) adj: огромный, обширный, безбрежный, многочисленный desc: of very great extent or quantity; immens; of very great size or proportions. syn: 1) scope, elbow room, amplitude 2) 2006 massive; 6057 cosmic; 13981 limitless; 24428 immeasurable


VASTLY adv: очень, крайне, в значительной степени desc: very much; to an exceedingly great extent or degree; very great in size, extent, or quantity. syn: 297 much; 1766 extremely; 3459 greatly; 7534 enormously; 7637 vastly; 10270 immensely; 11248 infinitely; 11885 hugely; 17329 massively


VEER 1) noun: поворот, перемена направления desc: a sudden change of direction. 2) verb: травить, менять курс/направление desc: change direction suddenly; slacken or let out (a rope or cable) in a controlled way. syn: 2) 2208 bend; 2469 swing; 8884 veer; 12298 swerve; 14272 deviate


VEGETATION noun: растительность, прозябание, разрастание, растительная жизнь desc: plants considered collectively, especially those found in a particular area or habitat; the action or process of vegetating; an abnormal growth on or in the body. syn: 7465 foliage; 13268 flora; 20452 undergrowth; 20965 shrubbery


VEIL 1) noun: вуаль, завеса, покрывало, фата, пелена, чадра, маска, предлог desc: a piece of fine material worn by women to protect or conceal the face. 2) verb: завуалировать, закрывать покрывалом, скрывать, маскировать desc: cover with or as though with a veil. syn: 1) 3327 blanket; 3649 curtain; 7420 veil; 8596 cloak; 13601 covering; 15412 shroud; 21234 pall 2) 1259 hide; 5202 conceal; 5928 obscure; 8433 mask; 10917 envelop; 16125 veil


VEIN noun: вена, жила, прожилка, кровеносный сосуд, склонность, настроение desc: any of the tubes forming part of the blood circulation system of the body, carrying in most cases oxygen-depleted blood toward the heart; a fracture in rock containing a deposit of minerals or ore and typically having an extensive course underground; a distinctive quality, style, or tendency. syn: 4736 deposit; 5074 vein; 8285 seam; 12236 stratum; 25667 lode; 1828 manner; 2005 tone; 2359 mood; 3686 strain; 4226 trace; 2771 strip


VELOCITY noun: скорость, быстрота desc: the speed of something in a given direction. syn: 1394 speed; 2549 pace; 6651 velocity; 13791 haste; 16350 quickness;24792 rapidity; 28030 swiftness.


VENGEANCE noun: месть, мщение desc: punishment inflicted or retribution exacted for an injury or wrong. syn: 5338 revenge; 8627 retaliation; 8729 vengeance; 11923 retribution; 15503 reprisal


VENT 1) noun: выход, вентиляционное отверстие, отдушина, клапан, жерло вулкана, разрез, выражение, запал, выпор desc: an opening that allows air, gas, or liquid to pass out of or into a confined space; the expression or release of a strong emotion, energy, etc.; a slit in a garment, especially in the lower edge of the back of a coat through the seam. 2) verb: выпускать, выражать, изливать, высказывать, давать выход, делать отверстие desc: give free expression to (a strong emotion); provide with an outlet for air, gas, or liquid. syn: 1) 1950 opening; 2133 gap; 4668 outlet; 7741 vent; 8475 chimney; 8714 exhaust; 24560 flue 2) 1745 declare; 2045 escape; 5096 voice; 6357 emit; 6975 utter; 7081 expel; 11265 vent


VERGE 1) noun: грань, край, обочина, граница, посох, кайма, стержень колонны, жезл desc: an edge or border; a wand or rod carried before a bishop or dean as an emblem of office. 2) verb: приближаться, клониться desc: approach (something) closely; be close or similar to (something); incline in a certain direction or toward a particular state. syn: 1) 1348 border; 1679 limit; 3329 margin; 2793 boundary; 978 edge; 6732 verge; 7797 brink 2) 1370 approach; 1525 lean; 5930 near; 20250 verge


VERSATILE adj: разносторонний, гибкий, многогранный, подвижный, изменчивый desc: able to adapt or be adapted to many different functions or activities; changeable; inconstant. syn: 8903 versatile; 15365 adaptable; 6468 handy; 15134 resourceful; 33300 multitalented; 16193 nifty


VERSE Перевод: стих, строфа, поэзия, выражать в стихах, писать стихи Определение: writing arranged with a metrical rhythm, typically having a rhyme; speak in or compose verse; versify.


VEST 1) noun: жилет, облачение, наряд, нательная фуфайка, вставка спереди desc: a close-fitting waist-length garment, typically having no sleeves or collar and buttoning down the front. 2) verb: наделять, переходить, облекать, облачать desc: confer or bestow (power, authority, property, etc.) on someone; (of a chorister or member of the clergy) put on vestments. syn: 1) 6782 vest; waistcoat 2) 6943 lodge; 7258 confer; 9632 bestow; 10668 entrust; 16146 consign; 18357 vest; 19061 devolve


VET 1) noun: ветеринар, ветеран, участник войны, фронтовик desc: a veterinary surgeon; a veteran. 2) verb: проверять, исследовать, лечить, просматривать, быть ветеринаром desc: make a careful and critical examination of (something). syn: 1) 8224 vet 2) 1166 examine; 1812 investigate; 2053 assess; 2354 evaluate; 5082 inspect; 7923 scrutinize; 14231 vet


VIABLE adj: жизнеспособный, жизнедеятельный, всхожий desc: capable of working successfully; feasible. syn: 2295 practical; 4943 sustainable; 5101 viable; 7064 worthwhile; 7724 feasible; 12870 workable; 19427 doable


VICIOUS adj: порочный, злой, ужасный, дефектный, норовистый, ошибочный, загрязненный desc: deliberately cruel or violent; immoral; (of language or a line of reasoning) imperfect; defective. syn: 2171 violent; 4523 fierce; 6330 vicious; 10244 savage; 11495 ferocious; 15858 sadistic; 16133 inhuman; 4517 nasty


VIE verb: соперничать desc: compete eagerly with someone in order to do or achieve something. syn: 1675 struggle; 1955 oppose; 2076 compete; 3578 contend; 5114 strive; 8554 vie; 8667 contest; 8731 rival


VIGOROUS adj: энергичный, сильный, ядреный desc: strong, healthy, and full of energy. syn: 1448 active; 2933 vital; 4009 dynamic; 6319 vigorous; 6508 robust; 7243 energetic; 10245 forceful; 10406 hearty; 12413 spirited


VIGOROUSLY adv: энергично, решительно, сильно desc: in a way that involves physical strength, effort, or energy; strenuously. syn: 4345 actively; 7133 vigorously; 10829 forcefully; 17089 heartily; 19842 energetically; 34124 robustly; 54161 spiritedly


VILLAIN noun: злодей, негодяй, хитрец, крепостной desc: (in a film, novel, or play) a character whose evil actions or motives are important to the plot. syn: 8766 rogue; 19410 scoundrel; 34981 desperado; 36927 heavy; 46807 nasty; 54515 baddie; 8093 villain


VINEGAR noun: уксус, нелюбезный ответ, неприятный характер desc: a sour-tasting liquid containing acetic acid, obtained by fermenting dilute alcoholic liquids, typically wine, cider, or beer, and used as a condiment or for pickling. syn: 5160 vinegar


VIOLIN noun: скрипка, скрипач desc: a stringed musical instrument of treble pitch, played with a horsehair bow. The classical European violin was developed in the 16th century. It has four strings and a body of characteristic rounded shape, narrowed at the middle and with two f-shaped sound holes. syn: 6761 violin; fiddle


VIRTUE noun: добродетель, достоинство, сила, целомудрие, хорошее качество, действие, свойство desk: behavior showing high moral standards; (in traditional Christian angelology) the seventh highest order of the ninefold celestial hierarchy. syn: 813 benefit; 1192 feature; 1305 advantage; 2106 asset; 4092 pro; 7402 plus; 3487 integrity; 5169 morality; 5209 goodness; 6274 honesty; 15902 righteousness.


VIVID Перевод: яркий, живой, ясный Определение: producing powerful feelings or strong, clear images in the mind; (of a person or animal) lively and vigorous.


VOCATIONAL adj: профессиональный desc: of or relating to an occupation or employment. syn: 6581 occupational; 8446 vocational; 23196 job-related


VOID 1) noun: вакуум, пробел, пустота, полость, раковина desc: a completely empty space; (in bridge and whist) a suit in which a player is dealt no cards. 2) verb: аннулировать, лишать юридической силы, выделять, опорожнять desc: declare that (something) is not valid or legally binding; discharge or drain away (water, gases, etc.). 3) adj: пустой, свободный, лишенный, недействительный, незанятый, бесполезный desc: not valid or legally binding; completely empty; (in bridge and whist) having been dealt no cards in a particular suit. syn: 1) 1215 hole; 4978 vacuum; 6915 void; 7688 cavity; 9593 emptiness; 12177 abyss; 16759 nothingness; 31885 hollowness. 2) 3945 cancel; 5814 empty; 12991 vacate; 20865 void; 23206 annul. 3) 21778 canceled; 23303 void.


VOLATILE 1) noun: летающее существо, летучее вещество desc: a volatile substance, as a gas or solvent. 2) adj: летучий, изменчивый, непостоянный, взрывоопасный, ветреный, неуловимый desc: (of a substance) easily evaporated at normal temperatures; liable to change rapidly and unpredictably, especially for the worse. syn: 1) 41999 volatile 2) 6698 volatile; 6749 unpredictable; 13793 impulsive; 16367 fickle; 18109 capricious; 37466 hot-blooded; 5418 hazardous


VOMIT 1) noun: рвота, блевотина, рвотное средство desc: matter vomited from the stomach; an emetic. 2) verb: страдать рвотой, извергать desc: eject matter from the stomach through the mouth. syn: 1) 16624 sick; 17547 vomit; 31578 puke; 42769 barf 2) 8925 vomit; 9364 heave; 10782 spew; 13375 gag; 18946 puke; 25239 retch; 7081 expel; 11200 eject


VOW Перевод: поражать, ошеломлять, огромный успех, нечто из ряда вон выходящее Определение: a solemn promise; solemnly promise to do a specified thing; dedicate to someone or something, especially a deity.


WADE 1) noun: брод, переход вброд, болотные сапоги desc: an act of wading. 2) verb: пробираться, переходить вброд, идти, преодолевать desc: walk through water or another liquid or soft substance. syn: 2) 6537 stride; 6793 splash; 7756 wade; 9384 paddle


WAIL 1) noun: вопль, стенания, завывание, причитания desc: a prolonged high-pitched cry of pain, grief, or anger. 2) verb: вопить, выть, причитать, стенать, оплакивать desc: give a cry of pain, grief, or anger. syn: 1) 2852 protest; 5300 scream; 13739 wail; 11987 howl; 12320 moan 2) 8055 whine; 9068 wail; 12678 fuss; 5780 weep; 12252 screech; 30085 keen; 32492 yowl


WAITER Перевод: официант, подавальщик, поднос Определение: a man whose job is to serve customers at their tables in a restaurant; a person who waits for a time, event, or opportunity; a small tray; a salver.


WALNUT noun: грецкий орех, ореховое дерево, древесина орехового дерева desc: the large wrinkled edible seed of a deciduous tree, consisting of two halves contained within a hard shell that is enclosed in a green fruit; the tall tree that produces the walnut, with compound leaves and valuable ornamental timber that is used chiefly in cabinetmaking and gunstocks. syn: 7979 walnut


WAN Перевод: бледный, болезненный, тусклый, бледность, изнурять, становиться серым, становиться тусклым Определение: (of a person's complexion or appearance) pale and giving the impression of illness or exhaustion.


WANDER 1) noun: странствие desc: an act or instance of wandering. 2) verb: блуждать, бродить, скитаться, отклоняться, покружить, стать рассеянным desc: walk or move in a leisurely, casual, or aimless way. syn: 1) 11422 stroll; 29723 ramble; 44834 mooch 2) 3625 drift; 9456 stray; 14272 deviate; 26034 digress; 5956 stroll; 6257 roam; 13207 meander; 14477 amble;31463 mosey.


WARD 1) noun: палата, опека, камера, административный район, заключение, выступ, выемка, смотритель desc: a separate room in a hospital, typically one allocated to a particular type of patient; an administrative division of a city or borough that typically elects and is represented by a councilor or councilors; a person, usually a minor, under the care and control of a guardian appointed by their parents or a court; any of the internal ridges or bars in a lock that prevent the turning of any key that does not have grooves of corresponding form or size; the action of keeping a lookout for danger; an area of ground enclosed by the encircling walls of a fortress or castle. 2) verb: охранять desc: guard; protect. syn: 1) room; department; unit; area; constituency; division; quarter; zone; parish; dependent; charge; cellblock. 2) guard.


WARDROBE noun: гардероб, платяной шкаф, одежда desc: a large, tall cabinet in which clothes may be hung or stored. syn: 2623 gear; 2666 clothing; 8060 wardrobe; 9130 apparel; 11035 attire


WARFARE noun: война, борьба, приемы ведения войны, столкновение desc: engagement in or the activities involved in war or conflict. syn: 1180 conflict; 3278 fighting; 3435 combat; 5118 warfare; 1905 struggle; 3081 contest; 6692 rivalry; 10596 feud


WARY adj: осторожный, настороженный, подозрительный desc: feeling or showing caution about possible dangers or problems. syn: 4647 suspicious; 5289 cautious; 6083 wary; 12736 watchful; 13812 guarded; 21912 circumspect; 24477 distrustful; 40030 mistrustful; 48264 chary.


WATERSHED noun: водораздел, бассейн реки desc: an area or ridge of land that separates waters flowing to different rivers, basins, or seas; an event or period marking a turning point in a course of action or state of affairs. syn: 7824 watershed; 7672 crunch


WEARY 1) adj: утомленный, уставший, потерявший терпение, изнывающий от скуки desc: feeling or showing tiredness, especially as a result of excessive exertion or lack of sleep. 2) verb: утомлять, устать, изнывать от скуки, терять терпение desc: cause to become tired. syn: 1) 16929 jaded; 18957 disenchanted; 20555 disillusioned; 6858 weary; 7551 sleepy; 8200 exhausted; 10432 shattered; 12889 drained 2) 3627 drain; 4778 exhaust; 16099 sap; 29650 weary


WEAVE 1) noun: узор, переплетение нитей в ткани, выработка desc: a particular style or manner in which something is woven; a hairstyle created by weaving pieces of real or artificial hair into a person's existing hair, typically in order to increase its length or thickness. 2) verb: ткать, плести, вплетать, соединять, выткать, сливать, сочинять, соединяться, сливаться, качаться, покачиваться desc: form (fabric or a fabric item) by interlacing long threads passing in one direction with others at a right angle to them; twist and turn from side to side while moving somewhere in order to avoid obstructions. syn: 1) 4453 texture; 7560 nap; 13320 weave. 2) 4941 weave; 5425 merge; 8591 knit;9487 lace; 11830 intertwine; 32683 plait; 332 create; 2493 construct; 7860 stagger; 9339 lurch


WEDGE 1) noun: клин, линейчатый клин, что-либо в форме клина desc: a piece of wood, metal, or some other material having one thick end and tapering to a thin edge, that is driven between two objects or parts of an object to secure or separate them. 2) verb: заклинить , закреплять клином, раскалывать при помощи клина, разминать руками глину desc: fix in position using a wedge; force into a narrow space. syn: 1) 1318 block; 2939 segment; 3355 slice; 6341 wedge; 11444 sliver; 12838 hunk; 34590 chock 2) 850 force; 2287 pack; 2908 squeeze; 3735 stuff; 5980 thrust; 5979 jam; 7501 cram; 9437 wedge; 12402 ram; 1860 fix; 6943 lodge


WEEP Перевод: плакать, оплакивать, рыдать Определение: shed tears; exude liquid; a fit or spell of shedding tears.


WETLAND Перевод: болотистая местность Определение: land consisting of marshes or swamps; saturated land.


WHALE noun: кит, масса desc: a very large marine mammal with a streamlined hairless body, a horizontal tail fin, and a blowhole on top of the head for breathing. syn: 8109 whale; 1999 mass


WHATSOEVER 1) adj: любой, какой бы ни desc: used as an intensifier with indefinite pronouns and determiners such as none, any, no one, anybody, etc 2) pron: что бы ни desc: an archaic word for whatever syn: 1) at all; of any kind; in the least; 'in any way, shape or form'


WHINE 1) noun: хныканье, жалобный вой desc: a long, high-pitched complaining cry. 2) verb: скулить, ныть, хныкать, плакаться, подвывать desc: give or make a long, high-pitched complaining cry or sound. syn: 1) 3465 cry; 12320 moan; 13739 wail; 14102 whine; 20498 whimper 2) 7783 moan; 8055 whine; 8717 grumble; 18299 gripe; 6923 hum; 8535 howl; 9068 wail; 12036 squeal


WHIP 1) noun: кнут, хлыст, нагайка, обметка, взбитые сливки, конный спорт desc: a strip of leather or length of cord fastened to a handle, used for flogging or beating a person or for urging on an animal; a thing or person resembling a whip in form or function; an official of a political party appointed to maintain discipline among its members in Congress or Parliament, especially so as to ensure attendance and voting in debates; a dessert consisting of cream or eggs beaten into a light fluffy mass with fruit, chocolate, or other ingredients; a violent striking or beating movement. 2) verb: взбить, хлестать, спереть, влетать, побеждать, ругать, пропустить стаканчик, сшивать через край desc: beat (a person or animal) with a whip or similar instrument, especially as a punishment or to urge them on; move fast or suddenly in a specified direction; bind (something) with spirally wound twine. syn: 1) 2477 crop; 4012 switch; 4619 rod; 7707 whip; 12054 lash 2) 1909 stir; 4290 whip; 6399 whisk; 8611 lash; 11751 thrash; 15814 belt; 22493 flog; 24503 cream; 29384 aerate; 56113 flagellate


WHIRL 1) noun: вихрь, вихревое движение, кружение, суматоха, смятение, спешка, попытка desc: a rapid movement around and around. 2) verb: кружить, вертеть, вихриться, проноситься, быть в смятении desc: move or cause to move rapidly around and around. syn: 1) 11970 commotion; 16446 hustle; 18309 whirl; 18759 tumult; 21869 bustle; 5208 spin 2) 2660 spin; 5546 rotate; 7656 reel; 8181 whirl; 11053 twirl; 11457 swivel


WHISK 1) noun: метелка, веничек, сбивалка, мутовка, короткое быстрое движение desc: a utensil for whipping eggs or cream; a bunch of grass, twigs, or bristles for removing dust or flies; a brief, rapid action or movement. 2) verb: юркнуть, смахивать, сгонять, быстро уносить, сбивать desc: take or move (someone or something) in a particular direction suddenly and quickly; beat or stir (a substance, especially cream or eggs) with a light, rapid movement; brush with a whisk broom. syn: 1) 3167 blade; 5760 attachment; 11008 paddle; 18817 beater; 19855 whisk 2) 1909 stir; 4290 whip; 24503 cream; 29384 aerate; 487 carry; 9077 zip; 10925 bundle


WICKED adj: злой, безнравственный, грешный, нехороший, озорной, испорченный, опасный, свирепый, замечательный desc: evil or morally wrong; ​slightly ​immoral or ​bad for you, but in an ​attractive way. syn: 2344 severe; 3297 awful; 7869 wicked; 9479 dreadful; 11117 appalling; 14425 distressing; 655 wrong


WIELD verb: владеть, иметь в руках desc: hold and use (a weapon or tool). syn: 1242 handle; 4284 manipulate; 7584 wield; 7736 sport; 13596 ply; 14096 brandish; 92 use; 939 apply; 1972 employ


WIG noun: парик, волосы desc: a covering for the head made of real or artificial hair, typically worn by people for adornment or by people trying to conceal their baldness or in England by judges and barristers in courts of law. syn: 5148 rug; 8780 wig; 28744 toupee; 33398 hairpiece


WILDERNESS noun: пустыня, дикая местность, запущенная часть сада, масса, множество desc: an uncultivated, uninhabited, and inhospitable region. syn: 15270 wasteland; 33979 boondocks; 38986 boonies


WINCE 1) noun: вздрагивание, содрогание desc: a slight grimace or shrinking movement caused by pain or distress; a roller for moving textile fabric through a dyeing vat. 2) verb: вздрогнуть, морщиться desc: give a slight involuntary grimace or shrinking movement of the body out of or in anticipation of pain or distress. syn: 1) 4312 jump; 20297 recoil; 22535 wince; 13723 shudder; 16474 grimace; 17123 scowl 2) 8966 wince; 4515 shrink; 10132 flinch; 10937 cringe; 10732 shy; 13510 recoil


WIT Перевод: остроумие, ум, остряк, знать, ведать Определение: mental sharpness and inventiveness; keen intelligence; a natural aptitude for using words and ideas in a quick and inventive way to create humor; have knowledge; that is to say (used to make clearer or more specific something already said or referred to).


WITHHOLD verb: удерживать, умалчивать, не давать согласия, останавливать, вычитать desc: refuse to give (something that is due to or is desired by another). syn: 1410 deny; 4070 reserve; 5013 suppress; 6746 withhold


WITHSTAND verb: противостоять, выдерживать, выстоять, сопротивляться desc: remain undamaged or unaffected by; resist. syn: 1624 bear; 2486 resist; 3677 endure; 4357 tolerate; 7078 withstand; 9568 weather


WOE noun: горе, скорбь, несчастье, проблемы, головная боль desc: great sorrow or distress; an affliction. syn: 982 trouble; 2335 disaster; 8271 woe; 6169 misery; 10571 misfortune; 12878 calamity; 14148 affliction


WOMB noun: матка, чрево, лоно desc: the uterus of the human female and certain higher mammals; the belly. syn: 9283 womb


WOO verb: ухаживать, свататься, добиваться, уговаривать, докучать просьбами desc: try to gain the love of (someone, typically a woman), especially with a view to marriage. syn: 1795 pursue; 3286 persuade; 8811 woo; 8500 court; 9931 entice; 10163 flatter


WORSHIP Перевод: поклоняться, боготворить, почитать, поклонение, богослужение, культ Определение: the feeling or expression of reverence and adoration for a deity; show reverence and adoration for (a deity); honor with religious rites.


WRESTLE 1) noun: упорная борьба, соревнование по борьбе desc: a wrestling bout or contest; a hard struggle. 2) verb: бороться desc: take part in a fight, either as a sport or in earnest, that involves grappling with one's opponent and trying to throw or force them to the ground; struggle with a difficulty or problem. syn: 1) 49905 wrestle; grappling 2) 1675 struggle; 6496 wrestle; 8509 grapple; 28035 brawl; 31447 tussle


WRINKLE 1) noun: морщина, складка, полезный совет, намек desc: a slight line or fold in something, especially fabric or the skin of the face; a clever innovation, or useful piece of information or advice. 2) verb: морщить, сминать, мять desc: make or cause lines or folds in (something, especially fabric or the skin). syn: 1) 5795 fold; 7957 wrinkle; 13114 crease; 15492 furrow; 36392 crinkle 2) 4795 screw; 12148 crumple; 13594 wrinkle; 21299 rumple


WRONGDOING noun: проступок, правонарушение, преступление, грех desc: illegal or dishonest behavior. syn: 2845 offense; 8941 wrongdoing; 9110 misconduct


YANK 1) noun: янки, рывок, дерганье desc: a sudden hard pull. 2) verb: дергать, налегать с размаху на рычаг desc: pull with a jerk. syn: 1) 8587 jerk; 9492 tug; 17344 heave; 27058 yank 2) 4224 haul; 6150 snatch; 6229 yank; 6293 tug; 10629 wrench


YE pronoun: вы, ты desc: used nominatively as the plural of thou especially in rhetorical, didactic, or poetic contexts, in addressing a group of persons or things; used nominatively for the second person singular, especially in polite address; used objectively in the second person singular or plural. syn: 8486 ye


YEARN verb: тосковать, жаждать, стремиться, томиться desc: have an intense feeling of longing for something, typically something that one has lost or been separated from. syn: 3812 desire; 5562 long; 7853 ache; 7694 crave; 8145 yearn; 12997 covet; 23913 thirst; 24752 hunger


ZONING noun: районирование, распределение по поясам, по зонам, зональность desc: divide into or assign to zones, in particular; encircle as or with a band or stripe. syn: 8705 zoning

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