Supervision chapter 13 (tactical deployment of field forces)

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The five steps in the " behavioral change stairway model" is active listening, empathy, rapport, influence, behavioral change


Assault Tactics A cover team of at least ( ) officers should be selected and equipped with gas masks and other protective clothing


Wanted persons/search strategies With the Inward search it should be directed to search Inward from the perimeter in teams of ( ) or more officers. Each team should be assigned a specific quadrant to search. If blocks of residences are to be searched, two teams should be assigned . Quadrants should be numbered so that the search patterns may be complete


Missing children/search teams When persons other than officers volunteer their help in the search, they should be assigned to teams under the direction of an officer, with each team being given a specific area to search. Ordinarily, teams should consist of ( ) officers or a combination of officers and volunteers


Hostages. There are three especially dangerous periods during a hostage crisis. The first is the initial 15-( ) minutes when confusion or panic or likely to be greatest


Assault Tactics. An entry team consisting of 3 to ( ) officers should be dressed and protective armor and masks


Containment and negotiation strategies have been shown to yield a ( )% success rate in terms of resolving a hostage crisis without fatalities to either hostages or hostage takers


Response to the active shooter. This system calls for the first responding officers to enter the structure and attempt to neutralize the ( ) shooter


Civil disorder ( field tactics) If supervisors decide that their forces are not sufficient to commit immediately, they should wait until they have ( ) personnel to overwhelm the righteous elements. This strategy of striking swiftly with adequate force to ensure success should be the basic concept of civil disorder control


Aircraft crashes. The field supervisors primary duty will involve directing their efforts in rendering ( ) to seriously injured person's, making appropriate notifications to headquarters, requesting necessary support, minimizing the danger to bystanders or victims, and protecting persons and property against looting

Aid. This is first thing to do

When supervisors assume responsibility for directing police action to control an unusual occurrence, one of their first acts should be to appoint ( ) to assist them in performing the many tasks they cannot perform personally, and to free them to concentrate on directing the operation


The NTAS consist of two types of advisories: bulletins and ( )


Wanted persons/search strategies Simultaneously, a second (even number) team should search the houses on the other side of the street; the third member of the team second team should search the ( ) between two rows of residences


A NTAS alert may take one or two forms: ELEVATED, if we have credible threat information, but only general information about timing and target such that is reasonable to recommend implementation of protective measures to thwart or mitigate against an ( )


In his presidential directive in 2003, President ( ) mandated the creation of a national incident management system (NIMS)


Sometimes the realities of the situation dictate that the first officer on the scene must begin communications with the hostage taker—a kind of psychological ( ) until the full crisis team can be mobilize and take over. In such cases the first responders job is to keep basic lines of communication open until the crisis team negotiator can assume the primary communication task task


Hostages. Finally or Third, tactical assault ("going in") to rescue the hostages carries the highest ( ) rate


The FBI's hostage negotiation unit developed a model negotiation strategy. It is one which any first responder or superior officer can use if necessary it's called the "Behavioral ( ) Stairway Model". It Includes five steps


Bomb threats. The person in ( ) of the premises is responsible for making the decision whether occupants should be evacuated


Missing children/initial search. Frequently, the child will be found in the immediate area from which he or she disappeared despite assurances of the parents that they have made a ( ) search


Civil disorder / limited withdrawal Analysis of numerous reports of serious civil disobedience reveals that when the police fail to carry out their responsibility for maintaining peace and order, chaos not ( ) is the likely your results.


What is the now action that a supervisor should take when responding to a terrorist attack involving chemical or biological weapons? Direct, guide, and ( ) responding subordinates


Building searches As few personnel as necessary should conduct the search, depending on the size of the premises to be searched and the characteristics of the interior. All avenues of escape from the building should be secured by the ( ) team, and the cover team should render whatever assistance is necessary to the search team, such as guarding areas already searched


Building searches Should reasonable cause exist to believe that a felony suspect or one considered to be high risk is in the building, the supervisor should select two teams of officers, a search team and a ( ) team


Hostages. The second is during the surrender of hostage takers, when hair-trigger emotions, ambivalence, and lack of coordination among hostage takers and ( ) team members can cause an otherwise successful resolution to go bad


The period when the initial seizure occurs is the most ( ) because of the emotional tensions that are present— it is then that the danger of injury or death to the hostage is greatest


In the Future phase, supervisors conduct ( ) and then evaluate all reports to determine the need for commendations, discipline, training, policy changes, and so on


Missing children. In many law-enforcement agencies, situations involving lost children are considered so important that supervisors are specifically made responsible for ( ) searches for them


Area searches. When a wide area search is called for to locate a missing or wanted person and numerous officers are required, it's ( ) will be directly dependent on how systematically it is conducted and how well it is coordinated


One of the supervisors first tasks at the scene of an unusual incident should be to quickly ( ) the occurrence and then communicate it to headquarters the field intelligence available so that plans can be started for the dissemination of necessary control material and equipment in the deployment of required personnel


Labor disputes /strikes The force used to breach picket lines should be ( ) but temperate


Bomb threats The safety of innocent person should be the supervisors ( ) concern


Missing children/residential search patterns Residents of houses in the search area, especially children, should be questioned for information when they are ( ) contacted regarding the search


Civil disorder(field tactics) A flanking maneuver, in which the crowd is attacked from the front and from one ( )


Civil disorder(field tactics) A pincer movement, in which the crowd is attacked from the front and both ( ), may force it to escape to the rear


Major fires/evacuation. The police fulfill their obligation to protect lives when they inform persons in danger by the approaching fire of the perils they face and help them leave the area. Should they refuse, it would be I'll-advised to ( ) them to do so.


Bomb threats. The supervisor should request some responsible person to assign employees most familiar with the premises to assist search personnel by pointing out to them objects ( ) to the building


Radiological attacks Unusual metal debris, heat-emitting material, unusual number of sick or dying people or animals

Glowing material or particles, written, verbal, and or social media threats

This directive ordered the secretary of the department of homeland security (DHS) to develop a national response plan that would treat crisis management and consequence management as a single integrated function; it also required adoption of the NIMS standards by all state, tribal, and local organizations as a condition of receiving federal ( )


When dealing with a barricaded subject was emotionally disturbed, and a temp should be made to determine the cause of his ( )


With an "emotionally troubled suspect", it may be trivial, but to him it may be sufficient to cause him to destroy himself and his hostage. He should be given assurance that everything possible will be done to ( ) him


Hostages. If a short ( ) in police activity occurs at this time, conditions at the scene are likely to stabilize and the immediate initial danger to the hostage will be reduced


Disaster control/evacuation. Ordinarily, the decision to evacuate an area threatened by fire, flood, poisonous gas, or some other major occurrence should be the responsibility of a superior officer of the ( ) position available because of the liability that might result from an ill conceived at.


Labor disputes. Streaks are legitimate right to protest. When it does an unlawful acts occur, the police must act, but their action must be ( ). Their mission is to protect the rights of both parties and the public. The supervisor should admonish subordinates assigned to strike duty that they must not allow themselves to become personally involved in the labor dispute.


Aircraft crashes / rendering aid. Ambulance or medical personnel at the scene should perform this task whenever possible because injuries worse than those initially suffered might result if victims are ( ) moved


Disaster control. Although the police can do little to prevent these incidents, once they occur, law-enforcement forces must assume a major role in controlling and reducing the after effects of the disaster. Sometimes, these after effects are as destructive as the ( ) occurrence.


Hostages. In "Rapport" is establishing a relationship, trust, or connection with another person. When you listen to someone and communicate empathy, you "show ( ) and concern for the other party." That helps to establish a positive relationship with the person, which in enhances communication and builds rapport. When rapport is established, people are more likely to trust you


Wanted persons/search strategies. Once the area has been tightly sealed off and the suspect immobilized, two strategies are available to go to the search. One Strategy is an ( ) search from the perimeter of the area


In searching for one a persons once an outside area has been tightly sealed off, which two strategies are available to guide the search

Inward search or outward search

Disaster control/ evacuation. Any decision concerning evacuation must, therefore, be made ( )


Assault combined with the use of chemical agents should usually reserved as a ( ) resort if other means failed to produce results


Civil disorder. Should arrests be indicated, the supervisor should concentrate the force of his squad formations on the ( ) of the group


Analysis of many civil disorder's has shown that police action in making arrests is usually most productive when it is directed toward the

Leaders of the group

Direction of Assault. Generally, direct assault tactics have been proved to be the ( ) effective course of action


Chemical attack. Large volume of calls reporting sick or injured persons with no known reason, numerous persons reporting similar illness, signs or symptoms, report of an explosion with little or no structural damage, reports of unexplained liquids, reports of unusual orders such as grass garlic or bitter almonds, suspicious devices or packages, lack of insect life, unexplained dead wildlife

Low-lying cloud or fog, areas it look different in appearance like patches of dead weeds shrubs bushes, discarded masks gloves or gowns, unexplained bomb munitions like material

The consistent nationwide approach for federal, state, local and tribal governments to work effectively and efficiently together to plan and respond to a crisis is known as the


Response actions. No two critical incidents are alike, so A checklist of action steps to take in the event of a critical incident assignment can be very useful tool to ensure that all necessary steps are taken in accordance with establish policies and procedures. Any scene considered to be a critical incident may be addressed by the supervisor using the ( ) model.


The second form or IMMINENT, if we believe the threat is credible, specific, and pending, in the very ( ) term


Hostages/barricade The preferred procedure— ( ) —will buy time, which operates to the advantage of the police


Labor disputes/control tactics. To avoid giving the impression that they are encouraging or forcing persons in vehicles to enter the premises to picket lines, officer should ( ) use the customary hand signals in directing vehicular traffic at picket lines, but should merely open the lines when necessary to permit ingress or egress of persons or vehicles


Direction of Assault. Supervisors should make it clear to all personnel that they reserve the right to decide how and when organize force is to be used to achieve this objective. Again, if it is decided that rapid entry is required, the supervisor will ( ) everyone


A well-selected public information ( ) can be of great value in maintaining good media relations by collecting information and coordinating current news releases and social media post


Hostages. In "influence" once you have a solid rapport, you are now able to explore "different ( ) and realistic solutions with the person." After you have gone through the first three steps, you're in a much better position to de-escalate the situation. You can then move it forward in a more postive way


Labor disputes Although it is not a police responsibility to settle economic disputes between labor and management, it is an obligation of law-enforcement to take action when the public peace and ( ) are threatened


In missing children searches, after the search of the child's home and immediate vicinity, teams should be instructed to start their search of a residential area from the end of the block nearest the scene and work ( )


Missing children/residential search patterns. Teams should be instructed to start their search of a residential area from the "end of the block nearest the scene and work ( )". Two persons should search the area on one side of the street while the other two should check the opposite side


Wanted persons/ search strategies. The second strategy available is to search ( ) from the center of operations toward a guarded perimeter. If the suspect is moving ahead of the searchers, he or she will be forced into the hands of personal guarding the perimeter


Hostages. In "empathy" is trying to understand another person thoughts, feelings, and situation from their point of you. Try to show the other person as best you can that you understand where they're coming from. Acknowledge their ( )


Bomb threats. All persons engaged in the search should be cautioned against touching or moving anything that might trigger an explosion and should be instructed to look in every conceivable ( ) that might conceal a bomb


Assault Tactics. The success of the mission will depend largely on the swiftness and ( ) with which the operation is carried out


Major fires. Available personnel should be assigned to the immediate vicinity and to perimeter posts to control vehicular and pedestrian traffic that might interfere with firefighting efforts. This is the ( ) responsibility of the police, while other police units being assigned as needed when they arrive


Department of homeland security initiatives. (DHS) Advisories have evolved over the years. They have replaced the color-coded alerts of the homeland security advisor system (HSAS) with the national terrorism advisory system (NTAS), designed to more effectively communicate information about terrorist threats by providing timely, detailed information to the American ( )


When arrests become necessary in a civil disorder, it should be made ( ) with whatever force is reasonably necessary and equated, as far as possible, with the resistance involved


The principal objective should be to deploy available personnel and equipment ( ) in the initial stages to prevent escalation of the incident or aggravation of the circumstances


Rational Suspect. If evidence indicates the suspect is ( ), an attempt should be made to point out the futility of his actions. A logical appeal in which he is informed that he is surrounded and cannot escape and that he will not be hurt if he gives himself up might be effective in inducing the suspect to surrender


Bomb precautions. When a bomb is located, supervisors should summon experienced bomb disposal personnel to ( ) or neutralize it


Response actions. A key element to successful response to a chemical, biological, or radiological incident is the rapid identification of the hazard and immediate control over all ( ) units


In the Scene phase, supervisors take control and direct the ( )— they set up perimeters, assign responders to handle specific tasks, keep higher command advised, and so on


Bomb threats. If no bomb or explosive is found, supervisors should inform the person in charge of the building, but they should avoid suggesting that the building is ( ) for occupancy


Major fires. Usually, the assignments of personnel to traffic perimeter posts some distance from the scene can best be made by radio, not only to save time in setting up traffic controls but also to reduce the confusion and traffic at the ( )


One general framework for handling unusual occurrences of any kind is the now, scene, future (NSF) model. In the Now phase, supervisors give initial orders while heading to the ( ), get an assessment from the first responding officers, evaluate the scene for hazards, determine the need for additional assistance, and so on.


Aircraft crashes. Establishing traffic control at the immediate scene and at the perimeter and providing assistance to rescue or fire control units are ( ) responsibilities


Chemical, biological, or radiological attack. Immediate identification of a radiological attack is difficult. Radiation can't be detected by the ( ), and symptoms of radiological exposure may not be present for hours or days


The command post location should provide a ( ) area for personnel and equipment as they arrive


Civil disorder. When a supervisor responds to a disturbance where a small group of persons has spontaneously assembled for an apparently unlawful purpose, the occurrence should be evaluated from a ( ) location to determine what force may be needed to control the incident.


Wanted persons/ search strategies Two members of one (odd-numbered) team should search all conceivable hiding places in and around the house on one side of the street, and the third member of that team should observe the ( ) that faces the houses being searched.


Civil Disorder. A supervisor or leader should not commit forces until they are of ( ) strength to perform their mission with a reasonable expectation of success


Whenever there exists a reasonable likelihood that a bomb or other device will be detonated in a structure, the ( ) should director is searched be made


Hostages. In "active listening" it's good to use open ended questions to get the person talking. Don't interrupt or make requests while they are talking. Acknowledge what they are saying. Paraphrase by repeating what the person "is saying back to them in your own words". Be patient, listen more, ( ) less


Hostages/barricade. Negotiation activities should be supervised by a person specially trained for that purpose, but if no one is available, the supervisor should talk with the suspect, preferably by ( )


Civil disorder. If persons have been arrested, they should be processed by officers best able to ( ) against


Who generally has overall command at the scene of a major fire

The commander of the fighting units on the scene

If persons in civil disorders or unlawful assemblies have been arrested, who should photograph and fingerprint the arrestees

The officers best able to testify against them

Hostage. ( ) usually operates to the advantage of the police in such cases


Building searches In multi story structures, the search should begin at the ( ) of the building whenever practicalable and proceed downward systematically, if search personnel can start the search there without unnecessary risk


The incident command system (ICS) is the command and control system for ( ) occurrences that require coordinated multiagency or multijurisdictional responses, a modular system capable of expanding or contracting to the appropriate size for any crisis


When it is learned that a suspect has barricaded himself in a structure, officer should first do what ? The sequence in which action are carried out will ( ) according to the circumstances


Disaster control. The field supervisors effectiveness in directing control efforts during the period immediately following a disaster will have a ( ) bearing on the success of the entire police operation


Hostages. In "Behavioral change", the last step is when "the person does what you ( ) them to do."Unfortunately, many people often start with the last step. They point out with a person is doing wrong, and expect them to change their behavior right away. This does not work. Experience negotiators have found that when you actively listen, show empathy, and build rapport, you have a much better chance at influencing another persons behavior, to get the change you want want


Missing children / open area search. Officers and volunteers available for the search should be organized into search lines in rough terrain. They should be instructed to walk from 3 to 10 ( ) apart, depending on the nature of the ground to be covered


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