Suspense in Romeo and Juliet, Part 7

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Which best describes dramatic irony?

An audience knows more about a situation than the characters involved.

Read the excerpt from Act IV, scene i of Romeo and Juliet. Capulet: Now, afore God! this reverend holy friar, All our whole city is much bound to him. Juliet: Nurse, will you go with me into my closet, To help me sort such needful ornaments 35 As you think fit to furnish me to-morrow? Lady Capulet: No, not till Thursday; there is time enough. Capulet: Go, nurse, go with her. We'll to church to-morrow. [Exeunt JULIET and Nurse] This is an example of dramatic irony because the audience knows that

Juliet does not intend to follow through with the wedding.

Read the excerpt from Act IV, scene iii of Romeo and Juliet. First Musician: Faith, we may put up our pipes, and be gone. 105 Nurse: Honest good fellows, ah! put up, put up, for, well you know, this is a pitiful case. [Exit.] First Musician: Ay, by my troth, the case may be amended. [Enter PETER.] Peter: Musicians! O! musicians, 'Heart's ease, Heart's ease:' O! an ye will have me live, play 'Heart's ease.' First Musician: Why 'Heart's ease?' Peter: O! musicians, because my heart itself plays 'My heart is full of woe;' O! play me some merry dump, to comfort me. 110 Second Musician: Not a dump we; 'tis no time to play now. Peter: You will not then? Musicians: No. Peter: I will then give it you soundly. First Musician: What will you give us? 115 Peter: No money, on my faith! but the gleek: I will give you the minstrel. How does this excerpt offer comic relief?

NOT by mocking the popular music of Shakespeare's day

In Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet, how do Romeo and Juliet fit the literary archetype of star-crossed lovers? Check all that apply.

They are in love. Their relationship is doomed. Their families disapproves of their love.

Read the excerpt from Act III, scene i of Romeo and Juliet. Tybalt: Boy, this shall not excuse the injuries 40 That thou hast done me; therefore turn and draw Romeo: I do protest I never injur'd thee, But love thee better than thou canst devise, Till thou shalt know the reason of my love: And so, good Capulet, which name I tender 45 As dearly as my own, be satisfied. Why is this an example of dramatic irony?

because Tybalt is unaware that Romeo has married a Capulet

Read the excerpt from Act II, scene iii of Romeo and Juliet. Romeo: We met we woo'd and made exchange of vow, I'll tell thee as we pass; but this I pray, That thou consent to marry us to-day. Friar Laurence: Holy Saint Francis! what a change is here; Is Rosaline, whom thou didst love so dear, 70 So soon forsaken? Young men's love then lies Not truly in their hearts, but in their eyes. Jesu Maria! what a deal of brine Hath wash'd thy sallow cheeks for Rosaline; How much salt water thrown away in waste, 75 To season love, that of it doth not taste! How does Friar Laurence support the archetype of mentor in the excerpt?

by discouraging a hasty course of action

Read the excerpt from Act II, scene iii of Romeo and Juliet. Benvolio: Here comes Romeo, here comes Romeo. 20 Mercutio: Without his roe, like a dried herring. O flesh, flesh, how art thou fishified! Now is he for the numbers that Petrarch flowed in: Laura to his lady was but a kitchen-wench; marry, she had a better love to be-rime her; Dido a dowdy; Cleopatra a gipsy; Helen and Hero hildings and harlots; Thisbe, a grey eye or so, but not to the purpose. Signior Romeo, bon jour! there's a French salutation to your French slop. You gave us the counterfeit fairly last night. Romeo: Good morrow to you both. What counterfeit did I give you? Mercutio: The slip, sir, the slip; can you not conceive? How does Mercutio offer comic relief in this excerpt?

by refusing to treat Romeo's romance seriously

Read the excerpt from Act I, scene ii of Romeo and Juliet. Romeo: A fair assembly: whither should they come? Servant: Up. Romeo: Whither? Servant: To supper; to our house. 65 Romeo: Whose house? Servant: My master's. Romeo: Indeed, I should have asked you that before. Servant: Now I'll tell you without asking. My master is the great rich Capulet; and if you be not of the house of Montagues, I pray, come and crush a cup of wine. Rest you merry! [Exit.] In this excerpt, the servant is a comic figure because

he unknowingly invites his master's enemies to join the feast.

Read the excerpt from Act IV, scene iii of Romeo and Juliet. Capulet: Good faith! 'tis day: The county will be here with music straight, For so he said he would. [Music within.] I hear him near. Nurse! Wife! what, ho! What, nurse, I say! 30 Re-enter Nurse. Go waken Juliet, go and trim her up; I'll go and chat with Paris. Hie, make haste, Make haste; the bridegroom he is come already: Make haste, I say. [Exeunt.] 35 This scene is an example of dramatic irony used to create suspense since the audience knows that

the nurse will be unable to rouse Juliet.

Read the excerpt from Act I, scene iii of Romeo and Juliet. Benvolio: Tybalt, the kinsman of old Capulet, Hath sent a letter to his father's house. Mercutio: A challenge, on my life. 10 Benvolio: Romeo will answer it. Mercutio: Any man that can write may answer a letter. Benvolio: Nay, he will answer the letter's master, how he dares, being dared. Mercutio: Alas! poor Romeo, he is already dead; stabbed with a white wench's black eye; shot through the ear with a love-song; the very pin of his heart cleft with the blind bow-boy's butt-shaft; and is he a man to encounter Tybalt? Why does Shakespeare include Mercutio's teasing words?

to contrast the seriousness of Tybalt's challenge

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