SVHS US Hist Practice Final

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Among other things, the Gilded Age was known for being a period time with "forgettable presidents". Match each "forgettable president" below with his correct description. 1. Abraham Lincoln's vice president and nearly impeached during his one term in office. 2. A war hero with zero experience in public office prior to being president. 3. His presidency was weakened by implications of fraud; his election was disputed, weakening his power. 4. After only four months in office, he was assassinated.

1. Andrew Jackson 2. Ulysses S. Grant 3. Rutherford B. Hayes 4. James Garfield

The Compromise of 1850 was made up of five bills. What did these five bills cover: 1. The admission of ____________ as a free slave state. 2. No slavery restrictions in ____________ territories. 3. The adjustment of the border between __________________________. 4.The elimination of the slave trade in _________________. 5.Important to the south, a federal fugitive ___________________.

1. California 2. Utah &n New Mexico 3. Texas and New Mexico 4. the district of Columbia 5. fugitive slave law

The Enlightenment and Great Awakening were two movements. Identify and match the characteristics of each movement: 1. Moving away from a God centered life. 2. A belief that science could provide people with answers to the mysteries of nature. 3. A movement centered on religion and individual faith of people from all classes. 4. An emphasize upon individual religious experience. 5. A movement that made people believe they could attain salvation through good deeds. 6. A religious and spiritual movement. 7. A movement that centered on science and reasoning.

1. Enlightenment 2. Enlightenment 3. Great Awakening 4. Great Awakening 5. Great Awakening 6. Great Awakening 7. Enlightenment

In the 1796 elections what did the Federalist Party and Democratic Republicans stand for? Match the descriptions below with the correct political party 1. Wanted a bigger size of government. 2. Wanted a smaller size of government. 3. Wanted a government made up of the common man. 4.Wanted a government made up of the elite in society. 5. Wanted to ally with France. 6. Wanted to ally with Britain.

1. Federalist 2. Democratic Republican 3. D 4. F 5. D 6. F

Put the following eras or ages in chronological order. Gilded Age, Industrial Age, Progressive Era

1. Industrial Age 2. Gilded Age 3. Progressive Era

Which of the statements below about Thomas Jefferson are true and which are false? 1. Jefferson served as Vice President under John Adams. 2. Jefferson tied with Aaron Burr during the presidential election in 1800, so the House of Representatives had to break the tie. 3. Jefferson believed that "all men are created equal" and was an abolitionist. 4. Jefferson promoted manufacturing in the America, and believed this to be the future. TrueFalse

1. True 2. True 3. False 4. False

The Homestead Act of 1862 gave how many acres to settlers (with the opportunity for ownership after 5 years and if improvements were made on the land)?

160 acres

In_________ the British colonist beat the French at the Plains of Abraham near Quebec, and France lost their last foothold in Canada. _____________ joined France against England, and for the rest of the "Seven Year War" Britain concentrated on seizing French and _______________ territories in other parts of the World.

1759; Spain; Spanish

Which of the following ideas best illustrates the significance of the 19th Amendment?

A woman walking into a voting booth

_______________ , in his 1776 work_________________________ , introduced the concept of the invisible hand.

Adam Smith; "The Wealth of Nations"

The Second Great Awakening opened up greater public roles for white women, and a much higher participation in Christianity than ever before for what other members of society?


In the years prior to the start of the American Revolution, the English Parliament enacted several acts in the colonies. One was the Stamp Act of 1765. What type of goods were required to carry a stamp under this act?

All printed material

On May 28, 1830, President ________________ signed the Indian Removal Act into law, which forcibly moved virtually all Native Americans from the Southeast to the present states of Arkansas and Oklahoma.

Andrew Jackson

Who was the leader of the American forces at the Battle of New Orleans, which was won after the War of 1812 ended?

Andrew Jackson

Who became president after Abraham Lincoln was assassinated in 1865?

Andrew Johnson

What was the first major battle of the Civil War in which the citizens of Washington, DC actually came out to picnic and watch the fight?

Battle of Bull Run

What Revolutionary battle was on a strategic point that overlooked Boston Harbor?

Battle of Bunker Hill

What was the bloodiest battle of the Civil War and the turning point for a Union victory in the war?

Battle of Gettysburg

The Tea Act of 1773 led the Sons of Liberty to dress up as Mohawk Indians and dump tea into this city's harbor and was known as the _______Tea Party.


The _______________ won the French and Indian War and received lands and colonies in their victory. However they were not given the colony of _______________.

British; Martinique

One of the negatives of closing the American Frontier was the decimation of which animal population?


How did railroad companies practice price fixing in the late 1800s?

By keeping shipping rates above a certain level

Among the most famous leaders of the Second Great Awakening was a Presbyterian minister named _________________________ who led a series of successful revivals in New York. He was one of the first religious leaders in America to denounce slavery, helping the creation of the abolitionist movement.

Charles Gradison Finney

Because of the massive overcrowding in the cities during the gilded age diseases were widespread. What THREE diseases were major killers of the urban poor?

Cholera, Yellow-fever, Tuberculosis

When did ex-Confederate & Union soldiers first gain experience working on railroads?

Civil War

The Articles of Confederation limited what the central government could do. What was one thing the central government could NOT do that was left up to the states?

Collect taxes

Which two documents were critical to the American colonies separating from Britain?

Declaration of Independence & Common Sense

In Washington's Farewell Address, he left the country and future presidents sound advice on how to run the government. Which of the following was NOT mentioned by Washington as good advice?

Don't completely trust the government

True or False ? It was called the 'Enlightenment Era' because it was a time when influential scholars, writers and scientists actively sought to use reason and rational thought to rid the world of witchcraft.


True or False? Anti-trust laws helped tycoons like John D. Rockefeller expand their businesses and stifle competition.


True or False? Despite the problems of crime and disease in poor urban communities, there was little to no pollution in those communities during the late 1800s.


True or False? The election of President Abraham Lincoln is not considered to be one of the key events, one in a series that turned into the Civil War. Even though the Civil War started just a month after his inauguration.


True or False? During the late 1800s, Andrew Carnegie was considered the most important leader of the Populist Party.


Which two philosophers are considered to be the fathers of enlightenment, and their theories combined to create the Scientific Method?

Francis Bacon & Rene Descartes

Who surrendered to the U.S. Army Leader Ulysses S. Grant at the courthouse at Appomattox and ended the Civil War with the North victorious?

General Robert E. Lee

On orders from Union General Grant, what general led the troops on a "scorched earth policy" and laid a 60 mile wide path of destruction from Atlanta to Savannah?

General William T. Sherman

During the French and Indian War who was the leader of the Colonial Forces that tried to eject the French from the forts they were building in western Pennsylvania?

George Washington

Who was elected the first president of the United States?

George Washington

The Awakening preachers gave energetic sermons at open air events called revivals. Their goal was for people to look at their own souls, to be convicted about their moral failures and then turn their hearts toward God. Who were two of the most influential preachers of the time?

George Whitefield & Jonathan Edwards

What is one explanation for why President Lincoln did not free all the slaves through the Emancipation Proclamation?

He did not want to antagonize the states which were loyal to the Union

What political party did George Washington belong to?

He didn't have one

In 1832, Nicholas Biddle helped pass a bill that would extend the life of the Second U.S. National Bank for 20 years. Why did Andrew Jackson veto the bill?

He thought the bank would use their money to go against him in the 1836 election.

Which of the following was NOT a way in which American settlers had a big impact on Native Americans' lives?

Introduced religion

For which of the following reasons was the Gettysburg Address significant?

It connected the sacrifices in the Civil War to a desire for "a new birth of freedom" and alluded to the fundamental principles of the Declaration of Independence

The 14th Amendment was added to the constitution during the Reconstruction era. What did the 14th Amendment guarantee?

It defined citizenship and equal protection under the law.

For which of the following reasons was the Emancipation Proclamation important?

It freed slaves in the rebellious states and declared that black men could enlist in the military

On February 4, 1861 delegates from all the states that had seceded from the Union (except Texas) met in Montgomery, Alabama, to create and staff a government called the Confederate States of America. Who did they elect President of the new country?

Jefferson Davis

Who ran as a Federalist and was elected the 2nd president of the United States?

John Adams

Who was the abolitionist that in 1859 led the raid on a weapons arsenal in Harper's Ferry, Virginia? His intent was to arm slaves and create a slave rebellion.

John Brown

During the Gilded Age, some rich businessmen became known as the "captains of industry". Match each businessman below to his correct title or industry.

John D. Rockefeller - Founder of Standard Oil J. Pierpont Morgan - A powerful banker who controlled many industries Andrew Carnegie - lFounder of one of the largest steel manufacturers

The concepts of "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness" found in the "Declaration of Independence" are borrowed from the work of which philosopher?

John Locke

The Ordinance of 1787 created 5 new states between the Ohio and Mississippi Rivers. Which of the following choices WAS NOT a state created out of this ordinance?


Who did Thomas Jefferson send to explore the Louisiana Territory from 1804-1806?

Lewis and Clark

The American Revolution began in 1775 when fighting between the British troops and the Minutemen occurred in what Massachusetts towns?

Lexington and Concord

Westward expansion was greatly aided in the early 19th century by the _____________________ (1803), which was followed by the Corps of Discovery Expedition that is generally called the __________________________________.

Louisiana Purchase; Lewis and Clark Expedition

When Missouri was admitted to the Union as a slave state, what state was admitted as a free state so to keep the balance equal between slave and free states?


What Supreme Court case formed the basis of judicial review and is considered one of the most important Supreme Court cases heard?

Marbury v. Madison

What were journalists who worked to expose scandals, corruption and abuses called?


What was the goal of the Immigration Restriction League that was founded in Boston in 1894?

National legislation that would limit the number of immigrants.

Andrew Jackson won the presidency in 1828 and was the champion of the common man. What was Andrew Jackson's nickname?

Old Hickory

Millions of immigrants came to the United States between 1840-1920. Some came because of oppression or wars in their countries. Overall, what was the main motivating reason that so many immigrants came to the United States?

Opportunities in the United States

What was the belief called that stated, people in the territories should decide for themselves whether to have slavery or not?

Popular Sovereignty or "Squatters' Rights"

What were the series of protests in 1786 and 1787 by farmers in New England that convinced many people that there was a need for a stronger central government?

Shay's Rebellion

The Abolitionist movement was formed to end what in the United States?


The Missouri Compromise of 1820 stated that no state admitted above the 36' 30" line would have WHAT?


The Presidential Election of 1860 saw 4 candidates seeking the office of presidency. What candidate believed popular sovereignty should declare slavery in new states?

Stephen Douglas

One issue during the Constitutional Convention was how slaves would be counted in regards to states' populations. The convention members came up with what Compromise to count slaves for the purpose of population?

The 3/5th Compromise

What was the United States first constitution called?

The Articles of Confederation

What was the final battle of the American Revolution in which General Lord Cornwallis surrendered?

The Battle of Yorktown

What party did Teddy Roosevelt found when he ran as a 3rd party candidate for president in 1912?

The Bull Moose Party

In June of 1776, 55 delegates of the American colonies met at Carpenters Hall in Philadelphia to write a document that was to announce the colonies' separation from England and outline the reasons why they were pursuing independence. Name this document.

The Declaration of Independence

During the Battle of Trenton, George Washington and his army had to cross WHAT river in the night so that they could launch a surprise attack on the Hessians stationed in Trenton?

The Delaware River

Which was the second largest group of immigrants that came to the U.S. in large numbers? They brought farming, skilled artisans, and several became beer makers.

The Germans

In 1869 one of the first import labor unions was established, it originated to protect its members from employer retaliations. What was the name of this labor union?

The Knights of Labor

In 1763 to keep the Native Americans from waging war and conflict, the British Government issued an order forbidding settlements west of the Appalachian Mountains. What was this known as?

The Proclamation Line of 1763

Native Americans were forcibly marched from Georgia to Oklahoma in the winter of 1838-1839. Almost 4,000 people died. What was this march called?

The Trail of Tears

What was one of the causes of westward expansion?

The completion of the Transcontinental Railroad in 1869

Taxes were not new in the American colonies, so why were the colonists so upset about the new taxes Britain placed on them?

They didn't have any say in the new taxes and didn't have representation.

What did Congress do for the first time after President Johnson vetoed the Civil Rights Bill of 1866?

They overrode his veto with a 2/3 majority.

Who was elected the 3rd president in 1800?

Thomas Jefferson

What was the goal of the Immigration Restriction League that was formed in Boston in 1894?

To limit the number of immigrants

What treaty in 1848 ended the Mexican American War and gave the United States the territory known as the Mexican Cession?

Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo

What treaty in 1783 ended the war between England and the American Colonies and created a newly Independent United States?

Treaty of Paris

True or False? In the end, the Reconstruction Period was a failure and did not accomplish what it intended to do.


True or False? One of the most significant aspects of Lincoln's election is that he held all of the Free states and none of the slave states.


True or False? President Andrew Johnson, as Abraham Lincoln's successor, proposed a very lenient policy toward the South after the Civil War.


True or False? The Mexican-American War marked the first U.S. armed conflict chiefly fought on foreign soil.


True or False? When the war of 1812 officially ended, there was no clear winner. The United States had proven itself to be an independent nation capable of defending itself, and Britain, made no further attempts to undermine American sovereignty.


Who won the presidential election of 1868?

Ulysses S Grant

In which states did President Abraham Lincoln free slaves through the Emancipation Proclamation?

Union states which had not seceded(?)

What was one of the main causes for the growth of labor Unions?

Unsafe working conditions

After the 1860 election six southern states followed South Carolina and seceded from the Union. They formed the Confederate States of America. Which southern state listed below was NOT one of the original six States that seceded from the Union?


With regards to the Emancipation Proclamation of 1863, President Lincoln's secretary of state, commented, "We show our sympathy with slavery by emancipating slaves where we cannot reach them and holding them in bondage where we can set them free." Who was Lincoln's secretary of state that made this comment about the irony of the Emancipation Proclamation?

William Seward

The ______________ in machinery productivity during the Gilded Age resulted in _____________ for many farmers who tried to purchase new machinery and additional land, and _______________ in one or two cash crops.

increase; debt; specilization

For which reasons did U.S. farmers in the late 1800s struggle?

low inflation which resulted in low crop prices & excessive interest rates on loans for land

In the following quote about the United States' "divine right" to control the whole continent of North America, fill-in-the-blank with correct term. "... the right of our _______________ to over spread and to possess the whole of the continent which Providence has given us for the development of the great experiment of liberty and federaltive development of self government entrusted to us...."

manifest destiny

The rise of new machinery destroyed some jobs, but created new jobs for others, including ________________ and _______________.

mechanics; machine operators

The Declaratory Act was passed after The Stamp Act was ________________.


Political philosopher Thomas Hobbes presented his hypothetical ______________________ theory in a series of works, the most famous of which was the_____________________ published in 1651. He believed government was primarily a device for ensuring collective security, and political authority was justified.

social contract; Leviathan

At the heart of the Second Great Awakening in urban areas, was a religious commitment to __________________ by elite and middle-class urban dwellers.

social reform

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