SWHS BOB 15-16

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The Berlin Boxing Club

In Which Book Are pseudoscientific articles about blood used to prove Nazis theories of racial superiority?

The Book Thief

In Which Book Are there 3 symbolic colors and what are these?

The Book Thief

In Which Book Are there people who are "leftover"?


In Which Book Did B-24 planes have high accident risks during the war?

The Secret Life of Bees

In Which Book Did they celebrate the "Feast of Assumption"?

The Secret Life of Bees

In Which Book Did they drape the beehives for a death?

The Berlin Boxing Club

In Which Book Do modern artists flee Germany because their work is deemed degenerate?

Nothing But the Truth

In Which Book Do several characters remove their support of another character due to public opinion

Nothing But the Truth

In Which Book Does a 17 yer old run a mile in 4.7 seconds

Nothing But the Truth

In Which Book Does a D in English keep the main character off of the Track team?

The Berlin Boxing Club

In Which Book Does a boy born into a family of artists want to be a cartoonist with a big newspaper one day?

The Berlin Boxing Club

In Which Book Does a boy receive vicious anti-Semitic messages in his locker as if they are mean little valentines?

The Berlin Boxing Club

In Which Book Does a boy shovel coal into a furnace every morning and night to build his body up?

A Separate Peace

In Which Book Does a boy show is unconventionality by wearing a pink shirt and his tie as a belt?

The Berlin Boxing Club

In Which Book Does a boy's father open an art gallery to showcase expressionist artists?

Nothing But the Truth

In Which Book Does a character ask for financial support to enhance his/her professional abilities

Nothing But the Truth

In Which Book Does a character claim his dog buried his homework?

Nothing But the Truth

In Which Book Does a character claim to be punished for being patriotic

Nothing But the Truth

In Which Book Does a character compare a book to a dog to show disdain for the book

Nothing But the Truth

In Which Book Does a character get publicity for what he/she wants only to wish he/she didn't

Nothing But the Truth

In Which Book Does a character have regular correspondence with a sister out of town.


In Which Book Does a character have to make decisions on how to write stories?

Nothing But the Truth

In Which Book Does a character keep a diary of his/her thoughts

Nothing But the Truth

In Which Book Does a character protest for a right that he/she wins but later does not act on it

Nothing But the Truth

In Which Book Does a character receive the advice "sometimes you have to go along to get along" by 2 different people?

Nothing But the Truth

In Which Book Does a character say "it figures" when it is made clear that another character is not married

The Berlin Boxing Club

In Which Book Does a character sell paintings for Jews trying to liquidate their art collections so they would have the money necessary to leave Germany?

Nothing But the Truth

In Which Book Does a character spend hours on a rowing machine building muscles in his/her back

Nothing But the Truth

In Which Book Does a character take a letter our of context and use it against the letter writer

Nothing But the Truth

In Which Book Does a character tell another to stand up for his/her rights, but fails to take the advise when faced with a similar situation

Nothing But the Truth

In Which Book Does a character think sports makes him/her somewhat of a celebrity

Nothing But the Truth

In Which Book Does a character use the media to perpetuate a vague version of a story

Perks of Being a Wallflower

In Which Book Does a character's sister play happy records when she has a boyfriend

Nothing But the Truth

In Which Book Does a hard to believe news story run on April Fool's Day

Nothing But the Truth

In Which Book Does a news story go unpublished because of other current events taking its place in the paper

Nothing But the Truth

In Which Book Does a reporter interview all parties involved?

Nothing But the Truth

In Which Book Does a reporter use obscure questions to get information and check facts for a story


In Which Book Does a student sleep in the Library?

The Berlin Boxing Club

In Which Book Does art work become illegal nationwide? Chp 2

Nothing But the Truth

In Which Book Does is a person criticized for the punishment he/she fought against

The Book Thief

In Which Book Does it tell you the year that Hitler took Power ?

The Berlin Boxing Club

In Which Book Does one of the characters start shoveling coal for the furnace to build arm muscles?

I Am Malala

In Which Book Does terror make people cruel?

Nothing But the Truth

In Which Book Does the AP suggest the main Character go back to their original homeroom or face suspension?

The Berlin Boxing Club

In Which Book Does the Black Uhlan of the Rhine agree to train a boy for a Grosz painting?


In Which Book Does the boyfriend break up because of her ACT score?

Nothing But the Truth

In Which Book Does the character miss a significant rule by not reading the school handbook

Nothing But the Truth

In Which Book Does the character say "we're no patriots. We don't even own a flag, but that doesn't mean we don't love our country.

Nothing But the Truth

In Which Book Does the character's parents promise to always be on his/her side


In Which Book Does the family have Thanksgiving Dinner in front of their TV?

The Berlin Boxing Club

In Which Book Does the family of the main character own an Art Gallery?

Nothing But the Truth

In Which Book Does the main character and his father get interviewed about his suspension?


In Which Book Does the main character ear protein bars as a main diet?


In Which Book Does the main character feel "like an alien"?


In Which Book Does the main character get an F for plagiarism?

I Am Malala

In Which Book Does the main character go to live with her Grandfather in a poor village?

Nothing But the Truth

In Which Book Does the main character have to change homerooms?


In Which Book Does the main character have to write a collaborative essay with Nick?

Nothing But the Truth

In Which Book Does the main character keep a diary of his hopes of running track?

The Book Thief

In Which Book Does the main character live on Himmel Street?

Nothing But the Truth

In Which Book Does the media make a joke about using violence to make a point

The Book Thief

In Which Book Does the narrator see a hungry, shivering girl?

Nothing But the Truth

In Which Book Does the public have little to no interest in outfitting a school with computers

Nothing But the Truth

In Which Book Does the school teacher resign, not to come back?

Nothing But the Truth

In Which Book Does the teacher request money to attend a workshop to make her a better teacher?


In Which Book Does their Mother leave on the 9/11?

The Boys in the Boat

In Which Book In what time period does this book take place?

The Book Thief

In Which Book In which book is a character moved down to the 'midget class' because she can't read well?


In Which Book Is "Jacob Have I Loved" studied?

The Berlin Boxing Club

In Which Book Is a boy envious of the Hitler Youth Uniforms he cannot wear because he is a Jew?

The Berlin Boxing Club

In Which Book Is a boy nick named Knochen or bones?

The Berlin Boxing Club

In Which Book Is a boy's uncle arrested and sent to a Nazi concentration camp called Dachau because his political group does not agree with the Nazis?

The Berlin Boxing Club

In Which Book Is a character 's alter ego a cartoon bird called Spatz?

The Berlin Boxing Club

In Which Book Is a character in training instructed to do the "three hundred", one hundred push-ups, one hundred sit-ups, fifty pull-ups, and fifty minutes of running?

Nothing But the Truth

In Which Book Is a character reading The Outsiders?

Nothing But the Truth

In Which Book Is a documentary novel

The Berlin Boxing Club

In Which Book Is an athlete given the advice to find his breath and find his balance and when he does he goes on to win?


In Which Book Is fanfixx.nett getting more than 35000 hits a day?

I am Malala

In Which Book Is it said, "no struggle can ever succeed without women participating side by side with me"

I am Malala

In Which Book Is it said, 'there are two powers in the world; one is the sword and the other the pen. There is a third power stronger than both, that of women"

Nothing But the Truth

In Which Book Is it suggested that the teacher take the day off?

The Secret Life of Bees

In Which Book Is one of the characters thrown in jail for throwing a bottle?

Nothing But the Truth

In Which Book Is the 1st amendment challenged


In Which Book Is the address of the Main Character, 913 Pound Hall?


In Which Book Is the cafeteria in Selleck Hall?


In Which Book Is the character afraid of the dining hall?

Nothing But the Truth

In Which Book Is the character given a chance to apologize but chooses to accept the punishment and stand on principle

Nothing But the Truth

In Which Book Is the final sad irony that the main character does not know the words to the National Anthem?

I am Malala

In Which Book Is the land divided up every 5 to 10 years among men to give everyone the opportunity to work good and bad land?


In Which Book Is the main Character a freshman in a junior level writing class?


In Which Book Is the main Character from Omaha?

The Perks of Being a Wallflower Mrs. Beacham

In Which Book Is the main character learning to drive?

Nothing But the Truth

In Which Book Is the main character suspended from school for being patriotic?

Nothing But the Truth

In Which Book Is the reported article taken to the national level?

A Separate Peace

In Which Book Is the setting a New Hampshire boarding school?

Nothing But the Truth

In Which Book Is the student not allowed to hum as the national anthem is being played during announcements?

Nothing But the Truth

In Which Book Is the teacher eventually asked to take off the rest of the term?

Nothing But the Truth

In Which Book Is the teacher going to be "diligent and firm as well as consistent and fair?

The Book Thief

In Which Book Is there a "black book with silver writing"?

The Secret Life of Bees

In Which Book Is there a "wailing wall"?


In Which Book Is there a Fahita Friday in the dining hall?

The Book Thief

In Which Book Is there an airplane crash?

The Book Thief

In Which Book Was cigarettes traded for books?


In Which Book Was the main character abandoned by her Mom after divorce?

Perks of Being a Wallflower

In Which Book Was there a memorial student for a student

I Am Malala

In Which Book Were dead bodies left in the square as warning symbol?


In Which Book Would one of the characters rather have pizza than go to the Bar B Q?

The Boys in the Boat

In Which Book a character find out that his family's religious origins were kept a secret from him?

I am Malala

In Which Book a girl says while her world is turning dark, she lives for school

I am Malala

In Which Book a young person have a pink plastic phone she likes to mimic her dad

I am Malala

In Which Book a young student and her two classmates are shot

The Boys in the Boat

In Which Book an old women on her death bed remember the love of her youth and how he smelled after working cutting cotton woods?

The Perks of Being a Wallflower Mrs. Beacham

In Which Book are "Blackbird" and "MLK" someone's favorite songs?


In Which Book are Brussel sprouts a plot line for a short story?

The Book Thief

In Which Book are Jewish prisoners marched through town headed to concentration camp Dachau?

The Book Thief

In Which Book are a character's eyes described as made of kindness and silver?

The Secret Life of Bees

In Which Book are a characters favorite authors Shakespeare and Thoreau?

The Boys in the Boat

In Which Book are banned books returned to shelves?

I am Malala

In Which Book are black-skinned people often called white and short people tall

The Secret Life of Bees

In Which Book are bottles of honey labeled, "Black Madonna Honey"?

The Boys in the Boat

In Which Book are boys whipped with freezing rain and rapidly dropping temperatures?

I am Malala

In Which Book are boys' front teeth yanked out to see if he was tough enough to become a warrior

The Berlin Boxing Club

In Which Book are cartoons a constant source of friction between two characters?

Nothing by the Truth

In Which Book are characters worried more about their budgets than about the welfare of others feelings?

The Book Thief

In Which Book are children forced to strip down in front of their nurses?

The Boys in the Boat

In Which Book are foreign journalists who ask about the "Jewish question" directed to the nearest gestapo office?

I am Malala

In Which Book are girls reprimanded for bad behavior on a field trip which would not happen if they had been boys

The Boys in the Boat

In Which Book are grimy buildings whitewashed and vacant apartment buildings are rented out inexpensively?

I Am Malala

In Which Book are guns fired in the air when a boy is born?

The Boys in the Boat

In Which Book are homeless people and gypsies marched through the streets to detention centers out of town?

The Secret Life of Bees

In Which Book are old houses set up on cinder blocks & fans are wedged in the Windows?

I Am Malala

In Which Book are orphans usually adopted by the extended family?


In Which Book are prisoners beaten, burned, stabbed, clubbed, shot, beheaded, used in medical experiments, and even eaten?


In Which Book are prisoners experimented on to provide their captors with medical data for biological and chemical warfare?


In Which Book are radio Tokyo members smiling?

The Book Thief

In Which Book are red, white, and black associated with a character?

The Boys in the Boat

In Which Book are row assignments compared to a hill of beans?

The Boys in the Boat

In Which Book are sophomores elevated to the varsity status?

The Boys in the Boat

In Which Book are the 1936 Olympics used as a PR opportunity to present the German nation as a modern efficient nation?

The Berlin Boxing Club

In Which Book are the Nuremberg Laws enacted forcing the expulsion of any Jewish student who has three or four Jewish grandparents?


In Which Book are the characters slapped, kicked, beaten, humiliated, and driven through forced exercises daily?

The Boys in the Boat

In Which Book are the merits of Western Red Cedar (Thuja plicata) discussed as a wonder wood?

I am Malala

In Which Book are the questions often longer than the answers on school assessments

I Am Malala

In Which Book are there three types of attack?


In Which Book are there two sets of characters who are twins?

The Book Thief

In Which Book book is a little girl traumatized by the death of her brother on her way to Munich?

The Book Thief

In Which Book book is the theme that words are powerful play a central role in the story?

Nothing But The Truth

In Which Book can a character not give formal approval to a teachers grant application?

A Separate Peace

In Which Book could a character be considered Christlike because his death makes another character whole

The Boys in the Boat

In Which Book could a character fix any kind of car that sputtered

The Kite Runner

In Which Book could someone buy a freshly slaughtered pheasant in one stand and a calculator in another one?

The Kite Runner

In Which Book could someone have the face of Jesus, Elvis, Jim Morrison, or all three, pressed on a white nylon T-shirt for $5?

The Boys in the Boat

In Which Book did "people of all ages" wait in long lines and "shell out precious quarters and dimes" to see the story of" a huge, irrational beast that had invaded the civilized world"?

I am Malala

In Which Book did 18,000 school children die in an earthquake

The Berlin Boxing Club

In Which Book did 2 characters have to remove mold from cheese

The Boys in the Boat

In Which Book did 9 boys attend the University of Washington?


In Which Book did American planes at the war's end drop food to the POWs?

The Secret Life of Bees

In Which Book did Cello music swell out from the house?

The Boys in the Boat

In Which Book did Harvard meet their rival, Oxford, for a sporting match?


In Which Book did Pumpkin Mocha Breve get introduced to the main character?

Perks of Being a Wallflower

In Which Book did a brother take a character to McDonalds to console him

A Separate Peace

In Which Book did a character adopt the nickname " yellow"?


In Which Book did a character ask if anyone would every use a time machine to go the future

A Separate Peace

In Which Book did a character attend the Devon School?

The Book Thief

In Which Book did a character avoid death in World War 2 because of his penmanship?

The Berlin Boxing Club

In Which Book did a character barter a painting for boxing lessons


In Which Book did a character become a bombardier?

The Kite Runner

In Which Book did a character become jealous of his friend when his father patted his friend on the back for skipping a stone 8 times?

The Boys in the Boat

In Which Book did a character become somewhat of a local legent able to extract information from figures like Babe Ruth


In Which Book did a character becomes POW by the Japanese?

A Separate Peace

In Which Book did a character believe WWII was a fake, made up war?

The Secret Life of Bees

In Which Book did a character believe that women made the best beekeepers?

A Separate Peace

In Which Book did a character bet his icebox and lose it?

The Perks of Being a Wallflower Mrs. Beacham

In Which Book did a character blame himself for his aunt's death, because she was getting a gift for his birthday?

A Separate Peace

In Which Book did a character break a school swimming record without a day of practice?

A Separate Peace

In Which Book did a character break his leg twice?

The Perks of Being a Wallflower Mrs. Beacham

In Which Book did a character call a 1-800 number and say they were just a kid and didn't need an exercise machine, but hoped the other person was having a good night?

The Berlin Boxing Club

In Which Book did a character call another character Vulcan


In Which Book did a character call him/her self Dudley Do-Right


In Which Book did a character call his wife "honey" and didn't usually use her first name?

The Perks of Being a Wallflower Mrs. Beacham

In Which Book did a character call their grandmas "candy grandma" and "cookie grandma" when they were younger?


In Which Book did a character carry a ball everywhere for at least a year.

I am Malala

In Which Book did a character carry a poem written by Martin Niemoller who had lived in Nazi Germany

The Secret Life of Bees

In Which Book did a character carve out chunks of the arms of a wooden rocking chair


In Which Book did a character come home from hearing Billy Graham speak and dump all of his alcohol down the sink?


In Which Book did a character communicate with other prisoners using hand signals?

The Perks of Being a Wallflower Mrs. Beacham

In Which Book did a character compare the use of vocabulary words to celebrity gossip?

A Separate Peace

In Which Book did a character complain about his school no longer having maids?

A Separate Peace

In Which Book did a character consider authority a necessary evil in order to achieve happiness?


In Which Book did a character consider going to a math contest a date

The Boys in the Boat

In Which Book did a character continue to tell half-truths to reporters as part of his winning strategy?


In Which Book did a character convince a doctor to keep him in the hospital so his mother wouldn't see him so thin?

I am Malala

In Which Book did a character convince a government official to change his/her birthdate to make him/her younger?

The Kite Runner

In Which Book did a character convince his friend to shoot walnuts at the neighbor's one-eyed German Shepard?


In Which Book did a character convince his girlfriend to marry him after only dating for two weeks?

A Separate Peace

In Which Book did a character create a club called The Suicide Society of the Summer Session"?

I Am Malala

In Which Book did a character cry and cry over not coming in first in grades?

Perks of Being a Wallflower

In Which Book did a character cut big chunks out of his/her own hair

The Perks of Being a Wallflower Mrs. Beacham

In Which Book did a character decide to never do LSD again after they cut their hair without a strategy or recollection?

The Berlin Boxing Club

In Which Book did a character deliver a package to a homosexual

A Separate Peace

In Which Book did a character describe rays of sunshine as golden machine-gun fire?

A Separate Peace

In Which Book did a character devote himself to playing to things, tennis and the trumpet?"

The Boys in the Boat

In Which Book did a character die a fiery death in a yacht explosion


In Which Book did a character discover skateboarding in his 70s?

I Am Malala

In Which Book did a character do an interview with a radio station called Power 99?


In Which Book did a character draw collar, buttons, and a chest pocket on a plain white tshirt

The Berlin Boxing Club

In Which Book did a character draw sketches in his journal of what he learned that day


In Which Book did a character drink a lot to forget about friends who died in the war?

The Secret Life of Bees

In Which Book did a character drive an old truck that was called the "Honey Wagon"?

Perks of Being a Wallflower

In Which Book did a character eat brownies that made him/her feel funny


In Which Book did a character eat corned beef hash with 2 sunny side up eggs on top


In Which Book did a character eat fried tomatoes for breakfast

A Separate Peace

In Which Book did a character envy his friend for his ability to get away with everything?

The Kite Runner

In Which Book did a character feed an animal a cube of sugar in order to make death sweeter?

A Separate Peace

In Which Book did a character feel as if his friend's funeral was his own?

The Kite Runner

In Which Book did a character feel he was bullied less because of who his father was?

The Kite Runner

In Which Book did a character feel like a tourist in their own country?

The Perks of Being a Wallflower Mrs. Beacham

In Which Book did a character feel like he made his teachers nervous?

Nothing But The Truth

In Which Book did a character feel victimized by an English teacher


In Which Book did a character fight off a shark under water?


In Which Book did a character find an old fashioned key with fanged white rabbit's teeth on its blade

A Separate Peace

In Which Book did a character find his friend in the middle of a snowball fight?

The Berlin Boxing Club

In Which Book did a character forget boxing gloves


In Which Book did a character get a B- in a Young Adult Lit class?

The Secret Life of Bees

In Which Book did a character get a complement of beauty from a legally bling woman

The Berlin Boxing Club

In Which Book did a character get a small rubber ball for training

Perks of Being a Wallflower

In Which Book did a character get good grades in math but did not understand what the formulas did

The Berlin Boxing Club

In Which Book did a character get shot in their left buttock

Nothing by the Truth

In Which Book did a character get suspended for his act of patriotism?

The Perks of Being a Wallflower Mrs. Beacham

In Which Book did a character get to read On the Road as a reward?

Perks of Being a Wallflower

In Which Book did a character give a friend a poem as a gift

Perks of Being a Wallflower

In Which Book did a character give a speech at graduation

The Perks of Being a Wallflower Mrs. Beacham

In Which Book did a character go to The Rocky Horror Picture Show on a Friday?

The Kite Runner

In Which Book did a character go with his father to flea markets every Saturday?


In Which Book did a character google something that he/she wrote?

The Kite Runner

In Which Book did a character graduate from high school at the age of 20?

The Kite Runner

In Which Book did a character have "a face like a Chinese doll chiseled from hardwood?"

A Separate Peace

In Which Book did a character have a dislike for another character because of his want of luxury during wartime?

A Separate Peace

In Which Book did a character have a picture of the Roosevelt Churchill meeting above his cot?

The Kite Runner

In Which Book did a character have a ritual of stepping outside in his pajamas on the first snowfall of every year?

The Book Thief

In Which Book did a character have a small black book hidden in her suitcase?


In Which Book did a character have a toy box full of Happy Meal toys

The Secret Life of Bees

In Which Book did a character have to have a banana every morning?

The Perks of Being a Wallflower Mrs. Beacham

In Which Book did a character have to sit at the little kids table because all the seats were full?

The Kite Runner

In Which Book did a character hemorrhage to death during child birth


In Which Book did a character hold a 6 foot long heavy wooden beam over his head for 37 minutes?

A Separate Peace

In Which Book did a character idly consider stealing a teacher's running car?

The Book Thief

In Which Book did a character imagine walking over to a woman and saying "there's a Jew in my basement?

The Perks of Being a Wallflower Mrs. Beacham

In Which Book did a character jump into a fight to help a friend when it became a five on one fight?

The Berlin Boxing Club

In Which Book did a character keep a Nazi flag pinned to the outside of his door

The Secret Life of Bees

In Which Book did a character keep a box of momentos hidden in a peach orchard?

The Book Thief

In Which Book did a character kill himself because of the guilt he had for living?

The Boys in the Boat

In Which Book did a character learn that "to defeat an adversary who was your equal, maybe even your superior, it wasn't necessarily enough to give your all from start to finish. You had to master your opponent mentally"?

Perks of Being a Wallflower

In Which Book did a character let the air out of someone's tires instead of punching him/her

The Boys in the Boat

In Which Book did a character live in a school in exchange for chopping kindling and wood to keep the schoolhouse fireplace going night and day?

The Secret Life of Bees

In Which Book did a character lure raoches out of the house with a trail of marshmallows and graham cracker crumbs

The Secret Life of Bees

In Which Book did a character make up a story about her mother dying when she was young and her father dying in a tractor accident?

Perks of Being a Wallflower

In Which Book did a character meet a TV personality at a park

The Secret Life of Bees

In Which Book did a character nickname a group of women the calendar sisters?

The Secret Life of Bees

In Which Book did a character not allow rat traps in the house?

A Separate Peace

In Which Book did a character not cry at his best friends funeral because it felt like his own?

A Separate Peace

In Which Book did a character not cry at his friend's funeral?


In Which Book did a character not know she had a voicemail account?

I Am Malala

In Which Book did a character not tell his friends that he was getting married because he couldn't afford to entertain them?

The Boys in the Boat

In Which Book did a character not want to host some games - it offended him

The Berlin Boxing Club

In Which Book did a character only complete one chin-up while training

The Boys in the Boat

In Which Book did a character open an automobile manufacturing and repair shop?


In Which Book did a character open up a camp for troubled boys?

The Berlin Boxing Club

In Which Book did a character pee on himself after getting spit on

A Separate Peace

In Which Book did a character personally write a letter to General de Gaulle?

The Secret Life of Bees

In Which Book did a character picture mother nature looking like Eleanor Roosevelt

The Kite Runner

In Which Book did a character play a game in school called Sherjangi, or "Battle of the Poems"?

The Boys in the Boat

In Which Book did a character pretend to look for a four-leaf clover when getting ready to propose?

A Separate Peace

In Which Book did a character purchase a chair with arms that ended in two lions' heads?


In Which Book did a character put papers everywhere in his living room, have onion skin taped to the curtains and walls, and all his ideas sorted into buckets?

The Book Thief

In Which Book did a character receive a beating for trying to speak to her friend?


In Which Book did a character receive daily beating in a prison camp?

Perks of Being a Wallflower

In Which Book did a character receive pieces of a suit as Christmas gifts

Nothing But The Truth

In Which Book did a character receive punishment for singing Star Spangled Banner

The Boys in the Boat

In Which Book did a character remember his childhood as a kaleidoscope of broken images

The Berlin Boxing Club

In Which Book did a character retreat to the bathroom to soak in a hot tub

The Secret Life of Bees

In Which Book did a character ride in a polic car to jail on his/her birthday

Perks of Being a Wallflower

In Which Book did a character ride through a tunnel standing in the back of a truck


In Which Book did a character row a raft through a typhoon?


In Which Book did a character run hot water in one sink and cold water in another to wash his/her face?

The Kite Runner

In Which Book did a character run instead of standing up for his friend?

I Am Malala

In Which Book did a character say "I will protect your freedom"?


In Which Book did a character say "books don't have commercial breaks"?

The Perks of Being a Wallflower Mrs. Beacham

In Which Book did a character say "the problem with things is that everyone is always comparing everyone with everyone and because of that, it discredits people, like in photograpy class"?

A Separate Peace

In Which Book did a character say "we ought to bomb the living day lights out of them, as long as we don't hit any women or children or old people?"

The Perks of Being a Wallflower Mrs. Beacham

In Which Book did a character say his brother was a very good fighter?

The Kite Runner

In Which Book did a character say that "children aren't coloring books. You don't get to fill them with your favorite colors?"

The Secret Life of Bees

In Which Book did a character say that her "chest hurt from feeling things"?

The Perks of Being a Wallflower Mrs. Beacham

In Which Book did a character say that the stars are just holes in the black glass of the dome, and when you went to heaven the glass broke away?

The Kite Runner

In Which Book did a character say that there is only one sin: theft?

The Secret Life of Bees

In Which Book did a character score the highest number a human being can get on a verbal aptitude test

The Book Thief

In Which Book did a character search for her friend while he was being marched through the town?

The Boys in the Boat

In Which Book did a character set himself on fire trying to light a bonfire?

Perks of Being a Wallflower

In Which Book did a character shovel a driveway while at a New Years Eve party

The Berlin Boxing Club

In Which Book did a character shovel coal for training


In Which Book did a character sleep next to his wife in a sleeping bag next to their daughter's crib?

Perks of Being a Wallflower

In Which Book did a character smoke a cigaretter in a teacher's office

The Secret Life of Bees

In Which Book did a character smuggle books out to where she worked but would get in trouble by her father if caught?

The Perks of Being a Wallflower Mrs. Beacham

In Which Book did a character spend the whole vacation reading Hamlet?

The Kite Runner

In Which Book did a character start to spend his allowance on books and stored them in cardboard boxes when he ran out of shelf room?

The Perks of Being a Wallflower Mrs. Beacham

In Which Book did a character state, "I have made a terrible mess of things."?

The Secret Life of Bees

In Which Book did a character steal from a church

The Secret Life of Bees

In Which Book did a character steal from a store but plant to send back te money owed


In Which Book did a character suggest using a fireman's pole to get to a downstairs bathroom

The Book Thief

In Which Book did a character survive a bombing because she was in the basement reading?

The Boys in the Boat

In Which Book did a character take cooking classes with the woman who hired her to be a housekeeper?

The Perks of Being a Wallflower Mrs. Beacham

In Which Book did a character tell her boyfriend at a dance that she is pregnant?

The Secret Life of Bees

In Which Book did a character think Kennedy was off his rocker because he thought men could go to the moon?

The Secret Life of Bees

In Which Book did a character think she had a sixth sense because when she walked in the house she felt a trembling along her skin?

The Kite Runner

In Which Book did a character think that America was a place to bury his memories?

The Kite Runner

In Which Book did a character think they were a ghost with no footprints?

The Secret Life of Bees

In Which Book did a character throw a fit and hurl glass jars at the wall, breakint them into pieces

The Boys in the Boat

In Which Book did a character tie herself to a camera and attach herself to a balcony to get the video shots she wanted?

The Kite Runner

In Which Book did a character use a slingshot as a means of defense?

A Separate Peace

In Which Book did a character use a tie for a belt?

The Perks of Being a Wallflower Mrs. Beacham

In Which Book did a character use his Easter money to buy pot?

The Kite Runner

In Which Book did a character use to bury cotton wisps in their ears and pull the blanket over their head in order to still the sounds of his father's snoring?

The Berlin Boxing Club

In Which Book did a character wake up at 5 a.m. to begin training

The Kite Runner

In Which Book did a character walk out of the welfare office like a man cured of a tumor?

The Berlin Boxing Club

In Which Book did a character want to buy a picture painted of himself

I Am Malala

In Which Book did a character warn a mother to not cry out or shout when she saw her daughter?

The Secret Life of Bees

In Which Book did a character wash the pile of mouse bones and carry them in her pocket

Perks of Being a Wallflower

In Which Book did a character watcha boy hit his/her sister across the face

The Berlin Boxing Club

In Which Book did a character wear a blue scarf for opening


In Which Book did a character wear one pant leg "markedly shorter than the other"?


In Which Book did a character wear pajamas to a restaurant


In Which Book did a character while in prison camp race a civilian and win?


In Which Book did a character win a blue ribbon for having prize winning rabbits in 4-H?

The Kite Runner

In Which Book did a character wish he had some kind of scar that would get him his father's sympathy?

The Book Thief

In Which Book did a character wish her best friend a giver of bread and teddy bears, a triple HitlerYouth athletics champion would kiss her?

The Boys in the Boat

In Which Book did a character work manning a jackhammer one summer to earn extra money?

The Boys in the Boat

In Which Book did a character write "The people of Germany today are afraid to express opinions on even trivial matters"?


In Which Book did a character write "about worlds we already know"?


In Which Book did a character write 4 books?

The Kite Runner

In Which Book did a character write a short story about a man whose tears turn to pearls?


In Which Book did a character write down everything he/she ate on the back of a letter?

The Kite Runner

In Which Book did a character's "brilliant green eyes and impish face" tempt countless men into sin?

The Kite Runner

In Which Book did a character's breakfast consist of hot black tea with sugar cubes and a slice of toasted naan topped with cherry marmalade?

The Kite Runner

In Which Book did a character's father build an orphanage?

I Am Malala

In Which Book did a character's father often get called to settle disputes


In Which Book did a character's father seem to be either drunk or half asleep because his meds were not right?

The Kite Runner

In Which Book did a character's father tell him who he should propose to?

Perks of Being a Wallflower

In Which Book did a character's favorite relative die in a car crash on his/her brirthday

The Perks of Being a Wallflower Mrs. Beacham

In Which Book did a character's friend commit suicide?

The Kite Runner

In Which Book did a character's friend's mother run off when he was a month old with a traveling clan of singers?

The Kite Runner

In Which Book did a character's grandfather adopt a murdered couple's five year old son?

The Perks of Being a Wallflower Mrs. Beacham

In Which Book did a character's grandma marry someone who beat her?

A Separate Peace

In Which Book did a character's heart stop, without warning, in an operation room?

The Kite Runner

In Which Book did a character's mother die giving birth to him?

The Secret Life of Bees

In Which Book did a character's mother have a nervous break down?

The Kite Runner

In Which Book did a character's mother run away with a group of traveling performers?


In Which Book did a character's rank as officer keep him out of deadly laborious work in the POW camp?

The Perks of Being a Wallflower Mrs. Beacham

In Which Book did a character's sister continue to date her boyfriend secretly?


In Which Book did a characters mom name her children names from the Bible?

The Kite Runner

In Which Book did a charater wake up to find toasted bread, brewed tea, and a boiled egg already on the kitchen table?

The Boys in the Boat

In Which Book did a chief of police ignore the order of a mayor and decide to surrender his badge?

The Boys in the Boat

In Which Book did a coach get extremely upset with some of his team members because of their grades?


In Which Book did a coin grow six legs and a thorax and scuttle away


In Which Book did a duck live with the POW's ?

I Am Malala

In Which Book did a family have their television stolen while out of town?


In Which Book did a family not believe the main character was dead?

I am Malala

In Which Book did a family poison their daughter for looking at a boy under her eyelashes


In Which Book did a family receive a telegram about a character's disappearance at sea?

The Boys in the Boat

In Which Book did a father and mother leave their four young children at home alone so they could go out for days on different excursions?

The Boys in the Boat

In Which Book did a father flee to Canada after his wife passed?

I Am Malala

In Which Book did a father have a framed letter written by Abraham Lincoln to his son's teacher on the wall outside his office?

I am Malala

In Which Book did a father use buffalo milk to make his skin lighter?

I Am Malala

In Which Book did a father work at a school that did not expect either students or teachers to have their own opinions?


In Which Book did a flying crew get assigned to a B-24 D plane?

The Book Thief

In Which Book did a girl say her final goodbye to her best friend without even knowing it?

I Am Malala

In Which Book did a grandfather offer to pay for his grandson's welcoming parties and not his granddaughter's?

The Kite Runner

In Which Book did a large sliding glass door open into a terrace that overlooked cherry trees

The Secret Life of Bees

In Which Book did a main character feel that he/she had aged to forty years old in the space of a few hours?

The Secret Life of Bees

In Which Book did a main character love Shakespeare the best and Thoreau second?

The Secret Life of Bees

In Which Book did a man driving a truck full of cantaloupes say he could give two characters a ride to a place only 3 miles from their destination?


In Which Book did a mother leave an offering in memory of her son every morning?


In Which Book did a mother no know where her squirming boy was if he was not in her hands?

The Boys in the Boat

In Which Book did a mother order her children murdered with cyanide?

The Secret Life of Bees

In Which Book did a mother used to lure bugs out of the house using marshmallows and graham crackers?

The Secret Life of Bees

In Which Book did a phone send a character into a fit


In Which Book did a plane crew shoot at sharks who were harassing whales?

The Boys in the Boat

In Which Book did a radio host have to keep his audience interested while broadcasting an extremely long speech?

I am Malala

In Which Book did a religious party patrol universities and sabotage music concerts?

The Secret Life of Bees

In Which Book did a statue make the character fell both glory and shame at the same time

The Secret Life of Bees

In Which Book did a stone wall hide someone's feelings?

I am Malala

In Which Book did a suicide bomber attack a funeral service for a police officer

I Am Malala

In Which Book did a teacher have a dream that a student came to school with a burned leg and she had to protect it?


In Which Book did airmen have a high improbability of being rescued if crashed?


In Which Book did characters cry when buying a book

The Secret Life of Bees

In Which Book did characters dance in a conga line to the song "Go Tell it on the Mountain"?


In Which Book did characters eat cottage cheese with peaches


In Which Book did characters eat food from a taco truck

The Secret Life of Bees

In Which Book did characters go around the circle feeing each other cake


In Which Book did characters go to "The Triangle House"?

The Secret Life of Bees

In Which Book did characters have a glove explaining the steps to salvation


In Which Book did characters make lasagna with spaghetti noodles


In Which Book did characters memorize the geography of the central Pacific?

The Secret Life of Bees

In Which Book did characters pray every night after watching the news?

Perks of Being a Wallflower

In Which Book did characters put 6,000 packages of grape Koolaid in the school pool

The Kite Runner

In Which Book did characters shoot walnuts at the neighbor's dog with a slingshot?


In Which Book did characters toast cheers with bananas

I am Malala

In Which Book did characters travel in a minibus called the Flying Coach

The Kite Runner

In Which Book did characters use mirrors to reflect sunlight into a neighbor's window?

The Kite Runner

In Which Book did characters used to annoy their neighbors by reflecting sunlight into their home?

The Secret Life of Bees

In Which Book did characters watch President Johnson sign the Civil Rights Act on TV

I Am Malala

In Which Book did children often freeze to death in winter?

The Boys in the Boat

In Which Book did crew practices begin to take place again on January 8"?

The Boys in the Boat

In Which Book did crows walk among the students waiting for a piece of food?

The Kite Runner

In Which Book did cuts remind a character of a season that had once again passed too quickly?


In Which Book did doves defecate on the crowd below them?

A Separate Peace

In Which Book did fall begin to come on a school campus, affecting the trees?

The Boys in the Boat

In Which Book did girls overlook that another character's clothes were not like those of other students

The Secret Life of Bees

In Which Book did it never occur to the main character that you could be hated for being white?

The Kite Runner

In Which Book did it take a character five tries to tie the string of his trousers?

The Kite Runner

In Which Book did lore claim that a character's father wrestled a black bear?


In Which Book did many POWs die from pneumonia, beri beri, or malnutrition?


In Which Book did many people believe the main character could be the first to run a mile in four minutes?

The Boys in the Boat

In Which Book did men wear pressed slacks, freshly shined oxfords, and cardigan sweaters?

The Kite Runner

In Which Book did objects fall from the sky like shooting stars with brilliant, rippling tails?

The Perks of Being a Wallflower Mrs. Beacham

In Which Book did one Character exist on "cigarettes, coffee and caffeine"?

The Secret Life of Bees

In Which Book did one of the characters escape to the "Pink House" for a drink?

I Am Malala

In Which Book did our precious school become a battleground?

I Am Malala

In Which Book did parents pull their children out of school because poor children were given free spots to attend and they did not want their children in the same classes as the children of the people who cleaned their homes?

The Secret Life of Bees

In Which Book did people eats seeds while sitting vigil--seeds keep the living from despair

The Perks of Being a Wallflower Mrs. Beacham

In Which Book did people put up luminaria to create a "landing strip" for Santa Clause?

I Am Malala

In Which Book did people tend to remember years by events?

The Boys in the Boat

In Which Book did someone get married over the phone?

The Boys in the Boat

In Which Book did strict controls determine the cost of everything for visitors?

The Secret Life of Bees

In Which Book did students practice bomb drills at school

I Am Malala

In Which Book did the boys receive cream or milk in the mornings and the girls were given tea with no milk?

I am Malala

In Which Book did the character and a classmate score the exact same score on three consecutive papers

The Secret Life of Bees

In Which Book did the character dance like they are bodyless

The Secret Life of Bees

In Which Book did the character feel as one with the animal?

The Secret Life of Bees

In Which Book did the character go against someone's beliefs for help?

The Secret Life of Bees

In Which Book did the character have a friends who is bipolar?

The Secret Life of Bees

In Which Book did the daily temperatures range close to 100 degrees?

I Am Malala

In Which Book did the father of the main character found the school that she attended?

The Secret Life of Bees

In Which Book did the funeral home have a drive through allowing people to pay respect without getting out of their car


In Which Book did the main character at two years old lead police on a chase down the street?


In Which Book did the main character attend the University of S.C. ?

Nothing by the Truth

In Which Book did the main character break a rule but didn't think a consequence was deserved?

The Secret Life of Bees

In Which Book did the main character decide to runaway to Tiburon, South Carolina because it was written on the back of a picture of Black Mary?


In Which Book did the main character eat a lot while on the ship "Marathon"

The Secret Life of Bees

In Which Book did the main character endure a very unusual type of punishment?


In Which Book did the main character feel as if he would faint, not from exertion, but from realization of what he was?


In Which Book did the main character get an ACT score of thirty-two?


In Which Book did the main character have a "tarred and sweatered" fashion sense?

The Perks of Being a Wallflower Mrs. Beacham

In Which Book did the main character listen to Billie Holiday for hours?

The Secret Life of Bees

In Which Book did the main character live on a Peach orchid?


In Which Book did the main character make it to the 1936 US Olympic team?


In Which Book did the main character once write down everything he/she ate for dinner on the back of a letter?

The Perks of Being a Wallflower Mrs. Beacham

In Which Book did the main character realize he was molested by his Aunt?

The Perks of Being a Wallflower Mrs. Beacham

In Which Book did the main character receive a typewriter for Christmas?

I Am Malala

In Which Book did the main character say that leaving home felt like having her heart "ripped out"?

The Secret Life of Bees

In Which Book did the main character steal an item from a store because they were closed on Sundays?

The Berlin Boxing Club

In Which Book did the main character transfer from his regular school to a Jewish school?


In Which Book did the main character try to steal a Nazi flag?


In Which Book did the main character write for four hours straight?


In Which Book did the main character's clever, resourceful , and bold character in his delinquent childhood indirectly prepare him for war?


In Which Book did the main character's father have to make an advertisement for Gravioli?

The Berlin Boxing Club

In Which Book did the main character's mother accidentally fall asleep in the bathtub?


In Which Book did the main character's mother take to "sitting by the front door on an apple box with a rolling pin in her hand "to keep away someone who would threaten her children?


In Which Book did the main character's sister go through a phase of using french onion soup mix?


In Which Book did the main characters have to go got a bar to respond to an emergency?

I Am Malala

In Which Book did the narrator often "picnic among rock carvings of a smiling fat Buddha"?

The Book Thief

In Which Book did the narrator reveal he was haunted by humans?

I Am Malala

In Which Book did the narrator's father believe that "ignorance allowed politicians to fool people and bad administrators to be re-elected?

I Am Malala

In Which Book did the narrator's father donate blood to save the headmaster's wife when she became ill?

I Am Malala

In Which Book did the narrator's father grow up in a village where only one family had a television?

I Am Malala

In Which Book did the narrator's mother not know her own year of birth?

I am Malala

In Which Book did the people believe the earthquake was gods wrath for the people's sins of listening to music, dancing, and watching movies


In Which Book did the place a character lived have four different kinds of juice on tap?

Perks of Being a Wallflower

In Which Book did the police find a character asleep on the roof of the house


In Which Book did the stadium ring with every stanza of "Deutschland uberAlles" every time a German athlete won an event?

The Perks of Being a Wallflower Mrs. Beacham

In Which Book did they have a Sadie Hawkins Dance?

The Kite Runner

In Which Book did two characters annoy their neighbors by reflecting sunlight into their homes with a shard of mirror?

The Berlin Boxing Club

In Which Book did two characters kiss but stop after a shovel fell

The Kite Runner

In Which Book did two characters teach each other to ride their bikes with no hands?

The Perks of Being a Wallflower Mrs. Beacham

In Which Book did video cassette tapes become a gift


In Which Book do 2 characters go to East Campus for a first date

A Separate Peace

In Which Book do 2 characters jump off a traditional tree

The Kite Runner

In Which Book do 2 characters load up an old van with things from yard sales and then sell later for a profit

The Book Thief

In Which Book do 2 characters pour water on the cold road and wait for it to ice so they can steal food

The Book Thief

In Which Book do 2 characters spread bread out for a parade of Jewish prisoners and then hide in a tree to watch


In Which Book do 2 sharks 8 feet long circle rafts?

The Perks of Being a Wallflower Mrs. Beacham

In Which Book do a girl and a boy make out while someone is watching?

The Boys in the Boat

In Which Book do a group of boys wear mismatched shorts an cotton jerseys?

The Kite Runner

In Which Book do a pair of kites float side by side "like a pair of eyes looking down on San Francisco?"

The Boys in the Boat

In Which Book do an eclectic collection of students live in a converted coal storage basement of the YMCA?

The Secret Life of Bees

In Which Book do bees fly circles around a girl's room?

A Separate Peace

In Which Book do boys come of age

A Separate Peace

In Which Book do boys create a ball game called blitz ball

A Separate Peace

In Which Book do boys hold a mock trial over the tree falling accident

A Separate Peace

In Which Book do boys organize a winter carnival on their own

The Boys in the Boat

In Which Book do characters build a wide front porch and a woodshed?

I am Malala

In Which Book do characters cross a river made of rope and pully system. Foreign visitors call these suicide bridges

The Boys in the Boat

In Which Book do characters go aboard the SS Manhattan?


In Which Book do characters go to the Triangle House?

The Secret Life of Bees

In Which Book do characters hear thousands of bee wings fanning the air?


In Which Book do characters memorize the geography of the central pacific?

A Separate Peace

In Which Book do characters participate in a snowball fight?

The Secret Life of Bees

In Which Book do characters receive a note saying "It's my time to die, and it's your time to live. Don't mess it up."?


In Which Book do characters sit in a holding room on a navy ship?

A Separate Peace

In Which Book do characters use aviation programs and brothers in the service as sall talk?

The Book Thief

In Which Book do children leave a bread trail in the forest for Jews?


In Which Book do emergency dance parties take place?

The Boys in the Boat

In Which Book do extreme weather conditions occur on October 21st?

A Separate Peace

In Which Book do friends "bike to the beach", a 3 hour ride?

I am Malala

In Which Book do girls draw chemical formulas on their hands with henna

I Am Malala

In Which Book do microphones make a character feel as if they were speaking to the whole world?

The Book Thief

In Which Book do nightmares and the love of reading bring a young girl and an older man together?

I am Malala

In Which Book do one in seven children get hepatitis


In Which Book do prisoners put on a musical production of Cinderella which was written with creative liberties to celebrate Christmas?


In Which Book do prisoners steal even useless items to emotionally cope with the degradation of slave labor?

The Perks of Being a Wallflower Mrs. Beacham

In Which Book do seniors fill up a swimming pool with grape Kool-Aid?

A Separate Peace

In Which Book do students exercise in a building called the cage

A Separate Peace

In Which Book do students imagine and create a winter carnival?

A Separate Peace

In Which Book do students volunteer to shovel snow out of freight yards


In Which Book do the Japanese kill 1 of every 4 prisoners in their custody, and 37 percent of all American prisoners?

I Am Malala

In Which Book do the Taliban become state-sanctioned terrorists?

A Separate Peace

In Which Book do the boys declare the start of the winter carnival by burning a copy of the Iliad and claiming it is fire from Olympus?

A Separate Peace

In Which Book do the boys pick apples and clear railroad lines of snow and do other jobs that the men away at war would have done?


In Which Book do the characters catch birds so that they can use the meat as bait to catch pilot fish to eat?


In Which Book do the characters celebrate surpassing Rickenbacker's mark?

The Berlin Boxing Club

In Which Book do the characters dine on "shoelace stew" one night?

A Separate Peace

In Which Book do the characters form a suicide society of the summer session


In Which Book do the characters push fear from their minds by focusing on survival, thinking about a positive future assuring themselves that things will work out, and praying?


In Which Book do the characters use sea water to keep warm?

I am Malala

In Which Book do the children play with a ball made from plastic bags tied together with rubber bands

A Separate Peace

In Which Book do the crew manager and assistant crew manager fight and end up in the water because one calls the other "maimed"?


In Which Book do the guards vent their frustration in a "transfer of oppression"?


In Which Book do the men use two canvas bags as hats for protection against the sun?

I am Malala

In Which Book do the people not say "thank you" because an act of kindness cannot be repaid with words, only deeds

The Perks of Being a Wallflower Mrs. Beacham

In Which Book do the police come to end a party and find someone asleep on the roof?

The Secret Life of Bees

In Which Book do the police mostly use their guns to shoot rattlesnakes in yards?

The Perks of Being a Wallflower Mrs. Beacham

In Which Book do the students go to the Nutrition Center?


In Which Book do the students have to write a ten thousand work essay as their project?


In Which Book do twin sisters go off to college?

A Separate Peace

In Which Book do two boys break school rules to go to the beach and drink beer and eat hotdogs instead of studying trigonometry?

A Separate Peace

In Which Book do two boys have an arrangment that one will tutor the other in exchange for help training for the 1944 Olympics?

The Kite Runner

In Which Book do two characters climb a tree and use a shard of mirror to annoy neighbors

A Separate Peace

In Which Book do two characters form a "suicide society" by jumping out of a tree?

The Book Thief

In Which Book do two characters form a friendship from sharing their nightmares with each other?


In Which Book do two characters lose half their body weight making a journey of 2000 miles?


In Which Book do two characters meet at the library to write Tues and Thursdays

The Book Thief

In Which Book do two characters race a hundred meters and if one of them wins they get to kiss the other?

The Perks of Being a Wallflower Mrs. Beacham

In Which Book do two teenagers plan to get married after they finish college and law school?


In Which Book do veterans attend by the POW camp gate?

I Am Malala

In Which Book do you always open a door to a visitor?

A Separate Peace

In Which Book does "I am at Christmas location" mean they were at home?

The Boys in the Boat

In Which Book does Al Ulbrickson order his boys to put on three or four pounds before they reach Poughkeepsie which starts a stamped to the dining car?

The Boys in the Boat

In Which Book does Cornell, Columbia, and Pennsylvania University form a national championship race of four miles in length at Poughkeepsie in 1895?

The Book Thief

In Which Book does Death announce that he is the narrator

The Book Thief

In Which Book does Death come to a character's brother on a train?

The Book Thief

In Which Book does Death see that most of the main characters will die and leave one to live

A Separate Peace

In Which Book does Finny believe God is never occupied?

The Berlin Boxing Club

In Which Book does Hitler want to make the Olympic Games about Aryan Supremacy until Jesse Owens wins four gold medals?


In Which Book does Japan wound a lot of Americans and 2.400 of them?

The Boys in the Boat

In Which Book does Leni Riefenstahl produce a political and ideological piece of propaganda called Olympia?

A Separate Peace

In Which Book does Leper's mental breakdown represents undeniable proof that the war exists to boys who want to deney its existance?

A Separate Peace

In Which Book does Mr. Hadley represent the fat safe adult men who started the war?


In Which Book does Super Man never fly again after being so badly damaged?


In Which Book does a 12 year old sit up in bed listening on August 26, 1929?

The Book Thief

In Which Book does a German Jew befriend a character and teaches him to play the accordion


In Which Book does a Humdrum bounce a small red ball in its hand?

A Separate Peace

In Which Book does a Section Eight discharge mean you are screwed for life?:

I am Malala

In Which Book does a Taliban leader have radio broadcasts on how to obey the Quran

The Book Thief

In Which Book does a black book fall out of someone's coat pocket without their knowledge?

A Separate Peace

In Which Book does a boy badly hurt another and make it look like an accident because of petty jealousy?

A Separate Peace

In Which Book does a boy claim that the war is a fake so that fat old men can steal all the food in America?

The Boys in the Boat

In Which Book does a boy collect a mandolin , several guitars, an old ukulele, and two banjos and teach himself how to play them?

The Book Thief

In Which Book does a boy compare the falling of dominoes to dead bodies?

The Book Thief

In Which Book does a boy constantly ask his friend for a kiss?

The Book Thief

In Which Book does a boy cover himself with charcoal to imitate Jesse Owens in the 1936 Olympics?

A Separate Peace

In Which Book does a boy die when marrow from a broken bone makes its way to his heart?

The Berlin Boxing Club

In Which Book does a boy draw cartoons to cheer his sister up after she has been taunted at school?

A Separate Peace

In Which Book does a boy dress in the clothes of his rival after causing his leg to be broken?

A Separate Peace

In Which Book does a boy escape the Army with a section-eight discharge that labeled him a "psycho"?

The Kite Runner

In Which Book does a boy force a bully to back down with a sling shot?

The Book Thief

In Which Book does a boy get publicly humiliated for not knowing Hitler's birthday? The boo

A Separate Peace

In Which Book does a boy go along with his peers to fit in all the while hating the activity of the club?

The Kite Runner

In Which Book does a boy have a complex relationship with his father which consists of a mixture of love, fear and a little bit of hate?

The Book Thief

In Which Book does a boy have a twitch in his ears that causes him to have problems hearing?

The Berlin Boxing Club

In Which Book does a boy have his sister help him to burn an offensive book to make her feel better?

The Kite Runner

In Which Book does a boy hide his watch and money in his friends room to make him appear to be a thief?

The Boys in the Boat

In Which Book does a boy poach salmon steal booze to sell to his neighbors to survive?

A Separate Peace

In Which Book does a boy politic constantly to be the leader of the senior class and the Golden Fleece Debating Society?

The Book Thief

In Which Book does a boy pull a teddy bear from a toolbox and place it on someone's chest?

The Book Thief

In Which Book does a boy purposely get himself disqualified from his final race?

A Separate Peace

In Which Book does a boy refuse to except the guilt of his friend in his accident because he can't imagine his friends betrayal?

The Kite Runner

In Which Book does a boy save himself and another character with his slingshot?

The Kite Runner

In Which Book does a boy show himself to be cowardly and weak by hiding and failing to aid his friend when he is raped three other boys?

The Kite Runner

In Which Book does a boy shun his friend because he has a guilty conscience about his failure to help his friend when he needed him most?

The Kite Runner

In Which Book does a boy state that his people" cherish customs but abhor rules"?

A Separate Peace

In Which Book does a boy suspects that his roommates rule-breaking and time-wasting is for the purpose of ruining his academic record?A

The Book Thief

In Which Book does a boy take a teddy bear with him when he goes off to rob houses, but uses it to comfort a dying pilot?

The Kite Runner

In Which Book does a boy treat his friend differently when they are alone than when they are in public because he is from a different sect and tribe?

The Berlin Boxing Club

In Which Book does a boy try and defend his father but is knocked unconscious while his father is stabbed with broken glass?

The Book Thief

In Which Book does a boy walk ten miles to only be given one and a half apples?

The Boys in the Boat

In Which Book does a boy work with the CCC laying asphalt for the Olympic Highway to earn money for college?

The Perks of Being a Wallflower Mrs. Beacham

In Which Book does a brother tell his teacher his sister's boyfriend hit her?

The Kite Runner

In Which Book does a bully love Adolf Hitler


In Which Book does a car ride consist of the passengers listening to a professor speak on ranching?

The Secret Life of Bees

In Which Book does a character accidentally shot and kill their mother when they are four years old?


In Which Book does a character admit to having never read a book

The Book Thief

In Which Book does a character always carry the book Mein Kampf with them?

The Berlin Boxing Club

In Which Book does a character always try to keep at least one painting by each artist that they work with?

The Perks of Being a Wallflower Mrs. Beacham

In Which Book does a character and their family watch their brother play football on TV?

I Am Malala

In Which Book does a character announce that schools for girls were haram?


In Which Book does a character arrive ten minutes early to American History?

The Book Thief

In Which Book does a character ask another character to cut his hair?

The Kite Runner

In Which Book does a character attempt suicide in a bath?

The Berlin Boxing Club

In Which Book does a character attempt to draw a comic strip to cheer someone up?

Perks of Being a Wallflower

In Which Book does a character attend a Sadie Hawkins' dance

I Am Malala

In Which Book does a character attend the Sindh assembly and is applauded by the members?

The Perks of Being a Wallflower Mrs. Beacham

In Which Book does a character beat up a bully who planned to give them a "swirly"?


In Which Book does a character become obsessed w/drinking and partying?


In Which Book does a character believe her boyfriend looks skinnier w/clothes on?

I Am Malala

In Which Book does a character believe that if people are silent, nothing will change?

The Perks of Being a Wallflower Mrs. Beacham

In Which Book does a character believe that only heads-up pennys are good luck and should be given to the person you are with when you find it?

The Secret Life of Bees

In Which Book does a character believe that there is no greater affliction for the southern mind than people from the north coming down to fix their way of life?

The Boys in the Boat

In Which Book does a character bellow commands through a megaphone until their voice grew hoarse and their throat sore?

Nothing by the Truth

In Which Book does a character bemoan the fact that their students do not appreciate, or even care about, literature the way students in the past have?

The Secret Life of Bees

In Which Book does a character blame themselves for an accident that happened a long time ago?

A Separate Peace

In Which Book does a character break the A. Hopkins Parker's record by .7b seconds?

The Secret Life of Bees

In Which Book does a character bring home an Easter-dyed baby chick when they were eight?

The Boys in the Boat

In Which Book does a character build an apartment for their family over an auto repair shop?

The Secret Life of Bees

In Which Book does a character bust someone out of the hospital?

The Perks of Being a Wallflower Mrs. Beacham

In Which Book does a character call a 1-800 number after an exercise machine commercial?

The Perks of Being a Wallflower Mrs. Beacham

In Which Book does a character call a grandmother Candy Grandma?

Nothing But The Truth

In Which Book does a character call another character and ask about Call of the Wild?

Perks of Being a Wallflower

In Which Book does a character call one Grandmother "Cookies Grandma" and the other "Candy Grandma"

A Separate Peace

In Which Book does a character claim to have dropped a little bit of arsenic in his best friend's morning coffee?

Nothing by the Truth

In Which Book does a character claim to have read Call of the Wild to a dog?

Nothing But the Truth

In Which Book does a character claim to read "Call of the Wild" to a dog?

The Book Thief

In Which Book does a character collect the washing and ironing from different wealthy inhabitants?


In Which Book does a character come back from the dead?

The Berlin Boxing Club

In Which Book does a character comment "A great fighter has plenty of artistry"?


In Which Book does a character compare talking to a friend as standing in front of on oncoming train?

I Am Malala

In Which Book does a character compare their father to a falcon?

A Separate Peace

In Which Book does a character complain there are no maids at the school because of the war

A Separate Peace

In Which Book does a character confess that he always tried to be in the Olympics?

Nothing by the Truth

In Which Book does a character confess that he does not know the words to the National Anthem?

A Separate Peace

In Which Book does a character continuously fall asleep at lectures and the firing range?

The Perks of Being a Wallflower Mrs. Beacham

In Which Book does a character create a mix tape for a Secret Santa gift?

The Perks of Being a Wallflower Mrs. Beacham

In Which Book does a character create a mixtape called "The First Time I Drove"?


In Which Book does a character defend her roommate against her sister?

The Boys in the Boat

In Which Book does a character demand to move in with their parents in Seattle?

The Kite Runner

In Which Book does a character describe wintertime as "the sky is seamless and blue, the snow so white my eyes burn"?

Nothing by the Truth

In Which Book does a character despise their English class?

The Boys in the Boat

In Which Book does a character die after attempting to start a bonfire for a rally?

The Kite Runner

In Which Book does a character discover that an old pomegranate tree has died?

The Berlin Boxing Club

In Which Book does a character draw caricatures of opponents in case they meet again?

I am Malala

In Which Book does a character dream of being a politician or inventor?

The Kite Runner

In Which Book does a character dream that they and another character are swimming in a lake with a monster in it and they survive the swim and the people watching rename the lake after them?

The Boys in the Boat

In Which Book does a character drive a sleek, black Chrysler?


In Which Book does a character drive to high school, park under the trees and sit there in the quiet?

The Secret Life of Bees

In Which Book does a character drive to visit a slave in jail?

The Berlin Boxing Club

In Which Book does a character drop a clover charm onto the top of a pile of whipped cream?

The Secret Life of Bees

In Which Book does a character drown in a river after going to the wailing wall?

Nothing But The Truth

In Which Book does a character earn a "C" on an exam?

Nothing But The Truth

In Which Book does a character earn all decent grades but get a "D" in history?


In Which Book does a character earn an underclassman prize for their final project

The Perks of Being a Wallflower Mrs. Beacham

In Which Book does a character eat Jell-O and watch cable TV on New Year's Eve?

The Perks of Being a Wallflower Mrs. Beacham

In Which Book does a character eat a brownie laced with marijuana?


In Which Book does a character eat protein bars for two weeks?

The Kite Runner

In Which Book does a character embrace America to bury his memories of the ghost of his boyhood friend?


In Which Book does a character end up in the hospital with alcohol poisoning

A Separate Peace

In Which Book does a character experience dawn for the first time?


In Which Book does a character explain worry as anxiety vaccine.

The Kite Runner

In Which Book does a character express the idea that it is better to lie sometimes when he states, "better to be miserable than rude" ?


In Which Book does a character fall in love with her roommate's ex-boyfriend

A Separate Peace

In Which Book does a character feel like the tree resembles old giants

The Book Thief

In Which Book does a character find a black book near a grave?

The Kite Runner

In Which Book does a character find out when he is an adult that he has a brother

The Book Thief

In Which Book does a character frequently visit the mayor's room full of books to read?


In Which Book does a character get an F on an assignment for plagiarizing

The Book Thief

In Which Book does a character get another to steal a suit from his own father's tailor shop

The Book Thief

In Which Book does a character get brought to a foster family in Molching?

The Kite Runner

In Which Book does a character get car sick and embarrass their father?

The Perks of Being a Wallflower Mrs. Beacham

In Which Book does a character get caught smoking by his sister?

I Am Malala

In Which Book does a character get caught stealing?

The Berlin Boxing Club

In Which Book does a character get forced to pull his pants down?

I Am Malala

In Which Book does a character get in the habit of looking in the mirror and giving speeches?

Nothing But The Truth

In Which Book does a character get in trouble for doing yesterday's homework during the pledge?

Nothing But The Truth

In Which Book does a character get in trouble for singing during the national anthem?


In Which Book does a character get into a boat even though he/she can't swim

Nothing But The Truth

In Which Book does a character get kicked out of class so he tells his father the principal sided with his teacher?

The Book Thief

In Which Book does a character get slapped in the face for saying she hates the Fuhrer in public?

The Perks of Being a Wallflower Mrs. Beacham

In Which Book does a character get the name "Nothing"?

A Separate Peace

In Which Book does a character get upset after an interrogation of his friends and fall down the marble steps


In Which Book does a character get upset because their sibling does not want to share a dorma

The Book Thief

In Which Book does a character give a dying pilot in a burning plane a teddy bear

The Kite Runner

In Which Book does a character give another character a large amount of money in an envelope

The Book Thief

In Which Book does a character given a used doll that had a missing leg and yellow hair?

The Secret Life of Bees

In Which Book does a character go into the wrong jail cell, where she is confronted by "colored folk"?

Nothing But The Truth

In Which Book does a character go to Harrison High?


In Which Book does a character go to the movies to see a movie,They Died with Their Boots On, that he worked on as an extra?


In Which Book does a character go to the track and limber up every Saturday?

The Book Thief

In Which Book does a character hang himself in a laundry and leave a note he wants to be with his dead brother

A Separate Peace

In Which Book does a character have a West Point stride?


In Which Book does a character have a lamp shaped like the Eiffel Tower

The Secret Life of Bees

In Which Book does a character have a picture of him/herself shaking hands with Bobby Kennedy?

The Perks of Being a Wallflower Mrs. Beacham

In Which Book does a character have a secret relationship with the high school quarterback?


In Which Book does a character have an identical twin sister


In Which Book does a character have long, pink fingernails?


In Which Book does a character have manic episodes

The Book Thief

In Which Book does a character have nightmares of their brother's face staring at the floor?

The Book Thief

In Which Book does a character have the greatest Christmas ever with little food, no presents, but a snowman in their basement?

The Berlin Boxing Club

In Which Book does a character have to be able to do one hundred push ups, one hundred sit ups, fifty pull ups, and fifty minutes of running, which all adds up to three hundred?

The Berlin Boxing Club

In Which Book does a character have to do 100 push-ups, 100 sit-ups, 50 pull-ups, and 50 minutes of continuous running every day?

The Kite Runner

In Which Book does a character hid a handful of money under a mattress to repay a family for their kindness?

A Separate Peace

In Which Book does a character hit someone hard across the face?

Nothing by the Truth

In Which Book does a character insist that "a rule is a rule"?

A Separate Peace

In Which Book does a character intentionally make his friend fall from a tree?

A Separate Peace

In Which Book does a character jump off a tree and land in the water?

The Secret Life of Bees

In Which Book does a character keep trying to find information about his mother whom has been missing for some time?


In Which Book does a character learn that dignity is as essential to human life as water, food, and oxygen?

The Kite Runner

In Which Book does a character learn that his boyhood friend and servant is really his half brother?

The Kite Runner

In Which Book does a character learn that the "past claws its way out?"

The Boys in the Boat

In Which Book does a character learn that there is no such thing as spare change in 1929?

The Book Thief

In Which Book does a character learn to read and write with her father in their basement?

The Kite Runner

In Which Book does a character like eating lamb kabob

I Am Malala

In Which Book does a character like to give interviews but hates to watch them?

The Kite Runner

In Which Book does a character live in Afghanistan

The Boys in the Boat

In Which Book does a character live in the attic of a cold, distant aunt?

The Book Thief

In Which Book does a character live to a very old age and dies in Sydney under a blue sky?

The Book Thief

In Which Book does a character look at her lifeless best friend and finally kiss him?

A Separate Peace

In Which Book does a character look like a half-prepared clown, with his checkered outfit and blotchy face?

A Separate Peace

In Which Book does a character look up from his desk and see snow falling?

A Separate Peace

In Which Book does a character lose the ability to participate in sports?

The Kite Runner

In Which Book does a character love reading and writing stories

The Perks of Being a Wallflower Mrs. Beacham

In Which Book does a character love the expression "College of my choice"?

The Secret Life of Bees

In Which Book does a character lure roaches out of a house with graham cracker and marshmallow crumbs?

The Kite Runner

In Which Book does a character make a dangerous journey to a city that is a ruin of "rubble and beggar"?

The Boys in the Boat

In Which Book does a character make a fire in the wood stove, put water on to boil, fried some bacon, and made some coffee?

The Boys in the Boat

In Which Book does a character make his way up university Avenue to the YMCA?


In Which Book does a character make the ground rules?

The Kite Runner

In Which Book does a character meet the "thing made of skin and bones pretending to be Rahim Khan."


In Which Book does a character meet their sister and her roommate for lunch everyday

The Book Thief

In Which Book does a character move to a street that's name can be translated to mean Heaven?

The Kite Runner

In Which Book does a character name his son "Sohrab", after the hero from the Shahnamah.

The Perks of Being a Wallflower Mrs. Beacham

In Which Book does a character named Kelly have a favorite book called Walden?

Nothing But The Truth

In Which Book does a character need extra credit to run on the track team

A Separate Peace

In Which Book does a character not cry at his friend's funeral because he felt it was his own

The Kite Runner

In Which Book does a character not have school in the winter

The Perks of Being a Wallflower Mrs. Beacham

In Which Book does a character not like his birthday?

I am Malala

In Which Book does a character not want to be know as the girl who was shot by the Taliban?

The Book Thief

In Which Book does a character often catch an eclipse when a human dies?


In Which Book does a character open a camp for troubled tough boys?

The Boys in the Boat

In Which Book does a character open an automobile manufacturing and repair shop?


In Which Book does a character order a Pumpkin Mocha Breve, light on the Mocha?

The Boys in the Boat

In Which Book does a character pack his family up into a Franklin touring car and head NE?

The Secret Life of Bees

In Which Book does a character picture his/her mother with roach legs in his/her dreams

The Kite Runner

In Which Book does a character plant a watch under someone's mattress?

The Book Thief

In Which Book does a character play piano accordion?

I am Malala

In Which Book does a character pray to be killed in war so he/she could die a martyr?

The Perks of Being a Wallflower Mrs. Beacham

In Which Book does a character prefer to eat w/ her fingers and off of a napkin?

The Book Thief

In Which Book does a character pretend to be be the famous Jesse Owens, and paint himself black?


In Which Book does a character push a wheel barrel over a bridge on one of the last days of October?

The Book Thief

In Which Book does a character put a charred book under her skirt and walk home

The Book Thief

In Which Book does a character question why someone would want to kiss them because they're filthy?

The Boys in the Boat

In Which Book does a character quote a poet saying "But only God can make a tree"?

I Am Malala

In Which Book does a character read The Alchemist over and over again?


In Which Book does a character read The Outsiders?

Perks of Being a Wallflower

In Which Book does a character read To Kill A Mockingbird


In Which Book does a character read aloud The Outsiders

The Berlin Boxing Club

In Which Book does a character read boxing magazines to learn about Jewish boxers?


In Which Book does a character read fan-fiction to another character?


In Which Book does a character realize she would never have her crush?

A Separate Peace

In Which Book does a character realize that he and his best friend will never be even

The Book Thief

In Which Book does a character receive a Watschen for fighting someone that called her an idiot?

The Kite Runner

In Which Book does a character receive a biography of Hitler as a birthday present

The Book Thief

In Which Book does a character receive a book for her twelfth birthday from her foster parents

The Perks of Being a Wallflower Mrs. Beacham

In Which Book does a character receive a handcrafted native american marijuana pipe as a gift?

The Kite Runner

In Which Book does a character receive a letter that tells him, "True redemption is . . . when guilt leads to good"

The Kite Runner

In Which Book does a character receive a message "there is a way to be good again"?

The Berlin Boxing Club

In Which Book does a character receive a short prayer before leaving a store?

The Secret Life of Bees

In Which Book does a character receive an Easter-dyed biddy from the mercantile?

The Perks of Being a Wallflower Mrs. Beacham

In Which Book does a character receive socks as their Secret Santa gift?

The Secret Life of Bees

In Which Book does a character receive the same gifts every year at Christmas


In Which Book does a character refuse to go to the dining hall alone

The Secret Life of Bees

In Which Book does a character remember picking up a gun at a young age?

Nothing by the Truth

In Which Book does a character request, but was denied, funding to attend a summer course to improve their student interaction?

The Kite Runner

In Which Book does a character return to his homeland and see only broken down Soviet tanks and beggars

The Secret Life of Bees

In Which Book does a character rip paper out of a tablet and write her mother's name on it?


In Which Book does a character rise at Saim on May 27, 1943?

The Secret Life of Bees

In Which Book does a character run away from everything they have ever known?

The Kite Runner

In Which Book does a character run away to a Mosque

The Berlin Boxing Club

In Which Book does a character say "Art needs to show life, real life, in all its wonders and horrors"?

The Berlin Boxing Club

In Which Book does a character say "As long as you fight back, there's no shame"?

The Secret Life of Bees

In Which Book does a character say "Birds of a feather flock together?"

The Secret Life of Bees

In Which Book does a character say "I was the stamen in the middle of a twirling flower."?

Nothing by the Truth

In Which Book does a character say "life isn't a sitcom"?

Perks of Being a Wallflower

In Which Book does a character say "sometimes people use thought to not participate in life"

The Perks of Being a Wallflower Mrs. Beacham

In Which Book does a character say a foreign movie with subtitles was fun, because they had never read a movie before?

Nothing But The Truth

In Which Book does a character say a teacher is so old fashioned?


In Which Book does a character say another character whitens his/her teeth for fun.


In Which Book does a character say another character's brain is so enormous that it pushes his/her ears out

Nothing But The Truth

In Which Book does a character say he can handle his teacher and that they are reading Shakespeare?

Nothing But The Truth

In Which Book does a character say he had to quit track due to family stuff?

Nothing But The Truth

In Which Book does a character say it doesn't matter what homeroom you got?

The Secret Life of Bees

In Which Book does a character say prayers to Our Lady of Chains?

The Berlin Boxing Club

In Which Book does a character say that she would like to have beauty lessons?

The Kite Runner

In Which Book does a character say the greatest of sins is theft

A Separate Peace

In Which Book does a character say the the sun rays were shooting past two other characters like "golden machine-gun fire?"

A Separate Peace

In Which Book does a character say the war is created by fat old men to protect their jobs

Nothing But The Truth

In Which Book does a character say there are kids going everywhere like they were informed?


In Which Book does a character say, "If I knew I had to go through those experiences again, I'd kill myself."?

A Separate Peace

In Which Book does a character scotch-tape newspaper pictures of the Roosevelt-Churchill meeting over their cot?

The Kite Runner

In Which Book does a character see his infertility as divine justice?

The Kite Runner

In Which Book does a character see the Taliban with their own eyes


In Which Book does a character see walls, stripes of ground through gaps in the floorboards, and his own limbs at night?

The Boys in the Boat

In Which Book does a character shout "M-I-B, M-I-B, M-I-B"?

The Book Thief

In Which Book does a character shout Saumensch, du dreckiges! ("You filthy pig!") because another character won't have a bath?

The Secret Life of Bees

In Which Book does a character sit in a tub, hugging her knees?

I Am Malala

In Which Book does a character skype with her friends from home?

The Secret Life of Bees

In Which Book does a character slip out to an orchard and dig up a tin box that held their mother's things?

The Book Thief

In Which Book does a character some days play an accordion for someone while they were in bed?

The Kite Runner

In Which Book does a character spend 35,000 $ on another character's wedding

A Separate Peace

In Which Book does a character spend his money on a long distance call?

The Book Thief

In Which Book does a character spend his time in the basement exercising by doing push ups and imagining himself boxing Hitler?

I Am Malala

In Which Book does a character start taking a different route home each evening in case someone was studying their routine?

Nothing by the Truth

In Which Book does a character state "nothing is free"?

A Separate Peace

In Which Book does a character state his fury is gone because his friend took it with him

The Perks of Being a Wallflower Mrs. Beacham

In Which Book does a character state, "And I never wanted to. You have to believe me

The Secret Life of Bees

In Which Book does a character state, "I felt she knew what a lying, murdering, hating person I really was"?

I Am Malala

In Which Book does a character state, "It was school that kept me going in those dark days?

The Secret Life of Bees

In Which Book does a character state, "Lily, I like you better than any girl I've ever known?

I Am Malala

In Which Book does a character state, "While Badshah Sahib brought peace, his son brought prosperity."?

A Separate Peace

In Which Book does a character state, "Who ever heard of opening the Games without the sacred fire from the Olympics?

A Separate Peace

In Which Book does a character state, "You can break a leg with the downhill stuff?


In Which Book does a character state, "You know what? I'm sticking w/sweetheart"?

The Book Thief

In Which Book does a character steal a potato from the local grocer because his family was poor and had nothing to eat?

The Book Thief

In Which Book does a character steal and eat 6 apples and becomes sick

The Secret Life of Bees

In Which Book does a character strip down to her undergarments because she becomes hot?

A Separate Peace

In Which Book does a character supposedly die from bone marrow going to his heart

The Kite Runner

In Which Book does a character take a severe beating to save a child from prostitution?

The Perks of Being a Wallflower Mrs. Beacham

In Which Book does a character take their sister to get an abortion?

The Kite Runner

In Which Book does a character tell his friend that he will buy them both televisions?

Nothing But The Truth

In Which Book does a character think Jack London is stupid and boring?

The Berlin Boxing Club

In Which Book does a character think Picasso has magical eyes?

A Separate Peace

In Which Book does a character think a Section Eight discharge is for the nuts in the service, the psychos, the Funny Farm candidates?

The Perks of Being a Wallflower Mrs. Beacham

In Which Book does a character think a doctor's face looks rubbery?

The Secret Life of Bees

In Which Book does a character think charm school would teach her all the things she needs to know?


In Which Book does a character think fondly of how his dog Askim kept him from falling off a landing when he was a toddler?

A Separate Peace

In Which Book does a character think he has broken another's harmonious and natural unity

The Berlin Boxing Club

In Which Book does a character think that despite their strength and heroism, both Superman and Clark Kent were misunderstood outsiders?

A Separate Peace

In Which Book does a character think that prayers lasting more than three minutes is showing off?

A Separate Peace

In Which Book does a character think the army has made his friend psycho

Perks of Being a Wallflower

In Which Book does a character think the book he/she is currently reading is his/her favorite book

The Perks of Being a Wallflower Mrs. Beacham

In Which Book does a character think you should give someone your with a lucky penny when you find it?

I Am Malala

In Which Book does a character try to lighten their skin with honey, rose water, and buffalo milk?

The Kite Runner

In Which Book does a character turn over a magazine rack in a store because he is asked for an i.d.

The Kite Runner

In Which Book does a character undertake a long journey because he believes that, "There is a way to be good again"?

The Book Thief

In Which Book does a character use champagne bottles in his painting ?


In Which Book does a character use movie lines to perform a burial service?

The Secret Life of Bees

In Which Book does a character wait in a bedroom to be dragged off to prison?

I Am Malala

In Which Book does a character wake up on October 16th, a week after sustaining injury?

The Boys in the Boat

In Which Book does a character walk back to the car, climb in, close the door, and start down the driveway?

The Perks of Being a Wallflower Mrs. Beacham

In Which Book does a character want a person who was more open to discussion and didn't need someone's permission to talk?

The Secret Life of Bees

In Which Book does a character want to go to town to register to vote?

The Kite Runner

In Which Book does a character want to major in English in college?

The Perks of Being a Wallflower Mrs. Beacham

In Which Book does a character want to make sure someone's first kiss is with someone that loves them?

I Am Malala

In Which Book does a character watch Ugly Betty?

The Kite Runner

In Which Book does a character wear a false beard to blend in?

The Secret Life of Bees

In Which Book does a character wear a pen shaped like a whale with a spout of rhinestone water coming out of its blowhole

A Separate Peace

In Which Book does a character wear a school tie as a belt to a tea

A Separate Peace

In Which Book does a character wear long wooden skis and looks for a beaver dam

The Perks of Being a Wallflower Mrs. Beacham

In Which Book does a character witness a date rape while hiding under a pile of coats?

The Perks of Being a Wallflower Mrs. Beacham

In Which Book does a character witness a girl being sexually assulted at a house party?

The Kite Runner

In Which Book does a character witness a man getting shot in the mouth

The Boys in the Boat

In Which Book does a character work as a housekeeper for a judge?


In Which Book does a character write "to disappear"?

The Kite Runner

In Which Book does a character write 2 novels but it still troubled because he and his wife cannot have a child

The Book Thief

In Which Book does a character write a book about her life?


In Which Book does a character write a book online called Carry On Simon

I Am Malala

In Which Book does a character write a diary about life under the Taliban?

The Perks of Being a Wallflower Mrs. Beacham

In Which Book does a character write an essay on To Kill a Mockingbird?

The Perks of Being a Wallflower Mrs. Beacham

In Which Book does a character write for a fanzine called "Punk Rocky"?

The Kite Runner

In Which Book does a character write his first short story about a man's tears turning to pearls

The Perks of Being a Wallflower Mrs. Beacham

In Which Book does a character write letters to tell the story?

The Book Thief

In Which Book does a character's Papa trade cigarettes for books so she can read?

The Book Thief

In Which Book does a character's brother die January, 1939?

The Kite Runner

In Which Book does a character's father say that dreams always mean something?


In Which Book does a character's friend receive beatings for over 45 min?

Perks of Being a Wallflower

In Which Book does a character's mom cry a lot during TV shows


In Which Book does a character's mom leave on September 11th?


In Which Book does a character's mom want to be called by her first name

The Boys in the Boat

In Which Book does a character's mother die of throat cancer when they are 4 years old?


In Which Book does a character's mother leave on September 11th

Nothing But The Truth

In Which Book does a character's mother work at the phone company

The Book Thief

In Which Book does a character's story made up of ten books?

The Boys in the Boat

In Which Book does a characters aunt and uncle live in Pennsylvania?

I Am Malala

In Which Book does a characters family live in Abbottabad?

The Perks of Being a Wallflower Mrs. Beacham

In Which Book does a characters former date want to learn about lesbian relationships?

The Secret Life of Bees

In Which Book does a characters mother have a nervous breakdown?

I Am Malala

In Which Book does a characters new home become Birmingham, England?

The Perks of Being a Wallflower Mrs. Beacham

In Which Book does a characters sister get hit by a guy that makes mixtapes?

A Separate Peace

In Which Book does a charater fall from a tree shattering his leg

The Kite Runner

In Which Book does a charater make the observation that, "sad stories make good books" ?

A Separate Peace

In Which Book does a charismatic boy make up the rules to his own game called blitzball because he does not like badmiton?

The Kite Runner

In Which Book does a child attempt suicide to avoid going back to an orphanage?

I am Malala

In Which Book does a chronic stutterer win a public speaking competition?

Nothing But The Truth

In Which Book does a class have to read Call of the Wild

I am Malala

In Which Book does a couple look into a mirror during the wedding celebrations, sometimes seeing each other for the first time?


In Which Book does a crew briefly visit?


In Which Book does a crew encounter exploding sharks trapped in a lagoon at low tide?

A Separate Peace

In Which Book does a doctor tell a character that his friend will never play sports again

A Separate Peace

In Which Book does a doctor's car become surrounded by boys?

The Book Thief

In Which Book does a family build a snowman inside their house?

I am Malala

In Which Book does a family have to leave their home due to fighting and stay with relatives

The Perks of Being a Wallflower Mrs. Beacham

In Which Book does a family leave for a vacation to the Grand Canyon?

The Berlin Boxing Club

In Which Book does a family move from their apartment building to a basement because of an untrue accusation?

I Am Malala

In Which Book does a family not see danger everywhere, but possibility?

The Secret Life of Bees

In Which Book does a family own/work at a peach stand?

The Boys in the Boat

In Which Book does a famous man in history step out of an armored Mercedes Benz?

Nothing But The Truth

In Which Book does a farmer tell his son to make sure he warms-up because it's good for the back?

The Berlin Boxing Club

In Which Book does a father refuse to accept his war medal and becomes a pacifist?

The Kite Runner

In Which Book does a father teach his son that all sins are a variation of the one and only sin of theft?

Nothing But The Truth

In Which Book does a father tell his son "if God gives you a ticket, you better us it"?

Nothing But The Truth

In Which Book does a father try to convince his son that he is into track because he got new track shoes?

The Berlin Boxing Club

In Which Book does a father's modern idea about parenting to leave you alone and let you become the man you want to be, not the man he wants you to be?

The Book Thief

In Which Book does a fighter claim that when he meets death he will, "l punch death in face?"

The Perks of Being a Wallflower Mrs. Beacham

In Which Book does a friend commit suicide?

The Kite Runner

In Which Book does a friend who has a cleft lip

The Secret Life of Bees

In Which Book does a girl a character told to give the bees love??

Nothing But The Truth

In Which Book does a girl ask can she sit next to a character and he says "oh Sure.Sure"?

The Book Thief

In Which Book does a girl compare a man's hair to feathers?

The Boys in the Boat

In Which Book does a girl fall in love with a boy who is found of saying, "The only time you don't find a four leaf clover is when you stop looking for one"?

The Book Thief

In Which Book does a girl give the gift of a clud to her sickly friend?

The Book Thief

In Which Book does a girl help her Papa paint people's blinds black in exchange for food and drink?

The Book Thief

In Which Book does a girl hide books in her mattress?

The Book Thief

In Which Book does a girl injure herself on purpose to save her family and the guest they are hiding?

The Book Thief

In Which Book does a girl pull a book from the ashes of the fire and hide it under her shirt burning herself?

The Book Thief

In Which Book does a girl read to people to calm their fears?

The Book Thief

In Which Book does a girl see ghosts in her room before she goes to bed?

The Boys in the Boat

In Which Book does a girl work as a maid to go to college so she can escape housework?

The Perks of Being a Wallflower Mrs. Beacham

In Which Book does a grandfather complain about black people moving into his neighborhood?

I Am Malala

In Which Book does a headmaster's wife become ill?

The Berlin Boxing Club

In Which Book does a janitor give a young man life changing advice when he tells him not to let pride get in his way because it is a" luxury that sometimes you can't afford."

The Boys in the Boat

In Which Book does a journalist state, "Nobody ever took time out in a boat race"?

The Perks of Being a Wallflower Mrs. Beacham

In Which Book does a little boy get split up from his mom in a store?

The Book Thief

In Which Book does a little boy paint himself black and pretend that he is Jesse Owen?

The Book Thief

In Which Book does a little girl struggle in school because she does not know how to read but eventually loves books and reading?

The Book Thief

In Which Book does a man get drafted into the German Army for giving a piece of bread to a Jew?

A Separate Peace

In Which Book does a man proudly taut his World War I experiences while mocking the Parachute Riggers' School as cowardly?

The Book Thief

In Which Book does a man use the words of his enemy to disguise himself and keep himself safe?


In Which Book does a massive engine break the silence at 11:30 in the morning?


In Which Book does a mom get her daughter a black lamp shaped like the Eiffel Tower?

The Perks of Being a Wallflower Mrs. Beacham

In Which Book does a mom uncoil into applause when someone gives a speech?

Nothing but the Truth

In Which Book does a mother ask the main character if he wants gravy?

I Am Malala

In Which Book does a mother become worried of her daughter showing her face during events?

The Kite Runner

In Which Book does a mother die giving birth

The Secret Life of Bees

In Which Book does a mother die on December 3, 1954?

The Perks of Being a Wallflower Mrs. Beacham

In Which Book does a movie that won an award at a film festival play in the local town:

The Boys in the Boat

In Which Book does a mysterious place called B street exist?

The Perks of Being a Wallflower Mrs. Beacham

In Which Book does a neighborhood participate in luminaria, where lighted paper bags fill the streets?

The Boys in the Boat

In Which Book does a pall fall over the campus, where someone sets himself on fire?


In Which Book does a plane come on the morning of the 27th day?


In Which Book does a plot begin with a question?

The Secret Life of Bees

In Which Book does a preacher's car look surprisingly normal, compared to the narrator's reaction?

Nothing But The Truth

In Which Book does a principal say minor problems are handled by the assistant principal?


In Which Book does a prisoner steal food to survive?


In Which Book does a prisoner tell his family that he is alive after two and a half years on a radio program called the Postman Calls?

The Perks of Being a Wallflower Mrs. Beacham

In Which Book does a psychiatrist have music magazines in his waiting room?

The Boys in the Boat

In Which Book does a rower go into training for the Doggett's Coat and Badge?


In Which Book does a sadistic guard vacillate between viciously beating the prisoners to tearful fits of contrition and back again in the blink of an eye?

Nothing But The Truth

In Which Book does a school official suggest somethings is going on at home like a girlfriend on hormones?


In Which Book does a school teacher quit her job and go to a fortune-teller to get information about her missing fiancee?

I Am Malala

In Which Book does a school uniform make a character feel like a criminal?

The Book Thief

In Which Book does a series of small kindnesses ensure the temporary safety of a thoughtful kind man?

The Boys in the Boat

In Which Book does a ship head towards an area that is named "Hitler's Germany"?

Nothing by the Truth

In Which Book does a side character give the main character the book "Outsiders"?

The Book Thief

In Which Book does a snowball, half of it mud, sting someone's face?

A Separate Peace

In Which Book does a stadium feel as powerful and alien to a character as an Aztec ruin?

The Book Thief

In Which Book does a stepfather trade cigarettes for books with the gypsies which makes his wife anger?

The Kite Runner

In Which Book does a store owner threaten to call the police over a dispute about oranges and having an ID to buy them?

The Boys in the Boat

In Which Book does a storm and a broken bridge keep a character and a doctor from returning for almost the entire night?

A Separate Peace

In Which Book does a student "shatter" his leg?

A Separate Peace

In Which Book does a student go from Role Model to Rebel?

Nothing But The Truth

In Which Book does a student make snide remarks and hum during silent respectful attention time

Perks of Being a Wallflower

In Which Book does a student receive Bs on his/her work, but As on his/her report cards.

Nothing But The Truth

In Which Book does a student transfer to Washington Academy

A Separate Peace

In Which Book does a student wear their School tie as a belt to a major function?

A Separate Peace

In Which Book does a students realize he is becoming the best in his school?

Nothing But The Truth

In Which Book does a teacher apply for a summer grant-in-aid?

Perks of Being a Wallflower

In Which Book does a teacher ask a student to call him/her by his/her first name when away from class

The Perks of Being a Wallflower Mrs. Beacham

In Which Book does a teacher ask his student to call him by his first name when they are not in class?

Nothing by the Truth

In Which Book does a teacher believe that her life was meant to be " the bringing of fine literature to young minds."

Nothing But The Truth

In Which Book does a teacher consider resigning after being harassed

Nothing by the Truth

In Which Book does a teacher describe a student as a "middling student?"

Nothing But The Truth

In Which Book does a teacher exclaim that she would be lost without her books, teaching and her students?

I Am Malala

In Which Book does a teacher have nightmares of students being injured?

Nothing by the Truth

In Which Book does a teacher refer to students as "Bozos?"

Nothing But The Truth

In Which Book does a teacher say she needs to take attendance so one student says, "Peggy is sick"?

Nothing by the Truth

In Which Book does a teacher say she would be "lost without my books, my teaching, my students?"

A Separate Peace

In Which Book does a train reach Boston seventeen hours behind schedule?

Nothing But The Truth

In Which Book does a vice principal suspend a student without telling the principal

A Separate Peace

In Which Book does a weapon appear that people learn how to use?

The Boys in the Boat

In Which Book does a woman become pregnant with her third child?

The Book Thief

In Which Book does a woman leave a note in a book for a thief inviting them to come to the front door to get what they want?

The Book Thief

In Which Book does a woman leave cookies for a thief, and the thief leaves a thank you note?

The Book Thief

In Which Book does a women stop spiting on her neighbor's door and to give her coffee ration in exchange for a girl to read to her?

The Book Thief

In Which Book does a young character pick up a book after a gravedigger drops it

I am Malala

In Which Book does a young girl decide not to go to school because there are only boys

I am Malala

In Which Book does a young girl pray to be taller because she is shorter than most her age

The Berlin Boxing Club

In Which Book does a young man identify with a new comic superhero called Superman because he is a misunderstood outsider and an alien with dark way hair like a Jew?

The Berlin Boxing Club

In Which Book does a young man receive a letter from a former coach explaining that he has emigrated to Palestine?

A Separate Peace

In Which Book does a young man ruin an expensive pair of shoes to return to a tree that meant so much to him as an adolescent?

The Secret Life of Bees

In Which Book does an L shaped pancake burn to a crisp?


In Which Book does an Olympic runner become a professional for the price of a rice ball?

The Berlin Boxing Club

In Which Book does an aspiring artist copy a Picasso into his journal?

The Boys in the Boat

In Which Book does an assistant coach get offered a position at MIT?

The Berlin Boxing Club

In Which Book does an athletic event between two men become more about fascism versus democracy, racial purity versus diversity, and oppression versus freedom?

The Secret Life of Bees

In Which Book does an aunt have an operation due to female troubles?

I Am Malala

In Which Book does an earthquake considered a message from God?

Nothing But The Truth

In Which Book does an exam question ask "can people learn from this portrayal of dogs"?

The Boys in the Boat

In Which Book does an ice dam create a large series of floods?

The Boys in the Boat

In Which Book does an older man teach a younger man how to use a froe and to listen to the wood as it begins to talk back to him?

A Separate Peace

In Which Book does an unconventional boy eschew the notoriety of breaking the school swimming record?


In Which Book does evening fall over funafuti as the grounds crew nursed the damaged bombers?

I Am Malala

In Which Book does falsehood have to die and truth has to come forward?

The Kite Runner

In Which Book does it discuss the matter of "guilt leading to good"?

The Secret Life of Bees

In Which Book does it mention the author Willifred Marchant, who wrote books on trees of South Carolina?

A Separate Peace

In Which Book does it say that war is the result of "something ignorant in the human heart."?

Nothing by the Truth

In Which Book does it state that "this is an American school, and parents have a right to expect certain things, like values will be taught".

Nothing by the Truth

In Which Book does it state that "this us an American school, and parents have a right to expect certain things, like values will be taught".

Nothing by the Truth

In Which Book does it state that a person has to have a passing grade in every class on order to participate in a sport?

Nothing by the Truth

In Which Book does it state that the main character likes the subject math?

The Boys in the Boat

In Which Book does it state, "they lay in something more fundamental-the simple notion of everyone pitching in and pulling together."?

I Am Malala

In Which Book does most of the "justice" get extracted in the dead of night?

Nothing But The Truth

In Which Book does municipal elections have voters on April 5th"

Nothing But the Truth

In Which Book does not return to his school and enrolls in a private school?

The Book Thief

In Which Book does one character read to another, who is in a coma?

The Book Thief

In Which Book does one child make bullets and the other would be shooting them?

A Separate Peace

In Which Book does one main character claim there is no WWII - it's all made up

A Separate Peace

In Which Book does one of the characters go AWOL from the Army?

The Boys in the Boat

In Which Book does one of the main characters get hired as a porter by an older Jewish couple?

The Berlin Boxing Club

In Which Book does one of the older characters retire because of his blind eye?


In Which Book does rafts baked along their occupants emit a bitter smell?


In Which Book does rehabilitation begin in 1931?

The Berlin Boxing Club

In Which Book does someone describe the main character as "a born fighter"?

A Separate Peace

In Which Book does someone mistake a tie for a belt?

I Am Malala

In Which Book does someone sell oranges because she can't read or write?

A Separate Peace

In Which Book does someone shatter one of their legs?

The Secret Life of Bees

In Which Book does someone tell their daughter that her mother left them way before she died?

The Boys in the Boat

In Which Book does someone threaten to rebuild the entire team from scratch?


In Which Book does something fly through the window in the door and strike the floor?

The Kite Runner

In Which Book does story telling and story books such as the Shahnamah an important aspect of the story?

A Separate Peace

In Which Book does swimming in the Naguamsett River leave sticky salt on a person?

The Secret Life of Bees

In Which Book does the "Daughters of Mary" group belong?

I am Malala

In Which Book does the BBC tell a young student not to reveal her blog under the name Gul Makai


In Which Book does the Green Hornet not have a "Gibson Girl"?

The Boys in the Boat

In Which Book does the Husky Clipper race the California Clipper?

The Secret Life of Bees

In Which Book does the Our Lady statute belong?

I Am Malala

In Which Book does the Taliban begin to come to the main characters home at the age of ten?


In Which Book does the Weasel have his eyebrows shaved so that he looks like Marlene Dietrich?

The Berlin Boxing Club

In Which Book does the artist George Grosz personally know the main characters' family?

Nothing by the Truth

In Which Book does the assistant principal do most of the work involving discipline with the main character?

A Separate Peace

In Which Book does the author use "woods" and "the tree" as symbols throughout

The Kite Runner

In Which Book does the book explain the difference in the Shai Muslim and the Sunni, One being a servant?

I Am Malala

In Which Book does the character and her classmates enjoy going on school trips?

I am Malala

In Which Book does the character believe education is essential to strengthen oneself for the fight against ignorance and terrorism

The Secret Life of Bees

In Which Book does the character listen to a nanny/motherly figure talk about her husband?

The Secret Life of Bees

In Which Book does the character's friend like Beethoven?

The Kite Runner

In Which Book does the characters live in Freemont, California?

The Perks of Being a Wallflower Mrs. Beacham

In Which Book does the chracter catch his father crying after watching M*A*S*H?

The Berlin Boxing Club

In Which Book does the defeat of the Cinderella Man throw the championship into question so that the issue can only be settled in a rematch in Yankee Stadium?

The Perks of Being a Wallflower Mrs. Beacham

In Which Book does the family sit around and watch the final episode of M*A*S*H*?

The Berlin Boxing Club

In Which Book does the famous Max Schmeling come to an art gallery during the showing?

Nothing by the Truth

In Which Book does the father tells his son "If God gives you a ticket, you better use it."

The Kite Runner

In Which Book does the father turn out to be a thief?


In Which Book does the father watch the show, 90210?

The Boys in the Boat

In Which Book does the first intercollegiate athletic event take place between Harvard and Yale in 1852?


In Which Book does the local library consist of six levels?


In Which Book does the luxury steamer Manhattan bear the 1936 U.S. Olympic team?

The Berlin Boxing Club

In Which Book does the main character "fall down" stairs and loosen his bottom teeth?

A Separate Peace

In Which Book does the main character and his friend choose to go into the Navy and the Coast Guard respectively to avoid the infantry?

I Am Malala

In Which Book does the main character ask God what happens when you die?


In Which Book does the main character attend the University of Nebraska?

The Perks of Being a Wallflower Mrs. Beacham

In Which Book does the main character catch their father crying during a special episode of M*A*S*H?

The Kite Runner

In Which Book does the main character come from Afghanistan?

The Berlin Boxing Club

In Which Book does the main character create a birthday card with the Eiffel tower on the front?

The Perks of Being a Wallflower Mrs. Beacham

In Which Book does the main character describe him and his friends as feeling infinite?

The Perks of Being a Wallflower Mrs. Beacham

In Which Book does the main character do LSD and falls asleep in the snow?


In Which Book does the main character feel like "her life was an audition for an MTV reality show"?

The Kite Runner

In Which Book does the main character find the old Pomegranate Tree?

Nothing by the Truth

In Which Book does the main character get a C- on his English exam?

The Berlin Boxing Club

In Which Book does the main character get accused for being the Jew that he never learned to become?

The Berlin Boxing Club

In Which Book does the main character get expelled from school for being Jewish?

I Am Malala

In Which Book does the main character get medevacked out of her hometown to a military hospital?

Nothing by the Truth

In Which Book does the main character get suspended for 2 days and transferred out if homeroom?

The Berlin Boxing Club

In Which Book does the main character get trained by a champion boxer?


In Which Book does the main character have a Fanfixx account?

The Perks of Being a Wallflower Mrs. Beacham

In Which Book does the main character have a brother at Penn State?

The Kite Runner

In Which Book does the main character have a friend with a cleft lip?

The Perks of Being a Wallflower Mrs. Beacham

In Which Book does the main character have a marijuana dealer named "Bob"?


In Which Book does the main character have to read the entire book The Outsiders out loud before the following day?

Nothing by the Truth

In Which Book does the main character hum along to the "star spangled banner" and gets thrown out of class for disturbing the class?

Nothing by the Truth

In Which Book does the main character hum during the playing of the national anthem over the intercom?

The Secret Life of Bees

In Which Book does the main character learn about "bee etiquette"?

The Book Thief

In Which Book does the main character loose a sibling on a train?


In Which Book does the main character meet a fan of her work indirectly?

The Perks of Being a Wallflower Mrs. Beacham

In Which Book does the main character play truth or dare?

The Perks of Being a Wallflower Mrs. Beacham

In Which Book does the main character read Ayn Rand?

The Kite Runner

In Which Book does the main character refer back to 1976?

Nothing by the Truth

In Which Book does the main character refuse to apologize for being "disrespectful and undisciplined"?

The Kite Runner

In Which Book does the main character return to a city of "rubble and beggars"?

The Perks of Being a Wallflower Mrs. Beacham

In Which Book does the main character say that they feel infinite?

The Perks of Being a Wallflower Mrs. Beacham

In Which Book does the main character stand up in the back of a truck while blasting music and the wind blew all over their face?

The Kite Runner

In Which Book does the main character suggest they climb their favorite tree?

The Secret Life of Bees

In Which Book does the main character talk back to her father until he tried to slap her?

Nothing by the Truth

In Which Book does the main character think that rainy and cold weather slow a person down?

The Berlin Boxing Club

In Which Book does the main character win his first professional fight?

The Perks of Being a Wallflower Mrs. Beacham

In Which Book does the main character write a letter to an anonymous person because he needs to let his thoughts out to someone who appreciates life itself, a good person?

The Perks of Being a Wallflower Mrs. Beacham

In Which Book does the main character write letters?

Nothing But The Truth

In Which Book does the main character write that today was rotten

The Berlin Boxing Club

In Which Book does the main character's father use his connections he made in the war to find out information we would not have been able to find out otherwise?


In Which Book does the main character's friend like to kick open the door every time?


In Which Book does the main character's mother leave on September 11th?

The Berlin Boxing Club

In Which Book does the main character's nickname occasionally become "Winzig"?


In Which Book does the main character's teacher give her an F for writing fanfiction for an assignment?

The Perks of Being a Wallflower Mrs. Beacham

In Which Book does the main characters deal with suicide of a friend?

The Berlin Boxing Club

In Which Book does the main characters' father barter for private boxing lessons in exchange for a painting of the famous heavyweight?

The Berlin Boxing Club

In Which Book does the main characters' sister say that she is a "rotten apple"?

A Separate Peace

In Which Book does the majority of the first part of the story take place over a Summer session?

I Am Malala

In Which Book does the narrator know that getting older means having to stay inside?

The Perks of Being a Wallflower Mrs. Beacham

In Which Book does the narrator refer to the reader as "friend"?

The Book Thief

In Which Book does the narrator state that "mystery bores me"?

I Am Malala

In Which Book does the narrator's father have a stuttering problem?

The Berlin Boxing Club

In Which Book does the phrase "Experience is the best teacher" come into play when fighting?

A Separate Peace

In Which Book does the plot take place Devon School?

The Boys in the Boat

In Which Book does the press play up the 1934 regattta as eastern privilege and prestige verses western sincerity and brawn or a clash of old money versus no money?

The Boys in the Boat

In Which Book does the psychology of a person play a big part in the team sport?

The Kite Runner

In Which Book does the referral to the World Trade Center Bombing occur?

The Kite Runner

In Which Book does the search for an orphan boy represent an opportunity to atone for the past sins of two generations?

A Separate Peace

In Which Book does the smell of vitality in clothes tell a character that spring has come?

The Book Thief

In Which Book does the topic of burning useless materials come into play for the celebration of Hitler's birthday?

The Boys in the Boat

In Which Book does the tradition of singing national songs at lunch lead to a fist fight between the international crews?

The Boys in the Boat

In Which Book does the victorious team earn the shirts off the backs of the losing team members?

The Boys in the Boat

In Which Book does the weather turning sour help characters pick up speed and productivity?

I Am Malala

In Which Book does toffee fall from the sky?

I Am Malala

In Which Book does war and terrorism become child's play?

A Separate Peace

In Which Book during a snowball fight a character betrays his original teammates

The Boys in the Boat

In Which Book had a character been pulling weeds and turned around and saw someone imitating him pulling up carrots

The Boys in the Boat

In Which Book had a character gotten into 3 gunfights and had 3 gunshot wounds.

The Boys in the Boat

In Which Book had a character's dream been shattered and then fled for Canada

I am Malala

In Which Book had a woman lived in a seaside city for 30 years before she got to see the sea

Nothing by the Truth

In Which Book has a teacher taught for twenty-one years?

The Perks of Being a Wallflower Mrs. Beacham

In Which Book in which book did a character's parents not know that he smoked cigarettes?

The Perks of Being a Wallflower Mrs. Beacham

In Which Book in which book does a character wonder if teachers like their jobs?

The Perks of Being a Wallflower Mrs. Beacham

In Which Book in which book does one of the character's shower only every other day?

The Berlin Boxing Club

In Which Book involved an uncle and nephew sharing a love for American cowboy movies?

Nothing by the Truth

In Which Book involves a paper named the "Manchester Record"?

The Berlin Boxing Club

In Which Book involves doing the "three hundred"?


In Which Book is "Green Hornet" declared missing?

The Boys in the Boat

In Which Book is "catching a crab" a term equivalent to disaster?

I Am Malala

In Which Book is Beyond the Call of Duty a local TV series?

A Separate Peace

In Which Book is Caesar's Gallic Wars used by the author to introduce a dialogue about World War II?


In Which Book is Carry On considered the next Simon Snow book?

The Book Thief

In Which Book is Death humanized?


In Which Book is Gravioli the sister brand of Frankenbeans?

I Am Malala

In Which Book is Islamabad compared to New York?


In Which Book is Jesse Sandoz a boyfriend of a character?


In Which Book is Oahu still ringing from a Japanese attack?


In Which Book is Pound Hall a location on campus?


In Which Book is Professor Piper a teacher at the character's college?


In Which Book is St. Richards a hospital for the characters?

The Boys in the Boat

In Which Book is The Blue Light described as showing the corruption of modern industry?


In Which Book is The Eighth Dance a book a character becomes obsessed with?

The Perks of Being a Wallflower Mrs. Beacham

In Which Book is Zen described as something that makes you connected to everything in the world?


In Which Book is a "Mae West" essential to everyone's survival?


In Which Book is a "University of Thievery" set up which is taught by professors who are the best thieves?

The Book Thief

In Which Book is a 9 year old character made fun of because she can't read


In Which Book is a B-24 spotted lying on the ocean floor?

The Berlin Boxing Club

In Which Book is a Countess not really a Countess but a World War I veteran who dress as a woman?

A Separate Peace

In Which Book is a boy admonished because he does not go out for a sport but instead becomes an assistant crew manager?

The Kite Runner

In Which Book is a boy jealous of the relationship that his servant has with his father?

A Separate Peace

In Which Book is a boy unable to join the army during World War II because of his injuries which leads to his dispair?

A Separate Peace

In Which Book is a boy whose nick name is leper ironically shunned in the end?

A Separate Peace

In Which Book is a boy's leg shattered so badly that it destroys his natural athletic ablity?

The Book Thief

In Which Book is a bully with bad moral character used as a metaphor to represent Adolf Hitler?

The Kite Runner

In Which Book is a character a coward and does not stand up for himself

I Am Malala

In Which Book is a character a teacher, accountant, and principal of a school?


In Which Book is a character afraid to go to the dining hall?

The Secret Life of Bees

In Which Book is a character arrested for assault, theft, and disturbing the peace?

The Berlin Boxing Club

In Which Book is a character asked to be trained by a world famous boxer?

I Am Malala

In Which Book is a character bragged to be destined for the skies?

The Book Thief

In Which Book is a character called pig girl by a foster parent

The Book Thief

In Which Book is a character called the Jew painter


In Which Book is a character certain that the POWs are overjoyed to see him?

The Kite Runner

In Which Book is a character described as "a face like a Chinese doll chiseled from hardware...eyes that looked, depending on the light, gold, green, even sapphire"?

A Separate Peace

In Which Book is a character described as "broad shouldered and grave?

The Secret Life of Bees

In Which Book is a character described as "clean-shaven, wearing a white short sleeved shirt with chest hair..."?


In Which Book is a character described as being tall, thin, and tan, with dark blonde hair?

The Secret Life of Bees

In Which Book is a character described as having "ginger-cake eyes"?

The Boys in the Boat

In Which Book is a character described as having a low taste in clothes?

I Am Malala

In Which Book is a character double-jointed?

Nothing But The Truth

In Which Book is a character down stairs on a rowing machine when his parents talk to him about his grades?

The Book Thief

In Which Book is a character given "a used doll that had a missing leg and yellow hair" for their birthday?


In Which Book is a character given a ribbon for the Clean Plate Club?

The Berlin Boxing Club

In Which Book is a character given a small red rubber ball for their first lesson?

The Perks of Being a Wallflower Mrs. Beacham

In Which Book is a character given an old typewriter as a present?

A Separate Peace

In Which Book is a character given the nickname "Yellow Peril" after four years?

The Secret Life of Bees

In Which Book is a character hit with paper balls while walking the halls at school

The Berlin Boxing Club

In Which Book is a character horrified at their father's powerlessness?

The Secret Life of Bees

In Which Book is a character more excited about pancakes than grits?

The Book Thief

In Which Book is a character nicknamed the Jewish Fist Fighter?

The Secret Life of Bees

In Which Book is a character not able to pay attention to the film, American Bandstand?

Nothing But the Truth

In Which Book is a character not allowed on the track team because of a failing grade in English?

Nothing But The Truth

In Which Book is a character not quiet so the teacher kicks him out?

I Am Malala

In Which Book is a character obsessed with owning a magic pencil?

A Separate Peace

In Which Book is a character pitied for his fatal thinness?


In Which Book is a character placed in a fictional writing class above grade level

The Secret Life of Bees

In Which Book is a character questioned by the law?

Nothing But The Truth

In Which Book is a character seen in the hall and made sure they were trying out for the track team?

Nothing But the Truth

In Which Book is a character singing The National Anthem "in a loud, raucous, disrespectful fashion, thereby drawing attention to themself and away from the words"?

The Book Thief

In Which Book is a character someone's best friend, and later, their partner and sometime catalyst in crime?

Nothing But the Truth

In Which Book is a character suspended for humming the National Anthem?

The Book Thief

In Which Book is a character taught how to roll cigarettes by a foster parent

The Boys in the Boat

In Which Book is a character teased for their impoverished upbringing and ragged clothes?

A Separate Peace

In Which Book is a character threatened with a section 8 from the army

I Am Malala

In Which Book is a character voted the class proctor almost every year?

The Boys in the Boat

In Which Book is a character's advisor and teacher killed in an automobile crash?

Perks of Being a Wallflower

In Which Book is a character's birthday on Christmas Eve

The Kite Runner

In Which Book is a character's birthday present a plastic surgeon?

The Perks of Being a Wallflower Mrs. Beacham

In Which Book is a character's brother dating a cheerleader?

The Boys in the Boat

In Which Book is a character's father a natural-born inventor with big dreams and a penchant for tinkering?

The Perks of Being a Wallflower Mrs. Beacham

In Which Book is a character's father beaten by his stepfather?


In Which Book is a character's father hospitalized in a mental and behavioral center?


In Which Book is a character's favorite snack a blueberry-bliss protein bar?

The Perks of Being a Wallflower Mrs. Beacham

In Which Book is a character's first Secret Santa gift going to be a mix tape?


In Which Book is a character's major range management?

The Berlin Boxing Club

In Which Book is a character's one indulgence an expensive face cream in a large white glass tub with a silver top?

The Berlin Boxing Club

In Which Book is a characters uncle sent to a concentration camp because he was part of a political group that didn't agree with the Nazis?

The Secret Life of Bees

In Which Book is a conga line part of a worship service

The Kite Runner

In Which Book is a father a great man by his society because he lives by a code of honor, and of strength, but he can't show love to his son?

The Kite Runner

In Which Book is a father worried that his son will not stand up for himself?

The Kite Runner

In Which Book is a father's life summarized as "One disappointing son and two suitcases" ?

The Boys in the Boat

In Which Book is a ferry named the Chippewa as elegantly appointed as a North Atlantic liner used for moonlight cruises?

The Book Thief

In Which Book is a girl called a Saumensch, a girl pig, as a term of endearment?

I am Malala

In Which Book is a girl given to another tribe to resolve a feud

The Book Thief

In Which Book is a girl's most precious item thrown aboard a garbage truck?

The Boys in the Boat

In Which Book is a haircut at the YMCA a monthly ritual that brings Joyce and Joe together?

The Book Thief

In Which Book is a mother known for her infamous pea soup?

The Berlin Boxing Club

In Which Book is a painting offered in exchange for training?

The Boys in the Boat

In Which Book is a private lake built for Princeton by Andrew Carnegie aat a cost of one hundred thousand dollars?

The Boys in the Boat

In Which Book is a racing shell named Cascade?

I Am Malala

In Which Book is a school founded by the main character's father?

Nothing But The Truth

In Which Book is a school headed into their spring term and making changes to their homeroom assignments?

A Separate Peace

In Which Book is a school's basement also known as the "butt room"?

I Am Malala

In Which Book is a secret school a silent protest?

The Book Thief

In Which Book is a son disgusted with his father who is referred to as the "Jewish Painter" by his neighbors?

A Separate Peace

In Which Book is a student taking the course Trigonometry?

The Boys in the Boat

In Which Book is a team trained by racing against JV and varsity teams before their big race?

A Separate Peace

In Which Book is a tree described as an irate, steely black steeple?

The Boys in the Boat

In Which Book is a wide flat bottomed scow named Old Nero?

I Am Malala

In Which Book is a wooden frame nicknamed the Shangla Ambulance?

The Berlin Boxing Club

In Which Book is a young man and a child saved by a transvestite named the Countess from blood thirsty mobs?

Nothing by the Truth

In Which Book is an article titled "Kicked Out of School for Patriotism" published?

The Book Thief

In Which Book is choosing right over wrong, even if it means being punished an important lesson.

I Am Malala

In Which Book is cricket a favorite game to characters?

The Book Thief

In Which Book is death always trying and failing to understand humans?

The Book Thief

In Which Book is death the narrator?

The Book Thief

In Which Book is foreshadowing used throughout the story to give the reader a hint of things to come?

Nothing But The Truth

In Which Book is it a B day on Wednesday, March 28th?

The Boys in the Boat

In Which Book is it a luxury to have a Philco radio and listen to KOMO?

I am Malala

In Which Book is it a political opinion that women should stay in the home

The Boys in the Boat

In Which Book is it calculated that something takes the same physiological toll as playing two basketball games back-to-back?

I Am Malala

In Which Book is it easier for someone with bad intentions to use a nation's fear for his gain?

The Book Thief

In Which Book is it noticed that the Germans seem very fond of pigs?

Nothing by the Truth

In Which Book is jack London's The Call of the Wild studied in class?

The Book Thief

In Which Book is life shown to be a collection of moments that seem to mean nothing, but determine the difference of life and death?

The Perks of Being a Wallflower Mrs. Beacham

In Which Book is magnetic poetry an option for a secret Santa gift?

A Separate Peace

In Which Book is membership in the Super Suicide Society of the Summer Session cemented by jumping out of a tree into the river?

The Secret Life of Bees

In Which Book is one of the main characters a fugitive from the law?

The Boys in the Boat

In Which Book is perfect synchronicity the key to victory?

The Book Thief

In Which Book is someone good at being furious?

The Perks of Being a Wallflower Mrs. Beacham

In Which Book is the Big Boy considered a smoking spot for the characters?

A Separate Peace

In Which Book is the Devon School the main setting

I Am Malala

In Which Book is the Global Peace council set up for local concerns?

Nothing by the Truth

In Which Book is the Star Spangled Banner played on tape every morning?


In Which Book is the University of Southern California infested with world-class track athletes?


In Which Book is the antagonist called "The Bird"?

The Perks of Being a Wallflower Mrs. Beacham

In Which Book is the cafeteria called the "Nutrition Center"?

The Perks of Being a Wallflower Mrs. Beacham

In Which Book is the character surprised he got a date to the Sadie Hawkins 'Dance?

I Am Malala

In Which Book is the characters brother born two years after her?

I Am Malala

In Which Book is the characters homeland considered the world's first Muslin Homeland?

A Separate Peace

In Which Book is the code "at Christmas location" evoke the dangers of war and bring an end to the festivities of the winter carnival?


In Which Book is the consumption of all the chocolate by one of the members of a group a life and death matter of survival?

The Secret Life of Bees

In Which Book is the entrace to a farm maked with the "great fanny"

The Berlin Boxing Club

In Which Book is the grandson of slaves from Alabama given many nick names such as the Dark Destroyer, the Mocha Mauler, the Mahogany Maimer, and the Chocolate Chopper?

A Separate Peace

In Which Book is the gym on the other end of the school?

The Secret Life of Bees

In Which Book is the house that was walked to pink?

The Berlin Boxing Club

In Which Book is the main character and his family evicted from the apartment they have lived in, and why?

The Berlin Boxing Club

In Which Book is the main character and his family's make shift home attacked by the Nazis?

The Perks of Being a Wallflower Mrs. Beacham

In Which Book is the main character assigned extra essays by their English teacher?


In Which Book is the main character dumped for someone else over the phone?

The Berlin Boxing Club

In Which Book is the main character nicknamed "Spatz"?

Nothing by the Truth

In Which Book is the main character obsessed with making it on the high school track team?

The Perks of Being a Wallflower Mrs. Beacham

In Which Book is the main character the youngest of three kids?

A Separate Peace

In Which Book is the name of the narrator, Gene?

The Book Thief

In Which Book is the narrator "haunted by humans"?

The Book Thief

In Which Book is the narrator Death?


In Which Book is the ocean a jumble of bomber remains?

The Boys in the Boat

In Which Book is the order to "Give me ten big ones" an order for extreme effort on the part of the contestants and a challenge at the same time to the other team?

The Boys in the Boat

In Which Book is the phrase, "catch a crab" used to describe a movement in a sport?

The Secret Life of Bees

In Which Book is the question, "Where do you come from?" the most asked question in South Carolina

I am Malala

In Which Book is the roof of the house used as a play place for kids

Perks of Being a Wallflower

In Which Book is the school cafeteria called the "nutrition center"

The Kite Runner

In Which Book is the soccer game halftime entertainment the stoning of two people?

The Book Thief

In Which Book is the sound of an accordion the announcement of safety?

I am Malala

In Which Book is the stream a milky brown from the plastic bags and garbage thrown into it

The Kite Runner

In Which Book is the theme of atonement for sins established in the first chapter with the narrative technique of flashbacks?

The Kite Runner

In Which Book is the theme of integraty displayed when a father states that it is "better to get hurt by the truth than comforted with a lie"?

I Am Malala

In Which Book is the village Spal Bandi, on the way to the White Palace?

I am Malala

In Which Book is the word for toe and finger the same word


In Which Book is their an enormous crowd with 900 prisoners?

The Book Thief

In Which Book is there a Nazi invasion called the night of broken glass

The Perks of Being a Wallflower Mrs. Beacham

In Which Book is there a Restaurant called the "Big Boy"?

The Book Thief

In Which Book is there a bombing that kills most of character's town including her Mama, Papa, and friends while she lives?

A Separate Peace

In Which Book is there a curfew of 10 o'clock pm?

The Kite Runner

In Which Book is there a game called the match of buzkashi where an animal carcass is put in a circle

The Kite Runner

In Which Book is there a large character with wild hair who reportedly wrestled a bear

The Perks of Being a Wallflower Mrs. Beacham

In Which Book is there a letter saying thank you for listening to them and how they are sorry for wasting their time?

The Perks of Being a Wallflower Mrs. Beacham

In Which Book is there a nude photograph on the back of a coupon?

I Am Malala

In Which Book is there a place called Bloody Square?

A Separate Peace

In Which Book is there a place called The Cage?


In Which Book is there a poem painted on the bathroom door with toothpaste

The Perks of Being a Wallflower Mrs. Beacham

In Which Book is there a senior prank that involves "about six thousand packages of grape kool-aid"?

A Separate Peace

In Which Book is there a student training for the 1944 Olympics?

A Separate Peace

In Which Book is there an area called the Far Common

The Secret Life of Bees

In Which Book is there an imaginary friend called Tica Tee?

Nothing by the Truth

In Which Book is there announcements telling "Today in History"

I Am Malala

In Which Book is two taps a code?

The Berlin Boxing Club

In Which Book starred a man/women named the "Countess"?

Nothing by the Truth

In Which Book states "the real world doesn't have a laugh track"?

The Book Thief

In Which Book takes place in a fictional town in Germany

A Separate Peace

In Which Book the joy of a winter carnival ends when a character receives a telegram


In Which Book the main character get a 32 ACT score?


In Which Book the main characters grandmother fill the freezer with Healthy Choice meals before she left?

I am Malala

In Which Book the mufti accuse someone of running a harem in the school

I am Malala

In Which Book tribe ruled by an illiterate man?

The Secret Life of Bees

In Which Book was "Oh! Susanna" used to relieve pain?

A Separate Peace

In Which Book was Blitzball the surprise of the summer?

The Boys in the Boat

In Which Book was Monday, October 9th a gray day in Seattle?

A Separate Peace

In Which Book was a character "the first thing the rising sun struck in the United States?"

The Berlin Boxing Club

In Which Book was a character a member of an underground c ommunist group

Perks of Being a Wallflower

In Which Book was a character a popular kid until he found good music

The Secret Life of Bees

In Which Book was a character afraid of being judged?


In Which Book was a character asked if they had an eating disorder?

The Berlin Boxing Club

In Which Book was a character baptized in a toilet of pee

A Separate Peace

In Which Book was a character being trained, by his friend, for the 1944 Olympics?


In Which Book was a character born at home and his/her mother caught him/her herself

The Boys in the Boat

In Which Book was a character born right in a certain district of Seattle, not far from the shell house?

The Boys in the Boat

In Which Book was a character brought up "to believe that everyone should be treated according to his actions and his character, not according to stereotypes"?

The Berlin Boxing Club

In Which Book was a character called the Black Uhlan of the Rhine

The Berlin Boxing Club

In Which Book was a character called the Spit Bucket Kid


In Which Book was a character compared to Clark Kent

A Separate Peace

In Which Book was a character congratulated for the influence he had?

Perks of Being a Wallflower

In Which Book was a character found asleep in the snow by a police officer

The Book Thief

In Which Book was a character given a small black book filled with lined paper?


In Which Book was a character given the ace of spades of good luck?

A Separate Peace

In Which Book was a character going to be given a section eight discharge in the army?

I Am Malala

In Which Book was a character hit by a kid on a bike while on her way to buy corn for a neighbor?

The Boys in the Boat

In Which Book was a character hit in the head by a game warden with a piece of driftwood?

The Secret Life of Bees

In Which Book was a character made to wear a necklace made from live and dead fish

The Berlin Boxing Club

In Which Book was a character mocked as piss boy

The Boys in the Boat

In Which Book was a character nicknamed Mr. Individuality?

The Secret Life of Bees

In Which Book was a character punished by kneelign on dry grits

The Berlin Boxing Club

In Which Book was a character said to be a born fighter


In Which Book was a character still running a mile in under 6 minutes even in his 60s?

A Separate Peace

In Which Book was a character thrown into a river in the middle of a fight?


In Which Book was a character told "A lifetime of glory is worth a moment of pain?

Perks of Being a Wallflower

In Which Book was a character told by his/her doctors to stop playing sports because it made the character too aggressive

The Secret Life of Bees

In Which Book was a character told by the gods to sacrifice a bull to show how sorry he/she was

The Kite Runner

In Which Book was a character's birthday present a plastic surgeon who could fix his deformity?


In Which Book was a character's clothes cut to pieces upon exiting a train?

A Separate Peace

In Which Book was a character's fast walk referred to as a " west point stride" ?


In Which Book was a character's father hospitalized?

The Kite Runner

In Which Book was a character's father unable to get home because all of the roads were blocked and the telephone didn't work?

The Kite Runner

In Which Book was a character's grandfather a highly regarded judge?

The Kite Runner

In Which Book was a character's house considered the most beautiful in the area?


In Which Book was a character's leg amputated while he watched?

A Separate Peace

In Which Book was a character's life ruled by "inspiration and anarchy"?

The Secret Life of Bees

In Which Book was a character's mother killed in an accident with a gun?

The Boys in the Boat

In Which Book was a charcoal cartoon in chiaroscuro style central to the theme of hard times and of despair and hopelessness?

I Am Malala

In Which Book was a child caught stealing from another child?


In Which Book was a family sent a transcript of their son's radio interview that proved he was alive?

The Boys in the Boat

In Which Book was a father forced to contract with the school master to have his son sleep in the school house to perserve harmony in the family?

A Separate Peace

In Which Book was a film shown to the senior class in the Renaissance Room?

The Book Thief

In Which Book was a girl fascinated by the fact that her education had been paid for with cigarettes?

The Book Thief

In Which Book was a girl referred to as "the one with the accordion"?

I Am Malala

In Which Book was a hospital put on complete lock-down?

The Secret Life of Bees

In Which Book was a main character's town full of nothing but peach stands and churches?

Nothing by the Truth

In Which Book was a newspaper article printed on April 1st?

The Boys in the Boat

In Which Book was a poster of a four-leaf clover held up to cheer a character on as he left for a competition?

I Am Malala

In Which Book was a pretend mobile phone one of the only toys a character had?

I Am Malala

In Which Book was a school destroyed by flood waters?

A Separate Peace

In Which Book was a student the first to flatly say no to a teacher at his school?

The Perks of Being a Wallflower Mrs. Beacham

In Which Book was a student's death announced over the school intercom?


In Which Book was a suitcase presented to the protagonist by the city of Torrance?

I Am Malala

In Which Book was an award created in dedication of a character?

Nothing by the Truth

In Which Book was an event talked about on the "Jake Barlow Talk Show"?


In Which Book was green bean casserole the last thing to be eaten because there was only one person who would eat it?


In Which Book was it a biological necessary for a character to talk to everyone

I Am Malala

In Which Book was it common place for an inspector to call to schedule an inspection and give his lunch order at the same time?

A Separate Peace

In Which Book was missing dinner against the rules?

The Secret Life of Bees

In Which Book was music played to draw ghosts out of dying people, giving them a ride to the next life

I Am Malala

In Which Book was shot by one of the men in the Taliban?

The Boys in the Boat

In Which Book was someone offered the head coach position at MIT?

The Secret Life of Bees

In Which Book was someone put in jail for pouring snuff on men's shoes?

The Berlin Boxing Club

In Which Book was the 300 introduced as a building block

The Berlin Boxing Club

In Which Book was the God of Fire, Vulcan, mentioned?


In Which Book was the antagonist given a deck of cards by his little sister?

I Am Malala

In Which Book was the character born at down as the last star blinked out?

The Boys in the Boat

In Which Book was the death penalty the consequence for writing "treasonable articles"?

The Secret Life of Bees

In Which Book was the first week in August a relief?

The Boys in the Boat

In Which Book was the head coach of the rowing program a stickler for detail?

The Berlin Boxing Club

In Which Book was the main character categorized as a Jewish even though he grew up in a secular household?


In Which Book was the main character congratulated by Adolf Hitler?

The Berlin Boxing Club

In Which Book was the main character disqualified from the Youth Boxing Championship because he was Jewish?

The Berlin Boxing Club

In Which Book was the main character given a four leaf clover charm for good luck?


In Which Book was the main character nicknamed Toots?

The Berlin Boxing Club

In Which Book was the main character originally nicknamed "Spit Bucket" and then changed to "Knochen" by the other fighters?

The Berlin Boxing Club

In Which Book was the main character passionate about cartoons and comic strips?

Nothing but the Truth

In Which Book was the main character reading The Outsides?


In Which Book was the main character referred to as a "Clark Kent"?

Nothing But The Truth

In Which Book was the main character sent back to his original homeroom

I Am Malala

In Which Book was the main character shot for her support of education?

I Am Malala

In Which Book was the main character shot while on her school bus?


In Which Book was the main character specifically hunted ruthlessly by an officer?


In Which Book was the main character the fastest high school miler?

The Berlin Boxing Club

In Which Book was the main character told "The weakest punches are thrown with the tongue"?


In Which Book was the main character's passion to run in the 1936 Olympics held in Germany?

The Berlin Boxing Club

In Which Book was the main character's uncle sent to the Dachau concentration camps due to his political beliefs?

The Boys in the Boat

In Which Book was the movie King Kong used as an analogy for the Great Depression?

I Am Malala

In Which Book was the narrator 's mother the only girl in a class full of boys?

I Am Malala

In Which Book was the narrator born at dawn?


In Which Book was the protagonist forced to read a script on the radio?

The Secret Life of Bees

In Which Book was the talk at church about blacks getting civil rights?

The Berlin Boxing Club

In Which Book was the uncle of the main character working for an underground communist group?

The Kite Runner

In Which Book was the word "republic" repeated over and over on the radio?

I am Malala

In Which Book was there a heated debate about a book that ended with 5 people being killed?

The Kite Runner

In Which Book was there a pomegranate tree near the entrance to the cemetery?


In Which Book was there an emergency dance party?

I am Malala

In Which Book were CD and DVD shps banned by the government

The Kite Runner

In Which Book were a character's brass knuckles "just the right teaching tool?"


In Which Book were characters forced to be lab partners

The Book Thief

In Which Book were characters given to foster parents?


In Which Book were characters looked out of having missed curfew

I am Malala

In Which Book were dried fruits, sweets, and coins thrown into a character's cradle

The Kite Runner

In Which Book were fighting kites a little like going to war?

The Secret Life of Bees

In Which Book were grits used as punishment?

The Boys in the Boat

In Which Book were journalists required to have a license to practice journalism?


In Which Book were people chasing each other outside a fraternity house?


In Which Book were prisoners ordered to stay in the barracks with the lights out during raids?

The Secret Life of Bees

In Which Book were red socks put on two of the fee ton a clawfoot tub


In Which Book were students made to proofread confiscated love notes for detention

The Kite Runner

In Which Book were tea, politics, and scandal the ingredients of an Afghan Sunday at a flea market?


In Which Book were the "bird rules" abolished?

The Boys in the Boat

In Which Book were the 1936 Olympics being held in Berlin?

The Boys in the Boat

In Which Book were the characters made to "step onto scales, stand next to measuring sticks, and fill out forms detailing their medical history"?

I am Malala

In Which Book were the history textbooks rewritten to change the description of the country.

I am Malala

In Which Book were the mountains stripped of trees by timber smugglers causing muddy floods during heavy rain

I Am Malala

In Which Book were the people warned of sinful acts: such as listening to music, watching movies and dancing?

The Kite Runner

In Which Book were two characters favorite topics poltiics, business, and soccer?

A Separate Peace

In Which Book will a character hate it everywhere if they're not in this war?

The Boys in the Boat

In Which Book would a successful quest require men of exceptional strength, grace, endurance, and most of all mental toughness?

I Am Malala

In Which Book would the Taliban pretend to be nice before they too behaved like criminals?


In which book are two characters nicknamed "New England blue bloods?


In which book did a blue compression sack hold a characters set of clothes?


In which book did a canary fly freely in a characters home and use a litter box like a cat


In which book did a character acquire a ski pole with a pink wrist strap?


In which book did a character burn the pages of a book after reading them


In which book did a character carry a whistle in lieu of a gun


In which book did a character consider herself to be the "woman with a hole in her heart"?


In which book did a character create a necklace from an earring


In which book did a character cross four rock slides in one afternoon


In which book did a character decide that it was best to euthanize her horse herself because she could not afford to pay the vet to do so?


In which book did a character describe the world as a story?


In which book did a character donate his/her corneas after his/her death


In which book did a character dream of multiple ways he/she would kill his/her mother


In which book did a character drive to Portland in a 1979 Chevy pickup loaded with dehydrated food and backpacking supplies?


In which book did a character drop out of graduate school to play the guitar instead


In which book did a character eat six feet of licorice


In which book did a character feel at home in a city he/she had never lived in


In which book did a character feel she had problems a therapist couldn't solve?


In which book did a character get a tattoo in honor of an everlasting bond


In which book did a character go on a three month hike all alone?


In which book did a character have a tattoo of a blue horse?


In which book did a character have food fantasies


In which book did a character have the world's loudest whistle


In which book did a character hitchhike to get where she needed to go?


In which book did a character intend to read a book titled Staying Found?


In which book did a character leave postage stamps as a tip


In which book did a character live in five different states and two countries before turning 15 years old


In which book did a character meet someone with a dog named Stevie Ray?


In which book did a character not read a letter from her ex-husband for fear of what it would say?


In which book did a character obsess about Snapple lemonade


In which book did a character receive a post card from an ex-boyfriend?


In which book did a character refer to a group of her friends as the "three young bucks"?


In which book did a character refuse morphine because it meant no hope only to accept it the next day


In which book did a character swallow his/her mother's ashes


In which book did a character tell her companions a lie about needing to get something out of her backpack in order to get them to leave her alone?


In which book did a character try to fill in for her mother to keep the family together after her mother died?


In which book did a character wake up covered in small black frogs


In which book did a character wash in a river as best she could with all of her clothes on?


In which book did a character's family move into the house they built out of trees and scrap on Halloween night?


In which book did a character's friend die in a kite-sailing accident?


In which book did a character's mother marry a man that was 8 years her junior?


In which book did a character's step-father break his back when he fell off of a roof?


In which book did a character, at the age of 15 read The Drifters four times?


In which book did character complete divorce papers while holding hands


In which book did characters bet on who would arrive first at a store?


In which book did characters cry in bathroom stalls after going to their mother's doctor appointment?


In which book did characters play "who am I" to pass the time


In which book did characters sit on the floor around a dining room table whose legs had been cut off


In which book did characters write their own wedding vows


In which book did the characters use natural remedies for things like colds and mosquito repellent instead of chemicals


In which book do the walls of a tent become covered with swirls of frost?


In which book does a TV display a film of the O.J. Simpson Trial?


In which book does a building contain a bar and a small store?


In which book does a camp host threaten to call the police?


In which book does a character apply to a PhD program in political philosophy?


In which book does a character call "Mom" over and over again to a fox?


In which book does a character change their last name after getting a divorce?


In which book does a character chew peppermint gum to sober up?


In which book does a character come to appreciate the distance of a mile?


In which book does a character consider herself a "PCT" hiker?


In which book does a character decide to go on a 3-month solo hike?


In which book does a character describe herself as an "Amazonian queen"?


In which book does a character describe the feeling as like having a Volkswagen Beetle attached permanently to their body?


In which book does a character fear they are in danger, but is only offered some licorice?


In which book does a character have a sleeping bag, a camp chair, a water purifier, a collapsible stove, a tarp, a first-aid kit, and other necessities?


In which book does a character have a small black bruise on one of their ankles?


In which book does a character have dreams about Bigfoot?


In which book does a character have dreams in which they kill their mother again and again?


In which book does a character have nightmares in which Bigfoot kidnaps them and brings them to an entire village filled with other Bigfoots?


In which book does a character hitch a ride from a couple in a green SUV?


In which book does a character hitchhike with two men traveling in a minivan?


In which book does a character joke that a trail should be named Hapless Hiker?


In which book does a character learn that Jerry Garcia of the Grateful Dead passed away?


In which book does a character leave a package of stamps as a tip?


In which book does a character mention they had been losing toenails?


In which book does a character name a backpack Monster?


In which book does a character read a poem over and over again?


In which book does a character spend the last of their money on ice cream?


In which book does a character state "My new existence was beyond analogy, I realized on that second day on the trail." ?


In which book does a character state "The minute I saw you, I knew I had to come over and talk to you." ?


In which book does a character state, "Those girls look like they might know something?


In which book does a character strap sandals onto their injured feet with duct tape?


In which book does a character swallow bits of charred bone?


In which book does a character try to distract themselves by keeping an eye out for rattlesnakes?


In which book does a character try to hitch a ride outside the town of Chester?


In which book does a character use her guidebook to identify Spanish Needle Creek?


In which book does a character visit a grave in the woods?


In which book does a character wake up to hundreds of small black frogs jumping on their body?


In which book does a character want to buy an ice cream cone, but is afraid to buy it?


In which book does a character wear a POW/MIA bracelet


In which book does a character's father leave her when she is six?


In which book does a character's spouse say they finally got what they wanted-to be alone?


In which book does a characters mother become pregnant with her daughter at 21?


In which book does a hiker nickname her bag Monster?


In which book does a horse become thin and weak at the age of 31?


In which book does someone recognize the main character of the book at the Kennedy Meadows General Store?


In which book does someone's sandal break apart after being duct-taped?


In which book does the book tell how long the Pacific Coast Trail is?


In which book does the light of a headlamp grow dim?


In which book does the main character deal with cancer and death of a loved one?


In which book does the main character deal with the pain of watching their mother suffer and go into hospice care?


In which book does the main character have a matching tattoo of a horse in honor of a divorce?


In which book is Kennedy Meadows called the gateway to the High Sierra?


In which book is Minnesota a home base for a character?


In which book is U2's Joshua Tree blasted out of the car speakers?


In which book is a character almost mauled by a Texas longhorn bull?


In which book is a character furious that guests were carving their names into a table?


In which book is a character upset for leaving their sacred Bob Marley shirt?


In which book is a character wearing a POW bracelet?


In which book is a dog named Odin?


In which book is a feather symbolizing a void?


In which book is it proven that an empty bowl could change into something beautiful after being given time to heal?


In which book is one of a character's destinations a bridge that crosses the Columbia River?


In which book is the Mayo Clinic used as a hospital for the characters?


In which book must a character get on a horse and ride into battle like a warrior to heal wounds?


In which book was a character 15 days older than the trail she was hiking?


In which book was a character a homecoming queen


In which book was a character exited to find an abandoned ski pole


In which book was a character given a Bob Marley t-shirt?


In which book was a character given a feather for luck


In which book was a character given a sacred shirt


In which book was a character given chew-able opium


In which book was a character held up at knife point for the last $10 in his/her jeans


In which book was a character helped by another character when it came to packing her bag?


In which book was a character orphaned at 22 years old


In which book was a character warned about Big Foot


In which book was a character's mother a vegetarian for a good part of her life?


In which book was a character's mother refuse the morphine offered to her on her first day at the hospital?


In which book was the land through which the road passed described as green, dry, and rocky?


In which book was there a memorial celebration for Jerry Garcia


In which book were characters sick from a waterborne parasite causing diarrhea and nausea


In which book were parents of students invited to take college classes tuition free

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