T PHIL 101 - Mid-term/Final Exam

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"Action" or the "consequences of action."

The Dao:

"The Way."

What were the two accusations made against Socrates?

1. Rejection of the Athenian gods. 2. Corrupting the Athenian youth.

What are the 5 steps of the Socratic method?

1. Try and look around for things considered "common sense." 2. Find an exception to this. 3. An exception reveals a fallacy or an imprecise thought. 4. Nuance the original statement. 5. Continue/repeat this process.

What is the antidote to suffering according to Buddha?

A balance between indulgence and austerity, also known as the "Middle Way."

What was Arjuna's conflict?

A conflict of duty; between family and war.


A person possesses a temporary body and an eternal soul.

What is a gadfly?

A person who interferes with the status quo of society by posing unsettling questions, typically directed toward authorities.

Questions such as "How should one live?" and "What is a good life?" are considered what?


Slippery Slope:

Arguing that a particular action would result in negative outcomes.

Begging the Question:

Circular reasoning. For example, "x is true, because x is true."


Daoist concept of a disengagement from the affairs of the world.

Ad Hominem:

Discarding one's argument because it came from them. Arguments stand on their own merits, apart from the person making the argument.


Distinction between values and facts. Or rather, ethics and aesthetics.


Divine in matter - the true self.

Hasty Generalization:

Drawing conclusions about an entire group with inadequate evidence.

According to Buddhism, someone can be wise even if they do not care about the welfare of other living things. True False


According to Carol Gilligan in Rachels' essay, feminist care ethics is known for emphasizing the importance of analytical reason over compassion and abstract principles over particular relationships. True. False.


According to Hick, Ultimate Reality is a mistaken interpretation of the great religions - each is in fact in contact with a distinct Reality. True False


According to James Rachels, all female philosophers are feminists and all feminists embrace the ethics of care. True. False.


According to Longino, underdetermination shows that the nature of science is value-free. True. False.


Al-Ghazali's quest for knowledge is relgious and therefore, he never questions or doubts. True. False.


Aristotle was only concerned with individual good. True False


Descartes believes both the mind and the body are divisible. True False


Descartes trusted his senses. True False


Descartes, because he is a skeptic, would answer the question, "Is knowledge possible?" with a resounding "NO." True. False.


If a person does miracles, according to al-Ghazali, this is sufficient proof that such a person is a prophet sent by God. True. False.


Philosophy relies on opinions for the most part. True False


Russell suggests that the aim in philosophy is to find definite answers/conclusions to life's questions. True. False.


The no-self teaching of Buddhism has no implications for living a life of compassion. True False


What Socrates and Krishna have in common is that they think man should embrace worldly pleasures. True False

False. Both argue that man should rely on reason, which leads to wisdom.


Greek term for human virtue or striving for excellence.


Happiness or human flourishing.


How do we know?




Lover of opinion.


Misrepresentation of one's views or a distortion of your actual views. Used commonly in the political sphere.

Do the other prisoners trust the escapee? Yes No


The Illumined Person:

One who essentially dies to their Self.


Parts v. Whole.

Appeal to Popularity:

Power in numbers or majority rule. Truth stands apart from the number of people who believe it.

Appeal to Ignorance:

Proving something is true on the grounds that it hasn't been proven false.

A priori:

Relating to or denoting reasoning or knowledge that proceeds from theoretical deduction rather than from observation or experience.

Appeal to Tradition:

Something isn't necessarily true simply because it has been upheld by a tradition.


The act of correcting a previous judgment in light of a subsequent one.


The nature of being/existence.

Anselm's Ontological Argument:

The ontological argument: - God is the greatest being imagined - God exists in the mind - If he exists in the mind and in reality he is the greatest

"Evil is due to human free will," to which Mackie responds that this notion of human freedom violates the notion that God is omnipotent. True False


"Scientism" is considered to be a kind of blind faith in the power of science to determine all truth. True. False.


According to Aristotle, if something is a supreme good, it should be final. True False


According to Descartes, my identity as a soul-substance guarantees that I am always the same person despite changes I might undergo in appearance. True False


According to Nussbaum, Aristotle believed that there was a single objective account of human flourishing. True. False.


According to Shankara, reality is non-dual. True False


According to Socrates, the philosopher does not exchange pain for pain, or pleasure for pleasure, but for wisdom. True False


According to the Gita, acting without attachment to the consequences of your actions means acting unselfishly. True False


Bertrand Russell, in his essay titled "The Value of Philosophy" suggests that the value of philosophy is, in fact, to be sought largely in its very uncertainty. True False


Brahman is the only "real." True False


For Plato, the best and most real things are the eternal or most permanent. True False


Just because the majority "wins out" on an issue doesn't mean that it is the 'right' or 'true' conclusion. True False


Mill believed that most people would rather be Socrates unsatisfied than a satisfied swine. True. False.


Philosophy helps move out of the imagination, belief, and opinion into knowledge, reasoning, thought. True. False.


Socrates says to cultivate the soul first, because it is most important and stays with you. True False


The word Dao means "road" or "way" in Chinese? True False


To discriminate, according to Shankara, is to distinguish appearance from reality and unreality. True False


False Dilemma:

Two choices are given when in actuality there could be more choices possible.

Yin and Yang:

Two forces in the universe, according to Chinese Theory: Yin is the passive, negative force, and Yang the active, positive force.


Ultimate Divine Reality - No beginning and no end.

Genetic Fallacy:

Unhealthy reliance on the source. For example, using someone's race/gender to remove their say in an issue.


Universals or essences of things.


Using a word in a different way than the author used it in the original premise, or changing definitions halfway through a discussion.


What is truly real?


Whole v. Parts.

The Buddha would most likely answer the question, "How should one live?" by saying: a. "Seek wisdom, be moral, practice mental discipline." b. "Since suffering cannot be escaped do whatever you want." c. "Follow your dreams." d. "Life is suffering."

a. "Seek wisdom, be moral, practice mental discipline."

According to Kuhn, one of the essential characteristics of a paradigm is: a. It is open-ended enough to leave many problems for its group of practitioners to solve. b. Its impartiality. c. Its incommensurability with normal science.

a. It is open-ended enough to leave many problems for its group of practitioners to solve.

Which of the following is part of the Four Noble Truths? a. Life is suffering. b. Ignorance is good. c. Suffering cannot be overcome. d. Asceticism is the cure for suffering.

a. Life is suffering.

How does Socrates differ from other Athenians? a. Socrates is aware of his ignorance. b. Socrates does not know anything and the Athenian know much. c. Socrates fears death, but the Athenians do not. d. Socrates seeks wealth, but the Athenians seek virtue.

a. Socrates is aware of his ignorance.

What is the Golden Mean according to Aristotle? a. The mean of two extremes: excess and deficiency. b. The golden rule. c. Philosophical hub-ub.

a. The mean of two extremes: excess and deficiency.

Utilitarian theory holds that: a. an action is right when it tends to produce happiness. b. an action can be right even when it tends to produce pain. c. only physical pleasure is part of happiness.

a. an action is right when it tends to produce happiness.

In the Dao De Jing, water is: a. A metaphysical concept. b. An ethical concept. c. A natural phenomenon. d. The source of life.

b. An ethical concept.

According to Socrates, death could be: a. The end of life as we know it. b. Either sleep, or a journey to another place. c. Heaven or hell.

b. Either sleep, or a journey to another place.

Popper describes himself as a: a. Verificationist. b. Falsificationist. c. Irrationalist.

b. Falsificationist.

According to Plato, the sun and the Good are alike insofar as the Good makes blank possible just as the sun makes sight possible. a. Imagination. b. Knowledge. c. Opinion. d. Faith.

b. Knowledge.

One assumption Socrates makes in his response to the verdict is: a. He will go to exile to avoid death. b. No evil can happen to a good person. c. There is no such thing as a good person. d. Death is a great evil.

b. No evil can happen to a good person.

Descartes given his view of the relationship of mind and body by which analogy? a. Tree and house. b. Pilot and vessel. c. Pentagon and Chiliagon. d. Clock and sick man.

b. Pilot and vessel.

Kant claims that the only thing that can be said to be good "without qualification" is: a. happiness. b. the good will. c. a legal act. d. self-interest.

b. the good will.

What is the point of Descartes' evil demon argument? a. An evil demon actually exists. b. An evil demon fights God for our souls. c. All our beliefs about an external reality may be false because it is always possible that an evil demon is constantly working to deceive us about what is real. d. An evil demon does not exist.

c. All our beliefs about an external reality may be false because it is always possible that an evil demon is constantly working to deceive us about what is real.

When we say that God is omnipotent, that means: a. God is all-good. b. God is all-knowing. c. God is all-powerful.

c. God is all-powerful.

According to Popper, science is interested in truth that is: a. Unattainable. b. Not really truth at all. c. Interesting and relevant to difficult problems.

c. Interesting and relevant to difficult problems.

According to Russell, the value of philosophy is to be found in: a. Listening to the thoughts of famous philosophers. b. Strengthening our favorite beliefs. c. Its indirect effects on the lives of those who study philosophy. d. The bliss of the non-self.

c. Its indirect effects on the lives of those who study philosophy.

What was Socrates fighting for? a. Wealth and freedom. b. His family. c. Justice and life.

c. Justice and life.

The Buddhist doctrine of anatta means: a. Impermanence. b. Five aggregates. c. No-self. d. Atman.

c. No-self.

The logical incompatibility of the existence of evil with the existence of a perfectly good, all-knowing, and all-powerful creator is: a. The proof that evil does not really exist. b. A heresy. c. The problem of evil. d. Proof that God does not exist.

c. The problem of evil.

The Gita says, "Weapons do not cut it, fire does not burn it, waters do not wet it, wind does not wither it." What is "it"? a. Good armor. b. The body. c. The true self. d. Good humor.

c. The true self.

Al-Ghazali is: a. a rationalist. b. an empiricist. c. a mystic.

c. a mystic.

According to Kant, an imperative is categorical if it is: a. conditional. b. hypothetical. c. unconditional. d. not freely accepted.

c. unconditional.

According to Kant, we cannot: a. will to lie. b. will to cheat. c. will a universal law of lying. d. will to help others.

c. will a universal law of lying.

What did Socrates say about the unexamined life? a. "The un-lived life is not worth examining." b. "The unexamined life is fitting for only the simplest of souls." c. "The unexamined life is rarely worth living." d. "The unexamined life is not worth living."

d. "The unexamined life is not worth living."

The pluralist view of religions is the view that: a. No religion offers a valid path to salvation. b. Some religions offer valid paths to salvation. c. Some religions do not offer valid paths to salvation. d. All religions offer valid paths to salvation.

d. All religions offer valid paths to salvation.

What is the value of philosophy for Russell? a. Philosophy gives us definite answers. b. Philosophy can divide the world between friends and foes. c. Philosophy can protect us from threatening ideas. d. Philosophy opens a person's mind to union with the universe.

d. Philosophy opens a person's mind to union with the universe.

What does the Sun represent in Plato's Cave analogy? a. Life source. b. God. c. Wisdom. d. Truth and knowledge.

d. Truth and knowledge.

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