T2 3301

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10) During logical database design, you must account for every data element on a system input or output form or report and on the ________. A) E-R diagram B) Conceptual design C) Physical design D) Logical design


12) A relation is a named, ________-dimensional table of data. Each relation (or table) consists of a set of named columns and an arbitrary number of unnamed rows. A) Two B) One C) Three D) Four


12) On what basis are objects referenced, selected, qualified, sorted, and categorized? A) Attributes and secondary keys B) Entities C) Primary keys D) Index


17) An entity ________ is a single occurrence of an entity type. A) Instance B) Object C) Attribute D) Class


17) In a relation, the sequence of columns can be interchanged without changing the meaning or use of the ________. A) Relation B) Attribute C) Row D) Primary key


18) An entity ________ is described just once in a data model, whereas many ________ of that may be represented by data stored in the database. A) Type; instances B) Type; classes C) Instance; types D) Class; objects


20) Event entity types should be named for the result of the ________, not the activity or process of the event. A) Event B) Class C) Entity D) Object


22) Similar attributes of different entity types should use ________ but distinguishing names. A) Similar B) Different C) Unique D) Duplicate


24) A(n) ________ is an attribute that may take on more than one value for each entity instance. A) Multi-valued attribute B) Single-valued attribute C) Identifier D) Candidate key


28) A(n) ________ is an attribute whose value can be computed from related attribute values. A) Derived attribute B) Composite attribute C) Required attribute D) Optional attribute


3) A(n) ________ data model is a detailed model that captures the overall structure of organizational data that is independent of any database management system or other implementation considerations. A) Conceptual B) Physical C) Logical D) Entity


3) ________ database design is driven not only from the previously developed E-R data model for the application or enterprise but also from form and report layouts. A) Logical B) Physical C) Normalized D) De-normalized


31) A unary relationship is a relationship between the instances of ________ entity type(s). A) One B) Two C) Three D) Five


32) A functional dependency is a particular relationship between two ________. A) Attributes B) Rows C) Databases D) Tables


35) A functional dependency between ________ key attributes is also called a transitive dependency. A) Non-primary B) Primary C) Composite D) Unique


35) The ________ defines the number of instances of entity B that can (or must) be associated with each instance of entity A. A) Cardinality B) Relationship C) Identifier D) Association


42) A(n) ________ must satisfy referential integrity, which specifies that the value of an attribute in one relation depends on the value of the same attribute in another relation. A) Foreign key B) Primary key C) Unique key D) Index


48) A unary relationship is a relationship between the instances of a ________ entity type, which are also called recursive relationships. A) Single B) Double C) Triple D) Many


5) In most situations, many physical database design decisions are implicit or eliminated when we choose the ________ technologies to use with the application. A) Data management B) System management C) Software management D) SDLC


55) Which relation is created with a composite primary key using the primary keys of the related entities, plus any non-key attributes associative entity of the relationship or associative entity? A) Associative entity B) Associative entity with its own key C) Associative entity with additional key D) Weak entity


59) Which relation is created with primary key and non-key attributes only? A) Regular entity B) Weak entity C) Sub-type D) Associative entity


61) In some situations, a single attribute name, called a(n) ________, may have more than one meaning or describe more than one characteristic. A) Homonym B) Antonym C) Synonym D) Duplicate


67) ________ rules are specifications that preserve the integrity of the logical data model. A) Business B) Disjoint C) Overlap D) Total specialization


70) Which business rule specifies the validity of attribute values? A) Triggering operations B) Referential integrity C) Entity integrity D) Domains


72) A default value is the value that a ________ will assume unless an explicit value is entered for it. A) Field B) Row C) Table D) Data type


76) A(n) ________ is the data manipulation operation (insert, delete, or update) that initiates the operation. A) Event B) User rule C) Action D) Condition


76) The capability to split a table into separate sections, often called ________, is possible with most relational database products. A) Partitioning B) Splitting C) Combining D) Normalizing


81) A(n) ________ is a file organization in which rows are stored either sequentially or non-sequentially, and an index is created that allows software to locate individual rows. A) Indexed file organization B) Sequential file organization C) Hashed file organization D) Physical file


85) Which benefit of purchased data models refers to the fact that they are very general, covering almost all options employed by the associated functional area or industry? A) Consistent and complete B) Validated C) Cost reduction D) Facilitates systems analysis


88) The ________ of an object encompasses its properties (attributes and relationships) and the values of those properties. A) State B) Condition C) Behavior D) Event


94) A(n) ________ class is a class that has no direct instances but whose descendants may have direct instances. A) Abstract B) Concrete C) Object D) Associative



A ________ diagram is a DFD that is generated from n nested decompositions from a level-0 diagram. Level-n Level-0 Level-1 Level-2


A ________ in business process modeling is a way to visually encapsulate a process. Flow Gateway Pool Swim-lane

Level-0 diagram

A ________ is a DFD that represents a system's major processes, data flows, and data stores at a high level of detail. Level-0 diagram Level-3 diagram Level-1 diagram Level-2 diagram

Level-0 diagram

A ________ is a DFD that represents a system's major processes, data flows, and data stores at a high level of detail. Level-2 diagram Level-1 diagram Level-0 diagram Level-3 diagram

Data flow diagram

A ________ is a picture of the movement of data between external entities and the processes and data stores within a system. Data flow diagram Process flow diagram Data diagram Procedure flow diagram

Data flow diagram

A ________ is a picture of the movement of data between external entities and the processes and data stores within a system. Process flow diagram Data flow diagram Data diagram Procedure flow diagram

"All data and entry fields should be clearly labeled" is related to ________ for the design of forms and reports.

A balanced layout

Adequate spacing and margins should be used in a report" is related to ________ for the design of forms and reports.

A balanced layout

Information should be balanced on the screen or page" is related to ________ for the design of forms and reports.

A balanced layout


A data flow cannot go directly back to the same process it leaves. There must be at least ________ other process(es) that handle(s) the data flow, produce(s) some other data flow, and return(s) the original data flow to the beginning process. One Four Two Three


A data flow diagram (DFD) is a picture of the movement of data between external entities and the processes and data stores within or outside a system. True False


A data flow has ________ direction(s) of flow between symbols. It may flow in both directions between a process and a data store to show a read before an update. Multi One No Three


A data flow has ________ direction(s) of flow between symbols. It may flow in both directions between a process and a data store to show a read before an update. Three No One Multi


A data flow has a noun phrase label. More than one data flow noun phrase can appear on a single arrow as long as all of the flows on the same arrow move together as one package. True False


A data flow is data that move together, so it can be composed of many individual pieces of data that are generated at the same time and that flow together to common destinations. True False


A data flow to a data store means ________. Fork Join Update Process


A data flow to a data store means retrieve and a data flow from a data store means change. True False


A data store is data at rest and may represent only one physical location for data. True False


A level-0 diagram represents the primary individual processes in the system at the highest possible level. True False


A level-1 diagram is a DFD that represents a system's major processes, data flows, and data stores at a high level of detail. True False


A source/sink might not consist of a person inside or outside the business unit supported by the system you are analyzing who interacts with the system. True False


A(n) ________ in business process modeling is a decision point. Event Flow Gateway Swim-lane


A(n) ________ in business process modeling is an action that must take place for a process to be completed. Flow Gateway Activity Event

The concept of DFD ________ refers to whether you have included in your DFDs all of the components necessary for the system you are modeling.

A) Completeness

The concept of DFD ________ refers to whether or not the depiction of the system shown at one level of a nested set of DFDs is compatible with the depictions of the system shown at other levels.

A) Consistency

A ________ is a diagram of process logic where the logic is reasonably complicated.

A) Decision table

With only ________ symbols, you can use DFDs to represent both physical and logical information systems.

A) Four

No process can have only ________ and if an object has only that, then it must be a sink.

A) Inputs

Functional decomposition is a(n) ________ process of breaking the description of a system down into finer and finer detail, which creates a set of charts in which one process on a given chart is explained in greater detail on another chart.

A) Iterative

A(n) ________ in a data flow means that exactly the same data come from any of two or more different processes, data stores, or sources/sinks to a common location.

A) Join

A ________ diagram is a DFD that is generated from n nested decompositions from a level-0 diagram.

A) Level-n

A ________ is the work or actions performed on data so that they are transformed, stored, or distributed.

A) Process

A use-case consists of a set of possible sequences of interactions between a system and ________ in a particular environment, possible sequences that are related to a particular goal.

A) User

Using acronyms only when they are widely understood by users and are significantly shorter than the full text is related to which of the guidelines for displaying text?



According to the DFD guidelines, the inputs to a process are different from the outputs of that process. True False

The ________ report has unplanned information requests in which information is gathered to support a non-routine decision.


Model work flow but not business processes

An activity diagram cannot be used to ________. - Model work flow but not business processes -Model the sequential and concurrent steps in a computation process -Depict the flow of control from activity to activity -Help in identifying extensions in a use case

"Notifying users when on the last page of a multi-paged sequence" is related to ________ for the design of forms and reports.

An easy navigation system

Clearly show where we are (e.g., page 1 of 3) on the report" is related to ________ for the design of forms and reports.

An easy navigation system


An example of inconsistency would be a data flow that appears on a higher-level DFD but not on lower levels (also a violation of balancing). True False

Which error is addressed by the recommendation to make sure that one avoids designing any legitimate information in a manner that resembles advertising?

Anything that looks like advertising


At the ________ level of DFDs, new data flows may be added to represent data that are transmitted under exceptional conditions. These data flows typically represent error messages or confirmation notices. Lowest Basic Medium Highest

11) What unique characteristic(s) distinguish(es) each object from other objects of the same type? A) Secondary key B) Primary key C) Composite key D) Index


15) An entity ________ is a collection of entities that share common properties or characteristics. A) Object B) Type C) Subject D) Relationship


15) Entries in cells are simple and an entry at the intersection of each row and column has a ________ value. A) Duplicate B) Single C) Multi D) Repeating


19) A common mistake many people make when they are just learning to draw E-R diagrams, especially if they already know how to do data flow diagramming, is to confuse data entities with ________ and relationships with data flows. A) Classes B) Sinks C) Relationships D) Attributes


2) Logical and ________ database design is typically performed in parallel with other systems design steps. A) Normal B) Physical C) Conceptual D) Normalized


27) A(n) ________ is an attribute that has meaningful component parts. A) Optional attribute B) Composite attribute C) Required attribute D) Derived attribute


29) ________ is a process for converting complex data structures into simple, stable data structures. A) De-normalization B) Normalization C) Database modeling D) Relation


30) The ________ of a relationship is the number of entity types that participate in that relationship. A) Object B) Degree C) Identifier D) Measure


33) A ________ relationship is a relationship between instances of two entity types and is the most common type of relationship encountered in data modeling. A) Secondary B) Binary C) Primary D) Ternary


34) A relation is in ________ if every non-primary key attribute is functionally dependent on the whole primary key. A) 1NF B) 2NF C) 3NF D) 4NF


36) A(n) ________ is an entity type that associates the instances of one or more entity types and contains attributes that are peculiar to the relationship between those entity instances. A) Relationship B) Associative entity C) Identifier D) Cardinality


44) Each regular entity type in an E-R diagram is transformed into a(n) ________. A) Identifier B) Relation C) Attribute D) Row


47) A binary one-to-many (1:N) relationship in an E-R diagram is represented by adding the primary key attribute (or attributes) of the entity on the one side of the relationship as a(n) ________ in the relation that is on the many side of the relationship. A) Primary key B) Foreign key C) Unique key D) Index


53) Which relation is created with the primary key associated with the relationship or associative entity, plus any non-key attributes of the relationship or associative entity and the primary keys of the related entities (as foreign key attributes)? A) Associative entity B) Associative entity with its own key C) Associative entity with additional key D) Binary 1:N relationship


57) Which relation is created by placing the primary key of either entity in the relation for the other entity or by doing this for both entities? A) Binary 1:N relationship B) Unary 1:1 relationship C) Weak entity D) Associative entity with additional key


61) The ________ rule specifies that an entity instance of the super type does not have to belong to any subtype. A) Total specialization B) Partial specialization C) Overlap D) Disjoint


66) The ________ rule specifies that an entity instance can simultaneously be a member of two (or more) subtypes. A) Business B) Overlap C) Disjoint D) Total specialization


68) A(n) ________ is the smallest unit of application data recognized by system software, such as a programming language or database management system. A) Table B) Field C) Row D) Index


69) Normalized relations are, of course, the result of ________ database design. A) Physical B) Logical C) Conceptual D) Conventional


7) In logical database modeling and design, we combine normalized data requirements from all user interfaces into one consolidated logical database model; this step is called view ________. A) Summation B) Integration C) Addition D) Combination


72) Which business rule specifies rules concerning the relationships between entity types? A) Triggering operations B) Referential integrity constraints C) Entity integrity D) Domains


74) A ________ table is a named set of rows and columns that specifies the fields in each row of the table. A) Conceptual B) Physical C) Relational D) Logical


75) A(n) ________ is a concise statement of the business rule to be enforced by the triggering operation. A) Event B) User rule C) Action D) Condition


77) There is/are ________ principal type(s) of packaged data model(s). A) One B) Two C) Three D) Five


78) Each partition is stored in a separate contiguous section of disk space, which Oracle calls a(n) ________. A) Database B) Tablespace C) Table D) Index


80) A(n) ________ is a field of data that can be used to locate a related field or row of data. A) Index B) Pointer C) Secondary key D) Attribute


84) The ________ families of file organizations cover most of the file organizations we will have at our disposal as we design physical files and databases. A) Two B) Three C) Four D) Five


87) A(n) ________ has a well-defined role in the application domain, and it has state (data), behavior, and identity characteristics. A) Event B) Object C) Activity D) Class


9) A(n) ________ is an attribute (or combination of attributes) whose value is unique across all occurrences of a relation. A) Composite key B) Primary key C) Identifier D) Index


91) The ________ is the technique of hiding the internal implementation details of an object from its external view. A) Query operation B) Encapsulation C) Constructor operation D) Update operation


93) A(n) ________ is a specification that indicates how many objects participate in a given relationship. A) Association role B) Multiplicity C) Association D) Object class


96) A part-of relationship in which parts belong to only one whole object, and the parts live and die with the whole object is called ________. A) Method B) Composition C) Aggregation D) Polymorphism


A ________ can be best understood as data in motion, moving from one place in a system to another.

B) Data flow

A ________ is a picture of the movement of data between external entities and the processes and data stores within a system.

B) Data flow diagram

________ DFD development recognizes that requirements determination and requirements structuring are interacting, not sequential, subphases of the analysis phase of the SDLC.

B) Iterative

A ________ is a DFD that represents a system's major processes, data flows, and data stores at a high level of detail.

B) Level-0 diagram

At the ________ level of DFDs, new data flows may be added to represent data that are transmitted under exceptional conditions. These data flows typically represent error messages or confirmation notices.

B) Lowest

The lowest level of a DFD is called a ________ data flow diagram.

B) Primitive

A data flow to a data store means ________.

B) Update

Which error is addressed by the recommendation to make sure that users don't need the latest browsers or plug-ins to view the site?

Bleeding-edge technology


Both the white and ________ levels provide a summary of the use case goals. Fish Kite Blue Black

1) One purpose of database design is to structure the data in stable structures, called normalized tables, that are not likely to change over time and that have minimal ________. A) Data B) Space C) Redundancy D) Columns


11) In a ________ database model, data is represented as a set of related tables or relations. A) Logical B) Conventional C) Relational D) Physical


13) An ________ model is a detailed, logical representation of the entities, associations, and data elements for an organization or business area. A) E-D B) E-O C) E-R D) E-A


13) Each ________ in a relation corresponds to an attribute of that relation. A) Entity B) Data C) Column D) Row


16) Each entity type in an E-R model is given a ________ because it represents a class or set, it is singular. A) Class B) Type C) Name D) Degree


18) A well-structured relation is a relation that contains a minimum amount of redundancy and that allows users to insert, modify, and delete the rows without error or inconsistencies and is also known as a ________. A) Column B) Row C) Table D) Key


2) During requirements structuring, a ________ model represents conceptual data requirements for a particular system. A) Business B) Project C) Data D) Relationship


23) A ________ key is an attribute (or combination of attributes) that uniquely identifies each instance of an entity type. A) Primary B) Unique C) Candidate D) Duplicate


25) A(n) ________ is an attribute that must have a value forevery entity instance. A) Derived attribute B) Composite attribute C) Required attribute D) Optional attribute


29) A(n) ________ is an association between the instances of one or more entity types that is of interest to the organization. A) Attribute B) Repeating group C) Relationship D) Identifier


31) In ________ normal form, non-primary key attributes do not depend on each other (what we call no transitive dependencies). A) First B) Fourth C) Third D) Second


34) A ternary relationship is a simultaneous relationship among instances of ________ entity type(s). A) One B) Two C) Three D) Ten


41) A ________ is an attribute that appears as a non-primary key attribute in one relation and as a primary key attribute (or part of a primary key) in another relation. A) Referential integrity B) Primary key C) Foreign key D) Unique key


46) ________ is NOT a valid degree of the relationship. A) Binary B) Unary C) N-ary D) Ternary


49) A recursive foreign key is a foreign key in a relation that references the ________ values of that same relation. A) Non-primary key B) Unique key C) Primary key D) Foreign key


56) Which relation is created by placing the primary key of the entity on the one side of the relationship as a foreign key in the relation for the entity on the many side? A) Associative entity B) Weak entity C) Binary 1:N relationship D) Associative entity with additional key


6) There are ________ key steps in logical database modeling and design. A) Two B) Three C) Four D) Five


60) In some situations, two or more attributes may have different names but the same meaning, as when they describe the same characteristic of an entity. Such attributes are called ________. A) Homonyms B) Antonyms C) Synonyms D) Duplicates


63) The ________ rule specifies that if an entity instance of the super type is a member of one subtype, it cannot simultaneously be a member of any other subtype. A) Business B) Overlap C) Disjoint D) Partial specialization


69) Which business rule specifies that each instance of an entity type must have a unique identifier that is not null? A) Triggering operations B) Referential integrity C) Entity integrity D) Domains


71) A(n) ________ is a coding scheme recognized by system software for representing organizational data. A) Data model B) Attribute C) Data type D) Field


73) A ________ value is a special field value, distinct from a zero, blank, or any other value, that indicates that the value for the field is missing or otherwise unknown. A) Key B) True C) Null D) Default


73) A domain is the set of all data types and ranges of values that ________ may assume. A) Entities B) Instances C) Attributes D) Events


77) ________ is NOT a valid type of partitioning method in relational database products. A) Range B) Hash C) Boundary D) Composite


82) A(n) ________ is one field or a combination of fields for which more than one row may have the same combination of values. A) Index B) Primary key C) Secondary key D) Pointer


84) The term ________ data model means a conceptual data model with some additional properties associated with the most popular type of database technology like relational databases. A) Universal B) Physical C) Logical D) Industry-specific


90) The ________ is a logical grouping of objects that have the same (or similar) attributes, relationships, and behaviors; also called class. A) Operation B) Encapsulation C) Object class D) Object diagram


97) The fact that the same operation may apply to two or more classes in different ways is known as ________. A) Aggregation B) Abstract operation C) Polymorphism D) Composition


According to the DFD conventions, the data flow is always depicted by a(n) ________.

C) Arrow

When two ________ have the same data flow name, you must be careful that these flows are exactly the same.

C) Arrows

________ is NOT a phase in a systems development life cycle.

C) Attributes

The act of going from a single system to ________ component processes is called (functional) decomposition.

C) Four

Balancing is the conservation of inputs and outputs to a DFD process when that process is decomposed to a ________ level.

C) Lower

A data flow cannot go directly back to the same process it leaves. There must be at least ________ other process(es) that handle(s) the data flow, produce(s) some other data flow, and return(s) the original data flow to the beginning process.

C) One

A data flow has ________ direction(s) of flow between symbols. It may flow in both directions between a process and a data store to show a read before an update.

C) One

Flowcharting has been criticized by proponents of structured analysis and design because it is too ________.

C) Physically oriented

Data cannot move directly from one data store to another data store. Data must be moved by a ________.

C) Process

Displaying text in mixed uppercase and lowercase and using conventional punctuation is related to which of the guidelines for displaying text?


Which usability factor specifies that outputs should be self-explanatory and not require users to remember information from prior outputs in order to complete a task?


Which of the following is a problem caused by using a color in forms and reports?

Color fidelity may degrade on different displays.

Which usability factor specifies that there should be consistent use of terminology, abbreviations, formatting, titles, and navigation within and across outputs?



Context DFD is one of the deliverables for process modeling. True False

1) The most common format used for data modeling is ________ diagramming. A) Entity-class B) Entity-object C) Entity-subject D) Entity-relationship


14) A(n) ________ is a person, place, object, event, or concept in the user environment about which the organization wishes to maintain data. A) Dimension B) Attribute C) Object D) Entity


14) Each ________ of a relation corresponds to a record that contains data values for an entity. A) Column B) Entity C) Attribute D) Row


16) In a relation, each row is unique and uniqueness is guaranteed because the relation has a non-empty ________ key value. A) Unique B) Composite C) Candidate D) Primary


21) A(n) ________ is a named property or characteristic of an entity that is of interest to the organization. A) Event B) Instance C) Relationship D) Attribute


26) A(n) ________ is an attribute that may not have a value forevery entity instance. A) Required attribute B) Derived attribute C) Composite attribute D) Optional attribute


30) In ________ normal form, each non-primary key attribute is identified by the whole key (what we call full functional dependency). A) First B) Fourth C) Third D) Second


32) A recursive relationship is also known as a ________ relationship. A) Binary B) Ternary C) Secondary D) Unary


33) The result of normalization is that every ________ key attribute depends upon the whole primary key. A) Candidate B) Unique C) Primary D) Non-primary


4) In logical database design, we use a process called ________, which is a way to build a data model that has the properties of simplicity, non-redundancy, and minimal maintenance. A) Data modeling B) Database designing C) De-normalization D) Normalization


43) Each entity type in the E-R diagram becomes a relation. The identifier of the entity type becomes the ________ of the relation, and other attributes of the entity type become non-primary key attributes of the relation. A) Foreign key B) Index C) Unique key D) Primary key


45) The key should be ________; that is, no attribute in the key can be deleted without destroying its unique identification. A) De-normalized B) Normalized C) Redundant D) Non-redundant


54) Which relation is created with a composite primary key using the primary keys of the related entities and additional primary key attributes associated with the relationship or associative entity, plus any non-key attributes of the relationship or associative entity? A) Binary 1:N relationship B) Associative entity C) Associative entity with its own key D) Associative entity with additional key


58) Which relation is created with a composite primary key (which includes the primary key of the entity on which this weak entity depends) and non-key attributes? A) Associative entity with additional key B) Super-type C) Regular entity D) Weak entity


60) A ________ is an entity type that is meaningful to the organization and that shares common attributes or relationships distinct from other sub-groupings. A) Repeating group B) Multi-valued C) Super-type D) Subtype


62) The ________ rule specifies that each entity instance of the super-type must be a member of some subtype of the relationship. A) Partial specialization B) Business C) Overlap D) Total specialization


68) How many types of business rules are there in conceptual data modeling? A) One B) Two C) Three D) Four


70) We begin the physical design phase by addressing the design of physical fields for each attribute in a ________ data model. A) Conventional B) Conceptual C) Physical D) Logical


71) Which business rule specifies constraints on valid values for attributes? A) Triggering operations B) Referential integrity C) Entity integrity D) Domains


74) A(n) ________ is an assertion or rule that governs the validity of data manipulation operations such as insert, update, and delete. A) Domain B) Event C) Referential integrity D) Triggering operation


75) ________ is the process of splitting or combining normalized relations into physical tables based on affinity of use of rows and fields. A) Partitioning B) Modeling C) Normalization D) De-normalization


79) A computer operating system stores data in a ________, which is a named set of table rows stored in a contiguous section of secondary memory. A) Disk B) Tablespace C) Table D) Physical file


8) In logical database modeling and design, we translate the ________ E-R data model for the application or enterprise, developed without explicit consideration of specific user interfaces, into normalized data requirements. A) Normal B) Physical C) Logical D) Conceptual


83) In a hashed file organization, the address of each ________ is determined using an algorithm. A) Constraint B) Key C) Column D) Row


83) ________ data models are generic data models that are designed to be used by organizations within specific industries. A) Universal B) Conceptual C) Logical D) Industry-specific


86) Which benefit of purchased data models provides database planning and analysis by providing a first data model, which we can use to generate specific analysis questions and concrete, not hypothetical or abstract, examples of what might be in the appropriate database? A) Validated B) Consistent and complete C) Cost reduction D) Facilitates systems analysis


89) The ________ shows the static structure of an object-oriented model: the object classes, their internal structure, and the relationships in which they participate. A) Data model B) Object class C) Object diagram D) Class diagram


92) A(n) ________ is an operation that does not have any side effects; it accesses the state of an object but does not alter the state. A) Encapsulation B) Constructor operation C) Update operation D) Query operation


95) A class that can have direct instances (e.g., Outpatient or Resident Patient) is called a(n) ________ class. A) Object B) Abstract C) Associative D) Concrete


Data flow repository entries typically will NOT include ________.

D) A long description defining the data flow

A data flow has a noun phrase label. More than one data flow noun phrase can appear on a single ________ as long as all of the flows on the same arrow move together as one package.

D) Arrow

Data cannot move directly from a source to a sink. It must be moved by a process if the data are of any concern to our system. Otherwise, the data flow is not shown on the ________.


________ are NOT a component of data flow diagram symbols.

D) Data programs

A(n) ________ in a data flow means that exactly the same data goes from a common location to two or more different processes, data stores, or sources/sinks. (This usually indicates different copies of the same data going to different locations.)

D) Fork

________ is the process of discovering discrepancies between two or more sets of DFDs or discrepancies within a single DFD.

D) Gap analysis

________ is/are NOT a deliverable for process modeling.

D) Inadequately decomposed diagrams

No process can have only ________. It would be making data from nothing (a miracle). If an object has only outputs, then it must be a source.

D) Outputs

________ are NOT a part of a decision table.

D) Policies

A ________ is the origin and/or destination of the data, and these are sometimes referred to as external entities because they are outside the system.

D) Source

A ________ is used in both conventions for sources/sinks and has a name that states what the external agent is, such as Customer, Teller, EPA Office, or Inventory Control System.

D) Square


DFDs do a very good job of representing time. On a given DFD, there is an indication of whether a data flow occurs constantly in real time, once per week, or once per year. There is also an indication of when a system would run. True False


DFDs do not provide notation but illustrate important concepts about the movement of data between manual and automated steps. True False


Data cannot move directly from one data store to another data store. Data must be moved by a ________. Flow chart Data source Process Procedure


Data flow diagrams are non-versatile diagramming tools and consist of only three symbols. True False

Which error is addressed by the recommendation to avoid requiring users to scroll down a page to view information, especially navigational controls?

Displaying long lists as long pages

The ________ report provides details behind the summary values on a key-indicator or exception report.


________ is a usability dimension concerned with how quickly users can perform tasks once they know how to perform them.


When designing forms and reports, which characteristic focuses on social issues such as the users status and role that should be considered in addition to environmental concerns such as lighting, sound, task interruptions, temperature, and humidity?


________ is a usability dimension concerned with how many errors a user might encounter and how easy it is to recover from those errors.


The ________ report highlights data that are out of the normal operating range.


36) De-normalization is a process for converting complex data structures into simple, stable data structures.


37) A relation is in first normal form if every non-primary key attribute is functionally dependent on the whole primary key.


52) A recursive foreign key is a foreign key in a relation that references the foreign key values of that same relation.


86) In a range control, only alphabetic data may have a limited set of permissible values.


88) A null value is the value a field will assume unless an explicit value is entered for the field.


89) A physical table is a named set of rows and columns that specifies the fields in each column of the table.


92) Range partitioning combines range and hash partitioning by first segregating data by ranges on the designated attribute, and then within each of these partitions, it further partitions by hashing on the designated attribute.


20) During logical database design, you must account for every data element on a system input or output—form or report—and on the flow chart.

F ?

21) A foreign key is an attribute (or combination of attributes) whose value is unique across all occurrences of a relation.

F ?

23) In an object oriented database model, data is represented as a set of related tables or relations.

F ?

25) An unstructured relation is a relation that contains a minimum amount of redundancy and that allows users to insert, modify, and delete the rows without error or inconsistencies.

F ?

38) An object type is a collection of entities that share common properties or characteristics.

F ?

4) A physical data model is a detailed model that captures the overall structure of organizational data that is independent of any database management system or other implementation considerations.

F ?

41) A state is a named property or characteristic of an entity that is of interest to the organization.

F ?

42) A primary key is an attribute (or combination of attributes) that uniquely identifies each instance of an entity type.

F ?

44) An aggregation is an association between the instances of one or more entity types that is of interest to the organization.

F ?

5) Conceptual data modeling is not done in parallel with other requirements analysis and structuring steps during systems analysis.

F ?

50) While representing an entity, each non-key attribute of the entity type becomes a key attribute of the relation.

F ?

51) The procedure for representing relationships depends on both the degree of the relationship and not on the cardinalities of the relationship.

F ?

52) A ternary relationship is a relationship between instances of two entity types and is the most common type of relationship encountered in data modeling.

F ?

55) An entity type that associates the instances of only one type and contains attributes that are peculiar to the relationship between those entity instances.

F ?

7) The primary deliverable from the physical data modeling step within the analysis phase is an E-R diagram.

F ?

78) The disjoint rule specifies that if an entity instance of the supertype is a member of one subtype, it can simultaneously be a member of any other subtype.

F ?

80) Projects with purchased models take less time and cost more because the initial discovery steps are no longer necessary, leaving only iterative tailoring and refinement to the local situation.

F ?

87) A null value is a special field value, similar to a zero, blank, or any other value, that indicates that the value for the field is missing or otherwise unknown.

F ?

91) In range partitioning, a table row is assigned to a partition by an algorithm and then maps the specified attribute value to a partition.

F ?

A form is a business document that contains only predefined data; it is a passive document used solely for reading or viewing.


A report is a business document that contains some predefined data and may include some areas where additional data are to be filled in.


Ad-hoc reports provide details behind the summary values on a key-indicator or exception report.


Drill-down reports highlight data that are out of the normal operating range.


Most forms have a stylized format and are usually simple row and column format.


Size differences and reverse video are common methods of highlighting information.


To clearly show how to move forward and backward is related to balance the layout characteristic during the design of forms and reports.


A paper prototype is a simple design to show the placement of information elements on a screen and the space needed for each element.


Emphasis on the logical organization of information is not a benefit of using color.


Highlighting cannot be a valuable technique for notifying users of errors in data entry or processing.


Use abbreviations and acronyms only when they are widely understood by users and are significantly shorter than the full text" is not a guideline for displaying text.


Which error is addressed by the recommendation to avoid fixed-formatted text that requires users to scroll horizontally to view content or links?

Fixed-formatted text

Which usability factor specifies that information should be viewed and retrieved in a manner most convenient to the user?


A ________ is a business document that contains some predefined data and may include some areas where additional data are to be filled in.


Which usability factor specifies that information format should be consistent between entry and display, and format should distinguish each piece of data and highlight, not bury, important data?


Avoid overly fancy fonts and sort in a meaningful order" is related to which guideline for displaying tables and lists?

Formatting columns, rows, and text

Place a blank line between every five rows in long columns" is related to which guideline for displaying tables and lists?

Formatting columns, rows, and text

Similar information displayed in multiple columns should be sorted vertically" is related to which guideline for displaying tables and lists?

Formatting columns, rows, and text

Use a single typeface, except for emphasis" is related to which guideline for displaying tables and lists?

Formatting columns, rows, and text

Use same family of typefaces within and across displays and reports" is related to which guideline for displaying tables and lists?

Formatting columns, rows, and text

Break long sequences of alphanumeric data into small groups of three to four characters each" is related to which guideline for displaying tables and lists?

Formatting numeric, textual, and alphanumeric data

Left-justify textual data, use short line length, usually 30-40 characters per line" is related to which guideline for displaying tables and lists?

Formatting numeric, textual, and alphanumeric data

Right-justify numeric data and align columns by decimal points or other delimiter" is related to which guideline for displaying tables and lists?

Formatting numeric, textual, and alphanumeric data


If your DFD contains data flows that do not lead anywhere or data stores, processes or external entities that are not connected to anything else, your DFD is not accurate. True False

Left-justifying text and leaving a ragged-right margin is related to which of the guidelines for displaying text?


The ________ report provides a summary of critical information on a recurring basis.


________ is a usability dimension concerned with how difficult it is for the user to perform a task for the first time.


Information should be provided in a manner that is usable without modification" is related to ________ for the design of forms and reports.

Meaningful information

Only needed information should be displayed in a report" is related to ________ for the design of forms and reports.

Meaningful information

"Valid date, which identifies on what date (or time) the data in the form or report was accurate," is related to ________ for the design of forms and reports.

Meaningful titles

Clear and specific titles describing content and use of form or report" is related to ________ for the design of forms and reports.

Meaningful titles

Current date, which identifies when the form or report was generated," is related to ________ for the design of forms and reports.

Meaningful titles

Revision date or code to distinguish a form or report from prior versions in a report" is related to ________ for the design of forms and reports.

Meaningful titles

________ is a usability dimension concerned with how easy it is to remember how to accomplish a task when revisiting the system after a period of time.



No process can have only ________. It would be making data from nothing (a miracle). If an object has only outputs, then it must be a source. Inputs Sources Sinks Outputs

Which error is addressed by the recommendation to make sure that when using standard design items, they behave in accordance with major interface design standard?

Nonstandard use of GUI widgets

Which usability factor specifies that formatting should be designed with an understanding of the task being performed and the intended user?


Which error is addressed by the recommendation to make sure the site is continuously updated so that users "feel" that the site is regularly maintained and updated?

Outdated information

Which of the below is a problem from using a color in forms and reports?

Printing or conversion to other media may not easily translate.

According to guidelines for selecting tables versus graphs, we should use tables for ________.

Reading individual data values

A report typically contains data from many unrelated ________ or transactions.


A ________ is a business document that contains only predefined data; it is a passive document used solely for reading or viewing.


________ is a usability dimension concerned with how enjoyable a system's visual appeal is and how enjoyable the system is to use.

Satisfaction and aesthetics

The ________ report is produced at predefined intervals-daily, weekly, or monthly-to support the routine informational needs of an organization.


A paper prototype is a series of mock ________ that can be used to test content, look, and feel, as well as the task flow and other usability factors.


Which error is addressed by the recommendation to avoid using large images, lots of images, unnecessary animations, or other time-consuming content that will slow the downloading time of a page?

Slow download times

When designing forms and reports, which characteristic focuses on the platform on which the system is constructed that will influence interaction styles and devices?


19) Logical database design is driven not only from the previously developed E-R data model for the application or enterprise but also from form and report layouts.


22) A relation is a named, two-dimensional table of data and each relation (or table) consists of a set of named columns and an arbitrary number of unnamed rows.


24) In a relational table, each row is unique and uniqueness is guaranteed because the relation has a non-empty primary key value.


38) A relation is in third normal form if it is in second normal form and there are no functional dependencies between two (or more) non-primary key attributes.


39) An entity instance (also known simply as an instance) is a single occurrence of an entity type and is described just once in a data model, whereas many instances of that entity type may be represented by data stored in the database.


39) Each relationship in an E-R diagram must be represented in the relational database design and how we represent a relationship depends on its nature.


40) Event entity types should be named for the result of the event, not the activity or process of the event.


43) An identifier is a candidate key that has been selected to be used as the unique characteristic for an entity type.


53) The minimum cardinality of a relationship is the minimum number of instances of entity B that may be associated with each instance of entity A.


54) A relationship definition explains what action is being taken and possibly why it is important. It may be important to state who or what does the action, but it is not important to explain how the action is taken.


56) One situation in which a relationship must be turned into an associative entity is when the associative entity has other relationships with entities besides the relationship that caused its creation.


6) The process of conceptual data modeling begins with developing a conceptual data model for the system being replaced, if a system already exists. This is essential for planning the conversion of the current files or database into the database of the new system.


62) When merging relations that contain synonyms, we should obtain, if possible, agreement from users on a single standardized name for the attribute and eliminate the other synonym.


63) When two 3NF relations are merged to form a single relation, dependencies between non-keys may result.


64) A supertype is a generic entity type that has a relationship with one or more subtypes.


79) Domain definitions typically specify some (or all) of the following characteristics of attributes: data type, length, format, range, allowable values, meaning, uniqueness, and null support (whether an attribute value may or may not be null).


8) The other deliverable from conceptual data modeling is a full set of entries about data objects that will be stored in the project dictionary, repository, or data modeling software.


85) A calculated field is a field that can be derived from other database fields and is also known as a computed field or a derived field.


90) The capability to split a table into separate sections is possible with most relational database products.


98) The technique of hiding the internal implementation details of an object from its external view is known as encapsulation.


37) An entity has its own identity that distinguishes it from each other entity.

T /

A key-indicator report provides a summary of critical information on a recurring basis.


A report typically contains data from many unrelated records or transactions.


Highlighting can be a valuable technique for drawing attention to keywords, commands, high-priority messages, and data that have changed or gone outside normal operating ranges.


Highlighting can be a valuable technique for providing warnings to users regarding possible problems such as unusual data values or an unavailable device.


Increasingly, developers are using tools that can quickly create screen mockups, referred to as wireframes.


Offsetting the position of nonstandard information is one of the methods of highlighting information.


T/F When displaying textual information, we should also be careful not to hyphenate words between lines or use obscure abbreviations and acronyms.


The benefits of color only seem to apply if the information is first provided to the user in the most appropriate presentation format.


In business-related systems, ________ is becoming increasingly important as text-based applications such as electronic mail, bulletin boards, and information services are more widely used.

Textual output


The act of going from a single system to ________ component processes is called (functional) decomposition. Two Six Four Three


The concept of DFD ________ refers to whether or not the depiction of the system shown at one level of a nested set of DFDs is compatible with the depictions of the system shown at other levels. Accuracy Balancing Completeness Consistency


The concept of DFD ________ refers to whether you have included in your DFDs all of the components necessary for the system you are modeling. Completeness Processing Accuracy Balancing


The information system is depicted as a DFD and the highest-level view of this system is called a context diagram. True False

Color pairings may wash out or cause problems for some users" is a major problem of using color.


Facilitating subtle discriminations in complex displays is a benefit of using color.


The usability of information displayed in tables and alphanumeric lists is likely to be much more heavily influenced by effective layout than most other types of information display.


User-centered design refers to a design approach that involves an understanding of the target audience, their tasks and goals, information needs, experience levels, and so on.


________ is an overall evaluation of how a system performs in supporting a particular user for a particular task.



Use cases written at the ________ level focus on user goals. Black White Blue Kite


Use cases written at the fish and ________ levels (sometimes called the clam level) are much more detailed and focus on sub-function goals. Sea White Kite Black

All columns and rows should have meaningful labels" is related to which guideline for displaying tables and lists?

Use meaningful labels

Redisplay labels when the data extend beyond a single screen or page" is related to which guideline for displaying tables and lists?

Use meaningful labels

When designing forms and reports, which characteristic focuses on issues related to experience, skills, motivation, education, and personality that should be considered?



When you decompose a DFD from one level to the next, there is a conservation principle at work and we must conserve inputs and outputs to a process at the next level of decomposition. True False

Increasingly, developers are using tools that can quickly create screen mockups, referred to as ________, to show the placement of information elements on a screen and the space needed for each element.



With only ________ symbols, you can use DFDs to represent both physical and logical information systems. Five Three Six Four


_______ is the time period during which an object performs an operation. Activation Sequence Duration Activity


________ DFD development recognizes that requirements determination and requirements structuring are interacting, not sequential, subphases of the analysis phase of the SDLC. Primitive Subjective Iterative Consistent


________ are NOT a part of a decision table. Action stubs Policies Condition stubs Rules


________ are NOT a part of a decision table. Rules Condition stubs Action stubs Policies


________ is NOT a phase in a systems development life cycle. Maintenance Attributes Planning Design


________ is NOT one of the levels of details suggested by Cockburn. Kite Red Blue White

Gap analysis

________ is the process of discovering discrepancies between two or more sets of DFDs or discrepancies within a single DFD. Basic analysis Gap analysis Timing Primitive DFD

Asynchronous message

________, shown as a half arrowhead in a sequence diagram, is one where the sender does not have to wait for the recipient to handle the message. Activation Synchronous message Asynchronous message Simple message

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