Tableau Calculation exam 4
Level of detail calculation
"LOD Expressions represent an elegant and powerful way to answer questions involving multiple levels of granularity in a single visualization." "LOD Expressions allow you to determine the levels of detail (i.e., the dimensions) used in a calculation without actually dropping those dimensions into the visualization." {[TYPE] [Dimension 1],[Dimension 2] : AGG([Measure])}
3 ways to make a calculated field
1. Analysis= create calculated field 2. Dimension= create calculated field 3. Right click (in data pane)= create calculated field
How is data calculated in terms of direction?
Across, Down Across then Down Down then Across
Aggregates at the level of detail determined by the dimensions in the view and the dimensions listed in the code. most useful when including a dimension that isn't in the view. { INCLUDE [Customer Name] : SUM([Sales]) }
Aggregates at the level of detail determined by the dimensions in the view, excluding any listed in the code. most useful for eliminating a dimension in the view. {EXCLUDE [Region]: SUM([Sales])}
Aggregates at the level of detail specified by the list of dimensions only in the code without reference to what dimensions are used in the view: { FIXED [Region] : SUM([Sales]) }
Ad-Hoc calculations
Does not become part of the data source, it is part of the visualization only Double Click in Row/Column Pane or Marks shelf
LOD types
Fixed include exclude
How calculation is made within Scope
List of Tableau Functions
Numerical string Date Type conversion Logical aggregate user table
How Does Tableau calculations work?
Row, Aggregate, and LOD are performed at the data source layer They are part of the query sent by Tableau to the data source Table Calculations Tableau queries the data source Results of the query are returned Calculations are made to the aggregated data
Quick table calculations include
Running Total Difference Percent Difference Percent of Total Rank Percentile Moving Average YTD total Compound Growth Rate Year Over Year Growth YTD Growth.
How is data calculated by scope?
Table Pane -Next to last Dimension (Year / Region) cell -Lowest Level of Dimension Detail (Department/Region x Quarter/Year)
When creating a calculated field
The calculation becomes part of the data source that is currently open. That is, you are creating a new data attribute and value
How to create table calculations
Use Drop Down Menu on Pill in View Choose Quick Table Calculation Create a Calculation using Table functions
Quick table calculations can be applied to
any measure used in a view
boundaries that are used in a calculation
Calculation Types
row level aggregate level level of detail table