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Heat Maps

HEAT MAPS= Crosstabs that display measures / categorical data visually using size and color. Show these across multiple related dimensions to derive more insight and show outliers. HOW TO: Start with 1 or more dimensions and 2 or more measures Drag 1 measure onto size and 1 onto color and drag dimensions to rows and columns Edit colors to highlight outliers Use color steps for clarity Adjust size of marks between ticks to get the best range based on underlying data OR use show me by holding CTRL and selecting measures and dimensions you want to use. Tip: Use orange-blue diverging colors for color blind people

Creating Hierarchies in Your Data

HIERARCHIES: Are created in the dimensions pane and allow you and the end user to drill down on the view based on the order you choose, highest level to lowest. HOW TO: In dimensions pane: Ctrl + Select dimensions --> right click--> hierarchy--> create hierarchy --> name it --> ok OR drag and drop dimensions on top of each other and name it Note: You can leverage relationships within hierarchies from the marks card, rows and columns shelf, and from the view. You can rearrange the order by dragging dimensions and you can list a field in 2 hierarchies by duplicating that dimensions and dragging it into both of them. If you remove a hierarchy, dimensions will not be deleted.

Highlight Tables

HIGHLIGHT TABLES = Crosstabs that use text and color to emphasize outliers and trends Crosstabs make it difficult to find outliers or make comparisons across categories, so it is useful to use highlight tables. HOW TO: Show a measure on text and color Drag a measure to text --> hold CTRL and drag the same measure to color --> set mark type to square --> add dimensions to rows and columns to divide data categorically. To highlight outliers, edit the color on the marks card making the center value the value you're looking for. Note: You can use 2 different measures, 1 on color and 1 on text, but be careful to use titles and captions to make it clear what the end user is seeing.

Custom Dates

OVERVIEW: Use custom dates that automatically drill down to the continuous date value you want or deliver only the discrete date part you want or build a hierarchy from the custom dates to control what happens when users drill up or down. HOW TO CREATE A CUSTOM DATE FIELD: Right click the date field --> create --> custom date --> name it --> select detail (year, month, week) --> and then select date part or value. This removes the date hierarchy so it only shows the level of detail that you selected. You can create custom hierarchies by creating two of these and dragging them together and naming the hierarchy. Note: You can only replace discrete with discrete and continuous with continuous in the view. :5}]

Using Reference Lines and Bands �

REFERENCE LINES: Mark a specific value or region on an axis that provides context / perspective to your view. You can create an unlimited amount of reference lines, bands, boxes. HOW TO: right click axis, hit add reference line. Reference Line: Choose value dropdown (only displays measures in view or in marks card), aggregation, and a label. The scope can be across the entire table, per pane, or per cell. Cell is represented by the lowest dimensions in the view. You can add a constant value. You can also add one from the analytics pane. You can select marks and the average will change unless you deselect the box that says show recalculated band for highlighted or selected data. Reference Band: Display data that falls within a window of values and display as shaded areas. Reference Distribution: Uses a gradient to indicate the distribution of values along an axis. You can highlight 5 different ranges of data distribution based on measure value selected. Confidence intervals, percentages, percentiles, quantiles, standard deviation. Fill above below or symmetric to the distribution. Box Plot: Combo of ref lines and distribution bands. Have whiskers.

Connecting To Data & Refreshes

TABLEAU CAN CONNECT TO: A flat file, a server, or a saved data source, which include: Spreadsheets and statistical files Relational databases OLAP cubes Big data Online data sources Tableau's default is a live connection to data. Tableau maintains a connection to the data source, rather than importing data, and data refreshes automatically in the workbook when you open it. If needed, you can also refresh it by right clicking the data source name in a worksheet. Extracts, on the other hand, create a snapshot of data optimized for aggregation and loaded into system memory. Quicker for bigger data sets. These can be saved locally as .TDE or .HYPER. STEPS FOR CONNECTING TO DATA: Connect to data source Rename data source if needed Choose sheets / tables by dragging them into join area or clicking them Preview data in data grid Choose live or extract Edit metadata NOTE: You can add rows or columns to your data source and it will not break the vis, but if you change the name of a column or remove a column, Tableau will not know what to do. To fix this, right click on field with red "!" and click replace references. Helpful: ���3�

Dashboard Actions i

ACTIONS: Features of dashboards that allow users to interact directly with the data. Some require a source sheet where users interact to start the action or a target sheet where the result of the actions are displayed. Highlight Actions: Call attention to marks. Highlight targeted marks and dim others. Activate marks in source sheet to highlight marks in target sheet. Accessed from actions dialogue box. Dashboard --> Actions. Hover is best practice. You can also turn highlighting on from highlight icon on top. Filter Actions: Show only targeted data across multiple data sheets. Click marks in source sheet to filter marks in target sheet. Select is best practice. Gives added control to users. Driven from the view itself to drill down on data that interests you. Field you use has to be used in both sheets. URL Actions: Connect user to web based sources. A hyperlink that points to a web based resource outside of Tableau. Menu is best practice. Highlight part of URL that is dynamic and click the dropdown for the field it relates to. Hover, select (best for filter), or menu (menu added to tooltip and user can decide if they want to run the action - best for URL actions)


CALCULATED FIELDS: Help to customize your data by starting with the data you have and transforming it to answer the questions you have. You do not alter or remove existing data fields. Calculations combine fields, functions, operator, parameters, and comments. You can create calculated strings, dates, logic fields, or geographic data. [Fields] - Data we have FUNCTIONS - Define operations that can be performed on data Operators (+ - / * ) - Shortcuts for more complex functions that are added by manual typing [Parameters] - Variables that can be added into calculations to replace constant values Comments - Can be added to provide context for the user. These aren't displayed in the view, but can be helpful for annotating calculations. CALCULATION EDITOR: Helps you create a calculation. You can see a full list of all the functions tableau recognizes. You are given a high level description, the syntax required, and an example of the function being used. The dropdown shows us different function types.

Combined Axis Charts

COMBINED AXIS CHART: A chart with multiple measures on the same axis. You can show as many measures as you want, but can only use one mark type. HOW TO: Drag one measure to the view, then drag the second to the left side of the view until you see a green double ruler icon. Measure names and measure values fields appear automatically. When you remove the measure names pill from columns, it becomes a stacked chart. You can drag the measure names field to color to differentiate. You can rearrange the stacked order from the measure values or measure names card. Axis title automatically becomes "Value" and you have to change it.

Computed vs. Manual Sorts

COMPUTED SORTS: Organize data by applying rules Alphabetic, by field, by data source order (ascending descending), or nested Alphabetical sorts: Easier to find things Measure Value sorts: Easier to compare data HOW TO: Click the sort icon next to the field or up top on the toolbar OR Right click pill and sort Select ascending or descending & aggregation These are dynamic - If data the data changes, computed sorts automatically refresh when data is refreshed MANUAL SORTS: Sort data by a specific order that you choose Maintained even when data changes HOW TO: Drag specific row to top of list DEFAULT SORT ORDER: Right click dimension in data pane --> Default Properties --> Sort (Can override in the view)


DASHBOARDS: Consolidate and explore multiple views at once. You can add views built from different data sources. They help monitor, explore, or inform the end user. Legends and filters from sheets are automatically added to dashboards. Dashboard Objects: Horizontal, Vertical, Text, Image, Web Page, Blank. These can be tiled or floating. In the layout pane you can adjust the position of a floating object. Containers have blue frames, sheets have gray frames. Legend Highlights: Help data stand out from other marks. From legend dropdown, select highlight selected items. Now when you select an item in the legend, the dashboard is highlighted. View as Filer: Marks you select in one view filter the other views. Set Filter Card to Apply to more than one view: Dropdown, apply to worksheets, select sheets you want. Filter entire dashboard now. Dashboard --> Show title --> put instructions below the title and make titles of legends and filters to give instruction --> hide sheets from dashboard pane or from tabs f8;�

Mapping Data Geographically

GEOGRAPHIC MAP TYPES: symbol maps & filled maps Geographic data is plotted like a scatterplot using latitude (y-axis) and longitude (x-axis) coordinates. Latitude and longitude are automatically generated by Tableau. Tableau can geocode 8 geographic location types: U.S. area codes U.S.-based CBSA/MSA Cities worldwide U.S. congressional districts Worldwide countries and regions U.S. counties Worldwide states / provinces Postal codes Lat / lon coordinates HOW TO: Drag a geographic field to the view and the lat / lon will automatically be generated. The field will automatically be added to the marks card as well. Drag measures to the marks to do more analysis. TIPS: Map --> Map Layers --> Opens up the map layers pane Add borders to shapes and remove the halo for clarity

Discrete Date Parts vs. Continuous Date Values

OVERVIEW: We use date fields to show data across time or aggregated into date categories, at varied levels of detail. Dates have a hierarchical structure and Tableau automatically pulls the highest level, year. GREEN=A CONTINIOUS DATE FIELD Infinite # of values Date values An axis is created when brought into vis Rows = vertical axes Columns = horizontal axis Filters: Relative or range of date filters Relative: Filters data relative to years, quarters, months, weeks, days. Default is to anchor to today, but you can change anchor. CONTINIOUS DATE FIELDS: Have date values that can fall anywhere along an axis, like temperature, wind speed, price, height. Continuous date fields are used to show data over time. Filters for continuous fields are relative or range of date filters. You can expand continuous dates in the view to see more detail along the axis. BLUE= A DISCRETE DATE FIELD Finite # of values Date parts Headers are created when brought into vis Filters: Middle blue section. Same as filtering a dimension except wildcard - general, condition, or top. DISCRETE DATE FIELDS: Have date parts that fall into categories like month, week, day, etc. There is no continuum of values in between each value. These are blue and create headers when brought into the view. As you expand a discrete date part in the view from year --> month --> week, etc., there are new panes created. You can then move date parts around from rows to columns for different types of views/analysis. Ex: Month is the category and data from all years for that month is pulled Notes: Choosing discrete or continuous in the drop down menu does not change the field to a date part or a date value. ? You can change the default of a dimension to be discrete or continuous by right clicking it. If you want to select date part or value from the start, right click + drag field to the view and then you can choose. If both a discrete and continuous field are in the same row or column, the continuous will appear on the right.


SCATTERPLOTS: Help us identify correlations between measures. They allow you to use lots of data to find trends, clusters, & outliers. HOW TO: Drag one measure to rows and the other to columns. Drag dimensions to detail or color on the marks card to get a deeper LOD and more marks on your view. You can also go to analysis and unselect aggregate measures to show more marks. When you do this, each mark now represents one row from the data source.

String, Dates, & Type Conversion Functions

STRING DATA: Any data that is text, rather than numbers, dates or locations. HOW TO CONCATENATE (add together) STRINGS: Create a calculated field adding string fields with + " " + between the fields. When adding fields together, the fields must be the same data type. You can change the convert the data type using type conversion functions available in the data editor. DATE CALCULATIONS: You can calculate the difference between two dates with a calculated field using DATEDIFF function. Date part (day, week, minute) needs to be added lowercase with single quotation marks Then add both fields you're interested in Ex: DATEDIFF('week', [Interview date], [Hire Date])

Quick Table Calculations

TABLE CALCULATIONS: Computations that are applied to values in the data table for the view and are often dependent on the table structure. Performed after the results have been returned from the database and processed locally in tableau Filtering can affect the calculation, but if you instead hide fields you can avoid this problem Calculated fields, on the other hand, query straight from the database. These can be created from scratch, or you can use quick table calculations Quick Table Calculations: Running total Difference Percent difference Percent of total Rank Percentile Moving Average YTD Total YTD Growth Direction - Table down / across: You can see that totals row / column = 100% when you calculate this way. Scope - The scope is the segment of the table that the calculation is applied to. It can be the whole table, each pane, or each cell. Panes appear when you have multiple dimensions on rows or columns.

Filter By Category or Numerical Range

Tableau uses AND logic, applying filters on top of filters FILTER ON A DIMENSION TO SHOW A SUBSET OF DATA WITHIN A CATEGORY: General: Select from list, custom value list, or use all Wild Card: Allows you to specify a value for items you want to include or exclude "Contains" , "starts with" , "ends with" , "exactly matches" Both have option to exclude Condition Filter: Filter based on field, aggregation, > < <= etc. a value you choose or by formula Top: Specify a top or bottom amount by field and aggregation or choose top 10 by using a formula FILTER ON A MEASURE TO SHOW A RANGE OF VALUES WITHIN YOUR DATA: Range of values: Min - max limits shown on slider. Default filter. At least & at most: Set min & max totals Both have option to show relevant values only or all values and to include or exclude nulls Special: Filter for null, non-nun, or all values FILTER ORDER: Extract Filters Data Source Filters Context Filters Sets, conditional, top n, fixed LOD Dimension Filters Include/Exclude LOD, Data blending Measure Filters Forecasts, gable calcs, clusters, totals Tale Calc Filters Trend lines, reference lines ewerCom


Worksheet --> Dashboard --> Story Bins create new dimensions Adding dimension only will make a bar chart into a stacked bar chart --> A measure on its own cannot be a stacked bar chart TWBX can be shared as image or PDF Sort helps easily know min and max, not table calcs or group Granularity depends on dimensions Save an image into your repository and hit reload shapes in tableau and use those Reference lines are added from the analytics pane Two Y axis and one X is a dual axis Color palettes are different for dimensions and measures Extension for packaged data source is .tdsx .TWB vs .TWBX & .TDS vs .TDSX --> If it has an X, it's packaged The options for dimensions and measures will differ during filtering Default aggregation is sum Text tables = pivot table = cross tab (crossing of rows and columns --> assign row and column header and value) Stories ** Blending adds more rows Joining brings data together into 1 row Most important visualization in dashboard is placed upper left Aliases are for measures in your sheet Only measure can be put into bins Quantitative legend with continuous range of colors when you use continuous field 3 points on a scatter plot, add a dimensions with 3 values onto it, 9 points A join combines then aggregates, a blend aggregates then combines The lower the P value, the more significant. Below .05 is statistically significant. High R 2 and low P value is best. Unions create more rows Right click and rename a field in work sheet double click to edit the name in data source Granularity is more, marks are also more Shape options pie charts and stacked bar charts do NOT have shape options, but circle view and scatter plots do Tableau desktop creates a TIFF format for image files on MAC Continuous measures and numeric dimensions can be put into bins - numbers have to be involved? Comment and color are default properties for both measures and dimensions Blend represents left join (primary and secondary ds) Visual groups can be made by clicking group icon at the top or right clicking and hitting group Extract files are a local copy of a subset or total data set and are .hyper or . Tde Generated values: all fields in italics - measure names / values / lat / lon Line option shows up in marks pane for line charts Bold tooltip from the format area or from the tooltip box Data can be combined from multiple sources using data blend Web page is one of the objects in a dashboard that can be used to link a URL Date can be used on dual axis charts Scatter plots help visualize the relationship in numeric values Red to green = diverging and one color means quantitative Container types: vertical & horizontal Boolean = true false The maximum number of 32 tables can be joined in Tableau. A table size must also be limited to 255 columns (fields). HTTP, HTTPS, and FTP are allowed in URL actions Combined is used for more than one set Context filters can be used to increase performance when dataset is large or there are too many filters Sets groups and hierarchies can be removed Sequential palettes are used when values are all + or all -, diverging is used between + and - Quantitative = palette used when you drop a continuous field Only measures are facts Text is not treated as null when mapped datatype is textWorksheet --> Dashboard --> Story Bins create new dimensions Adding dimension only will make a bar chart into a stacked bar chart --> A measure on its own cannot be a stacked bar chart TWBX can be shared as image or PDF Sort helps easily know min and max, not table calcs or group Granularity depends on dimensions Save an image into your repository and hit reload shapes in tableau and use those Reference lines are added from the analytics pane Two Y axis and one X is a dual axis Color palettes are different for dimensions and measures Extension for packaged data source is .tdsx .TWB vs .TWBX & .TDS vs .TDSX --> If it has an X, it's packaged The options for dimensions and measures will differ during filtering Default aggregation is sum Text tables = pivot table = cross tab (crossing of rows and columns --> assign row and column header and value) Stories ** Blending adds more rows Joining brings data together into 1 row Most important visualization in dashboard is placed upper left Aliases are for measures in your sheet Only measure can be put into bins Quantitative legend with continuous range of colors when you use continuous field 3 points on a scatter plot, add a dimensions with 3 values onto it, 9 points A join combines then aggregates, a blend aggregates then combines The lower the P value, the more significant. Below .05 is statistically significant. High R 2 and low P value is best. Unions create more rows Right click and rename a field in work sheet double click to edit the name in data source Granularity is more, marks are also more Shape options pie charts and stacked bar charts do NOT have shape options, but circle view and scatter plots do Tableau desktop creates a TIFF format for image files on MAC Continuous measures and numeric dimensions can be put into bins - numbers have to be involved? Comment and color are default properties for both measures and dimensions Blend represents left join (primary and secondary ds) Visual groups can be made by clicking group icon at the top or right clicking and hitting group Extract files are a local copy of a subset or total data set and are .hyper or . Tde Generated values: all fields in italics - measure names / values / lat / lon Line option shows up in marks pane for line charts Bold tooltip from the format area or from the tooltip box Data can be combined from multiple sources using data blend Web page is one of the objects in a dashboard that can be used to link a URL Date can be used on dual axis charts Scatter plots help visualize the relationship in numeric values Red to green = diverging and one color means quantitative Container types: vertical & horizontal Boolean = true false The maximum number of 32 tables can be joined in Tableau. A table size must also be limited to 255 columns (fields). HTTP, HTTPS, and FTP are allowed in URL actions Combined is used for more than one set Context filters can be used to increase performance when dataset is large or there are too many filters Sets groups and hierarchies can be removed Sequential palettes are used when values are all + or all -, diverging is used between + and - Quantitative = palette used when you drop a continuous field Only measures are facts Text is not treated as null when mapped datatype is text m

Customizing Data Sources

.TDS FILE - TABLEAU DATA SOURCE: Saves connection information and any organizational or metadata changes we make to a data source Does not save login info or vises created DATA EDITS THAT CAN BE SAVED IN .TDS FILE: Creating folders Changing dimensions into measures and vice versa Changing default properties: Default color, # format, comment, aggregation, or total. Renaming fields Calculated fields Groups Not parameters or aliases HOW TO SAVE A .TDS LOCALLY: Data --> Last row --> Add to saved DS HOW TO SAVE A .TDS TO SERVER: Server --> Publish DS Allows users to access the data without credentials needed to access or edit database directly Login to server from home page to access .TDS saved on the server Helpful:

Tableau File Types

.TDS: Contains metadata changes like groups and calc fields that have been made within tableau Doesn't contain data necessary to make viz, but contains data necessary to connect to data source. .TWB: Contains worksheets and dashboards and info necessary to connect to data source and information needed to build view, but doesn't include data from underlying data source. A link to the datasource is established. .TWBX.: Contains worksheets and dashboards and info necessary to connect to data source and information needed to build view, and includes a copy of the data. Live or extracts. Good for if others don't have access to local data used to build the viz. Others can open with tableau desktop or reader (free) .TDE: Snapshot of data that tableau saves locally. Helpful when connecting to extremely large data sources. Optimizes performance. Tableau queries own data engine instead of database. Publishing Online: Publish workbooks on Tableau Online or Tableau Server (hosted by own organization) Choose sheets, permissions, and whether to embed the data source or publish it separately, making it available to others to use. Include external files. Tableau public can be used Share as TWBX - (packaged workbook) visualizations, copy of data file, and any other source files are saved and shared. If sharing a flat file, it will be saved in TWBX. If it is not a flat file, you need to do an extract before sharing as a TWBX. File --> Save as --> Select TWBX extension TWB is the default and doesn't contain copy of data or source files Anyone with Tableau desktop can open TWBX, but if not they can use tableau reader to interact and filter data but not edit. You can also export a vis as an image - export -> image You can also export only data Data - for access database Crosstab to excel for excel 0

The Tableau Workflow: Connect --> Analyze --> Share

1. CONNECT TO A LOCAL FILE ON A COMPUTER, SERVER, OR SAVED DATABASE: The Data Source Page: Here we choose sheets from data source, preview the data, and make changes to metadata. Changes we can make to data in DS Page: Rename, hide, or filter fields Change data type Create calculated fields Group data See default aggregation Dimensions only: Edit aliases and split data from one column to two by " " or "-" Measures only: Create bins USE THE WORKSPACE TO BUILD A VIS, ANALYZE DATA, AND ANSWER QUESTIONS: Dimensions: Qualitative categorical data Measures: Quantifiable data View / Viz: Space where you can drag fields to create a visualization Mark: Shape used to represent data TIPS: Worksheet --> Dashboard --> Story Text Table = Cross Tab = Pivot Table Hold CTRL + fields interested in, then click "show me" BRING VISES TOGETHER TO CREATE A DASHBOARD THAT YOU CAN SHARE: .TWB - Tableau Workbook: Default format for saving a workbook for sharing. Saves connection information, but does not contain a copy of the data source. Those without access to the data source cannot use. .TWBX - Tableau Packaged Workbook: Contains a copy of the data source and any other source files you've used in your views. Anyone with Tableau Desktop can open Anyone without Tableau Desktop can use Tableau Reader app and engage with data to filter and sort If data source is not a flat file (excel or csv), you need to create an extract before saving as .TWBX Can You can also share on Tableau Server or Tableau Online TIPS: When creating dashboards to share, select the top sheet and click "entire view" then hit "fit width" on bottom sheet to match it to the size of the top sheet. The funnel in the top right corner of a sheet in a dashboard allows you to use that sheet as a filter for the other.

Working With Aggregation in Calculations tml>

AGGREGATION WITHIN CALCULATIONS: If you make a calculated field called (profit/sales), Tableau automatically aggregates it to look like SUM(profit/sales) - row level aggregation. This results in the totals showing a sum of the ratios, rather than 100%. In order to fix this, you want tableau to sum the profit and sales first and then divide the two totals. To tell Tableau the order of operations to use, the calculation would be SUM([profit]) / SUM([Sales]). Tableau won't perform further aggregation when you add this value to the view and AGG is added to the beginning of the calculation to indicate that the aggregation was predefined in the calculation. *When the aggregation is not included in the calculation, the calculation will be performed at the row level of detail, then aggregated and brought into the view* *If the aggregation is included within the calculation, the calculation will be at the level of detail in the view based on the dimensions you brought in and AGG will be added to the name. Further aggregation cannot be performed* Tip: Create and ad-hoc calculation by double clicking an existing field and typing the calculation directly in the view. You can drag that new field to the data pane to save it. rging colors f

Crosstabs - Totals & Aggregation

CROSSTABS: Crosstabs are just data tables that are used as a reference. HOW TO: Simply drag a measure to the view and dimension to rows and columns. When you drag in multiple measures, measure names will appear in columns and as a filter. You can move measure names around to get different views. To add grid lines, right click a value in the crosstab and select "format" --> borders --> rows --> cell border TOTALS & AGGREGATION IN CROSSTABS: Totals can be added from the analysis drop down or the analytics pane. You can change the aggregation of totals from the analytics pane, but only the values displayed in the crosstab are used in the calculation, not weighted. This is not recommended. Aggregation can be calculated from the measure field that is on the marks card This causes all of the data in the crosstab to be displayed as an average and totals become a weighted averages. The labels for totals and grand totals will not update to say average, so you have to right click them and change the name to "average" in the format/headers pane. This aggregation cannot be done with cube data. Note: If you just want to view your data you can do so by hitting "view data" in data pane. 10,000 rows of data will display here, including calculated fields. You can add more rows to this preview by hitting "get data" Tips: By default, Tableau totals using SUM Measure names creates columns of data in crosstabs

Dual Axis & Combo Charts

DUAL AXIS CHART: A chart with two measure axes (Y) and 1 dimension axis (X). Measures can have different number formats / axes and mark types (combo chart), and are good for showing how 2 measure compare to one another. Dates can be used on dual axis charts. HOW TO: Drag a dimension to columns and 2 measures to rows and right click the measure on the right in the rows pane and hit dual axis or drag the second measure to the right side of the view until black dotted lines and green ruler icon appear. Measure names will automatically appear on the marks card. You can use the 'All' marks or individual measure marks cards to make changes. Edit colors of measures in the color legend below the marks card. You can use the same or different scales for the two axes. If they have similar scales, right click the axis on the right and hit "synchronize axes", then hide the right header and rename the axis title to reflect both measures. Also, two measure with different # formats can appear on dual axis charts.

Visual vs. Standard Groups

GROUPING - Rolling up multiple members of a dimension into 1, creating a new dimension field. Ex: tea and coffee groups within product dimension HOW TO: In dimensions pane: Right click a dimension --> create --> group --> select members --> name the group Note: If you have a long list of members, you can use 'find' to search In the view by selecting labels: Ctrl + click labels and right click --> group This groups them as a single mark Edit alias to rename In the view by selecting marks: Ctrl + click marks for VISUAL GROUPING This automatically changes the color of the group, but does not join them into 1 mark In visual groups, there is only 1 new dimension created. You can then rename / color the groups within the new dimension by the type of members. The name in the legend will change, but not the actual row or column headers. Ex: Note: You can use the new field as you would any dimension and right click the dimension in the dimensions pane to rename, edit, or delete at any time

Pie Charts & Tree Maps

PIE CHARTS: Help us see the parts of a whole. Broad comparisons of a small number of categories that make up a whole. Good for high level comparisons, but not good for detailed distinctions between categories. Not recommended when you have more than 5 dimension members. It's hard to make comparisons across pie charts, so adding categorical data may not be the best idea. HOW TO: Select pie from marks card dropdown list, add measure to angle and measure to color and label or use show me by selecting a dimension and number of records. Number of records will appear on angle and size. If you were to drag a dimension to rows, it would split it up into two pie charts. TREE MAPS: Use nested rectangles to show hierarchical data. HOW TO: Bring one measure to color and size and one dimension to detail. Tree maps do not use the rows and columns shelf, only the marks card. They do not have axes. Upper left is biggest, smallest is lower right. Drag another dimension to detail, hover to the left of the field on the marks card, then select marks card to add shades of color to the categorical colors. Visual best practice is to have a max of 7 colors. World clouds can be created by changing the mark type on a tree map to text. The field on label controls the worlds we see. Bubble charts also show relative values without axes using packed circles. If you change the mark type to circle on a tree map, you get a bubble chart. If you add dimensions to rows, you can add more detail to a tree map. This will show one tree map for each category within the dimension.

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