Taisha GRE Vocabulary part 1

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n. 杂乱的状态;混乱 Synonyms: CONFUSION, chaos, clutter, disorder, huddle, muddle, snarl, topsyturviness Sample:Her hair and clothes were in disarray after she fell.


n. 顽童 a mischievous child:URCHIN Synonyms: URCHIN, gamin, monkey Sample:That girl is an imp, always up to mischief.


a. 无力的,虚弱的,无效的,阳萎的 not potent:lacking in power, strength, or vigor:HELPLESS clout<>impotence 有力的一击<>无力, 虚弱 Synonyms: WEAK , boneless, emasculate, forceless, inadequate, ineffective, ineffectual, invertebrate, slack-spined, spineless Sample:Although he wished to break the nicotine habit, he found himself impotent in resisisting the craving for a cigarette. impromptu adj. 即席的,即兴的 composed or uttered without previous preparation:EXTEMPORANEOUS Synonyms: EXTEMPORANEOUS, autoschediastic, extemporary, extempore, improvised, offhand, spur-of-the-moment, unrehearsed, unstudied Sample:Her listeners were amazed that such a thorough presentation could be made in an impromptu speech.


adj. (指小孩) 讨厌的; 宠坏的; 不听话的; 不礼貌的 an ill-mannered annoying child


adj. 可理解的,易理解的,明了的


adj. 或许发生的,附随的,暂时的


adj. 有恶臭的


adj. 疲倦的,饱经忧患的 showing the effect of grief or anxiety careworn<>lighthearted 疲倦的<>心情愉快的 Synonyms: HAGGARD, drawn, pinched, worn


adj.反手拍击的, 间接的 INDIRECT, DEVIOUS; especially:SARCASTIC backhanded<>forthright 间接的<>直接的

Sample:His pain was so great that no anodyne could relieve


Sample:ambrosia was supposed to give immortality to any human who ate



n. 敌手,对手 ally<>adversary 联盟<>敌手,对手 adversary, the Joker.


n. 伪经,伪书,真实性(或权威性)可疑的著作 writings or statements of dubious authenticity Sample:To impress his friends, Tom invented apocryphal tales of his adventures in Sample:To impress his friends, Tom invented apocryphal tales of his adventures in the big city.


n. 小雕像


n. 小溪,小河,小湾 a natural stream of water normally smaller than and often tributary to a river Sample:We went fishing in the creek.


n. 畜栏 a pen or enclosure for confining or capturing livestock Sample:Cowboys leave their horses in the corral after work.


n. 铁砧 a heavy usually steel-faced iron block on which metal is shaped Sample:After heating the iron horseshoe in the forge, the blacksmith picked it up with his tongs and set it on the anvil.


n. 铤而走险的人, 鲁莽的人 a recklessly bold person Synonyms: ADVENTUROUS, adventuresome, audacious, daring, foolhardy, rash, reckless, temerarious, venturesome, venturous Sample:The daredevil rode his motorcycle over 15 parked cars.




n.样子, 外表, 面貌, (问题等的)方面 a position facing a particular direction:EXPOSURE Synonyms: APPEARANCE, look, mien, seeming Sample:The prospects of discovering new aspects of the life of a painter as thoroughly studied as Vermeer are not, on the surface encouraging.


n.民歌, 歌谣, 叙事歌, 流行歌曲, 情歌 a narrative composition in rhythmic verse suitable for singing Sample: In a most impressive demonstration, Pavarotti sailed through Verdi's "Celeste Aida," normally a tenor's nightmare, with the casual enthusiasm of a folk singer performing one of his favorite ballads.


v. (为图私利)干涉他人之事, 闯入 one that intrudes in a place or sphere of activity Synonyms: MEDDLE, busybody, butt in, fool, horn in, interfere, intermeddle, monkey (with), tamper (with) Sample:The merchant thought of his competitors as interlopers who were stealing away his trade.


v. (使)冻结, (使)凝结 to make viscid or curdled:COAGULATE congeal<>melt/disintegrated 凝固<>熔化 congeal<>fail to solidify 凝固<>不能凝固 Synonyms: COAGULATE, clot, gel, gelate Sample:His blood congealed in his veins as he saw the dread monster rush toward him.


v. 减轻,减低 abate<>intensify/promote 降低<>加强/提升 abate<>augment 减弱<>增加,扩大 abate<>increase in intensity 减弱<> 剧烈增长 careless worker who had broken the machine.


v. 阻断, 禁止 to forbid in a usually formal or authoritative manner interdict<>authorize {inaugurate} 禁止<>批准 Synonyms FORBID, ban, enjoin, inhibit, outlaw, prohibit, taboo Sample: Civilized nations must interdict the use of nuclear weapons if we expect out Sample: Civilized nations must interdict the use of nuclear weapons if we expect out society to live.


vt. & vi. (使)落叶 to deprive of leaves especially prematurely Synonyms: contort, distort, misshape, torture, warp, wind Sample:In Vietnam the army made extensive use of chemical agents to defoliate the woodlands.


vt. 风狂吹,咆哮,汹涌 to talk or act with noisy swaggering threats 无目的的 Synonyms: ROAR, bawl, bellow, clamor, rout


adj. 『罕』无思想的; 粗心的; 不体谅的 THOUGHTLESS, INCONSIDERATE Synonyms: RASH , brash, hasty, hotheaded, ill-advised, inconsiderate, mad-brained, reckless, thoughtless, unadvised


adj. 不断的,不绝的,无尽的 continuing or following without interruption:UNCEASING incessant<>interrupted 不断的<>中断的 Synonyms: continual, continuous, constant, perpetual,perennial Sample:The crickets kept up an incessant chirping that disturbed our attempts to fall asleep.


adj. 令人惊骇的 causing astonishment or amazement Sample:I was astounded at how high the repair bill was.


adj. 匿名的 not named or identified Synonyms: innominate, nameless, undesignated, unnamed Sample:The donor of the gift asked the college not to mention him by name; the dean readily agreed to respect his anonymity.


adj. 可分的,分离的,分隔的 marked by breaks or disunity Sample:A disjunction in computer logic caused the problem.


adj. 商业的, 贸易的 an advertisement broadcast on radio or television Sample:Television programs are often interrupted by commercials.


adj. 外在的, 外表的, 外来的 not forming an essential or inherent part of a thing; extraneous. extrinsic<>inherent 外在的<>内在的 immanent<>extrinsic 内在的<>外在的 ingrained<>extrinsic 根深蒂固的<>外表的 Synonyms: alien, extraneous, foreign Sample:Do not be fooled by extrinsic causes. We must look for the intrinsic reason.


adj. 好辩的,喜争吵的 exhibiting an often perverse and wearisome tendency to quarrels and disputes contentious<>conciliatory 喜争吵的<>安抚的 contention<>general agreement 争论<>一致同意 Synonyms: BELLIGERENT, bellicose, combative, gladiatorial, militant, pugnacious, quarrelsome, truculent, warlike Sample:We heard loud and contentious noises in the next room.


adj. 嫌恶的,可憎的,可厌恶的 arousing or meriting intense dislike:ABOMINABLE Synonyms: HATEFUL, abhorrent, abominable, hateable, horrid, odious Sample:He deserves life in prison for his detestable act.


adj. 巨大的, 庞大的 of immense size, volume, or capacity; gigantic minute<>gargantuan 微小的<>巨大的


adj. 引起兴趣的,动人的,恳求的 having appeal:PLEASING noisome<>appealing 令人不快的<>引起兴趣的 Synonyms: ATTRACTIVE , alluring, attracting, bewitching, captivating, charming, enchanting, fascinating, seductive, siren


adj. 弱的,虚弱的,柔弱的 of poor or deteriorated vitality; especially:feeble from age hale<>infirm 强壮的<>柔弱的 Synonyms: WEAK, decrepit, feeble, flimsy, fragile, frail, unsound, unsubstantial, weakly Sample:Her greatest infirmity was lack of willpower.


adj. 悔悟了的,后悔的,痛悔的 grieving and penitent for sin or shortcoming impenitent<>contrite 不悔悟的<>后悔的 Synonyms: REMORSEFUL, apologetic, attritional, compunctious, penitent, penitential, regretful, repentant, sorry Sample:Her contrite tears did not influence the judge when he imposed sentence.


adj. 懦弱的,无精神的,胆小的 lacking courage or resolution:TIMID Sample:He was too faint-hearted to climb the mountain with the others.


adj. 扭曲的,走样的. in a turned or twisted position or direction:ASKEW awry<>orderly/aligned 扭曲的<>有序的,整洁的/排列的 Synonyms: cockeyed Sample:He held his head awry, giving the impression that he had caught cold in his neck during the night.


adj. 敏锐的,凛冽的,活泼的 keenly alert:LIVELY ponderous<>lively/vibrant/brisk 沉闷的<>活泼的/活跃的/活泼的 Synonyms: AGILE, active, lively, nimble, sprightly, spry, yare, zippy Sample:brisk wind blew through our hair.


adj. 无菌的,洁净的 preventing infection Sample:Hospitals succeeded in lowering the mortality rate as soon as they introduced asceptic conditions.


adj. 树木的 of, relating to, or resembling a tree Sample:Note how well the somewhat greenish coat of the sloth enables it to blend in with its arboreal surroundings.


adj. 流利的,流畅的 a:ready or facile in speech b:effortlessly smooth and rapid:POLISHED fluent<>halting 流利的<>犹豫的 Synonyms: cursive, effortless, flowing, running, smooth Sample:She speaks fluent Japanese.


adj. 游览的,离题的,散漫的 constituting a digression:characterized by digression Sample:We took an excursion to Alaska on a cruise ship.


adj. 漫不经心的; 无忧无虑的 lighthearted unconcern:NONCHALANCE Synonyms: HAPPY-GO-LUCKY, carefree, free-minded, lighthearted, lightsome Sample:Your insouciant attitude at such a critical moment indicates that you do not understand the gravity of the situation.


adj. 瞎自夸的,瞎自大的,傲慢的 presumptuously, obtusely, and often noisily self-assertive:OBTRUSIVE bumptious<>humble 傲慢的<>谦逊的


adj. 脱离常规的 ,异常的,越轨的 aberrant<>normal 脱离常轨<>正常


adj. 莽撞的;轻率的 Impetuous; rash. headlong<>deliberate 轻率的<>深思熟虑的 Synonyms: PRECIPITATE, abrupt, hasty, hurried, impetuous, precipitant, precipitous, rushing, subitaneous, sudden Sample:The slave seized the unexpected chance to make a headlong dash across the border to freedom.


adj. 辛辣的,尖刻的 acrid<>gentle 辣的, 刻薄的<>温和的 acrid<>savory 辣的<>可口的


adj. 适合的,一致的,符合的,全等的 superposable so as to be coincident throughout variance<>congruity 不一致<>一致 congruence<>disagreeable 适合的<>令人厌恶的 【注:词性不符】 Synonyms: harmonious , corresponding Sample:The author did not see the incongruity inherent in her scathing criticism of a writing style so similar to her own.


adj. 逃避的,回避的,托辞的 tending or intended to evade:EQUIVOCAL Synonyms: equivocating, prevaricative, prevaricatory, shifty, shuffling


adj. 透视的, 有洞察力的 unusually perceptive:DISCERNING Sample:Cassandra's clairvoyant warning was not heeded by the Trojans.


adj. 钝的,无趣的,呆滞的,阴暗的


adj. 阴湿的 unpleasantly moist or wet Synonyms: DAMP, dampish, moist, moisty, wettish Sample:The walls of the dungeon were dank and slimy.


adj. 陈腐的 a trite phrase or expression Synonyms: COMMONPLACE, banality, bromide, platitude, prosaicism, prosaism, Synonyms: COMMONPLACE, banality, bromide, platitude, prosaicism, prosaism, rubber stamp, shibboleth, tag, truism Sample:High school compositions are often marred by such cliches as "strong as an ox."


adj. 陶器的 of or relating to the manufacture of any product (as earthenware, porcelain, or brick) made essentially from a nonmetallic mineral (as clay) by firing at a high temperature Sample:Square ceramic tiles cover the bathroom walls.


adj.(病)良性的, (气候)良好的, 仁慈的, 和蔼的 a:showing kindness and gentleness b:FAVORABLE, WHOLESOME benignant<>vicious 仁慈的<>恶的 Synonyms: FAVORABLE , auspicious, bright, dexter, fortunate, propitious, white Sample:The old man was well liked because of his benign attitude toward friend and stranger alike.


adj.有害的,致祸的 productive of destruction or woe:seriously harmful salubrious<>baneful 有益健康的<>有害的 bane<>benefit 祸害<>好处 Synonyms: pernicious, noxious, deleterious Sample:A bad, aching back is the bane of her existence.


adv. ((俚)) (一动不动地) 隐藏着 in hiding 态) Sample:The man doffed his hat to the woman.


n. 讨论终结 a parliamentary procedure by which debate is ended and an immediate vote is taken on the matter under discussion


n. 象形文字, 图画文字 a character used in a system of hieroglyphic writing Sample:Whereas the art critic Vasari saw the painting entitled the Mona Lisa as an original and wonderful technical feat, the reproduction of a natural object, the aesthetes saw it as a hieroglyph that required deciphering.


n. 贪吃者 one given habitually to greedy and voracious eating and drinking gluttonous<>abstentious 贪吃的<>节制的 Sample:When Mother saw that Bobby had eaten all the cookies, she called him a little glutton.


n. 钻头 the jaws of tongs or pincers Sample:I lost one of the bits for my drill.


n. 锥子,尖钻 a pointed tool for marking surfaces or piercing small holes (as in leather or wood) Sample:She used an awl to punch additional holes in the leather belt she had bought.


n. (海洋上的)无风带,情绪低沉 state or period of inactivity, stagnation, or slump Synonyms: TEDIUM, boredom, ennui, yawn


n.一阵(风), 一股(气流), 爆炸, 冲击波 a violent gust of wind Sample:The blast furnace had a special opening at the bottom to allow the workers to remove the worthless slag.


n.独裁政治, 独裁政府 government in which one person possesses unlimited power Synonyms: TYRANNY, despotism, dictatorship, totalitarianism Sample:He ran his office like an autocrat, giving no one else any authority.


n.隐藏处所, 隐藏的粮食或物资, 贮藏物 A hiding place used especially for storing provisions. Sample: The detectives followed the suspects until he led them to the cache where he had stored his loot. Synonyms: HIDE, bury, bush up, conceal, cover, ensconce, plant, screen, secrete, stash


v. ①开瓶 ②提出(问题) to open for the first time broach<>close off 打开<>关闭 Synonyms: BROOCH, clip, pin, bring up, introduce, moot, ventilate Sample:He did not even try to broach the subject of poetry.


v. 串通,共谋 CONSPIRE, PLOT Synonyms: PLOT, cogitate, connive, conspire, contrive, devise, intrigue, machinate, scheme (out)


v. 共生,附着,增加 ACCUMULATE


v. 发誓放弃, 避免, 公开放弃 to renounce upon oath abjure<>espouse 誓绝<>支持 abjure<>embrace 放弃<>支持


v. 嘲笑 to deride or tease with taunting words Synonyms: SCOFF, fleer, flout, gird, jeer, jest, quip (at), scout (at), sneer Sample:As you gibe at their superstitious beliefs, do you realize that you, too, are guilty of similarly foolish thoughts?


v. 废除(法令等); 取消 abrogate<>embrace/institute/uphold 取消<>乐于接受/创立/赞成 vitiate


v. 扰乱,使困惑陷入混乱的状态 discombobulate<>compose 扰乱<>调解 Synonyms: DISCOMPOSE, agitate, bother, disquiet, disturb, flurry, fluster, perturb, unhinge, upset Sample:The noise discombobulates him so that he can't think.


v. 挖掘, 开凿, 挖出, 挖空 to expose or uncover by or as if by digging excavate<>entangle 救出<>卷入 Synonyms: DIG, dig out, scoop, shovel, spade


v. 擦亮,磨光 to make shiny or lustrous especially by rubbing numb:insensible:burnish:lustrous Synonyms: POLISH, buff, furbish, glance, glaze, gloss, rub, shine Sample:The maid burnished the brass fixtures until they reflected the lamplight.


v. 潜逃, 避债 to depart secretly and hide oneself


v. 用篱笆围,越过,克服 to leap over especially while running (as in a sporting competition Synonyms: CLEAR, leap, negotiate, over, overleap, surmount, vault


v. 砍;劈开;辟出 to cut or shape by or as if by crude or ruthless strokes Synonyms: hackle, haggle, slash


v. 连结,连锁 to link together in a series or chain concatenate<>separate 连结<>分开 Synonyms: INTEGRATE, articulate Sample:It is difficult to understand how these events could concatenate as they did without outside assistance.


v. 阻挠,n. ①花剑,②金属薄片 a thin piece of material (as metal) put under an inferior or paste stone to add color or brilliance Synonyms: frustrate, baffle, balk, beat, bilk, buffalo, circumvent, dash, disappoint, thwart Sample:In "Star Wars," dark, evil Darth Vader is a perfect foil for fair-haired, naive Luke Skywalker.


v. 阻碍,妨害,累赘 to impede or hamper the function or activity of:HINDER encumber<>remove impediment 阻碍<>除去阻碍 Synonyms: BURDEN, charge, clog, cumber, lade, load, saddle, tax, weigh, weight Sample:Some people encumber themselves with too much luggage, when they take short trips.


v. 限制,阻止 to restrain, check, or control with or as if with a bridle bridled<>without restraint 受限制的<>没有限制的 Sample:She bridled at the idea of spending so much money.


v.跌跌撞撞地走, 犯大错, 做错 n.愚蠢之举 a gross error or mistake resulting usually from stupidity, ignorance, or carelessness Synonyms: ERROR, boner, bungle, lapse, mistake, slip, trip Sample:The criminal's fatal blunder led to his capture.


vi. & vt. 游手好闲,混日子 to move lackadaisically hie<>dawdle 匆忙<>游手好闲 Synonyms: IDLE, bum, diddle-daddle, laze, lazy, loaf, loiter, loll, lounge Sample:Inasmuch as we must meet a deadline, do not dawdle over this work.


vi. (在水中)挣扎, 困难地往前走, 踌躇, 发慌 to proceed or act clumsily or ineffectually flounder<>slide 挣扎着前进<>滑动 Synonyms: wallow, blunder, lurch, stumble Sample:When we asked him about his past, he floundered for a moment and then answered.


vi. 倾听 to give respectful attention hearken<>ignore 倾听<>不理睬 Synonyms: LISTEN, attend, hark, hear, heed


vi. 把...烧成灰, 烧弃 to cause to burn to ashes Sample:Huge bombs incinerated the enemy village.


vi. 持异议,不同意 to withhold assent dissent<>conform 不同意<>使顺从 Synonyms: DIFFER, disaccord, disagree, discord, divide, vary Sample:Unenlightened authoritarian manage rarely recognize a crucial reason for the low levels of serious conflict among members of democratically run work groups:a modicum of tolerance for dissent often prevents schism.


vi. 溶解, 解除, 液化 to dissolve or melt away Synonyms: LIQUEFY, dissolve, flux, fuse, liquesce, melt, run, thaw


vi. 疾走,突进, 飞奔, 投掷 to move suddenly or rapidly fall Synonyms: FLY, float, sail, scud, shoot, skim Sample:child darted out in front of the car.


vi. 称病,欺诈,偷懒 to shirk duty or responsibility


vt. vi. 夸大,夸张 to enlarge or increase especially beyond the normal:OVEREMPHASIZE Synonyms: EMBROIDER, color, embellish, fudge, magnify, overcharge, overdraw, overpaint, overstate, pad Sample:In today's world, manufacturers' innovations are easily copied and thus differences between products are usually slight; advertisers, therefore, are forced to exaggerate these differences in order to suggest the uniqueness of their clients' products.


vt. vi. 解剖,切细 to analyze and interpret minutely Synonyms: SEPARATE, break up, dichotomize, disjoin, disjoint, dissever, divide, part, sever, sunder Sample:The biology student dissected a frog in the laboratory.


vt. 与...竞争;效法 strive to equal or excel Synonyms: RIVAL, compete, rivalize Sample:However original they might be, Roman poets were bound to have some favorite earlier author whom they would emulate.


vt. 任命


vt. 低沉地说出, 单调而低沉地说 to speak in a monotonous tone:


vt. 使无罪,分辩,辩解,开脱 to clear from alleged fault or guilt exculpate<>inculpate 开脱罪责<>控告 Synonyms: absolve, acquit, clear, disculpate, exonerate, vindicate Sample:He was exculpated of the crime when the real criminal confessed.


vt. 使纠缠,卷入,使混乱 to wrap or twist together:INTERWEAVE disentangle<>snarl 解开纠结<>使缠结 Synonyms: ensnarl, intertangle, perplex, snarl, tangle Sample:She entangled her friends in foolish schemes to get rich.


vt. 使胆寒,使惊骇 to overcome with consternation, shock, or dismay appall<>embolden/nerve 使胆寒<>使大胆/鼓起勇气 encourage<>appall 激励<>使胆寒 Synonyms: DISMAY , consternate, daunt, horrify, shake Sample:We were appalled by the horrifying conditions in the city's jails.


vt. 使蓬乱,使头发凌乱 to throw into disorder or disarray Sample:After falling down, he was all disheveled.


vt. 使衰弱 to impair the strength of:ENFEEBLE debilitate<>invigorate/fortify 使衰弱<>鼓舞/加强的 Synonyms: WEAKEN, attenuate, blunt, cripple, disable, enfeeble, sap, unbrace, undermine, unstrengthen Sample:Overindulgence debilitates character as well as physical stamina.


vt. 使面对,对抗,比较,使对质 to face especially in challenge:OPPOSE circumvent<>confront 智取<>对抗 Synonyms: affront, encounter, face, meet Sample:Despite the contingencies of time, space, and history, human societies the world over have confronted the same existential problems and have come to remarkably similar solutions, differing only in superficial details.


vt. 保卫,拥护 to act as militant supporter of:UPHOLD, ADVOCATE champion<>disparage 拥护<>蔑视 impugn<>champion 攻击<>拥护 champion<>oppose 支持<>反对 Synonyms: SUPPORT, advocate, back, backstop, side (with), uphold Sample:He championed the civil rights movement in the 1960s.


vt. 保存,保全 to keep in a safe or sound state conserve<>waste/squander/exhaust 保存<>浪费 Synonyms: preserve , save ,maintain Synonyms: preserve , save ,maintain Sample:In winter, some people conserve energy by lowering the heat at night.


vt. 保证,担保 to engage for the existence, permanence, or nature of:undertake to do or secure vouch<>refuse to guarantee 担保<>拒绝担保 Synonyms: bail, bond, guaranty, security, surety, warranty Sample:The constitutional guarantee of free speech may have been aimed at protecting native speakers of English from censorship, but it is not a great extension to interpret it as protecting the right to express oneself in any natural language or dialect.


vt. 催化 BRING ABOUT, INSPIRE supervisor:oversight=catalysis:initiate catalyze<>retard 催化<>阻挠 catalyst<>prevent 催化<>阻止 Synonyms: STIMULUS, goad, impetus, impulse, incentive, incitation, incitement, motivation, spur, stimulant Sample:Many chemical reactions cannot take place without the presence of a catalyst.


vt. 公开指责, 公然抨击, 谴责 to pronounce especially publicly to be blameworthy or evil panegyric<>denunciation 赞扬<>谴责 accolade<>denunciation 赞扬<>谴责 Synonyms: CRITICIZE, blame, censure, condemn, denounce, knock, rap, reprehend, reprobate, skin Sample:The government issued a denunciation of the terrorist group.


vt. 分离,分遣 to separate especially from a larger mass and usually without violence or damage tether<>detach 束缚<>分离 Synonyms: abstract, disassociate, disconnect, disengage, dissociate, uncouple, unfix Sample:The Board of Directors tried to detach themselves from the company president and his illegal actions.


vt. 判刑,责备,谴责,声讨,处刑 to declare to be reprehensible, wrong, or evil usually after weighing evidence and without reservation countenance<>condemn 支持<>谴责 exaltation<>condemnation 提升<>指责 extol<>condemn/impugn/detract 赞扬<>指责/攻击/贬低 panegyric<>condemnation 赞扬<>谴责 condemn<>embrace 谴责<>拥护,支持 Synonyms: CRITICIZE, blame, censure, denounce, denunciate, knock, rap, reprehend, reprobate, skin Sample:The criminal was condemned to be flayed alive.


vt. 卸下,放出,解雇,放电,履行 to dismiss from employment discharge<>hire 解雇<>雇佣 Synonyms: EXEMPT, absolve, dispense, excuse, let off, privilege (from), relieve, spare Sample:Management discharged 100 workers.


vt. 向人搭话 ,勾引 to approach and speak to often in a challenging or aggressive way were going to attack me.


vt. 唠叨;说话不清;胡说 to utter meaningless or unintelligible sounds babble/waffle<>express succinctly 闲聊,胡扯<>简洁地表达 Synonyms: gabble, prate, prattle, twaddle, waffle Sample:None of these translations to screen and stage,however,dramatize the anarchy at the conclusion of A Connecticut Yankee,which ends with the violent overthrow of Morgan's three-year-old progressive order and his return to the nineteenth century , where he apparently commits suicide after being labeled a lunatic for his incoherent babblings about drawbridges and battlements.


vt. 唤起,引起 to call forth or up evoke<>fail to elicit 引起<>得不出 Synonyms: EDUCE, elicit, evince, extort, extract, milk Sample:Although my grandmother's china has intrinsically little value, I shall always cherish it for the memories it evokes.


vt. 埋葬,葬,埋 to deposit (a dead body) in the earth or in a tomb Sample:My friend died Friday and was interred yesterday.


vt. 大批离去 a mass departure:EMIGRATION exodus<>influx 大批离去<>流入 Synonyms: DEPARTURE, egress, egression, exit, exiting, offgoing, setting-out, withdrawal Sample:For many young people during the Roaring Twenties, a disgust with the excesses of American culture combined with a wanderlust to provoke an exodus abroad.


vt. 奴役 to reduce to or as if to slavery:SUBJUGATE manumit<>enslave 解放<>奴役 Synonyms: enthrall, subjugate


vt. 宣告无罪, 脱卸义务和责任, 还清(债务) to discharge completely by biased news stories that had predicted acquittal.


vt. 扑灭,消灭,根绝 to get rid of completely usually by killing off Synonyms: ANNIHILATE, abate, abolish, blot out, eradicate, extinguish, extirpate, root out, uproot, wipe (out) Sample:Some people exterminate garden insects by spraying poison on the plants.


vt. 拘捕,妨碍,吸引,阻止,使懒惰 to make inactive arrest<>vitalize 使懒惰<>使有生气 Synonyms: check, halt, interrupt, stall, stay Sample:medicine brought an arrest to the spread of his cancer.


vt. 排泄,分泌 to separate and eliminate or discharge (waste) from the blood or tissues or from the active protoplasm excrete<>ingest 排泄<>摄入 excrete<>absorb 排泄<>吸收 Sample:Sweat is excreted through pores in the skin.


vt. 接受,承担,假定,摆架子 to take to or upon oneself:UNDERTAKE abdicate<>assume 放弃,退位<>承担 assume<>refuse/reject 承担<>拒绝 unassuming<>overbearing 谦虚的<>傲慢的 usurp <> assume rightfully 篡权<>正当的就职 unassuming<>imperious 谦虚的<>傲慢的 Synonyms: affect, pretend, simulate, feign, counterfeit, sham Sample:Belying his earlier reputation for intransigence as a negotiator, Morgan had recently assumed a more conciliatory stance for which many of his erstwhile critics praised him.


vt. 支持,赞成,嫁娶 to take up and support as a cause:become attached to abjure<>embrace/espouse 公开放弃<>信奉/支持 repudiate<>espouse/uphold 批判<>支持 Synonyms: ADOPT, embrace, take on, take up Sample:She was always ready to espouse a worthy cause.


vt. 改善,改良,变好 to make better or more tolerable ameliorate<>aggravate 改善<>使恶化 demoralize <>invigorate{ameliorate} 士气受挫<>鼓舞 【此题有争议】 damper<>ameliorate 抑制因素<>改进 【注;词性不符】 ameliorate<>exacerbate 改善<>使恶化 Synonyms: IMPROVE, amend, better, help, meliorate Sample:Many social workers have attempted to ameliorate the conditions of people living in the slums.


vt. 散播 to noise abroad:REPORT bruit<>keep secret 散播<>保持秘密 Synonyms: DECLARE, advertise, announce, annunciate, blaze (abroad), blazon, broadcast, proclaim, promulgate, publish


vt. 散播,传播,宣传 to spread abroad as though sowing seed disseminate<>garner 散播<>收藏,储藏 散播<>收藏,储藏 nucleate<>disseminate 聚集<>散布 Synonyms: SPREAD, circulate, diffuse, disperse, distribute, propagate, radiate, strew Sample:Those who fear the influence of television deliberately underplay its persuasive power, hoping that they might keep knowledge of its potential to effect social change from being widely disseminated. (9504) dissension n. 意见不合,纠纷,倾轧 DISAGREEMENT; especially:partisan and contentious quarreling concord<>dissension 和约, 和谐<>倾轧 Synonyms: DISCORD, conflict, contention, difference, disaccord, dissent, dissidence, disunity, strife, variance Sample:There was a great deal of noisy dissension among the arguing committee members.


vt. 施肥,使丰饶,使受精 to make fertile Sample:Most farmers fertilize their farmland with chemicals.


vt. 施酷刑,拷问,折磨 to subject to intense mental distress excruciate<>exult 施酷刑<>欢跃 【对应不工整】 Sample:I have an excruciating stomachache (headache, back pain, etc.).


vt. 暗示,通知,告诉 to make known especially publicly or formally:ANNOUNCE Synonyms: SUGGEST, connote, hint, imply, insinuate Sample:She intimated rather than stated her preferences.


vt. 构成,组成,任命 to appoint to an office, function, or dignity abdicate<>constitute 逊位<>任命 Synonyms: FOUND , create, establish, institute, organize, set up, start Sample: Having sufficient income of her own constituted for Alice a material independence that made possible a degree of security in her emotional life as well.


vt. 根除,灭绝,使孤立 UPROOT deracinate<>plant 根除<>种植


vt. 欺骗 to deprive of something by deception or fraud Synonyms: CHEAT, beat, bilk, chouse, cozen, do, flimflam, gyp, swindle, take Sample:As you gloat over your ill-gotten wealth, do you think of the many victims you have defrauded?


vt. 质问,讯问,审问 to question formally and systematically:probe Synonyms: ASK, catechize, examine, inquire, query, question, quiz Sample:Knowing that the Nazis would interrogate him about his background, the secret agent invented a cover story that would help him meet their quesions.


vt. 赞同,核准,证实 to have or express a favorable opinion of substantiate<>disapprove 证实<>证伪 Synonyms: accept, approbate, countenance, favor, go (for), hold (with) Sample:The public approved the condign punishment for the crime.


vt. 赞美,美化,赞扬,使辉煌 to make glorious by bestowing honor, praise, or admiration Sample:Poets glorified the Roman emperors in their poems.


vt. 赦,宽恕 to pardon or overlook voluntarily; especially :to treat as if trivial, harmless, or of no importance condone<>denounce 宽恕<>公开谴责 condone<>exact 宽恕<>强求 Synonyms: excuse pardon forgive Sample:Unlike Widow Douglass, who condoned Huck's minor offenses, Miss Watson did nothing but scold.


vt. 转移, 传下, [生物] 退化, 衰落 to cause to roll onward or downward


vt. 轻视,使渺小 to speak slightingly of:DISPARAGE Synonyms: derogate, detract (from), diminish, discount, disparage, minimize, write off Sample:Parents should not belittle their children's early attempts at drawing, but should encourage their efforts.


vt. 轻轻倒出,移入其他容器 to pour out, transfer, or unload as if by pouring Sample:Be sure to decant this wine before serving it.


vt. 鼓起勇气,激励 to give heart to:CHEER:HEARTEN dismay<>hearted 沮丧<>激励


vt.支持, (以扶壁)扶住 a projecting structure of masonry or wood for supporting or giving stability to a wall or building challenge<>buttress 挑战<>支持 contravene<>buttress 违反<>支持 Sample:Just as architects buttress the walls of cathedrals with flying buttresses, debates buttress their arguments with facts.


vt.支持, (以扶壁)扶住 to furnish or shore up with a buttress; also :SUPPORT, STRENGTHEN contravene<>buttress 反对<>支持 反对<>支持 Synonyms: SUPPORT, bear up, bolster, brace, carry, prop, sustain, uphold Sample:Workers buttressed the weak wall with steel beams.


n. 『修』故抑其词,以求婉达,表面否认要说或正说的话 Allusion to something by denying that it will be mentioned, as in I will not bring up my opponent's questionable financial dealings


n. 上升,上坡路 an upward slope or rising grade:ACCLIVITY Synonyms: ascension, rise, rising Sample:The ascent of the hummock is not difficult and the view from the hilltop is ample reward tor the effort.


n. 书法家 one who writes a beautiful


n. 倾盆大雨,豪雨 a sudden copious rainfall


n. 傻瓜,易受骗的人 one that is easily deceived or cheated:FOOL Synonyms: FOOL ,butt, chump,fall,guy,gudgeon,gull,mark,pigeon, sap, sucker Sample:While the gullible Watson often was made a dupe by unscrupulous parties, Sherlock Holmes was far more difficult to fool.


n. 兵工厂,军械库 a:an establishment for the manufacture or storage of arms and military equipment b:a collection of weapons Synonyms: ARMORY, depot, dump Sample:The military maintains arsenals all over the country.


n. 劝告,规劝 language intended to incite and encourage Sample:The evangelist will exhort all sinners in his audience to reform.


n. 加冕,加冕礼 the act or occasion of crowning; also :accession to the highest office Sample:When Princess Elizabeth became Queen Elizabeth II, England celebrated her coronation.


n. 区域, 地方, 管区, 行政区, (美国各州的)众议院选区 Synonyms: LOCALITY, area, neighborhood, vicinage, vicinity Sample:Because of the prisoner's record, the district attorney refused to reduce the charge from grand larceny to petit larceny.


n. 十字架形,关键,难题 an essential point requiring resolution or resolving an outcome crux<>peripheral element 关键<>周边因素 Synonyms: SUBSTANCE, core, gist, kernel, matter, meat, nub, pith, purport Sample:This is the crux of the entire problem.


n. 合唱, 合唱队, 齐声 a body of singers who perform choral compositions


n. 哀歌、挽歌 a song or poem expressing sorrow or lamentation especially for one who is dead Sample:On the death of Edward King, Milton composed the elegy "Lycidas."


n. 园艺学 the science and art of growing fruits, vegetables, flowers, or ornamental plants Sample:The city's botanical garden is a center of horticulture.


n. 壁画 the art of painting on freshly spread moist lime plaster with water-based pigments Sample:The cathedral is visited by many tourists who wish to admire the frescoes by Glotto.


n. 奖金,红利 something in addition to what is expected or strictly due CF:onus(n.义务,责任) Sample:I didn't think anyone would remember my birthday, so when all my friends sent cards it was a real bonus.


n. 小树林 a planting of fruit or nut trees Sample:A pine grove grows near the farmhouse.


n. 巧办法,诡计 false or insincere behavior artifice<>candor 诡计<>坦白 Synonyms: CUNNING, art, artfulness, cageyness, canniness, craft, craftiness, foxiness, slyness, wiliness Sample:The Trojan War proved to the Greeks that cunning and artifice were often more effective than military might.


n. 弦, 和音, 情绪 three or more musical tones sounded simultaneously Sample:The sound of her voice on the telephone struck a chord (of love) with him.


n. 户口普查 a count of the population Sample:The census is taken in the USA every ten years.


n. 教条 something held as an established opinion;especially:a definite authoritative tenet dogma<>heresy 教义,教条<>异端学说 Synonyms: DOCTRINE, canon, tenet


n. 涌入 a coming in exodus<>influx 大批外出<>涌入 Synonyms: inflow, influxion, inpour, inpouring, inrush Sample:The influx of refugees into the country has taxed the relief agencies severely.


n. 涩, 酸, 刻薄 Sourness of taste, character, or tone. acerbity<>saccharin 酸<>糖精 unfailingly acerbic disagreement on nearly every issue, have nevertheless reached an unexpectedly swift, albeit still tentative, agreement on next year's contract.


n. 滤器,漏勺 a perforated utensil for washing or draining food Sample:Before serving the spaghetti, place it in a colander to drain it.


n. 热心,热情 extreme vigor or energy:INTENSITY torpor<>ardor 不活泼<>热情 Synonyms: PASSION , calenture, enthusiasm, fervor, fire, hurrah, zeal Sample:He is full of ardor for her.


n. 甜点心 a usually sweet course or dish (as of pastry or ice cream) served at the end of a meal Sample:We had apple pie and coffee for dessert.


n. 申请者,请求者 one who applies Synonyms: CANDIDATE, aspirant, hopeful, seeker Sample:We have 10 applicants for the position of secretary..


n. 画架, 黑板架 a frame for supporting something (as an artist's canvas)


n. 皮肤的硬结,胼胝,(植物伤口的)愈合组织 a thickening of or a hard thickened area on skin or bark Sample:In that youthful movement, the leaders were only a little less callow than their immature followers.


n. 盛宴丰盛、豪华的筵席 a sumptuous feast; especially :an elaborate and often ceremonious meal for numerous people often in honor of a person Sample:He was famous for his felicitous remarks and was called upon to serve as masterof- ceremonies at many banquet.


n. 看手势猜字谜游戏;装模作样 a word represented in riddling verse or by picture, tableau, or dramatic action Sample:The couple pretended to be happy, but it was just a charade.


n. 砍得很深的伤口,很深的裂缝 a deep long cut in flesh Synonyms: cut, incise, pierce, slash, slice, slit Sample:The boy fell and gashed his cheek.


n. 破坏,毁坏,毁坏之遗迹 the act of demolishing; especially :destruction in war by means of explosives Sample:One of the major aims of the air force was the complete demolition of all means of transportation by the bombing of rail lines and the terminals.


n. 破碎,骨折 RUPTURE, TEAR cement<>fracture 结合:破碎 Synonyms: breach, break, fissure, rent, rift, rupture, schism, split Sample:They found a small fracture in the wing of the plane.


n. 确信,信服,深信 a strong persuasion or belief cogent<>unconvincing 有说服力的<>不令人信服的 Synonyms: CERTAINTY, assurance, assuredness, certitude, confidence, sureness, surety Sample:Few of us take the pains to study our cherished convictions; indeed, we almost have a natural repugnance to doing so.


n. 确实, 确信 the state of being or feeling certain certitude<>obscurity 确实<>含糊 Synonyms: CERTAINTY, assurance, assuredness, confidence, conviction, sureness, surety Sample:I can say with certitude that the man has died.


n. 礼貌,端庄 COURTESY, POLITENESS civility<>rudeness 礼貌<>无礼


n. 粗野的人,不懂礼貌的人,农民 a rude or insensitive person Synonyms: chuff, churl, clodhopper, clown Sample:Though Mr. Potts constantly interrupted his wife, she ignored his boorish behavior, for she had lost hope of teaching him courtesy.


n. 绝望, 失望, 令人失望的人(事物) to lose all hope or confidence Synonyms: despond, give up Sample:Ironically, Carver's precision in sketching lives on the edge of despair ensures that his stories will sometimes be read too narrowly, much as Dickens' social-reformer role once caused his broader concerns to be ignored.


n. 绝食,斋戒 the act to eat sparingly or abstain from some foods Sample:From time to time, I fast for a day to lose weight.


n. 绳索,束缚,木料计量单位 a unit of wood cut for fuel equal to a stack 4 x 4 x 8 feet or 128 cubic feet Sample:She bought a cord of wood for use in her fireplace.


n. 嫌恶,憎恨,反感 a feeling of repugnance toward something with a desire to avoid or turn from affinity<>aversion 亲密关系,吸引力<>厌恶 aversion<>court 厌恶<>对女性献殷勤 penchant<>aversion 喜欢<>嫌恶 propensity/proclivity<>aversion 倾向<>嫌恶 proclivity<>aversion 倾向<>厌恶 aversion<>inclined 厌恶的人,事<>倾向于的人,事 craving<>aversion 渴望<>厌恶 Synonyms: ANTIPATHY , allergy, dyspathy Sample:Their mutual aversion was so great that they refused to speak to one another.


n. 字典,辞典,词汇表 a collection of textual glosses or of specialized terms with their meanings Sample:I have found the glossary in this book very useful; it has eliminated many trips to the dictionary.


n. 学徒,生手 an inexperienced person:NOVICE Synonyms: NOVICE, beginner, colt, freshman, neophyte, newcomer, novitiate, rookie, tenderfoot, tyro Sample:It was not the change in office technology , but rather the separation of secretarial work , previously seen as an apprenticeship for beginning managers,from administrative work that in the 1880's created a new class of "dead-end" jobs,thenceforth considered "women's work."


n. 安乐感,陶醉,陶醉感 a feeling of well-being or elation Synonyms: elation, exaltation, intoxication Sample:"Jill's been on cloud nine ever since Jacj asked her out," said Betty, dismissing her friend's euphoria.


n. 定罪 the act or process of convicting of a crime especially in a court of law Sample:The warden will incarcerate the felon after conviction.


n. 宣誓书 a sworn statement in writing made especially under oath or on affirmation before an authorized magistrateor officer affidavit.


n. 密切关系, 吸引力, 姻亲关系, 亲合力 likeness based on relationship or causal connection affinity<>aversion 亲密关系<>厌恶 repugnance<>affinity 令人厌恶<>吸引力 affinity<>antipathy 吸引力<>厌恶 similitude landscape, her paintings of urban subjects attest to her longtime residency in New York City.


n. 寓意;寓言 the expression by means of symbolic fictional figures and actions of truths or generalizations abouthuman existence parable the banks of the Nile," she confuses "allegory" and "allegator" in a typical malapropism. alleviate v.缓和,减轻 RELIEVE, LESSEN alleviate<>exacerbate 减轻<>恶化 alleviate <>increase intensity 减轻<>加强


n. 对照物个体在对照实验中被用作对照标准的一个或一组物体


n. 对照物个体在对照实验中被用作对照标准的一个或一组物体 an individual or group used as a standard of comparison in a control experiment control<>group experimented on 对照组<>试验组


n. 尊严,高贵 quality or state of being worthy, honored, or esteemed Synonyms: DECORUM, decency, etiquette, propriety, seemliness Sample:My doctor is a woman of great dignity.


n. 尊崇,尊敬,效忠 expression of high regard:RESPECT homage<>disrespect 敬意<>失礼 Synonyms: honor, reverence, deference Sample:In her speech she tried to pay homage to a great man.


n. 小屋,杂物间,家畜小屋 a small, wretched, and often dirty house:HUT Sample:He wondered how poor people could stand living in such a hovel.


n. 小屋,鸡笼,捕鱼笼 a cage or small enclosure (as for poultry) Sample:Mr. Jones obtained a watchdog to prevent the nocturnal raids on his chicken coops. copious [5kEJpIEs]adj.丰富的 present in large quantity:taking place on a large scale copious<>sparse/dearth 丰富的<>稀少的 Synonyms: PLENTIFUL, abundant, ample, bounteous, bountiful, generous, liberal, plenteous, plenty Sample:She had copious reasons for rejecting the proposal.


n. 小峡谷,排水沟 a trench which was orig. worn in the earth by running water and through which water often runs after rain Sample:Steeper than a gully, less precipitous than a canyon, a ravine is, like them, the product of years of erosion.


n. 小洞穴, 岩穴, 人工洞室 A small cave or cavern Sample:The Blue Grotto in Capri can be entered only by small boats rowed by natives through a natural opening in the rocks.


n. 小滴 a tiny drop (as of a liquid) Synonyms: DROP , drib, driblet, globule, gobbet Sample:I felt a few droplets of rain on my shoulder.


n. 小精灵, 矮人, 淘气鬼, 恶作剧的人, 恶人 a small lively creature; also :a usually lively mischievous or malicious person


n. 小调,小曲 an especially simple and unaffected song Sample:We sang little ditties last night. Sample:We sang little ditties last night.


n. 小雌马,小姑娘 a young female horse usually of less than four years Sample:There was a special race for fillies.


n. 小雕像 A small molded or sculptured figure; a statuette. Sample: In the Maltese Falcon, Sam Spade was hired to trace the missing figurine of a black bird.


n. 小鹰 a young eagle


n. 尖锐而严厉的批评 a biting or pointedly critical remark or comment Sample:The barb from the fishhook caught in his finger as he grabbed the fish. Sample:The barb from the fishhook caught in his finger as he grabbed the fish.


n. 尖音号角,adj. 清澈响亮的 loud and clear clarion<>soft and undistinct 响亮的<>低声不可辨的 Synonyms: FAIR, clear, cloudless, fine, pleasant, rainless, sunny, sunshiny, unclouded, undarkened Sample:We woke to the clarion to muffle its striking.


n. 尺寸, 存在于空间范围的一种量变 Sample:The dimensions of a room (package, building lot, etc.) are its length, width, and depth (or height).


n. 属于蜘蛛类的节肢动物 any of a class (Arachnida) of arthropods comprising chiefly terrestrial invertebrates, including the spiders, scorpions, mites, and ticks, and having a segmented body divided into two regions of which the anterior bears four pairs of legs but no antennae


n. 峡谷,溪谷 a deep narrow valley with steep sides and often with a stream flowing through it Sample:The company was forced to retreat through the barrage of heavy canyons.


n. 巨穴,洞窟 CAVE; especially:one of large or indefinite extent Synonyms: CAVE, grotto, subterranean Sample:In the darkness of the cavern, the glowworms hanging from the cavern roof glimmered like distant stars. cavil [5kAvIl] v.挑毛病,吹毛求疵 to raise trivial and frivolous objection 吹毛求疵者:吹毛求疵的:浪荡子:放肆的 (人物正面特征) eulogize<>cavil/criticize 颂赞<>责难 Synonyms: QUIBBLE, chicane, hypercriticize Sample:I respect your sensible criticisms, but I dislike the way you cavil about unimportant details.


n. 帆布,画布,油画 a piece of cloth backed or framed as a surface for a painting Sample:Because the painter Albert Pinkham Ryder was obsessed with his quest for perfection, he was rarely satisfied with a painting, creating endless variations of a scene on one canvas, one on top of another.


n. 常到的地方 to visit often:FREQUENT to visit often:FREQUENT haunt<>shun 常到<>避开 Synonyms: FREQUENT, affect, hang around, hang out, resort hauteur [EJ5t\:(r)] n.傲慢,高傲,自大 ARROGANCE, HAUGHTINESS hauteur<>humility 傲慢<>谦虚 hauteur<>humbleness 傲慢<>谦逊 Synonyms: PRIDE, arrogance, disdain, disdainfulness, haughtiness, loftiness, morgue, superbity, superciliousness


n. 干扰;误操作,小故障 a usually minor malfunction Sample:A glitch in the computer is stopping the printer from working.


n. 平等主义 a belief in human equality especially with respect to social, political, and economic rights and privileges Sample:He is an egalitarian, not an elitist. egocentric [i:^EJ5sentrIk] adj.自我中心的,利己的 concerned with the individual rather than society altruism<>egoism 利他主义<>利己主义 Synonyms: individualist, individualistic Sample:His egoism prevented him from seeing the needs of his colleagues.


n. 平衡,均衡 a state of equilibrium Synonyms: BALANCE, equilibrium, poise, stasis Sample:Robin's words were not without emotion:they retained their level tone only by a careful equipoise between imminent extremes.


n. 年代记,记录,编年史 a usually continuous historical account of events arranged in order of time without analysis or interpretation Sample:The gossip columnist was paid to chronicle the latest escapades of the socially prominent celebrities.


n. 幻觉,幻想 perception of objects with no reality usually arising from disorder of the nervous system or in response to drugs (as LSD) Synonyms: DELUSION, ignis fatuus, illusion, mirage, phantasm Sample:I think you were frightened by a hallucination that you created in you own mind. Sample:I think you were frightened by a hallucination that you created in you own mind.


n. 广大;充足;振幅 the quality or state of being ample:FULLNESS amplitude<>meagerness 充足<>贫乏 Synonyms: BREADTH , comprehensiveness, fullness, scope, wideness Sample:The football stadium has seating space of great amplitude.


n. 庄严,伟大 the quality or state of being grand:MAGNIFICENCE grandeur<>frivolous 庄严<>轻佻的 Sample:No matter how often he hiked through the mountains, David never failed to be struck by the grandeur of the Sierra Nevada range. grandiloquent [^rAn5dIlEkwEnt] adj(语言等)夸张的,夸大的 be of a lofty, extravagantly colorful, pompous, or bombastic style, manner, or quality especially in language grandiloquent<>secretive 夸张的<>秘密的 Synonyms: RHETORICAL, aureate, bombastic, declamatory, euphuistic, flowery, magniloquent, overblown, sonorous, swollen Sample:The politician could bever speak simply; she was always grandiloquent.


n. 建筑师 a person who designs buildings and advises in their construction 排、指导 ,而不是建造】【choreographer:To plan out or oversee the movement, development, or details of; orchestrate】 Sample:Though one cannot say that Michelangelo was an impractical designer, he was, of all nonprofessional architects known, the most adventurous in that he was the least constrained by tradition or precedent. (9510)


n. 开始 an act, instance, or time of beginning cessation<>commencement 停止<>开始 cease<>inaugurate/commencement 停止<>开辟/开始 Synonyms: BEGINNING, alpha, birth, dawn, dawning, genesis, onset, opening, outset, outstart Sample:Although the commencement speaker had some good things to say, we had to laugh at his pomposity and general air of parading his own dignity.


n. 异想天开,反复无常,善变,任性 a sudden, impulsive, and seemingly unmotivated notion or action capricious<>steadfast 多变的<>固定不变的 caprice<>confirmation 善变<>确证 capricious<>constant 反复无常的<>不变的 capricious<>pertinacious 反复无常的<>固执的 Synonyms: bee, conceit, crank, crotchet, fancy, freak, humor, maggot, megrim, notion, vagary, whim, whimsy Sample:Employees had become so inured to the caprices of top management's personnel policies that they greeted the announcement of a company-wide dress code with impassivity.


n. 异端邪说 an opinion or doctrine contrary to church dogma dogma<>heresy 教条的<>异端邪说 Synonyms: dissent, dissidence, heterodoxy, misbelief, nonconformism, nonconformity, schism, unorthodoxy Sample:The Salem witch trials were a misguided attempt to extirpate superstition and heresy.


n. 引用,引证,引用文,传票 an official summons to appear (as before a court) 【注:citation:an official summons to appear (as before a court)】 Sample:The police officer received a citation for saving a man's life.


n. 弹药箱,弹药车,潜水箱(水中工程用) a usually 2-wheeled vehicle for artillery ammunition attachable to a horse-drawn limber


n. 强调,加强,重要,强语气 special consideration of or stress or insistence on something Synonyms: accent, accentuation, stress Sample:But the play's complex view of Black self-esteem and human solidarity as Sample:But the play's complex view of Black self-esteem and human solidarity as compatible is no more "contradictory" than Du Bois' famous ,well-considered ideal of ethnic self-awareness coexisting with human unity ,or Fanon's emphasis on an ideal internationalism that also accommodates national identities and roles.


n. 彬彬有礼,殷勤,柔顺 disposition to please or comply:AFFABILITY complaisance<>obstinacy 柔顺<>固执 complaisance<>churlishness 彬彬有礼<>粗野 Sample:Their air of cheerful self-sacrifice and endless complaisance won them undeserved praise, for their seeming gallantry was wholly motivated by a craven wish to avoid conflict of any sort.


n. 徒党,秘密结社,(尤指政治上的)阴谋 the artifices and intrigues of a group of persons secretly united to bring about an overturn or usurpation especially in public affairs Synonyms: PLOT , conspiracy, intrigue, machination, practice, scheme Sample:The cabal was defeated when its scheme was discovered.


n. 心腹朋友,知己 one to whom secrets are entrusted Sample:He had no confidants with whom he could discuss his problems at home.


n. 忠实,诚实,忠诚,保真度 the quality or state of being faithful apostasy<>fidelity 背叛<>忠实 Synonyms: allegiance, ardor, devotion, faithfulness, fealty, loyalty, piety Sample:A dog's fidelity to its owner is one of the reasons why that animal is a favorite household pet.


n. 怨言,满腹牢骚 to mutter in discontent Synonyms: croak, grouch, grouse, murmur, mutter, scold Sample:The cross old lady has a proclivity to grumble.


n. 怪人,偏心圆 deviating from conventional or accepted usage or conduct especially in odd or whimsical ways Synonyms: STRANGE , curious, erratic, idiosyncratic, odd, oddball, peculiar, queer, singular, weird Sample:In Germany her startling powers as a novelist are widely admired, but she is almost unknown in the English-speaking world because of the difficulties of translating her eccentric prose.


n. 恳求,哀求 an act of entreating:PLEA Synonyms: PRAYER, appeal, application, imploration, imprecation, orison, petition, plea, suit, supplication


n. 惊呼,惊叹词 a sharp or sudden utterance Sample:He could not repress an ejaculation of surprise when he heard the news.


n. 愚人, 笨蛋 a stupid or unimaginative person wit<>dullard 机智的人<>愚人 Synonyms: DUNCE, dullhead,, dummy, idiot, ignoramus, moron, simpleton, stupid


n. 愚弄 an act intended to deceive or trick Synonyms IMPOSTURE, fake, flimflam, fraud, gyp, humbug, phony, put-on, sell, spoof Sample: Embarrassed by the hoax, he reddened and left the room.


n. 愚笨,愚蠢;傻念头 a foolish act or idea folly<>sagacious 愚笨的<>聪明的 Synonyms: foolishness, absurdity, craziness, dottiness, inanity, insanity, insanity, preposterousness, senselessness, silliness, witlessness Sample:I am often impressed by my own tolerance of other people's idiocies:what is harder to appreciate is that they, in their folly, are equally engaged in putting up with mine.


n. 慈爱; 溺爱;喜爱,嗜好 tender affection Synonyms: love, affection, attachment, devotion, appetite, inclination, liking, soft spot, taste, weakness Sample:She had an inordinate fondness for candy.


n. 慎重,辨别力,考虑,处理权 the quality of being discreet:CIRCUMSPECTION; especially :cautious reserve in speech frivolous Synonyms: PRUDENCE, canniness, caution, discreetness, foresight, forethought, precaution, providence Sample:Lawyers and doctors must act with discretion and not speak about their clients.


n. 憎恶,反感 settled aversion or dislike:DISTASTE antipathy<>affection 反感<>爱 affinity<>antipathy 吸引力<>厌恶 proclivity<>antipathy 倾向<>反感 Synonyms: ENMITY, animosity, animus, antagonism, hostility, rancor Sample:No one is neutral about Stephens; he inspires either uncritical adulation or profound antipathy in those who work for him.


n. 懦弱 lack of courage or resolution pluck<>cowardice 勇气<>懦弱 pluckish<>coward 勇气<>胆小 dauntless<>cowardice 大胆<>胆怯 Sample:When the boat turned over, the man showed cowardice by saving himself while leaving his wife to drown.


n. 战胜,征服,战利品 the act or process of conquering Synonyms: VICTORY, triumph, win Sample:In his conquest of Europe, Hitler was aided by the quislings who betrayed their own people and served in the puppet governments established by the Nazis. own people and served in the puppet governments established by the Nazis.


n. 打火石,燧石,极硬的东西 a massive hard quartz that produces a spark when struck by steel flippancy [`flIpEnsI] n.无礼,言语尖刻 unbecoming levity or pertness especially in respect to grave or sacred matters flippancy<>seriousness 轻率<>认真 flippancy<>sobriety 轻率<>严肃 flippancy<>gravity 无理<>庄重 Synonyms: lightness, flightiness, frivolity, levity, light-mindedness, volatility Sample:Your flippancy at this serious moment is offensive.


n. 打趣,嘲弄 playful repartee:BANTER badinage<>serious conversation 打趣<>严肃的对话 badinage<>sincere conversation 打趣<>真诚的对话 badinage<>serious discourse 打趣<>严肃的谈话 Synonyms: BANTER, backchat Sample:Her friends at work greeted the news of her engagement with cheerful badinage.


n. 技巧、计谋、手段 skillful handling of a situation:adroit maneuvering finesse<>ineptitude 技巧:愚笨的言行 Synonyms: manipulate, beguile, exploit, jockey, maneuver, play Sample:The finesse and adroitness of the surgeon impressed the observers in the operating room.


n. 技艺,手艺,诡计 skill in planning, making, or executing:DEXTERITY Synonyms: ART, adroitness, cunning, dexterity, expertise, know-how, skill Sample:His desk was cluttered with paper, pen, ink, dictionary and other paraphernalia of the writing craft.


n. 护壁板,脚板 a molding covering the joint of a wall and the adjoining floor


n. 护身符 a charm (as an ornament) often inscribed with a magic incantation or symbol to protect the wearer against evil (as disease or witchcraft) or to aid him Synonyms: CHARM, fetish, juju, luck, mascot, periapt, phylactery, talisman, zemi Sample:Around her neck she wore the amulet that the witch doctor had given her.


n. 拐杖,支撑,帮助 a support typically fitting under the armpit for use by the disabled in walking Sample:He broke his foot and is on crutches now.


n. 拐杖,被用来帮助行走或当作一种饰物而携带的棍子 A stick used as an aid in walking or carried as an accessory Sample:The old man walks with the aid of a cane.


n. 捐赠人 one that gives, donates, or presents something Synonyms: bestower , conferror ,donator ,presenter Sample:Not only are liver transplants never rejected , but they even induce a state of donor-specific unresponsiveness in which subsequent transplants of other organs,such as skin,from that donor are accepted permanently.


n. 推崇备至,赞扬 an expression of praise accolade<>cutting remark 称赞<>苛评 accolade<>speak ill/derogate 称赞<>挑毛病/减损 accolade<>disapprobation 赞赏<>不赞成 accolade<>criticism 极力赞扬<>批评,评论 accolade<>excoriate 极力赞扬<>严厉的责难 accolade<>reprobate/ reproof 极力赞扬<>斥责/谴责 accolade<>denigration 极力赞扬<>毁誉 accolade<>swearword 极力赞扬<>咒骂 accolade<>denunciation 赞扬<>谴责 accolade<>castigation 称赞<>斥责


n. 提高,增加 to rise up; especially :to work upward out of place backset<>hike 倒退;挫折<>提高,增加 Sample:No matter how often he hiked through the mountains, David never failed to be struck by the grandeur of the Sierra Nevada range.


n. 摘录,节录; 引用(from) to select (a passage) for quoting:EXTRACT Synonyms: extract Sample:The cinematic equivalent of an excerpt from a novel is a clip from a film.


n. 摩擦,医疗摩擦,不和 the rubbing of one body against another Sample:At this time when harmony is essential, we cannot afford to have any friction in our group.


n. 支架,括弧,托架 an overhanging member that projects from a structure (as a wall) and is usually designed to support a vertical load or to strengthen an angle Synonyms: JOIN , associate, combine, conjoin, connect, couple, link, relate, unite, wed Sample:That doctor's salary is in the top tax bracket.


n. 支配,控制,管辖 supremacy or preeminence over another indominatable<>easly subdued 不屈的<>容易屈服的 Synonyms: SUPREMACY, ascendancy, dominance, dominion, masterdom, preeminence, preponderancy, prepotence, prepotency, sovereignty Sample:The legendary Colossus of Rhodes, bronze statue of the sun god that dominated the harbor of the Greek seaport, was one of the Seven Wonders of the World.


n. 收场白,尾声 a concluding section that rounds out the design of a literary work; the final scene of a play that comments on or summarizes the main action ; the concluding section of a musical composition:CODA preface<>epilogue 序文<>尾声 Synonyms: afterword Sample:The audience was so disappointed in the play that many did not remain to hear the epilogue.


n. 改革,创新 the introduction of something new Synonyms: CHANGE, mutation, novelty, permutation, sport, vicissitude Sample:Although Simpson was ingenious at contriving to appear innovative and spontaneous, beneath the ruse he remained uninspired and rigid in his approach to problem-solving.


n. 敌意, 意图 a usually prejudiced and often spiteful or malevolent ill will animus<>friendly 敌意<>友好的 【注:词性不符】 Synonyms: ENMITY, animosity, antagonism, antipathy, hostility, rancor Sample:The animus of the speaker became obvious to all when he began to indulge in sarcastic and insulting remarks.


n. 敌意, 憎恨 positive, active, and typically mutual hatred or ill will camaraderie<>enmity 友情<>敌意 comity<>enmity 友好<>敌意 concord<>enmity/rancor 和睦<>敌意/怨恨 Synonyms: animosity, animus, antagonism, antipathy, hostility, rancor Sample:At Camp David President Carter labored to bring an end to the enmity that prevented Egypt and Israel from living in peace.


n. 敏捷,轻快,渴望 alacrity<>dilatoriness/hesitance 敏捷<>拖延/踌躇 alacrity<>recalcitrance 乐意,欣然(敏捷)<>倔强,不服从 alacrity<>hesitance and reluctance 乐意(敏捷,欣然)<>犹豫和不情愿 alacrity<>reluctant 乐意(敏捷,欣然)<>犹豫和不情愿 alacrity<>sluggish his master.


n. 敏锐, 聪明 keenness and depth of perception, discernment, or discrimination especially in practical matters acumen<>unable to discerning 敏锐的<>不能辨别的 acumen<>obtuse 敏锐的<>愚笨的 Synonyms : WIT, astucity, astuteness, discernment, discrimination, keenness, penetration, percipience, perspicacity, shrewdness


n. 教义,主义;学说 a principle or position or the body of principles in a branch of knowledge or system of belief:DOGMA Synonyms: canon, dogma, tenet Synonyms: canon, dogma, tenet Sample:While the new doctrine seems almost certainly correct , the one papyrus fragment raises the specter that another may be unearthed,showing,for instance,that it was a posthumous production of the Danaid tetralogy which bested Sophocles,and throwing the date once more into utter confusion.


n. 教会法规,圣典,准则 a regulation or dogma decreed by a church council canon<>apocrypha 正典<>伪经 canonical<>nontraditional 规范的,传统的<>不符合传统的 Synonyms: LAW, assize, decree, decretum, edict, ordinance, precept, regulation, rule, statute Sample:His bad behavior violates the canons of good conduct.


n. 敬意,尊重 respect and esteem due a superior or an elder; also:affected or ingratiating regard for another's wishes impudent<>deferential/respectful 无礼的<>尊重的/尊敬的 deferential<>imperious 尊重的<>专横的 尊重的<>专横的 impudent<>reverence/deference 无理的<>尊重 Synonyms: HONOR, homage, obeisance, reverence Sample:The deference with which the French aristocracy greeted the middle-class Rousseau was all the more remarkable because he showed so little respect for them.


n. 敬畏 an emotion variously combining dread, veneration, and wonder that is inspired by authority or by the sacred or sublime awe<>irreverence 敬畏<>不尊敬 Synonyms: REVERENCE , fear Sample:Their piety was expressed in quotidian behavior:they worshipped regularly, according all the regenerative processes of nature respect, and even awe..


n. 数字,位数,指头 A human finger or toe. Sample:The hand has five digits.


n. 文盲 the quality or state of being illiterate; especially :inability to read or write erudition<>illiteracy 博学<>文盲


n. 旋转, 漩涡 a current, as of water or air, moving contrary to the direction of the main current, especially in a circular motion


n. 旋风;气旋 a storm or system of winds that rotates about a center of low atmospheric pressure, and often brings heavy rain Synonyms: TORNADO, twister Sample:A cyclone tore up trees and houses.


n. 无信仰,无信心,不虔诚,不孝 the quality or state of being impious:IRREVERENCE impiety<>devoutness 不虔诚的<>虔诚的 Sample:We must regard your blasphemy as an act of impiety.


n. 无政府主义者 one who rebels against any authority, established order, or ruling power anarchy<>order 无政府状态,混乱<>次序,规则 Synonyms: REBEL, anarch, insurgent, insurrectionist, malcontent, mutineer, revolter Sample:Only the total overthrow of all governmental regulations would satisfy the anarchist.


n. 无能; 无力; 虚弱 WEAKNESS, POWERLESSNESS clout<>impuissance 权势<>无能 Sample:The lame duck President was frustrated by his shift from enormous power to relative impuissance.


n. 昏迷状态 a state of profound unconsciousness caused by disease, injury, or poison Synonyms: FAINT, blackout, swoon, syncope Sample:If the doctor's prognosis is correct, the patient will be in a coma for at least twenty-four hours.


n. 星座,星群 the configuration of stars. Sample:Big Dipper and Little Dipper are constellations that we see in the sky at night.


n. 晶片,薄片,碎片 a small usually thin and flat piece (as of wood or stone) cut, struck, or flaked off 【注:chip:a small usually thin and flat piece shard:a piece or fragment of a brittle substance】 Sample:After the glass is annealed, it will be less subject to chipping and cracking.


n. 暗号,密码; a method of transforming a text in order to conceal its meaning Sample:Lacking his code book, the spy was unable to decode the message sent to him


n. 暗示, 略微的提示, 略知, 模糊概念 a slight knowledge or vague notion Synonyms: HINT, clue, cue, indication, intimation, notion, suggestion, telltale, wind Sample:Before sprinkling the dried herbs into the stew, Michael first pulverized them into a fine powder.


n. 暗示,提示 a slight indication of the existence, approach, or nature of something:CLUE Sample:The architects of New York's early skyscrapers, hinting here at a twelfth-century cathedral, there at a fifteenth-century palace, sought to legitimize the city's social strivings by evoking a history the city did not truly possess. histrionic [hIstrI5RnIk]adj. 演员的,演剧的,有如演戏的 of or relating to actors, acting, or the theater Synonyms: DRAMATIC, dramaturgic, theatral, theatric, theatrical, thespian Sample:He was proud of his histrionic ability and wanted to paly the role of Hamlet.


n. 暴雨 a pouring or streaming downward; especially:a heavy rain Sample:We were caught in a downpour and ran for cover under a tree.


n. 有屋顶的通路 a roofed often open passage connecting two buildings (as a house and garage) or halves of a building


n. 有趣的短故事,生平轶事 a usually short narrative of an interesting, amusing, or biographical incident Synonyms: narration, narrative, tale, yarn Sample:The anecdote was in execrable taste and shocked the audience.


n. 朋党派系,小集团 a narrow exclusive circle or group of persons; especially one held together by common interests, views, or purposes Synonyms: cabal, camarilla, camp, circle, clan, coterie, in-group, mafia, mob, ring Sample:She charged that a clique had assumed control of school affairs.


n. 杀菌剂,防腐剂 opposing sepsis, putrefaction, or decay; Sample:It is advisable to apply an antiseptic to any wound, no matter how slight or insignificant.


n. 权力,势力 PULL, INFLUENCE PULL, INFLUENCE clout<>impuissance 权力<>无(权)力 clout<> impotence 有力的一击<>无力, 虚弱 Synonyms: PULL, influence Sample:Gatsby wondered whether he had enough clout to be admitted to the exclusive club.


n. 枕垫v. 支持,鼓励 a structural part designed to eliminate friction or provide support or bearing 支持:力量=磨快:锋利(动作及其增加对象) thwart<>foment/foster/bolster 阻挠<>煽动/鼓励/支持 Synonyms: SUPPORT, bear up, brace, buttress, carry, prop, shore (up), sustain, upbear, uphold Sample:The debaters amassed file boxes full of evidence to bolster their arguments.


n. 林间空地, 一片表面有草的沼泽低地 an open space surrounded by woods


n. 柱廊 a series of columns set at regular intervals and usually supporting the base of a roof structure


n. 栏杆的支柱,楼梯的扶栏 a handrail with its supporting posts Synonyms: RAILING, balustrade, rail Sample:Children like to slide down a banister.


n. 树叶, 植物 the aggregate of leaves of one or more plants Sample:Every autumn before the leaves fell he promised himself he would drive though the New England to admire the colorful fall foliage.


n. 树胶,橡皮,上帝,牙床 any of numerous colloidal polysaccharide substances of plant origin that are gelatinous when moist but harden on drying and are salts of complex organic acids


n. 树阴处, (树枝等形成的)藤架, 凉亭, 【植】树, 乔木 a shelter of vines or branches or of latticework covered with climbing shrubs or vines Sample:The rose arbor was beautiful when the roses were in bloom.


n. 格言 a terse formulation of a truth or sentiment:ADAGE Synonyms: MAXIM, apothegm, axiom, brocard, dictum, gnome, moral, rule, truism Sample:In response to the follies of today's commercial and political worlds, the author does not express inflamed indignation, but rather affects the detachment and smooth aphoristic prose of an eighteenth-century wit.


n. 档案文件,文件储存室 a place in which public records or historical documents are preserved 文件:档案馆=艺术品:博物馆 (事物及其储存地) Synonyms: LIBRARY, athenaeum Sample:The National Archives contain information so seductive that researchers have been known never to publish because they cannot bear to bring their studies to an end.


n. 概论,概说,大要 the quality or state of being general Sample:This report is filled with generalities; you must be more specific in your statements.


n. 模仿,效法,冒充,赝品 the quality of an object in possessing some of the nature or attributes of a transcendent idea 可作模范的:模仿:该责备的:责备(形容词与动词的同义关系) Synonyms: ARTIFICIAL, dummy, ersatz, false, mock, sham, simulated, spurious, substitute Sample:Certain weeds that flourish among rice crops resist detection until maturity by imitating the seedling stage in the rice plant's life cycle, thereby remaining indistinguishable from the rice crop until the flowering stage.


n. 欢闹 high spirits that may be carried to the point of boisterous conviviality or merriment Synonyms: MIRTH, glee, jocularity, jocundity, jollity, joviality, merriment Sample: The hilarity is improper on this solemn day of mourning.


n. 欺凌弱小者,土霸 one habitually cruel to others who are weaker underdog<>bully 受害者<>欺凌弱小者 Synonyms: browbeater, bulldozer, harasser, harrier, hector, intimidator Sample:The bully mistreated everyone in the class with impunity for he felt that no one would dare retaliate.


n. 止痛药 something that soothes, calms, or comforts Synonyms: analgesic, anesthetic, pain-killer


n. 正直,诚实,完整 the quality or state of being complete or undivided:COMPLETENESS taint<>integrity/wholesomeness 使腐败<>正直/健全 Synonyms: HONESTY, honestness, honor, honorableness, incorruption Sample:In some cultures the essence of magic is its traditional integrity; it can be efficient only if it has been transmitted without loss from primeval times to the present practitioner.


n. 步态,步法 a manner of walking or moving on foot Synonyms: speed, celerity, pace, quickness, rapidity, rapidness, swiftness, velocity Sample:The lame man walked with an uneven gait.


n. 气化 conversion into gas; especially:conversion of coal into natural gas gasification/vaporization<>solidification 汽化<>固体化 Sample:Despite many decades of research on the gasification of coal, the data accumulated are not directly applicable to environmental questions; thus a new program of research specifically addressing such questions is warranted.


n. 水泥;胶粘剂 a binding element or agency:as a substance to make objects adhere to each other cement<>fracture 巩固物<>破裂 Sample:That sidewalk is made of cement.


n. 汇合 a coming or flowing together, meeting, or gathering at one point confluence<>divergence 汇合<>分歧 Synonyms: CONCOURSE, concursion, gathering, junction, meeting Sample:They built the city at the confluence of two rivers.


n. 沉着, 泰然, 垂直 Self-confident assurance; poise trepidation<>aplomb 颤抖<>镇定 Synonyms: CONFIDENCE , assurance, self-assurance, self-assuredness, selfconfidence, self-trust Sample: Wellington's nonchalance and aplomb in the heat of battle always heartened his followers.


n. 沟, 沟渠, 壕沟 a long narrow excavation dug in the earth Synonyms: TRENCH, cut Sample:I fell into the ditch that runs by the side of the road.


n. 沸腾,热情,热情洋溢 the quality of lively or enthusiastic expression of thoughts or feelings:EXUBERANCE ebullience<>impassiveness 热情<>无感情 ebullience<>torpor 热情洋溢<>不活泼 ebullient<>torpid 热情的<>麻痹的 ebullience<>lifelessness 热情洋溢<>无生气的 tepid<>ebullient 不太热心的<>热心的 lassitude<>vitality/ebullience{jocular,incisive} 疲倦<>活力/热情 Synonyms: buoyancy, effervescence, exuberance, exuberancy Sample:His ebullient nature could not be repressed.


n. 法兰绒;法兰绒衣服 outer garments of flannel; especially:men's trousers Sample:He wears gray flannel suits.


n. 活泼,生气,卡通制作 possessing or characterized by life:ALIVE lassitude<>vim/animation 疲倦,疲乏<>精力/生气 stultify<>animate 使沉闷<>使活泼 Sample:Her animated expression indicated a keenness of intellect.


n. 派别, 小集团, 派系斗争, 小派系, 内讧 a party or group (as within a government) that is often contentious or selfseeking: CLIQUE 误, 不真实, 谎言, 虚假" 无必然关系. falsehood无"失败,错误"之意】 factional<>disinterested 派系的<>无私的 ecumenical<>factionalism/provincial ecumenical<>factionalism/provincial 世界范围的<>党派主义/狭隘的 faction<>unity 内讧<>团结 Synonyms: COMBINATION, bloc, coalition, combine, part, ring Sample:The quarrels and bickering of the two small factions within the club disturbed the majority of the members.


n. 流口水, 胡言乱语, 糊涂话 to utter in an infantile or imbecilic way Synonyms: DROOL, dribble, salivate, slabber, slaver, slobber Sample:What he says is drivel; don't believe him.


n. 浅滩,可涉水而过的地方河等水体的浅处 A shallow place in a body of water, such as a river, where one can cross by walking or riding on an animal or in a vehicle between mountains, that affords passage around, over, or through a barrier.】 Sample:Rather than risk using the shaky rope bridge, David walked a half-mile downstream until he came to the neartest ford.


n. 涌出,滔滔不绝的讲话 a sudden outpouring Sample:It is imperative that we stanch the gushing wound before we attend to the other injuries.


n. 深渊,大差别,代沟 a deep cleft in the surface of a planet (as the earth):GORGE Sample:They could not see the bottom of the chasm.


n. 混乱,骚乱,疯人院 a place, scene, or state of uproar and confusion tumult/bedlam/riot<>serenity 骚动/混乱/骚乱<>平静 Synonyms: LUNATIC , dement, loon, loony, madling, maniac Sample:With three children, our house is bedlam sometimes.


n. 混煮,杂菜,混淆 a heterogeneous mixture:JUMBLE 大杂烩:混乱:解说:翻译/先知:指导 (正面特征) Synonyms: MISCELLANY, gallimaufry, hash, hotchpotch, jumble, medley, mishmash, patchwork, potpourri Sample:His ideas are a hodgepodge of unproved theories.


n. 清楚,透明 the quality or state of being clear:LUCIDITY roil<>clarify/appease 激怒<>阐明/平息 obfuscate<>clarify 使模糊<>澄清 equivocation<>clarity 模棱两可<>清楚 muddy<>clarity 浑浊的<>清晰 【注:词性不符】 clarity<>opaque 清晰<>不透明 Synonyms: clearness, limpidity, lucidity, perspicuity, plainness Sample:Harry Levin explicated James Joyce's novels with such clarity that even Finnegan's Wake seemed comprehensible to his students.


n. 清秀,美丽,合宜 having a pleasing appearance:not homely or plain comeliness<>unattractiveness 美丽的<>不吸引人的 Synonyms: BEAUTIFUL, attractive, beauteous, bonny, fair, good-looking, handsome, lovely, pretty, pulchritudinous Sample:I would rather have a poor and comely wife than a rich and homely one.


n. 渴望 to have a strong or persistent desire:YEARN hankering<>odium 渴望<>讨厌 渴望<>讨厌 hankering<>lack of desire 渴望<>不寄希望 Sample:Europeans in America often hanker for a good cup of coffee.


n. 渴望,热望 an intense, urgent, or abnormal desire or longing spurn<>court/crave/embrace 摒弃<>追求,渴望,包含 craving<>aversion 渴望<>厌恶 Synonyms: LONG, ache, dream, hanker, hunger, lust, pine, sigh, suspire, thirst Sample:Although he wished to break the nicotine habit, he found himself impotent in resisisting the craving for a cigarette.


n. 溴化物(镇静药用),平庸的人或物 a commonplace or hackneyed statement or notion bromide<>unhackneyed 平庸的人或物<>新奇的 【注:词性不符】 Synonyms: COMMONPLACE, banality, platitude, rubber stamp, shibboleth, tag, truism Sample:"Have a nice day" is a bromide.


n. 满足, 安心 COMPLACENCE; especially :self-satisfaction accompanied by unawareness of actual dangers or deficiencies complacency/complacence<>anxiety 满足<>渴望 Synonyms: CONCEIT, amour propre, complacence, conceitedness, consequence, egoism, egotism, narcissism, pride, vainglory Sample:The accusations we bring against others should bewarnings to ourselves; they should not justify complacency and easy judgments on our part concerning our own moral conduct.


n. 滤纸 a porous article or mass (as of paper or sand) through which a gas or liquid is passed to separate out matter in suspension Sample:A very specialized feeding adaptation in zooplankton is that of the tadpolelike appendicularian who lives in a walnut-sized (or smaller ) balloon of mucus equipped with filters that capture and concentrate phytoplankton.


n. 演讲;论文 formal and orderly and usually extended expression of thought on a subject Synonyms: SPEECH, speaking, talk, utterance, verbalization Sample:College students become familiar with academic discourse.


n. 漠然,冷淡 lack of feeling or emotion:IMPASSIVENESS vehement<>apathetic 激烈的<>缺乏感情的 Synonyms: impassivity, insensibility, phlegm, stoicism, stolidity, unresponsiveness Synonyms: impassivity, insensibility, phlegm, stoicism, stolidity, unresponsiveness Sample:The senator's remark that she is ambivalent about running for a second term is persuasive given the extremely apathetic fund-raising activities of her campaign committee.


n. 激怒, 狂热, (诗情的)激情 A general commotion; public disorder or uproar. furor<>serenity 激情<>平静 Synonyms: DELIRIUM, frenzy Sample:The story of her embezzlement of the funds created a furor on the stock exchange.


n. 火炉,熔炉,磨练 an enclosed structure in which heat is produced Sample:The blast furnace had a special opening at the bottom to allow the workers to remove the worthless slag.


n. 炼金术, 魔力 a medieval chemical science and speculative philosophy aiming to achieve the transmutation of the base metals into gold, the discovery of a universal cure for disease, and the discovery of a means of indefinitely prolonging life


n. 热诚,热心 intensity of feeling or expression zealotry<>lack of fervor 狂热:缺乏热心 fervor<>indifferent 热情<>冷漠 fervor<>uninterested 热情<>不感兴趣 【注:词性不符】 Synonyms: passion, ardor, calenture, enthusiasm, fire, hurrah, zeal Sample:On this solemn day, the congregation responded to the prayers of the priest during the litany with fervor and intensity.


n. 照明,阐明,启发 one of the decorative features used in the art of illuminating or in decorative lighting obfuscate<>elucidate/illuminate/explain clearly 使迷乱<>阐明/阐明/解释清楚 Sample:Historians such as Le Roy Ladurie have used the documents to extract case histories, which have illuminated the attitudes of different social groups (these attitudes include,but are not confined to,attitudes toward crime and the law)and have revealed how the authorities administered justice.


n. 煽动者,群众煽动者 a leader who makes use of popular prejudices and false claims and promises in order to gain power Synonyms: rabble-rouser Sample:He was accused of being a demogogue because he made promises that aroused futile hopes in his listeners.


adj. (《圣经》中所说的)大洪水前的, 上古的, 古风的 made, evolved, or developed a long time ago Synonyms: ANCIENT, aged, age-old, antique, hoary, Noachian, old, timeworn, venerable Sample: The antediluvian customs had apparently not changed for thousands of years.


adj. 下垂的,衰弱的,委顿的 LANGUID, WEAK flagging<>thriving 衰弱的<>欣欣向荣的 flagging<>vibrant 衰弱的<>活跃的 flag<>wax 衰弱<>增加 unflagging<>fading 恒定的,不衰减的《》消逝的 Sample:When the opposing hockey team scored its third goal only minutes into the first period, the home team's spirits flagged.


adj. 不合逻辑的,不合理的,不重要的 of no significance:UNIMPORTANT crucial<>inconsequential 重要的<>不重要的 immaterial<>consequential 不重要的<>重要的 Synonyms: PETTY, inconsequent, inconsiderable, measly, paltry, picayune, picayunish, small, trifling, trivial Sample:While admitting that the risks incurred by use of the insecticide were not inconsequential, the manufacturer's spokesperson argued that effective substitutes were simply not available.


adj. 不名一文的,贫困的 having very little or no money usually habitually:PENNILESS impecunious<>wealthy/prosperous/affluent 贫穷的<>富裕的/繁荣的/富裕的 impecunious<>lavish/prosperous 贫穷的<>过分丰富的/繁荣的 impecunious<>affluent 贫穷的<>富裕的 Synonyms: POOR, destitute, dirt poor, impoverished, indigent, necessitous, needy, penurious, poverty-stricken, unprosperous Sample:Now that he was wealthy, he gladly contributed to funds to assist impecunious and disbled persons.


adj. 不幸的,不吉的,不适当的 not appropriate in application or expression happy<>infelicitous 恰当<>不适当 Synonyms: awkward, graceless, ill-chosen, inept, unfortunate, unhappy


adj. 不幸的;运气不好的 having no luck:UNFORTUNATE hapless<>fortunate 不幸的<>幸运的 Synonyms: UNLUCKY, ill-fated, ill-starred, luckless, misfortunate, star-crossed, unfortunate, unhappy, untoward Sample:No work illustrated his disdain for a systematic approach to research better than his dissertation, which was rejected primarily because his bibliography constituted, at best, a haphazard survey of the major texts in his field.


adj. 不悔悟的 not feeling or expressing humble or regretful pain or sorrow for sins or offenses rueful<>impenitent 悔恨的<>不悔悟的 impenitent<>contrite 不悔悟的<>懊悔 impenitent<>remorseful 不悔悟的<>悔恨的 Synonyms: REMORSELESS, regretless, uncontrite, unregretful, unremorseful, unrepentant, unsorry Sample:We could see by his brazen attitude that he was impenitent.


adj. 不愉快的,厌恶的,不为人喜的 causing discomfort:UNPLEASANT, OFFENSIVE oppression:disagreement:?? Synonyms: BAD, displeasing, rotten, sour, unhappy, unpleasant Sample:She is so disagreeable that no one will work with her.


adj. 不整洁的,有臭味的,很闷的 (frowsy) having a slovenly or uncared-for appearance dapper<>frowsy 整洁的<>不整洁的 Synonyms: slatternly, blowsy, dowdy, draggletailed, slattern, sordid; malodorous, funky, fusty, musty, noisome, rank, reeking, smelly, stale, stinking


adj. 不注意的,疏忽的 not focusing the mind on a matter: INATTENTIVE advertent<>inattentive 留意的<>疏忽的 Synonyms: CARELESS, feckless, heedless, irreflective, thoughtless, uncaring, unheeding, unrecking, unreflective, unthinking Sample:Professional photographers generally regard inadvertent surrealism in a photograph as a curse rather than a blessing; magazine photographers, in particular, consider themselves fortunate to the extent that they can minimize its presence in their photographs.


adj. 不爱讲话的,沉沉的,严厉的 STERN, HARSH dour<>congenial/genial 严厉的<>温和的 dour<>jocund 阴郁的<>欢乐的 Synonyms: SULLEN, crabbed, gloomy, glum, morose, saturnine, sulky, surly, ugly Sample:A man with a dour look on his face lives alone in that house.


adj. 不知疲倦的,有耐性的,不屈不挠的 incapable of being fatigued:UNTIRING Synonyms: inexhaustible, tireless, unflagging, untiring, unweariable, unwearying, weariless Sample:He was indefatigable in his constant efforts to raise funds for the Red Cross.


adj. 不知足的,贪求无厌的 incapable of being satisfied:QUENCHLESS Sample:That dealers patient enough to nurture a young modern painter's career rather than plunder it exist is not impossible, but the public's insatiable appetite for modern art makes such dealers less and less likely.


adj. 不能穿过的,不可理喻的,费解的,顽固的 incapable of being penetrated or pierced or incapable of being comprehended:INSCRUTABLE pierce:impenetrable=change:immutable porous<>impenetrable 多孔渗水的<>难以渗透的 Synonyms: IMPASSABLE, impermeable, imperviable, impervious, unpierceable Sample:How could the murderer have gotten into the locked room? To Watson, the mystery, like the room, was impenetrable.


adj. 不能让与的,不能转售的,不能夺取的,不可分割的,不能剥夺的 incapable of being alienated, surrendered, or transferred Sample:The Declaration of Independence mentions the inalienable rights that all of us possess.


adj. 不能说的, 不应说出的, 避讳的 incapable of being expressed in words : INDESCRIBABLE Synonyms: UNUTTERABLE, incommunicable, indefinable, indescribable, inenarrable, inexpressible, undescribable, unexpressible, unspeakable, untellable Sample: Such ineffable joy must be experienced; it cannot be described. ineluctable [InI5lQktEb(E)l] adj.难免的,不能逃避的 not to be avoided, changed, or resisted:INEVITABLE Synonyms: INEVITABLE, certain, ineludible, inescapable, inevasible, necessary, returnless, unavoidable, unescapable, unevadable Sample:He felt that his fate was ineluctible and refused to make any attempt to improve his lot.


adj. 不规则的,反常的 inconsistent with or deviating from what is usual, normal, or expected:IRREGULAR, UNUSUAL anomalous<>typical/conformity to norms 反常的<>典型的/符合规范的 anomalous<>normal 反常的<>正常的 Synonyms: ABNORMAL, aberrant, atypical, deviant, deviative, heteroclite, preternatural, unrepresentative, untypical Sample:He was placed in the anomalous position of seeming to approve procedures that he despised.


adj. 不适当的, 无能的, 不称职的, 笨拙的,毛手毛脚的;无能的 generally incompetent:BUNGLING finesse<>ineptitude 灵巧<>愚笨 inept<>judicious 愚笨的<>明智的 proficient<>inept 精通的<>无能的 masterful<>inept 技术精湛的<>笨拙的 deft<>inept 熟练<>笨拙 Synonyms: AWKWARD, bumbling, clumsy, gauche, halting, ham-handed, lumbering, maladroit, unhandy, wooden Sample:Inept as a carpenter, Ira was all thumbs.


adj. 与水面齐平的,被浪冲打的 covered with water:FLOODED awash<>dry 浸水的<>干燥的 Sample:After the flood, the ground floors of houses were awash with water and mud.


adj. 世界范围的,节俭的,一般性的, 普遍性的 worldwide or general in extent, influence, or application diocesan<>ecumenical 小教区的<>全基督教会的 ecumenical<>factionalism/provincial 世界范围的<>党派主义/狭隘的 Synonyms: UNIVERSAL ,catholic, cosmic, cosmopolitan, global, planetary, worldwide Sample:Reading the epigrams of Pope, I admire the economy of his verse:in few words he conveys worlds of meaning.


adj. 世袭的,遗传的 characteristic of or fostered by one's predecessors Sample:Natural selection tends to eliminate genes that cause inherited diseases, acting most strongly against the most severe diseases; consequently, hereditary diseases that are lethal would be expected to be very rare, but, surprisingly, they are not.


adj. 严峻的,苛刻的 CRUEL; also:SEVERE draconian<>indulgent/mild draconian<>indulgent/mild 苛刻的<>放纵的/温柔的 draconian<>genial 苛刻的<>亲切的 draconian<>lenient 严峻的,苛刻的<>宽大的,仁慈的 Synonyms: RIGID, ironhanded, rigorist, rigorous, strict, stringent, unpermissive Sample:The invading army used draconian measures to control the people; they cut off the hands and feet of anyone who opposed them.


adj. 严重的;极重要的 important or essential as resolving acrisis:DECISIVE crucial<>inconsequential 重要的<>不重要的 peripheral<>crucial 外围的<>关键的 Synonyms: ACUTE, climacteric, critical, desperate, dire Sample:Despite its virtues, the book deals inadequately with a number of crucial issues.


adj. 中风的,易怒的,狂怒的,大怒的 greatly agitated apoplectic<>calm 易怒的<>冷静的 Sample:When he heard the bad news, he became apoplectic.


adj. 为琐事而担忧的, 过分装饰的, 繁琐的, 急躁, 爱挑剔的, 难取悦的, Calling for or requiring great attention to sometimes trivial details Synonyms: CAREFUL, conscientious, conscionable, exact, heedful, meticulous, painstaking, punctilious, punctual, scrupulous Sample:Dentists criticize the practice of giving fussy children sweets to pacify them.


adj. 主教管区的 a bishop having jurisdiction over a diocese diocesan<>ecumenical 教区的<>全世界的


adj. 乡村的,牧羊的 relating to or typical of rural life bucolic<>urban 乡村的<>都市的 bucolic<>sophisticated 质朴的<>精明的 Synonyms: RURAL, agrestic, campestral, countrified, country, out-country, outland, pastoral, provincial, rustic Sample:The meadow was the scene of bucolic gaiety.


adj. 产生幻觉的,幻影的,错觉的 based on or producing illusion:DECEPTIVE Synonyms: FICTITIOUS, chimerical, fanciful, fantastic, fictional, fictive, imaginary, suppositious, supposititious, unreal Sample:The trick for Michael was to conjure for his son an illusory orderliness; only alone at night, when the boy was asleep, could Michael acknowledge the chaos he kept hidden from his son.


adj. 亲切的,和蔼可亲的 being friendly, sociable, and congenial inimical<>friendly/amiable/amicable 有敌意的<>友好的/亲切的/友善的 Synonyms: complaisant, easy, good-humored, good-natured, good-tempered, lenient, mild, obliging Sample:His amiable disposition pleased all who had dealings with him.


adj. 亲近的, 有交情的, 熟悉的 having frequent or familiar association conversant<>unfamiliarity 熟悉的<>不熟悉 【注:词性不符】 conversant<>ignorant 熟悉的<>不知道的 Synonyms: FAMILIAR , abreast, acquainted, au courant, au fait, informed, up, versant, versed Sample:The lawyer is conversant with all the evidence.


adj. 仁慈的,慈善的,善行的,有益的 doing or producing good; especially :performing acts of kindness and charity noxious<>beneficial 有害的<>有益的 toxic<>beneficial 有毒的<>有益的 Sample:Certainly Murray's preoccupation with the task of editing the Oxford English Dictionary begot a kind of monomania, but it must be regarded as a beneficent or at least an innocuous one.


adj. 仁慈的,温和的 inclined to be merciful:LENIENT clement<>pitiless 仁慈的<>无情的 Synonyms: FORBEARING, charitable, easy, indulgent, lenient, merciful, tolerant Sample:I like to read a good book in inclement weather.


adj. 仔细的, 谨慎的, 吝啬的 discreetly cautious:as a:hesitant and vigilant about dangers and risks b:slow to grant, accept, or expend chary<>rash 谨慎的<>卤莽的 Synonyms: CAUTIOUS, calculating, careful, circumspect, considerate, discreet, gingerly, guarded, safe, wary Sample:A prudent, thrifty New Englander, DeWitt was as chary of investing money in junk bonds as he was chary of paying people unnecessary compliments.


adj. 令人心碎的, 伤心的, 悲惨的 causing intense sorrow or distress Synonyms: DEPLORABLE, afflictive, calamitous, dire, distressing, grievous, heartbreaking, lamentable, regrettable, unfortunate Sample:The death of their child is a heart-rending tragedy.


adj. 优美的, 高雅的, 精致的, 剧烈的, 异常的, 细腻的, 敏锐的 marked by flawless craftsmanship or by beautiful, ingenious, delicate, or elaborate execution tawdry<>exquisite 俗丽的<>优美的 Synonyms: CHOICE, dainty, delicate, elegant, rare, recherch, select, superior Sample:The detail on the watch face is exquisite.


adj. 传染性的,会蔓延的,会传播的 communicable by contact:CATCHING contagious<>incommunicable 会传播的<>不能传达的 Synonyms: INFECTIOUS, catching, communicable Sample:Wang's zeal was contagious; soon all his fellow students were busily making posters, inspired by his ardent enthusiasm for the cause.


adj. 伪善的 characterized by hypocrisy; also :being a hypocrite hypocritical<>ingenuous/honest 伪善的<>真诚的/诚实的 Synonyms: canting, pecksniffian, pharisaic, pharisaical, sanctimonious, self-righteous 区别:hypercritical (adj.苛求的,吹毛求疵的) Sample:I resent his hypocritical posing as a friend for I know he is interested only in his own advancement. own advancement.


adj. 似黄铜的,厚脸皮的 being shamelessly bold diffident<>brassy 羞怯的<>厚脸皮的 furtive<>open/forthright/brassy 秘密的<>公开的/直率的/厚脸皮的 brassy<>humble 厚脸皮的<>谦逊的 brassy<>unassertive 厚脸皮的<>谦逊的 brassy<>diffident 厚脸皮的<>缺乏自信的 Synonyms: SHAMELESS, arrant, barefaced, blatant, brazen, brazenfaced, impudent, overbold, unabashed, unblushing Sample:New Yorkers have a stereotype as being loud and brassy, but I find them to be very friendly.


adj. 使人难忘的, 壮丽的, 堂皇的;雄伟的 impressive in size, bearing, dignity, or grandeur imposing<>modest 堂皇的<>谦虚的 Synonyms: GRAND, august, baronial, grandiose, magnificent, majestic, noble, princely, royal, stately Sample:Imposing steep fines on employers for on-the-job injuries to workers could be an effective incentive to creating a safer workplace, especially in the case of employers with poor safety records.


adj. 例外的,异常的,特别的 deviating from the norm prosaic<>exceptional/imaginary/exciting 平凡的<>特别的/想象的/令人兴奋的 commonplace<>exceptional 平凡的<>异常的 Synonyms: extraordinary, phenomenal, rare, remarkable, singular, uncommon, uncustomary, unimaginable, unique, unordinary, unthinkable, unusual, unwonted


adj. 俗丽的 ostentatiously or tastelessly ornamented Synonyms: blatant, brazen, chintzy, flashy, garish, glaring, loud, meretricious, tawdry, tinsel Sample:Her gaudy taste in clothes apalled us.


adj. 保存性的,有保存力的 a school specializing in one of the fine arts Sample:A gifted violinist, Marya was selected to study at the conservatory.


adj. 假的、虚构的 of, relating to, or characteristic of fiction:IMAGINARY fictitious<>factual 虚构的:事实的 Synonyms: chimerical, fanciful, fantastic, fictional, fictive, illusory, imaginary, suppositious, supposititious, unreal; fake, mock, sham, simulated Sample:Although this book purports to be a biography of George Washington, many of the incidents are fictitious.


adj. 做作的,不自然的 ARTIFICIAL, LABORED Synonyms: artificial , labored Sample:It is difficult to distinguish between the things that charismatic figures do spontaneously and those that are carefully contrived for effect.


adj. 停蹄不前的,倔强的 refusing or likely to refuse to proceed, act, or function as directed or expected balky<>tractable 倔强的<>温顺的 balky<>acquiesce 倔强的<>默认的 Synonyms: cross-grained, ornery, perverse, restive, wrongheaded


adj. 偷偷的,秘密的 done by stealth:SURREPTITIOUS furtive<>open/forthright/brassy 偷偷地:公开/直接/ furtively<>candidly 偷偷地<>坦白的 sublime<>furtive sublime<>furtive 庄严的<>鬼鬼祟祟的 Synonyms: secret, clandestine, covert, hugger-mugger, hush-hush, stealthy, sub-rosa, surreptitious Sample:The boy gave a furtive look at his classmate's test paper.


adj. 催眠的,催眠术的,易于催眠的 tending to produce sleep:SOPORIFIC hypnotic<>conscious 催眠的<>有知觉的 hypnotic<>stimulant 催眠药<>刺激物 hypnotic<>bracing 催眠的<>给以力量,支撑 Synonyms: SOPORIFIC, narcotic, opiate, sleepy, somnifacient, somniferous, somnific, somnolent, somnorific, soporiferous Sample:The mother's voice had a hypnotic effect on her baby.


adj. 傲慢的,专横的 marked by arrogant assurance:DOMINEERING imperious:fawn:swagger:self depreciate imperious<>humble 专横的<>谦逊的 imperious<>servile/obeisant 专横的<>卑曲的/服从的 deferential<>imperious 尊重的<>专横的 imperious<>obsequious 专横的<>献媚的 unassuming<>imperious 谦虚的<>傲慢的 Synonyms: masterful, domineering, peremptory, imperative Sample:His imperiousness indicated that he had long been accustomed to assuming command.


adj. 傻的,愚蠢的 SILLY, FOOLISH daft<>judicious 傻的<>明智的 Synonyms: INSANE, bedlamite, cracked, crazed, crazy, demented, deranged, mad, unbalanced, unsound


adj. 先驱的,无创意的 lacking originality:BANAL precursory<>derivative 先驱的<>衍生的 derivative<>original 派生的<>原创的 Synonyms: SECONDARY, derivate, derivational, derived Sample:Her first concert appearance was disappointingly perfunctory and derivative, rather than the inspired performance in the innovative style we had anticipated.


adj. 免疫的,免除的,不受影响的 not susceptible or responsive; especially :having a high degree of resistance to a disease Sample:No computer system is immune to a virus, a particularly malicious program that is designed to infect and electronically damage the disks on which data are stored.


adj. 公然的,无耻的,无面具的 OPEN, UNCONCEALED barefaced/aboveboard<>surreptitious 公然的/光明正大的<>暗中的 Synonyms: SHAMELESS, arrant, brassy, brazen, brazenfaced, impudent, overbold, unabashed, unblushing Sample:Shocked by Huck Finn's barefaced lies, Miss Watson prayed the good Lord would give him a sense of his unregenerate wickedness.


adj. 具有常识的 sound and prudent but often unsophisticated judgment preposterous<>commonsensical 荒谬的<>符合常识的


adj. 冲动的,猛烈的,轻率的,急躁的 marked by impulsive vehemence or passion impetuosity<>hesitance/vacillation 冲动<>犹豫/踌躇 impetuous<>deliberate 冲动的<>深思熟虑的 unobstrusive<>impetuous 谨慎的<>冲动的 Synonyms: PRECIPITATE, abrupt, hasty, headlong, hurried, precipitant, precipitous, rushing, subitaneous, sudden Sample:We tried to curb his impetuous behavior because we felt that in his haste he might offend some people.


adj. 冷淡的, 孤零的 removed or distant either physically or emotionally removed or distant either physically or emotionally gregarious<>aloof 群居的<>疏远的 aloof<>intimacy 疏远的<>亲密的 cool,reserved,solitary,standoffish,unapproachable,unbending,uncompanionable she felt his aloofness indicated a lack of openness.


adj. 冷静的, 不带感情的, 平心静气的 not influenced by strong feeling; especially :not affected by personal or emotional involvement dispassionate<>responsive 不动感情的<>反应迅速的 【对应不工整】 dispassionate<>partial 不动感情的<>偏袒的 fervent<>dispassionate 激动的<>平静的 Synonyms: NEUTRAL, abstract, colorless, detached, disinterested, impersonal, pokerfaced, unpassioned Sample:The judge takes a dispassionate attitude toward matters before her.


adj. 凶兆的 an omen, prediction, or presentiment especially of coming evil:PORTENT ,FOREBODING auspicious<>boding ill 吉祥的<>凶兆的 Synonyms: OMINOUS, baleful, baneful, fateful, ill-omened, inauspicious, unlucky, unpropitious


adj. 分离的, 不连续的, 离散的 Synonyms: DISTINCT, different, diverse, separate, several, various Sample:That company is a discrete entity from the others, which are all owned by the parent company.


adj. 前面的,在前的 coming before in time or development anterior<>ensuing 前面的<>后来的 Synonyms: PRECEDING, antecedent, foregoing, former, past, precedent, previous, prior Sample:The head of an insect is located on the anterior part of its body.


adj. 勤勉的,用功的 characterized by steady, earnest, and energetic effort:PAINSTAKING procrastination<>diligence 推迟拖延<>努力,勤勉 Synonyms: ASSIDUOUS, industrious, operose, sedulous Sample:He raised his grades by being a very diligent student. dilute [daI5lju:t]v. 冲淡,稀释;削弱减小 to diminish the strength, flavor, or brilliance of by admixture Sample:My tea was too strong, so I diluted it with more water.


adj. 匆匆忙忙的, 粗略的, 草率的 rapidly and often superficially performed or produced:HASTY cursory<>painstakingly thorough 草率的<>认真的 草率的<>认真的 fastidious<>easygoing/cursory/uncritical 苛求的<>随便的/草率的/不严厉的 pinpoint<>exam cursorily 精确地定位<>粗略的检查 Synonyms: SUPERFICIAL, depthless, shallow, sketchy, uncritical Sample:A cursory examination of the ruins indicates the possibility of arson; a more extensive study should be undertaken.


adj. 匆匆的,轻率的,急忙的 done or made in a hurry hasty<>characterized by deliberation 轻率的<>深思熟虑地对待 hasty<>well considered 匆忙的<>充分考虑过的 hasty<>deliberate 轻率的<>深思熟虑的 Synonyms: FAST, breakneck, expeditious, expeditive, fleet, harefooted, quick, rapid, speedy, swift Sample:Donald had planned to kill his wife for months; clearly, her death was a case of deliberate, willful murder, not a crime of passion committed by a hasty, willful youth unable to foresee the consequences of his deeds.


adj. 化身的, 人体化的, 肉色的 invested with bodily and especially human nature and form incorporeal<>incarnate 无实体的<>人体化的 Synonyms: EMBODY, exteriorize, externalize, manifest, materialize, objectify, personalize, personify, personize, substantiate Sample:Your attitude is so fiendish that you must be a devil incarnate.


adj. 北极的,极寒的 bitter cold:FRIGID torrid<>arctic 酷热的<>极寒的 Synonyms: COLD , chill, chilly, cool, freezing, frosty, gelid, glacial, icy, nippy Sample:In part of the Arctic, the land grades into the landfast ice so imperceptibly Sample:In part of the Arctic, the land grades into the landfast ice so imperceptibly that you can walk off the coast and not know you are over the hidden sea.


adj. 卑下的,谦逊的,粗陋的 ranking low in a hierarchy or scale:INSIGNIFICANT, UNPRETENTIOUS supercilious<>humble 傲慢的<>谦逊的 bumptious<>humble 傲慢的<>谦逊的 hauteur<>humility 傲慢<>谦卑 panache<>humility 炫耀,摆架子<>谦卑 Synonyms: IGNOBLE, base, baseborn, low, lowborn, lowly, mean, plebeian, unennobled, unwashed Sample:Constantly fawning on his employer, humble Uriah Heap was a servile creature.


adj. 卑鄙的,低级的 n. 底层 being of comparatively low value and having relatively inferior properties base<>virtuous 卑鄙的<>品德高尚 base<>noble 底层社会<>贵族 sublime<>base/common 崇高的<>低级的/平凡 base<>patrician 底层社会<>贵族 Synonyms: low, vile CF:abase(v.贬抑,使卑下) debase(v.贬低,贬损) Sample:It is almost impossible to protect oneself from such a base canard.


adj. 即将来临的,逼近的 ready to take place; especially :hanging threateningly over one's head Synonyms: impending, proximate Sample:Robin's words were not without emotion:they retained their level tone only by a careful equipoise between imminent extremes.


adj. 即席而作的,即兴的 to compose, recite, play, or sing extemporaneously rite<>improvised act 仪式<>即兴表演 Synonyms: EXTEMPORANEOUS, autoschediastic, extemporary, extempore, impromptu, offhand, spur-of-the-moment, unrehearsed, unstudied Sample:While scientists dismiss as fanciful the idea of sudden changes in a genetic code (spontaneous mutation), it is possible that nature, like some master musician, improvises on occasion, departing from the expected or predictable.


adj. 友善的,和平的 characterized by friendly goodwill:PEACEABLE inimical<>friendly/amiable/amicable 有敌意的<>友好的/亲切的/友善的 asperity<>amicable 粗暴<>友善的 【注:词性不符】 Synonyms: HARMONIOUS , amical, congenial, friendly Sample:The dispute was settled in an amicable manner with no harsh words.


adj. 反复无常的,古怪的 having no fixed course:WANDERING Synonyms: devious, errant, stray, wandering Sample:Experienced and proficient, Susan is a good, reliable trumpeter her music is often more satisfying than Carol's brilliant but erratic playing. erudite [5eru:daIt] adj.博学的,饱学的 possessing or displaying erudition:LEARNED erudite<>smattering of knowledge/ignorant/unlettered 博学的<>知识贫乏的/无知的/为受过教育的 erudition<>illiteracy 博学<>文盲 erudition<>extremely ignorance 博学<>无知 Synonyms: LEARNED, scholarly, scholastic Sample:His erudite writing was difficult to read because of the many allusions which were unfamiliar to most readers. escalate [5eskEleIt] v.(战争等)升级,扩大,上升 to increase in extent, volume, number, amount, intensity, or scope escalate<>diminish 扩大<>减少 escalate<>wane 逐步增强<>衰落 escalate<>decrease 扩大<>减少 escalate<>ebb 扩大<>衰退 Synonyms: ASCEND, climb, escalade, mount, scale, upclimb, upgo Sample:What had started out as a mere spat escalated into a full-blown argument. eschew [Is5tFu:] v.避开,戒绝 to avoid habitually especially on moral or practical grounds:SHUN eschew<>embrace/greet/welcome 避开<>拥抱/打招呼/欢迎 Synonyms: ESCAPE, avoid, bilk, double, duck, elude, evade, shun, shy Sample:He tried to eschew all display of temper.


adj. 反驳的,反对的,抗辩的 involving, causing, or constituting a contradiction 自相矛盾的话:矛盾:警句:明智 (事物及其正面特征) Synonyms: OPPOSITE, antipode, antipole, antithesis, contra, contrary, converse, counter, counterpole, reverse Sample:The detective was stymied by the contradictory evidence in the robbery investigation.


adj. 受批判的,挑剔的 marked by or given to censure censorious<>eulogistic 挑剔的<>赞美的 Synonyms: CRITICAL, captious, carping, caviling, cavillous, critic, faultfinding, hypercritical, overcritical Sample:censorious people delight in casting blame.


adj. 受约束的,受束缚的 献身于的,致力于 OBLIGATE, BIND Sample:A radical committed to social change, Reed had no patience with the conservative views prevalent in the America of his day.


adj. 叛乱的,起事的n. 叛乱分子 a person who revolts against civil authority or an established government; especially:a rebel not recognized as a belligerent Synonyms: ISOLATE, close off, cut off, enisle, island, segregate, separate, sequester Sample:We will not discuss reforms until the insurgent troops have returned to their homes.


adj. 古怪的,好笑的 having a humorous, whimsical, or odd quality droll<>grave 好笑的<>严肃的 droll<>serious 好笑的<>严肃的 droll<>somber 好笑的<>忧郁的 Synonyms: LAUGHABLE, comic, comical, farcical, funny, gelastic, ludicrous, ridiculous, risible Sample:He was a popular guest because his droll anecdotes were always entertaining.


adj. 古老的 of, relating to, or characteristic of an earlier or more primitive time:ANTIQUATED 转瞬即逝的:永久:已废的:流通 (事物特性及其反面特征) archaic<>current 古老的<>最近的 archaism<>modern diction {recent dictation} 古语<>新语 Synonyms: OLD-FASHIONED, antiquated, antique, bygone, dated, old, old-timey, outdated, out-ofdate Sample:"Methinks," "thee," and "thou" are archaic words that are no longer part of our normal vocabulary.


adj. 可仿效的,可做模范的 serving as a pattern Synonyms: GOOD, blameless, guiltless, inculpable, innocent, irreprehensible, pure, righteous, unblamable, virtuous Sample:Her exemplary behavior was praised at commencement.


adj. 可居住的 capable of being lived in:suitable for habitation Synonyms: LIVABLE, inhabitable, lodgeable, occupiable, tenantable Sample:Their old cabin in the woods is habitable but not very comfortable.


adj. 可归罪的,使负责的,可嫁祸的 to lay the responsibility or blame for often falsely or unjustly imputable:nettle Synonyms: ASCRIBE, accredit, assign, attribute, charge, credit, lay, refer Sample:If I wished to impute blame to the officers in charge of this program, I would state my feelings definitely and immediately.


adj. 可怕的,悲惨的,阴惨的,极端的 DISMAL, OPPRESSIVE dire<>pleasant 悲惨的:快乐的 Synonyms: DEPLORABLE, afflictive, calamitous, distressing, grievous, heart breaking, lamentable, regrettable, unfortunate, woeful Sample:His business is bankrupt and he is in dire trouble.


adj. 可怕的,惊人的,惨白的 intensely unpleasant, disagreeable, or objectionable Synonyms: grim, grisly, gruesome, hideous, horrible, horrid, horrifying, lurid, macabre, terrible, terrifying Sample:The murdered man was a ghastly sight.


adj. 可怕的,困难的 causing fear, dread, or apprehension formidable<>comforting 可怕的<>安慰的 formidable<>simple 困难的<>简单的 formidable<>enticing 可怕的<>诱人的 formidable<>reassuring 困难的<>可靠的 formidable<>genial 令人畏惧的<>亲切的 Synonyms: fearful, appalling, awful, dreadful, frightful, horrible, horrific, shocking, terrible, terrific; hard, arduous, difficult, effortful, labored, laborious, strenuous, toilsome, tough, uphill Sample:Even though formidable winters are the norm in the Dakotas, many people were unprepared for the ferocity of the blizzard of 1888.


adj. 可感知的,可评估的 capable of being perceived or measured capable of being perceived or measured appreciable<>imperceptible 可感知的<>不能感知的 ponderable<>inappreciable 有价值的<>微不足道的 Synonyms: PERCEPTIBLE, detectable, discernible, observable, palpable, sensible, tangible Sample:I can find no appreciable differences in the witnesses' descriptions of the accident; they seem the same.


adj. 可理解的,易理解的,明了的 capable of being understood or comprehended Synonyms: UNDERSTANDABLE, apprehensible, comprehendible, comprehensible, fathomable, graspable, knowable, lucid, luminous Sample:There was loud noise from the burning building, but the firefighters' shouts were still intelligible.


adj. 可疑的,不确定的 questionable or suspect as to true nature or quality dubious<>certain 不确定的<>确定的 Synonyms: DOUBTFUL, dubitable, equivocal, fishy, open, problematic, suspect, uncertain, unclear, undecided Sample:It is his dubious distinction to have proved what nobody would think of denying, that Romero at the age of sixty-four writes with all the characteristics of maturity. dulcet [`dQlsIt] adj.(声音)悦耳的,美妙的 pleasing to the ear cacophonous<>dulcet/euphonious 刺耳的<>悦耳的 Synonyms: MELODIOUS , euphonic, euphonious, mellisonant, melodic, sweet, tuneful Sample:The dulcet sounds of the birds at dawn were soon drowned out by the roar of traffic passing our motel.


adj. 可辨别的 Sample:Though historically there is a discernible break between Jewish law of the sovereign state of ancient Israel and of the Diaspora (the dispersion of Jewish people after the conquest of Israel ), the spirit of the legal matter in later parts of the Old Testament is very close to that of the Talmud, one of the primary codifications of Jewish law in the Diaspora.


adj. 可鄙的, 卑劣的 deserving to be despised:so worthless or obnoxious as to rouse moral indignation reverent<>scornful/despicable 尊敬的<>可鄙视的 尊敬的<>可鄙视的 Synonyms: CONTEMPTIBLE, beggarly, cheap, despisable, mean, pitiable, scummy, scurvy, shabby, sorry Sample:He was drunk and his behavior at the party was despicable.


adj. 同性质的,适意的,趣味相同的 OCIABLE, GENIAL congenial:bonhomie 温和的:温和 (同义关系) dour<>congenial/genial 严厉的<>温和的 严厉的<>温和的 Synonyms: CONSONANT , agreeable, compatible, congruous, consistent, sympathetic Sample:Even those siblings whose childhood was dominated by familial feuding and intense rivalry for their parents' affection can nevertheless develop congenial and even intimate relationships with each other in their adult lives.


adj. 同样大小的,相称的 equal in measure or extent:COEXTENSIVE preponderant<>commensurate 占有优势的<>相当的 tantamount<>incommensurate 等价的<>不相称的 parity<>uncommensurateness 平等<>不平衡 Sample:The powers and satisfactions of primeval people, though few and meager, were commensurate with their few and simple desires.


adj. 含糊的,不明确的 doubtful or uncertain especially from obscurity or indistinctness watershed<>routine { ambiguity } 重要转折点<>日常生活 Synonyms: OBSCURE,amphibological,equivocal,opaque,uncertain, unclear, unexplicit, unintelligible Sample:His ambiguous instructions misled us; we did not know which road to take.


adj. 听得见的 heard or capable of being heard Synonyms: aural, auricular Sample:music and laughter were audible from the street outside the nightclub.


adj. 周游的,错误的,不定的 traveling or given to traveling Synonyms: ERRATIC, devious, stray, wandering Synonyms: ERRATIC, devious, stray, wandering Sample:Many a charming taerrantle has been written about the knights-errant who helped the weak and punished the guilty during the Age of Chivalry.


adj. 命令式的,急需的,势在必行的,强制的 expressive of a command, entreaty, or exhortation Synonyms: MASTERFUL, bossy, domineering, high-handed, imperial, imperious, magisterial, overbearing, peremptory Sample:Although strong legal remedies for nonpayment of child support are available, the delay and expense associated with these remedies make it imperative to develop other options.


adj. 和睦的,调和的,和谐的,协调的 marked by accord in sentiment or action acrimonious<>harmonious 严厉的<>和睦的 harmony<>discord 协调<>不调和 Synonyms: blending, chiming, consonant, harmonic, musical, symphonic, symphonious Sample:Edith Wharton sought in her memoir to present herself as having achieved a harmonious wholeness by having reconciled the conflicting elements of her life.


adj. 和蔼的,亲切的,友善的 marked by or diffusing sympathy or friendliness genial<>dyspeptic 温和的<>郁闷,乖僻 caustic<>palliating/genial 腐蚀的<>缓和的 dour<>congenial/genial 严厉的<>适宜的 mordant<>genial 尖酸的<>温和的 genial<>truculent 温和的<>好战凶猛的 Synonyms: GRACIOUS, affable, congenial, cordial, sociable Synonyms: GRACIOUS, affable, congenial, cordial, sociable Sample:This restaurant is famous and popular because of the geniality of the proprietor, who tries to make everyone happy.


adj. 商议好的,协定的,预定的 mutually contrived or agreed on concerted<>individually devised 协定的<>个人设计的 Sample:The girl scouts in the troop made a concerted effort to raise funds for their annual outing, and emitted a concerted sigh when their leader announced that they had reached their goal.


adj. 喧哗的,无耻的 completely obvious, conspicuous, or obtrusive especially in a crass or offensive manner:BRAZEN blatant<>inconspicuous/unimpressive/unobtrusive 喧哗的,无耻的<>不明显的/无印象的/客气的,谦虚的 blatant<>subtle 喧闹的<>细微的 blatant<>unobtrusive 炫耀的<>谦虚的 Synonyms: VOCIFEROUS, boisterous, obstreperous, vociferant Sample:Caught in a blatant lie, the scoundrel had only one regret:he wished that he had lied more subtly.


adj. 喧闹的,欢闹的 noisily turbulent:ROWDY boisterous<>quiet 喧闹的<>安静的 Synonyms: VOCIFEROUS, blatant, clamorous Sample:The unruly crowd became even more boisterous when he tried to quiet them.


adj. 固执的,不动摇的,坚硬的 adamant<>vacillatory 坚定<>动摇 adamant<>incline to yield 坚强的 <> 容易妥协的 adamant<>irresolute 固执的◇犹豫不决的 unswayable, unyielding insincerity, he was not successful; she remained adamant in her judgment.


adj. 固有的, 内在的, 与生俱来的 involved in the constitution or essential character of something:belonging by nature or habit:INTRINSIC extrinsic<>inherent 外在的<>内在的 Synonyms: born, built-in, congenital, connate, constitutional, deep-seated, elemental, essential, inborn, inbred, indwelling, ingenerate, ingrained, innate, intimate, intrinsic Sample:Although frequent air travelers remain unconvinced, researchers have found that, paradoxically, the temporal disorientation inherent in jet lag also may yield some mental health benefits. inimical [I5nImIk(E)l] adj.为敌的,不友善的 a:having the disposition of an enemy:HOSTILE b:reflecting or indicating hostility:UNFRIENDLY inimical<>friendly/amiable/amicable 敌意的<>友好的/亲切的/友善的 amenable<>inimical 服从的<>敌意的 Synonyms: HOSTILE, ill, inimicable, unfriendly Sample:She felt that they were inimical and were hoping for her downfall.


adj. 外交的, 老练的 恐惧(或憎恨)外国人的,恐外的:外交的(反义关系) Synonyms: TACTFUL, delicate, politic, tactical Sample:She gave a diplomatic response to a hostile question and brought calm to the situation.


n. 熟友 a friend or confidant marked by very close association, contact, or familiarity aloof<>intimacy 疏远的<>亲密的 Synonyms: FRIEND, acquaintance, amigo, cater-cousin, confidant, familiar, mate Sample:Even those siblings whose childhood was dominated by familial feuding and intense rivalry for their parents' affection can nevertheless develop congenial and even intimate relationships with each other in their adult lives.


adj. 外在的, 清楚的, 直率的 fully revealed or expressed without vagueness, implication, or ambiguity:leaving no question as to meaning or intent explicit<>obscure 清晰的<>模糊的 immanent<>explicit 内在的<>外显的 inchoate<>explicit 不完全的<>明确的 abstruse<>explicit 深奥的<>清晰的 Synonyms: categorical, clean-cut, clear-cut, definite, definitive, express, specific, unambiguous Sample:In certain forms of discourse such as the parable, the central point of a message can be effectively communicated even though this point is not explicit.


n. 爬虫学家 one that a branch of zoology dealing with reptiles and amphibians


adj. 外来的,异国的 introduced from another country:not native to the place where found exotic<>indigenous 外来的<>本土的 Sample:Because of his exotic headdress, he was followed in the streets by small children who laughed at his strange appearance.


n. 爱书者,藏书家 a lover of books especially for qualities of format; also :a book collector


adj. 多产的,丰饶的,肥沃的 fruitful in offspring or vegetation:PROLIFIC deprivation<>fecundity 贫困的:丰饶的 Synonyms: fertile, childing, fruitful, productive, proliferant, prolific, rich, generating Sample:The Neoplatonists' conception of a deity, in which perfection was measured by abundant fecundity, was contradicted by that of the Aristotelians, in which perfection was displayed in the economy of creation. displayed in the economy of creation.


adj. 大约的,近似的 nearly correct or exact Sample:Thus,for instance,it may come as a shock to mathematicians to learn that the Schrodinger equation for the hydrogen atom is not a literally correct description of this atom,but only an approximation to a somewhat more correct equation taking account of spin,magnetic dipole,and relativistic effects;and that this corrected equation is itself only an imperfect approximation to an infinite set of quantum fieldtheoretical equations.


adj. 大胆的,愚勇的,无礼的 intrepidly daring:ADVENTUROUS 卤莽的:谨慎:不能食用的:食物 (事物及其反面特征) circumspect<>audacious/reckless/direct encounter 小心的<>鲁莽的 audacious<>timid 大胆的<>胆小的 audacious<>circumspect { meticulous } 鲁莽的<>谨慎的 Synonyms: bold, courageous, adventuresome, daredevil, daring Sample:Audiences cheered as Luke Skywalker and Princess Leia made their audacious, death-defying leap to freedom and escaped Darth Vader's troops.


adj. 天主教的,宽宏大量的,一般的,普遍的 COMPREHENSIVE, UNIVERSAL; especially :broad in sympathies, tastes, or interests catholic<>narrow 宽宏大量的<>狭隘的 Synonyms: UNIVERSAL, cosmic, cosmopolitan, ecumenical, global, planetary, worldwide Sample:He was extremely catholic in his taste and read everything he could find in the library. caustic [5kC:stIk] adj.腐蚀性的,刻薄的 marked by incisive sarcasm caustic<>palliating/genial 尖刻的<>减缓的/亲切的 caustic<>smooth 尖刻的,刻薄的<>安详的,平滑的 caustic<>kind 刻薄的<>仁慈的 Synonyms: SARCASTIC, acerb, acerbic, corrosive Sample:The critic's caustic remarks angered the hapless actors who were the subjects of his sarcasm.


adj. 天使的,无邪的,可爱的 innocent-looking usually chubby and rosy cherubic<>somber 天使般的<>阴郁的 Sample:With her cheerful smile and rosy cheeks, she was a particularly cherubic child.


n. 狂喜,心醉神迷,忘形 a state of overwhelming emotion; especially :rapturous delight ecstatic<>persevered 狂喜的<>自制的 Synonyms: heaven, rapture, rhapsody, seventh heaven, transport Sample:The announcement that the war had ended brought on an ecstasy that resulted in many uncontrolled celebrations.


n. 狂怒, 狂暴, 激烈, 狂怒的人,!!希神""复仇女神 intense, disordered, and often destructive rage Synonyms: ANGER, indignation, ire, mad, rage, wrath Sample:The storm attacked the coast with the fury of a hurricane.


adj. 天然的,未成熟的,粗糙的,粗鲁的 marked by the primitive, gross, or elemental or by uncultivated simplicity or vulgarity marked by the primitive, gross, or elemental or by uncultivated simplicity or vulgarity delicacy<>crudity 精致<>粗糙 Synonyms: COARSE, crass, gross, inelegant, raw, rough, rude, uncouth, unrefined, vulgar Sample:Unenlightened authoritarian manage rarely recognize a crucial reason for the low levels of serious conflict among members of democratically run work groups:a modicum of tolerance for dissent often prevents schism.


adj. 太古的,极古的 extending or existing since beyond the reach of memory, record, or tradition immemorial<>recent 古老的<>近来的 Sample:Customs practiced by tribes have been handed down from time immemorial.


adj. 失望的,意气消沉的 feeling or showing extreme discouragement, dejection, or depression elated<>despondent 兴高采烈的<>意气消沉的 sanguine<>despondent 充满希望的<>意气消沉的 Synonyms: despairing, desperate, desponding, forlorn, hopeless Sample:He is despondent over his inability to find a job.


adj. 奇怪的,可笑的 FANCIFUL, BIZARRE Synonyms: FANTASTIC, antic, bizarre Sample:The gargoyles adorning the Cathedral of Notre Dame in Paris are amusing in their grotesqueness.


adj. 奥妙的, 深奥的 abstruse<>accessible/patent 深奥的<>可了解的/明显的 abstruse<>explicit 深奥的<>清晰的 profound, secret


adj. 好客的, 招待周到的,思想开放的;善于接受的 having an open mind; receptive Synonyms: SOCIAL, companionable, convivial, cooperative, gregarious, sociable


adj. 好战的,好斗的 favoring or inclined to start quarrels or wars bellicose<>appeasing 好战的<>和平的 bellicose<>incline to peace 好战的<>爱好和平的 bellicose<>peaceful 好战的<>和平的 bellicose<>conciliatory 好战的◇调和的 Synonyms: belligerent, pugnacious, quarrelsome, contentious Sample:His bellicose disposition alienated his friends.


adj. 委婉曲折的,迂回的 the use of an unnecessarily large number of words to express an idea circumlocutory<>direct encounter 迂回的<>直接面对 circumlocution<>pithy utters/utter concisely/straightforword utter 累赘的话<>简练的话 circumlocutory<>straightforward 迂回的<>直接的 circumlocution<>express succinctly 累赘的话<>简练的表达 【注:词性不符】


adj. 字母(表)的,ABC的 arranged in the order of the letters of the alphabet Sample:He put the words in the list in alphabetical order.


adj. 宁静的,平稳的,翠鸟的 CALM, PEACEFUL halcyon<>tempestuous 宁静的<>暴乱的 halcyon<>stormy 宁静的<>风暴的 Synonyms: CALM, hushed, placid, quiet, still, stilly, untroubled Sample:In those halcyon days, people were not worried about sneak attacks and bombings.


adj. 完美的,极致的,圆满的 Complete in every detail; of the highest degree; extremely skilled and accomplished. consummate<>amateurish 完善的<>不熟练的 Synonyms: accomplished, finished, perfected, ripe, virtuosic Sample:I have never seem anyone who makes as many stupid errors as you do; you must be a consummate idiot.


adj. 完美的,洁净的无瑕地清洁的;极其清洁的 having no stain or blemish:PURE squalor<>immaculate 肮脏的<>纯净的 Synonyms: CHASTE, clean, decent, modest, pure, spotless, stainless, unblemished, undefiled, unsullied Sample:The West Point cadets were immaculate as they lined up for inspection.


n. 狂热 a violent mental or emotional agitation frenzy:calm=abandon:prohibit Sample:As soon as they smelled smoke, the frenzied animals milled about in their cages.


adj. 宏伟的,宏大的,堂皇的,铺张的 characterized by affectation of grandeur or splendor or by absurd exaggeration grandiose<>trivial 宏伟的<>微不足道的 Synonyms: GRAND, august, imposing, lordly, magnificent, majestic, noble, princely, royal, stately Sample:Because early United States writers thought that the mark of great literature was grandiosity and elegance not to be found in common speech, they avoided the vernacular.


adj. 家常的, 朴素的;不漂亮的 Not attractive or good-looking pulchritude<>homeliness 美丽<>不漂亮 Sample:I would rather have a poor and comely wife than a rich and homely one.


adj. 宽敞的 comfortably or conveniently spacious:ROOMY commodious<>constricted/cramped 宽敞的<>压缩的/狭促的 commodious<>constringed 宽敞的<>压缩的 Synonyms: SPACIOUS, ample, capacious, roomy, wide Sample:In their incommodious quarters, they had to improvise for closet space.


adj. 密切有关的 being at once relevant and appropriate:FITTING germane<>irrelevant 密切有关的<>无关的 Sample:The lawyer objected that the testimony being offered was not germane to the case at hand.


adj. 对享乐 【人生】 等厌倦的, 冷漠的,无动于衷的 apathetic to pleasure or excitement as a result of excessive indulgence or enjoyment Synonyms: SOPHISTICATED, disenchanted, disentranced, disillusioned, mondaine, sophisticate, worldly Sample:Your blase attitude gives your students an erroneous impression of the joys of scholarship.


adj. 尖刻的 ,辛辣的 caustic , biting , or rancorous especially in feeling, language, or manner caustic , biting , or rancorous especially in feeling, language, or manner acrimonious<>harmonious 不和谐的<>和谐的 wrothy


adj. 岛的,岛民的,保守的,孤立的,岛特有的 characteristic of an isolated people; especially:being, having, or reflecting a narrow provincial viewpoint insular<>cosmopolitan 孤立的<>世界性的 Synonyms: local, parochial, provincial, sectarian, small-town Sample:The insularity of the islanders manifested itself in their suspicion of anyuthing foreign.


adj. 巨大的, 庞大的 of a bulk, extent, power, or effect approaching or suggesting the stupendous or incredible Synonyms: HUGE, behemothic, cyclopean, elephantine, gargantuan, gigantic, mammoth, monstrous, titanic, vast Sample: Radio City Music Hall has a colossal stage.


adj. 已认识,既知道,晓得 knowledgeable of something especially through personal experience cognizant<>oblivious/ unaware 认知的<>忘却的 Synonyms: AWARE, alive, apprehensive, au courant, awake, conscious, knowing, sensible, sentient, witting Sample:The pressure of populating on available resources is the key to understanding history; consequently, any historical writing that takes no cognizance of demographic facts is intrinsically flawed.


adj. 帝王的,至尊的,壮丽的,堂皇的 of, relating to, befitting, or suggestive of an empire or an emperor ; of superior or unusual size or excellence imperial<>obedient 最高权力的<>服从的 Sample:When hotel owner Leona Helmsley appeared in ads as Queen Leona standing guard over the Palace Hotel, her critics mocked her imperial fancies.


adj. 干燥的,不毛的, 无趣的, 沉闷的 excessively dry arid<>damp 干燥的<>潮湿的 Synonyms: DRY , bone-dry, droughty, moistureless, sere, thirsty, unwatered, waterless Sample:The cactus had adapted to survive in an arid environment.


adj. 平凡的,陈腐的,顿降的 exceptional commonplaceness:TRITENESS offbeat<>bathetic 离奇的<>平庸的 offbeat<>hackneyed 离奇的<>平庸的 Synonyms: TRITE, commonplace, hack, hackneyed, stale, stereotyped, stereotypical, tired


adj. 平凡的;陈腐的 lacking in freshness or originality offbeat<>hackneyed 离奇的<>平庸的 bromide<>unhackneyed 平庸的人或物<>新奇的 【注:词性不符】 trite<>unhackneyed 陈腐的<>未陈旧的 Synonyms: TRITE, bathetic, cliche, commonplace, hack, stale, timeworn, tired, wellworn, worn-out Sample:The English teacher criticized her story because of its hackneyed and unoriginal plot. plot.


adj. 平滑的,有光泽的 having a surface luster or brightness


adj. 庄重的,严肃的,重大的,低沉的 having a serious and dignified quality or demeanor droll<>grave 轻率的<>严肃的 giddiness<> gravity 轻率<>严肃 grave<>insignificant 重大的<>不重要的 flippancy<>gravity 无理<>庄重 Synonyms: ENGRAVE, etch, incise Sample:Robert Louis Stevenson's grave is on a knoll in Samoa; to reach the grave site, you must climb uphill and walk a short distance along a marked path.


adj. 应服从的, 有服从义务的, 有责任的 responsive to advice, authority, or suggestion; tractable amenable<>intransigent 服从的<>不妥协的 amenable<>inimical 服从的<>敌意的 Synonyms: OBEDIENT, biddable, docile, tractable Sample: He was amenable to any suggestions that came from those he looked up to; he resented advice from his inferiors.


adj. 开始的,最初的,字首的 placed at the beginning:FIRST supervisor:oversight=catalysis:initiate initial<>follow 最初的<>跟随 initiate<>follow up 最初<>跟随 inveterate<>uninitiated {youthful} 熟练的<>无经验的 熟练的<>无经验的 Synonyms: beginning, inceptive, incipient, initiative, initiatory, introductory, nascent Sample:If those large publishers that respond solely to popular literary trends continue to dominate the publishing market, the initial publication of new writers will depend on the writers' willingness to cater to popular tastes.


adj. 异教的,异端的 of, relating to, or characterized by departure from accepted beliefs or standards:UNORTHODOX 异教徒:不顺从:辩护者:辩护 (人物及其正面特征)【注:词性不符】 Synonyms: dissident, heterodox, nonconformist, schismatic, sectarian, unorthodox Sample:She was punished by the Spanish Inquisition because she was a heretic.


adj. 引人注意的; 醒目的; 有趣的 catching the attention:STRIKING, IMPRESSIVE arresting<>banal 有趣的<>陈腐的 Synonyms: NOTICEABLE, arrestive, conspicuous, marked, outstanding, pointed, prominent, remarkable, salient, signal Sample:It has thus generally been by way of the emphasis on oral literary creativity that these Chicano writers,whose English language works are sometimes uninspired,developed the powerful and arresting language that characterized their Spanish-language works.


n. 狂热,热心 strong excitement of feeling:ARDOR 倦怠:热心的:困倦的状态:警惕的 (名词和形容词的反义关系) ennui<>energy/enthusiasm 倦怠<>活力/热心 halfhearted<>enthusiastic 不热心的<>狂热的 Synonyms: PASSION , ardor, fervor, fire, hurrah, zeal Sample:In spite of lackluster reviews in the press, the production of her play was rescued from almost certain oblivion by enthusiastic audiences whose acumen was greater than that of the critics.


n. 狡猾,狡计 deceitful cunning:DUPLICITY artless<>cunning/guile artless<>cunning/guile 自然的<>狡猾的 manipulate<>guileless 假造<>诚实的 Synonyms: DECEIT, cunning, dissemblance, dissimulation, duplicity Sample:His imperturbability in the face of evidence indicating his deliberate fraud failed to reassure supporters of his essential probity; instead, it suggested a talent for guile that they had never suspected.


n. 珐琅,瓷釉 a hard calcareous substance that forms a thin layer capping the teeth Sample:The enamel protects the inside part of the tooth.


adj. 强壮的,健壮的 free from defect, disease, or infirmity:SOUND; also :retaining exceptional health and vigor effete<>hale 衰微的<>强壮的 hale<>infirm labyrinth 强壮的<>虚弱的 blighted<>hale 毁灭的<>健壮的 anemic<>strong/hale 贫血的<>强壮的/健康的 wan<>hale 病态的<>健壮的 decrepid<>hale 衰老的<>强壮的 Synonyms: HEALTHY, fit, right, sane, sound, well, well-conditioned, well-liking, wholesome Sample:After a brief illness, he was soon hale. half-baked adj.半生不熟的, 未完成的, 不完整的 a:lacking adequate planning or forethought b:lacking in judgment, intelligence, or common sense half-baked<>well thought of 不完整的<>详细计划的 Sample:She has these half-baked ideas on how to make money.


adj. 强有力的, 使人信服的,恰到好处的 appealing forcibly to the mind or reason:CONVINCING cogent<>unconvincing 有说服力的<>不令人信服的 Synonyms: VALID, convincing, satisfactory, satisfying, solid, sound, telling Sample:She presented cogent arguments to the jury.


adj. 得意洋洋的,振奋的 marked by high spirits:EXULTANT elated<>despondent 兴高采烈的<>丧气失望的 elation<>dejection 高兴<>沮丧 elate<>depress {reprobate} 使高兴<>使沮丧 hangdog<>elated 沮丧的<>兴高采烈的 elation<>wretchedness 兴高采烈<>可怜 Synonyms: excited, exhilarated, turned-on Sample:Because they had expected the spacecraft Voyager 2 to be able to gather data only about the planets Jupiter and Saturn, scientists were elated by the wealth of information it sent back from Neptune twelve years after leaving Earth.


adj. 微弱的,无力的,模糊的 lacking strength or vigor:performed, offered, or accomplished weakly or languidly stentorian<>faint 声音洪亮的<>微弱的 Synonyms: GENTLE, balmy, bland, lenient, mild, smooth, soft Sample:The radio signal is too faint to be heard clearly.


adj. 微弱的,衰弱的,无效的 markedly lacking in strength hardy<>tender/feeble 强壮的<>衰弱的 Synonyms: weak, decrepit, flimsy, fragile, frail, infirm, insubstantial, unsubstantial, wanky, weakly Sample:His feeble attempts at solving the problem are worthless. fender [5fendE(r)] n.挡泥板,护舷的垫子等 a device in front of locomotives and streetcars to lessen injury to animals or pedestrians in case of collision Sample:The right front fender on my car needs to be repaired.


adj. 心神狂乱的 , 极其烦恼的 agitated with doubt or mental conflict distraught<>composed 心神狂乱的<>镇静的;冷静的 Synonyms: distracted, distrait, distressed, harassed, tormented, troubled, worried Sample:The distraught parents frantically searched the ravine for their lost child.


adj. 性急的,仓促的,无礼的,傲慢的 done in haste without regard for consequences Synonyms: RASH, hasty, hot-headed, ill-advised, incautious, inconsiderate, mad-brained, madcap, reckless, thoughtless Sample:The brash insurance salesman invaded the sacrosanct privacy of the office of the president of the company.


adj. 恐怖的,可怕的 inspiring horror or intense fear Synonyms: GHASTLY, gruesome, hideous, horrible, horrid, horrifying, lurid, macabre, terrible, terrifying Sample:She shuddered at the grisly sight.


adj. 恶魔 (一样) 的,魔鬼性格的 of, relating to, or characteristic of the devil:DEVILIS diabolic<>benefict 恶魔(一样) 的<>慈善的 diabolical<>seraphic 魔鬼的<>六翼天使的 Synonyms: FIENDISH, demoniac, demonian, demonic, devilish, diabolonian, satanic, serpentine, unhallowed Sample:He has a diabolic mind, always making evil plans.


adj. 悲哀的,忧愁的 causing, marked by, or expressing misery or grief dolorous<>jubilant/happy/jovial 悲哀的,忧愁的<>欢腾的,欢欣的,喜气洋洋的/高兴的 Synonyms: DEPLORABLE, afflictive, calamitous, dire, distressing, grievous, heartbreaking, lamentable, regrettable, woeful Sample:He found the dolorous lamentations of the bereaved family emotionally disturbing and he left as quickly as he could.


adj. 惰性的,行动迟钝的 deficient in active properties; especially:lacking a usual or anticipated chemical or biological action inertia<>activity 惰性的<>活力 reactant<>inert material 反应物<>惰性物质 inert<>active 惰性的<>充满活力 inert<>dynamic 惰性的<>充满活力 Synonyms: INACTIVE, asleep, idle, passive, quiet, sleepy Sample:Our inertia in this matter may prove disastrous; we must move to aid our allies immediately.


adj. 意义含糊的,不直率的 subject to two or more interpretations and usually used to mislead or confuse waffle<>speak unequivocally 胡扯<>说话不搪塞 equivocation<>clarity 模棱两可<>清楚 Synonyms: OBSCURE, ambiguous, amphibological, tenebrous, uncertain, unclear, unexplicit, unintelligible, vague Sample:One of archaeology's central dilemmas is how to reconstruct the intricacies of complex ancient societies from meager and often equivocal physical evidence.


adj. 感情横溢的,流出的 characterized or formed by a nonexplosive outpouring of lava effusive<>lack of emotion 感情横溢的<>无感情的 effusive<>reticent 感情流露的<>沉默寡言的 Synonyms: gushing, gushy, slobbering, slobbery, sloppy Sample:Her effusive manner of greeting her friends finally began to irritate them.


adj. 愤世嫉俗的,讽刺的,冷嘲的 having or showing the attitude or temper of a cynic; especially :contemptuously distrustful of human nature and motives Synonyms: SARDONIC, ironic, wry Sample:For some time now, disinterestedness has been presumed not to exist:the cynical conviction that everybody has an angle is considered wisdom.


adj. 慎重的;小心的 careful to consider all circumstances and possible consequences:PRUDENT circumspect<>audacious/reckless 小心的<>大胆的/不计后果的 temerity<>circumspection 蛮勇<>慎重 rash<>circumspective 鲁莽的<>谨慎的 Synonyms: CAUTIOUS, calculating, careful, chary, considerate, discreet, gingerly, guarded, safe, wary Sample:Investigating before acting, she tried always to be circumspect.


n. 理解,忧惧,逮捕 suspicion or fear especially of future evil:FOREBODING Synonyms: apprehensiveness, foreboding, misgiving, premonition, prenotion, presage, presentiment Sample:The parents were filled with apprehension about letting their 19-year-old daughter drive across country alone.


n. 瑕疵,v. 生裂缝 a defect in physical structure or form Sample:It is puzzling to observe that Jone's novel has recently been criticized for its lack of structure, since commentators have traditionally argued that its most obvious flaw is its relentlessly rigid, indeed schematic, framework.


adj. 懒惰的,懒洋洋的 averse to activity, effort, or movement:habitually lazy Synonyms: LAZY, drony, easygoing, faineant, slothful, slowgoing, work-shy Sample:People should not be praised for their virtue if they lack the energy to be wicked; in such cases, goodness is merely the effect of indolence. inducement [In5dju:smEnt] n.引诱物 a motive or consideration that leads one to action or to additional or more effective actions inducement<>deterrent 引诱<>制止 Sample:After the quarrel, Tina said nothing could induce her to talk to Tony again.


adj. 或许发生的,附随的,暂时的 likely but not certain to happen:POSSIBLE Synonyms: ACCIDENTAL, casual, chance, fluky, fortuitous, incidental, odd Sample:Manipulating laboratory tissue cultures with hormones is one thing; using hormones to treat human beings, however, is contingent on whether hormones that work in the laboratory can affect whole organisms, and in predictable ways.


adj. 投入的,深爱的 devote:to give over or direct (as time, money, or effort) to a cause, enterprise, or activity dabble<>dedicate/devote 涉猎草率地或者没有严肃目的地做某件事<>投入的 Synonyms: LOVING, affectionate, dear, doting, fond, lovesome Sample:The president's secretary and his chief aide adored him, and both wrote Sample:The president's secretary and his chief aide adored him, and both wrote obsessively devoted personal memoirs about him; unfortunately, however, idolatry does not make for true intimacy.


adj. 拖拉的, 不慌不忙的 characterized by procrastination:TARDY alacrity<>dilatoriness/hesitance 敏捷,轻快;迅速<>迟缓/踌躇, 犹豫 precipitate<>retard/dilatory 使提前发生; 仓促行进的,匆促的<>减速,阻碍/拖拉的 Synonyms: SLOW, deliberate, laggard, leisurely, unhasty, unhurried Sample: The company has no patience for employees with dilatory work habits.


adj. 按年月顺序的 of, relating to, or arranged in or according to the order of time Sample:A television reporter gave a chronological description of the football game.


adj. 擦试不掉的,不可磨灭的 UNFORGETTABLE, MEMORABLE indelibility<>erasability 不可磨灭<>擦掉 indelible<>erasable 去不掉的<>可抹去的 Synonyms: ineffaceable, ineradicable, inerasable, inexpungible, inextirpable, uneradicable, unerasable Sample:Her intelligence makes an indelible impression on others.


adj. 放火的,煽动的,教唆的 of, relating to, or involving a deliberate burning of property Synonyms: INFLAMMATORY Sample:The fire spread in such an unusual manner that the fire department chiefs were certain that it had been set by an incendiary.


adj. 放肆无礼的,厚颜无耻的 marked by contemptuous or cocky boldness or disregard of others:INSOLENT impudent<>deferential/respectful 放肆无礼的<>恭敬的/恭敬的,有礼貌的 impudent<>obeisant 放肆无礼的<>恭敬的 impudent<>reverence/deference 无理的<>尊重 Synonyms: UNWISE, ill-advised, ill-judged, impolitic, indiscreet, injudicious 区别:imprudent (adj. 轻率的,鲁莽的) Sample:I think your pert and impudent remarks call for an apology.


adj. 敏锐的,机敏的,锋利的,切入的 impressively direct and decisive (as in manner or presentation) Synonyms: biting, clear-cut, crisp, cutting, ingoing, penetrating, trenchant Sample:His incisive remarks made us see the fallacy in our plans. incite [In5saIt] v 激发,刺激 to move to action:stir up:spur on:urge on incite<>pacify 煽动<>抚慰 incitant<>insensible 刺激的<>无知觉的 assuage<>incite 缓和<>煽动 mollify<>incite to anger 安抚<>惹怒 Synonyms: instigate, abet, foment Sample:The demogogue incited the mob to take action into its own hands. inclement [In5klemEnt] a.(天气)严酷的,严厉的 lacking mildness:as severe in temper or action:UNMERCIFUL inclement<>balmy 险恶的,严酷的<>温和的 inclement<>mild 严酷的<>温和的 Synonyms: SEVERE, bitter, brutal, hard, harsh, intemperate, rigorous, rugged Sample:I like to read a good book in inclement weather.


adj. 散开的,罗嗦的 being at once verbose and ill-organized diffuse<>succinct 罗嗦的<>简洁的 Synonyms: WORDY, long-winded, palaverous, prolix, redundant, verbose, windy Sample:The sea was not an obstacle to the diffusion of the windmill; on the contrary, while the concept of the new invention passed quickly from seaport to seaport, it made little headway inland.


adj. 散漫的, 不连贯的, 断断续续的 disappointing in progress or performance:SLUGGISH assiduous<>remiss/desultory 勤勉的<>玩忽职守的/散漫的 Sample:She works in a desultory way and completes nothing.


adj. 散漫的,无层次的 moving from topic to topic without order:RAMBLING discursive<>keen on title 主题不明的<>关注题目的 discursive<>succinct 东拉西扯的<>简明扼要的 discursive<>concentrate 东拉西扯的<>集中 Sample:Her writing is discursive but thorough.


adj. 断断续续的,间歇的 coming and going at intervals:not continuous intermittent<>constant 间歇的<>恒定 Synonyms: alternate, isochronal, isochronous, periodic, periodical, recurrent, recurring Sample:Our picnic was marred by intermittent rains.


adj. 施舍的,慈善的,接受接济的 of, relating to, or supported by charity Synonyms: CHARITABLE , altruistic, benevolent, good, humane, humanitarian, philanthropic


adj. 旋绕的,费解的 INVOLVED, INTRICATE Synonyms: complex , winding , intricate, complicated Sample:A misconception frequently held by novice writers is that sentence structure mirrors thought:the more convoluted the structure, the more complicated the ideas.


adj. 无争论余地的,无疑的,明白的 not open to question:INDISPUTABLE controvert<>substantiate 争论<>证实 liken<>controvert 比拟<>反驳 Synonyms: POSITIVE, certain, incontestable, indisputable, indubitable, uncontestable, undeniable, undisputable, unequivocal, unquestionable Sample:We must yield to the incontrovertible evidence that you have presented and free your client.


adj. 无定形的,散漫的 having no definite form:SHAPELESS Synonyms: FORMLESS, inchoate, shapeless, unformed, unshaped Sample:John was subject to panic attacks that left him prey to vague, amorphous fears:he knew he was terrified, but could neither define nor explain the cause of his terror.


adj. 无尽头的 having or seeming to have no end; especially:wearisomely protracted 无尽的:数目:无限的:持续时间 (形容词修饰名词) Sample:Although his speech lasted for only twenty minutes, it seemed interminable to his bored audience.


adj. 无忧无虑的, 轻松愉快的, 不负责的 free of worries and responsibilities Synonyms: IRRESPONSIBLE, careless, feckless, incautious, reckless, uncareful, wild Sample: In summer, college students wander the roads of Europe like carefree vagabonds.


adj. 无情的,冷酷的,不屈不挠的 not to be persuaded or moved by entreaty:RELENTLESS inexorable<>relenting 冷酷的<>怜惜的 Synonyms: INFLEXIBLE , adamant, dogged, obdurate, relentless, rigid, single-minded, unbending, uncompromising, unyielding Sample:After listening to the pleas for clemency, the judge was inexorable and gave the convicted man the maximum punishment allowed by law.


adj. 无感情的,冷淡的,不动的,平静的 unsusceptible to or destitute of emotion perfervid<>impassive 非常热心的<>冷漠的 impassive<>emotional 冷漠的<>情感的 impassive<>excitable 冷漠的<>易兴奋的 impassive<>fervid 无动于衷的<>热心的 Synonyms: apathetic, dry, matter-of-fact, phlegmatic, stoic, stolid Sample:Employees had become so inured to the caprices of top management's personnel policies that they greeted the announcement of a company-wide dress code with impassivity. impeccable [Im5pekEb(E)l] a.无瑕疵的 impeccable<>faulty 没缺点的<>有缺点的 Synonyms: errorless, exquisite, faultless, flawless, immaculate, irreproachable Sample:He was proud of his impeccable manners.


adj. 无条件的,绝对的 ABSOLUTE, UNQUALIFIED categorical<>qualified/conditional 无条件的<>受限制的/有条件的 Synonyms: ULTIMATE, absolute ,EXPLICIT, clean-cut, clear-cut, definite, definitive, express, specific, unambiguous Sample:Though the captain claimed he was never, never sick at sea, he finally qualified his categorical denial; he was hardly ever sick at sea.


adj. 无水的 free from water and especially water of crystallization anhydrous<>wet 无水的<>潮湿的


adj. 无法仿效的,不可比拟的 not capable of being imitated: MATCHLESS inimitable<>commonplace/ordinary 独特的<>平凡的 Sample:We admire Auden for his inimitable use of language; he is one of a kind.


adj. 无生命的 not animated or lively:DULL Synonyms: DEAD, asleep, cold, deceased, defunct, departed, exanimate, extinct, late, lifeless Sample:she was asked to identify the still and inanimate body.


adj. 无用的,无益者 USELESS, UNPROFITABLE Synonyms: FUTILE, abortive, fruitless, ineffective, ineffectual, unavailable, unavailing, unproductive, useless, vain


adj. 无知识的,不知道的,幼稚的 destitute of knowledge or education also lacking knowledge or comprehension of the thing specified Synonyms: benighted, empty-headed, illiterate, know-nothing, rude, uneducated, uninstructed, unlettered, unschooled, untaught, untutored Sample:I am totally ignorant of what happened at home while I was on vacation.


adj. 无私欲的,廉洁的,公平的 free from selfish motive or interest:UNBIASED factional<>disinterested 派系的<>无偏见的 iniquity<>disinterestedness 极不公正<>无偏见 Synonyms: INDIFFERENT, aloof, casual, detached, incurious, remote, unconcerned, uncurious, uninterested, withdrawn Sample:Whereas biologists must maintain a disinterested attitude toward the subjects of their research, social scientists must, paradoxically, combine personal involvement and scholarly detachment.


adj. 无穷的 immeasurably or inconceivably great or extensive: INEXHAUSTIBLE Synonyms: eternal, illimitable, perdurable, sempiternal, supertemporal Sample:In the nineteenth century, novelists and unsympathetic travelers portrayed the American West as a land of unremitting adversity, whereas promoters and idealists created a compelling image of a land of infinite promise.


adj. 无缘无故的;免费的 not involving a return benefit, compensation, or consideration gratuitous<>merited/warranted 无理由的<>应得的/有正当理由的 gratuitous<>justified 无理由的<>有正当理由的 Synonyms: FREE, chargeless, complimentary, costless, gratis Sample:Quit making gratuitous comments about my driving; no one asked you for your opinion.


adj. 无自信的,内向的,羞怯的 hesitant in acting or speaking through lack of self-confidence diffident<>brassy 羞怯的和胆小的<>厚颜无耻的 expansive<>reserved/diffident 豪爽的,开朗的<>矜持的/羞怯的和胆小的 nervy<>diffident 勇敢<>缺乏自信 diffidence<>braveness 缺乏自信<>勇敢 expansive<>reserved/diffident/taciturn/withdrawn 健谈的<>内向的/冷漠的/沉默寡言的/性格内向的 diffidence<>blazonness 缺乏自信<>夸示 brazen<>diffident 厚颜无耻的<>缺乏自信的 brassy<>diffident brassy<>diffident 厚脸皮的<>缺乏自信的 Synonyms: SHY, bashful, coy, demure, modest, retiring, self-effacing, timid, unassertive, unassured Sample:Although normally diffident, Alison felt so strongly about the issue that she put aside her reserve and spoke up at the committee meeting.


adj. 无节制的,放纵的 not temperate especially:given to excessive use of intoxicating liquors equable<>intemperate 平静的<>放纵的 intemperate<>constrained 无节制的<>限制 Synonyms: EXCESSIVE, immoderate, inordinate, overindulgent, unrestrained, untempered Sample:Alcoholics are often sorry about their intemperate habits.


adj. 无节奏的 lacking rhythm or regularity arrhythmic<>regular 无节奏的<>规则的 arrogance [`ArE^Ens] n.傲慢,自大 a feeling or an impression of superiority manifested in an overbearing manner or presumptuous claims Synonyms: PRIDE , disdain, disdainfulness, haughtiness, hauteur, loftiness, morgue, superbity, superciliousness Sample:The arrogance of the nobility was resented by the middle class.


adj. 无药可救的,积习难改的,固执的 incapable of being corrected or amended UNALTERABLE, INVETERATE tractability<>incorrigibility 温顺<>固执 tractable<>incorrigible 温顺的<>固执的 Sample:Though Widow Douglass hoped to reform Huck, Miss Watson pronounced him incorrigible and said he would come to no good end.


adj. 无表情的脸 marked by an impassive matter-of-fact manner, style, or expression Synonyms: EXPRESSIONLESS, blank, empty, inexpressive, unexpressive, vacant Synonyms: EXPRESSIONLESS, blank, empty, inexpressive, unexpressive, vacant Sample:We wanted to see how long he could maintain his deadpan expression.


adj. 旧式的, 霉臭的, 陈腐的, 古板的 saturated with dust and stale odors:MUSTY fusty<>fresh 霉臭的<>新鲜的


adj. 易于... unusually fitted or qualified:READY apt<>extremely inappropriate 恰当的<>非常不适当的 apt<>unlikely 易于的<>不太可能的 aptness<>unsuitability 恰当的<>不适合的 Synonyms: given, inclined, liable, likely, prone Synonyms: FIT , appropriate, befitting, felicitous, fitting, happy, just, meet, proper, suitable Sample:Aptly enough, this work so imbued with the notion of changing times and styles has been constantly revised over the years, thereby reflecting its own mutability.


adj. 易受骗的 easily duped or cheated Synonyms: EASY, fleeceable, naive, susceptible Sample:She was gullible and trusting, an easy victim for the first swindler who came along.


adj. 易怒的,暴躁的 easily moved to often unreasonable or excessive anger:hot-tempered choleric<>difficult to provoke 易怒的<>难被激怒 choleric<>pacific 易怒的<>平静的 choleric<>difficult to provoke 暴躁的,易怒的<>难以被激怒的 Synonyms: choleric, crabbed, cranky, irascible, irritable, testy Sample:His flushed, angry face indicated a choleric nature.


adj. 易曲的,灵活的,可通融的,能变形的,柔软的 capable of being flexed:PLIANT calcification<>flexibility 不屈的:柔软的 flexible<>mulish 柔软的:固执的 Synonyms: elastic, resilient, springy, stretch, stretchy, supple, whippy Sample:She is flexible and always open to new ideas.. flinch [flIntF] v.畏缩,退缩 to withdraw or shrink from or as if from pain:WINCE; also :to tense the muscles involuntarily in anticipation of discomfort 可怕的:畏缩:好笑的:笑 (形容词与动词的同义关系 ) Synonyms: recoil, blanch, blench, quail, shrink, squinch, start, wince 区别:filch (vt. 偷窃,窃取)filth (n. 污秽,不洁,猥亵) finch (n. 雀类) Sample:He did not flinch in the face of danger but fought back bravely.


adj. 易燃的,燃烧性的,易动激情的 capable of combustion Sample:After the recent outbreak of fires in private homes, the fire commissioner ordered that all combustible materials be kept in safe containers.


adj. 易碎的 easily crumbled or pulverized friable<>not easily crumbled/resistance to be pulverized 易碎的<>不易碎的/抵抗变碎 friable<>difficult to crumble 易碎的<>不易碎的 friable<>substantial 易碎的<>坚固的 Synonyms: short, brittle, crisp, orumbly, crump, crunchy Sample:The pages of the old book are yellowed and friable.


adj. 易碎的,脆弱的,易坏的 easily broken, cracked, or snapped Synonyms: SHORT, crisp, crumbly, crump, crunchy, friable Sample:The brittle fronds of the Boston fern break easily and become brown, so that the overall appearance of the plant is ruined unless the broken fronds are cut off.


adj. 易碎的,脆的 a:easily broken or destroyed b:constitutionally delicate:lacking in physical vigor hardness<>frailty 坚强<>脆弱 stamina<>frailty 毅力<>脆弱 Synonyms: breakable, frail, frangible, shatterable, shattery; weak, decrepit, feeble, flimsy, frail, infirm, insubstantial, unsound, unsubstantial, weakly Sample:That dish is fragile, so be careful.


adj. 易膨胀的,易扩张的,健谈的 characterized by high spirits, generosity, or readiness to talk:OPEN expansive<>reserved/diffident/taciturn/withdrawn 健谈的<>内向的/冷漠的/沉默寡言的/性格内向的 expansive<>malicious 宽大的<>恶毒的 expansive<>limited 宽裕的<>有限的 Synonyms: DEMONSTRATIVE, outgoing, unconstrained, unreserved, unrestrained Sample:The father was in an expansive mood and gave presents to all of his children.


adj. 普遍存在的,内在的 remaining or operating within a domain of reality or realm of discourse:INHERENT; specifically :having existence or effect only within the mind or consciousness immanent<>explicit 内在的<>外在的 immanent<>extrinsic 内在的<>外在的


adj. 暂时的 an intervening time:INTERVAL interim<>permanent 暂时的<>永恒 Synonyms: TEMPORARY, acting, ad interim, pro tem, pro tempore, supply Sample:The company will not consider our proposal until next week; in the interim, let us proceed as we have in the past.


adj. 最后的, 确定的, 权威性的 serving to provide a final solution or to end a situation definitive<>provisional 确定的<>临时的 Synonyms: EXPLICIT, categorical, clean-cut, clear-cut, definite, express, specific, unambiguous Sample:Vaillant, who has been Particularly interested in the means by which people attain mental health, seems to be looking for definitive answers:a way to close the book on at least a few questions about human nature.


adj. 有信心的,有把握的 characterized by assurance; especially :SELF-RELIANT Synonyms: assured, sanguine, secure, self-assured, self-confident, undoubtful Sample:I know I am fallible, but I feel confident that I am right this time.


adj. 有创见的,有灵感的 outstanding or brilliant in a way or to a degree suggestive of divine inspiration Synonyms: ELATE, commove, excite, exhilarate, set up, spirit (up), stimulate Sample:Although the young violinist's steady performance, with the orchestra demonstrated his technical competence. his uninspired style and lack of interpretive maturity labeled him as a novice musician rather than as a truly accomplished performer.


adj. 有助于...的 tending to promote or assist Sample:The state is a network of exchanged benefits and beliefs, a reciprocity between rulers and citizens based on those laws and procedures that are conducive to the maintenance of community.


adj. 有恶臭的 having a heavy offensive smell fetid:smell:cacophonous:sound Synonyms: malodorous, fusty, noisome, putrid, rancid, rank, reeking, smelly, stinking, strong Sample:The neglected wound became fetid.


adj. 有教养的;文雅的 free from vulgarity or rudeness:POLITE genteel<>loutish 有教养的<>无礼的 genteel<>churlish 有教养的<>粗野的 Synonyms: cultivated, cultured, polished, refined, urbane, well-bred Sample:We are looking for a man with a genteel apperance who can inspire confidence by his cultivated manner.


adj. 有斑点的,花的 marked with small spots or patches contrasting with the background Synonyms: VARIEGATED, discolor, motley, multicolor, multicolored, multihued, particolored, varicolored, versicolor, versicolored Sample:The sunlight filtering though the screens created a dappled effect on the wall.


adj. 有毛病的,出差错的 in a faulty way:IMPERFECTLY Synonyms: faultily, incorrectly, wrongly Sample:Seeing her frown, he wondered if anything were amiss.


adj. 有洞察力的,眼力好的,眼光敏锐的 showing insight and understanding:DISCRIMINATING myopic<>discerning 缺乏远见,缺乏辨别力<>有判断力的 acumen<>unable to discerning acumen<>unable to discerning 敏锐的<>不能辨别的 perspicacious<>lack of discernment 极其敏锐<>缺乏洞察力 perspicacity<>indiscernment 敏锐的<>没有洞察力 Synonyms: WISE, gnostic, insighted, insightful, knowing, knowledgeable, perceptive, sagacious, sage, wisehearted Sample:She has a discerning mind and quickly understood how to solve our problem.


adj. 有矛盾看法的,正反感情并存的 continual fluctuation (as between one thing and its opposite) Sample:The senator's remark that she is ambivalent about running for a second term is persuasive given the extremely apathetic fund-raising activities of her campaign committee.


adj. 有节制的 ,饮食有度的 ,节俭的 marked by restraint especially in the consumption of food or alcohol abstemious<>indulgence


adj. 有责任心的,负责的,本着良心的 Thorough and assiduous conscientious<>careless 负责的<>粗心的 conscientious<>remiss 负责的<>疏忽的 Synonyms: UPRIGHT , honest, honorable, just, right, scrupulous, true Sample:She does all her work in a conscientious manner.


adj. 有过失的 offending by neglect or violation of duty or of law Synonyms: NEGLIGENT, behindhand, careless, derelict, disregardful, lax, neglectful, regardless, remiss, slack Sample:The juvenile delinquent is a potential murderer. delirium [dI5lIrIEm] n.精神错乱,发狂 a mental disturbance characterized by confusion, disordered speech, and hallucinations Synonyms: frenzy, furor Sample:The drunkard in his delirium saw strange animals.


adj. 朝生暮死的,生命短暂的 lasting a very short time ephemeral<>permanent/perpetual 朝生暮死的<>持久的/永久的 ephemeral<>eternal 朝生暮死的<>永恒的 ephemeral<>endured 短暂的<>耐久的 everlasting<>ephemeral 永恒的 <> 短暂的 Synonyms: TRANSIENT, evanescent, fleeting, fugacious, fugitive, momentary, passing, short-lived, transitory, volatile Sample:Changes of fashion and public taste are often ephemeral and resistant to analysis, and yet they are among the most sensitive gauges of the state of the public's collective consciousness. epic [5epIk] 史诗;英勇的;超出正常范围的 extending beyond the usual or ordinary especially in size or scope extending beyond the usual or ordinary especially in size or scope epic<>modest 超出正常范围的<>适度的 Sample:Kurosawa's film Seven Samurai is an epic portraying the struggle of seven warriors to destroy a band of robbers.


adj. 未成熟的, 新鲜的, 精力旺盛的, 无经验的, 青春的 a:deficient in training, knowledge, or experience b:deficient in sophistication and savoir faire:NAIVE c:not fully qualified for or experienced in a particular function Synonyms: INEXPERIENCED, callow, fresh, raw, unconversant, unpracticed, unseasoned, untried, unversed, young Sample:The general sent the green soldiers for more training.


adj. 不协调的,不和谐的; 不合适的 not superposable so as to be coincident throughout,not congruent Synonyms: INCONSONANT , conflicting, disconsonant, discordant, discrepant, dissonant, incompatible, incongruous, inconsistent, unmixable Sample:There is something incongruous about the way the building of monasteries proliferated in eighteenth-century Bavaria, while in the rest of the Western world religious ardor was diminishing and church building was consequently declining.


adj. 不可变的,不变的,不能变的 not capable of or susceptible to change immutable<>variable 不可变的<>可变的 不可变的<>可变的 Sample:Scientists are constantly seeking to discover the immutable laws of nature.


adj. 不可避免的,必然的 incapable of being avoided or evaded Synonyms: certain, ineluctable, ineludible, inescapable, inevasible, necessary, returnless, unavoidable, unescapable, unevadable Sample:If the state government's latest budget problems were anomalous, it would not be useful to employ them as illuminating examples in the effort to avoid the inevitable effects of shortsighted fiscal planning in the future.


adj. 不名一文的,贫困的


adj. 优雅的,端庄的,高雅的 of a high grade or quality:SPLENDID insolent<>polite {elegant} 粗野无礼的<>有礼貌的(优雅的) Synonyms: CHOICE, dainty, delicate, exquisite, rare, select, superior Sample:Because early United States writers thought that the mark of great literature was grandiosity and elegance not to be found in common speech, they avoided the vernacular.


adj. 冷静的,脚踏实地的,无懈可击的 STUBBORN, WILLFUL Synonyms: OBSTINATE, bullheaded, headstrong, intractable, mulish, pertinacious, perverse, pigheaded, self-willed, stubborn Sample:The boss is hardheaded about office policies; she will not change the rules for anyone.


adj. 华丽的, 红润的, 炫耀的, 绚丽的 flushed with rosy color; ruddy florid<>solemn 鲜艳的<>严肃的 Synonyms: RUDDY , flush, flushed, full-blooded, glowing, rubicund, sanguine Sample: His complexion was even more florid than usual because of his anger.


adj. 朴素的,(人)正经的;(经济)紧缩的 markedly simple or unadorned baroque<>austere 结构复杂的<>简朴的 lavish<>austere 浪费的<>朴素的 Synonyms: severe, stern, ascetic Sample:His austere demeanor prevented us from engaging in our usual frivolous activities.


adj. 可尊敬的,可估计的 worthy of esteem estimable<>contemptible 可尊敬的<>可鄙的 Sample:She has an estimable reputation for choosing wise investments.


adj. 同年龄的,同时代的 of the same or equal age, antiquity, or duration Sample:coeval with the dinosaur, the pterodactyl flourished during the Mesozoic era.


adj. 声音沙哑的 hoarse with or as if with emotion husky<>delicate 嘶哑的<>细腻的 Synonyms: HOARSE, croaking, croaky, gruff Sample:He is a husky boy.


adj. 开槽的 a long narrow channel or depression


adj. 忧愁的,悲哀的,沮丧的,灰心的 鬼鬼祟祟的,卑躬屈膝的,低贱的 SAD, DEJECTED hangdog<>buoyant 沮丧的<>心情愉快的 hangdog<>elated 沮丧的<>兴高采烈的 hangdog<>sprightly 沮丧的<>轻快的


adj. 持久的,忍耐的 LASTING, DURABLE 短暂的:持久的::没生命的:活的(两个形容词的反义关系) transitory<>enduring 短暂的<>持久的 Synonyms: CONTINUE , abide, carry through, last, perdure, persist Sample:Keats believed in the enduring power of great art, which outlast its creator's brief lives. lives.


adj. 无远见的,浪费的 not provident:not foreseeing and providing for the future Synonyms: thriftless, unthrift, unthrifty Sample:He was constantly being warned to mend his improvident ways and begin to "save for a rainy day."


adj. 有弹性的, 能伸缩的, 可通融的 capable of being easily stretched or expanded and resuming former shape:FLEXIBLE Synonyms: flexible, resilient, springy, stretch, stretchy, supple, whippy Sample:With a bifurcated branch and a piece of elastic rubber, he made a crude but effective slingshot.


adj. 有盐味的,可厌的 REPULSIVE Sample:He found the only wells in the area were brackish; drinking the water made him nauseous.


adj. 朴质的; 率直的; 拙劣的 free from guile or craft:sincerely simple artless<>cunning/guileful 率直的<>狡猾的/狡猾的 artlessness<>urbanity 朴质<>都市风格 sly<>artless 狡猾的<>率直的 artless<>disingenuous 无虚饰的<>虚伪的 artless<>affected{eccentric ,diligent} 朴实的<>做作的 artless<>duplicity 朴实<>狡猾 【注:词性不符】 ostentation<>artlessness 卖弄<>朴实 Synonyms: NATURAL, ingenuous, naive, simple, unaffected, unartful, unartificial, unschooled, unsophisticated, unstudied Sample:Early critics of Emily Dickinson's poetry mistook for simplemindedness the surface of artlessness that in fact she constructed with such cunning.


adj. 机敏的,狡猾的 having or showing shrewdness and perspicacity fatuous<>astute 愚笨的<>机敏的 Synonyms: shrewd, sagacious, perspicacious Sample:She is an astute investor in the stock market and always knows which stocks to avoid. asymmetrical [AsI5metrIkl]adj. 不匀称的,不对称的,不均匀的 not of equal size or similar shape: Sample:Most striking among the many asymmetries evident in an adult flatfish is eye placement:before maturity one eye migrates ,so that in an adult flatfish both eyes are on the same side of the head.


adj. 芬香的, 特别美味的 suggestive of ambrosia; fragrant or delicious Synonyms: luscious, yummy ,aromal, aromatic, balmy, fragrant, perfumed


adj. 贪婪的,贪心的 marked by inordinate desire for wealth or possessions or for another's possessions Synonyms: acquisitive, desirous, grabby, greedy Sample:The child was covetous by nature and wanted to take the toys belonging to his classmates.


adj. 雄壮华丽的,气势磅礴的 marked by an ostentatious display of skill


adj. 鲁莽的,无礼的,粗鲁的,不恰当的 given to or characterized by insolent rudeness impertinence<>respect/relevence 无礼<>尊敬/尊敬 obeisant<>impertinent 尊敬<>无礼 Synonyms: officious, meddlesome, intrusive, obtrusive Sample:I regard your remarks as impertinent and I resent them.


adj. (官职)已任命但还未就职的 vt.指明, 指出, 任命, 指派 Synonyms: NAME, baptize, call, christen, denominate, dub, entitle, style, term, title Sample:An official designated his aide to represent him at the conference.


n. 登录,条目,报关手续,入口,进入 a descriptive record (as in a card catalog or an index) a descriptive record (as in a card catalog or an index) Sample:The clerk made an entry of the sale in the company books. enumerate [I5nu:mEreIt]vt. 列举,计算,枚举,数 to specify one after another:LIST Synonyms: COUNT, number, numerate, tale, tally, tell Sample:Huck hung his head in shame as Miss Watson enumerated his many flaws. enunciate [I5nQnsIeIt]v. 发音,(清楚地)表达 a:to make a definite or systematic statement of b:ANNOUNCE, PROCLAIM enunciate<>mumble 清晰表达<>喃喃而语 Synonyms: ARTICULATE, phonate, pronounce, say Sample:How will people understand you if you do not enunciate?


n. 百科全书 a work that contains information on all branches of knowledge or treats comprehensively a particular branch of knowledge usually in articles arranged alphabetically often by subject {recapitulation:lengthy} Synonyms: comprehensive, inclusive Sample:The encyclopedia salesman claimed the new edition was a veritable cornucopia of information, an inexhaustible source of knowledge for the entire family.


n. (尤指十三个) 女巫的集会 an assembly or band of usually 13 witches Sample:A coven of witches beside a tree is a possible rebus for the town Coventry.


n. (批评判断的)标准, 准据, 规范 a standard on which a judgment or decision may be based Synonyms: STANDARD, benchmark, gauge, measure, touchstone, yardstick Sample:The primary criterion for judging a school is its recent performance:critics are reluctant to extend credit for earlier victories.


n. 『心理』性格外向的人 a gregarious and unreserved person Sample:A good salesperson in usually an extrovert, who likes to mingle with people.


n. 书法家


n. 光彩,假象,注释 a brief explanation (as in the margin or between the lines of a text) of a difficult or obscure word or expression Synonyms: PRAISE, bless, celebrate, cry up, eulogize, extol, hymn, laud, magnify, panegyrize Sample:No matter how hard he tried to talk around the issue, President Bush could not gloss over the fact that he had raised the taxes after all.


n. 同谋者, 帮凶 one associated with another especially in wrongdoing


n. 名声,名人 the state of being celebrated celebrity<>obscurity 名人<>不为人所知的人 Synonyms: FAME, notoriety, renown, reputation, repute , luminary, name, notability, notable, somebody Sample:Hamlet resented his mother's celerity in remarrying within a month after his father's death.


n. 含水土层((含水量足以成为井水或泉水)) a water-bearing stratum of permeable rock, sand, or gravel


n. 大树枝 a branch of a tree; especially :a main branch Synonyms: LIMB, branch


n. 幻想,白日梦 imaginative fiction featuring especially strange settings and grotesque characters Synonyms: IMAGINATION, fancy, imaginativeness Sample:Sue knew so many computer programmers who spent their spare time playing fantasy games that she began to think that playing Dungeon & Dragons was a generic trait.


n. 影迷热衷于电影的人 a film or movie enthusiast


n. 懦夫, 胆小的人 a person who acts treacherously or underhandedly Synonyms: COWARD, chicken, craven, funk, funker, poltroon, quitter, yellowbelly


n. 扣子,钩,紧握 a device (as a hook) for holding objects or parts together Sample:She fastened the clasp on her necklace.


n. 林产,森林地, 林学 the management of growing timber Sample:Her son went to Yale University to study forestry.


n. 母羊 the female of the sheep especially when mature; also :the female of various related animals Sample:The architects of New York's early skyscrapers, hinting here at a twelfth-century cathedral, there at a fifteenth-century palace, sought to legitimize the city's social strivings by evoking a history the city did not truly possess.


n. 潜水员,水下工作者 Sample:He is a deep-sea diver (or) skydiver.


n. 白公,白化病者,白化变种(albinism) an organism exhibiting deficient pigmentation


n. 纪年表,年鉴,年报 a record of events arranged in yearly sequence Synonyms: chronicle Sample:In the annals of this period, we find no mention of democratic movements.


n. 皈依者,改宗者 to bring over from one belief, view, or party to another Synonyms: TRANSFORM, change, commute, metamorphose, transfigure, translate, transmogrify, transmute, transpose, transubstantiate Sample:On his trip to Japan, though the President spoke at length about the merits of American automobiles, he made few converts to his beliefs.


n. 眼睛睁视,护目镜 to stare with wide or protuberant eyes Sample:In the laboratory, she wears goggles to protect her eyes from chemicals.


n. 赞颂,颂辞 glowing and warmly enthusiastic praise; encomium<>harsh criticism 大力赞颂<>猛烈批评 Synonyms: citation, eulogy, panegyric, salutation, tribute Sample:Uneasy with the encomiums expressed by his supporters, Tolkien felt unworthy of such high praise.


n. 边缘,轮缘,凸缘,法兰 a projecting edge of cloth used for decoration on clothing Sample:The flange on the metal wheel kept it on the track.


n. 金银丝做的工艺品 ornamental openwork of delicate or intricate design Sample:The pendant with gold filigree that she wore round her neck trembled with each breath she took.


adj. 机灵的, 有独创性的, 精制的, 具有创造才能 marked by originality, resourcefulness, and cleverness in conception or execution ingenious<>prosaic { spontaneous} 有独创性的<>平凡的 Synonyms: CLEVER, adroit, canny, cunning, dexterous, slim, sly Sample:Although Simpson was ingenious at contriving to appear innovative and spontaneous, beneath the ruse he remained uninspired and rigid in his approach to problem-solving. ingenuous [In5dVenjJEs] adj.纯朴的,单纯的 showing innocent or childlike simplicity and candidness hypercritical<>ingenuous/honest 吹毛求疵的<>坦诚的 ingenuous<>cunning 纯朴的<>狡猾 sly<>ingenuous 狡猾的<>诚实的 affected<>ingenue 做作的<>天真无邪的 Synonyms: NATURAL, artless, naive, simple, unaffected, unartful, unartificial, unschooled, unsophisticated, unstudied Sample:The senator's attempt to convince the public that he is not interested in running for a second term is disingenuous given the extremely public fund-raising activities of his campaign committee.


adj. 根深蒂固的 to work indelibly into the natural texture or mental or moral constitution ingrained<>easily to change 根深蒂固的<>易于改变 ingrained<>extrinsic 根深蒂固的<>外表的 Synonyms: INHERENT, built-in, congenital, constitutional, deep-seated, inborn, inbred, indwelling, innate, intrinsic Sample:Try as they would, the missionaries were unable to uproot the ingrained superstitions of the natives.


adj. 椭圆的;省略的 , 朦胧的,含糊的 of or relating to deliberate obscurity (as of literary or conversational style) elliptical<>palpable 含糊的<>明显的 区别:ellipsis(n. 省略,省略符号)ellipse (n. 椭圆) Sample:An elliptical billiad ball wobbles because it is not perfectly round; an elliptical remark baffles because it is not perfectly clear.


adj. 欢乐的 ,喝饮和交际的;好交际的 relating to, occupied with, or fond of feasting, drinking, and good company Synonyms: SOCIAL , companionable, sociable Sample:The convivial celebrators of the victory sang their college songs.


adj. 欺诈的,不正的,不诚实的 characterized by, based on, or done by fraud:DECEITFUL Sample:The government seeks to prevent fraudulent and misleading advertising.

analgesic n.镇痛剂,

adj. 止痛的 insensibility to pain without loss of consciousness Synonyms: ANODYNE , anesthetic, pain-killer Sample:The analgesic qualities of his lotion will provide temporary relief.


adj. 歪诗的n.打油诗 loosely styled and irregular in measure especially for burlesque or comic effect; also:marked by triviality or inferiority Sample:Although we find occasional snatches of genuine poetry in her work, most of her writing is mere doggerel.


adj. 死板的;呆板的,寒冷的 sweltering<>frigid 炎热的:寒冷的 Synonyms: cold, arctic, chill, chilly, cool, freezing, frosty, gelid, glacial, icy; inhibited, passionless, undersexed, unresponsive Sample:Alaska is in the frigid zone.


adj. 残忍的,凶恶的 extremely wicked, brutal, or cruel:BARBARIC Synonyms: OUTRAGEOUS, monstrous, shocking Sample:The most technologically advanced societies have been responsible for the greatest atrocities; indeed, savagery seems to be in direct proportion to development.


adj. 殷勤的, 高兴的, 快活的, 温文尔雅的


adj. 殷勤的, 高兴的, 快活的, 温文尔雅的 LIGHTHEARTED, NONCHALANT Sample:The debonair youth was liked by all who met him, because of his cheerful and obliging manner.


adj. 比喻的,形容多的,修饰丰富的 representing by a figure or resemblance:EMBLEMATIC figurative<>literal 比喻的<>照字面上的 Sample:Ironically, the proper use of figurative language must be based on the denotative meaning of the words, because it is the failure to recognize this literal meaning that leads to mixed metaphors and their attendant incongruity.


adj. 毗连的,接近的 having a common endpoint or border also immediately preceding or following conterminous living room made an adequate breakfast nook for the young couple.


adj. 气候温和的(芬芳的;止痛的) having the qualities of balm:SOOTHING inclement<>balmy 气候酷烈的(人无情的,严酷的)<>气候温和的 balmy<>piquant 芬芳的<>辛辣的 Synonyms: GENTLE , bland, faint, lenient, mild, smooth, soft Sample:A balmy breeze refreshed us after the sultry blast.


adj. 水生的,水中的,水上的 growing or living in or frequenting water Sample:We have been able to explore the terrestrial regions much more thoroughly than the aquatic or celestial regions.


n. 雇佣文人 a writer who aims solely for commercial success Synonyms: drudge, grub, grubber, hireling, mercenary, slavey


n. 鸟类羽毛, 翅膀 the feathers of a bird


adj. 永久的,持久的,不变的 to remain stable or fixed in a state miscreant<>law-abiding individual 有罪的人<>遵守法纪的人 abiding<>evanescent 持久的<>易消散的 abiding<>ephemeral 持久的<>短暂的


n.天篷, 遮篷 a cover (as of cloth) fixed or carried above a person of high rank or a sacred object:BALDACHIN Sample:The canopy over the bed is made of red cloth. cantankerous [kAn5tANkErEs] adj.脾气坏的,好争吵的 difficult or irritating to deal with Synonyms: bearish, cankered, cranky, cross-grained, crotchety, ornery, vinegarish, vinegary, waspish, waspy Sample:Constantly complaining about his treatment and refusing to cooperate with the hospital staff, he was a cantankerous patient.


v. 偷听 to listen secretly to the private conversation of others Sample:He liked to eavesdrop on his neighbors' conversations.


adj. 永恒的, 永远的, 不灭的, 没完没了的 a:continued without intermission:PERPETUAL b:seemingly endless ephemeral<>eternal 朝生暮死的<>永恒的 transient<>eternal 暂时的<>永久的 Synonyms: EVERLASTING, amaranthine, ceaseless, endless, immortal, never-ending, unending, world-without-end Sample:In sharp contrast to the intense idealism of the young republic, with its utopian faith in democracy and hopes for eternal human progress, recent developments suggest a mood of almost unrelieved cynicism.


adj. 永恒的,持久的,无止境的 lasting or enduring through all time:ETERNAL everlasting<>ephemeral 永恒的 <> 短暂的 Synonyms: amaranthine, ceaseless, endless, eternal, immortal, never-ending, unending, world-without-end Sample:Your evasive answers convinced the judge that you were witholding important evidence.


v. 拯救,救出 to free or remove from an entanglement or difficulty Synonyms: clear, clear away, discumber, disembarrass, disembroil, disencumber, disentangle, disentwine, unentangle, unscramble, untangle, untie, untwine Sample:He found that he could not extricate himself from the trap.


v. 歪斜,弯曲 out of line:AWRY aligned<>askew{curve} 一行的<>歪斜的 {弯曲的} 【注:curve词性不符,且对应上没有与"bring into line"形成工整的反 义关系】 Sample:When he placed his hat askew upon his head, his observers laughed.


v. 气势汹汹,直立,发怒,充满 to take on an aggressive attitude or appearance (as in response to a slight) bristle<>cower 发怒<>畏缩 感) Synonyms: ANGER, blow up, boil, boil over, burn, flare (up), fume, rage, seethe Sample:The dog bristled at the sight of the cat.


v. 注释, 评注 to make or furnish critical or explanatory notes or comment Synonyms: gloss Sample: In the appendix to the novel, the critic sought to annotate many of the more esoteric references.


v. 消瘦, 虚弱 to cause to lose f unaffectlesh so as to become very thin emaciate<>invigorate 使憔悴<>鼓舞 Sample:His long period of starvation had left him emaciated.


v. 蚀刻 a chemical agent used in etching Sample:Since it is now routine to build the complex central processing unit of a computer on a single silicon chip using photolithography and chemical etching, it seems plausible that other miniature structures might be fabricated in similar ways.


v. 诽谤,玷污 SULLY, SOIL besmirch<>honor 诽谤<>尊敬 Synonyms: taint, besmear, defile, discolor, smear, soil, stain, sully, tar, tarnish Sample:The scandalous remarks in the newspaper besmirch the reputations of every member of the society.


v. 赎罪,补偿,弥补 to supply satisfaction for:EXPIATE Sample:He knew no way in which he could atone for his brutal crime.


v. 赦免,宣布免除 to set free from an obligation or the consequences of guilt absolve<>inculpate 使无罪<>使负罪 absolve<>indict 赦免<>起诉


vt. (用神情、言词) 威吓; 严词厉色地斥责 煽动者:激励:欺凌弱小者:威吓 (人物及其正面特征) Synonyms: INTIMIDATE, bludgeon, bluster, bulldoze, bully, cow, dragoon, hector Sample:Billy resisted Ted's attempts to browbeat him into handing over his lunch money.


vt. 使出神, 使入迷 to carry away with delight, wonder, or rapture entrancing(entrance vt.)<>disappoint, disgust, repel, repulse; bore 使人神魂颠倒<>使失望,令人厌恶,使厌恶 unprepossessing<>entrancing/winsome 惹人厌的<>使人神魂颠倒的/引人注目的 Synonyms: entry, ingress, ingression Sample:Shafts of sunlight on a wall could entrance her and leave her spellbound.


vt. 使成王,加冕,居...之顶 to place a crown or wreath on the head of; specifically :to invest with regal dignity and power Sample:The prophet Samuel anointed David with oil, crowning him king of Israel.


vt. 使狂喜 to fill with delight enraptured<>indifferent 狂喜的<>默然的 Synonyms TRANSPORT, enravish, entrance, ravish, trance Sample: The audience was enraptured by the freshness of the voices and the excellent orchestration.


adj. 沉着的,泰然自若的,镇静的 marked by extreme calm, impassivity, and steadiness:SERENE restive<>calm/imperturbable 吵闹的<>平静的/冷静的 ticklish<>imperturbable 不稳定的<>冷静的 testiness<>imperturbability 暴躁<>冷静 imperturbability<>volatility 冷静<>易变 Synonyms: cool, composed, collected, unruffled, nonchalant Sample:Wellington remained imperturbable and in full command of the situation in spite of the hyteria and panic all around him. impervious [im5pE:vjEs]adj. 不能渗透的,不为所动的,不会受到损害的 not allowing entrance or passage:IMPENETRABLE also not capable of being damaged or harmed translucent<>impervious of light 透明的<>不透光的 Synonyms: IMPASSABLE, impenetrable, impermeable, imperviable, unpierceable Sample:You cannot change their habits for their minds are impervious to reasoning.


adj. 沉闷的 having nothing likely to provide cheer, comfort, or interest:GLOOMY, DISMAL jocund<>dreary 欢乐的<>沉闷的 Synonyms: GLOOMY, black, bleak, depressing, depressive, dismal, dispiriting, funereal, oppressive, somber Sample:During his checkered career he had lived in palatial mansions and in dreary boardinghouses.


adj. 没有味道的,清淡的,难吃的 lacking in qualities that interest, stimulate, or challenge:DULL, FLAT piquant<>insipid 开胃的<>平淡的 insipid<>exciting 无聊的<>令人兴奋的 insipid<>fascinating 无聊的,无味的<>迷人的 Synonyms: ARID, bromidic, dry, dryasdust, dull, dusty, tedious, uninteresting, weariful, wearisome Sample:Flat prose and flat ginger ale are equally insipid:both lack sparkle.


vt. 惋惜,认为遗憾,哀叹 to express deep grief or distress over Synonyms: deplore, lament, bewail Sample:She bemoans the fact that she did not finish high school.


vt. 憎恶, 痛恨 to regard with extreme repugnance abhor<>greatly admire 憎恨,厌恶<>非常仰慕


vt. 拆除...的设备,分解,去除覆盖物 to take to pieces; also :to destroy the integrity or functioning of Synonyms: STRIP, bankrupt, bare, denudate, denude, deprive, disrobe, divest Sample:A mechanic dismantled the engine to replace one part.


vt. 教授,谆谆教诲,教育 to teach and impress by frequent repetitions or admonitions Synonyms: IMPLANT, infix, inseminate, instill


vt. 漂白 to remove color or stains from Synonyms: WHITEN, blanch, blench, decolor, decolorize, white Sample:The sun bleached the curtains hanging out to dry.


vt. 狼吞虎咽 to swallow or eat greedily Synonyms: GULP, bolt, cram, englut, guzzle, ingurgitate, slop, slosh, wolf Sample:He was so hungry that he gobbled his food up.


vt. 破解,解释 a:to make out the meaning of despite indistinctness or obscurity b:to interpret the meaning of Synonyms: DECODE, break, crack, cryptanalyze, decrypt Sample:I could not decipher the doctor's handwriting.


adj. 没精神的,软弱的,无用的,不负责任的 WEAK, INEFFECTIVE feckless<>responsible 无用的<>重大的 Synonyms: fustian, good-for-nothing, meaningless, purposeless, unpurposed, useless, worthless Sample:If animal parents were judged by human standards, the cuckoo would be one of nature's more feckless creatures, blithely laying its eggs in the nests of other birds, and leaving the incubating and nurturing to them.


adj. 河流的, 生长在河中的, 河流冲刷作用形成的 of, relating to, or living in a stream or river foible [5fCibl] n.小缺点,小毛病 a minor flaw or shortcoming in character or behavior:WEAKNESS Synonyms: fault, failing, frailty, vice Sample:We can overlook the foibles of our friends; no one is perfect.


adj. 流利圆滑的,善辩的 marked by ease and fluency in speaking or writing often to the point of being insincere or deceitful glib<>labored 流利圆滑的<>不自然的 glib<>taciturn 流利圆滑的<>沉默寡言的 Synonyms: silver-tongued, vocative, voluble, well-hung Sample:He is a glib and articulate speaker.


adj. 消化不良的,胃弱的,患胃病的, 脾气坏的 INDIGESTION genial<>dyspeptic 和蔼的<>脾气坏的 Synonyms: ILL-TEMPERED, bad-tempered, hot-tempered, ill-humored, ill-natured, rusty, tempersome rusty, tempersome Sample:All the talk about rich food made him feel dyspeptic.


adj. 消色差的, 非彩色的, 无色的 designating color perceived to have zero saturation and therefore no hue, such as neutral grays, white, or black acme n.顶点,极点 the highest point or stage summit, zenith again did he achieve such popular acclaim.


adj. 深思熟虑的;审慎的 to think about or discuss issues and decisions carefully hasty<>characterized by deliberation 草率的<> 审慎的 hasty<>deliberate 草率的<>深思熟虑的 impetuous<>deliberate 冲动的<>审慎的 Synonyms: advised, aforethought, considered, designed, premeditated, prepense, studied, studious, thought-out Sample:The President reached a decision only after lengthy deliberation, painstakingly weighing the divergent opinions expressed by cabinet members.


adj. 混乱的, 无秩序的 a:a state of utter confusion b:a confused mass or mixture chaotic<>strictly structured 无秩序的<>构造严谨的 chaotic<>strictly featured 无秩序的<>特征严谨 Sample:He tried to bring order into the chaotic state of affairs.


adj. 混合的,杂种的,混合语的 n杂种 something heterogeneous in origin or composition:COMPOSITE hybrid<>of unmixed extraction 杂种<>纯血统 hybrid<>purebred 杂种的<>纯种的 Synonyms: bastard, cross, crossbred, crossbreed, half blood, half-breed, mongrel, mule Sample:The attempt to breed suitable varieties of jojoba by using hybridization to reinforce favorable traits was finally abandoned in favor of a simpler and much faster method:the domestication of flourishing wild strains.


adj. 温和的,乏味的,冷漠的 not irritating, stimulating, or invigorating:SOOTHING tangy<>bland 刺激的<>温和的 Synonyms: GENTLE , balmy, faint, lenient, mild, smooth, soft Sample:The Thai restaurant offered an unusual gustatory experience for those used in a bland cuisine.


adj. 满足的,满意的,意义的 feeling or manifesting satisfaction with one's possessions, status, or situation disaffected<>content 不满<>满足 restiveness<>contentment 难以驾御<>满足 contented<>avaricious 满足<>贪婪 Synonyms: satisfied , pleased , contented , complacent Sample:The nation was seething with discontent as the nobleman continued their arrogant ways.


adj. 漂亮的,时髦的 smart elegance and sophistication especially of dress or manner:STYLE Synonyms: FASHION, craze, cry, dernier cri, fad, furore, mode, rage, style, vogue chicanery [FI5keInErI] n.欺诈,欺骗 deception by artful subterfuge or sophistry:TRICKERY chicanery<>forthrightness {deep conviction/firm opposition} 狡辩<>直率 {深信/坚定反对} chicanery<>forthright dealing 欺骗<>梗直 Synonyms: DECEPTION, chicane, dishonesty, double-dealing, fourberie, fraud, hankySynonyms: DECEPTION, chicane, dishonesty, double-dealing, fourberie, fraud, hankypanky, highbinding, sharp practice, trickery Sample:Your deceitful tactics in this case are indications of chicanery.


n. 确实性,真实性 not false or imitation:REAL, ACTUAL spuriousness<>authenticity 伪造,欺骗<>真实 semblance<>authentic article 伪装<>真实的物品 Synonyms: genuine, undoubted, undubitable, unquestionable, veritable Sample:The authenticity of the painting as one of Picasso's was proven by an expert. authority [C:5WRrItI]n.权威, 威信, 权威人士, 权力, 职权, 典据, 著作权威 power to influence or command thought, opinion, or behavior Synonyms: EXPERT, master, professional, proficient, virtuoso, wizard Sample:By forcing our surrender to the authority of the clock systematic timekeeping has imposed a form of tyranny on society.


adj. 漠不关心的,无重要性的,中立的 marked by a lack of interest, enthusiasm, or concern for something:APATHETIC avid<>indifferent 热心的<>漠不关心 fervor<>indifferent 热情<>冷漠 zealot<>indifference 狂热<>不关心 enraptured<>indifferent 狂喜的<>默然的 Synonyms: ACCUSE, arraign, charge, criminate, impeach, incriminate, inculpate, tax Sample:The philosopher claimed that a person who must consciously overcome his or her own indifference before helping another is behaving more nobly than one whose basic disposition allows such an act to be performed without deliberation. indigenous [In5dIdVInEs] adj.土产的,本地的 having originated in and being produced, growing, living, or occurring naturally in a particular region or environment exotic<>indigenous 异国的<>本地的 indigenous<>nonnative 本地的<>异国的 indigenous<>foreign 本地的<>外国的 Synonyms: INNATE , congenital, connate, connatural, inborn, inherited, native, natural, unacquired Sample:Tobacco is one of the indigenous plants that the early explorers found in this country.


adj. 潮湿(的);v. 打湿 MOISTURE,HUMIDITY, DAMPNESS sere<>lush/damp 干枯的<>青葱的/潮湿的 dampen<>scorch 使潮湿<>烧焦 Synonyms: dampish, dank, moist, moisty, wettish Sample:While the delegate clearly sought to dampen the optimism that has emerged recently, she stopped short of suggesting that the conference was near collapse and might produce nothing of significance.


adj. 激励的 ,劝告的,勉励的 giving exhortation:ADVISORY Sample:The peroration was largely hortatory and brought the audience to its feet clamoring for action at its close.


adj. 灵巧的,用右手的 mentally adroit and skillful:CLEVER Synonyms: adroit, clever, deft, handy, neat-handed, nimble Sample:His fingers are very dexterous in carving figures out of wood.


adj. 灵巧的,熟练的 characterized by facility and skill deft<>maladroit 灵巧的<>笨拙的 ham-handed<>deft/adroit 笨手笨脚的<>敏捷熟练的/灵巧的 deft<>inept 熟练<>笨拙 Synonyms: DEXTEROUS, adroit, clever, handy, neat-handed, nimble Sample:The deft waiter uncorked the champagne without spilling a drop.


adj. 炫耀的,过分装饰的 clothed in vivid colors Synonyms: gaudy, blatant, brazen, chintzy, flashy, glaring, loud Sample:She wore a garish rhinestone necklace.


adj. 热切的,贪婪的 characterized by enthusiasm and vigorous pursuit avid<>indifferent 热切的<>冷谈的,漠然的 Synonyms: EAGER, anxious, appetent, ardent, athirst Sample:He was avid for learning and read everything he could get.


adj. 热的,热心的 marked by often extreme fervor fervid<>restrained 热心的<>克制的 impassive<>fervid 无动于衷的<>热心的 Synonyms: impassioned, ardent, blazing, burning, fervent, fiery, glowing, hot-blooded, passionate, perfervid Sample:Her fervid enthusiasm inspired all of us to undertake the dangerous mission.


adj. 熟练的,机捷的 having or showing skill, cleverness, or resourcefulness in handling situations adroit<>ungainly ham-handed<>deft/adroit 笨手笨脚的<>敏捷熟练的/灵巧的 room.


adj. 特质的,异质的,特殊的 a peculiarity of constitution or temperament:an individualizingcharacteristic or quality Sample:One of his personal idiosyncrasies was his habit of rinsing all cutlery given him in a restaurant.


adj. 狡猾的,巧妙的,可爱的 characterized by wiliness and trickery artless<>cunning/guileful 率直<>狡猾的/狡猾的 ingenuous<>cunning 纯真的<>狡猾的 Synonyms: CLEVER, adroit, canny, dexterous, ingenious, slim, sly Sample:Early critics of Emily Dickinson's poetry mistook for simplemindedness the surface of artlessness that in fact she constructed with such cunning.


adj. 狭窄的,难解的 restricted; narrowed commodious<>constricted/cramped 宽敞的<>狭窄的/狭促的 Synonyms: RESTRICTION , circumscription, limitation, stint, stricture Sample:She lives in a cramped little apartment.


adj. 现存的,传世的 currently or actually existing extant<>extinct/lost 现存的<>灭绝的/丧失的 extant<>missing 现存的<>丢失的 现存的<>丢失的 Synonyms: alive, around, existent, existing, living Sample:Although the authorities suppressed the book, many copies are extant and may be purchased at exorbitant prices.


adj. 琐细的, 无用的, 无效果的, (人)没有出息的 serving no useful purpose : completely ineffective futility<>effectiveness 无用<>效力 futile<>efficacious 无用的<>有效的 Synonyms: abortive, bootless, fruitless, ineffective, ineffectual, unavailable, unavailing, unprevailing, unproductive, useless, vain Sample:Give he previously expressed interest and the ambitious tone of her recent speeches, the senator's attempt to convince the public that she is not interested in running for a second term is futile .


adj. 甜得发腻的 excessively sweet or sentimental Synonyms: SATIATE, fill, glut, gorge, jade, pall, sate, stodge, surfeit Sample:Disliking the cloying sweetness of standard wedding cakes, Jody and Tom chose a homemade carrot cake for their reception.


adj. 畅通的,无阻碍的,迅速的,方便的 to accelerate the process or progress of:speed up expedite<>retard 加速<>减速 Sample:We hope you will be able to expedite delivery because of our tight schedule.


adj. 瘦长得难看的 loosely and awkwardly built:LANKY Synonyms: gangly, lanky, rangy, spindling, spindly Sample:He is tall with gangling arms.


adj. 白昼的,白天的 of, relating to, or occurring in the daytime diurnal<>nocturnal 白昼的,白天的<>晚上的,夜晚的 Synonyms: DAILY, quotidian Sample:A farmer cannot neglect his diurnal tasks at any time; cows, for example, must be milked regularly.


adj. 直接的;立即的;直率的;坦白的 free from ambiguity or evasiveness:going straight to the point furtive<>open/forthright/brassy 秘密的<>公开的/直接的/公然的 furtive<>above board 偷偷摸摸的<>光明正大的 Synonyms: straightforward, aboveboard, plain dealing, straight, frank, candid, direct, open, openhearted, plain, single, undisguised, unvarnished Sample:In the midst of so many evasive comments, this forthright statement, whatever its intrinsic merit, plainly stands out as an anomaly.


adj. 直立的,竖立的,笔直的 characterized by firm or rigid straightness in bodily posture prostrate<>erect 降服<>树立 Synonyms: arrect, raised, stand-up, straight-up, upright, upstanding Sample:She is elderly, but she stands erect.


adj. 相当的,可观的,重要的 worth consideration:SIGNIFICANT scant<>considerable 少量的<>大量的 Synonyms: IMPORTANT, big, consequential, material, meaningful, momentous, significant, substantial, weighty Sample:Islamic law is a phenomenon so different from all other forms of law— notwithstanding,of course,a considerable and inevitable number of coincidences with one or the other of them as far as subject matter and positive enactments are concerned— that its study is indispensable in order to appreciate adequately the full range of possible legal phenomena.


adj. 相当的,适宜的 deserved, appropriate condign<>undeserved/unmerited condign<>undeserved/unmerited 适宜的<>不应得的/不配的 Synonyms: JUST, appropriate, deserved, due, merited, requisite, rhadamanthine, right, rightful, suitable Sample:The public approved the condign punishment for the crime.


adj. 真正的,真实的,诚恳的 ACTUAL, TRUE spurious<>genuine 假的<>真实的 sham<>genuine 虚假的<>真正的 Synonyms: AUTHENTIC, bona fide, indubitable, real, sure-enough, true, undoubted, unquestionable, veritable, very Sample:If you want to buy antiques, look for a reputable dealer; far too many dealers today pass off fakes as genuine antiques.


adj. 眼花的,头晕的 ,轻率 lightheartedly silly:FRIVOLOUS giddiness<>grave 轻率<>严肃 giddy<>serious 轻率的<>严肃的 Synonyms: bird-witted, dizzy, empty-headed, featherbrained, flighty, fribble, fribbling, frivolous, harebrained, hoity-toity, light, light-headed, rattlebrained, scatterbrained, silly, skittish, volage, yeasty Sample:He felt his giddy youth was past.


adj. 短暂的,瞬息的 tending to vanish like vapor abiding<>evanescent 持久的<>短暂的 evanescent<>permanent 短暂的<>永恒的 Synonyms: TRANSIENT, ephemeral, fleeting, fugacious, fugitive, momentary, passing, short-lived, transitory, volatile Sample:The natures of social history and lyric poetry are antithetical, social history always recounting the evanescent and lyric poetry speaking for unchanging human nature, that timeless essence beyond fashion and economics.


adj. 秘密的 marked by, held in, or conducted with secrecy:SURREPTITIOUS clandestine<>open 秘密的<>公开的 Synonyms: SECRET, covert, furtive, hugger-mugger, hush-hush, stealthy, surreptitious, undercover, underneath, under-the-table Sample:After avoiding their chaperon, the lovers had a clandestine meeting.


adj. 秘密的,神秘的,含义模糊的 having or seeming to have a hidden or ambiguous meaning:MYSTERIOUS cryptic<>self explain 含义模糊的<>能自我解释的 cryptic<>self explanatory 含义模糊的<>能自我解释的 Synonyms: dark, Delphian, enigmatic, mystifying Sample:His cryptic remarks could not be interpreted.


adj. 秘密的,空论的 a cabinet or recess for especially china, household utensils, or clothing Sample:In their incommodious quarters, they had to improvise for closet space.


adj. 稳定的,(脾气)温和的 marked by lack of noticeable, unpleasant, or extreme variation or inequality equable<>intemperate 温和的<>放纵的 Synonyms: STEADY, constant, even, stabile, stable, unchanging, unfluctuating, uniform, unvarying Sample:After the hot summers and cold winters of New England, he found the climate of the West Indies equable and pleasant.


adj. 空虚的,愚蠢的,空洞的 lacking significance, meaning, or point: SILLY inane<>expressive, meaningful, pregnant, significant, weighty 空洞的<>富有意义的 inane<>substantiated 空洞的<>实体化的 Synonyms: INSIPID, driveling, flat, innocuous, jejune, milk-and-water, namby-pamby, sapless, vapid, wishy-washy Sample:Such comments are inane because they do not help us solve our program.


adj. 笨拙的 lacking dexterity or skill lithe<>awkward 优雅<>笨拙 svelte<>paunchy and awkward 苗条的,瘦的<>大腹便便且笨拙的 Synonyms: CLUMSY , lumbering, lumpish, ungainly Sample:Martha Graham introduced a form of choreography that seemed awkward and alien to those who had been brought up on classic ballet.


adj. 笨拙的,不雅观的,粗陋的 lacking dexterity, nimbleness, or grace adept<>clumsy 灵巧的<>笨拙的 Synonyms: awkward, gawky, lumbering, lumpish, splathering, splay, ungainly; Sample:Although his attempts to appear psychotic were so clumsy as to be almost ludicrous, there is evidence that Ezra Pound was able to avoid standing trial for treason merely by faking symptoms of mental illness.


adj. 笨拙的,粗鲁的,无礼的 lacking social experience or grace; also:not tactful:CRUDE gaucheness<>polish 粗鲁的<>优雅的 粗鲁的<>优雅的 Sample:Such remarks are gauche and out of place; you should apologize for making them.


adj. 简明的; 简洁的 marked by brevity of expression or statement:free from all elaboration and superfluous detail Synonyms: breviloquent, brief, compendiary, compendious, curt, laconic, short, short and sweet, succinct, summary, terse Sample:When you define a new word, be concise; the shorter the definition, the easier it is to remember. concord [5kRNkC:d]n.和睦,公约 a state of agreement:HARMONY concord<>dissension 同意<>纠纷 dissonance<>concord 不一致<>一致 schism<>concord 分裂<>一致 concord<>enmity/rancor 和睦<>敌意/怨恨 discrepancy<>concord 分散<>和睦 Sample:Watching Tweediedum and Tweedledee battle, Alice wondered why the two brothers could not manage to life in concord.


adj. 粗略的 , 粗糙的, 粗鄙的 not precise or detailed with respect to adjustment or discrimination fastidious<>coarse 苛求的<>粗略的 Synonyms: crass, crude, gross, incult, inelegant, low, raw, rough, rude, uncouth, Synonyms: crass, crude, gross, incult, inelegant, low, raw, rough, rude, uncouth, uncultivated, uncultured, unrefined, vulgar Sample:homespun wit, like homespun cloth, was often coarse and plain.


adj. 粗糙,粗厚的;愚钝的;极度的,非常的 having or indicating such grossness of mind as precludes delicacy and discrimination crass<>refined 粗糙的<>精细的 Synonyms: COARSE, crude, gross, inelegant, raw, rough, rude, uncouth, unrefined, vulgar Sample:The philosophers deplored the crass commercialism. craven [5kreIv(E)n] adj.懦弱的,畏缩的 lacking the least bit of courage:contemptibly fainthearted Synonyms: COWARDLY, coward, gutless, lily-livered, poltroonish, poor-spirited, pusillanimous, spunkless, unmanly Sample:Their air of cheerful self-sacrifice and endless complaisance won them undeserved praise, for their seeming gallantry was wholly motivated by a craven wish to avoid conflict of any sort.


adj. 粗糙的,刺耳的,严厉的 a:causing a disagreeable or painful sensory reaction:IRRITATING b:physically discomforting:PAINFUL encomium<>harsh criticism 赞美<>严厉的批评 mollycoddle<>treat harshly 娇惯<>粗暴对待 paean<>harshly lampoon 赞美<>粗暴地讽刺 harshen<>soften 使变粗糙<>软化 Synonyms: ROUGH, asperous, craggy, jagged, rugged, scabrous, scraggy, uneven, unlevel, unsmooth Sample:We asked the gardening expert to recommend particularly hardy plants that could withstand our harsh New England winters.


adj. 粗野的,无礼的 exhibiting boldness or effrontery:IMPUDENT insolent<>polite/courteous {elegant} 无礼的<>有礼貌的/彬彬有礼{端庄} insolent<>respectful 粗野的<>尊敬的 Synonyms: UNPALATABLE, distasteful, flat, flavorless, ill-flavored, savorless, tasteless, unappetizing, unsavory Sample:How dare you treat me so rudely! The manager will hear of you insolence.


adj. 粘的,胶状的 having the quality of glue:GUMMY glutinous<>non viscous 粘的<>不粘的 Sample:Molasses is a glutinous substance.


adj. 精细的,详尽的,精心的 marked by complexity, fullness of detail, or ornateness 【词性不符,疑为:sketch】 abstract<>elaborate 摘要的<>详尽的 Synonyms: complicated, fancy, intricate Sample:The crude typewriter on display in this museum is the prototype of the elaborate machines in use today.


adj. 繁茂的,丰富的,非凡的, 喜悦充溢的 joyously unrestrained and enthusiastic ennui<>exuberance 倦怠<>高兴的 Synonyms: brash, ebullient, effervescent, high-spirited, vivacious Sample:His speeches were famous for his exuberant language and vivid imagery.


adj. 纵容的,任性的,放纵的 indulging or characterized by indulgence; especially:LENIENT spartan<>sybaritic/indulgent/voluptuous/luxurious 节俭<>放纵的/放纵的/好酒色的/豪华,放纵的 draconian<>indulgent/mild 严肃<>放纵 martinet<>indulgent person 严守纪律者<>放纵的人 indulgent<>ascetic 放纵<>自我约束 Synonyms: FORBEARING, charitable, clement, easy, lenient, merciful, tolerant Sample:The indulgent parents spoil their children by giving in to their every whim.


adj. 组成的;整的,必须的构成整体所必须的;应有的: essential to completeness:CONSTITUENT integral<>superfluous 完整的<>多余的 integral<>redundant 应有的<>多余的 integral<>peripheral 整体<>外围 Synonyms: WHOLE, choate, complete, entire, full, perfect Sample:Physical education is an integral part of our curriculum; a sound mind and a sound body are complementary.


adj. 绝种的;熄灭了的 no longer existing extant<>extinct 现存的<>绝种的 extinct<>resuscitated 灭绝的<>使复苏的 extinction<>perpetuation 灭绝<>永存 Sample:If a species of parasite is to survive, the host organisms must live long enough for the parasite to reproduce ; if the host species becomes extinct , so do its parasites. (9504)


adj. 群居的,爱社交的 tending to associate with others of one's kind:SOCIAL gregarious<>aloof 爱社交的<>疏远的 Synonyms: SOCIAL, sociable Sample:Typically, party-throwers are gregarious; hermits are not. grievous [5^ri:vEs] adj.严重伤害的,引起痛苦的 causing or characterized by severe pain, suffering, or sorrow grievous<>slight 引起痛苦的<>轻微的 joyous<>grievous 高兴的<>令人忧伤的 Synonyms: ONEROUS, burdensome, demanding, exacting, exigent, oppressive, superincumbent, taxing, tough, weighty Sample:The death of her brother was a grievous loss.


adj. 耕耘的,栽植的,有教养的 REFINED, EDUCATED feral<>cultivated feral<>cultivated 野生的<>栽植的 cultivate<>cause to wither 栽植<>使枯萎 cultivate<>neglect 培养 <> 忽视 Synonyms: GENTEEL, cultured, polished, refined, urbane, well-bred Sample:The cultivation of the emotion of natsukashii, interpretable as "pleasant sorrow," brings Japanese to Kyoto in the spring, not to savor the cherry blossoms in full bloom but to grieve over the fading, falling flowers.


adj. 联锁的 to become locked together or interconnected interlocking<>independent 联锁的<>独立 Sample:The children interlocked arms and crossed the street as a group.


adj. 肉体的, 肉欲的, 性欲的, 色欲的, 淫荡的 BODILY, CORPOREAL carnal<>spiritual 肉体的<>精神的 Synonyms: BODILY, corporal, corporeal, fleshly, physical, somatic Sample: The public was more interested in carnal pleasures than in spiritual matters.


adj. 肉体的,有形的,物质的 having, consisting of, or relating to a physical material body:as a:not spiritual b:not immaterial or intangible:SUBSTANTIAL corporeal<>intangible/disembodied 有形的<>无形的 spiritual<>corporeal 精神的<>物质的 incorporeal<>incarnate 无实体的<>人体化的 Synonyms: MATERIAL, gross, objective, phenomenal, physical, sensible, substantial, tangible Sample:He was not a churchgoer; he was interested only in corporeal matters.


adj. 肮脏的,褪色的,暗黑的, 邋遢的 SHABBY, SQUALID Synonyms: SHABBY, broken-down, dilapidated, down-at-heel, faded, run-down, seedy, tacky, threadbare, tired Sample:He could find only a dingy room in an old rundown hotel.


adj. 脾气暴躁的,粗野的 marked by a lack of civility or graciousness:SURLY complaisance<>churlishness 彬彬有礼的<>粗野的 genteel<>churlish 有教养的<>粗野的 Synonyms: BOORISH, cloddish, clodhopping, clownish, coarse, loutish, lowbred, uncivilized, uncultured, unpolished Sample:Dismayed by his churlish manners at the party, the girls vowed never to invite him again.


adj. 腐蚀的,腐蚀性的,蚀坏的 tending or having the power to corrode Synonyms: SARCASTIC, acerb, acerbic, archilochian, caustic Sample:The corrosive effect of air pollution on great buildings and statues eventually turns them to powder.


adj. 自由自在的,无拘束的 having no ties:free to move about footloose<>attached 无拘束的<>附着的 Sample:After military service, he was footloose and fancy-free, so he toured Europe.


n. 碎片, 残骸 the remains of something broken down or destroyed Synonyms: REFUSE, garbage, junk, litter, offal, riffraff, rubbish, spilth, trash, waste Sample:A full year after the earthquake in Mexico City, workers were still carting away the debris. debunk [di:5bQNk] v.揭穿真相,暴露 to expose the sham or falseness of debunk<>perpetuate to sham 揭穿真相<>永远的伪装 debunk<>unexposure 暴露<>不揭露 Synonyms: EXPOSE, discover, show up, uncloak, undress, unmask, unshroud Sample:Pointing out that he conhsistently had voted afainst strenghtening antipollution legislation, reporters debunked the candidate's claim that he was a fervent environmentalist. debut [5deIbju:] n.初次登台,初次露面 a first appearance debut<>farewell performance 初次登台<>告别演出 Sample:As a debutante, she was often mentioned in the society columns of the newspapers.


n. 碎石, 堆积物;废墟: a product of disintegration, destruction, or wearing away detritus<>valuable product 堆积物;废墟<>有用的物品 Synonyms: DEBRIS Sample:The road was blocked by the detritus from a rock slide.


n. 磨刀石,抱怨,想念 to make more acute, intense, or effective:WHET hone<>blunt 磨快<>弄钝 Sample:To make shaving easier, he honed his razor with great care. honorarium [RnE5reErIEm] n.酬劳金,谢礼 a payment for a service (as making a speech) on which custom or propriety forbids a Sample:The company paid the teacher an honorarium for the speech she gave to its workers.


n. 礼仪 propriety and good taste in conduct or appearance decorum<>impropriety 礼仪<>不适当 indecorous<>proper 不合礼节的<>适当的 mangy<>decorous 低贱的<>有礼貌的 Synonyms: decency, dignity, etiquette, propriety, seemliness Sample:Many philosophers agree that the verbal aggression of profanity in certain radical newspapers is not trivial or childish, but an assault on decorum essential to the revolutionaries purpose.


n. 礼让, 礼仪, 团结, 联合 friendly social atmosphere:social harmony comity<>enmity 礼仪<>敌意 Synonyms: GOODWILL, amity, benevolence, friendliness, friendship, kindliness Sample:A spirit of comity should exist among nations.


n. 礼貌,谦恭,允许 a courteous act or expression Synonyms: amenity, attention, gallantry Sample:A firm believer in old-fashioned courtesy, Miss Post deprecated the modern tendency to address new acquaintances by their first names.


n. 祖先, 祖宗 forebears<>descendants 祖先<>后代 Synonyms: ancestor, antecedent, ascendant, forefather, primogenitor, progenitor Sample:Reverence for one's forebears (sometimes referred to as ancestor worship) plays an important part in many Oriental cultures.


n. 祖先,祖宗 one from whom a person is descended and who is usually more remote in the line of descent than a grandparent scion<>ancestor 子孙<>祖宗 Synonyms: antecedent(s), ascendant, forebear, forefather, primogenitor, progenitor Sample: He was proud of his genealogy and constantly referred to the achievements of his ancestors..


n. 祝福 the invocation of a blessing curse<>benediction 诅咒,咒语<>祝福 Synonyms: BLESSING , benison Sample:Scrooge later became Tiny Tim's benefactor and gave him a benediction.


n. 禁令 to prohibit especially by legal means ban:protect Sample:The government put a ban on the sale of that drug.


n. 禁运令,封港令 a legal prohibition on commerce Sample:As a result of the embargo, trade with colonies was at a standstill.


n. 离心分离机 a machine using centrifugal force for separating substances of different densities, for removing moisture, or for simulating gravitational effects Sample:At the dairy, we employ a centrifuge to separate cream from milk.


n. 突然一阵,风味 a sudden brief rush of wind Synonyms: OUTBURST, access, burst, eruption, explosion, flare-up, sally Sample:The gusty weather made sailing precarious.


n. 竖琴 a plucked stringed instrument consisting of a resonator, an arched or angled neck that may be supported by a post, and strings of graded length that are perpendicular to the soundboard Sample:She plays the harp in a symphony orchestra.


n. 简介,推荐广告印在书籍封套上的简介 A brief publicity notice, as on a book jacket. prominent actor, as in a single scene of a motion picture.】 Synonyms: PUFF , plug, write-up Sample:The famous writer wrote a blurb about the new author to put on the book jacket.


n. 简要,概略 a brief summary of a larger work or of a field of knowledge:ABSTRACT {recapitulation:lengthy} Synonyms: digest, pandect, sketch, survey, syllabus Sample:Because the report contained much more information than the reviewers needed to see, the author was asked to submit a compendium instead.


n. 算盘 an instrument for performing calculations by sliding counters along rods or in grooves


n. 类似,相似,类比,类推 a:resemblance in some particulars between things otherwise unlike:SIMILARITY b:comparison based on such resemblance disparate<>analogous 不同的<>类似的 Synonyms: LIKENESS, affinity, alikeness, comparison, resemblance, semblance, similarity, simile, similitude Sample:Your analogy is not a good one because the two situations are not similar.


n. 精神紧张v. 使忧虑;使痛苦 义关系) Synonyms: aggrieve, constrain, grieve, hurt, injure, pain Sample:I am afraid you will have to alter your roseate views in the light of the distressing news that has just arrived.


n. 精英论,优秀人士统治 leadership or rule by an elite ellipsis [I5lIpsIs] n 省略 the omission of one or more words that are obviously understood but that must be supplied to make a construction grammatically complete 区别:elliptical (adj.椭圆的)ellipse (n. 椭圆) Sample:Sometimes an ellipsis can lead to a dangling modifier, as in the sentence "Once dressed, you should refrigerate the potato salad.


n. 系谱,宗谱,家系 an account of the descent of a person, family, or group from an ancestor or from older forms Sample:He was proud of his genealogy and constantly referred to the achievements of his ancestors.


n. 纷乱,纠葛,纷扰,一团糟 a violently confused or bitterly complicated altercation:EMBROILMENT Synonyms: QUARREL, altercation, bickering, dispute, embroilment, falling-out, miff, row, spat, squabble Sample:He was called in to settle the imbroglio but failed to bring harmony into the situation.


n. 纹章 to publish widely:PROCLAIM blazon<>efface 宣布<>抹掉 diffidence<>blazonness 缺乏自信<>夸示 Sample:The company name is emblazoned in big letters on their office building.


n. 纹章,纹章学,军械库,兵工厂 a place where arms and military equipment are stored Synonyms: arsenal, depot, dump, magazine Sample:An armory often serves as a military headquarters.


n. 细软,精致,精美的食品,娇气 the quality or state of being dainty:FINENESS 【注: 此题争议很大, 已经由机考判分数据确认准确答 案: delicacy<>crudity 精致<>粗制 husky<>delicate 粗糙的<>精致的 Synonyms: bonne bouche, dainty, goody, kickshaw, morsel, treat Sample:The diplomat, selected for her demonstrated patience and skill in conducting such delicate negotiations, declined to make a decision during the talks because any sudden commitment at that time would have been inopportune.


n. 终止 ,搁置 abeyance<>continuance 中止<>继续 disease that killed 4,000 Philadelphians in 1793, and so decimated Memphis, Tennessee, that the city lost its charter, has reappeared after nearly two decades in abeyance in the Western Hemisphere.


n. 终结句,乐章结尾部,完结部 a concluding musical section that is formally distinct from the main structure coda<>overture 乐章结尾<>前奏 Sample:The piece concluded with a distinctive coda that strikingly brought together various motifs.


n. 绘制地图者 one that makes maps Sample:Though not a professional cartographer, Tolkien was able to construct a map of the fictional world. ] n. 演员阵容,投掷,性质 vt.选派(演员),铸造,安排(节目) the set of actors in a dramatic production; to assign a certain role to (an actor) Sample:The director cast a famous actress in the leading role.


n. 缓冲器,满杯,丰收 a device for absorbing shock or preventing damage Sample:The car bumper hit the wall.


n. 缺乏,不足 an amount that is lacking or inadequate:SHORTAGE surfeit<>deficiency 过度<>缺乏 Synonyms: FAILURE, defalcation, deficit, inadequacy, insufficience, insufficiency, lack, scantiness, shortage, underage Sample:Yet Waizer's argument , however deficient , does point to one of the most serious weak- nesses of capitalism-namely,that it brings to predominant positions in a society people who,no matter how legitimately they have earned their material rewards, often lack those other qualities that evoke affection or admiration. defile [di:5faIl] v.弄污,弄脏 n.(山间)小道 a narrow passage or gorge Synonyms: CONTAMINATE, pollute, soil, taint Sample:The hoodlums defiled the church with their scurrilous writing.


n. 缺乏,粮食不足,饥谨 an inadequate supply:LACK plethora<>dearth 过剩<>缺乏 spate<>dearth 大量<>缺乏 copious<>dearth/sparse 丰富的<>稀少的 cornucopia<>dearth 丰富<>少量 Synonyms: ABSENCE, default, defect, lack, miss, privation, want Sample:The dearth of skilled labor compelled the employers to open trade schools.


n. 缺口 to make a breach in breach<>solder 毁坏<>补修 solder<>breach 焊合<>破裂 Synonyms: GAP , break, discontinuity, hole, opening, fissure, fracture, rent, rift, rupture, schism, split, hiatus, interim, interruption, interval Sample:They found a breach in the enemy's fortifications and penetrated their lines.


n. 罪行,内疚 feelings of culpability especially for imagined offenses or from a sense of inadequacy:SELF-REPROACH Synonyms: BLAME, culpability, fault, onus Sample:This salesman is guilty of hyperbole in describing his product; it is wise to discount his claims.


n. 美食家 a connoisseur of food and drink; broadly :CONNOISSEUR Sample:The gourmet stated that this was the best onion soup she had ever tasted.


n. 美食家 one with sensitive and discriminating tastes especially in food or wine Synonyms: bon vivant, gastronome, gastronomer, gastronomist, gourmand, gourmet Sample:epicures frequent this restaurant because it features exotic wines and dishes.


n. 羞耻,屈辱 deep personal humiliation and disgrace ignominious<>lofty 可耻的<>崇高的 ignominy<>glory, honor; esteem, respect 耻辱<>光荣 Synonyms: DISGRACE, discredit, disesteem, dishonor, disrepute, infamy, obloquy, odium, opprobrium, shame Sample:The country smarted under the ignominious defeat and dreamed of the day when it would be victorious.


n. 群岛,多岛海 an expanse of water with many scattered islands Sample:When he looked at the map and saw the archipelagoes in the South Seas, he longed to visit them.


n. 老资格,首席 a:the senior member of a body or group b:a person considered to be knowledgeable or uniquely skilled as a result of long experience in some field of endeavor Synonyms: EXPERT, artist, authority, master, master-hand, maven, passed master, proficient, virtuoso Sample:She is the doyenne of Washington society.


n. 耳栓 device of pliable material for insertion into the outer opening of the ear (as to keep out water or deaden sound) Sample:She wears earplugs when she swims.


n. 背教,变节,脱党 renunciation of a religious faith apostasy<>fidelity 变节<>忠诚 Synonyms: DEFECTION, desertion, falseness, recreancy, tergiversation Sample:Because he switched from one party to another, his former friends shunned him as an apostate. apostrophe n书写中撇号(')(表示省略或所有格) a mark ' used to indicate the omission of letters or figures, the possessive case, or the plural of letters or figures Sample:An apostrophe is used in contractions ("isn't," "doesn't") and in possessives ("that man's wife").


n. 背离 noticeable or marked departure from accepted norms of behavior Synonyms: aberration, deflection, departure, divergence, diversion, turning Sample:Rousseau's short discourse, a work that was generally consistent with the cautious, unadorned prose of the day, deviated from that prose style in its unrestrained discussion of the physical sciences.


n. 脚镣,束缚 to restrain from motion, action, or progress enfranchise<>enfetter 解放<>束缚 liberalistic<>enfetterist 自由主义的<>束缚 fetter<>free 束缚<>解放 management<>unfettered liberty 管理<>没有约束的自由 Synonyms: shackle, bond(s), chain, gyve(s), iron(s) Sample:Liberty is not easy, but far better to be an unfettered fox, hungry and threatened on its hill, than a well-fed canary, safe and secure in its cage.


n. 膨胀 the act of distending or the state of being distended especially unduly or abnormally distention<>compression 膨胀<>压缩


n. 自由作家;自由记者 a person who pursues a profession without a long-term commitment to any one employer


n. 舞蹈,舞蹈编排 the composition and arrangement of dances especially for ballet 不是建造】 不是建造】 Sample:Martha Graham introduced a form of choreography that seemed awkward and alien to those who had been brought up on classic ballet.


n. 良心的责备,后悔,悔恨 anxiety arising from awareness of guilt compunction<>absence of misgiving { animosity } 后悔<>没有疑虑 Synonyms: PENITENCE, attrition, contriteness, contrition, penance, penitency, remorse, repentance, rue, ruth Sample:The judge was especially severe in this sentencing because he felt that the criminal had shown no compunction for his heinous crime.


n. 节俭;耕种;家政 the control or judicious use of resources:CONSERVATION husband<>squander 节俭地使用<>浪费 husbandry<>prodigality 节俭<>浪费 husbandry<>waste 节俭<>浪费 Synonyms: ECONOMY, forehandedness, frugality, providence, prudence, thrift, thriftiness Sample:He accumulated his small fortune by diligence and husbandry.


n. 芭蕾舞 a theatrical art form using dancing, music, and scenery to convey a story, theme, or atmosphere Sample:Martha Graham introduced a form of choreography that seemed awkward and alien to those who had been brought up on classic ballet.


n. 苦差事,苦工 dull, irksome, and fatiguing work:uninspiring or menial labor drudgery<>rewarding work 苦差事<>美差 Synonyms: donkeywork, grind, labor, plugging, toil, travail Sample:Cinderella's fairy godmother rescued her from a life of drudgery.


n. 苦行者 austere in appearance, manner, or attitude sybarite<>ascetic 沉于奢侈逸乐者<>苦行者 voluptuary<>ascetic 耽于酒色的<>苦行的 indulgent<>ascetic 放纵的<>苦行的 ascetic<>voluptuary 禁欲者,苦行者<>酒色之徒 ascetic<>sumptuous 苦行的<>奢侈的 hedonist/hedonic<>ascetic 享乐主义者<>禁欲者 ascetic<>sumptuous 禁欲<>奢侈 Synonyms: SEVERE, astringent, austere, mortified, stern Sample:The wealthy young man could not understand the ascetic life led by the monks.


n. 菌类,蘑菇 any of a major group (Fungi) of saprophytic and parasitic spore-producing organisms usually classified as plants that lack chlorophyll and include molds, rusts, mildews, smuts, mushrooms, and yeasts


n. 蒸馏 the process of purifying a liquid by successive evaporation and condensation Sample:Vodka is a distillate of wheat, corn, or potatoes.


n. 虻,牛虻,讨厌的人 a person who stimulates or annoys especially by persistent criticism Sample:Like a gadfly, he irritated all the guests at the hotel; within forty eight hours, everyone regarded him as an annoying busybody.


n. 蜂房,闹区,蜜蜂群 a place swarming with activity Sample:The stock exchange is a hive of activity.


n. 衣服;服装,衣着 an article of clothing Synonyms: clothe, apparel, array, attire, clad, dress, enclothe, garb, raiment Sample:She always discarded all garments that were no longer modish.


n. 表面磨损,因摩擦而损伤 a wearing, grinding, or rubbing away by friction abrade<>augment 磨损<>增加


n. 衰落,颓废 the process of becoming decadent:the quality or state of being decadent decadence<>wholesomeness 颓废<>健康 Synonyms: DETERIORATION, declension, declination, decline, degeneracy, degeneration, devolution, downfall, downgrade Sample:The moral decadence of the people was reflected in the lewd literature of the period.


n. 裂缝 , 隙口 a usually V-shaped indented formation:a hollow between ridges or protuberances Synonyms: RAVINE, arroyo, chasm, clough, clove, gap, gorge, gulch Sample:Erosion caused a cleft in the huge boulder.


n. 角,角质,喇叭 a wind instrument used in a jazz band; especially :TRUMPET Sample:The habitat of the horned viper, a particularly venomous snake, is in sandy regions like the Sahara or the Sinai peninsula.


n. 解毒剂,解药 a remedy to counteract the effects of poison Synonyms: REMEDY, corrective, counteractant, counteractive, counteragent, countermeasure, counterstep, cure Sample:We must seek an antidote for whatever toxic substance he has eaten.


n. 解释者, 说明者, 代表者, 典型, 指数 one that expounds or interprets Synonyms: advocate, champion, expounder, proponent, supporter Sample:She is an exponent of vegetarianism.


n. 警句,讽刺短诗 a concise poem dealing pointedly and often satirically with a single thought or event and often ending with an ingenious turn of thought Sample:Reading the epigrams of Pope, I admire the economy of his verse:in few words he conveys worlds of meaning.


n. 警告; 防止误解的说明 a warning enjoining one from certain acts or practices Synonyms: WARNING, admonition, caution, forewarning, monition


n. 认可,嘉许 COMMENDATION, PRAISE execration<>approbation 咒骂<>嘉许 Synonyms: approval, benediction, blessing, favor, OK (or okay) Sample:A number of writers who once greatly disparaged the literary critic have recently recanted, substituting approbation for their former criticism.


n. 认识论 the study or a theory of the nature and grounds of knowledge especially with reference to its limits and validity Sample:"What is more important, a knowledge of nature of the nature of knowledge?" the epistemologist asked the naturalist.


n. 让步 something, such as a point previously claimed in argument, that is later conceded concession<>aggress 让步<>侵犯 Synonyms: ALLOWANCE Sample: Before they could reach an agreement, both sides had to make certain concessions.


n. 论文 an extended usually written treatment of a subject; specifically :one submitted for a doctorate Synonyms: DISCOURSE, disquisition, memoir, monograph, monography, thesis, tractate, treatise Sample:After years of writing it, her doctoral dissertation was accepted and she received her Ph.D.


n. 讽刺或滑稽的戏剧 mockery usually by caricature Sample:The caricatures he drew always emphasized personal weaknesses of the people he burlesqued.


n. 讽刺画,滑稽模仿 exaggeration by means of often ludicrous distortion of parts or characteristics Synonyms: MOCKERY, burlesque, farce, mock, sham, travesty, burlesque, parody, takeoff, travesty Sample: The caricatures he drew always emphasized personal weaknesses of the people he burlesqued.


n. 诅咒, 咒逐, [宗]革出教门, 被咒逐的人(物) the denunciation of something as accursed panegyric<>anathema 赞扬<>咒逐 anathema<>blessing 诅咒<>祝福 Synonyms: CURSE , commination, imprecation, malediction, malison Sample:He heaped anathema upon his foe.


n. 诗集,文选 a collection of selected literary pieces or passages or works of art or music Synonyms: album, ana, analects, florilegium, garland, miscellany, omnibus, posy Sample:She received an anthology of the works of 20th century American poets as a gift for her birthday. antic adj 古怪的,笨拙的 ,奇特的, 滑稽可笑的 characterized by clownish extravagance or absurdity Synonyms: PRANK, caper, dido(es), frolic, lark, monkeyshine(s), shenanigan, shine(s), tomfoolery, trick Sample:I can watch the Marx brothers' zany antics for hours.


n. 说教,训诫 a lecture or discourse on or of a moral theme 区别:homely(adj.家常的;不好看的) Sample:His speeches were always homilies, advising his listeners to repent and reform.


n. 说明,字幕,标题 the part of a legal document that shows where, when, and by what authority it was taken, found, or executed Synonyms: legend, underline Sample:I find the captions that accompany these cartoons very clever and humorous.


n. 课程,一组相关的专业课程 A group of related courses, often in a special field of study: 【注:menu:a list of the dishes that may be ordered (as at a restaurant) or that are to be served (as at a banquet) 强调:一组】 Sample:Unfortunately, since courses in nutrition are often neglected in medical school curriculums. a family physician is unlikely to be an enlightening source of general information about diet.


n. 谎言,虚假 absence of truth or accuracy Synonyms: FALLACY, erroneousness, error, fallaciousness, falseness, falsity, untruth Synonyms: FALLACY, erroneousness, error, fallaciousness, falseness, falsity, untruth Sample:The boy's father punished him for telling a falsehood.


n. 谷仓,积蓄 a:GRANARY b:a grain bin Synonyms: reap, gather, harvest, ingather, clean, cull, extract, gather, pickup, accumulate, amass, cumulate, hive, lay up, roll up, stockpile, store(up), uplay Sample:She hoped to garner the world's literature in one library. garrulous [5^ArJlEs] adj.唠叨的,多话的 given to prosy, rambling, or tedious loquacity:pointlessly or annoyingly talkative Synonyms: talktive, babblative, chatty, loose-lipped, loose-tongued, loquacious, multiloquent, talky, tonguey Sample:Many club members avoided the company of the garrulous junior executive because his contant chatter bored them to tears.


n. 谷壳,糠,揶揄 the seed coverings and other debris separated from the seed in threshing grain Synonyms: BANTER, fun, jest, joke, jolly, josh, kid, rag, razz, rib Sample:When you separate the wheat from the chaff, be sure you throw out the chaff. chagrin [FE5^ri:n]n. 懊恼, 气愤, 委屈 disquietude or distress of mind caused by humiliation, disappointment, or failure chagrin<>elated 懊恼<>兴高采烈的 【注:词性不符】 chagrin<>cheerful 懊恼<>高兴的 chagrin<>proud satisfaction 气恼<>非常满足 Sample:He made a bad mistake, much to his chagrin.


n. 质询,调查 examination into facts or principles:RESEARCH Synonyms: delving, inquest, inquisition, investigation, probe, probing, quest, research Sample:Superficial differences between the special problems and techniques of the Sample:Superficial differences between the special problems and techniques of the physical sciences and those of the biological sciences are sometimes cited as evidence for the autonomy of biology and for the claim that the methods of physics are therefore not adequate to biological inquiry.


n. 贮水器,水槽,水箱 an artificial reservoir (as an underground tank) for storing liquids and especially water (as rainwater) Sample:A cistern in the village catches and holds rainwater.


n. 贿赂,收买 to induce or influence by or as if by bribery Sample:Although competitors offered him bribes, he refused to disclose any information about his company's forthcoming product. information about his company's forthcoming product.


n. 资产,有用的东西 the entire property of a person, association, corporation, or estate applicable or subject to the payment of debts asset<>liability 资产<>债务 Synonyms: capital, resources, wealth Sample:That company's assets are $1 million, and it owes $700,000, so its net assets are $300,000. assiduous [E5sIdVJEs] adj.勤勉的,专心的 marked by careful unremitting attention or persistent application 刻苦的:粗心的=正直:不诚实(反义关系) 【注:词性不符】 assiduous<>remiss 勤勉的<>玩忽职守的 assiduous<>remiss/desultory 勤勉的<>玩忽职守的/散漫的 assiduous<>slipshod 勤勉的<>草率的 Synonyms: busy, industrious, diligent, sedulous Sample:The Chinese, who began systematic astronomical and weather observations shortly after the ancient Egyptians, were assiduous record-keepers, and because of this, can claim humanity's longest continuous documentation of natural events.


n. 赎罪, 补偿 the act of making atonement Sample:He tried to expiate his crimes by a full confession to the authorities.


n. 赔偿,补偿,保护 security against hurt, loss, or damage Sample:The city will indemnify all home owners whose property is spoiled by this project. Synonyms: REPARATION, amends, compensation, indemnification, quittance, recompense, redress, reprisal, restitution


n. 赝品,伪造品 made in imitation of something else with intent to deceive:FORGED Synonyms: ASSUME, act, affect, bluff, fake, feign, pretend, put on, sham, simulate Sample:Criminals counterfeited the $20 bills by printing them secretly.


n. 赞美诗,圣歌;赞歌 a song of praise or joy Synonyms: SONG, aria, descant, ditty, lay, lied


n. 起抑制作用的因素, 节气闸, 断音装置 a dulling or deadening influence damper<>ameliorate 抑制因素<>改进 【注;词性不符】 Sample:Their child is sick, and that puts a damper on their vacation plans. dandy [5dAndI] n.花花公子,好打扮的人 a man who gives exaggerated attention to personal appearance Synonyms: FOP, Beau Brummel, blood, buck, coxcomb, dude, exquisite, lounge lizard, Synonyms: FOP, Beau Brummel, blood, buck, coxcomb, dude, exquisite, lounge lizard, macaroni, popinjay Sample:That man is quite a dandy; he always wears expensive new clothes.


n. 踌躇,犹豫 the quality or state of being hesitant:as a:INDECISION b:RELUCTANCE alacrity<>dilatoriness/hesitance 敏捷<>迟缓/犹豫 impetuosity<>hesitance/vacillation 性急<>踌躇 Sample:She hesitated to intrude on their conversation.


n. 车轴,,中心 the central part of a circular object (as a wheel or propeller) Sample:The spokes of the wheel diverge from the hub.


n. 软弱,没气力 not firm or stiff; also :lacking normal or youthful firmness flaccidity<>firmness 软弱<>坚固 Synonyms: limp, flabby, flimsy, floppy, sleazy Sample:Noting the murder victim's flaccid musculature and pearlike figure, she deduced that the unfortunate fellow had earned his living in some sedentary occupation.


n. 轻视,轻蔑 the act of despising:the state of mind of one who despises:DISDAIN 模范:钦佩:贱民:轻视 (动作及其对象关系) estimable<>contemptible 可尊敬的<>可轻视的 deify<>watch with contempt 神化<>蔑视 Synonyms: DESPITE, despisal, despisement, disdain, disparagement, scorn Sample:Marshal Philippe Pertain, unlike any other French citizen of this century, has been, paradoxically, the object of both great veneration and great contempt.


n. 辉煌的成就; 喝采; 名声 brilliant or conspicuous success eclat<>fiasco 大成功<>大失败 Synonyms: FAME, celebrity, notoriety, renown, rep, reputation, repute


n. 辩护士(尤指卫护基督教教义的辩护者) one who speaks or writes in defense of someone or something apologist<>critic/detractor 辩护者<>批评家/诽谤者 Sample:The woman accepted his apology for spilling coffee on her dress.


n. 迅速 promptness and efficiency in performance or transmission dispatch<>leisureliness 迅速<>悠然, 从容 Sample:He performs his duties with dispatch by quickly doing what his boss asks.


n. 过去的事,往事 gone by:PAST; especially:OUTMODED Synonyms: OLD-FASHIONED, antiquated, antique, archaic, belated, dated, oldfangled, old-time, out-of-date Sample:We used to argue all the time, but now we have let bygones be bygones and are friends.


n. 远征,探险队,迅速 efficient promptness:SPEED expedition<>foot dragging 迅速<>脚步拖沓 Synonyms: HASTE, celerity, dispatch, expeditiousness, hurry, hustle, rustle, speed, speediness, swiftness Sample:Although the ostensible purpose of this expedition is to discover new lands, we are really interested in finding new markets for our products.


n. 适意,温和,礼仪 something that conduces to comfort, convenience, or enjoyment Synonyms: agreeability, agreeableness, amiability, cordiality, enjoyableness, geniality, gratefulness, pleasance, pleasantness, sweetness and light Sample:The host of the party began with the usual amenities of introducing himself and his guests.


n. 道德规范 the discipline dealing with what is good and bad and with moral duty and obligation Sample:Forget about ethics! He's such an opportunist that he'll vote in favor of any deal that will give him a break.


n. 遗弃物,被遗弃的人,玩忽职守者 a destitute homeless social misfit:VAGRANT, BUM derelict<>pillar of society 被遗弃的人<>国之栋梁 Synonyms: OUTCAST, castaway, Ishmael, Ishmaelite, leper, offscouring, pariah, untouchable Sample:Derelicts often beg on the streets.


n. 遗赠物,遗产,遗赠 something bequeathed:LEGACY Synonyms: LEGACY , devise, inheritance Sample:Though many medieval women possessed devotional books that had belonged to their mothers, formal written evidence of women bequeathing books to their daughters is scarce, which suggests that such bequests were customary and required no documentation.


n. 避难所;安全的地方 a place of safety : ASYLUM haven<>unsafe place 避难所<>不安全的地方 Synonyms SHELTER , asylum, cover, covert, harbor, harborage, port, refuge, retreat, sanctuary


n. 邪恶,不公正 gross injustice:WICKEDNESS iniquity<>rectitude/disinterestedness 不公正<>公正/不偏袒 Synonyms: EVIL, crime, diablerie, sin, tort, wrong, wrongdoing Sample:I cannot approve of the iniquitous methods you used to gain your present position.


n. 鉴赏家,行家 EXPERT; especially :one who understands the details, technique, or principles of an art and is competent to act as a critical judge Synonyms: aesthete, cognoscente, dilettante Sample:She had developed into a connoisseur of fine china.


n. 银河,星系,一群显赫的人物 an assemblage of brilliant or notable persons or things Sample:Unlike the easily studied neutral and ionized materials that compose the primary disk of the Milky Way itself, the components of the region surrounding our galaxy have proved more resistant to study.


n. 错误的观念或信念,谬见,谬论 a:a false or mistaken idea b:erroneous character:ERRONEOUSNESS verifiable<>fallacious 可证实的<>错误的 fallacious<>sound/valid/veritable 错误的<>合理的/正确的/可证实的 fallacy<>valid argument 错误观念<>正确的论点 fallacious<>veracious 假的<>真实的 Synonyms: erroneousness, error, fallaciousness, falsehood, falseness, falsity, untruth Sample:There must be a fallacy in this syllogism; I cannot accept its conclusion.


adj. 节约的,节俭的 characterized by or reflecting economy in the use of resources frugality<>extravagancy 节俭<>奢侈 prodigal<>frugal 浪费的<>节省的 frugal<>sumptuous 节俭的<>奢侈的 Synonyms: sparing, canny, chary, economical, saving, Scotch, stewardly, thrifty, unwasteful, wary Sample:She is most frugal in matters of business, but in her private life she reveals a Sample:She is most frugal in matters of business, but in her private life she reveals a streak of prodigality. frustrate [5frQstret] v.挫败,使沮丧 a:to balk or defeat in an endeavor b:to induce feelings of discouragement in frustrate<>abet 使沮丧:唆使 Synonyms: baffle, balk, beat, bilk, buffalo, circumvent, dash, disappoint, foil, ruin, thwart; Sample:Eric was frustrated because, although he was adept at making lies sound plausible, when telling the truth, he lacked the power to make himself believed. full-bodied [ful-5bCdid] adj. 味道浓郁的 imparting to the palate the general impression of substantial weight and rich texture Synonyms: strong, concentrated, lusty, potent, robust Sample:That red wine has a full-bodied taste.


adj. 苛求的,吃力的 tryingly or unremittingly severe in making demands condone<>exact 宽恕<>强求 Synonyms: ONEROUS, burdensome, demanding, exigent, grievous, oppressive, taxing, tough, trying, weighty Sample:The colonies rebelled against the exacting financial claims of the mother country.


adj. 英勇的, 豪侠的, 堂皇的, 壮丽的, 华丽的, 对妇女献殷勤的 nobly chivalrous and often self-sacrificing gallant<>craven 英勇的<>胆小的 Synonyms BRAVE, bold, bravehearted, dauntless, game, heroic, lionhearted, manful, Synonyms BRAVE, bold, bravehearted, dauntless, game, heroic, lionhearted, manful, manly, stouthearted


adj. 虔诚的,虔敬的,衷心的 devoted to religion or to religious duties or exercises impiety<>devoutness 不虔诚<>虔诚 Synonyms: godly, holy, pietistic, pious, prayerful, religious Sample:She is a devout Catholic


adj. 衣冠楚楚的;干净的 neat and trim in appearance dapper<>frowsy 干净的<>肮脏的 unkempt<>dapper 不整洁的<>干净的 slovenly<>dapper 邋遢的<>整齐的 Synonyms: bandbox, doggish, doggy, natty, sassy, sparkish, spiffy, spruce, sprucy, wellgroomed Sample:In "The Odd Couple," Tony Randall played Felix Unger, an excessively dapper soul who could not stand to have a hair out of place.


adj. 补助的, 副的 SUBORDINATE, SUBSIDIARY ancillary<>paramount 辅助的,次要的<>最主要的 Synonyms: AUXILIARY, accessory, adjuvant, appurtenant, collateral, contributory, subservient, subsidiary Sample: In an ancillary capacity Doctor Watson was helpful; however, Holmes could not trust the good doctor to solve a perplexing case on his own.


adj. 表面弯曲如球的外侧, 凸起的 curved or rounded like the exterior of a sphere convex<>dent 凸起<>凹陷 Sample:He polished the convex lens of his telescope.


adj. 衰老的,破旧的 wasted and weakened by or as if by the infirmities of old age decrepit<>vigorous 衰老的<>健壮的 decrepit<>sturdy 衰老的<>健壮的 decrepit<>sound 衰老的<>健康的 decrepit<>robust 衰老的<>健壮的 decrepid<>hale 衰老的<>强壮的 Synonyms: WEAK, feeble, flimsy, fragile, frail, infirm, insubstantial, unsound, unsubstantial, weakly unsubstantial, weakly Sample:I was unprepared for the state of decrepitude in which I had found my old friend; he seemed to have aged twenty years in six months.


adj. 衰老的,虚弱的,精疲力尽的 having lost character, vitality, or strength effete<>hale/sound 衰弱的<>强壮的 Synonyms: STERILE, barren, impotent, infecund, infertile, unfruitful ,depleted, done, done in, drained, exhausted, far-gone, spent, used up, washed-out, worn-out, decadent, decayed, degenerate, overripe Sample:The literature of the age reflected the effete condition of the writers; no new ideas were forthcoming.


adj. 被强迫的,拘泥的,不舒服的 to appoint to an office, function, or dignity constrain<>release 束缚<>释放 束缚<>释放 intemperate<>constrained 不节制的<>节制的 Synonyms: RESERVED, incommunicable, noncommittal, restrained Sample:The role those anthropologists ascribe to evolution is not of dictating the details of human behavior but one of imposing constraints—ways of feeling,thinking,and acting that "come naturally" in archetypal situations in any culture.


adj. 认真的,诚恳的 characterized by or proceeding from an intense and serious state of mind facetious<>earnest 爱开玩笑的<>认真的 Synonyms: intentness, serious-mindedness, seriousness Sample:They began to work in earnest when the boss arrived.


adj. 讨厌的,麻烦的,累赘的 unwieldy because of heaviness and bulk cumbersome<>easy to handle 麻烦的<>容易处理的 Synonyms: UNWIELDY, cumbrous, ponderous, unhandy Sample:He was burdened down with cumbersome parcels.


adj. 该受谴责的 meriting condemnation or blame especially as wrong or harmful culpable<>innocent/above reproach 该受谴责的<>无罪的 Synonyms: BLAMEWORTHY, blamable, blameful, demeritorious, guilty, reprehensible Sample:Corrupt politicians who condone the activities of the gamblers are equally culpable.


adj. 谦逊的,故意屈尊的,叫人领情似的 showing or characterized by condescension:PATRONIZING Sample:The action and charades in a melodrama can be so immediately classified that all observers can hiss the villain with an air of smug but enjoyable condescension.


adj. 象的,巨大的,粗笨的 having enormous size or strength:MASSIVE microscopic<>elephantine 极微细的<>巨大的 Synonyms: HUGE, behemothic, colossal, enormous, gargantuan, gigantic, mammoth, mastodonic, monstrous, prodigious


adj. 贫乏的,穷困的 suffering from indigence:IMPOVERISHED indigent<>affluent 贫乏的<>富裕 Synonyms: POOR, destitute, dirt poor, impecunious, impoverished, necessitous, needy, penniless, penurious, poverty-stricken Sample:Neither the economists nor the political scientists have found a way to wipe out the inequities of wealth and eliminate indigence from our society. indispensability n. 不可缺少 absolutely necessary:ESSENTIAL indispensable<>trivial 不可缺少的<>微不足道的 indoctrinate [In5dRktrIneIt] v.灌输思想 to instruct especially in fundamentals or rudiments:TEACH Sample:The Marines indoctrinate new soldiers into the ways of military life.


adj. 贫血的, 患贫血症的 lacking force, vitality, or spirit anemic<>strong/hale 贫血的<>强壮的/健康的 Synonyms: PALE, bloodless, pallid, waterish, watery


adj. 贬损的 expressive of a low opinion:DISPARAGING Synonyms: depreciative, depreciatory, detracting, disadvantageous, disparaging, dyslogistic, pejorative, slighting, uncomplimentary Sample:The two candidates for mayor criticized each other's ideas, but without making derogatory remarks.


adj. 费劲的, 辛勤的, 险峻的 hard to accomplish or achieve:DIFFICULT arduous<>facile 费劲的<>易做到的 Synonyms: HARD, difficult, effortful, labored, laborious, operose, rough, strenuous, toilsome, uphill Sample:There is something incongruous about the way the building of monasteries proliferated in eighteenth-century Bavaria, while in the rest of the Western world religious ardor was diminishing and church building was consequently declining.


adj. 起初的,发端的,初期的 beginning to come into being or to become apparent incipient<>full-blown/full realized 初期的<>成熟的/完全实现的 incipience<>full-blown 开端<>完全发展 Synonyms: INITIAL, beginning, inceptive, initiative, initiatory, introductory, nascent Sample:Within the next decade, sophisticated telescopes now orbiting the Earth will determine whether the continents really are moving, forestalling the incipient rift among geologists about the validity of the theory of continental drift.


adj. 起泡的, 多泡的, 空洞的 gaily frivolous or light in content or treatment:INSUBSTANTIAL frothy<>weighty 空洞的<>沉重的


adj. 趋集于一点的,会聚性的,收敛的 tending to move toward one point or to approach each other:CONVERGING convergent<>moving apart 趋集于一点的<>移动开 discrepancy<>convergence 分散<>聚合 converge<>spread out 聚合<>展开 Synonyms: converging , confluent Sample:Marchers converged on Washington for the great Save Our Cities-Save Our Children Marc


adj. 跛的,蹒跚的,犹豫的 marked by a lack of sureness or effectiveness fluent<>halting 流畅的<>蹒跚的 Synonyms: AWKWARD, bumbling, clumsy, gauche, inept, lumbering, maladroit, unhandy, unhappy, wooden Sample:Novice extemporaneous speakers often talk in a halting fashion as they grope for the right words. ham-handed adj.笨手笨脚的 lacking dexterity or grace:HEAVY-HANDED ham-handed<>deft/adroit 笨手笨脚的<>敏捷熟练的/灵巧的 Synonyms: AWKWARD, bumbling, clumsy, gauche, halting, heavy-handed, inept, maladroit, unhandy, wooden


adj. 轻佻的,妄动的,琐碎的 intensely cold grandeur<>frivolous 庄严<>轻佻的 frivolous<>sober 轻佻的<>冷静的 temperance<>frivolous 节制<>轻佻的【词性不符】 Synonyms: giddy, bird-witted, dizzy, empty-headed, featherbrained, flighty, harebrained, rattlebrained Sample:Though Nancy enjoyed Bill's frivolous, lighthearted companionship, she sometimes wondered whether he could ever be serious.


adj. 轻信的, 易受骗的 ready to believe especially on slight or uncertain evidence Synonyms: unsuspecting, unsuspicious, unwary Sample:When Jack claimed he hadn't eaten the jelly doughnut, Jill took an incredulous look at his smeared face and laughed.


adj. 轻浮的,好开玩笑的 joking or jesting often inappropriately:WAGGISH facetious<>earnest 滑稽的<>严肃的 facetious<>lugubrious 滑稽的<>可怜的, 悲惨的, 悲哀的 Synonyms: WITTY, humorous, jocose, jocular Sample:Your facetious remarks are not appropriate at this serious moment.


adj. 轻率的,欠考虑的,粗心的 FOOLISH Synonyms: GIDDY, dizzy, empty-headed, featherbrained, flighty, frivolous, rattlebrained, scatterbrained, silly, skittish Sample:He has these harebrained ideas for getting rich that always fail.


adj. 轻率的,鲁莽的 not prudent:lacking discretion judicious<>imprudent 判断正确的<>轻率的 区别:impudent (adj. 放肆无礼的,厚颜无耻的) Sample:It is imprudent to exercise vigorously and become overheated when you are unwell.


adj. 轻的,象空气的,天上的 a:lacking material substance:IMMATERIAL, INTANGIBLE b:marked by unusual delicacy or refinement ethereal<>material/ponderous 象空气的<>物资的/有分量的 ponderous<>ethereal/gossamer/lively 沉重的<>轻的/轻薄的/活泼的 Synonyms: AIRY, aerial, vaporous, vapory Sample:Visitors were impressed by her ethereal beauty, her delicate charm.


adj. 辉耀的,华丽的,火焰似的 marked by or given to strikingly elaborate or colorful display or behavior flamboyant<>subdued 辉耀的:柔和的 flamboyant<>understate 辉耀的<>无装饰的 flamboyant<>natural 辉耀的<>自然的 Synonyms: ornate, baroque, florid, luscious, rich, rococo Sample:Thomas Paine, whose political writing was often flamboyant, was in private life a surprisingly simple man:he lived in rented rooms, ate little, and wore drab clothes.


adj. 迂回的路的,迂曲的,绕行的


adj. 迂回的路的,迂曲的,绕行的 not being forthright or direct in language or action circuitous<>direct 迂回<>直接 Synonyms: INDIRECT, circular, collateral, oblique, roundabout Sample:Lacking his code book, the spy was unable to decode the message sent to him


adj. 过份的,过度的 exceeding in intensity, quality, amount, or size the customary or appropriate limits Synonyms: EXCESSIVE , dizzy, extravagant, extreme, immoderate, inordinate, towering, unconscionable, undue, unmeasurable Sample:The people grumbled at his exorbitant prices but paid them because he had a monopoly.


adj. 过分注意的,过分周到的,过分讲究的 extremely or excessively nice, exacting, or meticulous in taste or standards Synonyms: nice, dainty, fastidious, finical, finicking, fussy, particular, pernickety, persnickety, squeamish Sample:The old lady was finicky about her food and ate very little.


adj. 过分要求的, 苛求的 requiring much time, effort, or attention:EXACTING Synonyms: ONEROUS, burdensome, exacting, exigent, grievous, oppressive, taxing, tough, trying, weighty


adj. 违抗的,不服从的 stubbornly disobedient:REBELLIOUS contumacious<>obedient 不服从的<>服从的 Synonyms: INSUBORDINATE, factious, insurgent, mutinous, rebellious, seditious Sample:The contumacious mob shouted defiantly at the police.


adj. 迥然不同的,不可并论的 containing or made up of fundamentally different and often incongruous elements disparate<>like/alike 不同的<>相似的 disparate<>analogous 不同的<>类似的 disparate<>similar 不同的<>相似的 Synonyms: DIFFERENT, dissimilar, distant, divergent, diverse, unalike, unequal, unlike, unsimilar, various Sample:Anthropologists and others are on much firmer ground when they attempt to describe the cultural norms for a small homogeneous tribe or village than when they undertake the formidable task of discovering the norms that exist in a complex modern nation state composed of many disparate groups.


adj. 适当的 especially suitable or compatible:FITTING meet<>inappropriate/unsuitable 合适的<>不适当的/不适合的 apt<>extremely inappropriate 恰当的<>非常的不适当 measured<>inappropriate 整齐的<>不适当的 opportune<>inappropriate 适宜的<>不适当的 Synonyms: FIT , applicable, apt, befitting, felicitous, fitting, just, meet, proper, suitable Sample:The demise of the rigorous academic curriculum in high school resulted, in part, from the progressive rhetoric that sanctioned the study of subjects previously thought inappropriate as part of school learning.


adj. 适当的,恰好的 being both relevant and opportune apropos<>irrelevant { straight, uniform, symmetrical } 恰好的<>不切题的 {直的 , 统一的 , 对称的 } Synonyms: RELEVANT, ad rem, applicable, applicative, applicatory, apposite, germane, material, pertinent, pointful Sample:I find your remarks apropos of the present situation timely and pertinent.


adj. 适当的,恰切的. highly pertinent or appropriate:APT apposite<>extraneous 合适的<>无关的 Synonyms: RELEVANT, ad rem, applicable, applicative, applicatory, apropos, germane, material, pertinent, pointful Sample:He was always able to find the apposite phrase, the correct expression for every occasion.


adj. 选择的,折衷的 selecting what appears to be best in various doctrines, methods, or styles Synonyms: discriminating, select, selective Sample:Despite claims that his philosophy can be traced to a single source, the philosophy in fact draws liberally on several traditions and methodologies and so could justifiably be termed eclectic.


adj. 通俗的 , 与平民有关的;大众化的 Of or relating to the common people; popular demotic<>profound 通俗的<>深刻的 Sample:He lamented the passing of aristocratic society and maintained that a demotic society would lower the nation's standards. demur [dI5m\:(r)] v.表示异议,反对 to take exception:OBJECT 反对:怀疑=不安:动摇(动作及其内心表达) demur<>accept 表示异议<>接受 accede<>demur 同意<>反对 Synonyms: balk, boggle, gag, jib, scruple, shy, stick, stickle, strain, stumble Sample:To demur at this time will only worsen the already serious situation; now is the time for action


adj. 逢迎的,迷人的 capable of winning favor:PLEASING Synonyms: deferential, disarming, ingratiatory, insinuating, insinuative, saccharine, silken, silky Sample:He tried to ingratiate himself into her parents' good graces.


adj. 遇热发光的, 白炽的 strikingly bright, radiant, or clear incandescent<>dull 白炽的<>阴暗的 Synonyms: BRIGHT, beaming, brilliant, effulgent, fulgent, lambent, lucent, luminous, radiant, refulgent Sample:If you leave on an incandescent light bulb, it quickly grows too hot to touch.


adj. 邪恶的,恶意的,有害的 deadly or pernicious in influence bale<>mirth 悲哀<>高兴 Synonyms: sinister, malefic, maleficent, malign Sample:Casting a baleful eye at his successful rival, the rejected suitor stole off, vowing to have his revenge.


adj. 野生的,凶猛的 not domesticated or cultivated:WILD feral<>cultivated 野生的<>栽培的 Synonyms: brutish, animal, beastly, bestial, brutal, brute, ferine, swinish


adj. 钝的,无趣的,呆滞的,阴暗的 lacking brilliance or luster brilliance<>dullness 光辉<>迟钝 perspicuous<>dull 明了的<>不清楚的 resplendent<>dull 灿烂的<>阴暗的 trenchant<>vague/dull 清晰的<>含糊的/迟钝的 perspicacious<>dull { awkard } 敏锐的<>呆滞的 【注:强调思维状态,而非行为特征】 Synonyms: RETARDED, backward, dim-witted, feebleminded, half-witted, imbecile, moronic, simple, simpleminded, slow dim, fade, muddy, pale, tarnish Sample:We need more inquisitive students in this school; lectures are dull.


adj. 镇静的,沉着的 free from agitation:CALM; especially :SELF-POSSESSED distraught<>composed 发狂的<>镇静的 discombobulate<>compose 扰乱<>调解 Synonyms: COOL, collected, disimpassioned, imperturbable, nonchalant, unflappable, unruffled Sample:We must comply with the terms of the covenant.


adj. 长期的,慢性的,惯常的,经常的 always present or encountered; especially :constantly vexing, weakening, or troubling chronic<>sporadic 惯常的<>偶然的 Synonyms: USUAL, accepted, accustomed, customary, habitual, routine, wonted Sample:The doctors were finally able to attribute his chronic headaches and nausea to traces of formaldehyde gas in his apartment.


adj. 阴沉的,昏暗的,忧郁的 low in spirits:MELANCHOLY forthy<>gloomy 性格开朗的<>忧郁的 Synonyms: SULLEN, crabbed, dour, glum, morose, saturnine, sulky, surly, ugly Sample:Do not be misled by his saturnine countenance; he is not as gloomy as he looks.


adj. 阴阳怪气的,谜一般的,高深莫测的 of, relating to, or resembling an enigma:MYSTERIOUS enigmatic<>broadly known { wildly accepted} 高深莫测的<>广为人知的{广为接受的} enigmatic<>readily understood 高深莫测的<>浅显易懂的 Synonyms: CRYPTIC, dark, mystifying Sample:Many have sought to fathom the enigmatic smile of the Mona Lisa.


adj. 陈旧的, 旧式的,过时的 existing since or belonging to earlier times:ANCIENT Synonyms: ANCIENT , aged, age-old, antediluvian, hoary, Noachian, old, timeworn, venerable Sample:Contrary to the antiquated idea that the eighteenth century was a tranquil island of elegant assurance, evidence reveals that life for most people was filled with uncertainty and insecurity.


adj. 随意的,自由裁量的 left to discretion:exercised at one's own discretion discretionary<>obligatory 自由决定的<>强制性的 discretionary<>mandatory 自由决定的<>强制的 discretionary<>preordain 自由决定的<>预定的 Synonyms: OPTIONAL, elective, facultative, nonobligatory Sample:A discretionary account is one where the owner allows a stockbroker to make and act on decisions to trade.


adj. 难以明了的,无形的 not tangible:IMPALPABLE 不可行的:有效的:难以了解的:大家都知道的 (反义关系) corporeal<>intangible 有形的<>无形的 Synonyms: IMPERCEPTIBLE, impalpable, imponderable, inappreciable, indiscernible, insensible, invisible, unapparent, unappreciable, unobservable Sample:Though the financial benefits of his Oxford post were meager, Lewis was drawn to it by its intangible rewards:prestige, intellectual freedom, the fellowship of his peers.


adj. 难宽恕的,难和解的,执拗的 not placable:not capable of being appeased, significantly changed, or mitigated Synonyms: GRIM, ironfisted, merciless, mortal, relentless, ruthless, unappeasable, unflinching, unrelenting, unyielding Sample:Madame Defarge was the implacable enemy of the Evremonde family.


adj. 震耳欲聋的 distressingly loud or shrill Synonyms: blaring, full-mouthed, piercing, roaring, stentorian, stentorious, stentorophonic Sample:The rock music was earsplitting and gave me a headache.


adj. 非常高兴的,欢跃的 filled with or expressing great joy or triumph:JUBILANT abject<>exultant 可怜的<>愉悦的 dejected<>exultant 沮丧的<>愉悦的 exultant<>dejected 愉悦的<>沮丧的 crestfallen<>exultant 垂头丧气的<>欢悦的 exultation<>lamentation 得意<>悲伤 Synonyms: cock-a-hoop, cock-a-whoop, exulting, jubilant, triumphal, triumphant Synonyms: cock-a-hoop, cock-a-whoop, exulting, jubilant, triumphal, triumphant Sample:We exulted when our team won the victory.


adj. 非正统的, 异端的 Not in agreement with accepted beliefs, especially in church doctrine or dogma Sample:To those who upheld the belief that the earth did not move, Galileo's theory that the earth circled the sun was disturbingly heterodox. hidebound [5haIdbaJnd]adj. 营养不良的,死板的,量小的 having an inflexible or ultraconservative character 义关系) Synonyms: ILLIBERAL, bigoted, brassbound, intolerant, narrow, narrow-minded, small-minded, unenlarged hideous [5hIdIEs]adj. 丑恶的,可憎的,可怕的 offensive to the senses and especially to sight:exceedingly ugly pulchritudinous<>hideous 美丽的<>丑陋的 affinity<>aversion/hideousness 吸引力<>厌恶/丑陋 Synonyms: UGLY, ill-favored, ill-looking, unbeautiful, uncomely, unsightly Sample:The horror film was about a hideous monster.


adj. 非物质的,无形的,精神的,不相关的 of no substantial consequence:UNIMPORTANT relevant<>immaterial relevant<>immaterial 有关的<>无关的 immaterial<>pertinent 无关的<>相关的 immaterial<>consequential 不重要的<>重要的 Synonyms: asomatous, bodiless, disbodied, discarnate, disembodied, incorporeal, insubstantial, metaphysical, nonmaterial, nonphysical, spiritual, unbodied, unembodied, unfleshly, unmaterial, unphysical, unsubstantial Sample:That information is immaterial to solving the problem.


adj. 音响好的,悦耳的,和谐的 pleasing to the ear cacophonous<>dulcet/euphonious 发音不和谐的<>悦耳的/和谐的 Synonyms: MELODIOUS, dulcet, euphonic, mellisonant, melodic, sweet, tuneful Sample:Noted for its euphony even when it is spoken, the Italian language is particularly pleasing to the ear when sung.


adj. 顺从的,适应的 ready or disposed to comply:SUBMISSIVE Sample:The design for the new school had to be in compliance with the local building code.


adj. 顽固的 strongly or fanatically determined or devoted Synonyms: CONSERVATIVE, fogyish, old-line, orthodox, reactionary, right, tory, traditionalistic Sample:He's a diehard who always votes Conservative even though the party keeps losing.


adj. 顽固的,顽强的 marked by stubborn determination dogged<>yielded 顽固的,顽强的<>放弃,屈服 dogged<>easily discouraged 顽固的,顽强的<>容易气馁的 Synonyms: INFLEXIBLE, adamant, brassbound, inexorable, obdurate, relentless, rigid, single-minded, steadfast, unbending Sample:Les Miserables tells of Inspector Javert's long, dogged pursuit of the criminal Jean Valjean.


adj. 预想,预期的 to give advance thought, discussion, or treatment to retrospective<>anticipatory 回顾的<>预期的 回顾的<>预期的 Synonyms: EXPECTANT, anticipant, anticipative, atiptoe, expecting Sample:The skeleton of a primitive. bird that was recently discovered indicated that this ancient creature anticipated today's birds in that, unlike earlier birds and unlike reptilian ancestors, it had not a tooth in its head.


adj. 预示灾祸的,启示的 forecasting the ultimate destiny of the world:PROPHETIC apocalyptic<>inconsequential 天启的<>不重要的 Synonyms: PROPHETIC, Delphian, fatidic, mantic, oracular, prophetical, sibylline, vatic, vaticinal Sample:His apocalyptic remarks were dismissed by his audience as wild surmises.


adj. 饮食有度的,有节制的,禁欲的 voluntary forbearance especially from indulgence of an appetite or craving or from eating


adj. 鲁莽的,有勇无谋的 foolishly adventurous and bold:RASH Synonyms: adventurous, adventuresome, audacious, daredevil, daring, rash, reckless, temerarious, venturesome, venturous Sample:Don't be foolhardy. Get the advice of experienced people before undertaking this venture.


adj. 黄铜制的,厚颜无耻的 marked by contemptuous boldness brazen<>modest 厚颜无耻的<>羞怯的 brazen<>self effacing 厚颜无耻的<>害羞的 brazen<>diffident 厚颜无耻的<>缺乏自信的 Synonyms: SHAMELESS, arrant, barefaced, blatant, brassy, brazenfaced, impudent, overbold, unabashed, unblushing, brassy Sample:We could see by his brazen attitude that he was impenitent.


adj. (对身心)有害的,有毒的 harmful often in a subtle or unexpected way wholesome<>deleterious 健康的<>有害的 deleterious<>salutary/salubrious 有害的<>有益的/有益健康的 deleterious<>beneficial 有害的<>有益的 Synonyms: HARMFUL, damaging, detrimental, hurtful, injurious, mischievous, nocent, nocuous, prejudicial, prejudicious Sample:It is a great advantage to be able to transfer useful genes with as little extra gene material as possible, because the donor's genome may contain, in addition to desirable genes, many genes with deleterious effects.


adj. (言词、行为)简略而草率的 sparing of words:TERSE Synonyms: CONCISE, breviloquent, brief, compendiary, compendious, laconic, short, succinct, summary Sample:He asked his boss a question, but got a curt reply, "I have no time for you now!"


adj.上升的, 优越的 governing or controlling influence:DOMINATION ascendant<>having no influence 占优势的<>没有影响力的 ascendant<>having no power 占优势的<>没有影响力的 ascendent<>declining 上升的<>衰退中的 ascendant<>nonentity 优势<>无足轻重 Synonyms: SUPREMACY, ascendancy, dominance, domination, dominion, masterdom, preeminence, preponderance, prepotence, sovereignty Sample:In an age without radio or recordings, an age dominated by print, fiction gained its greatest ascendancy.


adj.不生育的, 不孕的, 贫瘠的, 没有结果的, 无益的, 单调的, 无聊的, 空洞的 lacking vegetation, especially useful vegetation barren<>prolific 不育的<>大量繁殖的 verdant<>barren 翠绿的<>贫瘠的 Synonyms: STERILE, effete, impotent, infecund, infertile, unfruitful Sample:Agronomists are increasingly worried about "desertification," the phenomenon that is turning many of the world's fertile fields and pastures into barren wastelands, unable to support the people living on them. barter [5bB:tE(r)]n. 物物交换,实物交易 to trade by exchanging one commodity for another Synonyms: TRADE , bargain, exchange, swap, traffic, truck Sample:Years ago, hunters bartered furs for guns.


adj.吉兆的;幸运的 affording a favorable auspice:PROPITIOUS auspicious<>boding ill {ill-bred} 吉兆的<>不吉祥的 { 没有教养的 } auspicious<>untoward 吉兆的<>不幸的 auspicious<>unfavorable 吉兆的<>不宜的 inauspicious<>propitious 不吉利的<>吉利的 auspicious<>ominous 吉兆的<>不吉利的 Synonyms: favorable, benign, bright, dexter, fortunate, propitious Sample:With favorable weather conditions, it was an auspicious moment to set sail.


adj.平凡的, 陈腐的, 老一套的 lacking originality, freshness, or novelty:TRITE arresting<>banal 引人注意的<>陈腐的 banality<>freshness 陈腐<>新鲜 banality<>original 陈腐<>新颖 Synonyms: insipid, vapid, flat, jejune Sample:Although Harry, Stack Sullivan is one of the most influential social scientists of this century, his ideas are now so commonplace in our society that they seem almost banal.


adj.收敛性的, 严酷的, 涩的 A substance or preparation, such as alum, that draws together or constricts body tissues and is effective in stopping the flow of blood or other secretions. Sample: The astringent quality of unsweetened lemon juice made swallowing difficult.


adj.无情的, 冷淡的, 硬结的, 起老茧的 a:feeling no emotion b:feeling no sympathy for others callous<>sympathetic 无情冷淡的<>有同情心的 Synonyms: UNFEELING, coldhearted, hardhearted, heartless, obdurate, stony, stonyhearted, uncompassionate, unemotional, unsympathetic Sample:Our young people, whose keen sensitivities have not yet become calloused, have a purer and more immediate response than we do to our environment. callow [5kAlEJ] adj.(鸟)未生羽毛的,(人)未成熟的。 lacking adult sophistication:IMMATURE callow<>behaving with adult sophistication 年轻而无经验的<>行为富于经验的 callow<>mature 年轻无经验的<>成熟的 Synonyms: INEXPERIENCED, fresh, green, raw, unexperienced, unpracticed, unseasoned, untried, unversed, young


adj.野蛮的, 残暴的, 粗野的, (声音)刺耳的, 沙哑的 mercilessly harsh or cruel barbarous<>quiescent 刺耳的<>安静的 barbarous<>civilized 野蛮的<>文明的 barbarize<>civilize 野蛮化<>教化 Synonyms: barbaric, barbarian, Gothic, Hunnic, Hunnish, rude, savage, uncivil, uncivilized, uncultivated, wild Sample:Some people think capital punishment is barbarous.


adv. 很快地,紧紧地,彻底地 in a firm or fixed manner fast<>loosely attach 紧紧地<>宽松地连接 Synonyms: HARD, firm, firmly, fixedly, solidly, steadfastly, tight, tightly Sample:That door won't open; it is stuck fast.

ad lib

adv. 没有限制地,即兴地 without restraint or limit , to speak, sing, or act without a script, saying whatever words come into one's mind


n. 长度单位(6英尺) to penetrate and come to understand measurable<>unfathomable 可测量的<>无法测量的 occult<>bare/patent/readily fathomable 秘密的<>无遮蔽的/显著的/已看透的 measurable<>unfathomed 可测量的<>无法测量的 Synonyms: KNOW, appreciate, apprehend, cognize, comprehend, grasp, have, understand Sample:Many have sought to fathom the enigmatic smile of the Mona Lisa. fatigue [fE5ti:^]n. 疲乏,劳累 weariness or exhaustion from labor, exertion, or stress indefatigable<>soon tired 不知疲倦的<>很快疲倦 fatigue<>energetic 疲劳的<>精力充沛的 synonym:exhaustion, lassitude, tiredness, weariness Sample:He is suffering from fatigue and wants to go to bed early. fatuous [5fAtjJEs]adj.愚昧的, 昏庸的, 发呆的, 愚笨的, 自满的 complacently or inanely foolish:SILLY fatuous<>astute 愚笨的<>机敏的 Synonym:simple, asinine, brainless, foolish, sheepheaded, silly, unwitty, weak-headed, Synonym:simple, asinine, brainless, foolish, sheepheaded, silly, unwitty, weak-headed, weak-minded, witless. Sample:Everybody is always laughing behind his back at his fatuous statements. fawn [fC:n] n.未满周岁的小鹿,v.巴结,奉承 to court favor by a cringing or flattering manner Synonyms: apple-polish, bootlick, brownnose, cotton, slaver, toady, honey(up) Sample:Helen valued people who behaved as if they respected themselves; nothing irritated her more than an excessively obsequious waiter or a fawning salesclerk.


n. 长篇演说 to address in a ranting way harangue<>speak temperately 长篇演说<>有节制地说话 Synonyms: ORATE, bloviate, declaim, mouth, perorate, rant, rave, soapbox Sample:In her lengthy harangue, the principal berated the offenders. harass [5hArEs] v.烦扰 to annoy persistently Synonyms: RAID, foray, harry, maraud


n. 闹剧,胡闹 ridiculous or empty show Synonyms: MOCKERY, burlesque, caricature, mock, sham, travesty Sample:Nothing went right; the entire interview degenerated into a farce.


n. 阶级组织,教士政治,僧侣政治 the classification of a group of people according to ability or to economic, social, or professional standing Sample:Their hierarchy of loyalties is first to oneself, next to kin, then to fellow tribe members, and finally to compatriots.


n. 阻止, 制止, 控制, 阻止物, 支票, to block the progress of to block the progress of propagate<>check 传播<>制止 goad<>check 唆使<>阻止 check<>hasten 阻止<>促进 harry<>mollify/check 骚扰◇平息/阻止 Synonyms: arrest, buck, foil, thwart, frustrate Sample:Thrusting out her arm, Grandma checked Bobby's lunge at his sister. "Young man," she said, "you'd better check your temper."


n. 附件,围墙,围绕 something that encloses Synonyms: COURT , close, courtyard, artilage, quad, quadrangle, yard Sample:From the outset, the concept of freedom of the seas from the proprietary claims of nations was challenged by a contrary notion-that of the enclosure of the oceans for reasons of national security and profit.


n. 附属物,附件, 助手 something joined or added to another thing but not essentially a part of it adjunct<>essential element 附属部分<>基本部分


n. 附录, 补遗 something added or to be added, especially a supplement to a book be even better with an addendum on recent developments in literary criticism.


n. 降下, 降落, 世系, 血统, 侵袭 an inclination downward:SLOPE Synonyms: decline, declivity, dip, drop, fall Sample:The airplane made a long descent before landing. descendant [dI5sent] n.后代,后裔 one deriving directly from a precursor or prototype forbears<>descendants 祖先<>后代 Synonyms: OFFSPRING, begats, brood, children, issue, posterity, progeniture, progeny, scions, seed Sample:That sex ratio will be favored which maximizes the number of descendants an individual will have and hence the number of gene copies transmitted.


n. 除草剂 an agent used to destroy or inhibit plant growth Sample:Though environmentalists have targeted some herbicides as potentially dangerous, the manufacturers, to the environmentalists' dismay, defend the use of these herbicides on lawns.


n. 隐士,隐居者 one that retires from society and lives in solitude especially for religious reasons:RECLUSE 隐居处:隐退的:路标:明显的 (建筑物及其正面特征) Synonyms: RECLUSE, solitary Sample:We thought the hermit was a miantrope because he shunned our society.


n. 隐语,暗语,暗号 an often more or less secret vocabulary and idiom peculiar to a particular group argot<>standard language/common verbalism 隐语,暗语<>规则地语言/普通地言语 Synonyms: DIALECT , cant, jargon, lingo, patois, patter, slang, vernacular Sample:In the argot of the underworld, she "was taken for a ride."


n. 障碍,错误,失败 vt. 阻止,突然停止,退缩 to check or stop by or as if by an obstacle:BLOCK balk<>move ahead willingly 突然停止<>欣然前行 突然停止<>欣然前行 Synonyms: FRUSTRATE , baffle, circumvent, foil, thwart Sample:The chief of police balked at sending his officers into the riot-torn area.


n. 雨篷,遮阳篷 a rooflike cover extending over or in front of a place (as over the deck or in front of a door or window) as a shelter Sample:Not wanting to get wet, they waited under the awning for a lull in the rain.


n. 露水 moisture condensed upon the surfaces of cool bodies especially at night Sample:You'll wet your shoes walking through the morning dew.


n. 面部的歪扭, 痛苦的表情, 鬼脸 a facial expression usually of disgust or disapproval Sample:Even though he remained silent, his grimace indicated his displeasure.


n. 顶点,最高点 the highest or culminating point apex<>nadir 最高点<>最低点 Synonyms: TOP, crest, crown, fastigium, peak, roof, summit, vertex Sample:He was at the apex of his career.


n. 风骚的女人,爱卖弄风情的女子,玩弄男人的女人 a woman who endeavors without sincere affection to gain the attention and admiration of men Sample:Because she refused to give him an answer to his proposal of marriage, he called her a coquette.


n. 飓风 a tropical cyclone with winds of 74 miles (118 kilometers) per hour or greater that occurs especially in the western Atlantic, that is usually accompanied by rain, thunder, and lightning, and that sometimes moves into temperate latitudes Sample:Titanic waves beat aginst the shore during the hurricane.


n. 食欲,欲望,爱好 an inherent craving voracity<>lack of appetite 贪食<>没有食欲 Synonyms: DESIRE , appetition, craving, itch, lust, passion, urge Sample:A lack of appetite may be indicative of a major mental or physical disorder.


n. 骑士, 武士, 对女人献殷勤, 有礼貌的绅士 A gallant or chivalrous man, especially one serving as escort to a woman of high social position; a gentleman Sample:Sensitive about having her ideas taken lightly, Marcia felt insulted by Mark's cavalier dismissal of her suggestion.


n. 骚动,动乱 an agitated disturbance:TO-DO Sample:After the commotion and excitement of the city, I appreciate the tranquillity of these fields and forests.


n. 骚动,痉挛 an abnormal violent and involuntary contraction or series of contractions of the muscles Synonyms: COMMOTION, clamor, ferment, outcry, tumult, upheaval, upturn Sample:He began to choke and went into convulsions.


n. 高架渠,渡槽 a conduit for water Synonyms: CHANNEL , canal, conduit, course, duct, watercourse Sample:Many aqueducts from ancient Roman times still stand today near the Mediterranean Sea.


n. 鱼类学者,鱼类研究者 one that study a branch of zoology that deals with fishes Sample:Jacques Cousteau's rpograms about sea life have advanced the cause of ichthyology.


n. 鸡冠, 顶饰; the top of a wave Synonyms: TOP, apex, crown, fastigium, peak, roof, summit, vertex crestfallen adj. 挫败的,失望的 feeling shame or humiliation:DEJECTED crestfallen<>exultant 垂头丧气的<>欢悦的 Synonyms: DOWNCAST, blue, cast down, dejected, depressed, disconsolate, dispirited, down, downhearted, low Sample:We were surprised at his reaction to the failure of his project; instead of being crestfallen, he was busily engaged in planning new activities.


n. 麻醉剂,麻药 lacking awareness or sensitivity sensation<>anesthesia 感觉<>麻痹 Synonyms: ANODYNE, analgesic, pain-killer Sample:His monotonous voice acted like an anesthetic; his audience was soon asleep.


n. 鼓掌,喝彩,赞许 approval publicly expressed 赞成:鼓掌:?:? (行为及其所表达的含义) Synonyms: acclaim, acclamation, plaudit(s) Sample:The speaker was shocked at the lack of applause from the audience.


n. 齿轮,工具 a toothed wheel Synonyms: cog, cogwheel, pinion, toothed wheel, spurwheel, sprocket, ragwheel, lanternwheel. Sample:The car could not go up the acclivity in high gear.


n. (兔子等)所掘的地洞,v. 挖洞 to construct by tunneling Synonyms: LAIR, couch, den, lodge, HOVEL, hole, SNUGGLE, cuddle, nestle, nuzzle Sample:Some animals burrow with their paws.


n. (列作者名字的)报刊文章首行 a line at the beginning of a news story, magazine article, or book giving the writer's name


n. (口头或书面猛烈的)抨击,抨击性演说 a bitter and abusive speech or writing Synonyms: TIRADE, harangue, jeremiad, philippic Sample:The politician launched into a diatribe against the government policy. didactic [dI`dAktIk] adj.教诲的、说教的 designed or intended to teach Synonyms: moral, moralizing, preachy, schoolmasterish, sermonic, sermonizing, teachy Sample:The didactic qualities of his poetry overshadow its literary qualities; the lesson he teaches is more memorable than the lines.


n. (在墙顶与天花板间起装饰作用的)横条,饰带 a heavy durable coarse wool and shoddy fabric with a rough surface Sample:The frieze of the church was adorned with sculpture.


n. (日,月)蚀,名声缺落,失势vt. 引起日蚀,引起月蚀,使黯然失色 a falling into obscurity or decline; also :the state of being eclipsed eclipse<>make distinctive 使黯然失色<>使与众不同 eclipse<>make more prominent/bring to more prominent 使黯然失色<>使更加卓越 Synonyms: OBSCURE, adumbrate, becloud, bedim, darken, dim, murk, overcloud, overshadow, shadow Sample:The new stock market high eclipsed the previous record set in 1985.


n. (有共同兴趣的)小团体,小圈子 an intimate and often exclusive group of persons with a unifying common interest or purpose 小团体:团体 (种属关系或正式非正式) Synonyms: CLIQUE, cabal, camarilla, camp, circle, clan, in-group, mafia, mob, ring Sample:After his book had been published, he was invited to join the literary coterie that lunched daily at the hotel.


n. (果类或谷物的)外壳(通常用复数), 皮, 无价值之物 a usually dry or membranous outer covering (as a pod or hull or one composed of bracts) of various seeds and fruits; also :one of the constituent parts husk<>core 皮<>核 Sample:You shuck the corn's husks before cooking it.


n. (社交上令人不快的)失言,失态 a social or diplomatic blunder Synonyms: blooper, boner, impropriety, indecorum, solecism Sample:According to Miss Manners, to call your husband by your lover's name is worse than a mere gaffe; it is a tactical mistake.


n. (衣服或裙子的)褶边 a border of a cloth article doubled back and stitched down Sample:The hem on her skirt needs sewing.


n. (音乐)渐强,高潮 a gradual increase; specifically :a gradual increase in volume of a musical passage crescendo<>decrease in volume (音乐)渐强<>声音减弱 Synonyms: APEX, acme, apogee, climax, crest, culmination, peak Sample:The overture suddenly changed from a quiet pastoral theme to a crescendo featuring blaring trumpets and clashing cymbols.


n. [军]梯队;组织系统中的等级 an arrangement of a body of troops with its units each somewhat to the left or right of the one in the rear like a series of steps Synonyms: LINE ,file, queue, rank, row, string, tier Sample:That news reporter interviews people in the highest echelons of government.


n.(有关一个题目或一个人的)书目, 参考书目 a list often with descriptive or critical notes of writings relating to a particular subject, period, or author Sample:No work illustrated his disdain for a systematic approach to research better than his dissertation, which was rejected primarily because his bibliography constituted, at best, a haphazard survey of the major texts in his field.


n.(止痛或疗伤的)香油, 香膏, 安慰物 a balsamic resin, especially:one from small tropical evergreen trees balm<>piquant 温和物质<>辛辣物 Sample:Friendship is the finest balm for the pangs of disappointed love.


n.<美>律师, (业务或法律事务上的)代理人 A person legally appointed by another to act as his or her agent in the transaction of business, specifically one qualified and licensed to act for plaintiffs and defendants in legal proceedings Sample:The prosecutor presented a well-reasoned case, but the defense attorney's compelling arguments for leniency won over the jury.


n.丑角,缺乏教养之人 a ludicrous figure:CLOWN 特征) Synonyms: CLOWN, harlequin, zany Sample:His strut as he marched about the parade ground revealed him for what he was:a pompous buffoon.


n.严酷, 粗暴, 刻薄 roughness of manner or of temper:HARSHNESS asperity<>mildness of temper 严酷<>脾气温和 asperity<>soothingness 粗暴<>安抚 asperity<>amiability 粗暴<>友善 Sample:These remarks, spoken with asperity, stung the boys to whom they had been directed.


n.倾向, 爱好 a strong inclination or interest:BIAS Synonyms: LEANING, disposition, inclination, inclining, penchant, predilection, predisposition, proclivity, propensity, tendency Sample:Because the high seriousness of their narratives resulted in part from their metaphysics, Southern writers were praised for their philosophical bent.(9504)


n.军官学校学生, <旧俚>(妓院)拉皮条的人 one in training for a military or naval commission; especially :a student in a service academy Sample:The West Point cadets were immaculate as they lined up for inspection.


n.压舱物, 沙囊 Heavy material that is placed in the hold of a ship or the gondola of a balloon to enhance stability. Sample:The ship was listing badly to one side; it was necessary to shift the ballast in the hold to get her back on an even keel.


n.同志之爱, 友情 a spirit of friendly good-fellowship camaraderie<>enmity 友情<>敌意 Synonyms: comradery, good-fellowship Sample:What he loved best about his job was the sense of camaraderie he and his coworkers shared. 5kAmIEJ] n. 刻有浮雕的宝石或贝壳 ,一种简要但有戏剧性的重要演员的出场,特写 a:a small piece of sculpture on a stone or shell cut in relief in one layer with another contrasting layer serving as background b:A brief but dramatic appearance of a prominent actor, as in a single scene of a motion picture. Sample:Tourists are advised not to purchase cameos from the street peddlers of Rome who sell poor specimens of the carver's art.


n.奉承 something that tends to coax or cajole:ALLUREMENT blandishment:coax=threat:intimidate blandishment<>threat 奉承<>威胁 Synonyms: FLATTERY, adulation, blarney, incense, oil, soft soap Sample:Despite the salesperson's blandishments, the customer did not buy the outfit.


n.安葬,埋葬,埋藏 the act or process of burying Synonyms: GRAVE, sepulcher, sepulture, tomb, entombment, inhumation, interment, sepulture Sample:The mortician prepared the corpse for burial.


n.干枯的河床, 峡谷, 小河 a brook; a creek ;a water-carved gully or channel Synonyms: RAVINE, chasm, cleft, clough, clove, gap, gorge, gulch Sample:Until the heavy rains of the past spring, this arroyo had been a dry bed.


n.庇护, 收容所, 救济院, 精神病院 an inviolable place of refuge and protection giving shelter to criminals and debtors:SANCTUARY Synonyms: REFUGE , harborage, sanctuary, shelter Sample:The refugees sought asylum from religious persecution in a new land.


n.徽章,标记 a device or token especially of membership in a society or group Synonyms: INSIGNIA, emblem Sample:The military officer wore a badge showing his rank.


n.恩惠, 实惠, 福利 BENEFIT, FAVOR boon<>misfortune 恩惠<>灾祸 Synonyms: GIFT , benevolence, compliment, favor, largess, present Sample:Having a good library at the school is a boon for the students.


n.有抱负者, 有野心者 One who aspires, as to advancement, honors, or a high position. Synonyms: CANDIDATE, applicant, hopeful, seeker Sample:Although I am as aspirant for public office, I am not willing to accept the dictates of the party bosses. aspiration [AspE5reIF(E)n] n.渴望,热望 a strong desire to achieve something high or great Synonyms: DIFFICULTY , hardness, hardship, rigor, vicissitude Sample:Youth's aspirations should be as lofty as the stars.


n.洒水, 诽谤, 中伤 an unfavorable or damaging remark; slander Synonyms: ANIMADVERSION, obloquy, reflection, slam, slur, stricture Sample: Do not cast aspersions on her character.


n.灾难, 不幸事件 An event that brings terrible loss, lasting distress, or severe affliction; a disaster: Synonyms: FATAL, cataclysmic, catastrophic, disastrous, fateful, ruinous Sample:As news of the calamity spread, offers of relief poured in to the stricken community.


n.爱管闲事的人, 好事的人 an officious or inquisitive person Synonyms: butt-in, intermeddler, meddler, nose, nosey Parker, prier (or pryer), snoop Sample:Like a gadfly, he irritated all the guests at the hotel; within forty eight hours, everyone regarded him as an annoying busybody.


n.狂喜, 福佑, 天赐的福 complete happiness Synonyms: HAPPINESS, beatitude, blessedness Sample:Their dreams of conjugal bliss were shattered as soon as their temperaments clashed.


n.瓶颈 the narrow part of a bottle near the top bottleneck<>indefinite 瓶颈的<>无限制的


n.简短,简洁 shortness or conciseness of expression brevity<>lengthiness 简短<>冗长 Synonyms: shortness ,conciseness Sample:brevity is essential when you send a telegram or cablegram; you are charged for every word.


n.自夸, 吹牛大王 a:empty boasting b:arrogant pretension:COCKINESS Synonyms: BRAGGART, blower, blowhard, boaster, bragger, puckfist, vaunter Sample:He was disliked because his manner was always full of braggadocio.


n.贪财, 贪婪 excessive or insatiable desire for wealth or gain:GREEDINESS, CUPIDITY avarice<>generosity {sobriety} 贪婪<>慷慨 contented<>avaricious 满足<>贪婪 avarice<>generosity 贪财的<>慷慨的 Synonyms: CUPIDITY, avariciousness, avidity, greed, rapacity 区别:variance(n.矛盾,不同)


n.跃进, 跳, 范围, 限度 a:to make secure by tying b:to confine, restrain, or restrict as if with bonds c:to put under an obligation d:to constrain with legal authority boundless<>limited 没有限制的<>有限制的 boundary<>unrestrained 边界<>没有限制的 【注:词性不符】 Sample:bough of the pine tree broke and fell to the ground.


n.(宗教,政治等的)盲信者,顽固者 a person obstinately or intolerantly devoted to his or her own opinions and prejudices Synonyms: ENTHUSIAST, bug, fanatic, fiend, freak, maniac, nut, zealot Sample:Brought up in a democratic atmosphere, student was shocked by the bigotry and narrowness expressed by several of his classmates.


v. (使)减速 to reduce the speed of:slow down Synonyms: DELAY, bog (down), detain, embog, hang up, mire, retard, set back, slacken, slow (up or down) Sample:Although sales have continued to increase since last April, unfortunately the rate of increase has decelerated. of increase has decelerated.


v. (使)凝结 a coagulated mass produced by clotting of blood Sample:The nibs of fountain pens often become clotted and corroded.


v. (使)烦恼, (使)焦急, (使)腐蚀, (使)磨损 an agitation of mind:IRRITATION Synonyms: ANNOY, abrade, bother, chafe, exercise, gall, irk, provoke, ruffle, vex Sample:To fret over your poor grades is foolish; instead, decide to work harder in the future.


v. (使...)加入, 接受为会员 to bring or receive into close connection as a member or branch to bring or receive into close connection as a member or branch affiliation<>dissociation 结盟<>分开 aligned<>not affiliated 排一线的<>不相连的 with his colleagues.


v. (受)腐蚀,(受)侵蚀 to diminish or destroy by degrees deposit<>process of eroding 沉积<>腐蚀 Synonyms: EAT, bite, corrode, eat away, gnaw, scour, wear (away) Sample:The limestone was eroded by the dripping water


v. (马)跳跃,反对,吹牛,闲聊 to refuse assent:BALK buck<>assent to 反对<>赞成 Synonyms: RESIST, combat, contest, dispute, duel, fight, oppose, repel, traverse, withstand Sample:She bucks making changes in her way of doing things.


v. ①腹部绞痛,②抱怨,诉苦 to complain with grumbling Synonyms: fuss, squawk, yammer, yawp (or yaup) Sample:He gripes all the time about the bad weather.


v. 不理会,忽略,漠视,不适当的尊重或漫不经心地对待 disregard<>nurture 忽略,漠视<>培育,教育 Synonyms: NEGLECT, blink (at or away), discount, fail, forget, ignore, omit, overlook, overpass, slight Sample:Please disregard my last letter, as I now have new information for you.


v. 不理睬,忽略 to reject (a bill of indictment) as ungrounded erudite<>smattering of knowledge/ignorant/unlettered erudite<>smattering of knowledge/ignorant/unlettered 博学的<>一知半解的/无知的/文盲的 Synonyms: NEGLECT, blink (at or away), discount, disregard, fail, forget, omit, overlook, overpass, slight Sample:She would have liked to ignore the minutiae of daily living.


v. 严厉谴责,使爆发 to send forth censures or invectives Sample:The people against whom she fulminated were innocent of any wrongdoing.


v. 严责 to scold or condemn vehemently and at length berate<>commend 严厉指责<>称赞 berate<>praise 严厉指责<>赞扬 Synonyms: SCOLD, bawl out, ||chew out, jaw, rail, rate, revile, tongue-lash, upbraid, vituperate


v. 主动戒绝 ,自我抑制 ,禁绝, 放弃 to refrain deliberately and often with an effort of self-denial from an action or practice


v. 举例说明,作图解,阐明 to provide with visual features intended to explain or decorate Synonyms: CLARIFY, clear, clear up, elucidate, explain, illuminate Sample:Numerous historical examples illustrate both the overriding influence that scientists' prejudices have on their interpretation of data and the consequent impairment of their intellectual objectivity.


v. 举行就职典礼,开创 to induct into an office with suitable ceremonies cease<>inaugurate/commencement 终止,终了<>举行就职典礼,开创/开始 Synonyms: begin, commence, start, initiate, usher in Sample:The candidate promised that he would inaugurate a new nationwide health care plan as soon as he was inaugurated as president.


v. 乱写,乱画 an aimless or casual scribble, design, or sketch Synonyms: FIDDLE , mess, mess around, potter, puddle, putter, tinker Sample:Her school notebook is covered with doodles that look like flowers.


v. 估价,评价 to determine the importance, size, or value of Synonyms: estimate, appraise, evaluate, value, rate Sample:I would like to have your assessment of the situation in South Africa.


v. 低声歌唱 ,低吟 to sing or speak in a gentle murmuring manner; especially :to sing in a soft intimate manner adapted to amplifying systems Sample:When Desi crooned, "Baby, light my fire," literal-minded Lucy looked around for some paper to ignite.


v. 使...枯萎 a disease or injury of plants resulting in withering, cessation of growth, and death of parts without rotting blighted<>hale/sound 枯萎的<>强壮的,健壮的 blighted<>robust 毁灭的,枯萎的<>健康的 blighted<>unblemished 毁坏的,枯萎的<>无损坏的 Sample:Far from undermining the impression of permanent decline, the tawdry statue seemed emblematic of its blighted surroundings.


v. 使不便;打扰;给...添麻烦 to cause inconvenience to:TROUBLE discommode<>assist 使不便<>帮助, 辅助 discommode<>convenience/pacificate/ease/mollify 使不便, 打扰, 给...添麻烦<>方便/安抚/减少困难或麻烦/安抚 discommode<>oblige 使为难<>施恩惠 discommode<>inspire 使烦恼<>鼓舞


v. 使均匀 to blend (diverse elements) into a uniform mixture stratify<>homogenize 使分层<>使均匀 motley<>homogenize 杂乱的<>使均匀 【注:词性不符】 Sample:Many educators try to put pupils of similar abilities in the same class because they believe that his homogeneous grouping is advisable.


v. 使无效 ,放弃 SURRENDER, RELINQUISH abnegate<>reaffirm 弃绝,否认<>重新肯定 for she had to wed the king; their act of abnegation was necessary to preserve the kingdom.


v. 使烦恼,使焦躁,难堪 to fret and wear away by friction:CHAFE gall<>lull 焦躁<>平静 gall<>calm/assuage 焦躁<>冷静/镇定 galling<>placating 焦躁的<>抚慰的 gall<>placate 使烦恼<>安抚 gall<>appease 使焦躁<>平息 Synonyms: ANNOY , abrade, bother, chafe, exercise, fret, irk, provoke, ruffle, vex Sample:It galled me when my best friend stopped speaking to me.


v. 使燃烧,激怒(某人) to excite to excessive or uncontrollable action or feeling assuage<>inflame 缓和<>激怒 subdue<>inflame 减弱<>激怒 Synonyms: IRRITATE, aggravate, burn (up), gall, get, grate, provoke, put out, rile, roil Sample:In response to the follies of today's commercial and political worlds, the author does not express inflamed indignation, but rather affects the detachment and smooth aphoristic prose of an eighteenth-century wit.


v. 使生气,欺负 ENTICE, LURE to attack in speech or writing as by derision or insult; to gall or exasperate by repeated wanton attacks bait<>disarm 使生气<>赢得...的好感;把...争取过来 bait<>mollify 使生气<>平息 Synonyms: MOLEST, heckle, persecute, torment Sample:The soldiers baited the prisoners, terrorizing them.


v. 使窘迫;使困惑;使惊慌 to put into a state of perplexity and embarrassment:DISCONCERT discomfit<>mollify 挠乱<>平息 Sample:The king was discomfitted by the loss of the battle.


v. 使绝缘,使隔离 to place in a detached situation:ISOLATE; especially:to separate from conducting bodies to place in a detached situation:ISOLATE; especially:to separate from conducting bodies by means of nonconductors so as to prevent transfer of electricity, heat, or sound insularity<>cosmopolitanism 孤立<>世界性政策 insulate<>expose 使隔离<>暴露 Synonyms: ISOLATE, close off, cut off, enisle, island, segregate, separate, sequester Sample:Some city parents insulate their children by sending them to private schools.


v. 使脱离实体;使脱离现实 disembodied<>corporeal 无实体的<>物质的 Sample:Many people believe that at the moment of death, a person's soul becomes disembodied.


v. 使谦卑,贬低降低地位、威望或尊严 To lower in rank, prestige, or esteem sink made a mistake.


v. 使遵守准则,使服从权威 a rule or system of rules governing conduct or activity 特征) obstreperous<>disciplined 吵闹的, 暴乱的<>遵守纪律的 Synonyms: PUNISHMENT, castigation, chastisement, correction, punition, rod Sample:The student disrupted the class, so the teacher disciplined him by giving him extra work to do.


v. 充气,让空气进入 to supply (the blood) with oxygen by respiration aerate<>remove air from 空气<>放出空气


v. 免除责任,确定无罪 to relieve of a responsibility, obligation, or hardship exonerate<>censure 免罪<>责难 exonerate<>inculpate 免罪<>控告 incrimination<>exoneration 控告<>免罪 exonerate<>incriminate 免罪<>控告 Synonyms: EXCULPATE, absolve, acquit, clear, disculpate, vindicate Sample:I am sure this letter naming the actual culprit will exonerate you.


v. 内爆,剧减 to collapse inward as if from external pressure; also:to become greatly reduced as if from collapsing Sample:The volcanic mountain seemed much smaller after it erupted and imploded.


v. 净化,删去 to cleanse of something morally harmful, offensive, or erroneous; especially :to expunge objectionable parts from before publication or presentation inexpurgate<>obliterate 无法除去<>除去 Synonyms: PURIFY, cleanse, lustrate, purge Sample:The editors felt that certain passages in the book had to be expurgated before it could be used in the classroom.


v. 减少,减损(权势、声誉)使权势、声誉或地位降低 diminish<>increase/escalate 减少<>增加/增大 减少<>增加/增大 Synonyms: DECREASE, abate, close, drain (away), dwindle, lessen, reduce, taper, taper off Sample:The company's reputation for quality has diminished; it has a <adj.> diminished reputation.


v. 勉强同意,默许 to accept, comply, or submit tacitly or passively acquiesce<>resist 默许<>抵制,抵抗 acquiesce<>defy 顺从<>抗拒 balky<>acquiesce 倔强的<>默认的


v. 危及...的安全, 危害;损害(名誉) to cause the impairment of Synonyms: ENDANGER, hazard, imperil, jeopard, jeopardize, jeopardy, menace, peril, risk Sample: The academic education offered to university students is essential and must not be compromised, but that does not mean universities should neglect the extracurricular, yet still important, aspects of university life.


v. 即席演说, 即兴演奏, 当场作成 to do something extemporaneously:IMPROVISE; especially :to speak extemporaneously Synonyms: IMPROVISE, ad-lib, improvisate Sample:Novice extemporaneous speakers often talk in a halting fashion as they grope for the right words.


v. 召集会议 to call together to a meeting convoke<>adjourn 召集会议<>休会 Synonyms: assemble, call, convene, summon Sample:Congress was convoked at the outbreak of the emergency.


v. 合并,联合,结合 to unite into a whole:FUSE coalesce<>disaggregate 合并<>分解 polarize<>coalesce (使)两极分化<>合并 Synonyms: JOIN, associate, bracket, combine, conjoin, connect, link, relate, unite, wed Sample:The brooks coalesce into one large river.


v. 合并,混合 to merge into a single body amalgamate<>separate 混合<>分开 amalgamate<>isolate 结合<>分隔开 amalgamate<>disintegration 混合<>瓦解【注:词性不符】 Synonyms: MIX , admix, compound, fuse, interfuse, intermingle, intermix, meld, merge, mingle Sample:The unions will attempt to amalgamate their groups into one national body.


v. 同意, 加入 accede<>demur 同意<>反对 tradition in the state, so the legislators surprised no one when, acceding to public practice, they rejected increased penalties for speeding.


v. 否认 to declare to be untrue or invalid gainsay<>affirm 否认:确认 Synonyms: deny, contradict, contravene, cross, disaffirm, impugn, negate, negative, traverse Sample:That the Third Battalion's fifty-percent casualty rate transformed its assault on Hill 306 from a brilliant stratagem into a debacle does not gainsay eyewitness reports of its commander's extraordinary cleverness in deploying his forces.


v. 含意,暗示,牵连 to involve as a consequence, corollary, or natural inference:IMPLY Synonyms: INVOLVE, embroil, mire, tangle Synonyms: INVOLVE, embroil, mire, tangle Sample:Though feminist in its implications, Yvonne Rainer's 1974 film antedated the filmmaker's active involvement in feminist politics.


v. 吸收象用喝一样地吸收或吸进 to absorb or take in as if by drinking Sample:The dry soil imbibed the rain quickly.


v. 呕出,(水)流走 to discharge by the throat and mouth:VOMIT disgorge<>swallow 吐出;呕出<>吞下,咽下 disgorge/excrete<>ingest 吐出;呕出<>咽下 Synonyms: ERUPT, belch, eject, eruct, expel, irrupt, spew Sample:A mother bird disgorged food for her young.


v. 哗众取宠的表演, 正面看台 to play or act so as to impress onlookers Sample:We sat in the grandstand to watch the baseball game.


v. 商量, 商议, 请教, 参考, 考虑 COUNCIL, CONFERENCE; specifically :a deliberation between physicians on a case or its treatment Synonyms: CONFER, advise, collogue, confab, confabulate, huddle, parley, powwow, treat Sample:I advise you to consult a dermatologist about your acne.


v. 围绕, 包围 , 包含, 含有 to form a circle about:ENCLOSE obsolete :to go completely around Synonyms: SURROUND , beset, circle, compass, encircle, environ, gird, girdle, hem, ring Sample:Although we were encompassed by enemy forces, we were cheerful for we were well stocked and could withstand a siege until our allies joined us. well stocked and could withstand a siege until our allies joined us.


v. 围绕,包围 to form a circle about:ENCLOSE encompass<>exclude 包含<>排除 Synonyms: SURROUND , beset, circle, compass, encircle, environ, gird, girdle, hem, ring Sample:Although we were encompassed by enemy forces, we were cheerful for we were well stocked and could withstand a siege until our allies joined us.


v. 大声而刺耳地发出(叫唤或声音) to emit (an utterance or a sound) loudly and harshly Sample:The donkey brayed and would not move.


v. 奉为偶像, 盲目崇拜 admires intensely and often blindly Sample:James had idolized the professor so much for so long that even after lunching with her several times he remained quite inhibited in her presence, and as a result, he could not really be himself.


v. 妥协, 折衷 to come to agreement by mutual concession intransigent<>open to compromise 非妥协性的<>乐于妥协 polemical<>compromising 好争论的<>妥协的 tenable<>unsupportable 可维持的<>承受不了的 temporize<>unwilling to compromise 见风使舵<>不愿意妥协 Sample:Schlesinger has recently assumed a conciliatory attitude that is not commended. by his colleagues, who continue to disparage compromise.


v. 妨碍,阻碍 to interfere with or slow the progress of abet<>thwart/impede 教唆,支持<>阻碍/阻止 facilitate<>impeding 促进<>阻止 impede<>promote/foment 阻碍<>促进/煽动 cultivate<>impede { decline } 促长<>阻止 { 衰败} 【注:此题争议较大】 nurture<>impede 抚育<>阻止 encumber<>remove impediment 阻碍<>除去阻碍 Synonyms: HINDER, bar, block, brake, dam, obstruct, overslaugh Sample:Although nothing could be further from the truth, freight railroads have been accused of impeding the nation's shift from oil to coal by charging exorbitant fees to transport coal.


v. 安抚,调和 APPEASE:to cause to subside:ALLAY especially :to buy off (an aggressor) by concessions usually at the sacrifice of principles conciliate<>vex 安抚<>使恼怒 vex<>conciliation 恼怒<>安抚 contentious<>conciliatory 争吵的<>调和的 conciliate<>nettle 安抚<>激怒 discontent<>conciliate 不满的<>调和的 rile<>conciliate 激怒<>安慰 belligerent<>conciliatory 好战的<>调和的 bellicose<>conciliatory 好战的◇调和的 Synonyms: PACIFY, appease, assuage, mollify, placate, propitiate, sweeten Sample:Schlesinger has recently assumed a conciliatory atti-tude that is not commended. by his colleagues, who continue to disparage compromise.


v. 实现,使生效,执行 CARRY OUT, ACCOMPLISH; especially:to give practical effect to and ensure of actual fulfillment by concrete measures Synonyms: instrument, tool, utensil Sample:This new government is faced not only with managing its economy but also with implementing new rural development programs to stem the flow of farm workers to the city.


v. 宠爱,娇养 to treat as a pet:PAMPER cosset<>slight 宠爱<>轻蔑 cosseted<>unspoiled 宠爱的<>未宠坏的 Synonyms: BABY, cater (to), cocker, coddle, humor, indulge, mollycoddle, pamper, spoil Sample:Cosseted Child, Convincing Bohemian, Robert Louis Stevenson Was Also, a New Book Shows, the Star of an Extraordinary Life.


v. 宣告无效,取消 to declare or make legally invalid or void annul<>make legal 宣告无效<>使合法 annul<>reaffirm 宣告无效<>重新确认 Synonyms: ABOLISH, abate, abrogate, annihilate, invalidate, negate, nullify, quash, undo, vitiate Sample:The parents of the eloped couple tried to annul the marriage.


v. 延长,伸长 to extend the length of elongate<>curtail 拉长<>缩减 elongate<>shorten 延长<>缩短 Synonyms: EXTEND , draw, draw out, lengthen, prolong, prolongate, protract, spin (out), stretch Sample:The mirror was curved so that it elongated my image, making me look tall and thin.


v. 强求, 不断请求 to beset with insistent or repeated requests; entreat pressingly Synonyms : BEG, appeal, beseech, crave, entreat, implore, invoke, plead, pray, supplicate Sample: Democratic and Republican phone solicitors importuned her for contributions so frequently that she decided to give nothing to either party.


v. 急忙,疾走,催促 to go quickly:HASTEN hie<>dawdle 催促<>游手好闲,闲混 Synonyms: GO, fare, journey, pass, proceed, push on, repair, travel, wend


v. 恐吓,吓倒,威胁 to destroy the resolve or courage of cowed<>undaunted 被吓倒的<>大无畏的 embolden<>abash/faze/cow 使大胆<>使羞愧/使狼狈/威胁 Synonyms: INTIMIDATE, bludgeon, bluster, browbeat, bulldoze, bully, bullyrag, dragoon, hector, strong-arm Sample:The little boy was so cowed by the hulking bully that he gave up his lunch money without a word of protest.


v. 慌乱,狼狈,混乱,激动 to put into a state of agitated confusion:UPSET flustered<>calm 慌乱的:冷静的 Synonyms: discompose, agitate, bother, discombobulate, disquiet, disturb, flurry, perturb, unhinge, upset Sample:The teacher's sudden question flustered him and he stammered his reply.


v. 慢慢前进,慢慢移动 to move by small degrees:progress slowly Sample:Fearing detection by the sentries on duty, the scout inched his way toward the enemy camp with great stealth. inchoate [5InkEJEt] adj.刚开始的,未发展的 being only partly in existence or operation; especially :imperfectly formed or formulated:FORMLESS inchoate<>explicit 不完全的<>明确的 Synonyms: INCOHERENT, disconnected, discontinuous, disjointed, disordered, incohesive, muddled, unconnected, uncontinuous, unorganized Sample:Before the Creation, the world was an inchoate mass.


v. 憎恶,咒骂 to declare to be evil or detestable:DENOUNCE execrable<>commendable/laudable 憎恶的<>值得表扬的/值得赞美的 execration<>approbation 咒骂<>嘉许 execrate<>laud 咒骂<>赞美 Synonyms: anathematize, curse, damn, objurgate Sample:The world execrates the memory of Hitler and hopes that genocide will never again be the policy of any nation.


v. 懒洋洋地说,慢慢地说,n.懒洋洋的说话态度 to utter in a slow lengthened tone 词与形容词的同义关系) Sample:He drawls when he speaks; he speaks with a southern drawl.


v. 打消(某人)的错误念头,纠正 to free from error, fallacy, or misconception mislead<>disabuse 误导<>纠正 Synonyms: purge, undeceive, undelude Sample:Although he attempted repeatedly to disabuse her of her conviction of his insincerity, he was not successful; she remained adamant in her judgment. disaffected [dIsE5fektId] adj.(政治上)不满的,叛离的 discontented and resentful especially against authority REBELLIOUS disaffected<>contented/win over 不满的, 叛离的<>满足的/争取过来,拉过来 disaffect<>mollify 实敌对<>平息 disaffected<> beloved 不满的<>心爱的 Sample:She has become disaffected by her work (situation, pay, etc.).


v. 扭弯,曲解 to twist into or as if into a strained shape or expression Synonyms: DEFORM, distort, misshape, torture, warp, wind Sample:As the effects of the opiate wore away, the contortions of the patient became more violent and demonstrated how much pain she was enduring.


v. 承认,坦白,忏悔,供认 to disclose one's faults; specifically :to unburden one's sins or the state of one's conscience to God or to a priest Synonyms: ACKNOWLEDGE, admit, allow, avow, concede, fess (up), grant, let on, own, own up Sample:The bank teller confessed his embezzlement of the funds.


v. 承认(为正确),让步 to grant as a right or privilege concede<>refuse to grant 承认<>拒绝承认 Synonyms: ACKNOWLEDGE, admit, allow, avow, confess, fess (up), grant, let on, own, own up Sample:While Parker is very outspoken on issues she cares about, she is not fanatical; she concedes the strength of opposing arguments when they expose weaknesses inherent in her own.


v. 押头韵 the repetition of usually initial consonant sounds in two or more neighboring words or syllables


v. 拖欠,违约,欠缺,默认,缺省 a failure to pay financial debts Synonyms: FAILURE, delinquency, dereliction, neglect, oversight Sample:As a result of her husband's failure to appear in court, she was granted a divorce by default.


v. 拘留, 留住, 阻止 to hold or keep in or as if in custody detain<>manumit 拘留<>释放 Synonyms: ARREST, apprehend, nab, pick up, pinch, pull in, run in Sample:The police detained a man for questioning in the crime. deter vt. 制止,使断念,威慑 to turn aside, discourage, or prevent from acting inducement<>deterrent 引诱<> 制止 deter<>spur 制止<>激励 Synonyms: DISSUADE, disadvise, discourage, divert Synonyms: DISSUADE, disadvise, discourage, divert Sample:A woman deterred a criminal from attacking her by yelling for the police.


v. 指责,对...表示怀疑 to assail by words or arguments:oppose or attack as false or lacking integrity extol<>condemn/impugn/detract 赞美<>谴责/指责/贬低 impugn<>champion 指责<>支持 impugn<>endorse 指责<>同意 impugn<>vindicate 指责<>辩护 impugn<>uphold 指责<>赞同 指责<>赞同 Synonyms: DENY, contradict, contravene, cross, disaffirm, gainsay, negate, negative, traverse Sample:I cannot impugn your honesty without evidence.


v. 指责,揭发 to pronounce especially publicly to be blameworthy or evil condone<>denounce 宽恕<>指责 denounce<>bracing 指责<>支持 denounce<>eulogy 谴责<>赞扬 Synonyms: CRITICIZE, blame, censure, condemn, denunciate, knock, rap, reprehend, reprobate, skin Sample:Although it is unusual to denounce museum-goers for not painting, it is quite common, even for those. who are unenthusiastic about sports, to criticize spectators for athletic inactivity.


v. 损害,减少,削弱 to damage or make worse by or as if by diminishing in some material respect Synonyms: injure, harm, hurt, damage, mar Sample:Exposure to sustained noise has been claimed to impair blood pressure regulation in human beings and, particularly, to increase hypertension, even though some researchers have obtained inconclusive results that obscure the relationship.


v. 损害,玷污n. 瑕疵,缺点 to spoil by a flaw blighted<>unblemished 毁坏的,枯萎的<>无损坏的 tainted<>unblemished 有污点的<>无瑕疵的 Synonyms: INJURE, damage, harm, hurt, impair, mar, prejudice, spoil, tarnish, vitiate Sample:That report was so poor it will certainly leave a blemish on his record.


v. 掠夺,骚扰 to make a pillaging or destructive raid on:ASSAULT to make a pillaging or destructive raid on:ASSAULT harry<>comfort 骚扰<>安慰 harried<>untroubled 受骚扰的<>没烦恼的 harry<>mollify/check 骚扰◇平息/阻止 Synonyms: RAVAGE, depredate, desecrate, desolate, despoil, devastate, havoc, pillage, sack, spoliate Sample:The guerrilla band harried the enemy nightly.


v. 提升,提高,得意洋洋 to elevate by praise or in estimation:GLORIFY exaltation<>condemnation 提升<>贬斥 exalt<>lower in status 提高<>降低 exalt<>humble 提高,提升<>贬抑,使卑下 denigrate<>exalt 贬低<>晋升 Synonyms: aggrandize, dignify, distinguish, ennoble, erect, glorify, honor, magnify, pedestal, stellify, sublime, uprear Sample:The actor Alec Guinness was exalted to the rank of knighthood by the Queen; he now is known as Sir Alec Guinness.


v. 撕去皮,严厉批评 to censure scathingly excoriate<>extol/praise lavishly 严厉批评<>赞扬/高度赞扬 accolade<>excoriate 极力赞扬<>严厉的责难 excoriate<>flatter 严厉批评<>过分赞扬 Synonyms: LAMBASTE, blister, castigate, flay, lash (into), scarify, scathe, scorch, scourge, slash Sample:These shoes are so ill-fitting that they will excoriate the feet and create blisters.


v. 擦掉,抹去 to make (oneself) modestly or shyly inconspicuous 【注:合头韵作的(诗句)不能移动其成分,以家徽装饰(纹章)不能擦去 】 blazon<>efface 画纹章<>拭除 efface<>emboss 抹去<>以浮雕凸现 efface<>bring to preeminent 抹去<>使卓越 efface<>aggrandize 抹掉<>增加 effacing<>institute 抹掉<>建立 Synonyms: ERASE, annul, black (out), blot out, cancel, delete, expunge, obliterate, wipe (out), x (out) Sample:Although retiring, almost self-effacing in his private life, he displays in his plays and essays a strong penchant for publicity and controversy.


v. 支持,赞成 to extend approval or toleration to:SANCTION countenance<>condemn 支持<>谴责 Synonyms: APPROVE, accept, approbate, favor, go (for), hold (with) Sample:While many people utilize homeopathic remedies to treat health problems, other people do not countenance such alternative treatments, relying on conventional medical treatments instead.


v. 教唆 ,协助(犯罪) to assist or support in the achievement of a purpose stymie<>abet 阻碍<>鼓励 frustrate<>abet 阻挠<>唆使 abet<>thwart/impede 教唆<>阻止 forestall<>abet 阻止(先下手)<>唆使,怂勇 abet<>obstruct 教唆<>阻止


v. 斥责,责骂 to voice disapproval to:reproach in a usually mild and constructive manner:SCOLD chide<>praise 斥责<>称赞 Synonyms: REPROVE, admonish, call down, lesson, monish, rebuke, reprimand, reproach, tick off Sample:Grandma began to chide Steven for his lying.


v. 时常出入频繁的访问;经常在那儿或常常出现: to associate with, be in, or resort to often or habitually frequent<>shun { avoid } 时常出入<>避开 【注:此题争议较大 shun侧重强调避开一个地方,avoid 侧重强调避开人或事 物,防止发生】 Synonyms: affect, hang around, hang out, haunt, resort Sample:He frequents the local restaurants often.


v. 曲解,窜改 to so alter or distort as to create a wrong impression or change the meaning garble<>elucidate 曲解<>清晰说明 garble<>report accurately 断章取义<>精确的报告 Synonyms: misrepresent, belie, color, distort, falsify Sample:The mannual that came with my VCR was no masterpiece of expository prose:its explanations were so garbled that I couldn't even figure out how to rewind a tape.


v. 欺骗, 瞒 to mislead by means of a petty trick or fraud; deceive Sample: He was the kind of individual who would cozen his friends in a cheap card game but remain eminently ethical in all his business dealings. Synonyms DECEIVE, beguile, betray, delude, double-cross, humbug, illude, mislead, sell out, take in


v. 欺骗,隐瞒 to deceive by underhanded methods:DUPE, HOODWINK Synonyms: DUPE, befool, fool, gull, hoax, hoodwink, trick Sample:I was bamboozled when I bought that bad used car.


v. 混合 to combine (funds or properties) into a common fund or stock commingle<>separate 混合<>分离 Synonyms : MIX, comingle, commix, compound, immingle, immix, intermingle, intermix, merge, mingle


v. 渗透, 秘密潜入 to pass (troops, for example) surreptitiously into enemy-held territory Synonyms INSINUATE, edge in, foist, work in, worm Sample: In order to infiltrate enemy lines at night without being seen, the scouts darkened their faces and wore black coveralls.


v. 游说, 彻底检查, 细究, 向...拉票或拉生意, 讨论 to seek orders or votes:SOLICIT Synonyms: DISCUSS, agitate, argue, debate, dispute, moot, thrash out, toss (around) Sample:After canvassing the sentiments of his constituents, the congressman was confident that he represented the majority opinion of his district.


v. 湿透;浸透 to wet thoroughly (as by soaking or immersing in liquid) Synonyms: WET, deluge, douse, drown, soak, sop, souse Sample:The heavy rain drenched our clothes.


v. 滴注,逐渐灌输 to impart gradually instill <>drain away 灌输<>流走 instill<>remove 慢慢地灌输<>移开 Synonyms: IMPLANT, inculcate, infix, inseminate Sample:Her athletic parents instilled the girl with a love of baseball.


v. 点燃,使灼热,使兴奋 to set afire; also :KINDLE ignite<>extinguish 点燃<>熄灭 Synonyms: LIGHT, enkindle, fire, inflame, kindle Sample:When Desi crooned, "Baby, light my fire," literal-minded Lucy looked around for some paper to ignite.


v. 用香焚,使发怒 to arouse the extreme anger or indignation of propitiate<>incense 劝解<>激怒 Synonyms: ANGER, enrage, infuriate, ire, mad, madden, steam up, umbrage Sample:The child's lies incensed his babysitter so much that she slapped him. inception [In5sepF(E)n] n.开端,开始,取得学位 an act, process, or instance of beginning:COMMENCEMENT Synonyms: origin, source, root Sample:She was involved with the project from its inception.


v. 申斥,苛责,强烈反对 to subject to severe punishment, reproof, or criticism accolade<>castigation 称赞<>斥责 castigate<>extol 严厉地批评<>赞美 castigate<>flatter 斥责<>称赞 Synonyms: LAMBASTE, blister, excoriate, flay, lash (into), scarify, scathe, scorch, scourge, slash Sample:Sensitive even to mild criticism, Woolf could not bear castigation that she found in certain reviews.


v. 电镀,通电,激励 to stimulate or excite as if by an electric shock galvanize<>lull 激励<>使平静 galvanize<>allay 激励<>减轻 Synonyms: provoke, excite, innervate, innerve, motivate, move, pique, prime, quicken, stimulate Sample:The entire nation was galvanized into strong military activity by the news of the attack on Pearl Harbor.


v. 疏散, 撤出, 排泄 a:to remove especially from a military zone or dangerous area b:to withdraw from military occupation of c:VACATE evacuate<>conquer/occupy 撤退<>占领 Sample:The people evacuated the town because of the flood.


v. 监禁,禁闭 to enclose within or as if within walls b:IMPRISON immure<>release 禁闭<>释放 immure<>liberate 监禁<>解放 Synonyms: IMPRISON, bastille, confine, constrain, incarcerate, intern, jail, jug Sample:For the two weeks before the examination, the student immureed himself in his room and concentrated upon his studies.


v. 盗用, 挪用,窃用为自己独自占有或使用,常未经许可: to take or make use of without authority or right to take or make use of without authority or right Synonyms: STEAL , annex, filch, lift, pilfer, pinch, purloin, snitch, swipe Sample:The ranch owners appropriated the lands that had originally been set aside for the Indians' use.


v. 相会,相遇,遭遇 to come upon face-to-face circumlocutory(circumlocution)<>direct encounter 婉转说法<>直接面对 Synonyms: CONFRONT , affront, face, meet Sample:He had expected gratitude for his disclosure, but instead he encountered indifference bordering on hostility.


v. 祈求,恳求 to request earnestly:IMPLORE Synonyms: beg, appeal, crave, entreat, implore, importune, invoke, plead, pray, supplicate Sample:In his will, Father bequeathed his watch to Phillip; the bequest meant a great deal to the boy.


v. 神化 , 神拜,神敬把...当作神来崇拜或敬畏 To worship or revere as a god deification<>debasement 神化<>贬低 deify<>watch with contempt 神化<>蔑视 Sample:Admire the rock star all you want; just don't deify him.


v. 离题,把(话题)离开 to turn aside especially from the main subject of attention or course of argument Synonyms: depart, divagate, diverge, excurse, ramble, stray, wander Sample:The speaker talked about modern art, then digressed into a discussion of a painter from 500 years ago.


v. 积聚,收集 to collect for oneself:ACCUMULATE amass<>dissipate 积聚<>浪费 Synonyms: ACCUMULATE, cumulate, garner, hive, lay up, roll up, stockpile, store (up), uplay Sample:The miser's aim is to amass and hoard as much gold as possible.


v. 给......壮胆,鼓励 to instill with boldness or courage appall<>embolden/nerve 使胆寒<>使大胆/鼓起勇气 embolden<>abash/faze/cow 使大胆<>使困窘/使狼狈/威胁 boggle<>embolden (由于胆怯而)犹豫<>给......壮胆 embolden<>daunt 鼓励<>威吓 Sample:His early success emboldened him to take even greater risks.


v. 缓冲,为...冲当缓冲器 to lessen the shock of:CUSHION Sample:The mountains are a <n.> buffer against the storms from the sea.


v. 聚结 a group of birds or mammals assembled or herded together to gather or move in a flock flock<>segregate 聚集<>隔离 Synonyms: multitude, army, cloud, crowd, host, legion, rout, scores Sample:The flock of sheep was made up of dozens of ewes, together with only a handful of rams.


v. 表达同情或悲伤 to express sympathetic sorrow Sample:He apologized for his belated note of condolence to the widow of his friend and explained that he had just learned of her husband's untimely death.


v. 装玻璃, 上釉, 使表面光滑 to give a smooth glossy surface to glaze<>rumple 使表面光滑<>弄皱 Sample:The freezing rain glazed the streets and made driving hazardous.


v. 解决,解脱,解开澄清 解开澄清:缠结(动词的反义关系) Synonyms: EXTRICATE, discumber, disembroil, disencumber, unentangle, unscramble, untangle, untie, untwine Sample:The bookkeeper disentangled the records and cleared up mistakes.


v. 解放,解除 to free from restraint, control, or the power of another; especially :to free from bondage emancipate<>shackle 释放<>束缚 emancipation<>bondage 释放<>束缚 Synonyms: FREE, discharge, liberate, loose, loosen, manumit, release, unbind, unchain, unshackle Sample:At first, the attempts of the Abolitioninst to emancipate the slaves were unpopular in New England as well as in the South.


v. 讨价还价 to negotiate over the terms of a purchase, agreement, or contract:HAGGLE Sample:Her stay in the hospital cost her $30,000, which was a lot more than she bargained for. baroque [bE5rEJk]n./adj. (艺术、建筑等)高度装饰的,过份雕琢的 characterized by grotesqueness, extravagance, complexity, or flamboyance baroque<>austere 过分修饰的<>简朴的 Synonyms: ORNATE, flamboyant, florid, luscious, rich Sample:Accustomed to the severe, angular lines of modern skyscrapers, they found the flamboyance of baroque architecture amusing.


v. 让位,辞职,放弃, to relinquish (as sovereign power) formally abdicate<>constitute 剥夺<>任命 abdicate<>assume 放弃<>接受 abdicate<>usurp 让位,辞职<>篡位


v. 诽谤,中伤 to utter maliciously false statements, charges, or imputations about calumniate<>vindicate calumniate<>vindicate 诽谤<>维护 calumnious<>flattering 中伤的<>谄媚的 calumny<>approbation 诽谤<>嘉许 Synonyms: MALIGN, asperse, defame, denigrate, libel, scandalize, slander, traduce, vilify, villainize Sample:He could endure his financial failure, but he could not bear the calumny that his foes heaped upon him.


v. 败坏...的名声;诽谤,使羞辱 to deprive of good repute:DISGRACE Synonyms: blow up, disprove, explode, puncture, shoot Sample:Scientists have discredited many popular beliefs, like the belief the world was flat.


v. 贬低,贬值 to lower the price or estimated value of Synonyms: cheapen, decry, devalorize, devaluate, devalue, downgrade, lower, mark down, soften, underprize, underrate, undervalue, write down, write off Sample:The boss depreciated the abilities of a worker.


v. 贬抑,轻蔑 to depreciate by indirect means (as invidious comparison):speak slightingly about aggrandize<>disparage 提高地位和名望<>贬低 champion<>disparage 拥护<>贬低 extol<>disparage 高度赞扬<>贬低 kudos<>disparage 荣誉<>蔑视 adulate<>disparage 奉承<>贬损 revere<>disparage 尊敬<>贬损 Synonyms: DECRY, abuse, belittle, depreciate, derogate, detract (from), dispraise, downcry, minimize, write off Sample:A number of writers who once greatly disparaged the literary critic have recently recanted, substituting approbation for their former criticism.


v. 赌博,孤注一掷 to stake something on a contingency:take a chance Synonyms: bet, game, lay, play, put(on), set, stake, wager; chance, hazard, risk Sample:Corrupt politicians who condone the activities of the gamblers are equally culpable.


n. (军人佩戴以示军衔和军兵种的)v形臂章 a sleeve badge that usually consists of one or more chevron-shaped stripes that indicates the wearer's rank and service (as in the armed forces)


n. (博物馆、图书馆等的) 馆长,主持 one that has the care and superintendence of something; especially:one in charge of a museum, zoo, or other place of exhibit Sample:The members of the board of trustees of the museum expected the new curator


n. (发出)微弱的光 a:to shine faintly or unsteadily b:to give off a subdued unsteady reflection Synonyms: FLASH, coruscate, glance, gleam, glint, glisten, glitter, shimmer, sparkle, twinkle Sample:In the darkness of the cavern, the glowworms hanging from the cavern roof glimmered like distant stars.


n. (大学的)毕业典礼 the ceremonies or the day for conferring degrees or diplomas commencement<>matriculation 毕业典礼<>入学考试 Sample:Her exemplary behavior was praised at commencement. commend [kE5mend]vt. 委托给,推荐,嘉奖 to mention with approbation:PRAISE berate<>commend 严厉指责<>称赞 execrable<>commendable/laudable 可憎恨的<>值得表扬的/值得称赞的 deplore<>commend 指责<>赞扬 Sample:The young woman was so sedulous that she received a commendation for her hard work.


n. (小说的)结尾,结局 the final outcome of the main dramatic complication in a literary work Sample:The play was childishly written; the denouement was obvious to sophisticated theatergoers as early as the middle of the first act.


n. (按作曲家、演奏家或演唱家分类之) 音乐唱片分类录 a descriptive list of phonograph records by category, composer, performer, or date of release


n. (由风吹积而成的)沙丘 a hill or ridge of sand piled up by the wind Sample:The sand dunes on the desert are formed by the wind.


n. (答案有双关意义的)谜语, 难题 a:a question or problem having only a conjectural answer b:an intricate and difficult problem Synonyms: MYSTERY, Chinese puzzle, closed book, enigma, mystification, puzzle, puzzlement, riddle, why Sample:During the long car ride, she invented conundrums to entertain the children.


n. (绘画中的)明暗对照法;用明暗对照法绘的图画 the interplay or contrast of dissimilar qualities, pictorial representation in terms of light and shade without regard to color


n. ,adj.&adv.偶然的 marked by lack of plan, order, or direction methodical<>haphazard 系统的<>偶然的 systematic<>haphazard 系统的<>偶然的 haphazard<>planned 偶然的<>有计划的 Synonyms: RANDOM, aimless, designless, desultory, hit-or-miss, indiscriminate, irregular, unaimed, unconsidered, unplanned Sample:His haphazard reading left him unaquainted with the authors of the books.


n. /v. 下毛毛雨,毛毛雨 a fine misty rain deluge<>drizzle deluge<>drizzle 大洪水<>毛毛雨 Synonyms: sprinkle Sample:There is a fine drizzle this morning.


n. /v. 妨碍议事,阻挠 the use of extreme dilatory tactics in an attempt to delay or prevent action especially in a legislative assembly Sample:Even though we disapproved of Senator Foghorn's political goals, we were impressed by his ability to filibuster endlessly to keep an issue from coming to a vote.


n. /v. 担心,焦虑 to take away the peace or tranquillity of:DISTURB, ALARM disquiet<>put at ease 使不安<>使安心 Synonyms: DISCOMPOSE, agitate, bother, disturb, flurry, fluster, perturb, unhinge, untune, upset Sample:City life disquieted the poet, so she returned to the countryside.


n. /v. 推测,臆测 inference from defective or presumptive evidence conjecture<>restrain from the speculation 推测<>不准猜测 conjecture<>fact (基于)猜测<>(基于)事实 Synonyms: guess, presume, pretend, suppose, surmise, think Sample:The development of containers, possibly made from bark or the skins of animals, although this is a matter of conjecture, allowed the extensive sharing of forage foods in prehistoric human societies.


n. /v. 责难,非难 to find fault with and criticize as blameworthy exonerate<>censure 免除责备<>非难 extol<>censure 赞美<>责难 Synonyms: CRITICIZE, blame, condemn, denounce, denunciate, knock, rap, reprehend, reprobate, skin Sample:During the 1960's assessments of the family shifted remarkably, from general endorsement of it as a worthwhile, stable institution to widespread censure of it as an oppressive and bankrupt one whose dissolution was both imminent and welcome.


n. /v. 贮藏,秘藏 to keep (as one's thoughts) to oneself lavish<>hoard 浪费的<>储藏 squander<>hoard 挥霍<>贮存 Synonyms: squirrel, stash Sample:Plants store a hoard of water in their leaves, stems, or understock to provide themselves with a form of insurance that will carry them through the inevitable drought they must suffer in the wild. hoary [5hC:rI]adj. 灰白的,久远的 extremely old:ANCIENT Synonyms: ANCIENT, aged, age-old, antediluvian, antique, Noachian, old, timeworn, venerable


n. <古><英方>药剂师,药商,药房 one who prepares and sells drugs or compounds for medicinal purposes Sample:In Holland, apothecaries still sell spices as well as ointments and pills.


n. pl. 臭气(effluvium的复数形式),没用的副产品 a by-product especially in the form of waste effluvia<>desired products 没用的副产品<>有用的产品 Sample:Air pollution has become a serious problem in our major cities; the effluvium and the poiso frugal ns in the air are hazards to life. effulgent [I5fQldV(E)nt] adj.光辉的,灿烂的 radiant splendor:BRILLIANCE Synonyms: BRIGHT ,beaming,brilliant,fulgent,incandescent, lambent, lucent, luminous, radiant, refulgent


n. v. 尊敬,尊重 to set a high value on:regard highly and prize accordingly stigma<>mark of esteem 耻辱<>身份的象征 odium<>esteem 憎恶<>尊重 Synonyms: REGARD, account, admiration, consideration, estimation, favor, respect Sample:I esteem Ezra Pound both for his exciting poetry and for his acute comments on literature.


n. v. 拥抱, 互相拥抱, 包含, 收买, 信奉 close encircling with the arms and pressure to the bosom especially as a sign of affection:HUG abrogate<>embrace/institute/uphold 取消<>乐于接受/创立/赞成 eschew<>embrace, greet , welcome 避开<>欢迎 abjure<>embrace/espouse 发誓放弃<>支持/赞成 ostracize<>include/embrace 排斥<>包括/包含 spurn<>court ,crave, embrace 摒弃<>追求, 渴望, 欢迎 renounce<>embrace 断绝关系<>信奉 condemn<>embrace 谴责<>拥护,支持 Synonyms: clasp, clinch, clip, enfold, hug, press, squeeze Sample:Having fully embraced the belief that government by persuasion is preferable to government by coercion, the leaders of the movement have recently repudiated most of their previous statements supporting totalitarianism.


n. vi.掠过, 迁徙, 迅速飞过, (鸟, 蝙蝠等)飞来飞去 to move about rapidly and nimbly. 迅速飞过:移动:突然说出:出声 flit<>plod 迅速飞过<>缓慢移动 Sample:Like a bee flitting from flower to flower, Rose flitted from one boyfriend to the next.


n. 【动】雀类(如燕雀,金翅雀等) any of numerous songbirds (especially families Fringillidae, Estrildidae, and Emberizidae) having a short stout usually conical bill adapted for crushing seeds 区别:flinch:畏缩, 退缩


n. 【医】幽闭恐怖症 abnormal dread of being in closed or narrow spaces Sample:His fellow classmates laughed at his claustrophobia and often threatened to lock him in his room.


n. 一发之差, 极小的距离 a very small distance or margin hairbreadth<>ample margin 一发之差<>足够的边缘 Synonyms:HAIR, ace, whisker


n. 一段情节, [音]插曲, 插话, 有趣的事件 a usually brief unit of action in a dramatic or literary work Synonyms OCCURRENCE, circumstance, event, go, happening, incident, occasion, thing


n. 一瞥,闪光,一滑,辉矿类 a quick or cursory look Sample:The blueprints for the new automobile were striking at first glance. But the designer had been basically too conservative to flout previous standards of beauty.


n. 一致,交感,团结 group solidarity in sentiment and belief 误, 不真实, 谎言, 虚假" 无必然关系. falsehood无"失败,错误"之意】 Synonyms: consent , unison , accord , agreement Sample:Congress is having great difficulty developing a consensus on energy policy, primarily because the policy objectives of various members of Congress rest on such divergent assumptions.


n. 一致,调和,和音 harmony or agreement among components consonant<>dissonant 调和<>不协调 consonant<>discrepant 调和<>不一致的 Synonyms: HARMONY, accord, agreement, chime, concord, concordance, tune Sample:Her agitation seemed out of consonance with her usual calm. conspicuous [kEn5spIkjJEs] adj.显著的,显而易见的 obvious to the eye or mind obvious to the eye or mind 明显的:看:易明了的:了解 (因果关系) 隐居处:隐退的:路标:明显的 (事物及其正面特征) 明显的:遮蔽的 (反义关系) blatant<>inconspicuous 明显的<>不明显的 nondescript<>conspicuous 莫可名状的<>显而易见的 salient<>incomspicuous 显著的<>不显著的 prominent<>inconspicuous 卓越的<>不现眼的 blatant<>unobtrusive 显眼的<>不显眼的 Synonyms: NOTICEABLE, arresting, arrestive, marked, outstanding, pointed, prominent, remarkable, salient, striking Sample:Everyone at the wedding was well-dressed, but she was conspicuous in jeans and a cowboy hat.


n. 不同,矛盾 Divergence or disagreement, as between facts or claims; difference. discrepancy<>converge 矛盾<>汇聚的行为 consonant<>discrepant 调和<>不一致的 discrepancy<>concord 分散<>和睦 Synonyms: DISSIMILARITY, alterity, difference, dissemblance, dissimilitude, distinction, divergence, divergency, otherness, unlikeness Sample:Calculations of the density of alloys based on Bernal-type models of the alloys metal component agreed fairly well with the experimentally determined values from measurements on alloys consisting of a noble metal together with a metalloid , such as alloys of palladium and silicon , or alloys consisting of iron , phosphorus , and carbon,although small discrepancies remained.


n. 不调和,不和 lack of agreement or harmony (as between persons, things, or ideas) harmony<>discord 和谐的<>声音不和谐的 Synonyms: conflict, contention, difference, disaccord, disharmony, dispeace, dissension, dissent, dissidence, dissonance, disunion, disunity, division, inharmony, mischief, strife, unpeace, variance Sample:The children trying out musical instruments produced a terrible discord.


n. 不起劲,不感兴趣,厌恶 a preference for avoiding something:slight aversion 厌恶:爱好 (反义关系) leaning<>disinclination 爱好<>厌恶 loquacity<>disinclination to speak 多舌<>不愿说话 proclivity<>disinclination 倾向<>厌恶 Synonyms: DISLIKE, aversion, bad books, disfavor, disliking, displeasure, disrelish, dissatisfaction, distaste, indisposition Sample:She is disinclined to accept the job offer because the pay is too low.


n. 两栖动物,水陆两用飞机,水陆两用车 any of a class (Amphibia) of cold-blooded vertebrates (as frogs, toads, or salamanders) intermediate in many characters between fishes and reptiles and having gilled aquatic larvae and air-breathing adults Sample:Frogs are classified as amphibian.


n. 中止,(短暂的)停止 a temporary or final ceasing (as of action):STOP cessation<>commencement 停止<>开始 cessation<>start 停止<>开始 cessation<>continuation 停止<>继续 Synonyms: END , cease, close, conclusion, desistance, ending, finish, period, stop, termination Sample:The workers threatened a cessation of all activities if their demands were not met.


n. 乖戾的(老)人, 脾气坏的人, 爱争吵的(老)家伙 a crusty, ill-tempered, and usually old man curmudgeon<>agreeable person 脾气坏的人<>令人愉快的人 Sample:Although he was regarded by many as a curmudgeon, a few of us were aware of the many kindnesses and acts of charity that he secretly performed.


n. 亚麻,麻布,亚麻织品 any of a genus (Linum of the family Linaceae, the flax family) of herbs; especially:a slender erect annual (L. usitatissimum) with blue flowers commonly cultivated for its bast fiber and seed


n. 交战,好战性,斗争性 an aggressive or truculent attitude, atmosphere, or disposition belligerent<>peaceful 好战的<>爱好和平的 belligerent<>conciliatory 好战的<>调和的 好战的<>调和的 Synonyms: ATTACK , aggression, aggressiveness, combativeness, fight, pugnacity Sample:Whenever he had too much to drink, he became belligerent and tried to pick fights with strangers. bellwether n. 系铃的公羊, 前导, 领导者, 群众的首领 One that serves as a leader or as a leading indicator of future trends


n. 享乐主义学说 of, relating to, or characterized by pleasure hedonist<>ascetic 享乐主义者<>禁欲者 Sample: Hedonism is a way of life for many people. heinous [`heInEs] adj.可憎的,十恶不赦的 hatefully or shockingly evil :ABOMINABLE heinous<>commendable 可憎的<>值得赞美的 heinous<>admirable 极可憎<>可钦佩的 Synonyms: OUTRAGEOUS, atrocious, crying, desperate, monstrous, scandalous, shocking Sample:Hitler's heinous crimes will never be forgotten.


n. 人口统计学 the statistical study of human populations especially with reference to size and density, distribution, and vital statistics Sample:In conducting a survey, one should take into account demographic trends in the region.


n. 人道主义者,博爱者,基督凡人论者 a person promoting human welfare and social reform:PHILANTHROPIST Sample:It is difficult for humanity with its finite existence to grasp the infinite.


n. 任人唯亲 partiality to cronies especially as evidenced in the appointment of political hangers-on to office without regard to their qualifications


n. 传家宝,相传动产 something of special value handed on from one generation to another Sample:She treasured the brooch because it was an heirloom.


n. 伪装,隐瞒,幌子 behavior or artifice designed to deceive or hide Sample:Soldiers camouflaged themselves to blend in with the jungle by wearing green uniforms.


n. 伪造,伪造罪,伪造物 an act of forging; especially:the crime of falsely and fraudulently making or altering a document (as a check) Sample:The painting, which sold for $500,000, turned out to be a forgery; it was only really worth $10,000.


n. 住处 a shelter (as a house) in which people live Synonyms: HABITATION , abode, commorancy, domicile, home, house, residence, residency Sample:She lives in an old dwelling on the edge of town.


n. 住所, 住宅 a dwelling place:place of residence:HOME Synonyms: HABITATION, abode, commorancy, dwelling, home, house, residence, residency Sample:Althoughhis legal domicile was in New York City, his work kept him away from his residence for many years.


n. 便利, 方便, 有益, 有用的, 方便的用具、机械、安排等 something (as an appliance, device, or service) conducive to comfort or ease opportune<>inconvenient 适当的<>不便的 Synonyms: AMENITY , comfort, facility Sample:In spite of the fact that it is convenient to divide the life span of animals into separate stages such as prenatal, adolescent, and senescent, these periods are not really distinct.


n. 保守的人 tending or disposed to maintain existing views, conditions, or institutions:TRADITIONAL conserve<>exhaust 保存<>耗尽 Synonyms: die-hard, fogyish, old-line, orthodox, reactionary, right, tory, traditionalistic Sample:The conservative father viewed his daughter's radical boyfriend with disapprobation.


n. 信任, 接受为真实或有效 acceptance as true or valid; belief credence<>skeptic/doubt 信任<>怀疑 Synonyms: BELIEF, credit, faith Sample: Do not place any credence in his promises.


n. 信徒, 弟子, 门徒 one who accepts and assists in spreading the doctrines of another Sample:She is a disciple of the British school of economics.


n. 倒塌 to fall or shrink together abruptly and completely Synonyms: bend, break, cave, crumple, fold up, yield Sample:While the delegate clearly sought to dampen the optimism that has emerged recently, she stopped short of suggesting that the conference was near collapse and might produce nothing of significance.


n. 倒退,逆流,涡流 SETBACK backset<>hike 倒退<>远足,增加 倒退<>远足,增加 Synonyms: SETBACK, check, reversal, reverse


n. 候选人,投考者 one that aspires to or is nominated or qualified for an office, membership, or award Synonyms: applicant, aspirant, hopeful, seeker Sample:Candidates who oppose the present state income tax must be able to propose alternate ways to continue the financing of state operations.


n. 倦怠,厌倦 a feeling of weariness and dissatisfaction:BOREDOM 倦怠:热心的:困倦的状态:警惕的 (名词和形容词的反义关系) ennui<>energy/enthusiasm 倦怠<>活力/热心 ennui<>keen interest 倦怠<>强烈的兴趣 ennui<>exuberance 倦怠<>生气盎然 Synonyms: TEDIUM, boredom, doldrums, yawn Sample:The monotonous routine of hopital life induced a feeling of ennui which made him moody and irritable.


n. 假装 to furnish with a false appearance or an assumed identity Synonyms: camouflage, cloak, dissemble, dissimulate, dress up, mask Sample:She disguised her evil intentions by pretending to be friendly.


n. 傲慢,骄傲 exaggerated pride or self-confidencehubristic Sample:Filled with hubris, Lear refused to heed his friends' warnings.


n. 先觉者; 智者 persons who are or who claim to be unusually enlightened 大杂烩:混乱:解说:翻译/先知:指导 (事物及其正面特征)


n. 先驱,预兆 one that presages or foreshadows what is to come Synonyms: ANNOUNCE , forerun, foreshow, herald, preindicate, presage Sample:Kagan maintains that an infant's reactions to its first stressful experiences are part of a natural process of development, not harbingers of childhood unhappiness or prophetic signs of adolescent anxiety. harbor n. 港,避难所v. 包庇,隐匿 to give shelter or refuge to harbor<>evict 隐匿<>赶出 Synonyms: chamber, haven, house, roof, shelter, shield Sample:The church harbored illegal aliens who were political refugees. hard-bitten [hB:d-5bitn] adj. 顽强的, 坚韧不拔的, 不屈服的 seasoned or steeled by difficult experience:TOUGH seasoned or steeled by difficult experience:TOUGH hard-bitten<>tender 不屈服的<>软弱的 Sample:She is a hard-bitten fighter against crime.


n. 免税者,被免除义务者 free or released from some liability or requirement to which others are subject Synonyms: absolve, discharge, dispense, excuse, let off, privilege (from), relieve, spare Sample:The court exempted me from jury duty because I'm a minister.


n. 公平, 公正, 公平的事物, 资产净值, [律]平衡法 justice according to natural law or right; specifically :freedom from bias or favoritism equitable<>discriminatory/unfair 公平的<>有差别的/不公平的 Sample:My equity in my brokerage account is $15,000 because I have $20,000 in stock but owe $5,000 as a loan.


n. 共谋, 阴谋 An agreement to perform together an illegal, wrongful, or subversive act. Synonyms: PLOT , cabal, covin, intrigue, machination, practice, scheme Sample:Any language is a conspiracy against experience in the sense that it is a collective attempt to manage experience by reducing it into discrete parcels.


n. 典礼,仪式,礼节 a formal act or series of acts prescribed by ritual, protocol, or convention Synonyms: RITE, ceremonial, formality, liturgy, observance, ritual, service Sample:Their nuptial ceremony was performed in Golden Gate Park.


n. 养蜂场, 蜂房 a place where bees are kept; especially :a collection of hives or colonies of bees kept for their honey Sample:Although he spent many hours daily in the apiary, he was very seldom stung by a bee.


n. 冒名顶替者 one that assumes false identity or title for the purpose of deception Sample:The impostor had a false passport, but the customs department knew his real name.


n. 冰河 a large body of ice moving slowly down a slope or valley or spreading outward on a land surface Sample:The glacier left many striated rocks.


n. 凝结剂 something that produces coagulation coagulate<>liquefy/dissolve 凝结<>溶解 coagulate<>thin 沉积,变厚<>变薄 Sample:Blood coagulates and closes a cut.


n. 凸出部分 a protuberant or swollen part or place bulge<>depressed region 凸出部分<>凹陷部分 Synonyms: PROJECTION, jut, outthrust, protrusion, protuberance Sample: A ganglionic cyst is a fluid-filled tumor (generally benign) that develops near a joint membrane or tendon sheath, and that bulges beneath the skin, forming a protuberance.


n. 凹, 凹痕, (齿轮的)齿, 弱点 a depression or hollow made by a blow or by pressure convex<>dent 凸起<>凹陷 Sample:The accident left a dent in my car door. denude [dI5nu:d] v.脱去,剥蚀,剥夺 to strip of all covering or surface layers denude<>cover 脱去<>遮蔽 Synonyms: STRIP, bankrupt, bare, denudate, deprive, dismantle, disrobe, divest Sample:The hurricane denuded the trees of their leaves.


n. 分析 separation of a whole into its component parts synthesis<>analysis 综合<>分析 Synonyms: breakdown, breakup, dissection, resolution Sample:Though it would be unrealistic to expect Barnard to have worked out all of the limitations of his experiment, he must be criticized for his neglect of quantitative analysis.


n. 分贝(音量的单位) a unit for expressing the relative intensity of sounds on a scale from zero for the average least perceptible sound to about 130 for the average pain level Sample:A sound level of 90 decibels is extremely loud.


n. 创立者,奠基者 one that founds or establishes Synonyms: father, architect, author, creator, generator, inventor, maker, originator, patriarch, sire Sample:Among those drowned when the Titanic sank was the founder of the Abraham & Straus chain.


n. 利他主义,不自私 unselfish regard for or devotion to the welfare of others altruism<>egocentric 利他主义<>利己主义 Synonyms: CHARITABLE, benevolent, eleemosynary, good, humane, humanitarian, philanthropic Sample:That rich woman is altruistic; she pays the expenses for poor students to go to college.


n. 刹车,阻碍,丛林 to retard or stop by a brake Synonyms: HINDER, bar, block, dam, impede, obstruct Sample:The public put the brakes on using coins instead of paper money.


n. 刺耳的声音 harsh or discordant sound:DISSONANCE cacophonous<>dulcet/euphonious 发音不和谐的<>优美/悦耳的 Synonyms: DISSONANT, cacophonic, discordant, disharmonic, disharmonious, inharmonic, inharmonious, unharmonious, unmusical Sample:Some people seem to enjoy the cacophony of an orchestra that is tuning up. Sample:Some people seem to enjoy the cacophony of an orchestra that is tuning up.


n. 前言, 序 prefatory comments (as for a book) especially when written by someone other than the author Synonyms: INTRODUCTION, exordium, overture, preamble, preface, prelude, prelusion, proem, prolegomenon, prologue Sample:The author wrote a foreword to be used as the first page of her book.


n. 剥夺,脱衣 the act of divesting divestiture<>acquisition 剥夺<>获得 Synonyms: PRIVATION, deprivation, deprivement, dispossession, loss Sample:They advised the divestiture of real-estate holdings.


n. 副本,复本,配对物,相应物 one of two corresponding copies of a legal instrument:DUPLICATE Synonyms: PARALLEL, analogue, correlate, correspondent, countertype, match Sample:As early as the seventeenth century, philosophers called attention to the problematic character of the issue, and their twentieth-century counterparts still approach it with uneasiness. (9504)


n. 区别 the quality or state of being distinguishable nebulous<>distinct 模糊不清的<>明显的,清楚的 repute<>lack of distinction 声望<>没有名望 eclipse<>make distinctive 使黯然失色<>使与众不同 distinct<>undifferential 明显的 <> 难区别的 indistinct<>easily visible 不明显的<>容易分辨的 Synonyms: DISSIMILARITY, alterity, difference, discrepancy, dissemblance, dissimilitude, divergence, divergency, otherness, unlikeness Sample:The necessity of establishing discrete categories for observations frequently leads to attempts to make absolute distinctions. when there are in reality only gradations. distinguished [dI5stIN^wIFt]adj. 卓著的,著名的 marked by eminence, distinction, or excellence eminent<>undistinguished 杰出的<>平凡的,普通的 Synonyms: FAMOUS, celebrated, celebrious, eminent, famed, great, illustrious, notable, prominent, renowned Sample:She is a distinguished novelist.


n. 半瓶醋,业余爱好者 a person having a superficial interest in an art or a branch of knowledge:DABBLER Synonyms: AMATEUR, abecedarian, dabbler, nonprofessional, smatterer, tyro, uninitiate Sample:His occasional trips to the opera show he is a dilettante in the arts.


n. 协奏曲 a piece for one or more soloists and orchestra with three contrasting movements Sample:We listened to a wonderful violin concerto.


n. 卓越;显赫;(此处喻指高处) one that is eminent, prominent, or lofty:as a person of high rank or attainments eminent<>undistinguished 有名的<>平凡的 ignoble<>eminent 可耻的<>杰出的 Synonyms: distinction, illustriousness, kudos, preeminence, prestige, prominence, prominency, renown Sample:After his appointment to this emiment position, he seldom had time for his former friends.


n. 占兆官,占卜师,相命者 to foretell especially from omens Synonyms: prophet, auspex, forecaster, foreseer, foreteller, haruspex, Nostradamus, predictor Sample:Although a change in management may appear to augur a shift in a company's fortunes, more often than not its impact is inconsiderable.


n. 卡路里,卡热量的几种大致相等的单位之一 the amount of heat required at a pressure of one atmosphere to raise the temperature of one gram of water one degree Celsius that is equal to about 4.19 joules Sample:Coal is much more calorific than green wood.


n. 厌恶,嫌恶 marked aversion aroused by something highly distasteful:REPUGNANCE 系) entrancing<>disappoint/disgust/repel/repulse/bored 迷人的, 使人神魂颠倒的<>失望的;受挫的/令人作呕的/厌恶的/厌恶的/无聊的, 无趣 的, 烦人的 Synonyms: nauseate, reluct, repel, repulse, revolt, sicken Sample:For many young people during the Roaring Twenties, a disgust with the excesses of American culture combined with a wanderlust to provoke an exodus abroad.

anaerobic adj.厌氧的. anaerobe

n. 厌氧微生物 living, active, occurring, or existing in the absence of free oxygen anaerobic<>living in oxygen 厌氧性的<>生活在氧气里的 anaerobic<>{respiration} 厌氧性的<>呼吸 【词性不符】 anaerobic<>require oxygen 厌氧性的<>需要氧气的


n. 原型 the original pattern or model of which all things of the same type are representations or copies:PROTOTYPE; also :a perfect example Synonyms: MODEL , beau ideal, ensample, example, exemplar, ideal, mirror, paradigm, pattern, standard Sample:The Brooklyn Bridge was the archetype of the many spans that now connect Manhattan with Long Island and New Jersey.


n. 厨师 a skilled cook who manages the kitchen (as of a restaurant) Sample:How did the inventive chef ever concoct such strange dish?


n. 厨房烹调法, 烹饪, 烹调风格 manner of preparing food:style of cooking; also:the food prepared Sample:He likes French cuisine and his wife enjoys Mexican cuisine.


n. 变色龙,善变的人,轻浮的人 any of a family (Chamaeleontidae) of chiefly arboreal Old World lizards with prehensile tail, independently movable eyeballs, and unusual ability to change the color of the skin Sample:He's a real chameleon; when he's with liberal friends he says he's a liberal, but when he's with conservative friends, he tells them he's conservative.


n. 史前古器物 something created by humans usually for a practical purpose; especially :an object remaining from a particular period Sample:Archaeologists debated the significance of the artifacts discovered in the ruins of Asia Minor and came to no conclusion.


n. 名称, 称呼,命名,命名的行为 A name, title, or designation. Synonyms: NAME ,appellative, cognomen, compellation, denomination, designation, nomen, style, title Sample:He was amazed when the witches hailed him with his correct appellation.


n. 听力所及之范围,声音所及的距离 the range within which the unaided voice may be heard Synonyms: hearing Sample:I called to him, but he could not hear me because he was out of earshot.


n. 吹牛者, 江湖骗子 a person who makes elaborate, fraudulent, and often voluble claims to skill or knowledge; a quack or fraud mentor:guide=charlatan:deceive 导师:指导=江湖骗子:欺骗(人物及其特征行为) Sample: When they realized that the Wizard didn't know how to get them back to Kansas, Dorothy and her friends were sure they'd been duped by a charlatan.


n. 呆子,笨蛋,傻瓜 a stupid person Synonyms: DUNCE, boob, booby, chump, dolthead, oaf Sample:I thought I was talking to a mature audience; instead, I find myself addressing a pack of dolts.


n. 咒语,口头禅,套话 a conventionalized utterance repeated without thought or aptness; a formula Synonyms: SPELL, charm, conjuration, devil-devil, rune Sample: Uttering incantations to make the brew more potent, the witch doctor stirred the liquid in the caldron.


n. 哀歌、凄凉之曲调 a song or hymn of grief or lamentation; especially :one intended to accompany funeral or memorial rites Sample:A band played a funeral dirge at the service for the dead President.


n. 哨兵线,非常警戒线,饰带 a line of persons or objects around a person or place Sample:The police cordon was so tight that the criminals could not leave the area. cornucopia [kC:njJ5kEJpIE] n.象征丰收的羊角(羊角装饰器内装满花、果、谷物等以示富饶) an inexhaustible store:ABUNDANCE cornucopia<>lack/pittance 丰富<>缺乏/少量 cornucopia<>dearth 丰富<>少量 Sample:American farmers grow a cornucopia of food for people.


n. 喧闹声,嘈杂声 a loud continued noise; especially :a welter of discordant sounds Synonyms: babel, brouhaha, clamor, hubbub, hullabaloo, jangle, music, pandemonium, racket, racketry, tintamarre, tumult, uproar Sample:There was a terrible din made by the crowd waiting for the rock concert. dingus [`dIN^Es]n. ((俚))新发明品; 新玩意儿 an ornamental attachment or decoration:DOODAD Synonyms: DOODAD, doohickey, gadget, jigger, thingumbob


n. 四海为家的人,世界主义者,无国家偏见的人 having worldwide rather than limited or provincial scope or bearing insularity<>cosmopolitanism 岛国<>世界主义 insular<>cosmopolitan 岛的<>世界性的 Synonyms: UNIVERSAL, catholic, cosmic, ecumenical, global, planetary, worldwide Sample:Hong Kong is a cosmopolitan city with people from all over the world.


n. 圆周,周围,胸围 the perimeter of a circle Sample:Washington Irving emphasized the rotundity of the governor by describing his height and circumference.


n. 坦白,直率 unreserved, honest, or sincere expression:FORTHRIGHTNESS artifice<>candor 诡计<>直率 mendacity<>candor 谎言<>坦白 Sample:The "impostor syndrome" often afflicts those who fear that true selfSample: The "impostor syndrome" often afflicts those who fear that true selfdisclosure will lower them in others' esteem; rightly handled, however, candor may actually enhance one's standing.


n. 堕落,腐败,邪恶 a corrupt act or practice Synonyms: VICE, corruption, immorality, wickedness Sample:In many science fiction films, the opposition of good and evil is portrayed as a conflict between technology, which is beneficent, and the errant will of a depraved intellectual.


n. 声名狼藉,出丑 evil reputation brought about by something grossly criminal, shocking, or brutal infamy<>good repute Synonyms: DISGRACE, discredit, disesteem, dishonor, disrepute, ignominy, obloquy, odium, opprobrium, shame Sample:Jesse James was an infamous outlaw.


n. 处理,排列,支配,布置,废料 systematic destruction; especially :destruction or transformation of garbage Synonyms: discarding, disposition, dumping, jettison, junking, relegation, riddance, scrapping, throwing away Sample:I was at her disposal whenever she needed my advice.


n. 大会,协定,惯例 usage or custom especially in social matters ossify<>transcend conventions 死板<>超越常规 Synonyms: CONTRACT, agreement, bargain, bond, compact, covenant, pact, transaction Sample:Once Renaissance painters discovered how to render volume and depth, they were able to replace the medieval convention of symbolic, two-dimensional space with the more realistic illusion of actual space. conventional adj.惯例的, 常规的, 习俗的, 传统的 lacking originality or individuality:TRITE offbeat<>conventional 不平常的<>传统的 Sample:George Bernard Shaw's iconoclastic plays often startled more conventional people.


n. 大厦,大建筑物 BUILDING; especially :a large or massive structure Synonyms: erection, pile, structur Sample:The addition of a second tower will give this edifice the symmetry that it now lacks.


n. 大失败,惨败 a complete failure fiasco<>a notable success 大失败<>显著的成功 Sample:Our ambitious venture ended in a fiasco and we were forced to flee.


n. 大洪水,豪雨 adj. an overflowing of the land by water b:a drenching rain deluge<>drizzle 豪雨<>毛毛雨 Synonyms: FLOOD, cataclysm, cataract, flooding, inundation, niagara, overflow, pour, spate, torrent Sample:When we advertised the position, we received a deluge of applications.


n. 大瀑布,奔流,洪水,白内障 WATERFALL; especially:a large one over a precipice Synonyms: WATERFALL, cascade, chute, fall(s), spout, cataclysm, deluge, flooding, overflow, pour, torrent Sample:She gazed with awe at the mighty cataract known as Niagara Falls.


n. 大灾难,大祸 a momentous tragic event ranging from extreme misfortune to utter overthrow or ruin Synonyms: DISASTER, calamity, cataclysm, misadventure, tragedy, woe(s) Sample:People frequently denigrate books about recent catastrophes as morally despicable attempts to profit, from misfortune, but in my view our desire for such books, together with the venerable tradition to which they belong, legitimizes them.


n. 大破坏,浩劫;大混乱,大杂乱 great confusion and disorder havoc<>serenity 大混乱<>宁静 Synonyms: RUIN, confusion, destruction, devastation, loss, ruination


n. 大量,充斥,吃饱 an excessive quantity:OVERSUPPLY glut<>dearth 吃饱<>饥饿 Synonyms: SATIATE, clog, fill, gorge, jade, pall, sate, stodge, surfeit Sample:I want this photograph printed on glossy paper, not matte.


n. 天真的人,笨蛋 free from guilt or sin especially through lack of knowledge of evil:BLAMELESS culpable<>innocent 有罪的<>单纯 Synonyms: GOOD, blameless, exemplary, guiltless, inculpable, irreproachable, pure, righteous, unblam-able, virtuous Sample:Melodramas, which presented stark oppositions between innocence and criminality, virtue and corruption, good and evil, were popular precisely because they offered the audience a world devoid of neutrality.. innocuous [I5nRkjJEs] adj.(行为,言论等)无害的 not likely to give offense or to arouse strong feelings or hostility:INOFFENSIVE, INSIPID noxious<>wholesome/sanitary/innocuous 有毒的<>有益的/卫生的/无害的 innocuous<>injurious 无害的<>有害的 Synonyms: HARMLESS, innocent, innoxious, inobnoxious, inoffensive, unoffending, unoffensive Sample:Let him drink it; it is innocuous and will have no ill effect.


n. 头盔, 钢盔 any of various protective head coverings usually made of a hard material to resist impact Sample:Bicyclists wear helmets to protect their heads.


n. 夸大的言辞 pretentious inflated speech or writing bombast<>down to earth language/understated 夸大的言辞<>实事求是的话语/低估的 Synonyms: fustian, highfalutin, rant, rhapsody, rhetoric, rodomontade Sample:Filled with bombast, the orator's speech left the audience more impressed with his pomposity than with his logic.


n. 夸张法 extravagant exaggeration Synonyms: EXAGGERATION, coloring, embellishment, embroidering, overstatement Sample:Rhetoric often seems to triumph over reason in a heated debate, with both sides engaging in hyperbole. hypercritical [haIpE5krItIk(E)l] a.苛求的,吹毛求疵的; meticulously or excessively critical Synonyms: critical, faultfinding, captious, carping, censorious 区别:hypocritical(adj.伪善的) Sample:You are hypercritical in your demands for perfection; we all make mistakes.


n. 奉献,致力,献辞 a devoting or setting aside for a particular purpose dabble<>dedicate/devote 涉猎<>致力/致力 dabbler<>dedicate professional 业余者<>致力的专家 Synonyms: DEVOTE, consecrate, hallow Sample:Let us memorialize his great contribution by dedicating this library in his honor.


n. 好性情,温和,和蔼 good-natured easy friendliness


n. 委托,实行,承担义务,赞助 an engagement to assume a financial obligation at a future date ambivalent<>commitment 不定的<>确定的 noncommittal<>confirm 不定的<>确定 Sample:The technical know-how, if not the political commitment appears already at hand to feed the world's exploding population and so to eradicate at last the ancient scourges of malnutrition and famine.


n. 姿势,手势;姿态 a movement usually of the body or limbs that expresses or emphasizes an idea, sentiment, or attitude Sample:Like many eighteenth-century scholars who lived by cultivating those in power, Winckelmann neglected to neutralize, by some propitiatory gesture of comradeship, the resentment his peers were bound to feel because of his involvement with the high and mighty.


n. 婉言,委婉的说法 the substitution of an agreeable or inoffensive expression for one that may offend or suggest something unpleasant Synonyms: nice Nelly, nice-nellyism Sample:The modern age is a permissive one in which things can be said explicitly, but the old tradition of euphemism dies hard.


v. 赞美 to praise highly:GLORIFY deprecate<>extol deprecate<>extol 抨击<>赞美 excoriate<>extol/praise lavishly 批判<>赞美/高度赞扬 extol<>censure 赞美<>责难 extol<>disparage 赞美<>贬损 extol<>condemn/impugn/detract 赞美<>谴责/打击/贬低 extol<>malign 赞美<>诽谤 extol<>vilify 赞美<>辱骂 castigate<>extol 严厉地批评<>赞美 execrate<>extol 诅咒<>赞美 Synonyms: PRAISE, bless, celebrate, cry up, eulogize, glorify, hymn, laud, magnify, panegyrize Sample:The astronauts were extolled as the pioneers of the Space Age. extort vt. 勒索,敲诈,强要 to obtain from a person by force, intimidation, or undue or illegal power:WRING Synonyms: exact, gouge, pinch, screw, shake down, squeeze, wrench, wrest, wring Sample:The blackmailer extorted money from his victim. extraneous [eks5treInIEs]adj.外来的,无关的 a:not forming an essential or vital part b:having no relevance apposite<>extraneous 恰当的<>无关系的 extraneous<>essential 无关系的<>本质的 extraneous<>intuitive 外来的<>直觉的 Synonyms: IRRELEVANT, foreign, immaterial, impertinent, inapplicable, inapposite, irrelative Sample:Do not pad your paper with extraneous matters; stick to essential items only. extravagant [Ik5strAvE^Ent] adj.奢侈的 无节制的 a:spending much more than necessary b:PROFUSE, LAVISH frugality<>extravagancy 节省<>挥霍 Synonyms: EXCESSIVE, dizzy, exorbitant, extreme, immoderate, inordinate, towering, unconscionable, undue, unmeasurable Sample:Ever prey to vagrant impulses that impelled him to squander his talents on a host of unworthy projects, his very dissipation nonetheless enhanced his reputation, for the sheer energy of his extravagance dazzled observers. sheer energy of his extravagance dazzled observers.


v. 蹲伏、弯腰 to bend or bow servilely:CRINGE Synonyms: huddle, hunch, scrooch Sample:The earthquake shattered his usual stolidity; trembling, he crouched on the no longer stable ground.


v. 轻视、鄙视 a feeling of contempt for what is beneath one:SCORN adulation<>disdain 谄媚<>轻视 Synonyms: DESPITE, contempt, despisal, despisement, disparagement, scorn Sample:Some artists immodestly idealize or exaggerate the significance of their work; yet others, disdaining to exalt the role of the artist, reject a transcendent view of art


v. 迅速成长,发展 to grow and expand rapidly:FLOURISH burgeon<>wither 萌芽<>枯萎 burgeon<>subdue 萌芽<>压制 burgeoning<>waning 迅速生长的<>慢慢衰减的 bergeon<>wast away 生长<>浪费 Synonyms: INCREASE , augment, build, enlarge, expand, heighten, mount, multiply, run up, snowball Sample:With the burgeoning of scientific knowledge, work on the new edition of a textbook begins soon after completion of the original.


v. 迎合,牵就,顺应 to soothe or content by indulgence Synonyms: BABY, cater (to), cocker, coddle, cosset, cotton, indulge, mollycoddle, pamper, spoil Sample:The humor of cartoonists Gary Trudeau often is satirical; though the comments of the Doonesbury characters, Trudeau ridicules political corruption and folly.


v. 违反,违背,反驳,反对 to oppose in argument:CONTRADICT contravene<>support 反驳<>支持 contravene<>buttress 反对<>支持 Synonyms: VIOLATE, breach, break, infract, infringe, offend, transgress Sample:By idiosyncratically refusing to dismiss an insubordinate member of his staff, the manager not only contravened established policy, but he also jeopardized his heretofore good chances for promotion.


v. 金属模子 any of various tools or devices for imparting a desired shape, form, or finish to a material or for impressing an object or material Sample:A die is used to make pennies with President Lincoln's image on them.


v. 闪烁,闪耀. to give off a sparkling or lustrous reflection of or as if of a moist or polished surface Synonyms: FLASH, coruscate, glance, gleam, glimmer, glint, glitter, shimmer, sparkle, twinkle Sample:Her pendant earrings glistened in the light.


v. 阐明说明 to give a clarifying explanation garble<>elucidate 曲解<>阐明 obfuscate<>elucidate/illuminate/explain clearly 使模糊<>说明/阐明/解释清楚 obscure<>elucidate 使含糊<>阐明 Synonyms: CLARIFY, clear, clear up, explain, illuminate, illustrate Sample:He was called upon to elucidate the disputed points in his article.


v. 隐藏、掩饰(感受,意图) to put on a false appearance:conceal facts, intentions, or feelings under some pretense 系) Synonyms: DISGUISE, camouflage, cloak, dissimulate, dress up, mask Sample:He dissembled about his past employment history.


v. 障碍,阻塞 something that shackles or impedes:ENCUMBRANCE Synonyms: ENCUMBRANCE, cumbrance, hindrance, impedance, impediment Sample:The wine did not flow because the air vent in the barrel was clogged. closed-minded [klEJzd-5maindid] adj.倔强的, 顽固的 not easily subdued, remedied, or removed sway 尚未确证】 Synonyms: OBSTINATE, bullheaded, deaf, hardheaded, intractable, pigheaded, selfwilled, unpliable, unpliant, unyielding


v. 集中,专心,浓缩 to bring or direct toward a common center or objective:FOCUS concentrate<>dilute solution 浓缩<>稀释的溶液 deploy<>concentrate 展开<>集中 distend<>concentrate 分散<>凝聚 Sample:For the two weeks before the examination, the student immureed himself in his room and concentrated upon his studies.


v. (以甜言蜜语)哄骗 to persuade with flattery or gentle urging especially in the face of reluctance:COAX Synonyms: COAX, blandish, blarney, con, soft-soap, sweet-talk, wheedle Sample:I will not be cajoled into granting your wish.


v. (有条件地)投降。 to cease resisting:ACQUIESCE capitulate<>resist 投降<>抵抗 capitulation<>resistance 投降<>抵抗 capitulate<>oppose 屈服<>抗争 Synonyms: YIELD, bow, buckle (under), cave, defer, knuckle(under), submit, succumb


v.以头抵撞, 碰撞 to thrust or push head foremost:strike with the head or horns Sample:Two goats butted each other.


v.作嘘声, 嘘(某人)用嘘声表示不满、蔑视或反对 to deride especially by uttering boo snare<>boo 诱捕<>轰赶


v.变薄,变弱, 削弱 to lessen the amount, force, magnitude, or value of:WEAKEN attenuate<>intensify 削弱<>加强 Synonyms: WEAKEN, blunt, cripple, debilitate, disable, enfeeble, sap, unbrace, undermine, unstrengthen Sample:The two people argued so much that their friendship was attenuated.


v.掩饰,证明为假 to show (something) to be false or wrong belie<>affirm 证明为假<>确认 belie<>confirm 证明为假<>确认 belie<>show to be correct 证明为假<>证明为真 Synonyms: MISREPRESENT, color, distort, falsify, garble, miscolor, misstate, pervert, twist, warp Sample:It is disappointing to note that the latest edition of the bibliography belies its longstanding reputation for exhaustiveness by omitting some significant references to recent publications.


v.涂污, 污损(名誉等), 把(界线,视线等)弄得模糊不清, 弄污 to make indistinct and hazy in outline or appearance; obscure Sample: Without her glasses, Gretchen saw the fields of tulips as a variegated blur. Synonyms: TAINT, besmear, besmirch, discolor, smear, smudge, smutch, stain, tar, tarnish


v.编织 made by intertwining three or more strands Sample:She wears her hair in a braid.


v.行乞,乞求 BEG, SPONGE cadge<>earn 乞求<>赚得 Synonyms: BEGGAR, bummer, moocher, panhandler


vi. (脸)发红, 奔涌, 充沛, 惊飞 to pour liquid over or through; especially:to cleanse or wash out with or as if with a rush of liquid Synonyms: rich, affluent, moneyed, opulent, wealthy Sample:His flushed, angry face indicated a choleric nature.


vi. vt. (使)移居, (使)移民 to leave one's place of residence or country to live elsewhere Synonyms: MIGRATE, transmigrate Sample:The Roth family, whose progenitors emigrated from Germany early in the nineteenth century, settled in Peru, Illinois.


vi. vt. (使)荒废,(使)毁坏 to bring into a condition of decay or partial ruin dilapidated<>restored 坍坏的,破旧了的<>恢复存在或使用的 dilapidated<>still in use 坍坏的<>还在使用 Synonyms: RUIN, bankrupt, do in, shipwreck, wreck Sample:Those poor people live in a dilapidated house with holes in the roof and broken windows. windows. dilate [daI5leIt]vt.使膨胀;使扩大 to enlarge or expand in bulk or extent:DISTEND, WIDEN dilate<>contract 使膨胀<>收缩 Synonyms: EXPAND, amplify, distend, inflate, swell Sample:When there is less light, the pupils in our eyes dilate.


vi. vt. 哄笑,狂笑 a loud or boisterous burst of laughter Synonyms: LAUGH, chortle, chuckle, giggle, hee-haw, snicker, tehee, titter Sample:The remark was only slightly humorous, inviting a chuckle, perhaps, but certainly not a guffaw.


vi. vt. 狂饮,暴食,喝酒化掉(钱) to drink especially liquor greedily, continually, or habitually Synonyms: DRINK, booze, imbibe, liquor (up), soak, swig, swill, swizzle, tank up, tipple Sample:He guzzled all the beer at the party before he left.


vi. 一致 to be similar or identical; also :to be in agreement or harmony dissent<>conform 不同意<>使顺从 Synonyms: ADAPT, accommodate, adjust, fit, quadrate, reconcile, square, suit, tailor, tailor-make Sample:In conformity with our rules and regulations, I am calling a meeting of our organization.


vi. 乘船,着手,从事,上飞机 to make a start conclude<>embark on 结束<>开始 Synonyms: BOARD Sample:In devoting herself to the study of gorillas, Dian Fossey embarked on a course of action that was to cost her her life.


vi. 仲裁,说情,调解 to intervene between parties with a view to reconciling differences:MEDIATE Synonyms: INTERPOSE, interfere, intermediate, intervene, mediate, step in Sample:You are telling lies about my sister; I must intercede on her behalf.


vi. 冒泡,沸腾,兴奋 to show liveliness or exhilaration effervesce<>be flat 兴奋<>平淡 effervescent<>still 兴奋的<>平静的 effervesce<>droop 兴奋<>低垂,枯萎 lassitude<>effervesce 疲乏<>兴奋 effervescent<>languid 生气勃勃,兴奋的<>没精打采的 Synonyms: EBULLIENCE, buoyancy, exuberance, exuberancy Sample:Nothing depressed her for long; her natural effervescence soon reasserted itself.


vi. 减去,贬低, 转移 to diminish the importance, value, or effectiveness of something extol<>condemn/impugn/detract 赞美<>谴责/指责/诽谤 Synonyms: DECRY, belittle, depreciate, derogate, diminish, discount, disparage, dispraise, minimize, write off Sample:Her heavy makeup detracts from her good looks.


vi. 分歧,岔开 to move or extend in different directions from a common point:draw apart confluence<>divergence 汇合<>分歧 Synonyms: DIGRESS, depart, divagate, excurse, ramble, stray, wander Sample:Hardy's weakness derived from his apparent inability to control the comings and goings of these divergent impulses and from his unwillingness to cultivate and sustain the energetic and risky ones.


vi. 变动,上下,动摇 to shift back and forth uncertainly Sample:Until the current warming trend exceeds the range of normal climatic fluctuations, there will be, among scientists, considerable uncertainty about the possibility that increasing levels of atmospheric CO2 can cause long-term warming effects.


vi. 变成石灰质,钙化 to make inflexible or unchangeable calcification<>flexibility 钙化<>柔软 calcify<>make malleable 使钙化<>使有延展性 calcify<>make pliant/ make more flexible 使硬化<>使柔顺,灵活


vi. 吹毛求疵,挑剔 to find fault or complain querulously Synonyms: NAG, fuss, henpeck, peck (at) Sample:Welcoming constructive criticism, Lexy appreciated her editor's comments, finding them free of carping.


vi. 咧着嘴笑 to draw back the lips so as to show the teeth especially in amusement or laughter; broadly :SMILE pout<>grin 噘嘴生气<>咧着嘴笑 Synonyms: SMILE, beam Sample:Grinning from ear to ear, Bonnie Blair was clearly elated by her Olympic victory.


vi. 弯曲,屈服 to make submissive:SUBDUE,COMPROMISE Synonyms: CURVE, bow, crook, round Sample:The director of personnel bends over backwards to help each new employee.


vi. 强化 to make intense or more intensive:STRENGTHEN abate<>intensify/promote 减少<>增加/提升 assuage<>intensify 减缓<>加强 attenuate<>intensify 削弱<>加强 Synonyms: aggravate, deepen, enhance, heighten, intensate, magnify, mount, redouble, rise, rouse Sample:The noise from the party intensified as the clock struck midnight.


vi. 意见相同,一致,互助 to act together to a common end or single effect concur<>naysay 一致<>反对 concur<>dissent 同意<>不同意 Synonyms: AGREE, coincide, concert, concur, harmonize Sample:Did you concur with the decision of the court or did you find it unfair?


vi. 戏耍,玩弄,赋闲 a:to act playfully; especially :to play amorously b:to deal lightly:TOY Synonyms: TRIFLE, coquet, flirt, fool, lead on, string along, toy, wanton Sample:Laertes told Ophelia that Hamlet could only dally with her affections.


vi. 拳击 to fight with the fists:engage in boxing box:fight:debate:argue Synonyms: SLAP, blip, buffet, cuff, smack, spank 5breEsIN] adj. 增加气力的,令人振奋的,提神的,使心神清爽的 giving strength, vigor, or freshness bracing<>vapid 令人振奋的<>无趣味的 denounce<>brace 指责<>支持 hypnotic<>bracing 催眠的<>给以力量,支撑 soporific<>bracing 催眠的<>令人鼓舞的 Synonyms: INVIGORATING, animating, exhilarating, exhilarative, quickening, stimulating, stimulative, tonic, vitalizing Sample:The cold air of autumn is bracing.


vi. 探究,查考 to make a careful or detailed search for information Synonyms: DIG, excavate, grub, shovel, spade Sample:Delving into old books and manuscripts is part of a researcher's job.


vi. 插入,调停,干涉 to interfere usually by force or threat of force in another nation's internal affairs especially to compel or prevent an action Synonyms: INTERPOSE, intercede, interfere, intermediate, mediate, step in Synonyms: INTERPOSE, intercede, interfere, intermediate, mediate, step in Sample:Although supernovas are among the most luminous of cosmic events, these stellar explosions are often hard to detect, either because they are enormously far away or because they are dimmed by intervening dust and gas clouds.


vi. 摇摆,蹒跚 to progress feebly and unsteadily Sample:Although he is not as yet a doddering and senile old man, his ideas and opinions no longer can merit the respect we gave them years ago.


vi. 放下武器,缓和 to deprive of means, reason, or disposition to be hostile bait<>disarm 激怒,挑惹,使恼火<>消除...的疑虑、敌意或对抗 Synonyms: PARALYZE, cripple, disable, immobilize, incapacitate, prostrate Sample:She disarmed her opponent with her friendly manner.


vi. 散发,发出,发源 to come out from a source Synonyms: SPRING , arise, birth, derive (from), flow, issue, originate, proceed, rise, stem Sample:A strong odor of sulfur emanated from the spring.


vi. 暗示,间接提到 allude<>mention explicitly 暗示,暗指<>明白的提及 more precise than the figurative language of fiction, the language of science, like all language, is inherently allusive.


vi. 渐渐康复,渐愈 to recover health and strength gradually after sickness or weakness Synonyms: IMPROVE , ameliorate, gain, look up, mend, perk (up), recuperate Sample:After his heart attack, he went through a long convalescence at home.


vi. 满足地看,独自暗笑,贪婪地盯 to observe or think about something with triumphant and often malicious satisfaction, gratification, or delight Sample:As you gloat over your ill-gotten wealth, do you think of the many victims you have defrauded?


vi. 漫步,溜蹄 to walk slowly or leisurely; stroll amble<>step quickly 漫步<>快走 amble<>match quickly 漫步<>快速追上 Synonyms: SAUNTER, bummel, drift, linger, mope, mosey, muck, stroll Sample:When she first mounted the horse, she was afraid to urge the animal to go faster than a gentle amble.


vi. 潮退, 衰退 to fall away or back; decline or recede escalate<>ebb 扩大<>衰退 Synonyms : ABATE , die (down or away), ease off, fall, let up, moderate, relent, slacken, subside, wane Sample: His fortunes began to ebb during the recession.


vi. 爬, 蹑手蹑脚, 蔓延 to move slowly,quietly and carefully, esp so as not to attract attention creep<>move swiftly 缓慢地行进<>快速移动 creep<>quick movement 缓慢地行进<>快速移动 Synonyms: crawl, slide, snake Sample:The husband came home very late and he crept by his wife so he would not wake her up.


vi. 犹豫,踌躇,吃惊,搪塞 to hesitate because of doubt, fear, or scruples boggle<>embolden 犹豫<>使勇敢 Synonyms: DEMUR, balk, gag, jib, scruple, shy, stickle, stumble Sample:The U.S. government's debt is so huge that it boggles the mind.


vi. 狼吞虎咽 Synonyms: SATIATE, cloy, fill, glut, jade, pall, sate, stodge, surfeit Sample:There have been attempts to explain these taboos in terms of inappropriate social relationships either between those who are involved and those who are not simultaneously involved in the satisfaction of a bodily need,or between those already satiated and those who appear to be shamelessly gorging. gossamer [5^RsEmE(r)] n.蛛丝,薄纱,adj.轻而薄的 something light, delicate, or insubstantial gossamer<>substance 轻而薄的<>本质 gossamer<>ponderous 轻而薄的<>沉重的 gossamer<>weighty 轻而薄的<>重的 Synonyms: FILMY, diaphanous, flimsy, gauzy, sheer, tiffany, transparent Sample:Nylon can be woven into gossaner or thick fabrics.


vi. 玩水,泼溅,涉猎 to work or involve oneself superficially or intermittently especially in a secondary activity or interest dabble<>dedicate/devote 涉猎<>致力/投入于 涉猎<>致力/投入于 dabbler<>specialist 初学者<>专家 dabble<>specialize 涉猎<>专门研究 dabbler<>dedicate professional 业余者<>致力的专家 Synonyms: AMATEUR, abecedarian, dilettante, nonprofessional, smatterer, tyro, uninitiated Sample:That she seemed to prefer dabbling to concentrated effort is undeniable; nevertheless, the impressive quality of her finished paintings suggests that her actual relationship to her art was anything but- superficial.


vi. 畏缩,退缩,抖缩 to shrink away or crouch especially for shelter from something that menaces, domineers, or dismays bristle<>cower 发怒<>畏缩 Synonyms: FAWN, apple-polish, bootlick, cringe, grovel, honey (up), kowtow, toady, truckle Sample:The frightened child cowered in the corner of the room.


vi. 瞌睡, 假寐 to fall into a light sleep Sample:Its hunger sated, the lion dozed.


vi. 离开,出发,去世,违反,放弃 to go away:LEAVE Synonyms: GO, blow, exit, get away, get off, leave, pull out, quit, retire, withdraw Sample:Because the order in which the parts of speech appear in the sentences of a given language is decided merely by custom, it is unjustifiable to maintain that every departure from that order constitutes a violation of a natural law.


vi. 移动,微微一动,放弃 to give way:YIELD Sample:Negotiations between the union and the employers have reached a stalemate; neither side is willing to budge from previously stated positions.


vi. 空谈, 唠叨, 瞎扯 to talk in a rapid or thoughtless manner:CHATTER Synonyms: CHAT, babble, chatter, clack, gabble, jaw, prate, prattle, yak, yakety-yak Sample:Students like to gab while they eat lunch.


vi. 繁荣,茂盛,兴旺 to grow luxuriantly:THRIVE flourish<>waste away 繁荣<>变得衰弱 flourish<>wither 茂盛<>凋谢 Synonyms: succeed, arrive, go, make out, prosper, score, thrive Sample:Although Irish literature continued to flourish after the sixteenth century, a comparable tradition is absent in the visual arts:we think about Irish culture in terms of the word, not in terms of pictorial images. flout [flaJt] v\n.嘲弄,愚弄,轻视 to treat with contemptuous disregard:SCORN Synonyms: scoff, fleer, gibe, jeer, jest, quip(at), scout(at), sneer Sample:The headstrong youth flouted all authority; he refused to be curbed.


vi. 绕路而行 to send by a circuitous route Synonyms: SKIRT, bypass, circumnavigate, circumvent Sample: We could not appreciate the beauty of the many cascades as we made detours around each of them to avoid getting wet.


vi. 腾跃 to walk or move in a spirited manner:PRANCE cavort<>trudge 腾跃<>跋涉 Synonyms: GAMBOL, caper, frisk, frolic, rollick, romp Sample:At the end of the school year, children cavorted on their way home.


vi. 褪色,消失,凋谢,减弱 to change gradually in loudness, strength, or visibility abate<>intensify/promote Synonyms: DULL, dim, muddy, pale, tarnish Sample:The horseman passed by me and faded into the distance. fail-safe [ feil-seif ] n.自动防故障装置 incorporating some feature for automatically counteracting the effect of an anticipated possible source of failure Sample:As a fail-safe action, my computer automatically copies my work every two minutes, so almost nothing can be lost.


vi. 请求, 呼吁, 上诉, 吸引力, 要求 to make an earnest request Synonyms: BEG, beseech, brace, crave, entreat, implore, importune, plead, pray, supplicate Sample:This poetry is not provincial; it is more likely to appeal to an international audience than is poetry with strictly regional themes.


vi. 调情,玩弄,摆动,轻率地对待 to behave amorously without serious intent 轻浮的行为:得体 (前者缺乏后者) Synonyms: trifle, coquet, dally, fool, lead on, string along, toy, wanton Sample:He flirted with disaster when he bet a lot of money at the horseraces.


vi. 赶紧 to move or act quickly hasten<>slow the progress of 催促<>延缓过程 hasten<>check 催促<>阻碍 hasten<>retard 催促<>阻碍 check<>hasten 阻止<>促进 Synonyms: SPEED, accelerate, hurry, quicken, shake up, step up, swiften Sample:His mother said she is ill, so he hastened to her house to help.


vi. 趴,匍匐,卑躬屈膝 to lie or creep with the body prostrate in token of subservience or abasement supercilious<>groveling 傲慢的<>卑躬屈节的 Synonyms: FAWN, apple-polish, bootlick, cower, cringe, honey (up), kowtow, toady, truckle Sample:Even though we have been defeated, we do not have to grovel before our conquerors.


vi. 跟着发生, 继起 to take place afterward or as a result anterior<>ensuing 前面的<>后来的 Synonyms: following, succeeding Sample:Because the potential hazards pollen grains are subject to as they are transported over long distances are enormous , windpollinated plants have , in the view above , compensated for the ensuing loss of pollen through happenstance by virtue of producing an amount of pollen that is one to three orders of magnitude greater than the amount produced by species pollinated by insects.


vi. 转移 to turn from one course or use to another:DEFLECT Synonyms: TURN, avert, deflect, pivot, sheer, veer, volte-face, wheel, whip, whirl Sample:A loud noise diverted everyone's attention from their work..


vi. 轻松快活地行动,凭惯性前进 to move, live, or play freely or irresponsibly Sample:It is assumed that scientists will avoid making fraudulent claims about the results of their experiments because of the likelihood that they will be exposed when other researchers cannot duplicate their findings.


vi. 迎合,投合, 备办食物, 满足(需要) to supply what is required or desired Synonyms: BABY, cocker, coddle, cosset, cotton, humor, indulge, mollycoddle, pamper, spoil, INDULGE, gratify, humor Sample:If those large publishers that respond solely to popular literary trends continue to dominate the publishing market, the initial publication of new writers will depend on the writers' willingness to cater to popular tastes.


vi. 进行威胁, 即将发生 to be about to occur remote<>impending 遥远的<>即将发生的 Synonyms: IMMINENT, proximate Sample:Job failure means being fired from a job, being asked to resign, or leaving voluntarily to protect yourself because you had very strong evidence that one of the first two was impending.


vi. 长羽毛 to acquire the feathers necessary for flight or independent activity fledge<>molt 长羽毛<>脱毛 fledging<>mature 无经验的<>成熟的 Sample:It is hard for an unfledged writer to find a sympathetic publisher.


vi. 闹饮喧哗地、畅饮地狂欢作乐 to drink liquor deeply or freely Synonyms: BINGE, bat, bender, booze, drunk, jag, spree, tear, REVEL , frolic, hell, riot, roister, spree, wassail Sample:They caroused all night, going from one bar to another.


vi. 顺从,答应 to conform or adapt one's actions to another's wishes, to a rule, or to necessity Synonyms: OBEY, conform, follow, keep, mind, observe Sample:Nothing that few employees showed any enthusiasm for complying with the corporation's new safety regulations, Peterson was forced to conclude that acceptance of the regulations would be grudging, at best.


vi. 默许, 纵容, 暗中合作, 密谋策划 to cooperate secretly or have a secret understanding Synonyms: PLOT, cogitate, collude, conspire, contrive, devise, intrigue, machinate, scheme (out) Sample:With the connivance of his friends, he plotted to embarrass the teacher.


vt. (使)脱水 to remove bound water or hydrogen and oxygen from (a chemical compound) in the proportion in which they form water reconstitute<>dehydrate 复原<>脱水 Synonyms: DRY, desiccate, exsiccate, parch, sear Sample:Vigorous dancing quickly dehydrates the body; between dances, be sure to drink more water than normal.


vt. vi. (使)流出,(使)渗出 to undergo diffusion exude<>absorb 流出<>吸收 exude<>take in 渗出<>吸入 Synonyms: bleed, ooze, percolate, strain, sweat, transude, weep Sample:The maple syrup is obtained from the sap that the trees exude in early spring.


vt. vi. 偿还,补偿,付报酬 to offset an error, defect, or undesired effect Synonyms: atone (for), balance, counterbalance, counterpoise, countervail, make up, offset, outweigh, redeem, set off Sample:In small farming communities, accident victims rarely sue or demand compensation:transforming a personal injury into a claim against someone else is viewed as an attempt to elude responsibility for one's own actions.


vt. vi. 分离,游离,分裂 to separate from association or union with another affiliation<>dissociation 紧密联合<>分离 Synonyms: DETACH, abstract, disassociate, disconnect, disengage, uncouple, unfix Sample:The candidate tried to dissociate himself in the minds of the voters from the past failures of his party. dissolute [5dIsElu:t] adj.放荡的,无节制的 lacking restraint; especially :marked by indulgence in things 说笑打趣的人(人极其所具有的性格特征) Synonyms: ABANDONED, licentious, profligate, reprobate, self-abandoned, unprincipled Sample:He is dissolute; he cheats on his taxes every year.


vt. vi. 区别,差别待遇 to mark or perceive the distinguishing or peculiar features of equitable<>discriminatory/unfair 公平的<>差别对待的/不公平的 Synonyms: KNOW, difference, differentiate, discern, discrepate, distinguish, extricate, separate, sever, severalize Sample:This doctrine has broadened the application of the Fourteenth Amendment to other , nonracial forms of discrimination , for while some justices have refused to find , any legislative classification other than race to be constitutionally disfavored , most have been receptive to arguments that at least some nonracial discriminations. sexual Discrimination in particular , are "suspect" and deserve this heightened scrutiny by the courts.


vt. vi. 放弃,弃权,拒绝 to renounce a legal claim to Synonyms: deny, disacknowledge, disallow, disavow, disown, repudiate Sample:The defendant disclaimed his right to trial by jury and chose instead trial before a judge.


vt. vi. 溶解,解散 to cause to pass into solution to separate into component parts:DISINTEGRATE 反义关系) consolidate<>dissolve 使联合<>解散 coagulant<>liquefy/dissolve 凝结剂<>溶解 【注:词性不符】 Sample:The powder dissolved in water. dissonance [5dIsEnEns] n.不和谐(的音调) lack of agreement; especially :inconsistency between the beliefs one holds or between one's actions and one's beliefs dissonance<>concord 不和谐(的音调)<>和谐 Synonyms: DISCORD, conflict, contention, difference, disaccord, disharmony, dissension, dissidence, strife, variance Sample:They ended their marriage because of the dissonance in their relationship.


vt. vi. 规避,逃避,躲避 to avoid answering directly:turn aside Synonyms: ESCAPE, AVOID, ELUDE, SHUN, ESCHEW Sample:Although internal Revenue Service agents are civil servants, they are not always civil to suspected tax evaders.


vt. vi. 诊断,分析原因 to recognize (as a disease) by signs and symptoms Synonyms: IDENTIFY, determinate, diagnosticate, distinguish, finger, pinpoint, place, recognize, spot Sample:Doctors diagnose illnesses. diaphanous [daI5AfEnEs] adj.(布)精致的,半透明的 characterized by such fineness of texture as to permit seeing through diaphanous<>opaque 透明的<>不透明的 diaphanous<>substantial 模糊的,虚幻的<>实质的 diaphanous<>impermeable of light 透明的<>不透光的 Synonyms: FILMY, flimsy, gauzy, gossamer, sheer, tiffany, transparent Sample:The movie star wore a diaphanous gown.


vt. 上马具, 披上甲胄, 利用(河流、瀑布等)产生动力 UTILIZE harness<>failed to utilize 利用<>利用失败 harness<>not able to utilize 利用<>无法利用 Sample:When we built a dam across the river, we harnessed the river's power to produce electricity.


vt. 不服从, 公然反抗, 藐视, 挑衅, 违抗, 使...难于 to challenge to do something considered impossible:DARE acquiesce<>defy 勉强同意<>公然反抗 defy<>obey 不服从<>尊从 Synonyms: FACE, beard, brave, challenge, dare, double-dog dare, front, outdare, outface, venture Sample:Mr. Barrett never expected his meek daughter would dare to defy him by eloping with her suitor.


vt. 丢弃,抛弃,解雇 to get rid of especially as useless or unpleasant retain<>discard 保持,保留<>丢弃,抛弃 Synonyms: abdicate, cashier, cast, chuck, ditch, dump, jettison, junk, lay aside, reject, scrap, shed, shuck (off), slough, throw away, throw out, wash out Sample:We must discard this trash (those old ideas, etc.).


vt. 主张,声明,断言 to state or declare positively and often forcefully or aggressively brassy<>unassertive 厚脸皮的<>谦逊的 Synonyms: affirm, aver, avouch, avow, constate, declare, depose, predicate, profess, protest Sample:If the theory is self-evidently true, as its proponents assert, then why does opposition to it still exist among well-informed people?


vt. 举起,提拔,鼓舞 to raise in rank or status:EXALT debasement<>elevation 降低<>提高 Synonyms: LIFT , hoist, pick up, raise, rear, take up, uphold, uplift, upraise, uprear Sample:Mountain goats live in the higher elevations above the valley.


vt. 产生,引起 to cause to exist or to develop:PRODUCE quash<>engender 镇压<>引起 Synonyms: GENERATE , breed, cause, hatch, induce, muster (up), occasion, produce, Synonyms: GENERATE , breed, cause, hatch, induce, muster (up), occasion, produce, provoke, work up Sample:To receive praise for real accomplishments engenders self-confidence in a child.


vt. 令人入神,使着迷 to be irresistibly attractive Synonyms: ATTRACT, allure, bewitch, captivate, charm, draw, enchant, magnetize, take, wile Sample:Black Fiction surveys a wide variety of novels,bringing to our attention in the process some fascinating and little-known works like James Weldon Johnson's Autobiography of an Ex-Colored Man.


vt. 以关节连接,接合,明白地说 to give clear and effective utterance to:put into words ratiocination:thinking:articulation:talking Synonyms: VOCAL , eloquent, fluent, smooth-spoken Sample:Her articulate presentation of the advertising campaign impressed her employers.


vt. 任命 to set or establish in a rank or office:INSTALL instate<>oust 任命<>剥夺 Synonyms: INITIATE, inaugurate, induct, install, invest Sample:A police officer who was asked to leave the police force for illegal behavior was reinstated when he was found not guilty.


vt. 任命,指定,命令 to name officially Synonyms: DESIGNATE, finger, make, name, nominate, tap Sample:After his appointment to this emiment position, he seldom had time for his former friends.


vt. 传达,运输,转移 to transfer or deliver to another Sample:The appreciation of traditional oral American Indian literature has been limited, hampered by poor translations and by the difficulty,even in the rare culturally sensitive and aesthetically satisfying translation , of completely conveying the original's verse structure,tone,and syntax.


vt. 作罢, 放弃 to give up the enjoyment or advantage of : do without Synonyms eschew, forbear, sacrifice


vt. 使...神圣, 视为神圣 to make holy or set apart for holy use hallowed<>desecrate 视为神圣<>亵渎 Synonyms: BLESS, consecrate, sanctify Sample:She was laid to rest in hallowed ground.


vt. 使不安,使烦乱,使烦恼 to destroy the composure of discompose<>pacificate 使不安<>使镇静 Synonyms: agitate, bother, discombobulate, dismay, disquiet, disturb, flurry, fluster, perturb, unhinge, unsettle, untune, upset Sample:The novice square dancer became so discomposed that he wandered into wrong set.


vt. 使不高兴 to make ill-humored or discontented , usually used as a participial adjective disgruntle<>refresh 使不满意,使不高兴<>给...以新的活力或精神 disgruntled<>contented 使不满意<>满足的 Synonyms: DISCONTENTED, discontent, dissatisfied, malcontent, malcontented, uncontent, uncontented, ungratified Sample:He is disgruntled about not receiving an increase in pay.


vt. 使减弱,消除 to impair in vigor or sensation:BLUNT Synonyms: benumb, blunt, desensitize, dull, mull, numb Sample:We put soundproofing in the walls to deaden the noise from the road outside.


vt. 使分裂,使瓦解 to throw into disorder Synonyms: DISORDER, disarray, discompose, disorganize, disturb, mess (up), muddle, rummage, unsettle, upset Sample:Although providing wild chimpanzees with food makes them less shy and easier to study, it is also known to disrupt their normal social patterns.


vt. 使变钝 to make less sharp or definite blunt<>whet 使变钝<>使磨快,使兴奋 Synonyms: DULL, disedge, obtund Sample:Although he was blunt and gruff with most people, he was always gentle with children.


vt. 使变黑,玷污,诋毁 to cast aspersions on:DEFAME denigrate<>honor 诋毁<>尊敬 denigrate<>exalt 贬低<>晋升 Synonyms: MALIGN, asperse, calumniate, defame, libel, scandalize, slander, tear down, traduce, vilify Sample:The current penchant for touting a product by denigrating a rival, named in the advertisement by brand name, seems somewhat foolhardy:suppose the consumer remembers only the rival's name?


vt. 使困惑,使仓皇失措,破坏 to throw into confusion disconcert<>placate 使仓皇失措<>安抚 Synonyms: EMBARRASS, abash, confound, confuse, discomfit, discountenance, faze, rattle Sample:I was disconcerted by the sight of a strange man at my door.


vt. 使困扰,使烦恼,围攻 TROUBLE, HARASS beleaguer<>delight 使烦恼<>使愉悦 beleaguer<>mollify 使烦恼<>使平静 beleaguer<>sooth 使烦恼<>安慰 Synonyms: BESIEGE, beset, blockade, invest Sample:Many industries are so beleaguered by the impact of government sanctions, equipment failure, and foreign competition that they are beginning to rely on industrial psychologists to salvage what remains of employee morale.


vt. 使困窘, 使局促不安,阻碍 to place in doubt, perplexity, or difficulties Synonyms: abash, confound, confuse, discomfit, disconcert, discountenance, faze, rattle Sample:Crosby's colleagues have never learned, at least not in time to avoid embarrassing themselves, that her occasional bogus air of befuddlement presages a display of her formidable intelligence.


vt. 使坚固,变坚固,使硬化 to make hard indurate<>soften 使坚固<>使软化 Synonyms: HARDEN, cake, concrete, congeal, dry, set, solidify


vt. 使坚固,确证 to support with evidence or authority:make more certain corroboration<>lessening of certainty 确证<>降低可信度 Synonyms: CONFIRM, authenticate, bear out, justify, substantiate, validate, verify Sample:Unless we find a witness to corroborate your evidence, it will not stand up in court.


vt. 使委屈,使苦恼,侵害 aggrieve<>gratify 使委屈<>使满足 aggrieved<>buoyant 愤愤不平的<>高兴的


vt. 使干,干贮 to preserve (a food) by drying:DEHYDRATE Synonyms: DRY, dehydrate, exsiccate, parch, sear Sample:My stereo was shipped with little bags of desiccant to keep it dry.


vt. 使恼怒,激怒,恶化 a:to excite the anger of:ENRAGE b:to cause irritation or annoyance to mollify<>exasperate 缓和<> 激怒 mitigate<>exacerbate 缓和,减轻<>使加剧 Synonyms: IRRITATE, aggravate, gall, get, huff, nettle, peeve, pique, rile, roil Sample:Johnny often exasperates his mother with his pranks.


vt. 使成敌人,敌对,反对 to incur or provoke the hostility of placate<>antagonize 抚慰<>引起反抗 synergic<>antagonistic 协作的,合作的<>敌对的 propitiate<>antagonize 安抚<>引起反抗 mollify<>antagonize/{ire} 平息,缓和<>引起反抗/{忿怒} 【词性不符】 Sample:Marshall's confrontational style could alienate almost anyone:he even antagonized a board of directors that included a number of his supporters and that had a reputation for not being easily provoked.


vt. 使收缩, 使收敛, 压缩 to cause to contract; constrict. commodious<>constringed 宽敞的<>压缩的 Synonyms: CONSTRICT, narrow


vt. 使沮丧,使灰心 to make gloomy dejected<>exultant 沮丧的<>欢跃的 deject<>gladden 使沮丧<>使高兴 dejected<>jocund 沮丧的 <> 欢乐的 Synonyms: DISCOURAGE, chill, demoralize, dishearten, disparage, dispirit Sample:A man with a dejected look sat waiting for a bus.


vt. 使沮丧,压低,降低,使萧条 to press down protuberant<>depressed 突出的<>压低的 Synonyms: LOWER, couch, demit, droop, let down, sink Sample:I feel depressed in bad weather. deprivation n. 剥夺,剥夺官职,免职 the state of being deprived:PRIVATION; especially :removal from an office, dignity, or benefice deprivation<>surfeit/fecundity 剥夺<>过量/丰饶 Synonyms: PRIVATION, deprivement, dispossession, divestiture, loss Sample:The people of that country live in a state of deprivation without freedom or enough food.


vt. 使活泼,使有生气 a thickened pungent aromatic rhizome that is used as a spice and sometimes medicinally


vt. 使浮起,支撑,鼓励 SUPPORT, UPLIFT buoyed<>unsupported 支撑的<>没有支持的 Synonyms: SUPPORT, bolster, prop, sustain, uphold Sample:The coach used all the tricks at his command to buoy up the enthusiasm of his team, which I had become dispirited at the loss of the star player. buoyant [5bCIEnt] adj.易浮的,快乐的. a:capable of floating b:CHEERFUL, GAY hangdog<>buoyant 低贱的<>快乐的 【对应不工整】 buoyant<>sink 有浮力的<>下沉 【词性不符】 aggrieved<>buoyant 痛苦的<>高兴的 buoyant<>leaden 轻快的<>沉重的 Synonyms: ELASTIC, airy, bouncy, effervescent, expansive, resilient, volatile Sample:She has a buoyant personality.


vt. 使淤积 to lay down or leave behind by a natural process deposit<>process of eroding 淤积<>腐蚀过程 Sample:Sediment deposits slowly on the ocean bottom.


vt. 使满足 to be a source of or give pleasure or satisfaction to aggrieve<>gratify 侵害<>使满足 irk<>gratify 使苦恼<>使满足 gratify<>displease 使满足<>使不快 irk<>gratify 使苦恼<>使满足 Synonyms: PLEASE, arride, delectate, delight, gladden, happify, pleasure Sample:Her parents were gratified by her success. grating [5^reItIN] adj.(声音)刺耳的,恼人的 noisily,rasping,harsh Synonyms: IRRITATE, aggravate, burn (up), gall, get, nettle, peeve, pique, provoke, rile Sample:That singer has a grating voice.


vt. 使烦扰,钻孔 to make a hole by or as if by boring entrance<>disappoint/disgust/repel/repulse/bore 使人入神的<>使失望/令人厌恶/抵制/厌恶/使烦扰 Synonyms: ENNUI, pall, tire, weary, PERFORATE, drill, prick, punch, puncture Sample:The debate coach warned her student not to bore the audience by belaboring his point.


vt. 使疏远,离间,使离开 to arouse especially mutual enmity or indifference in where there had formerly been love, affection, or friendliness:ALIENATE estrangement<>rapprochement 疏远<>亲近 Synonyms: ALIENATE, DISAFFECT Sample:The estranged wife sought a divorce.


vt. 使痛苦, 折磨 will lower them in others' esteem; rightly handled, however, candor may actually enhance one's standing.


vt. 使登陆, 卸载, 使下船 To unload, as from a ship or an airplane. from a horse or vehicle.】 Sample:The passengers debarked at noon. debase [dI5beIs] v.贬低,贬损 to lower in status, esteem, quality, or character 贬低:价值:简化:复杂 (动宾关系) debased<>ennobled 贬低的<>使高贵的 deification<>debasement 神化<>贬低 Synonyms: animalize, bastardize, bestialize, brutalize, canker, corrupt, debauch, demoralize, deprave, pervert, poison, rot, stain, vitiate, warp Sample:Do not debase youself by becoming maudlin.


vt. 使穿衣,装饰 to put clothes on:DRESS Synonyms: CLOTHE, array, attire, clad, dress, enclothe, garb, garment, raiment Sample:XYZ Company is a manufacturer of ladies' apparel.


vt. 使竖立,使直立,树立,建立 SET UP, ESTABLISH suspend<>erect 垂挂<>树立 slouch<>stand erect 懒散<>站直 Synonyms: BUILD, construct, put up, raise, rear, uprear Sample:They erected a lighthouse on the promontory to warn approaching ships of their nearness to the shore.


vt. 使胆怯,使畏缩 to lessen the courage of:COW, SUBDUE cowed<>undaunted 胆怯的<>无畏的 daunt<>embolden/make resolute 使胆怯<>使大胆/使坚定 daunting<>meek 使人畏缩的<>温和的 dauntless<>craven/easily discouraged/pusillanimous 大胆的<>胆小的/容易气馁的/胆怯的 dauntless<>trepid 大胆的<>惊恐的 daunt<>hearten 使胆怯<>鼓舞 dauntless<>timorous 大胆的<>胆小的 dauntless<>cowardice 大胆<>胆怯 Synonyms: DISMAY, appall, consternate, horrify, shake Sample:He was timid and cowardish; always backing up at daunting situations.


vt. 使自由,解放,解开 to release from something that engages or involves disengage<>mesh 解开<>啮合 【注:mesh:to cause (as gears) to engage】 Synonyms: DETACH, abstract, disassociate, disconnect, dissociate, uncouple, unfix Sample:Be sure to disengage the gears when you park the car.


vt. 使苦恼,骚扰 to disturb or irritate especially by repeated acts Synonyms: abrade, bother, chafe, exercise, fret, gall, irk, provoke, ruffle, vex Sample:Although Tom was aware that it would be impolitic to display annoyance publicly at the sales conference, he could not hide his irritation with the client's unreasonable demands.


vt. 使衰弱 to lessen the vitality or strength of enervate<>invigorate 使衰弱<>使健壮 enervate<>fortify/strengthen 使衰弱<>使坚强/变坚固 vitality<>enervation 生命力<>虚弱 Synonyms: UNNERVE, castrate, emasculate, unman, unstring Sample:In the absence of any stimulation caused by danger, hardship, or even cultural difference, most utopian communities deteriorate into placid but enervating backwaters.


vt. 使衰弱 to make feeble:deprive of strength enfeeble<>invigorate 使衰弱<>使健壮 tonic<>enfeebling 使精神振作的<>衰弱的 Synonyms: WEAKEN , attenuate, blunt, cripple, debilitate, disable, sap, unbrace, undermine, unstrengthen Sample:His long illness enfeebled him.


vt. 使负罪,控告,使连累 INCRIMINATE exonerate<>inculpate 免罪<>控告 absolve<>inculpate 赦免<>使负罪 exculpate<>inculpate 使无罪<>使负罪 Synonyms: ACCUSE, arraign, charge, criminate, impeach, incriminate, indict, tax incursion [In5k\:F(E)n] n.侵犯,入侵 a hostile entrance into a territory:RAID incursion<>retreat 入侵<>撤退 Synonyms: INVASION, foray, inroad, irruption, raid Sample:The nightly incursions and hit-and-run raids of our neighbors across the border tried the patience of the country to the point where we decided to retaliate in force.


vt. 使迷恋,使糊涂 to cause to be foolish:deprive of sound judgment odium<>infatuation 憎恨<>迷恋 Synonyms: INFATUATED, besotted, dotty, enamored Sample:He was infatuated with (or) by a model one week, an artist the next.


vt. 使适应新气候或新环境 to adapt to a new temperature, altitude, climate, environment, or situation acclimate<>make unfamiliar with 使适应<>使不熟悉 themselves to their new and often strange environments.


vt. 使道德颓废,使堕落,挫折锐气 a:to weaken the morale of:DISCOURAGE, DISPIRIT b:to upset or destroy the normal functioning of c:to throw into disorder demoralize <>invigorate/cheer { ameliorate } 士气受挫<>鼓舞 【此题有争议】 Synonyms: DEBASE, bastardize, bestialize, brutalize, corrupt, debauch, deprave, pervert, vitiate, warp Sample:Poor leadership demoralized the workers.


vt. 使高兴,使愉快 to make cheerful exhilarate<>sadden 使高兴<>使悲哀 soporific<>exhilarating 昏昏欲睡的<>令人兴奋的 Synonyms: ELATE, commove, excite, inspire, set up, spirit (up), stimulate Sample:The cold autumn air exhilarates me.


vt. 供俗用,亵渎,污辱 to violate the sanctity of:PROFANE desecrate<>sanctify/revere 污辱<>尊敬/尊敬 hallowed<>desecrate hallowed<>desecrate 视为神圣<>亵渎 Synonyms: RAVAGE, depredate, desolate, despoil, devastate, devour, pillage, sack, spoliate, waste Sample:The invading army desecrated this holy place when they camped here. desert [dI5z\:t]vt. 放弃,遗弃,逃跑 to withdraw from or leave usually without intent to return Synonyms: ABANDON, chuck, forsake, quit, renounce, throw over Sample:The father's desertion of the family left them with no support.


vt. 允许,承认,授与 to bestow or transfer formally specifically :to give the possession or title of by a deed concede<>refuse to grant 承认<>拒绝承认 withhold<>grant 抑制<>允许 Synonyms: ACKNOWLEDGE, admit, allow, avow, concede, confess, fess (up), let on, own, own up Sample:Everyone took his probity for granted; his defalcations, therefore, shocked us all.


vt. 免职,废,作证 to testify to under oath or by affidavit perjure<>deposition 作伪证<>作证 Synonyms: dethrone, discrown, disenthrone, displace, disthrone, uncrown, unmake Sample:A lawyer deposed a witness in her office.


vt. 全神贯注于 to take or engage the whole attention of:occupy completely Synonyms: ENGAGE , busy, immerse, occupy, soak Sample:John was so engrossed in his studies that he did not hear his mother call.


vt. 养育,抚育,抱(希望),鼓励,培养 to promote the growth or development of:ENCOURAGE foster<>stifle { retract } 鼓励<>抑制 thwart<>foment/foster/bolster 阻挠<>煽动/鼓励/支持 Synonyms: nurse, cherish, cultivate, nourish, nursle, nurture; advance, encourage, forward, further, promote, serve Sample:No one expected Foster to forsake his wife and children and run off with another woman.


vt. 冗长的解释,痛打 to explain or insist on excessively Synonyms: BEAT , baste, drub, lambaste, pound, pummel, wallop Sample:The debate coach warned her student not to bore the audience by belaboring his point. point.


vt. 减轻,使人原谅 to lessen or to try to lessen the seriousness or extent of by making partial excuses:MITIGATE Synonyms: THIN, attenuate, wiredraw Sample:It is easier for us to extenuate our own shortcomings than those of others.


vt. 切断腿筋使成跛腿,使残废 to make ineffective or powerless:CRIPPLE Sample:The student president tried to hamstring the school senate because she didn't agree with its decision.


vt. 创立,开始,制定,任命 to originate and get established:ORGANIZE rescind<>institute 撤离<>创立 abrogate<>embrace/institute/uphold 废除<>支持/建立/支持 effacing<>institute 抹掉<>建立 Synonyms: FOUND, constitute, create, establish, organize, set up, start Sample:His program was reactionary since it sought to abolish many of the social reforms instituted by the previous administration. insubordinate [InsE5bC:dInEt] adj.不服从的,反抗的 disobedient to authority tractable<>insubordinate/intransigent/incorrigible/obstinate 易于管教<>反抗的/不妥协/顽固的/倔强的 Synonyms: contumacious, factious, insurgent, mutinous, rebellious, seditious Sample:By idiosyncratically refusing to dismiss an insubordinate member of his staff, the manager not only contravened established policy, but he also jeopardized his heretofore good chances for promotion.


vt. 制定法律,扮演,颁布 to establish by legal and authoritative act; specifically:to make (as a bill) into law rescission<>enactment 废止<>颁布 Synonyms: constitute, establish, make Sample:Because much is needed legislation had to be enacted, the governor ordered the legislature to convene in special session by January 15.


vt. 制造;装配,伪造 CONSTRUCT, MANUFACTURE; specifically :to construct from diverse and usually standardized parts Synonyms: MAKE, assemble, build, construct, fashion, form, frame, manufacture, produce, shape Sample:Scientists' pristine reputation as devotees of the disinterested pursuit of truth has been compromised by recent evidence that some scientists have deliberately fabricated experimental results to further their own careers.


vt. 劝阻 to advise (a person) against something dissuade<>abet 劝阻<>怂恿并帮助 dissuade<>enhance 劝阻<>促进 Synonyms: deter, disadvise, discourage, divert Sample:My father dissuaded me from taking a job in another city.


vt. 加重,恶化 aggravate<>alleviate 恶化,加重<>减轻,缓和 console<>aggravate grief 抚慰,安慰<>加重悲伤 allay<>increase the intensity of/aggravate/intensify 缓和<>加重 succor<>aggravate 援助<>恶化 assuage<>aggravate 缓和<>加重


vt. 压缩,压榨 to reduce in size or volume as if by squeezing constrict:diameter=compress:size compression<>increase in volume 压缩<>数量增加 distention<>compression 膨胀<>压缩 Sample:She compressed the package under her arm.


vt. 发挥,运用,施以影响 to bring to bear especially with sustained effort or lasting effect Synonyms: exercise, ply, put out, throw, wield Sample:After two nights without sleep, she felt sluggish and incapable of exertion.


vt. 否认,否定,抵赖 to deny responsibility for:REPUDIATE disavow<>affirm 否认,不承认<>承认 disavowal<>admission 拒绝<>允许 disavowal<>acknowledgement 否认<>承认 Synonyms: DISCLAIM, deny, disacknowledge, disallow, disown, repudiate Sample:He disavows any further connection with what we now know is a criminal organization.


vt. 嘲弄, 嘲笑 to subject to usually bitter or contemptuous ridicule 的 ( 行为及其正面特征) deride<>praise 嘲笑<>赞美 veneration<>derision 尊敬<>嘲笑 Synonyms: RIDICULE, lout, mock, quiz, rally, razz, scout, taunt, twit Sample:That newspaper columnist derides the mayor whenever she can.


vt. 在...周围画线, 限制 to construct or be constructed around (a geometrical figure) so as to touch as many points as possible circumscribed<>unlimited 限制的<>无限的 Synonyms: LIMIT, bar, confine, delimit, delimitate, prelimit, restrict Sample:By identifying scientific rigor with a quantitative approach, researchers in the social sciences may often have limited their scope to those narrowly circumscribed topics that are well suited to quantitative methods.


vt. 埋 ;使插入 to enclose closely in or as if in a matrix embed<>extract 插入<>拔出 Synonyms: ENTRENCH , fix, infix, ingrain, lodge, root Sample:As long as the nuclear family is embedded in a larger kinship group through contiguous residence on undivided land, the pressure to share and thus to get along with relatives is strong.


vt. 增加,夸大 aggrandize<>disparage 赞扬<>贬低 aggrandize<>relegate 扩大权势地位<>降级 扩大权势地位<>降级 efface<>aggrandize 抹掉<>增加 aggrandize<>undermine 加强<>破坏 sublime, uprear his power to act aggressively in international affairs without considering the wishes of Congress.


vt. 增强 to make strong:as to give physical strength, courage, or endurance to debilitated<>fortified 虚弱的:增强的 vitiate<>fortify 使实效:增强 enervate<>fortify/strengthen 使衰弱:增强/加强 Synonyms: strengthen, energize, invigorate, reinforce Sample:He fortified himself with a glass of whisky before going out in the cold weather.


vt. 声明不赞成,抨击,反对 BELITTLE, DISPARAGE deprecate<>extol 抨击<>赞美 vaunt<>deprecate 自夸<>反对 deprecate<>endorse 反对<>赞成 Synonyms: DISAPPROVE, discommend, discountenance, disesteem, disfavor, frown, Synonyms: DISAPPROVE, discommend, discountenance, disesteem, disfavor, frown, object Sample:She is a modest person, so she responds to praise with self-deprecating remarks.


vt. 安慰,藉慰 to alleviate the grief, sense of loss, or trouble of:COMFORT Synonyms: COMFORT, buck up, cheer, solace, upraise Sample:When her father died, Marius did his best to console Cosette.


vt. 安抚,缓和,平息,满足 to bring to a state of peace or quiet:CALM roil<>appease 使焦急<>安抚 vex<>pacify/appease/soothe 使烦恼<>使平静/安抚/安慰 appease<>rile 平息<>搅浑浊,惹怒 gall<>appease 使焦躁<>平息 Synonyms: PACIFY, assuage, conciliate, mollify, placate, propitiate, sweeten Sample:We have discovered that, when we try to appease our enemies, we encourage them to make additional demands.


vt. 巩固,使联合,统一 to join together into one whole:UNITE consolidation<>fragmentation 统一<>分裂 consolidate<>dissolve 使联合<>解散 Synonyms: UNIFY , compact, concentrate, integrate Sample:I had so many bank accounts at different banks that I consolidated them all into one.


vt. 帮助,使容易,促进 to make easier:help bring about facilitate<>impeding 帮助<>阻挠 obstruct<>facilitate 阻碍<>帮助 hamper<>facilitate 妨碍<>帮助 arduous<>facile 费劲的<>易做到的 facile<>profound 易做到的<>造诣深的 facilitate<>thwart 帮助<>阻碍 Sample:Histocompatibility antigens that attack foreign tissue in the body cannot have been conserved through evolution expressly to foil organ transplantation; on the contrary, they have been found to facilitate many essential biological functions.


vt. 弄摔倒,弄跛,浸水,破坏,淹没 to become submerged:SINK founder<>stay aloft 淹没<>在高处 founder<>keep aloft 沉没<>在高处 founder<>afloat 沉没<>漂浮 founder<>succeed 失败<>成功 Synonyms: sink, go down, go under, submerge, submerse Sample:After hitting the submerged iceberg, the Titanic started taking in water rapidly and soon foundered.


vt. 弄污,弄脏,毒害,传染,染污 to soil, stain, corrupt, or infect by contact or association disinfect<>contaminate 消毒<>感染 untainted<>contaminated 没有感染的<>被玷污的 Synonyms: defile, pollute, soil, taint Sample:The sewage system of the city so contaminated the water that swimming was forbidden.


vt. 引出,抽出,引起 to draw forth or bring out evoke<>fail to elicit 引起<>不能引起 Synonyms: EDUCE , evince, evoke, extort, extract, milk Sample:The defense attorney claimed that the police had entrapped his client; that is, they had elicited the illicit action of which they now accuse of him.


vt. 引发,煽动 to promote the growth or development of:ROUSE, INCITE defuse<>foment 缓和<>煽动 foment<>inhibit 煽动<>禁止 quell<>foment/instigate/rouse 镇压<>煽动/刺激/奋起 squelch<>foment 镇压<>煽动 foment<>quash/quell 煽动<>镇压 impede<>promote/foment 阻碍<>促进/煽动 placate<>foment 安抚<>刺激 thwart<>foment/foster/bolster 阻挠<>煽动/鼓励/支持 foment<>allay 煽动<>减轻 Synonyms: incite, abet, instigate, provoke, raise, set, set on, stir(up), whip(up) Sample:This report will foment disssension in the club.


vt. 强制, 强迫 to bring about by force or threat voluntary<>coercion 自愿的<>强迫 Synonyms: FORCE, compel, concuss, constrain, make, oblige, shotgun Sample:They forced him to obey, but only by great coercion.


vt. 归罪,使负罪,控告 to charge with or show evidence or proof of involvement in a crime or fault incrimination<>exoneration 使负罪<>免罪 exonerate<>incriminate 免罪<>控告 Synonyms: ACCUSE, arraign, charge, criminate, impeach, inculpate, indict, tax Sample:The witness's testimony against the racketeers incriminates some high public officials as well.


vt. 恶化,增剧,激怒,使加剧 to make more violent, bitter, or severe palliate<>exacerbate 减轻<>加重 assuage<>exacerbate 缓和<>激怒 allay<>exacerbate 缓和<>恶化 ameliorate<>exacerbate 改善<>使恶化 mollify<>exacerbate 平息<>使加剧 Synonyms: acerbate, embitter, envenom Sample:It was her view that the country's problems had been exacerbated by foreign technocrats, so that to invite them to come back would be counterproductive.


vt. 悲悼,哀叹, 谴责感到或表达强烈的不满意;指责 to feel or express strong disapproval of; condemn. deplore<>laud 指责<>赞美 deplore<>accolade/extol 指责<>赞美/赞美 指责<>赞美/赞美 deplore<>commend 指责<>赞扬 deplore<>applaud 表达悲痛<>表达赞赏 coddle<>deplore 溺爱<>指责 Synonyms: bemoan, bewail, grieve, lament, moan, weep Sample:Every citizen must deplore the poor housing conditions in the city. deploy [dI5plCI]v.[军]展开,调度,部署 to extend (a military unit) especially in width deploy<>concentrate 展开<>集中 Sample:That the Third Battalion's fifty-percent casualty rate transformed its assault on Hill 306 from a brilliant stratagem into a debacle does not gainsay eyewitness reports of its commander's extraordinary cleverness in deploying his forces. deportation [di:pC:5teIF(E)n]n. 驱逐,放逐 the removal from a country of an alien whose presence is unlawful or prejudicial Synonyms: EXILE, banishment, displacement, expulsion, ostracism, relegation Sample:Prison officials took her to the airport for deportation.


vt. 想象,预想 to picture to oneself Synonyms: THINK , conceive, envisage, fancy, feature, image, imagine, realize, vision, visualize Sample:What kind of career do you envision for yourself?


vt. 截短,缩短;削减 to make less by or as if by cutting off or away some part protract<>curtail 延长<>缩短 elongate<>curtail 拉长<>缩减 Synonyms: SHORTEN, abbreviate, abridge, cut, cut back, retrench, slash Sample:To avoid annihilation by parasites, some caterpillars are able to curtail periods of active growth by prematurely entering a dormant state, which is characterized by the suspension of feeding.


vt. 打扰,折磨,使狼狈 to disturb the composure of:DISCONCERT, DAUNT embolden<>abash/faze/cow 使大胆:使困窘/使狼狈/威胁 fazed<>undisturbed 混乱的:安静的 Synonyms: embarrass, abash, confound, dumbfound, mystify, nonplus, perplex, puzzle; confuse, muddle; appall, daunt, dismay, horrify; annoy, bother, irritate, vex Sample:The bad news did not faze him at all.


vt. 托运, 委托 to give, transfer, or deliver into the hands or control of another; also :to commit especially to a final destination or fate Synonyms: COMMIT , commend, confide, entrust, hand over, relegate, turn over Sample:The court consigned the child to her paternal grandmother's care.


vt. 执行,实行,制成,处死 to carry out fully:put completely into effect Synonyms: ADMINISTER, administrate, carry out, govern, render Sample:Although the minuet appeared simple, its intricate steps had to be studied very carefully before they could be gracefully executed in public.


vt. 扩大,详述,使增幅 to make larger or greater (as in amount, importance, or intensity):INCREASE mute<>amplify 减弱...的声音<>使增幅 Synonyms: EXPAND , dilate, distend, inflate, swell Sample:Her attempts to amplify her remarks were drowned out by the jeers of the audience.


vt. 扭曲,歪曲 to twist out of the true meaning or proportion to twist out of the true meaning or proportion Synonyms: MISREPRESENT, belie, color, falsify, garble, miscolor, misstate, pervert, twist, warp Sample:Literature is inevitably a distorting rather than a neutral medium for the simple reason that writers interpose their own vision between the reader and reality.


vt. 拴紧,使固定,强加于,集中于 to attach especially by pinning, tying, or nailing fastness<>unsecured palace fastness<>unsecured palace 要塞<>没有防卫的地方 Sample:The student fastened his attention on the teacher. fastidious [fA5stIdIEs] adj.难取悦的,挑剔的 showing or demanding excessive delicacy or care fastidious<>coarse 苛求的<>粗糙的 fastidious<>easygoing/cursory/uncritical 苛求的<>懒散的/草率的/不严厉的 Synonyms: NICE, dainty, finical, finicking, finicky, fussy, particular, pernickety, persnickety, squeamish Sample:The waitresses disliked serving him dinner because of his very fastidious taste.


vt. 授予...知识,启发,教导,开导 to furnish knowledge to:INSTRUCT Synonyms: ILLUMINATE , edify, illume, illumine, improve, irradiate, uplift Sample:In the days before the mass marketing of books, censorship was a prime source of publicity, which helped the sale of the book and inspired Ralph Waldo Emerson to remark:"Every burned book enlightens the world".


vt. 授予爵位,使高贵 to make noble:ELEVATE debase<>ennoble 贬低<>使高贵 Synonyms: EXALT , aggrandize, dignify, distinguish, erect, glorify, honor, magnify, sublime, uprear


vt. 排出沟外,喝光,耗尽 to exhaust physically or emotionally tonic<>draining { nagging } 增进健康之物<>气力耗尽 Synonyms: DEPLETE, bankrupt, draw, draw down, exhaust, impoverish, use up Sample:Before serving the spaghetti, place it in a colander to drain it.


vt. 推论出,推断 GUESS, SURMISE Synonyms: collect, conclude, deduce, deduct, derive, dope out, draw, gather, judge, make Sample:We must be particularly cautious when we infer that a person is guilty on the basis of circumstantial evidence. inferno [In5f\:nEJ] n.火海,地狱般的场所 a place or a state that resembles or suggests hell Synonyms: HELL, abyss, blazes, Gehenna, hades, netherworld, perdition, pit, Sheol, Tophet Sample:They could think of no way to hinder his infernal scheme.


vt. 掺假 to corrupt, debase, or make impure by the addition of a foreign or inferior substance or element stickler sway 尚未确证】 unalloyed<>adulterated 未掺杂的,纯粹的<>掺假的 tainted<>unadulterated 弄脏的<>无法搀杂的


vt. 描述,描写 to represent by or as if by a picture Synonyms: REPRESENT, delineate, describe, image, interpret, limn, picture, portray, render Sample:The artist depicted a landscape in bright colors.


vt. 摘要,概括


vt. 摘要,概括 to serve as the typical or ideal example of Synonyms: condense, digest, inventory, nutshell, sum, summarize, summate, sum up, synopsize Sample:Many Americans believe that individual initiative epitomized the 1890's and see the entrepreneur as the personification of that age.


vt. 支吾地说,迟疑 a:to hesitate in purpose or action:WAVER b:to lose drive or effectiveness Synonyms: TEETER, lurch, stagger, stumble, topple, totter, wobble Sample:When told to dive off the high board, she did not falter, but proceeded at once.


vt. 放弃 to yield or grant typically by treaty cede<>possess 放弃<>拥有 Synonyms: RELINQUISH, abandon, give up, hand over, leave, resign, surrender, waive, yield Sample:I intend to cede this property to the city.


vt. 放松,抚慰,减轻 , 去掉...的雷管 to make less harmful, potent, or tense defuse<>foment 放松<>煽动 Synonyms: DEAD, asleep, cold, deceased, departed, exanimate, extinct, inanimate, late, lifeless Sample:They defused the bomb, so it couldn't explode.


vt. 教唆,怂恿,煽动 to goad or urge forward:PROVOKE quell<>foment/instigate/rouse 镇压<>煽动/教唆/煽动 Synonyms: INCITE, abet, foment, provoke, raise, set, set on, stir (up), whip (up) Sample:I am afraid that this statement will instigate a revolt.


vt. 散失,驱散,浪费 accumulation<>dissipation 聚集,积累<>驱散, 浪费 dissipate<>accumulate 驱散, 浪费<>聚集,积累 dissipate<>gather 积聚<>浪费 amass<>dissipate 积聚<>浪费 Synonyms: WASTE, blow, blunder (away), consume, fool (away), fritter, frivol away, squander, throw away, trifle (away) Sample:Ever prey to vagrant impulses that impelled him to squander his talents on a host of unworthy projects, his very dissipation nonetheless enhanced his reputation, for the sheer energy of his extravagance dazzled observers.


vt. 检查,审查,删改 to examine in order to suppress or delete anything considered objectionable Synonyms: blip, bowdlerize, expurgate, screen Sample:Far from viewing Jefferson as a skeptical but enlightened intellectual, historians of the 1960's portrayed him as a doctrinaire thinker, eager to fill the young with his political orthodoxy while censoring ideas he did not like.


vt. 泄漏(秘密等);宣布,公布 to make known (as a confidence or secret) divulge<>keep secret 泄漏(秘密等)<>保密 Synonyms: REVEAL, betray, blab (out), disclose, discover, give away, mouth, spill, tell, unclose Sample:I will not tell you this news because I am sure you will divulge it prematurely.


vt. 注视,沉思,打算 to view or consider with continued attention:meditate on consider Synonyms: CONSIDER, excogitate, mind, perpend, ponder, study, think (out or over), weigh Sample:The acts of vandalism that these pranksters had actually perpetrated were Sample:The acts of vandalism that these pranksters had actually perpetrated were insignificant compared with those they had contemplated but had not attempted. (9510)


vt. 测定口径,校准,查看刻度,划刻度 to determine, rectify, or mark the graduations of calibrated<>unstandardized 校准的<>不标准的 calibrate<>unsubstantialized 校准的<>不标准的 Sample:The worker calibrated a cutting tool.


vt. 消毒 to free from infection especially by destroying harmful microorganisms 石油衍生物:润滑::抗菌剂:杀菌(物及其功用) Sample:He disinfected the bathroom with a germicide.


vt. 激怒 To make furious; enrage Synonyms: ANGER, enrage, incense, ire, mad, madden, steam up, umbrage Sample:Nothing infuriated Tom more than Aunt Polly's ability to divine when he was not telling the truth.


vt. 灌输, 注入, 沏或泡(茶、药等), 浸渍, 鼓舞 INSPIRE, ANIMATE 鼓舞:鼓舞:删除:除去 (同义关系) infuse<>drain away/refuse/extract 使...充满<>排除/拒绝/析取 Synonyms: imbue, ingrain, inoculate, invest, leaven, steep, suffuse Sample:Unlike other creatures, who are shaped largely by their immediate environment, human beings are products of a culture accumulated over centuries, yet one that is constantly being transformed by massive infusions of new information from everywhere.


vt. 熄灭,扑灭;消灭 to cause to cease burning:QUENCH extinguish<>kindle 熄灭<>点燃 ignite<>extinguish 点燃<>熄灭 extinguish<>rekindle 熄灭<>重新点燃 Synonyms: ANNIHILATE, abate, abolish, blot out, eradicate, exterminate, extirpate, root out, uproot, wipe (out) Sample:As a Scout, Marisa learned how to light a fire, how to stoke it if it started to die down, and how to extinguish it completely.


vt. 献殷勤,追求,招致危险 to seek the affections of; especially :to seek to win a pledge of marriage from aversion<>court 厌恶<>追求 court<>repel intentionally/repulse intentionally/snub 追求<>有意识的抵制/有意的厌恶/怠慢 spurn<>court /crave/embrace 摒弃<>追求,热望,包含 Synonyms: ADDRESS, make up (to), pursue, spark, sue, sweetheart, woo Sample:Jones was unable to recognize, the contradictions in his attitudes that were obvious to everyone else; even the hint of an untruth was repugnant to him, but he courted serious trouble by always cheating on his taxes.


vt. 用刺棒驱赶,激励,煽动,唆使 something that urges or stimulates into action:SPUR goad<>check 唆使<>阻止 Sample:He was goaded by his friends until he yielded to their wishes.


vt. 用尽,耗尽,抽完,使精疲力尽 to consume entirely:USE UP Synonyms: DEPLETE, bankrupt, drain, draw, draw down, impoverish, use up Sample:There are, as yet, no vegetation types or ecosystems whose study has been exhausted to the extent that they no longer interest ecologists.


vt. 用巧言诱哄 to manipulate with great perseverance and usually with considerable effort toward a desired state or activity blandishment:coax=threat:intimidate Synonyms: blandish, blarney, cajole, con, soft-soap, sweet-talk, wheedle Sample:The mother coaxed her child to take some bad-tasting medicine.


vt. 用树篱围,妨碍 a means of protection or defense (as against financial loss) Synonyms: EQUIVOCATE, dodge, evade, pussyfoot, shuffle, sidestep, tergiversate, tergiverse, weasel Sample:Buying real estate is a hedge against bad times.


vt. 画轮廓, 预示, 隐约预示 to suggest or disclose partially revelation<>adumbration 显示,揭露<>有保留的揭示 skeleton, skeletonize


vt. 盗用, 挪用 to appropriate (as property entrusted to one's care) fraudulently to one's own use Synonyms: misappropriate, peculate Sample:The authorities did not discover the campaign manager's malfeasance until after he had spent most of the money he had embezzled.


vt. 称赞,褒扬,恭维 expressing or containing a compliment vituperative<>complimentary 责骂的<>称赞的 Synonyms: COMMEND, acclaim, applaud, hail, kudize, praise, recommend Sample:Complimented on her appearance, Stella self-consciously simpered.


vt. 称赞,颂扬 to speak or write in high praise of:EXTOL lines.】 eulogize<>pan 称赞<>批评 eulogy<>stricture 颂词<>责难 denounce<>eulogy 谴责<>赞扬 eulogize<>cavil/criticize 颂赞<>责难 Synonyms: PRAISE, bless, celebrate, cry up, extol, glorify, hymn, laud, magnify, panegyrize Sample:All the eulogies of his friends could not remove the sting of the calumny heaped upon him by his enemies.


vt. 穿上 to put on (an article of clothing) doff<>don 脱<>穿 Synonyms: assume, draw on, get on, huddle (on), put on, slip (on), throw Sample:When Clark Kent had to don his Superman outfit, he changed clothes in a convenient phone booth.


vt. 窒息,阻塞,噎,抑制 to check normal breathing of by compressing or obstructing the trachea or by poisoning or adulterating available air Synonyms: strangle, throttle; compare SUFFOCATE Sample:The murderer choked his victim to death.


vt. 签名于(票据)等的背面vt.确认;赞同; to approve openly especially:to express support or approval of publicly and definitely endorse<>oppose publicly 支持赞同<>公然反对 impugn<>endorse 责难<>支持 deprecate<>endorse 反对<>赞成 Synonyms: APPROVE, accredit, certify, OK (or okay), sanction Sample:During the 1960's assessments of the family shifted remarkably, from general endorsement of it as a worthwhile, stable institution to widespread censure of it as an oppressive and bankrupt one whose dissolution was both imminent and welcome.


vt. 精确计量,估计 a measurement (as of linear dimension) according to some standard or system Synonyms: standard, benchmark, criterion, measure, touchstone, yardstick Sample:Changes of fashion and public taste are often ephemeral and resistant to analysis, and yet they are among the most sensitive gauges of the state of the public's collective consciousness.


vt. 纠缠, 迫使(某人吐露实话), 诱使(某人暴露自己) to harass or annoy persistently Synonyms: BAIT , heckle, hector, hound, ride Sample:She was forced to change her telephone number because she was badgered by obscene phone calls.


vt. 绕行,陷害,包围,智取 to manage to get around especially by ingenuity or stratagem circumvent<>confront 绕行<>面对 circumvention<>direct encounter circumvention<>direct encounter 规避<>直接面对 Synonyms: SKIRT, bypass, circumnavigate, detour Sample: Although fiction assuredly springs from political circumstances,its authors react to those circumstances in ways other than ideological,and talking about novels and stories primarily as instruments of ideology circumvents much of the fictional enterprise.


vt. 给予自治权,给予选举权,解放 to endow with a franchise:as to admit to the privileges of a citizen and especially to the right of suffrage enfranchise<>enfetter 解放<>束缚 enfranchise<>resubject 解放<>使再臣服 enfranchise<>subjugate 解放<>镇压 Synonyms: affranchise, franchise Sample:During periods of social and cultural stability, many art academies are so firmly controlled by dogmatists that all real creative work must be done by the disenfranchised.


vt. 缓和,减轻,镇定 to lessen the intensity of (something that pains or distresses):EASE gall<>calm/assuage 使生气<>安抚 assuage/subdue<>inflame 缓和/抑制<>激怒,使燃烧 assuage<>intensify 缓和<>加强 assuage<>exacerbate 缓和<>激怒 assuage<>aggravate 缓和<>加重 assuage<>incite 缓和<>煽动 Synonyms: relieve, alleviate, lighten, assuage, mitigate, allay Sample:The king assuaged the fears of his nobles about a war.


vt. 耗尽,使衰竭 to lessen markedly in quantity, content, power, or value enrich<>deplete 使富有<>耗尽 Synonyms: bankrupt, drain, draw, draw down, exhaust, impoverish, use up Sample:country has depleted its natural resources completely.


vt. 耙掘, 伤害, 使苦恼 to inflict great distress or torment on harrow<>mollify 伤害<>平息 Synonyms: AFFLICT, agonize, crucify, excruciate, martyr, rack, torment, torture, try, wring Sample: I don't want to harrow you at this time by asking you to recall the details of your unpleasant experience.


vt. 背叛;辜负;泄漏 to deliver to an enemy by treachery Synonyms: reveal, disclose, divulge Sample:The actual rigidity of Wilson's position was always betrayed by his refusal to compromise after having initially agreed to negotiate a settlement.


vt. 脱,丢弃,废除 to remove (an article of wear) from the body doff<>don 脱下<>披上, 穿上, 戴上


vt. 装饰,修饰 to clothe with finery:DECK bedeck<>strip 装饰<>剥去 Synonyms: ADORN, beautify, deck, decorate, dress (up), embellish, garnish, ornament, prank, trim Sample:The walls were bedecked with flags and the tables with flowers.


vt. 解码,译解 to convert (as a coded message) into intelligible form Synonyms: break, crack, cryptanalyze, decipher, decrypt Sample:Lacking his code book, the spy was unable to decode the message sent to him in cipher.


vt. 解除动员,复员,使无效,使不活动 to make inactive or ineffective deactivate<>potentiate 使无效<>赋与力量,加强 Sample:deactivated that military unit and sent the soldiers home.


vt. 触摸,运用,操作,处理,买卖 to act, behave, or feel in a certain way when handled or directed cumbersome<>easy to handle 麻烦的<>容易处理的 Synonyms: dispense, maneuver, manipulate, ply, swing, wield Sample:The personnel department handles the procurement of new employees.


vt. 让渡,遗赠,转让 DIE, DECEASE Synonyms: DEATH, curtains, decease, defunction, dissolution, passing, quietus, silence, sleep Sample:The demise of the rigorous academic curriculum in high school resulted, in part, from the progressive rhetoric that sanctioned the study of subjects previously thought inappropriate as part of school learning.


vt. 设计,发明,图谋,遗赠给 to form in the mind by new combinations or application of and ideas or principles Synonyms: LEGACY , bequest, inheritance Sample:The methods that a community devises to perpetuate itself come into being to preserve aspects of the cultural legacy that that community perceives as essential.


vt. 诱骗,引诱,怂恿 to attract artfully or adroitly or by arousing hope or desire:TEMPT formidable<>enticing 可怕的<>诱人的 Synonyms: LURE, allure, bait, decoy, entrap, inveigle, lead on, seduce, tempt, toll Sample:Personnel experts say that attractive benefits alone will not always keep ambitious executives from changing jobs for better long-range opportunities, but they think the enticements may deter many executives from accepting routine offers from other companies.


vt. 起诉,控告,指控 to charge with a crime by the finding or presentment of a jury (as a grand jury) in due form of law absolve<>indict 赦免<>起诉 Synonyms: ACCUSE, arraign, charge, criminate, impeach, incriminate, inculpate, tax Sample:If the grand jury indicts the suspect, he will go to trial.


vt. 转移,分心,使发狂 to draw or direct (as one's attention) to a different object or in different directions at the same time rapt<>distracted 全心投入的<>分心的 Synonyms: CONFUSE, addle, ball up, befuddle, bewilder, fluster, fuddle, mix up, throw off Sample:To list Reilly's achievements in a fragmentary way is misleading, for it distracts our attention from the integrating themes of her work.


vt. 轻视 to look down on with contempt or aversion reverence<>despise 尊敬<>轻视 venerate<>despise/scorn 尊敬<>蔑视 Synonyms: abhor, contemn, disdain, look down, scorn, scout Sample: He was placed in the anomalous position of seeming to approve procedures that he despised.


vt. 过分夸赞,奉承,阿谀,使高兴 to praise excessively especially from motives of self-interest invective<>flatter 谩骂的<>奉承 excoriate<>flatter 严厉批评<>过分赞扬 castigate<>flatter 斥责<>称赞 Synonyms: become, enhance, suit Sample:He was always accompanied by several of his minions because he enjoyed their subservience and flattery.


vt. 迷住,迷惑 to influence and dominate by some special charm, art, or trait and with an irresistible appeal captivate<>repulse 迷住<>厌恶 Synonyms: ATTRACT, allure, bewitch, charm, draw, enchant, fascinate, magnetize, take, wile Sample:Her beauty and intelligence have captivated many men.


vt. 迷惑,蛊惑 to mislead the mind or judgment of:DECEIVE, TRICK transparent<>delusive 透明的<>迷惑的 Synonyms: DECEIVE, beguile, betray, bluff, double-cross, humbug, illude, juggle, mislead, take in Sample:Do not delude yourself into believing that he will relent.


vt. 逐出,赶出,驱逐 to force out:EXPEL harbor<>evict 收容<>逐出 Synonyms: EJECT, boot (out), chase, chuck, dismiss, extrude, kick out, out, throw out Sample:They did not pay the rent on their apartment for three months, so the landlord evicted them.


vt. 采伐森林, 清除树林 the action or process of clearing of forests; also :the state of having been cleared of Sample:Loggers deforested a valley by cutting its trees.


vt. 阻碍,使困累,妨碍 to restrict the movement of by bonds or obstacles:IMPEDE seminal<>hampering further development 发展的<>阻碍发展 hamper<>facilitate 阻碍<>促进 Synonyms: clog, curb, entrammel, fetter, hobble, hog-tie, leash, shackle, tie, tie up, trammel Sample:The minority party agreed not to hamper the efforts of the leaders to secure a lasting peace.


vt. 限制,闭居,禁闭 something that restrains Synonyms: LIMIT, bar, circumscribe, delimit, delimitate, prelimit, restrict Sample:How could words, confined as they individually are to certain precise meanings specified in a dictionary, eventually come, when combined in groups, to create obscurity and actually to prevent thought from being communicable?


vt. 隐藏, 安置 ESTABLISH, SETTLE ensconce<>dislodge 安置<>驱逐 Synonyms: install, settle Sample: The parents thought that their children were ensconced safely in the private school and decided to leave for Europe. esoteric [i:sEJ5terIk] adj.秘传的,神秘的 designed for or understood by the specially initiated alone esoteric<>common accepted 深奥的<>广泛接受的 深奥的<>广泛接受的 esoteric<>generally known 深奥的<>广泛知道的 Synonyms: RECONDITE, abstruse, acroamatic, deep, heavy, hermetic, occult, orphic, profound, secret Sample:In the appendix to the novel, the critic sought to annotate many of the more esoteric references.


vt. 预报,宣布,传达,欢呼 to give notice of:ANNOUNCE unherald<>proclaim 未预告的<>宣布 Synonyms: ANNOUNCE, forerun, foreshow, harbinger, preindicate, presage Sample:For many years an unheralded researcher, Barbara McClintock gained international renown when she won the Nobel Prize in Physiology and Medicine.


vt. 驱逐,消除 to drive out or remove from a home or place of usual resort or continuance, especially compulsory removal from a country not necessarily one's own Synonyms: exile, deport, transport Sample:The king banished the murderer from the land.


vt. 骗入,诱捕,使陷入 to catch in or as if in a trap Synonyms: catch, benet, catch up, ensnare, entangle, snare, tangle, trap lure, allure, bait, decoy, entice, inveigle, lead on, seduce, tempt, toll Sample:The defense attorney claimed that the police had entrapped his client; that is, they had elicited the illicit action of which they now accuse of him.


vt. 鼓励, 激励 to give heart to : CHEER daunt<>hearten 使胆怯<>鼓舞 dismay<>hearten 沮丧<>激励 Synonyms : ENCOURAGE, animate, cheer, chirk (up), embolden, enhearten, inspirit, nerve, steel, strengthen Sample: Wellington's nonchalance and aplomb in the heat of battle always heartened his followers.


vt.(由于意外的事故或通过外科手术)把(身体的一部分)撕脱, 抽出 to separate, cut, or tear off by avulsion avulse<>link 撕脱<>连接 avulse<>suture 撕脱<>缝合


vt.vi. 拙劣地工作,粗制滥造,失败 to act or work clumsily and awkwardly bungle<>bring off 失败<>大成功 Synonyms: ERROR, blooper, blunder, boner, bull, fluff, lapse, mistake, slip Sample:I was afraid you would bungle his assignment but I had no one else to send. Sample:I was afraid you would bungle his assignment but I had no one else to send.


vt.vi. 辱骂,亵渎 to speak of or address with irreverence Sample:The people in the room were shocked by his his blasphemous language.


vt.困惑, 阻碍, 为难 to check or break the force or flow of by or as if by a baffle Synonyms: FRUSTRATE, balk, beat, bilk, circumvent, dash, disappoint, foil, ruin, thwart Sample:The new code baffled the enemy agents.


vt.未加思索地冲口说出, 突然说出 to utter abruptly and impulsively ? usually used with out 迅速飞过:移动:突然说出:出声 (快:正常) Synonyms: EXCLAIM, blat, bolt, cry out, ejaculate Sample:Before she could stop him, he blurted out the news.

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