TCOLE (Missed Questions)

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A person commits an offense if the person possesses an open container or consumes an alcoholic beverage on a public street, public alley, or public sidewalk within __________ of the property line of a facility that is a public or private school, including a parochial school, that provides all or any part of prekindergarten through twelfth grade.

1000 ft

When approaching a dog, what is the minimal reactionary gap in a public space?

12 ft.

Law enforcement agencies are required to enter the NCIC Missing Person File within __________ hours of receiving the missing child report where the "well-being of the child is in danger."

2 hours

According to the TCOLE outline, what percentage of officer contacts require physical force?


An operator may not, except momentarily to pick up or discharge a passenger, stand or park an occupied or unoccupied vehicle within __________ feet on the approach to a flashing signal, stop sign, yield sign or traffic control signal located at the side of a roadway.

30 ft

What is the minimum number of rounds required for shotgun proficiency?


What percentage of an officer's duties involve verbal skills?


__________ means a bodily movement, whether voluntary or involuntary, and includes speech.


A male person is at a night club and looks in the girls' restroom to see if he can catch a glimpse at any partially clothed women. What offense has occurred?

Disorderly Conduct

__________ means the delivery of a controlled substance in the course of professional practice or research, by a practitioner or person acting under the lawful order of a practitioner, to an ultimate user or research subject.


Anything to be offered in court to prove the truth or falsity of a fact in issue


is the Distortion in the senses causing the individual to experience hearing or seeing something that is not there.


A person commits an offense of Unlawfully Carrying a Weapon if he intentionally, knowingly or recklessly carries on or about his person a __________.


Exposure via cut, abrasion, biological pest insect are examples of what kind of exposure?


If a man intentionally grabs a woman's breast (under the shirt) in a public place with the intent to gratify himself sexually he has committed the offense of __________.

Public lewdness

Improper Relationship between Educator and Student refers to illegal sexual interactions with students enrolled in which schools?

Public or private primary or secondary schools

You arrest a person who advised they are a citizen of Singapore. Which statement on the Consular Notification card do you read?

Statement 2 - For Foreign Nationals from "Mandatory Notification" Countries

Of the following methods of searching, which one is considered most effective for outside searches?


When an officer is a member of a tactical squad in a crowd or riot control formation, the baton may be used to move, separate, disperse or deny a person access to a structure or through an area is a justification for use of a baton.


Which of the following is the correct order of courtroom testimony?

direct, cross, redirect, recross

A qualified retired law enforcement officer's weapons proficiency certification expires on the __________.

first anniversary

According to the Code of Criminal Procedure, a peace officer who investigates a family violence allegation or who responds to a disturbance call that may involve family violence shall advise any possible adult victim of all reasonable means to prevent further family violence, including __________.

giving written notice of a victim's legal rights

The person servicing the process can be __________ for failure to execute or return the process.

held in contempt of court

Potential problems in conducting crime scene searches include all of the following except __________.

physical condition of crime scene technicians

LEAPS stands for?

listen, empathize, ask, paraphrase, and summarize

A motor-vehicle that cannot produce more than five-brake horsepower, is the definition of a/an __________.


Civil law regulates the conduct of individuals through __________.

threats of fine or imprisonment.

When an officer encounters someone listed on the CSCAL, the officer may need to __________.

-take temporary possession of the child due to reasons unrelated to CSCAL. -release the child to the Department of Protective and Family Services - CPS. -release the child back to the custody of the legal guardian. -All of the above

What Chapter of the Texas Administrative Code deals with Administration?


What Chapter of the Texas Administrative Code deals with Training?


According to the Transportation Code, what is the minimum light transmission percentage allowable for window tinting?


There are ________ Pillars of Character


How many 8 ounce glasses of water are recommended for daily consumption?


Upon receiving a report of an attempted child abduction, an agency shall immediately but not to exceed ___________ hours after receiving the report, submit the information to the Texas Missing Person Clearinghouse. (18)

8 Hours

__________ means to directly apply a controlled substance by injection, inhalation, ingestion, or other means to the body of a patient.


Evidence of the alcohol concentration or presence of a controlled substance, drug, dangerous drug, or other substance as shown by analysis of a specimen of the person's blood, breath, or urine or __________ taken at the request or order of a peace officer is admissible.

Any other bodily substance

A husband and wife are at a store. The husband punches his wife, causing her bodily injury. What offense, if any, has the husband committed?


This crime is committed by groups comprised of both amateurs and professionals, includes Insurance Fraud Swindlers, Use-In-Crime theft, Unauthorized joy riding, strippers, dismantlers and professional auto thieves.

Auto Theft

Compensating behavior may take one of the following forms: hesitation, verbal abuse, __________, and/or unnecessary force.


has been given the legal power to act as a peace officer or reserve, whether elected, employed, or appointed.


The plain view doctrine permits an officer to seize evidence without a warrant if the officer is in a __________ where he or she has a right to be and sees evidence which is obviously connected to a crime or is contraband.

Constitutionally protected area

regulates the conduct of individuals through threats of fines and imprisonment.

Criminal Law

There are four (4) main causes of abuse:

Cultural Sex role stereotypes Lack of control Learned Behavior

A major depressive syndrome is defined as a depressed mood or loss of interest, of at least __________ duration, accompanied by associated symptoms, such as weight loss/gain and difficulty concentrating.

Fourteen days

The legal significance of evidence rests in its influence on __________.

Judge or jury

Time must be devoted to exploring motives, possible omissions, and assessing the truth if

Justice is to be served

An officer responds to a call, finding a man shooting at other people. The officer is justified in using Deadly Force. However, when he returns fire, the officer recklessly kills an innocent third person. The officer may be filed on for __________. (8)


is an offense so designated by law or punishable by fine, by confinement in jail, or by both fine and confinement in jail. (8)


Peace officers are granted the authority to use force by the Texas __________.

Penal code

The professional behavior with peace officers and others in the criminal justice system needs to come closer to "ideal" ethical behavior than may be possible in ____________.

Private life

__________ is a telling of ease and harmony in a contact or relationship between people.


If a judge rules the lockout was illegal the court may issue a Writ of Reentry directing the landlord to let the tenant back in. If the landlord fails to obey the order he may be held in contempt of court and the Sheriff or Constable may use __________ to put the tenant back into the rental.

Reasonable force

is the territory, other than a business district, adjacent to and including a highway, if at least 300 feet of the highway frontage is primarily improved with Residences or buildings used for business purposes and residences.

Residence district

According to Sec. 36.06 of the Penal Code, a person commits an offense if he intentionally or knowingly harms or threatens to harm another by an unlawful act on account of the victim's testifying in court. The offense would be __________. (8)


he delivery of a writ, notice, injunction, etc., by an authorized person, to a person who is thereby officially notified of some proceeding concerning that person is a/an __________.


You arrest a person who advised that they are a citizen of Japan. Which statement on the Consular Notification card do you read?

Statement 1 - For All Foreign Nationals Except Those from "Mandatory Notification" Countries

describes a characteristic of a criminal investigator: -Takes nothing for granted. -Investigators may find that victims and witnesses, as well as suspects, may be motivated by various physiological, psychological, and sociological needs that may "color" the information they give. -Gathers information, but verifies it credibility.


Of the many requisites of an arrest warrant, which of those listed is not a requisite?

The date the warrant is issued

A manual, electric, or mechanical device that alternately directs traffic to stop and to proceed is the definition of a/an __________.

Traffic Control Signal

What does it mean when a witness is put "under the rule?

Witness may not speak to anyone the judge instructs you not to about the case

All divorce degrees have the following statement in them that gives an officer limited authority to ask for the return of children when the person granted custody wants them returned and the other party has refused to do so. "Notice to any peace officer of the State of Texas: You may use __________ to enforce the terms of child custody specified in this order."

reasonable efforts

One of the effects that a hazardous material event has on the environment is __________.

temporary damage to the water system

Methods used to prepare a crime scene sketch include all of the following except __________.

the rough drawing must be to scale

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