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Can occupy whatever shape their container has, so they do not have a fixed shape.


Which of the following organelles is responsible for digesting damaged cellular structures, as well as macromolecules and bacteria ingested by the cell?


are not involved in ATP production.


contain digestive and hydrolytic enzymes which is essential for breaking down of molecules.


organelles is responsible for digesting damaged cellular structures, as well as macromolecules and bacteria ingested by the cell?


Which of the following cell organelles is correctly paired with its function?

Ribosome/ Protein synthesis

Osteoblasts are specialized cells that secrete the protein collagen and other substances necessary for bone formation. Which of the following organelles is more likely to be predominant in osteoblasts? --Nucleus --Lysosomes --Ribosomes --Mitochondria


responsible for protein synthesis.


responsible for synthesis of proteins.


Where synthesized proteins are processed and sorted?

Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum

is studded with ribosomes and, as such, assists in the synthesis and transport of proteins.

Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum

where synthesized proteins are processed and sorted.

Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum

Which of the following is the name of the imaginary vertical plane that equally divides the body into left and right? -Horizontal -Sagittal -Transverse -Coronal


the muscular contraction of the smooth muscle layers of the stomach that moves food around to ensure its interaction with digestive juices.


____________ indicates that the structure is located at a relatively higher position while _____________ denotes a relatively lower position.

Superior, inferior

Which of the following structures prevents food from being aspirated into the lungs?

The epiglottis is the flap-like structure that prevents food from being aspirated into the lungs.

Which of the following steps of protein synthesis occurs in the nucleus? -Translation to amino acid -Elongation -Transcription to mRNA -Replication

Transcription to mRNA

Which tool is best suited to measure the length of a bedroom?

Tape measure

Which of the following is true? -The female gametes are called ovaries and contain half of a set of chromosomes. -The female gametes are called ova and contain full set of chromosomes. -The male gametes are called eggs and contain full set of chromosomes. -The male gametes are called sperm and contain half of a set of chromosomes.

The male gametes are called sperm and contain a half set of chromosomes.

collection of specialized cells that perform a specific functions (e.g. protection, support, nerve conduction and movement).


Given the media coverage surrounding climate change, most people are aware of this environmental issue. One that is less well known but may become just as crucial is "peak oil." What is peak oil? Simply put, it is the point at which the world production of oil reaches its highest point and begins a steady, irreversible decline. This has been known for some time. Hubbert's Curve (1956), named for the scientist who formulated it, predicted that U.S. production would peak around 1970. He was off by 1 year. Since 1971-2, the oil production of the United States has been gradually declining. -To argue that climate change presents a serious danger -To persuade readers to take action on the issue of peak oil -To introduce the subject matter by comparing it to a familiar issue -To provide a definition of the term "peak oil"

To introduce the subject matter by comparing it to a familiar issue

The molecular formula for baking soda is NaHCO3 This molecule is made up of 6 ____ and 4 __________?

atoms; elements

An _________ refers to a condition wherein immune cells function abnormally and attack molecular components of the body's own organs.

autoimmune disease

Which of the following parts and divisions of the nervous system is correctly paired?

autonomic division/ peripheral nervous system

Which of the following parts of neurons is correctly paired with its function?

axon / sends stimulus to axon terminal

Entry and exit of substances is facilitated by the ______________.

cell membrane

comprised of the brain and spinal cord

central nervous system

is a part of the large intestine and does not secrete any hormones or have any endocrine function.


any characteristic of matter that does not depend on the amount of the substance present.

intensive property

ATP production is a function of the mitochondria while ________________ is performed by lysosomes.

intracellular digestion

Once the blood is oxygenated in the lungs, it returns to the heart at the ______ through the ___________?

left atrium, pulmonary vein

What is a function of the liver?

lipid metabolism

the powerhouse of the cell, wherein ATP is generated. They are not involved in cell division.


________ is a process where a single cell divides into two identical daughter cells. The major purpose of ________is to replace worn-out and damaged cells.

mitosis - mitosis

the lining of the heart


secretes an alkaline, viscous fluid that contains fructose, prostaglandins, and clotting proteins.

seminal vesicle

Which of the following is happening during a contraction of the diaphragm?

A decrease in alveolar pressure

Balance the following chemical equation: CH4 + Cl2 → CCl4 + HCl

CH4 + 4Cl2 → CCl4 + 4HCl

Which of the following electrolytes plays an essential role in the clotting of blood?

Calcium plays an essential role in blood coagulation.

process in which a cell takes in oxygen and uses it to break down glucose to create energy in the form of ATP.

Cellular respiration

the process in which a cell takes in oxygen and uses it to break down glucose to create energy in the form of ATP.

Cellular respiration

Which of the following is a carbohydrate?


Which of following glands in the skin is not correctly paired with its secretion?

Ceruminous glands/ sebum

responsible for obtaining nutrients through the breakdown and absorption of food.

Digestive system

________ functions as lining and covering of body surfaces and cavities.

Epithelial tissue

catabolic reaction

breaks down complex molecules into smaller molecules to create energy for the organism to use.

chemical bond that is formed when two atoms share electrons in their outermost shells.

covalent bond

Newborn babies are given several types of vaccines in order to protect them from acquiring diseases. Which of the following is responsible for this immunity process?

Active immunity

Overproduction of thyroid hormone due to a malfunction of the negative feedback loop would result in which of the following conditions?


secretes fluid that contributes to sperm motility and viability.

prostate gland

responsible for transport of substance to all tissues of the body.

Circulatory system

responsible for initiating immune responses by presenting antigens to T-cells.

Dendritic cells

Which of the following can be classified as an intensive property?


Middle layer which supplies nutrients and oxygen to the epidermis?


_____ is the cellular process of transporting substances out of the cell.


Which of the following describes cellular respiration?

It is an oxidative catabolic activity

describes cellular respiration

It is an oxidative catabolic activity

Which of the following is responsible for destroying various unhealthy host cells, including those infected with a virus or bacteria?

Natural killer cells

_______ is responsible for transmitting nerve impulse.

Nerve tissue

responsible for transmitting nerve impulses.

Nerve tissue

HIV is a virus that destroys the body's defense against diseases by inserting itself into the host's DNA. In which part of the infected host cell will HIV virus be found?


Peripheral vasodilation results in heat loss through which of the following processes?

Peripheral vasodilation causes heat loss through radiation, which is the transfer of heat from the surface of one object to the surface of another without direct contact.

organelles that contain digestive enzymes. They digest excess or worn out cell parts, food, and engulfed viruses or bacteria.


responsible for intracellular digestion of damaged structures, macromolecules, and bacteria.


Which of the following is the process by which gametes divide and produce half the number of chromosomes found in a somatic cell?


____________ is a process where a single cell divides twice to produce four cells containing half the original amount of genetic information. The purpose of _______ is to create sex cells - sperm in males, eggs in females.

Meiosis - Meiosis

are the organelles responsible for converting nutrients to energy as ATP.


responsible for ATP production and are considered the powerhouse of the cell.


the organelles responsible for generating energy-rich molecules for the cell.


The respiratory system is composed of organs that facilitate gas exchange between the blood and the external environment. Which of the following describes the group of organs that function during gas exchange?

Organ system

Also an inflammatory condition of joints, but is due to wear-and-tear of cartilage that lines the articular ends of bones.


Which of the following causes bone matrix synthesis and calcification?


An imbalance in bone remodeling where bone resorption exceeds bone formation resulting in porous and fragile bones.


the female reproductive organs, which produce the female gametes.


when an element loses one or more electrons to oxygen.


Of the following organs, which has both endocrine and digestive functions?


temporary protection from diseases brought by introduction of antibodies from another person.

Passive immunity

Which of these is not a function of mitosis?

Producing gametes

Which of the following structures is correctly paired with its description?

Prostate gland/ secretion of fluid that contributes to sperm motility and viability

Certain food sources provide more urea than others. Which of the following foods would provide the most urea that would have to be filtered out of the blood via the kidneys?

Proteins, such as meats and eggs

Which of the following correctly describes the difference between compact bone and spongy bone?

Spongy bone is lighter than compact bone

DNA is composed of ____________.

Two long polynucleotide chains twisted in a double helix

________ means that the structure is closer to the surface of the body.


Which of the following describes the function of Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum? -Intracellular digestion of damaged structures, macromolecules, and bacteria -Facilitates movement of substance in and out of the cell -Conversion of nutrients to ATP -Synthesis and transport of proteins

Synthesis and transport of proteins

cells of the adaptive immune system that directly attack antigens and produce antibodies, respectively.

T-cells and B-cell

Which of the following statements is not true regarding hormones and their target sites?

The Luteinizing hormone is produced by the posterior pituitary gland to stimulate ovulation and the production of testosterone.

Which of the following is necessary to reach a sound conclusion?

The collected data must be accurate and free from bias

Which of the following does not describe the epidermis?

The deepest layer of the skin

Which of the following pituitary hormones stimulates the process of gametogenesis?

The effect of follicle stimulating hormone on the ovary stimulates the process of gametogenesis.

The ____________, on the other hand, develops highly specialized cells in response to specific pathogens in order to eliminate them or prevent their growth.

acute immune system

is a reaction that uses energy to build molecules the organism needs.

anabolic reaction

Which of the following is the hormone that regulates urine output?


Which if the following does the respiratory system eliminate when there is an excess of hydrogen ions in the body?

carbon dioxide

Which of the following types of muscles are involuntary?

cardiac and visceral

The primary function of the ________________ is to deliver blood to the brain.

carotid artery

breaks down complex molecules into smaller molecules to create energy for the organism to use.

catabolic reaction

Which of the following mediates the body`s response to stress?


is a part of the small intestine and does not secrete any hormones or have any endocrine function.


Most external and avascular layer of the skin?


Examples of ________ are mass and volume.

extensive properties

any characteristic of matter that depends on the amount of matter being measured.

extensive property

is connected to the liver and does not secrete any hormones or have any endocrine function.


A substance with no definite volume and no definite shape. Solids and liquids have volumes that do not change easily?


The____________ is an imaginary plane at right angle with coronal and sagittal planes and it divides the body into superior and inferior.

horizontal, or transverse, plane

Also known as the subcutaneous layer


Deepest layer of the skin and contains fat stores?

hypodermis, also known as the subcutaneous layer

Joe is blood type A and Ivone is type O. Their son Tomas is type A. What could be Tomas's genotype?


The ________ is comprised of non-specific barriers and cellular responses that acts immediately following infection.

innate immune system

comprised of non-specific barriers and cellular responses that acts immediately following infection.

innate immune system

present at birth and its action is not specific to certain pathogens.

innate immune system

Examples of _______ are density and color.

intensive properties

White blood cells contain many _________ because they need to dispose of harmful intruders such as bacteria and viruses. Which of the following options correctly completes the statement above?


houses the genetic material and is responsible for cellular division, not intracellular digestion.


the "control center" that is responsible for directing the overall activity of the cell. The nucleus contains most of the cell's DNA


A group of tissues that has a specialized function is referred to as an


A group of organs that work together to perform several related functions is an

organ system

A group of organs that work together to perform several related functions is

organ system.

A group of tissues that has a specialized function is referred to as an


The _____, or eggs, are the female gametes and contain half of a set of chromosomes


has both endocrine and digestive functions because it secretes the hormones insulin and glucagon, as well as various digestive proteases, amylases and lipases.


is made up of the somatic and autonomic divisions.

peripheral nervous system

The term _________________ refers to the contraction of smooth muscle in the digestive system that moves food along the GI tract.



responsible for digesting molecules/ substances being transported inside the cell from the outside.

Golgi Apparatus

responsible for the transport of proteins within and out of the cell.

Which of the following is the largest organ of the human body? Pancreas Skin Kidney Lung


Has a definite shape and volume. There are two kinds of solids—crystalline and amorphous.


______ are the male gametes which also contain half of a set of chromosomes.


The head is _________ to the neck. Superior Proximal Inferior Superficial


How many meters in a kilometer?


________ is the cellular process of taking substance into the cell.


two types of cell division

Mitosis and meiosis

A survey must contact 136 people via phone calls. How many buttons must be pushed to make the 136 long distance calls?


A mans waist measurement is 88.9 centimeters. What is his waist in inches?


Which of the types of tissue is responsible for providing the matrix that supports and connects other tissues of the the body?

Connective tissue

responsible for the support and protection of tissues and organs.

Connective tissue

The ________ is an imaginary vertical plane that divides the body into front (anterior) and back (posterior).

Coronal plane

Which of the following is an example of empirical data?

Counting the number of eggs in the refrigerator

Which of these nitrogenous bases are found in DNA?

Cytosine, adenine, guanine, thymine

Which of the following organ systems is correctly paired with its function?

Endocrine/ regulation of homeostasis through hormone signaling

primarily responsible for waste elimination.

Excretory system

the process of union of male and female gametes which result to a fertilized egg, or zygote, which contains a full set of chromosomes.


he male and female sex cell which contain half set of chromosomes.


responsible for the transport of proteins within and out of the cell.

Golgi Apparatus

collects small molecules and combines them to make more complex molecules within the cell.

Golgi apparatus

Which of the following is a characteristic of the innate immune system?

It consists of non-specific barriers and cellular responses

Which of the following is true of the function of endocrine system?

It coordinates body processes through hormones

_________ functions in facilitating voluntary and involuntary movements.

Muscle tissue

functions in facilitating voluntary and involuntary movements.

Muscle tissue

Which organelle is responsible for storing DNA?


when an element gains one or more electrons.


the countermovement to peristalsis where the smooth muscle contracts pushing esophageal contents back towards the mouth. This usually occurs just prior to vomiting.


Which of the following correctly describes anatomical position? --Seated, arms at sides, palms facing posteriorly --Supine, arms at sides, palms facing posteriorly --Prone, arms at sides, palms facing anteriorly --Upright, arms at sides, palms facing anteriorly

Upright, arms at sides, palms facing anteriorly

transports sperm from the epididymis to the urethra.

Vas deferens

refers to the constriction of blood vessels and is not directly related to digestive function.


Which of the following is not located on the anterior region of the human body? -Clavicle -Mandible -Vertebral column -Sternum

Vertebral column

Vaccination is an _______ which involves exposure to a killed or weakened form of the disease in order to trigger production of antibodies.

active immunity

In males, the reproductive organs responsible for producing gametes are the _______.


Straightening of the elbow but lowering the hand affects which of the following muscles?

triceps brachii

transports both urine and semen (in males).


anabolic reaction

uses energy to build molecules the organism needs.

The ___________ returns oxygen depleted blood to the right atrium.

vena cava,


when an element gains one or more electrons.


when an element loses one or more electrons to oxygen

Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum

where synthesized proteins are processed and sorted.

complex organic chemical that provides energy to drive many processes in living cells, (e.g. muscle contraction, nerve impulse propagation, and chemical synthesis).

Adenosine triphosphate

complex organic chemical that provides energy to drive many processes in living cells, (e.g. muscle contraction, nerve impulse propagation, and chemical synthesis).

Adenosine triphosphate (ATP)

Bile aids in the digestion of which of the following?

Bile is responsible for the breakdown of fats in the normally functioning gastrointestinal system.

Blood cells are produced by which of the following?

Blood cells are formed in red bone marrow.

A congenital disorder of defective or deficient collagen synthesis due to genetic mutations.

Brittle Bone Disease

Polysaccharide (a sugar) that is made up of a linear chain of several hundred to many thousands of β linked D-glucose molecules.


Main structural protein in the extracellular space in the various connective tissues in the body.


the main structural protein in the extracellular space in the various connective tissues in the body.


Which of the following is the correct order of structures that transport urine from the collecting ducts to the urethra?

Collecting ducts, Minor calyces, Major calyces, Renal pelvis, Ureter, Urinary bladder, Urethra

Which of the following statements is true about covalent bonds?

Covalent bonds form from the sharing of electrons between atoms

The basic function of the renal system includes filtration, secretion, reabsorption, and excretion. Which of the following substances is secreted by the nephrons and can be found in the filtrate that is eventually excreted?


Which of the following types of tissues functions in the covering, lining, and protection of surfaces and body cavities?

Epithelial tissue

Responsible for the transport of proteins within and out of the cell?

Golgi Apparatus

Which of the following is the iron-containing competent of a red blood cell?

Hemoglobin is the iron-containing component of a red blood cell.

A gene for eye color in humans has 3 alleles: EB, EBl, and EG, for brown, blue, and green eyes, respectively. If an individual is EB/EG, is she homozygous or heterozygous for eye color?


Which of the following may indicate a hypersecretion of thyroid hormones?

Hypersecretion of thyroid hormones may result in weight loss.

In which layer of the skin are the subcutaneous fat stores found?


Which of the following us the function of angiotensin II in the regulation of blood pressure?

If blood pressure falls too low, angiotensin II causes vasoconstriction, which in turn causes an increase in blood pressure.

Which of the following is not a function of pancreatic juice?

Increase acidity of stomach contents

Which of the following digestive organs contains vitamin-producing bacteria?

Large intestine

the following is not a monosaccharide?


The organelles responsible for converting nutrients to energy as ATP?


Which of the following occurs when a person is in a stressful condition?

Mobilization of glucose from liver into the bloodstream

Family of motor proteins that play roles in muscle contraction as well as a range of other motility processes in eukaryotic organisms.


a family of motor proteins that play roles in muscle contraction as well as a range of other motility processes in eukaryotic organisms.


As air is inhaled, the sequence in which it passes through the respiratory tract is best described by which of the following choices?

Nasal cavity, pharynx, larynx, trachea, bronchi, bronchioles

______ is an inflammatory conditions of the joints brought on by the gradual wear-and-tear of cartilage that lines the articular ends of bones.


Vibrio cholerae is a bacteria that causes the disease cholera. Disease-causing agents such as V. cholerae is referred to as a(n) ___________________.


Which of the following hormones or enzymes is invalid in fluid balance and is produced by the kidneys?

Renin is an enzyme that is produced by the kidneys and plays a role in the regulation of fluid volume and blood pressure.

A chronic inflammation of joints due to autoimmune destruction of articular cartilage is called?

Rheumatoid arthritis

Not a layer of the skin, but instead refers to the sebaceous glands, which are small glands in the skin that secrete a lubricating oily matter ( called sebum) into the hair follicles to lubricate the skin and hair.


Which of the following incorrectly describes neurons?

Sensory neurons carry information away from the brain

Which of the following types of muscle tissue is under voluntary control?

Skeletal muscle is under voluntary control.

Which of the following ions is most abundant in extracellular fluid?


Which of the following is a result of stimulation of the sympathetic nervous system?

Stimulation of the sympathetic nervous system results in increased cardiac output.

Which of the following tissues attaches muscle to bones?

Tendons are strong fibrous connective tissues that attach muscles to bones.

Which of the following statements is true about understanding magnitude when describing relationships?

The magnitude of the number represents the strength of the correlation

A well-controlled experiment was conducted where researchers noted that a new antibiotic eliminated a bacterial sinus infection. Which of the following can be inferred from this result?

The medication killed the bacteria responsible for the sinus infection.

Which of the following statements is true about protons?

The number of protons in the nucleus is the defining property of an element.

Which of the following structures is located between the descending colon and the rectum?

The sigmoid colon is located between the descending colon and the rectum.

In a normal functioning cardiovascular system, where does the heartbeat orginate?

The sinoatrial node is where the heartbeat originates in a normally functioning cardiovascular system. It is considered the "pacemaker" of the heart.

Which of the following is the result of deficient production of thyrotropin-releasing hormone?

The thyroid gland will produce an insufficient amount of thyroid hormones

Which of the following structures comes after the ascending colon?

The transverse colon comes after the ascending colon.

Which of the following structures, located at the end of the ear canal, vibrates when sounds waves strike it?

The tympanic membrane vibrates when sound waves strike it.

Which of the following characteristics applies to the bonds holding together nonpolar covalent molecules?

They occur when two atoms share a pair of electrons with each other

a collection of specialized cells that perform a specific functions (e.g. protection, support, nerve conduction and movement).


Formed at the end of a series of reactions which break down the amino acids in proteins?


Which of the following organs functions as both the implantation site of a fertilized ovum and the pathway for sperm to reach the uterine tubes?


a single air sac that makes up the alveoli, where the majority of gas exchange occurs in the lung.


inferior narrow portion of the uterus where sperm capacitation occurs prior to fertilization.


Serve as the passageway for an ovum from the ovaries and is the site of fertilization?

fallopian tubes

Movement of molecules in a substance depends on _______ energy.


Once blood has been oxygenated and returns to the______ side of the heart, it can be ejected by the left ventricle throughout the body via the ______.

left, aorta

The ______________ is a double layered membrane that lines the lungs.


The _________________ carries oxygen depleted blood away from the heart, while the ________________ carries oxygen-rich blood back towards the heart.

pulmonary artery; pulmonary vein

Diastole is the term that describes _________, while systole represents_____________.

relaxing and filling; contraction and ejection

Which of the following correctly pairs structure and function?

stomach / chemical digestion

The female copulatory organ that also serves as the outlet for menstrual flow and the passageway for childbirth.


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