TEAS Practice Questions

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If the diameter of a circle is 4.5 meters, what is the circumference?

14.13 meters

If a square prism and a square pyramid have the same base and the same height, what would the volume of the pyramid be if the volume of the square prism was 75 cubic inches?

25 cubic inches

Suzie's Snakes and Salamanders Pet Shop has 38 snakes and 22 salamanders. If Suzie sells 9 snakes, what is the ratio of the remaining unsold snakes to sold snakes?


Choose the correctly balanced equation for the following reaction: Potassium + water → potassium hydroxide + hydrogen gas

2K + 2H₂O → 2KOH + H₂

circumfrence of a circle


Surface Area of a Cylinder

2πr² + 2πrh

Volume of a sphere


Surface area of a sphere


Which of the following kinds of papers is most reliable?

A peer-reviewed paper in a well-known scientific journal

What is an angle?

A place where two lines intersect.

The locus is _____

A specific location on a chromosome.

When does maximum secretion of hydrochloric acid and pepsinogen in the stomach occur?

After food has entered the stomach.

Which of the following will react violently with water to form a base?

All of the elements in Group 1 on the very left-hand side of the periodic table are called alkali metals. Alkali metals are soft and silvery and react violently with water to form an alkaline (or basic) solution. We can find Potassium (K) in this group.

Which molecule would likely contain nitrogen?

Amino acids

Which of the following is NOT considered a scale drawing?

An artistic rendition of Pluto

If a sample of blood is deoxygenated, where is it likely to be found in the circulatory system of the human body?

At the beginning of the pulmonary circuit.

How are facial features similar to text features?

Both are visual cues that help a person predict more information.

Sarah has blonde hair even though both of her parents have brown hair. In old photos she has seen that both her parents' mothers had blonde hair before it went white. Given this information what can you suggest about the dominance of the different hair color genes?

Brown is dominant, blonde is recessive.

How would you express the plural possessive of the word 'child'?


Which of the following should always be included in a summary?

Citations of the sources used

How do you determine the value of each little mark between numbered values in a scale reading

Difference between successively numbered values divided by the number of spaces

Male sterilization is a procedure used to prevent the transport of sperm to the outside of the body. It can be done under local anesthesia, through a small cut in the scrotum, outside the main body cavity. Which of the following structures could be involved in this procedure?

Ductus Deferens

The ampulla is an expanded portion of:

Ductus Deferens

Which structure is responsible for the maturation of sperm (spermatozoa)?


Which of these correctly lists the order of structures that transport sperm to the outside of the body?

Epididymis, Ductus Deferens, Ejaculatory Duct, Urethra

A scientist is running a test of her hypothesis. Which step of the scientific method is she executing?



First stage of mitosis. DNA breaks into visible chromosones and nuclear membrane breaks down. Centrioles move to oppposite ends of the cell. Mitotic spindle (made of tubular proteins) begins to form.

A chromosome consists of two chromatids for AT LEAST part of all of these steps EXCEPT:


What is the relationship between an individual's genotype and their phenotype?

Genotype partially causes phenotype

This tool is used to accurately measure volume of a liquid

Graduated Cylinder

Examples of subordinators include all of the following EXCEPT:


Which of the following is NOT an example of an introductory word?


You could draw which of the following conclusions from a dihybrid cross which produces a 9:3:3:1 ratio of phenotypes?

I. The alleles of one gene sort independently of another gene. II. The alleles of the two genes in question exhibit a simple dominant/recessive relationship.

Which of the following is an example of a logical fallacy?

If you have information missing from your argument, then my argument is right.

A run-on sentence is BEST defined as:.

Independent clauses incorrectly joined together

What is the difference between the upper quartile value and the lower quartile value?

Interquartile range

Which of the following is one way to organize information in a summary?

Introducing broader topics first, then more detailed information

Which of the following is not a technique for finding the meaning of a word based on context?

Is the definition listed?

Why does rounding cause problems in the lab?

It can lead to major errors in calculations.

Becky found a covariance level of 35.89 between her two variables. What does this mean?

It means that the two variables move in the same direction as each other (as one rises so does the other).

Which of the following is NOT a reason that correct spelling is important?

It will ensure that our grammar is correct.

What would you expect to happen to a piece of celery you put into a hypertonic solution?

It would shrivel up

What is the proper way to contract the possessive form of 'it'?


How can a text's context of language and form affect the readability of a work?

Language changes make some words hard to understand.

Which two laws of Mendel help us predict how chromosomes are allotted to the gametes?

Law of segregation and Law of independent assortmen

What is the order of steps for Meiosis I?

Metaphase I, Anaphase I, Telophase I, Prophase I

If you conduct an experiment and the hypothesis can't be confirmed, what should you do?

Modify the hypothesis

The acronym for the three main types of author's purpose is


What is the most common state of matter in the universe?


What happens when mistakes occur in replication?

Proofreading corrects most of the mistakes by removing and replacing the mismatched nucleotides.

In which step do we see the chromosomes condense and meet up to form homologous pair?

Prophase I

What is the proper order of the four stages of mitosis?

Prophase, Metaphase, Anaphase, Telophase

Which molecule would likely contain selenium?


Which of these statements isn't true?

RNA is stable.

Which of the following are part of the central nervous system

Spinal cord and brain

DNA can be changed by which of the following?

Substitution, insertion, and deletion

Choose the best replacement for the underlined portion of the sentence. For the treasurer, they considered Susan too committed to other activities and Mark (too absent-minded) before finally settling on Jodi.

Susan (too committed to other activities)

You are reading two books about early colonist settlements and you are comparing the reasons and evidence listed in each book. Which process are you doing while reading?


Which of the following is NOT an example of an introductory word?


What is the difference between the conducting zone and the respiratory zone?

The conducting zone moves air into and out of the lungs, while the respiratory zone moves oxygen and carbon dioxide in and out of the blood.

A group of researchers are studying how plants grow in very harsh climates. During one of their experiments, they accidentally left the window open for 2 hours, causing that group to have the best results. In this scenario, what variable is sunlight?

The confounding variable

The circulation of blood from the right side of the human heart to the lungs and back to the heart completes which circuit?

The pulmonary circuit

Since there are several words that use similar sounds in the English language, what can help to distinguish them from one another?

The spelling of words based on their meaning.

What would happen if you added a sugar crystal to a super saturated solution of sugar in water?

The sugar would come out of solution and crystallize

Which approach may be adopted while aiming to provide a more valid explanation of a main idea and to demonstrate clear understanding of the main idea?

The use of supporting details within the explanation.

Which of the following best describes carbohydrates?

They are composed of hydrated carbon atoms

Why do the male and female external genitals share so many structural similarities?

They develop from the same embryological tissues

Which of the following explains why bacteria DO NOT follow Mendel's First Law?

They have only one chromosome and do not undergo meiosis, therefore alleles do not segregate.

When would you use brackets in your writing?

To add explanatory information to text

Which of the following is NOT a purpose of the labia?

To keep the vulvar area dry

What is the purpose of the systemic circuit of the human body?

To supply blood rich in oxygen and nutrients to the body.

Which plane runs parallel to the ground in a standing human?


4/3(3.14)r^3 is the formula used to find what measurement?

Volume of a sphere

Which situation is best for using an approximation to find the area of an irregular shape?

When the shape cannot be broken down into basic shapes

Which of the following is NOT something one needs to consider when conducting an experiment?

Whether the results of the experiment will confirm the hypothesis

An inactive precursor of an enzyme that must go through a change to be activated is known as a(n) _____.


Elements in Group 2 are known as the _____.

alkaline earth metals

The way a word makes you feel, and its connection to other words you think of, is known as its _____.


The letters 'r', 'h', 's', 'j', and 't' are _____


When at rest, the arteries supplying the erectile tissues in the penis are _____

constricted, restricting blood flow

Which is not a rule for changing the spelling when adding suffixes beginning with vowels?

double the final vowel if it is a short vowel sound

There are _____ parts of speech in the English language.


Which is the best way to make sure your paragraph is effective?

have topic and closing sentences that transition between the topics of paragraphs


having two different alleles for a trait


having two identical alleles for a trait

The professor was sweet, if a little too devoted to his cats he often went off on long tangents during lectures about his feline companions past and present.

if a little too devoted to his cats - he often went

How does etymology help students who are struggling to read tough material?

knowing the origin of words can help define unfamiliar words with similar word parts

Does the millions place fall to the right or the left of the decimal? How many places away from the decimal does it fall?

left ; 7

When reading a story, it is important to _____ or find the intended meaning.

look for what the author is trying to teach us

What does the atomic number represent?

number of protons

We can determine what a prepositional phrase modifies by:

paying attention to the information the phrase provides

Pancreatic cells are constantly producing proteins that function as digestive enzymes. Pancreatic cells need to have lots of _____ to produce these proteins.



second phase of mitosis, during which the chromosomes line up across the center of the cell


the final phase of cell division, between anaphase and interphase, in which the chromatids or chromosomes move to opposite ends of the cell and two nuclei are formed.

What does etymology mean?

the origin of a word and how it has changed over time

What goes in the left hand column when using the Cornell Note Taking System?

the questions from the selection


the third phase of mitosis, during which the chromosome pairs separate and move toward opposite poles

Which of the following phrases is an example of a split infinitive?

to quickly answer

What term is used to refer to the area encompassing the female external genitalia?


Area of a circle


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