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C.A normal sperm must contain one of each of the human chromosome pairs. There are 23 chromosome pairs in all. Twenty-two of these are autosomalchromosomes, which do not play a role in determining gender. The remaining pair consists of either two X chromosomes in the case of a female, or of an X and a Y chromosome in the case of a male. Therefore, a normal sperm cell will contain 22 autosomal chromosomes and either an X or a Y chromosome, but not both.

1. A normal human sperm must contain: a.an X chromosome. b. a Y chromosome. c.23 chromosomes. d. both an X and Y chromosome.

15. D.Endorphins are a special group of neurotransmitters. When an injury occurs, endorphins are released, and are capable of reducing the severity of pain. They are also released during intense exercise and periods of intense relaxation. Acetylcholine (A), also a neurotransmitter, activates muscles and plays a role in attention and sensory perception. Oxytocin (B)plays a crucial role in female reproduction. Luteinizing hormone (C)plays an important role in female ovulation and testosterone production in males.

15. Which class of hormones is most likely to be released after a serious injury? a.Acetylcholine. b.Oxytocin. c.Luteinizing hormone. d.Endorphins.

B:The circulatory system carries blood throughout the body, and plays an important role in controlling body temperature. Capillaries below the skin contract or expand to release or contain body heat. Heat is also transported from hotter parts to colder parts to ensure an even body temperature. The skeletal system (A)protects organs and provides the body with its structure and shape. The immune system (C)helps fight off illnesses and infections. The muscular system (D)is what allows the body to move.

19. Which organ system is most responsible for maintaining control of body temperature? a.The skeletal system .b.The circulatory system .c.The immune system. d.The muscular system.

C:A + BC. When the reactant ABC is decomposed, it will produce the products A + BC. The equation should read ABC --> A + BC. 2AB+C would not be a balanced equation according to the law of conservation of mass since this would produce 2A, 2B, and C. Since the original reactant was ABC, this could not be balanced. AB + CD is incorrect as the element D was not an original reactant. This does not follow the law that matter cannot be created nor destroyed. B + C has a similar problem as element A drops out of the equation. Because A was a part of the reactant, it needs to be part of the product.

21. Examine the following reaction. Which of the answer choices is a possible set of products?ABC ----> ______ a.2AB + C b.AB + CD c.A + BC d.B + C

D.An organism's genotype is its genetic makeup; its phenotype is the collection of its observablequalities and characteristics (each of which may be partly or wholly dependent on its genotype). Hair color and height both have a genetic basis, but they are not themselves genes. They are observable qualities, and are therefore part of the organism's phenotype.

22. A particular individual has red hair and is six feet tall. Are these characteristics part of his genotype or phenotype? a.Hair color is part of the genotype; height is part of the phenotype. b.Hair color is part of the phenotype; height is part of the genotype. c.Both characteristics describe his genotype. d.Both characteristics describe his phenotype.

A.In an oxidation reaction, an oxidizing agent gains electrons from a reducing agent. By contributing electrons, the reducing agent reduces (makes more negative) the charge on the oxidizer. In the car battery, reduction of the positively-charged anode provides electrons, which then flow to the cathode, where an oxidation takes place. In an oxidation, an oxidizing agent increases (makes more positive) the charge on a reducer. In this way, the extra electrons in the negatively charged cathode are neutralized by the surrounding oxidizing agent.

3. In an oxidation reaction: a.an oxidizing agent gains electrons. b.an oxidizing agent loses electrons. c.areducing agent gains electrons .d.reducing agent loses electrons

C:Thepatellaisthemedicaltermforthekneebone.The medial, lateral and anterior collateral ligaments help stabilize the knee with the help of the medial and lateral menisci. The lateral malleolus is part of the ankle joint.

34. Which of the following anatomical terms is not part of the knee? a.Medial collateral ligament. b.Patella. c.Lateral malleolus. d.Lateral meniscus.

D.It's possible that the plant was toxic to the insects, or that it drove out another plant they fed on, or even that there was no connection between the introduction of the plant and the insects' decline. There may even be other possibilities beyond these. Based on this observation it's premature to make any conclusions about cause and effect. To determine which, if any, of these explanations is true, it would be necessary to conduct further investigations, including controlled experiments.

47. When a certain plant is introduced into an area, the population of a certain insect species declines. What can be concluded from this? a.The plant is toxic to the insect in question. b.The plant competes with and drives out plants that the insect feeds on. c.The insect population was declining anyway; the fact it happened when the plant was introduced is a coincidence. d.All of these explanations may be possible; further investigation is necessary to determine which is true.

B.The cell body, containing the nucleus, is the control center of the cell and the site of its metabolic activity. Dendrites, which extend from this cell body, receive signals from other cells in the form of neurotransmitters. This triggers an electrical impulse, which travels down the axon to the next cell on the route of the signal. At the end of the axon, neurotransmitters are again released, cross the synapse, and act upon the following cell.

5. Aneuron consists of three main parts. These are: a.effector, cell body, axon. b.dendrites, axon, cell body. c.dendrites, axon, receptor. d.synapse, axon, cell body

50. A.In clinical trials and similar investigations, the most effective experiments are "double blind", with neither the investigator nor the subject knowing who is in the treatment group and who is in control group. This is important in order to eliminate bias. If the subjects know they are being given a placebo, they may be more likely to not report any changes, or they may over report positive effects. If investigators know which subjects are given the placebo, they may inadvertently attach importance to subjects who are receiving the drug. Even if both the subjects and the investigators strive to be objective and not be swayed by their knowledge, the results may be biased unconsciously. Ensuring that neither the subjects nor the investigators know which subjects are the controls until the test is over prevents this bias from occurring.

50. Twenty people suffering from a disorder recover when given a particular drug. In order to verify that it was that drug that was responsible for their recovery, a hundred other people with this disorder are recruited into a clinical trial. Fifty subjects are given the drug, andfifty are given a placebo. Which of the following procedures would be most effective in testing whether the drug is responsible for their recovery? a.Ensure that neither the subjects nor the investigators know which subjects are given the drug and which are given the placebo. b.Ensure that the subjects do not know whether they are given the drug or the placebo, but the investigators are aware of who has received the medication. c.Ensure that the investigators do not know whether they are administering the drug or the placebo but the subjects do know which they are receiving. d.Ensure that both the investigators and the subjects have full knowledge of which subjects are getting the drug and which are getting a placebo.

A. Extensive properties depend on the amount of matter present, while intensive properties do not depend on the amount of matter present. Density, conductivity, and malleability do not depend on the amount of matter present, and are therefore considered intensive properties. Weight and volume depend on the amount of matter present, and are therefore considered extensive properties.

9. Which of the following is considered an extensive property? a.Weight. b.Density. c.Conductivity. d.Malleability.


A patient lying flat on their back is in which of the following positions? a.Prone. b.Supine. c.Lateral. d.Medial.

A.A hypothesis is merely an educated guess as to what the investigator expects to happen. There is nothing wrong with finding out that one's hypothesis is incorrect. If the investigator already knew for sure that the hypothesis was correct, it wouldn't be a hypothesis, and there would be no need for the experiment. In fact, an unexpected result that contradicts one's hypothesis can often spark further lines of inquiry.

A scientist finds that the results of her experiment seem to contradict her hypothesis. What is the best course of action? a.Publish the results anyway, acknowledging that her hypothesis seems to have been incorrect. b.Keep trying the experiment until the results match her hypothesis. c.Publish the results, retroactively changing the hypothesis. d.None of theabove; this cannot occur. The experimental results cannot contradict the hypothesis, by definition.

A:The scaphoid bone one of eight carpal bones that make up the wrist along with the radius and the ulna. The scaphoid bone is located at the base of the thumb. It is the most frequently injured bone in the wrist. The other carpal bones are trapezoid, trapezium, capitate, hamate, pisiform, triquetrum, and lunate.

A young woman fell and suffered a scaphoid fracture. Which of the following areas is the scaphoid located?a.Wrist b.Shoulder. c.Spine. d.Face.

While more subjects may be desirable, there is no "magic number" that's correct, and ten may be enough to get useful results. It is not necessarily a problem that the blocks in the mountain were placed later, as long as this is taken into account in the analysis and he compares them against time after their placement. What is a problem, however, is that temperature is not the only variable that differs between the two experimental groups. For one thing, the air pressure will be different at the 121Copyright © Mometrix Media. You have been licensed one copy of this document for personal use only. Any other reproduction or redistribution is strictly prohibited. Allrights reserved.This content is provided for test preparation purposes only and does not imply an endorsement by Mometrix of any particular political, scientific, or religious point of view.higher mountain altitude than it will be in the meadow. There may be other differences between the two areas that are not accounted for as well, such as wind and weather patterns.

An investigator wishes to test the effect of temperature on the durability of a certain material. He places five blocks of this material in a sunny area in a meadow, and five more in a cold area high in the mountains. He then monitors them over time. What is the main problem with this experiment? a.Ten subjects is far too small a number to get effective results. b.It is impossible to control for the fact that the blocks in the mountain were placed later. c.There are too many variables that are not being controlled for. d.Nothing is wrong with this experiment; this demonstrates good experimental procedure.

2. B.Oogenesis is the process that gives rise to the ovum, or egg, in mammals. The oocyte is the immature egg cell in theovary. In humans, one oocyte matures during each menstrual cycle. It develops first into an intermediate form called the ootid, and eventually into an ovum. The prefix oo-is derived from Greek, and means "egg.

During the process of oogenesis, primary oocytes produce: a.sperm. b.eggs. c.oogonia. d.stem cells.


Homeostasis is defined as: a.ability of human beings to keep body weight within normal limits. b.maintenance of a constant external temperature inside a room. c.ingestion of enough food to keep hunger pains from developing. d.tendency of the body to maintain a stable environment.

B.Water stabilizes the temperature of living things. The ability of warm-blooded animals, including human beings, to maintain a constant internal temperature is known as homeostasis. Homeostasis depends on the presenceof water in the body. Water tends to minimize changes in temperature because it takes a while to heat up or cool down. When the human body gets warm, the blood vessels dilate and blood moves away from the torso and toward the extremities. When the body gets cold, blood concentrates in the torso. This is the reason why hands and feet tend to get especially cold in cold weather. The exam will require you to understand the basic processes of the human body.

How does water affect the temperature of a living thing? a.Water increases temperature. b.Water keeps temperature stable. c.Water decreases temperature. d.Water does not affect temperature.

41. C:The uterus has three layers. The inner layer is called the endometrium. The middle layer is called the myometrium. The outer layer of the uterus is called the serosa or perimetrium.

How many tissue layers does the uterus have? a.One. b.Two. c.Three. d.Four.

A:From highest to lowest, the atlas is cervical vertebra 1, supporting the skull; the axis is cervical vertebra 2; next come cervical vertebrae 3 through 7, the bones in the back of the neck, which are omitted in all choices; then the 12 thoracic vertebrae are the upper back bones; below these are the 5 lumbar vertebrae in the lower back; the 5 sacral vertebrae (together, the sacrum) are the pelvic and hip-level back bones; and the coccyx or tailbone at the bottom of the spine contains 305 small bones,which are often fused together.

In the human skeleton, which of the following lists some of the vertebrae in descending order? a.Atlas, axis, thoracic, lumbar, sacral, coccyx b.Axis, sacral, coccyx, atlas, lumbar, thoracic. c.Thoracic, sacral, lumbar, axis, coccyx, atlas. d.Coccyx, lumbar, axis, sacral, thoracic, atlas.

C.The equation as presented in the question is unbalanced, because there are unequal numbers of atoms of each element on the two sides of the arrow. The left side has three carbon atoms and the right only one, etc. To balance the equation, we need to add molecules of each substance so that there are an equal number of atoms of each element on each side. Consider each element individually, and add molecules to each side of the arrow so that their chemical equations balance. The complete balancedequation is as follows: C3H8+ 5O2→ 3CO2+ 4H2O

The chemical equation below is unbalanced. When it is properly balanced, how many molecules of carbon dioxide (CO2) are produced for each molecule of propane (C3H8) in the reaction?C3H8+ O2→ CO2+ H2O a.One Half .b.Two. c.Three. d.Five.

. B:The process of clotting (coagulation) involves fibrin formation at the site of blood vessel damage and begins instantly after a blood vessel has been damaged, turning blood from liquid to gel form. The coagulation cascade consists of a series of complex steps, starting with the initiation of the clotting cascade, and ending withthe formation of fibrinogen which, when cleaved, forms fibrin, the "skeleton" of the blood clot.

The process of coagulation: a.is when blood changes from a gel to liquid form. b.begins instantly after a blood vessel has been damaged. c.is a simple single phased response of the blood drying upon contact with the air. d.is also known as clotting, or the destruction of fibrin formation

A:The triceps reflex forces the triceps to contract, which in turn extends the arm. Eliciting the deep tendon reflexes is an important indication of neural functioning. Without them, it can be a clue to serious spinal cord or other neurological injury. The physician should be notified immediately if a patient loses deep tendon reflexes.

The triceps reflex: a.forces contraction of the triceps and extension of the arm. b.forces contraction of the biceps, relaxation of the biceps, and arm extension. c.causes the triceps to contract, causing the forearm to supinate and flex. d.causes the triceps to relax and the upper arm to pronate and extend.

A.A catalyst is any substance that speeds up a chemical reaction. It may do so by any of a number of means: by binding to the reactants in a way that facilitates their reaction, by breaking them down into more reactive forms, etc. No matter how the specific catalyst functions, it lowers the activation energy of a reaction, resulting in a higher reaction rate. Enzymes are one example ofa catalyst.

What effect does a catalyst have on a chemical reaction? a.It speeds up the reaction. b.It slows down the reaction. c.It makes a reaction go in reverse. d.It prevents a reaction from taking place.

14. C:In both females and males, the brain's hypothalamus stimulates the pituitary gland to secrete luteinizing hormone (LH) and follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH). In females, these two hormones stimulate the ovaries to produce estrogen; in males, they stimulate the testes to produce testosterone. Hence, both female and male organs are stimulated by the same hormones, not each by female or male hormones (A). LH and FSH, the hormones that stimulate the male and female sexual organs, are not the same as estrogen and testosterone, which respectively stimulate the male and female organs to produce these sex hormones (B). The pituitary glanddoes not secrete these (D); it secretes LH and FSH.

What is correct about the hormones that stimulate male and female organs to produce male and female sex hormones? a.Female organs are stimulated by female hormones and male organs by male hormones. b.The same hormones that produce male or female sex characteristics stimulate the organs. c.The same hormones stimulate bothmale and female organs to produce sex hormones. d.The hypothalamus stimulates the pituitary gland's secretion of male and female hormones.

B.The most important reason to formulate a hypothesis before beginning an investigation is to focus the investigation by providing something specific to look for. In general, an effective experiment has a specific purpose and does not consist of just randommanipulation of materials; the hypothesis actually defines that purpose. None of the other choices is a strong reason for formulating a hypothesis. In particular, choice D runs completely counter to good experimental procedure; an experiment that seems todisprove a hypothesis may have important implications, and should certainly not be cavalierly discarded.

What is the most important reason to formulate a hypothesis before conducting an experiment? a.It will increase the investigator's reputation and prestige if his hypothesis is proven correct. b.The hypothesis helps guide the investigation by suggesting what the investigator should be looking for. c.Formulating a hypothesis shows potential sources of funding that the investigator has given some thought to the experiment. d.The hypothesis directs which results to keep and publish; results that do not match the hypothesis should be discarded.

A.When a substance undergoes a phase transition from a gas to a liquid, this phenomenon is known as condensation. Evaporation and vaporization both describe the process of changing from a liquid to a gas, though vaporization is the more general term. Evaporation refers specifically to vaporization occurring at temperatures beneath the substance's boiling point. Sublimation refers to a change from a solid directly to a gas (as in the case of dry ice).

What is the process called in which a substance changes from a gas to a liquid? a.Condensation. b.Evaporation. c.Sublimation. d.Vaporization.

C.The sugar and phosphate in DNA are connected by covalent bonds. A covalent bondis formed when atoms share electrons. It is very common for atoms to share pairs of electrons. Hydrogen bonds are used in DNA to bind complementary bases together, such asadenine with thymine or guanine with cytosine.An ionicbondis created when one or more electrons are transferred between atoms. Ionic bonds, also known as electrovalent bonds, are formed between ions with opposite charges. There is no such thing as an overt bondin chemistry. The exam will require you to understand and have some examples of these different types of bonds.

What kind of bond connects sugar and phosphate in DNA? a.Hydrogen. b.Ionic. c.Covalent. d.Overt.

A:Maintaining homeostasis means that conditions are kept stable and relatively constant. Negative feedback is a mechanism used to reverse or minimize changes in a system. In this example, negative feedback is used to keep the body's glucose and insulin levels stable. Positive feedback (B)is a mechanism that increases changes in a system. A stress response (C)describes the body's reaction to threats or pressures. Parasympathetic regulation (D)refers to activities of the nervous system, including slowing the heart rate and boosting intestinal activity.

When animals eat, insulin is released from the pancreas, stimulating glucose uptake by the liver. When glucose levels drop, the pancreas reduces insulin release. This is an example of which mechanism for maintaining homeostasis? a.Negative feedback. b.Positive feedback. c.Stress response. d.Parasympathetic regulation.

C.Computers are useful in recording data from electrical instruments, in storing and analyzing large amounts of data, and in quickly and accurately performing calculations. However, the mere fact that one is using a computer does not automatically eliminate all possible sources of bias and subjectivity. A human still has to enter the data into a computer (or decide what data is to be recorded and kept, if the data is collected automatically), and to instruct the computer how to analyze it. Even if a computer is performing the calculations, there are still many other stages in the experiment in which bias can creep in.

When performing a research study, which of the following is NOT a good reason for using a computer? a.A computer can be used to store and sort large quantities of data. b.Computers can interface with instruments and record data efficiently. c.Using a computer eliminates all subjectivity and potential bias from an experiment. d.A computer can perform complex calculations more quickly and accurately than a human can.


Where is the abdominopelvic cavity in relationship to the thoracic cavity? a.Dorsal. b.Ventral .c.Superior. d.Inferior.


Where is the gastrocnemius vein in relation to the femoral vein? a.Lateral. b.Distal. c.Superior. d.Ventral.


Where is the scapula in relation to the olecranon?a.Distal. b.Lateral. c.Ventral. d.Superior.

C:Innonpregnantpatientswithnormalanatomy, theappendixisadjacenttotheileocecaljunctionintherightlowerquadrantoftheabdomen.Inatypicalcaseswithabnormalanatomyappendicitispainmaybefeltinthegroinorthemidepigastrium.Inpregnantpatientsthepainmayoccurintheepigastriumorevenontheleftsideoftheabdomenduetodisplacementoforgans.

Where would a nonpregnant patient with normal anatomy most commonly have pain in acute appendicitis? a.Right upper quadrant. b.Left upper quadrant. c.Right lower quadrant. d.Left lower quadrant.

C:White blood cells are known as lymphocytes, aclue to the fact that they function in the lymphatic system to produce antibodies and destroy virally affected or foreign cells. While they are also found within the circulatory (B) system, that is, in the bloodstream, they do not function there but are only in transit from the bone marrow to the lymphatic system. The endocrine (D) system includes the pancreas, male testes, female ovaries and uterus, and all of the body's glands, which secrete hormones regulating bodily function, metabolism, and growth.

Which human body system is correctly matched with its function? a.Respiratory system; secretes hormones regulating bodily function, metabolism and growth. b.Circulatory system; takes in oxygen and releases carbon dioxide. c.Lymphatic system; produces antibodies that destroy virally affected or foreign cells. d.Endocrine system; transfers blood and other important nutrients throughout the body.

A.The digestion of starch begins with its exposure to the enzyme amylase, which is present in the saliva. Amylase attacks the glycosidic bonds in starch, cleaving them to release sugars. This is the reason why some starchy foods may taste sweet if they are chewed extensively. Another form of amylase is produced by the pancreas, and continues the digestion of starches in the upper intestine. The di-and tri-saccharides, which are the initial products of this digestion, are eventually converted to glucose, amonosaccharide that is easily absorbed through the intestinal wall.Proteases are the enzymes responsible for breaking down proteins into amino acids.

Which is true of the process of digestion: a.Digestion of starch begins in the mouth. b.Amylase is produced by the stomach to help break down food in the upper intestine. c.The di-and tri-saccharides which are produced in early digestion, are absorbed through the intestinal wall. d.Proteases are responsible for breaking down starches.

B:Incompetent valves allow backflow of blood causing the vein to become engorged. The engorged superficial veins become noticeable under the skin. Conditions such as pregnancy, genetic predisposition, and advanced age cause varicose veins to occur.

Which of the following causes varicose veins to occur? a.Atherosclerosis. b.Incompetent valves. c.Loss of skin turgor. d.Loss of blood vessel elasticity.

D:Only Choice D introduces an intervention to be studied. Thus, Choice D represents an experiment.

Which of the following describes an experiment? a.The final math grades for a group of students passing through each year of elementary school are examined. b.The healthtrends of smokers in a small random sample are examined. c.Citizens in a local community are surveyed to determine concerns related to the next election. d.The effects ofa new drug are tested on a group of participants.

C:Hypertrophy is the enlargement of an organ or tissue. For example, benign prostatic hypertrophy (BPH) is the gradual enlargement of the prostate. It impinges on the bladder neck resulting in difficulty with voiding. It becomes more common as men age. Although it is a nuisance, it does not usually cause serious problems.

Which of the following describes enlargement of an organ or tissue? a.Dystrophy. b.Atrophy .c.Hypertrophy. d.Eutrophy.

B:Thelymphaticsystemisacomplexnetworkoflymphaticvesselsandlymphnodesthatrunthroughoutthebody.Thelymphsystemisanimportantpartofourimmunesystem.Itplaysaroleinfightingbacteriaanddestroyingoldorabnormalcells,suchascancercells.The endocrine system is responsible for releasing hormones.

Which of the following is NOT a function of the lymphatic system? a.Removing substances from the blood. b.Releasing hormones. c.Combating disease. d.Maintaining tissue fluid balance.

C:Homeostaticmechanismsareinvoluntaryactionsbyorgans,glands,tissuesandcellstomaintainbalancewithinthebody.Forexample,ifapersonbecomesdehydratedthekidneyswillretainfluidbydecreasingurineoutput.Gaining weight when consuming excess calories (which is not involuntary) does not constitute an activity that is trying to help maintain balance for the body.

Which of the following is NOTan example of a homeostatic mechanism? a.Shivering when the body temperature falls. b.Increasing heart rate when blood pressure is low. c.Weight gain when consuming excess calories. d.Secreting insulin to decrease blood sugar concentration.

A:The vas deferens from each testicle is clamped or cut. This prevents sperm from mixing with the semen that is ejaculated from the penis. The testes still produce sperm, but the sperm is reabsorbed by the body.

Which of the following is surgically altered during a vasectomy? a.Vas deferens. b.Glans penis. c.Prostate. d.Urethra.

B:Pancytopenia is a result of bone marrow failure. Pancytopenia occurs when a person has a lower than normal number so white blood cells, red blood cells, and platelets. These three types of cells are all produced in the bone marrow.

Which of the following is the result of bone marrow failure? a.Seizure. b.Pancytopenia .c.Paraplegia. d.Pathologic fractures.

B:Adipocytes are primarily seen in adipose or fat tissue. Their primary function is the storage of fat. Adipocytes play a crucial role in maintaining proper energy balance, storing calories in the form of lipids, and mobilizing energy sources in response to stress.They are not involved in the digestion of fat or the secretion of glucose, nor are they the foundational element of muscles.

Which of the following is true regarding adipocytes? a.They are involved in the secretion of glucose. b.They are responsible for storing the fat that is found in adipose tissue. c.They are critical in the digestive breakdown of fat. d.They are the foundational element of muscles.

D.Proteins are essentially long strings of amino acids, joined end to end. There are twenty-two different amino acids that make up the proteins in the human body, and the exact sequence of amino acids determines what type of protein will be formed. This leads to a great variety of protein molecules of widely different shapes and purposes. Base pair triplets in nucleic acids (DNA and RNA) can represent amino acids to direct protein synthesis, but nucleic acids themselves are not composed of amino acids, nor are carbohydrates or lipids.Carbohydrates consist of oxygen, hydrogen and carbon atoms. Lipids also consist of oxygen, hydrogen and carbon atoms, and are formed when fatty acids bond with glycerol. Nucleic acids consist of a complex chain of nucleotides.

Which of the following nutrients is correctly matched with its foundational components? a.Carbohydrates are formed when fatty acids bond with molecules of glycerol. b.Lipids consist of a complex chain of nucleotides. c.Nucleic acids consist of oxygen, hydrogen and carbon atoms.. d.Proteins consist of strings of amino acids.

C:Organellesarespecializedstructureswithinacellthatserveaspecificfunction.Forexamplemitochondriasupplyenergytothecellbygenerating adenosine triphosphate. Ribosomesarethesiteforproteinsynthesis.Thenucleusisinchargeofalloftheactivitiesofthecell.

Which of the following statements best defines an organelle? a.Layer of polysaccharides outside the plasma membrane of cells. b.Abnormal infectious proteins. c.Specialized structures within a cell. d.Collection of tissues used to serve a specific function.

D:An organelle is aspecialized structureinacellsuchasaribosome.A tissuecontainsalargenumberofsimilarcellsthatperformthesamefunction.Likewise,anorganismadeupofsimilartissuesthatperformthesamefunction.Organsystemsaretwoormoreorgansperformingsimilarfunctions.

Which of the following statements is FALSE? a.An organelle is a specialized structure in a cell, such as a ribosome. b.An organ is made up of similar tissues that perform the same function. c.Organ systems are two or more organs performing similar functions. d.A tissue contains a variety of cells that work together to perform a specific function.

C.After defining the question one wants to investigate and doing some preliminary research, the next step is to formulate a hypothesis. The researcher then tests the hypothesis by performing an appropriate and carefully designed experiment. The data gathered in the experiment is then analyzed, and based on the results, the investigator draws a conclusion about the hypothesis that was being studied.

Which of the following steps comes first in a scientific investigation? a.Analysis of results. b.Drawing conclusions. c.Formation of hypothesis. d.Performing the experiment.

B.The most effective way to defend a scientific argument and advance a position is to apply the scientific method: design and perform an experiment to test the hypothesis in question. If the results of the experiment seem to agree with the hypothesis, then this supports the argument, though further experiments may serve to strengthen it. While the other choices may have some psychological sway in moving people to agree with the arguer, they are not considered persuasive scientific evidence.

Which of the following techniques is most effective when defending a scientific argument? a.Citing other scientists who agree with your opinions. b.Showing theresults of scientific experiments that support your argument. c.Describing your scientific credentials, education, and past accomplishments. d.Pointing out the fact that no one has come up with a proven alternative explanation.

46. B:Nails do not contain melanin. Melanin is the pigment that provides color to skin, hair, and eyes. Although the specific coloring or one's skin, hair, and eyes are genetically determined, environmental factors such as sun exposure can increase melanin production in the skin to help protect it from damage.

Which of these body parts does notcontain melanin? a.Hair. b.Nails. c.Skin. d.Iris.

A:The aortic valve allows oxygenated blood flow from the left ventricle to the rest of the body. The mitral valve allows oxygenated blood flow from the left atria to the left ventricle. The pulmonic valve opens to allow blood flow from the right ventricle to the pulmonary system. The tricuspid valve allows deoxygenated blood flow from the right atria to the right ventricle.

Which statement correctly matches the valve with its function in the heart? a.The aortic valve allows oxygenated blood to flow from the left ventricle to the rest of the body. b.The mitral valve opens to allow blood flow from the right ventricle into the pulmonary system. c.The pulmonic valve allows deoxygenated blood flow from the right atria to the right ventricle. d.The tricuspid valve allows oxygenated blood to flow from the left atria to the left ventricle.

B:Axonscarry action potential in the direction of synapses. Axons are the long, fiber-like structures that carry information from neurons. Electrical impulses travel along the body of the axons, some of which are up to a foot long. A neuronis a type of cell that is responsible for sending information throughout the body. There are several types of neurons, including muscle neurons, which respond to instructions for movement; sensory neurons, which transmit information about the external world; and interneurons, which relay messages between neurons. Myelinis a fat that coats the nerves and ensures the accurate transmission of information in the nervous system.

Which structure of the nervous system carries action potential in the direction of a synapse? a.Cell body. b.Axon. c.Neuron. d.Myelin.

A:Glial cells comprise the myelin sheath, which acts as a fatty covering of nerve cells. Myelin sheaths serve to increase the speed of nerve signal transmission. Loss or damage to these sheaths lead to involuntary motor dysfunction such as those with multiple sclerosis.

Which type of cells make up the myelin sheaths? a.Glial cells. b.Dendrites. c.Melanocytes. d.Squamous cells.

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