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What kind of curtains are in this room the author describes? Read the following passage from Eight Cousins by Louisa May Alcott to answer the following questions. Rose sat all alone in the big best parlor, with her little handkerchief laid ready to catch the first tear, for she was thinking of her troubles, and a shower was expected. She has retired to this room as a good place in which to be miserable; for it was dark and still, full of ancient furniture, somber curtains and hung all around with portraits of solemn old gentlemen in wigs, severe-nosed ladies in top heavy caps, and staring children in little bob-tailed coats or short-waisted frocks. It was an excellent place for woe; and the fitful spring rain that patterned on the window-pane seemed to sob, "cry away: I'm with you." Rose really did have some cause to be sad; for she had no mother, and had lately lost her father also, which left her no home but with her great aunts. She had been with them only a week, and, though the dear old ladies had tried their best to make her happy, they have not succeeded very well, for she was unlike any child they had ever seen, and they felt very much as if they had the care of low-spirited butterfly. They had given her the freedom of the house, and for a day or two she had amused herself roaming all over it, for it was a capital old mansion, and was full of manner of old nobles, charming rooms and mysterious passages. Windows broke out in unexpected places, little balconies overhung the garden most romantically, and there was a long upper hall full of curiosities from all parts of the world; for the Campbells had seen sea-captains for generations. Aunt Plenty had even allowed Rose to rummage in her great china closet a spicy retreat, rich in all the "goodies" that children love; but Rose seemed to care little for those toothsome temptations; and when that hope failed, Aunt Plenty gave up in despair. Gentle Aunt Plenty had tried all sorts of pretty needle-work, and planned a doll's wardrobe that would have won the heart of even an older child. But Rose took little interest in pink satin hats and tiny hose, though she sewed dutifully till her aunt caught her wiping her tears away with the train of wedding-dress, and that discovery put an end to the sewing society. Then both old ladies put their heads together and picked out the model child of the neighborhood to come and play with their niece. But Ariaudne Blish was the worst failure of all, for Rose could not bear the sight of her, and said she as so like a wax doll she longed to give her a pinch and see if she would squeak. So prim little Ariaudne was sent home, and the exhausted aunties left Rose to her own devices for a day or two. Bad weather and a cold kept her indoors, and she spent most of her time in the library where her father's books were store. Here she read a great deal, cried a little, and dreamed many of the innocent bright dreams in which imaginative children find such comfort and delight. This suited her better than anything else, but it was not good for her, and she grew pale, heavy-eyed and listless, though Aunt Plenty gave her iron enough to make a cooking-stove, and Aunt Plenty petted her like a poodle Seeing this, the poor aunties racked their brains for a new amusement and determined to venture a bold stroke, though not very hopeful of it success. They said nothing to Rose about their plan for this Saturday afternoon, but let her alone till the time came for the grand surprise, little dreaming that the odd child would find pleasure for herself in a most unexpected quarter. Before she had time to squeeze out a single tear a sound broke the stillness, making her prick up her ears. It was only the soft twitter of a bird, but it seemed to be a peculiarly gifted birds, for a while she listened the soft twitter changed to a lively whistle, then a trill, a coo, a chirp, and ended in a musical mixture of all the notes, as if the bird bursts out laughing. Rose laughed also, and, forgetting her woes, jumping up saying eagerly "It is a mocking-bird. Where is it?" What kind of curtains are in this room the author describes? A) Dark, dreary, melancholy B) Fabric decorated with little hats C) Old D) Heavy

A) Dark, dreary, melancholy

Which of the following could the author have done to make the text persuasive? Use this passage from The Origin of Species by Charles Darwin to answer the question. It has been disputed at what period of time the causes of variability, whatever they may be, generally act; whether during the early or late period of development of the embryo, or at the instant of conception. Geoffroy St Hilaire's experiments show that unnatural treatment of the embryo causes monstrosities; and monstrosities cannot be separated at any clear line of distinction from mere variations. But I am strongly inclined to suspect that the most frequent cause of variability may be attributed to the male and female reproductive elements having been affected prior to the act of conception. Several reasons make me believe in this; but the chief one is the remarkable effect which confinement or cultivation has on the functions of the reproductive system; this system appearing to be far more susceptible than any other of the organization, to the action of any change in the conditions of life. Nothing is more easy than to tame an animal, and few things more difficult than to get it to breed freely under confinement, even in the many cases when the male and female unite. How many animals there are which will not breed, though living long under not very close confinement in their native country! This is generally attributed to vitiated instincts; but how many cultivated plants display the utmost vigour, and yet rarely or never seed! In some few such cases it has been found out that very trifling changes, such as a little more or less water at some particular period of growth, will determine whether or not the plants sets a seed. I cannot here enter on the copious details which I have collected on this curious subject; but to show how singular the laws are which determine the reproduction of animals under confinement, I may just mention that carnivorous animals, even from the tropics, breed in this country pretty freely under confinement, with the exception of the plantigrades or bear family; whereas, carnivorous birds, with the rarest exceptions, hardly ever lay fertile eggs. Many exotic plants have pollen utterly worthless, in the same exact condition as the most sterile hybrids. When, on the one hand, we see domesticated animals and plants, though often weak and sickly, yet breeding quite freely under confinement; and when, on the other hand, we see individuals, though taken young from a state of nature, perfectly tamed, long-lived, and healthy (of which I could give numerous instances), yet having their reproductive system so seriously affected by unperceived causes as to fail in acting, we need not to be surprised at this system, when it does act under confinement, acting not quite regularly, and producing offspring not perfectly like their parents or variable. Which of the following could the author have done to make the text persuasive? A) Used less challenging words B) Included a call to action asking the reader to do something C) Included characters and a plot D) Used humor

B) Included a call to action asking the reader to do something

Which sentence has an example of personification? the following passage from Eight Cousins by Louisa May Alcott to answer the following questions. Rose sat all alone in the big best parlor, with her little handkerchief laid ready to catch the first tear, for she was thinking of her troubles, and a shower was expected. She has retired to this room as a good place in which to be miserable; for it was dark and still, full of ancient furniture, somber curtains and hung all around with portraits of solemn old gentlemen in wigs, severe-nosed ladies in top heavy caps, and staring children in little bob-tailed coats or short-waisted frocks. It was an excellent place for woe; and the fitful spring rain that patterned on the window-pane seemed to sob, "cry away: I'm with you." Rose really did have some cause to be sad; for she had no mother, and had lately lost her father also, which left her no home but with her great aunts. She had been with them only a week, and, though the dear old ladies had tried their best to make her happy, they have not succeeded very well, for she was unlike any child they had ever seen, and they felt very much as if they had the care of low-spirited butterfly. They had given her the freedom of the house, and for a day or two she had amused herself roaming all over it, for it was a capital old mansion, and was full of manner of old nobles, charming rooms and mysterious passages. Windows broke out in unexpected places, little balconies overhung the garden most romantically, and there was a long upper hall full of curiosities from all parts of the world; for the Campbells had seen sea-captains for generations. Aunt Plenty had even allowed Rose to rummage in her great china closet a spicy retreat, rich in all the "goodies" that children love; but Rose seemed to care little for those toothsome temptations; and when that hope failed, Aunt Plenty gave up in despair. Gentle Aunt Plenty had tried all sorts of pretty needle-work, and planned a doll's wardrobe that would have won the heart of even an older child. But Rose took little interest in pink satin hats and tiny hose, though she sewed dutifully till her aunt caught her wiping her tears away with the train of wedding-dress, and that discovery put an end to the sewing society. Then both old ladies put their heads together and picked out the model child of the neighborhood to come and play with their niece. But Ariaudne Blish was the worst failure of all, for Rose could not bear the sight of her, and said she as so like a wax doll she longed to give her a pinch and see if she would squeak. So prim little Ariaudne was sent home, and the exhausted aunties left Rose to her own devices for a day or two. Bad weather and a cold kept her indoors, and she spent most of her time in the library where her father's books were store. Here she read a great deal, cried a little, and dreamed many of the innocent bright dreams in which imaginative children find such comfort and delight. This suited her better than anything else, but it was not good for her, and she grew pale, heavy-eyed and listless, though Aunt Plenty gave her iron enough to make a cooking-stove, and Aunt Plenty petted her like a poodle Seeing this, the poor aunties racked their brains for a new amusement and determined to venture a bold stroke, though not very hopeful of it success. They said nothing to Rose about their plan for this Saturday afternoon, but let her alone till the time came for the grand surprise, little dreaming that the odd child would find pleasure for herself in a most unexpected quarter. Before she had time to squeeze out a single tear a sound broke the stillness, making her prick up her ears. It was only the soft twitter of a bird, but it seemed to be a peculiarly gifted birds, for a while she listened the soft twitter changed to a lively whistle, then a trill, a coo, a chirp, and ended in a musical mixture of all the notes, as if the bird bursts out laughing. Rose laughed also, and, forgetting her woes, jumping up saying eagerly "It is a mocking-bird. Where is it?" Which sentence has an example of personification? A) Rose really did have some cause to be sad; for she had no mother, and had lately lost father also, which left her no home but this with her great-aunts B) It was an excellent place for woe; and the fitful spring rain that pattered on the window-pane seemed to sob, "Cry away: I'm with you." C) Rose sat all alone in the big best parlor, with her little handkerchief laid ready to catch the first tear, for she was thinking of her troubles, and shower was expected D) Before she had time to squeeze out a single tear a sound broke the stillness, making her prick up her ears

B) It was an excellent place for woe; and the fitful spring rain that pattered on the window-pane seemed to sob, "Cry away: I'm with you."

Ella___ her essay to make sure that there were no grammatical errors. Which of the following words logically completes the sentence above? A) Antagonized B) Scrutinized C) Plagiarized D) Summarized

B) Scrutinized

After reading the review above, which is about the same book as the passage, which of the following comparison statements is true? Read the passage below before answering the question. "Yo Ho, a Pirate's Book for Me" Book Review by Stephen Davidson from the online blog Popular Reads In the 17th century, there were people who called the sea home and sought extraordinary adventures. These people were called pirates. Pirates or privateers as they were sometimes called, have long been a part of popular culture in the 21st century in books, television shows, plays, and movies. With so many pieces of media about pirates, one would not think that anything else would be needed. That would be a mistaken belief. Pirates: A swashbuckling History by Grace O'Malley Teach, a popular fiction writer, is a wonderful addition to the popular fiction on pirates. She brings a fresh take on mythology from the world of piracy. Each chapter of this 168 page book is dedicated to a famous (or possibly infamous) pirate from history, from the dreaded Blackbeard to the fierce Mary Reed. As she explores these legends with her vivid writing style, it is like the pirates leap from pages of the book and begin battling in front of my eyes. In addition to her excellent writing bringing the stories to life, artistic representations of each of the pirates has been created for this book by up and coming illustrator Edward Teach, the author's brother, who just began a comic series about British history. Some of the content can get a little graphic in its violence, which is what we should really expect from a book about pirates. However, I believe that this book is the perfect present for the young children that haven't yet found a love of reading. I would also recommend this as a fun read when relaxing on a boat by the beach to really get the mindset of piracy and adventure. No matter where this book is read, I can guarantee that this purchase is worth it! "A Bottle of Disappointment" Book Review by Sue James from the journal History and Literature Pirates: A Swashbuckling History by Grace O'Malley Teach is the worst anthology of pirates tales I've ever read. Ms. Teach tends to overemphasize and sensationalize the legends at the expense of real pirate history. This is just another pointless pop culture filler riding the coattails of far superior works on piracy. I would recommend finding a better book than this one. After reading the review above, which is about the same book as the passage, which of the following comparison statements is true? A) The author of "A Bottle of Disappointment" found this book more entertaining than the author of "Yo Ho, a Pirate's Book for Me." B) The author of "A Bottle of Disappointment" liked the book less than the author of "Yo Ho, a Pirate's Book for Me." C) The author of "A Bottle of Disappointment" believes that the book offers a reliable insight into the history of piracy while the author of "Yo Ho, a Pirate's Book for Me" does not D) The author of a "A Bottle of Disappointment" believes that people should read this book while the author of "Yo Ho, a Pirate's Book for Me" does not

B) The author of "A Bottle of Disappointment" liked the book less than the author of "Yo Ho, a Pirate's Book for Me."

Which of the following is the author's intent? Use this passage from The Origin of Species by Charles Darwin to answer the question. It has been disputed at what period of time the causes of variability, whatever they may be, generally act; whether during the early or late period of development of the embryo, or at the instant of conception. Geoffroy St Hilaire's experiments show that unnatural treatment of the embryo causes monstrosities; and monstrosities cannot be separated at any clear line of distinction from mere variations. But I am strongly inclined to suspect that the most frequent cause of variability may be attributed to the male and female reproductive elements having been affected prior to the act of conception. Several reasons make me believe in this; but the chief one is the remarkable effect which confinement or cultivation has on the functions of the reproductive system; this system appearing to be far more susceptible than any other of the organization, to the action of any change in the conditions of life. Nothing is more easy than to tame an animal, and few things more difficult than to get it to breed freely under confinement, even in the many cases when the male and female unite. How many animals there are which will not breed, though living long under not very close confinement in their native country! This is generally attributed to vitiated instincts; but how many cultivated plants display the utmost vigour, and yet rarely or never seed! In some few such cases it has been found out that very trifling changes, such as a little more or less water at some particular period of growth, will determine whether or not the plants sets a seed. I cannot here enter on the copious details which I have collected on this curious subject; but to show how singular the laws are which determine the reproduction of animals under confinement, I may just mention that carnivorous animals, even from the tropics, breed in this country pretty freely under confinement, with the exception of the plantigrades or bear family; whereas, carnivorous birds, with the rarest exceptions, hardly ever lay fertile eggs. Many exotic plants have pollen utterly worthless, in the same exact condition as the most sterile hybrids. When, on the one hand, we see domesticated animals and plants, though often weak and sickly, yet breeding quite freely under confinement; and when, on the other hand, we see individuals, though taken young from a state of nature, perfectly tamed, long-lived, and healthy (of which I could give numerous instances), yet having their reproductive system so seriously affected by unperceived causes as to fail in acting, we need not to be surprised at this system, when it does act under confinement, acting not quite regularly, and producing offspring not perfectly like their parents or variable. Which of the following is the author's intent? A) Provide entertainment to the public B) Persuade readers to reevaluate to their thinking C) Inform based on personal experiences and research D) Get published in a scientific journal

C) Inform based on personal experiences and research

How might a film treat the theme of powerlessness in a way that a book or painting might now? A) A film could treat the theme of powerlessness more seriously B) A film could use camera angles to highlight powerlessness C) A film could demonstrate powerlessness through a longer running time D) A film uses actors who can actually demonstrate their powerlessness

B) A film could use camera angles to highlight powerlessness

Which of the following does the topic sentence imply? Some of the best memories I have from my childhood summers were when my mom dropped my two sisters and me off at the public library each week to check out books. We were each allowed three books, which always seemed like a ridiculously small number to me. I could plow through three books in three days without much effort. Sometimes, if I asked nicely and without seeming too greedy, my sisters would each take out one of their three books for me, since they were interested in many other activities in the summertime. Not me---sitting on the porch swing with a book was the only thing I wanted all summer long! Which of the following does the topic sentence imply? A) The author liked books as a child B) The author likes her sisters C) Public libraries are great places to go for a play-date with your family D) Books are for reading on the porch

A) The author liked books as a child

Portions of the text are in sequential order and parts are in chronological order: Which of the following is correct? Read the following passage to answer the next four questions. Justin and Lisa love to entertain. Every summer they always host a neighborhood barbeque that last all day. It is quite the talk of the neighborhood. Planning for all the party each year takes them a good 3 months to get everything in order. First there is the date to select for the event to take place. That happens just before the end of the years before the party. After they have a date confirmed, then they can start to plan everything else. First they decide on a theme for the party because every party needs a theme. Second they make the list of attendees. Last year there were old neighbors who moved away and new ones who moved in. Once they know how many people they plan to invite and always everyone attends, then they will plan the menu. Justin likes to cook variety of foods on the grill. Lisa always needs to remind him to not put every item on the grill at the same time. Every year she tells him to put the steaks on first because they take the longest to cook just right. Then, put on the chicken because that takes the next longest. Finally, put on the salmon because they takes the least amount of time. Two years ago Justin threw everything on the grill at once and the steaks were too rare for even the most ravenous carnivores to enjoy. Once the salmon is on, then he should put on cobs of corn. Lastly, he needs to put the fresh baguettes on the grill. But first, he needs to remember to slice the baguettes lengthwise and put them face down onto the grill so the insides grill and not the outer crust. Portions of the text are in sequential order and parts are in chronological order: Which of the following is correct? A) "Last year there were old neighbors who moved away and new ones who moved in" is an example of chronological order B) "First there is the date to select for the event to take place" is an example of chronological order C) "After they have a date confirmed, they can start to plan everything else" is an example of sequential order D) "Every summer they always host a neighborhood barbeque that lasts all day" is an example of sequential order

A) "Last year there were old neighbors who moved away and new ones who moved in" is an example of chronological order

What line helps us conclude that rumors and other athletes became comfortable with the new type of yoga that had been introduced in the United States? Read the passage blow. What we now know as power yoga first was introduced in the United States in the 1980s. One teacher, who had studied vigorous yoga in India, decided to teach a "stretching and strengthening for athletes" because she figured no one would take her class otherwise. Back then, yoga was all about gentle stretches-simply laying down, stretching, and breathing. After 6 months in her class, the students were told they had been doing yoga all that time. They didn't believe her. Later her classes were renamed "power yoga". What line helps us conclude that rumors and other athletes became comfortable with the new type of yoga that had been introduced in the United States? A) "Later her classes were renamed power yoga."' B) "They didn't believe her." C) "Once teacher....decided to teach a strengthening class to runners." D) "Back then yoga was all about simple stretches"

A) "Later her classes were renamed power yoga."'

Which of the following helps you to infer what the meaning of the word "demonstrative" is? Read the passage below. My grandfather said little. When he first came in kissed me and spoke kindly to me, but he was not demonstrative. I felt at once his deliberateness and personal dignity, and was a little in awe of him. The thing one immediately notice about him was his beautiful, crinkly, snow-white beard. I once heard a missionary say it was the beard of an Arabian sheik. His bald crown only made it more impressive. Which of the following helps you to infer what the meaning of the word "demonstrative" is? A) "My grandfather said little". B) I "was a little in awe of him". C) "His bald crown only made it more impressive." D) "...he kissed me and spoke kindly to me."

A) "My grandfather said little".

Which of the following words would be examples of tone in a passage? I waited in the doctor's office for over an hour past my scheduled appointment time. On some days, this would not have been an issue. In fact, it might even be a welcome, occurrence in a less busy and stressful day. It is rather ironic how a medical provider will schedule an appointment for a patient at a particular time and be late themselves. Then, they ask that you arrive 15 minutes prior to your scheduled appointment, so as not to be late for said scheduled appointment. So, being the responsible patient that I am, I arrive 20 minutes before my scheduled appointment. I wanted to be certain I would not be late. I've seen what happens to patients who are late due to no fault of their own. It is not pretty. The admonishing comments by the staff behind the glass window are humiliating at the least. They have no consideration that the patient is at the doctor's office not because they have nothing better to do but rather more often than not, they have a physical ailment that needs attention. The last thing a patient in that situation wants is more reasons to not feel well. So on the day I arrived 20 minutes before my scheduled appointment, the nurse took me into the exam room. That's when I started to lose my patience. I sat in the cold, sterile room for an entire hour! I would have rather waited in the waiting room. At least there the chairs were cushioned. Periodically, I would peek out the door of my exam room and flag down a nurse to ask how much longer. "Oh just another 10 minutes. Doctor is just finishing up with a patient. You are next." Well I must have been "next" at least five times. By the time the doctor did see me, I was beyond not feeling well I nearly forgot why I was there in the first place. I do find it inconsiderate to say the least, that when a doctor is late for the appointment his staff scheduled, he does not reimburse the patient for a late fee. But then, bottom line is that health care is a bussiness to make money. The patient is at the mercy of the system. Which of the following words would be examples of tone in a passage? A) "The teen boy was like, dude, what's up?" as he walked by his best buddies B) The ratio of bleach water is 1:3 C) To be a nurse is an honorable profession. D) Doctors are males and nurses are females

A) "The teen boy was like, dude, what's up?" as he walked by his best buddies

Each sentence is numbered. Put the sentence into the correct sequential order. Read the following passage to answer the next four questions. Dr. Callie is a new doctor. She just saw her first client. Dr. Callie is an excellent note-taker, so she wrote down all the details of the client's history and then later, she will write them in sequential order. It went like this. 1. Doni walked into a hardware store to buy some supplies to paint her new apartment. 2. She bought a paint brush, paint, a roller and a pan for the paint. 3. Then she selected the color of paint to buy. 4. Unfortunately, she forgot her list in the car, so she ran back out to to get it. 5. While on her way back in, she tripped on a flat cart that was by the door. 6. She fell to the ground and landed on her knees but got right up. 7. First she chose a light blue for all the rooms. 8. Except her bedroom which she decided to buy later. 9. After that, she chose a pale buttercup yellow for the kitchen. 10. After, she finished shopping, Doni went to the doctor. Each sentence is numbered. Put the sentence into the correct sequential order. A) 1, 4, 5, 6, 2, 3, 7, 8, 9, 10 B) 5, 4, 3, 1, 8, 10, 6, 7, 9, 2 C) 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 1, 2, 3, 4 D) 10, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9

A) 1, 4, 5, 6, 2, 3, 7, 8, 9, 10

The pie chart below shows the BMI for a class of students entering college their freshmen year. The line graph shows the median weight of the students over the entire freshman year. What additional information would you need in order to determine what happened over the course of the year? A) A pie chart of the students' BMI at the end of the year B) The number of students that were followed over the course of the year C) A pie chart of the students' BMI a year earlier D) The final number of underweight students

A) A pie chart of the students' BMI at the end of the year

Which of the following sentences provides objective information? There are many sources from which readers can gather information about the world around them. Reading the daily newspaper is one. Your local newspaper is probably a good source, but if you really want to be informed with unbiased information and receive the news in a timely fashion, then the best source is going to be The New York Times. According to their website, their newspaper has been around for over 162 years. That's a lot of years to perfect their news gathering skills. You can also get your information quickly by using other sources. Personally, I also like to read Vanity Fair and consider it a valuable source of up-to-the-minute information. Which of the following sentences provides objective information? A) According to their website, their newspaper has been around for over 162 years. B) That's a lot of years to perfect their news gathering skills. C) Your local newspaper is probably a good source, but if you really want to be informed with unbiased information and receive the news in a timely fashion, then the best source is going to be The New York Times. D) Personally, I also like to read Vanity Fair and consider it a valuable source of up-to-the-minute information.

A) According to their website, their newspaper has been around for over 162 years.

Which of the following is generally true regarding primary source documents? A) Ancient paintings are almost always considered primary sources B) Primary sources only refer to objects that you can hold C) A document can only be a primary source or a secondary source D) Newspapers only rely on primary source documents for their stories

A) Ancient paintings are almost always considered primary sources

Which of the following is true about themes? A) Certain themes can be tied to a specific time period in history B) Different authors and artists will never focus on similar themes C) A single work always focuses on multiple themes D) Themes in print are more complex than those in visual art

A) Certain themes can be tied to a specific time period in history

What is the connotative meaning of the word mark as noted in the definition provided? Use the following passage to answer the following questions. mark Pronunciation:/mark/ noun 1. A line, figure, or symbol made as indication or record of something. If you put a check mark here, it will indicate that you have the agreement. Synonyms: symbol, sign, character; diacritic logo, seal, stamp, imprint, symbol, emblem, device, insignia, badge, brand., trademark, monogram, hallmark, logotype, watermark 2. A small area on a surface having a different color from its surroundings, typically one caused by accident or damage: Because she bumped into the table, she ended up with a mark on her leg. More examples sentences: After she finally took off her bracelet., there was a red mark all around her wrist. Don't put anything on this wet paint or it will leave a mark. Synonyms: blemish, streak, spot, fleck, dot, stain, smear, speckle, blotch, smudge, smut, fingermark, fingerprint; bruise, discoloration; birthmark 3. A written symbol made on a document in place of a significant by someone who cannot write. What is the connotative meaning of the word mark as noted in the definition provided? A) Connotative meanings are not provided in a dictionary entry B) The scribble with a flourish C) To put x on a line D) To use as a noun

A) Connotative meanings are not provided in a dictionary entry

Which of the following is the intent of this passage? Use this passage from In the Year 2889 by Jules Verne to answer the question. Little though they seem to think of it, the people of this twenty-ninth century live continually in fairyland. Surfeited as they were with marvels, they are indifferent in presence of each new marvel. To them all seems natural. Could they but duly appreciate the refinements of civilization in our day; could they but compare the present with the past, and so better comprehend the advance we have made! How much fairer they would find our modern towns, with populations amounting sometimes to 10,000,000 souls; the streets 300 feet wide, their houses 1000 feet in height; with temperature the same in all seasons; with their lines of aerial locomotion crossing the sky in every direction! If they would but picture to themselves the state of things that once existed, when through muddy streets rumbling boxes on wheels, drawn by horses--yes, by horses!--were the only means of conveyance. Think of the railroads of the olden time, and you will be able to appreciate the pneumatic tubes through which to-day travels at the rate of 1000 miles an hour. Would not our contemporaries prize the telephone and the telephone more highly if they had not forgotten the telegraph? Which of the following is the intent of this passage? A) Entertain the reader B) Command that people read this story C) Ask questions of the reader D) Instruct the reader

A) Entertain the reader

An argument is made that children should not be given allowances. Which of the following statements offered as evidence would be considered irrelevant? A) Fifty years ago, giving children allowances of a quarter a week was quite common. B) Children given allowances tend to show less incentive to work in the future C) Parents often give their children an allowance without discussing how to manage their funds D) Children retain more information when they are taught about finances in school

A) Fifty years ago, giving children allowances of a quarter a week was quite common.

Which of the following are some elements Dr. Callie can use when she rewrites her notes in sequential order? Read the following passage to answer the next four questions. Dr. Callie is a new doctor. She just saw her first client. Dr. Callie is an excellent note-taker, so she wrote down all the details of the client's history and then later, she will write them in sequential order. It went like this. 1. Doni walked into a hardware store to buy some supplies to paint her new apartment. 2. She bought a paint brush, paint, a roller and a pan for the paint. 3. Then she selected the color of paint to buy. 4. Unfortunately, she forgot her list in the car, so she ran back out to to get it. 5. While on her way back in, she tripped on a flat cart that was by the door. 6. She fell to the ground and landed on her knees but got right up. 7. First she chose a light blue for all the rooms. 8. Except her bedroom which she decided to buy later. 9. After that, she chose a pale buttercup yellow for the kitchen. 10. After, she finished shopping, Doni went to the doctor. Which of the following are some elements Dr. Callie can use when she rewrites her notes in sequential order? A) First, however, before B) Today, later, one day C) She can add some descriptive words to better describe the colors of the paints, and the brands her client purchased. D) She can use a legend in her notes

A) First, however, before

What are the signal words in this passage? Abby sat in the kitchen while her owner prepared her dinner. She sat on all fours, looking intently as each item went into her porcelain bowl. First, there was the sound of the kibble being scooped from the bag and into the bowl. Next, there was the scoop of wet food from a can. Sometimes it was chicken and other times, salmon. Then, a scoop of prepared vegetables and a tablespoon of vitamin oil. By now, Abby was drooling with anticipation until finally, her bowl was set down in front of her and Abby could enjoy her meal. What are the signal words in this passage? A) First, next, then, finally B) Each came, in front of C) In, On D) Intently, first, next, finally

A) First, next, then, finally

Which of the following excerpts from the passage demonstrates a way in which directions are being identified? Tannika wanted to take a break from studying for her exams, so she decided to color her grey hair black to its natural black. So, she purchased a box of hair color from the drugstore. Inside were three bottles, one for the actual color, one with a solution to activate the color, and one with a conditioner. Tannika was very excited that she had the diagrams and pictures along with the directions below, to follow because she had never colored her own hair before. Getting Started: 1. Be sure your hair is clean before beginning the coloring process. 2. Mix the activator solution with the color prior to applying to your hair. Failure to do so may result in damage to your hair and/or scalp. 3. Shake the bottle vigorously to ensure the solutions are mixed together. Applying Color: 1, Divide your hair into sections as shown in the diagram. 2. Using the tip of the bottle's lid, apply the color to your hair as shown in the diagram. 3. Completely cover your entire head. 4. Using your hands, massage your scalp as if shampooing your hair. 5. Leave on for 20 minutes. Finishing: 1. Rinse your hair until water runs clear. 2. Apply conditioner. 3, Dry and style as usual. Tannika was happy with her end results. Which of the following excerpts from the passage demonstrates a way in which directions are being identified? A) Getting Started: 1. B) Mix the activator solution C) Divide your hair into sections D) Using your hands, massage your scalp

A) Getting Started: 1.

Why is Jesse not getting the response he hoped for from the general public? Read the following passages to answer the following questions. Jesse just graduated with his veterinary license. One of the reasons he chose to be a veterinarian as his lifelong career was because hw has a very intense, very deep passion for all animals-in particular dogs. Another reason is because he once saw a friend's pet become very seriously ill because the dog food they fed him was of poor quality. In fact, it was spoiled and made with ingredients that were not ingestible by anything except a trash compactor. So Jesse vowed to never allow a similar situation happen to anyone, especially not from that same dog food company. If only he could do enough research to prove their food was and still is inferior. Once he got his practice established, he spent more and more time testing and evaluating various dog foods and cat foods. He was certain the food that made his friend's dog sick contained certain ingredients in a certain combination. Ove the many years of obtaining samples from manufacturers, and not always under the most honest pretenses, he developed a chart of the best to the worst foods available on the market to the general public. Jesse considered the many ways to get his research to the public before he decided to start a couple of blogs on his website. This way he could report daily on his research findings, in regards to dog foods and a separate blog for cat foods, and he could also promote his veterinary business. Once he got his blogs up and running and posted his research and findings, he thought he would get lots of hits, and eventually generate enough traffic that companies would want to advertise on his sites. Then he could self-fund more research. However, months passed into years and not one company wanted to advertise on his site. In fact, he was not getting very many hits on his blogs, and comments were less favorable. Why is Jesse not getting the response he hoped for from the general public? A) He advertises himself as a veterinarian, but really he is a researcher out to prove a point that is not necessarily in the best interest of his patients B) He probably does not have strong search engine terms C) He needs to advertise in order to get advertisers D) Jesse is a veterinarian and not a blogger

A) He advertises himself as a veterinarian, but really he is a researcher out to prove a point that is not necessarily in the best interest of his patients

What could Eugene do to earn money and still care of his children and write his blog? Informal printed communication Eugene is a new stay-at-home dad. He left the big corporate world to stay at home to raise his two small children while his wife continues to work at her high-powered job in the tech industry. Eugene finds he has time on his hands when he is bored. Plus, he would like to earn a little bit of money of his own self-esteem. He came up with the idea of writing a blog about his adventures as a stay-at-home dad, but still wants to earn some extra cash. What could Eugene do to earn money and still care of his children and write his blog? A) He could offer to post printed ads for services on his blog in exchange for income based on readership B) He can write his blog at night so he can work at a coffee shop during the day. C) He could write memos on his blog asking for part-time jobs D) He could tape posters in his neighborhood letting his neighbors know he is bored and wants something to do while the kids take their naps

A) He could offer to post printed ads for services on his blog in exchange for income based on readership

What changes might Antoine make to his paper so that it is organized and more enjoyable to read? Antoine wrote an analysis paper for his English Literature class about the novel, The Hunger Games. He was short of time, so he wrote whatever came to his mind and in whatever order. He had a friend read his paper before he turned it in. His friend told him his paper was not organized very well and he should rewrite it. What changes might Antoine make to his paper so that it is organized and more enjoyable to read? A) He could use headings and subheadings, like characters. setting, beginning, middle, and end, to help important sections of his paper stand out and help him to keep his information organized B) He could tell his readers that he was in a hurry C) He could give his own opinions about how much he liked the book D) He could ask his friend to write his paper for him

A) He could use headings and subheadings, like characters. setting, beginning, middle, and end, to help important sections of his paper stand out and help him to keep his information organized

Read the passage below. Mr. James Duffy lived in Chapelizod because he wished to live as far as possible from the city of which he was citizen and because he found all the other suburbs of Dublin mean, modern, and pretentious. What can you conclude about James Duffy based on this description? A) He is someone who prefers to be alone B) He is frightened of social situations C) He believes himself to be inferior to the people in the other suburbs of Dublin D) He appreciates the suburbs as opposed to the city.

A) He is someone who prefers to be alone

Which of the following connotative words could Jeremy use in place of "house", "old trees". and "pretty"? Jeremy is a real estate agent. As part of his job of selling houses, he must write the copy for the advertisements for each of the properties he represents. He likes to make a list of words with denotative meanings, Then he brainstorms words with connotative meanings so that he can provide a description of the property with a little more excitement, flare and imagination. Which of the following connotative words could Jeremy use in place of "house", "old trees". and "pretty"? A) Home, mature landscaping, lovely B) Building, dead foliage, nice C) Home, old bushes, ugly D) House, aged trees, quaint

A) Home, mature landscaping, lovely

What is another piece of information provided in the dictionary entry for a word? Use the following passage to answer the following questions. mark Pronunciation:/mark/ noun 1. A line, figure, or symbol made as indication or record of something. If you put a check mark here, it will indicate that you have the agreement. Synonyms: symbol, sign, character; diacritic logo, seal, stamp, imprint, symbol, emblem, device, insignia, badge, brand., trademark, monogram, hallmark, logotype, watermark 2. A small area on a surface having a different color from its surroundings, typically one caused by accident or damage: Because she bumped into the table, she ended up with a mark on her leg. More examples sentences: After she finally took off her bracelet., there was a red mark all around her wrist. Don't put anything on this wet paint or it will leave a mark. Synonyms: blemish, streak, spot, fleck, dot, stain, smear, speckle, blotch, smudge, smut, fingermark, fingerprint; bruise, discoloration; birthmark 3. A written symbol made on a document in place of a significant by someone who cannot write. What is another piece of information provided in the dictionary entry for a word? A) How to spell the word B) Why a particular word is listed in the dictionary you happen to be using but not in a different dictionary that your friend is using C) Who first created the word D) Why the phonetic spelling is so different from the spelling of the entry word

A) How to spell the word

Which of the following statements is a sound conclusion based on this passage? The following passage is from Little Women by Louisa May Alcott. Fifteen-year-old Joe was very tall, thin, and brown, and reminded me of a colt, for she never seemed to know what to do with her long limbs, which were very much in her way. She had decided mouth, a comical nose, and sharp, gray eyes, which appeared to see everything, and were by turns fierce, funny, or thoughtful. Her long, thick hair was her one beauty, but it was usually bundled into a net, to be out of her way. Round shoulders had jo, big hands and feet, a flyaway look to her clothes, and the uncomfortable appearance of a girl who was rapidly shooting up into a woman and didn't like it. Which of the following statements is a sound conclusion based on this passage? A) Jo was at an age where she felt awkward about her appearance B) Jo was not well-liked by other girls in her class C) Jo was too concerned with her appearance to be anything buy angry D) Jo was turning into a beautiful woman and felt more confident with age

A) Jo was at an age where she felt awkward about her appearance

Looking at the two graphs below, what conclusion can you draw about Joe Valenti, one of four quality assurance specialists at Galton Laboratories? A) Joe Valenti's absences have had no effect on productivity B) The more Joe Valenti's absences increased, the lower productivity was C) The more Joe Valenti's absences increased. the, more productivity increased D) There is not enough information to draw conclusions from these two graphs

A) Joe Valenti's absences have had no effect on productivity

Which of the following words from the passage indicated chronology? Read the following passage to answer the next four questions. Dr. Callie is a new doctor. She just saw her first client. Dr. Callie is an excellent note-taker, so she wrote down all the details of the client's history and then later, she will write them in sequential order. It went like this. 1. Doni walked into a hardware store to buy some supplies to paint her new apartment. 2. She bought a paint brush, paint, a roller and a pan for the paint. 3. Then she selected the color of paint to buy. 4. Unfortunately, she forgot her list in the car, so she ran back out to to get it. 5. While on her way back in, she tripped on a flat cart that was by the door. 6. She fell to the ground and landed on her knees but got right up. 7. First she chose a light blue for all the rooms. 8. Except her bedroom which she decided to buy later. 9. After that, she chose a pale buttercup yellow for the kitchen. 10. After, she finished shopping, Doni went to the doctor. Which of the following words from the passage indicated chronology? A) Later B) After C) First D) While

A) Later

Which of the following sentences demonstrates correct use of italics? A) The article "Top 10 Tips for Writing Short Stories" was published in Writer's Weekly B) Charles Dickens wrote a Christmas Carol in 1843 C) The Thrills of Vibrato article was published in the January 2016 issue of "Music Monthly" D) The One with the Monkeys is an episode of "Friends" that aired in 1999

A) The article "Top 10 Tips for Writing Short Stories" was published in Writer's Weekly

Which of the following best tells the reader what will happen during a book club session? Below is a double-sided 8 x 5 card handed out to students in their classrooms. Read On! Summertime Book Club! Kids! Hang out with kids your age while you read and discuss books YOU want to read! Join a book club and experience new and exciting adventures. Parents! A percentage of your child's reading skills is lost over the summer. Give them the advantage of a Read On! Summertime Book Club. Included in Each Book Club: Meet once a week for four weeks understand plot and character development Healthy snacks and beverages. All this for only $120. Each book club is moderated by Ms. Annette Monroe, Ms, Licensed Reading Specialist and Private Tutor. Space is limited. Sign up early to reserve your place. For more information about book clubs or private tutoring sessions, visit www.AnnetteMonroeWrites.com or call 55-BookClub. Which of the following best tells the reader what will happen during a book club session? A) Meet once a week for four weeks understand plot and character development Healthy snacks and beverages. B) Read books and eat snacks C) It's going to be crowded D) The website will tell me

A) Meet once a week for four weeks understand plot and character development Healthy snacks and beverages.

An assignment in an English composition class is to write a memoir-like essay of your childhood. This assignment compares most to which of the following modes of essay? A) Narrative B) Expository C) Persuasive D) Descriptive

A) Narrative

What is the author's mood in this passage? Read this passage from The Million the Floss by George Eliot to answer the following questions. And this is Dorlcote Mil. I must stand a minute or two here on the bridge and at it, though the clouds are threatening, and it is far on in the afternoon. Even in this leafless time of departing February it is pleasant to look at perhaps the chill, damp sea, on adds a charm to the trimly kept, comfortable, dwelling-house, as old as the elms and the chestnuts that shelter it from the northern blast. The stream is brimful now, and lies high in this little withy plantation, and half drowns the grassy fringe of the croft in front of the house. As I look at the full stream, the vivid grass, the delicate bright-green powder softening the outline of the great trunks and branches that gleam from under the bare purple boughs. I am in love with moistness, and envy the white ducks that are dipping their heads far into among the withes, unmindful of the awkward appearance they make in the drier world above. What is the author's mood in this passage? A) Peaceful B) Bored C) Confused D) Frantic

A) Peaceful

Alicia and Thom just purchased a new store that sells socks. The previous owners could not make the business profitable. Alicia and Thom have high hopes to turn the business around. Which of the following forms of print communications should they choose to focus on? A) Print advertisements with eye-catching graphics and that tell how their product is better than any other similar product, as well as a blog to share their latest and greatest product with their online customer B) A blog C) Mail flyers with bright pictures to every house in their community telling everyone they purchased the sock store D) Sandwich boards advertising their store

A) Print advertisements with eye-catching graphics and that tell how their product is better than any other similar product, as well as a blog to share their latest and greatest product with their online customer

Which of the following is a typical reason for using footnotes? A) Provide citations for information in the passage B) Distinguish between fact and opinion statements C) Explain the use of text features in the passage D) Indicate a hierarchy of information in the passage

A) Provide citations for information in the passage

Which of the following would be the best way to find out if this is a good review of this book? Read the following passage to answer the following questions. The book Alone The Classic Polar Adventure tells the story of Admiral Richard E. Byrd, who set out in 1934 to spend six months in Antarctica gathering weather data and to truly try out "peace and quiet long enough to know how good they really are." But nothing is as he expects it and he begins to suffer both mentally and physically. Eventually, he figures out that he is slowly being poisoned by carbon monoxide from a defective stovepipe in his cabin and it becomes basically a struggle to stay alive. Just the fact of Byrd's experience is shocking and impressive. You often find yourself tuning the pages in horror. Every few hours he seems to be suffering from a new physical or psychological problem and it's really just a post script to the events of the day He works up and its dark. He goes outside to record the meteorological measurements and its dark, and then he goes for a walk and it's dark, and then he find his way back and it's dark, and he finally climbs into his sleeping ag and it's still dark. It's clear that a lot of this book is simply about man's struggle in an extreme environment with extreme isolation. And yet, Byrd may have been the only person in human history capable of not doing the dangerous things he did, but doing it all with a grace that is always a pleasure and inspiration to read, whether in his diary entries or his later reflections on his time there. Truly, this is an unforgettable book that is well worth reading. Which of the following would be the best way to find out if this is a good review of this book? A) Read another review of the same book by another author B) Read more books by the same author C) Ask friends to read the book, and then read the review D) Call the writer's boss and ask if this is her best review

A) Read another review of the same book by another author

Which of the following are possible guide words for the word sarcastic? Use the following passage to answer the following questions. sarcastic Pronunciation:/ sar'kastik/ adjective Marked by or given to using sharp irony in order to cut or give pain: making sarcastic comments; That comedian is known for his sarcastic wit. Synonyms: sardonic, ironic, ironical, satirical; derisive, scornful, contemptuous, mocking, ridiculing, sneering, jeering, scoffing, taunting, snide; caustic,. scathing, trenchant, mordant, cutting, sharp, stinging, acerbic, tart, acid More examples sentences: He was sure his mother was being sarcastic, and did not know how to respond. Her tone was sarcastic as she glanced up from her phone. I try not to be offended whenever Mike makes sarcastic comments about everyone in my family Origin Late 17th century: from French sarcastique, from sarcasme (see sarcasm), on the pattern of pairs such as enthousiasme, enthousiastique Which of the following are possible guide words for the word sarcastic? A) Sad and sentry B) Silly and snub C) Sarcastic and salient D) Scent and sable

A) Sad and sentry

Through which of the following might a science fiction film address the theme of coming of age differently than a comedy? A) Setting B) Head-on camera angles C) Intensity of the subject matter D) Actors' performances

A) Setting

What should Lakshmi have done before cutting out the pattern pieces? After searching for weeks for a dress for the prom, Lakshmi was determined to sew her own, and purchased a pattern for a simple but elegant dress. The pattern came inside an envelope with written directions as well as some diagrams and pictures. Lakshmi read through the written directions, and then began to lay the paper pattern pieces onto the fabric. Once everything was pinned in place, she began to cut out the pieces. But something was wrong: she had one pattern piece left over but no fabric left. What should Lateshmi have done before cutting out the pattern pieces? A) She should have used the diagrams and pictures in addition to the written directions B) She should have pinned and cut one piece of fabric out at a time C) She should have only looked at the diagrams and pictures D) She should have counted the pattern pieces, and if she had an even number then everything would have worked out fine

A) She should have used the diagrams and pictures in addition to the written directions

An author argues that prisoners in this country should be allowed to vote. Which of the following statements would weaken this argument? A) Studies have shown that when prisoners in other countries were given the right to vote, many refused B) Prisoners are still citizens of this country and deserve the same rights as other countries C) If prisoners were given the right to vote, then they would still feel valued D) Prisoners who vote while in prison will be more likely to take part in the political process when they leave prison

A) Studies have shown that when prisoners in other countries were given the right to vote, many refused

What does the topic sentence imply? The house was situated in a neighborhood that had rarely experienced any crime. In fact, no one could remember the last time anyone's home had been broken into. The community was made up mostly empty nesters. Many of the families had raised their young families here and had seen their children off to college. The young children currently in the neighborhood were often grandchildren of the longtime residents. What does the topic sentence imply? A) That some kind of crime had recently occurred in the neighborhood B) There are young children in the neighborhood again C) Empty nesters are birds that leave their nest empty D) It's better to have your children live with you well into adulthood

A) That some kind of crime had recently occurred in the neighborhood

Which of the following statements is accurate based on the map? A) The Castle museum is between Park and Main streets B) The Castle museum is approximately 1 mile from the Capitol building C) The Capitol building is the northernmost building shown on the map D) The east-west streets on this map are all named for trees

A) The Castle museum is between Park and Main streets

Eric would like to learn where to find the latest information on the Nor'easter that hits his home town. Which of the following would be the best source of information? A) The New York Times B) The National Inquirer C) A pamphlet from a street vendor D) A short story about a Nor'easter

A) The New York Times

Which of the following is a stereotypical statement? Smart Girls Play Bass is the memoir of bassist Jackie Helios of the band Dashboard, which rose to fame during the Riot Grrrl Craze of the 1990s. Because Helios is known for being reclusive and not very outspoken, readers will be dying to find out what is really behind the woman behind the bass. Unfortunately, the answer is not much. Helios spends a lot of time describing how the band formed and what it was like being in an all-girl band at that time. However, she reveals very little about her own feelings during what many would argue was a tumultuous period. The early section of the book, about her childhood, is somewhat fascinating, but very short. In fact, most of the book focuses on less personal details. We find out how the three women met and now they started coming up with songs together. The book even points out how, unlike most drummers, Randi Scheller brought a lot of cleverness to their early songs. So, if you are looking for a book that gets inside Jackie Helios's head, you will likely to be disappointed. However, if you want to know how Dashboard got off the ground, you will probably love it. Which of the following is a stereotypical statement? A) The book even points out how, unlike most drummers, Randi Scheller brought a lot of cleverness to their early songs B) The early section of the book, about her childhood, is somewhat fascinating, but very short C) We find out how the three women met and how they started coming up with songs together D) In fact, most of the book focused on less personal details

A) The book even points out how, unlike most drummers, Randi Scheller brought a lot of cleverness to their early songs

Tutankhamen was an Egyptian pharaoh from the 13th century B.C. His tomb was discovered in 1922, which included this burial mask made of gold. What could you tell from looking at this artifact that you could not tell from simply reading a description of it in a secondary source? A) The details of Tutankhamen's face B) It's size and shape C) The materials it was made from D) The year it was made

A) The details of Tutankhamen's face

Why does this passage use a sidebar> A) The information in the sidebar expands on information provided within the body of the passage B) Because sidebars make the text aesthetically pleasing C) Sidebars are designated for advertisements D) It's better than using italics for the entire section

A) The information in the sidebar expands on information provided within the body of the passage

Which of the following is a statement based on fact? Read the following passage to answer the following questions. The study demonstrates that the majority of the participants enjoy reading books that depict adventurous situations such as mysteries and war stories. Additionally, the participants enjoy reading biographies, history, and informational books; books that are categorized as nonfiction (with the exception of biographies which can sometimes be considered fiction.) At the bottom of the list are classics, comic books, historical fiction, poetry, realistic fiction, science fiction/fantasy, and romance. These are fluffy books and of no interest to a teen boy. These results are in line with previous research by Smith & Wilhelm (2002) as started in the literature review. The majority of the participants read the back of the book or more importantly, look at the cover of a book before deciding whether it is one they would like to read. As noted in the transcript, the boys would not choose to read a book that has a pink cover. These findings are on point with those discussed by the Dutro (2002) study. The boys in this study were very particular about whether a book would be a "girl's" book or a "boy's" book based on based solely on the book's cover. Characteristics they mentioned were the book's color (pink), style (fruity) and characters (style of dress). The participants in this study also had very distinct ideas of what constitutes a boy's book versus a girl's book. Books that were about warriors-even if the warriors were cats-fighting, enemies, and adventure, would be classified as "boy's books". The participants in the study mimicked how girls would react to such stories by overly dramatizing what they perceive to be a girl's reaction to "boy's" books. One participant stated about a particular book that a girl might like it if the adventure was taken out of the book, but then boys would no longer like the book. The participants answered on the questionnaire that they would equally like books with either a male or female protagonist, or both in the same book. However, in the discussion, the participants voiced their dislike for books that had girls on the cover or the word girls in the titles in the American Girls Series. Having pictures of girls on the cover of a book or the word girl was enough to deter the participants from wanting to read the book. Furthermore, the participants selected books that had the word fear, murder, or thief in the title. It is interesting to note that the book titled, the thief was selected even though this book is in the fantasy genre. On the questionnaire, none of the participants selected science fiction/fantasy as a genre enjoy reading. This goes back to the discussion about the design of the cover of the book being the determining factor with young male readers when choosing a book to read. Sampling the content is secondary. Which of the following is a statement based on fact? A) The majority of the participants read the back of a book or more importantly, looked at the cover of a book before deciding whether it is one they would like to read B) Having pictures of girls on the cover of a book or the word girl was enough to deter the participants from wanting to read the book C) However, in the discussion, the participants voiced their dislike fir books that had girls on the cover or the word girls in the title as in the American Girl series D) This goes back to the discussion about the design of the cover of the book being the determining factor with young male readers when choosing a book to read

A) The majority of the participants read the back of a book or more importantly, looked at the cover of a book before deciding whether it is one they would like to read

Which of the following data would be best expressed on a bar graph? A) The number of books read over a period of ten years B) The population of the countries in the EU by percentage C) How the world's religions are divided up by percentage D) What portion of a person's day is spent sleeping versus being awake

A) The number of books read over a period of ten years

Which of the following is a bias? Read the following passage to answer the following questions. The study demonstrates that the majority of the participants enjoy reading books that depict adventurous situations such as mysteries and war stories. Additionally, the participants enjoy reading biographies, history, and informational books; books that are categorized as nonfiction (with the exception of biographies which can sometimes be considered fiction.) At the bottom of the list are classics, comic books, historical fiction, poetry, realistic fiction, science fiction/fantasy, and romance. These are fluffy books and of no interest to a teen boy. These results are in line with previous research by Smith & Wilhelm (2002) as started in the literature review. The majority of the participants read the back of the book or more importantly, look at the cover of a book before deciding whether it is one they would like to read. As noted in the transcript, the boys would not choose to read a book that has a pink cover. These findings are on point with those discussed by the Dutro (2002) study. The boys in this study were very particular about whether a book would be a "girl's" book or a "boy's" book based on based solely on the book's cover. Characteristics they mentioned were the book's color (pink), style (fruity) and characters (style of dress). The participants in this study also had very distinct ideas of what constitutes a boy's book versus a girl's book. Books that were about warriors-even if the warriors were cats-fighting, enemies, and adventure, would be classified as "boy's books". The participants in the study mimicked how girls would react to such stories by overly dramatizing what they perceive to be a girl's reaction to "boy's" books. One participant stated about a particular book that a girl might like it if the adventure was taken out of the book, but then boys would no longer like the book. The participants answered on the questionnaire that they would equally like books with either a male or female protagonist, or both in the same book. However, in the discussion, the participants voiced their dislike for books that had girls on the cover or the word girls in the titles in the American Girls Series. Having pictures of girls on the cover of a book or the word girl was enough to deter the participants from wanting to read the book. Furthermore, the participants selected books that had the word fear, murder, or thief in the title. It is interesting to note that the book titled, the thief was selected even though this book is in the fantasy genre. On the questionnaire, none of the participants selected science fiction/fantasy as a genre enjoy reading. This goes back to the discussion about the design of the cover of the book being the determining factor with young male readers when choosing a book to read. Sampling the content is secondary. Which of the following is a bias? A) The participants in this study mimicked how girls would react to such stories by over dramatizing what they perceive to be a girl's reaction to "boy's" books B) Sampling the content is secondary C) Furthermore, the participants selected books that had the word, fear, murder, or thief in the title D) The study demonstrates that the majority of the participants enjoy reading books that depict adventurous situations such as mysteries and war stories

A) The participants in this study mimicked how girls would react to such stories by over dramatizing what they perceive to be a girl's reaction to "boy's" books

Which of the following is a statement of opinion? Read the following passage to answer the following questions. The study demonstrates that the majority of the participants enjoy reading books that depict adventurous situations such as mysteries and war stories. Additionally, the participants enjoy reading biographies, history, and informational books; books that are categorized as nonfiction (with the exception of biographies which can sometimes be considered fiction.) At the bottom of the list are classics, comic books, historical fiction, poetry, realistic fiction, science fiction/fantasy, and romance. These are fluffy books and of no interest to a teen boy. These results are in line with previous research by Smith & Wilhelm (2002) as started in the literature review. The majority of the participants read the back of the book or more importantly, look at the cover of a book before deciding whether it is one they would like to read. As noted in the transcript, the boys would not choose to read a book that has a pink cover. These findings are on point with those discussed by the Dutro (2002) study. The boys in this study were very particular about whether a book would be a "girl's" book or a "boy's" book based on based solely on the book's cover. Characteristics they mentioned were the book's color (pink), style (fruity) and characters (style of dress). The participants in this study also had very distinct ideas of what constitutes a boy's book versus a girl's book. Books that were about warriors-even if the warriors were cats-fighting, enemies, and adventure, would be classified as "boy's books". The participants in the study mimicked how girls would react to such stories by overly dramatizing what they perceive to be a girl's reaction to "boy's" books. One participant stated about a particular book that a girl might like it if the adventure was taken out of the book, but then boys would no longer like the book. The participants answered on the questionnaire that they would equally like books with either a male or female protagonist, or both in the same book. However, in the discussion, the participants voiced their dislike for books that had girls on the cover or the word girls in the titles in the American Girls Series. Having pictures of girls on the cover of a book or the word girl was enough to deter the participants from wanting to read the book. Furthermore, the participants selected books that had the word fear, murder, or thief in the title. It is interesting to note that the book titled, the thief was selected even though this book is in the fantasy genre. On the questionnaire, none of the participants selected science fiction/fantasy as a genre enjoy reading. This goes back to the discussion about the design of the cover of the book being the determining factor with young male readers when choosing a book to read. Sampling the content is secondary. Which of the following is a statement of opinion? A) These are fluffy books and no interest to any teen boy B) These results are in line with previous research by Smith & Wilhelm (2002) as stated in the literature C) As noted in the transcript, the boys would not choose to read a book that has "pink cover" D) These findings are on point with those discussed by the Dutro (2002) study

A) These are fluffy books and no interest to any teen boy

What is the author's point of view? Read the following passage to answer the following questions. The book Alone The Classic Polar Adventure tells the story of Admiral Richard E. Byrd, who set out in 1934 to spend six months in Antarctica gathering weather data and to truly try out "peace and quiet long enough to know how good they really are." But nothing is as he expects it and he begins to suffer both mentally and physically. Eventually, he figures out that he is slowly being poisoned by carbon monoxide from a defective stovepipe in his cabin and it becomes basically a struggle to stay alive. Just the fact of Byrd's experience is shocking and impressive. You often find yourself tuning the pages in horror. Every few hours he seems to be suffering from a new physical or psychological problem and it's really just a post script to the events of the day He works up and its dark. He goes outside to record the meteorological measurements and its dark, and then he goes for a walk and it's dark, and then he find his way back and it's dark, and he finally climbs into his sleeping ag and it's still dark. It's clear that a lot of this book is simply about man's struggle in an extreme environment with extreme isolation. And yet, Byrd may have been the only person in human history capable of not doing the dangerous things he did, but doing it all with a grace that is always a pleasure and inspiration to read, whether in his diary entries or his later reflections on his time there. Truly, this is an unforgettable book that is well worth reading. What is the author's point of view? A) Third person B) First person C) From the character's perspective D) From the author's of the book

A) Third person

Which of the following contains an example of a simile? the following passage from Eight Cousins by Louisa May Alcott to answer the following questions. Rose sat all alone in the big best parlor, with her little handkerchief laid ready to catch the first tear, for she was thinking of her troubles, and a shower was expected. She has retired to this room as a good place in which to be miserable; for it was dark and still, full of ancient furniture, somber curtains and hung all around with portraits of solemn old gentlemen in wigs, severe-nosed ladies in top heavy caps, and staring children in little bob-tailed coats or short-waisted frocks. It was an excellent place for woe; and the fitful spring rain that patterned on the window-pane seemed to sob, "cry away: I'm with you." Rose really did have some cause to be sad; for she had no mother, and had lately lost her father also, which left her no home but with her great aunts. She had been with them only a week, and, though the dear old ladies had tried their best to make her happy, they have not succeeded very well, for she was unlike any child they had ever seen, and they felt very much as if they had the care of low-spirited butterfly. They had given her the freedom of the house, and for a day or two she had amused herself roaming all over it, for it was a capital old mansion, and was full of manner of old nobles, charming rooms and mysterious passages. Windows broke out in unexpected places, little balconies overhung the garden most romantically, and there was a long upper hall full of curiosities from all parts of the world; for the Campbells had seen sea-captains for generations. Aunt Plenty had even allowed Rose to rummage in her great china closet a spicy retreat, rich in all the "goodies" that children love; but Rose seemed to care little for those toothsome temptations; and when that hope failed, Aunt Plenty gave up in despair. Gentle Aunt Plenty had tried all sorts of pretty needle-work, and planned a doll's wardrobe that would have won the heart of even an older child. But Rose took little interest in pink satin hats and tiny hose, though she sewed dutifully till her aunt caught her wiping her tears away with the train of wedding-dress, and that discovery put an end to the sewing society. Then both old ladies put their heads together and picked out the model child of the neighborhood to come and play with their niece. But Ariaudne Blish was the worst failure of all, for Rose could not bear the sight of her, and said she as so like a wax doll she longed to give her a pinch and see if she would squeak. So prim little Ariaudne was sent home, and the exhausted aunties left Rose to her own devices for a day or two. Bad weather and a cold kept her indoors, and she spent most of her time in the library where her father's books were store. Here she read a great deal, cried a little, and dreamed many of the innocent bright dreams in which imaginative children find such comfort and delight. This suited her better than anything else, but it was not good for her, and she grew pale, heavy-eyed and listless, though Aunt Plenty gave her iron enough to make a cooking-stove, and Aunt Plenty petted her like a poodle Seeing this, the poor aunties racked their brains for a new amusement and determined to venture a bold stroke, though not very hopeful of it success. They said nothing to Rose about their plan for this Saturday afternoon, but let her alone till the time came for the grand surprise, little dreaming that the odd child would find pleasure for herself in a most unexpected quarter. Before she had time to squeeze out a single tear a sound broke the stillness, making her prick up her ears. It was only the soft twitter of a bird, but it seemed to be a peculiarly gifted birds, for a while she listened the soft twitter changed to a lively whistle, then a trill, a coo, a chirp, and ended in a musical mixture of all the notes, as if the bird bursts out laughing. Rose laughed also, and, forgetting her woes, jumping up saying eagerly "It is a mocking-bird. Where is it?" Which of the following contains an example of a simile? A) This suited her better than anything else, but it was not good for her, and she grew pale, heavy-eyed and listless, though Aunt Plenty gave her iron enough to make a cooking-stove, and Aunt Plenty petted her like a poodle B) Aunt Plenty had even allowed Rose to rummage in her great china closet a spicy retreat, rich in all the "goodies" that children love; but Rose seemed to care little for these toothsome temptations; and when that hope failed, Aunt Plenty gave up in despair C) Then both old ladies put their heads together and picked out the model child of the neighborhood to come and play with their niece D) "It is a mocking-bird. Where is it?"

A) This suited her better than anything else, but it was not good for her, and she grew pale, heavy-eyed and listless, though Aunt Plenty gave her iron enough to make a cooking-stove, and Aunt Plenty petted her like a poodle

Which of the following is the primary rationale for hanging this poster with a yoga studio? A) To provide textual and pictorial guidance to customers on how to perform common poses B) To market the studio's serves to potential customers C) To add an aesthetic design element to the studio D) To delineate the sequence of poses that should be performed in each yoga class

A) To provide textual and pictorial guidance to customers on how to perform common poses

Which of the following statements best supports the argument that "all children who are 4-years old should be able to go to preschool for free"? A) Universal preschool can help level the playing field for children who do not have bedtime stories or counting games at home B) Today, about 28 percent of all 4-year-olds in the United States are enrolled in state-financed preschool programs C) Universal preschool could result in federal money being squandered on ineffective programs D) States should make it an objective to offer preschool slots tp all 4-year-olds

A) Universal preschool can help level the playing field for children who do not have bedtime stories or counting games at home

What are the important elements of this memo? Memo To: All volunteers From: Jeffrey, Volunteer coordinator Date: August 9, 2012 Re: Zoo Open House This Saturday is the zoo's open house to welcome the newly remodeled giraffe exhibit, gorilla forest, zebra Sahara, and the lizard lounge. Please be sure to wear your volunteer shirts, appropriate shoes and long pants. Weather forecast calls for high temperatures and sunshine so bring a hat and sunglasses too. This is going to be a great day for all of us who have been waiting for 2 years for this remodel to be completed. Let's bring our best happy zoo faces to work to welcome the public to our new and improved zoo. If you have any questions, please contact me at: [email protected] 555-200-zoos What are the important elements of this memo? A) Whom the memo is addressed to, whom it is from, the date, what the memo is about, the introduction, and a conclusion B) The email of the person sending the memo C) The phone number of someone to contact D) The date and place of the meeting

A) Whom the memo is addressed to, whom it is from, the date, what the memo is about, the introduction, and a conclusion

Which of the following describes the tone of the passage? Use this passage from In the Year 2889 by Jules Verne to answer the question. Little though they seem to think of it, the people of this twenty-ninth century live continually in fairyland. Surfeited as they were with marvels, they are indifferent in presence of each new marvel. To them all seems natural. Could they but duly appreciate the refinements of civilization in our day; could they but compare the present with the past, and so better comprehend the advance we have made! How much fairer they would find our modern towns, with populations amounting sometimes to 10,000,000 souls; the streets 300 feet wide, their houses 1000 feet in height; with temperature the same in all seasons; with their lines of aerial locomotion crossing the sky in every direction! If they would but picture to themselves the state of things that once existed, when through muddy streets rumbling boxes on wheels, drawn by horses--yes, by horses!--were the only means of conveyance. Think of the railroads of the olden time, and you will be able to appreciate the pneumatic tubes through which to-day travels at the rate of 1000 miles an hour. Would not our contemporaries prize the telephone and the telephone more highly if they had not forgotten the telegraph? Which of the following describes the tone of the passage? A) Wonder B) Mysterious C) Sarcastic D) Factual and straightforward

A) Wonder

Which of the following lines indicates that Mr. Duffy does not hate but actually feels hopeful about other people? Read the passage below. Mr. Duffy abhorred anything which be tokened physical or mental disorder. A medieval doctor would have call him saturnine. His face, which carried the entire tale of his years, was of the brown tint of Dublin streets. On his long and rather large head grew dry black hair and a tawny mustache did not quite cover an unamiable mouth. His cheekbones also gave his face a harsh character, but there was no harshness in his eyes, which, looking at the world from under their tawny eyebrows, gave the impression of a man ever alert to greet a redeeming instinct in others but often disappointed. Which of the following lines indicates that Mr. Duffy does not hate but actually feels hopeful about other people? A) "His face, which carried the entire tale of his years" B) "his eyes...gave the impression of a man ever alert to greet a redeeming instinct in others" C) "His cheekbones also gave his face a harsh character" D) "A medieval doctor would have call him saturnine"

B) "his eyes...gave the impression of a man ever alert to greet a redeeming instinct in others"

What time will the ceremony take place? Megan and Mark are recently engaged to get married. Megan is very organized. In fact. she created a flow chart to represent the events on their big day. Events start at 8 a.m. sharp when their friend, Jesse, will drive both of them to the hotel to get ready. According to Megan's flow chart, the day will end at 11:45 p.m. It is very important to Megan that Mark not see her prior to going to the ceremony. What time will the ceremony take place? A) 1:30 p.m. B) 2 p.m. C) After they take pictures D) 5:30 p.m.

B) 2 p.m.

How do you think the narrator feels about the character he has just met? Read the passage below. I looked up with interest at the new face in the lantern light. He might have stepped out of the pages of "Jesse James". He wore a sombrero hat, with a wide leather band and bright buckle, and the ends of his moustache were twisted up stiffy, like little horns. He looked lively and ferocious, I thought as if he had a history. How do you think the narrator feels about the character he has just met? A) Cautious B) Admiring C) Jealous D) Indifferent

B) Admiring

Which of the following words of chronological ordering? Read the following passage to answer the next four questions. Justin and Lisa love to entertain. Every summer they always host a neighborhood barbeque that last all day. It is quite the talk of the neighborhood. Planning for all the party each year takes them a good 3 months to get everything in order. First there is the date to select for the event to take place. That happens just before the end of the years before the party. After they have a date confirmed, then they can start to plan everything else. First they decide on a theme for the party because every party needs a theme. Second they make the list of attendees. Last year there were old neighbors who moved away and new ones who moved in. Once they know how many people they plan to invite and always everyone attends, then they will plan the menu. Justin likes to cook variety of foods on the grill. Lisa always needs to remind him to not put every item on the grill at the same time. Every year she tells him to put the steaks on first because they take the longest to cook just right. Then, put on the chicken because that takes the next longest. Finally, put on the salmon because they takes the least amount of time. Two years ago Justin threw everything on the grill at once and the steaks were too rare for even the most ravenous carnivores to enjoy. Once the salmon is on, then he should put on cobs of corn. Lastly, he needs to put the fresh baguettes on the grill. But first, he needs to remember to slice the baguettes lengthwise and put them face down onto the grill so the insides grill and not the outer crust. Which of the following words of chronological ordering? A) At the beginning, prior to, afterwards, subsequently B) Always, rarely, often, never, seldom C) Watch, Big Ben, stopwatch D) When, how often, length of time

B) Always, rarely, often, never, seldom

What information does this primary source tell us more generally about ancient Romans? This is a page from what is believed to be the oldest cookbook in the western world, written in Rome in the third century A.D. It is a recipe for rose wine, and the translation is below. Make rose wine in this manner: Rose petals, the lower white part removed, sewed into a linen bag and immersed in wine for 7 days. There upon add a sack of new petals which allow to draw for another 7 days. Again remove the old petals and replace them by fresh ones for another weak, then strain the wine through the colander. Before serving, add honey, sweetening to taste. Take care that only best petals free from dew be used for soaking. What information does this primary source tell us more generally about ancient Romans? A) Rose wine could be made during the summer months B) Ancient Romans used colanders C) Honey was used as a sweetener for wine D) Rose wine took 2 months to fully prepare

B) Ancient Romans used colanders

The main idea of this passage is "Giving your dog a massage is quite beneficial to both your dog and to you". Which of the following is evidence used to support this claim? Believe or not, one of the best things you can do for your dog--and for you-- is a massage! Many dogs spend their days running or taking long walks and roughhousing with other dogs. Just like people, dogs can get injured and becomes simply achy with age. What's the best solution for this? A dog massage. These days, dog massages have become quite popular among dog lovers, and, of course, among dogs. Any kind of massage is beneficial to a dog's emotional, spiritual, mental and physical well-being. Giving your dog a massage is a beautiful opportunity to strengthen the bond you have with your four-legged friend. It is also great way to give your dog the time to fully relax after a long, hard day. The main idea of this passage is "Giving your dog a massage is quite beneficial to both your dog and to you". Which of the following is evidence used to support this claim? A) These days, dog massages have become quite popular among dog lovers, and, of course, among dogs. B) Any kind of massage is beneficial to a dog's emotional, spiritual, mental and physical well-being. C) Just like people, dogs can get injured and becomes simply achy with age. D) Many dogs spend their days running or taking long walks and roughhousing with other dogs.

B) Any kind of massage is beneficial to a dog's emotional, spiritual, mental and physical well-being.

What kind of graphic representation should Mrs. Walker use? Mrs. Walker took a survey of how many boys like to read books versus how many girls like to read books. She wanted to know who likes to read more, boys or girls. She gathered information for 3rd, 4th, and 5th graders. She wants information for the individual grades and for the group as a whole. What kind of graphic representation should Mrs. Walker use? A) Map showing the classrooms of each grade level B) Bar graph C) Pie chart D) Illustration

B) Bar graph

What are the signal words in this passage? Before you take an important test there are a few steps you should follow before you even arrive to take the test. First. be sure you get a good's night rest. Also, be sure to eat a healthy breakfast that will satisfy your hunger for the duration of the test. Next, have all your materials for taking the test, like pencils and erasers, ready to go the night before. Finally, relax and feel confident in your knowledge and test-taking skills. What are the signal words in this passage? A) Relax, confident B) Before, first, next, finally C) Pencils, erasers D) Before you take an important test there are a few steps you should follow before you even arrive to take the test.

B) Before, first, next, finally

Which of the following provides objective information? Having a house without books is like having a house that is not a home. Books are like best friends. They are always there when you want them and especially when you need them. Books are a great source of information whether reading fiction or non-fiction. In fact, sometimes I gain an incredible amount of knowledge from the fiction I read, more so even than from the non-fiction I read. Perhaps that is due to the fact, that besides reading The New York Times and a few other trade magazines, I read all fiction. Everyone should read fiction-novels short stories or plays-in order to have a full, enriched life. If you don't read fiction, then you are missing out on life. Which of the following provides objective information? A) Having a house without books is like having a house that is not a home. B) Books are a great source of information whether reading fiction or non-fiction. C) Everyone should read fiction-novels short stories or plays-in order to have a full, enriched life. D) If you don't read fiction, then you are missing out on life.

B) Books are a great source of information whether reading fiction or non-fiction.

What important information is missing from this flyer? Read On! HOLIDAY CROCHET Club! Kids! Hang out with kids your age while you learn how to crochet and make holiday gifts for your friends and family. Listen to fun and exciting holiday stories while you work! You can make anything from coffee cups coasters to hats, scarves, purses and blankets! Parents! Watch how your child's dexterity, math, and creative skills blossom while they learn how to crochet, and the excitement of finishing a creative project all on their own! All this while they improve their listening comprehension skills too! Included in each session: *3 Sessions (1 1/2 hours each) on Saturday, Monday, and Wednesday November 20, 22, and 24 *First skein of yarn and hook *Stories read aloud while you work *Healthy snacks and beverages provided *Ages 8-18 All this for only $99 Each session is taught and moderated by Cristy Yarn Licensed Reading Specialist and Private Tutor. Space is limited. Sign up early to reserve your place. What important information is missing from this flyer? A) How much the activity costs B) Contact information C) Who is it for D) What kids can make

B) Contact information

The lake-inhabitants of Switzerland cultivated several kind of wheat and barley, the pea, the poppy for oil and flax; and they possessed several domesticated animals. Which of the following is the meaning of the word cultivated in the sentence above? A) Studied B) Grew C) Rejected D) Enjoyed

B) Grew

How might Jesse improve traffic to his blogs? Read the following passages to answer the following questions. Jesse just graduated with his veterinary license. One of the reasons he chose to be a veterinarian as his lifelong career was because hw has a very intense, very deep passion for all animals-in particular dogs. Another reason is because he once saw a friend's pet become very seriously ill because the dog food they fed him was of poor quality. In fact, it was spoiled and made with ingredients that were not ingestible by anything except a trash compactor. So Jesse vowed to never allow a similar situation happen to anyone, especially not from that same dog food company. If only he could do enough research to prove their food was and still is inferior. Once he got his practice established, he spent more and more time testing and evaluating various dog foods and cat foods. He was certain the food that made his friend's dog sick contained certain ingredients in a certain combination. Ove the many years of obtaining samples from manufacturers, and not always under the most honest pretenses, he developed a chart of the best to the worst foods available on the market to the general public. Jesse considered the many ways to get his research to the public before he decided to start a couple of blogs on his website. This way he could report daily on his research findings, in regards to dog foods and a separate blog for cat foods, and he could also promote his veterinary business. Once he got his blogs up and running and posted his research and findings, he thought he would get lots of hits, and eventually generate enough traffic that companies would want to advertise on his sites. Then he could self-fund more research. However, months passed into years and not one company wanted to advertise on his site. In fact, he was not getting very many hits on his blogs, and comments were less favorable. How might Jesse improve traffic to his blogs? A) He could write better blog posts B) He could be honest about his intentions by writing a disclaimer note on his blog sites. That way, readers are aware of the validity of his research and not fee like they being tricked. He can also list the sources of his information so readers can verify the facts C) He could pay advertisers to post his blogs so they look official D) He could have a ghost writer write his blogs

B) He could be honest about his intentions by writing a disclaimer note on his blog sites. That way, readers are aware of the validity of his research and not fee like they being tricked. He can also list the sources of his information so readers can verify the facts

Martin is taking his family on a vacation. If he wants to visit the Memorial monument and then walk to the front of the science museum, which of the following directions is correct? A) Head east on 8th street, then take a left on Main, and walk for about half a mile B) Head south on 8th street, then take a left on Main and walk for three-quarters of a mile C) Head east on 8th street, then take a right on Main and walk for about three-quarters of a mile D) Head south on 8th street., then take a right on Main and walk for about three-quarters of a mile

B) Head south on 8th street, then take a left on Main and walk for three-quarters of a mile

The main idea of this passage is, "Leaning to play the piano is very much like learning to play the guitar." What evidence is provided to support this claim? Learning to play the piano is very much like learning to play the guitar. At first glance, the piano looks like a piece of equipment made of wood with black and white pieces that produce a sound when pressed down upon. If you press more than one white or black piece in a variety of combinations, a sound is created. these sounds assembled in particular orders create another sound that is a melody to piece of music. However, it is the strings inside the piano that are the foundation to the sounds being made which is the same as on a guitar. The names of the strings on a guitar follow the same pattern individually or in conjunction with other strings to form chords, just as with a piano. It is deceiving because you don't actually see the strings of the piano being played as you do on a guitar. Personally, I think playing the piano is much easier. The main idea of this passage is, "Leaning to play the piano is very much like learning to play the guitar." What evidence is provided to support this claim? A) At first glance, the piano looks like a piece of equipment made of wood with black and white pieces that produce a sound when pressed down upon. B) However, it is the strings inside the piano that are the foundation to the sounds being made which is the same as on a guitar. C) If you press more than one white or black piece in a variety of combinations, a sound is created. D) Personally, I think playing the piano is much easier.

B) However, it is the strings inside the piano that are the foundation to the sounds being made which is the same as on a guitar.

Which of the following describes the book reviewer's primary point of view of the book Smart Girls Play Bass? Smart Girls Play Bass is the memoir of bassist Jackie Helios of the band Dashboard, which rose to fame during the Riot Grrrl Craze of the 1990s. Because Helios is known for being reclusive and not very outspoken, readers will be dying to find out what is really behind the woman behind the bass. Unfortunately, the answer is not much. Helios spends a lot of time describing how the band formed and what it was like being in an all-girl band at that time. However, she reveals very little about her own feelings during what many would argue was a tumultuous period. The early section of the book, about her childhood, is somewhat fascinating, but very short. In fact, most of the book focuses on less personal details. We find out how the three women met and now they started coming up with songs together. The book even points out how, unlike most drummers, Randi Scheller brought a lot of cleverness to their early songs. So, if you are looking for a book that gets inside Jackie Helios's head, you will likely to be disappointed. However, if you want to know how Dashboard got off the ground, you will probably love it. Which of the following describes the book reviewer's primary point of view of the book Smart Girls Play Bass? A) She is reclusive and not very outspoken B) In her opinion, the memoir is disappointing in some respects C) She stereotypes the author as part of the Riot Grrrl craze D) She provides an objective account of the memoir's content

B) In her opinion, the memoir is disappointing in some respects

Which of the following is the topic sentence? Many years ago, while my friend and I were on holiday in London, we were waiting at the train station when I happened to strike up a conversation with a woman standing next to us. It turned out our conversation evolved into something that had lasting effects on both our professional lives. We quickly found that we were both teachers, and so we immediately got caught up in familiar territory, comparing notes about similarities and differences between our teaching cultures. Her family was heading north to her home in Scotland, and we were heading back to Wales, but we exchanged contact information with the hopes of communicating again. Over time, our students developed wonderful friendships from emailing each other, which is how we ultimately began the Exchange Project. Which of the following is the topic sentence? A)A few years ago, while on vacation in London, I waiting with my family at the train station, when I happened to strike up a conversation with a woman standing next to us. B) It turned out that our conversation evolved into something that had lasting effects on both our professional lives C) Her family was heading north to her home in Scotland, and we were heading back to Wales, but we exchanged contact information with the hopes of communicating again D) Over time, our students developed wonderful friendships from emailing each other, which is how we ultimately began the Exchange Project.

B) It turned out that our conversation evolved into something that had lasting effects on both our professional lives

Which Darwin points out that the lake-inhabitants of Switzerland carried on commerce with other nations, which of the following is this? A) Controlling idea B) Key point C) Another author's paraphrasing D) Statistical evidence

B) Key point

Simone is a cardiologist. She has a client, Adam, who she is monitoring for high blood pressure. She wants to share with Adam his ups and downs of his blood pressure readings. She wants to make a graphic representation to show Adam, hoping that will help him understand how his blood pressure fluctuates during certain times of the year. What kind of graphic representation should Simone use? A) Illustrations B) Line graph C) Pie chart D) Flow chart

B) Line graph

Why isn't Moira's phone ringing off the hook? Moira recently learned she must eat only gluten-free products. At first she was really unhappy about this new fact of life for her because she was having trouble finding gluten-free baked goods- and she loves a good chocolate chip cookie, cupcake, or croissant what was she going to do? Then she decided to learn how to bake gluten-free items at home. She made a few items and taste-tested them with her friends. They all raved about them and encouraged her to sell them to the public from her home. So she made an advertisement for the local health food magazine. Moira's Baked Goods Yummy delicious treats from my home to yours. Call me to place your order. I love to bake! 555-MBG-BAKE. Moira waited by the phone but it never rang. Maybe she should never bake again. Why isn't Moira's phone ringing off the hook? A) Maybe she has the ringtone turned down too low B) Moira's advertisement is missing pertinent information like the fact that her baked goods are gluten-free, which is a big selling point. She also doesn't mention what kinds of baked goods she sells. C) She forgot to mention that she is gluten-free. Maybe people would feel sorry for her if they knew this about her and then they would buy her cookies D) Moira forgot give an email address

B) Moira's advertisement is missing pertinent information like the fact that her baked goods are gluten-free, which is a big selling point. She also doesn't mention what kinds of baked goods she sells.

The instructor assigns two essays. The first is a memory or story from your past. The second is to develop a thesis statement, support an argument with research, and persuade the reader. Which one of the following best describes the two essays? A) Persuasive and narrative B) Narrative and persuasive C) Expository and narrative D) Narrative and expository

B) Narrative and persuasive

Which of the following would be a primary source for a paper about a famous biologist? A) An online encyclopedia entry about the biologist B) Notes the biologist wrote about an experiment she worked on C) A peer-reviewed journal article about the biologist's work D) A magazine article describing an important experiment in the biologist's career

B) Notes the biologist wrote about an experiment she worked on

You are reading a complex text and you come a section that is extremely difficult. Which of the following should you do? A) Skip down to where you do understand B) Reread the section and continue on in the passage C) Skim the rest of the reading D) Read the first and last sentences of the passages.

B) Reread the section and continue on in the passage

Why is the television show not the best place to shop for a realtor to hire? Choose the best answer. Richard would like to purchase a new home. So he gathered brochures from various agents he saw advertise on television during the Real Realtors Variety Show sponsored by Three Lanes Realtor. Richard hired Larry Lenkos of Three Lanes Realtors because his brochure stated, "I have sold more homes in this region than anywhere else I have worked." Well, Larry did a less than stellar job at marketing and ultimately, he did not sell Richard's house. Turns out Larry was a new real estate agent and Richard was his second customer. Why is the television show not the best place to shop for a realtor to hire? Choose the best answer. A) Richard probably had to watch a lot of commercials B) The show was sponsored by the same company that employs Larry C) This show was for entertainment value, not for serious home buyers D) Richard should meet Larry in person first

B) The show was sponsored by the same company that employs Larry

Which of the following can the reader infer from this description of Emma Woodhouse? The following passage is from Emma by Jane Austen. Emma Woodhouse, handsome, clever, and rich, with a comfortable home and happy disposition, seemed to unite some of the best blessings of existence; and had lively nearly twenty-one years in the world with every little distress or vex her. Which of the following can the reader infer from this description of Emma Woodhouse? A) She is a very sympathetic character B) She has never experiences hardship in her life. C) She is an unlikeable person D) She is extremely mature for her age

B) She has never experiences hardship in her life.

Which of the following can the reader conclude about Lady Bertram? The following passage is from Mansfield Park by Jane Austen. To the education of her daughters Lady Bertram paid not the smallest attention. She had not time for such cares. She was a woman who spent her days in sitting, nicely dressed, on a sofa, doing some long piece of needlework, of little use and no beauty, thinking more of her pug than her children, but very indulgent to the latter when it did not put herself to inconvenience, guided in everything important by Sir Thomas, and in smaller concerns by her sister. Had she possessed greater leisure for the service of her girls, she would probably have supposed it unnecessary, for they were under the care of a governess, with proper masters, and could want nothing more. Which of the following can the reader conclude about Lady Bertram? A) She was unintelligent B) She was extremely self-absorbed C) She did not love her daughters D) She was quite unattractive in appearance

B) She was extremely self-absorbed

Which of the following describes the tone of this passage? Use this passage from The Origin of Species by Charles Darwin to answer the question. It has been disputed at what period of time the causes of variability, whatever they may be, generally act; whether during the early or late period of development of the embryo, or at the instant of conception. Geoffroy St Hilaire's experiments show that unnatural treatment of the embryo causes monstrosities; and monstrosities cannot be separated at any clear line of distinction from mere variations. But I am strongly inclined to suspect that the most frequent cause of variability may be attributed to the male and female reproductive elements having been affected prior to the act of conception. Several reasons make me believe in this; but the chief one is the remarkable effect which confinement or cultivation has on the functions of the reproductive system; this system appearing to be far more susceptible than any other of the organization, to the action of any change in the conditions of life. Nothing is more easy than to tame an animal, and few things more difficult than to get it to breed freely under confinement, even in the many cases when the male and female unite. How many animals there are which will not breed, though living long under not very close confinement in their native country! This is generally attributed to vitiated instincts; but how many cultivated plants display the utmost vigour, and yet rarely or never seed! In some few such cases it has been found out that very trifling changes, such as a little more or less water at some particular period of growth, will determine whether or not the plants sets a seed. I cannot here enter on the copious details which I have collected on this curious subject; but to show how singular the laws are which determine the reproduction of animals under confinement, I may just mention that carnivorous animals, even from the tropics, breed in this country pretty freely under confinement, with the exception of the plantigrades or bear family; whereas, carnivorous birds, with the rarest exceptions, hardly ever lay fertile eggs. Many exotic plants have pollen utterly worthless, in the same exact condition as the most sterile hybrids. When, on the one hand, we see domesticated animals and plants, though often weak and sickly, yet breeding quite freely under confinement; and when, on the other hand, we see individuals, though taken young from a state of nature, perfectly tamed, long-lived, and healthy (of which I could give numerous instances), yet having their reproductive system so seriously affected by unperceived causes as to fail in acting, we need not to be surprised at this system, when it does act under confinement, acting not quite regularly, and producing offspring not perfectly like their parents or variable. Which of the following describes the tone of this passage? A) Warm and humorous B) Straightforward and objective C) Commanding D) Fatalistic

B) Straightforward and objective

Samuel saw this sign posted over the bathroom sink at school. What does this graphic tell Samuel to do? A) Give me five! B) That looks like a bar of soap in the right hand and water dripping from above them. The printed message says to "count to 20." Putting it all together, it is a public announcement to explaining how to wash your hands. C) He should count to 20 when it rains D) He needs to count to 20 before he goes swimming

B) That looks like a bar of soap in the right hand and water dripping from above them. The printed message says to "count to 20." Putting it all together, it is a public announcement to explaining how to wash your hands.

Which of the following did Sue have available to her? Choose all that apply. Sue's mother told her she can select some flowers for their garden. She could choose any kind she wanted and in any combination with two conditions: one, she needed 100 flowers total; and two, there could be no more than 40 pink flowers total. When they got to the nursery, Sue found the flowers, she wanted. She had a few prepackaged groups to choose from. Sue had to make some choices so as not to go over the total number of flowers or the total number of pink flowers she was allowed to have. Young Gardner: 20 yellow dandelions, 50 red gerbera daises, 30 pink gladiolas Bunny Rabbit Suprise: 10 yellow dandelions, 40 red tulips, 15 pink gladiolas, 25 red gerbera daises, and 10 pink roses Hummingbird House warmer: 40 yellow dandelions, 40 red tulips and 20 pink roses Spring selection: 10 yellow dandelions, 10 red tulips, 45 pink gladiolas, 25 red gerbera daises, and 10 pink roses Which of the following did Sue have available to her? Choose all that apply. A) The Young Gardner only B) The Young Gardner, the Bunny Rabbit Surprise, or the Hummingbird House Warmer C) Hummingbird Package and the Spring selection D) Bunny Rabbit Surprise only

B) The Young Gardner, the Bunny Rabbit Surprise, or the Hummingbird House Warmer

Suppose you were gathering information about a new weight loss drug. You already researched how the new drug is supposed to work and found information about a drug trial that was conducted. What would be the most useful data you would want to look for in the drug trial results? A) The name of the participants B) The amount of weight lost by the participants C) The number of times the participants tried the weight loss drug D) The length of time the trial lasted

B) The amount of weight lost by the participants

What does it mean when the author says "though the clouds are threatening"? Read this passage from The Million the Floss by George Eliot to answer the following questions. And this is Dorlcote Mil. I must stand a minute or two here on the bridge and at it, though the clouds are threatening, and it is far on in the afternoon. Even in this leafless time of departing February it is pleasant to look at perhaps the chill, damp sea, on adds a charm to the trimly kept, comfortable, dwelling-house, as old as the elms and the chestnuts that shelter it from the northern blast. The stream is brimful now, and lies high in this little withy plantation, and half drowns the grassy fringe of the croft in front of the house. As I look at the full stream, the vivid grass, the delicate bright-green powder softening the outline of the great trunks and branches that gleam from under the bare purple boughs. I am in love with moistness, and envy the white ducks that are dipping their heads far into among the withes, unmindful of the awkward appearance they make in the drier world above. What does it mean when the author says "though the clouds are threatening"? A) The clouds intend to take some kind of hostile action against the narrator B) The clouds are dark and it could mean a storm is coming C) The narrator is angry at the clouds for being so dark D) Clouds in February are always stormy

B) The clouds are dark and it could mean a storm is coming

Suppose you were gathering information about an exercise program for elderly patients. You begin to research various exercise programs for elderly patients that have been tried before with various results. What would be the most useful information you would want to look for in your research? A) The number of participants in the exercise program B) The long-term success of the exercise program C) The year in which the exercise program started D) The type of equipment used in the exercise program

B) The long-term success of the exercise program

Which of the following is true about rephrasing a complete text? A) The reader should skim the text to rephrase the gist of it B) The reader should simplify the idea using his or her own words C) The reader should capture all the repetition from the text in the rephrasing D) The reader should use the same level of vocabulary as used in the text

B) The reader should simplify the idea using his or her own words

You have been asked to read an essay for your class. It contains a thesis statement and many supporting details. The thesis is arguable, and you are not completely convinced by the end of the essay. Most likely, the essay is which of the following? A) Narrative B) Expository C) Persuasive D) Descriptive

C) Persuasive

Your class is divided into two groups to give arguments on opposite sides on the pros and cons of the death penalty. This in class debate can most be compared to which of the following types of essay? A) Narrative B) Expository C) Persuasive D) Descriptive

C) Persuasive

The bolded blue is used to indicate which of the following? Use the selection from a website to answer the following questions. Search for a case Find my Court Date Use this search to locate the date you need to appear in district or municipal court. The search tool returns a case summary and, where municipal court. The search tool returns a case summary and, where applicable, calendar, information and a lot of case activities (docket). Case Search Options Use this search if you already know information about a case. Case Number Find a case in a court for provided case number. Person Name Find cases in a court for a provided person name. Business Name Find cases in a court for a provided business name. Attorney's Search If you are an attorney, use this search to find district and municipal court proceedings associated with your Bar Number. You can also get you daily district/municipal court calendar e-mailed to you every morning. The bolded blue is used to indicate which of the following? A) Hyperlinks to definitions B) The three type of searches that can be used C) The order in which the searches should be used D) The importance of each category of information

B) The three type of searches that can be used

Which of the following is true about themes? A) They can be understood across all cultures B) They can reveal information about a specific culture C) They are usually the first thing you notice about a work of art D) They are more likely to be found in print media

B) They can reveal information about a specific culture

This is a page what is believed to be the oldest cookbook in the Western world, written in Rome in the third century A.D. It is a recipe for a vegetable dinner, and the translation is below. All green vegetables are suited for this purpose. Very young beets and well matured leeks are parboiled; arrange them in a baking dish, grind pepper and cumin, add broth and condensed must, or anything else to sweeten them a little, heat and finish them on a slow fire, and serve. What information does this primary source tell us about ancient Romans? A) They ate only green vegetables B) They used cumin certain dishes C) They did not eat meat D) They cooked their meals in a hearth

B) They used cumin certain dishes

Which of the following is the most likely reason the author chose to use sequential ordering when referring to the planning of the barbeque party? Portions of the text are in sequential order and parts are in chronological order: Which of the following is correct? Read the following passage to answer the next four questions. Justin and Lisa love to entertain. Every summer they always host a neighborhood barbeque that last all day. It is quite the talk of the neighborhood. Planning for all the party each year takes them a good 3 months to get everything in order. First there is the date to select for the event to take place. That happens just before the end of the years before the party. After they have a date confirmed, then they can start to plan everything else. First they decide on a theme for the party because every party needs a theme. Second they make the list of attendees. Last year there were old neighbors who moved away and new ones who moved in. Once they know how many people they plan to invite and always everyone attends, then they will plan the menu. Justin likes to cook variety of foods on the grill. Lisa always needs to remind him to not put every item on the grill at the same time. Every year she tells him to put the steaks on first because they take the longest to cook just right. Then, put on the chicken because that takes the next longest. Finally, put on the salmon because they takes the least amount of time. Two years ago Justin threw everything on the grill at once and the steaks were too rare for even the most ravenous carnivores to enjoy. Once the salmon is on, then he should put on cobs of corn. Lastly, he needs to put the fresh baguettes on the grill. But first, he needs to remember to slice the baguettes lengthwise and put them face down onto the grill so the insides grill and not the outer crust. Which of the following is the most likely reason the author chose to use sequential ordering when referring to the planning of the barbeque party? A) She wanted her information to be in a fixed order B) They wanted their party to be organized ad be certain they didn't forget something important C) They wanted their party to be flashy and sparkly D) They wanted to tell their guests when the party would take place

B) They wanted their party to be organized ad be certain they didn't forget something important

In which sentence does the author try to persuade as well as entertain? Use this passage from In the Year 2889 by Jules Verne to answer the question. Little though they seem to think of it, the people of this twenty-ninth century live continually in fairyland. Surfeited as they were with marvels, they are indifferent in presence of each new marvel. To them all seems natural. Could they but duly appreciate the refinements of civilization in our day; could they but compare the present with the past, and so better comprehend the advance we have made! How much fairer they would find our modern towns, with populations amounting sometimes to 10,000,000 souls; the streets 300 feet wide, their houses 1000 feet in height; with temperature the same in all seasons; with their lines of aerial locomotion crossing the sky in every direction! If they would but picture to themselves the state of things that once existed, when through muddy streets rumbling boxes on wheels, drawn by horses--yes, by horses!--were the only means of conveyance. Think of the railroads of the olden time, and you will be able to appreciate the pneumatic tubes through which to-day travels at the rate of 1000 miles an hour. Would not our contemporaries prize the telephone and the telephone more highly if they had not forgotten the telegraph? In which sentence does the author try to persuade as well as entertain? A) To them all seems natural B) Think of the railroads of the olden time, and you will be able to appreciate the pneumatic tubes through which to-day one travels at the rate of 1000 miles an hour C) Surfeited as they were with marvels, they are indifferent in presence of each new marvel. D) Little though they seem to think of it, the people of this twenty-ninth century live continually in fairyland.

B) Think of the railroads of the olden time, and you will be able to appreciate the pneumatic tubes through which to-day one travels at the rate of 1000 miles an hour

What are the limitations a shopper should be aware of? Nordickstraus One Day Spring Sale is Here! Out with the Old, In with the New Hurry! This event only happens once a year. All women's clothing 20-70% off. Everything from hats, tops, blouses, skirts, pants, and shoes. Sale begins Saturday, May 8, at 7:00 a.m. Doors close at midnight that same day. All stores will have the same hours. Some restrictions apply. Ask your sales associate for details. Take this coupon to gift wrap to receive your special gift. First 100 shoppers only! What are the limitations a shopper should be aware of? A) The store closes at midnight and opens the next day at 7:00 a.m. B) This sale is only for 1 day. I should arrive early if I want to get my special gift C) There are a few exclamatory statements in this advertisement D) This sale happens for men only

B) This sale is only for 1 day. I should arrive early if I want to get my special gift

Why is / sar'kastik/ provided? Use the following passage to answer the following questions. sarcastic Pronunciation:/ sar'kastik/ adjective Marked by or given to using sharp irony in order to cut or give pain: making sarcastic comments; That comedian is known for his sarcastic wit. Synonyms: sardonic, ironic, ironical, satirical; derisive, scornful, contemptuous, mocking, ridiculing, sneering, jeering, scoffing, taunting, snide; caustic,. scathing, trenchant, mordant, cutting, sharp, stinging, acerbic, tart, acid More examples sentences: He was sure his mother was being sarcastic, and did not know how to respond. Her tone was sarcastic as she glanced up from her phone. I try not to be offended whenever Mike makes sarcastic comments about everyone in my family Origin Late 17th century: from French sarcastique, from sarcasme (see sarcasm), on the pattern of pairs such as enthousiasme, enthousiastique Why is / sar'kastik/ provided? A) This tells the reader another way to spell the word B) This tells the reader how to pronounce the word C) This tells the reader how to spell the word in another language D) This tells the reader how the French would pronounce the word

B) This tells the reader how to pronounce the word

Which of the following is the likely reason the author chose to use two different colors for text? Use the selection from a website to answer the following questions. Search for a case Find my Court Date Use this search to locate the date you need to appear in district or municipal court. The search tool returns a case summary and, where municipal court. The search tool returns a case summary and, where applicable, calendar, information and a lot of case activities (docket). Case Search Options Use this search if you already know information about a case. Case Number Find a case in a court for provided case number. Person Name Find cases in a court for a provided person name. Business Name Find cases in a court for a provided business name. Attorney's Search If you are an attorney, use this search to find district and municipal court proceedings associated with your Bar Number. You can also get you daily district/municipal court calendar e-mailed to you every morning. Which of the following is the likely reason the author chose to use two different colors for text? A) For strictly aesthetic purposes B) To provide an additional organizational cue C) For distinguishing between essential and nonessential information D) To appeal to specific demographics of readers

B) To provide an additional organizational cue

What type of printed communication is best for Markus to use? Markus is the new president of the homeowner's association. He is also new to the neighborhood. He would like to host a get-together so that he can meet his neighbors in a casual environment and also so the neighbors can get to know each other better. Markus wants to make a good impression, but he also has only two weeks before the get-together due to the availability of the space he wants to use. What type of printed communication is best for Markus to use? A) Formal handwritten letter B) Blog C) Public announcement in the form of a sandwich board D) Classified ad to ask for people to attend the meeting

C) Public announcement in the form of a sandwich board

What is the meaning of the word premeditated? Read the following passage to answer the following questions. The prosecuting attorney was inconsistent on charging the defendant with premeditated murder-a crime so unforgiveable there is no way he could have done something so heinous. He felt all the facts led him to believe that the defendant has though out his crime in such a methodical manner so as to leave nothing left to chance. Fortunately for the defendant, he was given a public defendant to handle his case. Due to his circumstances, he could not afford an attorney of his own. The public defender described his client as someone who is of little means, lives in a house that looks more like a lean-to than a house, drives an older car, or as he tells his friends, "a real jalopy" of an excuse for transportation. What is the meaning of the word premeditated? A) To do yoga prior to meditation B) To think of beforehand C) To think of after something has happened D) To think about something all the time

B) To think of beforehand

Melina is a court clerk for a judge. Melina loves to write the opinions for cases because she likes to have fun with her word choices. However, the judge she works for thinks she should use less connotative words in her writing. For example, Melina used the words "outrageous," "pushy," and "fibber". Which of the following sets of denotative words could Melina have used instead? A) Far, relaxed, insincere B) Unbelievable, assertive, untruthful C) Angry, strong, liar D) Inside, funny, gadget

B) Unbelievable, assertive, untruthful

Where might you find information about Jesse and the quality of his research? Read the following passages to answer the following questions. Jesse just graduated with his veterinary license. One of the reasons he chose to be a veterinarian as his lifelong career was because hw has a very intense, very deep passion for all animals-in particular dogs. Another reason is because he once saw a friend's pet become very seriously ill because the dog food they fed him was of poor quality. In fact, it was spoiled and made with ingredients that were not ingestible by anything except a trash compactor. So Jesse vowed to never allow a similar situation happen to anyone, especially not from that same dog food company. If only he could do enough research to prove their food was and still is inferior. Once he got his practice established, he spent more and more time testing and evaluating various dog foods and cat foods. He was certain the food that made his friend's dog sick contained certain ingredients in a certain combination. Ove the many years of obtaining samples from manufacturers, and not always under the most honest pretenses, he developed a chart of the best to the worst foods available on the market to the general public. Jesse considered the many ways to get his research to the public before he decided to start a couple of blogs on his website. This way he could report daily on his research findings, in regards to dog foods and a separate blog for cat foods, and he could also promote his veterinary business. Once he got his blogs up and running and posted his research and findings, he thought he would get lots of hits, and eventually generate enough traffic that companies would want to advertise on his sites. Then he could self-fund more research. However, months passed into years and not one company wanted to advertise on his site. In fact, he was not getting very many hits on his blogs, and comments were less favorable. Where might you find information about Jesse and the quality of his research? A) From the comments section on his blog B) Under a tab or section on his website that lists his sources and the years in which he gathered the information from those sources C) Under the tab for Jesse's bio D) By reading the statistics about the dog and cat foods he did not give high ratings to

B) Under a tab or section on his website that lists his sources and the years in which he gathered the information from those sources

Which of the following is a good argument statement? A) The best video game I ever played is, unfortunately, no longer available B) Video games, no matter how intriguing or complex, cannot be considered works of art C) Video games are here to stay, no matter how much parents dislike them D) Video games did not reach mainstream popularity until the 1970s and 1980s

B) Video games, no matter how intriguing or complex, cannot be considered works of art

If you are reading a complex text and you come to a word you do not know, which of the following should you do? A) Guess at the meaning based on the context B) Write it down and look up the meaning after finishing reader C) Skip the word so you can continue reading D) Write it down, but forget about the word after reading

B) Write it down and look up the meaning after finishing reader

Researchers need to examine the facts____ they need to develop a hypothesis. In the sentence above, which of the following transitional expressions best fits in the blank? A) by comparison B) and C) however D) for example

B) and

Which of the following transitional expressions would work best to indicate a cause and effect? A) also B) as a result C) on the other hand D) later

B) as a result

Marvin is writing a guide to national parks in his city. He wants to include as much info as possible on two pages, front and back. Which of the following are text features he might consider using in order to inform but not overwhelm his readers? A. He can divide his text into four columns, one for each direction: Parks in the north, south, east, and west B. He can us headings and subheadings to organize his info as well as map a legend of the parks and their features C. He could use footnotes to give greater detail about the maps. D. He could use columns on one side with all text, and a map on the second side.

B. He can us headings and subheadings to organize his info as well as map a legend of the parks and their features

Which of the following would be considered a universal theme? A) The triumph of capitalism B) The loneliness of aging C) The will to survive D) The hypocrisy of religion

C) The will to survive

Which of the following is a primary source document? A) A magazine article describing the life of a doctor in civil war B) A textbook containing photographs from the war front of the civil war C) A journal of a civil war doctor D) Journal entries of a civil war doctor excerpted in an online news article

C) A journal of a civil war doctor

What is jalopy? The prosecuting attorney was inconsistent on charging the defendant with premeditated murder-a crime so unforgiveable there is no way he could have done something so heinous. He felt all the facts led him to believe that the defendant has though out his crime in such a methodical manner so as to leave nothing left to chance. Fortunately for the defendant, he was given a public defendant to handle his case. Due to his circumstances, he could not afford an attorney of his own. The public defender described his client as someone who is of little means, lives in a house that looks more like a lean-to than a house, drives an older car, or as he tells his friends, "a real jalopy" of an excuse for transportation. What is jalopy? A) A horse that gallops B) A very hot food that is green C) A old, barely operating vehicle D) A leaning house

C) A old, barely operating vehicle

Jenny wants to express her true devotion to her boyfriend. Which of the following is the best form of text for her to use? A) A persuasive letter B) An advertisement stating her desire to spend the rest of her life with him C) A poem that she has written herself D) A short story about a couple who meets and lives happily ever after

C) A poem that she has written herself

Which of the following is the form of speech for the word sarcastic? Use the following passage to answer the following questions. sarcastic Pronunciation:/ sar'kastik/ adjective Marked by or given to using sharp irony in order to cut or give pain: making sarcastic comments; That comedian is known for his sarcastic wit. Synonyms: sardonic, ironic, ironical, satirical; derisive, scornful, contemptuous, mocking, ridiculing, sneering, jeering, scoffing, taunting, snide; caustic,. scathing, trenchant, mordant, cutting, sharp, stinging, acerbic, tart, acid More examples sentences: He was sure his mother was being sarcastic, and did not know how to respond. Her tone was sarcastic as she glanced up from her phone. I try not to be offended whenever Mike makes sarcastic comments about everyone in my family Origin Late 17th century: from French sarcastique, from sarcasme (see sarcasm), on the pattern of pairs such as enthousiasme, enthousiastique Which of the following is the form of speech for the word sarcastic? A) Noun B) Sardonic C) Adjective D) Witty

C) Adjective

Why might a contemporary writer from Afghanistan and a writer from Japan express the theme of war differently in their novels? A) War is not a universal theme and is therefore not easily understood by all audiences B) War is too serious a topic to be covered in the same way C) The writers would be affected differently by their cultural beliefs of war D) If you have not experienced war firsthand, there no way to truly express it in a book

C) The writers would be affected differently by their cultural beliefs of war

Which is a selection of words to depict the author's tone? I waited in the doctor's office for over an hour past my scheduled appointment time. On some days, this would not have been an issue. In fact, it might even be a welcome, occurrence in a less busy and stressful day. It is rather ironic how a medical provider will schedule an appointment for a patient at a particular time and be late themselves. Then, they ask that you arrive 15 minutes prior to your scheduled appointment, so as not to be late for said scheduled appointment. So, being the responsible patient that I am, I arrive 20 minutes before my scheduled appointment. I wanted to be certain I would not be late. I've seen what happens to patients who are late due to no fault of their own. It is not pretty. The admonishing comments by the staff behind the glass window are humiliating at the least. They have no consideration that the patient is at the doctor's office not because they have nothing better to do but rather more often than not, they have a physical ailment that needs attention. The last thing a patient in that situation wants is more reasons to not feel well. So on the day I arrived 20 minutes before my scheduled appointment, the nurse took me into the exam room. That's when I started to lose my patience. I sat in the cold, sterile room for an entire hour! I would have rather waited in the waiting room. At least there the chairs were cushioned. Periodically, I would peek out the door of my exam room and flag down a nurse to ask how much longer. "Oh just another 10 minutes. Doctor is just finishing up with a patient. You are next." Well I must have been "next" at least five times. By the time the doctor did see me, I was beyond not feeling well I nearly forgot why I was there in the first place. I do find it inconsiderate to say the least, that when a doctor is late for the appointment his staff scheduled, he does not reimburse the patient for a late fee. But then, bottom line is that health care is a bussiness to make money. The patient is at the mercy of the system. Which is a selection of words to depict the author's tone? A) In fact, it might even be a welcome occurrence in a less busy and stressful day B) I've seen what happens to the patients who are late due to no fault of their own C) Admonishing, humiliating, inconsiderate D) I sat in the cold, sterile room for an entire hour!

C) Admonishing, humiliating, inconsiderate

Which of the following thesis statements best fits a persuasive essay? A) It is difficult but not impossible, to learn all the steps of ballet B) I remember walking down the path with my friends and thoroughly enjoying being in the heavenly embrace of nature and acceptance before I left for college and great unknown C) America should consider public shaming as a possible alternative to imprisonment for nonviolent crimes, as it would save the public a great deal of money D) It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune, must be in want of a wife

C) America should consider public shaming as a possible alternative to imprisonment for nonviolent crimes, as it would save the public a great deal of money

What is the definition of a public defender? Read the following passage to answer the following questions. The prosecuting attorney was inconsistent on charging the defendant with premeditated murder-a crime so unforgiveable there is no way he could have done something so heinous. He felt all the facts led him to believe that the defendant has though out his crime in such a methodical manner so as to leave nothing left to chance. Fortunately for the defendant, he was given a public defendant to handle his case. Due to his circumstances, he could not afford an attorney of his own. The public defender described his client as someone who is of little means, lives in a house that looks more like a lean-to than a house, drives an older car, or as he tells his friends, "a real jalopy" of an excuse for transportation. What is the definition of a public defender? A) Someone who defends people in public defender B) Someone who like to go to pubs and does not apologize for that behavior C) An attorney for a defendant in a lawsuit who cannot afford his or her own attorney D) Someone who goes to court for the public

C) An attorney for a defendant in a lawsuit who cannot afford his or her own attorney

Which of the following is an example of search term that would work for an attorney search? Use the selection from a website to answer the following questions. Search for a case Find my Court Date Use this search to locate the date you need to appear in district or municipal court. The search tool returns a case summary and, where municipal court. The search tool returns a case summary and, where applicable, calendar, information and a lot of case activities (docket). Case Search Options Use this search if you already know information about a case. Case Number Find a case in a court for provided case number. Person Name Find cases in a court for a provided person name. Business Name Find cases in a court for a provided business name. Attorney's Search If you are an attorney, use this search to find district and municipal court proceedings associated with your Bar Number. You can also get you daily district/municipal court calendar e-mailed to you every morning. Which of the following is an example of search term that would work for an attorney search? A) Date= 07/13/2016 B) Defendant name= Glendening Weston C) Bar number=000124377 D) Business name=Prater & Sons Contracting LLC

C) Bar number=000124377

Which of the following could the author have done to make the text more user-friendly? Use this passage from The Origin of Species by Charles Darwin to answer the question. It has been disputed at what period of time the causes of variability, whatever they may be, generally act; whether during the early or late period of development of the embryo, or at the instant of conception. Geoffroy St Hilaire's experiments show that unnatural treatment of the embryo causes monstrosities; and monstrosities cannot be separated at any clear line of distinction from mere variations. But I am strongly inclined to suspect that the most frequent cause of variability may be attributed to the male and female reproductive elements having been affected prior to the act of conception. Several reasons make me believe in this; but the chief one is the remarkable effect which confinement or cultivation has on the functions of the reproductive system; this system appearing to be far more susceptible than any other of the organization, to the action of any change in the conditions of life. Nothing is more easy than to tame an animal, and few things more difficult than to get it to breed freely under confinement, even in the many cases when the male and female unite. How many animals there are which will not breed, though living long under not very close confinement in their native country! This is generally attributed to vitiated instincts; but how many cultivated plants display the utmost vigour, and yet rarely or never seed! In some few such cases it has been found out that very trifling changes, such as a little more or less water at some particular period of growth, will determine whether or not the plants sets a seed. I cannot here enter on the copious details which I have collected on this curious subject; but to show how singular the laws are which determine the reproduction of animals under confinement, I may just mention that carnivorous animals, even from the tropics, breed in this country pretty freely under confinement, with the exception of the plantigrades or bear family; whereas, carnivorous birds, with the rarest exceptions, hardly ever lay fertile eggs. Many exotic plants have pollen utterly worthless, in the same exact condition as the most sterile hybrids. When, on the one hand, we see domesticated animals and plants, though often weak and sickly, yet breeding quite freely under confinement; and when, on the other hand, we see individuals, though taken young from a state of nature, perfectly tamed, long-lived, and healthy (of which I could give numerous instances), yet having their reproductive system so seriously affected by unperceived causes as to fail in acting, we need not to be surprised at this system, when it does act under confinement, acting not quite regularly, and producing offspring not perfectly like their parents or variable. Which of the following could the author have done to make the text more user-friendly? A) Used shorter words B) Given the information in story format C) Broken the passage into sections with headings in bold and new words in italics D) Used fluffier words

C) Broken the passage into sections with headings in bold and new words in italics

Which of the following would be considered a universal theme? A) The strength of isolation B) Not trusting strangers C) Coming of Age D) Rebelling against society

C) Coming of Age

Which of the following statements best fits an expository essay? A) Because of the way the world works today, we must all be prepared to torture out enemies in order to accomplish what we need B) In order to retain American values and freedoms, we must fight the impulse that persuades some of us to desire that need to torture our enemies to accomplish certain goals C) Cradling a ball with a lacrosse stick is a seemingly simple task, yet so filled with obstacles that need to be mastered D) My encounter with the gunman was years ago

C) Cradling a ball with a lacrosse stick is a seemingly simple task, yet so filled with obstacles that need to be mastered

It has often been assumed that man has chosen for domestication animals and plants having an extraordinary inherent tendency to vary, and likewise to withstand diverse climates. Which of the following is the meaning of the word diverse in the sentence above? A) Simple B) Turbulent C) Different D) Dry

C) Different

Which of the following words are signal words for sequential ordering? Portions of the text are in sequential order and parts are in chronological order: Which of the following is correct? Read the following passage to answer the next four questions. Justin and Lisa love to entertain. Every summer they always host a neighborhood barbeque that last all day. It is quite the talk of the neighborhood. Planning for all the party each year takes them a good 3 months to get everything in order. First there is the date to select for the event to take place. That happens just before the end of the years before the party. After they have a date confirmed, then they can start to plan everything else. First they decide on a theme for the party because every party needs a theme. Second they make the list of attendees. Last year there were old neighbors who moved away and new ones who moved in. Once they know how many people they plan to invite and always everyone attends, then they will plan the menu. Justin likes to cook variety of foods on the grill. Lisa always needs to remind him to not put every item on the grill at the same time. Every year she tells him to put the steaks on first because they take the longest to cook just right. Then, put on the chicken because that takes the next longest. Finally, put on the salmon because they takes the least amount of time. Two years ago Justin threw everything on the grill at once and the steaks were too rare for even the most ravenous carnivores to enjoy. Once the salmon is on, then he should put on cobs of corn. Lastly, he needs to put the fresh baguettes on the grill. But first, he needs to remember to slice the baguettes lengthwise and put them face down onto the grill so the insides grill and not the outer crust. Which of the following words are signal words for sequential ordering? A) Today, yesterday, later, now, last year B) Always, rarely, often, never, seldom C) First, second, next, last., then, finally D) All year, all season, all day, since one day

C) First, second, next, last., then, finally

Which of the following is the best type of print communication for the Rhodesian ridgeback club to use to meet their goals? Georgia is a new member of the Rhodesian ridgeback club. She has been assigned the task of finding a way for members to communicate with each other, to compare notes on breeding, training, and to organize meet-ups in the community. Georgia knows there many sources, but she's not sure which one to use. Which of the following is the best type of print communication for the Rhodesian ridgeback club to use to meet their goals? A) Blog B) Memos C) Forum D) Signs with pictures of dogs playing

C) Forum

Which of the following is an example of language that tells how to accomplish the steps necessary for painting a sky with clouds? Bob was excited to take his very first acrylic painting class. As a child, he watched as his grandfather painted for hours in his studio. After his grandfather passed away, Bob never painted again, until recently, when he came across his grandfather's easel while cleaning out his own garage. Bob wanted to start painting again, so he decided to take a class. His first session taught him how to paint a sky with clouds. First, he used a light blue paint mixed with white. He made wide strokes with his brush from left to right. He continued this method until he reached the bottom of the canvas. After the paint set, he could carefully and with a loose grip on his brush, make light brush strokes in a circular motion to mimic clouds. Which of the following is an example of language that tells how to accomplish the steps necessary for painting a sky with clouds? A) First, he used a light blue paint mixed with white. B) As a child, he watched as his grandfather painted for hours in his studio. C) He made wide strokes with his brush from left to right. He continued this method until he reached the bottom of the canvas. After the paint set, he could carefully and with a loose grip on his brush, make light brush strokes in a circular motion to mimic clouds. D) Bob wanted to start painting again, so he decided to take a class.

C) He made wide strokes with his brush from left to right. He continued this method until he reached the bottom of the canvas. After the paint set, he could carefully and with a loose grip on his brush, make light brush strokes in a circular motion to mimic clouds.

What can you conclude about the Squire's thoughts based on the description of the morning? Read the passage below. The Squire was contemplating the morning. It was balmy and tranquil, the vagrant breezes were laden with the odor of flowers, the murmur of bees was in the air, there was everywhere that suggestion of repose that summer woodlands bring to the sense, and the vague, pleasurable, melancholy that such a time and such surroundings inspire. What can you conclude about the Squire's thoughts based on the description of the morning? A) He felt overwhelmed and uncomfortable by being out in nature B) He found summer days somewhat oppressive and exhausting C) He wanted to spend the day outside in his surroundings D) He probably would not set out until later in the afternoon

C) He wanted to spend the day outside in his surroundings

Which of the following describes a key point? A) It rephrases the controlling idea B) It is the main idea the author is expressing about the topic C) It produces support for the controlling idea D) It provides a digression from the topic

C) It produces support for the controlling idea

Where did the word sarcastic first come from? Use the following passage to answer the following questions. sarcastic Pronunciation:/ sar'kastik/ adjective Marked by or given to using sharp irony in order to cut or give pain: making sarcastic comments; That comedian is known for his sarcastic wit. Synonyms: sardonic, ironic, ironical, satirical; derisive, scornful, contemptuous, mocking, ridiculing, sneering, jeering, scoffing, taunting, snide; caustic,. scathing, trenchant, mordant, cutting, sharp, stinging, acerbic, tart, acid More examples sentences: He was sure his mother was being sarcastic, and did not know how to respond. Her tone was sarcastic as she glanced up from her phone. I try not to be offended whenever Mike makes sarcastic comments about everyone in my family Origin Late 17th century: from French sarcastique, from sarcasme (see sarcasm), on the pattern of pairs such as enthousiasme, enthousiastique Where did the word sarcastic first come from? A) Sardinia B) Denmark C) Late 17th century French D) The entry does not give this information

C) Late 17th century French

Celine just moved to the United States from England. She is having a difficult time learning the nuances of the English language as spoken in the United States versus from her home town, a small fishing village in the South of England. One of the words that is particularly difficult is the word mark. It has so many different meanings. She is not sure which definition is the correct meaning of the word. What should she do? Use the following passage to answer the following questions. mark Pronunciation:/mark/ noun 1. A line, figure, or symbol made as indication or record of something. If you put a check mark here, it will indicate that you have the agreement. Synonyms: symbol, sign, character; diacritic logo, seal, stamp, imprint, symbol, emblem, device, insignia, badge, brand., trademark, monogram, hallmark, logotype, watermark 2. A small area on a surface having a different color from its surroundings, typically one caused by accident or damage: Because she bumped into the table, she ended up with a mark on her leg. More examples sentences: After she finally took off her bracelet., there was a red mark all around her wrist. Don't put anything on this wet paint or it will leave a mark. Synonyms: blemish, streak, spot, fleck, dot, stain, smear, speckle, blotch, smudge, smut, fingermark, fingerprint; bruise, discoloration; birthmark 3. A written symbol made on a document in place of a significant by someone who cannot write. Celine just moved to the United States from England. She is having a difficult time learning the nuances of the English language as spoken in the United States versus from her home town, a small fishing village in the South of England. One of the words that is particularly difficult is the word mark. It has so many different meanings. She is not sure which definition is the correct meaning of the word. What should she do? A) Go with her gut instinct to choose the best answer B) Ask her best friend from England what she should do C) Learn that the first definition provided is going to be the correct definition of the word D) At the bottom of the definition are sometimes synonyms for the word. She should choose one of those words to use instead

C) Learn that the first definition provided is going to be the correct definition of the word

What can you predict this article will be about based on the title "In Towering Redwood Trees, and Abundance of Tiny, Unseen Life"? A) Microscopic life is slowly leading to the destruction of giant redwood trees B) We can never truly know what grows on giant redwood trees C) Many different microscopic plants and/or animals grow on giant redwood trees D) There is proof that giant redwood trees are the largest trees on earth

C) Many different microscopic plants and/or animals grow on giant redwood trees

What can you predict this article will be about based on the title "Where Have All the Ear Infections Gone"? A) If ear infections remain untreated, they can lead to worse problems B) No one knows precisely how to treat ear infections, so doctors hope they will disappear on their own C) Medications and other treatments have led to a decrease in ear infections D) Doctors hope that they will have more practice treating ear infections

C) Medications and other treatments have led to a decrease in ear infections

Would a newspaper photograph of a historical monument be an example of a primary source material? A) Yes. Photographs are good examples of primary source documents because they taken during a particular moment in time B) No. Because the photograph and the historical monument are both primary sources, which means they are tertiary sources C) No. Because it is a photograph of the monument, it is two degrees of separation away from the viewer D) Yes. The photograph was taken during a specific period time, which makes it a primary source

C) No. Because it is a photograph of the monument, it is two degrees of separation away from the viewer

What is the meaning of the word unforgiveable? The prosecuting attorney was inconsistent on charging the defendant with premeditated murder-a crime so unforgiveable there is no way he could have done something so heinous. He felt all the facts led him to believe that the defendant has though out his crime in such a methodical manner so as to leave nothing left to chance. Fortunately for the defendant, he was given a public defendant to handle his case. Due to his circumstances, he could not afford an attorney of his own. The public defender described his client as someone who is of little means, lives in a house that looks more like a lean-to than a house, drives an older car, or as he tells his friends, "a real jalopy" of an excuse for transportation. What is the meaning of the word unforgiveable? A) To give forth to something or someone B) Able to forgive C) Not possible to pardon D) Not able to continue

C) Not possible to pardon

Which of the following is the author's perspective on this book? Choose the best answer. Read the following passage to answer the following questions. The book Alone The Classic Polar Adventure tells the story of Admiral Richard E. Byrd, who set out in 1934 to spend six months in Antarctica gathering weather data and to truly try out "peace and quiet long enough to know how good they really are." But nothing is as he expects it and he begins to suffer both mentally and physically. Eventually, he figures out that he is slowly being poisoned by carbon monoxide from a defective stovepipe in his cabin and it becomes basically a struggle to stay alive. Just the fact of Byrd's experience is shocking and impressive. You often find yourself tuning the pages in horror. Every few hours he seems to be suffering from a new physical or psychological problem and it's really just a post script to the events of the day He works up and its dark. He goes outside to record the meteorological measurements and its dark, and then he goes for a walk and it's dark, and then he find his way back and it's dark, and he finally climbs into his sleeping ag and it's still dark. It's clear that a lot of this book is simply about man's struggle in an extreme environment with extreme isolation. And yet, Byrd may have been the only person in human history capable of not doing the dangerous things he did, but doing it all with a grace that is always a pleasure and inspiration to read, whether in his diary entries or his later reflections on his time there. Truly, this is an unforgettable book that is well worth reading. Which of the following is the author's perspective on this book? Choose the best answer. A) She would like to plan a similar expedition in Antarctica B) She is not whether or not she would recommend this book to others C) She finds the book inspiring and wants others to read it D) She finds the book repetitive because Byrd is always describing how dark it is

C) She finds the book inspiring and wants others to read it

Celine wrote this sentence using the word mark. Did she use it correctly, and why? (Choose the best answer.) Use the following passage to answer the following questions. mark Pronunciation:/mark/ noun 1. A line, figure, or symbol made as indication or record of something. If you put a check mark here, it will indicate that you have the agreement. Synonyms: symbol, sign, character; diacritic logo, seal, stamp, imprint, symbol, emblem, device, insignia, badge, brand., trademark, monogram, hallmark, logotype, watermark 2. A small area on a surface having a different color from its surroundings, typically one caused by accident or damage: Because she bumped into the table, she ended up with a mark on her leg. More examples sentences: After she finally took off her bracelet., there was a red mark all around her wrist. Don't put anything on this wet paint or it will leave a mark. Synonyms: blemish, streak, spot, fleck, dot, stain, smear, speckle, blotch, smudge, smut, fingermark, fingerprint; bruise, discoloration; birthmark 3. A written symbol made on a document in place of a significant by someone who cannot write. Celine wrote this sentence using the word mark. Did she use it correctly, and why? (Choose the best answer.) A) Susan and her friend Mark went to the movies together. B) Mark my words, I'm correct in how I remember the events of last week. C) She left a mark on the wall where she bumped her chair after standing up from the dinner table. D) Marko Polo is a game children play in a swimming pool.

C) She left a mark on the wall where she bumped her chair after standing up from the dinner table.

If you were looking for information on the history of hospitals in the United States why would it be useful to seek multiple data sources? A) Because library media specialists would not be able to help with this type of research B) Because the topic is historical and information will be difficult to find C) So that you can have different perspectives in order to form an understanding of the material D) So that you have enough time to complete your research

C) So that you can have different perspectives in order to form an understanding of the material

The book reviewer's point of view is best captured by which of the following sentences in the passage? Smart Girls Play Bass is the memoir of bassist Jackie Helios of the band Dashboard, which rose to fame during the Riot Grrrl Craze of the 1990s. Because Helios is known for being reclusive and not very outspoken, readers will be dying to find out what is really behind the woman behind the bass. Unfortunately, the answer is not much. Helios spends a lot of time describing how the band formed and what it was like being in an all-girl band at that time. However, she reveals very little about her own feelings during what many would argue was a tumultuous period. The early section of the book, about her childhood, is somewhat fascinating, but very short. In fact, most of the book focuses on less personal details. We find out how the three women met and now they started coming up with songs together. The book even points out how, unlike most drummers, Randi Scheller brought a lot of cleverness to their early songs. So, if you are looking for a book that gets inside Jackie Helios's head, you will likely to be disappointed. However, if you want to know how Dashboard got off the ground, you will probably love it. The book reviewer's point of view is best captured by which of the following sentences in the passage? A) Smart Girls Play Bass is the memoir of bassist Jackie Helios of the band Dashboard, which rose to fame during the Riot Grrrl craze of the 1990s B) We find out now the three women met and how they started coming up with songs together C) So, if you are looking for a book that gets inside Jackie Helio's head, you will likely be disappointed D) Helios spend a lot of time describing how the band formed and what it was like being in an all girl band at that time

C) So, if you are looking for a book that gets inside Jackie Helio's head, you will likely be disappointed

Which of the following is in the correct sequence of events for putting food on the grill according to Lisa? Read the following passage to answer the next four questions. Justin and Lisa love to entertain. Every summer they always host a neighborhood barbeque that last all day. It is quite the talk of the neighborhood. Planning for all the party each year takes them a good 3 months to get everything in order. First there is the date to select for the event to take place. That happens just before the end of the years before the party. After they have a date confirmed, then they can start to plan everything else. First they decide on a theme for the party because every party needs a theme. Second they make the list of attendees. Last year there were old neighbors who moved away and new ones who moved in. Once they know how many people they plan to invite and always everyone attends, then they will plan the menu. Justin likes to cook variety of foods on the grill. Lisa always needs to remind him to not put every item on the grill at the same time. Every year she tells him to put the steaks on first because they take the longest to cook just right. Then, put on the chicken because that takes the next longest. Finally, put on the salmon because they takes the least amount of time. Two years ago Justin threw everything on the grill at once and the steaks were too rare for even the most ravenous carnivores to enjoy. Once the salmon is on, then he should put on cobs of corn. Lastly, he needs to put the fresh baguettes on the grill. But first, he needs to remember to slice the baguettes lengthwise and put them face down onto the grill so the insides grill and not the outer crust. Which of the following is in the correct sequence of events for putting food on the grill according to Lisa? A) Steaks, salmon, chicken, baguettes, corn B) Corn, baguette, steaks, chicken, salmon C) Steaks, chicken, salmon, corn, baguettes D) Steaks and chicken go at the same time. Then the salmon. The corn and the baguettes go on together last.

C) Steaks, chicken, salmon, corn, baguettes

Suppose an author argued that anti-aging medications would be detrimental to society as a whole. Which of the following statements would weaken this argument? A) Anti-aging medications will likely only benefit the rich, which would create an even larger disparity between classes B) Affordable anti-aging medications would mean that a large percentage of people would take them, leading to overpopulation C) Studies have shown that certain anti-aging medications could strengthen the immune system D) Our bodies might become addicted to anti-aging medications, and we would be able to function without them.

C) Studies have shown that certain anti-aging medications could strengthen the immune system

"Aunt Plenty had even allowed Rose to rummage in her great china closet a spicy retreat, rich in all the "goodies" that children love; but Rose seemed to care little for those toothsome temptations; and when that hope failed, Aunt Plenty gave up in despair." What is the best definition of the word toothsome as used in this sentence in the passage? A) Having a lot of teeth B) Temptations that will cause a toothache C) Tasty D) Boring

C) Tasty

Which of the following is a good argument statement? A) Reality TV is enjoyed equally by both men and women B) An American Family is generally considered to be the first reality TV show C) The danger of reality TV is that it can promote stereotypes D) The only thing that really gets my family to come together is our favorite reality TV show

C) The danger of reality TV is that it can promote stereotypes

The terracotta army is a collection of sculptures made of terracotta that had been buried with the first Emperor of China, Quin Shi Huang, in the third century B.C., later excavated. What could you tell from looking at these artifacts that you could not tell from simply reading a description of them in a secondary source? A) The year they were created B) The material they were made of C) The distinct features of the soldiers D) The exact number of soldiers in the army

C) The distinct features of the soldiers

Which of the following statements best supports the argument that "the cost of college is too high for many Americans"? A) Today, around 21 million American students attend at least some college classes B) Politicians should make lowering the cost of college tuition part of their platforms C) The median income has risen slightly since the 1970s, but the cost for tuition at a private university today is about three times higher D) About three times as many people are attending college now than they were in the 1970s

C) The median income has risen slightly since the 1970s, but the cost for tuition at a private university today is about three times higher

The main idea of this passage is, "When the weather is nice, it's absolutely fabulous here in the Emerald City!". Which of the following sentences does not support this idea? When the weather is nice, it's absolutely fabulous here in the Emerald City! Unfortunately for those of us living here, that only happens with only certainty about 2 months out of the year. It is pretty much guaranteed that it will rain 10 months out of the year. Or if it's not actually raining, the sky will be filled with clouds that threaten to open up at a moment's notice. The saying is, "If you don't like the weather now, wait 5 minutes." But those 2 months when not a cloud is near, the temperature hover at mid to high 70s, the flowers are in bloom, all the trees have their leaves, and if we're lucky on the warmer days, the water in the lakes will be warm enough to actually go swimming in. Seattleites do love their outdoor activities, and it takes a lot for us to stay indoors. Many will venture out in the rain on their bikes or go running mid-downpour. Seattle is especially a very bike-friendly city. Which is a huge plus considering the number of people living here who ride their bikes as their main form of transportation. There is pretty much something for everyone, except for the avid year-round swimmer, who will usually take their sport to an indoor swimming pool. All in all, Seattle is a great place to live. The main idea of this passage is, "When the weather is nice, it's absolutely fabulous here in the Emerald City!". Which of the following sentences does not support this idea? A) But those 2 months when not a cloud is near, the temperature hover at mid to high 70s, the flowers are in bloom, all the trees have their leaves, and if we're lucky on the warmer days, the water in the lakes will be warm enough to actually go swimming in. B) Seattle is especially a very bike-friendly city. C) The saying is, "If you don't like the weather now, wait 5 minutes." D) There is pretty much something for everyone, except for the avid year-round swimmer, who will usually take their sport to an indoor swimming pool.

C) The saying is, "If you don't like the weather now, wait 5 minutes."

Once you have already gathered data on a specific topic, why might you want to turn to information specialists for additional help? A) They can use technology to organize the information you found in a meaningful way B) They can synthesize the information you have gathered and determine how you might draw conclusions C) They can suggest other information sources you might try D) They can come up with a better topic you should be researching

C) They can suggest other information sources you might try

Which of the following sentences contains information relevant to the main idea of the passage? Pomeranians, which today typically weigh between four and seven pounds, descended from much larger dogs from the Artic region. They are named for the Pomerania area of Central Europe and are descended from the Spitz, which is German for "sharp point." It is interesting to note that during the sinking of the Titanic, two Pomeranian dogs survived. Queen Victoria famously owned an especially small Pomeranian, and this is how the smaller variety ultimately became the most popular. Just during the queen's lifetime, the size of the breed decreased by half. The queen also had a number of collies and spaniels during her reign. Most Poms are friendly and playful, but they can become aggressive toward other dogs. You may have noticed that other small dogs have this tendency too. Today, Poms are among the most popular breed of dogs in the United States. Which of the following sentences contains information relevant to the main idea of the passage? A) It is interesting to note that during the sinking of the Titanic, two Pomeranian dogs survived. B) You may have noticed that other small dogs have this tendency too. C) They named for the Pomerania area of Central Europe and are descended from the Spitz D) The queen also had a number of collies and spaniels during her reign

C) They named for the Pomerania area of Central Europe and are descended from the Spitz

Which of the following is the likely reason that two words are underlined? Use the selection from a website to answer the following questions. Search for a case Find my Court Date Use this search to locate the date you need to appear in district or municipal court. The search tool returns a case summary and, where municipal court. The search tool returns a case summary and, where applicable, calendar, information and a lot of case activities (docket). Case Search Options Use this search if you already know information about a case. Case Number Find a case in a court for provided case number. Person Name Find cases in a court for a provided person name. Business Name Find cases in a court for a provided business name. Attorney's Search If you are an attorney, use this search to find district and municipal court proceedings associated with your Bar Number. You can also get you daily district/municipal court calendar e-mailed to you every morning. Which of the following is the likely reason that two words are underlined? A) In case the reader skipped over the first column of information B) To adhere to APA style guide recommendations C) To make them stand out to the reader and to discern between the two D) To indicate that these are titles

C) To make them stand out to the reader and to discern between the two

Identifying information in a pictorial graphic representation. Which of the following statements is accurate based on the poster? A) The cobra pose requires balancing one one's forearms B) The tree pose is also known as Vrschikasana C) Two of the poses require balancing on one foot D) The most difficult poses are shown on top

C) Two of the poses require balancing on one foot

Which of the following is true about secondary sources? A) A good example of secondary sources would be historical diaries and journals B) If the source itself is the only thing separating the reader from its creator, it is a secondary source. C) With secondary sources, readers have to trust others to describe and explain primary sources D) Original photos that are part of an exhibit at a museum would be considered secondary sources

C) With secondary sources, readers have to trust others to describe and explain primary sources

An author is arguing that animal testing is necessary for medical research. She offers this statement to back up her argument. "Many animals make better research subjects than humans since they have shorter life spans." Is this good supporting evidence? Why or why not? A) No. This information is irrelevant and off topic. B) No. There is now way to prove that this information is valid and accurate C) Yes. This information relates to the claim and backs it up. D) Yes. This statistic is research-based from a reliable source

C) Yes. This information relates to the claim and backs it up.

Which of the following transitional expressions would work best to indicate a passage of time? A) and B) therefore C) meanwhile D) for instance

C) meanwhile

Which of the following helps you infer what the meaning of the word "vulnerable" is? Read the passage below: If the reader can imagine a gnarled and vulnerable live oak-tree reduced to a little shrub 2 feet high, with its rough bark, its foliage, its twisted boughs, all complete, he can picture the "sage-brush" exactly. Often, on lazy afternoons in the mountains, I have Ian on the ground with my face under a sage-bush, and entertained myself with fancying that the gnats among its foliage were Lilliputian birds, and that the ants marching and countermarching about its base were Lilliputian flocks and herd, and myself vast loafer from Brodingnag waiting to catch a little citizen and eat him. Which of the following helps you infer what the meaning of the word "venerable" is? A) "I have Ian on the ground with my face under a sage-bush" B) "live oak tree" C) "he can picture the 'sage brush' exactly" D) "reduced to a little shrub 2 feet high,"

D) "reduced to a little shrub 2 feet high,"

Which of the following is an example of sequence as a type of explicit information A) An obituary B) A calendar C) Describing in great detail the ways in which vanilla ice cream is very much like vanilla gelatto D) A recipe for baking chocolate chip cookies

D) A recipe for baking chocolate chip cookies

Megan always takes longer to get dressed than Mark, on this day she will definitely take longer. What could Megan have done to improve the flow chart to accommodate Mark's speedy preparation time? A) Not make a flow chart to begin with B) Scheduled Mark to start later C) Scheduled Mark to help her when he is done getting ready D) Added an extra path for Mark to do something after he is finished getting dressed, then meet up with Megan at 1:00

D) Added an extra path for Mark to do something after he is finished getting dressed, then meet up with Megan at 1:00

Which of the following sentences contains relevant information? I love to bake pies in summertime. One of my all-time favorites to bake is blueberry pie, using fresh blueberries that I pick myself from the farm up the street. The farm is amazing! It has rows of blueberry bushes. One year, my husband and I went with my friend who was visiting from Wisconsin. She had never gone blueberry picking before. We found out there are lots of spider webs between the bushes and even in the trees. We learned you have to be very careful. I love the taste of blueberries between two flaky pie crusts. After baking them for many years, I have perfected the right ratios of potato starch to use in the filing so its not too juicy, which then causes the crust to be soggy, or too dry. There is almost nothing worse than a dry blueberry pie. I also love a subtle hint of lemon mixed into the filling. A slice of blueberry pie with a scoop of vanilla ice cream on the side for a dessert on a summer evening--it doesn't get better than that! Which of the following sentences contains relevant information? A) One year, my husband and I went with my friend who was visiting from Wisconsin. B) We found out there are lots of spider webs between the bushes and even in the trees. C) The farm is amazing! It has rows of blueberry bushes. D) After baking them for many years, I have perfected the right ratios of potato starch to use in the filing so its not too juicy, which then causes the crust to be soggy, or too dry.

D) After baking them for many years, I have perfected the right ratios of potato starch to use in the filing so its not too juicy, which then causes the crust to be soggy, or too dry.

The astronaut traveled almost 144 million miles for almost 1 year while living completely on his own. Today, he is suffering from fatigue, soreness, and sensitive skin. NASA scientists hope to glean enough information from him so that future space missions may continue and perhaps even have Mars as a destination. Which of the following is the best paraphrasing of the passage above? A) A man went to space B) The astronaut traveled almost 144 million miles for almost 1 year while living completely on his own. Today, he is suffering from fatigue, soreness, and sensitive skin. NASA scientists hope to glean enough information from him so that future space missions may continue and perhaps even have Mars as a destination. C) A man went to Mars D) After traveling 144 million miles in approximately 1 year, the astronaut suffered mildly but will help NASA to explore further...maybe Mars.

D) After traveling 144 million miles in approximately 1 year, the astronaut suffered mildly but will help NASA to explore further...maybe Mars.

Which of the following is a biased statement? Smart Girls Play Bass is the memoir of bassist Jackie Helios of the band Dashboard, which rose to fame during the Riot Grrrl Craze of the 1990s. Because Helios is known for being reclusive and not very outspoken, readers will be dying to find out what is really behind the woman behind the bass. Unfortunately, the answer is not much. Helios spends a lot of time describing how the band formed and what it was like being in an all-girl band at that time. However, she reveals very little about her own feelings during what many would argue was a tumultuous period. The early section of the book, about her childhood, is somewhat fascinating, but very short. In fact, most of the book focuses on less personal details. We find out how the three women met and now they started coming up with songs together. The book even points out how, unlike most drummers, Randi Scheller brought a lot of cleverness to their early songs. So, if you are looking for a book that gets inside Jackie Helios's head, you will likely to be disappointed. However, if you want to know how Dashboard got off the ground, you will probably love it. Which of the following is a biased statement? A) In fact, most of the book focuses on less personal details B) We find out how the three women met and how they started coming up with songs together C) Helios spends a lot of time describing how the band formed and what it was like being in an all-girl band at that time D) Because Helios is known for being reclusive and not very outspoken, readers will be dying to find out what is really behind the woman behind the bass.

D) Because Helios is known for being reclusive and not very outspoken, readers will be dying to find out what is really behind the woman behind the bass.

Why might two different visual artists express the theme of motherhood differently? A) Because the theme of motherhood is a particularly serious one B) Because visual art is the most powerful way to express a theme C) Because visual artists are unable to express universal themes as well as other artists D) Because not every artist interprets motherhood the same way

D) Because not every artist interprets motherhood the same way

An argument is made that the Paleo diet is bad for your health. Which of the following statements offered as evidence would be considered irrelevant? A) The Paleo diet encourages eating a lot of animal products, which is associated with increased risk B) The Paleo diet tends to be high in saturated fat, which can lead to high cholesterol C) Research suggests that eating whole grains which are not allowed on the Paleo diet, is necessary for our health D) Because the Paleo diet cuts out several food groups, it may be hard to sustain over the long term

D) Because the Paleo diet cuts out several food groups, it may be hard to sustain over the long term

Studies continue to find that kitchen remodels provide some of the best returns on investment for home sellers. The sentence above could be a key point for which of the following controlling ideas? A) Home buyers should be sure to hire a good inspector when purchasing a home B) Studies show that investments in luxury items like hot tubs do not provide much return when selling a house C) Real estate agents are always advising clients that location, location, location is the key D) Home owners should take a strategic approach to any renovations they are considering

D) Home owners should take a strategic approach to any renovations they are considering

Which of the following is a stereotype? Read the following passage to answer the following questions. The study demonstrates that the majority of the participants enjoy reading books that depict adventurous situations such as mysteries and war stories. Additionally, the participants enjoy reading biographies, history, and informational books; books that are categorized as nonfiction (with the exception of biographies which can sometimes be considered fiction.) At the bottom of the list are classics, comic books, historical fiction, poetry, realistic fiction, science fiction/fantasy, and romance. These are fluffy books and of no interest to a teen boy. These results are in line with previous research by Smith & Wilhelm (2002) as started in the literature review. The majority of the participants read the back of the book or more importantly, look at the cover of a book before deciding whether it is one they would like to read. As noted in the transcript, the boys would not choose to read a book that has a pink cover. These findings are on point with those discussed by the Dutro (2002) study. The boys in this study were very particular about whether a book would be a "girl's" book or a "boy's" book based on based solely on the book's cover. Characteristics they mentioned were the book's color (pink), style (fruity) and characters (style of dress). The participants in this study also had very distinct ideas of what constitutes a boy's book versus a girl's book. Books that were about warriors-even if the warriors were cats-fighting, enemies, and adventure, would be classified as "boy's books". The participants in the study mimicked how girls would react to such stories by overly dramatizing what they perceive to be a girl's reaction to "boy's" books. One participant stated about a particular book that a girl might like it if the adventure was taken out of the book, but then boys would no longer like the book. The participants answered on the questionnaire that they would equally like books with either a male or female protagonist, or both in the same book. However, in the discussion, the participants voiced their dislike for books that had girls on the cover or the word girls in the titles in the American Girls Series. Having pictures of girls on the cover of a book or the word girl was enough to deter the participants from wanting to read the book. Furthermore, the participants selected books that had the word fear, murder, or thief in the title. It is interesting to note that the book titled, the thief was selected even though this book is in the fantasy genre. On the questionnaire, none of the participants selected science fiction/fantasy as a genre enjoy reading. This goes back to the discussion about the design of the cover of the book being the determining factor with young male readers when choosing a book to read. Sampling the content is secondary. Which of the following is a stereotype? A) On the questionnaire, neither of the participants selected science fiction/fantasy as a genre they enjoy reading B) The participants answered on the questionnaire that they would equally like books with either a male or a female protagonist or both in the same book C) The participants in this study also had every distinct ideas of what constitutes a boy's book versus a girl's book D) Books that were about warriors-even if the warriors were cats-fighting, enemies, and adventure, would be classified as "boy's" books

D) Books that were about warriors-even if the warriors were cats-fighting, enemies, and adventure, would be classified as "boy's" books

________, an insect that lives on wheat can build up its population to much higher levels on a farm devoted to wheat than one in which wheat is intermingled with other crops to which the insect is not adapted. In the sentence above, which of the following transitional expressions best fits in the blank? A) In brief B) Shortly C) Afterward D) Certainly

D) Certainly

Which of the following is the most likely reason the author chose to use chronological ordering when telling the story of how Justin and Lisa plan their annual barbeque party? Read the following passage to answer the next four questions. Justin and Lisa love to entertain. Every summer they always host a neighborhood barbeque that last all day. It is quite the talk of the neighborhood. Planning for all the party each year takes them a good 3 months to get everything in order. First there is the date to select for the event to take place. That happens just before the end of the years before the party. After they have a date confirmed, then they can start to plan everything else. First they decide on a theme for the party because every party needs a theme. Second they make the list of attendees. Last year there were old neighbors who moved away and new ones who moved in. Once they know how many people they plan to invite and always everyone attends, then they will plan the menu. Justin likes to cook variety of foods on the grill. Lisa always needs to remind him to not put every item on the grill at the same time. Every year she tells him to put the steaks on first because they take the longest to cook just right. Then, put on the chicken because that takes the next longest. Finally, put on the salmon because they takes the least amount of time. Two years ago Justin threw everything on the grill at once and the steaks were too rare for even the most ravenous carnivores to enjoy. Once the salmon is on, then he should put on cobs of corn. Lastly, he needs to put the fresh baguettes on the grill. But first, he needs to remember to slice the baguettes lengthwise and put them face down onto the grill so the insides grill and not the outer crust. Which of the following is the most likely reason the author chose to use chronological ordering when telling the story of how Justin and Lisa plan their annual barbeque party? A) The author likes using first, second and last B) The author likes things in a fixed and orderly way C) The author likes clocks and time keeping instruments D) Chronological ordering tells the reader when, how often and the length of time an event takes place. It gives point of reference for the reader to comprehend the text.

D) Chronological ordering tells the reader when, how often and the length of time an event takes place. It gives point of reference for the reader to comprehend the text.

Which of the following would be the most likely rationale for using bold text within the body of this document? A) Identify titles B) Indicate strong emotion C) Direct readers to footnotes D) Emphasize certain items

D) Emphasize certain items

What should Richard have done before hiring Larry? Choose the best answer. Richard would like to purchase a new home. So he gathered brochures from various agents he saw advertise on television during the Real Realtors Variety Show sponsored by Three Lanes Realtor. Richard hired Larry Lenkos of Three Lanes Realtors because his brochure stated, "I have sold more homes in this region than anywhere else I have worked." Well, Larry did a less than stellar job at marketing and ultimately, he did not sell Richard's house. Turns out Larry was a new real estate agent and Richard was his second customer. What should Richard have done before hiring Larry? Choose the best answer. A) He should have had a friend along with him to meet Larry B) He should have taken him out to lunch to get to know him better C) He should have asked for references D) He should have considered Larry's statement, "I have sold more houses in this region than anywhere else I have worked," more for accuracy and truthfulness.

D) He should have considered Larry's statement, "I have sold more houses in this region than anywhere else I have worked," more for accuracy and truthfulness.

What are some text features in this informational group? A) Pictures B) Different colors C) Legend and scale D) Headings

D) Headings

Which of the following sentences provides explicit information about Miss. Bartlett? The following passage is from A Room With a View by E.M. Forster. Miss. Barlett, though skilled in the delicacies of conversation was powerless in the presence of brutality. It was impossible to snub any one so gross. Her face reddened with displeasure. She looked around as much as to say, "Are you all like this?" And two little old ladies, who were sitting further up the table with shawls hanging over the backs of the chairs, looked back, clearly indicating "We are not; we ae genteel." Which of the following sentences provides explicit information about Miss. Bartlett? A) It was impossible to snub any one so gross B) Miss. Barlett, though skilled in the delicacies of conversation was powerless in the presence of brutality. C) She looked around as much as to say, "Are you all like this?" D) Her face reddened with displeasure

D) Her face reddened with displeasure

What would be the best benefit of Jesse inviting other veterinarians to post on his blogs? Read the following passages to answer the following questions. Jesse just graduated with his veterinary license. One of the reasons he chose to be a veterinarian as his lifelong career was because hw has a very intense, very deep passion for all animals-in particular dogs. Another reason is because he once saw a friend's pet become very seriously ill because the dog food they fed him was of poor quality. In fact, it was spoiled and made with ingredients that were not ingestible by anything except a trash compactor. So Jesse vowed to never allow a similar situation happen to anyone, especially not from that same dog food company. If only he could do enough research to prove their food was and still is inferior. Once he got his practice established, he spent more and more time testing and evaluating various dog foods and cat foods. He was certain the food that made his friend's dog sick contained certain ingredients in a certain combination. Ove the many years of obtaining samples from manufacturers, and not always under the most honest pretenses, he developed a chart of the best to the worst foods available on the market to the general public. Jesse considered the many ways to get his research to the public before he decided to start a couple of blogs on his website. This way he could report daily on his research findings, in regards to dog foods and a separate blog for cat foods, and he could also promote his veterinary business. Once he got his blogs up and running and posted his research and findings, he thought he would get lots of hits, and eventually generate enough traffic that companies would want to advertise on his sites. Then he could self-fund more research. However, months passed into years and not one company wanted to advertise on his site. In fact, he was not getting very many hits on his blogs, and comments were less favorable. What would be the best benefit of Jesse inviting other veterinarians to post on his blogs? A) They could provide more biased opinions about the dog foods being researched B) It would show that Jesse is popular C) Readers would like the variety of information available in his blogs D) Jesse can advertise that he has other qualified vets from various backgrounds and they can present an unbiased opinion about the dog foods being searched because they do not have an emotionally vested interest in them

D) Jesse can advertise that he has other qualified vets from various backgrounds and they can present an unbiased opinion about the dog foods being searched because they do not have an emotionally vested interest in them

What did Meyer forget to include in his map? Meyer is a sixth grader. He does well in school, but sometime he gets very distracted, especially when the weather is nice and he would rather be outside playing baseball. Consequently he does not always hear all the instructions from his teacher. He was supposed to draw a map and include all the pertinent information. What did Meyer forget to include in his map? A) Legend B) Scale C) Title D) Legend, scale and title

D) Legend, scale and title

"Meteors are fascinating and even dangerous because although they can teach us more about other planets, they can also cause harm space stations." Which of the following would be an acceptable key point or supportive statement to the controlling idea above? A) Meteors rule B) Meteors might disappear someday C) A meteor is a piece of stone in space D) Meteor detection satellites are used to anticipate the damage that meteor showers can wreak on space stations

D) Meteor detection satellites are used to anticipate the damage that meteor showers can wreak on space stations

The main idea of this passage is "Visiting the mall on a Sunday is the perfect time to shop without the crowds." Which of the following sets of information elaborates on this idea best? Visiting the mall on a Sunday is the perfect time to shop without the crowds. This is especially true during football season. On Sundays, the malls generally open later in the morning. This gives you an opportunity to sleep-in late and enjoy a leisurely breakfast. You won't feel pressure to get out the door to find a place to park or to be the first in line at your favorite store. On a Sunday, the majority of people like to relax at home with family. This is a lovely idea, but sometimes, you need to shop before the work week gets going. Most stores have their one-day sales on Saturdays. True, you might miss out on a bargain, but you will have your sanity intact, and chances are you will still find items on considerable markdown. One time, I found a sweater that was half off the regular price and then an additional 30 percent off of that price. The store practically owned me money! And another time I was able to take advantage of items that had not been put back on the racks from the previous shopping day. I found items that were not seen by other shoppers. I've learned where to look for the best bargains. This is a win-win for you and for the store. Shopping on a Sunday, you'll also have shorter lines, if any waiting to order your favorite mid-shopping snack or lunch. I love having a fancy coffee drink with a cookie while I peruse the mall. It gives a certain feeling of being on vacation. And, if you're shopping on a Sunday during football season and you're not a fan, consider the mall your personal shopping mecca. The main idea of this passage is "Visiting the mall on a Sunday is the perfect time to shop without the crowds." Which of the following sets of information elaborates on this idea best? A) One time, I found a sweater that was half off the regular price and then an additional thirty percent off of that price. B) I love having a fancy coffee drink with a cookie while I peruse the mall. C) The store practically owed me money. D) Most stores have their one-day sales on Saturdays. True, you might miss out on a bargain, but you will have your sanity intact, and chances are you will still find items on considerable markdown.

D) Most stores have their one-day sales on Saturdays. True, you might miss out on a bargain, but you will have your sanity intact, and chances are you will still find items on considerable markdown.

An author is arguing that cigarettes and other tobacco products should be made illegal. She offers the following statement to back up her argument: "According to the CDC, the U.S. smoking rate continues to decline, with about 15 percent of adults reporting they are current smokers." Is this good supporting evidence? Why or why not? A) Yes. The author is using research-based evidence from CDC to support her claim. B) Yes. The author is pointing out that fewer people smoke cigarettes, which is a valid claim. C) No. There is no way to prove that this statistic is valid and accurate D) No. This statistic is irrelevant and off topic

D) No. This statistic is irrelevant and off topic

The pie chart below shows the BMI for a class of students entering college their freshmen year. The line graph shows the median weight of the students over the entire freshman year. What conclusions can you draw from both pieces of data? A) The underweight students gained the most weight over the course of the year B) There will be fewer overweight students by the end of the year C) The number of obese students greatly increased by the end of the year D) Normal weight students had gained weight by the end of the year

D) Normal weight students had gained weight by the end of the year

Which of the following most likely describes the relationship between the director of human resources and the employee? Read the email below: To all employees, Joe Roseberg has decided to leave our company after accepting an opportunity to work elsewhere. Joe joined our company four months ago as an administrative assistant. His last day will be this Friday. We wish him the best of luck. Maxine Thomas Director of Human Resources Which of the following most likely describes the relationship between the director of human resources and the employee? A) Hostile B) Wary C) Warm and friendly D) Professional

D) Professional

In what ways do both print and nonprint sources express themes? A) Length of work B) Lighthearted experience C) Camera angles D) Prominence

D) Prominence

In what ways do both print and nonprint sources express themes? A) Lighting B) The seriousness of the subject matter C) Genre D) Repetition

D) Repetition

Which of the following is the most likely reason the author wrote this passage? Read the following passage to answer the following questions. The book Alone The Classic Polar Adventure tells the story of Admiral Richard E. Byrd, who set out in 1934 to spend six months in Antarctica gathering weather data and to truly try out "peace and quiet long enough to know how good they really are." But nothing is as he expects it and he begins to suffer both mentally and physically. Eventually, he figures out that he is slowly being poisoned by carbon monoxide from a defective stovepipe in his cabin and it becomes basically a struggle to stay alive. Just the fact of Byrd's experience is shocking and impressive. You often find yourself tuning the pages in horror. Every few hours he seems to be suffering from a new physical or psychological problem and it's really just a post script to the events of the day He works up and its dark. He goes outside to record the meteorological measurements and its dark, and then he goes for a walk and it's dark, and then he find his way back and it's dark, and he finally climbs into his sleeping ag and it's still dark. It's clear that a lot of this book is simply about man's struggle in an extreme environment with extreme isolation. And yet, Byrd may have been the only person in human history capable of not doing the dangerous things he did, but doing it all with a grace that is always a pleasure and inspiration to read, whether in his diary entries or his later reflections on his time there. Truly, this is an unforgettable book that is well worth reading. Which of the following is the most likely reason the author wrote this passage? A) She wrote the book B) She wants to promote the book for a bookstore C) She wants to get paid lots of money D) She read the book and wants others to read it too

D) She read the book and wants others to read it too

Which of the following might be the information that best assisted Jenny on her first trip to Paris? The first time Jenny visited Paris, she had to get used to many things about the city in a very short amount of time. Luckily for her, she understood the language far better than she could speak it. It also helped that she had a travel book with a list of photographs, charts, and pictures to help her navigate the city: Which of the following might be the information that best assisted Jenny on her first trip to Paris? A) Signs with diagrams providing during directions and information B) Sitting in a cafe to eat croissants with the locals C) Wearing the opinions of the locals D) Signs with diagrams providing driving directions and information and also her travel book with a lot of photographs, charts, and pictures

D) Signs with diagrams providing driving directions and information and also her travel book with a lot of photographs, charts, and pictures

For which of the following reasons did the author write this passage? Use this passage from In the Year 2889 by Jules Verne to answer the question. Little though they seem to think of it, the people of this twenty-ninth century live continually in fairyland. Surfeited as they were with marvels, they are indifferent in presence of each new marvel. To them all seems natural. Could they but duly appreciate the refinements of civilization in our day; could they but compare the present with the past, and so better comprehend the advance we have made! How much fairer they would find our modern towns, with populations amounting sometimes to 10,000,000 souls; the streets 300 feet wide, their houses 1000 feet in height; with temperature the same in all seasons; with their lines of aerial locomotion crossing the sky in every direction! If they would but picture to themselves the state of things that once existed, when through muddy streets rumbling boxes on wheels, drawn by horses--yes, by horses!--were the only means of conveyance. Think of the railroads of the olden time, and you will be able to appreciate the pneumatic tubes through which to-day travels at the rate of 1000 miles an hour. Would not our contemporaries prize the telephone and the telephone more highly if they had not forgotten the telegraph? For which of the following reasons did the author write this passage? A) Promote more reading by everyone who reads this passage B) Inform the reader what the twenty-ninth century is like C) Convince readers that life in the twenty-ninth century is preferable D) Tell a particular story about life in the twenty-ninth century

D) Tell a particular story about life in the twenty-ninth century

Which of the following types of information would best be represented by this type of chart? A) The fluctuations in a company's profits in a given year B) A comparison between the sales by product line for a company over 5 years C) The growth of a company's workforce from one year to the next D) The percentage of a company's earnings by regional sales teams in a given year

D) The percentage of a company's earnings by regional sales teams in a given year

Suppose that you want to make recommendations to human resources at Galton Laboratories regarding Joe Valenti's work performance. What additional information would you need to make a more informed reccommendation? A) The amount of time Joe has worked for Galton Laboratories B) The reason Joe's absences during this time period C) The absences of other employees during this time period D) The total number of reports completed during a different time period

D) The total number of reports completed during a different time period

Which of the following data would be best expressed on a pie chart? A) The amount of snow received over a year, month by month B) The test scores of a practice test and a retest of two different classes C) The population growth in a city over a period of ten years D) What portion of person's week is spent on reading, watching TV ,and using a computer

D) What portion of person's week is spent on reading, watching TV ,and using a computer

Which of the following information do the elements of chronological order provide? Read the following passage to answer the next four questions. Dr. Callie is a new doctor. She just saw her first client. Dr. Callie is an excellent note-taker, so she wrote down all the details of the client's history and then later, she will write them in sequential order. It went like this. 1. Doni walked into a hardware store to buy some supplies to paint her new apartment. 2. She bought a paint brush, paint, a roller and a pan for the paint. 3. Then she selected the color of paint to buy. 4. Unfortunately, she forgot her list in the car, so she ran back out to to get it. 5. While on her way back in, she tripped on a flat cart that was by the door. 6. She fell to the ground and landed on her knees but got right up. 7. First she chose a light blue for all the rooms. 8. Except her bedroom which she decided to buy later. 9. After that, she chose a pale buttercup yellow for the kitchen. 10. After, she finished shopping, Doni went to the doctor. Which of the following information do the elements of chronological order provide? A) Who, when, what B) When, how, what C) That items are in a fixed order D) When, how often, length of time

D) When, how often, length of time

Would a gravestone be an example of a primary source material? Why or why not? A) No. There is more than one degree of separation between a gravestone and a viewer. B) Yes. Gravestones are objects that you can touch, which is part of the definition of a primary source document. C) No. Gravestones cannot be traced to any particular time period. D) Yes. A gravestone is a firsthand document or object created at a particular time

D) Yes. A gravestone is a firsthand document or object created at a particular time

Driving while drunk is extremely dangerous, and _____ it is illegal. Which of the following transitional phrases correctly completes the sentence above? A) formerly B) soon C) on the other hand D) furthermore

D) furthermore

Which of the following animals did Laura see second? At a school field trip to the zoo, Laura wanted to visit as many animals as she could. She first stopped at the lion exhibit. Then, she saw the elephant after stopping to see the giraffe. Finally, she spotted the otter playing the water. Which of the following animals did Laura see second? A) Giraffe B) Elephant C) Otter D) Lion

A) Giraffe

Which of the following phrases contains information that is irrelevant to the review of the book? Read the passage below before answering the question. "Yo Ho, a Pirate's Book for Me" Book Review by Stephen Davidson from the online blog Popular Reads In the 17th century, there were people who called the sea home and sought extraordinary adventures. These people were called pirates. Pirates or privateers as they were sometimes called, have long been a part of popular culture in the 21st century in books, television shows, plays, and movies. With so many pieces of media about pirates, one would not think that anything else would be needed. That would be a mistaken belief. Pirates: A swashbuckling History by Grace O'Malley Teach, a popular fiction writer, is a wonderful addition to the popular fiction on pirates. She brings a fresh take on mythology from the world of piracy. Each chapter of this 168 page book is dedicated to a famous (or possibly infamous) pirate from history, from the dreaded Blackbeard to the fierce Mary Reed. As she explores these legends with her vivid writing style, it is like the pirates leap from pages of the book and begin battling in front of my eyes. In addition to her excellent writing bringing the stories to life, artistic representations of each of the pirates has been created for this book by up and coming illustrator Edward Teach, the author's brother, who just began a comic series about British history. Some of the content can get a little graphic in its violence, which is what we should really expect from a book about pirates. However, I believe that this book is the perfect present for the young children that haven't yet found a love of reading. I would also recommend this as a fun read when relaxing on a boat by the beach to really get the mindset of piracy and adventure. No matter where this book is read, I can guarantee that this purchase is worth it! "A Bottle of Disappointment" Book Review by Sue James from the journal History and Literature Pirates: A Swashbuckling History by Grace O'Malley Teach is the worst anthology of pirates tales I've ever read. Ms. Teach tends to overemphasize and sensationalize the legends at the expense of real pirate history. This is just another pointless pop culture filler riding the coattails of far superior works on piracy. I would recommend finding a better book than this one. Which of the following phrases contains information that is irrelevant to the review of the book? A) "Some of the content can get a little graphic in its violence..." B) "...it is like the pirate leap from the pages of the book and began battling right in front of my eyes." C) Each chapter of this 168 page book is dedicated to a famous (or possibly infamous) pirate from history..." D) "....Edward Teach, the author's brother, who just began a comic series about British history

A) "Some of the content can get a little graphic in its violence..."

A novel details the adventures of a man who becomes lost in the Alaskan wilderness. Using only the natural resources available around him, he struggles to survive against the elements. Which of the following universal themes does this novel explore? A) Humanity's relationship to nature B) How the past affects the present C) How power and greed corrupt D) Humanity's quest for knowledge

A) Humanity's relationship to nature

Which of the following sentences includes a supporting detail for the statement, "The existence of these types of media cause a resurgence in the myth's popularity every few years or so, keeping the myth alive"? Read the passage below before answering the question. Bigfoot: The Big Fake In the woods, there is a being that walks like a man and looks like a beast. Or is there? With only unreliable evidence to support the story, the popular story of Bigfoot definitely has more than a few holes in it. Bigfoot is a myth that has been perpetuated by false sighting claims made by people seeking attention and the sensationalized media. The myth of Bigfoot has persisted throughout American history. There have been thousands of reported sightings of what is assumed to be Bigfoot all over the United States throughout the years. One of the most famous Bigfoot sightings was reported by Gil McGee also released a video showing a dark shape-the supposed creature-moving through thick foliage. Later, after the video was examined more closely, it was discovered that "Bigfoot" was a stranger in a bear suit. The disapproving of Bigfoot sightings is quite common. In fact, according to the noted zoologist Dr. Tom Sampson, there has never been a documented scientific sighting confirming the existence of the creature. Instead of declaring the impossibility of Bigfoot, modern media has actually embraced Bigfoot as a commodity. A variety of representations of Bigfoot have been created, from cartoons to films to books. The spread of the Bigfoot myth has been exacerbated by social media sites dedicated to Bigfoot, like the popular blog "What's New with Bigfoot?" Which shows Bigfoot participating in tasks such as getting coffee or doing laundry. This blog has over 1 million followers with more subscribing every day. The existence of these types of media cause a resurgence in the myth's popularity every few years or so, keeping the myth alive. Logically and scientifically, there is no such thing as Bigfoot. The only real Bigfoot is in the shared imagination of people. Which of the following sentences includes a supporting detail for the statement, "The existence of these types of media cause a resurgence in the myth's popularity every few years or so, keeping the myth alive"? A) "This blog has over 1 million followers with more subscribing every day." B) A variety of representations of Bigfoot have been created, from cartoons to film to books." C) "There have been thousands of reported sightings of Bigfoot all over the United Stated throughout the years." D) Instead of declaring the impossibility of Bigfoot, modern media has actually embraced Bigfoot as a commodity."

A) "This blog has over 1 million followers with more subscribing every day."

What question should an author ask herself when deciding the most effective type of printed communication to use? A) "Who is my audience?" B) "What is my favorite way to communicate?" C) "What are the best colors to use?" D) "Do I have enough exclamatory words in my text?"

A) "Who is my audience?"

A family looking for a rental with three bedrooms that is close to the water should respond to which of the above advertisements? Read the classified advertisements below to answer the question. 1. Five-bedroom summer vacation rental available. Fully furnished, cable TV, off street parking, short walk to beach, $825-1,875 per week. Call 1-800-888-4444. 2. Bed and Breakfast in the village: New furnished studio with private bath. Studio has fabulous mountain views; wooden backyard; heated porch. Within commuting distance of ski resorts. Call 1-800-333-9999. 3. Lakefront Vacation Rental-Lake Forest-New, 2 bedrooms, 1 bath, private waterfront, kayak, and minutes to shopping. See photos on www.2rent.com. $800/week plus a cleaning fee. Call 1-777-888-7777. 4. Vacation Home Rental-June and July. Wonderful country home on 15 acres, two bedrooms, hot tub, and garden. Close to trail hiking. $1,800 per week. E-mail: [email protected]. A family looking for a rental with three bedrooms that is close to the water should respond to which of the above advertisements? A) 1 B) 2 C) 3 D) 4

A) 1

Use the map below to answer the question. What elements are missing from this graphic representation? A) A legend B) Photographs of landmarks C) Bus routes D) Estimated travel times

A) A legend

Based on the announcement above, which of the following statements is correct? Attention Residents of Forest Hill Subdivision: There will be a charge to the subdivision's weekly trash service. Every resident is now required to use the approved trash bin provided by the trash company. Residents will receive their new trash bins within the next 4 weeks. Any trash not placed in the approved trash bin will not be collected. Residents who do not place trash in the approved trash bin and leave it on the curb will be fined $1.50 for every day it is not removed. Trash will be collected on Mondays instead of Wednesdays. For questions or comments, call the trash company at 555-5555. Respectfully, Bill Smith Subdivision President Based on the announcement above, which of the following statements is correct? A) A resident will be fined $10.50 for leaving trash on the curb for a week. B) Residents are now required to recycle using the new trash bins C) Residents can continue to use their old trash bins in addition to the new trash bins D) A resident who wants to complain to the subdivision president should call 555-5555.

A) A resident will be fined $10.50 for leaving trash on the curb for a week.

Which of the following is the main idea of the second paragraph in this passage? Read the passage below before answering the question. Bigfoot: The Big Fake In the woods, there is a being that walks like a man and looks like a beast. Or is there? With only unreliable evidence to support the story, the popular story of Bigfoot definitely has more than a few holes in it. Bigfoot is a myth that has been perpetuated by false sighting claims made by people seeking attention and the sensationalized media. The myth of Bigfoot has persisted throughout American history. There have been thousands of reported sightings of what is assumed to be Bigfoot all over the United States throughout the years. One of the most famous Bigfoot sightings was reported by Gil McGee also released a video showing a dark shape-the supposed creature-moving through thick foliage. Later, after the video was examined more closely, it was discovered that "Bigfoot" was a stranger in a bear suit. The disapproving of Bigfoot sightings is quite common. In fact, according to the noted zoologist Dr. Tom Sampson, there has never been a documented scientific sighting confirming the existence of the creature. Instead of declaring the impossibility of Bigfoot, modern media has actually embraced Bigfoot as a commodity. A variety of representations of Bigfoot have been created, from cartoons to films to books. The spread of the Bigfoot myth has been exacerbated by social media sites dedicated to Bigfoot, like the popular blog "What's New with Bigfoot?" Which shows Bigfoot participating in tasks such as getting coffee or doing laundry. This blog has over 1 million followers with more subscribing every day. The existence of these types of media cause a resurgence in the myth's popularity every few years or so, keeping the myth alive. Logically and scientifically, there is no such thing as Bigfoot. The only real Bigfoot is in the shared imagination of people. Which of the following is the main idea of the second paragraph in this passage? A) Bigfoot sightings have been overwhelmingly disproven B) People who see Bigfoot do not generally report it C) Bigfoot sightings are being studied by scientists D) People who see Bigfoot are hallucinating

A) Bigfoot sightings have been overwhelmingly disproven

Which of the following sentences offers a supporting detail that relates to the topic of the passage? Read the passage below before answering the following questions. Bats are tremendously misunderstood and underappreciated. They have gained the erroneous reputation as flying rodents that drink blood and spread disease. However, in truth, not only are bats not actually rodents, but they provide many important ecological services. Research has shown that a single bat can eat more than 600 insect pests, like mosquitoes, in 1 hour. In addition to providing free pest control that reduces the spread of disease, they are also key pollinators for many plants, including agave, which relies entirely on bats for pollination, mangos, bananas, and cocoa just to name a few. Unfortunately, because bat populations are in sharp decline, without a collective effort to protect and save the bats, we risk losing all of the service they provide. Which of the following sentences offers a supporting detail that relates to the topic of the passage? A) Bloodsucking bats are not dangerous to humans and rarely attack mammals, and the saliva of vampire bats has anticoagulant properties useful in medicine B) Bats carry several diseases, including rabies and, in some cases Ebola virus C) Although many people find them cute, bats should never be kept as household pets D) In mythology, bats are often associated with witchcraft and the supernatural

A) Bloodsucking bats are not dangerous to humans and rarely attack mammals, and the saliva of vampire bats has anticoagulant properties useful in medicine

Which of the following sentences would be logical concluding sentence for this passage? Read the passage below before answering the questions. The sun streamed through the window, which meant it was finally morning. She looked at the clock for the hundredth time and the knots in her stomach grew tighter. Today was the day. Her headache had lasted through the night, and she groaned as she imagined presenting her thesis this afternoon while in such pain. Maybe she could call her professors and tell them she was sick. If she was sick, she wouldn't have to present. She could feel the tension in her neck and shoulders relax at the thought. But if she didn't present today, she wouldn't graduate on time, she sighed, willing herself out of bed, and slowly marched into the kitchen to make coffee and look over her notes one last time. Which of the following sentences would be logical concluding sentence for this passage? A) If she was going to present her thesis today, she was going to be as prepared as possible B) The dawn of a new day had made all of her troubles disappear C) There was not a doubt in her mind that she knew everything that she needed to know D) Maybe a few more hours of sleep will make her feel more prepared

A) If she was going to present her thesis today, she was going to be as prepared as possible

Which sentence in the passage allows the reader to infer that Edith Cavell was a skilled nurse? Read the passage below before answering the question. In 1907, Edith Cavell, a British nurse, was appointed head nurse of the Berkendael Medical Institute in Belgium. In 1914, at the start of World War I and the German occupation of Belgium, Cavell joined the Red Cross to support the nursing effort. The Berkendael Institute was converted into a hospital for wounded soldiers of all nationalities. During this time, Cavell helped soldiers treated there to escape to neutral Holland. In 1915, she was arrested by local German authorities for abetting the escape of 200 soldiers and sentenced to death. Cavell's case received significant press coverage around the world, especially in Britain and the United States. In the weeks after her death, the number of men enlisting to serve in World War I greatly increased. Which sentence in the passage allows the reader to infer that Edith Cavell was a skilled nurse? A) In 1907, Edith Cavell, a British nurse, was appointed head nurse of the Berkendael Medical Institute in Belgium B) During this time, Cavell helped soldiers treated there to escape to neutral Holland C) Cavell's case received significant press coverage around the world, especially in Britain and United States D) In 1914, at the start of World War I and the German occupation of Belgium, Cavell joined the Red Cross supporting the nurse effort

A) In 1907, Edith Cavell, a British nurse, was appointed head nurse of the Berkendael Medical Institute in Belgium

What information could someone writing a research paper about the Dust Bowl find in this letter? Read the passage below before answering the following questions. The following is an excerpt from a letter written by a woman in the 1930s in the Midwest to her relatives on the East Coast about the Dust Bowl. The dust has been mighty fierce. We have to keep the doors and windows shut tight, but the dirt gets right on through. When we open the door to that whirling dust, we are glad enough to run back inside with the soot all covering everything. We have to eat quick before the dirt settles on our food. You can't even see the lights in the house if you're outside it. One morning, so restless of the inside for days, I took a walk, and when I turned back I couldn't see the house. I knew the direction, so I kept on, and was close before I could see its outline. It sure made me feel lonely. What information could someone writing a research paper about the Dust Bowl find in this letter? A) Information about how people felt during the storms B) Details about the amount of dust that entered people's homes C) Information about the duration of the Dust Bowl D) Details about how to avoid the dust's storm

A) Information about how people felt during the storms

An individual is creating an argument that high school education should be mandatory. Which of the following statements best supports this argument? A) Job listings on websites indicate that, to even get a job that pays minimum wage, a person needs a high school diploma B) If all high school students were automatically enrolled in college, more people would be able to have better-paying jobs C) About 25% high school freshmen fail to graduate from high school D) Since 2008, high school dropout rates for Hispanic students have been cut in half

A) Job listings on websites indicate that, to even get a job that pays minimum wage, a person needs a high school diploma

Which of the following titles best encompasses all of the subheadings in the passage? Read the passage below before answering the question. What is Negative Liberty Negative Liberty, or freedom from the state, can be defined as each person's right, or perceived right, to have minimal state interference in her life and decision-making, as long as her actions do not interfere with another's person's negative liberties. For example, a person in the United States has the constitutional rights to exercise freedom of speech so long as that speech does not interfere with another person's constitutional rights (e.g., speech that incites violence is outlawed). Government censorship is prohibited by the United Sates Constitution. What is Positive Liberty Positive Liberty is a person's freedom to do certain things. Whereas negative liberties allow a person freedom from the state's interference in his life, positive liberties, allow the state to offer opportunities for citizens to experience these rights. For instance, in the free speech example about, government officials might hold down halls or open forums allowing citizens a platform to easily exercise their right to express their opinions. Liberalism and Egalitarian Liberalism Liberalism is the belief that the state should as little interference as possible in a person's life, and the government should adhere to a strict policy of noninterference as long as person is not causing harm to others. Egalitarian liberalism similarly emphasizes negative liberties , but also believe it is the state's responsibility to guarantee each citizen's positive liberties. Liberalism believes that each individual should have free reign over her own life and be left to make the best with what she has; egalitarian liberalism believes that the state should leave opportunities to ensure that each citizen can exercise these rights fairly and equally. Continuing with the freedom of speech example, egalitarian liberalism holds that it is not only the state's responsibility not to interfere in a person's right to express his ideas, but that the state should provide and ample opportunity for citizens to exercise this right. Vocabulary Negative Liberty Positive Liberty Liberalism Egalitarian Liberalism Which of the following titles best encompasses all of the subheadings in the passage? A) Liberty's Role in Liberalism B) Laws Restricting Liberty in the United States C) Censorship in America D) The Importance of Positive Liberty

A) Liberty's Role in Liberalism

This passage contains examples of implicit information as represented by which of the following phrases? Th following was dictated to the teacher. When I first saw the student in the video, he was dressed in his white hoodie sweatshirt, sunglasses, and headphones. My first impression was that he was being disrespectful of the setting and situation. But his attire in conjunction with what was transpiring opened up a new dimension meaning for me. The way in which the student is dressed represents his culture-a part of his culture that needs to hold onto for two reasons. The first reason is for security blanket, so to speak. He feels safer when he can wear what is familiar and comforting, a kind of armor when going to Battle. Although, I don't doubt that the student would have any trouble standing up for himself, he is in fact at the mercy of the Vice President and the teacher in this situation. It is apparent that the student knows more about the dominant culture's rules than they give him credit for. On page one of the transcript, in the first paragraph, the student stated, "I'm not supposed to do something, so I had to put down my values." In the student's eyes, he was humiliated in public by the dominant culture. He was stripped of his values and made to feel powerless. Because his values are a strong representation of his culture in essence, a significant portion of his culture had been taken away from him via spoken language and body language (the teacher's hand on him). The hoodie sweatshirt, sunglasses, and headphones are representative of his culture. The aspect of his culture is all he had to bring to the table that is visible to the outsiders, in this case, the vice president and the teacher. It was as if the student was saying, "Fine, I'll play by your rules, but you are not. This passage contains examples of implicit information as represented by which of the following phrases? A) My first impression was that he was being disrespectful of the setting and situation B) When I first saw the student in the video, he was dressed in a white hoody sweatshirt, sunglasses, and headphones C) On page one of the transcript, in the first paragraph, the student stated, "I'm not supposed to do something, so I had to put down my own value". D) The following was dictated to the teacher

A) My first impression was that he was being disrespectful of the setting and situation

Which of the following is a primary source for a paper about the first female anesthesiologist? A) Notes the anesthesiologist took as she was was going to medical school B) An online encyclopedia entry about the anesthesiologist C) A magazine article written on the anniversary of the anesthesiologist's graduation D) A journal article studying her influence on women in anesthesiology

A) Notes the anesthesiologist took as she was was going to medical school

Which of the following resources might contain eyewitness accounts of a local natural disaster from 50 years ago? A) Person diaries B) History textbooks C) Local geological surveys D) Encyclopedia

A) Person diaries

A student writes a persuasive essay that uses an irrelevant topic to change the subject and distract the reader from the issue at hand. Which of the following logical fallacies is the student using? A) Red herring B) Non sequitur C) Bandwagon approach D) Generalization

A) Red herring

Which of the following actions did the protagonists of the passage perform first? Read the passage below before answering the following questions. The day began when my watch beeped at 4:30 a.m. The alarm was supposed to sound at 7:30, but I forgotten to change the time back to my time zone after my last business trip in Boston. It was a struggle to stay awake for everything I needed to get done. First, I groggily showered, washed my hair, and blow dried it. Then, I kept yawning while I got dressed, but before I got dressed I had to iron my silk blouse. Next, I finally got to have my hot coffee. While I styled my hair and put on my makeup. Finally, I was wide awake and at my bus stop ten minutes early so I could arrive at my audition on time. Which of the following actions did the protagonists of the passage perform first? A) Shower B) Iron her blouse C) Change the time on her watch to 7:30 D) Have a hot cup of coffee

A) Shower

Which of the following groups of data would be best expressed in a pie chart? A) The amount of time an employee spends working alone, in a group, and in one-on-one meetings during the workday B) A company's sales over the current year and the previous year C) A patient's cholesterol results from each month of a year D_ The tuition increase in a private school over a period of 10 years

A) The amount of time an employee spends working alone, in a group, and in one-on-one meetings during the workday

Which of the following could be determined by only looking at the title of the blog post? Read the passage below before answering the following questions. Dave wanted to start a bee farm. Since he did not know much about bees or bee farms, he decided to visit the library. He searched the library's catalogue and found a book written by an entomologist, or a person who studies insects, titled Bee-lieve It: A Story of Bees and Humans. Then, Dave searched on the Internet and found a blog post by "Bees4Life" titled "How Farming Squashed the Bee, "which was posted on website for bee enthusiasts. Which of the following could be determined by only looking at the title of the blog post? A) The author's purpose for writing the post B) The author's feelings about bees C) The author's solutions for the problems associated with farming and bees D) The author's knowledge of farming practices

A) The author's purpose for writing the post

The author has discovered the following new piece of evidence for this passage. "Seventeen years ago, a hotline for reporting Bigfoot sightings was set up in Northern California by a local media station. The hotline was flooded with calls for two weeks straight until the hotline was disconnected." Which of the following claims from the passage would be supported by this new evidence? Read the passage below before answering the question. Bigfoot: The Big Fake In the woods, there is a being that walks like a man and looks like a beast. Or is there? With only unreliable evidence to support the story, the popular story of Bigfoot definitely has more than a few holes in it. Bigfoot is a myth that has been perpetuated by false sighting claims made by people seeking attention and the sensationalized media. The myth of Bigfoot has persisted throughout American history. There have been thousands of reported sightings of what is assumed to be Bigfoot all over the United States throughout the years. One of the most famous Bigfoot sightings was reported by Gil McGee also released a video showing a dark shape-the supposed creature-moving through thick foliage. Later, after the video was examined more closely, it was discovered that "Bigfoot" was a stranger in a bear suit. The disapproving of Bigfoot sightings is quite common. In fact, according to the noted zoologist Dr. Tom Sampson, there has never been a documented scientific sighting confirming the existence of the creature. Instead of declaring the impossibility of Bigfoot, modern media has actually embraced Bigfoot as a commodity. A variety of representations of Bigfoot have been created, from cartoons to films to books. The spread of the Bigfoot myth has been exacerbated by social media sites dedicated to Bigfoot, like the popular blog "What's New with Bigfoot?" Which shows Bigfoot participating in tasks such as getting coffee or doing laundry. This blog has over 1 million followers with more subscribing every day. The existence of these types of media cause a resurgence in the myth's popularity every few years or so, keeping the myth alive. Logically and scientifically, there is no such thing as Bigfoot. The only real Bigfoot is in the shared imagination of people. The author has discovered the following new piece of evidence for this passage. "Seventeen years ago, a hotline for reporting Bigfoot sightings was set up in Northern California by a local media station. The hotline was flooded with calls for two weeks straight until the hotline was disconnected." Which of the following claims from the passage would be supported by this new evidence? A) The media sensationalized Bigfoot B) There have been no scientific findings that support the existence of Bigfoot C) Social media has increased the popularity of the Bigfoot myth D) Bigfoot sightings are commonly disproven

A) The media sensationalized Bigfoot

What do the upward-pointing arrows (V)in the forum post indicate? Read the forum post below before answering the following questions. V400V7 Any recommendations for a family-friendly night on the town? Submitted 12 hours ago by NumberOneDad Hey everyone! First time posting on this thread :) My family and I just moved here a few weeks ago. My family's ready to explore the new city! Any suggestions? V77V1 dadjokes5 1 hour ago How does this have 7 dislikes! Here, have a 400th like. I think it's great you want to give your family a fun night out. You really have to check out Freddie's Fun Zone and Pizzeria. It's a blast! V25V3 fun_is_my_middle_name 3 hours ago Welcome NumberOneDad! My favorite place in the city is definitely Gary's Crab Castle...if you like seafood ;). They have a giant sandpit decorated like a beach where the kids can play. What do the upward-pointing arrows (V)in the forum post indicate? A) The number of forum users who like the post B) The order in which the posts were uploaded to the thread C) The number of posts by that particular user on the forum D) The order in which the users joined the forum

A) The number of forum users who like the post

Who is the intended audience for this email? Read the passage below before answering the following question. Date: May 15, 2016 3:30:12 P.M. To: Western.Hills.Neighborhood.listserv From: [email protected] Subject: Girl Scout Troop 449's First Meeting! Dear Western Hills Neighborhood, My name is Melanie Jones, and I am the new den mother for Girl Scout Troup 449. My daughter Cassie and I would like to welcome you to our home for the first meeting of the year. We will have juice and cookies for your children, and some cheese and fruit pairings for you. This informational meeting will be held on Sunday, June 5th at 4:00. The address is 865 Tracy Avenue. Since most of you have never been to our house before, just look for the blue house with pretty yellow flowers out front! We hope to see you there! Sincerely, Melanie Jones Who is the intended audience for this email? A) The parents who live in Western Hills neighborhood B) Cassie C) The Girls Scouts who live in Western Hills neighborhood D) Tracy

A) The parents who live in Western Hills neighborhood

What is the author's purpose of writing this book review? Read the passage below before answering the question. "Yo Ho, a Pirate's Book for Me" Book Review by Stephen Davidson from the online blog Popular Reads In the 17th century, there were people who called the sea home and sought extraordinary adventures. These people were called pirates. Pirates or privateers as they were sometimes called, have long been a part of popular culture in the 21st century in books, television shows, plays, and movies. With so many pieces of media about pirates, one would not think that anything else would be needed. That would be a mistaken belief. Pirates: A swashbuckling History by Grace O'Malley Teach, a popular fiction writer, is a wonderful addition to the popular fiction on pirates. She brings a fresh take on mythology from the world of piracy. Each chapter of this 168 page book is dedicated to a famous (or possibly infamous) pirate from history, from the dreaded Blackbeard to the fierce Mary Reed. As she explores these legends with her vivid writing style, it is like the pirates leap from pages of the book and begin battling in front of my eyes. In addition to her excellent writing bringing the stories to life, artistic representations of each of the pirates has been created for this book by up and coming illustrator Edward Teach, the author's brother, who just began a comic series about British history. Some of the content can get a little graphic in its violence, which is what we should really expect from a book about pirates. However, I believe that this book is the perfect present for the young children that haven't yet found a love of reading. I would also recommend this as a fun read when relaxing on a boat by the beach to really get the mindset of piracy and adventure. No matter where this book is read, I can guarantee that this purchase is worth it! "A Bottle of Disappointment" Book Review by Sue James from the journal History and Literature Pirates: A Swashbuckling History by Grace O'Malley Teach is the worst anthology of pirates tales I've ever read. Ms. Teach tends to overemphasize and sensationalize the legends at the expense of real pirate history. This is just another pointless pop culture filler riding the coattails of far superior works on piracy. I would recommend finding a better book than this one. What is the author's purpose of writing this book review? A) To persuade readers to purchase this book B) To inform readers that popularity of pirates C) To entertain the reader with tales of pirates D) To tell the reader that books about pirates are losing popularity

A) To persuade readers to purchase this book

In what order will Darlene be stopping at these locations to complete her errands? Darlene has a list of errands that she needs to accomplish today. She needs to pick up her laundry from the dry cleaner's after getting a loaf of bread. She also needs to buy an orange at the grocery store before going to the bakery for a loaf of bread. The most important errand she had to do first is drop off 12 dog toys at the veterinarian office In what order will Darlene be stopping at these locations to complete her errands? A) Veterinarian's office, grocery store, bakery, dry cleaner's B) Veterinarian's office, bakery, dry cleaner's, grocery store C) Dry cleaner's, grocery store, bakery, veterinarian's office D) Dry cleaner's, bakery, grocery store, veterinarian's office

A) Veterinarian's office, grocery store, bakery, dry cleaner's

The lawyer was able to______ her client when evidence was uncovered. Which of the following words logically completes the sentence above? A) Vindicate B) Substantiate C) Contemplate D) Resuscitate

A) Vindicate

Which of the following sentences presents the topic in this passage? Read the passage below before answering the question. Bigfoot: The Big Fake In the woods, there is a being that walks like a man and looks like a beast. Or is there? With only unreliable evidence to support the story, the popular story of Bigfoot definitely has more than a few holes in it. Bigfoot is a myth that has been perpetuated by false sighting claims made by people seeking attention and the sensationalized media. The myth of Bigfoot has persisted throughout American history. There have been thousands of reported sightings of what is assumed to be Bigfoot all over the United States throughout the years. One of the most famous Bigfoot sightings was reported by Gil McGee also released a video showing a dark shape-the supposed creature-moving through thick foliage. Later, after the video was examined more closely, it was discovered that "Bigfoot" was a stranger in a bear suit. The disapproving of Bigfoot sightings is quite common. In fact, according to the noted zoologist Dr. Tom Sampson, there has never been a documented scientific sighting confirming the existence of the creature. Instead of declaring the impossibility of Bigfoot, modern media has actually embraced Bigfoot as a commodity. A variety of representations of Bigfoot have been created, from cartoons to films to books. The spread of the Bigfoot myth has been exacerbated by social media sites dedicated to Bigfoot, like the popular blog "What's New with Bigfoot?" Which shows Bigfoot participating in tasks such as getting coffee or doing laundry. This blog has over 1 million followers with more subscribing every day. The existence of these types of media cause a resurgence in the myth's popularity every few years or so, keeping the myth alive. Logically and scientifically, there is no such thing as Bigfoot. The only real Bigfoot is in the shared imagination of people. Which of the following sentences presents the topic in this passage? A) "The myth of Bigfoot has persisted throughout American history!" B) "Bigfoot is a myth that has been perpetuated by false sighting claims made by people seeking attention and the sensationalized media." C) "There have been thousands of reported sightings of Bigfoot all over the United States throughout the years." D) "With only unreliable evidence to support the story, the popular story of Bigfoot definitely has more than a few holes in it."

B) "Bigfoot is a myth that has been perpetuated by false sighting claims made by people seeking attention and the sensationalized media."

Above is an excerpt of the index of the textbook where the passage is located. In which of the following page ranges is the passage most likely located? Read the passage below before answering the question. What is Negative Liberty Negative Liberty, or freedom from the state, can be defined as each person's right, or perceived right, to have minimal state interference in her life and decision-making, as long as her actions do not interfere with another's person's negative liberties. For example, a person in the United States has the constitutional rights to exercise freedom of speech so long as that speech does not interfere with another person's constitutional rights (e.g., speech that incites violence is outlawed). Government censorship is prohibited by the United Sates Constitution. What is Positive Liberty Positive Liberty is a person's freedom to do certain things. Whereas negative liberties allow a person freedom from the state's interference in his life, positive liberties, allow the state to offer opportunities for citizens to experience these rights. For instance, in the free speech example about, government officials might hold down halls or open forums allowing citizens a platform to easily exercise their right to express their opinions. Liberalism and Egalitarian Liberalism Liberalism is the belief that the state should as little interference as possible in a person's life, and the government should adhere to a strict policy of noninterference as long as person is not causing harm to others. Egalitarian liberalism similarly emphasizes negative liberties , but also believe it is the state's responsibility to guarantee each citizen's positive liberties. Liberalism believes that each individual should have free reign over her own life and be left to make the best with what she has; egalitarian liberalism believes that the state should leave opportunities to ensure that each citizen can exercise these rights fairly and equally. Continuing with the freedom of speech example, egalitarian liberalism holds that it is not only the state's responsibility not to interfere in a person's right to express his ideas, but that the state should provide and ample opportunity for citizens to exercise this right. Vocabulary Negative Liberty Positive Liberty Liberalism Egalitarian Liberalism liberal democracy, 35-40 liberalism, 7-8, 13, 27-33 classic, 7, 8, 13 egalitarian, 29-30 libertarianism, 41-44 limited government, 45-46 negative liberty, 28 positive liberty, 28 Above is an excerpt of the index of the textbook where the passage is located. In which of the following page ranges is the passage most likely located? A) 7-8 B) 27-33 C) 41-44 D) 45-46

B) 27-33

This is an incomplete list of steps to take down when cooking pasta: Step 1: Fill the cooking pot with water Step 2: Place the pasta in the water Step 3: Drain the water Step 4: Pour sauce over the pasta Where would the step "Cook the pasta for "8 minutes" most logically fit in this list? A) After Step 1 B) After Step 2 C) After Step 3 D) After Step 4

B) After Step 2

Which of the following is the best source of information for learning how far Chicago is from New York City? A) Encyclopedia B) Atlas C) Newspaper D) Almanac

B) Atlas

Which of the following actions is the the third step Tim and Todd take when creating a new ice cream flavor? Read the passage below before answering the question. Tim and Todd work at an ice cream parlor. As part of their advertising, they create a new ice cream flavor to sell everyday. Yesterday, Tim went to visit his family, so Todd created two flavors. Today is a holiday, so Tim and Todd will create twice the number of new ice cream flavors each before Todd sells them at the fair. Tomorrow, they will go back to creating their normal amount of new ice cream flavors. When creating a new ice cream flavor, Tim and Todd first write down their ideas in a notebook. Then, they look over the ingredients they have in the kitchen. After comparing the ingredients with the ideas, they each choose the flavor they want to create. Which of the following actions is the the third step Tim and Todd take when creating a new ice cream flavor? A) Looking to see what ingredients are in the kitchen B) Comparing the ice cream flavor ideas and the ingredients C) Thinking of new ideas for ice cream flavors and writing them down D) Deciding which flavor of ice cream they each want to make

B) Comparing the ice cream flavor ideas and the ingredients

Use the graph below to answer the following question. Based on the title and labels on the x and y axis, which of the following sentences correctly describes the bar graph above? A) As more traditional students enrolled at ABC University, fewer nontraditional students enrolled B) Enrollment of traditional students at ABC University from 2001 to 2005 rose at a greater rate than that of nontraditional students C) ABC University is not popular among non traditional students D) Traditional students are more likely to enroll at ABC University than other universities

B) Enrollment of traditional students at ABC University from 2001 to 2005 rose at a greater rate than that of nontraditional students

Use the graph below to answer the following question. Based on the title and labels on the x and y axis. Which of the following sentences correctly describes the bar graph above? A) As more traditional students enrolled at ABC University, fewer nontraditional students enrolled B) Enrollment of traditional students at ABC University from 2001 to 2005 rose at a greater rate than that of nontraditional students C) ABC University is not popular among nontraditional students D) Traditional students are more likely to enroll at ABC University than other universities

B) Enrollment of traditional students at ABC University from 2001 to 2005 rose at a greater rate than that of nontraditional students

Which of the following is a logical conclusion of this passage? Read the passage below before answering the questions. The sun is shining, the smell of barbeque is in the air, and the pool is calling. It's summertime! But fun in the sun can be cut short when people ignore a few basic safety precautions. It's important to remember to always wear sunscreen and to reapply every 1 to 2 hours, or after swimming or sweating. Be sure to drink lots of water during and after outdoor activities to help prevent dehydration. Lastly, make sure to use an insect repellent when spending time outdoors to prevent mosquito and tick bites, which can spread harmful diseases. By remembering these precautions, you can make sure that you and your family enjoy a fun and safe summer. Which of the following is a logical conclusion of this passage? A) More people suffer from mosquito and tick bites than dehydration B) Injuries from outdoor activities increase in the summertime C) Insect repellent only lasts for 1 to 2 hours D) It is not necessary to worry about dehydration while swimming

B) Injuries from outdoor activities increase in the summertime

What can you conclude about the effect Edith Cavell's death had on the British and American people? Read the passage below before answering the question. In 1907, Edith Cavell, a British nurse, was appointed head nurse of the Berkendael Medical Institute in Belgium. In 1914, at the start of World War I and the German occupation of Belgium, Cavell joined the Red Cross to support the nursing effort. The Berkendael Institute was converted into a hospital for wounded soldiers of all nationalities. During this time, Cavell helped soldiers treated there to escape to neutral Holland. In 1915, she was arrested by local German authorities for abetting the escape of 200 soldiers and sentenced to death. Cavell's case received significant press coverage around the world, especially in Britain and the United States. In the weeks after her death, the number of men enlisting to serve in World War I greatly increased. What can you conclude about the effect Edith Cavell's death had on the British and American people? A) Nurses were considered an important reason for why the Americans and English won World War I B) Many British and American people believed she had died for a good cause C) The British and American people began to highly regulate hospital practices D) British and American hospitals began admitting wounded soldiers of all nationalities

B) Many British and American people believed she had died for a good cause

Which of the following identifies the mode of the passage? Read the passage below before answering the questions. Love at first sight is a beautiful notion, but romance isn't always instantaneous. My parents first met in high school as members of the marching band. They were friendly with each other, but not close, and after high school they assumed they would never meet again. Ten years later, they rain into each other in the grocery store and started reminiscing about the good old days. They made plans to meet up for dinner, then lunch for a week later, then coffee the week after that. After several months of dating, they realized how much they had in common. Two years later, they were married. Forty years and three kids later, my parents are a reminder that love is out there for everyone, if you're willing to wait for it. Which of the following identifies the mode of the passage? A) Expository B) Narrative C) Persuasive D) Descriptive

B) Narrative

Which of the following inferences can the reader logically make after reading this passage? Read the passage below before answering the questions. The sun streamed through the window, which meant it was finally morning. She looked at the clock for the hundredth time and the knots in her stomach grew tighter. Today was the day. Her headache had lasted through the night, and she groaned as she imagined presenting her thesis this afternoon while in such pain. Maybe she could call her professors and tell them she was sick. If she was sick, she wouldn't have to present. She could feel the tension in her neck and shoulders relax at the thought. But if she didn't present today, she wouldn't graduate on time, she sighed, willing herself out of bed, and slowly marched into the kitchen to make coffee and look over her notes one last time. Which of the following inferences can the reader logically make after reading this passage? A) The protagonist's illness will prevent her from presenting her thesis today B) Presenting a thesis is a stressful experience for the protagonist C) The protagonist does not like the subject she wrote her thesis about D) The morning sunlight caused the protagonist's headache

B) Presenting a thesis is a stressful experience for the protagonist

Based on the instructions in the passage, which of the following scenarios represents the step closer to the beginning of the instructions? Read the passage below before answering the questions. The Perfect Doughnut Some mornings, a cup of coffee just isn't enough to get the day started. To shake off those slow mornings, something sweet, delicious, and fluffy is needed. Sometimes, you just need a doughnut. But how do you go about finding the perfect doughnut for your morning? Finding the Perfect Doughnut Shop The most important step in finding the perfect doughnuts is to find the perfect doughnut shop. In order to find this shop, you should first look at online reviews dedicated to doughnut shops. Once you have found a good review, the next step is to investigate the website of the doughnut shop. Many shops will post a menu of the doughnuts they offer. Sometimes, these shops offer quite a few different kinds of doughnuts. You may feel overwhelmed by the amount of choices you have. Choosing Your Doughnut Since you can find the menu posted online, the step that you should take next is studying that list. Once you have decided which doughnut (or doughnuts) you would like to purchase, write down the names and amounts on a piece of paper you can bring with you t the shop. In case the doughnut you have chosen is not available when you are at the shop, it would be also prudent to write down some alternative doughnuts that you might also enjoy. Purchasing Your Doughnut Finally, you have reached the step of actually purchasing your doughnut at the shop. With your list in hand, you should first scan the display case to see if your doughnut choice is present. Next, politely state your order to the shop worker who will then place your purchase in an appropriate container. After paying, you will be handed the container and sent on your way. You are now ready to enjoy your perfect doughnut. Based on the instructions in the passage, which of the following scenarios represents the step closer to the beginning of the instructions? A) Suzette writes down that she wants a glazed doughnut, but also a cake doughnut B) Rob finds an online post about a new shop that sells the best jelly doughnuts C) Pat looks over the menu of a local doughnut shop D) Kyle finds that the powdered sugar doughnut he wanted is currently sold out

B) Rob finds an online post about a new shop that sells the best jelly doughnuts

Which of the following logically conclusions can be made about the protagonist in this passage? Read the passage below before answering the following questions. The day began when my watch beeped at 4:30 a.m. The alarm was supposed to sound at 7:30, but I forgotten to change the time back to my time zone after my last business trip in Boston. It was a struggle to stay awake for everything I needed to get done. First, I groggily showered, washed my hair, and blow dried it. Then, I kept yawning while I got dressed, but before I got dressed I had to iron my silk blouse. Next, I finally got to have my hot coffee. While I styled my hair and put on my makeup. Finally, I was wide awake and at my bus stop ten minutes early so I could arrive at my audition on time. Which of the following logically conclusions can be made about the protagonist in this passage? A) She normally gets up at 4:30 a.m. every morning B) She is a professional performer C) She does not like the taste of coffee D) She lives in Boston

B) She is a professional performer

In an editorial, an author argues that football is too dangerous a sport for high school students. Which of the following statements provides evidence against this argument? A) Since 1980, the average number of annual high school football related deaths have remained relatively constant B) Since the introduction of new protective equipment for athletes, studies have shown that students who play football in high school are in better physical health than other students C) Many high schools don't have strategies or procedure in place to deal with life-threatening injuries D) Only 37% of high schools employ a full-time athletic trainer is on site during practices and games

B) Since the introduction of new protective equipment for athletes, studies have shown that students who play football in high school are in better physical health than other students

Allison is expanding the passage to teach her civics class more about liberalism. Which of the following subheadings should she immediately add after "What is Positive Liberty?" Read the passage below before answering the question. What is Negative Liberty Negative Liberty, or freedom from the state, can be defined as each person's right, or perceived right, to have minimal state interference in her life and decision-making, as long as her actions do not interfere with another's person's negative liberties. For example, a person in the United States has the constitutional rights to exercise freedom of speech so long as that speech does not interfere with another person's constitutional rights (e.g., speech that incites violence is outlawed). Government censorship is prohibited by the United Sates Constitution. What is Positive Liberty Positive Liberty is a person's freedom to do certain things. Whereas negative liberties allow a person freedom from the state's interference in his life, positive liberties, allow the state to offer opportunities for citizens to experience these rights. For instance, in the free speech example about, government officials might hold down halls or open forums allowing citizens a platform to easily exercise their right to express their opinions. Liberalism and Egalitarian Liberalism Liberalism is the belief that the state should as little interference as possible in a person's life, and the government should adhere to a strict policy of noninterference as long as person is not causing harm to others. Egalitarian liberalism similarly emphasizes negative liberties , but also believe it is the state's responsibility to guarantee each citizen's positive liberties. Liberalism believes that each individual should have free reign over her own life and be left to make the best with what she has; egalitarian liberalism believes that the state should leave opportunities to ensure that each citizen can exercise these rights fairly and equally. Continuing with the freedom of speech example, egalitarian liberalism holds that it is not only the state's responsibility not to interfere in a person's right to express his ideas, but that the state should provide and ample opportunity for citizens to exercise this right. Vocabulary Negative Liberty Positive Liberty Liberalism Egalitarian Liberalism Allison is expanding the passage to teach her civics class more about liberalism. Which of the following subheadings should she immediately add after "What is Positive Liberty?" A) Egalitarian Liberalism in Practice B) The Relationship Between the Two Concepts of Liberty C) The Benefits of Liberalism Over Egalitarian Liberalism D) Examples of Negative Liberties in Western Culture

B) The Relationship Between the Two Concepts of Liberty

Which of the following groups of data would be best expressed on a line graph? A) The portion of a metal that contains fruits and vegetables B) The average price of gasoline per gallon over a year C) The amount of energy coming from different sources used at a city hall D) The percentage of dams built in the United States to create reservoirs

B) The average price of gasoline per gallon over a year

The reader can conclude which of the following based on this passage? The following passage is from Tales of Space and Time by H.G. Wells. There was, until a year ago, a little and very grimy-looking shop near Seven Dials, over which, in weather-worn yellow lettering, the name of "C. Cave, Naturalist and Dealer in Antiquities, was inscribed. The context of its window were curiously variegated. They comprised 200 elephant tusks and an imperfect set of chessmen, beads and weapons, a box of eyes, two skulls of tigers and one human, several moth-eaten stuffed monkeys (one holding a lamp), an old-fashioned cabinet, a flyblown ostrich egg or so, some fishing-tackle, and an extraordinary dirty, empty glass fish-tank. There was also, at the moment the story begins, a mass of crystal, worked into the shape of an egg and brilliantly polished. The reader can conclude which of the following based on this passage? A) The owner of the antiquities store was quite wealthy B) The crystal-shaped egg will be an important detail in the story C) The crystal-shaped egg will be stolen from the store D) The story takes place a year ago

B) The crystal-shaped egg will be an important detail in the story

Which of the following parts of a memo is missing from the Dog Wranglers memo? To: Dog Wranglers From: Sara Mosher Re: Tuxedos and Tails Gala This Saturday is the yearly event we have all been waiting for, the rescue's biggest fundraising event of the year! Please be sure to read the e-mails you received 2 weeks ago with all the information about where to meet, what time, and what to wear. In addition, please arrive twenty minutes prior to your assigned time to pick up your nametags, box dinner, water bottle, and goody bag for your assigned dog. Which of the following parts of a memo is missing from the Dog Wranglers memo? A) The recipient of the memo B) The date of the memo C) The subject of the memo D) The author o the memo

B) The date of the memo

In the passage, the author states that there are "false sighting claims" of people seeing Bigfoot. Which of the following pieces of evidence from the passage supports this claim? Read the passage below before answering the question. Bigfoot: The Big Fake In the woods, there is a being that walks like a man and looks like a beast. Or is there? With only unreliable evidence to support the story, the popular story of Bigfoot definitely has more than a few holes in it. Bigfoot is a myth that has been perpetuated by false sighting claims made by people seeking attention and the sensationalized media. The myth of Bigfoot has persisted throughout American history. There have been thousands of reported sightings of what is assumed to be Bigfoot all over the United States throughout the years. One of the most famous Bigfoot sightings was reported by Gil McGee also released a video showing a dark shape-the supposed creature-moving through thick foliage. Later, after the video was examined more closely, it was discovered that "Bigfoot" was a stranger in a bear suit. The disapproving of Bigfoot sightings is quite common. In fact, according to the noted zoologist Dr. Tom Sampson, there has never been a documented scientific sighting confirming the existence of the creature. Instead of declaring the impossibility of Bigfoot, modern media has actually embraced Bigfoot as a commodity. A variety of representations of Bigfoot have been created, from cartoons to films to books. The spread of the Bigfoot myth has been exacerbated by social media sites dedicated to Bigfoot, like the popular blog "What's New with Bigfoot?" Which shows Bigfoot participating in tasks such as getting coffee or doing laundry. This blog has over 1 million followers with more subscribing every day. The existence of these types of media cause a resurgence in the myth's popularity every few years or so, keeping the myth alive. Logically and scientifically, there is no such thing as Bigfoot. The only real Bigfoot is in the shared imagination of people. In the passage, the author states that there are "false sighting claims" of people seeing Bigfoot. Which of the following pieces of evidence from the passage supports this claim? A) There have been no documented scientific sightings of Bigfoot throughout history B) The video of Bigfoot recorded by Gil McGee was proven to be a stranger in a bear suit C) The blog "What's New with Bigfoot?" showcases a representation of Bigfoot in everyday situations D) There have been thousands of reported sightings of Bigfoot across the United States

B) The video of Bigfoot recorded by Gil McGee was proven to be a stranger in a bear suit

Based on the content of the memorandum, when did Sara Mosher send this memo about the Tuxedos and Tail Gala? To: Dog Wranglers From: Sara Mosher Re: Tuxedos and Tails Gala This Saturday is the yearly event we have all been waiting for, the rescue's biggest fundraising event of the year! Please be sure to read the e-mails you received 2 weeks ago with all the information about where to meet, what time, and what to wear. In addition, please arrive twenty minutes prior to your assigned time to pick up your nametags, box dinner, water bottle, and goody bag for your assigned dog. Based on the content of the memorandum, when did Sara Mosher send this memo about the Tuxedos and Tail Gala? A) Before sending official invitations to the gala B) The week before the gala C) The day of the gala D) Before selecting dog wranglers to staff the gala

B) The week before the gala

Which of the following words from the above passage is a signal word that indicates the order of events? Earl decided to go to the party at his friend Cat's house. He put on his jacket and then went to start his car. His car moved slowly, but it got Earl to the party. Which of the following words from the above passage is a signal word that indicates the order of events? A) Slowly B) Then C) Decided D) Put

B) Then

Which of the following is the purpose of the italic used in the first and second paragraphs of the passage? Read the passage below before answering the question. What is Negative Liberty Negative Liberty, or freedom from the state, can be defined as each person's right, or perceived right, to have minimal state interference in her life and decision-making, as long as her actions do not interfere with another's person's negative liberties. For example, a person in the United States has the constitutional rights to exercise freedom of speech so long as that speech does not interfere with another person's constitutional rights (e.g., speech that incites violence is outlawed). Government censorship is prohibited by the United Sates Constitution. What is Positive Liberty Positive Liberty is a person's freedom to do certain things. Whereas negative liberties allow a person freedom from the state's interference in his life, positive liberties, allow the state to offer opportunities for citizens to experience these rights. For instance, in the free speech example about, government officials might hold down halls or open forums allowing citizens a platform to easily exercise their right to express their opinions. Liberalism and Egalitarian Liberalism Liberalism is the belief that the state should as little interference as possible in a person's life, and the government should adhere to a strict policy of noninterference as long as person is not causing harm to others. Egalitarian liberalism similarly emphasizes negative liberties , but also believe it is the state's responsibility to guarantee each citizen's positive liberties. Liberalism believes that each individual should have free reign over her own life and be left to make the best with what she has; egalitarian liberalism believes that the state should leave opportunities to ensure that each citizen can exercise these rights fairly and equally. Continuing with the freedom of speech example, egalitarian liberalism holds that it is not only the state's responsibility not to interfere in a person's right to express his ideas, but that the state should provide and ample opportunity for citizens to exercise this right. Vocabulary Negative Liberty Positive Liberty Liberalism Egalitarian Liberalism Which of the following is the purpose of the italic used in the first and second paragraphs of the passage? A) To indicate the title B) To emphasize a point C) To indicate specific platforms D) To organize the passage

B) To emphasize a point

Which of the following is the main purpose of the advertisement? Read the advertisement below to answer the question. Do you need more excitement in your life? Come experience the thrills of Exploreland! Ride the rides, play the games, and explore new lands. You can journey to the uncharted territories right in your own backyard at our new adventure themed amusement park. For more information, visit www.2exploraland.com or call 1-800-2EX-PLOR. Which of the following is the main purpose of the advertisement? A) To inform B) To persuade C) To entertain D) To express feeling

B) To persuade

If no dictionary is available, which of the following would be the best resource to use when finding the definition of "gradient"? A. A resource on the poetic use of images and words B. A resource on the origin of words C. A resource on the evolution of world languages D. A resource on the inclusion of culture in languages

B. A resource on the origin of words

Harold has been playing the piano since he was 5 years old. He enjoys playing soothing music to help him calm down after a stressful day at school. From the previous two sentences which part of the sentence helps to define the meaning of the word "soothing"? A) "playing the piano" B) "stressful day" C) "calm him down" D) "since he was 5 years old"

C) "calm him down"

Which of the following is an example of a secondary source? A) The notes of a doctor who practiced during an influenza epidemic B) Journal entries of a patient who spent two weeks quarantined during an influenza outbreak C) A textbook summarizing eyewitness accounts of an influenza epidemic D) Photographs in a museum exhibit about a world-famous influenza outbreak

C) A textbook summarizing eyewitness accounts of an influenza epidemic

Which of the following pieces of writing would commonly be written with an informal tone? A) A letter to your new boss B) A short essay for your history class C) An email to your sibling D) An article in an academic journal

C) An email to your sibling

When writing an academic paper about the true history of Blackbeard, the book Pirates: A Swashbuckling History would not be reliable and accurate resource to use. Why would it not be a reliable resource? Read the passage below before answering the question. "Yo Ho, a Pirate's Book for Me" Book Review by Stephen Davidson from the online blog Popular Reads In the 17th century, there were people who called the sea home and sought extraordinary adventures. These people were called pirates. Pirates or privateers as they were sometimes called, have long been a part of popular culture in the 21st century in books, television shows, plays, and movies. With so many pieces of media about pirates, one would not think that anything else would be needed. That would be a mistaken belief. Pirates: A swashbuckling History by Grace O'Malley Teach, a popular fiction writer, is a wonderful addition to the popular fiction on pirates. She brings a fresh take on mythology from the world of piracy. Each chapter of this 168 page book is dedicated to a famous (or possibly infamous) pirate from history, from the dreaded Blackbeard to the fierce Mary Reed. As she explores these legends with her vivid writing style, it is like the pirates leap from pages of the book and begin battling in front of my eyes. In addition to her excellent writing bringing the stories to life, artistic representations of each of the pirates has been created for this book by up and coming illustrator Edward Teach, the author's brother, who just began a comic series about British history. Some of the content can get a little graphic in its violence, which is what we should really expect from a book about pirates. However, I believe that this book is the perfect present for the young children that haven't yet found a love of reading. I would also recommend this as a fun read when relaxing on a boat by the beach to really get the mindset of piracy and adventure. No matter where this book is read, I can guarantee that this purchase is worth it! "A Bottle of Disappointment" Book Review by Sue James from the journal History and Literature Pirates: A Swashbuckling History by Grace O'Malley Teach is the worst anthology of pirates tales I've ever read. Ms. Teach tends to overemphasize and sensationalize the legends at the expense of real pirate history. This is just another pointless pop culture filler riding the coattails of far superior works on piracy. I would recommend finding a better book than this one. When writing an academic paper about the true history of Blackbeard, the book Pirates: A Swashbuckling History would not be reliable and accurate resource to use. Why would it not be a reliable resource? A) Because the book's content is focused on multiple pirates from history B) Because the book contains illustrations C) Because it is a popular fiction book D) Because of the author's vivid writing style

C) Because it is a popular fiction book

Which of the following statements contains a stereotype? A) Ice cream is better than cake B) Road construction is annoying when it closes roads C) Cats are meaner than dogs D) Injuries from motorcycle accidents increases when riders do not wear helmets.

C) Cats are meaner than dogs

The chilly wind blew through the trees as the snow continued to accumulate. Which of the following words from the sentence has a connotative meaning? A) Snow B) Accumulate C) Chilly D) Through

C) Chilly

In which of the sections in the passage would this step most logically fit? Read the passage below before answering the questions. The Perfect Doughnut Some mornings, a cup of coffee just isn't enough to get the day started. To shake off those slow mornings, something sweet, delicious, and fluffy is needed. Sometimes, you just need a doughnut. But how do you go about finding the perfect doughnut for your morning? Finding the Perfect Doughnut Shop The most important step in finding the perfect doughnuts is to find the perfect doughnut shop. In order to find this shop, you should first look at online reviews dedicated to doughnut shops. Once you have found a good review, the next step is to investigate the website of the doughnut shop. Many shops will post a menu of the doughnuts they offer. Sometimes, these shops offer quite a few different kinds of doughnuts. You may feel overwhelmed by the amount of choices you have. Choosing Your Doughnut Since you can find the menu posted online, the step that you should take next is studying that list. Once you have decided which doughnut (or doughnuts) you would like to purchase, write down the names and amounts on a piece of paper you can bring with you to the shop. In case the doughnut you have chosen is not available when you are at the shop, it would be also prudent to write down some alternative doughnuts that you might also enjoy. Purchasing Your Doughnut Finally, you have reached the step of actually purchasing your doughnut at the shop. With your list in hand, you should first scan the display case to see if your doughnut choice is present. Next, politely state your order to the shop worker who will then place your purchase in an appropriate container. After paying, you will be handed the container and sent on your way. You are now ready to enjoy your perfect doughnut. The author of the passage decided that the following step should be added to the instruction for finding the perfect doughnut: "Prices for the doughnuts are also often listed on the online menu, so you should make certain that you obtain enough money to pay for the doughnut or doughnuts you wish to purchase." In which of the sections in the passage would this step most logically fit? A) The Perfect Doughnut B) Finding the Perfect Doughnut Shop C) Choosing Your Doughnut D) Purchasing Your Doughnut

C) Choosing Your Doughnut

Beth has decided to purchase a doughnut using the instructions in the passage. She found a review of a doughnut shop online which states, "Best doughnuts in town! 10/10." What is the next step that Beth should take? Read the passage below before answering the questions. The Perfect Doughnut Some mornings, a cup of coffee just isn't enough to get the day started. To shake off those slow mornings, something sweet, delicious, and fluffy is needed. Sometimes, you just need a doughnut. But how do you go about finding the perfect doughnut for your morning? Finding the Perfect Doughnut Shop The most important step in finding the perfect doughnuts is to find the perfect doughnut shop. In order to find this shop, you should first look at online reviews dedicated to doughnut shops. Once you have found a good review, the next step is to investigate the website of the doughnut shop. Many shops will post a menu of the doughnuts they offer. Sometimes, these shops offer quite a few different kinds of doughnuts. You may feel overwhelmed by the amount of choices you have. Choosing Your Doughnut Since you can find the menu posted online, the step that you should take next is studying that list. Once you have decided which doughnut (or doughnuts) you would like to purchase, write down the names and amounts on a piece of paper you can bring with you t the shop. In case the doughnut you have chosen is not available when you are at the shop, it would be also prudent to write down some alternative doughnuts that you might also enjoy. Purchasing Your Doughnut Finally, you have reached the step of actually purchasing your doughnut at the shop. With your list in hand, you should first scan the display case to see if your doughnut choice is present. Next, politely state your order to the shop worker who will then place your purchase in an appropriate container. After paying, you will be handed the container and sent on your way. You are now ready to enjoy your perfect doughnut. Beth has decided to purchase a doughnut using the instructions in the passage. She found a review of a doughnut shop online which states, "Best doughnuts in town! 10/10." What is the next step that Beth should take? A) Write down the doughnut that she would like to purchase B) Go to the doughnut shop C) Look at the doughnut shop's website D) Decide how many doughnuts she wants

C) Look at the doughnut shop's website

An author argues that working from home helps the environment. Which of the following statements supports this argument? A) The number of people telecommuting for more than 1 day a week grew roughly 80% from 2005 to 2012 B) Carpooling cuts down on the number of cars on the road, therefore reducing carbon emissions that damage our atmosphere C) One company noted that, after allowing most its employees to work remotely, the amount of paper waste that they produced was reduced by over 50% D) Employees who work from home tend to snack throughout the day, adding to the vast number of plastic wrappers and cardboard boxes cluttering our landfills

C) One company noted that, after allowing most its employees to work remotely, the amount of paper waste that they produced was reduced by over 50%

In 15 days, these pets will have been removed from the apartment complex and taken to a wildlife center. Which of the following words from the sentence has a connotative meaning? A) Complex B) Removed C) Pests D) Wildlife

C) Pests

Based on the passage, whose point of view is being used in this book review? Read the passage below before answering the question. "Yo Ho, a Pirate's Book for Me" Book Review by Stephen Davidson from the online blog Popular Reads In the 17th century, there were people who called the sea home and sought extraordinary adventures. These people were called pirates. Pirates or privateers as they were sometimes called, have long been a part of popular culture in the 21st century in books, television shows, plays, and movies. With so many pieces of media about pirates, one would not think that anything else would be needed. That would be a mistaken belief. Pirates: A swashbuckling History by Grace O'Malley Teach, a popular fiction writer, is a wonderful addition to the popular fiction on pirates. She brings a fresh take on mythology from the world of piracy. Each chapter of this 168 page book is dedicated to a famous (or possibly infamous) pirate from history, from the dreaded Blackbeard to the fierce Mary Reed. As she explores these legends with her vivid writing style, it is like the pirates leap from pages of the book and begin battling in front of my eyes. In addition to her excellent writing bringing the stories to life, artistic representations of each of the pirates has been created for this book by up and coming illustrator Edward Teach, the author's brother, who just began a comic series about British history. Some of the content can get a little graphic in its violence, which is what we should really expect from a book about pirates. However, I believe that this book is the perfect present for the young children that haven't yet found a love of reading. I would also recommend this as a fun read when relaxing on a boat by the beach to really get the mindset of piracy and adventure. No matter where this book is read, I can guarantee that this purchase is worth it! "A Bottle of Disappointment" Book Review by Sue James from the journal History and Literature Pirates: A Swashbuckling History by Grace O'Malley Teach is the worst anthology of pirates tales I've ever read. Ms. Teach tends to overemphasize and sensationalize the legends at the expense of real pirate history. This is just another pointless pop culture filler riding the coattails of far superior works on piracy. I would recommend finding a better book than this one. Based on the passage, whose point of view is being used in this book review? A) A third person point of view B) Grace O'Malley Teach C) Stephen Davidson D) Edward Teach

C) Stephen Davidson

Based on the title, "Studies Find There's Nothing Magical About Breakfast," which of the following statements most likely summarizes the contents of the article? A) Studies show that people should not even consider skipping breakfast B) Studies show that there is now a wider variety of choices for breakfast foods C) Studies show that breakfast is not a uniquely important meal D) Studies are inconclusive about what the best foods are for breakfast

C) Studies show that breakfast is not a uniquely important meal

What piece of information on the map did Mike fail to take into account? Use the map below to answer the question. Markus and his family are visiting the museums and monuments in the map above for the first time. On their first day they decided to walk from Memorial Monument to the History Museum. It does not appear to be that far on the map. However, once they started walking, following the sidewalks as the signs stated. it was much further than they expected. What piece of information on the map did Mike fail to take into account? A) He could have taken a more direct route if he had cut across the lawn B) The map labels the distance between the Memorial Monument and the History Museum C) The map is not to scale, as stated in the upper left corner D) This map does not have a legend

C) The map is not to scale, as stated in the upper left corner

Which of the following themes can be considered a universal theme? A) The struggle of working class B) The importance of capitalism C) The quest for knowledge D) The loneliness of middle age

C) The quest for knowledge

What can you conclude about the women in this passage? The following passage is from A Room with a view by E.M. Forster. Lucy thought she had never seen anything more beautiful; but Miss Lavish, with a shriek of dismay, dragged her forward, declaring-that they were out of their path now by at least a mile. The hour was approaching at which the continental breakfast begins, or rather ceases, to tell, and the ladies bought some hot chestnut paste out a little shop, because it looked so typical. It tasted partly of the paper in which it was wrapped, partly of hair oil, partly of the great unknown. But it gave them strength to drift into another Piazza, large and dusty, on the farther side of which rose a black-and-white façade of surpassing ugliness. What can you conclude about the women in this passage? A) They are miserable and wish they had never come to this place B) They are thrilled to be in such an exotic locale C) They are in an unfamiliar place but are trying to experience as much of it as they can D) There is not enough information to conclude anything about the woman in this passage

C) They are in an unfamiliar place but are trying to experience as much of it as they can

What is the purpose of the bold font as used in the passage? Read the passage below before answering the question. What is Negative Liberty Negative Liberty, or freedom from the state, can be defined as each person's right, or perceived right, to have minimal state interference in her life and decision-making, as long as her actions do not interfere with another's person's negative liberties. For example, a person in the United States has the constitutional rights to exercise freedom of speech so long as that speech does not interfere with another person's constitutional rights (e.g., speech that incites violence is outlawed). Government censorship is prohibited by the United Sates Constitution. What is Positive Liberty Positive Liberty is a person's freedom to do certain things. Whereas negative liberties allow a person freedom from the state's interference in his life, positive liberties, allow the state to offer opportunities for citizens to experience these rights. For instance, in the free speech example about, government officials might hold down halls or open forums allowing citizens a platform to easily exercise their right to express their opinions. Liberalism and Egalitarian Liberalism Liberalism is the belief that the state should as little interference as possible in a person's life, and the government should adhere to a strict policy of noninterference as long as person is not causing harm to others. Egalitarian liberalism similarly emphasizes negative liberties , but also believe it is the state's responsibility to guarantee each citizen's positive liberties. Liberalism believes that each individual should have free reign over her own life and be left to make the best with what she has; egalitarian liberalism believes that the state should leave opportunities to ensure that each citizen can exercise these rights fairly and equally. Continuing with the freedom of speech example, egalitarian liberalism holds that it is not only the state's responsibility not to interfere in a person's right to express his ideas, but that the state should provide and ample opportunity for citizens to exercise this right. Vocabulary Negative Liberty Positive Liberty Liberalism Egalitarian Liberalism What is the purpose of the bold font as used in the passage? A) To establish a hierarchy of importance B) To indicate a subheading C) To indicate a vocabulary word D) To indicate strong emotion

C) To indicate a vocabulary word

What is the purpose of the indented text in the forum post? Read the forum post below before answering the following questions. V400V7 Any recommendations for a family-friendly night on the town? Submitted 12 hours ago by NumberOneDad Hey everyone! First time posting on this thread :) My family and I just moved here a few weeks ago. My family's ready to explore the new city! Any suggestions? V77V1 dadjokes5 1 hour ago How does this have 7 dislikes! Here, have a 400th like. I think it's great you want to give your family a fun night out. You really have to check out Freddie's Fun Zone and Pizzeria. It's a blast! V25V3 fun_is_my_middle_name 3 hours ago Welcome NumberOneDad! My favorite place in the city is definitely Gary's Crab Castle...if you like seafood ;). They have a giant sandpit decorated like a beach where the kids can play. What is the purpose of the indented text in the forum post? A) To emphasize the title of the post B) To indicate usernames C) To organize the original post and replies in the thread D) To show the order of replies

C) To organize the original post and replies in the thread

Which of the following statements describe the purpose of the sentence above from the jury selection paragraph? Read the passage below before answering the following questions. Jury selection is the process of selecting jurors to serve on a jury during a trial. Jury selection can be challenging for even the most experienced attorney. There are several reasons for this: potential jurors often do not wish to participate in the trial proceedings, there will be disagreement between the opposing counsels about who should serve, and it is difficult to gauge how a particular juror might react to the case. When selecting a jury, an attorney should therefore consider the individual beliefs of the juror. It is every citizen's civic duty to serve as a juror at same point in his life, but it is the attorney's job to decide when juror is best fit for a particular case. "There are several reasons for this: potential jurors often do not wish to participate in the trial proceedings, there will be disagreement between the opposing counsels about who should serve, and it is difficult to gauge how a particular juror might react to the case." Which of the following statements describe the purpose of the sentence above from the jury selection paragraph? A) To summarize the subject matter of the paragraph B) To explain the author's purpose for writing the paragraph C) To provide examples that support the controlling idea D) To state the argument of the paragraph

C) To provide examples that support the controlling idea

A student writes a persuasive essay arguing that e-cigarettes cause as many problems as they are solving. Which of the following statements provides evidence to challenge this argument? A) Manufactures promote e-cigarettes as a healthy alternative to smoking, but researchers say their health effects are not yet clear. B) More than half of people who use e-cigarettes admit that they started smoking traditional cigarettes after they began using e-cigarettes C) Unlike e-cigarettes, discarded traditional cigarettes have been known to cause accidental fires D) E-cigarettes are battery-powered devices that deliver nicotine that is vaporized to form a mist

C) Unlike e-cigarettes, discarded traditional cigarettes have been known to cause accidental fires

Houston, the most populous city in Texas, has had a long and interesting history. Which of the following sentences is a key point that supports the controlling idea above? A. The Republic of Texas was founded in 1836, 9 years before Congress officially admitted Texas to the United States B. Houston is the fourth most populous city in the United States C. The city, named for former General Sam Houston, was one of the original capitals of the Republic of Texas and is the location of the first cemetery in the state, known as Founders Memorial Cemetery D. The history of Houston is quite interesting, including the fact that it is the most populous city in Texas.

C. The city, named for former General Sam Houston, was one of the original capitals of the Republic of Texas and is the location of the first cemetery in the state, known as Founders Memorial Cemetery

Luke is an avid hiker and loves going on the paths in the local wildlife preserve. He notices on his latest hike that there is a lot of litter lining the trails and that some of the preserve's birds seem to be using the trash to build nests. He has decided to write an email to his local government representative. Based on this information, which of the following is likely the purpose of Luke's email? A. To inform that the amount of litter is diminishing in the preserve B. To inform that the birds from the wildlife preserve are now nesting outside of the preserve C. To inform that there is litter in the wildlife preserve D. To inform that the birds have started eating the litter along the trail

C. To inform that there is litter in the wildlife preserve

Which of the following sentences provides evidence for the idea that bats are very important to the ecosystem? Read the passage below before answering the following questions. Bats are tremendously misunderstood and underappreciated. They have gained the erroneous reputation as flying rodents that drink blood and spread disease. However, in truth, not only are bats not actually rodents, but they provide many important ecological services. Research has shown that a single bat can eat more than 600 insect pests, like mosquitoes, in 1 hour. In addition to providing free pest control that reduces the spread of disease, they are also key pollinators for many plants, including agave, which relies entirely on bats for pollination, mangos, bananas, and cocoa just to name a few. Unfortunately, because bat populations are in sharp decline, without a collective effort to protect and save the bats, we risk losing all of the service they provide. Which of the following sentences provides evidence for the idea that bats are very important to the ecosystem? A) "They have gained the erroneous reputation on flying rodents that drink blood and spread disease." B) "Bats are tremendously misunderstood and underappreciated." C) "Unfortunately, because bat population are in sharp decline, without a collective effort to protect and save bats, we risk losing all of the service they provide." D) "Research has shown that a single bat can eat more than 600 insect pests, like mosquitoes in 1 hour."

D) "Research has shown that a single bat can eat more than 600 insect pests, like mosquitoes in 1 hour."

Which of the following context clues allows the reader to infer the meaning of the word "abetting" as used in the paragraph? Read the passage below before answering the question. In 1907, Edith Cavell, a British nurse, was appointed head nurse of the Berkendael Medical Institute in Belgium. In 1914, at the start of World War I and the German occupation of Belgium, Cavell joined the Red Cross to support the nursing effort. The Berkendael Institute was converted into a hospital for wounded soldiers of all nationalities. During this time, Cavell helped soldiers treated there to escape to neutral Holland. In 1915, she was arrested by local German authorities for abetting the escape of 200 soldiers and sentenced to death. Cavell's case received significant press coverage around the world, especially in Britain and the United States. In the weeks after her death, the number of men enlisting to serve in World War I greatly increased. Which of the following context clues allows the reader to infer the meaning of the word "abetting" as used in the paragraph? A) "the escape of 200 soldiers". B) "was sentenced to death" C) "was arrested by local German authorities D) "helped soldiers treated there escape"

D) "helped soldiers treated there escape"

How many ice cream flavors will Todd have created between yesterday, today and tomorrow? Read the passage below before answering the question. Tim and Todd work at an ice cream parlor. As part of their advertising, they create a new ice cream flavor to sell everyday. Yesterday, Tim went to visit his family, so Todd created two flavors. Today is a holiday, so Tim and Todd will create twice the number of new ice cream flavors each before Todd sells them at the fair. Tomorrow, they will go back to creating their normal amount of new ice cream flavors. When creating a new ice cream flavor, Tim and Todd first write down their ideas in a notebook. Then, they look over the ingredients they have in the kitchen. After comparing the ingredients with the ideas, they each choose the flavor they want to create. How many ice cream flavors will Todd have created between yesterday, today and tomorrow? A) 6 B) 3 C) 4 D) 5

D) 5

Which of the following is an example of a secondary source for a paper about the first Thanksgiving Day Parade in New York City? A) A photograph of the first Thanksgiving Day Parade in New York City B) A person's journal entry describing what it was like to see the first Thanksgiving Day Parade in New York City C) An audio recording from the first Thanksgiving Day Parade in New York City D) A New York Time's article on the 100th anniversary of the first Thanksgiving Day Parade in New York City

D) A New York Time's article on the 100th anniversary of the first Thanksgiving Day Parade in New York City

Which of the following is an example of an argument statement? A) The highest paid actors today make about $50 million per movie B) Today's TV dads have an average salary of $195,000 per year, which is more than twice the salary of their 1950s counterparts C) In 1955 Marilyn Monroe got a deal for $100,000 per movie D) Actors today deserve to make high salaries because they often do have steady work

D) Actors today deserve to make high salaries because they often do have steady work

Which of the following words are examples of implicit information? North of Boston is Elisabeth El O's debut novel, and to me it is a real winner. It certainly held my interest and I found that. at times, I was unable to put this book down. Pirio teasparou, heir to a very successful perfume business which her Russian immigrant parents founded, is our protagonist. She is a gritty, smart and complex woman. When Pirio's mother died, the girl was just 10 years. Her deceased mother's will stipulates that when Pirio turns 21 years old, she will inherit her mother's share of the extremely successful business, Inessa Mark, Inc. and that if she wants full ownership, the company would revert to her upon her eccentric father's death. Pirio has joined the company where she works as "CEO in training. "Scent permeates much of the novel-the scent of perfume, ambergris, herbs, flowers, etc. And the smell of the sea also play an important part in the author's descriptive passages. Which of the following words are examples of implicit information? A) Gritty, smart and complex B) very successful C) eccentric father's death D) All of the above

D) All of the above

Which of the following is a correct statement about primary sources? A) Primary sources refer to objects that you can touch B) Primary sources are harder to analyze than secondary sources C) Primary sources need to be at least 10 years old to be considered relevant D) Ancient tools are almost always considered primary sources

D) Ancient tools are almost always considered primary sources

Which of the following inferences can the reader logically make after reading this passage? Read the passage below before answering the following questions. The day began when my watch beeped at 4:30 a.m. The alarm was supposed to sound at 7:30, but I forgotten to change the time back to my time zone after my last business trip in Boston. It was a struggle to stay awake for everything I needed to get done. First, I groggily showered, washed my hair, and blow dried it. Then, I kept yawning while I got dressed, but before I got dressed I had to iron my silk blouse. Next, I finally got to have my hot coffee. While I styled my hair and put on my makeup. Finally, I was wide awake and at my bus stop ten minutes early so I could arrive at my audition on time. Which of the following inferences can the reader logically make after reading this passage? A) The protagonist does not care about this audition B) Waking up 4:30 a.m. is easy for the protagonist C) The bus usually runs late D) Appearance is important when going to an audition

D) Appearance is important when going to an audition

Which of the following is accurate paraphrase of the main idea of this passage? Read the passage below before answering the following questions. Bats are tremendously misunderstood and underappreciated. They have gained the erroneous reputation as flying rodents that drink blood and spread disease. However, in truth, not only are bats not actually rodents, but they provide many important ecological services. Research has shown that a single bat can eat more than 600 insect pests, like mosquitoes, in 1 hour. In addition to providing free pest control that reduces the spread of disease, they are also key pollinators for many plants, including agave, which relies entirely on bats for pollination, mangos, bananas, and cocoa just to name a few. Unfortunately, because bat populations are in sharp decline, without a collective effort to protect and save the bats, we risk losing all of the service they provide. Which of the following is accurate paraphrase of the main idea of this passage? A) Mango, banana, and cocoa production is in decline because there are not enough bats to pollinate crops B) Conservation efforts to increase mosquitoes populations will be a key factor in increasing bat populations C) Rodents can provide many services tp help ecosystems run smoothly D) Bats are important assets to ecosystems because they reduce pests and pollinate plants

D) Bats are important assets to ecosystems because they reduce pests and pollinate plants

Between the two sources found by Dave, Bee-lieve It: A Story of Bees would be considered a more reputable source than "How Farming Squashed the Bee." For which of the following reasons would Bee-lieve It: A Story of Bees be considered more reputable? Read the passage below before answering the following questions. Dave wanted to start a bee farm. Since he did not know much about bees or bee farms, he decided to visit the library. He searched the library's catalogue and found a book written by an entomologist, or a person who studies insects, titled Bee-lieve It: A Story of Bees and Humans. Then, Dave searched on the Internet and found a blog post by "Bees4Life" titled "How Farming Squashed the Bee, "which was posted on website for bee enthusiasts. Between the two sources found by Dave, Bee-lieve It: A Story of Bees would be considered a more reputable source than "How Farming Squashed the Bee." For which of the following reasons would Bee-lieve It: A Story of Bees be considered more reputable? A) Because it addresses the topic that Dave is researching B) Because this is a printed source C) Because it was not posted on a bee enthusiast website D) Because the author is an entomologist

D) Because the author is an entomologist

Which of the following sentences is a key point that supports the controlling idea below? Taxonomists cannot conclusively define the obvious differences between butterflies and moths. A) There probably is not a good way to classify butterflies and moths B) Butterflies and moths are part of the class of insects in the order Lepidoptera C) Many species of butterflies and moths use camouflage to hide from their predators D) Butterflies and moths usually have distinctly different antenna; however, there are some butterflies with antennae that resemble those moths

D) Butterflies and moths usually have distinctly different antenna; however, there are some butterflies with antennae that resemble those moths

The earliest toothbrushes were made of sticks, twigs, feathers, and quills. The sentence above is a key point that supports which of the following controlling ideas? A) Teeth can be damaged by using an incorrect brushing technique B) Toothpaste is used in conjunction with toothbrushes to increase their effectiveness C) The earliest chew sticks used for toothbrushes were discovered in 3500 B.C. D) Humans have been using some form of toothbrush for thousands of years

D) Humans have been using some form of toothbrush for thousands of years

Which of the following sentences would make sense as an addition to the passage? Read the passage below before answering the questions. Love at first sight is a beautiful notion, but romance isn't always instantaneous. My parents first met in high school as members of the marching band. They were friendly with each other, but not close, and after high school they assumed they would never meet again. Ten years later, they rain into each other in the grocery store and started reminiscing about the good old days. They made plans to meet up for dinner, then lunch for a week later, then coffee the week after that. After several months of dating, they realized how much they had in common. Two years later, they were married. Forty years and three kids later, my parents are a reminder that love is out there for everyone, if you're willing to wait for it. Which of the following sentences would make sense as an addition to the passage? A) Over 25% of couples get married within 1 year of meeting B) Love at first sight is a truly beautiful phenomenon and everyone should strive for it C) My father's trombone was a shiny, polished brass that gleamed under the lights on the football field D) I learned patience from my parents and eventually reconnected with the love of my life, and I've never been happier

D) I learned patience from my parents and eventually reconnected with the love of my life, and I've never been happier

Which of the following describes the process of synthesizing data? A) Coming up with the initial questions to guide research B) Using the resources to discover new questions about a topic C) Sorting information into categories for further exploration D) Organizing information from various sources and interpreting it in a meaningful way

D) Organizing information from various sources and interpreting it in a meaningful way

What details do we know about the writer of this letter from the excerpt? Read the passage below before answering the following questions. The following is an excerpt from a letter written by a woman in the 1930s in the Midwest to her relatives on the East Coast about the Dust Bowl. The dust has been mighty fierce. We have to keep the doors and windows shut tight, but the dirt gets right on through. When we open the door to that whirling dust, we are glad enough to run back inside with the soot all covering everything. We have to eat quick before the dirt settles on our food. You can't even see the lights in the house if you're outside it. One morning, so restless of the inside for days, I took a walk, and when I turned back I couldn't see the house. I knew the direction, so I kept on, and was close before I could see its outline. It sure made me feel lonely. What details do we know about the writer of this letter from the excerpt? A) She felt lonely most of the time B) She lived in a rural town, far from the other people C) She had been dealing with the dust storms for years D) She wished to be outside more often than she was

D) She wished to be outside more often than she was

According to the directions in the passage which of the following actions should you take directly after finding your chosen doughnut at the doughnut shop? Read the passage below before answering the questions. The Perfect Doughnut Some mornings, a cup of coffee just isn't enough to get the day started. To shake off those slow mornings, something sweet, delicious, and fluffy is needed. Sometimes, you just need a doughnut. But how do you go about finding the perfect doughnut for your morning? Finding the Perfect Doughnut Shop The most important step in finding the perfect doughnuts is to find the perfect doughnut shop. In order to find this shop, you should first look at online reviews dedicated to doughnut shops. Once you have found a good review, the next step is to investigate the website of the doughnut shop. Many shops will post a menu of the doughnuts they offer. Sometimes, these shops offer quite a few different kinds of doughnuts. You may feel overwhelmed by the amount of choices you have. Choosing Your Doughnut Since you can find the menu posted online, the step that you should take next is studying that list. Once you have decided which doughnut (or doughnuts) you would like to purchase, write down the names and amounts on a piece of paper you can bring with you t the shop. In case the doughnut you have chosen is not available when you are at the shop, it would be also prudent to write down some alternative doughnuts that you might also enjoy. Purchasing Your Doughnut Finally, you have reached the step of actually purchasing your doughnut at the shop. With your list in hand, you should first scan the display case to see if your doughnut choice is present. Next, politely state your order to the shop worker who will then place your purchase in an appropriate container. After paying, you will be handed the container and sent on your way. You are now ready to enjoy your perfect doughnut. According to the directions in the passage which of the following actions should you take directly after finding your chosen doughnut at the doughnut shop? A) Pay for your doughnut B) Place the doughnut in an appropriate container C) Keep your list with your doughnut choices in hand D) Tell the shop worker your doughnut order

D) Tell the shop worker your doughnut order

Which of the following steps did Jeremy and Sally complete incorrectly? Use the infographic below to answer the question. Step-by-Step Guide: Jump Starting a Car Before beginning, be sure both cars are OFF Attaching Clamps: 1. Place red clamp on dead car's positive terminal (+) 2. Place red clamp on good car's positive terminal (+) 3. Place black clamp on good car's negative terminal (-) 4. Place black clamp on bare metal in dead car Starting the car: 5. Start the good car 6. Start the dead car 7. While running, remove clamps in order 4-3-2-1. Jeremy and Sally attempted to jump start Jeremy's dead car battery using Sally's car and following directions above. Which of the following steps did Jeremy and Sally complete incorrectly? A) The red clamp was attached to Sally's car battery's positive terminal B) Both cars were turned off before attaching the clamps C) Sally started her car first after the clamps were in place D) The black clamp was attached to Jeremy's car battery's negative terminal

D) The black clamp was attached to Jeremy's car battery's negative terminal

Coins from ancient Rome are often inscribed with portraits of Roman emperors as well as the names of the people who minted the coins. What could you tell from looking at these artifacts that you could not tell from reading a description of them in a secondary source? A) The specific materials from which the coins were made B) The names of ancient Roman moneyers C) The weight and value of each coin D) The distinct features of the emperor's face

D) The distinct features of the emperor's face

What is the topic sentence? The following study stemmed from a simple question, "What motivates boys to read a particular book? "Is it a matter of gender identity? Are they making a claim to their masculinity? Or is it simply about interests-football, wrestling, basketball, and all things that they are scary and surreal? As a teacher of reading, I know motivations plays a significant role in a child's reading ability and, consequently, future success. As an educator it is common knowledge to use materials that are interesting to students while incorporating state standards, benchmarks, and curriculum. After weighing the many variables, the following study was designed to try to answer these questions as they pertain to a group of fifth-grade boys. What is the topic sentence? A) It is a matter of gender identity? B) Or is it simply about interests-football, wrestling, basketball and all things that are scary and surreal? C) After weighing the many variables, the following study was designed to try to answer these questions as they pertain to a group of fifth-grade boys D) The following study stemmed from a simple question, "What motivates boys to read a particular book?"

D) The following study stemmed from a simple question, "What motivates boys to read a particular book?"

Which of the following statements is a sound conclusion based on this passage? The following passage is from Three Men in a Boat by Jeromele. Jerome. I remember going to the British Museum one day to read up the treatment for some slight ailment of which I had a touch-hay fever, I fancy it was. I got down the book and read all I came to read; and then, in an unthinking moment, I idly turned the leaves, and began to indolently study disease, generally. I forget which was the first distemper I plunged into-some fearful, devastating scourge, I know-and, before I had glanced half down the list of "premonitory symptoms, "it was borne in upon me that I had fairly got it. I sat for a while, frozen with horror; and then, in the listlessness of despair, I again turned over the pages. I came to typhoid fever, must have had it for months without knowing it-wondered what else I had got; turned up St. Vitus's Dance-found, as I expected that I had that too-began to get interested in my case, and determined to sift it to bottom, and so started alphabetically-read up argue, and learnt that I was sickening for it, and that the acute stage would commence in about another fortnight. Bright's disease, I was relieved to find, I had only in a modified form, and, so far as that was concerned, I might live for years. Cholera I had, with severe complications, and diphtheria I seemed to have been born with. I plodded conscientiously through the twenty-six letters, and the only malady I could conclude that I had not got was housemaid's knee. Which of the following statements is a sound conclusion based on this passage? A) The narrator's extremely sick but doesn't realize it B) The narrator is likely a doctor since he has a good understanding on the symptoms of various diseases C) The narrator has something called housemaid's knee D) The narrator is convinced that he has every disease he reads about

D) The narrator is convinced that he has every disease he reads about

Which of the following logical conclusions can be made about the protagonist in this passage? Read the passage below before answering the questions. The sun streamed through the window, which meant it was finally morning. She looked at the clock for the hundredth time and the knots in her stomach grew tighter. Today was the day. Her headache had lasted through the night, and she groaned as she imagined presenting her thesis this afternoon while in such pain. Maybe she could call her professors and tell them she was sick. If she was sick, she wouldn't have to present. She could feel the tension in her neck and shoulders relax at the thought. But if she didn't present today, she wouldn't graduate on time, she sighed, willing herself out of bed, and slowly marched into the kitchen to make coffee and look over her notes one last time. Which of the following logical conclusions can be made about the protagonist in this passage? A) The protagonist feels confident about presenting her thesis B) The protagonist is not finished writing her thesis C) The protagonist often suffers from severe headaches D) The protagonist had a difficult time sleeping the night before

D) The protagonist had a difficult time sleeping the night before

Which of the following statements is correct about the line graph above? Use the graph below to answer the question. Above is a line showing one student's blood pressure over the course of 5 days of college finals. Which of the following statements is correct about the line graph above? A) Diastolic blood pressure valves decreased as systolic blood pressure values increased B) The student's blood pressure showed no significant change during the week C) Systolic blood pressure valves decreased D) The student's blood pressure returned to its starting valve by the end of the week

D) The student's blood pressure returned to its starting valve by the end of the week

Out of the following four events, which occurred first? Read the passage below before answering the question. Tim and Todd work at an ice cream parlor. As part of their advertising, they create a new ice cream flavor to sell everyday. Yesterday, Tim went to visit his family, so Todd created two flavors. Today is a holiday, so Tim and Todd will create twice the number of new ice cream flavors each before Todd sells them at the fair. Tomorrow, they will go back to creating their normal amount of new ice cream flavors. When creating a new ice cream flavor, Tim and Todd first write down their ideas in a notebook. Then, they look over the ingredients they have in the kitchen. After comparing the ingredients with the ideas, they each choose the flavor they want to create. Out of the following four events, which occurred first? A) Todd created two ice cream flavors for the holiday B) Tim created one ice cream flavor C) Todd sells ice cream at the fair D) Tim visits his family

D) Tim visits his family

Which of the following phrases from the passage contains a key term that indicated the order that two steps would be performed? Read the recipe below before answering the question. Marci's Easy Mashed Potato Recipe Ingredients 2 pounds red potatoes 1 cup whole milk 2 tablespoons unsalted butter Kosher salt Black pepper Directions Bring a large pot of salted water to boil on high heat slice the potatoes into uniform 1-inch slices and place them into the pot to cook for 20 to 25 minutes or until easily pierced with a fork. Drain the potatoes in a colander. Return the potatoes to the pot. Mash the potato masher while adding 1 cup of whole milk and 2 tablespoons unsalted butter. Add salt and pepper until desired taste is achieved. Which of the following phrases from the passage contains a key term that indicated the order that two steps would be performed? A) high heat B) easily pierced C) until desired D) while adding

D) while adding

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