tech in journalism quiz two

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most other newspapers, are created in ____publishing programs

June 28, 1990

on ______, Judge Keeton of the Federal District Court in Boston upheld the copyright of the Lotus 1-2-3 user interface.

Electronic Spreadsheet

organizes information into software defined columns and rows. The data can then be "added up" by a formula to give a total or sum. This program summarizes information from many paper sources in one place and presents the information in a format to help a decision maker see the financial "big picture" for the company.

Professor Richard Mattessich 1961

pioneered the development of computerized speadsheets for use in business accounting.Mattessich's work and that of other developers of spreadsheets on mainframe computers probably had little positive influence on Bricklin and Frankston.

info source

produces a message

second generation

reduced both size and heat generated by the computers because this generation moved to transistors. This made these machines smaller, more reliable and less expensive.

Mitch Kapor

served as the President and Chief Executive Officer of Lotus from 1982 to 1986 and as a Director until 1987. In 1983. designed and programmed Visiplot/Visitrend which he sold to Personal Software (VisiCorp) for $1 million. cofounded Lotus Development Corporation with Jonathan Sachs


sheets containing formulas, functions, values, text and graphics which make up a workbook


signals are adapted for transmission

Dan Bricklin

the "father" of the electronic spreadsheet

PostScript and LaserPrinting

the combination of________ represented a dramatic advance in typographical quality and design flexibility


the first spreadsheet vendor to introduce naming cells, cell ranges and spreadsheet macros

desktop publishing

through the use of a personal computer, combining text and graphics to produce a high-quality documents, such as newsletters, flyers, brochures, etc.

Microsoft PowerPoint

virtual presentation software developed by Robert Gaskins and Dennis Austin for the American computer software company Forethought, Inc.

The mathmatical theory of communication

1. An information source, which produces a message .2. A transmitter, which encodes the message into signals 3. A channel, to which signals are adapted for transmission 4. A receiver, which 'decodes' (reconstructs) the message from the signal. 5. A destination, where the message arrives. *created by Shannon and weaver

1987, Software Arts

1n______, _________, the developer of the original VisiCalc spreadsheet software filed a separate action against Lotus claiming that Lotus 1-2-3 was an infringement of VisiCalc

Boolean Algebra

A branch of mathematics that uses the logical operators OR, AND, and NOT. George Boole. 1850s

Adobe Illustrator

A draw program (vector graphic editor) that is commonly used for logos, icons, and other scalable graphics

Adobe Photoshop

A paint program (bitmap graphic editor) that specializes in photo manipulation. Became adobes most successful program within three years


About ___ million copies of the spreadsheet program were sold during VisiCalc's product lifetime.


Aldus software introduced the power of desktop publishing on the Macintosh when that company released _____. Newspapers and the printing industry quickly snapped up Macintosh computers and PageMaker software to put their publications together.

Adobe INC

American developer of printing, publishing, and graphics software.


An Adobe brand software program used to layout newspapers and other publications

Microcomputers (PC's)

An attempt to put ______ in homes was made in 1969 when the Neiman Marcus catalog offered a stylish machine called the Honeywell Kitchen Computer priced at $10,600.

Apple III

Apple Computers introduced the ____computer in 1980 as successor to the very successful Apple II. The ______ computer was supposed to be the system that business users could agree on. The computer turned out to be a costly mistake for the company. The ______ was rushed through development and shipped with several flaws in the design. Nearly 100 percent of the machines failed the first time the power switches were turned on. The ______ almost forced Apple Computers to close down.


Apple fell behind because of windows during this decade


Apple made a relationship with microsoft to have a cross company patent during this year

January 2, 1979

Bricklin and Frankston formed Software Arts Corporation


Built at Iowa State College (now University) in the Spring of 1939, this was actually called the Atanasoff-Berry Computer. (By the way, Dr. Atanasoff earned his B.S. degree from the University of Florida.) The ABC system is considered the world's first electronic digital computer.


By the end of ____ the Adobe Type Library encompassed more than 2,500 typefaces.


By the late ____many companies had introduced spreadsheet products

Fall of 1978

By this time, Bricklin had programmed the first working prototype of his concept in integer basic.

The Difference Engine

Charles Babbage. Used imput device, a processor, a control unit, storage and an output device. Created 1791

Mark I

Completed in January 1943, eight feet tall, 51 feet long, and two feet wide computer weighed more than 10,000 pounds. was built by IBM for the U.S. Navy and used relays instead of electronics for its calculations. (This means that it was very noisy when operating.) While more than $1 million was spent designing and building the computer, it was slower than a $5 pocket calculator from today. was designed by a team headed by Dr. Howard Aiken from Harvard. One of the members of this team was Dr. Grace Murray Hopper


Dan Bricklin and Bob Frankston teamed up in 1978 to develop _____, the first widely distributed spreadsheet program for microcomputers.

Daniel Fylstra

During the fall of 1978 this founding Associate Editor of Byte Magazine, joined Bricklin and Frankston in developing VisiCalc


During this time, Apple had to many back orders and were falling behind because of Bill Gates Windows 95

UNIVAC (Universal Automatic Computer)

Following World War II, the first major computer allowed both characters (letters and punctuation marks) plus numbers as input. Input was achieved through punched cards. All programming was accomplished at the machine level.


Fonts that can be used for both the screen display and printing, thereby eliminating the need to have two font files for each typeface. Develped by Apple and Microsoft

May 1979

Fylstra and his firm Personal Software (later renamed VisiCorp) began marketing "VisiCalc" with a teaser ad in Byte Magazine.


Have computers changed the way journalists, broadcast journalists, advertising executives, public relations professions and sports information people work?


How many generations of computers are there


In 1978 MicroPro International was formed by Seymour Rebenstein.MicroProreleased a word processing program called _____. The _____ program failed to gain wide acceptance but MicroPro discovered what users wanted from a word processor and used that information to create WordStar, the first "standard" in word processing.


In 1983 Apple Computers brought out the ___, a $10,000 microcomputer that featured a graphical interface and a mouse. The high cost of this machine frightened away many potential purchasers.


In 1983 IBM brought the ____ to the market. The XT version added a 10 mb hard disk drive to the original PC design and sold for $4,495.


In 1984 IBM upped the stakes by unveiling the ____ computer running with an Intel 80286 CPU chip, 256 kb of RAM, a 16-bit bus and a high density floppy for $5,469.


In February _____, Dan Bricklin is still working at Trellix Corporation. Lotus gave him permission to post a working copy of the 1981 IBM PC version of the VisiCalc spreadsheet program on his web site. You can download it and run it on a PC using MSDOS in Windows 95 or 98.

1987, Paperback, Mosaic

In January of ___, Lotus Development filed suit against ____ Software and separately against _____Software claiming they had infinged on the Lotus 1-2-3 spreadsheet software.


In ___ Apple Computer, Inc. (now Apple Inc.), acquired 15 percent of Adobe and became the first licensee of PostScript.


In ___( Lotus first year of operations) the company reported revenues of $53 Million and had a successful public offering.


In ____ Apple introduced the first Macintosh-compatible PostScript printer, the LaserWriter, based on a laser-print engine developed by Canon Inc.


In ____, Lotus tripled in revenue to $156 Million.


In the late spring of ____, IBM acquired Lotus Development and Microsoft Excel is the spreadsheet market leader


Information can be retrieved from the computer

Lotus 1-2-3

Introduced in 1983, made it easier to use spreadsheets and it added integrated charting, plotting and database capabilities.


Introduced this computer in 1994


Its headquarters are located in San Jose, California.


Lotus clone created by mosaic


Lotus won the legal battles, but lost the "market share war" to _________

TWIN and VP planner

Lotus "clones"

VP Planner

Lotus clone created by Paperback


Macintosh computer release date


Microsoft abandoned Postscript for Truetype


Microsoft and Bill Gates had joined the fray with the innovative ____spreadsheet

Adobe Premiere

Nonlinear video editing program used to capture, edit and Incorporate video into multimedia applications. 1991

Honeywell Kitchen Computer

Not one of these machines was actually sold. housewives, were required to take a two-week course in how to use the computer was a problem. the computer didn't have a keyboard to enter the recipes. Instead, it used 15 binary switches that the wife had to program. this computer didn't have a monitor to display the recipes. The output was a set of flashing binary lights that would blink out code that Mom had to translate into her cherished recipes. It also costed the amount a well paid house hold made


One of the first spreadsheets to use a graphical interface with pull down menus and a point and click capability using a mouse pointing device.


One of the primary computers changing the way journalists work is Apple's ______


People bought this Apple computer just so they can use Excel


Placed in operation around December 1943, was used by the British to break message codes used by the Germans. used more than 2,400 electronic vacuum tubes in this process was designed by Alan Touring and a group of British researchers.


PowerPoint Version ___, developed for both Macintosh and Microsoft's Windows operating system, was upgraded to output 35-mm colour slides.


Satellite Software International, a small software house located in Oregon, released a new word processing program called ____. This program only ran on Data General Computers but it made an impact on the computer software industry. Satellite Software would later change the company name to ______ and their word processing program would replace WordStar as the industry standard.

Claude E. Shannon

Showed in a Masters theises how Boole's concepts of TRUE and FALSE (Boolean Algebra) could be used to represent the functions of switches in electronic circuits. It is difficult to convey just how important this concept was; provided electrical engineers with the mathematical tool they needed to design digital electronic circuits, and these techniques remain the cornerstone of digital electronic design to this day.

EDVAC (Electronic Discrete Variable Automatic Computer)

Started during World War II and completed in 1952, was the first computer build in America that stored programs with "rewiring" the system. (The honors for the world's first programmable computer belong to the British.)

Founders of Apple

Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak

File, Home, Insert, Page layout, Formulas, Data, Review and View.

Tabs on first ribbon


The 1992 release of PowerPoint ___ introduced the now-standard virtual slideshow.

Tim Cook

The CEO of Apple


information can be put into the computer


information can be stored in the computer

ENIAC (Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer)

The U.S. Army called this classified effort Project PX. was first shown on Valentine's day in 1946. Weighing more the 30 tons, was comprised of nearly 20,000 electronic vacuum tubes, any one of which could go bad rendering the system useless.also used around 70,000 resisters, 10,000 capacitors, 1,500 relays, and more than 6,000 switches. The computer was constructed for the Army's ballistics research efforts and ended up costing more than 200 percent over the original budget calculations. was programmed by moving electronic switches and wires, not by entering in a program at a terminal. The primary role was to calculate gun trajectories.

Apple II

The ________ computer was introduced in 1977. This unit resembled an appliance in that the customer could simply plug it into an electrical outlet and switch it on. Computer users no longer were no longer limited to electrical engineers and serious hobbyists.


The _____generation microcomputers started showing up in 1977


The creation of _____(control program for microcomputers) in 1977 by Gary Kildall of Intergalactic Digital Research (later shortened to Digital Research) was another major step in the development of microcomputers. ____ became a widely used operating system for microcomputers. Most microcomputers being sold during this time frame used the ____operating system.


The database program arrived in 1979 when Wayne Ratliff developed _____, the database program. The name of the product was quickly changed to dBase II and emerged as the standard for database programs.

VisiCalc & WordStar

The first Spreadsheet and Word processing programs available for PC's. They were the first killer apps for the personal computer.


The first computer from TRS-80 computer from Tandy-Radio Shack boasted only ___ kilobytes of memory


The first major step towards computers was made in the American 1880s when Herman Hollerith created a card punching machine to annnounce the 1890 census resultes


was and is a large sheet of paper with columns and rows that lays everything out about transactions for a business person to examine. It spreads or shows all of the costs, income, taxes, etc. on a single sheet of paper for a manager to look at when making a decision.


The introduction of the ____ on August 12, 1981 was hailed by the computer trade press as an event establishing a standard operating system for home and business.capable of performing word processing, database management, financial modeling, accounting, telecommunications, and more. The limitations on what the computer can do are really software limitations. The computer will do whatever the software, or computer program, tells it to do.not a single instrument, but a collection of components. A basic PC consists of a keyboard, a display unit, and system unit. There are other options that can be added to a PC. These options include: printers, modems, high resolution graphics, and additional memory to name a few.

info source, transmitter, channel, reciever, destination

The mathmatical theory of communication five elements


The number of employees at Lotus grew to over a thousand. Lotus Development acquired Software Arts and discontinued the VisiCalc program


The program, initially named Presenter, was released for the Apple Macintosh in 1987. In July of that year, the Microsoft Corporation, in its first significant software acquisition, purchased the rights to PowerPoint for $____ million.


The researchers at Xerox released the Alto computer about the same time IBM was putting the IBM-PC on the market. It was a success

Fourth Generation

These machine are designed around microprocessors and contain millions and millions of transistors on a single electronic chip made from silicon. The microprocessors are inexpensive, allow for faster processing speeds, noiseless and are very small. Microprocessors brought an immediate and radical change to computers, one that is described as a computer revolution.


was designed to facilitate visual demonstrations for group presentations in the business environment


was instrumental in the creation of the desktop publishing industry through the introduction of its PostScript printer language.


was the first "killer" application for personal computers.

Data Validation

Use ______ in Excel to make sure that users enter certain values into a cell.


Version____ of PowerPoint allowed users to generate text and graphics pages for black-and-white handouts, notes, and overhead transparencies.


What PowerPoint presentations are made of

Mitch Kapor and Lotus spreadsheet

What came after VisiCalc?

desktop publishing

What did PageMaker, Laser Printing and PostScript accomplish together?

Visible Calculator

What does VisiCalc stand for?


When Microsoft launched the Windows operating system in 1987, ____was one of the first application products released for it

April 1st, 1976

When apple computer was established

Format Cells

When we _____ in Excel, we change the appearance of a number without changing the number itself.

The company was founded in 1982 by John Warnock and Charles Geschke.

Who founded Adobe and when

Altair 8800 (1975)

microcomputer kit that sold for less than $400. represented a major breakthrough in price. the brainchild of H. Edward Roberts. Popular Electronics' publisher, Les Solomon allowed his 12 yr old daughter to name it after a Startrek episode. Roberts had until then called his computer the PE-8. The Altair 8800 lacked a keyboard. The computer also lacked a monitor and software. Yet, the kit was a success and many people credit this microcomputer with opening the door to the microcomputer age.

Apple II

WordStar, VisiCalc and Vulcan were all written to work on both CP/M systems and on _____ computers

laste 1996

Year that apple made a large merger with nextstep


___ major computers were introduced in 1983


____ had acquired Software Arts and the rights to VisiCalc

Jim Manzi

_____ had become CEO at Lotus in April 1986

Apple Computers

_______ was formed by Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak in early 1976


a programming language specially designed to describe the precise position, shape, and size of objects on a computer-generated page.


advances were made in programming computers. Languages such as FORTRAN and COBOL appeared in this time span. The emphasis was to replace machine codes (series of 0's and 1's understood by computer systems) with programming languages that used "English-like" phrases. Transistors were also replacing vacuum tubes in computers during this time period.


an information handling device that performs the four basic functions of: INPUT OUTPUT PROCESSING STORAGE


another word for your excel file

Third Generation

build using integrated circuits (ICs). Again, the reliability improved and costs of computers went down. Size of the computers decreased, efficiency improved and the speed of computers greatly increased with ICs.

Dan Bricklin & Bob Frankston 1978

co-invented or co-created the software program VisiCalc

Ed Roberts

created the laptop computer in 1977


decodes' (reconstructs) the message from the signal.

The first generation

developed using vacuum tubes and relays. These were very large machines that generated lots of noise and heat. Since many components were mechanical, these computers were slow and not very reliable. These machines were expensive to build and operate.


encodes the message into signals

Lotus 1-2-3

established spreadsheet software as a major data presentation package as well as a complex calculation tool.

The Font Wars

for more than a year, this roiled the computer and publishing worlds before Apple and Adobe reached a compromise.


had a graphical user interface was easier for most people to use than the command line interface of PCDOS spreadsheet products


have been used by accountants for hundreds of years


here the message arrives.


in 1975,Bill Gates and Paul Allen wrote the first microcomputer BASIC language and formed ______.

Mitch Kapor

in July 1986 ____ resigned as Chairman of the Board of Lotus


included PostScript renditions of several classic typefaces and a PostScript interpreter


information can be manipulated and changed in the computer

Dr. Grace Murray Hopper

who may be the first modern woman involved with computers. Dr. Hopper was also a Rear Admiral in the U.S. Navy and she was influential in the creating the concept of compilers for computer languages. She is perhaps best known for her discovery of the first computer bug in the Mark I computer--a moth that kept one of the computer's components from properly working.

To put PostScript on the market after Xerox would not publish it

why was adobe cretaed?

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