Ten Stages of Genocide + Holocaust Examples

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Polarization (6)

Extremists drive the groups apart even further by broadcasting hate propaganda. The victims are targeted and intimidated by terrorists.

Example of Denial in the Holocaust

During the Holocaust, most of the world was unaware of how extreme this situation was. Bystanders that knew didn't do anything to fix it out of fear. Modern day Germans deny the extent of the Holocaust.

Example of Dehumanization in the Holocaust

In Concentration Camps, Jews were treated as animals, such as being transported on trains like cows, barely fed, and kept in gross conditions (the ghetto). They were experimented on for scientific and medical purposes (Dr. Death). Referred to as "undesirables". All this shows that the Nazi's didn't even think the Jews were human or worthy of being treated as such.

Example of Symbolization in the Holocaust

Jews were forced to wear the Star of David sewn into their clothes or even tattooed, the gays were to wear a pink triangle.

Example of Extermination in the Holocaust

Jews were lined up and shot, starved to death, put into ovens and gas chambers. 10+ people were killed.

Example of Polarization in the Holocaust

Kristallnacht (Nov. 9, 1938), a.k.a. the "Night of Broken Glass" where a German Jew, Herschel Grynszpan, asked a German ambassador in Paris for help but when he refused, Grynszpan shot him. This gave Nazi's an excuse to act violent towards them; caused billions of dollars in damage and fined Jews for those reparations.

Example of Persecution in the Holocaust

Taken from their homes, the Jews are sent to ghettos, camps, and famine struck/dirty regions. They are forced to wear the Star of David.

Example of Preparation in the Holocaust

The Final Solution preparations are put into actions; the Jews were lied to about what the Nazi's were up to and kept in the dark.

Example of Discrimination in the Holocaust

The Nuremburg Laws (1935-38) took away the citizenship of Jews, forbid them from acquiring jobs, and overall steadily limited/removed their rights in the country.

Example of Classification in the Holocaust

The Stab-in-the-Back theory, Hitler's book, Mein Kampf re-introduced anti-semitic beliefs that began to spread in Germany.

Example of Organization in the Holocaust

The Wannsee Conference was where the Nazi's discussed the plan for the Final Solution.

Denial (10)

The final stage that lasts throughout and always follows a genocide. Perpetrators attempt to cover up their evidence by digging mass graves and intimidating witnesses. They deny the severity and all the crimes they committed.

Symbolization (2)

a set of standards or symbol is created to identify the victim group.

Dehumanization (4)

the humanity of the targeted group is denied and they are viewed as animals or diseases.

Preparation (7)

Armies are trained, camps are set up. Generally, the preparations are covered up to prevent suspicions. Fear is indoctrinated into the populations. Leaders claim "if we don't kill them, they'll kill us".

Organization (5)

Genocide, especially large ones, must be organized and planned, so the predatory group gathers large figures and special armies, to sort everything out.

Extermination (9)

The mass killings occur, and quickly. It is "extermination" to the killers because they do not believe their victims to be fully human.

Persecution (8)

The victims are identified and separated out. Death lists are written. Victims groups are forced to wear identifying symbols. They are segregated into ghettos and massacres begin.

Classification (1)

Us vs. them, the victim group is identified based on race, religion, ethnicity, and nationality because society failed to establish the integration of the cultures.

Discrimination (3)

where the perpetrator group uses the law and political power to legally deny the victims of rights.

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