Test 1 (Regulations)

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Window of circadian low (WOCL) means a period of maximum sleepiness that occurs between _____ and ______ during a physiological night.

0200 - 0559

Name 3 of the 10 items that if seen allow a pilot to descend below minimums on an approach.

1) Runway Lights 2) Threshold Lights 3) Touchdown Zone Lights

An altitude reporting transponder is required in all airspace of the 48 contiguous states and the District of Columbia at and above _______ feet MSL, excluding the airspace at and below _______feet above the surface. 91.215

10,000 2,500

The minimum pilot crew for 14 CFR part 121 operations is _____ pilots.


To remain current, pilots under 14 CFR part 121 must have _____ takeoffs and landings within the preceding ______ days.

3 90

For operations at or below FL 410. One pilot does not need to wear and use an oxygen mask if both pilots are at the controls and each pilot has a quick donning type of oxygen mask that can be placed on the face with one hand from the ready position and be properly secured, sealed, and operational within ______ seconds.


Pilots operating under 14 CFR part 121 must retire at _______ years old.


How many hours can a pilot engaged in unaugmented operations fly if he/she reports at their base airport for work at 3 PM?

9 hrs

When is a take-off alternate required?

A flight must have a takeoff alternate if the weather is too low to get back into the departure airport using Cat 1 minimums.

1. A person authorized by the Administrator to conduct operations as a direct air carrier will be issued an ________

Air Carrier Certificate

In terms of instrument approach minimums, with category does the CRJ-700 operate under?


specified altitude (MSL) in an instrument approach procedure at which the pilot must decide whether to initiate an immediate missed approach if the pilot does not see the required visual reference, or to continue the approach.

Decision Altitude (DA)

the average forward horizontal distance, from the cockpit of an aircraft in flight, at which prominent unlighted objects may be seen and identified by day and prominent lighted objects may be seen and identified by night.


1-2-3 Rule for Alternates

If the weather from 1 hour before to 1 hour after the estimated time of arrival is forecasted to be below 2000 foot ceilings or 3sm visibility, the flight needs an alternate.

When executing a non-precision approach in the CRJ-700, which approach minimums section do we use?


Can a 14 CFR part 121 flight dispatch to a destination where the weather is forecast (TAF - main body) to be below landing minimums?


When operating under 14 CFR § 121, can you begin an instrument approach if the visibility is reported below landing mins?


An airline's ______________ are an extension of the FARs and list company specific procedures like weather minimums.

Operation Specifications

A person who is not authorized to conduct direct air carrier operations, but who is authorized by the Administrator to conduct operations as a U.S. commercial operator, will be issued an ________

Operator Certificate

What are the take-off minimums for Blue Raider Airlines: Standard - Reduced -

Standard - 1sm vis Reduced - 600ft RVR

A geographical area in which the distance between the flightcrew member's flight duty period departure point and arrival point differs by no more than 60 degrees longitude.


True or False: A person who acts as a pilot in command of any of the following aircraft must hold a type rating for that aircraft: (1) Large aircraft (except lighter-than-air), (2) Turbojet-powered airplanes, (3) Other aircraft specified by the Administrator through aircraft type certificate procedures


True or False: Adequate Airport means an airport that an airplane operator may list with approval from the FAA because that airport meets the landing limitations of §121.197 and is either— (1) An airport that meets the requirements of part 139 [Certification of Airports], subpart D of this chapter, excluding those that apply to aircraft rescue and firefighting service, or (2) A military airport that is active and operational.


True or False: Each certificate holder is responsible for the preparation and accuracy of a load manifest form before each takeoff.


True or False: The pilot in command and an authorized aircraft dispatcher shall sign the release only if they both believe that the flight can be made with safety.


1. A flightcrew member is said to be _________ if the flightcrew member has been in theater for 72 hours or has been given at least 36 hours free from duty.


Under 14 CFR 117.25, normal rest is considered _______ hours with an opportunity to receive at least _____ hours of sleep.

10 8

Taxi, takeoff, landing, and all flight below _________considered critical phases of flight.


Flight Time Limitations: - ____ hrs in any 672 consecutive hrs OR - _______ hrs in any 365 consecutive day period

100 1000

How many hours can an acclimated pilot engaged in 14 CFR §121 passenger operations be on duty if the report time is at 5 AM, and the pilot is scheduled to fly five flight segments?


The required crewmembers must use supplemental oxygen when at cabin pressure altitudes above _______ feet (MSL) up to and including ________ feet (MSL) unless the required minimum flight crew is provided with and uses supplemental oxygen for that part of the flight at those altitudes that is of more than _____ minutes duration.

12,500 14,000 30

The required crewmembers must use supplemental oxygen when at cabin pressure altitudes above ________ feet (MSL) unless the required minimum flight crew is provided with and uses supplemental oxygen during the entire flight time at those altitudes.


At cabin pressures above _______ feet MSL, all occupants must be provided with supplemental oxygen.


Class A airspace starts at _______ feet and tops out at ______ What are the dimensions of RVSM airspace? ______ to ________

18,000 FL600 FL290 - FL410

A pilot operating at or above ________ feet will use 29.92 as the altimeter setting. These altitudes are referenced as _______ levels.

18,000 flight

Based on the generic holdover table for Type IV anti-ice fluid, 75/25 concentration, what is the holdover time with a temperature below 27F to 18F in moderate snow?

30 mins - 1 hour

The certificate holder must have qualified personnel serving full-time in the following or equivalent positions.

Director of Safety Director of Operations Chief Pilot Director of Maintenance Chief Inspector

For the purposes of 14 CFR section 61.31(g), flight operations conducted above _________ feet are considered high altitude.


With reference to 14 CFR § 121, if for any reason at any time it is necessary for one pilot to leave his station at the controls of the airplane when operating at flight altitudes above ________, the remaining pilot at the controls shall put on and use his oxygen mask until the other pilot has returned to his duty station.


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