Test 1: Review Questions

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Harvey sent everyone an email giving his reasons for investing in his new start-up company. However, Harvey is completely unreliable, so don't invest in his company.

Ad hominem abusive

My opponent argues for increased reproductive rights, but that's exactly how you would expect her to argue, given that she is an immoral louse. So, nothing she says on this issue can really be taken seriously.

Ad hominem abusive

Our physical education teacher yells at us all the time. He says that based on the results of our physical exams most of us are out of shape. He is going to have us do a strict exercising routine this year. It's obvious that he is a bully who likes to see students suffer, so there's no reason to accept his arguments.

Ad hominem abusive

The speaker tells you why you should vote for her. But she left out some important facts: She was given three citations for speeding, and was audited by the IRS. It should be clear that she is a liar. Therefore, don't vote for her.

Ad hominem abusive

My primary care physician is a female, so she cannot possibly know anything about male health problems.

Ad hominem circumstantial

The scientist argued that the body of scientific knowledge over the past several centuries has eroded the authenticity of the world's major religions. But he is an astrophysicist, and since most scientists are atheists, we can reject his arguments.

Ad hominem circumstantial

You really should give my nephew the contract. But if you're not sure you want to do that, then I'll have to send over some of my guys to discuss it with you. They can be very persuasive.

Appeal to fear or force

If aliens really exist, then we would have undeniable evidence of it by now. But the problem is that we do not have such evidence of it. Thus, aliens do not exist.

Appeal to ignorance

The state legislature has passed a law requiring public school teachers to arrive two hours prior to the start of classes. The House Speaker summed up the thinking of the legislature: "There didn't seem to be any reason we shouldn't have such a law," he said. "No one showed us anything wrong with it, so we concluded it was alright."

Appeal to ignorance

You have to raise my grade from F to D, because if I don't pass this class, I won't be able to get a good job, and I won't be able to help my family pay the bills or support my little brother who's in the hospital. Without my help, he could even die.

Appeal to pity

You should give my son an "A" for this semester. After all, we recently lost most of our wealth because I was indicted for stock fraud, and he is not used to living in a small apartment, and having to walk to school.

Appeal to pity

Most students on campus wear Northface Jackets and Uggs. Therefore, you should, too.

Appeal to the people

The governor is proposing a lot of radical changes. For instance, she wants to raise taxes on those making over $100,000 a year. She wants to expand aid to the poor and build apartments for the homeless. But it's clear that she is just trying to get more taxpayer money so she can give it to those big businesses who supported her. The majority of us citizens will gain nothing from her policies. Therefore, we must impeach her.

Appeal to the people

Take this new herbal medicine to cure your acne. I saw an ad online where your favorite singer recommended its use.

Appeal to unqualified authority

That painting is deserving of an award. At least that's why my uncle, the barber, says.

Appeal to unqualified authority

There is no good reason to believe the dire warnings about global warming. After all, my car mechanic, who has over 30 years experience, says that it is all a hoax.

Appeal to unqualified authority

Godard is the greatest director of all time. We know this because he made the greatest movies of all time. And we can be sure that they were the greatest movies of all time because they were made by the greatest director of all time.

Begging the question

He is shy, so it follows that he is bashful.

Begging the question

It is not right to prejudge the accused, so it is wrong to do so.

Begging the question

U2 is the greatest band ever, because there is no greater band.

Begging the question

A large survey of voters in Boston showed that the Democratic candidate for President of the United States has 68% support. From this, we can safely conclude that the Democratic candidate will win the national election.

Biased Sample

According to one survey, the incumbent senator has a 25% lead over her opponent. I believe that the poll is wrong because I talked to my family and they all are voting against the incumbent senator.

Biased Sample

Ninety percent of a sample of coffee drinkers at the Jolt-One coffee shops around the city said that they enjoy drinking Jolt-One coffee. So, we can expect that roughly ninety percent of coffee drinkers in the city enjoy drinking Jolt-One.

Biased Sample

I won twenty bucks on the lottery today, and yesterday my astrological forecast said that I would come into some unexpected money soon. This shows what I have always said: Astrology works.


How old was Keith when he stopped being a jerk?

Complex question

An individual elephant drinks up to 50 gallons of water a day. It follows that elephants as as a whole drink more water in a day than humans.


Our football team is better than their team, so each of our players are better than theirs.


This slice of pizza is wedge-shaped. So it must have come from a wedge-shaped pizza pie.


A recent study has shown that more than two thirds of Americans are overweight. Kevin is an American, so Kevin must be two-thirds overweight.


RJ lives in a large dormitory. So his dorm room must be large.


Bark makes up a tree trunk. And all dogs bark. So, all dogs make up a tree trunk


Giving money to the homeless is the right thing to do. So, the homeless have a right to our money.


Judy has a small business. That follows from the fact that her business supplies only small sizes of uniforms.


A biased sample fallacy occurs when a generalization is based on a sample size that is too small to represent the population.


A complex question contains only overt questions.


A poisoning the well fallacy results from an exclusive reliance on a sense of pity or mercy for support of a conclusion.


An ad hominem argument cannot have a true conclusion.


An appeal to ignorance is an invalid argument.


Any argument that presents two choices in one of its premises commits the fallacy of false dichotomy.


Any argument that tries to persuade solely by making the audience feel sorry for someone is a fallacious appeal to fear or force.


Arguments that beg the question are often convincing because the conclusion is true.


If an argument makes an appeal to authority, it commits a fallacy.


One form of the division fallacy occurs by the mistaken transfer of an attribute of the individual parts of an object to the object as a whole.


Poisoning the well fallacy occurs when a person is attacked after she has presented her case.


The fallacy of missing the point occurs when premises use a non-representative sample as evidence.


When someone makes an argument about the members of a large group based on the characteristics of a representative sample of that large group, they are committing the fallacy of biased sample.


Either you love me or you hate me. You said that you don't hate me, so you must love me.

False dichotomy

Either you support having prayer in public schools or you are an atheist. But clearly, you are not an atheist. So, you must support having prayer in public schools

False dichotomy

I can prove that he committed the crime. It follows from the fact that we are now in court.

Missing the point

Soon you will hear my opponent argue that we need to clean up the environment. She will make some extravagant claims about the health effects of pollution, but don't trust her evidence, even if she cites scientific studies. You must reject her proposals.

Poisoning the well

You are considering Mike for a promotion, and he will soon present to you his reasons for why his should be chosen. However, let me tell you some important facts. Mike is very aggressive and critical of his coworkers. I urge you to reject what he says.

Poisoning the well

Every time I take my cousin to Fenway Park, the Red Sox lose. Clearly, I can't take my cousin with me anymore.

Post hoc

The last time I walked under a ladder, I had a terrible day—I was late to class, I lost my homework, and I got sick in the evening. So I'm going to make it a point to avoid walking under ladders in the future.

Post hoc

Every time I said three Hail Marys before baiting my hook, I caught a fish. So, the prayer must be causing the fish to bite.

Post hoc fallacy

For the last 10 years, whenever the NASDEQ set a new high mark, there was a slight recession within the next two months. Last week, the NASDEQ set a new high mark, so we can expect a slight recession within the next two months.

Post hoc fallacy

Since the tax cuts went into effect in September, the murder rates have gone down by almost 15%. So, that's just one more reason to lower taxes.

Post hoc fallacy

If we allow a ban on any kind of military assault rifles, then before long, we'll be seeing a ban on handguns, and then shotguns and rifles of all kinds. Eventually, all of our Second Amendment rights will be gone.

Slippery slope

You should agree that he is guilty. Letting guilty people go free is destructive to society, and it makes a mockery of the judicial system.

Straw man

A slippery slope argument attempts to connect a series of occurrences such that the first link in a chain leads directly to a second link, and so on, until an unwanted situation is said to be the inevitable result.


An appeal to fear or force fallacy is an informal fallacy, not a formal fallacy.


An appeal to fear or force occurs when a threat of harmful consequences is used to force acceptance of a course of action that would otherwise be unacceptable.


An appeal to the people fallacy can occur by appealing to an individual's desire to belong to a large or popular group, but it also can occur by appealing to an individual's desire to belong to a small or exclusive group.


An argument that uses post hoc reasoning confuses correlation with causation.


Any argument that uses circular reasoning contains the fallacy of begging the question.


Appeals to unqualified authorities are fallacious.


False cause fallacies assume a causal link when there is inadequate evidence.


One form of the composition fallacy occurs by the mistaken transfer of an attribute of the individual members of the class to the class itself.


The fallacy of rigid application of a generalization results from the mistaken belief that a generalization or a rule has no exceptions.


The form of the fallacy that draws on an individual's desire to belong to a popular group, appeal to the people, is known as the bandwagon effect.


The simplest form of the post hoc fallacy is a coincidence.


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