Test #2 (ch.6-10) MGT 480

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equity theory

a theory that proposes that people are motivated to seek social equity in the rewards they receive for performance

uncritical thinking

-failing to consider possibilities beyond what one is told. -accepting the leader's ideas

independent ; active

An effective follower is both _____ and _____ in the organization

d. actively seek ways to serve the mission of the organization.

A fully engaged employee will most likely: a. be unable to impact the organizational direction. b. think like a business owner. c. have the authority to directly influence work procedures. d. actively seek ways to serve the mission of the organization.

a. serves others.

An ethical leader: a. serves others. b. excessively promotes self-interest. c. shifts blame to others. d. practices deception.

d. Opportunity for growth

According to Herzberg's two-factor theory, which of the following is a motivator? a. Company policies b. Interpersonal relations c. Working conditions d. Opportunity for growth

a. alienated follower.

Alec was hired immediately after graduation by a company that was developing new technology to produce power without creating massive amounts of pollution. After several years of brilliant ideas that fizzled or were shot down by upper management, he became disillusioned. Now, even though he is an independent, critical thinker, he does as little as possible for the organization. He focuses on the company's problems rather than his previous hopes for the company and its dream of clean power. According to Kelley's followership styles, Alec is a(n): a. alienated follower. b. pragmatic survivor. c. effective follower. d. conformist.

b. She uses the carrot-and-stick method to achieve desired behavior.

Anna, a manager, has been working in the same company for 17 years. She follows the conventional management approach to motivating her team. Which of the following is indicative of her motivating approach? a. She ensures that the higher needs of her team members are met. b. She uses the carrot-and-stick method to achieve desired behavior. c. She infuses a social mission in the work she allocates for her team. d. She ensures that her team members feel a sense of belonging in the organization.

b. Stewards

As which of the following do leaders empower followers to make decisions and have control over how they do their own jobs? a. Servants b. Stewards c. Traditional managers d. Authoritarian managers

not to be repeated

Behavior that is not reinforced tends ___________


Business is about ______ not just economic performance

d. motivated to stay up to date.

Check My Work Leaders want followers who are: a. dependent on them for their personal growth. b. dependent, uncritical thinkers. c. willing to accept their ideas without assessing them. d. motivated to stay up to date.

b. An effective follower is a critical, independent thinker who actively participates in the organization.

Chloe is explaining the concept of followership to her roommate, Sarah. Which of the following styles of followership has Sarah understood correctly? a. An alienated follower is a person in an organization who exhibits neither critical, independent thinking nor displays active participation. b. An effective follower is a critical, independent thinker who actively participates in the organization. c. A pragmatic survivor is a follower who participates actively in the organization but does not utilize critical thinking skills in his or her task behavior. d. A conformist is a person who is an independent, critical thinker but is passive in the organization


Expectancy theory and equity theory are often described as ________ theories because they explain how people select behaviors that meet their needs

c. include promotions and pay increases.

Extrinsic rewards: a. are under the control of the individual performing the action. b. are internal in nature. c. include promotions and pay increases. d. come from internal satisfaction.

performance ; future

Followers want feedback that focuses on _____ rather than a person, and focuses on the _____ rather than dragging up mistakes of the past

timely ; specific

Followers want feedback that is ______ and ______

two-factor theory

Frederick Herzberg developed a popular needs-based theory of motivation called the ___________

a. Positive reinforcement

Hayden, a leader, is well liked by his team members. He immediately praises his team members if they have done a job well or have worked extra hours in order to meet a deadline. He also monitors individual performances and recommends pay raises. Which form of reinforcement does Hayden use to motivate his team? a. Positive reinforcement b. Negative reinforcement c. Punishment d. Extinction


Honest, forward-thinking, inspiring, and competent are all characteristics of desirable ________

a. Esteem needs

In the context of Maslow's hierarchy of needs theory, in an organization, which of the following needs reflects a motivation for recognition, an increase in responsibility, high status, and credit for contributions to the organization? a. Esteem needs b. Physiological needs c. Belongingness needs d. Safety needs

a. Rather than full-scale corruption, the most dangerous obstacles for leaders are personal weakness and self-interest.

Identify the correct statement regarding ethical leadership. a. Rather than full-scale corruption, the most dangerous obstacles for leaders are personal weakness and self-interest. b. Leaders should always act to make their organizations appear successful in any case. c. Shareholders should be the ethical leader's primary concern. d. Leaders rarely face pressures that challenge their ability to do the right thing.

d. The success of the organization depended on leader control over followers.

Identify the correct statement regarding traditional organizations. a. The leader was expected to be passive. b. The focus of leadership was on followers. c. They were based on the idea that subordinates were in charge of the leader. d. The success of the organization depended on leader control over followers.

d. Dmitri makes decisions alone and uses his managerial position for personal benefits.

Identify the leader who is at the preconventional level of personal moral development. a. Darla upholds laws and lives up to the expectations of others. b. Carl is guided by an internalized set of principles universally recognized as just and right. c. Annie balances the concern for self with concern for her subordinates and the common good. d. Dmitri makes decisions alone and uses his managerial position for personal benefits.


Leaders use ________ theory to: -satisfy followers' needs -encourage high work performance

managing bosses ; relationship

Managing up presents unique challenges: -discomfort with the idea of ________ -not in control of the _______


Needs-based theories (Maslow's hierarchy; Herzberg's two-factor theory; McClelland's Acquired needs theory) focus on the underlying needs that _____ how people behave


Positively reinforced behavior tends to be _________

c. turning followers into leaders

Servant leadership involves: a. passive subordinates. b. ignoring profit and loss. c. turning followers into leaders. d. using a leadership position to control or limit people.

b. assume responsibility.

Sheila has been a nurse for 17 years at General Care Hospital. Her job gives her a sense of pride because she feels she is serving society in a small way. She takes it upon herself to know all her patients and put their needs and comforts first. She understands that her job plays an important role in a patient's recovery. As a follower, Sheila displays the courage to: a. leave the organization when necessary. b. assume responsibility. c. participate in transformation. d. challenge authority.

a. power.

Steven, the vice president of Clair Ltd., has always been able to delegate tasks effectively and inspire his subordinates. He likes being in charge of the people who work for him. According to the acquired needs theory, Steven has a high need for: a. power. b. achievement. c. attention. d. affiliation.

1) critical thinking vs. uncritical thinking and 2) active vs. passive behavior

Styles of followership are determined by two dimensions: 1) ________ vs ______ and 2) _______ vs. ______

skill variety ; task identity ; task importance ; autonomy and feedback

The job characteristics model proposes that jobs are more empowering and motivating when they have greater ______, _____, ________, _______, and _______

relative ; absolute

The main point of equity theory is that for a lot of people, motivation is influenced by ______ as well as ________ rewards. Leaders need to be aware of the effects of perceived inequity on their followers.

a. align themselves with the vision of the organization.

To be a resource for the leader, effective followers should: a. align themselves with the vision of the organization. b. compliment the leader for behavior that the followers appreciate. c. try to hide their weaknesses or cover their mistakes. d. directly disagree with a leader on relevant organizational matters.

1) control 2) participation 3) empowerment 4) service

What are the fours stages of changing leaders focus from self to others?

ope communication climate, asking questions, active listening, dialogue, candor, and using stories

What are the six elements that facilitate strategic conversations?

1) preconventional 2) conventional 3) postconventional

What are the three levels of personal moral development?

c. Do nothing that is not required

What does a passive person do? a. Initiate problem solving and decision making b. Demonstrate a sense of ownership c. Do nothing that is not required d. Participate fully in an organization


When people enjoy their jobs and are satisfied with their work conditions, contribute enthusiastically to meeting team and organizational goals, and feel a sense of belonging and commitment to the organization

c. Intrinsic positive

Which approach to motivation is characterized by helping people enjoy their work and get a sense of accomplishment? a. Extrinsic positive b. Extrinsic negative c. Intrinsic positive d. Intrinsic negative

d. Job enrichment

Which of the following is a motivational approach that incorporates high-level motivators into the work, including job responsibility, recognition, and opportunities for growth, learning, and achievement? a. Expectancy theory b. Equity theory c. Job design d. Job enrichment

a. Honesty

Which of the following is the most desirable trait of a fellow follower? a. Honesty b. Inspiring c. Forward-thinking d. Active

c. Followership is a place to learn skills valuable for leadership.

Which of the following is true of followership? a. Leadership and followership are independent of each other. b. Leadership is the sole basis for success in an organization. c. Followership is a place to learn skills valuable for leadership. d. Followers have little power in their relationship with leader

a. Servant leadership represents a stage beyond stewardship.

Which of the following statements is true of the leadership continuum? a. Servant leadership represents a stage beyond stewardship. b. In the first stage, subordinates are active. c. In the fourth stage, employees are expected to act as team players. d. The stewardship mindset emphasizes tight top-down control.

c. John sets an ethical tone in his organization while maintaining concern for people.

Who among the following is an example of a moral leader? a. Mary emphasizes increasing company profits along with pleasing shareholders at all costs. b. Andrew promotes self-interest while maintaining the status quo. c. John sets an ethical tone in his organization while maintaining concern for people. d. Betty focuses on meeting the demands of business partners while maintaining a passive relationship with people.

d. send her a weekly summary of the project's status.

You know that your supervisor wants just the big picture about your three-year project. To be an effective follower, you should: a. invite her to the daily meetings about the project. b. send her a copy of all the e-mails about the project. c. ask her for clear instructions when any problem occurs. d. send her a weekly summary of the project's status.

traditional leaders

______ are good managers who direct and control their people. Followers are obedient subordinates who follow orders


______ leaders empower followers to make decisions and have control over how they do their own jobs

reinforcement theory

_________ proposes that behavior can be modified by the use of rewards and punishments

effective followers

___________ display the courage to assume responsibility, to challenge their leaders, to participate in transformation, to serve others, and to leave the organization when necessary

behavior modification

___________ is the set of techniques by which reinforcement theory is used to modify behavior.

effective follower

a critical, independent thinker who actively participates in the organization


a demonstrated record of performance can influence a decision

pragmatic survivor

a follower who has qualities of all four extremes (alienated, effective, passive, conformist), depending on which style fits with the prevalent situation.


a follower who participates actively in the organization but does not use critical thinking skills in his or her task behavior

central location

a location provides influence because the follower becomes known to many people and contributes to the work of many

reinforcement theory

a motivational theory that looks at the relationship between behavior and its consequences by changing or modifying followers' on the job behavior through the appropriate use of immediate rewards or punishments

passive follower

a person in an organization who exhibits neither critical, independent thinking nor active participation

alienated follower

a person who is an independent, critical thinker but is passive in the organization

flow of information

a position that is key to the flow of information can establish that position and the person in it as critical to those who need the information

network of relationships

access to people and information in an organization provides a means to establish relationships with a broad range of people both inside and outside the organization

positive reinforcement

administration of a pleasant and rewarding consequence following a behavior


amount of work put forth creates influence

control stage

authoritarian leader controls obedient, passive subordinates

managing up

consciously and deliberately developing a meaningful, task-related, mutually respectful relationship with your direct superiors

need for achievement

desire to accomplish something difficult, attain a high standard of success, master complex tasks, and surpass others

need for power

desire to influence or control others, be responsible for others, and have authority over others


direct appeal to leaders can create desired outcomes

need for affiliation

dires to form close personal relationships, avoid conflict, and establish warm friendships

moral leadership

distinguishing right from wrong and doing right; seeking the just, honest, and good in the practice of leadership

the individual's effort, the possibility of high performance, the desirability of outcomes following high performance

expectancy theory is based on the relationship among: _________, ___________, and _________

honest ; competent

followers want both their leaders and their colleagues to be _______ and _______

postconventional level of moral development

follows internalized universal principles of justice and right. balances concern for self with concern for others and the common good. acts in an independent and ethical manner regardless of expectations of others

preconventional level of moral development

follows rules to avoid punishment. acts in own interest. blind obedience to authority for its own sake

visible position

formal position, such as certain jobs or physical locations, makes an individual visisble

colleagues (followers)

honest, cooperative, dependable, competent are all characteristics of desirable ________


imposition of unpleasant outcomes on an employee following undesirable behavior

intrinsic rewards

internal satisfactions a person receives in the process of performing a particular action

personal sources

knowing skills, expertise, effort, and persuasion are all __________

conventional level of moral development

lives up to expectations of others. fulfills duties and obligations of social system. upholds laws

extrinsic rewards ; punishments

other motivation theories focus primarily on ________ and _______, sometimes called carrot-and-stick methods of motivation.

participation stage

participative leader works with subordinates who are team players. leaders determine purpose and goals, make final decisions, and decide rewards. employees are expected to make suggestions for quality improvements, act as team players, and take greater responsibility for their own jobs, but are not true partners in the enterprise

empowerment stage

responsibility and authority move from stewardship leader to self-responsible followers.

extrinsic rewards

rewards given by another person, typically a supervisor, such as pay increases and promotions

servie stage

servant leader givers up control and serves employees. the leader transcends self-interest to serve the needs of others, help others grow, and provide opportunities for others to gain materially and emotionally

managing up

strategies for _______ include being a resource, helping the leader be a good leader, building a relationship with the leader, and viewing the leader realistically


the forces either internal or external to a person that arouse enthusiasm and persistence to pursue a certain course of action


the mental and moral strength to engage in, persevere through, and withstand danger, difficulty, or fear.

abilene paradox

the tendency to resist voicing true thoughts or feelings in order to please others and avoid conflict

expectancy theory

theory suggest that motivation depends on individual's mental expectations about their ability to perform tasks and receive desired rewards

acquired needs theory

theory that proposes that certain types of needs (achievement, affiliation, power) are acquired during an individual's lifetime

Maslow's Hierarchy of needs

theory that proposes that humans are motivated by multiple needs and those needs exist in a hierarchical order (lower level needs must be satisfied before higher-level needs are activated)

two-factor theory

theory that states that the work characteristics associated with dissatisfaction (hygiene factors) were different from those pertaining to satisfaction (motivators)

critical thinking

thinking independently and being mindful of the effects of one's own and other people's behavior on achieving the organization's vision

knowledge skills

useful knowledge and skills are valuable to the organization

rational persuasion

using facts and reason- is typically the most effective approach when trying to manage upward

position sources

visible position, flow of information, central location, and network of relationships are all _________


withdrawal of a positive reward, meaning that behavior is no longer reinforced and hence is less likely to occur in the future

negative reinforcement

withdrawal of an unpleasant consequences once a behavior is improved

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