Test 2 quiz question and answers

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Although language is one of the most rule-bound aspects of human culture, it is also one of the least conscious.


Anthropologists believe that the "native point of view" is better than their own.


Elaborating symbols and summarizing symbols work in opposite ways.


Using life history interviews, researchers are able to

understand how a person's age affects his or her role in the community

Linguists refer to mixed languages with a simplified grammar that people rarely learn as a mother tongue as

pidgin language

Remote sensing techniques are

a way to correlate magnetic and locational data

When archaeologists recover and analyze ancient non-fossilize

DNA analysis

The most important goal of the Congolese sapeur is to

accumulate prestige

The key scenario differs from other kinds of symbols because it

implies how people should act

The recent rise of autonomy movements among Hawaiian separatists and Zapatistas in Mexico are examples of


People who leave their homes to work for a time in other regions or countries are called


Anthropologist Sherry Ortner distinguished three kinds of culturally powerful symbols that include all of the following except

narrative symbols

Cultural anthropologists face an ethical responsibility in their work and so must disclose to informants

reasons for doing the research

If Benjamin Whorf were trying to find further proof that grammar shapes the way people perceive the world, which of the following would not be a focus of his research?

the in-depth analysis of the grammars of European languages

James Ferguson, who is an anthropologist of development, argues that development exists

to expand state power

The ability to discover ancient remains and draw inferences about our earliest human ancestors is sometimes helped by

trace fossils

A key marker of development anthropology's success is when local perspectives and voices are paid attention to in development projects. true or false


A language of mixed origin that developed from a complex blending of two parent languages is called

a creole

A believer in cultural imperialism would explain that people who watch American television in remote places like a Walpiri camp in the Australian outback are

being subjected to alien cultural influences

Cultural anthropologists do research by

building trusting relationships with people over a long period of time

The study of how people classify things in the world is called


People in the periphery responded passively to capitalist expansion. true or false


Which of the following is the defining methodology for the discipline of anthropology?


Cultural differences are often caused by

interconnections between societies

Localization is the flip side of globalization.


Studying pottery is an important part of understanding ancient cultures because potsherds break but never completely decompose under normal environmental conditions.


Which of the following best describes the methodology of multi-sited ethnography?


The use of mock Spanish reinforces a common impression that Hispanic people are socially inferior. This is an example of the power of which of the following?

language ideology

For pastoral groups such as the Dinka and the Nuer, the cow acts as which kind of symbol?

summarizing symbol

If you wanted to have consistent responses, what kind of interview would you use?

survey interview

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