test 2 review questions

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carbon dioxide fixation

Which is most closely associated with the Calvin cycle?

movement of a substance against its concentration throught the release of energy from ATP

Which is the best definition of active transport

potential, kinetic

While we are sitting down to lunch we are consuming ________ energy which will then be converted into ________ energy as we work until dinner time.


a product of photosynthesis, ______, is the chief source of energy for most organisms

the chromosome copies attach to the plasma membrane and are pulled apart by cell growth the chromosome is a simple DNA strand without complex proteins and there is no spindle formation there is no nuclear membrane to break down and rebuild

binary fission in bacteria differs from mitosis because


during the light reactions, what structure is responsible for absorbing the solar energy

photosystem II

oxygen production in photosynthesis

peripheral if they are on the inside surface held in place by the cytoskeletion and intergral if they are embedded from the membrane and protrude from either surfaces of the bilayer

proteins in a membrane are

Use oxygen since aerobic metabolism provides more ATP per molecule of carbohydrate than anaerobic metabolism.

some bacteria are strict aerobes and others are strict anaerobes. some bacteria are facultative anaerobes and can live with or without oxygen. if given the choice of using oxygen or not, which pathway should a facultative anaerobe perform

is water formed during the electron transport chain

some desert beetles can live without ever drinking liquid water. they survive pn "metabolic water," which

the presence of other enzymes

the activity an an enzyme might be increased by all of the following except


the breakdown of glucose in cellular respiration is a catabolic reaction


the final electron acceptor in glycolysis is oxygen and this step will occur within the matrix of the mitochondria


the first event in the calvin cycle is the attachment of carbon dioxide to the five-carbon RuBP molecule, which forms a 6 carbon molecule that breaks down into 3PG molecules

cholesterol, lipid in nature, and a steriod

the fluidity by stiffening the mebrane at higher temperatures and preventing the membrane from freezing at a lower temp is


the growth of blood vessels into the tumor directed by additional mutations in tumor cells brings nutrients and oxygen to a tumor


the light-dependent reactions of photosynthesis occur in the stroma of the chloroplast

the citric acid cycle

the majority of the carbon dioxide we exhale is produced in

pyruvates into acetyl-CoA and carbon dioxide

the preparatory reaction coverts


there is no net movement of water

oxygen and carbohydrate

what are the end products of photosynthesis

glucose and oxygen

what are the end products of photosynthesis?


what type of transport mechanism is required to move sodium ions against their concentration gradient

water will move into the celery cells from the surrounding solution

what will happen to a celery stick that is places in a glass of water?

carbon dioxide would not be fixed to RuBP, stalling the Calvin cycle

what would happen if a drug directly interfered with the functioning of RuBP carboxylase?

carbon dioxide in the air spaces of the leaf would decrease oxygen in the air spaces would increase photorespiration would increase in CAM plants

what would happen if the stomata of a leaf remained closed all day?

the size of the molecule the shape the chemical properties of the molecule charage of the molecule

whether a molecule can cross the plasma membrane depends upon

RuBP carboxylase

which fixation of carbon dioxide in the first step of the Calvin cycle is facilitated by which enzyme

kinetic energy: movement of muscules

which form of energy is not correctly associated with the related example?

a muscle contracting

which i not a form of potential energy

the movement of water across a semipermeable membrane from an area od higher water concentration to an area of lower water concentration

which is the best definition of osmosis?

competitive inhibition, the inhibitor binds to the active site of the enzyme noncompetitive inhibition, the inhabitor binds to the allosteric site of the enzyme irreversible inhibition, a poison bunds to the enzyme so that it can never work again most inhibitors act in a reversible fashion

which of the following is a true statement about enzyme inhibition

the movement of chlorine ions from an area of low concentration on one side of the mebrane to an area of high concentration on the other side of the membrane

which of the following is an example of active transport through a cell membrane

snickers bar apple glass of milk

which of the following is an example of potential energy

plants algae some bacteria

which of the following organisms are capable of photosynthesis

channel proteins - block the activity of carrier proteins

which of the following protein functions as not correctly associated with the correct integral protein

glucose and oxygen

which of the following substrates are required for cellular respiration?


which of these processes occurs in the cytosol


which process produces alcohol or lactate

prophase, prometaphase, metaphase, anaphase, telophase

which sequence of the mitotic stages is correct

an enzyme's activity is generally reduced by an increase in substrate concentration

which statement is not true about how various conditions will affect the activity of an enzyme

proteins and phospholipids can move sideways within the plane of the membrane

which statement is true about the plasma membrane


which type of molecule will not diffuse directly across the cell membrane without the help of transport proteins

They reflect green wavelengths of light and absorb blue and red light

why are plants green

nonpolar molecules are similar in composition to the phospholipid center of the membrane. they can cross the membrane at no energy cost

why can nonpolar molecules freely cross the cell membrane while polar molecules require energy

the plant's cells would lose water and plasmolysis would occur

if a living plant moved from a freshwater aquarium to a saltwater aquarium, which of the following would occur

G3P would be produced in much smaller quantities G3P would be produced in much greater quantities

if plants were no longer able to perform the light reactions and they could only utilize the Calvin cycle, which would be true

are about 12 enzymes, at least one responsible for each step in the metabolic pathway.

if there are 12 different intermediate products produced in the stages of a metabolic pathway within a cell, we can expect that there

phosphate heads are oriented toward the exterior of the cell or toward the cytoplasm

in a phospholipid bilayer, the


in order to roll a rock down a hillside, you must first push it up the hill. pushing the rock i analogous to the energy of activation of a chemical reaction

occupies the majority of the cell cycle includes G1, S, and G2 results in an increase in cell size


pyruvate and CoA

acetyl CoA is produced from

requires an input of ATP

active transport


an enzyme is a protein that causes the rate of the reaction to slow down

hypotonic; a contractile vacuole

freshwater protozoans react to a ________ environment by removing water through ________


cancer cells require many nutrients which are supplied by blood vessels. the growth of new blood vessels into cancerous tissue


chloroplasts are capable of performing photosynthesis which is the most common anabolic process on the planet

use significant amounts of oxygen to produce ATP

compared with other components found in a plant cell such as the cell membrane, the chloroplasts or the nucleus, the mitochondria would be the only one that would


complete oxidative breakdown of glucose results in ________ ATP molecules

used to drive an endergonic reaction

coupling occurs when the energy released by an exergonic reaction is

can only occur if there is an input of energy

endergonic reactions

the tails of a phospholipid are hydrophobic and therefore would not be oriented towards the hydrophilic head of the next phospholipid

explain why the head of one phospholipid would never be found pointing to the tail of another phospholipid


fermentation follows glycolysis in some cells when oxygen is not available


fermentation is the process that produces bubbles of carbon dioxide that makes bread dough rise


first phase of cellular respiration is

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