Test 2 western civ

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In almost every advanced country around 1900, the wealthiest 20 percent of households recived

50 to 60 percent of all national income

Which new model for European expansion did Britain establish in Egypt?

A combination of military force, political domination and an ideology of beneficial reform

The October Manifesto in the Russian Revolution of 1905 granted full civil rights and promised

A popularly elected parliament

In 1914, the Schlieffin plan called for

A rapid invasion of France through neutral Belgium before turning on Russia

Which factor was crucial to the success of count Camilo benso di Cavours plan to unify northern Italy in the 19th century?

A secret alliance with Napoleon III against Austria

The typical European emigrant was

A small farmer or rural craftsperson

Which reform was the first and most important of the Great Reforms in Russia?

Abolition of Serfdom

The US between 1815 and 1932

Absorbed the plurality of European emigrants

Germany's Auxiliary Service Law required that

All men between the ages of 17-60 work at jobs deemed crucial to the war effort

Which of these was the key demand of the Chartist movement?

All men must be given the right to vote

Which statement describes an attitude toward behavior and morality on which the middle class generally agreed?

Always adhere to a strict moral code

Who was Alexander Kerensky?

An agrarian socialist who became Prime Minister of Russia in July 1917

In 1848, how did the Hungarian revolutionaries envision a future Hungary?

As a culturally unified and politically centralized nation

Otto Avon Bismarck's Kulturkampf refers to his

Attack on the Catholic Church in the German empire

Why did Klemens von Metternich, as Austrian foreign minister, have to oppose the spread of nationalism in Europe?

Austria was a multiethnic empire, and the spread of nationalism among its different ethnic groups threatened to dissolve the empire.

The factory act of 1833 constituted a major victory in preventing the exploitation of children in that it

Banned children under nine years of age from employment

Companionate marriage was marriage

Based on romantic love and family values

How did the industry grow in continental Europe?

Belgium led continental Europe in adopting British technology for production.

Which definition describes "nativism" in the 19th century?

Beliefs and policies that have preferential treatment to established inhabitants over immigrants

Which statement best describes the content of the Balfour Declaration of November 1917, written by British foreign secretary Arthur Balfour?

Britain supported the creating of a national homeland for the Jewish People in Palestine

Which statement best describes the events at Fashoda in 1898?

British and French troops encountered one another in Africa, triggering a diplomatic crisis

Who were the Luddites?

British handicraft workers who attacked factories and destroyed machinery they believed were putting them out of work

Which nations joined the war on the side of the Central Powers?

Bulgaria and Ottoman Empire

How was the flow of good directed around the globe in the 19th century?

By new communication systems, such as the Telegraph, that could direct ships from port to port

How was the flow of goods directed around the globe in the nineteenth century?

By new communication systems, such as the telegraph, that could direct ships from port to port

Which benefit did James Watt gain from his partnership with Matthew Boulton?

Capital and skills in salesmanship

How did the electric streetcar affect the urban environment?

Cities could expand as even people of modest means could travel quickly and cheaply to new, improved, and less congested housing.

Count Arthur de Gobineau racial theory divided humanity into the white, black, and yellow races and

Claimed that the Aryan race was superior to the others

Which law outlawed labor unions and strikes in Britain?

Combination Acts of 1799

The notorious forgery "The protocols of the Elders of Zion" suggested that Jewish elders were planning to

Control the entire world

How did the culture of sports change in the late 19th century?

Cruel sports such as cockfighting declined, while commercialized spectator sports became popular

Socialist political parties affected working-class attendance at established churches in the late 19th century by

Discouraging attendance. As religion was a pillar of bourgeois society

In the 19th century, Eugene Delacroixs work typically featured

Dramatic, colorful scenes

By which principle did the European powers establish their claims to African territory after the Berlin Conference in 1884-1885?

Effective occupation

I'm 1848, which reform did the French Government refuse to implement, thereby creating a sense of class injustice?

Electoral reform

One of the most important scientific and technological developments in the 19th century was a form of commercial energy developed from


In most European countries, how was emigration related to population growth in the late 19th century?

Emigration increased about 20 years after rapid growth in population, as land became scarce

Louis Napoleon's great success with the economy included

Encouraging new investment banks and railroad construction

The largest share of European foreign investment went to

European states and North America

Which statement explains, at least partially, why foreign aggression diminished in China from 1860 until near the end of the century?

Europeans had achieved their goal of establishing commercial and diplomatic relations

In the 19th century, how did Ireland's population grow despite extreme poverty?

Extensive cultivation of the potato provided sufficient nutrition for population growth.

Which pattern did migration out of Europe often follow in the nineteenth century

Families and friends would coordinate their migrations so that they would settle together in a new land

How did labor in British families change in the eighteenth century?

Family members shifted labor away from unpaid work for household consumption and toward work for wages.

In 1850, in which occupational area did the largest number of British people work?

Farming and agriculture

In the 18th century, railroad construction on the Europe's continent

Feature varying degrees of government involvement

As an intellectual movements realism emerged first in which country?


In Great Britian, the reform Bill of 1832

Gave greater representation to the new, industrial areas of the nation.

Which part of Otto von Bismarck's alliance system did Wihelm II abandon?

Germany's nonaggression pact with Russia

Who were the Red Shirts in the 19th century?

Giuseppe Garibaldis guerrilla army involve in the invasion of Sicily in 1860

In their war of independence against the Ottoman Empire, the Greeks ultimately won the support of

Great Britain, France, Russia

The clearest sign that a family was middle class was

Having servants

In the 1890s how did Sergei Witte Seek to transform Russia?

He believed that Russia's industrial backwardness was threatening its power and greatness and implemented industrial policies to catch up with the West.

How did Muhammad Ali reorganize the Egyptian army?

He drafted illiterate peasants and hired European army officers to train his troops

How did Lenin respond to the peasants' seizure of land when he rose to power in 1917?

He mandated land reform in order to offer his approval for what the peasants had already done.

Why did the conservative Bismarck pioneer the creation of an expansive system of social welfare?

He sought to blunt the attraction of socialism to the working classes and give them a small stake in the existing political system.

Why did Bismarck enact high tariffs on grain from the US, Canada, and Russia in 1878?

He sought to win support from both the Catholic center party and the Protestant junkers

What was French Premier Georges Clemenceaus position at the Pair Peace Conference?

He wanted to create a buffer state between Germany and France

Which benefits could a wife produce at home that could not be purchased in the market?

Improved health, better eating habits, and better behavior

Owing o the industrial Revolution, living and working conditions for the poor

Improved only after 1840

Why were cottage workers, accustomed to the putting-out system, reluctant to work in the new factories even when they received good wages?

In a factory, workers had to keep up with the machine and follow its relentless tempo

The Great Exhibition of 1851 in London commemorated the

Industrial dominance of Britain

The Meji restoration restored the Japanese emperor to power in the 1867 and

Initiated a series of reforms to modernize Japan

The National Unification processes of Germany, Italy, and the United States in the middle of the 19th century were similar in that they all

Involved violence and warfare

Which statement describes the result of Allied support of the white armies in the Russian Civil war?

It allowed the Bolsheviks to appeal to patriotism against the Allies

How did the French provisional government respond to the worsening depression and rising unemployment in 1848?

It established national workshops to provide public works jobs.

Which statement best describes the result of the Mexican-American war?

It exacerbated tensions between the northern and southern halves of the US as debate erupted over the extension of slavery into territory acquired from Mexico

Why did Austria-Hungary deliberately choose war in July 1914?

It hoped to curb the rise of hostile nationalism within its multiethnic empire

Which of these was an unintended effect of the Factory Act of 1833?

It limited the work of children and thereby broke the pattern of families working together in factories

Which effect did the Dreyfus affair have on kate-19th century France?

It revived republican distrust of the Catholic a church

Which effect did Frances Constitutional Charter have in the post-Napoleonic period?

It secured most of the gains made by the middle class and the peasantry during the French Revolution

Which statement describes the result of the Berlin Conference of 1884-1885?

It set up the terms for the division of most of Africa among European colonial powers.

Why did Italy, after declaring neutrality in 1914, decide to join the Triple Entente in 1915?

It was promised Austrian territory in return.

Which function did the crystal palace serve?

It was the location of the Great Exhibition in 1851 in London.

Which statement best describes the goal of western world hoped to achieve through the global economic system?

It would control and determine the national economic policies of nations across the glove

Who invented the spinning jenny?

James Hargreaves

Which major breakthrough in energy and power supplies catalyzed the Industrial Revolution?

James watts development of the steam engine between the 1760s and the 1780s

Bismarck's alliance system was designed to isolate France and to

Maintain peace between and within Russia and Austria-Hungary

One of the social functions of the labor aristocracys strict moral code was to

Maintain their unstable social and economic position

Why did many late 19th century feminist advocate for property, educational and voting rights?

Many women wanted or needed to work outside the home and lacked legal protection to do so

How did railroads affect the nature of production?

Markets become broader, encouraging manufacturers to create larger factories with more sophisticated machines.

Improved economic conditions in the nineteenth century resulted in which societal change for middle class families?

Married women were not expected to work outside the home

The first and second internationals both provide evidence for

Marxist attempts to transcend national Boundaries

Which statement best describes the content of the Petrograd Soviet Army order No.1?

Military officers were to be stripped of their authority, and power was to be placed in the hands of elected committees of soldiers

George's Haussmann's contribution to 19th century life was

Modernizing Paris through a massive rebuilding program

Which key development in the 18th century allowed continental banks to shed their earlier conservative nature?

Much of the growth in the gross National al product was eaten up by population growth

How did the process of Italian unification survive the French betrayal of Sardinia in its effort to unify Italy?

Nationalist leaders in central Italy overthrew their local princes and merged with Sardinia despite the displeasure of the Great Powers

Which statement best characterizes early 19th century British cities?

Nearly all land was used for building, which meant that parks or other open spaces were almost nonexistent

Which good did the British use to break Chinas self imposed isolation?


How did British obtain the opus that they smuggled into China?

Opium was grown legally in British-occupied India

Unlike other political parties, Marxist socialist

Organized themselves into an international organization

Unlike other political parties, Marxist socialists

Organized themselves into an international organization

Realpolitik is most associated with which statesman?

Otto Von Bismarck

The British Mines act of 1842 and various factory acts between 1802-1833 provide evidence that in the early and mid-19th century?

Parliament was sympathetic to the new industrial working class

Which statement best describes the principle of national self-determination that was promoted by the U.S president Woodrow Wilson?

People's should be able to choose national governments through a democratic process and live free from outside interference

Which factor was the most influence on the peaceful mid entity reforms in Great Britain?

Political competition between the aristocracy and the middle class

How did the expanding right to vote in the late 19th century affect national politics across Europe?

Politicians and parties became more responsive to the people they represented.

According to Pierre-Joseph Proudhon in the 19th century, was

Profit stolen from the working class

Max Weber, the most prominent and influential late-nineteenth century sociologist, argued that the rise of capitalism was directly linked to

Protestantism in Northern Europe

Which medication proved to be effective in controlling malaria and allowing Europeans to venture into the mosquito-infested interior of Africa?


How did the building of railroads in Latin America, Asia, and Africa facilitate Western economic interests as opposed to regional economic interests?

Railroad lines connected resource-rich inland cities to seaports to facilitate Western trade, but did not link inland cities to each other

How did wages change in the late nineteenth century?

Real wages rose for the mass of the population, but the gap between the rich and the poor did not decrease.

Walter Rathenau is remembered for his

Role in Germany's total war mobilization.

Which two front wars had military planners anticipated prior to the First World War?

Russia had assumed a two-front war against Germany and Austria Hungary and Germany had assumed a two-front war against Russia and France

The quadruple alliance, the nations that defeated Napoleon included

Russia, Prussia, Austria, and Great Britain

The Russian Marxist Vladimir Lenin asserted that imperialism

Signaled the eventual decline and collapse of capitalist society

A European working class male would most likely be found watching which sport in 1897?


Between 1890 and 1925, over 20 million immigrants passed through Ellis Island Immigration Station in New York harbor. A majority of them were from

Southern and Eastern European

Which statement describes the outcome for Ukraine and Belarus, parts of the Russian Empire ceded to Germany in the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk, in the early 20th century?

The Bolsheviks reconquered those territories during the civil war

How did Lenin's and the Bolsheviks view of the Marxists party in Russia differ from the Mensheviks view of the party?

The Bolsheviks wanted a small, disciplined party while the Mensheviks wanted a Democratic Party with mass membership

Which statement accurately characterizes British military activities in the Middle East during World War I?

The British were unable to take Constantinople but took other Ottoman cities and fomented Arab rebellion throughout the sultans empire

Which statement is an accurate characterization of a socialist party in Europe prior to 1914?

The German socialist party talked revolution but practiced reformism

Which statement is an accurate characterization of a socialist party in Europe prior to 1914?

The German socialist party talked revolution but practiced reformism.

When Hungary gained independent status in the Austro-Hungarian Empire, how did it organize its domestics politics?

The Magyar nobility dominated both the peasantry and the minority populations through the parliament.

Germany's initial offensive was stopped on the outskirts of Paris at the Battle of

The Marne

In the 19th century, which country dominated the three-thousand mile archipelago that is now Indonesia?

The Netherlands

Why were the Balkans considered the "powder keg" of Europe?

The Ottoman Empire had been forced to give up its territory in the region, leading to growing ethnic nationalism.

Which of these was the result of the "June Days" in France in 1848?

The Triumph of the republican army after streets fighting and the death or injury of more than 10,000 working class people

Which definition best describes the Second Industrial Revolution?

The burst of industrial creativity and technological innovation that promoted strong economic growth toward the end of the 19th century

What did Henry Cort develop?

The coke-fired puddling furnace, which allowed pig iron to be refined with Coke.

In the early twentieth century, why were extensive social welfare programs slow to form in Great Britain?

The conservative aristocratic house of lords resisted the formation of such programs until the king threatened to replace them

According to Marx, the driving historical force in the 19th century was

The economic relationship between classes

How did Bismarck structure the North German Confederation in order to secure the authority of the Prussian emperor?

The emperor controlled the army and foreign affairs and universal male suffrage permitted the emperor to go directly to the people if the middle-class liberals resisted his bills in legislature

Which factor led to the revolutionary reduction in the size of European families?

The family's desire to improve its economic and social position

Who was Theodor Herzl?

The founder of the Zionist Jewish national movement

Utilitarianism was Jeremy Bentham idea that social policies should promote

The greatest good for the greatest number

Why did illegitimacy rates decline after 1850?

The higher incidence of marriage for expectant mothers

Which statement best describes the core concept of Social Darwinism?

The human race was driven by unending economic competition that would determine the survival of the fittest

In addition to massive population decline, another effect of the Great Famine in Ireland was

The increase in anti-British sentiment

In the 19th century, Count Henri de Saint-Simon believed ghat

The key to progress was proper social organization

How did the expansion of the industrial Revolution affect the work life of the middle class?

The middle class established a range of new professions, which required specialized knowledge and advanced education.

Which belief drove native opposition to European colonial rule?

The nationalist ideal of self determination

Which factor was the primary influence on whether European immigrants returned to their native lands?

The possibility of buying land in their home countey

How did the Ottoman Empires efforts at reform in the latter half of the 19th century undermine the empires stability?

The reforms created equality before the law for all citizens, which increased religious disputes and split Muslims into secularist and traditional camps

Why were the you g, generally unmarried women who worked for wages outside the home confined to certain "women's jobs"?

The sexual division of labor relocated a long standing pattern of gender segregation and inequality

How did the urban working class change in the latter half of the nineteenth century?

The sharp distinction between highly skilled artisans and unskilled manual workers broke down as semiskilled groups of workers became more prevalent

How did the war on the eastern front differ from the war on the western front?

The war on the eastern front remained more mobile, with Germany in a more dominant position.

Rudyard Kiplings "white mans burden" referred to

The white races supposed fury to civilize nonwhite races

During the Prussian revolution in 1848, why did the alliance between middle-class liberals and workers dissolve?

The workers demanded a series of democratic and vaguely socialist reforms

In which was did Louis Pasteurs and Joseph Listers discoveries aid European imperialism?

Their discoveries, when applied, helped christian missionaries to win over natives

at the Troppau Conference in 1820, klemens von Metternich and Alexander I proclaimed

Their support for the principle of active intervention to counter threats to all autocratic regimes

As the business world grew increasingly complex, what did the wives and daughters of successful businessmen discover in eighteenth-century Europe?

There were few job opportunities for women, as most businessmen assumed that middle-class wives and daughters should avoid work in offices and factories.

Why did the German military command recommence submarine warfare in the Atlantic despite knowing that it would lead to the US to enter the war against them?

They believed that a blockage of improved submarines could force Britain to surrender before the US could come to Britain's rescue

Why did middle-class families spend considerable portions of their income on food?

They gave frequent, large dinner parties as their favored social activity.

Which statement describes the primary political weakness of the White Forces as they fought against the Reds?

They had a portly defined political program, other than hating the Reds.

How did Labor union in Germany change in the early 1900s?

They increasingly concentrated on bread and butter issues rather than Revolution

How did the Western powers react to the declarations of independence by Syria and Iraq shortly following the First World War?

They invaded the two regions and defeated the independence movements.

Why did social scientists develop statistical methods to test their theories?

They sought to analyze the massive sets of numerical data that governments had collected.

How did Paul Avon Hindenburg and Erich Ludendorff react to Germany's loss in the war in the fall of 1918?

They sought to place the blame for losing the war on moderate politicians

How did older members of the population seek to control the sexuality of working-class youths?

They supported the establishment of sex-segregated employment.

Which statement best describes what Heinrich con Treitsvhke believes sZ the significance of colonies?

They were essential to great nations

In his 1835 study of the cotton industry, what did Andrew Ure conclude about conditions in most factories?

They were not harsh and even quite good

How did some British women seek to affect British colonialism in India in the 19th century?

They worked to improve the lives of Indian women, through education and legislation.

Goal of the Prussian parliament in the 1850s and 1860s

To establish that the Parliament held financial political authority and that the army was responsible to Parliament

In 1917, the Germans aided Vladimir Lenin in overthinking Alexander Kerenskys government by

Transporting him across Germany in a sealed train.

The mines act of 1842 prohibited

Underground work for all women and girls as well as boys under ten

How did Sardinia and it's Monarch, Victor Emmanuel, gain the reputation of a liberal progressive ?

Victor Emmanuel retained the liberal constitution and its substantial civil liberties that was forced on his father in 1848

In the late 19th century, masturbation was

Viewed with horror

In the "separate spheres" pattern of gender relationships

Women generally stopped working outside of the home after the first child was born

Which statement best explains the marked changes in child-rearing practices observed in the late 19th and early twentieth centuries

Women had fewer children, allowing for more attention to be placed on each child

Which was the name given to the long established customs union among the German state?


Who was William cockerill?

an English carpenter who built cotton-spinning equipment in Belgium

In the nineteenth century, Edwin Chadwick gained fame as

an advocate of improved public sanitation

The allied powers at the Congress of Vienna were determined to

avoid the creation of hostility and resentment in France

The reformer Robert Owens sought to

create a single large national union for British workers

Romantics and early nationalists investigated folk songs, folk tales, and proverbs in order to

find the unique greatness of every people in its folk culture

During the First World War, the African colonial subjects of Britain and France

generally supported their foreign masters

The all-important goal of the architects of the Meiji Restoration was to

meet the threat posed by outside powers.

Thomas Malthus argued in his essay on the principle of population (1798) that

population tends to increase beyond the means of subsistence.

Following the First World War, what was one of the most difficult domestic problems faced by governments?

providing care for the large number of injured veterans.

The boxer rebellion was an

rebellion of traditionalist Chinese patriots who wished to expel all westerners from China.

The Karlsbad Decrees of 1819

required members of the German Confederation to root out subversive ideas and to spy on liberal and radical organizations

In the 19th century Italy, Giuseppe Garibaldi was a

romantic nationalist

In his pioneering work of quantitive sociology, Suicide, Emile Durkheim concluded that ever-higher suited rates were caused by widespread feelings of


The romantic poet William Wordsworth conceived of poetry as the

spontaneous overflow of powerful feeling recollected in tranquility

Which social groups composed the revolutionary alliance during the revolutions of 1848 in Central Europe?

students and urban workers

In the condition of the working class in England, Friedrich Engels stated that

the British middle classes were guilty of "mass murder" and "wholesale robbery."

The immediate cause of British entry into the First World War was the

the German invasion of neutral Belgium

According to the doctrine of laissez faire, the government should intervene in

the economy as little as possible

David Ricardo's iron law of wages stated that

the pressure of population growth will always sink wages to subsistence level

The Chartist movement in Britain in the 1830s and 1840s demanded

universal male suffrage

The tendency to hire family units in the early factories was

usually a response to the wishes of the families.

Karl Marx argued that socialism would be established through

violent revolution by the lower classes

Victor Hugo's political evolution was exactly the opposite of Wordsworth's, whose

youthful radicalism gave way to middle-aged caution.

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