Test Chapters 5-8

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B. intrinsic to police work

Domestic violence calls that cause officers to physical confront suspects are categorized as stressors that are _____________. A. caused by the public B. intrinsic to police work C. due to the criminal justice system D. based on administrative practices

B. the criminal justice system

Drew, a patrol officer, becomes stressed when he is asked to testify in court on his regularly scheduled day off. This stressor is cause by which of the following sources? A. the public B. the criminal justice system C. administrative practices D. intrinsic to police work

B. the political era

During which era did police corruption surface due to close ties between police and politicians A. the reform era B. the political era C. the community era D. the homeland security era

A. the reform era

During which era was there greater emphasis placed on numbers of arrests, citations, and response times? A. the reform era B. the community era C. the political era D. the homeland security era

A. teacher

The service style of policing views the officer as a ________________. A. teacher B. neighbor C. soldier D. social worker

B. intentional

The three categories of torts that are typically filed against criminal justice professionals include negligence, ____________ torts, and constitutional torts. A. civil B. intentional C. accidental D. malicious

B. slightly decreased

In recent years, the number of females in the police force have _____________. A. doubled B. slightly decreased C. stayed the same D. slightly increased

D. police legitimacy

A community stages demonstrations that protest the moral authority of their local police department. During the protest, demonstrators avoid cooperating with police and advocate that citizens video tape all interactions with police in case it becomes a negative encounter. In this example, there is a low level of __________. A. procedural justice B. constitutional policing C. a guardian mindset D. police legitimacy

A. Justice of the Peace

Which early criminal justice official's authority to grant bail to felons led to corruption and criticism? A. Justice of the Peace B. Sheriff C. Constable D. Coroner

C. judiciously and as a last resort

Americans allow police officers the right to use force assuming that police officers will use it _______________. A. any time they are in an unsafe situation B. against those they believe have committed crimes C. judiciously and as a last resort D. to maintain peace and order

A. 1%

Approximately what percentage of police agencies require a minimum of a 4-year degree? A. 1% B. 10% C. 20% D. 50%

B. eliminate ward influences in hiring and firing police officers

Civil service systems were created to ____________. A. encourage more people to join the police force B. eliminate ward influences in hiring and firing police officers C. create disciplinary system for corrupt police officers D. allow police officers to more efficiently patrol their beats

C. home

Compared to searches of automobiles, police are expected to meet a higher standard when it comes to searches of which of the following places? A. school B. workplace C. home D. place of worship

D 200th

In April 2007, it was reported that the __________ person was exonerated by DNA evidence A. 25th B. 50th C. 100th D. 200th

C. may not search the vehicle without a warrant unless the arrestee had access to the vehicle at the time of the search

In Arizona v. Gant (2009), the Supreme Court found that if a suspect is arrested away from their vehicle and is unable to access it, officers _____________. A. may search the vehicle without a warrant B. may not search the vehicle without a warrant unless a drug-sniffing dog indicates there is contraband present C. may not search the vehicle without a warrant unless the arrestee had access to the vehicle at the time of the search D. may search the vehicle without a warrant unless the suspect invokes their right to counsel

D. There must be enough probable cause that a search warrant would have been given if there had been enough time

In order to invoke the Carroll doctrine, the situation must require immediate action. What is the second rule established by Caroll v. United States? A. A person must have given consent for the officer to search B. The area searched must be in the immediate presence of the arrested individual C. The police must have a reasonable suspicion that a crime had taken place D. There must be enough probable cause that a search warrant would have been given if there had been enough time

A. an interview

Laura is being questioned by police after a crime was committed in her neighborhood. The police ask her how many houses away she lives from the crime scene and how long she has lived in the neighborhood. This line of questioning would be known as which of the following? A. an interview B. an inquisition C. an interrogation D. an accusation

C. August Vollmer

Which individual is credited with shaping the development of police professionalism during the reform era? A. John Augustus B. Cesare Becarria C. August Vollmet D. Arnold Comte

D. method of operation

Modus operandi refers to which of the following? A. body of the crime B. cross transfer of evidence C. identification of a suspect D. method of operation

C. fighting crime

Only about 20% of an officer's typical day is devoted to _____________. A. paperwork B. answering calls for service C. fighting crime D. preventive patrol

A. unsupervised

Police officers spend much of their time _______________. A. unsupervised B. under close supervision C. completing monotonous tasks D. recruiting highly trained individuals

A. warrior mindset

Robert is a police officer who has been reassigned to a precinct riddled with violent crime and drug activity. Before starting on his first day, Robert decides that he will do everything in his power to control crime in his new precinct. To that end, he tells his partner that together they will "take back" the precinct. Which of the following does this most exemplify? A. warrior mindset B. protector mindset C. justice mindset D. guardian mindset

A. stop and frisk suspects based only on reasonable suspicion

The "Terry Stop" resulted in allowing officers to ____________. A. stop and frisk suspects based only on reasonable suspicion B. question suspects after a determination of probable cause C. search suspects based on reasonable suspicion D. interrogate suspects based on reasonable suspicion

C. Man who established the first police force in London

The London police are nicknamed "bobbies: because of the ________________. A. belief that "the police are the public, and the public are the police." B. role the London police played in dispersing rioters C. man who established the first police force in London D. jurisdictions where the officers served

C. guardian mindset

The President's Task Force on 21st Century Policing stated that law enforcement should embrace which of the following mindsets? A. warrior mindset B. soldier mindset C. guardian mindset D. justice mindset

A. an unusually high number of police shootings

The President's Task Force on 21st Century Policing was created in response to which of the following? A. an unusually high number of police shootings B. a U.S. Supreme Court's ruling on use of force C. a Human Rights Watch report on excessive force D. a James Baldwin piece on police in Harlem

B. formally charged

The accused is entitled to have an attorney present for a police lineup if the suspect has been ______________. A. arrested, but has not been charged B. formally charged C. Mirandized D. assigned a public defender

B. that he or she avows knowledge a particular person committed a crime

What does it mean when an officer swears in an affidavit? A. that he or she is the victim of a crime B. that he or she avows knowledge a particular person committed a crime C. that the officer used profane language in an official court document D. that the officer pledges to carry out his or her duties in a lawful manner

C. Police can collect DNA from individuals arrested but not convicted

What has the U.S. Supreme Court ruled with regard to the collection of DNA evidence? A. Police can collect DNA from anyone with whom they come into contact B. Police can collect DNA only with a search/seizure warrant C. Police can collect DNA from individuals arrested but not convicted D. Police can only collect DNA from individuals following their conviction

B. Short stops are permissible considering the value in solving a crime

What has the U.S. Supreme Court said about establishing roadblocks to collect information from motorists about a crime? A. Any such roadblocks are prohibited and considered harassment B. Short stops are permissible considering the value in solving a crime C. Any such roadblocks are prohibited because the police do not have a warrant D. Stops of any duration are permissible considering the value in solving a crime

A. a routine traffic stop

What is an exception to the Miranda requirement? A. a routine traffic stop B. a custodial interrogation of a DUI suspect C. an interrogation following arrest for a state crime D. an interrogation regarding a misdemeanor

D. officer's attitude

What is one of three variables that affect an officer's decision regarding how he or she will respond to a citizen? A. citizen's age B. type of infraction C. citizen's gender D. officer's attitude

A. It allows new officers to transition into police work under the close supervision of a veteran officer.

What is the purpose of the field training officer (FTO) program? A. It allows new officers to transition into police work under the close supervision of a veteran officer. B. It creates a support group for officers tasked with training new recruits C. It is a program that teaches veteran officers how to supervise and train new recruits D. It is an expanded ride-along program in which recruits act mostly as observers

C. probable cause

What is the standard for legal arrest? A. preponderance of evidence B. beyond a reasonable doubt C. probable cause D. gut instinct

C. openness of process

What pillar of procedural justice does the creation of a nationwide database that tracks officer-involved shootings in the United States seek to support? A. fairness to all B. voice C. openness of process D. impartiality

A. An officer must be lawfully on the premises, and the discovery must be inadvertent

What two conditions must be in place for an officer to seize contraband that is in plain-view? A. An officer must be lawfully on the premises, and the discovery must be inadvertent B. An officer must be able to clearly see the contraband, and a magistrate must verify probable cause after the seizure. C. An officer must be conducting a warranted search, and the discovery must be incidental. D. An officer must be granted permission to patrol the premises, and they must be granted consent from the owner of the property to seize the contraband that is spotted

A. Maryland v. Wilson (1997)

Which U.S. Supreme Court case authorized police officers to order all passengers out of a vehicle during a traffic stop regardless of any suspicions of wrongdoing or threat to officer safety? A. Maryland v. Wilson (1997) B. Terry v. Ohio (1968) C. Minnesota v. Dickerson (1993) D. Harris v. United States (1968)

D. Coroner

Which of the early criminal justice officials of the American colonies would have determined cause of death and the party responsible for it? A. Justice of the Peace B. sheriff C. constable D. coroner

C. Coroner

Which of the following criminal justice officials of early England were elected court officers whose duties included oversight of the interests of the Crown? A. sheriff B. constable C. coroner D. justice of the peace

A. officers surveilling of persons intending to commit crimes

Which of the following describes a controversial use of drones? A. officers surveilling of persons intending to commit crimes B. hobbyist capturing video footage for special events C. officers patrolling certain borders for illegal entry into the country D. hobbyist collecting photographs of a particular landscape

A. negligence

Which of the following describes a failure to perform a duty owed? A. negligence B. false arrest C. assault D. civil liability

B. false arrest

Which of the following describes a police officer who unlawfully physically restrains a person without probable cause? A. false imprisonment B. false arrest C. double jeopardy D. civil liability

B. Systems of reporting are flawed and lack accountability

Which of the following is a reason police brutality persists according to the Human Rights Watch's report responding to excessive use of force? A. A majority of police officers repeatedly commit human rights violations B. Systems of reporting are flawed and lack accountability C. It is difficult to define objectively reasonable forms of force. D. There is a lack of information on appropriate use of force among police departments

D. employee assistance programs

Which of the following may help police officers deal with stress and pressure of the job? A. field officer training programs B. increased use of alcohol C. increased use of sick leave D. employee assistance programs

A. the right to effective counsel

Which of the following rights is granted under the Sixth Amendment? A. the right to effective counsel B. the right not to be subject to double jeopardy C. the right to due process D> the protection against unreasonable searches and seizures

C. He collected taxes and served as magistrate

Which of the following were among the duties of the constable in early England? A. He maintained law and order in the tithings B. He presided over court proceedings of civil disputes C. He collected taxes and served as magistrate D. He conducted preliminary hearings to determine cause of death and the party responsible for it.

D. Drug Enforcement Administration

Which organization is primarily responsible for controlled substance and narcotics enforcement at the federal level? A. U.S. Marshals Service B. U.S. Secret Service C. Central Intelligence Agency D. Drug Enforcement Administration

D. a patrol officer with 4 years of experience

Who of the following would likely have the most discretion? A. a police chief with 25 years of policing experience B. a deputy with 15 years of experience C. a sheriff with 10 years of experience D. a patrol officer with 4 years of experience

D. The oversight of a neutral magistrate is aspect of balance of power

Why does the Fourth Amendment require that warrants be issued by a magistrate rather than a police officer? A. Police officer training causes them to be too suspicious B. Police officers are expected to be untrustworthy C. Magistrates are more knowledgeable about warrants D. The oversight of a neutral magistrate is aspect of balance of power

C. 12%

Women currently comprise what percentage of the total police force? A. 2% B. 10% C. 12% D. 20%

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