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Civil Rights Act:

that outlaws discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, or national origin. [6] It prohibited unequal application of voter registration requirements, racial segregation in schools, employment, and public accommodations. The federal government use interstate commerce to enforce this legislation.

Popular sovereignty:

the doctrine that sovereign power is vested in thepeople and that those chosen to govern, astrustees of such power, must exercise it inconformity with the general will.

Rule of law:

the principle that all people and institutions aresubject to and accountable to law that is fairly applied and enforced; the principle of government by law.

Due process of law:

the regular administration of the law, according to which no citizen may be denied his or her legal rights a nd all laws must conform to fundamental, accepted legal principles, as the right of the accused to confront his or her accusers

Social contract:

the voluntary agreement among individuals by which, according to any of various theories, as of Hobbes, Locke, or Rousseau, organized society is brought into being and invested with the right to secure mutual protection and welfare or to regulate the relations among its members.

26 th amendment

standardized the voting age to 18. Vietnam war era

Analyze the structures, functions, and processes of the legislative branch as described in Article I of the Constitution.

Analyze the structures, functions, and processes of the legislative branch as described in Article I of the Constitution. Majority and Minority leaders help organize their parties and attempt to get legislation pass-through congress that supports their goals. Vacancy in the Senate/ Governor can appoint or hold a special election The amendment process to the US Constitution 2/3 of congress and ¾ of state legislators Congress funds the military

Analyze and categorize the diverse viewpoints presented by the Federalists and the Anti- Federalists concerning ratification of the Constitution and inclusion of a bill of rights

Anti-federalist Opposed to a strong central government; saw undemocratic tendencies in the Constitution and insisted on the inclusion of the Bill of Rights. Included Thomas Jefferson, James Monroe, and Patrick Henry. Federalist supporters of the constitution during the debate over its ratification; favored a strong national government

Marbury v Madison-


Illustrate examples of how government affects the daily lives of citizens at the local, state, and national levels .

Education- County and State funding for school, Rules, and requirements for teachers, Federal funding for free and reduced lunches and breakfasts Crime prevention- City and county police officers, FBI, CIA, and DEA Reserved Powers- Reserved power is a political power that is not enumerated or prohibited by a constitution, but instead is reserved by the constitution for a specified political authority, such as a state government. Reserved Powers- Reserved power is a political power that is not enumerated or prohibited by a constitution, but instead is reserved by the constitution for a specified political authority, such as a state government. Reserved Powers- Reserved power is a political power that is not enumerated or prohibited by a constitution, but instead is reserved by the constitution for a specified political authority, such as a state government.

Evaluate the processes and results of an election at the state or federal level

Electoral College is the mechanism established by the United States Constitution for the indirect election of the president and vice president of the United States. Voters go to the polls in the precincts or districts. Voters can vote with absentee ballots.

Amendment IV

NO unreasonable search and seizures, a specific warrant is needed

Evaluate the origins and roles of political parties, interest groups, media, and individuals in determining and shaping public policy.

Political parties: Political parties perform an important task in government. They bring people together to achieve control of the government, develop policies favorable to their interests or the groups that support them, and organize and persuade voters to elect their candidates to office. Interest Groups: Special interest groups are organizations or entities that are seeking or receiving special advantages from government agencies or public officials through political lobbying. Raise awareness of issues or things of concern within the country or world. Political Action Committees- Raise money to help candidates get elected that support their ideals and values (PAC)

Analyze the structures, functions, and processes of the judicial branch as described in Article III of the Constitution

Supreme Court-9 justices can be removed with an impeachment trial

Federal Reserve:

The central banking system of the United States. The U.S. Congress established three key objectives for monetary policy in the Federal Reserve Act: maximizing employment, stabilizing prices, and moderating long-term interest rates. For example higher interest rates will lead to a decrease in the amount of money circulation

A. Evaluate the ideals and principles of the founding documents (Declaration of Independence, Articles of Confederation .

The Articles of Confederation and Weaknesses: It could not regulate trade or keep the states from circulating their own currency. No chief executive could make real decisions, and no national court could settle disputes among states. No power to tax. (Failed as a government) Madison wrote 29 of the 85 essays. Therefore, being given the title of the Father of the Constitution.

Analyze the structures, functions, and processes of the executive branch as described in Article II of the Constitution

The Executive Branch of the government is responsible for implementing the laws written by Congress and appoints the heads of the federal agencies and departments. Commander-in-Chief of the armed forces. The Vice President is also part of the Executive Branch, ready to assume the Presidency should the need arise

Amendment V

The accused must be indicted, no double jeopardy- Cannot be charged for the same crime twice, due process of law- fair and equal treatment under the law

Amendment I

The five freedoms: Freedom of religion, Freedom of speech, Freedom of press, Freedom of assembly, Freedom to petition Limitations---Infringe on others rights

Natural rights:

a political theory that individuals have basic rights given to them by nature or God that no individual or government can deny Individual rights: Refers to the liberties of each individual to pursue life and goals without interference from other individuals or the government. Examples of individual rights include the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness

14 Amendment (1868)

defines citizenship and protects a person's civil and political rights from being abridged or denied by any state

19 th amendment

each of the states and the federal government from denying any citizen the right to vote because of that citizen's sex.

Americans with Disabilities Act:

everyone must have access public facilities

Evaluate how the Constitution and its amendments reflect the political principles of rule of law, checks and balances, separation of powers, republicanism, democracy, and federalism

he Preamble: Goals of the government 1. Preamble The Preamble is an introduction. The Preamble sets 6 goals 1. To form a more perfect union 2. Establish Justice 3. Insure Domestic Tranquility 4. Provide for the Common Defense Promote the General Welfare 6. Secure the Blessings of Liberty he Preamble: Goals of the government 1. Preamble The Preamble is an introduction. The Preamble sets 6 goals 1. To form a more perfect union 2. Establish Justice 3. Insure Domestic Tranquility 4. Provide for the Common Defense Promote the General Welfare 6. Secure the Blessings of Liberty Federalism Division of power between the federal government and states Powers not given to federal government belong to states

Regional Circuit Courts of Appeals

is the system of courts that interprets and applies the law in the name of the state. The judiciary also provides a mechanism for the resolution of disputes (Original and Appellate jurisdiction in the Supreme Court) US Attorneys represent the US in the court system. Congress can check the power of the court system by amending the constitution 15. Describe the role of judicial review in American constitutional government. the power of a court to adjudicate the constitutionality of the laws of a government or the acts of a government official. Places a check on the legislative and executive branch powers. 16. Analyze the various levels and responsibilities of courts in the federal and state judicial system and the relationships among them. State-District, Appellate, Supreme Federal-District (original jurisdiction), Appellate (appellate jurisdiction), Supreme (Both) Dual court system—

Explain how the Declaration of Independence reflected the political principles of popular sovereignty, social contract, natural rights, and individual rights.

this declaration is based on certain truths. All men are meant to be equal and to have certain rights ("unalienable rights") that the government should never take away. These rights include "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness." The Declaration of Independence is important because it inspired many revolutionary efforts throughout the world and contributed to Americans' understanding of their values as a new nation. Governments exist to support the rights of men. Governments exist only through the power of the people that they represent.

Federal Communication Commission:

to regulate interstate communications by radio, television, wire, satellite, and cable. Congress write the laws regarding communication systems in US.

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