The Body System
Can be separated by centrifuging.
Urinary System
Cleanses the blood & rids body waste. Maintains the body's chemical balance.
Endocrine System
Controls body functions via hormones.
Lymphatic System
Helps the body fight diseases.
Integumentary (skin) System
Insulates the body from invaders.
Skeletal System
Provides shape and support. Protects the body's vital organs. Produces blood cells.
Nervous System
Receives information and sends messages to the body.
Refers to strong elastic tissue (e.g. nose, ear). During growth, for the most part, it changes to bone.
How many bones are in the Human Body?
There are 206 bones the Human Body. 27 bones in each hand & 26 in each foot.
How many ribs does the Human Body have?
There are 24 ribs but, 12 pairs. Only the first seven are attached directly to the sternum.
Respiratory System
Transports air in & out of the lungs.
Transports blood away from the heart.
Transports blood to the heart.
Cardiovascular System
Transports oxygen, waste & nutrients.
About 5 times more viscous than water. Viscosity refers to the resistance to flow. Honey is more viscous than milk.
Musculature System
Allows for body movements.
Bind bone to bone.
Bind muscles to bones.
Reproductive System
Produces sex cells and hormones. Keeps the human race ALIVE.
Men have between 5-6 liters of blood. Women have between 4-5 liters of blood. Approximately 8% of body weight is blood.
11 Body Systems
My Sister Rachel Is Extremely Nervous Cause Uncle Donny Lied Recently; Musculature, Skeletal, Respiratory, Integumentary, Endocrine, Nervous, Cardiovascular, Urinary, Lymphatic, Reproductive.