The Candy Shop War

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By biting into the Blue mint the boys would be able to pass thru the blackness from 1 mirror to another

& gain entry to forbidden places-the boys are Not to open any windows or doors or to explore Mr. Stott's house

Summer, Nate, & Mr. Dart finally got to Gary Haag's house & the kids stayed in the car & Mr. Dart went to the door

& knocked on it w/his cane & it swung open inward & a column of orange jelly filled the doorway; Mr. Dart was engulfed by the orange gelatin & Summer & Nate saw so they grabbed some Shock Bits to take & help Mr. Dart

Mr. Stott told Nate to take the Grains of Time after he turned into a coyote

& to take it in the correct order & in rapid succession(fast); Nate will vacant a mind in the past, & one in the future; the future u experience now will be the future w/out u in it; the advantage Nate will have in the present is 3 selves-he will manifest as 3 people for an hour or so; when time runs out all Nate's selves(3)will teleport back to a central spot & he will be 1 person again

Mrs. White had hired some of her friends as helpers in her candy shop

1 man was chubby, 1 was a dwarf, & 1 had a birthmark

Each Blue mint gets

1 person thru 1 mirror

The Grains of Time for it to work correctly must be taken in the correct order

1)Blue; 2)Red; 3)Yellow The Blue takes u into the Past

Nate had just moved from Southern California & is

10 years old

Mr. Stott lived @

1513 Limerick Court

1st problem was how to get the items down from the

3rd shelf to the floor; then he heard the whistle blow-time to go & get out of the museum

Nate reached under the car seat & gave Summer the cross bow that shoots

40 silver pellets to shoot the eye of the bubble

Nate & his friends that he met were all going into

5th grade

The hole that the kids were digging for the cemetery mission was about

6ft deep when Nate struck something solid-it was the burial vault-inside the vault was a long rotten wood box

The name Mrs. White is using in Colson is

Belinda White

Mr. Stott gave Pigeon

Brain Feed candy-it grants animals temporary human intelligence & communication skills

Summer had short

Brown hair

Mate has an older sister named


On Wednesday afternoon Trevor went to the

Colson General Store w/his mother & saw the same man sitting on the bench that had chased him the night of the museum mission

Mrs. White had given Denny, Kyle, & Eric

Creature Crackers to go get ship from Nate, Trevor, Summer, & Pigeon

Denny saw Summer eat something & then jump really high over the water.

Denny saw Summer eat a Moon Rock & told her it was like she was flying over the water when she jumped

Boy w/the blond curly hair was named

Denny-6th grader

Pigeon had a black Labrador named


Mr. Dart told the kids to leave school w/him that he had

Eric in the trunk of the car

Kid w/the flat face was named

Eric-6th grader

Mrs. Belinda White had these as her henchmen

Fat guy who can spit orange jelly-call him a Gusher or Slopgut; , the dwarf, & the guy w/a huge birthmark

For the Cemetery mission Mrs. White has

Flame Outs for Summer it will emerge as a searing ball of fire, only use in dire circumstances, only once, & never chew it

Mr. Stott told Nate if anything should happen to him to take care of

Flatman for him; he eats fish flakes & canned cat food; he can help Nate learn details; 1 blink of Flatman's eyes mean yes & 2 blinks meaning no

Nate told Mr. John Dart that he only knew of

Flatman working for Mr. Stott(his henchman) & Mr. Dart had heard of Flatman

Nate & Trevor both had to carry the

Forty-Niner figure that was wrapped in a green bath sheet & the kids took all their stuff to their hideout by the creek

The next time the kids go see Mrs. White @ the Candy Shop after their mission to the museum Mrs. White is is creating

Frost Bite treats

Mrs. White gave Trevor for the Cemetery mission

Frost Bites-makes your body radiate intense cold, water will freeze & u will be immune to heat & fire

Man w/a birthmark is called a

Fuse-when the birthmark covers his entire body he dies

What people are associated w/the kids school w/the last name Haag

Gary Haag-the custodian; a 3rd grade teacher named Mr. Haag

The night they were going to the museum Nate played a game on his computer waiting to be told to go to bed

Grim Reign

Summer took her Sweet Tooth candy & turned into a

Hawaiian girl

Nate 1st took the blue Grains of Time & woke up in an alley by the bar & grill on Main

He felt much taller than he had ever been-it was September 13th(Thursday)he saw Summer, Trevor, Nate(himself as a kid),& Pigeon & tried to explain & tell them to stay away from Mrs. White but they thought he was crazy being a time traveler & what all he was saying

Nate got away from Denny after Denny, Eric, & Kyle ate some magic candy thru a glass window but didn't have a scratch on him-

He ran to the old barn by the library for cover after he saw the police car came b/c the library's alarm system had went off

Mr. Dart's weakness

He receives any injury that he directly inflicts upon another person or thing

Mr. Dart told Nate after Nate told him about the ship & that Trevor was stuck in the mirror

He said he would try & save his friend & not get the treasure just stop the other magicians from getting the Fountain of Youth b/c if they got their hands on it-it could be dangerous for all humankind

Nate as the adult after taking the Blue from the Grains of Time went to his house & got the keys to the Explorer

He was the one who stolen his mom's car earlier in the book; he drove the Explorer to Orchard Lane to Gary Haag's house & left it

What did Mr. John Dart do to come to the kids school?

He went to Miss Doulin's house, tied her up, took her keys, & avoided the school office , & took over her class for the day

How does Mr. Stott leave his house then if he can't leave his lair?

His ice cream truck is part of his lair

Mr. Stott gave Nate jawbreakers called

Ironhides-4 in a bag; his body will have a durability that surpasses tempered steel; he will be very difficult to hurt

What was going to be the hard part of breaking into the library?

It had an alarm system

Boy w/the army jacket that had thrown dirt clods @ Nate was named

Kyle-6th grader

The fat guy w/the orange jelly that he spit out @ people his name is


Mrs. White told Nate & Trevor they would have to use

Mirror Walking to get into Mr. Stott's house-Mrs. White gave the boys a tiny Blue mint & said for them to Bite down hard on it & they will be able to step thru a looking glass into the space inhabited by reflections

Who was Nate, Summer, & Pigeon's teacher?

Miss Doulin

Pigeon found Mr. Haag in his office & asked him if he had any relatives who had worked @ the school before him after putting a magic candy in his mouth(Sweet Tooth)

Mr. Haag told him he had an uncle who used to work there as the custodian & gave him his 1st job there @ the school

When Nate & Mr. Stott were on the road to Burt & Starla Haag's house the black hummer hit the side of Mr. Stott's ice cream wagon & flipped it on its side

Mr. Stott was bleeding from hitting the window; he turned into a coyote

Nate was able to escape w/the teleidoscope & get to

Mr. Stott's house w/it & they read the message written in gold flecks it read: Holds The Key; House Of Haag; Map In Ship; USS Star Gazer

Name of the woman working in the Candy/ice cream shop

Mrs. White

Mr. Dart told Nate he was here to stop the magicians & that

Mrs. White & Mr. Stott were seeking a drought from the Fountain of Youth. They want to be young again

Nate & Trevor were going to sneak in the Sweet Tooth Candy Shop & steal the teleidoscope

Mrs. White had & they took all their candy w/them to help them on their mission

Pigeon starts to worry tgat

Mrs. White isn't one of the good guys

The Mixers can be used w/other Candy is what

Mrs. White told the kids

Nate & Trevor rang Mr. Stott's doorbell & Summer & Pigeon met them there & they told Mr. Stott that

Mrs. White wanted to harm him w/her magic

The school they attended

Mt. Diablo

Mrs. White gave 4 blue mints total to

Nate & Trevor-2 for the each of u to get into Mr. Stott's house & 2 to get out

Nate was almost to Mr. Stott's house when he saw a car parked close by & the fat man that worked for Mrs. White @ the candy shop got out of the car talking to somebody

Nate called Mr. Stott & told him he had people watching his house & he had the ship & map; Mr. Stott told Nate to go home & to bring it to him tomorrow

Grassy vines were all around Mr. Dart, Summer, & Nate

Nate put an Ironhide in his mouth even though he couldn't feel the squeeze or pain of the vines he still couldn't move

What did Nate see when he came home to his house & went into the bathroom to get ready for bed after the mission to get the teleidoscope from Mrs. White?

Nate saw his own reflection & Trevor's too in the bathroom mirror-Trevor was stuck in Nate's bathroom mirror

Nate's name

Nathan Sutter

What else do the boys notice about entering the mirror?

Nothing is really real; it's really cold but it doesn't really get to you, it doesn't penetrate; they never ran out of breathe either & no pulse eitjer

The kids & Mr. Dart were going to

Paradise Inn

What is Pigeon's real name?

Paul Bowen

Nate told the man he was one of the Lost Boys &

Peter Pan wanted them to get some practice

Pigeon got his cousin Nike to drive him over on his motorcycle to Victoria & Todd Colson's house &

Pigeon told the person that answered the door what school he went to & he was doing a report on Hanaver Mills & needed to talk w/Victoria Colson-Pigeon sat down & waited for her & gave her cat the Brain Feed candy to her cat

Summer Atler was the

President of their club the Blue Falcons

Mr. Stott told Nate if he ever needed to get access to his house when he wasn't around to

Ring the doorbell twice, say Archmus, I am a friend indeed; then ring the doorbell again

The name of Mr. Stott's business

Sebastian Stott The Candy Wagon Homemade & Brand Name Ice Cream Frozen Treats Candy

The man Mrs. White wanted Nate & Trevor to give the Clean Slate candy to that dissolved in liquid & erase his memory was

Sebastian Stott(the ice cream man) & he is a magician like Mrs. White she told them

Where did Victoria Colson tell Pigeon the model ship Star Gazer was?

She had donated it to the public library years ago but had not seen it lately & that it must be in storage & that the head librarian, Leslie Wagner could help him

Summer shot the eye of the bubble which meant

She shot out Mrs. Blinds White's eye out

Summer had 14 Flame Outs, 3 doses of

Shock Bits, 8 Moon Rocks, & 6 sticks of Peak Performance gum, & the extracSun Stone to break in the mayor's house


Specially treated calfskin

The wooden Indian from the candy shop fought Nate & eventually left w/the

Stargazer ship

Where did Nate put the Forty-niner & get it to the grave?

Stuck it in the trunk of their rental car & was suppose to find the grave of Hanaver Mills as part of a homework assignment

Summer & Pigeon decided to stop treasure hunting for Mrs. White when she gave the kids the mission to sneak into the man's house

Summer made a point that her & Pigeon should be able to keep the candy she had already given them b/c they earned all of it by doing the earlier missions & Mrs. White agreed

Pigeon pointed out Eric, Denny, & Kyle to Mr. Dart @ lunch & he asked them who was the weaker one out of the 3

Summer said it was Eric & Mr. Dart told Summer, Nate, & Pigeon to go eat lunch in the classroom & gave them the key

1st people Nate meets are

Summer; Trevor; & Pigeon

Yellow crystallized treat

Sun Stones-they function the opposite of Moon Rocks-increasing the pull of gravity

Mrs. White gives the kids a

Surgeon doll dressed in scrubs to sprinkle a little of the powder on & then they swallow the rest of it then they can see thru the eyes of the doll(kinda like a remote control

Pigeon was able to call the Nate from the phone even tied up but then the phone hung up & Pigeon turned around & saw the

Surgeon doll there he had been spying on all of them

Name of the Candy Shop/IceCream Shop

Sweet Tooth Ice Cream and Candy Shoppe

What does Mr. Stott collect that he has @ his house?

Teleidoscopes-one he has ensures that the pattern it observes is never quite the same twice; another one u dip a hoop into a soapy solution-it looked like blowing a huge bubble-it looked like a cartoon & Nate made it dance

What did Nate tell Summer about when he went to the grave site to get the forty-niner?

That Margaret Spencer's grave looked untouched-it didn't look like they had dug up her grave @ all

What did Hanaver Mills tell Mr. Stott about the surface of the mount he built & designed?

That the right teleidoscope would reveal a message hidden in the stone

What was their club called?

The Blue Falcons

Nate saw the book it read

The Collected Reflection of Hanaver Mills

The Grains of Time

The Red takes you into the Future & the Yellow will give you temporary dominion over the present

What made Mr. Stott start collecting teleidoscopes?

The base Hanaver Mills left Mr. Stott in his will

Nate woke up & heard glass breaking then he saw in his house a bubble like the one in the alley by the museum

The wrinkled wooden Indian from the Candy Shop walked into his room holding a tomahawk

What 3 options did Mr. Stott tell the kids they should consider w/what to do about Belinda White?

They could pretend that their attempt failed to erase his memory & continue to work for her; they could resign from her service immediately, never speak of any of this to anyone, & hope for the best; Try to beat Mrs. White @ her own game & get to the treasure ahead of her

They had a club

They started a detective agency but nobody wanted to hire them

Mrs. White told the kids to bring what they find from the Cemetery mission on Wednesday night to the candy shop on


While a sweet tooth candy is in your mouth u will find it difficult for others to disobey or disbelieve your suggestions

This is what Mrs. White told the kids on the Cemetery mission; it doesn't work well on people that know it exists

What else did Mrs. White tell Nate & Trevor before this next mission to break in Mr. Stott's house?

To limit their exposure to Summer & Pigeon-put those friendships on hold for a week or to

What kind of club do the kids Nate meet have?

Trespassing club

Who came to Nate's window the night they were going to the museum?


The boys were almost to the door to leave the sweet shop after finally getting away from the rotund man & then the dwarf came @

Trevor like he had been shot out of a cannon & Trevor dropped the teleidoscope & Trevor told Nate to pick it up & run

Mrs. White got out a metal box w/a keyhole in front

Trick Candy to baffle & dismay your enemies-its stronger on kids than adults

When did Nate hear from Mr. Stott on the cell phone he gave him?

Tuesday morning during class & rang from the melody of Somewhere over the Rainbow

The kids were to find a way to get into

Victoria & Todd Colson's house & take that model ship in the glass bottle & bring it to Mr. Stott

The ship is in a bottle & owned by

Victoria Colson daughter of Ebner Mills a grandson of Hanaver; Victoria is the wife of their town's current mayor Todd Colson

The 1st Candy Mrs. White gives the kids for their 1st job is

White fudge to give to family & friends to drum up business for her but if Summer, Nate, Trevor or Pigeon try it-they won't feel the effects of her magic Candy she gives tgem

Mrs. White gave the kids the blueprints of tge

William P. Colson Museum

A police car came to the Cemetery & caught Pigeon but Pigeon stuck

a Sweet Tooth candy in his mouth & turned Latino & told the police officer that he had permission from the cemetery & he was trying to get his Arrow of Light Patch for his Cub Scouts-the policeman said it was ok but to not stay out too late

Mr. Haag told Pigeon that his family had been protecting that special key for over

a hundred years-Ebner Haag had originally took on the responsibility to protect the key; told him if u put the special key in an oven the Haag family gets feverish; u put it in the cold they start freezing; u put the key under water his family can't breathe

What was in the ivory box in the coffin that the kids had to get on their cemetery mission?

a little golden spyglass-w/inserted kaleidoscope mirrors into a telescope

What did Trevor see when they entered the mirror @ the Sweet Tooth Shop?

a multitude of rectangles & ovals interrupted the darkness

Mrs. White tells the kids that they feel uncomfortable w/the Cemetery mission but they are

a treasure hunting club & they have permission to do this mission

Mr. Stott tells the kids that magicians can't quite stop the

aging process but can slow it down; taking away years is nearly impossible, adding them is much easier

The man that caught Nate & Trevor in the Sweet Tooth candy Shop (upstairs from the shop)spit or fired out

an orange glob @ Trevor & then 1 @ Nate; they tried to reach for their candies but 1 of the orange globs had enveloped Nathan

The next mission Mrs. White wants the kids to do is to go to the museum & get her

ancestor's memoirs back & pocket watch back

Mrs. White uses

beetle eggs in her recipes

Mr. Sebastian Stott

best ice cream man but hasn't come around for over a year

Mr. Dart told Eric he better tell him everything he knew & showed him the man w/the huge

birthmark he had been keeping locked in his hotel closet

Mr. Dart was the one that help Nate escape from Mrs. White &

broke his leg-Mr. Dart shot the dwarf

The man they saw earlier & warned them about Mrs. White

came over to them when Nate & Trevor wet doing the museum mission

Mr. Stott had a

candy wagon too-red licorice & dump in the contents of a pixie stick & that's a Powder Keg

The boys' only option on the mission to go to Mr. Stott's house is to avoid getting

caught or apprehended

Nate got the pocket watch but it fell & the face of it


Gary Haag was the

custodian of the kids' school

Trevor had olive skin,

dark hair & a slim build

Mr. Stott showed the kids a base that was a mount for a teleidoscope built &

designed by Hanaver Mills& he left it to Mr. Stott in his will; they were friends not relatives

Mrs. White wants the kids to go to the Colson Valley Cemetery &

dig up Hanaver Mills' body & get what's inside the ivory box & rebury his body

Gary Haag was not @ his house but Denny & Eric were & they said Gary had more family on the

edge of town-Burt & Starla Haag

Mr. Dart also told Nate that he use to be an

enforcer for the mob-he got cursed w/his weakness & he ages more slowly than other magicians

Mr. Stott wanted to introduce Nate to a colleague of his

engineered apprentice-Flatman floated in an aquarium of fluid that smelled of formaldehyde-he looked half human & fried egg, the size of a frisbee; he had 1 large eye & 1 small eye-he can have glimpses of the past & the future

The moon rocks made them lose gravity &


The man grabbed Summer & then Pigeon came & had w/the shock bites they got away

from the man-it zapped him

Mr. Stott gave Nate a cell phone & told him he would call him soon so they could figure out how to

get Trevor back from Mrs. White

Summer & Pigeon went to the Sweet Tooth Shop & took a cake box w/a mirror &

glued the mirror up under 1 of the tables in the shop

Mr. Stott told the kids he came to town as a

guardian rather than a treasure seeker; but now he thinks the only way to stop Mrs. White from getting the treasure w/terrible power is to locate the treasure himself

Mr. Stott gave Summer

gum Peak Performance-6 sticks; for as long as the flavor lasts she will be able to perform @ the absolute limits of her physical capacity; she will be able to sprint faster & continue speed without getting tired

Pigeon was chuuby &

had a buzz cut

Pigeon found the Stargazer ship in storage @ the library & it was more like a ship in a jug than in a bottle &

he couldn't take it home because the librarian wouldn't let him so they would have to break into the library to get it

Mrs. White lives @ Sweet Tooth Candy Shop & hires

henchmen to find out things around town & that's how she knows so much about what goes on in town

There was a secluded hollow tree that was the Blue Falcons

hideout called The Nest

Mrs. White told the kids that Hanaver Mills is not the name he is buried with

his tombstone is under Margaret Spencer 1834-1893 to throw off unworthy trespassers

Pigeon saw some horses near the barn & gave them some Brain Feed & rode one of the

horses to get Summer

Nate tried talking to his dad about the problems & Mrs. White, he even showed his dad

how he could fly & his dad was not interested & told him he had a long day

Flatman has observed Nate

in the future & he wants Mr. Stott's to give Nate the Grains of Time-an hourglass on a silver chain; 1 chamber had red sand & the other blue sand & then a tiny yellow pellet in the gap between

Mr. Dart threatened Eric he would put him in the straight jacket he had & that he would never see anybody he cared about ever again if he didn't give him

information that he knew

Mrs. White will give the kids Shock bits if they go to the museum for her

it sends an electrical charge & stuns an attacker

Summer decided to let Nate get the

ivory box from the coffin

Mr. Haag told Pigeon that his uncle told him that if anybody ever came & asked about a special key to

kill that person

Trevor stunned the man & he went flying across the


Mr. Stott explained to the kids that a magician can Not

leave his or her lair-the lair is empowered w/magical defenses & spells that keep them safe & postpone their aging-if Belinda White left her lair to snoop around she would become a pile of bones in no time

Nate's body when he entered the mirror

lost all color & was visible only as a silhouette against the dim background of the alley

Mrs. White is a

magician who is trying to broaden her range of magical treats she produces

Mrs. White gave them a small plastic bottle w/clear fluid inside to

make the window vanish so they could get thru & into the museum

Whisker Cake-looked like a brownie

makes hair grow @ an unusual rate

When the kids gave their parents & their teacher Miss Doulin the white fudge they noticed it really

mellowed them out & made them all more relaxed; sleepy

Mr. Stott was going to wait a few days but then remove all the

mirrors from his house

Mrs. White gave the kids

moon rocks b/c they collected what she wanted them to; the moon rocks are magical candy

Mrs. White gave Nate for the Cemetery mission

more Proxy Dust & a new subject to control-the Forty-Niner(old miner carved out of wood-he is designed for tunneling

The boys did see that Mrs. White had gotten the book of Hanaver Mills they were suppose to get on their

museum mission & were just able to get the pocket watch

The kids are to go & collect

mushrooms for Mrs. White

The kids are only to suck on the moon rocks

not bite into them-they must follow Mrs. White's instructions

Mr. Stott tells the kids S that he & Mrs. White are magicians but she has one of the most

notorious & bloody histories of any member of their order; she craves power, & has never hesitated to cheat, steal, lie, or kill to get it

Mr. Dart told their class to never take candy from strangers & that there were magicians in the world who are capable of creating powerful spells that only work

on children-these magicians entice kids w/candy to get what they want & then toss them aside when they get what they want; Mr. John Dart's message for the class-don't trust magicians who exploit children for gain

To break the connection w/the surgeon doll

opening the eyelid of the person controlling it & blowing on the eyeball

Mrs. White assures the kids that the white fudge effects they are seeing it make on their

parents & teacher is temporary

Mr. Dart was going to drop Pigeon off @ school to talk to the custodian Gary Haag to find out if he had any

relatives who worked @ the school before him; then find out if their are any secret passageways @ the school

Trevor ate a Frost Bite & was able to

save Nate from his whole body being stuck in the orange gl

Mrs. White told Trevor she was disappointed in him &

she had hoped to spare him from the horrors of her dark side

Mrs. White wanted the kids to do services for her &

she would give them more magic candy

Mr. Stott knows about the Haag family & Belinda White only has the

ship & map

The Gusher or Slopgut can expel the jelly in order to trap or

smother his victims

Nate had been on a

soccer team from where he moved from

The Fuse(man w/a birthmark)was trying to

squeeze the breath out of Nate

When Nate took his Melting Pot Mixer he doubled over & started convulsing then

stood upright & he looked like a full blooded Native American(Nate was suppose to work the Forty-niner)

The man that had chased Nate on the night they stole the pocket watch from the museum was Miss Doulin's

substitute-Mr. Dart

Nate was in the

surgeon doll's body to do the museum mission

The kids' showed Mrs. White what they had gotten out of the ivory box in their cemetery mission & she called it a

teleidoscope-a hybrid between a telescope & a kaleidoscope

When the kids go back to the candy shop after having revenge on the bullies Mrs. White tells them

that she found a message on the watch-Hanaver Mills was buried w/an important item hidden in an ivory box & the message granted permission to exhume him

a pigeon & Paul make friends & he starts feeding the pigeon @ school & then 1 day the pigeon jumps up on Paul's head & poops on his head

that's how Paul gets the nickname Pigeon

Nate found the teleidoscope in

the 3rd drawer in a desk

trick candy masterpieces

the Dizzy Fizzer(sphere of root beer)

The kids must keep it a secret about

the Magic Candy that Mrs. White gives them

The Grains of Time have to be taken in correct order & consumed in rapid succession or

the Spell will fail-only take in dire need because you will only get 1 chance

The boys had to go upstairs of the Candy Shop to a door that said Private on it & founf

the big round man that worked for Mrs. White sleeping on a couch

Denny, Kyle, & Eric got Shock bites from Mrs. White

the kids figured they were doing their old after school job; Denny used the Shock Bites on Nate during lunch @ school

Mr. Stott told the kids that they need that ship that was in the glass bottle because Hanaver Mills hid the

the map to the treasure on it

Eric told Mr. Dart that Mrs. White had told them about the ship & map that morning

the map was written on a piece of vellum she found in the ship's cabin-said she had to read it under a microscope; she told the boys that the treasure was somewhere beneath the school & to check out the school for underground tunnels

The man that had grabbed Summer earlier hit Nate w/a pool skimmer in a nearby neighborhood when Nate was in the air trying to jump up over

the pool; the man grabbed Nate & wanted to know what he was sucking on & how Him & Trevor could defy gravity

Mr. Stott thinks Mrs. White has the right teleidoscope to use on the base that he has to reveal

the secret message & a vital clue to locating the treasure & he thinks that Mrs. White has found out he has the base she needs to get the secret message & that's why she wanted the kids to erase Mr. Stott's memory

Nate came home from the Candy shop after getting their mission to go to the museum & found out

their explorer had been stolen out of their garage

If they spit out the moon rock

their weight would return to normal

Kyle Denny & Eric came over to the kids to take Pigeon's desserts &

they ate the candy Mrs. White had given them & the bullies could not walk & their hair grew fast

If the boys get caught in a reflected world w/out a Blue mint

they could be trapped for eternity

Denny, Eric, & Kyle were waiting for them after

they found & got the Stargazer in the library

Pigeon & Summer were suppose to watch the roads during the Cemetery mission & if

they see trouble hoot like an owl

Mrs. White told the boys to go

they the big mirror in Mr. Stott's guest bathroom

Mr. Gary Haag told Pigeon unless he protects the key

they will all suffer; & if anyone in my family uses the key to unlock the door we all die; then he tied Pigeon to a chair so he could get away & leave town

For their next mission after their cemetery mission was

to sneak into the man's house who was trying to steal Mrs. White's treasure & pour the Clean Slate into a drink in his fridge-it dissolves into any liquid

On the way home from school 1 day after Mrs. White had given them the white fudge they saw a man & he told them

to stay away from Mrs. White that she was dangerous. He told Nate that he was him in the future

The next candy Mrs. White gave to the kids after their cemetery mission was to be used on the adults so they could do their next mission for her-it would give the adults

total amnesia-dulls their senses & reduces their vision; they will be able to talk but lose all the specifics of their identity-it is called Clean Slate-side effects are permanent; they are to use it on the man who is trying to steal Mrs. White's treasure

Mrs. White tells the kids the guy they keep seeing & trying to capture the kids is after the same

treasures she wants

Pigeon had

unlocked Mrs. Wagner's window to the library so they went thru it to get into the library

During the library mission Summer went to the barn after Nate &

used 1 of the magical candies & caught the barn on fire

The man who is trying to steal Mrs. White's treasure must

voluntary take the candy Clean Slate if they force him to take it, the magic will fail

Mrs. White tells the kids that her ancestor Hanaver Mills was trying to get to the treasure & left clues & that's why she

wanted the book from the museum

Nate took the teleidoscope & the book that they were suppose to get from the museum mission then

when Nate passed thru the doorway a blast of trumpet sounds blared for 3 seconds-the boys tried to run & leave but the big round man was standing in front of them

The Melting Pot Mixers

will alter your fingerprints so their fingerprints won't show up when they touch stuff in the museum

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