The Canterbury Tales Character Chart

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Does Chaucer approve of the merchant or does he indicate that he had failed his faith?

He doesn't even know his name

What faults might the merchant have according to Chaucer?

He is supposedly part of the wealthy class but he is actually in debt

Dress: motley (multi color) dress , wore Flemish beaver hat, daintily buckled boots


Personality Traits: Expert at currency exchange but personally in debt


Physical Characteristics: forking beard, stately, noble in appearance "high on his horse he sat"


What faults might the knight have according to Chaucer?

None- he is the ideal of chivalry, honor, and bravery -"the sovereign value in all eyes" "a true, perfect, gentle knight"

What is merchants reason in going on this pilgrimage?

Perhaps he hopes to sell some of his furs and cloths


Social Status: Clergy Dress: modest/poor Physical Characteristics: see personality Personality Traits: Holy, virtuous, hard working church man who disliked extorting tithe (taxes paid to church), gave from the church offerings to the poor, he practices what he preaches What is his/her reason in going on this pilgrimage? To help others find salvation. Does Chaucer approve of this character, or does he indicate that he had failed his faith? The Parson lives in poverty but is rich in holy thoughts and deeds. What faults might this character have according to Chaucer? None, unlike the monk, friar, and pardoner, he is the only the devout churchman.


Social Status: Middle Class Dress: Blood-red garments slashed with bluish-gray, lone with taffeta (silk) Physical Characteristics: see personality traits Personality Traits: Well spoken, excellent knowledge of middle ages medical tricks And remedies based more on medieval practices like blood-letting Well connected to local apothecaries who profited like the doctor What is his/her reason in going on this pilgrimage? Maybe to make money in case someone gets sick Does Chaucer approve of this character, or does he indicate that he had failed his faith? "He did not read the Bible very much." Although physically healthy, the doctor is unhealthy in spirit. What faults might this character have according to Chaucer? He seemed to be more interested in profiting from people's illnesses than helping people get better.

oxford cleric

Social Status: Middle Class Student of Philosophy Dress: "Thread on his overcoat was bare" his clothes are rags Physical Characteristics: Slender, hollow look, a sober stare (serious) Personality Traits: Studious, read a lot, spent all his money on books, not social What is his/her reason in going on this pilgrimage? He seeks morality and virtue..."The thought of moral virtue filled his speech" Does Chaucer approve of this character, or does he indicate that he had failed his faith? Maybe Chaucer is just trying to say that studious types retreated from society What faults might this character have according to Chaucer? Whatever money he gets from friends, he spends on books, and he doesn't have a job, but he might become a teacher.

man of law

Social Status: Middle class lawyer appointed by the King Dress: Homely parti-colored coat, pin striped belt Physical Characteristics: Not stated - see personality traits Personality Traits: Wise, cautious, accurate, knowledgeable in all laws What is his/her reason in going on this pilgrimage? To uphold justice Does Chaucer approve of this character, or does he indicate that he had failed his faith? Yes, everybody respected him " a man of reverence" What faults might this character have according to Chaucer? None suggested


Social Status: Middle class steward responsible for running the everyday affairs of a feudal manor Dress: long overcoat of bluish gray, rusty blade Physical Characteristics: Old, thin, close shaven, legs like sticks, probably frail Personality Traits: Feared like the plague by serfs and herdsmen - those beneath him, Knowledgeable in his job What is his/her reason in going on this pilgrimage? Perhaps he seeks forgiveness for stealing from his master and creating fear in those who worked for him. Does Chaucer approve of this character, or does he indicate that he had failed his faith? Probably not since he was cruel and a thief - he rode in the back of the cavalcade What faults might this character have according to Chaucer? He grew rich by knowing his job well and stealing from his master


Social Status: Ruling class: highest among the pilgrims


Social Status: Ruling class: the son of the knight Dress: "embroidered like a meadow bright, etc. (dressed in red and white) His gown was short, sleeves long and wide Physical Characteristics: curly hair, about 20 years old, average height, strong Physically fit, sings and plays the flute, likes poetry, jousting, horse riding, dancing Personality Traits: he fought on behalf of a lady and did well quickly, lover, respectful to his father, hard working and willing to take risks What is his/her reason in going on this pilgrimage? Maybe out of respect for this father Does Chaucer approve of this character, or does he indicate that he had failed his faith? yes What faults might this character have according to Chaucer? none


Social Status: Trade Class - provider of provisions for a college or court or monastery Dress: clothing suitable for a trade class that buys supplies for elite groups Physical Characteristics: see below Personality Traits: Uneducated but clever, smarter than those he feeds What is his/her reason in going on this pilgrimage? He serves food to monasteries so perhaps he wants to serve himself with salvation Does Chaucer approve of this character, or does he indicate that he had failed his faith? Yes, he is smarter than the elite group he buys food and supplies for What faults might this character have according to Chaucer? none


Social Status: Trade class - group who appear as a unit Dress: Stylishly dressed Their gear was trim and fresh, knives wrought with purest silver Physical Characteristics: Proud men who represented their guild (their group of craftsmen - they are the new emerging middle class Personality Traits: Seemed like worthy members of a legislative body What is his/her reason in going on this pilgrimage? To represent their group of upcoming craftsmen Does Chaucer approve of this character, or does he indicate that he had failed his faith? They are the new middle class What faults might this character have according to Chaucer? Their wives are eager for their husbands to run for office so they can move up the social ladder.


Social Status: clergy (wealthy) Dress: had a long hanging hood, white, thick neck, rich cape like a Pope Physical Characteristics: He sang well and played the hurdy-gurdy stringed instrument and the harp Personality Traits: "Glib with gallant phrase and well turned speech" (He is very 3 Persuasive at talking women and wealthy landowners into giving him money in exchange for listening to confessions "an easy man in penance giving" What is his/her reason in going on this pilgrimage? He is a priest but his intentions are dishonest - to make money off selling blessings Does Chaucer approve of this character, or does he indicate that he had failed his faith? No, Chaucer is criticizing the Friar and religious figures like him who are unscrupulous and take advantage of their religious position What faults might this character have according to Chaucer? Instead of remaining tied to one monastery, this friar goes from one wealthy landowner to another accepting bribes in exchange for absolution.


Social Status: clergy (wealthy) Dress: wealthy, fine fur-trimmed robe, gold brooch Physical Characteristics: bald, fat Personality Traits: Hunter has greyhounds, and hunting shoes with spurs, personable he eats well he likes to eat What is his/her reason in going on this pilgrimage? He is a priest but his mission is probably more self indulgent than spiritual Does Chaucer approve of this character, or does he indicate that he had failed his faith? His wealthy clothes do not match his humble vocation. What faults might this character have according to Chaucer? Instead of devoting his life to work and prayer like most monks of the Middle Ages, he spends his time hunting and eating


Social Status: clergy (wealthy) - she is a nun Dress: veil, graceful cloak, jewely (prayer bracelet) that indicates wealth and worldiness Physical Characteristics: not undergrown, elegant nose, gray eyes, small, red mouth, wide forehead, Personality Traits: Simple and coy (shy), neat, clean, clingy, helpless Charitable, sympathetic, sentimental, tender-hearted (too much so) What is his/her reason in going on this pilgrimage? She is a nun so a spiritual trip seems likely Does Chaucer approve of this character, or does he indicate that he had failed his faith? "He suggests that her daintiness is too extreme ("her upper lip so clean" being reduced to tears when seeing a mouse in a trap...) What faults might this character have according to Chaucer? She is too delicate


Social Status: clergy - An official who brings persons accused of violating Church law to court Dress: He wore a garland on his head - see drawing on page 113 Physical Characteristics: Has leprosy - disgusting red baby face with pus-filled pimples, narrow eyes, black scabby brows and thin beard Personality Traits: He is a drunk, lecherous, ill-tempered, smelled of garlic and onions What is his/her reason in going on this pilgrimage? Maybe to drink and chase women Does Chaucer approve of this character, or does he indicate that he had failed his faith? No, he is not good at his job and takes advantage of his position pretending to know Latin but really only knows a few words What faults might this character have according to Chaucer? He drinks too much and is a lecher (womanizer)


Social Status: clergy - pardons people's sins for a donation to the church Dress: Carries a bag full of fake religious relics, no hood but a little cap on head Bulging eyeballs, has cross on his wallet, pilgrim medal on hat Physical Characteristics: long, greasy yellow hair, beardless Personality Traits: Greedy fraud, shifty, keeps money from blessings to himself, Sneaky, untrustworthy, dishonest, he read and sang sermons well What is his/her reason in going on this pilgrimage? To make money in exchange for forgiving pilgrims for their sins Does Chaucer approve of this character, or does he indicate that he had failed his faith? No, he is a charlatan (fake) What faults might this character have according to Chaucer? He rides with the summoner who also takes advantage of his position; the cross on his wallet symbolizes how he uses the church to line his pockets


Social Status: middle class - man of leisure Dress: had a dagger and white purse Physical Characteristics: White beard, Personality Traits: Confident, cheerful, lived for pleasure What is his/her reason in going on this pilgrimage? To enjoy himself Does Chaucer approve of this character, or does he indicate that he had failed his faith? He liked good food, good wine. He kept a buffet of food ready to eat all day. What faults might this character have according to Chaucer? He was lucky and didn't serve a nobleman, so he was a free man.

wife of bath

Social Status: middle class seamstress Dress: kerchiefs finely woven, red hose, new shoes Physical Characteristics: somewhat deaf, red faced but handsome, gapped teeth, large hips Personality Traits: bold, argumentative, well traveled, professional wife Very social What is his/her reason in going on this pilgrimage? Maybe to meet another husband. Does Chaucer approve of this character, or does he indicate that he had failed his faith? "a worthy woman" What faults might this character have according to Chaucer? She was married five times


Social Status: part of a wealthy trade class of fur traders and cloth


Social Status: peasant class - a veteran sailor Dress: Woolen gown that reach his knee, dagger hanging from his neck Physical Characteristics: Tan, bearded Personality Traits: A rascal who he steals wine, he is hardy, he is a skilled navigator but ruthless but ruthless with enemies, able to withstand hardship, careful planner What is his/her reason in going on this pilgrimage? He is well traveled, so he perhaps he wants to continue his travels... Does Chaucer approve of this character, or does he indicate that he had failed his faith? See below What faults might this character have according to Chaucer? He steals wine


Social Status: peasant class, servant who accompanies the knight and squire Dress: coat and hood of green with peacock-feather arrows at his belt, held a bow sword and dagger - also a hunting horn Wore saucy bracelet as shield guard from the bow and sword along with St. Christopher's medal Physical Characteristics: head like a nut and brown faced, strong Knew the whole of woodcraft up and down Personality The artist rendition on page 100 suggests the yeoman is ready for any occurrence in the forest, such as hunting game or defense against highwayman attack. He looks sturdy and serious and like Robin Hood. What is his/her reason in going on this pilgrimage? He is accompanying the knight and squire Does Chaucer approve of this character, or does he indicate that he had failed his faith? Yes, "He was a proper forester, I guess." What faults might this character have according to Chaucer? None suggested


Social Status: peasant, the parson's good-hearted brother Dress: Wore a loose jacket smock, rode a mare Physical Characteristics: see above and below Personality Traits: Honest worker, good and true, loves God and neighbors, helpful to the poor, pays tithes to the church What is his/her reason in going on this pilgrimage? To accompany his brother, the parson, to praise God Does Chaucer approve of this character, or does he indicate that he had failed his faith? Yes, he is a giver. What faults might this character have according to Chaucer? None lives a good Christian life.


Social Status: trade class - the leader of the group Dress: see below Physical Characteristics: large, striking in appearance, manly, bright eyed Personality Traits: Loud and merry but quick tempered, bold, tactful, Generous, curious What is his/her reason in going on this pilgrimage? To accompany the pilgrims on their journey and select the one who tells the best story who will be rewarded with a free supper Does Chaucer approve of this character, or does he indicate that he had failed his faith? Yes What faults might this character have according to Chaucer? none


Social Status: trade class cook Dress: unknown Physical Characteristics: sore on leg Personality Traits: servant to craftsmen, good cook, good sense of taste What is his/her reason in going on this pilgrimage? To cook for the group of upcoming craftsmen Does Chaucer approve of this character, or does he indicate that he had failed his faith? He feels sorry for him What faults might this character have according to Chaucer? Has a sore on his leg


Social Status: trade class worker who uses equipment to make flour Dress: Sword and buckler (shield) at his side, wore a blue hood and white coat Physical Characteristics: Stout - weighed 224 pounds, big, brawny red beard, wart on his nose Personality Traits: Wrestler, steals grain, a loud, bad storytelling clown, plays bagpipes What is his/her reason in going on this pilgrimage? To go against conventional thinking Does Chaucer approve of this character, or does he indicate that he had failed his faith? No, he is a brute What faults might this character have according to Chaucer? He is a big mouth and blasphemous.

Dress: "he possessed fine horses but was not gaily dressed" wore a dark, Fustian tunic (coarse cloth) that had armor stains

The knight

Personality Traits: wise, modest, distinguished, chivalrous, truthful, honorable, generous, courteous, brave loves action and adventure, believes in the ideals of chivalry, he must be an excellent fighter to have survived so many battles all over Europe

The knight

Physical Characteristics: He is strong because he has endured many battles He is middle aged because he has a 20 year old son, the squire

The knight

What is his/her reason in going on this pilgrimage? To give thanks to God "to do his pilgrimage and render thanks"

The knight

Does Chaucer approve of the knight, or does he indicate that he had failed his faith?

Yes, "ever honored for his noble graces"

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