The Catcher in the Rye Sparknotes Quiz

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How do we know that Holden has a caring side to his personality?

Because he cares about the ducks in Central Park

Why does Holden call his brother D.B. a prostitute?

Because he lives in Hollywood, writing for the movie industry

Who is Holden's older brother?

D.B. Caulfield

What theme does the character of Ossenburger introduce in the novel?


Why has Holden been kicked out of Pencey Prep?

For flunking too many classes

Where is Holden at the opening of the novel?

He is in California at some type of institution.

What does Mr. Spencer tell Holden?

He lectures him about failing in school and life by not applying himself

What does Holden think about D.B. and his decision to work in Hollywood?

He thinks his brother is a brilliant writer but is disillusioned with his decision to work in Hollywood

Who is the protagonist?

Holden Caulfield

What happened to the fencing equipment in New York?

Holden left it all on the subway.

What did Holden say that about what Edgar Marsella did during the Ossenburger's speech?

Holden said it was the perfect response to Ossenburger's bag of wind speech.

How does Holden feel about his brother D.B.?

Holden thinks D.B. sold out by working in Hollywood.

What does the red cap that Holden wears symbolize about him?

Holden's unique rebel spirit.

Why is everyone at the football game that Holden watches from the top of the hill?

It's the popular last game of the season against a school rival.

Where does Holden live?

Manhattan, New York City

What school did Holden attend, and where is it located?

Pencey Prep, which is located in the fictional town of Agerstown, Pennsylvania

What does Holden tell the reader in Chapter 3?

that he loves to lie.

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