The Collapse of the Soviet Union

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-*Encouraged a free flow of information* -Relaxed censorship and attempted to create more political openness -Criticism and protests allowed -Freed dissidents -Churches reopened -Reporters were allowed to investigate problems -*Democratization* -Changes in political system -Allowed multi-party elections and free election of candidates

Unintended effects of Perestroika

-*The Soviet economy deteriorated* -Retail prices increased by 140% and the general quality of life deteriorated -There were *shortages of basic necessities* (food, clothes, etc.) -The foreign-trade sector showed signs of deterioration -Fell into *deep debt*

The Soviet Union Breaks Up

-After the failed coup, the Baltics demanded independence - many other republics followed -*By December 1991, all 15 republics had declared independence* -After nearly 709 years, the USSR collapsed and Gorbachev resigned -Yeltsin led the formation of the CIS


-Allowed for creation of private businesses and gave managers more authority over their factories and farms -The goals was to make the economy more productive by providing incentives -New system bore the characteristics of neither central planning nor a market economy

Unintended effects of Glasnost

-As reforms took effect, *the communist party lost its prominence* -Unrest spread around the country -*Openness reawakened long-suppressed nationalist and anti-Russian feelings in Soviet Republics* -*Ethnic tensions* always brewed beneath the surface -*Nationalist groups demanded for self-rule* -*Muslim citizens called for religious freedom* -*Lithuania declared independence in March 1990* - Gorbachev *ordered an economic blockade* and *sent Soviet troops* to subdue the revolt -Gorbachev's leadership was questioned

The Commonwealth of Independent States

-Confederation similar to original European economic communists -Coordinates trade, finance, lawmaking, and security for members -Promotes democracy -Participates in UN peacekeeping forces

Vladimir Putin

-Dealt forcefully with the problems in Chechnya - *problems in the region still persist today* -Served until May 2008, then was key advisor to Dmitry Medvedyev until he was returned to power -*Leader of Russia today*

In August 1991, hard-liners staged a coup against Gorbachev

-Hard-liners were frustrated with the loss of the communist party power, the failing economy, and the loss of control over Eastern Europe -Demanded Gorbachev's resignation -Tried to solve the problems with tanks and troops -Gorbachev was placed under arrest -Boris Yeltsin mobilized support against the coup -*The coup failed* and Gorbachev was reinstalled to power within 3 days -However, he knew that *he had lost control of the USSR*

Mikhail Gorbachev

-Progressive leader who hoped to lead the USSR in a modern direction -Last General Secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union -Last Head of State of the USSR (1985-1991)

Soviet-US arms race becomes too costly

-Reagan ended detente and his administration approved the most expensive military buildup in peacetime history - cost $2 trillion -The US economy could "take the hit" of increased spending for defense, but the USSR economy couldn't

Problems since the collapse of the USSR

-Unemployment -Growth in homelessness -Domestic violence -Decrease in life expectancy -Attacks on democratic institutions

The Russian economy under Yeltsin was ailing

-Yeltsin adopted "shock therapy" to revive the ailing economy -Shock therapy was an attempt to make an abrupt shift to free market economics -Had mixed results: the economy was overall weak -Soviet was in severe stress

In 1991, Chechnya's Muslim people declared its independence

-Yeltsin denied their right to secede and ordered Russian troops there -*Failure to squelch the revolt led to Yeltsin's resignation* in 1999

Gorbachev's reforms

1. Glasnost (Political openness) 2. Perestroika (Economic restructuring)

Gorbachev's foreign policy

1. Signed a series of arms control agreements with the US 2. Withdrew Soviet troops from Afghanistan 3. Improved relations with China 4. Allowed countries in the Soviet Bloc to be independent

Problems within the Soviet Union

1. Soviet society had stopped growing as a result of totalitarian policies banning political dissent 2. Soviet economy was inefficient and unproductive (central planning system)

CIS stands for...

Commonwealth of Independent States

Central Planning system

Government officials told factory and fram managers how much to produce, what to charge, and what to pay workers

Arms control became a top priority for Gorbachev

He signed the INF Treaty with Reagan

Between 1985 and 1990, Gorbachev steered Russia's foreign relations...

In a new conciliatory direction

INF Treaty

Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty

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