The Crusades

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The crusades, alongside with the growth of towns and commerce, are considered contributing factor to in the fall of feudalism. How so?

The crusades, alongside with the growth of towns and commerce, are considered contributing factor to in the fall of feudalism. How so?

Contributing factors of the growth of towns:

1. Freely coming and going as they wished 2. Being able to trial matters in town courts, not the lord's manor court 4. Trading freely 5. Not having to do degrading work on the manor 6. Being free from the lord's control [runaway serfs] after living in the a town for one year and one day.

Why did Feudalism decline?

Feudalism did not end suddenly, it was gradually broken down. It was broken down as new ways of thinking, new inventions and new discoveries by explorers changed how people lived and though The new ideas helped promote commerce [basic business - supply and demand] and technology thus improving aspects of medieval society. They also contributed to the decline of feudalism.

When did they take place?

First Crusade: [1096 - 1099] Second Crusade: [1147 - 1149] Third Crusades: [1188 - 1192] Fourth Crusade: [1202 - 1204] Fifth Crusade: [1217 - 1222] Sixth Crusade: [1228 - 1229] Seventh Crusade: [1248 - 1254] Eight Crusade: [1270] 1096 - 1270.

Who were the crusaders?

The Crusaders came from all walks of life - from Kings to young peasants. A constant in the minds of the crusaders was the understanding that by taking part in a religious war they would be sure of gaining entrance into Heaven when they died.

What influence did the crusades have on medieval society?

The Crusades provided a great number of benefits for Western Europe... 1. Increased trade. 2. The opening of routes for the import of many exotic goods. 3. New castle designs [Concentric]. 4. New ship design. 5. Different ways of drawing maps. 6. New ways of practising medicine. 7. Business idea [money based]. 8. Devices such as the windmill [manufacturing] and magnetic compass [navigation]. 9. Helped promote commerce [basic business - supply and demand]. 10. They also contributed to the decline of feudalism.

What were the crusades?

The Crusades were a series of religious wars fought in today's Middle East [Holy Land] in the early 11th Century. The wars were fought between Christians and Muslims to gain control over key religious sites in and around Jerusalem.

Why did these people join the crusades?

They joined the crusades principally with a desire to fight for Christianity but many people also chose to go to the Holy Land for adventure, to escape their daily miserable life as a peasant or simply to get rich. Also by participating in a religious war they thought they would gain entrance into Heaven.

Contributing factors of commerce:

Towns consisted of yeomen and landless serfs many of which earning a living as merchants and artisans [goldsmiths, cobbler, baker, tailor, spicier]. The lord might still have owned the town, but dues to him were paid in rent rather in free labour on manor lands. In short, loyalties changed, the one- time bond to the manor lord became weaker as townspeople became more independent.

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