The Election of 1860 and the Outbreak of the Civil War Study Island Answers

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According to the map above, how many states seceded from the Union?


According to the chart, which candidate received the most votes?

Abraham Lincoln

Southern states began seceding from the Union shortly after which event?

Abraham Lincoln was elected president of the United States.

What are the names of the border States?

Delaware, Kentucky, Maryland, and Missouri

Where did the first battle of the Civil War take place?

Fort Sumter, South Carolina

Using the map above, which of the following is true about the electoral votes that Abraham Lincoln received in the presidential election of 1860?

He received all of his electoral votes from free states.

After Southern states seceded from the Union and formed the Confederate States of America, whom did they choose to become president of the Confederacy?

Jefferson Davis

During the election of 1860, which candidate believed that the issue of slavery could be largely avoided by following the provisions of the U.S. Constitution and existing federal laws?

John Bell

Before the Civil War, the economies were very different. After looking at the information in the chart above, which of the following statements is probably true about the South?

Slavery was important to the South.

Which state was the first state to secede from the Union?

South Carolina

Which statement best describes the Confederate economy?

The Confederate economy was primarily agricultural.

Which of the following is one reason that the election of 1860 resulted in a win for Abraham Lincoln?

The Democratic Party ran two candidates in the election.

The value of the goods produced in the North and South is shown on the left side of the chart. The right side shows how many miles of railroads each region had. According to this information, what conclusion can be drawn?

The North was more industrialized

What is the main idea behind Lincoln's speech?

The entire country has to be united as one.

Based on the map, what can be concluded about the presidential election of 1860?

The vote was divided and based largely on sectional differences.

What was one of the main issues dividing the country that became an important topic of debate during the election of 1860?

Whether or not slavery should be permitted in new territories.

The southern economy was based around agriculture in the years before the Civil War. Which crop was the most profitable for southern farmers?


What was the most important part of the economic system in the South?


The Northern Democratic Party nominated Stephen Douglas to run for president in 1860. He believed that the expansion of slavery could be addressed by the doctrine of popular sovereignty. This doctrine stated that the voters in U.S. territories

should be allowed to decide for themselves if slavery would be permitted

All of the presidential candidates in 1860 had different ideas on the expansion of slavery. However, none of them believed that the issue of slavery

should be allowed to divide the Union.

What was the name of the Union strategy in which the Union wanted to blockade the Confederate coast and take control of the Mississippi River?

the Anaconda Plan

Before the presidential election of 1860, the Democratic Party broke up into two different groups. There were the Northern Democrats and the Southern Democrats. What issue made the party break up?

the expansion of slavery

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