The Family Chapter 11
Family of Procreation
a nuclear family consisting of an individual, his or her spouse, and their children.
Dual earner families
families in which both parents have a job.
Family of Orientation
A nuclear family into which a person is born or adopted.
Functions of an Extended Family
Grandparents and other family members such as aunts and uncles play a significant role in both its economic and social function.
Extended Family
A family consisting of parents and children, along with either grandparents, grandchildren, aunts or uncles, cousins etc.
Nuclear Family
A family form that consists of one or both parents and their children.
Homogamy Characterists
Age, education, race, religion, socioeconomic status
Authority shared between the mother and the father.
Authority shared between the mother and the father.
Father holds most of the authority
Function of Family of Orientation
For them to create a Family of Procreation.
Is a group of people who are related by marriage, blood or adoption and who often live together and share economic resources.
Kinship traced through mother's family: property passed from mother to daughter.
Marriage between individuals who have different social characteristics.
Marriage of one woman to multiple men.
Marriage with multiple partners.
Mother holds most of the authority
Primary Relatives
Mother, Father, sister, brother,spouse, daughter and son
Family Violence
Physical, sexual, emotional, economic
Refers to a network of people who are related by marriage, birth or adoption. In some kinships systems there are close to 200 possible categories of relatives.
The marriage of a man to multiple women.
The marriage of one man to one woman.
Function of a Nuclear Family
The parents provide both emotional and financial support for their children.
Function of Family of Procreation
To ensure the continuation of society both biologically and socially through socialization.
Sandwich generation
are couples that are caught between the needs of their children and those of their parents.
couple decides which parents to live with or near.
couple lives with or near the husband's family.
Disruptions later in life
empty nest, death of a spouse, moving in with your children, moving into an assisted living home
Voluntary childlessness
is couples or individuals that make the conscious decision to not having children.