The Importance of Being Earnest Act II questions

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Responding to Jack's comment about him being overdressed, Algernon says, "If ever I am occasionally a little over-dressed, I make up for it by being always immensely over educated. Algenons character might be described as a "dandy"--a person for whom appearance is of the upmost importance. How does Algernon's comment reflect Wilde's views on aesthetics?

Algernon's comment is reflective of Oliver Wilde's views of Victorian aesthetics because Victorian aesthetics are not as important as knowledge

What is humorous about Algernon's line "Half of the chaps who get into the Bankruptcy Court are called Algernon"

Algernon's line "Half of the chaps who get into the Bankruptcy Court are called Algernon's" is humorous because it's funny that he's justifying his name

Why do Cecily and Gwendolen keep diaries? What's the purpose of a diary for young women during this time?

Cecily and Gwendolen keep diaries because they want to enter the wonderful secrets of their life

Why does Cecily say she was engaged to "Ernest" (Algernon) before she ever met him in person?

Cecily says she was engaged to Ernest before she ever met him because ever since she heard that Uncle Jack had a brother called Ernest he had formed the chief topic of conversation between Cecily and Miss. Prism

How does Cecily's diary mirror Jack's brother and Algernon's invalid friend?

Cecily's diary mirrors Jack's brother and Algernon's invalid friend because her diary contains her entries from her life and it mirrors Jack's brother and Algernon's invalid friend because they were created for their owner's benefits

Why do Gwendolen and Cecily want to marry an "Ernest"?

Gwendelon and Cecily want to marry an "Ernest" because they both like the name of Ernest

How does Gwendolen's assessment of her father's status within his family stand in contrast to conventional Victorian notions of gender?

Gwendolen's assessment of her father's status within his family stands in contrast to conventional Victorian notions of gender because since he is a man

In Act I, Jack says, "Cecily is not a silly, romantic girl" Do you think his description is accurate? Why or why not?

In Act I when Jack says that Cecily is not a silly romantic girl I don't think that his description is accurate because she fell in love with Ernest a.k.a Jack

What is Miss Prism's attitude toward the practices of the Primitive Church? What does her attitude reveal about her relationship with Dr. Chasuble

Miss. Prism's attitude toward the practices of the Primitive Church reveals that she doesn't approve of their practices; her attitude reveals that her relationship with Dr. Chasuble hasn't improved

What can you infer about Miss Prism when she corrects Dr. Chasuble upon being called "Egeria" and reminds him that her name is Laetitia?

On the instance when Ms. Prism corrected Dr. Chasuble when he called her Egeria and she corrected him that her name was Laetitia I can infer that Ms. Prism is a neat freak

Is it completely absurd for Jack and Algernon to change their names to Ernest in order for Gwendolen and Cecily to marry them? Can you think of other changes

The event of Jack and Algernon changing their names to Ernest in order for Gwendolen and Cecily to marry them is really heartless of them

Compare and contrast Miss Prism and Lady Bracknell. What factors have shaped their values?

The factors that shaped the values of Miss Prism and Lady Bracknell are that their parents were very cruel to them

What new perspectives do Miss Prism and Dr. Chasuble bring to the play?

The new perspectives that Ms. Prism and Dr. Chasuble bring to the play in Act II are that of a man and a woman secretly in love

How does the scene between Cecily and Gwendolen on pp. 156-158 exemplify the Comedy of Manners genre?

The scene between Cecily and Gwendolen on pp. 156-158 exemplify the Comedy of Manners genre because they are arguing over the same guy

What is the significance of a christening? Why are people often christened at birth?

The significance of a christening is the welcoming of a person into the hands of god. People are christened at birth because babies are supposed to be welcomed into the hands of god

In what ways is Cecily's personality different from Gwendolyn's?

The ways that Cecily's personality differs from Gwendelon's are that Cecily is a little less stuck up than Gwendolen

What is Miss Prism referring to when she says, "I have often spoken to the poorer classes on the subject (christenings). But they don't seem to know what thrift is" (p. 142)? What does her comment reveal about her attitudes toward the lower class?

What Miss Prism is referring to when she says, "I have often spoken to the poorer classes about christenings, but they don't seem to know what a thrift is" What does her comment reveal about her attitude towards the lower class? This comment reveals that she thinks of the poorer classes as mere animals

What does Cecily mean when she describes her Uncle Jack as being very serious How does her definition of seriousness differ from Miss Prism? In what ways might their ages affect their views on the subject?

When Cecily says that Uncle Jack is "Very Serious" she actually means that he is very strict. Her definition of strictness differs from Lady Bracknell's because Lady Bracknell has more life experience than Cecily does. Their ages affect their views on the subject because as one grows older they gain more knowledge.

After Jack and Algernon's lies are revealed, how does Wilde use triviality to keep the play from becoming too "serious"?

Wilde uses triviality to keep the play from becoming too "serious" by making Jack and Algernon become completely clueless about what's going on around them

What is Wilde's view towards formal education?

Wilde's views towards formal education are negative because school is so controlling you can't do anything without one's permission

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