The Later Judean/Perean Ministry and Passion Week

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When did the commissioning and sending forth of the seventy-two take place?

This event may have taken place either at the end of the Galilean ministry or at the beginning of the later Judean ministry. The return of the seventy seems to have been after Christ withdrew into Judea.

Luke records His debates with the religious leaders and the lessons He gives them more completely than either of the other Synoptic writers.


The Sadducees and chief priests, on the other hand, were confined to the temple in Jerusalem. Nevertheless, when it became apparent to the chief priests that Christ's teachings conflicted with their own interests, they determined to kill Him.


There is some question about whether "the first day of the week" was Sunday or Monday. This leads to some debate when one tries to specifically identify the days and events of the last week before Christ's crucifixion.


Jesus stayed in Perea and Judea until the time of the Passover Feast.


only Matthew and Mark record the cursing of the fig tree, but all three mention His encounter with the money changers.


they are the only recorded events of this day

Tuesday evening or on Wednesday. The feast at Simons and Judas betraying Jesus.

what day was made known as essentially a "silent" day in terms of Christ's activities?

Wednesday (Since we have accepted Sunday as the day of Christ's triumphal entry into Jerusalem)

Judas Iscariot, who will ultimately betray Christ, makes his first contact with the chief priests at this time

Day four of passion week. While Jesus and the Disciples were at Simon the lepers house for a meal.

What did Christ's two main activities on day two of Passion week reveal about Him?

That he is the son of God.

Luke's account of Christ's later Judean/Perean ministry contrasts sharply with the accounts of Mark and Matthew. Why?

Whereas Mark and Matthew's focus on this period is limited, Luke concentrates on it.

a Indicates that Christ traveled along the border between Judea and Samaria ...b Mentions three feasts that serve as indicators of the time sequence involved in the later Judean/Perean ministry ...c Indicates that Christ's later Judean/Perean ministry was limited to these two areas ...d Mentions that Christ warned the disciples about His betrayal and death in Jerusalem ...e Tells about the mission of the seventy-two and gives the Parable of the Good Samaritan

1) a. Matthew and Mark 2) b. Luke 3) e. John 4) Matthew, Mark, and Luke

Mark also mentions what in his account?

1. Christ's encounter with the rich young ruler, 2. His dealings with the ambition of James and John, 3. His prediction of His betrayal and death. 4. Mark concludes this segment of Christ's public ministry with the healing of blind Bartimaeus.

list of the main items Luke records that we find only in his narrative:

1. Christ's journey along the border of Samaria and Galilee on the way to Jerusalem (9:51-56 and 17:11-19) 2. The mission of the seventy-two (10:1-24) 3. The question from the expert of the Law and the Parable of the Good Samaritan (10:25-37) 4. Christ's visit with Mary and Martha in Bethany (10:38-42) 5. Christ's teaching on persistence in prayer (11:1-13) 6. The healing of the crippled woman on the Sabbath (13:10-17) 7. Christ's dinner with a Pharisee (14:1-24)

Christ did two things on day two that pointed to His authority as the Son of God. What are they?

1. He cursed the fig tree 2. He drove the money changers from the temple.

Summarize what takes place in the later Christ's Judean and Perean ministry.

1. This period covers a possible time span of about six or seven months from the Feast of Tabernacles to Christ's last Passover Feast. 2. Christ's ministry at this time centers almost totally in Judea and Perea with perhaps an occasional trip to other areas. 3. Matthew and Mark deal quite briefly with the events of this period and give little evidence that helps us to locate the events either geographically or chronologically. 4. Luke records a sizeable amount of material in this section that we can categorize as Christ's teachings. In fact, he writes more about Christ's teachings here than in any other part of his Gospel narrative. 5. As Luke writes, he tends to alternate between the private teachings of Christ to His disciples and public debates with the experts of the Law and Pharisees. 6. We are indebted to the Gospel of John for much of our information about this period. 7. With the passage of time, Christ focuses His attention more completely on teaching His disciples in private. As His crucifixion draws nearer, the need becomes more critical for a group of well-taught followers to continue His work. 8. Finally, from the tone of Christ's teachings and responses, we sense a rising tide of controversy to His ministry and claims. In spite of miracles and sound teaching, unbelief and criticism increase.

Discuss Mark's contribution to our understanding of the later Judean / Perean ministry, including any limitations.

1.Mark mentions Christ's ministry in Perea and gives one important indication of the time frame in which it occurred. 2. He indicates the events in this period occurred just before Christ's final Passover (AD 33). 3.One weakness of Mark's account is that it is so brief.

Following the Passover meal,

Christ and His disciples leave the upper room and go to the Mount of Olives. There He predicts Peter's denial. Then they go to Gethsemane where Christ prays earnestly for some time until His arrest.

At the beginning of day three, (passion week)

Christ and His disciples move once again from Bethany to Jerusalem. As they walk along, the disciples see that the fig tree Christ had cursed the previous day has withered from its roots.

It is increasingly clear from Luke's narrative that

Christ is becoming the center of growing controversy because of His claims and ministry.

In contrast to the other Gospel writers, Luke suggests that

Christ's ministry in the final months may not have been limited to Judea and Perea.

Before the evening of this day is over, Christ will have had His last meal with His disciples, prayed in the Garden of Gethsemane, suffered betrayal and arrest, and begun His trial

Day five

the day that begins the actual Passion of Christ.

Day five.

In John 10:40, John gives the best evidence we have for Christ's ministry in Perea. What is it?

He notes that, following His rejection during the Feast of Dedication at Jerusalem, Christ went back across the Jordan for ministry to the place where John had been baptizing in the early days.

Matthew 26:6-13 and Mark 14:3-9 reveal that Christ has a meal in the home of Simon the Leper. What takes place here?

Here a woman (unnamed in the Synoptic writers but identified as Mary in John 12:3-8) anoints Christ with a costly perfume.

in recording the events of day three, the feature they share in common is their emphasis on the teaching of Christ. It includes an abundance of ? as well as the most extensive record of Christ's teaching on future events.

The Gospel writers. An abundance of parables.

Mark records in verse 1 that

Jesus "went into the region of Judea and across the Jordan" and that He taught the crowds which gathered to hear Him. Teaching that dominates this segment of Christ's ministry includes the subject of divorce and the need for childlike faith

What indicates to us the the Passover meal and the last supper are possibly two different events? Which do we lean on to believe?

John indicates that the Feast of the Passover was to be taken on the Friday (day six) on which Christ was crucified (John 18:28, 39; 19:14). This suggests that the Last Supper may have been a meal other than the Passover. Many Bible scholars believe the weight of evidence favors the view presented by the Synoptic Gospels—namely, that the Last Supper was the Passover meal. (This is what we lean more towards.)

He alone of the Gospel writers mentions the commissioning and sending forth of the seventy-two


he includes some things the other writers omit. For instance, during the meal a dispute arises among the disciples about which one is considered the greatest (22:24).


Note briefly Luke's contribution to our understanding of Christ's later Judean / Perean ministry.

Luke gives us a wealth of detail about Christ's ministry in this period, especially His parables and teaching. He also gives us information about Christ's ministry outside Judea and Perea, as well as the commissioning and sending out of the seventy-two.

it is also the most difficult in terms of chronology.

Luke's account of Jesus' Judean/Perean ministry.

Teaching is the main theme in this section of the narrative.

Luke's narrative.

gives the most commentary on the Last Supper


the largest single section of his narrative

Luke. Because of his deep concentration on Christ's later Judean/Perean ministry.

He notes that Christ and His disciples are on their way to Jerusalem where He will be betrayed and die.


he gives a clearer account of events on a day-by-day basis than either Matthew or Luke.


of the three narratives, who is the clearest in terms of details that help us place the movements of Christ?


Two important observations during the Passion week:

Mark observes that the chief priests and teachers of the Law began looking for ways to kill Him because they feared His power over the people (11:18). Luke further indicates that the Jewish leaders were finding it difficult to kill Christ because He was accepted by the people (19:47-48).

Accounts when Passion week is mentioned?

Matthew 21:1-26:35; Mark 11:1-14:26; Luke 19:29-22:38

Day two of passion week is recorded in

Matthew 21:12-17; Mark 11:12-19; Luke 19:45-48

Day Three of Passion week is recorded in

Matthew 21:18-26:5; Mark 11:20-14:2; Luke 20:1-22:2

Day five of Passion week:

Matthew 26:17-30; Mark 14:12-26; Luke 22:7-39

day four of passion week recorded in

Matthew 26:6-16; Mark 14:3-11; Luke 22:3-6

Other events that occurred on day two of Passion week:

Matthew adds that Jesus healed the blind and lame who came to Him in the temple (21:14). Mark says Jesus amazed the crowds with His teaching (11:17-18), Luke says Christ engaged in teaching every day (19:47).

Discuss briefly what Matthew has contributed to our understanding of Christ's later Judean / Perean ministry.

Matthew, like Mark, does not give many details of this period. Matthew gives a brief summary of Jesus' ministry in the region of Judea beyond the Jordan (19:1-20:16). Then the focus shifts to Jesus' prediction on His way to Jerusalem that He would be betrayed, condemned to die, abused, and crucified (20:17-19).

Explain briefly how one may determine the time of Christ's later Judean / Perean ministry.

The description of the feasts in John's Gospel help determine the basic progression of the events of this period. The three feasts John mentions reveal that this period covered the six or seven months leading up to the final Feast of Passover. John also helps us to locate the events he records in Judea and Perea.

He chose this week to give some of His clearest teaching on the events at the end of this age. All three Synoptic writers note this emphasis and record His teaching on this subject in considerable detail (Matthew 24:1-25:46; Mark 13:1-37; Luke 21:5-36

Passion Weeek

this is the second time Christ has had to deal with money changers in the temple. According to John 2:15, He had a similar encounter at the beginning of His ministry.

Passion week (day 2) was the second time.

Evaluate briefly the various Synoptic accounts of day one.

While all three Synoptic writers deal with the same facts, Matthew and Luke are less clear on the precise details of what occurred on this day. Mark's commentary is concise but accurate.

Based on the other Synoptic accounts and the writings of John, we know Christ traveled extensively in Judea and Perea during this time. However, Luke records what?

a trip on which Christ "traveled along the border between Samaria and Galilee." (Compare 9:51-56 with 17:11.)

Which Synoptic writers note that Christ institutes the ordinance of the Lord's Supper as an enduring part of His followers' worship?

all three writers.

Day three (passion week) begins with controversy as the

chief priests, the teachers of the Law, and the elders challenge Christ's authority.

We may determine the time of Jesus' later Judean/Perean ministry by

considering John's references to the feasts in this period

In the afternoon,(day 3 of passion week) Christ goes out to the Mount of Olives where He

delivers His well-known Olivet Discourse on future events, which all three Synoptic writers mention at length.

This dispute and Christ's answer bring into focus the matter of servanthood.

during the last supper a dispute arises among the disciples about which one is considered the greatest

Luke's record of Christ's later Judean/Perean ministry includes the

healing of the crippled woman on the Sabbath.

Why do we use the word "Passion" to describe the events during christ' final week?

it refers more specifically to the events of the last two days of His public ministry

the Synoptic writers do not record the episode of Christ's washing the disciples' feet. Who does?

only John mentions this additional activity in John 13:4-5.

the last two days of His public ministry include

the Last Supper; His prayer and agony in Gethsemane; and His arrest, trials, crucifixion, death, and burial.

the Pharisees seemed to be the religious leaders who contended most with Christ. One reason for this was

the Pharisees' connection with the synagogues scattered throughout the land of the Jews

In John 7:1-52, John records what?

the events related to Jesus' appearance at the Feast of Tabernacles.

Luke gives the most details on the actions of Christ as He moves toward Jerusalem. An example of this is

the sorrow Christ expresses for the city as He foretells its impending destruction.

In John 10:22-39 he notes what?

took place after this feast at the Feast of Dedication.

Both Mark and Luke note that before He leaves the temple, Jesus sits down opposite the temple treasury and watches the people give their offerings. They also record His comments regarding the widow's offering.


Luke is careful in recording even seemingly small details.


While all three writers include details of the Last Supper, the records of Matthew and Mark are brief


scholars debate whether the Last Supper was in fact the Passover meal.


we have adopted the view held by many in the larger evangelical community that Christ entered Jerusalem on Sunday of the final week. Sunday, then, represents the day of Christ's triumphal entry into the city of Jerusalem, or day one.


when it became apparent to the chief priests that Christ's teachings conflicted with their own interests, they determined to kill Him


As the day begins, all three Synoptic writers mention that the disciples ask Christ about preparations for the Passover. They also record His response that indicates where they should go, whom they should ask, and what they should do to secure a room to accommodate those who will share the Last Supper with Him.

true (day five)

to reconcile Matthew's account with Mark's, verses 12-14 of Matthew 21 should follow verse 22.


Mark's account that leads up to the Passion Week is

very brief. In fact, he covers this period in just one chapter without fitting events into any kind of time sequence.

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