The Mongols/Ruled by Genghis Khan (A.D.1206- A.D. 1227)

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What did Genghis Khan accomplish as the ruler of the Mongols?

He reformed the Mongolian laws. He had tribal chiefs help him plan military campaigns. He conquered lands beyond Mongolia and established an empire.

Who was Genghis Khan?

He was born in the 1160's. His name was Tumujin, meaning blacksmith. In 1206 he was elected Genghis Khan, strong ruler, to rule over the Mongols, who up to this point in time had never been united. They lived in tribes.

Who was Kublai Khan?

He was the grandson of Genghis Khan and in 1260 he became the new khan, or ruler of the Mongolian Empire.

After Genghis Khan's death, who ruled his empire?

His four sons ruled his empire.

How was Genghis Khan influenced by his battle victories?

He became wealthy and was able to add new soldiers to fill his army. His armies were able to conquer all of northern China, and cities and kingdoms that controlled parts of the Silk Road. He and his warriors were so feared that many people surrendered to them without fighting.

When did Genghis Khan die?

He died in 1227 by falling off of his horse.

How was Genghis Khan able to establish an empire?

He had 100,000 warriors. They were well trained and officers were chosen for their abilities not their family ties. His military became the most skilled fighting force in the world at that time.

After the Mongols conquered all of these areas what happened to the people who lived there?

The Mongols admired the advanced cultures they ruled over and as a result many adopted the people's ways. In southwest Asia many Mongols became Muslims and adopted Arab, Persian, and Turkish ways. The Mongols learned much from the Chinese. They learned how to make gunpowder and used it as an explosive. They also learned about the fire lance for use in battle from the Chinese.

What happened when the Mongols reached Egypt?

The Muslim rulers of Egypt finally stopped them in 1260.

What areas of land did the Mongolian Empire control?

They controlled much of southwest Asia, eastern and central Europe, Asia from the Pacific Ocean in the east to Eastern Europe in the west and from Siberia in the north to the Himalaya in the south. They pushed into Baghdad, Syria, and Palestine to Egypt. It was the largest land empire the world had ever known.

Where did they live?

They lived North of China in Mongolia. What was their livelihood? They raised cattle, goats, sheep, and horses. Their animals prospered on the steppes that stretched from the Black Sea to northern China.

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