the nervous system

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GENERAL interoceptors: also called what? detect? are primarily? also report on?

-also called visceroceptors -detect stimuli in INTERNAL organs (viscera) -are primarily stretch receptors in the smooth muscle of these organs -also report on chemical change, temperature

special senses are? housed within? 3 types of receptors are based on?

-are taste, smell, vision, equilibrium, sound -housed within complex organs in the head. -3 types of receptors are based on stimulus location

GENERAL exteroceptors: they detect? name 3 subterms? special senses are considered exteroceptors because?

-detect stimuli from the *external* environment 1: mechanoreceptors 2: thermoreceptors 3: nociceptors 4: special senses are considered exteroceptors because they usually interpret external stimuli

GENERAL proprioceptors: located in? detect?

-located in muscles, tendons, and joints -detect body and limb movements, skeletal muscle, contraction, stretch, and position and changes in joint capsule structure

a sensory receptor is a? function: monitors what?

-modified, specialized cell, cell procress, or complex organ -it monitors conditions in the body or the external environment

general senses are? distributed throughout?

-temperature, pain, touch, stretch, pressure -distributed throughout the skin and organs

sensation is the:

-the sensory information arriving at the CNS

types of receptors: name 3 general

1: exteroceptors 2: interoceptors 3: proprioceptors

two classes of receptors:

1: general senses 2: special senses

a sensory receptor is sensitive to?

a specific type of stimulus.



nociceptor (exteroceptors general):



taste, smell

thermoreceptor (exteroceptors general):


mechanoreceptors (exteroceptors general):

touch, pressure

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